3 minute read
crime file Sudden death of alumnus shocks community
Michael Beauchemin was a math major graduate from Cabrini College and a professor’s assistant in calculus for Carol Serotta, an associate professor of math. He worked as a teacher’s assistant at Haverford Boys School and tutored students in the local area, making as much as $200 an hour. Beauchemin excelled on his math Praxis exams.
He played the drums, and besides math, Beauchemin had a true love for music. He drove around town in a brand new car and went home to a new apartment at night. Beauchemin worked hard, but never put pressure on himself.
He was an “extraordinary friend, an overachiever. He was brilliant. He had everything going for him,” Jeff Weisinger, a student and friend of Beauchemin, said.
Beauchemin did have everything going for him, and then his unexpected death left his friends and family in shock.
Weisinger heard of Beauchemin’s death while on vacation this past summer. Beauchemin’s mother was in contact with Weisinger and spoke of her son’s brilliance and talents. Weisinger was then asked to go by Beauchemin’s apartment and pick out anything he would like to have as a keepsake of his friend’s life. Beauchemin’s mom recommended videos or “anything that would give me comfort in later years,” Weisinger said.
Instead, Weisinger selected a TI-89 calculator, a compass and Beauchemin’s ruler. He also took an air filter from the apartment.
“He had three air filters. It looked like he lived in an indus-
2004-2005 LoquiturStaff
Editorial Staff trial park,” Weisinger said. He still turns on the filter once in a while, and he said that it still smells like his friend’s apartment. “It freaked me out,” he said. Weisinger uses Beauchemin’s calculator to study at home.
The death of his good friend has left Weisinger and others to realize that this was Beauchemin’s intent, to have his death “come out of the blue,” Weisinger said. “He was smart. He kept it to himself. Nothing’s going to make sense now.”
Weisinger recalls his friend showing up “over 95 percent of the time” when he needed him.
“Mike got me through all of my math courses. It’s not something I like to admit, but 70 percent of the time I had a textbook out, Mike was there,” Weisinger said. “I relied on him and that was just the kind of guy he was.”
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