Sept. 16, 2005 issue 02 Loquitur

Page 3

‘Growing pains’painless for Rooymans residents

The Rooymans Center, which housed counseling services, tutoring center and nurse’s office in the past, is now home to 18 freshman males and one resident adviser.

The Rooymans Center, built in 1967, originally called Council Hall, was not always used for offices before its recent renovation. The building was actually erected as a residence hall.

The decision to return the Rooymans Center to a residence hall came late last semester, when Laura Shapella, the assistant director of Residence Life and other members of the Residence Life Office realized exactly how many freshmen were enrolling to Cabrini.

Roommates Scott Dietrich, a freshman business administration major, and Doug Will, a freshman fine arts major, feel lucky to live in the Rooymans Center. While touring campus as high school seniors, they had no idea that living in the Rooymans Center was even an option. “It was never even mentioned on the tour,” Dietrich said.

“I like it even though it’s all guys,” Dietrich said, “Everything is new and it’s right in the middle of campus.”

“The rooms are about the

same size as the Woodcrest rooms, only we have two people living in our rooms and there are three people living in those rooms,” Will said. “People come and hang out here; it’s fun,” he said.

When asked about the smell of medical supplies from the former nurse’s office, the roommates say the only thing that smells is the odor from some of the sports players after practice.

The Health Center and tutoring center, which was previously located in the Rooymans Center, have been moved to the basement of Founder’s Hall. The counseling center moved into Grace Hall

According to Shapella, the Rooymans Center is most likely to remain a residence hall, even after West Residence Hall is completed.

The enrolled freshman class for the 2005-2006 school year is the biggest incoming freshman class in the history of Cabrini College. The conversion of the Rooymans Center is not the only change made to the residence halls on campus. Many lounges have been converted into dorm rooms to support the demand for residency on campus. Shapella said, “I understand that it is difficult to lose lounge space, but I

Shapella said that more students accepted admission at Cabrini this year than ever before and this is proof that the college is moving in the right direction.

“As a department we are proud that so many students want housing, so we are going to do everything we can to accommodate those requests and make adjustments,” she said.

The fact that Cabrini is growing is wonderful, according to Shapella. She said, “Anytime a college is in a period of transition, there are bound to be some

growing pains, but everyone is working hard to make this transition as smooth as possible.”

“We are moving forward, we will have a new residence hall by the next academic year and hopefully students will be able to see how these changes and growths are only going to benefit Cabrini as a whole in the future,” Shapella said.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Surprising survey:students bored

The electronic responses of 10,378 teenagers who participated in an online nationwide survey painted a grave picture of how students rate the effectiveness of their schools in preparing them for the future.

A large majority of the high school students surveyed say their class work is not very difficult, and almost twothirds say they would work harder if courses were more demanding or interesting, according to the survey which was conducted by the National Governors Association.

Politicians were expecting responses that centered on the teenagers complaining about the workload and were stunned to find that fewer than two-thirds believe that their school had done a good job challenging them academical-

ly or preparing them for college.

According to the New York Times, “About the same number of students said their senior year would be more meaningful if they could take courses related to the jobs they wanted or if some of their courses could be counted toward college credit.”

“High school was a joke. Aside from taking physics class my senior year, I breezed through high school. I never felt challenged and never had to exert much energy or time into my work. I wasted a lot of time senior year that could have been spent preparing me for college. I wish my high school had offered an intro to elementary education class or something to introduce me to the major I was hoping to study in college,” said Megan O’Brien, a junior early childhood education major.

The results of the survey prove that high school students across

Two-thirds of the students surveyed said that they would work harder if courses were more challenging. High School, page 3

Cabrini College’s Student Newspaper Inside Friday, Sept. 16, 2005 Radnor, Pa. Vol XLVII, Issue 2 A&E Fall fashion week page 10 Features Remembering Sept. 11 page 8 Sports Eagles falter to Falcons in season opener page 13
High schools fail to challenge students page
ASHLEY WEYLER/NEWS EDITOR The Rooymans Center now houses 18 freshman males and one resident advisor. last year.
ASHLEY WEYLER/NEWS EDITOR A Rooymans Center resident works on his computer in his new dorm room. hope that students remain patient with us as Cabrini transitions and grows as a college.”

Loquitur thanks everyday heroes in the face of devastation

The tragedies the citizens of the United States have persevered through in recent years have been nothing short of overwhelming. As we all know, the Sept. 11th attacks, the war on terror and the recent devastation inflicted upon the gulf region of America has undoubtedly put our country to the test.

The everyday citizens of America responded to these events by boldly answering them the way they should have: as human beings. The spotlight was taken off the typical politician and the actions of the average citizen were viewed by our entire global society during each incident.

Ordinary Americans displayed compassion and courage, sometimes resorting to desperate measures in critical periods of distress and mayhem.

It is the people first on the scene that deserve praise for their initial efforts. Without trying to deny or ignore the additional efforts of those who eventually lent a hand, it is imperative we stress the bravery of those who initially took the huge problem head-on.

The courageous local officials of New York City and its caring citizens who sacrificed themselves for others throughout the Sept. 11th attacks.

The passengers of flight 93 who refused to let their plane be another suicidal bomb aimed at our nation’s capital.

And our soldiers in Iraq who continuously display courage in the face of attacks from unknown attackers while attempting to improve living conditions for Iraqis.

Most recently, we have seen the citizens of our Gulf Coast helping, binding together, and slowly overcoming the extreme conditions which they have had to face.

As stated before, the majority of the people first to help are everyday citizens transformed into heroes of their own time. They did not stand by and wait for a government reaction, nor did they let fear paralyze their actions.

Politics and material distractions of our society were immediately forgotten. These people, just like you and I, went back to their most basic human instincts: survival, compassion and helping one another.

Although they have been praised by many thus far, the Loquitur would also like to extend gratitude to the everyday heroes. Praise not only for their bravery, but also for reminding the rest of the population what the United States is truly built upon: the people.

Students ‘heart at work’ at fair

Jazzman’s Café was filled with big-hearted Cabrini students on Thursday, Sept. 8, 2005, since it was the site of the fourth annual Volunteer Fair.

Originated on the first anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy, students wanted to help the common good, according to Mary Laver, the director of applied social teaching. “Students wanted a way to channel ways to help the common good,” she said.

One organization present was the Freshman Escape Retreat. Read DeSabato, a senior English/communications major, went on this retreat his freshman year, has been a leader for the past two years and will continue his leadership for this upcoming retreat. He said that Escape is a great way for freshmen to meet peers.

Also, upperclassmen and new people learn about what to expect for their freshman year and discuss their hopes for the future. He said it’s nice to just get a weekend away from school as well. “I had a great time. Last year was a huge success,” he said. This year’s Freshmen Escape will be Nov. 11-12 and is located in Poconos.

Besides campus volunteer groups present at the fair, Cabrini invited volunteer groups in the community. Big Brother/Big Sister had a table set up for students to sign-up. Big Brother/Big Sister is an organization where volunteers serve as a mentor to every child who needs or wants one. Ed Brown, a representative from the organization, said that they had a

good turn-out of prospective volunteers. He said, “The one-onone mentoring is a positive experience for all those involved.”

Other groups present at the Volunteer Fair were Kids First Now, Christmas All Year, the Wolf Pack, the Don Guanella School, the Special Olympics, Habitat for Humanity and the Hurricane Relief Fund.

Over the past four years, the Volunteer Fair has tried to keep up with any event or tragedy that needs service. Last year, they had a table for voter registration for the 2004 presidential election. This year, they developed a new organization to support the Hurricane Katrina victims.

A campus-wide meeting was held and many Cabrini students and faculty members were present discuss how Cabrini was going to get involved in the relief effort. They came up with the slogan: “Cabrini’s Heart at Work,”

Cabrini’s way to respond to the tragedy.

Atable was present at the fair for the Hurricane Relief Fund. Students donated $1, and in return received a pin with purple, green and yellow ribbon attached. If anyone missed the Volunteer Fair but would still like to lend a helping hand in any of the organizations represented, contact Laura Gorgol, the campus minister, at x 8225 or, or stop by the Wolfington Center, located next to Jazzman’s Café.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

2005-2006 Loquitur Staff


Lauren Aiken

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Shane Evans

Dr. Jerome Zurek

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Our Mission Statement

Kelly Murphy

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Patricia Sheehan

Alyssa Siderio

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Yadira Toledo

Stacey Turnbull

Dennis Valerio

Gail Ziegler

The Loquitur is Cabrini’s College weekly, student-run, campus newspaper. It is widely respected as the voice of students, staff, faculty, alumni and many others outside the Cabrini community. The Loquitur has earned its position by advocating for self expression through freedom of speech, and by serving as an outlet for readers to affect change on campus and off.

Founded in 1959, the Loquitur has thrived and greatly expanded its readership. The paper now has 1,674 online readers and 1,500 print readers on a weekly basis.

Our mission is to provide readers with an opportunity to voice their opinions freely, in an environment where their voices are effectively heard and respected.

The Loquitur: You Speak. We Listen

Loquituris a laboratory newspaperwritten, edited and produced by the students of COM 353, 352, 250 and 251. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Additional copies are $1 each. Loquiturwelcomes letters to the editors. Letters to the editorare to be less than 500 words. These are usually in response to a current issue on campus or community area. Guest columns are longerpieces between 600 and 800 words and also are usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini College campus orcommunity. Letters to the editorand guest columns are printed as space permits. Submissions may be edited forlength, clarity and content. Name, phone numberand address should be included forverification purposes. Personal attacks and anonymous submissions will not be printed. Letters to the editorand guest columns can be submitted to orto the newsroom mailboxes in Founders Hall 264.

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2 | NEWS Friday, Sept. 16, 2005
JESS WEBB/PHOTO EDITOR A student eargerly signs up to participate in one of the many programs that are a part of “Cabrini’s Heart at Work.”

Students excited about science

The Center for Science Education and Technology (SET), which broke ground for construction on May 6, 2003, finally opened its doors to faculty and students for the Fall 2005 semester on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005.

The SETbuilding, which is the newest architectural addition to Cabrini College’s ever-growing campus, is a three-story, stateof-the-art building set to prepare students for the estimated 3,650 jobs open each year requiring bachelor degrees in biological science in Pennsylvania.

According to the 2004 report on new full time students, which is published on the website by the office of institutional research, enrollment for science and health allied majors has already risen from 46 freshman and transfer students to 71 out of the 537 enrolled.

The $18.5 million project could not have been completed at a better time for transfer student, Aubrey Smith, a junior biology major.

“One of the things that excited me the most about coming to Cabrini other than location was this new facility [SET] because it showed me that Cabrini is as enthusiastic about my future in science as I am,” Smith said.

Several display cases showing anatomical models and thesis posters made by students are distributed throughout the hallways of the 60, 770 sq. ft. building, as well as a 60-seat lecture hall and five different types of laboratories facilitating everything from

microbiology to the physical sciences.

Dr. David Dunbar, associate professor of science, said, “I can sense the energy and enthusiasm of the students upon coming into the building, but what’s even more great about the SETbuilding is the opportunity to engage in undergraduate research projects.”

Much of the instrumentation, including ultraviolet spectrophometers, fraction collectors and human anatomy and physiology models and slides, was pur-

chased with the $2 million designated funding received over the last three years from companies like The National Science Foundation, who granted the SET building $84,176 for equipment, and The Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), who granted the SET building $260,000, also for lab equipment.

Dr. Sherrie Fuller-Espie, department chairperson for science, met with architects at least twice a month to ensure all of the faculty members involved in the

Students desire a challenge

High school, page 1

the nation are willing to do the homework and tests if they feel the class will benefit them in their future. Classes that are of little or no interest to them bore them and subsequently the students do not take anything away from such classes.

“In high school I took an introductory class in psychology and it really helped me to choose a major in college. I had a few challenging classes but I feel I have to work much harder in college. There is a totally different set of expectations in college than there is in high school,” said Cristina D’Amelio, a junior psychology major.

According to the New York Times, “Avast majority of respondents in the survey, 89 percent, said they intended to graduate, fewer than twothirds of those said they felt their schools did an excellent or good job teaching them how to think critically and analyze problems.”

“Even among the remaining 11 percent, a group of 1,122 that includes teenagers who say they dropped out of high school or are considering dropping out, only about one in nine cited “school work too hard” as a reason for not remaining through graduation.

The greatest percentage of those who are leaving, 36 percent, said they were ‘not learning anything,’ while 24 percent said, ‘I hate my school,’” according to the New York Times.

John Meidt, 21 of Las Vegas, Nev., dropped out of a Catholic high school in South Jersey during the middle of his senior year.

“Everyday I was wasting eight hours sitting in a desk listening to lectures on subjects that didn’t pertain to my interests. Being a 17-year-old boy in school is hard enough, I need to be engaged and interested to learn. I was simply bored. I dropped out of school not because it was too hard, actually it was just the opposite.” said Meidt.

According to the New York Times, “Marc Tucker, president of the National Council on Education and the Economy, an

organization that helps states and school districts create programs that are more tailored to contemporary student needs, said he did not believe that American high schools could adequately prepare students without a fundamental change in how they operated.”

Director of Admissions

Charlie Spencer said, “I find the seniors that enter the admissions office are not concerned with challenging themselves during high school. Rather they are more worried about being accepted to a college, passing their classes, adjusting to living on campus and meeting new people.”

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

building’s development, like Dr. Joseph Smith and Dr. Kim Boyd, would have all their wishes come true.

“We’ve increased our departmental facilities three-fold and gone from three fume hoods [a critical piece of safety equipment in any chemistry laboratory designed to ensure proper ventilation of hazardous fumes] to 38,” Fuller-Espie said.

The SETbuilding will offer students four different majors, three minors and four pre-professional allied health programs,

including biology/pre-medicine, biotechnology, chemistry, and clinical lab science/ medical technology, helping to mark the college’s devotion to staking its place among the top of higher learning institutions.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Friday, Sept. 16, 2005 NEWS |3
ASHLEY WEYLER/NEWS EDITOR A student uses the Smart-Board to navigate theSET building. ASHLEY WEYLER/NEWS EDITOR
HOWDOYOU GETAJOB · WITHOUT EXPERIENCE? ANDHOW DOYOUGET EXPERIENCE WITHOUT AJOB? One answer is Cooperative Education. Stop by the Office of Cooperative Education and Career Services, Gra,ceHall, Room 160. Co-opEducation. '\buearna futurewhenyouearn a degree.
A student studies before class in one of the many comfortablelounges of the SET building.

Gas prices at all time high due in part to Katrina

There are several causes for the high gas prices which are lingering near the $3 mark

The only thing more shocking than the astronomical gas prices lately is the idea that they are expected to maintain this way for a period of time.

According to, the price of the U.S. average for regular gasoline increased 46 cents from the previous week to $3.07 per gallon on Labor Day, Sept. 5. Drivers have been experiencing high gas prices as well as the long lines to get it due to gas stations running out of their supply, which is something that has not happened since the 1970s, according to

Why are the prices so high and what is to happen in the future?

Hurricane Katrina serves as a main reason, due to the 25 percent of U.S. crude oil production that was affected and the 10-15 percent of refinery capacity that was shut down for the first few days, according to This resulted in the decline of gasoline production and caused the prices to soar even further than the Labor Day prices.

According to, retail gasoline prices are likely to remain very high for some time to come, with as much as 5 percent of refinery capacity possibly being out of commission for a few months.

Carli Pio, a senior English/communication major, has recognized this dramatic increase in cost and is using her vehicle as little as possible.

“My car hasn’t moved in about five days…aside from gas prices and finding a parking spot

here at school…my car pretty much just stays where it is,” Pio said. “Now that I’m back at school, my car just sits there and I try to get other people to drive.”

It has been speculated that gas companies are using Hurricane Katrina as justification for pricing gas much higher than normal.

Bill Wichert, an employee at a North Penn Gulf gas station in Lansdale, Pa., has been a witness to these changing prices and comments on the effects.

“The oil refineries that produced crude oil and gasoline have shut’sless oil and less gas production so it’s basically a matter of rationing prices, like supply and demand,” Wichert said. “At least that’s the excuse they give me. I don’thave any facts to back it up, but I think gas companies are using the hurricane as an excuse.”

While the regular gas at this North Penn Gulf station was priced at $2 this past July,it has

moved up now to $3.26. What was the price of regular gas this time last year?

“I’m not exactly sure, but my guess is that it was around $1.60.

Prices began to rise before the hurricane.

“Gas prices were already on the rise. They raise gas prices in the summer because there’s more traveling,” Wichert said. “It’s always been that way.”

The owner of North Penn Gulf makes about six cents for every gallon, according to Wichert. “If it’s $3.26 he pays about $3.20 for it. Everybody needs to make some sort of a profit, even though six cents isn’t that much at all,” Wichert said. “It’s the actual gas companies that are making the big profit.”

President Bush has made statements in his announcements regarding the reserve barrels of oil the United States possesses for emergency situations. In order to help citizens with the

Wolfington Center

high prices of gas, President Bush has stated he will open these reserves to increase the amount of circulated gasoline. However, the oil that is released still has to be refined into gasoline, and refineries have been affected by the hurricane.

Another measure that might be taken by the government is the rationing of gas. If prices keep increasing, rules might be employed so as to let people buy only a certain amount of gas, for example, only $10 dollars at a time, or to let people only purchase gasoline on specific days of the week.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Education of the heart: Creating a more just and compassionate world Spirituality, Social Justice, Service Learning & Diversity

Welcome, new & returning students!

Sampling of this year's programs: Sunday Mass (7:00 p.m. in the chapel)

Freshman Escape in the Poconos (Nov. 11-12)

Caring Citizens Volunteer Fair (Sept. 8, 12 to 2 p.m. in Jazzman's)

Big BrothersY Sisters, Special Olympics & more!

WOLF Pack freshman fun/service organization (watch for flyers!)

Best in Philly Leadership Panel (Sept. 20)

Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Campaign (Oct. 30-Nov.4)

Leadership with Heart/ SOJ 199 & 299 (11-credit courses)

For more info, stop by our office (behind Jazzman's cafe) Or email: or

Friday, Sept. 16, 2005 4| NEWS
A Cabrini student cringes at the cost of gas as he fills up his tank at a station on the Main Line.

Professor learns from African adventure

Accounting Professor, Ann

Servey traveled to Zambia, Africa with Heifer International for 12 days to visit the villages, people, and to learn what it really means to teach a man how to fish.

Servey, said, “I saw an organization making a true difference.”

Heifer International is an organization that is trying to “end hunger, poverty, and to care for the earth” all over the globe, according to website.

Servey explained that Heifer trains a family in animal management, gives the family pregnant livestock, and then the family can use the animal to produce food and labor, improving the families’way of life and to provide them an income.

Servey went on a study tour of Zambia hosted by Heifer. “The accounting side of me wanted to make sure that the money was going where it needed to go,” Servey said. “I needed confirmation that Heifer ’s mission is successful.”

The tour included 12 people, four from the Heifer offices in the United States, and the other eight ranged in age from 18 to 71. Jim Lehman, one of the men on the trip, spent three years in Zambia from 1965 to 1968 teaching science. Servey said that it was amazing to see him come back to a country where he had taught so long ago. He even went back and visited the school that he once taught at.

She was introduced to Heifer International when her daughter did her high school senior project on Heifer and that is when she got involved. The idea of giving a family a cow and teaching them how to raise and take care of it

instead of giving them a “cup of milk” intrigued Servey.

“I was able to see people developing self reliance,” she said. Each day over the course of her trip Servey visited two or three villages where Heifer had a project. She witnessed the passing of the gift ceremony. At the ceremony the family who received an animal signs a contract to pass on one or more of their animal’s offspring to another family in need, and also agrees to pass on to others the training and skills that they have acquired, according to

“It was a big celebration,” Servey said. “They were so thrilled to see us there. Every one of them tried to feed us, so we ended up eating a lot each day,” she said.

Heifer has projects going on all over the world, from the United States to China. Servey said that she had considered visiting an Indian reservation or to Poland to observe Heifer, but she had always wanted to go to Africa. “I learned the true meaning of a safari, a journey of Africa,” she said.

When traveling to the villages from the capital, Lusaka, Servey said that the villages did not disturb her because they were “wonderful and warm,” but what did disturb her was traveling to the villages. “You didn’t see the suburbs while riding to the villages, you saw shanties, you saw despair,” she said.

“In the villages I saw great hope and a major respect for education and a bright future,” Servey said. Heifer believes in people and they want to train them to become self-sufficient and be able to earn an income because in Africa you cannot attend school if you do not have money for a uniform, books, and tuition. So if

you are poor you cannot go to school Servey said.

Education professor Phyllis Rumpp has asked Servey to speak to her Roots and Shoots club. “I invited Ann to speak because of our concern for the environment,” Rumpp said. “When Ann told me about her experiences with Heifer, I felt that it would be a great connection with the environment and how we as a nation cause pollution that is felt around the world.”

“There are so many places to go and I want to move forward. I would like to take another tour with Heifer somewhere different next time,” Servey said.

Servey said that her overall experience in Africa was a positive one, “I was very fortunate, there are horrible conditions in Africa, but I saw a positive side. To observe what I saw impressed me tremendously,” she said.

Servey will be speaking on Thursday, Sept. 15, in room 354 in Founder ’s Hall at 9:40a.m. to the International Management class, on Monday, Oct. 10, in the Widener Center Lecture Hall at 12:30 p.m. to the Music/Culture S/SE Asia class, on Tuesday, Sept. 20, in room 202 in Founder’s Hall at 12:30 p.m. to the class People on the Move, and to the “Roots and Shoots” Club, for which the date and time are not yet scheduled.

For more information on Servey’s trip visit / or

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story Please send your comments to: . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Michael D. Brown, who faced a orrent of criticism for his leadership of the federal government’s response to Hurricane Katrina, esigned Monday. David Paulison, a 30-year veteran of fire rescue work will serve as acting director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The announcement came three days after the FEMA director was ordered to return to Washington, hours after Vice President Cheney heard criticisms of Brown’s performance and after accusations surfaced that Brown had padded his resume, according to

American Idols help in aiding Katrina victims

American Idol” winner Carrie Underwood, along with runner-up Bo Bice and the other eight Idol finalists closed their summer concert tour with a benefit for Hurricane Katrina. The American Red Cross will benefit from the concert’s sold-out crowd of 6,000 that paid $45 a seat, according to

EBay to acquire Internet phone leader

Online auction giant eBay Inc. announced a deal yesterday to become one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies, buying Internet phone-service leader Skype Technologies SA. Although Skype is relatively unknown in the United States, it has amassed 54 million global customers in less than three years by offering free calls between those who use its software. The deal would vault eBay ahead of other technology titans such as Microsoft Corp., Google Inc. and Yahoo Inc. in developing services to make voice calling an additional feature of using personal computers, akin to e-mail or instant messaging. EBay said it would pay $2.6 billion in cash and stock for Skype, along with future payments that could total an additional $1.5 billion, according to

Electrocuted squirrel causes poweroutage

In Kansas, a squirrel too curious for its own good caused an outage that left the Statehouse and other downtown Topeka buildings briefly without power Thursday, Sept. 8. According to Westar Energy Inc. Company spokeswoman Gina Penzig said the squirrel got into a power substation and was touching different parts of a circuit, causing electricity to flow through its body and overload the circuit. Besides the Statehouse, two state government office buildings were affected, according to

Friday, Sept. 16, 2005 News | 5
COURTESYOF ANN SERVEY Children at a local school play during their recess. MS727@CABRINI EDU COURTESY OF ANN SERVEY Heifer trains a family in animal management,gives the family pregnant livestock,and then the family can use the animal to produce food and labor,improving the families’ way of life and to provide them an income.
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The Footlighters’Theatre in Berwyn presents its first production with “The Roar of the Greasepaint, The Smell of the Crowd” that will be running for the next two weekends until Sept. 25.

The production is an allegorical 1960s British comedy about class struggle. It will be directed by Cabrini College’s own Neal Newman.

It has been described as being unlike any musical you’ve seen featuring murder, rape, bigotry and adorable, and singing children who cheer on the bad guy.”

The play will try something completely different as it turns the floor into a giant game board that will make lights and pinballlike sounds occur when the actors step onto it. The production will also feature songs like “On a Wonderful Day Like Today,” “Where Would You Be Without Me?” and “Who Can I Turn To?”

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted

For more information please see the Footlighters’website at

Student Scope

Name: Cathryn Amoroso

Grade: Junior

Major: Accounting

What music have you been listening to lately?

Whatever is on the radio

What is your favorite food? Mashed potatoes

Last movie you watched? “Harry Potter”

Where are you going right now?

Accounting Seminar Class

C C o n c e r t B e a t s

Friday, Sept. 16 Cypress Hill at 8:30 p.m. at The Electric Factory

The Roots / TV On the Radio / Deerhoof at 8:00 p.m. at The Kimmel Center

Dungen / Mia Doi Todd at 8:00 p.m. at The First Unitarian Church

New Deal at 9:00 p.m. at The Theater of the Living Arts

Blackalicious / Little Brother / Apsci at 7:00 p.m. at The Trocadero Theatre

Saturday, Sept. 17 Portastatic / Tenement Halls / This Radiant Boy at 9:00 p.m. at The Khyber

Peppers Ghost at 9:00p.m. at The Theater of the Living Arts

Sunday, Sept. 18 Gore Gore Girls / Rock N’Roll Soldiers / Youth Group / Crimea / zZz / Marjorie Fair at 6:00 p.m. at The Trocadero Theatre

Monday, Sept. 19 Four Tet / Hot Chip /

Koushik at 8:00 p.m. at The First Unitarian Church

Tuesday, Sept. 20 13 and God / Boy In Static / King God at 8:00 p.m. at The First Unitarian Church

Towers of London / The Strays / The Apartment at 8:00 p.m. at The Khyber

Wednesday, Sept. 21 Q And Not U / Supersystem at 8:00 p.m. at The First Unitarian Church

Our Lady Peace / Danko Jones / Pedestrian at 6:00 p.m. at The Trocadero Theatre

Thursday, Sept. 22 Minus the Bear / These Arms Are Snakes / Criteria / The New Trust at 8:00 p.m. at The Theater of the Living Arts

Life of Agony / Brand New Sin / Blood Simple / Ignarus at 7:00 p.m. at The Trocadero Theatre

A&E | 11 Friday, Sept. 16, 2005
s i n t o F o o t l i g g h t e e r s T h e a t r e
G G r r e a s e p a i n t r
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COURTESYOF GIA ANGELI Mort Paterson as "Sir" and Ben Fried as "Cocky" star in Footlighters' "The Roar of the Greasepaint,The Smell of the Crowd" which opens this Friday. COURTESYOF GIA ANGELI "Street Urchins" are played by (clockwise) Miranda Miller,Madison Miller,Maureen Bowler,Michael Bennett and Emilyn Badgley. COURTESYOF GIA ANGELI Ben Fried,who stars as "Cocky," stands on the giant gameboard,which comprises the "Greasepaint" stage.

ARIES (March 21-April

20) Before mid-week, family decisions will work to your advantage. Older relatives may this week accept home proposals or unique financial ideas. Group benefits and shared responsibility may be a strong theme: remain open to unusual suggestions from family members. Wednesday through Friday highlight romantic invitations and late social announcements. Stay alert: there’s much to be learned. After Saturday, rest and pamper the body. Physical vitality may be low.

TAURUS (April 21-May

20) Over the next few days, a close friend or relative may express strong opinions. Social choices, new friendships or the group activities of loved ones will be at issue. Refuse to be drawn into emotional discussions: patience and cheerful acceptance will bring the desired results. Tuesday through Friday, business or work schedules require serious improvement. Authority figures will soon rely heavily on your ability to speak for the group or influence others. Don’t disappoint.

GEMINI (May 21-June

21) Romantic invitations and last minute social announcements will this week demand decisive action. Friends and potential lovers may compete for your time or attention. Already attached Geminis can also expect sudden family expenses or travel proposals. Stay sharp: in the coming weeks, loved ones may be sen-

sitive to issues of loyalty, trust and public affection. Later this week, vivid dreams may reveal surprising career or partnership opportunities. Proceed with caution.

CANCER (June 22-July

22) Delicate counseling and private discussions are accented over the next eight days.

Younger friends or relatives will this week rely on your family experience, instincts or social wisdom. Group acceptance or repeated patterns may be a reoccurring theme: trust your first impressions and offer lengthy explanations. Thursday through Sunday, a long-term relationship begins a new phase of emotional negotiation. Plan unique activities and encounters: intimacy will increase.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Early this week, a close friend may request a unique favor. Pay special attention to romantic introductions, planned events and privately disclosed information Be consistent and watch for subtle emotional triangles: social dynamics may be more complex than anticipated. Tuesday through Friday, a business official may reverse recently established policies or agreements. Wait for clarity and avoid confrontation: this is not the right time to question the wisdom of others.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Property decisions may be highly demanding before midweek: expect time sensitive payments, hidden rules or vague schedules to require public resolution. Official documents and group approval will eventually work to your

advantage, so not to worry. At present, however, small errors and misinformation may prove annoying. Later this week, ask older friends or relatives for advice. Someone close may soon offer valuable insights into the actions of a new friend or lover.

LIBRA(Sept. 23-Oct. 23)

Discussions with friends may reveal unexpected information over the next eight days. Previously withheld opinions, fast ideas and minor social criticisms will prove distracting. Avoid appearing shocked or emotionally derailed: your expectations and reactions are now extremely important to loved ones. After Thursday, work officials will provide little insight into recent decisions. Remain quietly detached: promotions, job titles or vital assignments may trigger workplace tensions.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.

22) Intuitive wisdom is now on the rise. Early this week, many Scorpios will experience a powerful wave of dream activity and deep emotional change. Areas affected are romantic sincerity, social promises or short-term home commitments. Remain open to sudden impressions: in the coming weeks loved ones will expect a candid explanation of your plans. insights and expectations. After Friday, financial partnerships may need to be negotiated. Don’t back down: your goals are valid.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23Dec. 21) Old friends or business associates will now demand renewed attention. Unfinished projects and past

promises may prove particularly troublesome. Use this time to restate expectations and clarify yesterday’s decisions: your judgments have been accurate from the start. Thursday through Saturday, family members may ask for greater access to your daily social activities. Habits, home routines and repeated patterns are accented. Stay focused: passions may be high.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 20) Friend and lovers may this week challenge your suggestions. Group planning and last minute social events will cause minor tensions to escalate. Over the next eight days, friends and lovers are more vulnerable than expected: remain sensitive to issues of privacy, broken loyalties or social disappointment. Friday through Sunday, a romantic interest or group invitation proves distracting. Trusted friends may feel abandoned: take time to listen to the emotional needs of loved ones.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Feb.

19) In the coming weeks, home schedules, family plans and private expectations may be in conflict. Someone close now feels isolated or misunderstood. Pay attention to subtle hints, gestures or suggestions. At present, loved ones will require gentle acceptance and obvious emotional support. Thursday through Saturday, a business official from the past may reappear and offer new career pathways. Carefully consider all options: rapid growth may soon be unavoidable.

PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20)

Sensuality and physical vitality will this week inspire rare passions. After Tuesday, many Pisceans will end several weeks of lagging social or romantic interest. Wednesday through Saturday also accent new relationships, complex flirtations or rekindled promises: expect fast progress in long-term relationships and dramatic overtures from potential lovers. Remain cautious, however: ethical or family decisions may be required before the end of September.

If your birthday is this week: Business officials and older colleagues will not be open to new suggestions before the end of October. Job promotions, financial settlements or workplace permissions will trigger unusual disputes over the next 6 weeks. Pace yourself and wait for a revised agenda to eclipse present priorities: after November 6th, a new era of co-operation and shared responsibility will arrive in all business relationships. Early in 2006, romantic and home expectations may dramatically increase. Loved ones and romantic partners may demand reliable housing or relocation decisions before mid-February. Remain patient: financial details and rare legal documents will dictate plans, promises and short-term opportunities. After March 26th, family members may also discover new or unique sources of income.

12 | A&E www.theloquitur.comFriday, Sept. 16, 2005
M y s t i c S t a r s : H o r o s c o p e s f o r t h e w e e k o f S e p t . 1 9 - 2 5

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