1 minute read

Hardwork can equal success


There are approximately 11 seconds left on the clock. You find your way weaving in and out of players to the net. Once you've gotten there, you re~lize the opposing player is much taller, stronger, and faster. The lump begins to form in your throat knowing friends, family and faculty are scrutinizing your every step. You must not let them down. Beads of sweat tnckle down your face, blinding your eyes. With one last attempt at greatness you eject the ball from the safety of your offensive hands. It rolls like a free bird. It goes, and goes, the crowd's usual roar seizes to a gasp. It looks wide, wait, it looks good, good, it's in! The crowd screams. You have experienced the glory of sports first hand. You are a member of the Cabrini men's basketball team.


The Cavaliers have perhaps established the strongest athletic reputation among students and facµlty. With a team consisting of outstanding talented athletes, and lead by a strong coaching staff, the team hopes to take Division III by storm this season.

"We have three main goals this season," John Dzik, the Cavs coach for the past 24 years, said. ''.Qne, 11lwaysbe aggressive. Two, never give up, and three, play until the very end." While the coach stated the team's main goals he also stressed the importance of the players having a good time. "I want them to enjoy the experience of college basketball, but most of all, I want them to enjoy each other's company," Dzik said

Attending one of the tryout practices was no less than fun. The coaches work their players as hard as pros.

" Every practice is hard, and if you don't work hard, you aren't going to play," Badir McCleary, a sophomore, said. Perhaps one of the reasons the men's team is so noticeably talented, is due to many of the player's peak physical conditions.

"We will go as far as we allow ourselves to go," Marcel Bassett, a junior, said. "We've got a great team, and should be able to win the Division III championship award, as well as the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference," Bassett confidently added.

Gearing up for an intense season seems to ring true for other athletes as well.

"We're ready to win, bottom line;• Ike Omuso, a junior, said. "The coaches and the program itself steer us all in the right direction."

Overall, the men's basketball squad seems to have a handle on the season ahead.

With an outstanding balance of talent, strength, speed, and experience, the players understand that combining each of these is essential in becoming successful. "We're a family, we play as one, we win as one," Miguel Mejia, a junior, said.

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