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Families flock to Fall Fest, enjoy activities
T he Cabrini Campus was flooded with family, friends, faculty and alumni on Sept. 30-Oct.2 to participate in the string of activities that was held for Cabrini’s first celebration of Fall Fest.
In the past, Family Weekend andHomecoming were separate events. However, the committee, which includes representatives fromStudentActivities,AcademicAffairs, the President’s Office,InstitutionalAdvancement,marketingand communications wanted to combine the two events. They had been meeting since the middle of last semester to plan for this event.
Amanda Murphy, a junior business major, said, “I just liked itbetter separate. It seemed like abigger deal. However, I do like that there is more events.”
All of the participants for Fall Fest were well relaxed for the weekend’s upcoming events after watching the movie “Madagascar” and indulging in ice cream on Friday night. However, Jazzman’s Café, which was where all the information was for the various happenings throughout the day, was full of activity Saturday morning.
The Cabrini campus came alive as the student organization, Up ‘Til Dawn, worked to raise awareness and funds for children battling cancer at St. Jude’s Research Hospital. There were approximately 25 participants for the 5K walk around campus.
Danielle Finnegan, a freshman elementary education major, said, “It went very well. More people participated than I thought would.”
Asthe day progressed, Cabrini only became busier as campus tours and mansion tours took place. Cabrini’s campus was not the only thing that was recognized by participants of Fall Fest. The annual Honors Convocation ceremony held in Grace Hall recognized Cabrini students’academic achievements.
Approximately 90 people joined Governor Ed Rendell, State Senator Connie Williams and Keynote Speaker Kathryn Thornton as they dedicated the newest addition to the Cabrini campus, The Center for Science, Education and Technology (SET). Following the dedication of the SETbuilding, a campus picnic was held in the commons for everyone to enjoy.
The picnic came to a quick end as wandering crowds went to witness the women’s tennis team take on their rival, Eastern University. If not present at the Dixon Tennis Courts, it was likely to find everyone else at the Lower Athletic Field, watching the men’s soccer team against PAC rival Gwynedd-Mercy. Duri ng halftime, the dance team made their debut performance.
To conclude the activities on campus for Saturday, a carnival was held in the Dixon Center Gym. Food, games, music and students organizations were all present at the Carnival. As the African Dance Troup performed inside, festivities were taking place outside the Dixon Center
Seniors Mike Stevens and Mark Tripolitsiotis eat hot dogs at this years’ fall fest barbeque. Patio as staff and alumni took part in the Homecoming Barbeque.
In addition, shuttles left every 30 minutes to take members of the Cabrini Community to a variety of restaurants on the Main Line for dinner. If not found eating at restaurant on the Main Line it was most likely that Cabrini Community members had stepped aboard the Spirit of Philadelphia located in Penn’s Landing, or went to the Mansion for a little detective work as they enjoyed the sold out Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre show.
The Red Cloud Theatre proved to be an attraction for participants of Fall Fest as they watched scenes from, “Trixie True Teen Detective” the fall musical. Jazzman’s Café also attracted members of the Cabrini Community as they witnessed students showcase their many talents.
Fall Fest was concluded on Sunday with an all-you-can-eat brunch in Cabrini’s dining hall followed by a Kite Festival on the upper athletic field. The Kite Festival had arts, crafts and a moon bounce available for all the younger participants of Fall Fest.
To end the day’s festivities, Father Michael Bielecki led a mass in the Bruckmann Chapel.
Anne Ferry, director of student activities, said, “I think the best part was having so many people on campus who are excited about being a part of Cabrini.”
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