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SET moves forward

SET, page 1 the 62-seat lecture hall design. Fuller-Espie said, “We have upgraded to a “Sympodium” instead of the standard smart board and we have redesigned the podium so that the touch panel will be more user friendly and incorporate all of the bells and whistles in the lecture hall.”

While the school awaits the opening of the SETbuilding, the Biotechnology Advisory Board has been working to secure a tenant for the affiliated 3000 square foot space in the SETbuilding that will make a good fit with the biotechnology program. “We want the tenant to be involved in the biotechnology program by providing opportunities for internships for our students, and by agreeing to lecture in some of our courses about their areas of expertise,” Fuller-Espie said.


The idea behind having a tenant is the expectation that the person would use Cabrini’s space to develop a biotechnology product before moving to a larger research area. The hope would be then a new tenant would reside in the space and keep the rotation revolving around the individual’s needs and successes.

Dr. Jonnie Guerra, vice-president for academic affairs, said, “Once the science department has vacated offices and laboratory

2004-2005 Loquitur Staff

spaces, the college will begin planning to develop the space as a dedicated area for the social sciences—psychology, sociology, and social work.” Space allotted for the social sciences will be used for faculty offices and special classroom spaces.

“We are excited that the building is moving towards completion and that, by fall 2005, students and faculty will have complete access to its state-of-the-art facilities. I find it enormously gratifying to watch the building’s progress and to see its character emerge,” Guerra said.

Staff Writers



Jessica Marrella


Matthew Campbell

Nina Scimenes

Cecelia Francisco

Aegina Foto

Cecelia Francisco

Alyssa Schoenleber

Dr. Jerome Zurek

Krisitn Agostinelli

Diane Ashjian

Kellie Belmonte

Christine Blom

Marie D’Alessandro

John Delsordo

Sarah Duffy

Christine Ernest

Marissa Gallelli

Katie Hodgins

Latisha Johnson

Sharon Kolankiewicz

Gina Marianacci

Staff Photographers

Andrew Matysik

Elyssa McFadden

Kelly McKee

Katelynde McNulty

Jillian Milam

Paul Nasella

Jenna Nash

Christopher Rogers

Kyle Rougeau

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Laura VanDePette

Ashley Weyler

Kimberly White

Kara Delaney, Meghan Fox, Justin Hallman, Andrew Matysik, Elyssa McFadden, Conor McLaughln, Melissa Mesete, Jeffery Outerbridge, Giovanni Pena, Anthony Pepe, Amy Pia, Carli Pio, Marla Porreca, Michelle Schmidt, Jennifer Stoltzfus

Web Team

Shane Evans, Scott Fobes, Lori Iannella, Paul Nasella, Jenna Nash, Ryan Norris

OurMission Statement

The Loquitur is Cabrini’s College weekly, student-run, campus newspaper. It is widely respected as the voice of students, staff, faculty, alumni and many others outside the Cabrini community. The Loquitur has earned its position by advocationg for sef expression through freedom of speech, and by serving as an outlet for readers to affect change on campus and off.

Founded in 1959, the Loquitur has thrived and greatly expanded its readership. The paper now has 1,674 online readers and 1,500 print readers on a weekly basis.

Our mission is to provide readers with an opportunity to voice their opinions freely, in an environment where their voices are effectively heard and respected.

The Loquitur: You Speak. We Listen

Loquituris a laboratory newspaperwritten, edited and produced by the students of COM 353, 352, 250 and 251. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Additional copies are $1 each. Loquiturwelcomes letters to the editors. Letters to the editorare to be less than 500 words. These are usually in response to a current issue on campus or community area. Guest columns are longerpieces between 600 and 800 words and also are usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini College campus orcommunity. Letters to the editorand guest columns are printed as space permits. Submissions may be edited forlength, calrity and content. Name, phone numberand address should be included forverification purposes. Personal attacks and anonymous submissions will not be printed. Letters to the editorand guest columns can be submitted to loquitur@cabrini.edu orto the newsroom maiilboxes in Founders Hall 264.

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