Ker r y supporters hold rally to swing votes in Philadelphia
Senator John Kerry and former President Bill Clinton spoke in Philadelphia’s Love Park as nearly 100,000 on-lookers chanted and cheered in support.
“If this isn’t good for my heart, I don’t know what is,” Clinton said to the diverse crowd before him on Mon. Oct., 25.
Clinton’s return to the campaign trail, just seven weeks after a quadruple bi-pass surgery, induced immense fervency throughout the masses that inundated the streets of Center City.
With practically every Democrat in the commonwealth behind him, Kerry’s speech was preceded by several officials including Gov. Ed Rendell, Mayor John Street and U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah. One speaker, Bishop Ernest
C. Morris, the head of the Black Clergy of Philadelphia and Vicinity as well as the founding pastor of over 400 churches that endorse Kerry, offered some words of advice to the attendees. “I cannot tell you who to vote for, but I can tell you that my mamma always told me to stay out of the Bushes,” Morris said.
While discussing the issues of war, education and the economy, Kerry reminisced a backstage
conversation between himself and Clinton, proving their camaraderie and likeness. Kerry said, “‘Mr. President, can you tell me anything that you have in common with George W. Bush?’And he thought for a moment and he said, ‘In eight days and 12 hours, we will both be former presidents.’”
Philly to attempt wireless plan
RICH MAGDA GUEST WRITERWireless Philadelphia could have people surfing in the streets. The campaign to create a free, open-air wireless network spanning the city’s 135 square miles plans to deliver Internet service to over one million people, making it the strongest push for Internet accessibility among large cities.
The plan involves placing thousands of radio wave transmitters in traffic control devices and atop streetlamps to provide high-speed broadband connectivity at all points within city limits.
Philadelphia’s Mayor John Street and Chief Information Officer Dianah Neff are spearheading the campaign, working with an executive committee to generate financial plans and logistical solutions. According to, the executive committee will also work to
establish a cooperative deal with private wireless Internet providers.
Street is optimistic about the role city-wide wireless connectivity will play in the future of Philadelphia. “Philadelphia hasn’t had a first in technology since the Univac,” he said in a recent
news release. “Just like roads and transportation were keys to our past, a digital infrastructure and wireless technology are keys to our future.”
Current estimates put the
Being a swing state that holds 21 electoral votes, Pennsylvania is an imperative state for the candidates; with over 1 million registered voters in the city and the estimated 1.6 million potential voters in its surrounding counties, many political officials
Cabrini to sponsor blood drive
According to the American Red Cross, whose motto is: “Together, we can save a life,” even in good times, the nation’s blood supply is fragile. Cabrini College is jumping in to help save lives by sponsoring a blood drive on Nov. 1 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Grace Hall Atrium.
The need for blood continues to outpace the growth in blood donations. Every few seconds, someone needs a blood transfusion. Only less than five percent of eligible Americans actually donate each year.
The blood drive is one of the
Wireless has pros, cons for Philly
In an effort to move Philadelphia into a wireless city, Mayor John Street has assembled Wireless Philadelphia Executive Committee to produce a broadband network for the city’s citizens. Wireless Philadelphia in cooperation with city’s Chief Information Officer, Dianah Neff will undertake the task of making Philadelphia the first wireless citywide in America.
“Wi-Fi or a Wireless Fidelity system as it is known technically as IEEE 802.11b is publicly known as “wireless Ethernet.” It operates in the 2.4 GHz band and, since this is low power, the spectrum is unlicensed,” according to the homepage of Wireless Philadelphia. Although it is ambitious of Philadelphia to pursue Wi-Fi as a wireless source for its people, by the time this goal is achieved a greater, faster service will be available.
Although it is admirable that a movement to pursue technological advancement would be an awesome achievement, by the time the city would complete this task newer, faster equipment will be available. Philly, therefore could be dubbed the first wireless city with outdated resources.
According to, “a new technology, dubbed WiMAX, will be standard in Intel’s laptop chip sets starting in 2006 and will dwarf the power of Wi-Fi gear. Wi-Fi base stations transmit at about two-tenths of a watt; WiMax runs at as much as 30 watts, powering through walls with a maximum range of 30 miles.”
Unfortunately, Wi-Fi is designed to be used in households and offices limiting its signal to around 300 feet. Because the distance of the signal would be short in comparison to the city of Philadelphia, wireless units will have to be distributed more per square mile.
An obvious benefit of this plan is that it will collectively move forward the entire city into a more techno-savvy society. Of course preaching it as a positive is one thing but realistically how will it help the underdeveloped areas in Philly where a computer is non-existent. It is one thing to provide the Internet for its people but if they lack a computer, what’s the point?
As stated by the Wireless Philadelphia homepage, “Wireless connectivity could be provided for the entire city for $7 to $10 million.” Speaking of money, the idea is that the wireless service would be offered for free or at least less than the average price of today’s competitive standards.
For Loquitur readers, we need to draw our attention to Cabrini’s wireless network though smaller in size than Philly as a model. Should Philly do what Cabrini has with its server by outsourcing the wireless system to a major company? This could give Philly the opportunity to sell the lamppost space, which is where they intend to place the wireless units.
At some point, every reader has experienced technical problems with Drexel’s server due to heavy signal traffic. Now imagine a city with thousands of these units feeding into a specific signal. Now imagine the amount of traffic that would be Philly’s future including cell phone, microwave and television use.
Besides Cabrini other colleges are relying on wireless networks for their students. By Philadelphia attempting to go completely wireless, they are joining an ever-growing trend among areas. If Wireless Philadelphia and the city fulfill their promises of creating a wireless network, the prospects and rewards could be endless.
It is great to see Philly recognize the importance of the Internet and the prospects of bestowing upon the people a wireless service. The goal of Philadelphia is one filled with hope but until it is completed it will simply be just another promise.
Harkness brings a warm smile to Registrar’s office
If one wishes to be greeted by a smiling face, head down to the registrar’s office and meet the new assistant registrar. Frances Harkness, who likes to be called Fran, joined the registrar’s office in August.
Harkness who says, “I don’t have a negative” about Cabrini, previously worked over in the Enrollment Office. She has been working at Cabrini for about a year and joked, “Maybe ‘The Loquitur’has chosen to pick me for a profile because it is my oneyear anniversary here at Cabrini.” Harkness works in the Regis-
trar ’s office, which has duties including managing students’ records, building schedules, and coordinating registration. Moreover, the office is the one in charge of keeping Cabrini students’records and transcripts in order.
Harkness said that one of the best parts of working in the registrar ’s office is that the people are nice and the atmosphere is great. She also added, “I think I’d be very happy staying here” when asked if she was thinking of moving to another department in Cabrini College.
Tara McFalls, assistant to the Registrar, said, “She is wonderful to work with because she has such a positive spirit.”
2004-2005 Loquitur Staff
Shawn Rice
Christina Williams
Kristen Catalanotto
Lauren Reilly
Angelina Wagner
Jessica Marrella
Alyssa Schoenleber
Matthew Campbell
Nina Scimenes
Cecelia Francisco
Aegina Foto
Cecelia Francisco
Alyssa Schoenleber
Dr. Jerome Zurek
Before coming to work at Cabrini College, Harkness described herself as a “homeroom mom” doing a lot of volunteering at her children’s schools and attending her children’s activities. Harkness has lived here in Pennsylvania for 18 years and has previously lived down south in both Alabama and Mississippi.
Although Harkness jokingly added, “there’s nothing interesting about me” it is best for everyone to come and meet her for himself. Not only will one get all their registration straightened out, but they will receive a warming smile from Fran and perhaps a piece of “registration candy” if one is lucky.
Staff Writers
Krisitn Agostinelli
Diane Ashjian
Kellie Belmonte
Christine Blom
Maria D’Alessandro
John Del Sordo
Sarah Duffy
Christine Ernest
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Staff Photographers
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Kara Delaney, Meghan Fox, Justin Hallman, Andrew Matysik, Elyssa McFadden, Conor McLaughln, Melissa Mesete, Jeffrey Outterbridge, Giovanni Pena, Anthony Pepe, Amy Pia, Carli Pio, Marla Porreca, Michelle Schmidt, Jennifer Stoltzfus
Web Team
Shane Evans, Scott Fobes, Lori Iannella, Paul Nasella, Jenna Nash, Ryan Norris
OurMission Statement
The Loquitur is Cabrini’s College weekly, student-run, campus newspaper. It is widely respected as the voice of students, staff, faculty, alumni and many others outside the Cabrini community. The Loquitur has earned its position by advocating for self expression through freedom of speech, and by serving as an outlet for readers to affect change on campus and off.
Founded in 1959, the Loquitur has thrived and greatly expanded its readership. The paper now has 1,674 online readers and 1,500 print readers on a weekly basis.
Our mission is to provide readers with an opportunity to voice their opinions freely, in an environment where their voices are effectively heard and respected.
The Loquitur: You Speak. We Listen
Loquituris a laboratory newspaperwritten, edited and produced by the students of COM 353, 352, 250 and 251. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Additional copies are $1 each. Loquiturwelcomes letters to the editors. Letters to the editorare to be less than 500 words. These are usually in response to a current issue on campus or community area. Guest columns are longerpieces between 600 and 800 words and also are usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini College campus orcommunity. Letters to the editorand guest columns are printed as space permits. Submissions may be edited forlength, clarity and content. Name, phone numberand address should be included forverification purposes. Personal attacks and anonymous submissions will not be printed. Letters to the editorand guest columns can be submitted to orto the newsroom mailboxes in Founders Hall 264.
Above:Ryan Dixon was one of the 76 students to participate inlast year’s blood drive.
Below:Those involved in the blood drive expect a good turnout of donors.
Students needed for blood donations
Health and Wellness office’s programs along with health services and athletics. Ashley Szweda, a senior management information science major and student manager for Peer Educators, said, “Last year, we estimated about 50 donors. We had over 76 donors, 64 productive pints of blood and 24 first-timers. We expect a good turn out.”
Jacquelyn Flick, a junior education major, will be one of the
Board strives for academic honesty among students
KRISTIN AGOSTINELLI STAFF WRITER KMA724@CABRINI EDUThe Academic Honesty Board is set up to help maintain students’intellectual integrity here at Cabrini. The board deals with students who have been caught cheating or plagiarizing by their professors and provides appropriate punishment for the severity of their offense.
The Academic Honesty Board consists of the Dean for Academic Affairs, four full-time faculty members, four full-time undergraduate students and a student from the Accelerated Degree Program. When summoned for a hearing, there must be at least three faculty members and three students present in order to hear the case.
Depending on a student’s situation, there can be different forms of violation for academic honesty. Stated in the Cabrini College Undergraduate Catalog, cheating and plagiarizing violations include soliciting information regarding an exam or test from another student, to using a source in a paper or presentation by using exact words or paraphrasing without proper citation.
Other violations include falsification or fabrication of information, theft or destruction of intellectual property and facilitation of academic dishonesty.
If it is a student’s first offense
against academic honesty, the professor will determine the punishment for the student using the guidelines set by Cabrini. Any infringement committed in the same course after that will result in a failing grade for the course without the opportunity of a withdrawal. Any punishment determined after that shall be heard by a hearing of the board.
The Academic Honesty Board at Cabrini is not set up to intimidate students, but rather to guide
“The board hopes to increase opportunities for students to increase their awareness of the importance of academic honesty and to increase the students’ level of understanding of ways they can apply academic honesty in their course work.”
ber of the board, said.
The Academic Honesty Board also upholds the appropriate punishment for a student who may be caught violating academic honesty. For instance, if caught cheating, a student may be punished by having to rewrite the paper, receiving a lowered grade on the paper or taking a reduction of their grade for that particular course; however, if caught a second time, the student may suffer suspension or even expulsion from the college if the situation comes to that degree.
When a student commits a first violation, the professor will meet with the student and discuss the charge that is being put against him or her. Also, the professor must complete an Academic Honesty Violation Charge Form, which states the violation and assigned penalty given to the student.
donors participating in the blood drive. She said it is the best way she can think of to save someone’s life. “It can take only 20 minutes out of my day, but it could mean the rest of someone’s life,” Flick said.
For “first-timers,” donors must remember to bring proper identification. It is suggested to increase fluid intake and eat normally before giving blood. Also, be prepared to tell volunteers the name of the medications being taken and the reasons why the medications are being taken. The
Red Cross advises that donors to relax, but that it is okay to be a little nervous.
Potential donors that will be too busy the day Cabrini will be holding the blood drive, but still want to donate blood, can call the toll-free number 1-800GIVE LIFE or visit Otherwise, for additional information, please contact Ashley Szweda at or Christa Angeloni at .
Organization focuses on student recruiting
In a world where people complain that the youth generation doesn't do enough for their community, students at Cabrini are working together to help fight childhood cancer. The program Up 'til Dawn was started for college students to help raise money for those who are diagnosed with cancer.
The program started at just one college and has since spread rapidly to include over 100 colleges and universities. Cabrini is just one of the newest participants.
Executive board members for the Up 'til Dawn program are
keeping busy trying to get their message to their peers across campus. The board is relying on students organizing groups of five or six to help raise money.
Those who hear that the program is a year-long fundraiser may get nervous because they think that it is a lot of work and responsibility.
Senior Megan Beauduy, Executive director of Up 'til Dawn, wanted to make sure that those who are interested know that their biggest responsibility would be to attend the letter writing party. “It's not a big time commitment, but makes a
them in using their minds to the fullest ability and to use their time wisely by doing their own work.
“The board hopes to increase opportunities for students to increase their awareness of the importance of academic honesty and to increase the students’level of understanding of ways they can apply academic honesty in their course work,” Dr. Harold Wingerd, a member of the Education Department and also a mem-
The student will then sign and date the form, and then return it to the professor. The original form is then turned in to the Office of Academic Affairs. For any following charge, the student can also appeal a hearing before the board if he or she disagrees with the charge by indicating that on the form before it is returned to Academic Affairs.
The Academic Honesty Board protects the integrity of the Cabrini community, including its students and faculty members alike.
Clinton speaks on Kerry’s behalf
RALLY, page 1
emphasize the significance of Philadelphians.
Thousands of Kerry advocates, such as Charles Scaberotto, armed themselves with signs, t-shirts and stickers to convey their concerns and viewpoints. “I’m here today to make sure that the United States doesn’t get Bushwhacked, and votes for Kerry. If they don’t, this county’s in a world of fire,” Scaberotto said.
Although the majority of the turnout was Kerry supporters, smaller groups of Bush promoters gathered to express their opposing positions. Howard Walton proudly displayed satirical signs, jabbing at Kerry and Clinton, in addition to his slightly more controversial pro-life posters. One of Waltons acquaintances held up a picture of an aborted embryo.
Spectator Art Manos disapproved of Scaberotto and his fellow protestors advertisements.
Ef for t to collect money for cancer patients
UP TIL DAWN, page 3 but also a research facility
big difference,” Beauduy said. These groups are the heart of the organization, because they will help spread the message to their friends, relatives and others around the country. Each member is required to make a list of 50 people they know. They then take the list and bring it to a “letter writing party.”
Everyone on the list of 50 people will receive a letter asking for donations to help fight childhood cancer. Junior education major Jacquelyn Flick got involved because she knew if someone she loved was in the position of being diagnosed with cancer, she would appreciate those trying to help. Executive board members are hoping to have 60 groups register, but will be happy with no matter how many turn out to raise money.
The St. Jude's hospital, which was founded by the nowdeceased entertainer Danny Thomas,and is not only a hospital
Since the hospital was founded, the recovery rate for children diagnosed with the most common form of cancer, lymphoblastic leukemia, has gone up from four percent to 80 percent. Thomas believed that “No child should die in the dawn of life.”
If a child does not have insurance or if their insurance company does not cover the cost of their treatments, the hospital pays for the entire bill. The children aren't the only ones benefiting from St. Jude. Parents are flown to the hospital and are also given therapy in order to help cope with the diagnoses and treatment of their child.
Katelyn Atwell who was treated at St. Jude said that without the donations of others she would not have survived her illness. “I've learned that you don't have to be a blood relative to be treated like family…YOU made this possible,” Atwell said.
“What if I were to show a picture protesting the war and have a G.I. with his guts all blown out?
President Bush and the administration won’t even let us see a coffin coming off an aircraft, let alone a picture of a G.I. I’d have the Feds come and break into my house at night. Under the Patriot Act, they’d probably take me away if I had a picture like that. I don’t mind the signs, but when they show pictures like that, I think it should be against the law,” Manos said.
English and communication major Bobby Maro attented the rally, and was not pleased with the grotesque visuals likewise. “Under the First Amendment, they are allowed to protest, but a picture of a dead fetus is going a little too far,” Maro said.
With projections fluctuating daily, both Kerry and Bush supporters are optimistic for their candidate’s victory.
Phil Richmond, a small business owner and avid Kerry supporter, was thrilled with the
attendance at the rally. “These are only the people who could come out on a Monday afternoon; there are lots more who aren’t even on the radar. This looks great; I think it’ll be a landslide,” Richmond said.
Despite the turnout, that has been said to be the largest of any Kerry rally as of yet, Walton is confident that Bush will prevail. “It’s hard to tell, but I kind of think that they are going to come to their senses and vote for Bush. It’s going to be a close popular vote, but Bush is going to win the electoral vote in the key states,” Walton said.
Maro, however, disagrees and believes that although suburban voters are generally considered to be republican, more Kerry supporters inhabit the area. “I think Kerry has a very good chance of winning in Pennsylvania. You’ll see a lot of Bush and Kerry signs on the Mainline, but recently I’ve noticed more signs for Kerry. It’s obvious that people are getting more opinionated,” Maro said.
Philly may go wireless
WIRELESS, page 1
cost of the open-air wireless project between $7 and $10 million, and according to Neff it would cost an additional $1.5 million a year for system maintenance.
John McIntyre, director of ITR, agrees that a free and vast high-speed wireless network would be a promising progression for the city, but is concerned about cost and security issues.
“The cost has been misrepresented in early releases,” McIntyre said. “The projected $7 to $10 million is misleading, and it doesn’t include on-going maintenance, upgrades, or a help desk. Ahelp desk could end up costing $5 million alone, if the city can support it.”
McIntyre wonders what will happen if a mass of users attempts to log-in at the same time, in the same place. “If 20,000 people try to log-in at the same time, people will get bumped off,” he said. “It isn’t
possible with the current technology to funnel that much data through such narrow pipes.”
Network security issues concern McIntyre. To provide popular Internet features like Instant Messenger, a tool of two-way communication, the network would have to involve open radio waves. According to McIntyre, two-way open radio waves could be vulnerable over a free and vast
wireless network.
McIntyre believes technology will continue to improve each year, with regular upgrades to enhance network efficiency. In a few years, “wireless will be as robust as wired high-speed Internet is now,” he said. “This can probably be done. Cost concerns me, but maybe that doesn’t matter. Being first matters –it really does.”
First lady visits local university for campaign
First lady Laura Bush entered as the chant of “Four more years” echoed through the gymnasium of Holy Family University on Oct. 7.
After a rendition of the “Star Spangled Banner” by an 11-year-old boy who aspires to be a talk show host, Bush welcomed her cheering crowd.
Bush’s speech to local students and Republican supporters lasted for less than a half hour, but the topic of education had listeners interrupting her with chants frequently.
Bush said her husband has plans for the next four years to have more high school students enrolled in community colleges
for some classes and to continue increasing jobs in America.
“America has 1.7 million more jobs since August 2003,” Bush said. “I’m proud to say that many of them will go to work
for a woman boss.”
After another eruption of applause, Bush said that her husband, the President, appreciates the “service and sacrifice” of the “men and women in uniform and their families.”
She concluded her speech at the Victory ’04 Rally by saying, “These are times of change for our nation, but they’re also years of promise.”
Cabrini sophomore and College Republican president, Julia Knudsen, attended the event along with five other Cabrini students.
Knudsen said that Bush’s presence is needed in our area. “[Laura] has a very graceful appearance. The event was short, but she really reached out to the crowd,” Knudsen said.
Which way will it swing?
Americans count down the days until they cast their ballots
Explosives vanish in Iraq, U.S. searches for answers
On Monday, Oct. 25 U.S. officials announced that over 380 tons of explosives were missing in Iraq. The lack of security at the facility that is 30 miles outside of Baghdad seems to be the problem that led to the explosives to be stolen. Officials are not in agreement as to when the explosives actually disappeared, but it is certain that it is possible for the materials to bring down aircrafts and destroy buildings. President Bush, who found out about the information on Oct. 15, ordered an investigation looking into whether or not nuclear weapons were involved. Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry used the breaking news to his advantage as he campaigned throughout the country. Secretary of State Colin Powell refused to comment when asked about the incident, according to MSNBC.
Flu vaccine readily available at Capitol Hill
As many Americans stand in lines outside grocery stores nationwide waiting to get inoculated from the flu, members and employees of congress have already been able to receive a flu shot at no charge from Capitol Hill physician, John F. Eisold. Dr. Eisold has urged all 535 members of congress to get the vaccination even if they are young and healthy because, “(members of congress) shake hands with a lot of people and then visit veterans centers and other concentrations of susceptible people,” a spokesman for Eisold said. Since this shortage of flu vaccinations has occurred, the government has stressed to the public that only those that fall within certain guidelines are to be inoculated. All others are instructed to forego the shot to keep from depleting the reserve vaccines, according to the Washington Post.
The numberof soldiers wounded in Iraq breaks 8,000
KATIE HODGINS STAFF WRITER KAH722@CABRINI EDUThe Presidential campaigns are nearing the end, and the race is closer than ever-therefore, each vote will be incredibly crucial. The election that some people say may be the closest ever is becoming more unpredictable every day
As of Sunday, Oct. 24, the Rumussen Presidential poll reports that President George W Bush is estimated to have 47.6 percent of the vote and Senator Kerry has 47.2 percent, with 3.6 percent of voters still undecided.
As of right now, it is estimated that President Bush will get 222 Electoral votes and Senator Kerry will get 190 Electoral votes. Of course, this could very easily change in the upcoming days.
Since the race is so close, some may wonder why any person wouldn't cast their vote, especially college students, since we are incredibly dependent on whoever will be the next to hold the office of President. When asked if she will vote, junior Kathleen Costello said, “Yes…why not?”
This may be the way some college students think, but unfortunately, the numbers of young peo-
ple between the ages of 18-29 that voted in the last election is not too promising.
Everyone is now aware that the young vote is incredibly important. According to Dr Hedtke, Chair of History and Political Science, as of now the young vote seems to be in favor of Senator Kerry. This can even be seen on this campus, with the majority of campaign signs being that of the Kerry-Edwards campaign.
Hedtke stated that the four main issues that will determine the fate of the election are terrorism, Iraq, education and social issues. The main question many people are asking is “Who's going to protect you here at home?,” Hedtke said. The campaign strategy as of now includes the candidates putting “scary labels on each other.” They are not so much saying how they will specifically give
benefit to the country, but how their opponent would hurt the country
There are a handful of states that each candidate is desperate to win. These states are given the nickname of “swing states.” These include Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. So far, it looks as if Kerry will take Michigan. The first polls out of the state of Florida showed that Kerry had a three point lead with the margin of error.
The biggest question mark, Ohio, is an incredibly vital state, especially for President Bush.
“No Republican candidate who has lost the state of Ohio has ever won.” Hedtke said. Hedtke predicts that Kerry would have to win three out of the four swing states and Bush would have to win two of the four. Since Pennsylvania is one of these states, each vote here is incredibly important.
The number of US troops wounded in Iraq since the war in the country began in March 2003 has topped the 8,000 mark, according to figures released by the Pentagon last Tuesday. The total number is 8,016, a number that is double what it was six months ago. On April fifth of this year, the number wounded was 2,988; by the end of April it was 3.864. Along with the increase of men wounded, the number of men killed has risen as well. As of last Tuesday, the death toll stands at 1,102. Six months ago on April 2, the number stood at 598 according to the Associated Press.
College Student dies afterBoston Red Sox game
Acollege student died last Thursday night after being injured along with two dozen other people in the violence that erupted outside Fenway Park after the Boston Red Sox victory over the New York Yankees to advance to the World Series. Emerson College in Boston confirmed the death of 21-year-old Victoria Snelgrove, a student of that college. The school said she got caught up in the celebrations around Fenway Park that drew at least 60,000 people. Boston police said they arrested eight people and 16 others were taken to area hospitals after some fans turned violent according to Reuters.
Stewart makes an appearance on CNN's “Crossfire”
“The Daily Show's,” Jon Stewart recently made an appearance on CNN's “Crossfire.” During his appearance he told the hosts of the show how the show is, “hurting America,” as well as the fact that, “You have a responsibility to the public discourse, and you fail miserably.” He also told them that they are, “hacks,” saying Crossfire, “basically just brings in a hack from the left, a hack from the right, lets them fight, and calls it a day.” However, “Crossfire” cohost told Jon Stewart that he shouldn't tell them how to do their jobs as journalists in response to the interview Jon Stewart did with Sen. John Kerry a few weeks back. Jon Stewart replied, "You're on CNN. The show that leads into me is puppets making crank phone calls,” according to CNN.
Arts & Entert ainment
Energetic Cav alier f ans flock to the Dixon Center
Afrenzied group of Cavalier fans packed The Dixon Center on Oct. 22 to participate in the kickoff of the 2004 basketball season. The festivities began at 10:00 p.m. with free giveaways from Cabrini’s health hut, free pancakes and sausage in the building’s lobby and lots of eager students, who awaited the showcase of the dance team and the introduction of the Lady Cav’s new coach, Mrs. Bobbi Morgan.
Students like Dave Barba, junior, thought it better to come prepared to sport his Cabrini pride
after a few beers over in the apartments. “That’s what this is all about,” Barba said “to have a good time while we create a whole sense of school spirit.”
89.1 WYBF “The Burn,” Cabrini’s radio station, set the night’s momentum with the music they played and was the proper prelude to freshman Pegga Honarfar’s rendition of “The National Anthem,” which was sung beautifully right before the tip-off of the faculty vs. studentsbasketball game. “I was so excited for the opportunity to sing ‘The National Anthem’that I practiced every-single day. This was a dream come true,” Honarfar said.
Cabrini’s faculty proved to be dominant over the students, but it was all in good fun.
This year’s events were planned by the athletic department instead of student activities, which was the department that ran midnight madness in previous years. “It was exciting to work with student activities and plan for midnight madness,” Danehy said. “We love having the gym packed with students and the kind of energy that creates.”
Unfortunately, the appointed half-court shooters that were chosen by raffle didn’t have the right touch to create a sweet swoosh that would have awarded them $10,000.
Lauren Walker, junior, wasn’t very impressed with this year ’s midnight madness. Walker said, “It just wasn’t as exiting as it was the last two years. The lights were kept on during introductions so you really couldn’t see the smoke and my friends and I didn’t even know about it [midnight madness] until just a few days before.”
The dance team, however, revived the hype regardless of the lighting or the smoke with their twists and turns to tunes by “The Neptunes.”
JTTurtzo, junior, said, “The dance team seemed like they improved a lot since last year.”
Turtzo expresses his kudos to the
dance choreographers.
Dave Barba, junior, said, “I was impressed with the raw talent of both basketball teams.”
The Lady Cav’s new coach, Bobbi Morgan, comes from a 14year-career as Haverford High School women’s basketball coach. “Hopefully, she can help lead the Lady Cavs to the PAC,” Barba said.
“I think that midnight madness was a great kick-start into the 2004-2005 athletic season. I especially liked when the men dunked against the women in their intramural game,” education major, Jessica Nash said.
‘Vote Smart’ takes stage
Propaganda litters the media due to this year’s presidential election. The opposition digs up some dirt, and voters are stuck between selecting a candidate who they have heard lies about or never end up voting at all.
Cabrini’s theater group plans to set the record straight by performing “Vote Smart: The Musical” from Oct. 27 to Nov. 1.
Directed by Neal Newman, the theater students rehearse three times a week, working mostly on staging, and as the performance dates creep closer, the cast will have full runs and dress rehearsals of the show.
The musical addresses the issues behind the current campaigning of Bush and Kerry and also former presidents, including a song about former-President Herbert Hoover. The lyrics to the songs have been changed to tell a story to the audience, parodying popular songs and addressing stereotypes of each political party.
The musical is in an “SNLformat,” Jen Clark, sophomore and cast member, said. She said that the actors play more than one character and use masks to portray each character.
“Vote Smart: The Musical” is Clark’s first play at Cabrini, but
she has been a part of the choir on campus. Clark said that, to her, the play is just like another performance. When asked about her favorite part of rehearsals, Clark said, “At rehearsals we can mess up and laugh about it and just start again. It’s like bloopers. You think you have it, and then you miss a step. But you get it
Octoer27282930an Nov1at8PMan Oct31at2PM.
done and you feel better.”
The play is student-written, and the input of the cast helps in changing the lines to make the play more enjoyable, funnier and more clear for the audience.
Director Neal Newman hopes a lot of people attend the shows from Oct. 27 through Oct. 30 and Nov. 1 at 8 p.m. and on Oct. 31 at
2 p.m. “We have a unique approach. It’s different and unusual. We want the people who are tired of elections or (those) staying away because they’re confused to come out to see the show,” Newman said.
The opening night of the play, Oct. 27, will be a free performance for the audience. All fol-
lowing shows will be $5.
Fall musicals at Cabrini typically hit the stage right before Thanksgiving, but because of the timeliness of the election, the cast has been rushing to get the show together and present it to their audience. Newman hopes that the audience will see this at the last minute and go out and vote.
Club Demarara holds ‘Mystery Machine Halloween Masquerade’
Come seeyourfavoritesN Bush,Kerry,Saddam, Arnold,Bill,Hillaryand manyotherssingand dancetheirwayinto yourheart.
Halloween is not just a holiday for kids. Getting dressed up only once a year is really not enough anyway. What are you planning this Halloween? Maybe you will sit around with friends, the usual, or maybe you’re too cool to get dressed up. Perhaps you will just wait to see what will happen. Boring!
Now I know what you’re saying “but Chris Halloween is on a Sunday.” Well there are a whole lot of parties going down on Saturday …… I do mean real parties! Not twenty dudes and six girls doing the same routine. It’s time to reclaim Halloween!
One party that is sure to be on fire is The First Annual Mystery Machine Halloween Masquerade! This party will take place at New York City’s own club Demarara from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Tickets are only $15 which is extremely cheap for a Halloween event in New York City.
Yours truly, Cabrini’s C-Otter, will be there dancing the night away in full costume. You can expect wild costumes, contests, giveaways and three floors of some of the areas craziest DJ’s. They’ll be spinning house, drum n’bass, and trance.
All Cabrini students that come are invited to go to the after party which is disclosed at this point in time. Well, we wouldn’t want to
blow it up. I am currently working on getting a VIProom which all fellow Cavaliers would certainly be invited to but consider that a rumor for now.
This is going to be big! The same promoters that brought Pennsylvania “Whistle Four” last week, which was Philadelphia’s biggest party this fall are sponsoring this event.
If you think that you might be interested in going you can email me and I will tell you how you can get to Demarara and I will reveal my mystery costume so you can find me in the crowd. As for the rest, I’ll tell you about it on Monday!
For more information go to
Cabrini College : family style
Matthew and Michael Mani are among the few sets of identical twins on Cabrini’s campus. These brothers manage to balance the everyday college life of parties, girls, clubs and not to mention schoolwork; along with a demanding schedule of extracurricular activities and volunteer work. With a hectic study schedule and an even busier social agenda, these two somehow manage to perform well academically and have a little fun on the side.
“Back in high school, we were like celebrities,” Matt said. “We used to play twin games with teachers and girls, but then everyone got to know us so we couldn’t anymore. We still play those games with girls though,” Matt said with a mischievous smile. When asked how well they get along, they both chuckle as Matt says, “We know each others limits and how to annoy each other.”
“We get along for the most part though,” says Mike who also confesses to being the more facetious of the two.
The Mani’s are not only stellar students but also committed community service volunteers with a list of extracurricular activities to keep them busy.
Matt and Mike volunteer once a week at Broomall Presbyterian
on the Campus Activities Program Board and is also activities coordinator for the International club.
Mike, sophomore liberal arts major, is not quite sure of what he wants to do in 2007 when he graduates; however he does know one thing, “I’d like to manage a professional basketball team.” Mike is well on his way! He currently is the Cabrini men’s basketball team manager, and is affectionately known as ‘Mikey’or ‘Big Mike,’ by members of the team. Mike also is on the Democratic Committee.
Cabrini ghosts: fact or fiction?
JESSICA MARRELLA FEATURESEDITOR JRM722@CABRINI EDUVillage, a retirement home for senior citizens. “I volunteer because I enjoy giving back to my community and it looks good on my resume,” Matt said, the older of the two twins. Matt and Mike play poker and bridge with the senior citizens on Thursday nights.
“I chose Cabrini because its local, has small class sizes and is close to home,” Matt said. Matt is
In a cute and very shy way, both brothers describe Cabrini as a good environment with nice students and teachers that help you. With both parents from Karalla, in South West India, Mike said, “Cabrini could use more diversity,” while Matt approves with a simple head nod. Commuters from Rosemont, Pa., they both agree that the school needs more involvement on campus with commuters.
Early arrival of Christmas spirit
JOHN DEL SORDO STAFFWRITER JJD724@CABRINI EDUAlthough many people cringe when they see Christmas decorations before Halloween, retail stores claim they are simply meeting customer demands when decorating for Christmas early in the year Many stores at the King of Prussia Mall have already begun celebrating the holidays with decorated trees, holiday specials and signs anticipating the seasonal events.
Although some people have embraced Santa’s early ar rival, many people are feeling as if the holidays are being rushed on them as a type of sales pitch.
The Christmas spirit has not only hit the malls, but also the community where Christmas lights are being hung earlier than Thanksgiving. People have already hit malls in search of the perfect gift for loved ones in order to avoid the crowded mob-scene that makes up the King of Prussia and other malls.
Some people want to avoid overpopulated stores warmed with body heat and tainted with bitter attitudes that are frozen by the cold and long walk from the car. “It’s never too early to get your
Christmas shopping done,” Abby Moul, senior, liberal arts major, said. “The stores seem to want you to get in the Christmas spirit in June, so why not start early?”
Many shoppers do not appreciate the marketing ploys of the large companies, and see early Christmas decorations as either disrespectful to the holidays, or as reminder of the stressful season that is soon to come. Kelly Davis, a sophomore b usiness major, prefers to wait until closer to Christmas to begin her shopping struggle this season.
Davis said, “If the stores have to bring the Christmas merchandise into the stores so early, why even bother taking them down in the first place. They might as well just leave them up all year round.”
In the case of Christmas shopping, it seems most people tend to procrastinate. Although many people tend to think that Black Friday is the top shopping day of the year, it actually is a day made up of mostly returns or exchanges, not money spending.
According to the International Council of Shopping Centers, the top shopping days for the last 10 years have been between Dec. 17 and Dec. 23. Although these dates are before Christmas Eve, they do not support the idea that people
want to begin Christmas shopping as early as stores are pitching.
The early Christmas advertisements are leaving some mall employees as outraged as consumers. “All they care about is money,” Kristy Lopez, hairstylist for Bubbles salon, said. “Companies should let families financially recover from back-toschool shopping, Halloween and Thanksgiving before they star t bombarding them with Christmas stuff.”
Although people can get emotional about the direction stores take towards the Christmas season, some store managers aren’t claiming responsibility for when the Christmas stuff goes up.
Matthew Labar, assistant manager of Solstice Boutique, said, “Our suppliers send us Christmas merchandise in early August and we don’t put it out on the shelves until our competitors do, or when shoppers start to ask us to.”
It was a frosty night at Cabrini College in the winter of 1966. Lacking Saturday night dates, a group of girls gathered in a dorm and began to create a chilling story of forbidden love and deathly consequences. Little did they know this legend would still haunt the halls of Cabrini and be retold again and again nearly 40 years later.
The Durrance family, who occupied the mansion near the turn of the 20th century, is the source of the haunting tales. John Durrance forbid his daughter to see Xavier, the families stable boy. Despite her father’s disapproval, the Durrance daughter continued to see Xavier and wound up pregnant with his child.
One version of the story is that after John Durrance found out that his daughter was pregnant, she committed suicide killing both herself and the baby by throwing herself off the balcony inside the mansion. It is said that when the rug is rolled back, blood seeps through the hard wood floor at the sight of her death.
Another version of the story is that under all the stress the girl went into labor early and the baby was stillborn. The baby was then buried in the apple orchard behind what is now Woodcrest. Rumors have it that at night you can see the daughter wearing a blue dress searching for her baby where the apple orchard used to be asking people if they have seen her baby.
A third version of the ghost
story is that after John Durrance found out that his daughter was pregnant, he went looking for Xavier. Xavier caught word of this, and before John Durrance reached him, Xavier had already committed suicide by hanging himself in the bell tower of the stable, better known now as Grace Hall.
Apparently, the room where Xavier committed suicide is blocked off and a piece of rope still hangs from the rafters. It is also said that on the f irst snow fall of every year, one can see John Durrance walking from the mansion to Grace Hall with a rifle in his hands.
At their 35th reunion, the girls of 1966 confessed to Martha Dale, Director of Alumni Affairs, that they completely fabricated all of the ghost stories. They are amazed that nearly forty years later the same stories still circulate around Cabrini’s campus. The ladies take complete credit for the stories, but students today vouch to ghost sightings and encounters and chalk them up to anything but a silly fictional story.
Mar y Burgess, freshman Woodcrest resident, admits to having an encounter with a ghost. According to Burgess, she saw a bright light coming from her microwave in the middle of the night. “I saw this blue light with a silver orb in the middle that kept getting brighter and brighter,” Burgess said. After that, Burgess turned away from the light and then heard a pounding on the door, the walls and on the ceiling.
Christina Clark, also a freshman
Woodcrest resident, also claims to having ghostly experiences. Clark says that pictures mysteriously turn around and that in the middle of the night her roommates’desk lamp and hair straightener turns on without anyone touching them.
Dale f inds it hard to believe that ghosts would be haunting Woodcrest dormitory because the building didn’t exist at the time that the Durrances’owned the land, in fact, nothing was in the space that Woodcrest occupies now. According to rumors, though, the ghost is the daughter searching for her baby amongst the dorms.
Some administration members that work in the mansion have admitted to feeling a “ghostly presence,” Dale said. All encounters with the ghost, or ghosts, are friendly ones.
According to Dale, there is no factual basis for the ghost stories. The Durrances’had two daughters who are both accounted for in records. However, if the stories are true, it would have made for quite a scandal in the early 1900s because of the drastically different social classes that the girl and stable boy belonged to. In that respect, it makes sense that the family would do whatever possible to keep the incident a secret.
Cabrini makes the top ten list for the most haunted colleges. It makes sense for some to be able to disregard these stories completely. For many, it isn’t until they find themselves alone at night walking behind the mansion or in their room that they begin to question the possibility of ghosts on campus.
Alcohol laws: U.S. vs. U.K.
You’re 20 years old. You can die for your country. You can vote, hold public office, serve on juries, sign contracts, smoke, have sex, get married and even buy a gun. You can’t appreciate the flavors a good merlot brings out of filet mignon. It’s too dangerous to enjoy a beer with your friends on a summer’s day. You cannot enter this bar with your slightly older friends. Oh, but you can pay taxes. Certainly you can go to war. You’re an adult…aren’t you?
Back in Northern Ireland I can drink legally. I have been able to since I was 18 years old. I came to America and now I can’t. I hear you say, “typical Irish…always going on about booze.” This, although partially true, is not why I am writing this perspective. I am writing it for the sake of all you American students, who I feel are being discriminated against by the high age restrictions on alcohol consumption in the United States.
I find it difficult in seeing the logic behind absolute restriction of alcohol to anyone under 21, then as soon as that liberating day comes around, you can go
out to the bar and consume 21 kamikaze shots with no problems, well from the law anyway. This prohibitive society has led to problems such as underage drinking costing Americans nearly $53 billion annually. Also in 2000, 21 percent of 15- to 20year-old drivers who were killed in crashes were intoxicated.
This is not to say that Europe does not also face its own share of problems related to teenage drinking. Especially in the United Kingdom, problems with binge drinking among teens have escalated in recent years. However the general consensus regarding alcohol consumption in Europe is comparatively liberal, with alcohol being introduced to people from a young age, lessening the novelty.
In the United Kingdom minimum legal drinking age there is four. At that age, a person, supervised by a parent or responsible adult, can legally have alcoholic drink with a meal, at home, in a restaurant or in the dining area of a bar.
At 16, you acquire a new right. You can, unaccompanied, legally order and pay for beer or cider to have with a meal in a restaurant or in the dining area of a bar. At 18, you outgrow all restrictions, and can order and pay for and consume any drink, to consume at home or anywhere
in the premises of a restaurant, bar or nightclub.
Allowing children to experience alcohol at a young age, under supervision, is a trend that runs throughout Europe, especially in southern countries such as Spain, France and Greece. I feel early exposure takes the mystique out of alcohol because it is not forbidden and teens don’t regard drinking as being rebellious or cool. I’m not advocating ‘happy hour’in kindergarten, but a sensible education on alcohol coming from the home.
In the United States, the government has made alcohol out to be an evil that only fuels a teenager’s curiosity. It is time for America to wake up and realize that no matter how strict the laws are if young people choose to drink they will and unfortunately they will learn irresponsibly. People “want what they can’t have.” Consider prohibition. Restricted from alcohol, ofage-adults had the same “wild parties” in the 1920s because it was made illegal. The adults reacted the same way as teens today when put under the same circumstances. I feel control is too harsh in the United States and that by totally restricting young people from alcohol it is only urging them to drink irresponsibly, often leading to dangerous outcomes. Would you hand a non-driver your car keys as soon as they turned 16 and allow them to take to the road. Without their having experience and education I am sure you would answer “no.” Think about it.
America: citizens fir st
PAUL NASELLA STAFF WRITER KRB722@CABRINI EDUAmerica needs to care more about itself and less about the rest of the world.
How can we call ourselves great when American jobs are being off-shored? When many of the products we use on a daily basis are being manufactured overseas? When our own government wants to cut the social security for our parents and ourselves because they mismanaged the budget? How can we be great when it is the multinational corporations and big businesses of America who are running the supposed ‘democracy’instead of the people themselves? There needs to be something done to make America a much better place for those who have to grow up in this great land. If nothing is done, these problems are only going to get worse.
Fashion on the flipside
Surely, “Vogue” is not what most students follow as a guide to dress for success when the occasion includes a calculus class or a Spanish class. There has always been a time and place for everything. So, when Friday comes it’s nice to finally shut the sweat-pant drawers and resort to a closet that promises to provide some eagerly-awaited fun accompanied with a “Cosmopolitan” that will show you the ropes on how to stay sparkly. But, have you ever wondered what your fashion tastes reflect?
Reassuringly, this season has left midriff-revealing, low-rider pants-sporting, hormonecrazed-pop stars, like Britney Spears for the “fashionably doomed” sections in magazines everywhere and has finally left room for the polished, disgruntled and self-absorbed American girl.
Glittery knits articulate our hopes to understand a world of ideals at war while tweed encourages us to remain loyal, conservative and maybe even apathetic. If you combine the two with a pair of classic Levis, disheveled hair that screams, “love me and leave me alone” and a pair of rounded-toe heels that console an ignorant bliss, you could be a poster girl for the typical, yet, stylish young adult.
will secure your femininity safely from the tension and pressure of never having enough, as much as it will keep you delicately blind to the countless people, not too many miles away, who don’t own a warm coat, let alone know of any Italian designers.
Silly me! Did I forget to suggest accessories?
Louis Vuitton’s leather messenger bag can be carried with jeans distinguishably as well as emptily. The books inside can provide knowledge, but true insight is found in knowing that you have to work and not the leisure of it.
Aleopard-print Dior bag will keep you purring furiously to and against your desires and your values. This container pledges you’ll want to leap toward self-depravation much sooner than you’ll be inclined to embellish your soul and embrace your graciousness.
Make sure that you purchase the perfect set of pearls to accentuate all of your refinements. The smoothly texturedround balls of superiority will agree to keep all the potential you have to deem the world outside of a magazine “not enough” locked around your neck, so don’t clasp these delicacies too tightly.
I feel that for the sake of America and its future, there needs to be something done for the sake of the people rather than the sake of the corporations. For too long have the people of the United States been controlled by the powers that be instead of the power that rests within themselves. We as a people need to say to the government that reigns over us that enough is enough and that it is time for a change. If things continue the way that they are, we could find ourselves in the midst of a draft or paying over $3.00 dollars a gallon for gas.
The citizens of America need to take control of their democracy because the government has grown too powerful and controlled by those with money and it is causing the middle and lower classes to suffer. Health care costs and gas prices are becoming less affordable everyday. I can’t even begin to describe what it is like to watch my mother sitting at the kitchen table struggling to pay her bills
only to tell me that she doesn’t have enough money to pay all of them for that month.
Being a college student, myself, I know financial burden rather well. It was just last week that I paid nearly $30 to fill my car up with gas. To make matters worse, my tuition costs just rose again as well.
An issue that is not widely spoken about in America is social status. I don’t think it’s fair how those in the middle and lower classes are stuck being part of those classes for the rest of their lives. I think there needs to be something done to allow these people to rise in status to become better off than they were before.
How can you tell a child of a middle or lower-class family that they can grow up to be somebody when it has been found that the social class you grow up in is the social class you’ll end up in. I know it is true for my family, and I’m sure it’s the same for yours as well.
I also feel that there needs to be something done to better edu-
Even the earthy brown chiffons from Alexander McQueen try to seduce you onto a textile of sand and surf. Its beauty wraps you in the solidity of abstract neglect to self, but keeps you looking sophisticated, nonetheless.
Roberto Cavalli’s floral silks
cate the youth of America. I can’t even begin to count the number of stupid things I have seen and heard over the years. If we better educate our children, we will be able to keep stupid acts and comments from happening.
I also feel that there should be more done in high schools to teach students about their government as well as how they can take part in it. But then again, history textbooks leave out any real useful information anyway.
What we as Americans can do to take back this land that is so rightfully ours is to go to our local polling places and place our vote. Since there is a presidential election in less than a week, it serves as our golden opportuni-
Whether you’re expressing your fashion tastes for your morning classes or sporting around comfortably in sneakers, remember there are much more important things. What we wear is not always as important as what we’re getting dressed for. In a sense, we’re here constructing the uniforms we’ll wear long after graduation. So, let’s put on our helmets and get in the game. Let’s try to find out what really matters. Let’s emphasize what’s internal before we try to articulate what’s external.
ty to actually change America for the better. By placing our ballot on Nov. 2 , we are taking back this majestic land from sea to shining sea. By doing so, we will be helping to right the evil that was unleashed upon us four years ago.
What we can also do is to write our congressman and pay close attention to the current legislation that is being discussed within congress. By keeping a basic knowledge of what is going on, Americans will be better informed about their government and it’s actions. To quote Benjamin Franklin, “Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature.”
Letter to the Editor
College Republicans: Get your act together
Unequivocally matched are the organizational skills of the Cabrini College Republicans with a pack of small, incoherent children whom were just given a day planner and told “Now children, it’s best to stay on top of things.” In other words, the College Republicans were first to withdraw from a debate scheduled for Wednesday Oct.7 due to the fact that they were “pressed for time.” This has proven that the College Republicans are illequipped, perhaps even fearing to go up against a “liberal” or “democrat ic” debate team, who knows. Whatever the case may be, we are annoyed by this decision to cancel the debate because we as an organization, the Student Democrat Association were fully prepared, and ready to rock.
After hearing that the Republicans opted to back out of a “debate,” the SDApro-
posed the idea of co-hosing an open forum where both parties could answer questions concerning the views of each candidate. This forum would have given the opportunity for students to be further informed of whom they would be voting for Nov. 2.
To further show the College Republicans’mistake, they completely destroyed a prime opportunity to speak out and be heard. If we were Republicans on campus, we’d be annoyed that our voice had been snuffed out due to a lack of preparedness; possibly even signing up for the College Republicans and demanding either impeachment of elected officials or a completely re-worked executive board. That’s just what we’d think, because we as a democratic organization not only respect both sides, but unlike the un-inspiring College Republicans, we will stop at nothing to ensure that our democratic students are heard.
If you would like to contact the SDA or convert to a more organized, motivated organization please attend our meetings on Wednesday nights, EVERY Wednesday night, beginning at 10:30pm in Founder ’s Hall 207. For any of you that are offended by this article you are full of nonsense, these assertions are both factual and relevant to the founding principles of each organization. Before the conclusion of this significant matter, the SDAchallenges the College Republicans to an open forum to be held after our much-anticipated event Friday evening Oct. 29in which a guest speaker and the movie “Going up River,” will be included. Choice is yours College Republicans; we know you will make the right decision. In the future, simply stated, we ask that the College Republicans to try a little harder next time around; we know it’s a frustrating time for them. John Kerry 2004.
The Student Democrat Association
Parking woes
If you are a living, breathing student here at Cabrini, chances are you have experienced the frustrations and idiotic situation of the parking spots, or lack thereof, and regulations that take place here.
It is evident that the new parking lot in Founder ’s Hall is nice and pretty, but not helpful to the majority of students here. There is still chaos in the lots, and simply just not enough room. Although I am a resident, I had reasons the week of Sept. 10 for having to drive to school for one class, just to turn around and drive back home afterwards.
It was 9 a.m. on a Friday morning. Giving myself an extra 30 minutes to get to school early, I figured I would be arriving with plenty of time to maybe even pick up a cup of chai from the Jazzmen’s Café.
However, these plans of mine were crushed as I made the turn onto Germantown Pike. With dead-stop traffic for miles, all hope of making my 10:55 a.m. class dwindled as I saw not even a spec of the huge, green sign that reads 476 S., the exit in which I must get off.
After an excruciatingly painful and aggravating stopand-go car ride to school, I pulled into the Cabrini entrance with a sense of panic as I looked at my watch that annoyingly blinked 11:10 a.m.
I drove to the back of
your opini on in
“Yes. He reminded people what Bush is like now, how the democratic party was and what they can do this time around.”
“No. Kerry should stop trying to be the next Clinton. He won’t gain the same popularity just by having Clinton endorse him. I would have gone to see Clinton, not Kerry anyway.”
Founder’s parking lot, scanned my eyes over to the Dixon Center, just to realize that my chances of finding a decent spot in that parking lot with streams of cars were slim to none. So I drove down an aisle of the Founder’s lot, found a parking space relatively close to where I had to go for class and rushed inside.
About an hour later, I returned to my car. That’s when I saw it—the evil pink-and-yellow parking violation ticket on my windshield. As my jaw dropped when I saw the fee, a whopping $25, I stuffed it in my console and told myself I would take care of this ridiculous matter Monday morning.
The reasoning behind obtaining this ticket was that I was a resident in the commuter parking lot. Well I would like to point out the fact that, first of all, I was indeed commuting that day, for one class period. I was in the parking lot for merely an hour. Second of all, the Dixon Center was full of cars. In addition, I was extremely late, which I know is not the fault of anybody who was involved with handing this ticket out to me; however, it was part of my motivation behind deciding to bite the bullet and park in Founders for one measly hour.
Let me also remind any readers, it was Sept. 10, 2004. Just into the second week of school. Most people did not even have parking passes at this point. Even though I made sure I had a parking pass before school even began, I got punished. I can name, but I won’t, a resident student here at Cabrini who still
does not have a pass, and has not had any trouble. In addition, I have seen and heard of many accounts where commuters are parked in residential spots illegally. Furthermore, last semester, an incident happened to one of my roommates. She was parked illegally in a fire zone for an entire day. Logically, she received a parking violation. However, she appealed it, and won.
My experience with appealing this parking ticket was the complete opposite. After being handed down from person to person, building to building, I finally ended up at the right office of the person whom I had to speak with. With regret, I must say that I lost the battle due to the fact that “we are cracking down this year on parking violations, and it would send the wrong message if we let you go.”
Well, if this is true, then don’t you think it would be commonsensical to apply this theory to everyone? Not just random people, as undeserving as myself? The woman whom I spoke to attempted to justify this by telling me I should call public safety when I see others parked illegally. Sorry, but I have enough homework assignments to keep me occupied. We do have people here, however, that get paid to do that job, don’t we? Furthermore, ratting someone else out does not put the $25 back into my wallet.
I might have lost this battle, but hopefully in the future we will win the war with a solution to the outrageous parking on campus.
“I don’t think having a former president or celebrity should influence someone’s vote. If they were Clinton supporters, I think they are going to back Kerry, and vice-versa.”
“I think Clinton helped. He’s very majestic in the way he speaks. I think even those who dislike Kerry went to the rally just to hear Clinton speak.”
“I do think Clinton was beneficial in obtaining voters for Kerry. Mainly because he was and is still very well liked.”
you think former President Clinton was beneficial in obtaining Kerry (D.) voters?
Passing up the chance to meet Jimmy Carter
Sometimes in life, you just have to take a chance. Here’s why: I awake to the sound of my clockradio in the complete darkness of a late fall morning. The radio DJ announces, “And we have on the line former President Jimmy Carter.”
A winter without ice; ice hockey that is
I expect to hear a local aspiring comedian with an awful Southern accent. To my surprise, it’s really Jimmy Carter talking to me in the darkness of my bedroom.
The former president (19771980) has just written a book, “The Hornet’s Nest,” the first work of fiction published by an American president. Carter mentions that he’ll be signing books that evening at the Free Library at 19th and Vine Streets in Philadelphia. He also mentions that he just celebrated his 80th birthday on Oct. 1.
Perhaps I’ve become a cold and jaded person, but I suddenly thought, “Hey, Carter’s close to kicking the bucket! Asigned copy of a first work of fiction by an American president will be worth big bucks on Ebay!”
Like I said, I’ve perhaps become a cold and jaded person.
All day I plot my strategy. After some quick research, I learn there are some prerequisites to getting Carter’s signature (like you can’t take Microeconomics before Macroeconomics, for you Business majors). You need a copy of the book “The Hornet’s Nest,” and one of a limited number of tickets from the Free Library.
I work in Chester County. No problem zipping by the Barnes and Nobel in Devon, and obtaining a copy of “The Hornet’s Nest,” I figure. But how was I to get a ticket in Philadelphia, when I’m stuck all day in Malvern. Having to work a fulltime job gets in the way of my Get-Rich-Quick schemes.
I weigh my options. After work, I can fight the evening rush hour traffic on the Schuylkill Expressway, get into the city, and hope tickets are still available. Leaving nothing to chance, I call the Free Library at 3 p.m., asking how many tickets are left.
“We’ve only given out half the tickets,” says the perky,
young female voice on the phone.
Good, that’s the news I want to hear.
“But I expect a 5 p.m. rush, so you better get down here right away before they’re all gone.”
Not the news I want to hear.
I try to talk a friend in the city into going with me. The kicker would be, “By the way, would you mind getting us tickets?”
He tells me he has other plans that night, and in true Democratic tone, adds, “(That book) isn’t the first work of fiction by an American president if you count everything published by the Bush administration.”
To be bipartisan, I also invite a Republican co-worker. He declines as well, saying “I can buy a book signed by Grant (Ulysses S., 18th President of the United States) on Ebay for like $200. How much will Carter ’s signature ever be worth? Don’t you remember the gas lines in the 70s?”
I finally decide not to go at all. I figure it’ll be a complete waste if I spend money on the book, gas for the drive and a Center City parking spot, without ever meeting the President or getting his signature!
It’s the sensible decision, I reassure myself.
The next morning, I again call the Free Library.
“Hey, how many people showed up last night to see Carter?” I ask this question while holding my breath. “Did you still have tickets available?”
This time, the perky, young male voice on the phone says, “Sure, we still had tickets. We gave out 1,100, but we still had tickets left over.”
“Rats,” I say. “I’m out in the suburbs, and wanted to come, but I thought for sure all the tickets would be gone by the time I got there.”
“That’s too bad. You should have come. You could have met the President. It was a great event,” he says.
Yes, I would have been the last person in line, but I could have talked the former President into sitting with me for an interview afterwards over a Starbuck’s. It could have been an award-winning story.
Like I said earlier, sometimes in life, you just have to take a chance.
Some things just aren’t supposed to happen.
Rain forests shouldn’t be cut down, the air shouldn’t be polluted, nuclear bombs shouldn’t be dropped and professional sports should not be allowed to lock out, the NHLin particular.
It’s just not right.
So when it was announced, almost 40 days ago that the collective bargaining agreement could not be renewed for this year, a lock out was declared. For those of you who don’t know what a lock out is, what is comes down to that in plain English: No hockey. Sure there is minor league hockey, and foreign elite league hockey, but there is no NHL. There will be no blistering slap shots, no bone crunching hits and most certainly no Stanley Cup winning celebrations in June.
To a lot of people, this doesn’t really matter. Hockey isn’t, and never really was a mainstream sport in this country. It was still considered one of the ‘big four’sports, that included professional baseball, football and basketball. But now, many believe that NASCAR is replacing it, and this was even before the lockout was declared.
Now that’s just the U.S. Canada is a whole different story. The country itself houses only six out of the 30 professional teams, yet hockey to Canada is not a sport, it’s a way of life. Without a hockey season, the huge majority of the 32 million people that live in Canada will likely go crazy…just like me.
Even though hockey will probably never be as popular to the United States as it is to Canada, there is still a huge fan base here in the states. Many
younger men and women play hockey for fun, or are on their schools teams. It is no stretch to say that many of them are NHL fans, who this winter, have the option of watching NBAbasketball, or nothing at all as far as sports are concerned.
Looks pretty grim for people like myself and others, like sophomore Clayton Cottman. He said, “It’s a shame that I cannot watch hockey during the winter because, quite frankly, that has been the only TVI have watched in the past. I would just like for the two sides to come to some sort of accord so the players can hit the ice.”
He isn’t alone in his thinking. Many people his age hold the same opinion, including yours truly. And unfortunately, many of those people who feel strongly about the sport and are big supporters, are being alienated and might never be the same type of fan when or if hockey comes back.
It is just a shame that two sides can’t agree on something completely monetary to ensure that a sport that is revered by so many people across the globe will be able to be played on schedule. It makes no sense at all. There is no positive in this situation. The owners might say they want a season this year, but they won’t on salaries for their players. On the flipside, the players say, “well we want to play and have a season,” yet they won’t agree to some sort of salary cap to ensure the future of the game.
It’s getting to the point now, where the livelihood of many hard working people are being put in jeopardy.
On the main page of’s NHLsection, there was a story about Buffalo, and the Sabres franchise. The Sabres have never really been a team that had lots of money to spend; in fact, they have always been
towards the bottom of the list on the “highest payroll” chart. Well it’s not just the team taking financial hits anymore…the city is too.
Buffalo is a smaller city, that really doesn’t have that much of an industrial base. Many of its people are involved in the hockey operations that the city gets so excited over. HSBC Arena is where the Sabres play, and it employs just over 600 workers, all of which who are without jobs right now. Not to mention the numerous bars and restaurants that are usually local hot spots before and after the games.
It is now not just a question of playing or not playing. It’s serious, especially for the small market teams like Buffalo.
Asport with such a great tradition like hockey deserves to be played on the bigger stages. Minor leagues and foreign play just doesn’t do it justice. The goal of the NHLever since 1969 when the first expansion went through has always been to have hockey become an American pastime, just like the other 3 major sports. Things were definitely going in the right direction, but events like this, having no season, just send it in the other direction.
Life without hockey, NHL hockey, to me is something that just won’t be the same. The Flyers have always been my true love as far as Philly sports teams go, and having to endure my weeknights watching the 76ers and reruns of Seinfeld just isn’t going to cut it.
I need the excitement of a power play or the adrenaline rush I get from a Donald Brashear fight.
Many Philadelphians feel the same. The city itself just isn’t going to be the same without Flyers hockey, and until we get it back, there are going to be a lot of unhappy faces walking the streets.
The dangers ofdrinking
was still an alcoholic beverage.
To many students turning 21 has no meaning to them, only because they have already been drinking up until that point in time. To me, however, turning 21 was a major turning point in my life, only because I have never in my life had a sip of alcohol, until midnight on Oct 17, 2004. To me being 21 brings a certain sense of finally being an adult, and also the fact that I had almost been planning my 21st birthday since I was about 16 or so. I’ve always had plans to have my first drink at the stroke of midnight on my birthday, and I am very pleased to say I stuck to that, although it may not have been a whole drink, it
Although this may not seem very substantial to many people it was to me, I have always had the conviction to not give into peer pressure and drink before I was legally able. I am happy that I didn’t because it made my 21st birthday more memorable for not only me, but my family and friends as well. Now most people who know me, know that I have never had a drink before, and some of you may not believe that, but if you knew me, than you would believe me. I am almost always the first person to discourage underage drinking, although I do not judge anyone who does.
I made my 21st more special to me because I made the conscience choice to not drink before I was 21, and to me that was an important choice, granted I have only been 21 for a little under two weeks, I have also
made the conscience decision to not drink as often as many other people. The peer pressure issues that exist for many other people, never existed for me, I never had the want or need to drink due to stressful situations, or anything else that may have caused me to want to drink.
Although there have been times where I was tempted to drink by other people, I politely refused and walked away. Alcohol kills. It is simple; stupidity.
Someone I knew a long time ago, was the unfortunate victim of this type of stupidity, her boyfriend, said he was fine to drive after having a few drinks, unfortunately, that was not the case. He was not fine to drive, in fact, the tragic repercussions of that night were that, my friend lost her life because of his stupidity. So think before you drink, please, the repercussions could be beyond your wildest dreams.
Puck stops here; NHL players want more money
It was the tip of the iceberg for National Hockey League members when executives broke the news that there would be no season until further notice.
“At first I thought it was a joke, like the reporters weren’t serious,” Vicki Nicodemo, sophomore communication major, said. “I was so sad. I didn’t know what I was going to do especially being a season ticket holder.”
According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, “Agreement between the NHL’s executives and players has resulted in a lockout that threatens the entire 82-game season for the first time in the league’s 87-year history.”
The lockout is taking place because the NHLfeels as if there should be a $40 million salary cap. It is also expected by officials that any team over that budget amount should reduce it as soon as possible because it is not necessary.
The NHLPlayers Association strongly disagrees and believes that they deserve the salary that they are currently receiving. Some teams, such as the Philadelphia Flyers, have a salary budget of at least $55 million. This is an example that the executives are calling “unacceptable.”
After a meeting on Sept. 9,
Bill Daly, NHLexecutive vice president and chief legal officer, said, “More than half of our teams would still lose money and nearly a third of them would still lose in excess of $10 million each season.”
According to ESPN, the NHL’s official season was supposed to begin on Oct. 12 but 6 games have already been missed. That is a loss of over $3 million because of ticket sales, concessions and advertising.
The lockout may lead to a domino effect of job losses if the season does not start soon.
Employees of the arenas, NHL referees, players and coaches are all out of work until the league comes to a resolution. Every one of these people is currently unemployed and trying to occupy their time to the best of their ability.
According to Sports Illustrated, Ken Hitchcock, Flyers head coach, is using his time wisely by coaching voluntarily at Princeton University. He also plans to help out other local universities such as Villanova, Temple and University of Pennsylvania.
Some of the athletes are speaking out about the national phenomenon. Flyers captain Keith Primeau said, “The lockout is discouraging because fans are excited about Flyers hockey again, and we’re excited about playing for them. To not get that opportunity will be disappoint-
Nicodemo, just like players and other fellow die-hard fans, is trying to use her spare “hockeytime” to support other local minor league teams such as the Trenton Titans and Atlantic City Bulldogs.
“I have been watching hockey for six years now,” Nicodemo said. “I am not going to give up on the sport since, I do enjoy it. I am going to support it, especially locally.”
Daly said, “The partnership model we are prepared to negotiate, and remain committed to pursuing in collective bargaining, would serve to stabilize the industry, provide all 30 of our Clubs with a fair opportunity to be economically and competitively healthy in their current locations, and create a platform upon which to continue to build the exposure, popularity and revenues of this game - for everyone’s benefit.”
Though it is unknown how long the lockout will continue, the NHLis working on getting things accomplished as quickly as possible to keep fans, like Nicodemo, happy and spending money at the games.
“There better be hockey next year,” Nicodemo said. “If not the cities will go nuts and I’ll probably take part in the madness.”
Pool exercise offers health benefits
NINA SCIMENES SPORTS EDITOR NMS722@CABRINI EDUThe Dixon Center’s pool offers an alternate place to work out and not even break a sweat. Exercising in the pool is an alternative to those who want to give their body a break from the constant pounding on the joints from running. There are many purposes for water exercises; rehabbing from an injury, conditioning for a sport or balancing a workout.
The pool on campus is used primarily by community members but students are encouraged to take advantage of the astonishing facility. Many sports teams have been incorporating pool exercises into their practicing. “After basketball practice I swim a few laps to cool down and to keep myself flexible,” said junior history major Justin Walsh.
The cross country team in particular focused its preseason around the pool to prevent from serious injuries during meets. Jogging in the deep end of the pool is just as benefaction as hitting the road.
Working out in water is an opportunity to tone muscles and bring the heart rate up. Resistance is a key element in the water that plays a major factor in a pool workout. Water has 12 percent to 14 percent more resistance that air. This is similar to having weights all around the body making every movement count.
In addition to traditional lap swimming, vertical water work-
outs have 75 percent more resistance than swimming horizontally. Vertical workouts can consist of kicking or jogging, focusing the workout on the lower half of the body.
Colleen Poole, aquatic director at Cabrini, has witnessed many triumphs at the pool. Last year a community member, who was a roadrunner, injured his knee severely and was not permitted to put pressure on it. For four months he could not run, and jogged in the pool instead to keep in shape while he was going through physical therapy. After four months of working out in the water he went back on the road and was running the same times prior to the injury. “He was so amazed by the results that he continues to incorporate the pool into his daily workout,” said Poole.
Poole is also an instructor of water aerobic classes for those with arthritis. Many members of her classes do not have any other option for exercise because of health reasons. Dixon Center members use their time in the pool to rehab from hip replacements or other injuries. “For the elder crowd it is more of a social atmosphere, and they are a support group for each other. They don’t always come to exercise; they come to chat,” said Poole.
Don’t forget to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. When working out in the water signs of dehydration are not noticeable. Have a safe and fun work out.
Synchronized skating: future Olympic sport?
Where it all began
KYLE ROUGEAU STAFF WRITER KCR723@CABRINI EDUSynchronized skating is not a sport that comes to mind when people think of figure skating. People see the word synchronized and immediately have an impression of a bunch of prissy girls in skating dresses jumping and spinning all at the same time. To the contrary, this is a sport on the rise and is far more complicated than the word synchronized could ever suggest.
Teams consist of 12 to 20 skaters. There are eight distinct competition levels within the U.S. Figure Skating structure. The two levels that are the most competitive and award the most glory are the levels of senior and collegiate.
Synchronized teams are required a short program that must include five required elements and a free skate program that is longer but has no specific required elements. The free skate however contains numerous elements and transitions. The teams are judge on both programs with two sets of marks. First marks are for the elements performed and the second set is for presentation.
Required elements consist of intersections, circles, blocks, spins and moves in the field sequence.
The team is connected to one another the vast majority of the time through different types of holds such as a hand-to-hand or shoulder-to-shoulder hold.
Intersections can be a very dangerous element especially with higher-level competitors. The intersection is an element where one part of the team passes through the other part of the team, preferably at a high speed. It is how the intersection occurs that gives it the level of complexity.
Another element would be
circles, which consist of the team in a revolving circle with intricate footwork and a variety of holds. There can be an added element of difficulty by having the circle travel. Yes, the circle can travel up, down, left or right across the rink as it revolves in the shape of a circle while the skaters perform footwork and switch their holds.
However new this sport may sound to the reader it has actually been around for years. In 1838 the Oxford Skating Society in England practice “combined figure skating” in groups with up to 12 skaters.
It was not until 1954 when Dr. Richard Porter started the first modern synchronized skating team in Ann Arbor, Mich. The International Skating Union never officially recognized the sport until 1994 when it was finally considered a discipline of figure skating. The sport has grown from one team in Michigan to over 450 teams registered in the United States nationwide.
There are numerous schools that have embraced this sport for collegiate competition such as the University of Delaware, Michigan Sate University, Boston University and Princeton University.
The competition has grown more intense with the rising popularity. In 2000 the ISU held the first World Synchronized Skating Championships in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where 21 teams from 16 different countries participated. The Olympics has used Synchronized Skating as a demonstration sport and is considering it for official competition in the near future.
For further information check out the United States Figure Skating Association (USFSA) at or Synchronized Skating Magazine at
KYLE ROUGEAU STAFF WRITER KCR723@CABRINI EDUBefore my Thursday was accompanied by the word thirsty they consisted of several hours of practice at the Wall Ice Arena in New Jersey with my Synchronized Skating team known as The Ice-lantics.
When I was in the seventh grade a girl by the name of Sophia Marrow asked me if I wanted to participate on a skating team. For several years prior to this moment I was a competitive single free style figure skater and I thought I knew everything about the world of figure skating. I was wrong.
Before I knew it I was on the ice with nine other girls trying maneuvers I had never imagined. Until that moment I had never heard or seen a Synchronized skating team before.
Synchronized skating is exactly what it means. There are from 12 to 20 girls that perform synchronized elements within a program. In a brief summary Synchronized skating is like the Rockets on ice. The difference is the maneuvers performed by synchronized skaters are much more intense than girls standing in a straight line holding shoulder to shoulder as their legs kick high into the air with perfect unison at Radio City Music Hall.
The Ice-lantics started back in 1997. It started off with 10 girls, myself being one of the original members, and has grown to multiple teams competing at different levels.
During my fours years as a team member I have done much traveling. The competitions we attended were spread out along the east coast. Besides traveling across this country my team was lucky enough to compete internationally as well.
With a synchronized skating
team comes a certain code of conduct that must always apply At competitions we were always expected to be at the utmost respect for our competitors and always amplify sportsmanship.
Through out my experience as a synchronize skater I have learned much along the way. More than the usual reply of teamwork skills, I learned compromise and respect on a much higher level.
Our coaches always told us how our team can only look as good as the worst skater. It was hard skating with people that had different abilities than your own. Picking up someone else’s slack
ice to manage the injury. After no longer then a five-minute timeout the girl had her injury wrapped so she could finish out the rest of her program with the team. Afterwards was when she finally received the treatment needed, which resulted in multiple stitches.
Another incident similar to this actually happened to one of my team members, Renee Stanko, at a competition in Rhode Island. She was a member of one of the younger teams at the time, separate from my team, when the event occurred.
It was towards the end of the program with roughly less than a minute left Stanko loss balance and fell to the ice. As she fell two team members accidentally skater over her hand slicing one of her fingers wide open.
The maneuvers performed are at high speeds so when someone falls there is no stopping and usually things such as this can and do occur
is never fun. This is where compromise and respect really begin to take effect.
Along the way I have also realized that skaters are the most determined and strongest of athletes there are. I know you are thinking right now to yourself that this is a lie and begin to laugh.
Stop laughing and let me ask this question. Has anyone reading this article ever seen a girl get sliced or stabbed in the back of their calf with the blade of an ice skate? Well I have on multiple occasions.
Accidents like this happen but not often. At the North Regional Competition held in Lake Placid, N.Y., I witnessed a girl accidentally slice the back of another team member ’s calf that she was skating next to. Of course this was not on purpose. The fact is the skater was injured and as the blood flowed from her wound down to the cold ice the music was immediately stopped. With that a paramedic jumped onto the
She popped right back up with blood on the ice and dripping down her hand. Competition can be intense with anywhere from a 100 to several 100 people watching so to stop for an injury usually does not happen often. She ended the program without a tear. Walking off the ice Stanko finally realized the damage down. An ambulance was called and her finger was stitched back together
Do not be discouraged by the injuries because accidents happen just as in any other sport.
Synchronized skating is a great sport to participate in and I would recommend it to anyone. I have had so many great experiences and memories with my team that I encourage anyone to go out and further explore this aspect of skating. With the rise in popularity synchronized skating will soon become an Olympic sport and much more.
Through out my experience as a synchronize skater I have learned compromise and respect on a much higher level.KYLE ROUGEAU/ STAFFWRITER A synchronized skating team performs in the famous ice ring at Rockefeller Center,New York City.Synchronized skating is a team sport that has brought figure skating to a new level.
Experience as an Ice-Lantic
New softball coach joins Lady Cavaliers
ANDREW MATYSIK STAFFWRITER AJM722@CABRINI EDUThe women’s softball team’s familiar traditions and superstitions shared with former coach, Karen Pelkey, were swiftly converted to just memories for the players this upcoming season. For undisclosed personal reasons, Pelkey resigned from the head coach position. Martine Susko has been appointed to lead the women’s team as head coach.
In her eighth season coaching, Susko joined the Cabrini women’s softball program on very short notice. She arrived at Cabrini just a week before the season began.
“I had to jump right in,” said Susko. This was said to be the hardest obstacle to overcome since her premier at Cabrini.
Lauren Cole and Jennifer
Prendiville, both senior softball players, anxiously await the new season with Susko. However, they agree Pelkey will be missed.
“Pelkey was very upbeat. She knew how to be instructional and fun at the same time,” said Cole.
win the PAC and have a good show in regional competition. Susko, a Lehigh Valley native, has been a life-long softball player and coach. She played collegiate ball at Drexel University. Susko’s preferred
The Cabrini women’s softball team has built quite a reputation over the years for being a dominant team in their division. Stepping into a position in charge of a successful team is widely viewed as a factor of intimidation for
Martine Susko, new softball coach
So far, Susko has quickly adapted and developed friendships within the Cabrini community. Susko stated that the Cabrini staff and administration have been extremely supportive. As for her new players, Susko gave a glowing review.
“The girls are absolutely tremendous. They are dedicated, loyal and they work very well in achieving our goals,” said Susko. Cole and Prendiville returned the compliment with a feeling of excitement for the future season with an optimistic coach.
Susko accordingly plans on approaching the new season with a similar type of attitude to which her players are accustomed.
“We want to maintain a competitive, healthy, and fun program for our athletes,” said Susko. The goals for Susko this season are to
positions were pitcher and infielder.
Checking Susko’s resume proves that she has quite an impressive history of coaching. Drexel, Penn and Swathmore’s softball teams were her three past coaching experiences.
new coaches. However, this has not seemed to faze Susko.
“No, this hasn’t bothered me. We are very confident we will be successful,” said Susko. “Pelkey has built a solid program with an impressive tradition and we hope to build on that.”
It appears to be a harmonious relationship among all the women involved with the women’s softball team. Susko got tossed into her new position and she could have easily been discouraged in her view of Cabrini. However, with nothing but rave reviews, Susko claimed, “Cabrini is a good fit for me.”
Dixion Center facilities used to full potential
JILLIAN MILAM STAFFWRITER JGM726@CABRINI EDUThe Dixon Center is a popular place to be for people on and off the Cabrini campus, with its water classes, the yoga lessons, indoor track, quality exercise equipment and much more. Students, faculty and community members all seem to be attracted to the Dixon Center and everything it has to offer. The fitness center; however, surprisingly seems to be utilized by the same percentage of community members and students.
Upon wondering when the perfect time would be to find fellow students and peers at the gym to work-out with, try going in the mid-afternoon or later in the day.
According to Matt Dzuryachko, a senior at Cabrini College who is a fitness technician, “The ratio of community members to students that come here is pretty much even. It’s just broken up into different time brackets. More students come in the mid-afternoon to late in the day, while community members come in the morning to early afternoon.”
The main attraction of the neighboring members to the Dixon Center is the pool, according to Dzuryachko. “The majority of the community base comes for the pool to participate in the water aerobics classes,” he said.
However, the many programs offered in the aerobics room bring forth many participants as well, such as yoga and Pilates. The aerobics room is also used by
StAC Staff Advisory Council
the cheerleading and dance squads in order to practice. This past summer a “boot camp” program was even created as a conditioning class for those summertime gym goers.
The seasons also heavily influence and affect the ratio of community members to students.
According to Tracy Krakowiak, the fitness director of Dixon Center, it depends on the time of year in regards to how many students use the Dixon Center, verses people who use it from outside the college. “In the summer, it is practically all community members. When school starts up again, the percent of students and faculty increase immensely,” said Krakowiak.
Something that draws people, on or off campus, is the program
\Nho are vve & vvhat do vve do?
The Staff Advisory Council is a srnall group of staff rnernbers recognized by the President who discuss, inforrn and advise the Director of Hurnan Resources of staff interests and ways to prornote core values through prograrns such as Caught in the Act of Core Values, Staff Developrnent Days and the Surnrner BBQ.
This group forrnally rneets every rnonth during the acadernic year and once in the surnrner. Agenda iterns are accepted though any StAC rnernber and are posted on five working days prior to any rneeting.
StAC is currently seeking 3 rnernbers to join the council. If you are interested in joining or would like to norninate sorneone that you think rnight be a great addition to the StAC council, please ernail the council chair, Sherry Becht at:
called Active Trax. Managed by Matt Dzuryachko, 21, the Active Trax was designed to give people the option of having a computerized personal trainer. If an individual is interested, they come to the fitness center on the second floor of the Dixon Center to get evaluated by a student worker. An exercise plan is created, devised uniquely for every individual, via a computer. Asheet with this plan is then put into the individual’s personal folder in the gym, so that they may read it before exercising. If you have any further questions about this program, feel free to contact Matt Dzuryachko in the fitness section of the Dixon Center.
The Dixon Center is also the place to go for special events regarding health issues. Chair
massages are taking place this year about once a week on the second floor outside the gym, while a Health Fair is held annually, and contests involving health take place. The 1 Mile Walk in May is a fun event for anyone and everyone, but if that doesn’t spark an interest for you try the Healthy Bake Off or self defense classes. For more information on the special events and classes located in the Dixon Center, you can visit the website or pick up a program inside.
Whether it is 6 a.m. in the morning or 10 p.m. at night, the Dixon Center is frequently used for health conscious people, being community members, faculty or students.
Exercise Your Right To Vote
Sign up with fitness center staff by calling Tracey at extension 8318
The contest starts Oct. 11th 2004 and will run until Nov. ?1h2004
Pick a partner, for every 400 minutes the team works out you will move a step towards receiving a vote, 5 steps= 1 vote
At the end of the contest whichever team has the most votes will be the president and vice president of the Dixon Center and win a $25 gift certificate to anywhere of their choice and all participants will win a T-shirt!!
“We want to maintain a competitve,healthy, and fun program for our athletes,”CECELIA FRANCISCO/ PHOTO EDITOR The Dixon Center has a steady flow of memebers working out in the upstairs gym. CECELIA FRANCISCO/ PHOTO EDITOR Junior Amy Pia gets in a workout in between classes. ANDREW MATYSIK/ STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
Thursday, Oct. 28
• SGAMeeting, 3:10 p.m.
•Women’s Soccer at Eastern University, 3:30 p.m.
•Volleyball at Alvernia College, 7 p.m.
•CAP’s Murder Mystery Dinner, Mansion, 6 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 29
•Cabrini Faculty at the National Constitution Center
•Deadline for Up ‘til Dawn Registration
Saturday, Oct. 30
Sunday, Oct. 31
• Halloween
•Daylight Savings Time Ends
Monday, Nov. 1
•All Saints Day
America’s pastime rejuvenated
What once was America’s pastime was changed into another product of our nations commercialism. That is until the American League Championship Series and the atmosphere of postseason baseball rejuvenated the American spirit in baseball that has been missing for years.
The Major League Baseball season consists of 160 games. How can the public get excited about games when there seems to be nothing on the line? Players perform day in and day out, for their multi-million dollar salaries.
Baseball lost my interest since I grew out of the age of collecting baseball cards. Not since last years appearances of the Chicago Cubs and Boston Red Sox in postseason baseball did my interest in the sport return. This year it was the Red Sox and the Yankees ALCS series that I consider the best baseball I have ever seen and quite possibly the best I will ever see in my lifetime.
The two great cities of New York and Boston have a tremendous fan base that sparks any person to watch the two teams battle head to head. The history of this series created an atmosphere of hope and longing for the Red Sox and their fans. The Yankees on
the other hand have dominated the sport for the last decade.
When the two teams met in October this year I saw more people become Red Sox fans out of hatred for the Yankees and simply for the electricity that comes with this match up.
The history of this series did not disappoint this year when the Yankees got ahead in the series three games to none with clutch hitters like Derek Jeter and Bernie Williams and great pitching from Mike Mussina and Jon Lieber. Down three games in a best out of seven series, the Red Sox were faced with winning four straight, a feat never before done in MLB history.
The excitement of this series made fans out of anyone as Boston continued to believe “why not us” and rallied back to tie the series after being one inning away from elimination in back to back extra inning games.
The fairy tale ending was complete when the triumphant comeback sent the Red Sox into the World Series and the Yankees back to New York to most likely acquire more studs.
Regardless of whether the Red Sox win the World Series, nothing can compare to a Red Sox and Yankees postseason series.
•Chair Massage, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., The Dixon Center
•Immigration Issues Debate, TBA
•Election Follies, 7-11 p.m., Grace Hall Atrium
Tuesday, Nov. 2
• Election Day
•Celebrate America: Philly Style 9 p.m.- midnight, Widener Center Lecture Hall and Jazzman’s Cafe
Wednesday, Nov. 3
•English/Communications Resume/Interview Skills Workshop, Cooperative and Career Services, 12:30 -1:30 p.m., Grace Hall room 160
•Up ‘Til Dawn Meeting
For more times and other information call the Student Activities Office at X8410