Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010 Thursday, March 25, 2010 Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009
Radnor,.Pa. Radnor, Pa
Pacemaker Winner
Vol LI, Issue 21 Vol L, Issue 17 Vol. LII, Issue 2
!"#$%&%'$"((%)*'+,$ %--%.$"/%,&'$)+,$ERIC GIBBLE ASST. NEWS EDITOR ERG722@CABRINI.EDU
Hundreds of thousands of people rallied at the National Mall in Washington D.C. on Sunday, March 21 in support of comprehensive immigration reform. !"#$%&'()'$(&*$+*),,*%)'-$%),-'-"&*()-&".*'/"*0*)1&*$+*'/"-(*2$3%'(-"&*$+* 4-('/*),$%1&-."*'/"*5#"(-2)%*0*)1*-%*)*2($6.*'/)'*&'("'2/".*+$(*4,$27&8*9/"* :;)(2/*<$(*5#"(-2)=*(),,>*6)&*'/"*,)(1"&'*&-%2"*?@@A*)+'"(*-##-1()'-$%* ("+$(#*,"1-&,)'-$%*6)&*&/$'*.$6%*-%*?@@B8 <$3('""%* C)4(-%-* &'3."%'&* )%.* +)23,'>* #"#4"(&* 6"("* )#$%1* '/$&"* '/$3&)%.&8* D'3."%'&* +($#* E(>%* ;)6(* C$,,"1"F* G)&'"(%* H%-I"(&-'>* )%.* J-,,)%$I)*H%-I"(&-'>*)&*6",,*)&*$'/"(*$(1)%-K)'-$%&*+($#*'/"*)(")*6"("* also present. L)'>* <(-11,"MN$('$%* O("O)(".* '6$* 43&"&* '$* '()%&O$('* '/"&"* 1($3O&* !"##$%&'#"()*'+,-.."/%012.2 +($#* J-,,)%$I)* H%-I"(&-'>8* * N$('$%* -&* )%* )2'-I"* 2$%1("1)%'* )'* C"%'(),* Baptist Church in Wayne. :9/-&* -&* '/"* 4-11"&'* (),,>* $%* '/"* #),,* &-%2"* P4)#)* /)&* 4"2$#"* president,” Norton said to the group. DO")7"(&* )'* '/"* (),,>* -%2,3.".* C)(.-%),* Q$1"(* ;)/$%>* +($#* R$&* 5%1","&*)%.*S"&&"*S)27&$%8*T("&-."%'*P4)#)*),&$*#)."*("#)(7&*'/($31/* )*O("("2$(.".*I-."$')O".*#"&&)1"*I$-2-%1*/-&*&3OO$('*'$*'/"*2($6.8 D'3."%'&*6"("*#$'-I)'".*'$*)''"%.*'/"*(),,>*+$(*)*%3#4"(*$+*.-++"("%'* (")&$%&8*;$%-2)*E3(7"F*&"%-$(*G%1,-&/*)%.*2$##3%-2)'-$%*)%.*4-$,$1>* #)U$(F* 4",-"I"&* '/"* 23(("%'* &>&'"#* -&* 4($7"%* )%.* 6)%'".* '$* &/$6* /"(* eric gibble / submitted photo support for an overhaul of immigration legislation. Bruce Sirk, Forth Worth TX., stands in front of the Lincoln Memorial during the Restoring Honor Rally in Washington D.C. Hundreds of thousands of concerned :V-'/$3'* W*X-%1* '/"* ,)6&* '/)'*current )("* -%"++"2'-I"F* -##-1()'-$%* O($4,"#&* citizens came out to hear prominent speakers such as Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and Alveda King. The rally was in protest of the administrations agenda. 2)%Y'*4"*&$,I".F=*E3(7"*&)-.8*:9/"*23(("%'*,)6&*#)7"*-'*-#O$&&-4,"*+$(*'/"* %3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*6/$*6)%'*'$*2$#"*'$*5#"(-2)*'$*.$*&$*,"1),,>8= 9/$&"*'/)'*#)(2/".*/",.*4>*&-1%&*'/)'*(").F*:GZ3),*'(")'#"%'*+$(*),,=* and “No human can be illegal” at the rally. <()%2"&*[)(("'F*&$O/$#$("*&$2-),*6$(7*)%.*DO)%-&/*#)U$(*)'*G)&'"(%* H%-I"(&-'>F*6)&*3O,-+'".*4>*'/"*&/""(*%3#4"(*$+*O"$O,"*)'*'/"*(),,>8 like the American Recovery and Sarah Palin fired up the crowd. ferent on Saturday in front of the Many rally participants such :\'*6)&*("),,>*O$6"(+3,*'$*4"*-%*'/"*#-.&'*$+*&$*#)%>*O"$O,"*'/)'*6)%'* By Eric Gibble Reinvestment Act, the controver“It is so humbling to get to bechange and have traveled so far to stand up for their rights,” Garrett said. masses. No one was singled out as Laura Mcleod from Slapout, News Editor sial shock jock Glenn Beck was here with you today,” Palin said 9/"* by Beck and2$##3%-'>* instead three+($#* themes came to ),&$* not only voice their R)'-%$* V"&'* Ala., C/"&'"(* 6)&* -%* )''"%.)%2"* joined by hundreds of thousands to the crowd. “We must restore),$%1&-."* of faith, hope &'3."%'&8* and charity concerns2$$(.-%)'$(* but to celebrate the U.S. C)4(-%-* D(8*were ;-#-* !"T)3,F* $+* ]-&O)%-2* Change has become a force at his “Restoring America” rally. America and restore her honor.” #-%-&'(>* emphasized. also drew several here /"(* to join $+* D'8*He 51%"&* C/3(2/F* 6)%'".* “I’m '$* ()-&"* I$-2"*with +$(* like'/"* to be reckoned with in the politiPeople from all across the naIn the past, Beck has madeundocumented. references from the Bible, calling minded people and just to celcal arena over the past two years. tion converged between the Lin- contentious remarks, calling :9/"("Y&*4""%*)*,)(1"*]-&O)%-2*O("&"%2"*^-%*'/"*2$%1("1)'-$%_*&-%2"* the pilgrims and Native Ameri- ebrate our freedom. I’m not here But a different kind of change coln Memorial and the Washing- President Obama a “racist” and`aAbF=* cans!"T)3,* “the chosen just to see`@* him [Beck]. here &)-.8*people.” :b@* O"(2"%'* )("* ;"X-2)%F* O"(2"%'* )("*I’m T3"('$* shook the Washington D.C. Na- ton Monument. Notable speakers has stated “social justice is a per“This really is ‘build it and to see every speaker there is,” tional Mall on Saturday, Aug. 28. including Martin Luther King version of the Bible” on his popu- they will come,’” Beck said to the Mcleod said. “They said there are Upset over the divisive health-,3..%,45'#-,36)012.25#301$%*.377 Jr.’s niece, Alveda King, and lar TV show. crowd as he assessed their num!$##%&'()*+', care reform and legislative bills 2008 vice presidential candidate Yet the message was very dif- bers. RALLY, Page 3
CALL TO ACTION !"#$%&%' */01)&/* *2)"3',0/
Thousands protest government policies 7-89(6-.&+,))1&32+ 5::5;+,-526&+(32+:& 56&<,.=56;-26>&!?$?>& +,5.(&:26(1&32+ ',6'(+&+(.(,+'= ,-&@A(),1&B2+&C53(D
!"#$%&"'()*%+,-(./0(123%4 !"#$"%&'()(*+,-(. INSIDE President speaks at convocation
+$(* R-+"* -%2,3.-%1* C)4(-%-* C/""(,").-%1F* C5T* E$)(.F*!",')*T/-*e-F*[""7*DZ3).F*9")#*5OO),)2/-)* NW66@CABRINI.EDU )%.*J),,">*<$(1"*9($U)%&8 By Trevor Wallace :\'Y&* %-2"* +$(* C5T* E$)(.* '$* &/$6* &3OO$('* +$(* News Editor 9/"* !-X$%* C"%'"(* /$3&".* ?B?* O)('-2-O)%'&* %)'-$%),*2)3&"&*,-7"*'/-&F=*G#-,>*<-$("F*&$O/$#$("* $+* '/"* Q",)>* <$(* R-+"* 2)%2"(* 6),7* '$* 4"%"W*'*9/"* &"2$%.)(>*".32)'-$%*)%.*G%1,-&/*#)U$(F*&)-.8*<-$("* Presenting presidential American Cancer Society. Young and old, students /)&* ),&$* 6),7".* '$* 4"%"W *'* 5\!D*the )6)("%"&&* )%.* address as part of the open)%.*2$##3%-'>*#"#4"(&F*'/"*2$##$%*'/(").*6)&* 4(")&'*2)%2"(F*$+*6/-2/*/"(*)3%'*-&*-%*("#-&&-$%8 ing convocation to the Cabrini the force cancer had on their lives and the impact 9)()*GI-&$%F*&"%-$(*O&>2/$,$1>*#)U$(F*'$,.*/"(* College W*1/'-%1* community, Ma'/"&"*6),7"(&*6)%'".*'$*/)I"*$%*2)%2"(8 #$'/"(F* 6/$* -&* 23(("%',>* 4(")&'*Dr. 2)%2"(F* rie Angelella George delivered :C)%2"(* )++"2'&* "I"(>$%"8* T"$O,"* 6)%'* '$* )4$3'*'/"*"I"%'8*:\*6)%'*/"(*'$*&""*'/"("*)("*O"$O,"* the message regarding the four &""* O($1("&&* #)."* '$6)(.&* ("&")(2/* )%.* /)I"* -'* 6/$*2)("F=*GI-&$%*&)-.8 main themes that are focused eliminated from our community,” Katie Keller, :D$#"'-#"&*>$3*+"",*,-7"*>$3Y("*)%*$3'2)&'F*&$* around a new mission statement, sophomore accounting major and cochair of -'Y&* -#O$(')%'* '$* 2$#"* '$* "I"%'&* ,-7"* '/-&* 4"2)3&"* which the college will be workC)4(-%-Y&*Q",)>*<$(*R-+"F*&)-.8 >$3*.$%Y'*+"",*,-7"*&32/*)%*$3'&-."(F=*C-%.>*GI-&$%F* ing towards throughout the year. 9/"*6),7F*6/-2/*4"1)%*)'*c*O8#8*$%*D)'3(.)>F* 9)()Y&* #$'/"(F* &)-.8* GI-&$%* &'$OO".* &#$7-%1* '6$* “We are about defining a ;)(2/*?@*)%.*6"%'*3%'-,*a*)8#8*$%*D3%.)>F*;)(2/* years ago. “You almost have to change your life in contemporary Cabrini educa?`F* 6)&* )* /31"* &322"&&8* 9/"* 1$),* $+* +3%.&* '$* 4"* $(."(*'$*Z3-'8*GI-&$%*-&*O($3.*'/)'*/"(*.)31/'"(*/)&* tion through excellence, social ()-&".* 6)&* d?@F@@@* )%.F* )'* A* O8#8F* '/"* "I"%'* /).* Z3-'*&#$7-%1*'$*&/$6*/"(*&3OO$('8 justice and /$&'* transformational ),(").>*#"'*'/"*d`AF@@@*#)(78*5'*'/"*2$%2,3&-$%*$+* C$##3%-'-"&* )%.* 2$,,"1"&* Q",)>* <$(* learning. That is'$* what has '/"*"I"%'F*'/"*'$'),*#$%">*()-&".*'$'),".*d?`Fb@@F* R-+"* 6),7&* ),,* $I"(* '/"* 2$3%'(>* 4"%"W *'* been 9/"* our energies and alsurpassing the goal. 5#"(-2)%* C)%2"(* directing D$2-"'>8* Q"O("&"%')'-I"&* +($#* lowing us to prioritize the nu\%* )..-'-$%* '$* '/"* '6$* 2$M2/)-(&* $+* '/"* "I"%'F* the Society are present during the event to oversee merous activities and project !)%-",,"* !-E)('$,$* )%.* L)'-"* L",,"(F* Q",)>* /).* / submitted Ttrevor wallace photo the happenings and further the Society’s mission. initiatives that we could do to re`c*2$##-''""*#"#4"(&*'$*/",O*O,)%*'/"*+3%2'-$%8* Dr. Marie Angelella George spoke to members of the Cabrini ally harness our energy towards 9/"("*6"("*),&$*?b*'")#&*'/)'*O)('-2-O)'".*-%*Q",)>* !"#$%&'()*+', community regarding plans for the upcoming year. NOELLE WESTFALL STAFF WRITER
achieving this vision,” George said, regarding the plans that have been laid out for the campus community. Three new members of George’s cabinet have joined Cabrini College, which include Dennis Kelly, vice president of enrollment management; Dr. Anne Skleder, provost and vice president for academic affairs; and Joan Neal, vice president of institutional planning and effectiveness. Together they will work towards the new mission statement that, as stated by George, was “not to be changed but to be made more concise.” The new statement that was announced by George during her address on Wednesday, Aug. 24, recognizes Cabrini’s roots in its
Katrina victims press on Perspectives, page 7 Tourism helps impoverished countries Features, page 9
Box office beats recession A&E, page 10 Men’s soccer preview Sports, page 16
<=(+(&E5))&E(&*(&56&/0&1(,+.F& 7((G&!"#$%&"'()*#+"), ADDRESS, Page 3
page 2
Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010
Editorial Current issues will affect students in the long run “Never discuss religion with politics in a single conversation” has been a piece of advice many have heard throughout the decades. At a private Catholic college, it seems many students aren’t taking notice to the advice. College students are often influenced by all the different walks of life when they meet at school that they become compelled to be a part of political change. At Cabrini, it’s as easy as any other college or university to be included in that change. The Wolfington Center offers many opportunities to learn about social issues in both your backyard as well as overseas. To learn about these issues is as valuable as doing something about them. The school’s curriculum offers junior year students to lobby in Washington D.C. to talk to their senators about what they want changed. The Loquitur staff knows politics may not be the most immediate thought on a college student’s mind. However, after your four years of living and learning in a secure setting, you will no longer be insured under your parents healthcare, along with having to pay a mortgage and taxes. Soon enough, you won’t have a choice but to be politically involved. Why not educate yourself while you’re in a setting where you can rally peers to want the change that you do? Our advice is to find something that you care about. Something that affects you in a way that inspires to you learn about it. Zero in on what it is you think must be fixed. You don’t have to understand everything that is happening in the world, but discovering a cause that you wish to see prosper is enough motivation to witness a revolution. To get started, sign up for clubs and organizations on campus such as Catholic Relief Services or Habitat for Humanity to witness what it is college students are doing to promote positive change for the common good. Use social media like Twitter and Google Reader to follow political figures and learn about their positions on certain issues you find affect you. Register to vote and have your voice heard during the United States midterm election that will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2010.
The price of your future Internships are crucial in this job market to a college graduate’s resume. If you’re lucky, you’re paid for your work. However, the majority of college students are not. According to the New York Times, the amount of unpaid internships has tripled in the last two years as a result of the economic downfall and an increase in student’s eagerness. Recently, government officials have conducted investigations to exploit certain employers who have discarded the regulations of the U.S. Department of Labor’s criteria that companies must meet when they employ both paid workers as well as unpaid interns. At Cabrini, we have the cooperation education program that offers students college credit for the internships they obtain through the office’s services. However, many students may find they have to pay for the college credit that ultimately burdens them. Many students evaluate their internships as being a bystander to a company or the stereotypical fetcher of the boss-man’s coffee. The Loquitur questions how far a student should go financially to expand their professional experience. In addition to the $43,000 tuition Cabrini students pay annually, the extra hours in the week add to an already overwhelming schedule that may be only worth it if financial compensation is involved.
Alumni ‘Transition’ into new phase of life By Danielle Alio Deputy Editor Graduating from college or starting a new job may be a time of uncertainty and confusion. Some may know exactly what they want to do or be while others may feel lost or in shock that a phase of their life is over. A few recent college graduates and upperclassmen from a wide variety of colleges and universities came together and created a new radio magazine for all of those racing towards a new phase in life. The hour-long podcast is called “Transitions” and it was originally started in April by young adults coming from schools including Cabrini College, Arcadia University, Millersville University, Penn State University and Temple University “Transitions is an online radio magazine. We have different sections; nightlife, current events and lifestyles, South Jersey and travel. We talk about things of interest to the after-college crowd. We want to help those who are coming out of college. We want to find news that’s interesting for them and the hot spots in Philadelphia that they want to go to. It’s really exciting that we get to bring people together,” Noelle Westfall, associate producer of “Transitions” and Cabrini College class of 2010 graduate, said. The show is geared to help listeners with most aspects of life while they transition into a new phase. “We have two main hosts and four contributors and we have a guest on the show and bands that play. We talk about current events and different issues like style and travel. It’s a lot of exciting stuff,” Melissa Leon, lifestyle and travel contributor for “Transitions” and senior at Arcadia University, said. Each week, the show features helpful guests anywhere from inspirational speakers to those with financial and job advice. Each week there is also an up-andcoming band or musician who is trying to break into the music business. “It throws ideas out there that people probably haven’t thought of before. You’re always looking for a job even if you have a job
out of college, you know, you’re probably looking for a better one. It’s always nice to have different ideas floating around each week,” Dan Schmidt, current events contributor for “Transitions” and senior at Temple University, said. The show has a website that features a free downloadable podcast as well as video clips from its YouTube channel of the live broadcasts at different venues throughout the city and surrounding areas. Each of the crewmembers rely on each other each week to produce a successful show. They meet every Tuesday night to plan out the final details before the live Thursday broadcast each week. Janene Gibbons, executive producer for “Transitions” and Cabrini College class of 2009 graduate, stressed the importance of working together as a team with people one trusts. “It does take a lot of passion. It takes a lot of organization and help. You know, I think one of the main things is that it is a production company not a production person. You can’t do it by yourself. I am really grateful that I have people who are dedicated and committed. They are in it because it is a product that they see has the potential to help people’s lives. It’s really a community thing and when you do something for the community, it comes back to you in big ways,” Gibbons said. The show has not yet been able to make a profit for those work-
ing and contributing to the new project. The crew is hopeful that they will find sponsors to help support their project financially. As of right now, all of the finances come out of the pockets of those involved. “You know it’s definitely difficult to come into something and just want to give 110 percent and not get paid for it or not get any money and not even know where it’s going to go. If you want to start something and it’s your passion, like hands down it’s what you want to do, then take a shot in the dark and do it,” Cally McCurdy, host for “Transitions” and Penn State University class of 2010 graduate, said. Those involved with the show hope to serve as an example to other young adults to not be afraid of chasing after what they want in life. “Figure out what your dream is at first. Then, point yourself in the general direction of that dream and work your way up from there. Love what you do and show others that you love what you’re going to do in your future,” Lee Lansman, head of sponsor relations for “Transitions,” said. One can follow the “Transitions” project by going to the website at as well as on Facebook, Jumpstart-This-Production’s (Transitions Radio) and Twitter, @TransitionsR.
Tdanielle alio / submitted photo
“Transitions” radio hosts Cally McCurdy and Jon Mimm, host their radio podcast at a Borders bookstore in North Wales Pa.
The Loquitur
2010-2011 Editorial Staff EDITOR IN CHIEF Kelsey Kastrava DEPUTY EDITOR Danielle Alio MANAGING EDITOR Michelle Costa NEWS EDITOR Eric Gibble NEWS EDITOR Trevor Wallace A&E EDITOR Elizabeth Krupka A&E EDITOR Danielle McLaughlin
Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010
page 3
Concerned citizens rally in D.C. RALLY, Page 1 going to be other leaders here and different denominations. I want to hear what everyone has to say.” Mcleod owns a small smokehouse restaurant and expressed her concern with the weak recovery from the recession. “With all the unemployment being extended and while I believe people always need a hand, I’m paying 20 cents out of every dollar of my pocket and not their pocket,” Mcleod said. “There’s not much money left after that and that’s just one tax.” “I’m an American like everyone else. I want my freedom like everyone else. All of our freedom is at stake at this time,” Mcleod said. Jim Armano, a retired schoolteacher from New York City, N.Y., joined the rally to voice his opposition to Obama’s political ideology. “I’m against this administration’s agenda. I believe in small, limited government adhering to the constitution. I think Obamacare is a disaster and will just tax everyone into the poorhouse,” Armano said. He also expressed concern for the future. “I’m here nervous about the debt for my children and grandchildren. I think it’s unsustainable,” Armano said. Having worked for the public education system, Armano said pensions and salaries should be slashed in order to balance the states budget. “They should be cut and they [the government] should live within their means as necessary.
I’m willing to take a cut on my pension as long as it’s equally spread,” Armano said. Despite his frustrations with the current administration, Armano believes there still is hope for the future. “I think people will come together to do the right thing but there’s too many favoritisms and lobbyists with too much influence in Washington,” Armano said. “It’s upsetting. We don’t want the government taking care of us. We want to take care of ourselves, just as long as the government provides an equal playing field for all people.” Spread amidst the rally were multiple opponents of Beck who raised concern over the timing of the event. “It’s Martin Luther King Day and apparently this is just a coincidence? I don’t think so,” Sarah Hasenfuss, sophomore international affairs major from George Washington University said. “I’m against his social agenda. He’s been really backwards on feminism, homosexual rights and African-American rights. He says he’s restoring the honor of America and I really don’t think he’s doing that. I’m more against the lies that he’s spreading to people. He calls people that are really capitalists socialists, which really gets on my nerves,” Hasenfuss said. Later on in the day another rally was held by the Rev. Al Sharpton countering Beck’s message, providing a livid display of American freedom of speech at the nation’s Capital.
EEEEeric gibble / submitted photo
Heading towards the Washington Monument, supporters of the rally gather to listen to speakers. One of the concerns for many of the participants was the current financial crisis.
New plans for Catholic identity
George speaks for college, mission statement calls for engaged community ADDRESS, Page 1 faith and realizes its purpose for being. “We are a Catholic institution of higher education dedicated to academic excellence, leadership development and social justice. As a community, we welcome learners of all faiths, cultures and backgrounds and we prepare them to become engaged citizens of the world,” George said. With this new and improved statement, Cabrini’s identity has been given new priorities for the upcoming year. “By the end of the year, we want the entire campus community to be engaged in some way in the initiative dealing with mission integration,” George said adding that the new mission statement has acted as a springboard for Cabrini’s Catholic identity. Taking a new approach to issues regarding students, George pointed out that it is in fact the
faculty and staff that must first address the mission statement before turning to the undergraduate community to deepen their sense of Cabrini’s mission. “For the first year, we [Cabrini’s faculty and staff] have to start with ourselves. We are, so to speak, the permanent members of the campus community. We have to be clear about what our respective roles are, so that more students will know what it means to be more committed in their journey towards matters of social justice,” George said. Members of George’s cabinet, including Kelly, are well aware of the poor retention rates Cabrini has seen during recent years. They have been committed to finalizing a multi-year retention plan by the end of the year, which
not only understands why students are leaving but reaches the comfortable goal of 1,500 undergraduate students deemed fit for the college. The college even had discus-
be the education department. Graduate education over the last three years has also grown to over 1,200 students, which has largely been due to the creation of off-campus sites. The third theme George touched on during her presidential address dealt with matters of stewardship or the supervising and managing of the campus. In the fiscal year of ’09-’10, which runs from the beginning of July to the end of June, the office of institutional advancement exceeded its goal of $1.03 million by five percent. These proceeds are to be distributed throughout the Cabrini Fund that was set in place in order to help with student financial aid. A campus master plan was also discussed that will improve facilities, grounds, pedestrian
“By the end of the year, we want the entire campus community to be engaged in some way in the initiative dealing with mission integration.” sions about a doctorate program. There isn’t anything on the immediate horizon for such a program. However, George said that the most natural department to receive a doctorate program would
walkways, the environment of the college, classrooms and multipurpose use areas. This master plan has a window of 15-20 years for everything to be implemented. George went on to read an email she had received from Don Francis, president of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Pennsylvania, made up of 93 private colleges within the state of Pennsylvania. It was in response to the latest issue of the Cabrini Magazine. “I really like the way that you have developed your justice matters mission of the college. I still vividly remember you unveiling this theme at your inauguration and it is clear that you are keeping the college focused on the social justice mission of the college. This really does separate Cabrini from many other institutions,” Francis said.
page 4
Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010
By Liz Scopelliti Copy Editor
By Liz Scopelliti Copy Editor
Obama vocalizes promises for those affected by Katrina
Faculty member to pursue other endeavours
The catastrophic and destructive aftermath of Hurricane Katrina continues to be a topic for America as the five-year-mark approaches, with President Barack Obama pledging that continued efforts would be made to rebuild the city. Obama acknowledged the difficulties that New Orleans residents have faced since Katrina and the recent afflictions brought on by the oil spill. Obama vocalized his plans to uphold his promise to assist the residents “until the damage to the gulf and to the lives of the people in the region is reversed.”
Wolfington Center director David Chiles has announced his departure from Cabrini to continue his passion of volunteer work at Philabundance, a hunger relief organization in Philadelphia. Not only was Chiles the founding director of the Wolfington Center, he also developed partnerships with Norristown, as well as being a collaborator in the development of the new core curriculum, Justice Matters. He has assisted in building programs and partnerships within the area, including the Youth Empowerment Program and the Montgomery County Prisoner Reentry Network. Chiles last day will be Sept. 10.
Janice Boudreaux Lee visits the Katrina Memorial at the Town Green in Biloxi, MI. President Obama reaffirmed his commitment to rebuilding New Orleans this week.
Iraq combat operations end President Barack Obama said in a statement released Tuesday night that American forces will formally pull out of Iraq, according to the New York Times. The human and financial sacrifice made by the American people was more than enough and Obama said that “it is time to turn the page” and deal with the economic
crisis at home. Calling it his “central responsibility as president,” Obama described restoring the economy as the most important task at hand, since many Americans are currently without jobs.
skeptical convictions being felt amongst citizens and analysts. With over 2.5 million Palestinians inhabiting Israeli land, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be faced with questions mainly regarding the control of territory that is being currently occupied.
Summit meeting to be held in Washington
Challenges still face Pakistan residents
The Palestinian-Israeli summit meeting will be taking place in Washington on Thursday, with both positive expectations and
After a month of torrential flood rains in Pakistan, relief officials are still working to assist the area and the nearly 20 million
people perturbed by the damage. The over-abundance of rain, which started back in late July, has affected over one-fifth of the country, leaving government leaders apprehensive as they try to rebuild the city. With over $200 million spent on schools and health facilities alone, officials are hoping to restore and improve Pakistan’s water and energy systems in the event that another disaster renders. Read the full articles online at
THIS WEEK AT CABRINI Thursday, Sept. 2
Friday, Sept. 3
Cupcakes and Board Games with P.A.R.T.Y.
Fast Track to Philly for 1st Friday & a Geno’s Steak
Cupcakes and fun games will be held in the East Res Lounge from 8 p.m.-9 p.m.
Get your SEPTA Train pass for $2 in the SEaL office from 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 5
Monday, Sept. 6
Mass 7 p.m.- 8 p.m.
Labor Day Holiday No Classes
Saturday, Sept. 4 Cabrini sporting events See sports, page 14
Tuesday, Sept. 7 ThinkFast Game Show! Trivia fanatics can sign up in the SEaL office in teams of 2-4 for a chance of winning a grand prize of $200.
Man deported due to robberyhomicide charges A Cambodian man who legally entered the United States as a refugee back in 1985 was deported on Tuesday, Aug. 31 for being involved in a robbery that resulted in murder. Hov Ly Kol is one of 50 Cambodian-American survivors of the “killing fields” in Cambodia that are currently awaiting eviction for crimes that they have already served time for. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, his sister said “I understand he committed a felony. But he did his time. And he came out changed.” Kol should have been deported when his parole ended in 2007. Yet Camobida did not issue travel documents by this time. Since then, Kol has been able to gather a group of supporters that are calling for an individual consideration for deportation. However, this month Cambodia finally issued travel documents that would allow for his deportation.
Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010
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Grant adds The gulf coast new courses four months later for ed. majors By Rachael Renz Copy Editor
By Jamie Santoro Perspectives Editor For months, America watched millions of gallons of crude oil spill into the Gulf of Mexico. An oil company scrambled as stocks fell and money dried up. A government tried to stay calm as fingers were pointed without any real solution. All the while an ecosystem was ravaged beyond comprehension with damage that will never completely be fixed and locals seeing their entire life’s work fall apart. For the inhabitants of the waters and land in and around the Gulf of Mexico, the Deepwater Horizon blowout was another hard blow in a soft spot. Louisiana, the Florida Panhandle, parts of Mississippi, Alabama and Texas all felt the negative effects. Now that the spill has stopped and the recovery has begun, what’s next for this area? The delicate bayou ecosystem of the area is facing problems on every level. Starting from the lowly plankton, an organism not seen nor heard, but the backbone of the food pyramid. Many plankton have consumed oil microbes, confusing them with their normal food sources, smaller plankton and bacteria. Scientists are unsure of the effect this will have on the plankton themselves and the other organisms that rely on plankton as a food source. Tainting the bottom of the
food pyramid could cause the entire thing to collapse. For larger animals, the oil is threatening to completely wipe out species. Several types of turtles already on the endangered species list are in the affected area. The oil in the water also has the chance of lowering the oxygen level in the ocean itself, threatening the lives of millions of fish. The delicate balance of chemicals in the sea has been thrown off. It’s like if the air we breathe suddenly became fundamentally different. The ramifications of the gusher can’t be estimated and will not truly be understood by academics and scientists for many years. Another important organism
in the area that is reeling from the disaster are the people. The area around the Gulf is known for its culture, tourist attractions and food. The locals are suffering as their many sources of income, tourists and fish are fleeing. As the oil clean up began to have an effect, the Coast Guard began to re-open sections of the gulf for fishing. The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals has been issuing bimonthly reports of their activity, sampling seafood throughout the Gulf and testing it for anything that could cause concern. The latest, published on Aug. 23, shows that none of the seafood sampled had dangerous levels of any harmful substances. Resorts along the coast are
not having as easy of a time getting back into the swing of things. During what is normally their most busy time of the year, the summer holiday, hotels across the area are empty. In an attempt to show that the area is safe, President Obama and his daughter Sasha took a dip in the waters of the coast of Florida near Panama City Beach. The tourism in the area will take longer to bounce back and the longer it takes the bigger economic toll it will have. Both economically and ecologically, the Gulf and its shores need a lot of attention.
Mixing caffeine, alcohol poses risk By Meghan McSloy Copy Editor Twitching, uncontrollable shaking and erratic behavior, three symptoms of cocaine use, are not typically associated with the consumption of alcohol. However, these anomalies are beginning to be applied to alcohol use due to an increase in popularity of drinks that combine alcohol with caffeine. Many college students are aware of the risks of binge drinking and the dangers imposed by drinking too much alcohol but with new drinks such as Four Loko, Red Bull vodka and Joose gaining popularity, students are failing to realize the health implications of consuming these beverages, despite the good feelings they get from drinking it. “People think that they are going to avoid the depressant effects of alcohol by adding caffeine, but it really does not work that way.” Susan Fitzgerald,
Cabrini nurse, said. One of the newer and highly popular drinks, Four Loko, is being examined by attorneys general in several states due to its cocaine-like effects on those who consume it. These states are taking a closer look at potential health risks of the drink
which is a stimulant. “The alcohol in the drink works against the energy boost of the caffeine.” The alcohol content of Four Loko surpasses the amount in many other alcoholic beverages. “One can of Four Loko has
“People think that they are going to avoid the depressant effects of alcohol by adding caffeine, but it really does not work that way.” and how it is being marketed to the population. Four Loko in particular, attracts the collegeaged population. On its Facebook fan page, the drink has over 144,000 “fans.” According to Mary Rose, associate nurse at Cabrini, the alcohol, which is a depressant, works against the caffeine,
twice the amount of alcohol than an average can of beer,” Rose said. Four Loko has been dubbed the nickname “liquid cocaine” because of its striking similarities to the effects of cocaine on the body. The reason why these drinks are so dangerous is because
one single drink contains the equivalent to three beers accompanied by a large amount of caffeine. The caffeine creates an “alert but relaxed” feeling. Because of these stimulants, a person drinking an alcoholic energy drink is less aware of the effects of the alcohol. “College-aged drinkers of alcoholic energy drink cocktails are more likely to get drunk, because they do not feel the depressant effects of the alcohol when they are drinking it because of the caffeine. People will tend to drink more because they do not realize the effects,” Fitzgerald said. Since caffeine and alcohol are both diuretics, they cause dehydration at twice the normal rate of a regular alcoholic beverage. The caffeine masks the effects of the alcohol on the body, making the person less aware of their impairment, making them more likely to sustain an injury or engage in risky behaviors such as drunk driving.
Education majors around the globe all have one thing in common; they’re not trained to spot signs of domestic violence. But Cabrini’s education department stands apart thanks to “Children as Witness.” Dr. Colleen Lelli, education instructor at Cabrini, wrote her dissertation about domestic violence. Lelli graduated from Cabrini in ’95 with a bachelors in elementary education and special education then continued her education at Arcadia and Widener. “The grant trains teachers to recognize the signs and symptoms of domestic violence. It provides the proper resources and avenues for teachers,” Lelli said. “There’s a lot of legality issues involved bound by their profession to report signs of abuse but sometimes there aren’t signs and its hard to go off of someone’s claim.” The grant provides new courses that will focus more on domestic violence along with workshops. This grant is not only for teachers but for staff, students and social workers at neighborhood schools. “Research has shown that we report on our own discipline; education on education, social work on social work. We want the grant to be more multi-disciplinary,” Lelli said. President Marie Angelella George and Lelli met with,White House Advisor Lyn Rosenthale and spoke of the grant and violence against women and children. Rosenthale was happy to provide support and give ideas for the grant. Besides speaking with Rosenthale, Lelli and George met with Ellen Pence, creator of the “Power and Control Wheel Pointer on Domestic Violence.” This meeting provided many answers and more ideas for what types of classes should be taught under the grant. “Education majors will be more well-versed after taking these classes. They will be aware so they can help the kids after post-traumatic stress,” Lelli said. The planning phase of this grant lasted two years and will provide two classes taught by Lelli and Dr. Laura Groves. Lelli’s class is titled “Impact of Witnessing Domestic Violence on Children.” Groves is called “Theory and Practice of Service Children Exposed to Domestic Violence.” “If I had the same opportunity when I was a student at Cabrini it would have made me more aware and knowing of the violence in homes. I’ve always been interested in domestic violence and found it to be a social justice issue that doesn’t get enough attention. I’m glad after these classes, this will change,” Lelli said.
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Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010
Reflections on a new start; from opposite ends By Lia Ferrante & Beatrice McQuiston Guest Writers
Our home away from home for the next four years was right in front of our faces as we pulled into Cabrini College. New faces, unpacked cars and frantic parents were all we could see. Not sure what to expect, we held our breaths as we walked to the registration table to join the class of 2014. Seeing upperclassmen with “Move-In” shirts and a smile was a relief as they kindly grabbed our bags without even asking. Walking from table to table to get all our new Cabrini gear made the move-in process more real. Getting settled in and awkwardly talking to our new roommates was an overwhelming and frightening experience, soley because we knew our living space
would be shared for the next year. A million questions ran through our minds, such as “Are we going to get along?,” or “Can I borrow her clothes?” It will take us a while to get used to sharing a bathroom with total strangers, along with carting around a basket primarily designed for toiletries. The anticipation of meeting new friends came faster than we thought when we were split into our groups and meeting our orientation leaders for the first time. Meeting our OL’s took a weight off our shoulders, knowing they would be there for us for the whole weekend. Every second of our weekend was booked with planned events, so missing home never crossed our minds. Little did we know that the people surrounding us would be taking the same journey as us. It was nice to know that every event we went to, our orientation group was coming with us. Seeing all of the excited faces displayed by the upperclassmen as we ran into the gym made us feel more comfortable in our new environment. We were laughing with total strangers while we played silly games, helping ease our nerves and relax.
Any concerns sleeping in a new bed didn’t even cross our minds because of our exhaustion from our day. Whoever was bold enough to hear the haunted stories about Cabrini and go through the tour of the mansion knew it was an event not to be missed. Unconsciously grabbing onto people you didn’t know showed how close the school is even if you were a freshman. The skits they performed for us were informative but in a way to make us laugh. All the time and effort showed how much fun they had the week before. It made us want to be more involved in the year ahead. The comfort of knowing the orientation leaders wanted to eat every meal with us showed how dedicated they were to making us feel at home. Being separated into groups to get a tour of Wayne showed where we would be spending most of our time. Walking past a million stores in the King of Prussia Mall, we knew we would be penniless by the time we came home for Thanksgiving break. The chaos during the bus ride and the constant chatter made us feel that we knew these people for longer than three days. Exchanging email and contact information
made us feel like we weren’t the only people struggling to meet new people. As the weekend was coming to a close, we knew college wasn’t all fun and games. We knew our first night of pulling all-nighters was coming closer than we thought. Like a typical freshman, we were worried about our schedule, our books and waking up on time for class in the morning. We would’ve never thought that the library would soon become our new best friend, when in high school we didn’t even know where the library was. Searching for places to go and people to meet will still be on our minds as new weekends approach. Even though we still get homesick almost everyday, we know that each day will get better. After doing all the activities we never would’ve thought that they would help us be more confident walking through the Cabrini campus.
Orientation 2010 By Rachael Renz Copy Editor One word that would easily describe the 2010 Orientation exercise would be amazing. I met so many new people, became closer with some I already knew and learned new things about myself. Last spring when I saw all the flyers around campus about the orientation application, I immediately knew I wanted to be a part of it. As a freshman, I came to Cabrini with trepidation and hesitation. I didn’t know what to expect and I honestly don’t remember seeing friendly faces during my first day at school. Granted, I didn’t really want to be at college to begin with but I don’t remember anyone coming up to me asking me how I was doing or how my experience was going. During my orientation training, we were taught leadership skills, how to handle unsure incoming students and how to effectively play icebreakers.
I honestly would have never known how important those training exercises were. Yeah, 90 percent of incoming students don’t want to do icebreakers and stupid games but little do they know how those activities affect their college experience. When I was freshman, I didn’t show up for anything but the first icebreakers and the Phillies game because, why not, it’s the Phillies! After orientation had ended, I realized how my peers had already developed groups of friends, crushes and perhaps even enemies. I completely missed the boat. I relayed this message to my orientation group and surprisingly they took my advice. Even though they didn’t want to do stupid games where you catch a ball and answer a question about yourself, skittles fun fact games or two truths and one lie, they still showed up. Maybe they liked the games, maybe they didn’t but they still bonded over one of these factors. Aside from learning things about each other, I learned a lot about myself. The first day of orientation, I walked up to a father watching students move in and immediately started a conversation with him. I am naturally outspoken and a people per-
son but I would never normally walk up to a random person and start a conversation. We talked for about an hour until we both discovered I was his son’s orientation leader. I am typically the type of person that shys away from my peers. When it comes to presenting in front of others, leading others or being their boss, you can forget about it. But during orientation week, I walked up to anyone and everyone, whether or not they were in my orientation group, to ask how they were adapting to Cabrini. But I can’t take all the credit for my awesome experience. My partner Ryan Pashley was great too. He was outgoing and welcoming to our group as well. We both agreed on every game and how to handle our students. Not only was my partner great but our group was awesome too! We had 16 boys and four girls, which as you may know is an unusual ratio for Cabrini. The boys were definitely engaged and the girls seemed very eager. I was very fortunate with my group. I loved being a role model to my students but also being their friend, someone they can go to for advice or help. I feel as though I learned a lot about people, myself and my future, oddly enough.
I am a business administration major and have taken leadership courses and have defined and evaluated the term leadership half a dozen times. Never before have I applied it to my life. I learned skills that I can discuss in the classroom and bring to my career. During orientation we supplied the freshmen with a haunted tour of the mansion, game nights with awesome prizes, laser tag, photo booths, movie night, King of Prussia Mall trip, a Wayne-area tour and even tours of the campus. I was amazed at all the imaginative ideas that orientation coordinators Brittany O’Connor and Aisling Carroll created. I was truly impressed and maybe slightly jealous that my orientation wasn’t as inventive. Even though the hours of orientation can be long, I couldn’t be happier with my decision. I would definitely recommend others to apply and help with freshmen orientation, because being a leader and guiding the new students can change their experience and potentially change the face of Cabrini.
Thursday, Sept 2, 2010
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Police should After 5 years, Katrina victims still fighting made temporary contributions and sugar- my head around the idea that people who change focus By Michelle Costa coated progress to the press and ignored the once had a stable environment that they Managing Editor By Liz Scopelliti Copy Editor I think there’s been a moment in everyone’s life when they have been guilty of speeding. It’s an inevitable fact that is bound to take place more than once, twice or a dozen times. I’ve had my license for three and a half years and I’m proud to say that I consider myself a very responsible and conscientious driver. I wear my seatbelt, I use my mirrors, I generally go within 10 m.p.h. of the speed limit, etc. So why, Mr. Officer of the Law, do you feel it necessary to present me with a ticket when I do not have a bad track record? The reason I bring this up is simple: I see no point in negatively altering people’s days solely to meet a quota that should not have been set in the first place. I was pulled over for the first time in my life in July while on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. (Side note: if any of you have driven on this road, you know as well as I do how boring and never-ending it is.) I was playing a game with my mom and while I was thinking about how to answer her question, my foot ever so slightly pressed itself harder onto the gas, which resulted in me going over 15 miles above the “65 mph” zone I was in. Right as my mom told me to slow down, I looked out my mirror and saw the flashing lights behind me, signaling for me to pull over. OK, long story short, the cop was super nice and lowered my “punishment,” so to say. But still, let’s be for real here! It’s not like I was tailgating or swerving through lanes. I think police officers are wonderful people. At least I hope they are. I have had a few minor run-ins with the cops over the past few years, and some are just straight up rude and impolite. I have seven uncles involved with the law, one of whom is a detective, and two cousins as well. They are some of the greatest people I know. But regardless, I still see no point in handing out tickets or citations for simply speeding. If you’re going 75 in a 25, then you have issues. But 10 mph over the speed limit, 15 mph? If we’re all traveling in the same lane without tailgating or endangering the lives of others, who cares? I’m not stupid. You want our money, don’t lie. I also know you have that silly quota to meet every month. How about this: instead of parking on side roads or disguising yourself in blue Ford Explorers, you actually go out and find the bad guys, the ones that continue to terrorize our cities every day? Crazy idea, I know. But take it from a girl who lives in a town where 2,340,398 back-up police cars are called when two people get pulled over for speeding. Chill with the drama and remember how your egotistical ways can ruin someone’s day.
long-term damage. No matter how large a volunteer group may be or how many layers of paint is put on a house, no one can instantly help and resolve the mental damage that is crippling the minds of those affected. I believe we as a country take on many tasks at one time. This demand of complicating commitments results in doing work in every direction, essentially at a mediocre level. If prioritizing were implemented, people five years later would not be homeless and still suffering. Reports all over do not hide the astonishing numbers that show the truth behind poor resettlement projects. Currently there are 125,000 people that remain displaced due to the vicious hurricane. My heart continues to break. I try to wrap
called home became homeless in a blink of an eye. It’s years later and hopelessness would not even begin to describe the pain they must face day in and day out. Natural disasters are certainly not planned. Sure, we are given warning but no plan of action is significant or successful enough to save ones belongings that have made up a lifetime of memories. Every person in our world should be granted the gift of a home, a place where a family can be protected and safe. This hurricane was no ones fault. It is our job, our responsibility to restore life and give these people a future that can replace the hell they are currently living.
A few days ago marked the five-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. On that day, millions were washed away of a future in a matter of minutes. Today, not much has changed; not the change that you would hope to see in five years, anyway. Festive New Orleans has surely gotten some life back but not to the level of spirit and fun it was once known for. It is safe to say that if the city’s levee system had not failed, Louisiana would be booming with a future filled with unique flavor and promising soul. While other states were hit by this tal storm, lack of improvement and rebuilding still stands in Louisiana. How is that not one, not three but five years later, people are still displaced and living in conditions that are completely unsuitable and unacceptable? What went wrong in the reestablishing plans that have left thousands robbed of their homes and a life that they once had before the winds hit? The current lifestyle that many are continuing to live is a complete disgrace and embarrassment on our government’s part. Sure, donations upon donations have helped those in need but the depths of destruction have not been properly addressed. Alternate procedures could have restored lives back to the way things were before the 2005 storm. mct In my opinion, I strongly In this file photo from 2005, search and rescue teams evacuated people who had decided to stay feel as though FEMA only in New Orleans, Louisiana during Hurricane Katrina.
Mentoring means ease of mind and success By Felicia Melvin Web & Photo Editor In high school, similar to the majority of seniors, I began thinking about college. I had a hard time trying to figure out what my future major would be and what school I wanted to attend. I really didn’t understand the whole process and what I realistically wanted to do for a career. With all these decisions I had to make and things I needed to get done, my mom knew that a mentor who dealt with these same matters would be a great help. My mom introduced me to a woman at her job who had just graduated from college and she
was very interested in helping me succeed. After realizing that media, web and writing were passions of mine, I decided that communication would be the best fit for me as a major. With my mentor at my side I became a little ahead of the pack because of her guidance and support that gave me motivation to strive as a student. My mentor, who was a journalism major, introduced me to the networking process firsthand. She taught me that building relationships and my skills would be my best start as an incoming freshman. My professors also gave me advice about my field in communication. They helped me realize the importance of internships and working hard in and out of the classroom. Great mentors can also come in the form of your roommate, classmate or friend. Meeting
other college students, especially upperclassman, is a great way to get involved with different activities and also a way to gain long-term friendships. Peer mentors also can help you become determined through inspiration. With that being said don’t be afraid to ask your peers questions and advice. You will gain great friendships and knowledge during your college career. I believe that having a mentor is a great asset, not only to a college student but to anyone who is willing to take advice and learn from someone who has gone through it before them. Although I have not had the opportunity to mentor someone, in the future I hope to give someone else the guidance and direction needed to succeed in becoming an adult and a striving student. Do not be afraid to help someone out or to ask for help.
Receiving mentorship is a great way to become a mentor and inspiration to another student. Going into my freshman year at Cabrini, I encountered and took advantage of countless professors, students and faculty who actually enjoyed mentoring and giving advice about academics, social life and taking advantage of what Cabrini has to offer. Freshmen especially, do not be afraid to connect with upperclassmen and professors who can help you get ahead. Being a mentor is a great way to grow as a student who will do something extraordinary.
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Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010
New vice president of enrollment ‘breaks the mold’ By Danielle Alio Deputy Editor Cabrini College has a new vice president for enrollment management. He started his position in July. Dennis Kelly, who has over 30 years of educational experience, is one of the last two people appointed by President Marie Angelella George to form the new leadership team. Kelly, who was born and raised in Atlantic City, now lives in Northampton County, Pa., with his wife, Susan, and three children, Erin, Meaghan and Kevin. “My family keeps me busy. They all play sports and are involved in music and art and are very active in the church,” Kelly said. He is a very family-oriented man. Some of Kelly’s hobbies outside of work include golfing and swimming. “I’m from the shore so at this time of year give me ocean water and I’ll be there,” Kelly said. Kelly also admitted that he used to sing professionally. “When I was a college assistant professor, I would teach marketing classes during the week and on weekends, I would work at some of the better restaurants in New York City for weddings and corporate events. Starting with my days as a student, I continued to do this throughout my college career,” Kelly said. Kelly enlisted in the Army during the Vietnam War Era at the age of 19 in 1974. The Army trained Kelly in accounting and finance. However, when he went overseas, he was retrained to do surveillance and security work. “I was assigned to a full-fledged colonel
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Dennis Kelly can relate to many students at Cabrini because he took advantage of every opportuinty he was given in school. who eventually became a one-star general, and everywhere he went, I went,” Kelly said. Kelly never went to the country of Vietnam but was stationed in Germany. When the war in Vietnam ended, Kelly played the college equivalent of basketball in Europe for the Third Armored Division. As part of that team, Kelly traveled throughout Europe playing against other military and international professional teams. “When my three children review my military records and achievements, it makes me feel proud. I’m glad that we
are living in a time right now where folks are proud of people in the military,” Kelly said. After leaving the service, Kelly transferred to Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey, where he completed both his undergraduate and graduate degrees. He took advantage of every opportunity and engaged himself in many activities, including the theater. “When I was in college, I noticed that the theater productions always seemed to involve the same people, and I wanted to break that mold and be involved as well. I
experienced everything I could in college. I was in student government, I was an RA, I worked for the school newspaper, and I was a disc jockey on the school’s radio station, while also being a student athlete. I wanted to show that actors could be athletes and athletes could be actors,” Kelly said. Kelly proved that one individual could do whatever they wanted to get the most out of their college experience. When asked about the new job at Cabrini, Kelly had nothing but great things to say about the college and its community. Kelly likes Cabrini first and foremost because it is a Catholic college. Kelly strongly believes in Cabrini’s mission and core values, as they relate to Justice Matters. “Why choose Cabrini College? You know, today in the area of Enrollment Management, everyone talks about value. They talk about the money you are going to pay for tuition versus the investment. There are not, however, a lot of colleges with strong core values embedded within the value. Colleges may educate you well, but they might not teach you how to become a better person or a global citizen. That is what the ‘Education of the Heart’ is all about,” Kelly said. Kelly is very confident that his tenure at Cabrini will be mutually beneficial to the college and himself. “I love the student body already because they have already reached out to me, and I feel very comfortable here. I love the campus. I have been very successful throughout my career, and I plan to bring those successes here to Cabrini College,” Kelly said.
Businesses burnt by new tanning tax By Justin Sillner Features Editor 20-year-old Kim Carlson visits Express Tans in Wayne, Pa., at least three times a week. The junior political science major has been going all year long since starting her freshman year of college. Carlson gets 10 minutes under the bed. With her unlimited package, she can visit the salon as many times as she would like this month. On July 1, 2010, a 10 percent federal tax took affect encouraging people to stay away from the practice. The tax was put into effect due to the rising rate of skin cancer in young women. This is part of the federal health care package passed this year. Carlson isn’t going to let tax stop her from getting that bronze glow. “Tax doesn’t stop me from doing anything else and tanning is something that I enjoy so I can’t stop,” Carlson said. Carlson’s salon has made some changes since the tax, changes that would actually benefit its customers despite the tax. “Tanning is already expensive so I don’t mind it. If it’s going to help the government raise money that’s fine with me,” Carlson said. Sheena Thompson, manager of Express Tans, says the tax is going to affect students the most. “Some people come in and see the tax and ask why,” Thompson said. “Some people aren’t even aware of it.” The tax is expected to raise $2.7 billion within 10 years to help pay for the new federal health legislation. “We try to make as many specials as possible to cut back the tax,” Thompson
said. “So far, we haven’t seen a difference. In the future, we could most likely be affected.” So what is Express Tans doing to fight the tax? “Any package that we have is $5 off,” Thompson said. “It’s almost like the tax isn’t there.” Tanning has become a favorite hobby of many young people. Last year, the popular television show on MTV, “Jersey Shore,” took the hobby to a whole new level. The cast made a living by tanning everyday at salons and carrying bronzer around with them in public. Tanning was the cool thing to do. On the first episode of the second season of the show, aired July 29, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi tells us that she does not use tanning beds anymore because of President Obama’s tax on tanning. Polizzi jokes that Obama put the tax on tanning just because of the “Jersey Shore” cast. John Solewin, senior political science major, also an avid tanner, does not agree with the tax at all. “President Obama should not be raising taxes on anything during a recession. Raising taxes does not create wealth, does not create jobs and does not help our current economic situation,” Solewin said. The tax applies to electronic products designed for tanning that use one or more ultraviolet lamps with wavelengths between 200 and 400 nanometers. Other sunless tanning options such as spray tans and tanning lotions are not included in the tax. According to The American Academy of Dermatology, tanning before the age of 35 has been linked to a 75 percent increase in the risk of melanoma, the worst form of skin cancer. The cancer is more frequent in
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Kim Carlson tans for 10 minutes in the bed. Carlson won’t let the tax stop her from keeping her summer glow year round. young females. About 30 million Americans go to the tanning bed every year, about 2.3 million of them being teenagers. Peter Morrison, junior Spanish major, says that he supports the tax but it will not stop him from hitting the tanning bed. “I agree with the tax because just like everything else that can be harmful to a person, tanning can be too,” Morrison said. “By taxing it, the government can lower the risks of cancer and also make more money to lower our national debt.” “There is no way I am going tanning anymore after this,” Brittany Hume, junior math major, said. “It’s just annoying that
the government is taxing yet something else.” “If you think about cigarettes, you can see the rate of tanning going down would be like cigarette sales going down, which I don’t see happening anytime soon” Morrison said. “I can’t wait to see what the government taxes next. We probably won’t even be able to tan the old-fashioned way, out in the sun,” Hume said. To repeal the tax on tanning, visit
Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010
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Two alum: two post-grad journeys By Alyssa Mentzer Features Editor Every college student anticipates “that day.” The day when they put on their cap and gown, shake the president’s hand and receive their diploma. On graduation day, each student walks off that stage and steps into the real world where they each choose their own path to pursue their dreams. For two 2010 Cabrini College graduates the real world has led them in two different directions. While one has landed a new job, the other is going to graduate school before starting a career. This is a choice many college students face: whether to start working immediately or to get a graduate degree first. Seniors weigh many factors when making that choice. Here are the stories of two who tell their reasons and how their choice is working out. Sara Trzuskowski, a special education and elementary education major and 2010 Cabrini College graduate, recently accepted a job at Wood Services, a residential school for students with disabilities in Langhorn, Pa., as a teacher of severely autistic people. “Just like any teacher, I teach the students during the school day and we go on different field trips and activities to allow the students to succeed and prepare for life after they are in school,” Trzuskowski said in an email. Trzuskowski attended Cabrini College for four years where she took classes in education and spent time student teaching
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Trasatti and fellow alum, Tara Evison at the commencement ceremony. to prepare herself for her own teaching job. “There will be some things that are going to the be the same [as student teaching], but I think a lot will be different. I now have my own classroom. I am in control of the students and how the day progresses. The students that I will be working with now are different than the students that I had in student teaching, so that will be really different but exciting,” Trzuskowski said. Trzuskowski began applying for jobs in March. She attended job fairs, interview screenings and networking groups. She applied to eight different schools. However, on her first interview she was offered the job and she accepted. “I applied to everywhere and anywhere. I wanted to leave my options open. I applied to public, private and Catholic schools,” Trzuskowski said. “I was very fortunate though. The first actual interview
sara trzuskowski/ submitted photo
Trzuskowski, pictured with Dr. Bryde. I went on, I was offered the job right after the interview. It is a great school and I am very excited to work there.” While Sara Trzuskowski chose to accept a job right out of college, Diana Trasatti, an English, communication and psychology major and 2010 Cabrini College graduate, decided to take a different path. Trasatti will be attending the University of Pennsylvania in the fall to pursue a masters degree in counseling and mental health services. She began applying to graduate programs early last fall in hopes of finding the school that would help her to reach her career goals. She applied to four graduate schools and was accepted by all. “The process for applying to graduate school can be very tedious,” Trasatti said in an email. Aside from the application itself, applicants must submit a writing sample, tran-
scripts, GRE scores, an essay on their goals and objectives and three letters of recommendation. After receiving a bachelor of arts degree from Cabrini College, Trasatti decided to apply to graduate school to receive her masters because she felt it would help her attain the job that she wants. Although Trasatti said she thinks graduate school will be a challenge she believes it will only help her in the long run. “I hope that my master’s degree and course work at Penn will train me to be an effective clinician and successfully meet the needs of my patients,” Trasatti said. “I do not want to just be a good clinician, but I want to be exceptional, not for my own benefit but because I am going to be working with people and I want to be able to provide the best care to them possible.” Both graduates made the best of their time at Cabrini and are now moving onto new parts of their lives. They will continue to move forward towards their new goals but will never forget what got them there. “I don’t think it has hit me yet that I have graduated still. I think it will hit me at the end of August when I would be normally moving back to school,” Trzuskowski said. “It’s bittersweet to be done Cabrini and going onto a new school and meeting new professors and classmates. I am really going to miss Cabrini but I feel so lucky for all the experiences I had and all the amazing people I met. All of that played a role in shaping me into who I am today and the career path I chose,” Trasatti said.
Tourism helps impoverished countries By Michelle Costa Managing Editor “Please keep visiting. Because of your tourism I am not an illegal immigrant in your country.” Those were the first words heard from a humble taxi driver when entering the country of the Bahamas. Although having visited the country seven times before, it took a quick 30 seconds to learn the depths of tourism and the personal impact on impoverished countries. Rich in spirit and culture, the Bahamas, like the rest of the world, is currently suffering from an economic crisis that has traumatically dampered the growth of what could be a successful and rich country. Has our vacationing become the only sense of income to troubled paradises? michelle costa/ submitted photo On the short ride from airport to highDolphin encounter experience at the Atlantis resort has opened new job opporend hotels, one is certainly not blind to tunites for the bahamian people. recognize the lack of work opportunity and poor conditions that lay outside the embel- United Nations department of tourism, in them,” Denise, market vender, said. lished resorts. No matter how turquoise 2009 a total of 927 million people traveled Her plea each and everyday is to bargain the water may be or how white the sand this past year, essentially employing 220 prices with tourists, hoping a $20 purchase may sparkle, no beauty can override the million people. Many Caribbean countries for a straw handmade bag will be sufficient fight to make ends-meet. These observations do not just stand for the Bahamas, but numerous countries that we as Americans flee to for vacation. Jamaica, Mexico and the Dominican Republic are only some of the countries that depend on tourism income. have resulted and implemented tourism as enough to cover her electric bill that is six Recent reports show that tourism in the the answer when coming to poverty elimi- months past due. 700 islands of the Bahamas creates over nation projects and primary financial strat“If I was not able to work here at the 60 percent of gross domestic product from egies. hotel, my family would go hungry,” doortourism. “I have nothing else but the bags I make. man at Sheraton Hotel said. According to statistical reports from the This is my life. I need people to purchase This doorman’s story is not much differ-
“Because of your tourism I am not an illegal immigrant in your country.”
ent than most employees found throughout the islands. He was born in poverty and witnessed his parents struggle to provide necessary needs. Now as an adult with two young children, he refuses to follow in the unsuccessful steps of his parents, even if that means holding a door open, day in and day out. Lack of decent and livable standards often leads to crime and other negative attributes. This then brings upon false and unwanted connotations to countries that immensely want to share their beauty with worldly travelers. The key and often the most prominent struggle is maintaining a unique culture and a promising identity. This is essentially the only way to cultivate tourists in wanting to create memories in these countries. “I feel blessed to work here at the Atlantis resort. My friends would kill for this job,” KJ, a lifeguard of five years, said. While floating in the clear water searching for jellyfish and feeding the angel fish, KJ openly shared the benefits and the secured opportunities that the resorts and hotels offer, making jobs more available for those in need of economic advancements. If America continues to face a downfall in our economy, less people will choose to travel, for there are far more important things to cover financially than lavish vacations. So because of our current frugal living, we as an interconnected world face serious downfalls when trying to enhance global tourism.
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Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010
Arts & Entertainment
Application of the week: Clicker
Chelsea stands out in stand up By Holly Prendergast Sports Editor Most people know Chelsea Handler as “Chelsea Lately” from her hit show on the E! network, but on Friday, Aug. 27, everyone at the Borgata in Atlantic City, N.J. saw a completely different side of her. As she performed her stand-up comedy as a part of her Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang tour for the release of her newest book, “Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang.” From her raunchy description of why she loves men, but finds them totally disgusting to her outlandish views on Russians. There was not one moment of silence during the hour-long performance. Handler grew up in New Jersey and from there moved to Los Angeles, Calif. It was in 2007 that she really broke into the comedy scene when she landed the gig of a lifetime as a late-night talk show host for E!, “Chelsea Lately.” In addition to being a success-
ful talk show host, Handler has also written three non-fiction books that have been on the New York Times Bestsellers List. Two of her three books, “Are You There, Vodka? It’s Me Chelsea,” released in 2008 and “Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang,” released in 2010, have hit the No. 1 spot on the list. Her other book, “My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands,” released in 2005, never hit the No. 1 spot, but it was on the New York Times Bestsellers List for 80 weeks. Handler opened her act by talking about how she was the youngest of six children and joked about how her parents basically let her raise herself. “I never really watched her show,” Deanna Kuchinski, a junior at Neumann University, said. “So I didn’t really know if I would like her stand up because I had no idea what to expect, but after she told her first joke, I knew the rest of the show was going to be hilarious.” Since Handler was born and raised in New Jersey, she told sev-
eral jokes about the state claiming how she loves to come home and visit her family because she loves the fact that their swimming pools back up to the highway. “My favorite part of the show was when she talked about her dog,” Kristin Weldon, a New Jersey resident, stated. “I knew exactly what she meant by never wanting a dog, but loving them more than anything else once you got one. The way she talked about how she began to love her dog more than her boyfriend was hilarious. I couldn’t get enough of it.” In addition to rejoicing her love for Chunk, her rescue dog, Handler also spoke loudly of her love of fat babies, animals, men and anything else that looked like a little round “nugget.” During the show many people were screaming for Chuy, her personal assistant that is on her show. She sarcastically joked saying that Chuy was dead, but she then began to describe why she loved him so much. By stating, “Why wouldn’t
you love him, he is a short, fat, Mexican midget.” To close the show, Handler talked of her many sexual rendezvous’ and why she loves being single. Although she was talking in a joking manner, she did seriously state that she does not think that any woman should get married just because that is what is expected of them. She thinks that women should have the right to have a successful and long lasting career, and they should enjoy their lives to the fullest and do whatever makes them happy. “Overall, the show was hilarious. She was so much funnier than I ever expected her to be and I can honestly say that now I am a fan of Chelsea Handler,” Kuchinski said. For more information on Chelsea Handler, you can visit her web site at For tour and ticket information you can visit
Box office beats recession By Danielle McLaughlin & Elizabeth Krupka A&E Editors Going to the movies is one of the most popular ways to spend some summer nights. It’s a great way to escape the heat, get together with some friends and watch some good-looking actors. Last year movie ticket sales were down about 18.8 percent from the year before. This summer, movie ticket sales are up 30 percent. Many people think that sales are up because the movies are a cheaper form of summer entertainment compared to an amusement park or a trip to the beach. Many managers for movie theaters are claiming that people want to escape their everyday lives because the recession is putting some people in a depression, so spending the $10 is not an issue. This situation parallels what happened in the 1920s during the great depression. Families wanted to forget about their worries of money and enjoy a night out on the town. This situation seems to be what has happened in the summer of 2010. This could also have something to do with the myriad of good movie choices that are out for audiences to choose from. Although this summer has had some big titles, last summer did also. This makes it difficult to pin point the exact cause of the increase of movie-goers this summer. Leaving people to wonder, is it the movies that are drawing more people to the big screen this summer, or is it the fact that many people want to escape their worries related to the recession? With titles like “Eclipse,” “Toy Story 3” and “The Last Airbender,” 2010 has proven successful so far.
Movie-goers at Plano, Texas’ Cinemark Theatre offered their contribution to the $1.45 billion that flowed into theaters from May 2 through June 15. But attendance, the industry’s barometer, is down 1.4 percent nationwide from last year. However, 2009 also had some big titles such as “The Hangover,” “Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince” and “New Moon.” A significant difference seen from 2009 to 2010 is the rising popularity of the 3-D movies. Often, 3-D movies are sold with a pair of 3-D glasses and a noticeably higher ticket price because moviegoers are paying for the movie and the glasses. “While we’ve seen good revenues for movies this summer, the increase has largely been the result of higher ticket prices thanks to the popularity of 3-D movies. Overall, the total number of tickets sold is actually a little lower so far this
summer than last year, but 3-D sales have helped to keep the revenue up,” Bruce Nash, publisher of movie box office tracking site The Numbers, said. There are many contributing factors to the rise in movie ticket sales. However, one thing is for certain, Americans love their movies. “Things have definitely been looking up with the release of ‘Toy Story 3’ and the blockbuster opening for ‘Twilight: Eclipse,’” Nash said.
Cinema Facts • In 2009 movie ticket sales were down 18.8 percent from 2008. • This summer movie ticket sales were up 30 percent. • 3-D movies are in demand.
By Elizabeth Krupka A&E Editor has announced that they are releasing an application for smart phones. Clicker is a college student’s best friend. This application allows a user to download, blog and discuss any show on television. The application supports shows from iTunes and Hulu. This way if you miss that all-important episode of the “Jersey Shore,” simply stream it to your phone. There are currently 1,800 web shows, over 200,000 television shows and 12,000 shows from iTunes that are downloadable. Clicker is also in the works with Netflix to see if it is possible that users could download and watch a movie directly from their account. This is impressive since the Netflix app isn’t even in the app store yet. However, Netflix and Hulu Plus will only be supported with the iPhone. One of the best parts about this application is that it can also be downloaded to the iPod touch so tech fans that don’t possess a smart phone yet can enjoy this application as well. On top of all the other cool features, clicker allows a user to keep up with social media. Users can use the “check-in” feature on Foursquare to show that they are watching a show or movie. Users can also see what is trending and which one of their friends have “checked-in” to a show as well. See, it is possible to watch a show on the way home from a tournament, shopping trip or even in class! Clicker is a great way to keep on top of your busy schedule and make 45 minutes for yourself.
Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010
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The Wolfington Center is an amazing place to get involved. There are hundreds of different ways to be involved in this office. Whether a student’s interest lies in being a part of mass or to traveling to Ecuador, there are activities to be a pat of in “the Wolf.”
If you have a love for the arts, Cabrini has multiple ways for you to express your creativity. Theater, chorus and other fine arts extracurriculars are available for your participation.The theater is located in Grace Hall, go check it out! The fine arts department is located in the Widener Center.
For more ways to get involved on Cabrini’s campus make sure to look at and click student activities.
CHANCE ***********************
Sports Teams A great way to get involved, make some friends and stay in shape is to become a member of a sports team. Cabrini offers an assortment of sports teams including: basketball, cross country, golf, lacrosse, soccer, swimming, tennis, field hockey, softball and volleyball. To get involved with sports at Cabrini, contact the team’s coach. Contact information can be found at
By Danielle McLaughlin & Elizabeth Krupka A&E Editors
Organizations in Your Major Every major has an organization attached to it. Whether it is education, communication, graphic design or business. There are organizations that every student can be a part of. Not only are they good to invest time in, but these groups also look good on resumes!
Student Ambassador
Being a student ambassador is one of the most fulfilling leadership positions available on campus. Student ambassadors are expected to give tours to prospective students and their parents. A love for the Cabrini community is necessary for this position as well as a recommendation from a facutly member. If interested in becoming a student ambassador, talk it over with a professor and ask for a reccomendation. Another perk of this job? It is a paid position and a great addition to any resume.
On-Campus Jobs
I- O
Catholic Relief Services is a partnership that not many schools can call their own. If you are interested in social justice, CRS takes global issues and allows college students to help raise awareness about them. In CRS, members get involved actively in each issue. Through having people sign petitions, sending out letters to senators and many other activities. CRS is one of the biggest groups on our campus and is extremely involved. CRS hosts an activity each week so there will always be something to keep busy with. If interested in joining, please contact Eric Gibble
Looking to get involved on campus? Here are some of the groups and organizations that are on Cabrini’s campus and explainations of what they do.
CAP (Cabrini activivites and programming) Board is a great club to get involved with. CAP board plans most of the events happening on and off campus. This group plans almost all of the activities happening on and off campus.There are alot of opportunities to speak your mind about activities and programs that you feel our campus should have. Voice your opinion at the meetings as opposed to in your dorm with your friends. If you are interested head to S.E.a.L located in Jazzman’s.
COMMUNITY CHEST *************************
CAP Board
Arts & Entertainment Theater & Wolfington Fine Arts Center
On-campus jobs are a great way to make some extra cash especially if you’re a freshman without a car. The Dixon Center has plenty of job opportunities which range from working at the front desk to life guarding at the pool. The math resource center and the writing center are also great places to be employed for the students who are interested in these fields. Cabrini offers a wide variety of job opportunities. So get out there and make some money!
Intramural Teams In the past few years, intramural teams have grown and become more popular at Cabrini College. The best part about intramural teams is that anyone can join. Intramural teams at Cabrini include; volleyball, dodgeball, flag football, soccer, kickball and innertube water polo. For more information about intramural teams, or if you have an idea for a team, contact Orlin Jespersen at orlin.j.jespersen@
Student Government Association (SGA)
Partying on a Thursday night isn’t everyone’s thing. P.A.R.T.Y is an organization on campus that offers other activities to do on the weekend instead of partying it up! Members are interested in offering other activities for students to do instead of drinking.
Good at voicing your opinions and instituting change? Well SGA is the place to be then! SGA takes care of fundraisers, money and activities for each individual class.
(Promoting Alcohol Responsibily Through You)
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Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010
Arts & Entertainment
“Gossip Girl Here..”
By Elizabeth Krupka A&E Editor
Stud of the Week Katy Perry has blown up the radio this summer. Her music is fun, up-beat and catchy. It was no surprise that when her new album, “Teenage Dream,” was released on Aug. 24, it hit No. 3 on the charts. It continues to slowly creep up on Eminiem’s “Relapse” which currently holds the No.1 spot. “Teenage Dream” has multiple songs that get stuck with the listener. This is why “Teenage Dream” is Loquitur’s stud of the week.
By Danielle McLaughlin A&E Editor
Dud of the Week
Facebook movie a phony?
This is the American Idol winner Fantasia’s third album released. None of the songs have reached the billboards yet and they aren’t even a top download on iTunes. Fantasia’s album was also released on Aug. 24. The album has only sold 150,000 copies so far. The music is slow and a little downtrodden. That is why “Back To Me” is Loquitur’s dud of the week.
“Poor Little Bitch Girl” is a New York Times best seller. A book about murder, sex, fame and popularity. who is now a self-proclaimed “hotBy Joe DeMarizo shot lawyer.” He assists her in Guest Writer putting an end to the mystery that surrounds her mother’s case and It’s her same game of murder, potentially clear her father’s tarsex and fame but there are some nished name. new players in town. Jackie ColEven though Denver has a much lins’ “Poor Little Bitch Girl” con- more serious profession than Antinues to reinvent the unique genre nabelle, it doesn’t mean she can’t of realism that she likes to put her- have as much fun. She soon realself in. izes that she is stuck on Bobby SanIt is interesting that tangelo Stanislopouthis novel is written by los, who is a wealthy a 72-year-old woman shipping heir from and it is full of sex and their past. drama. Unfortunately There is something for Denver, she gets sexually related on each some competition page from the first page when the high-class to the last page. Even call girl vies for his though sex is such a big attention also. controversial topic in Collins’ depiction the novel, it really takes of modern-day poa backburner when the litical scandals was plot really gets going. dead on. If murCollins is known der, call girls and for having certain charlove triangles aren’t acters that overlap into different enough for you, then just get ready novels, which isn’t something that because another old friend of Annareaders usually look forward too. belle and Denver is introduced. This is because it seems that you Their story lines take the back need to be a die-hard Collins fan to seat for a while when Carolyn Henlike her book: wrong. derson comes into play. She is in Set aside any pre-concieved no- pursuit of her dream job in Washtions and pick up the book. ington D.C. Those roads lead her Despite having two mega mil- to a job that will eventually get her lion superstar parents, Annabelle foot in the door and potentially her Maestro choses a different path face on national news. in life, so she found an alternative She gets a job with a U.S. senaway of making her money: being tor as his personal assistant. What one of the most high-class call girls came out of it was a two-year-long in all of Manhattan. She gets all the affair with Senator Stoneman, one money she wants along with having that if she isn’t careful of his wife, a cocaine-dealing boyfriend that she just might find out, and so buys her everything, which sure might the rest of America. helps things. The novel makes any reader Even though Annabelle believes want to find out what is going to that she has everything she wants, happen as soon as the plot gets goher life suddenly comes tumbling ing. Despite the murder, drugs and down when she receives word that sex scandals, there is nothing that her famous Hollywood mother had these “Poor Little Bitch Girls” can’t been savagely murdered. handle, or so they think. Annabelle reunites with her old friend and classmate Denver Jones,
“Set aside any preconcieved notions and pick up the book.”
Name: Courtney Hathaway Age: 20 Major: Elementary and special education Tell us about your outfit: “I dressed up today because I like to look presentable for class. It makes me feel more awake and refreshed.” Favorite part of outfit: “My necklace that my Nana got me because it’s special to me and it makes my outfit look pulled together and cute!”
“The Social Network,” a movie about Facebook and its creator, is set to be released at the New York Film Festival next month. However, creator of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg is not happy. According to Zuckerberg, the way the film portrays the actual creation of Facebook is nothing less than inaccurate. The company (Facebook) has decided to simply ignore the movie and is hopeful that audiences will do the same. They hope that “The Social Network” will be another failed attempt to bottle a generation.
Jon and Kate, meet your match
After having a hit TV show like “Jon and Kate Plus 8” and seeing how the show had a disastrous ending, TLC has decided to bring back the concept of the show minus the drama. Meet Victor and Digna Carpio, a Hispanic couple with sextuplets and a nine-yearold son, Jhancarlos. TLC hopes that this show will give people an idea of how hard it can be to raise seven bilingual children on a lowincome budget. Hopefully, the Carpio’s will have a much happier ending than Jon and Kate.
Miley and Liam say “Goodbye”
Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are calling it quits. The couple met while filming the Nicholas Sparks movie “The Last Song” and have been inseparable ever since, until now. But, forget about the break up. The big question here is, will Miley return to Twitter? Miley quit Twitter because Hemsworth asked her to and now fans are buzzing with possibility of daily updates via Twitter of Miley’s life.
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Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010
Life-long friends stay connected through soccer By Rachael Renz Copy Editor There’s no doubt that beginning your college career is stressful but for Eric Nowicki, Gabe Kuhn and Ryan Cerrato it doesn’t have to be. These three young men took the leap from high school to college together. Nowicki, freshman goalkeeper; Kuhn, freshman midfielder; and Cerrato, freshman forward, made the highly anticipated transition from their hometowns to Radnor together on Thursday, Aug. 16. Growing up in the suburbs of Baltimore, the three played in multiple soccer leagues together for over eight years. “It’s been a lot easier living with each other than we thought it would be. Each of us has our own personalities and I thought Ryan
and I would butt heads a lot, but we haven’t. We’ve been getting along great,” Nowicki said. The three share a common interest that any guest of their dorm room would notice – soccer. Hung on their walls are soccer jerseys and strewn across their floor are turf-worn cleats. “We all agreed to live together; it made sense since we all play soccer. It made the transition to college a lot easier knowing people you’ve played with your whole life,” Cerrato said. Nowicki and Kuhn have known each other since fifth grade and then both met Cerrato the following year. Ever since, they have been playing for the same team or have been competitors. “Growing up we always played soccer against each other through different club teams and hated one another. Our clubs were
really competitive and we were on rival teams,” Nowecki said. Not only was the room filled with soccer items and paraphernalia but also with jokes about being single guys and quotes from their favorite movies. The three young men had attended school together up until senior year of high school when Kuhn transferred from John Carroll High School to Fallston High School, the rival. “It was rough transferring schools, especially since my new team played my old team and friends. Even though my new school was only 10 minutes down the road, I still missed my old team and coach,” Kuhn said. After Kuhn transferred, he played his former high school team and scored the winning goal against Nowecki. “It sucked that we lost the game and that it was Gabe that
got the win, but I wasn’t mad,” Nowicki said. The Cavs are playing the No.8 team in the nation, York College on Saturday, Sept. 4 but that’s not the only obstacle ahead. The team’s schedule also includes playing four teams that are nationally ranked. “We have a really tough schedule this season and I hope I reach my full potential. I know I have a lot of work to do but I think I’m going to have a good season as goalkeeper,” Nowicki said. One of the group’s new friend is freshman defense Brady Kline who lives on the floor above in East Residence Hall. “I met a lot of new people in orientation, but since I’m with the guys from the soccer team more often I feel that I made better friends there,” Kline said. “Playing with Eric, Gabe and Ryan I noticed that their transition on the
soccer field has been very comfortable. I think Ryan Ceratto will make the most improvement this season he’s a really good player and has a lot of potential. If he can get into tip-top shape and work really hard, he could be really dangerous and score some goals.” Despite the transition to the soccer field, all four agree that their academics will be a challenge this year. “I expect this school year to be pretty difficult with soccer and transitioning into college life. I hope classes will go smoothly, but I have to keep up on my work,” Nowicki said.
rachael renz/ copy editor
Freshman Eric Nowicki does goalie exercises during the final week of practices before the teams first game against DeSales University on Sept. 1.
rachael renz/ copy editor
Freshmen Eric Nowicki, Gabe Kuhn, Brady Kline and Ryan Cerrato enjoy some downtime together outside of practice during their first few days of school.
rachael renz/ copy editor
Freshman Ryan Cerrato dribbles towards the goal during drills at practice.
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Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010
Weekly Sports Inside Look: Adam Pifer Update By Nick Guldin Sports Editor
Ingram out for season opener The Crimson Tide will be without their Heisman Trophy winner in the season opener against San Jose State. Late into Monday nights practice, Ingram hurt his knee and had to under-go arthroscopic surgery. The surgery took place last Tuesday. Coach Nick Saban said Ingram will be managed on a week-to-week basis and may possibly have to sit out their second game as well against No. 19 Penn State. Thankfully Alabama has an extremely capable backup, Trent Richardson, to take the reigns.
Ramirez leaves L.A. for Chicago Manny Ramirez will no longer be wearing the blue baseball cap in Los Angeles. He’s trading it in for a black baseball cap in Chicago and made his debut on Tuesday against the Indians. Ramirez is beginning to create a pattern with his movement. His effort with the Red Sox in 2008 led to turmoil within Boston’s organization. He requested a trade months in advance and eventually his lack of effort and antics became too much to handle in Boston. The Dodgers dug themselves into a serious hole in the N.L. West and decided this would be the right time to let Ramirez go. With his contract set to expire at the end of the season, there wasn’t much more the Dodgers management could do for a player who had no desire to play.
cabrini college athletic department
Cabrini College’s new golf head coach, Adam Pifer. By Nick Guldin Sports Editor Adam Pifer was named the head golf coach at Cabrini College on July 12. The Telford, Pa. native has been playing golf since he was nineyears-old. “I played a lot of sports in middle school and high school but eventually I dropped everything to play golf,” Pifer said. In high school, Pifer received recognition as a four-year letter winner and after graduating de-
cided to attend Temple University. At Temple, Pifer continued his impressive career being a four-year letter winner once again, while leading his team as a captain his junior and senior year. In May of 2009, Pifer graduated and began his coaching career as an assistant coach at Temple. After only one season there he found himself in Radnor, Pa. as the head coach of the Cavaliers. “The fall season will be good to get acclimated since it is not a title season. It will help me get into the swing of things. I want to get a feel for Division III golf and hopefully lead this team to some NCAA championships,” Pifer said. In the past three seasons, Cabrini men’s golf has earned titles under previous head coach Dr. Tony Verde. In the 2008 and 2009 seasons, the Cavaliers took the Colonial States Athletic Conference title. In 2010 they were runner-up. It seems Pifer may have some big shoes to fill. “I don’t feel pressure. I’m excited. Tony did a great job with the program. My goal is to get better and better every year. The program doing so well is because of the hard work Tony has put in over
the years,” Pifer said. To add to his impressive resume, Pifer also works as a golf professional at the BQ Golf Academy in Conshohocken, Pa. He gives private lessons to golfers of all ages, while also managing the junior golf programs. With this experience he feels he can help each player improve their game. “Being a full-time golf professional, I think I bring an instructional aspect to the program and as a Division I player in college I think I bring a lot of experience as well,” Pifer said. Cabrini will be entering this upcoming year without many key seniors who lead this team the past few years. Mike Holland, Chris Lawler and Matt Slutz are just a few of the seniors who will be missed. “We lost a lot of good players but we have a lot of new guys coming in this year as well,” Pifer said. Confident as ever, it seems Cabrini has found the perfect coach to lead this team.
Phillies offense in trouble After taking a beating by the Houston Astros, the Phillies decided to wake up and play some ball over the weekend as they swept the San Diego Padres in the three-game series. But the woes continued as the Phils almost allowed Hideki Kuroda to walk away with a no-hitter. Thanks to Shane Victorino’s single in the eighth inning, the Phillies escaped the no-hitter by the skins of their teeth, but were dealt a 3-0 loss nonetheless. Consistently the starting pitchers put in solid performances on the mound while the offense finds itself at a stand still. With the N.L. East in their grasp, the Phils take on the Brewers in a three-game series starting Friday.
McNabb injured once again Donovan McNabb might not play in Washington’s season opener? Philly fans take a look. On Aug. 21, McNabb sprained his ankle during a preseason game against the Baltimore Ravens. Expecting to practice the next week, McNabb found himself in a boot and then an air cast. The injury does look like it is getting better but Redskin fans already have a preview of what they may be experiencing all season with the aging quarterback.
02 Thursday
03 Friday
04 Saturday 11 a.m. M&W Cross Country @ Gwynedd Invitational
4 p.m. Volleyball vs. Ursinus
Cavalier No Games Scheduled
8 p.m. Volleyball vs. Richard Stockton
Noon: W Soccer @ Bryn Mawr Noon: W Tennis vs. Neumann 1 p.m. Field Hockey @ Drew 1 p.m. M Soccer vs. York
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Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010
Lady Cavs gearing up to defend title By Meghan McSloy Copy Editor Coming into the 2010 season, the Cabrini women's soccer team is looking to defend their reign as the CSAC champions. Having lost some key players to graduation, the team is looking to become one again and pursue the conference championship for the second year in a row. "We definitely want to win CSACs again," Brianna Conner, senior back, said. "We lost a few strong players from last year because of graduation and one per-
son transferred to another school, so we lost some of our defense." Last season, the team finished up with a record of 14-6-1, all the while making the team’s first appearance in the NCAA tournament. The last time Cabrini’s team made it that far was in the 2003 season. In a recent poll conducted by CSAC, the team was voted to come out the No. 2 seed in the conference. The poll was a result of head coaches’ votes throughout the league. The team received four first-
place votes, out of 11 possible. Despite losing its lead scorer from last season, Sabina DiGisi, the team looks forward to the up-
and it appears that the team will have a fairly strong starting lineup. Returning players who will be important contributors to the team are senior Annmarie Kolla, who scored the game winning goal last season; senior Brianna Conner, who is the only returning defensive starter; senior midfielder Dana Nardello, and senior goalkeeper Gianna Poretta. Other key players this season will be juniors Kara Hinkelmon and Sammy Thompson. The team will be under the
"We definitely want to win CSAC's again." coming freshman class and incorporating them into the roster. "The freshman class came in; it's pretty strong, and the players are looking good," Conner said. The coaches are pleased with how the team has been practicing
guidance of nine-year head coach, Ken Prothero. Conner believes that the team's midfield will be strongest while the defense will need some work but overall, the team is well prepared for the season. The team is contender for being recrowned the CSAC title. However, strong teams such as Marywood, Gwynedd Mercy and Immaculata will be competition for Cabrini. The team’s next game will be held on Sept. 4 at Bryn Mawr College.
Women’s tennis in race for CSAC By Holly Prendergast Sports Editor
nicholas guldin/ sports editor
Junior Alexis DiCamillo warms up in preparation for practice .
W Soccer: TBA
In the most recent Colonial States Athletic Conference (CSAC) poll, the Cabrini College women’s tennis team is selected to place fourth overall this year in the conference. Returning to the Lady Cavs this year are three veterans; juniors Michelle Lettmann, Alexis DiCamillo and sophomore, Gabrielle Durand. “This year we gained three freshmen,” DiCamillo said. “They all have a lot of great potential and amazing talent and we are all glad to have them on the team this year.” After a somewhat rocky season in 2009, the returners of the team for 2010 are anxiously anticipating the beginning of their season. “Last season was tougher than the one before because our team was so young,” Lettmann said. “Since our team was so young, I saw it as a season of more learning and growing to become the team that we were two years ago. For this season, I feel like we have grown and gained back that power to be on top and do really well in our matches.” Last season, Durand, as a freshman, led the Lady Cavs overall in singles play, finishing
with a record of 11 wins and only two losses. Lettmann was also a strong competitor for the Lady Cavs finishing with nine overall wins and seven losses in singles play. Fellow veteran DiCamillo also boasted a solid record for the 2009 season with seven wins and nine losses in singles play. “This year we have more players with experience,” DiCamillo said. “We are still a pretty young team and we don’t have any seniors on the squad but the girls are competitive and eager to learn.” Topping off the CSAC poll for the 2010 season are GwyneddMercy College, Neumann University, Marywood University, Cabrini College and Cedar Crest College. Although Cabrini is only ranked fourth, they received two of the 11 votes to win the CSAC title. “My hopes for the team this year are to win the championship and make it to the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) tournament,” Lettmann sad. “We definitely have the ability to do so this season.”
No Games Scheduled
The women’s tennis team participates in indian runs, while warming up for practice.
nicholas guldin/ sports editor
Freshman Adriana Scotto warms up for practice on Tuesday, Aug. 31.
06 Monday
nicholas guldin/ sports editor
3:30 p.m. Tennis vs. Marywood
08 Wednesday 4 p.m. Field Hockey vs. Wilkes
6:30 p.m. M Soccer vs. Rutgers-Camden
page 16
Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010
Men's soccer looks to reclaim CSAC title
patrick gallagher/ web photo editor
The men’s soccer team practices free kicks last week during preseason practices. The team will travel to DeSales University for their season opener on Sept. 1. According to the CSAC Coaches Poll, the Cabrini men’s soccer team is the preseason favorite to win the title.
By Patrick Gallagher Web/Photo Editor After posting a 7-1 conference record, winning the CSAC title and reaching the NCAA tournament, it comes as no surprise that the men’s soccer team was recently ranked No. 1 in the CSAC preseason coaches’ poll. “We definitely have a bullseye on our back after winning the CSAC title these past two years,” Mike Viscarello, senior information specialist major, said. Cabrini is seen throughout the league as the team to beat and they are not showing signs of letting this affect how they play or train.
After losing a large senior class this past year many might think that it is time for a fresh start. But with the caliber of talent that is returning and the large recruiting class, that is the last thing on their mind. “It is definitely not a rebuilding year. They still have a lot of talent coming back,” Brian Beacham, sports information director, said. The returning group of upperclassmen includes skilled players on both ends of the field. “Returning this year is Eric Collins and King Saah on the offense and Troy Allen, who with Eric received a first-team all-conference selection last year. Kyle Johnson, in his second season with the team, will also be back
there on defense,” Beacham said. The team has suffered injuries and losses in the offseason. A few players graduated, such as midfielder Brian Raffle and forward Justin McCall. There have also been a few injuries that could plague the team this year. “We all need to stay healthy, especially going into the season. But with people hurt that just means other people need to step up to the table,” Viscarello said. “There’s a lot of really capable freshmen this year. It’s fun to see all the new faces out there but we all just need more experience with each other,” Viscarello said. “The team will learn to mesh in the younger talent with the team that’s coming back,” Beacham
patrick gallagher/ web photo editor
Players practice different defensive formations during preseason practices last week.
said. These new players will find that they are a part of a very accomplished team and will be playing with CSAC champions. “We don’t look too far ahead; we like to just take one game at a time. Right now we’re not looking at the tournament. We are focused on DeSales, that’s it,” Viscarello said. Cabrini soccer will start off their season on Sept. 1 when they face off against DeSales University on the road. The men’s team faced off against DeSales in the season opener last year and was handed a 1-0 loss. An early goal by DeSales put them up on the scoreboard that
would eventually be the deciding goal. Cabrini then was relentless with their efforts of offense by putting up 28 shots. Their rematch will offer an opportunity to introduce new players and possibly get an act of redemption in the process. With returning seniors already winning the conference and reaching the NCAA tournament it is their goal to reach that milestone and surpass it this season. “The group of upperclassme)n and seniors on the team has been there before and are hungry to get back on top,” Viscarello said.
patrick gallagher/ web photo editor
Junior midfielder Anthony Girolamo passes the ball down the field, while participating in a scrimmage during preseason practices last week.