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Cons of commuting

get to go home where venting freely when coming home from work is expected. The concept of ‘the customer is always right’no matter how wrong they really are is the only thing about working there that irritates me. Sometimes you can just tell that you are being given a hard time for the sheer thrill of it. Working at Jazzman’s has given me more patience as far as realizing sometimes it takes certain people seventy five years to order a wrap. It is all about patience, courtesy and selling the product. If one can accomplish that in a matter of three minutes or less, everyone is set to go.

I am grateful for my experiences working at Jazzman’s. I have met a lot of different people and talked to some that I know without a doubt would have never been picked up on my radar in any normal situation, so I am glad for that. One can make a lot of new acquaintances working in fast food or any situation where person to person contact is being induced. The only thing I can say is to take the best with the worst, it all balances out in the end.



Talking to a commuter I realized there were many cons to commuting to Cabrini. I asked her to go further into them.

The first thing that upset her was the feeling of being left out. She never knew when a dance or event was going on. I asked about the flyers in her mailbox and she informed me she didn’t have a mailbox. Apparently, this year Cabrini College took away commuter mailboxes. Not only does she not receive her campus mail but she had to change her mailing address or receive her mail from her parents who she only sees once or twice a year.

Food was another con she informed me about. Jazzman’s has very good food but it is too expensive for her, and many other commuters, bank account. In between classes it is a waste of time to drive home to get something to eat and spend the rest of the time driving back and forth. Going to the library and doing some work while getting a bite on campus is the smartest choice. I asked her why she didn’t drive to McDonalds or Wawa for something to eat. She replied with again another negative, parking. It sometimes takes fifteen minutes to find parking and then of course the time it takes to walk from the parking lot behind Dickson to the library for her class. Again, Jazzman’s and the library is the best bet. What is she to do?

I myself was stuck in traffic due to an accident. I called the school so they could inform my teacher I may be late. I got to Cabrini five minutes late however spent fifteen minutes searching for parking and another five getting to my class. My lateness caused me to miss the sign-in sheet and not receive credit for the class. I tried to explain to the teacher but if he made an exception for my lateness he would have to make exceptions for everyone.

There are many negatives to commuting that many are not aware of. Talking to one commuter I have learned many. What is Cabrini going to do?

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