Editor in chief: Richard Magda; Managing editor: Sharvon Urbannavage; News editors: Vince DeFruscio and Leanne Pantone; A&E editor: Ryan Mulloy; Features editor: Shannon King; Perspectives editor: Catharine Hernson; Sports editors: Alexis Strizziere and Cheryl Wagstaff; Photo editor: Katie Reing; Web/copy editor: Paul Williams; Adviser: Dr. Jerry Zurek. Staff Writers: Mary Adam, Heather Di Lalla, Melissa DiPietrantonio, Jana Fagotti, Andrew Findlay, Kelly Finlan, Jaclyn Freese, Lauren Gatto, Rosemarie Gonzalez, Jamie Knobler, Cristin Marcy, Antonio Masone, Lauren Mineo, Stephanie Moritz, Kendall Neil, Ryan Norris, Jermaine O'Neil, Gina Peracchia, Christina Piselli, Amanda Snow, Anne Marie White. Staff Photographers: Mary Adam, Beth Beswick, Amy Chan, Kim Clayton, David Cloud, Kristina Cooper, Michelle Crowley, Kit Dewey, Jim Diamond, Jamie Knobler, Jenna Lewandowski, Stephanie Moritz, Kendal Neil, Tiffany Platt.