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Myster y dinner entertains students for Halloween
With a turnout of over 100 students, this year’s murder mystery dinner was the largest it has ever been. The murder mystery dinner took place on Thursday, October 28th, in Cabrini College’s Mansion Dining Room and yet again proved to be an unique event that many students look forward to year after year.
The murder mystery dinner was organized by the Campus Activities Programming Board. CAP board members Annette Donato, and Kristen Traina, two relatively new members, were chosen to chair this event and spent several weeks in prepara- tion for the sold-out audience. Donato, a freshman accounting major said, “I knew I wanted to get involved with CAP, but I never knew I would chair an event.” Traina, freshman, graphic design major said, “I had no idea what I was getting myself into at first, but I absolutely loved every moment of it.”
Due to minor problems at last years Halloween Trail, the CAP board decided for the safety of Cabrini College’s students, to cut all funding on the trail, and put more of their Halloween budget into the murder mystery dinner. Instead of the usual 50 people that are able to attend, it was decided that they were going to accommodate 100 students, nine actors, and one journalist for both dinner and entertainment. Although there was a high number of students attending, they still were able to prepare an elegant atmosphere and an all star buffet.
All 100 tickets for this event were sold within two days of sales. President of the CAP board, Michael J. Sofia said, “This year’s people could not wait to get their tickets.” The reason for the sold-out show was not the cheap, $2 ticket. Sofia, also a senior, political science major added, “This event is a tradition that students look forward to every year.”
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