3 minute read
Ferry finds new home as director ofstudent activities
Upon entering Shippensburg University as a business major, Anne Ferry never anticipated working in a college setting.
Sophomore year, Ferry changed her major to sociology and became more involved in student organizations. It wasn’t until a club adviser mentioned working in Student Affairs that Ferry gave any thought to the field. After attending an information session on careers for sociology majors, Ferry began to think about graduate programs. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, Ferry headed to the State University of New York College at Buffalo where she would receive a master of Science in Student Personnel Administration.
During graduate school, Ferry had an assistantship in Career Development. “It was a great experience and I learned a lot, but I didn’t really get to meet a lot of students,” Ferry said. Working on a small campus is what intrigued Ferry to Cabrini; she would have the chance to get to know the community.
Upon graduation, Ferry wanted to try something different. She took an assistant director position at Franklin and Marshall College where she advised the Programming boards and worked on orientation, family weekend, senior events and alumni week- end committees.
With only a year of experience at Franklin and Marshall, Ferry interviewed for the director position after her supervisor left. This position allowed her to head orientation planning and implementation. In addition, she worked closely with student government and major campus concerts. Ferry hopes to use her experience, while better understanding the campus community a little better “to continue the great work that is already being done in the Office of Student Activities.”
“She’s very soft spoken but will prove to be a huge impact on Cabrini. With her as the advisor of the Student Government Association (SGA), she’s willing and able to help us with anything necessary to make ourselves bet-
2004-2005 Loquitur Staff
Shawn Rice
Christina Williams
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Staff Photographers ter as an organization and as leaders of Cabrini,” said Sarah Madden, the president of SGA.
“I think the first major program that we will be changing is the Orientation program,” said Ferry. Changes to this include having students move-in prior the start of classes and begin orientation then opposed to the summer. Ferry believes it “will be a great experience for our incoming students and will give them the opportunity to become acclimated to their new surroundings before starting classes.”
“Anne is a wonderful addition to Cabrini. I think the Office of Student Activities will continue to moving in a positive, studentfriendly direction under her leadership,” Amy Hecht, the assistant director of Student Activities, said.
Asst. Perspectives Editors
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Asst. Photography Editor: Ginger
Web Team
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The Loquitur is Cabrini’s College weekly, student-run, campus newspaper. It is widely respected as the voice of students, staff, faculty, alumni and many others outside the Cabrini community. The Loquitur has earned its position by advocating for self expression through freedom of speech, and by serving as an outlet for readers to affect change on campus and off.
Founded in 1959, the Loquitur has thrived and greatly expanded its readership. The paper now has 1,674 online readers and 1,500 print readers on a weekly basis.
Our mission is to provide readers with an opportunity to voice their opinions freely, in an environment where their voices are effectively heard and respected.
The Loquitur: You Speak. We Listen Loquituris a laboratory newspaperwritten, edited and produced by the students of COM 353, 352, 250 and 251. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Additional copies are $1 each. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editors. Letters to the editorare to be less than 500 words. These are usually in response to a current issue on campus orcommunity area. Guest columns are longerpieces between 600 and 800 words and also are usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini College campus orcommunity. Letters to the editorand guest columns are printed as space permits. Submissions may be edited forlength, clarity and content. Name, phone numberand address should be included forverification purposes. Personal attacks and anonymous submissions will not be printed. Letters to the editorand guest columns can be submitted to loquitur@cabrini.edu orto the newsroom mailboxes in Founders Hall 264.