Oct. 07, 2005 issue 05 Loquitur

Page 13

New sexual abuse allegations surface,Cabrini reacts

As new cases of sexual abuse continue to surface following the Philadelphia grand jury report on the pattern of concealment by Catholic officials, the faith and trust of lay people and innocent priests are tested. Those watching the tragic reports unfold are divided on how to respond.

During the past week alone, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported around five to 10 sexual abuse allegations surfacing each day. Officials are still determining whether the allegations are valid or not.

To many religious, supplementary reports of sexual abuse will only cause additional pain to an injury that damaged an entire nation of Catholics. The locality of these incidents has created a huge impact on parishioners of the Philadelphia area. Being a college in the suburbs of Philadelphia, connections between members of the Cabrini community and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia run very deep.

Kevin McDevitt, a Cabrini sophomore, has been enrolled in Philadelphia Archdiocese schools

since childhood. McDevitt recalls being caught off-guard by the extensive allegations provided in the jury report.

It’s funny because I remember receiving the sacraments when I was younger and actually being excited for when Cardinal Bevilacqua would come to my school. Now, I’m not sure what to think of him,” McDevitt said.

“It’s just scary to read about all these disgusting acts,” Nicole Niedermeier, a senior education major, said. “I went to Philadelphia Catholic schools all my life, so have my parents and basically all my relatives.”

Although Niedermeier recalls having a relatively positive experience with the Catholic school system, she admits it was difficult to hear close family members speak about accused clergy members whom they were connected with in different ways.

“It was weird, at a recent family party, everyone sat around talking about which priests in the grand jury report they knew,” Niedermeier said. It is evident that discussions of the grand jury report have occurred in various forums throughout the area. Whether it was a family party, a

telephone call or a discussion about it at mass, opinions and disputes have been frequent.

The abuse allegations have tested current clergy members more than ever before. Cabrini students agree that apologetic concern has been the tool many clergy members are using to handle the discussions.

“I am sure that many good faithful people are upset and saddened by the disclosure of such deeds and horrified that they were carried out by priests…they do not know how to respond to it as I do not know how to respond

to such a lack of accountability,”

Cabrini Chaplain Father Michael Bielecki said.

Dealing with such a substantial problem will be quite a task for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the Roman Catholic Church as a whole. It is noted that this sexual abuse problem has not just affected the Philadelphia area.

“Such concealment not only happened in Philadelphia, of course, but has been publicly identified throughout dioceses in the United States and Canada over a period of the last 15

Residents angry over CAC restraints

Ever since the final days of last school year, students living in the CAC, or Cabrini Apartment Complex, have been fenced in with one entrance and exit due in part to the recent construction of West Residence Hall which, if all goes as planned, should be finished by next fall.

The way that the fencing is set up has caused a majority of the students that reside in the apartments this school year a great deal of problems, some as early as when they first moved in this semester. Aprimary issue raised is parking problems on campus.

“When moving into the apartments, the fences and gates were a huge inconvenience because we had to go around them and it was difficult,” Allison Sachs, a junior business major, said when asked if the fences around the apartments are a problem. “It was difficult and annoying to walk around them when carrying large things in such as TV’s, refrigerators etc.”

Junior marketing major Becca

Gallagher also feels that the fences are a problem. “They are really frustrating. I hate it when I have to walk around the fences when I am carrying in my groceries,” she said.

In addition to students having issues with carrying large or heavy objects in to their apartments, the fences seem to be causing problems with student

parking as well.

Unlike last year, students that live in the apartment complex do not have the luxury of parking their cars right outside of the apartments due in part to the fences. Since construction on West Residence hall has started, it has taken away dozens of potential parking spots for students living at the apartments.

years,” Dr. Leonard Norman Primiano, associate professor of religious studies, said.

The Philadelphia Inquirer also reported that Charles F. Gallagher, the Philadelphia prosecutor handling the sexual abuse cases, claimed there are many more allegations to come. If such an allegation turns out to be true, the loyalty of parishioners to the Church could grow even weaker.

“Forgiveness of their immorality is needed by everyone, but that is obviously a tremendous challenge at this time i n the face of such blatant hypocrisy,” Primiano said.

There is no doubt that some members of the Church will chose to take another path and l eave the Roman Catholic Church behind because of the disturbing allegations.

Arecurring theme, however, among many faithful believers is that the true Catholic Church is in the pews of the Church, not the altar. The initial faith is in God and not the institutional Church.

“These people realize that one case is one too many, but not all priests are predators and many priests do good work in God’s vineyard,” Bielecki said.

Where West Residence Hall now sits used to be the front parking area which contained a good number of parking spots that were available for students who lived in the apartment complex. As for the parking spots on the side of the apartments, they, too, are fenced off and are now being

CAC restraints, page 3

Loquitur The Cabrini College’s Student Newspaper Inside Friday, Oct. 7, 2005 Radnor, Pa. www.theLoquitur.com Vol XLVII, Issue 5 Sports Tennis team update page 14 Perspectives Parking causes problems page 7 A&E Celebrities give helping hand page 10 Features Madden on the minds of Cabrini students page 8
DIANA ASHIJAN/A&E EDITOR The Cathedral Basilica of St.Peter and St.Paul is the Mother Church of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. JESS WEBB/PHOTO EDITOR There are three gates that block all access to the C AC making it difficult for residents to unload groceries and other things.

Job market stimulates students’ anxiety

For the typical college student, time has been flying since the first day of high school. The first day of high school was such an anticipated moment because students broke free from a plethora of previous restrictions that no longer applied in high school.

Once many of us grew accustomed to high school, however, we were quickly ready to move on to the next step. High school grew old and tedious for the majority of students and the expectations for college began to sink in.

Selecting a college was exciting because it was almost as if it was a rebirth. New people, new places and a new start on being the person you want to be. Upon the first year of college, many students struggled to find themselves. It was necessary to pick a major, find friends and establish some credibility for the real world.

The real world? The real world was an aspect that not too many students contemplated when they first enrolled at school. Of course people pick majors and think about their plans for the future before they enter college, but it is such a long time from freshman year. There is plenty of time to relax.

But before you know it, just as graduation creptup in high school, it does the same in college. This time, however, for many there is no additional four years to relax. Once a student receives that degree after completing the 123 credits required to graduate, there is no turning back.

It is interesting because during high school, students commonly complained about how sick of school they are and how they cannot wait to leave. On the contrary, in college, it is quite normal to hear an average student request to go back to high school. Unless your name is Marty McFly and Doc designed a time machine for you, we all know going back to high school is not possible.

So what is next? This question lurks in the back of students’minds from approximately sophomore year until graduation. Students make decisions, change decisions, reevaluate themselves, look for guidance and bite their nails.

Even the most confident college student that received a sign from God about what their future holds occasionally questions whether what they are doing is what they are supposed to be doing. For many others, occasionally questioning life plans would be a blessing.

Many college students wrestle with their future aspirations every hour of every day; not to mention the hassle inflicted by parents and loved ones. The perplexing aspect is that college has a reputation for being a “laid back” environment most of the time.

Students frequently forget that the money for tuition is exorbitant and the pressure to perform is at full throttle. Dealing with this type of pressure is what makes college students special, however.

For the most part, they remain calm and patient even though there is over $100 thousand riding on education. The money is recognized, but if that is all students thought about, insanity would be sure to follow. So all that can be said is good luck to all the students trying to find their path in life. Stay sane and try not to let the pressure overpower a great college experience. Let’s hope the saying, “whatever is meant to be will be” occurs in all of our future experiences.

Dumpsters create less parking forstudents

As students drive through Residential Boulevard they have one thing on their mind: I really hope I find a parking spot. One cause of the limited parking are the two dumpsters that are taking up parking spots on Residential Boulevard. The dumpsters are placed there because of the overload of trash that is thrown out. Students were aware that there would be limited parking because of the construction on campus but didn’t expect there to be anything else taking up parking spots.

The two dumpsters, each taking up one parking space, are located outside of House Five. The only area that is available for t hem is the parking spaces. Facilities say that dumpsters

need to be in an area that is accessible for the trash trucks.

Many students feel that in some way a spot should be made for the dumpsters so they are not creating more parking problems.

Junior Lisa Hetke, an exercise science major, said, “It just doesn’t make sense to take away more parking spots. I’m sure they could find other locations for the dumpsters to give us a couple more spaces to park our cars.”

However, the dumpsters will not be taking up parking spaces that much longer. Howard Holden, director of facilities, made it clear that the spots the dumpsters are currently in are not permanent.“The landscape of West Residence Hall includes an area where two dumpsters can be placed. They will, however, remain for the rest of this school year,”Holden said.

While Holden does not want to inconvenience the students in any way, he feels that there is no way around putting the dumpsters in parking spots. Holden said, “Perhaps it could be an inconvenience, but students not having any where to dispose of their trash would also be an inconvenience.”

Many students see the dumpsters as nothing but an inconvenience. Junior Jennifer Euganeo, an exercise science major, said, “The dumpsters take up parking spaces, and there is already not enough spots for everyone.”

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

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The Loquitur is Cabrini’s College weekly, student-run, campus newspaper. It is widely respected as the voice of students, staff, faculty, alumni and many others outside the Cabrini community. The Loquitur has earned its position by advocating for self expression through freedom of speech, and by serving as an outlet for readers to affect change on campus and off.

Founded in 1959, the Loquitur has thrived and greatly expanded its readership. The paper now has 1,674 online readers and 1,500 print readers on a weekly basis.

Our mission is to provide readers with an opportunity to voice their opinions freely, in an environment where their voices are effectively heard and respected.

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Loquituris a laboratory newspaperwritten, edited and produced by the students of COM 353, 352, 250 and 251. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Additional copies are $1 each. Loquiturwelcomes letters to the editors. Letters to the editorare to be less than 500 words. These are usually in response to a current issue on campus orcommunity area. Guest columns are longerpieces between 600 and 800 words and also are usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini College campus orcommunity. Letters to the editorand guest columns are printed as space permits. Submissions may be edited forlength, clarity and content. Name, phone number and address should be included for verification purposes. Personal attacks and anonymous submissions will not be printed. Letters to the editorand guest columns can be submitted to loquitur@cabrini.edu orto the newsroom mailboxes in Founders Hall 264.

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2 | NEWS Friday, Oct. 7, 2005 www.theloquitur.com EDITORIAL
KYLE FOLEY/PHOTO STAFF A dumpster is placed on an angle taking up two parking spots on Residential Blvd.adding stress to residents searching for scarce parking spots.

Uncertainty of employment makes seniors uneasy

Asgraduation inches closer, anxieties among upperclassmen preparing to enter the job market slowly increase. While college seniors are on the brink of entering the real world, uncertainty of finding a job or starting a succ essful career is still lurking around every corner. However, there are ways to ease anxieties and prepare to enter the competitive race of getting hired.

“I’m never going to find a job when I graduate,” Jackie Papa, senior liberal arts major, said while answering the question: what keeps her awake at night while thinking about graduating. “It’s my last year of school and I feel like I’m not ready to be an adult yet,” Papa said.

Fear is usually based around something that is not understood. By having a basic knowledge and understanding of what is waiting for them out there, seniors may be better prepared for entering the job market.

Senior graphic design major Eric Campbell said, “I am trying to find a job where I can fit in and do what I really want to do.” “Stick to the script” are the words Campbell used to describe his focus on goals and high aspirations.

Luckily for seniors, the job

market has recently taken a turn for the better. The Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor, reported in September 2005 that Non-farm payroll employment has increased by 169,000 in August, and the unemployment rate, at 4.9 percent, remained steady.

It was also reported that employment has risen in several industries, including construction, health care, accommodations and food services. Unemployment has fallen from 8.0 million to 7.8 million since February, according to the report, which can be located at the direct link .

fessor of communication, said, “I expect the impact of the hurricanes to reverberate through the market for several months, but it’s my hope that the job market evens out for the seniors who will be graduating in May.” “If employers need to pay more in shipping charges and electricity charges due to the high costs of gas and electric that will affect their bottom line and preclude them from budgeting for new hires,” Francis said.

Because of the instability of the job market, seniors must prepare themselves properly. They will be entering a running competition at the conclusion of their

CAC,house residents suffer

CAC restraints, page 1 occupied by trailers and equipment for the construction project. This has not gone over well with the students living in the apartments.

“I’m an upperclassmen and I shouldn’t have to walk from House Two because there is no parking spots,” Sachs said.

When asked about the fences around the apartments and if they are an inconvenience, junior business administration major Erik Serio also commented on the parking situation, “They are a huge inconvenience. I can’teven park near where I live. Sometimes I find myself parked down by House Three and House Four” Serio said.

Since the students residing in the apartments have to park in the lots and the driveways outside of the houses, this causes parking inconveniences for nearly every student that has a car on campus.

House Two resident and sophomore business administration major Chris Strano said, “The whole parking situation is ridiculous. The people living in the apartments have to park outside of the houses and in our driveways which forces everyone else to park farther away from their houses.”

Even though the fences may be the greatest inconvenience for those in the apartment complex, they are in fact there for good reasons.

Michael Caranfa, director of construction and renovation, said that the fences are there for a purpose. “The fences and gates are there to protect the students from what is potentially a dangerous area. Construction sites by their nature contain trip hazards, sharp objects, steep slopes etc.,” he said.

They are trying their best though to make things as easy and as organized as possible for the students. Caranfa noted that

they have tried to accommodate the student needs and have worked with the residence life staff in designing the fence. “During move in and move out weeks we open the gates so students can drive up to the building,” he said.

There is not much that Cabrini students can do about the fences, they are up for safety reasons, and for everyone who thinks that they might be coming down soon, think again because Caranfa also said that the fences must remain until the project is complete, which is going to be sometime next summer.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story.Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

college education. “You are selling yourself as the product when looking for a job,” Francis said, while adding that “The most in demand skills are communication skills.”

Agreat resource for students to find information including career research, career management, updated job market news and even job searches is at .

Possibly the best approach is to start by speaking with a helpful representative at Cabrini College’s Co-op and Career Services office, located in Grace Hall. Director of Cooperative Education and Career Services Nancy Hutchison Said, “ [Career services] have a database filled with thousands and thousands of job opportunities.”

According to statistics presented by the career services office, 92 percent of the 2004 graduating class were employed within ten months of graduation. Counseling services are available toboth students and alumni, and Hutchinson added that all it takes is practice to be prepared.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Dawn Francis’ Five Steps to Success

1.) Compile job tools (portfolio, resume, etc.), present your self as the “product”

2.) Research companies and industries to see where you will best fit

3.) Send your cover letter and resume to researched employers, and follow up within one to two weeks. Be assertive.

4.) Dress and act professionally for your interview, and present your portfolio to showcase your skills and experience. Tell the employer why they should hire you over others.

5.) Send a thank you note right after the interview and follow up with a phone call in two weeks to check the status of the employment decision. Restate your interest in the position, and the skills you have to offer.

Friday, Oct. 7, 2005 www.theloquitur.com NEWS |3
KRT Michael Gage speaks to a group of graduate students about job applications at Toppel Career Center at the University of Miami.Many recent college graduates are finding the market very slim with businesses slowing down hiring due to the economy.
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Families flock to Fall Fest, enjoy activities

T he Cabrini Campus was flooded with family, friends, faculty and alumni on Sept. 30-Oct.2 to participate in the string of activities that was held for Cabrini’s first celebration of Fall Fest.

In the past, Family Weekend andHomecoming were separate events. However, the committee, which includes representatives fromStudentActivities,AcademicAffairs, the President’s Office,InstitutionalAdvancement,marketingand communications wanted to combine the two events. They had been meeting since the middle of last semester to plan for this event.

Amanda Murphy, a junior business major, said, “I just liked itbetter separate. It seemed like abigger deal. However, I do like that there is more events.”

All of the participants for Fall Fest were well relaxed for the weekend’s upcoming events after watching the movie “Madagascar” and indulging in ice cream on Friday night. However, Jazzman’s Café, which was where all the information was for the various happenings throughout the day, was full of activity Saturday morning.

The Cabrini campus came alive as the student organization, Up ‘Til Dawn, worked to raise awareness and funds for children battling cancer at St. Jude’s Research Hospital. There were approximately 25 participants for the 5K walk around campus.

Danielle Finnegan, a freshman

elementary education major, said, “It went very well. More people participated than I thought would.”

Asthe day progressed, Cabrini only became busier as campus tours and mansion tours took place. Cabrini’s campus was not the only thing that was recognized by participants of Fall Fest. The annual Honors Convocation ceremony held in Grace Hall recognized Cabrini students’academic achievements.

Approximately 90 people joined Governor Ed Rendell, State Senator Connie Williams and Keynote Speaker Kathryn Thornton as they dedicated the newest addition to the Cabrini campus, The Center for Science, Education and Technology (SET). Following the dedication of the SETbuilding, a campus picnic was held in the commons for everyone to enjoy.

The picnic came to a quick end as wandering crowds went to witness the women’s tennis team take on their rival, Eastern University. If not present at the Dixon Tennis Courts, it was likely to find everyone else at the Lower Athletic Field, watching the men’s soccer team against PAC rival Gwynedd-Mercy. Duri ng halftime, the dance team made their debut performance.

To conclude the activities on campus for Saturday, a carnival was held in the Dixon Center Gym. Food, games, music and students organizations were all present at the Carnival. As the African Dance Troup performed inside, festivities were taking place outside the Dixon Center

Seniors Mike Stevens and Mark Tripolitsiotis eat hot dogs at this years’ fall fest barbeque. Patio as staff and alumni took part in the Homecoming Barbeque.

In addition, shuttles left every 30 minutes to take members of the Cabrini Community to a variety of restaurants on the Main Line for dinner. If not found eating at restaurant on the Main Line it was most likely that Cabrini Community members had stepped aboard the Spirit of Philadelphia located in Penn’s Landing, or went to the Mansion for a little detective work as they enjoyed the sold out Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre show.

The Red Cloud Theatre proved to be an attraction for participants of Fall Fest as they watched scenes from, “Trixie True Teen Detective” the fall musical. Jazzman’s Café also attracted members of the Cabrini Community as they witnessed students showcase their many talents.

Fall Fest was concluded on Sunday with an all-you-can-eat brunch in Cabrini’s dining hall followed by a Kite Festival on the upper athletic field. The Kite Festival had arts, crafts and a moon bounce available for all the

younger participants of Fall Fest.

To end the day’s festivities, Father Michael Bielecki led a mass in the Bruckmann Chapel.

Anne Ferry, director of student activities, said, “I think the best part was having so many people on campus who are excited about being a part of Cabrini.”

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Friday, Oct. 7, 2005 www.theloquitur.com 4| NEWS
ealWorld... Ireland Australia London Rome And More!! YouCanMakeItHappen! See Dr. Uliano Founders Hall Rm 367 or call x8383 Pari

Convergence project prepares students

English and communication students are blowing away the competition thanks to Cabrini’s newly refocused convergence practicum. With Cathy Yungmann, the associate professor of communications, taking the reins, students are making tremendous advances in the world of communications.

The convergence practicum is comprised of eight seniors and juniors who act as liaisons to the five advanced communication courses in the department. The liaisons serve as managers who strategize and organize as a group to bring together all the forms of media to tell the story of this year’s topic, immigration and globalization.

The advanced classes include journalism, writing for publication (fiction and non-fiction), photography, radio and video. The task of the five advanced classes is to provide creative works on the topic. The goal of the group is to then combine all of the different media features onto a DVD and website during the spring semester

The program is just another example of the English and com-

munication department’s philosophy of letting their students experience all of the aspects of the department, not just one.

“Myconcentrationincommunicationsis radio and video. SofarIhavelearneddifferent t hingsaboutjournalism,photographyandgraphicdesign,” Bobby Maro, a senior English and communication major, said.

In many larger universities, students are put on a set track within their department and are kept on that track until graduation.

Cabrini’s English and communication department is the first in the nation to do a convergence program this advanced. Although the program is a recent addition to the English and communication department, the idea is not a new one. “We’ve been doing this for over thirty years. Big schools are just starting to catch up with us,” Yungmann said.

In the past two years, the course ran just one semester but Yungmann found it was too much work in such a short time. This year, the practicum is being run in two parts; one in the fall and one in the spring, to divide up the work load.

One of the purposes of the practicum is to provide a useful

marketing tool to grasp the attention of potential students and their parents. The end result gives just a mere glance of what the English and communication department is capable of achieving.

The other objective of the practicum serves as more of a long term purpose some of the students. “Ourgoalis to put together an attractive project that can be used for portfolio samples for those students who contributed to the project,” senior and English and communication major, Shawn Rice, said.

Yungmann knows that many employers expect college graduates to be well- rounded in their field and to be experienced in all mediums. Through the convergence practicum, Yungmann is helping her students achieve this goal. Yungmann said, “This is really cutting edge stuff. Very few schools are this advanced. We’re riding the wave of the future.”

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Miers nominated to replace O’Connor

Harriet Ellan Miers was nominated president Bush to replace Sandra Day O’Connor. According to cnn.com Miers has never been a judge however her qualifications were highly and fairly reviewed. Miers is a noted supporter of he Bush administration and lead the search for a replacement for Chief Justice William Rehnquist.

The overall reaction to Miers nomination was very cautious by liberals and conservatives who are concerned about her lack of knowledge regarding a possible judgeship. However even they admit that she has a strong legal reputation and has had an influential career. Despite criticism Miers is remaining very humble and grateful for this opportunity.

FormerHouse majority charged with money laundering

Former House majority leader Republican Ton DeLay has been charged again by a Texas grand jury with money laundering and according to cnn.com called the indictment another example of “prosecutorial abuse.” DeLay was accused initially of conspiring with two others to move corporate contributions to state House candidates.

He has been convicted of other charges in as early as 2002 but still considers these charges sleazy and frivolous. Delay is very optimistic that all charges will be dropped and still considers his self a member of Congress.

Family kidnapped in Lancaster County

Two males tried to kidnap a family in Lancaster County and the police are saying that they may have missed their intended target. The family was held at gunpoint and the stepfather was shot but suffered no life-threatening injuries. The suspected kidnappers are said to have been seen in the neighborhood before by police and even were seen asking where certain people lived.

The police are still looking for the kidnappers who are currently at large. A woman may have helped with a pretty good account of how they look or certain relevant evidence. The suspects are described as having dark skin and were last seen in a white Chevy according to police. The police are also urging residents that these men are to be seen as both armed and dangerous.

Teacherarrested on drug charges in Maryland

Police in Clarksville, Maryland arrested Timothy Hartlowe, a local social studies teacher on drug charges. After his arrest Hartlowe was said to have been in possession of 500 grams of methamphetamine, which amounts to $50,000. Police authorities also found $16,000 in cash and one quart of gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), which is a known rape drug.

Students are surprised at Hartlowe’s arrest stating that they thought that he enjoyed his job. After Hartlowe’s arrest a letter went out to parents explaining that whether or not Hartlowe sold drugs to students is now known at this time but they had no indications that that ever occurred. The school also had a press conference and stated that he had a clean record in August 2001 when he was hired and is currently on leave from the school.

Friday, Oct. 7, 2005 www.theloquitur.com NEWS | 5
GAIL ZIEGLER/STAFF WRITER A car accident happened last Wednesday,Sept.28 at the intersection of Eagle and King of Prussia Roads.No one was seriously injured but Radnor police and emergency medical technicians were on the scene. JESS WEBB/PHOTO EDITOR Senior Wayne MacDonald,an English and communication major,works on a radio documentary for convergence.

Homosexual celibate men;

Should they be allowed to become priests in the Roman Catholic Church?

“If they’re celibate I do not believe there is a specific problem. They are not sexually active and therefore are not causing any harm to society.”

“No, I do not think they should be allowed to be priests. It is against the religion and with that, the religion is not setting the example it is supposed to.”

“They shouldn’t be allowed to be priests. There is a greater chance that they will molest children. Therefore it would be considered defying the religion.”

Roman Catholic Church takes extreme action to prevent further molestations

Achurch official in Rome said a new Vatican rule will ban homosexuals, even those who are celibate, from becoming Roman Catholic priests.

Pope Benedict XVI claims that, “There was a need to ‘purify’the church after the deeply damaging sex scandals of the last several years.”

How does banning homosexuals from joining the priesthood cleanse the Roman Catholic Church? Wouldn’t it be more effective to remove the handful of priests guilty of pedophilic actions and behaviors from the priesthood? Here’s an idea, how about we prosecute the cardinals that knew about these pedophiles and allowed them to be shipped off to other parishes, thus increasing the number of victims?

This document has not yet been signed by Pope Benedict but is predicted to be released in the next six weeks and will apply to the church worldwide. In fact, Vatican investigators have been instructed to visit all 229 semi-

naries in the United States to search for “evidence of homosexuality.” What does that mean? How about we check to see if there is evidence of their political party affiliation or evidence of tendencies that may result in the sexual assault of little boys? You don’tknow until it happens, and when the Church finally finds out they stage a cover up and endanger more people.

What is the problem with homosexual priests? Are you less Catholic? Can you not administer the sacraments as well as a heterosexual priest? Are we not all made in God’s image and likeness? Does Christianity not teach you to love and respect your brother as you would yourself? Isn’t the golden rule doing unto others as you would have them do unto you?

If you ask me, the Roman Catholic Church should be focusing on punishing those who have done wrong. The church is too focused on preventing more complications than dealing with the ones they already have.

Some Catholics feel that the test should be celibacy and “they predict resignations from the priesthood can worsen the

church’s deep shortage of priests of clergy.” However, Church officials desire to bar celibate men who may have homosexual inclinations due to the specific temptations of seminaries.

What kind of message does it send to fellow Catholics when the Vatican’sreasoning behind barring homosexuals is temptation? Does the Vatican not trust their own priests because of their sexuality? What’s next? Call me crazy,but I thought that the only thing you needed to become a priest was your faith.

Ithink the Church’sgreatest challenge is conquering their fear of behaviors that they do not understand. Tradition is important, yet if you refuse to change with the times, then your institution is doomed to fail.

Homosexuals, celibate or not, should have an equal opportunity to participate in the promotion and practice of their faith. It is a great discouragement to me that an organized religion that promotes love and understanding, cannot manage to love and understand what appear to be the more neglected of God’s own children.

“I don’t think gay men should not be allowed into the priesthood as long as they aren’t sexually active. It’s no different for a heterosexual man becoming a priest.”

“It would be wrong to elect agay priest for the fact that due to all of the social constraints given to priests as it is, itmight be too tempting for a homosexual priest to not act on his desires.”

New college craze; TheFacebook.com

will be a big party next Thursday at New Res in about .001 seconds flat.

Ever wonder what happened to that best friend you had in freshman year of high school but lost touch with? Well now you can find them by using the online yearbook of yearbooks, TheFacebook.com. I personally got hooked when I began finding people I hadn’tseen since grade school. It’s easy to see why TheFacebook is an Internet sensation to college students across the nation.

Created back in Feb. of 2004 by three Harvard sophomores, Facebook has become a campus sensation. With over 800 colleges and universities registered on it, you never have to leave the dorm room to make 50 new friends in less than five minutes. It’s the new social hangout.

By being connected to the higher education world through social networks, students can meet new people with similar interests, get connected with others in the same classes to comapre notes and homework and get out the word that there

Another way to meet new people is by joining a group, a virtual cluster of users at the same school with common interests. Students can either create a group or join a sponsored group. If a person does not want to join agroup but is friends with many of the members of the group, they are called groupies. The cutofffor being a groupie depends on the size of the group.

For example, groups within the Cabrini network consist of “Cabrini parties are bogus,” “Mother Cabrini wouldn’t approve of me,” “official hottest girls of Cabrini” and many other ridiculous ones. Tobecome a member of a group, a person can either join or be invited.

There are also groups that do not need to be affiliated with the school at all. For instance, one can join “I love WaWa” and “Thank God I was raised on Boy Meets World, Full House, and Saved by the Bell.” With whatever interest one may have, there is a group for them, and if not, then someone can make it.

TheFacebook is a good way to keep in contact with friends and meet people with similar interests. By raking up the friend count and joining groups, a person will have an active social life and feel like they are a part of something grand.

6| PERSPECTIVES www.theloquitur.com Friday, Oct. 7, 2005
of Health and Wellness Education
<f> Cabrini; Colle; e

Parking causing problems for residents and commuters

can park our cars on-campus.

So why all the fuss, it’s just $80? Well, last year, Cabrini students were asked to pay $50 for the year to park their cars on campus, $25 a semester.

As the 2005 school year has gracefully come upon us, itdid not take long for Cabrini students to become disgruntled and upset, myself included.

In addition to rising tuition costs, we Cabrini upperclassmen were asked to fork over anextra $80 just so we can attain a parking permit so we

Now, we have to pay an extra 30 bucks to park our rides on campus, and there are less spots than there was just a year ago. In my opinion, something is not adding up.

Due to the construction project on the new residence hall, which is completely fenced in, taking away dozens of parking spots, many of us are forced to park farther away from our rooms, houses and apartments.

Some of us even have to park our cars over by the Dixon Center due to the lack of spots that are on this campus.

All the way from house seven,

around the bend to Xavier, it is complete luck if one can find a spot to park their car. On severaloccasions so far this semester, Ihave found myself driving back and forth between houses one through six trying to find a spot and was unsuccessful, and I have seen many others going through the same situation.

Some students are now even parking their cars on the side of the road in front of houses five through seven and cars can be seen lined up in every single driveway from house one on. Some are even parking in handicap spots because there is nowhere else to go.

In addition to seeing cars parked in handicap spots, we can also see cars that are parked at house two in spots reserved for emergency vehicles only, my

own car included.

The most outrageous parking fiasco that I have seen so far this year is when I actually saw a car parked in the grass behind house one. That is pretty bad that students have to resort to parking on the grass behind houses because they have nowhere else to park.

What really irritates me, and I know it makes others angry as well, is when I am driving around looking for a spot and see at least 20 parked cars that don’t even have parking passes, some ofwhich are the cars of freshmen, who are not even allowed to have cars on campus, parked in our spots.

Then, we who have permits have to park illegally, and we are the ones who get the parking tickets, while others don’t even have permits to park on campus.

With all these cars and not enough spots to hold them, I ask what is going to happen next year when the class of 2009 is granted the right to have their cars at Cabrini College? Your guess is as good as mine.

With 601 freshmen and new transfers currently going toCabrini, that means there will be a few hundred more cars on campus next year, depending on how many seniors graduate and how many c urrent freshmen actually bring their whips to college next year.

When all is said and done, Ijust hope that our school has plans to get things straightened out by next year or at least lower the cost of parking passes.

Reality TV keeps audiences entertained Tanning not worth the risks

ticular episode.

Shows like “Laguna Beach” help me in a way. Because these teenagers are having the same problems as I am, I can learn from their experiences and adapt their findings to my own.

they want, but we are able to connect through their experiences.

It was a Monday night, and I really didn’t have anything planned or homework to do. I decided to see what was on television.

Flipping through the channels, I discovered “Laguna Beach.” Immediately,Iwas captivated.

Icouldn’t tell you if it was the realness of the situations or that these dramas were not being acted out, but in fact lived, that caught my attention.

The show presented an outlet of some sorts where I could live out my frustrations through the girls and guys of “Laguna Beach.” It seemed that whatever Iwas going through, they were going through the same that par-

However, there are other shows that are incorrectly labeled reality shows. “Survivor,” “Amazing Race,” “Fear Factor,” and shows like them, where you could win huge amounts of money, do not, in my mind, qualify as reality. They’re scripted, rehearsed, and played out.

These shows are great for entertainment but realistically who, in their daily lives, dangles from an office building window to test out their fears? These are people who have auditioned to be on shows like this. They weren’t randomly asked one day while crossing a street. They had to send in tapes and mail in postcards.

“Laguna Beach” presents something different. Like “The Real World,” it follows people around doing what they normally do. Granted, these kids are rich and can basically do whatever

“The Real World” is a show where they do, in fact, audition, yet when they’re picked, they’re put into a house where they will have to live with six other people for a period of time. Sounds familiar college residents?

“Big Brother” has the same concept, except these people are not allowed to leave the house. This seems like my life with my over-protective parents.

These three shows are examples of reality television. When the audience is able to relate with the people on the show, I believe it qualifies.

Some may argue that the people who are competing on shows like “Survivor” and “Fear Factor” are everyday people with real situations as to why they want the money so badly. I completely accept that. However, these challenges are scripted. The other shows are not written by other people. These are real stories lived out by real people, and we get to see it really happen.

Math Tutoring

The pain is almost unbearable. The strong smell of aloe fills the air. My skin is sensitive to the lightest touch. Every time Itry to move, I flinch in pain. Then I look in the mirror and smile because tomorrow this sunburn will fade into a fabulous tan.

Iwill be the first one to admit that I love getting tan during the summer and that I think that I look better with a tan. Being tan raises self-esteem and self-confidence levels, but there is a limit to how tan a person can be and for how long. Also, prolonged tanning involves too many risks, and those outweigh the need for an all-year tan.

During the summer,my sole purpose of going to the beach is to lie out in the sun and soak up as much as I possibly can. But that’sit. With the exception of special occasions, like proms or formals, faux, obsessive tanning is not necessary.Buying yearlong memberships to tanning salons isn’tworth it. If you want to be tan, fine, but balance it. Tan during the spring and summer and give your skin a rest during the fall and winter.

The dangers of too much sun exposure and the ultraviolet radiation found in tanning equipment

are well-known. There’s sunburn, skin dryness, rash and eye irritation. Then there’s the almighty risk, cancer. You always think, “It will never happen to me.” I have the same mindset. However, if I had skin cancer or someone else I was close to was affected from excessive tanning, obviously this article would be extremely different.

In the winter, those everbrown people stick out in the crowds of the winter pale. It’s one thing to tan during the summer when the weather is right, but to make weekly visits to the tanning salon is overboard. It doesn’tlook natural unless you naturally have a darker complexion. Plus, the extended exposure puts you at greater risk. Also, there are those people who develop the “leather skin,” which is probably one of the most unattractive things I have ever seen.

The tanning alternatives that I don’t think are ever a good idea are sunless tanning lotion and spray-on tans. While these are the most health conscientious ways of getting a tan, they never look good or real. The orange tint, the missed spots and the unevenness just don’tmake it worthwhile. I guess it’satoss up between looking good and being healthy and even though it’sa little bit shallow,Igo for the looks. So, bring on the sun, in moderation, of course.

You could almost compare sunbathing or a trip to the tanning salon to smoking a cigarette. You know it’sbad, but it makes you feel so good. Tanning is my nicotine, but when summer ends, I go cold turkey until the next year.

Friday, Oct. 7, 2005 www.theloquitur.com PERSPECTIVES |7
Hall -Room 86
11 :00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- 8:30 a.m. to 11 :0 a.m. Thursday - 6:00 . to 9:00 p.m. (Fish::.:.-----:;::;:;;- o Holy Spirit Library)

Hot o or n not: 5 50 h hottest C Cabrinians o on F Facebook


According to their website, “The Facebook is an online directory that connects people though social networks at schools.” Facebook allows you to search for fellow classmates and to be connected with other students through groups. Two groups, The Official 50 Hottest Girls of Cabrini College and its brother group, The Official 50 Hottest Guys of Cabrini College, have taken the Cavs by storm.

The Official 50 Hottest Girls/Guys descriptions both read, “This group is the official 50 hottest girls/guys at Cabrini College. If you think you have what it takes, request to join. If invited, this is a rare honor few girls/guys can say they have earned. Competition will be stiff but see if you have what it takes to be officially one of the hottest girls/guys at this fine institution.” As with any other group, there are certain qualifications and rules that go along with being a part of a group such as this. The candidates in both groups are chosen based on their Facebook pictures alone. In addition, mem-

bers of both groups are encouraged to post pictures that flatter their p hysical attributes, and warn a pplicants that “picture f orgeries will result in immediate and permanent e xpulsion”.

However, the Official 50 Hottest Girls of C abrini College is the only one of the two that warns its applicants there may be a chance of public ridicule if they are convicted of a picture fraud.

At the end of each month one girl has to pose in a picture with one of the administrators. The administrators of this group also express that even though there are 50 girls in the group, they are not the top 50, and that any girl has the chance to be knocked out of their


Daily horoscope: Friday, Oct. 7

Matthew Paris, the founder of he Official 50 H ottest girls of C abrini College, said that he actually stole he idea for this group from a friend of his at another s chool.

When asked “ Why start a g roup like this?” his response was, “Why not? It’s a joke, it’s not meant for people to take seriously.”

Kristen Faulkenberry, a freshman secondary education major, said, “I applied to see if I was hot or not. I thought it was funny.” Yet, when I read the group’s description, she and her room mate Caitlin Gillespie, a freshman physical edu-

cation major, said, “I don’t know. I mean, that’s horrible. I kind of want to leave now.”

Justin Barenbaum, a freshman member of the Official 50 Hottest Guys of Cabrini College, claims, “I’m very honored to be part of a such a prestigious group,” Barenbaum said adding a sarcastic smirk. Barenbaum agrees with Paris that this group isn’t really something to be taken seriously and says, “Big ups to the girls who made it, but try harder to the girls who didn’t. I think that their description is very harsh. I also think that there are a lot of pretty girls at this school and that every girl has the potential to be in that group. Why just 50?”

So if you think you have what it takes to be considered one of the 50 Hottest Cabrinians, apply for a spot. After all, it’s only a joke, right?

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Madden on the minds of many

Ever wonder what college guys do in their free time? Ever take a minute to consider what we do while in our dorms when classes are out? Well there are fewer answers than you think. Guys are simple…simple as that.

There is the occasional time when we study or do homework, but that takes minimal time, not to mention effort. We get it done in the quickest and most personally pleasing manner possible.

Sleeping is a probable activity that when exhaustion hits, we most likely will hit the sheets, at least for a few hours during the day. We need to rest up for all those other extracurriculars we participate in.

But if you really want to know what guys do in their free time, it comes down to one word. One man’s name, one phenomenon: Madden.

Madden NFL2006 is the video game for your Playstation 2 system or XBOX. That’s what guys do.

You can ask any male resident in the dorms. It is guaranteed at least 95 percent of them play or are addicted to Madden.

“Madden is some good stuff. Some of us have been hooked on it since back in 1993. Yeah, those

were the days. Nowadays we play at least four to five games a day, which is almost three hours. We also take it very seriously and is the topic of conversation for the majority of the day,” sophomore marketing major Brian Coary said. This couldn’t be more accurate. Not only is it a topic of conversa-

Madden comes before schoolwork…but that’s only in the extreme cases. Ever since the game came out back in the early 90’s, gamers have been hooked on this realistic interpretation of the hugely popular sport.

“I’ve been playing Madden for years. It’s part of my life now. I

such a huge hit and is so competitive. Every year that it has been released, its popularity grows and now in its sixteenth edition, it’s stronger than ever. Gracing the cover this year is Philadelphia Eagles star quarterback Donovan McNabb who was honored at the opportunity to be a part of such an elite group.

On it’s release day, it’s like hysteria for the fans who have been waiting the whole summer for it to finally hit the shelves. They line up outside of game stores and malls for hours just to get their hands on the video game gold that is Madden.


Today’s Birthday (10-07-05)

You’re interested this year in many things. If you limit your studies to philosophy, languages and economics, you’ll do well. Very well. Check out the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Today is a 9. Finally, conditions are right for traveling, with a congenial partner. You’re lucky, too, especially when you’re playing by the rules.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Today is a 4. Paperwork is certainly not your favorite chore. The more you can get done now, however, the sooner you can play.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Today is an 8. Consider the opinion of a person who has had quite

different experiences than you have had in life. Listen.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Today is a 5. Anew assignment brings with it a whole new set of problems. Luckily, you’re good at this. Start by saving money.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Today is a 6. Don’t expect everybody to go along with the routine. Conditions are good for cheerful insurrection.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Today is a 5. Fixing up your place is fun, especially when you can afford to get the perfect thing. Keep shopping until you can.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Today is an 8. Your curiosity is piqued. The truth is elusive. You may have to search for hours to find the answer you’re seeking.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Today is a 5. Money comes and goes very quickly today and tomorrow. Exercise discipline, thrift and caution when going shopping.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Today is an 8. You’re just about to get feisty again. Soon, you’ll be running around, getting things done and impressing your friends. Meanwhile, chill.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Today is a 4. There are a couple of leftover items hanging around in your stack. It’ll be more fun to do them in the coming week.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Today is a 7. Friends help you make a connection that leads to wonderful, marvelous things. Let them know what you want.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Today is a 5. An older person gives you good advice on saving money. Put up with him also trying to tell you how to live life.

B i r t h d ay s h o u t- o u t s !

Know somebody with a birthday coming up soon?

Want to do something different for them?

Show your friends and loved ones you care by giving them a birthday shout-out in the newspaper!

E-mail all birthday wishes and comments to jgm726@cabrini.edu to get them published. Be sure to include which issue you want the shout-outs to be in.

Improving yourself inside and out

tion, but it’s something that the social system of the group is based upon. With the most successful “Maddeners” at the pinnacle of the group, and the weaker players at the bottom of the order, it is a lot more serious than people think.

With so much Madden played in one day, it’s a wonder we ever get anything done. In some instances,

plan my day around getting in those extra minutes in and sharpening up my game. I gotta be able to show up the other guys. Can’t be catching any L’s (losses),” Atif Stevenson, a sophomore marketing major, said.

Numerous tournaments are set up in the dorms, for money and otherwise, plainly because the game is

With all this hoopla around something so seemingly unimportant, it’s amazing to see how it’s taken over the minds and thought processes of so many men on campus. But when it comes down to it, each year they come out with a new edition of the game, it’s going to be high on the priority list of all guys between the ages of 15 and…40.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Many students have the desire to get in shape, reduce stress and succeed in school but many do not know how to start on the right path, or they are just spending all of their time going down the wrong path. The head of the college’s health services says that students should be doing things like getting enough sleep at night and not smoking to prevent stress from getting worse. There are so many types of problems students deal with each and every school day, that it is no wonder why some have anxiety issues due to stress. Whether what’s bothering you is the 10-page paper you have due tomorrow that you haven’t started yet, or it’s a troubling relationship you have with your significant other, stress can come from anywhere. Usually, stress only takes a second to have you in its grasp and it could last for days or even weeks.

According to Susan Fitzgerald, Cabrini College’s health coordinator, stress can be due to things that normal people do in their daily lives. Things like a poor diet or a lack of sleep both have serious consequences on a person when they are developed over time. Fitzgerald also included that smoking is a big no- no when it


comes to living a healthy lifestyle. When asked about how to cope with stress Fitzgerald said, “Not exercise alone can get rid of stress, it is a combination of things that can either add on, or take off stress, like having a better diet or sleeping a good amount at night.”

The University of Oregon has their website up to date with “10 Healthy Eating Tips for the Busy College Student.” Included on their site are great ways to not only eat on the go, but they provide ways to lose weight the right way, and even sug-

gest foods that will help a college student think better due to their ingredients. (http://healthed.uoregon.edu/10tips.htm)

Exercise serves so many purposes in the lives of people all over the world. Alittle activity is not only one way to relieve stress, but it also gets the body fit to handle daily activities.

Tracy Krakowiak is the fitness director at the Dixon Center and says that getting in shape is a concoction of one part cardio training, like running, one part weight training and

one part nutrition. Krakowiak also says that exercising does relieve some stress, but that does not mean stress will be completely gone.

According to the Franklin Institute, exercising should be a fun activity that a person will enjoy Exercising will not become a habit if the activity is not fun to that person.

To begin, choosing modest activities will be a great starter until activity can be increased. Also not going crazy towards an unreachable goal would be a smart attitude to have because even exercising can be harmful when it is not done properly. (http://sln.fi.edu/biosci/healthy/exercise.html)

To keep up with life all must do their part to stay healthy, and that includes coping with stress early, and making sure we take care of our bodies in regards to resting and diet. These tips are useful for any freedom-crazed college students that need to learn how to balance it all.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com . The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Q u o t e o f t h e W e e k
at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it’s when you had everything to do, and you've done it.
FEATURES 9 8 | FEATURES www.theloquitur.com Friday, Oct. 7, 2005
KRT Cabrini students have created a “50 hottest girls/guys” on campus.
Exercise proves to be a good solution for stress and improving health. KRT
If you’re wondering what boys do in their spare time,just think Madden.
------------------------------------------WEA TURES------------------------------------------

A rts & E ntertainm ent

Stars aiding humanity

It’s all in a days work for some celebrities.You may see them onscreen, on magazine covers or even singing in a concert located in an impoverished African country.

If you’re celebrity Angelina Jolie, you might be found there. Today’s celebrities are not only workingonscreen and posing for magazine covers, they are also working for humanitarian causes.

AlthoughJolie, a30-year oldactress, plays various roles onscreen while she also plays an important role as a concerned global citizen.It was reported by UN Works that Jolie is a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, a UN agency that currently assists 20 million refugees in approximately 120 countries.

But what’s her motivation?

Jolie said her children are her motivation. Jolie has adopted two children. She first adopted Maddox from Cambodia, and then her daughter Zahara, who was adopted this summer from Ethiopia.

Christine McLaughlin, a junior finance major,said, “She does it for the good of the people, not just for the media.”

Although Jolie’s motivation is her children, other celebrities like lead singer of U2, Bono, is a lobbyist for humanitarian causes and has different motives than Jolie. Bono is assisting people everywhere. Although Bono is known for his rock band, he is also known as being a part of a rock band with a purpose. It was reported by the Daily Texan that in 2000, Bono lobbied to get $115 million for debt relief in the foreign operations bill. Ayear later, there was $435 million.

Dr. Mary Laver, the director of applied social teaching, said, “The world is desperate for people to step up for others who aren’t in the spotlight. I like that Bono is willing to step into the world of policy both nationally and internationally. It influences people of every age.”

Also, Laver liked the idea of some celebrities that were willing to educate people rather than asking people to reach into their pockets for humanitarian causes. Like Bob Geldof, a singer and songwriter who organized Live Aid in 1985.

Live Aid was a concert that raised awareness of the famine in Ethiopia and it included Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, B.B. King and the Beach Boys as well as many other famous pop-singers and musicians at the time. The

concert was 16 hours long and it raised $100 million for the people of Ethiopia who were dying of famine that had been brought on by the world’s neglect.

Laver said, “I appreciate Bob Geldof and his idea of Live 8. It was not just asking people for money but it asked that people educate themselves.” Live 8 was aseries of concerts and events across the world and it was staged to raise awareness of the global poverty. It took place this past summer in Philadelphia on July 2, with artists Bon Jovi, Will Smith, Maroon 5, Black Eyed Peas and Toby Keith. There were also concerts in Rome, London, Berlin, Moscow and Tokyo.

Like Jolie, Bono and Geldof many celebrities are following in their footsteps and questionably the spotlight.

Carrie Kirsch, a junior social work major,said, “I think they do it because they would want to. Where else would their money go?”

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story.Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

10 | A&E www.theloquitur.com Friday, Oct. 7, 2005
People come together from all over the world to support Bob Geldof’s dream of Live 8 and humanitarianism. KRT Actress Angelina Jolie,goodwill ambassador for the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,addresses a National Press Club luncheon in Washington on Tuesday,March 8,2005,on the plight of the children who arrive in the United States unaccompanied byadults. KRT
Tired of the me Old Thing?stralia and More!!
Bono,founder of DATA (Debt,AIDS,Trade,Africa) is the first participant in the new series,Kaiser Conversations on Health,where he spoke with Kaiser Foundation Senior Visiting Fellow Jackie Judd,about AIDS,in Washington,D.C.

Art majors hard at work

Many students may pass through the second floor of the Widener Center headed for the lecture hall or the Student Life Office, but many may not take the time to glance up at the glass cases lining the walls there. Within these cases is evidence of a fruitful fine arts program here at Cabrini. Student artwork fills the walls and is displayed for everyone to see. However, many students may be unfamiliar with the world of the fine arts department and fine arts majors.

Students in other disciplines may have visions of drafty loft apartments in New York and endlessly trying to sell artwork to tiny art galleries. However there is far more to the art world than j ust these inaccurate visions. There are a number of promising careers that involve art and are viable options for fine art majors. The advertising and communications worlds are full of opportunities for original artists to create logos and design marketing presentations using their own drawings and creations. Opportunities can also be found in the more pure art world as a museum curator, in art restoration or as a gallery manager. Graphic design and other design fields are also quickly becoming commonplace careers for those with an interest in art. Art education is also another imperative field for those with an interest in art to consider, as the continued education of younger generations in this amazing field is vital.

However, a fine art major is not for the faint of heart. Those who feel they will slide easily through the fine arts curriculum and quickly into a job are sorely mistaken. Hard work and dedication are as much a part of the art world as they are to any other major, if not more so. However,

C o n c e r r t B e e a t s

Friday, Oct. 7

Mae / Circa Survive / Mute Math / Working Title at 7:00 p.m. at The Trocadero Theatre

Decemberists / Cass McCombs at 8:30 p.m. at The Electric Factory

Metric / Most Serene Republic / Lovely Feathers at 8:00 p.m. at The First Unitarian Church

Saturday, Oct. 8

the benefits of experiencing art far outweigh the necessary dedication. Art give students the chance to be creative and opens up many mediums through which they can express themselves. This c reative outlet fosters critical thinking and other key skills that are the base of a liberal arts education. Art also spills over into many other majors and subjects.

Locally Philadelphia also offers many schools where those with an interest can continue their art education. The Art Institute of Philadelphia, The Philadelphia College of Art and Design, The Drexel University College of Media Arts and Design and The University of the Arts in Philadelphia are just a few of the schools locally where students could continue onto after their time here at Cabrini.

“ If you are really committed the career will come,” Lisa Learner-Wagner, associate professor of art of the mentality of students who pursue a career in art, said. She went on to say, “Really dedicated artists are big thinkers and they see the big picture, which is more than a paycheck every two weeks.” And it is clear from the students who are fine art majors that they are passionate about pursuing art and this supercedes many of their other concerns about life after college. “I have always wanted to

do art and I feel there is a lot you can do with it,” Victoria Griffin, a junior graphic design major, said.

“They have an inner passion that has to be satisfied through involvement with the arts,” Dr. Adeline Bethany, chair of the fine arts department, said of students pursuing a fine art major. Bethany went on to say that she is very happy with the fine art department here at Cabrini and that it is the best she has seen it in many years. The future looks bright for this ever evolving major and hopefully it will continue to expand.

“ Every culture is remembered by their art,” Cassandre Maxwell, an adjunct in the fine art department, said.

So, if you have not already, the next time you stroll through the hallway on the second floor of the Widener Center admire the artwork displayed there and remember that it was created by some very innovative and hard working fellow students , and that these students are leaving a lasting mark on the world through their art.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

o c a l t t a l e n t o n d i s p l a y

Amos Lee at 8:00 p.m. at The Trocadero Theatre

Beck at 8:00 p.m. at The Tweeter Center at the Waterfront

Daniel Lanois with Tortoise at 9:00 p.m. at The Theatre of the Living Arts

Rob Thomas at 8:00 p.m. at The Tower Theatre

Sunday, Oct. 9

David Gray / Jolie Holland at 8:00 p.m. at The Tower Theatre

Fall Out Boy / Starting Line / Motion City Soundtrack / Boys Night Out / Panic! At the Disco at 8:00 p.m. at The Electric Factory

Ike Reilly Assassination / Odiorne / Cocoon at 8:00 p.m. at The Khyber

Monday, Oct. 10

Fall Out Boy / Starting Line / Motion City Soundtrack / Boys Night Out / Panic! At the Disco at 8:00 p.m. at The Electric Factory

Rolling Stones at 7:30 p.m. at The Wachovia Center

Turbonegro / Early Man / Bad Wizard at 8:00 p.m. at The Theatre of the Living Arts

Blues Traveler at 7:00 p.m. at The Trocadero Theatre

Wednesday, Oct. 12

Jason Mraz / Raul Midon / Carbon Leaf at 8:00 p.m. at The Electric Factory

John Vanderslice / Capitol Years / Mobius Band at 8:00 p.m. at The First Unitarian Church

My Morning Jacket / Kathleen Edwards at 9:00 p.m. at The Theatre of the Living Arts

Rolling Stones at 7:30 p.m. at The Wachovia Center

Thursday, Oct. 13

Fiery Furnaces / Man Man at 8:00 p.m. at The First Unitarian Church

Foo Fighters / Weezer / Hot Hot Heat at 7:00 p.m. at The Wachovia Center

To all those heavy metal and hardcore music fans out there, check out Cabrini’s own On the 8th Day, who is headlining at the Trocadero’s balcony bar on Oct. 16, 2005. Tickets are $10.

On the 8th Day is comprised of lead singer Pat Hill, a junior criminal justice and sociology major, guitarist Eric Herbster of West Chester, bassist Brian Marchesani of Springfield, and drummer Gabe Falgie of Springfield.

This isn’t the first time On the 8th Day has played at the Trocadero; in fact they have played on the main stage three times. Other recent performances were held at the Grape Street Pub in Manayunk and at Fennario’s in West Chester. Their music has also been featured on WYSP’s Loud and Local with Tommy Conwell.

Opening for On the 8th Day is another Cabrini band, Altrucide. Members include Dave Spina, vocals, Jeff Foley on lead guitar, Dave Capece on rhythm guitar,

Marty Shea on bass, and ETN on drums. Also opening the show is Arcus to Ursa.

Hill said, “If you want to go, it’s going to be a lot of fun. There are going to be three extremely talented bands.”

Doors open at 6 p.m. and Arcus to Ursa goes on at 7 p.m.

You may also check out each band’s Myspace accounts: www.myspace.com/ontheeighthday; www.myspace.com/altrucide; and www.myspace.com/arcustoursa . There you will be able to listen to the featured band’s songs, read up more about them and even add them if you are a myspace.com member.

If you would like to purchase tickets, you can e-mail Pat Hill at pjh723@cabrini.edu. You can also search “On the 8th Day” on Ticketmaster and purchase them on-line.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

11 | A&E www.theloquitur.com Friday, Oct. 7, 2005
C Caabbrriinni i s sttuuddeenntt’ ’ s b baannd d h heeaaddlliinnees s m maajjoor r l looccaal l v veennuue e
JESS WEBB/ PHOTO EDITOR Artwork can be found throughout the art studios at Cabrini College.After graduation,art students can continue their education at many surrounding art schools.
Fine arts professor Douglas Lynch used ink and lead to design this untitled piece.Lynch described the creative process as a blank slate that takes its form in his mind. Melissa Morgan,who instructs drawing at Cabrini,silk screened her designs onto orange cloth.

Dancers bring African flair

Vibrations were pulsing though the floor of the Dixon Center at the Universal African Dance and Drum Ensemble performance on Saturday, Oct. 1, during Cabrini’s Homecoming Family weekend. The ensemble showed impressive African dances accompanied by the beats oF many African drums.

During their introduction, the performers were described as exciting, electrifying, sensational and amazing. These are the qualities the performers strive for during every performance.

“I could feel the energy from the performers,” said Kristine Jennings, a junior special education major. The children and adults in the ensemble looked very energetic and like they were enjoying what they were doing. The colorful costumes also made the event appealing to Jennings. There were colors of orange, blue, yellow and red that the ensemble members were wearing.

During the show, experience could be seen in every performer. Everyone from the youngest, who was one-year-old, to the older more skilled performers each had something special to bring to the performance.

The young ones were dancing and playing drums just like their older, more experienced group members. There were acrobatics done by the men and boys of the group. The women and young girls formed a drum line and also showed an African style dance.

The music complemented the dancing. When the musicians wanted to slow it down, there was only one drummer banging on his drum. Slowly the music would become more upbeat and the dancers would come in and dance to the music. It seemed that when one dancer would enter, another musician would start playing an instrument. The dancers were reflecting the feeling of the drum beats.

One of the high points of the performance was when a member of the ensemble did an entire African dance on stilts. He was


The Brakes formed in 2002 and are comprised of members of the bands British Sea Power, Electric Soft Parade and The Tenderfoot. British Sea Power is currently touring in support of Las Vegas rockers, The Killers. The following is a phone interview conducted with Brakes bassist Marc Beatty and A&E editor Christine Ernest. The bolded text were the interviewer’s questions, and Beatty’s responses are below them in plain text.

Would you ratherbe in support of anotherBritish band oran American band? Do you have a preference?

“I wouldn’t mind. I actually prefer American bands to British bands myself. I wouldn’t mind.”

Why do you preferthe American bands?

“I just prefer American music. There are a lot of bad Indie English music at the moment. It’s all pretty bad. It’s just my personal preference, I prefer American bands to English bands.”

It’s like there’s this cycle of British bands and saying that they are influenced by American bands and then on the flipside there are American bands saying they are influenced by all these British bands. Do you feel the same way?

joined by the children and the children were dancing under his long legs.

The Universal African Dance and Drum Ensemble came from their headquarters in Camden, N.J. The members of the ensemble come from Camden and the Philadelphia areas. The ensemble was founded in 1984 by Robert and Wanda Dickerson. They are known as one of the largest professional African dance and drum ensembles in the United States.

Their African dance derives from the cultures mainly in West Africa, and that is what they are most popularly known for. But, they also perform songs and dances from many other sections and cultures of Africa.

Their performances could include two members or up to 44 members that could participate in a dance and drum ensemble.

All members of the dance and

drum ensemble are also a part of the Universal Pasha Karate school. According to their website, www.unitycommunity.com, they want the members to study karate because they believe that “this proves through the understanding of love and discipline, while practicing, working, and training together, that unity can exist in the inner cities of America and other communities.”

If you would like to learn more information about the Universal African Dance and Drum Ensemble, you can go to their website, www.unitycommunity.com to look up future events they will be having.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogr oups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

“Yes it just goes round and round and round. It kind of started with the Beatles covering all blues records…Rock and roll was introduced to England by the Beatles. America’s got far more root, it invented Rock and roll. I’m a big fan of old rock and roll…and country stuff.”

Are there any aspects of touring in Europe and the UK that you preferovertouring in America? And vice versa?

“The one thing I’m not yet used to over here is that you can’t smoke in the venues…it’s quite strange for me, not being in a smoky atmosphere...usually the place is filled with smoke and people are having trouble breathing. It makes the atmosphere a whole lot more unpleasant, but not unpleasant in a bad way. Unpleasant in a good, kind of grimy way…other than that I don’t know, I’ve only done one gig here so far so I can’t really compare…I’ve heard from British Sea Power that have toured over here a lot that generally the venues are better equipped and are a better standard of PAsystems and stuff like that. England there’s a lot of bad venues a lot of dives.”

As faras the crowds go, how was the crowd last night as compared as to what you’re used to?

“Pretty good, it was pretty full I think it was at maximum capacity We had some people down in front singing along which was nice, which I wasn’t expecting. It was really good especially since I heard New York crowds are really difficult and they never really give anything away….if they don’t like you they won’t clap and stuff, they’re kind of cold like that. From what I could tell, people were having a good time and getting down to it.”

What’s up next forThe Brakes?

“We’re flying home tomorrow night and we’ve got a UK tour starting on the 15 of Oct. and it’s about 13 dates around the UK and it’s a headline tour, so that’s pretty cool because we haven’t done a headline tour since last September And that was quite small, that was only a week. And this is two weeks, this one is double the length. And now the albums out and we’re really interested to see what the direction will be and what the turnout will be like. Having an album out and a single out just changes so much. People that bought your album now want to see you live… “

Do you guys find it hard to tourwith The Brakes because I know The Brakes are a supergroup since it’s part British Sea Powerand part Electric Soft Parade and part Tenderfoot?

“Well for me, my band Tenderfoot we’re kind of taking a bit of time off at the moment anyway. So I’m mainly focusing on Brakes at the moment. It’s hardest for Eamon. He’s doing this week of shows and press and like in the middle of a British Sea Power tour...with The Killers.”

12 | A&E www.theloquitur.comFriday, Oct. 7, 2005
exclusive interview gives insight to global music
STACEY TURNBULL / STAFF WRITER The performance was highlighted by a member dancing an entire African dance on stilts. STACEY TURNBULL / STAFF WRITER The Universal African Dance and Drum Ensemble came from their headquarters in Camden,N.J.

Captain shows dedication

sophomore year and has earned both respect and attention from her teammates and coach. Jackie Neary has this to say about her:

This week in sports:

Phillies hopes dashed with loss

The Phillies game against the New York Mets was quite a downpour at Citizens Bank Field Monday, Sept. 26. Phillies fans are anxious due to the wild-card entry. They game was delayed by 2 hours and 35 minutes due to the rain delay.

Former Phillie Roberto Hernandez, who now plays for the Mets, was a challenge for the Phills. Hernandez pitched two scoreless innings.

Brett Myers’seven solid innings suddenly gained four runs in the eighth to shock the Phillies, 6-5. This ruined the Phillies hopes of making the playoffs. By the ninth inning with two outs, Chase Utley doubled and Bobby Abreu walked. The game ended with a final score of 5-6, New York Mets.


According to phillysports.com, the Philadelphia Eagles are currently standing with a record of 3-1. Fans are excited, but how are the Eagles holding up so early in the season? The team was tired and injured after the game against the Oakland Raiders Sunday, Sept. 26.

Ann Tye, a senior business administration major and the Captain of Cabrini’s field hockey team, is confident in her teammates this year.

“This year there is something special about this team. When we get on the field, we all work together to achieve the same goal, and that is winning and playing our best. I also think our coaches not only provide us with field hockey knowledge, but encourage us to be better people in everything we do. And that is why I think we will be successful this year,”Tye said.

Tye is a positive and hardworking person from Plymouth Meeting, Pa., and went to Plymouth-Whitemarsh High School, where she played field hockey each year.After graduating, she went to LaSalle University,and while she didn’t play field hockey there, in her sophomore year,she transferred to Cabrini and joined the team after speaking with Jackie Neary, who is now her field hockey coach.

“The transition from LaSalle to Cabrini was a lot easier because of field hockey.Igot to know the girls in preseason before classes started and felt really comfortable with the team,” Tye said.

Tye has been playing sports for a large part of her life, trying out sports like soccer,basketball, and softball at earlier ages. While she said that soccer in particular was fun, it was after trying field hockey that she decided she liked this game best.

“The reason I stayed with field hockey in high school was mainly because of my teammates and my coach. It was an outlet for me especially after classes, and still is today,” Tye said.

Tye has been playing field hockey for Cabrini since her

“I’ve been very fortunate to have transfer students and athletes come in, but by far Tye has had one of the biggest impacts on the teams I coach.”

Tye, when asked about her coach, described her method as putting emphasize on athletics, family,morals, and academics.

This year, Tye looks forward to seeing the Lady Cavaliers compete in the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference championships. Another goal for Tye is to find a career related to her major and minor, business administration and human resources respectively, after she graduates from Cabrini.

Tye has described the sport of field hockey as one that requires a lot of physical and mental toughness. When she was asked what her favorite thing about playing field hockey was, she said that being surrounded by good people makes practice and games all worth it in the end.

“The events that hold the most meaning to me during my field hockey career is just being with the team. We work hard and have fun, it doesn’tget much better than that,” Tye said.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Field-goal kicker, Davis Akers is usually accurate from 50 yards in but was sure he couldn’t hit anything from 31 yards Sept. 26.

“This is the type of game that when you talk about the Philadelphia Eagles and the struggle of getting to our goal, which is the Super Bowl, this would be a great story,” quarterback Donovan McNabb said.

Atthe fourth quarter the Raiders had a 10-point lead and Eagles fans were getting nervous. Maneuvering a third-and5 play, McNabb passed to receiver Terrell Owens gaining 14 yards to Oakland’s 17.

David Akers displayed tears of joy after his 23-yard field goal with nine seconds remaining to break a 20-20 tie.

The ball was spiked by McNabb with 12 seconds left in the fourth quarter. Akers eagerly limped onto the field.

“When you go out there, you know it’sgoing to hurt for only one second and then the game is over,” Akers said. “I said, ‘Let’s do it right now. Let’s suck it up one time and kick it.’”

NASCAR host race in Delaware

On Sunday, Sept. 25 NASCAR hosted a thrilling race at Dover International Speedway in Dover,Del. Lowes driver Jimmie Johnson won gaining 400 MBNARacePoints for his team. This score beat new driver Kyle Busch and his team, Hendrick Motorsports.

“We lost [the title] last year by eight points,” said Johnson. “Hopefully this year we’ll make the right decisions and I won’t make many mistakes on the track.”

Flyers trounce Islanders

The Flyers beat the New York Islanders 5-3 in an exhibition game Tuesday, Sept. 27.

Two of Philadelphia’sgreatest offseason acquisitions, former NHLMVP Peter Forsberg and Derian Hatcher were not able to play in that game. Forsberg was out due to an ankle injury and Hatcher has a sprained left knee; the Flyers were also missing their captain Keith Perimeau who was injured Monday, Sept. 26 during the team’s practice. Primeau suffered a bruised left shoulder.

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Jason Blake of the Islanders scored 16 seconds into the game. Alexei Yashin scored with a power-play goal for the Islanders, who are 2-3.

Mike Richards scored on a power play.Sharp scored with 1:41 left to tie the game.

Flyer Kim Johnsson, scored in the second period. Yashin tied it with his second goal, and Donald Brashear scored the goahead goal for Philadelphia on a wrist shot 26 seconds later. The Flyers toppled the Islanders, winning the exhibition game with a score of 5-3.

Friday, Oct 7, 2005 www.theloquitur.com SPORTS 13
BRIAN SMITH STAFF WRITER BTS723@CABRINI EDU Ann Tye,captain of Cabrini’s field hockey team,leads her team during practice.
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Hall of Fame to start in 2006

Tennis team serves 3-love

Women’s tennis finished the week of Oct. 1, 2005 with three wins and lead the PAC in the quest for playoffs with a record of 7-0. The women proved themselves a superior team with scores of 7-2, 9-0 and 9-0 to Misericordia, Wesley and Eastern respectively

The women traveled to Misericordia on Sept. 27 and came away with a 7-2 victory Sophomore Lisa Rodgers defaulted a singles match because she fell ill. This set back did not prove fatal for the Cavaliers.

Caitlin Scott played a strong

match, but Misericordia came from behind to win.

Mallory Bieber, the number one singles PAC champion from 2004 in straight sets, fought hard against Cabrini’s Dina DiTaranto, but she was defeated in the end.

Carolyn Wilson, a 2004 PAC first team member, achieved 99% of the possible score to put in another win for Cabrini.

In the doubles competition, all but one Cabrini team won taking home an important win for the women. Rachel Shore said, “It was a very good win for us as a team.”

The second match of the week was scheduled for Sept. 29, but got pushed to the 30th because of the rain. Cabrini made their PAC

record 6-0 after the win against Wesley and moved to the number one spot in line for playoffs. Wesley was obliterated by the Cavaliers with a final score of 90.

The ladies also won against cross-street rival, Eastern, with a final score of 9-0. Although Eastern brought a pack of fans, they could not distract the Cavaliers from their goal. Jackie Creighton lost her first set but came back to win her match, leaving Eastern with no score.

The team is proving their status as formidable defending champions. They have taken the PAC nine out of the last thirteen seasons and this year is defending the 2004 championship. The team

also swept the 2004 honors by taking home awards for the player, rookie and coach of the year.

The women are already looking to their match against their biggest competition, Marywood.

Marywood was selected as the 2004 favorite. Shore said, “The next really big match is Marywood, which will most likely determine the winner of the PAC.” The match is scheduled for Oct. 7 at Marywood.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Cabrini defeated by F&M; Cavs still optimistic


The women’s soccer team gained confidence after playing against Franklin and Marshall, even though it was a loss.

On Thursday, Sept. 22, F&M won in overtime with a score of 2-1 on the Dixon Field.

“I think we did good. They are a 6-0 team so I think we stepped it up and played to our ability,” senior captain and No. 22 Nicole Niedermeier said.

Niedermeier assisted a rebound pass to No. 8 freshman forward Mandy Urquhart.

Urquhart scored the Cavalier ’s first goal with eight minutes and 13 seconds left in the first half.

F&M’s forward No. 8 Shannon Summers, scored 40 minutes into the second half of the game. A yellow card warning from the referee was issued to junior midfielder Emilie Greto at 18 minutes and 55 seconds left of the second half for overaggressive play.

Ending the game with a tie causes two 10-minute-overtime games and sudden death until either team scores.

In the first overtime played, Summers’ goal defeated the Cavs at 4 minutes and 41 seconds left.

The F&M Diplomats consist-

ed of 39 players compared to the Cavaliers team of 16 players. During the game there were five people on Cabrini’s bench while F&M had 17 fresh, able players on their bench.

Besides the fact that F&M had more players than Cabrini, they also had a Division I goalie come in during the second half of the game. “I think her number one strength was her punting abilities. She could punt about 60 or 70 yards…she gets the ball and launches it over our fullbacks,” Head Coach Ken Prothero said. “We actually expected it so I thought we were well prepared for it.”

All of the players were pleased with the outcome and did not anticipate to hold it that far into the game. “I didn’t expect to hold

them as good as we did. I expected to lose honestly,” Christine Kedra, a senior midfielder and captain said. “F&M is one of the strongest teams but we did pretty good.”

“Because we had a tough game against Bryn Mawr, a tough loss, I think that this really lifted our spirits up,” sophomore goalie Lea Conti said.

“We had I think like three or four chances to put the game away,” Prothero said, “so just going to OT with a team like that says a lot about our program and our players.”

When asked what the Lady Cavs could do in the future to beat a team like F&M, the players felt they needed to work on communication between each other. “We have all solid soccer players,

so once we learn how to play together, it will work better for the future against F&M,” Niedermeier said.

“I think we need to take more shots, maybe outside the 18 instead of trying to pass so much. Other than that, I think we’re doing pretty good,” Conti said.

The Cavaliers recently have been in four games that have been pushed into overtime. The Sept. 10 game against Marywood resulted in a 2-1 win; the Sept. 14 game against Rutgers-Camden resulted in a 0-1 loss and the Sept. 17 game against Neumann resulted in a 1-0 win, along with their loss to F&M.

“This game is definitely evidence about why Cabrini is so much more successful than the other PAC teams,” Prothero said. “We just put out our best every game. Somebody always steps up.”

The women’s soccer team’s next home game is Saturday, Oct. 8 against Arcadia University at 1 p.m.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Fall of 2006, Cabrini will institute their very own hall of fame. The hall of fame will recognize Cabrini alumni for outstanding achievements in athletics.

“We are really excited about the hall of fame. It’s going to be special,” said Leslie Danehy, Cabrini’s athletic director. “I’m proud that it’s going to be instituted during my tenure here at Cabrini.”

T here will be nine alumni inducted for the inaugural year These nine will be selected from a commitee consisting of Cabrini faculty, former athletic directors, students and alumni.

Every year there will be additional nominations for the hall of fame. The commitee will be taking nominations from students, alumni and the surrounding community The commitee will be choosing up to six inductees every year. Only during the first year will there be nine inductees allowed. They will be using great discretion.

In order to honor these special few, Cabrini will be doing a few things. There will be a plaque placed in the Dixon Center upstairs near the gym. There will also be a special place sectioned off on the Cabrini website.

Since the opening of the Dixon Center in 1998, Cabrini has known that they needed something and somewhere they could praise their athletes, and this will be the perfect opportunity.

It will show Cabrini’s present athletes that their hard work does not go unseen. It will give them something more to strive for when they put on their blue and white uniforms.

The hall of fame also has the power to sway potential student athletes to attend Cabrini.

“We are going to recognize people who have made a tremendous contribution to Cabrini athletics,” said Leslie Danehy, who sits on the hall of fame committee. “The hall of fame shows just how far we have come.”

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogr oups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

14 SPORTS www.theloquitur.com Friday, Oct. 7, 2005

Bob Shaw established an NFLrecord with five touchdown catches as the Cardinals defeated the Colts.

The record was tied in 1981 by Kellen Winslow and again in 1990 by Jerry Rice.

Dance team debut at Homecoming

Cabrini’s dance team aimed to captivate when they unveiled a newly choreographed dance on Saturday,Oct. 1. Instead, they mildly entertained the audience with their debut at the men’ssoccer team’s homecoming match against Gwynedd Mercy College.

The months since their last performance certainly brought about a series of changes for the dance team. In fact, last year ’s dance team has received somewhat of a facelift. They have new uniforms, freshly choreographed dances and fewer dancers.

The number of young ladies on the team was significantly reduced to an estimated 25 members. Included among the 25 dancers are two captains and several new faces.

According to senior Kharisma McIlwaine, “What makes us more interesting this year is that we have new people; with new people, we have a different energy,agood energy.”

Motivated to show off their new and improved team at homecoming, they began practicing the third week of school. For almost three weeks, the members of Cabrini’sdance team studied and learned new choreography.

They were truly excited about being able to display and represent themselves as a new team. Not only did they change their appearance, but they also had several new dances, which they were fully prepared to showcase. Finally, after practicing for weeks, the day that they anticipated had arrived. This would be their moment of truth, their one chance at presenting an improved dance team.

During half-time, as the soccer team left the field, the members of the dance team made their entrance in front of the crowd. Moments after appearing, their performance began. Finally, the moment that they had practiced

for had arrived.

Moments after appearing, their performance began. Though they practiced diligently in anticipation of this day, within the first couple of seconds all hopes of a smooth performance vanished. Their stereo system instantly malfunctioned.

The lack of functioning sound equipment left the team dancing tomusic that was hardly able to be heard by the performers and especially the audience. Signs of confusion and nervousness became clear from the very beginning.

Because they could not hear their music, the dance team was forced to rely upon their memory. Despite the technical difficulties, they showed dedication and continued on with their show. As a result, there were several obvious problems that did occur.

Though they tried to maintain a uniform rhythm, the task proved difficult without the music as a guide. At times, a few of the girls could be seen moving at their own pace, rather than keeping an appearance of unison.

The dance team kept its composure, and it certainly paid off. The audience may have been a little perplexed initially by the sight of the dance team dancing without music, but, eventually, their confusion turned into interest. Quickly forgiving of their rocky beginning, the crowd gave their attention.

Managing to overcome their nerves and minor technical difficulties, the dance team fulfilled their duties as part of the halftime show Though they were unable to introduce themselves in the fashion that they had imagined, the fact remains that their hardships at homecoming definitely displayed their dedication.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com.

The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.

Weekly Trivia:

Who was the first African-American quarterback to win the Superbowl?

Check out next week’s issue for the answer!

Last week’s answer: Terrell Davis

You Pick Three

Each week, two staff writers will be picking which team they believe will come out on top for three of the NFLgames. It is strictly their opinion and a record will be kept.

This weeks games:

Game 1: Eagles vs. Cowboys

Game 2: Bengals vs. Jaguars

Game 3: Steelers vs. Chargers

Falcone’s picks

Game 1: Eagles

Game 2: Jaguars

Game 3: Steelers

Donato’s picks

Game 1: Eagles

Game 2: Bengals

Game 3: Chargers

Wolfington Center


Game 1: Eagles

Game 2: Jaguars

Game 3: Chargers

Education of the heart: Creating a more just and compassionate world Spirituality, Social Justice, Service Learning & Diversity

Welcome, new & returning students!

Sampling of this year's programs:

Sunday Mass (7:00 p.m. in the chapel)

Freshman Bscape in the Poconos (Nov. 11-12)

Caring Citizens Volunteer Fair (Sept. 8, 12 to 2 p.m. in Jazzman's)

Big BrothersY Sisters, Special Olympks & morel WOLF Pack freshman fun/service organization (watch for flyers!)

Best in Prnilly Leadership Panel (Sept. 20)

Hunger & HomelessnessAwareness Campaign (Oct. 30-Nov.4)

Leadership with Heart/ SOJ 199 & 299 (1-credit courses)

For more info, stop by our office (behind Jazzman's cafe) Or email: leg722@cabrini.edu or mlaver@cabrini.edu

Friday, Oct. 7, 2005 www.theloquitur.com SPORTS 15



‘This year we bleed blue’

Basketball season is quickly approaching, and the Cavaliers are dying to hit the court.

“This year we are going to bleed blue,” Matthew Macciocca, men’s basketball head coach, said.

Macciocca, new to the program at the end of last season, is pumped and more excited than ever. Being able to coach his favorite sport at one of his rival schools of his glory days has him psyched for the 2005-2006 season.

“I used to be scared to come into this gym when I played,” Macciocca said. “I want to bring that fear back. I want players to be afraid to walk into this gym.”

The men will begin practice on Oct. 15, and no one can stand to wait any longer.

“We have been practicing almost everyday since we got back to school,” Adam Bowen, a junior English and communica-

tion major,said. “Everyday from 4p.m. to 6 p.m. we’re in the gym for something like a captain’s practice.”

Though there is nothing official about these practices, but it has been demonstrating the dedication and commitment that the men are making to their season, which will be a rebuilding one.

“We may be a young team, but there is a lot of talent this year,” Bowen said.

are here is their education. Basketball is the fun part.”

Some fans and spectators were worried that players would not adjust as well as they did to the replacement of Coach John Dzik. So far,majority of the players are satisfied, as well as impressed.

“This year we want to pack the gym. The game is as much about the players as it is the fans.”

~Coach Macciocca, men’sbasketball head coach

Because Macciocca is an addition to the program, he has made some changes. Using his experience in Division I, he has changed the structure of the program, adding a little more structure in order to keep the men on track.

“Every guy on the team will go to study hall until their cumulative GPAis at least a 2.5. If it drops below,they’ll go back until they get it up again,” Macciocca said. “The primary reason they

“I like him,” Bowen said. “I like how he’sdedicated, organized and how he’s very structured. Things are alot more team oriented, especially with the practices and study hall.”

According to both Bowen and Macciocca, the team is all about unity.

“If one player gets in trouble, they are all going to get in trouble,” Macciocca said. “We are like a family. I’m like the father, and they are all like my children, but they are the ones who have the power. I’m just there to watch over them.”

The Cavaliers are anxiously waiting to hit the court, especial-

ly for the fans.

“This year we want to pack the gym. The game is as much about the players as it is the fans,” Macciocca said. “We want to make the games crazy, and we want to bring in the surrounding community as well. We want to make it fun to see great basketball.”

As far as the team goes, after the junior varsity team was disbanned, all team members are returning member with the exception of two freshmen and one senior.

“Since we’re closer and more together,everyone is taking the season very seriously,” Bowen said. “Even tough we are a younger team, we’re still talented and will be able to compete with anybody. Coach Macciocca’s new structure is what is going to set us aside from everyone else.”

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story.Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and corrections if warranted.

Friday, Oct. 7

S aturday, Oct. 8

• Women’s tennis at Arcadia University, 1 p.m.

• Cross Country meet at Qwynedd-Mercy College, 10 a.m.

• Women’s field hockey at Neumann College, 1 p.m.

• Men’s soccer at Rutgers University-Camden, 4 p.m.

• Women’s soccer vs. Arcadia University, 1 p.m.

Sunday, Oct. 9

• Mass 7 p.m., Bruckman Chapel of St. Joseph

Monday, Oct. 10

Tuesday, Oct. 11

•Men’s soccer at Maryw ood University,3 p.m.


•Women’s soccer at Wesley College, 7 p.m.

Thursday, Oct. 13

•Women’sfield hockey vs. Gwynedd-Mercy College, 4p.m.

•Men’s soccer vs. Ursinus College, 3:30 p.m.

Forothercampus information call the Student Activities Office at X8410

Cabrini sports hotline:(610)902-8799

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