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Slight concerns remain for female students Brown vs. The Board of Education
incoming students. He would like to accept students with a number of credentials; specifically incoming students grade point averages, SATscores and “other quality measures.” Osborn is working hard to make Cabrini College a better learning environment.
Cabrini has many potential ideas that are still in the process of being successful. Osborne’s job also encompasses marketing recruitment and administering financial aide to students.
Osborn’s reports that his charismatic personality rubs off on the people he associates with. His friendly nature makes one feel comfortable when approaching him with any questions that need to be answered. It is extremely important to have staff that students are able to talk to, and Mark Osborn is one of them.
Maggie Kitzmiller, a senior a and student ambassador, is one of the many who work in the admissions office with Osborn. “He seems like a very nice man and is a pleasure to work with.” Cabrini is lucky to have Osborn as a part of its staff.