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Tennis team serves 3-love


Women’s tennis finished the week of Oct. 1, 2005 with three wins and lead the PAC in the quest for playoffs with a record of 7-0. The women proved themselves a superior team with scores of 7-2, 9-0 and 9-0 to Misericordia, Wesley and Eastern respectively


The women traveled to Misericordia on Sept. 27 and came away with a 7-2 victory Sophomore Lisa Rodgers defaulted a singles match because she fell ill. This set back did not prove fatal for the Cavaliers.

Caitlin Scott played a strong match, but Misericordia came from behind to win.

Mallory Bieber, the number one singles PAC champion from 2004 in straight sets, fought hard against Cabrini’s Dina DiTaranto, but she was defeated in the end.

Carolyn Wilson, a 2004 PAC first team member, achieved 99% of the possible score to put in another win for Cabrini.

In the doubles competition, all but one Cabrini team won taking home an important win for the women. Rachel Shore said, “It was a very good win for us as a team.”

The second match of the week was scheduled for Sept. 29, but got pushed to the 30th because of the rain. Cabrini made their PAC record 6-0 after the win against Wesley and moved to the number one spot in line for playoffs. Wesley was obliterated by the Cavaliers with a final score of 90.

The ladies also won against cross-street rival, Eastern, with a final score of 9-0. Although Eastern brought a pack of fans, they could not distract the Cavaliers from their goal. Jackie Creighton lost her first set but came back to win her match, leaving Eastern with no score.

The team is proving their status as formidable defending champions. They have taken the PAC nine out of the last thirteen seasons and this year is defending the 2004 championship. The team also swept the 2004 honors by taking home awards for the player, rookie and coach of the year.

The women are already looking to their match against their biggest competition, Marywood.

Marywood was selected as the 2004 favorite. Shore said, “The next really big match is Marywood, which will most likely determine the winner of the PAC.” The match is scheduled for Oct. 7 at Marywood.

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