2 minute read

Taking time to become informed

he biggest problem amongst college voters is that they don’t vote for candidates according to the issues they stand for. I’ve seen and heard a lot of things about voting being shoved down the throats of people especially college students and it is no different for students at Cabrini. I realize voting is important but it seems that the majority of people don’t even know the issues. Voting should be based on who stands for what and whether you agree or disagree with the candidate. But, it seems in the past years, young people have forgotten that concept.

We all spend plenty of time on the internet, chatting with friends and reading and writing e-mails. Why can’t we (as students) take 10 minutes out of our day to surf the web to inform ourselves about the political issues and what the candidates stand for? Maybe all this political “stuff isn’t for you but voting for something can be extremely important. But who wouldn’t want a say in their future? Don’t just vote for a candidate because you think his daughters are hot. Don’t just vote for a candidate because you think he was cool back in the 1960s. Vote for a candidate because you don’t want to pay high taxes when you graduate from Cabrini and own your own property. Vote for a candidate because he plans on helping our environment. Just vote for something. I’m sure that everyone has an issue that they want to change in this country. With the chance to change things at the tip of your fingers, shouldn’t you take advantage of that?


When I think about voting I will vote for the candidate that will most benefit my life. I don’t look to vote for the person who is more popular or has more money or any other shallow reason like that. I’m not writing this article to tell you which candidate to vote for or what issues to agree or disagree with. All I am saying is that you should know the issues and be able to back them up before you start verbally bashing a candidate or making judgments about a candidate or condemning a friend for their beliefs. Know what you are voting for and how it will affect your life.

So, as you are walking around the Cabrini College campus and you see the “Rock the Vote” flyers every where, don’t turn your head and look the other way. Look at that sign and say to yourself, “I’m going to make a difference and hopefully change my life for the better.” My point is that voting is not just about the candidate…it’s about how they will change your life for the worse or for the better. If there is any time to be selfish and think about what will benefit you as a human being, it is now!

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