2 minute read

Parking issues still unresolved

will certainly make everyone’s head turn.

Go to Music for America’s Website (http://www.musicforamerica.org) and see exactly why that organization formed. It was because none of them really understood issues, but they did not like what was occurring with politics.


This non-prof it, partisan organization does an excellent job of explaining the topics that are relevant to a college student’s life. No matter what your political party is, this website can help shed some light on the mysteries that are in fact some of the biggest concerns that affect young adults.

Some of the issues that are explained in the website are higher education, media consolidation, youth service funding and environmental issues. Not only does the organization explain them, it also encourages voters to get out there and make a difference. A recent post on the Music for America’s Website says, “Don’t just get pissed-off, get involved. Go to a show. Participate.”

It is up to every voter in college to make sure he understands the issues fully in his mind before he decides which candidate to vote for in the next election. All young adult voters should go find a way to connect politics with something they feel passionately about, like music. Just remember on Election Day: voting without fully comprehending the issues is the same as throwing a vote away.


Apparently, paying $24,000 each year to Cabrini College will not even get you a reasonable parking space on campus. Commuter students understand this issue all too well because they are the ones who need parking spaces, yet are also the ones who never seem to find any.

Cabrini added a number of new parking spots this year, but in my opinion the addition of a few parking spaces has not solved any problems.

It is a common site to see a number of cars driving around the Founder’s Hall parking lot every day searching for parking spaces. These students eventually end up parking at the Dixon Center even though the signs posted say that many spaces in the Founder’s Hall parking lot are designated for commuter parking.

Either too many resident students are driving to class, which takes away parking spaces that commuters need, or there are simply too many students and not enough room.

It is a known fact that Cabrini accepted more students than they had room to accommodate. The housing situation was the first problem that came about, due to the large number of incoming students. Seniors were forced to live off campus and some stu- dents were told they would be forced to live on Harcum College’s campus. Parking was the next problem that came about due to the large number of incoming students.

Many students chose to live off campus this year once they found out there was a possibility they would be living on Harcum’s campus, or may not have a place to live at all. Since more students have chosen to live off campus, there are a greater number of commuters at Cabrini also.

The large incoming student population and the increase in number of commuters have greatly affected the parking situation at Cabrini.

The problem at Cabrini is obvious. There are more students than there are accommodations for those students. First there was not enough room available for this great number of incoming students. Now the issue at hand is the horrible parking situation.

Students like myself have been attending Cabrini for a number of years and should not be forced to park in the Dixon Center parking lot whenever we have a class at any other building.

It seems as though the unfortunate few, those who are late to class because they must search for parking spaces, will have to deal with the unfor tunate consequences that resulted due to the number of students now attending Cabrini.

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