Bird Behavior Lesson Plan

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Lesson Title: Bird Behaviors Lesson Author: Lora Evanouski Grade Level: 5 Subject Area: Science, Ecology Time Allotted: 60 minutes Short Description of Lesson: During this lesson students will learn how to identify ten bird behaviors. Students will learn about bird habitats in the greater Boise Idaho area as well as survival tactics using smartboards and online resources. Group field trip around school playground will be completed in pairs or small groups. Classroom Layout and Grouping of Students: The students will view this lesson from a smartboard or laptop individually at their desks. Exercises and printable enrichment activities will be completed in pairs or small groups for field trip. State Curriculum Standards met in this lesson: Standard 5: Personal and Social Perspectives; Technology Goal 5.1: Understand Common Environmental Quality Issues, Both Natural and Human Induced 5.S.5.1.1 Identify issues for environmental studies. (611.01.a) National Education Technology Standards for Students (NETS•S) met in this lesson: 1. Creativity and Innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students: a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes. b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression. c. use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues. . 3. Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students: a. plan strategies to guide inquiry. b. process data and report results.

Instructional Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Identify nine different bird behaviors with 90% accuracy. 2. Observe nine bird behaviors (online and on field trip). 3. Describe how nine different bird behaviors help the birds survive with 90% accuracy.

4. Complete quiz of 15 questions with 90% accuracy. Materials, Resources and Technology: 1. Copies of bird behavior checklist 2. Copies of bird behavior worksheet 3. Regional bird field guides (optional) 4. Smartboard and laptop with internet access 5. Pencils or pens 6. clipboards 7. Volunteer parents for fieldtrip Online Resource Web Sites: Student's Present level of Performance and Knowledge: This is an introductory lesson to bird watching and behaviors. No specific knowledge about birds or behaviors to perform this lesson is needed. Students are required to have basic navigating skills on the computer. Instructional Procedures Lesson Set: Start discussion by explaining what is happening in the Gulf today- bring up stories about how the birds will survive in the disaster area of the oil spill. Explain the difficulties the birds will face due to oil getting on their skin and what happens when they preen. Explain how the oil will affect not only their outside but also their inside (guts). Then ask questions about birds in the local area such as: • •

Have you ever watched birds? What kinds of things have you seen them do?

Techniques and Activities: 1. The teacher will lead a discussion about nine different bird behaviors, explaining the basics of different behaviors. The nine behaviors are flocking, hiding, bathing, flying, preening, singing, feeding, giving an alarm call, and foraging. Explain that by being a good observer that the students can witness most bird behaviors. Use the following visual to gain attention: 2. The teacher will lead a discussion about why birds • • •

Flock- used for safety Hide- used for survival to avoid predators and safety Bathing- to keep clean. Not only water used but uses dirt!

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Flying- birds catch air currents to keep them in the air, search for food, stay away from predators, preening helps to fly more efficiently Preening- either done with beak or feet, removes parasites, arrange feathers, removes dirt, and helps keep feathers waterproof Singing- usually done only by males, very complex and specific to species Feeding-Obtaining food and water to survive. Can be nectar from plants, worms, fish, or rodents. Alarm calls- Used to warn the flock Foraging- Using the beak to find food to survive

3. Pictures on the smartboard or laptop will be accessed to help students visualize bird behaviors while teacher is discussing the various bird behaviors. Once the smartboard activity is completed ask students to think about how they can find different birds, and where and when they might be more likely to see certain behaviors. For example, ask where the student might see a bird feeding or foraging? Why might a bird give an alarm call or hide when a human is near it? Why do birds preen? Have students practice what a preening movement might look like. If any talented whistlers, have them practice a made up bird call. 4. Once discussion is completed pass out checklist, pencils, and clipboards to students. Volunteer parents will take groups into playground area to investigate bird behaviors. Have groups walk about playground area and begin observing bird behaviors using checklist provided. Have students mark off behaviors with hash marks. If more than one behavior is observed have them mark all behaviors observed. Have students describe birds and where they observed the behavior. Have students sketch or draw favorite bird observed. If students or parents have a field guide try to name and describe bird. Lesson Closure: Wrap up lesson by having students talk about what they found during the hike. Talk about what they learned about different birds and their behaviors. Have students list any behaviors not on the list to investigate further. The teacher will then talk about the next lesson of fish behaviors and habitats. Adaptations for Special Learners: For hearing disabilities use pictures and examples of each different behavior. If a signing partner is available assign to the student to watch and explain the movements of the birds during various behaviors. For visual disabilities have student paired with partner. Have Braille, large print and audio cassettes available. For motor disabled student, pair with ambulatory student or volunteer parent. For learning disabled student have student act out bird behaviors and use large color pictures to help reinforce learning. Students could also use personal laptops to pace learning.

Supplemental Activities: Extension and remediation: Have students create an Excel spreadsheet or Word doc with bird behaviors cataloguing the various behaviors, descriptions of birds and where the birds were observed. Once the spreadsheet or word doc is created have students write up a report and post on the class blog or website. Pictures can also be posted with report. Assessment/Evaluation: Informal Assessment: Have students explain nine bird behaviors to class while viewing pictures. Appropriate feedback to correct or incorrect answers. Have students draw favorite bird observed. Formal Assessment: The teacher will have various pictures of bird behaviors for a quiz. The quiz will be conducted later in the week. The teacher will present a picture of a bird behavior to the class. Each student will answer on paper which behavior is being shown. A total of 15 questions will be asked. This will be graded by peers and answers discussed. Grades will be taken from work turned in. Student Products: Drawings of favorite bird observed and quiz taken at end of the lesson. If extension exercises are used the artifacts of excel spreadsheet and report posted to blog. Resource: lesson plan adapted from: de.ashx

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