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can tJniversitiesand CollegesAward

Pete Schauster

Pete Schauster, psychology major, represents the core values of Cabrini.


Pete has participated in the roller hockey and baseball clubs, is Co-Captain for the cross-country and track teams, Secretary of Student Athletic Advisory Committee, a lifeguard and night shift supervisor for the Dixon Center, Student Ambassador, recruitment chairperson for Up 'Tit Dawn, Orientation Leader in 2004 and works to recruit people for blood drives.

Upon graduation, Pete plans to apply for the Masters of Education program here at Cabrini for elementary and secondary education with a concentration of social studies and history. He hopes to find a job on or close to campus and stay in the area.

Pete enjoys the feeling of giving back to the institution that has given him such a great experience. "An experience I hope to continue next year as a graduate student and employee."


Kelly Johnson, elementary and special education major, has worked diligently while being very involved on and off Cabrini's campus.

Kelly is a student teacher at Lower Merion Springfield and Radnor School District, homebound tutor and assistant teacher at Cabrini.

Her volunteer work has given her great experience including being Up 'Til Dawn Executive, Historian for Kappa Delta Pi Sigma Rho and participant in the Special Olympics and Pilot science education program.

She has been accepted to the University of Pennsylvania for her masters in Reading Specialist Leadership. After this, she hopes to get a teaching job in an autistic support classroom as the head teacher.

"I have always tried to be a good influence and positive person who is always hard working," Kelly said.

Lara D'Alessandro

Lara D' Alessandro, biology and pre-medicine major, is one of the first students to participate in undergraduate research and has made a positive impact on Cabrini because of that. She hopes that she has opened the door for other students to participate in such an·opportunity.

On campus Lara is the president of the science club, senior senator of SGA, chair of the formal committee, historian of Beta Beta Beta, a member of Sigma Zeta and Delta Epsilon Sigma. Lara is also an organic chemistry tutor and a violinist in seven various community pit orchestras.

After graduating Lara plans to get a position in research and development for a pharmaceutical company and then finishing graduate school.

Stefanie Ciarrochi

Stefanie Ciarroclri, special and elementary educati.en major, loves Cabrini and being invofved as much as possible.

On campus, Stefanie has been involved with CAP Board since she was a sophomore as well• ProjectAppalachiaher freshman and sophomore years. Stefanie was also an orientation.leader for the summers of 2003 and 2004.

Stefanie hopes to get a job teaching special education close by. Since her hometown of Wynnewood is only 20 minutes from Cabrini, and because she fell in love with the Radnor area she intends to stay close by. Depending on the location of her job, she will either move home to live with her mom and brother or get herself and apartment.

Stefanie's only hope is that she made half the positive differences Ott.Cabrinithat the school has made on her.

Liz Ritter

Liz Ritter, special and elementary education major, recognizes that she is extremely fortunate and uses this outlook towards her achievements.

"I realize that there are so many people who need help or who could use a little love and that is something that I'm always willing to give," Liz said.

Some of her activities include External Assistant Director of Up 'Tit Dawn, Special Olympics, Kappa Delta Pi's Secretary, Delta Epsilon Sigma, cheerleading, and Pilot science program. She also volunteered at St. Joe's Hand-in-Hand, AIDS walk, Hunger and Homelessness, Relay for Life Team and served as a kindergarten aide. She was Dr. Romano's secretary during her college career and also became a part of the Cabrini Honor Society.

She plans on moving home after graduation to save enough money to someday move out. She then wants to get a job teaching special education.

By being pleasant, cheerful and hardworking, she hopes to have made a difference by "being in organizations that benefit the less fortunate, particularly Up 'Til Dawn," she said.



Jennifer Stauffer

Jennifer Stauffer, English and secondary education major, feels that a student who sacrifices free time for the welfare of our school is a valuable leader. Jennifer defines this definition of a leader. She has been a Resident Assistant, Student Ambassador, member of CAP Board, Literature Honor Society and Sigma Rho.

Jennifer has spent time tutoring students in Philadelphia to help raise their state test scores and she is currently student teaching seventh grade.

After graduation, Jennifer hopes to get a position teaching either seventh or eighth grade English.

Jennifer feels that "becoming an active student around campus has helped me become a more valuable person to a potential school district."

Kendall Neil

Kendall Neil, English and communication major with a minor in psychology, has put her all into everything that she has done during her four years here. As Kendall said, "It's not the amount of things people do while they're here, buttti,e commitment they have to their activities."

Kendall is a member of SGA and the senior class vice president, Society for Collegiate Journalists and Cabrini's honor society. She has been co-coach of the dance team for the past two years, A&E editor for The Loquitur last year as well as a Student Ambassador.

After graduating Kendall is planning on moving home to Mount Laurel, NJ to work and save money. She hopes. to find a job in public relations, preferably in Philadelphia sports.

Kendall has always been optimistic about Cabrini and feels that there isn't anything you can't do here and not be successful at.

Stephanie Moritz

Stephanie Moritz, English and communication major and marketing minor, has demonstrated leadership, scholarship, and service qualities.

While being placed on the Dean's List and gaining membership into the Honor Society, she has also been involved with The Loquitur. She played varsity basketball for two years and has been a Student Ambassador for three years. She has had four internships including the Philadelphia Eagles, Pocono International Raceway, Crozer Keystone Health System and Neff and Association. She also studied abroad in AllStraliain 2004.

She is still in the process of interviewing around in Stroudsburg as well as the local area, she is anxious to finalize her future plans in the upcoming months.

"Throughout all the activities and positions I have been involved with over my four year career at Cabrini, I feel I have made a positive impact on others as well as myself through those that I have met along the way," Stephanie said.

Angelina Wagner

Angelina Wagner,. English and communication major from Philadelphia, PA, has had a positive effect on Cabrini by inspiring others to do what they love to do.

Angelina received this award because of her ~cation to her academics and activities.

Angelina is involved with CAV sound and she is the A&E and web editor for The Loquitur. She is a part the campus radio station where she has served as the Promotions Director, Chief Student Engineer, Newsletter Manager and Jock. Angelina was also the reporter and camera operator for Cabrini's television station. She is the Historian of Pi Delta Epsilon, a member of the National Honor Society for Collegiate Journalists, a Dean's list recipient and a member of the Honor Society.

Angelina hopes to find a job in either radio promotions or journalism after graduating.

Andrew Storti

Andrew Storti, finance and accounting major, received the who's who award for his excellent achievements and determination to better himself in everything he does and for being a student leader.

Andrew has studied abroad in Rome and was also the Student Coordinator for the study abroad program. Andrew is also the Vice President of the Finance Club, Accounting Association member, accounting tutor, PEER Educator, Resident Assistant, Orientation Leader and also an executive member of the Business Student Advisory Council.

After graduating Andrew plans to work and eventually obtain his Masters and other certifications that can aide him in his career.

Andrew feels he has been a positive influence on Cabrini "through his interactions with many existing students" by the many positions he holds on campus.

Academic Affairs and Student Development offices announced that the following seniors have received the Who's Who Award for their commitment to scholarship, leadership and ·service. The recipients were decided by a group of faculty and administrative staff.


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