ID Picasa Project

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Instructional Design Project 1 Ed Tech 503, Fall Semester This is an instructional design project for the Washington County, SC school district. It contains a detailed project analysis of implementing Picasa editing software into the district.

In the classroom

Lora Evanouski Boise State University, Dept. of Educational Technology 10/17/2009

[Instructional Design Project 1]


Table of Contents Table of Contents ........................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 ID Model and Rationalization ....................................................................................................................... 4 Context Analysis ............................................................................................................................................ 5 Learner Analysis ............................................................................................................................................ 6 Survey............................................................................................................................................................ 8 Learning Task .............................................................................................................................................. 11 Learning Goal .......................................................................................................................................... 11 Task Analysis ........................................................................................................................................... 11 Learning Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 12 Main Objectives .................................................................................................................................. 13 Assessment ................................................................................................................................................. 13 Formative Assessment ................................................................................................................................ 14 Summative Assessment .............................................................................................................................. 14 Appendix A .................................................................................................................................................. 15 Appendix B .................................................................................................................................................. 16 Learning Objectives Table 1 .................................................................................................................... 16 Appendix C .................................................................................................................................................. 17 Learning Objectives continued ............................................................................................................... 17 Appendix D .................................................................................................................................................. 18 Learning Objectives continued ............................................................................................................... 18 Appendix E .................................................................................................................................................. 19 Learning Objectives continued ............................................................................................................... 19 Entry Level Skills .......................................................................................................................................... 19 Trouble shooting ......................................................................................................................................... 19 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 21

[Instructional Design Project 1]


Overview The Washington County School district has requested an in-service training workshop be conducted for the 160 teachers within their district for the use of Picasa, free editing software. It has been predetermined that all teachers are fluent in English and computer skills range from novice to expert. There will be a 3 hour time limit on training available to all participants. There are a limited number of computers, 40, so the arrangement of groups will be; two groups of 80 participants each receiving 1.5 hours of training on the computer. Because of the arrangement of computers, pairs of learners will also be grouped together. Each group will follow the same pattern of learning. The training will start out with approximately 15 minutes of explaining what Picasa is and demonstrations of what Picasa can be used for via projected images on a whiteboard. The following hour will culminate with the teacher/learners navigating through the Picasa program (formative assessment). In the remaining 15 minutes having utilized all tools within the tool bar of Picasa, there will be a demonstration of the Picasa project by creating an online portfolio with uploaded images through the use of blogs or class web page. Finally, the teacher/learners will teach their own classroom of students the same program to show mastery of learned skills (summative assessment). Picasa is as stated above, free editing software, and can be implemented with ease. Picasa was acquired by Google in 2004 (Wikipedia, 2009). By going online to the internet, anyone can have instant access to this program. It is very user friendly and will support many

[Instructional Design Project 1]


different platforms and operating systems. The benefits to teachers implementing such a program are countless. For example, a teacher can create an online diary of class projects. This is just one versatile application for Picasa. The following Instructional Design Plan is how this course was created.

ID Model and Rationalization This plan will follow the Gagne model of 9 Events (Smith & Ragan, 2005). The 9 events include the following items gain attention, inform learners of objective, stimulate recall of prior learning, present stimulus material, provide learner guidance, elicit performance, provide feedback, assess performance and enhance retention and transfer (Smith & Ragan, 2005). The 9 events are laid out in a hierarchy procedure starting with gain attention following thru to enhance retention and transfer. I chose this plan because it is considered a systematic approach to learning for inquiry based learning. Instead of tying a training module to “just pass the test� the trainer must dig deeper to stimulate and arouse new skills to transfer to the work environment. It can be adapted to a group or individuals based on learner needs. These 9 events are related to the learning outcomes while the instruction supports the internal process (Smith & Ragan, 2005). Because the model is highly saturated with outcomes based on behaviors resulting from the training, learning will occur.

[Instructional Design Project 1]


Context Analysis Because the Washington SC has already implemented a training program, there is sufficient need to have the training. There are various stakeholders involved in this process. First, I will start with the technology coordinator at the school site along with the administrators. An interview or survey must be done to gain understanding of the complexities of the technology environment. This interview could be done over the phone, in person or thru email. Follow up is to be expected to resolve any unclear directives. The next set of surveys’ would be to gain any and all information about the location from the major stakeholders in the lesson which includes the administration, teachers, technology techs and teacher assistants. It would be necessary to gain as much information as possible about the history, culture, morale and social aspects of the school. This could be done thru email for expediency. I would pose questions such as; how much the computers are used? What are they primarily used for? Who primarily uses them? How the educational faculty views technology? These would all be asked in a general broad category to gain a better grasp for the atmosphere of the educational community at Washington, SC. The next concern to be addressed is the physical location of the computer lab. How is the lab laid out? Are there 40 working computers? Will there also be laptops available or desk tops or both? Will the computer room allow for group interactions? Will it allow for group demonstrations? When filling the seats at the training session will there be physical room for groups of 2 or more? These questions would be addressed by walking the site and visiting with educational administration on the premises. Beyond the physicality of the lab the consideration of broadband access must be addressed. What type do they currently sustain? Is there internet access allowing Google Picasa to be implemented? Do they allow backup storage of any computer files and

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images? Is there internet access allowed at any time or are there constraints? Who usually takes care of the lab, is it all the teachers or a specialized teacher? Who or what is the help desk? When can they be reached or accessed? What happens if breakdowns occur? Do they have a backup plan? Finally, accounting for reasons why the administration and other stakeholders want to implement new technology into their existing program needs to be addressed. Questions such as is this; technology that the district will insist all teachers utilize? Will the district want to integrate this technology into everyday applications? Will the learners have the tools, time, space etc. to put these new skills to use? Will there be a support program for the new technology? These questions and considerations need to be addressed through surveys and interviews whether face to face, phone or email. Proper understanding of the learning environment cannot happen without proper clarification of context.

Learner Analysis

The analysis of the learner will be done primarily through phone surveys and interviews. The basis for this plan of attack is to make contact with the stakeholders on an intimate level, calling with a human voice. In doing so and making this connection, the learners will assume a role of responsibility in their own learning. A series of 10 questions will be asked to probe the emotions of using technology and editing in the classroom on an everyday basis. This survey will be done at random generated from the computer choosing 30% of the names from the 160 participants. The survey will be a survey in the form of an email sent out to the learners to evaluate their entry level skill and experience, attitudes, preferred learning styles and

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motivations/interests. First and foremost the survey needs to address the entry level skills of the learners. The questions need to be specific and pointed to find out where they have experience using technology i.e. computer and also software. The basic question is, do you own a computer? What kind of computer do you own? The next set of questions concern software usage such as; what types of software are you familiar with and are you familiar with editing software? The applications portion of the survey will need to be considered to evaluate how the learner uses the computer. The questions such as; have you ever used image editing software, which ones are you familiar with, and how have you used them, are important to establish for skill level and also comfort level. Indicating if the learner has ever installed a program is equally necessary. Learning style can also be an issue when teaching adults. Asking questions such as, what type of learning style do you prefer (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic) can set the tone for the design course. Other important aspects of adult learning to consider are group work, collaborative work but work independently or solitary? These answers will generate what type of layout in the physical room to be used; groupings of learners or individual work. It will also define the layout of the training module; work with a large group or with the intent of using the entire 90 min for 2 groups on “show” and send them home to practice with a follow up 90 of “tell” and display the work or something completely different. Finally attitudes, motivation/interest would need to be considered. If the learners have a lack of motivation and interest the course of training would be a waste of time, money and effort. In assessing these qualities, questions need to be raised about their “feelings” or comfort levels towards technology and using it in the classroom. Additional questions about why they want to use editing software, comfort level of using editing

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software, how they plan to use the software in real life situation and what the expectations of the software come must be addressed. The needs of the learners must be assessed in order to form an actionable design plan. If the right questions are asked then the needs, wants, desires and expectations of the learners can be accomplished.


The survey will be 16 questions sent out through email to their school email address using Google Documents. It will be sent out 4 weeks before the training is to take place allowing for 5 day response time. It will be sent to all 160 participants. The survey link is The survey indicates that 150 teachers responded within set time frame. Of the 150 respondents, 4 indicated little or no use of computers in their daily lives. While in contrast, 7 respondents indicated extensive use of the computer. The rest of the respondents, 139 indicated varying degrees of use. The course design should reflect most learners fall into the midrange category of usage. Strong experienced learners should be grouped with less experienced learners. This grouping does two things: it encourages both parties to collaborate and both can learn from each other. This chart reflects usage:

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computer usage 4 have little to no experience using computers 7 have extensive use of computers 139 have varying degrees of usage on the computer

The next chart indicates what types of software used. It reflects more wide spread usage with windows rather than with a mac. The programs used with all 150 respondents reported using most often include word and excel. There were 7 respondents that have fully utilized Picasa, Fireworks and Photoshop. The 139 respondents stated varying degrees of use of editing software. While the 4 remaining respondents had no experience using Picasa or any editing software. While the varying degrees of usage and experience of editing software will show the designer that collaborative groups should be utilized; this revelation indicates the experienced users will be utilized in helping and coaching less experienced users. The chart indicates:

Types of software used 4 respondents have little or no experience using editing software 7 have fully utilized editing software 139 have varying degrees of using editing software

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This chart indicates how the participants learn the best, their preferred learning style. The majority are visual and/or kinesthetic.

The survey indicated 2 learners are

auditory, 8 “other�, 80 visual and 60 kinesthetic. For the designer, this is important information to consider. This will be the building blocks of the class- how to set up the groups. The charts reflect using groups and collaboration for effective learning to occur. Because the majority of learners are either visual and/or kinesthetic learning style this must be the dominant learning path for the designer. The use of visual aids (white boards, computer and handouts) and hands on style must accompany this training module. Having highlighters at the ready will also increase the effects of learning. In the instruction, emphasizing key points with activities will be very effective in retaining information. The chart reflects:

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Auditory "Other" Visual Kinesthetic

Finally motivation/interest and attitudes must be considered. In the survey, 2 participants indicated no or low interest in using editing software. In contrast 43 respondents indicated high interest in using editing software, while the remaining 105

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respondents indicated varying degrees of interest and motivation. Determining the motivational needs and attitudes of the learners will help shape and define the course. Because there is an overwhelming desire to learn and implement editing software, grouping the highly motivated with lesser motivated will increase and generate more learning. The chart indicates:

Attitudes and Motivation 2 with little or no desire to learn 43 with high desire to learn 105 with varying degrees of desire to learn

In conclusion the survey respondents have a need, desire and motivation to fulfill this training module. The designer must consider grouping experienced learners coupled with physical hands on activities in order for learning to be enhanced and retained.

Learning Task Learning Goal Given Picasa editing software the learner will utilize it to create an online image album in a class web page or blog.

Task Analysis This task consists of taking pictures from the following source digital camera, preexisting images, memory stick or cd. Following the creation of an online album or movie/slideshow,

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it will be uploaded to either the class web page or a preapproved blog location. A concept map has been provided for the task. (Larger view on p. 19, use as handouts if needed)

Learning Objectives The objectives consist of 4 main learning objectives. The objectives have various subordinate objectives. Because of using technology, entry level skills must be met before entering the training module. Overview tables are shown in Appendix B-E.

[Instructional Design Project 1]


Main Objectives: 1.

Download, install and Navigate Picasa

2. Edit, enhance and correct images using basic tools and techniques 3. Share images through creation of online web album or blog 4. Backup images to secondary location


The assessment for the training module of Picasa will be two fold; formative and summative. The formative assessment will be in the form of positive and corrective feedback during the project. It will be conducted by the trainers and trainer helpers. During the 90 min class the learner will upload Picasa, save albums, use editing tools to make pictures perfect, learn how to share, print, email and export images to various locations and back up the image file to a secondary location. At the end of the 90 min class, each group will create and share an online album or movie. If the learners do not have digital images ones will be made available. It will evidence at least 10 pictures that have been modified with the tools buttons (crop, red eye, auto color/contrast, text and retouch) in the editing of the images. The tuning effects editing tools will be evidenced in at least 1 picture. Mastery is shown upon sharing the album or movie in a web page or blog. Positive and corrective feedback will be given. The summative assessment will be guided by the administrators. The assessment will be in the form of teaching your own class the steps in using Picasa to create a web page or blog. This assignment will be conducted within approximately 1 week following the training module. This is included to reinforce and enhance learning. The teachers will be

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given a paid in-service lunch of pizza as agreed upon by the administrator as incentive to complete the training.

Formative Assessment

Downloads, installs and navigates Picasa Edits, enhances and corrects photos Shares images through creation of online web album or blog Back up of photos to secondary location

Does not Meet Expectations Did not install or navigate Picasa Did not use edit to enhance images Did not share images online

Did not back up images

Meets Some Expectations N/A Used editing to enhance less than 5 images appropriately Shared less than 10 images online in a web page or blog appropriately N/A

Exceeds Expectations Used Picasa to navigate through Used editing to enhance more than 5 images appropriately Shared 10+ images online in a web page or blog appropriately Backed up image to secondary location

Summative Assessment

Conducted classroom training to students using same plan as learned in training Students created online web album or blog

Does Not Meet Expectation Did not conduct lesson to students

Meets Some Expectation Conducted lesson but enhanced less than 5 images

Exceeds Expectations

Did not create any images in web album or blog

Students created and changed less than 10 images of online album or blog

Students created and changed 10+ images of online web page or blog

Conducted lesson and enhanced and edited more than 5 images

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Appendix A Telephone Survey: It should take approximately 5 min per call with the following questions. (Indicated comfort level: 1 is low comfort and 5 high comfort) 1. Do you own a computer? What kind?

2. What type of software have you used in the past?

3. On a comfort scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about using editing software?

4. Do you own a digital camera?

5. On a comfort scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about taking pictures?

6. On a comfort scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about sharing pictures online?

7. On a comfort scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about having a web page and/or blog?

8. On a comfort scale of 1 to 5 how do you feel about setting a web page blog up?

9. What purpose would editing software do for you?

10. Why are you taking this training session?

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Appendix B Learning Goal: Given Picasa editing software the learner will utilize it to create an online photo album in a class web page or blog. Learning outcomes based on Bloom’s Taxonomy (Forehand, 2005).

Learning Objectives Table 1 Learning Task 1.0 Download, install and navigate Picasa


Outcome What level accomplished

Assessment type Formative or Summative

1.1 Download and install Picasa

-When given Picasa editing software the learner will install


Formative: observation

1.2 Navigate through Picasa software

-Using the Picasa software the learner will evidence knowledge in using tools bar

Understanding and Application

Formative: observation

1.3 Upload images using a camera, memory stick or images stored on computer or cd

-given images learner will successfully upload to computer inside the Picasa software

Understanding and Knowledge

Formative: observation

1.4 Demonstrate the difference in saving images to hard drive and folder

-learner will evidence the difference between saving to hard drive and folders within Picasa

Application and Analysis

Formative: observation

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Appendix C Learning Objectives continued Learning Task 2.0 Edit, enhance and correct images using basic tools and techniques 2.1 Demonstrate how to use the edit tool button 2.1.a use crop, redeye, straighten, retouch and text tools 2.1.b use tuning sliders and effects



Assessment Type

-learner will locate editing buttons


Formative: observation

-learner will locate and Application apply appropriate editing tools to images -learner will locate and Application apply appropriate tools to images

Formative: observation

Formative: observation

[Instructional Design Project 1] Appendix D Learning Objectives continued Learning Task 3.0 Share images through creation of online Web album or blog



Assessment Type

3.1 Create online albums and folders

-learner will demonstrate the creation of images to albums and folders


Formative: Observation

3.2 find location of folders and albums

-learner will identify location of album and folder


3.3 Demonstrate the following: a. print album or image b. print album or image share albums through email c. export album to location such as blog or web page

-given uploaded images learner will print images. The next step is to share through use of class email. Following demonstration of email exporting images to either class web page or blog


Formative: observation

Formative: observation


[Instructional Design Project 1] Appendix E Learning Objectives continued Learning Task 4.0 Backup images to secondary location




4.1 Create a secondary backup location for images and folders

-after completing the sharing and exporting of images learner will evidence identification of a backup source for files and albums


Formative: Observation

4.2 Teach classroom students same steps to show mastery

-Teacher/learners will teach unit using same steps on Picasa to implement into own classroom

Evaluating and Creating


Entry Level Skills Must have in order to attend training: 1. Operate a computer using keyboard and mouse 2. Be able to open programs on desktop of computer 3. Log onto internet and navigate with basic level skill

Trouble shooting Considerations for the instructor: 1. Have back up plan if computers are not functioning i.e. have some spare laptops available if possible. 2. Have sample pictures or images if needed. 3. Have Picasa solution center open on desktop for precise strategies to walk learners through steps in detail. 4. Have phone number of support desk for Washington County, SC school district.


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[Instructional Design Project 1] Bibliography Forehand, M. (2005). Bloom's Taxonomy. Retrieved from Wikipedia: Smith, P. L., & Ragan, T. J. (2005). Instructional Design 3rd Edition. Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons. Wikipedia. (2009, october 16). Wikipedia, Picasa. Retrieved from Wikipedia:


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