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Two separate companies have filed patent suits against Apple claiming that Apple violated their patents relating to the Apple ipod and the iTunes Music Store. Advanced Audio Devices LLC, based in Chicago, is suing apple claiming that Apple’s ipod violates a patent of theirs for a “music jukebox.”


The company’s patent on the device, which was filed with the US Patent and Trademark Office in August of 2000, was granted to them in July of 2003. The patent describes a music “jukebox” for storing a “music library,” a device much like the Ipod.

According to the patent, “The music jukebox includes a housing, audio input structure on the housing for receiving audio signals, audio output structure on the housing for outputting audio signals, and a data storage structure in the housing for storing audio signals.”

According to a TopTechNews.com article published on March 8, “the company [Advanced Audio Devices LLC] attempted to settle its claim with Apple in December, according to news reports, but was rebuffed by Apple.”

The other company filing suit against Apple is Hong Kong-

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