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‘Weigh to go;’holiday weight contest to begin

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Why is it that in the weeks coming up to the holidays people start counting the calories and invade the gym, hoping to create a svelte impression at those holiday parties or family gatherings, but as soon as the festivities arrive the same people become food obsessed, drink guzzling and couch bound.


Holiday weight gain is not a phenomenon but is a reality that hits many people from Thanksgiving to Christmas to new years. For the sixth year running Cabrini college is offering the “Weigh to go contest,” for people concerned about this issue. The object of the contest is to maintain your body weight through the holidays and semester break. If successful the participants can win prizes such as special designed t-shirts.

Over 50 community members, students, staff and faculty came for the initial weigh-in in the

Dixon center on Nov. 22 and Nov. 23. These participants will aim to maintain or decrease this initial weight by the final weighins running from Jan. 18 through Jan.20.

The holidays are supposed to signify reflections on the religious connotations of the season, spending time with your family and exchanging gifts. However, more often than not, the aspects that triumph over the rest are food and drink.

Think about it, from the Thanksgiving dinner to those turkey sandwich leftovers, to the Christmas parties, the eggnog, chocolates, pies and not to mention the glass of wine or beer here and there, it’s difficult to be healthy around this time.

However, Tracey Krakowiak, fitness director at Cabrini, and founder of the contest feels that this contest can be easy for people who plan ahead. During the initial weigh-in participants were given a survival guide with tips on how to avoid gaining that holiday weight. These tips include how to avoid that snack table at parties and fun exercises and foods contestants can use to help them in their battle.

If you have signed up for this contest extra tips can be found at websites such as www.weightloss.com. Here information can be found advising on how to plann ahead, keep a food diary and how to choose sensibly, for example picking a small slice over Aunt Edna’s apple pie over munching mindlessly on potato chips at a party.

Overall success will depend on how focused the contestant is. Being sensible but at the same time relaxing enough to enjoy the holidays. Don’t let the days pass you by as you obsess with carb or calorie counting but focus on your goals and remember who you are doing this for.

So, good luck to those participating and just remember how good you will feel next year when everyone else is sweating it out to shed those holiday pounds while you soak in your new bubble bath.

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