3 minute read

Racing:No.1 sport

ball, can be difficult for some, but Duggan handled the transition almost seamlessly.

“Ididn’t really find it that difficult at all,” Duggan said of her two-sport feat. “The only hard part was at one point both sports were going on at the same time, and I could only do one because the practices coincided. Soccer was still in season, and my coach would have let me go to basketball too, but they were the same times.”


Those scheduling conflicts didn’t stop Nikki from starting at defensive stopper for the soccer team and then transforming into the leading scorer for the playoffbound basketball team.

Nikki credits her great endurance as one of her main traits that helped her in both sports. Not being the fastest player never stopped her, just being able to stay with the pace of the game, for the whole game is one of the main reasons for her success.

Besides being a great athlete, Nikki is quite competitive and made an effort to exert that in both sports.

With the basketball season drawing to a close and no spring sport to worry about, Nikki will finally get a chance to relax and charge her batteries for next season…or seasons.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story.Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com.

The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.


Ever wonder how such a boring sport got to be the number one spectator sport in America?

I’ll tell you how: good publicity. Good PR is the key to success and the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing knows that fact. That is why they have been trying to drop their redneck following and pick up a high class business front. It’s pretty ingenious, right?

Here’s just a taste of the changes they have made in an attempt to improve their fan base. The rules. They actually changed the rules so that the end of the season would be more exciting to watch. It used to be that the driver with the most points at the end of the season was named champion. Now,the top ten drivers, based on points, of course, are eligible to compete in ten final races.

Here’s where they changed things for publicity. No matter how many points the lead driver had coming into the finals, it is automatically changed to 5,050 points. Then every other driver starts five points under the last one and so on. It is rather unfair, but it makes for one hell of a finale.

Next, they have raised their ticket prices. They did this in an attempt to get rid of all those stereotypical, redneck, NASCAR junkies out there from attending the races. By doing this they have added boxed seats for business and what not. They want to leave their loyal fans behind and ask for newcomers to help fund them. If you ask me, it’s pretty cold. They are discarding the crowd that has been supporting their sport since the beginning, and they aren’t even looking back.

They are even shoving out more money in order to fund new tracks so that they can hold more clientele.

Another addition to NASCAR’s popularity is due to the fact that it is something that anybody, man or woman, can do, and do well for that matter. Any Joe Schmo can get behind the wheel and put the pedal to the floor, which makes this sport so appealing to everyone.

And one cannot forget the crashes. NASCAR would be quite a boring sport if it wasn’t for the possibility of a crash. Sports fans love collisions and why shouldn’t they? The spectacle, the sounds and most importantly, the debris: it all adds for a grade Ashow, and that is what NASCAR is trying to pull off. And it is certainly working out for the best.

Loquitur welcomes your comments on this story. Please send your comments to: Loquitur@yahoogroups.com. The editors will review your points each week and make corrections if warranted.










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