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Gasprices continue torise
Janet also meets with a wife's support group that gets together every two weeks. She said they "talk about things that are going on in our lives." She has made friends with one wife in particular that she talks with when having a bad day.
"People tell me all the time that I am living the life of a single mother and I can see how they think that, but I am lucky that it is only temporary." Janet said that the hard part of Scott being away is that though they are married, she tries not to lean on him too much because of the things that he is going through.
Armyfrg.org remirids military families that a returning soldier has been subject to rigid routine and "schedules and preplanned events may not be a good idea upon his/her return." The site also warns that spouses may have trouble sleeping and that it could take time to reestablish sexual intimacy.
To manage separation armyfrg.org recommends "taking good care of yourself." This includes eating right, getting rest and taking time for physical exercise. They also encourage contacting family, friends and neighbors for practical or emotional support.
Janet still bas to live her life at home. "It's hard to deal with household things that come up. Recently I had a dryer that broke and bad to make a decision about fixing it or buying a new one," she said. This was a decision that they would have made together. See www.myannylifetoo.com for more information and support for army families.
With the summer months approaching, many Americans are worried about what the climbing gas prices will do to their budgets. It is expected that gas prices will rise to about $3.25 per gallon on average. Energy experts say that most of what the government can do to increase gas supplies and lower demand would take years to take control over.
"This is a long-lead-time business; the investment horizon is five, 10 or 20 years," said Daniel Yergin>chairman of the consulting firm Cambridge Energy Research Associates. ''There's no switch to pull."
Oil analysts say that the rise in oil prices cannot be controlled just by the government but the rise is also due to other nation's need for oil. The problem is that nations like China, India, and Nigeria are growing more dependent on oil so the product is beingspread thinly. There isn't much Americans can do but to pay the high price at the pumps and be on their busy way.
Bush admits mi.stakeswere made in Iraq invasion plans
President Bush stated on April 24 that some mistalces were made in the planning for the Iraq invasion. • However, he defended the troop level that was ordered • in the initial attacks, saying that he would have agreed to do the same thing is he were given a second chance.
Bush told a business group in Irvine, Calif. that, "The level that he suggested was the troop level necessary to do the job, and I support it strongly."
He also states that the American public underestimated the nature of the threats U.S. and Iraqi forces would fmd inside the country.
"You know, every war plan is perfect until it meets the enemy - and its fine on paper until you actually start putting it into practice," Bush said. "Decisions, you know, like preparing an Iraqi army for an external threat. Well, it turns out there may have been an external threat but it's nothing compared to the internal threat."
Enron trial spurs up inner battle
Enron founder Kenneth L. Lay testified on April 24 that he had warned his employees of an explosion of values at the company back in August of 200 l. He stated that at the time some Enron employees were "getting pretty arrogant." Lay's statement in court shows the important differences between himself and Jeffery K.. Skilling, Enron's former chief executive who is facing 28 cases of fraud. Lay is being charged with six counts of fraud. The ongoing trial is expected to make history as being one of the largest found corporate conspiracies ever.