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Gym visits exercise brain


Exercise is now not only good for the body, but it is also good for the mind and cognitive behavior, according to experts on Cabrini’s campus and reinforced by a study done on fifth, sixth and seventh graders in the state of California.


Tests are now showing that, on average, 20 to 30 minutes worth of exercise on most days of the week can improve thought processes.

The realization of unhealthy behavior is the first step to becoming healthy. Dr. Maria Elena Hallion, an associate professor of exercise and health promotion at Cabrini College, believes that a self-assessment can be done to determine fitness.

“There are several actual physical assessments that can indicate a person’s health status. Tests are usually done to determine fitness levels and blood sugar levels. There are also instruments called Health Risk Appraisal, which can determine a person’s health age based on how they answer a series of questions regarding several health habits like smoking, eating, alcohol use and exercise. Also, a medical professional can discuss with someone their signs and symptoms, like feeling tired all the time and not being able to sleep. Some of these assessments can be done as part of a comprehensive program for users of the Dixon Center,”Hallion said.

The Dixon Center offers a full gym, complete with weight training, elliptical, treadmill and bicycle machines for all members to enjoy Tracy Krakowiak, the fitness director of the Dixon Center, believes the key to a successful exercise routine is to use both weight and cardio training. “A combination of aerobic exercise and resistance training is best to increase a person’s metabolism and decrease risk for heart disease. The effects they could feel right away are better sleeping patterns and more energy during the day,” Krakowiak said.

An article written by Kevin Helliker suggests that exercising can even decrease the chance of getting Alzheimer ’s disease. “The science behind exercise increasingly shows that it provides a short-term boost to the ability to process data, among other functions. Over time, exercise has been shown to help ward off the mental effects of aging, perhaps even Alzheimer’s,” Helliker said.

On the study done on the fifth through seventh graders, a test was given to students. Those who did the best in the class were in fact the most physically fit. “Results indicate a consistent positive relationship between overall fitness and academic achievement. As overall fitness scores improved, mean achievement scores also improved,” according to post-gazette.com.

Shayla Jones, a liberal arts major, discussed why she chooses to go to the gym. “I go because I feel better about myself. Like I’m really doing something for myself. It’s kind of like my own private time to clear my head and take care of my body. I think it also helps with my stress with school and everything that is going on from day to day,” Jones said.

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