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New college craze; TheFacebook.com

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Ever wonder what happened to that best friend you had in freshman year of high school but lost touch with? Well now you can find them by using the online yearbook of yearbooks, TheFacebook.com. I personally got hooked when I began finding people I hadn’tseen since grade school. It’s easy to see why TheFacebook is an Internet sensation to college students across the nation.

Created back in Feb. of 2004 by three Harvard sophomores, Facebook has become a campus sensation. With over 800 colleges and universities registered on it, you never have to leave the dorm room to make 50 new friends in less than five minutes. It’s the new social hangout.

By being connected to the higher education world through social networks, students can meet new people with similar interests, get connected with others in the same classes to comapre notes and homework and get out the word that there

Another way to meet new people is by joining a group, a virtual cluster of users at the same school with common interests. Students can either create a group or join a sponsored group. If a person does not want to join agroup but is friends with many of the members of the group, they are called groupies. The cutofffor being a groupie depends on the size of the group.

For example, groups within the Cabrini network consist of “Cabrini parties are bogus,” “Mother Cabrini wouldn’t approve of me,” “official hottest girls of Cabrini” and many other ridiculous ones. Tobecome a member of a group, a person can either join or be invited.

There are also groups that do not need to be affiliated with the school at all. For instance, one can join “I love WaWa” and “Thank God I was raised on Boy Meets World, Full House, and Saved by the Bell.” With whatever interest one may have, there is a group for them, and if not, then someone can make it.

TheFacebook is a good way to keep in contact with friends and meet people with similar interests. By raking up the friend count and joining groups, a person will have an active social life and feel like they are a part of something grand.

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