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Athletes unaware of the dangers of heat stroke


Anywhere from 370 to 400 Americans die each year from hyperthermia. This is a fact that is guaranteed not to be known by many students at Cabrini College. This is a possible result of the effect of heat stroke. Even though students probably don’t realize it, they should know that heat stroke can be fatal.


“It is extremely dangerous,” said Brett VanFleet, a Cabrini athletic trainer. VanFleet feels athletes need to be more aware of the dangers of participating in athletics out in extreme heat. “They are completely oblivious for the most part.”

VanFleet said, “I think it’s something athletes don’t want to think about because in their minds it shows weakness to their coaches. It stems from the old adage in ‘Remember the Titans,’ when the players ask for water and the coach responds and says that water is for the weak.”

Athletes do need to realize the dangers and be more aware of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

A normal body temperature is about 98 degrees Fahrenheit. Once body temperature reaches 104 degrees, it can be life threatening. As it moves up to 106 degrees, brain cells begin to die. Then, if body temperature reaches up to 113 degrees, death is almost certain. These high body temperatures are what a person can reach up to if their body goes through heat stroke.

When playing a sport in extreme heat circumstances, athletes need to pay extra attention to their bodies if they start to develop the warning symptoms. Common symptoms consist of confusion, muscle cramps, headaches, nausea or dizziness.

“There have been times where I have gotten so tired that I was going to pass out but I never thought about heat stroke,” said Chrissy Regan, a junior biology and pre-

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