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Wedding feast takes a turn for the worse


Four men from the Philippines are being charged with murder after killing and eating their cousin at a family wedding. Apparently the cousin accidentally touched the bride’s bottom infuriating the family. Once the four men had enough to eat they served the leftovers to drunken guests who were not aware of what they were eating.


Snake causes suprise through the mail

Two men from Arkansas face several months in prison after mailing a poisonous snake to a neighbor they had been feuding with. The neighbor’s wife was astonished to receive a cardboard box and find a 28-inch copperhead snake inside. The wife immediately called the police who came and shot the snake. Both men tried to plead guilty but proceedings were delayed when both men tested positive for illegal drugs.

Lemonade stand runs into problem

Two girls from St. Louis are getting an apology from the city’s health commissioner after one inspector shuts down their lemonade stand for operating without a business license. The health commission said the crackdown was a mistake and that the rules will be changed to accommodate children’s lemonade stands. Along with the apology the inspector bought a glass of lemonade leaving the girls a $2.75 tip.

93 yearoldjumps from plane

A93-year-old woman from Idaho decided to jump out of an airplane for her birthday after seeing her great-granddaughter. The Idaho native who has six children, 35 grandchildren, 75 greatgrandchildren and 10 great-great-grandchildren chose to jump as a means of a new adventure in her life. The woman had no concern for her age and had thirteen cars full of friends and family looking on.

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