Lorain County Community Guide - July 18, 2019

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Thursday, July 18, 2019

BULLETIN BOARD Thursday, July 18 • WELLINGTON: “A Sky Full of Stories” will be presented at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 18 at the Herrick Memorial Library. What do a queen, a hunter, a scorpion, and a bull all have in common? They are star patterns we known as constellations. Kids ages five and up can discover the stories and more about these constellations and enjoy games, Readers Theater, and crafts. Registration is required. Visit the library or call 440-647-2120. • ELYRIA: A sustainable agriculture information session will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 18 at Lorain County Community College’s college center lobby, 1005 North Abbe Rd. Learn about new career opportunities in the emerging local food economy. The permaculture design certification, short-term technical certificate in specialty crop production, one-year technical certificate in sustainable agriculture, and the associate of applied science degree in sustainable agriculture will be discussed. This event is free and open to the public. For more information or to register, visit www. lorainccc.edu/sustain or contact Ruby Beil at rbeil@lorainccc.edu. • AMHERST: Micah Judy will provide advice on retirement investments at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 18 at the Amherst Public Library. • OBERLIN: The Indigenous Peoples’ Day Committee will meet from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, July 18 at the Oberlin Public Library. See the documentary “Mystic Voices: The Story of the Pequot War.” What led to the first declared war in America? In May 1637, English Puritan colonists torched a Pequot village at Mystic, Conn., massacring 400 to 700 men, women, and children in less than an hour. Why is the slaughter seldom talked about? Pequots were forbidden to use their tribal name and were subjugated to other native tribes allied with the English. With the help of sympathetic English leaders, they eventually were able to reestablish their own communities, which become the first Indian reservations in America.

Starting July 18 • OBERLIN: Vacation Bible School will be held from 5-8 p.m. on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, July 18 to 20, at the Park Street Seventh-day Adventist Church, 99 South Park St. “Join Team Jesus” VBS will feature Bible challenges, story time, crafts, music, games, prizes, BULLETIN BOARD PAGE A3

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MOONWALK www.lcnewspapers.com

Volume 6, Issue 29


Astronaut Buzz Aldrin poses beside the deployed United States flag on the lunar surface on July 20, 1969.

50th anniversary of the moon landing JASON HAWK EDITOR

Imagine the terror and exhilaration of sailing more than 60 hours through the inky black vacuum of space toward the moon. Michael Collins, Neil Armstrong, and Buzz Aldrin made the 230,000-some-mile trip 50 years ago aboard the Apollo 11. They launched from Cape Kennedy on July 16, 1969. About 650 million people watched on July 20 as the Eagle Lunar Module landed. Armstrong was the first to place foot on the surface of another stellar body, taking that famous "one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." He and Aldrin spent 21 hours, 36 minutes on the moon, hopping effortlessly in the reduced gravity, planting the U.S. flag, collecting lunar soil samples, and placing equipment for experiments. The mission had started as part of the Space Race against the Soviet Union as America worked to prove its scientific and technological superiority. But the Apollo program has

The Lunar Module approaches the Command and Service Module for docking at Earthrise. reaped far greater scientific rewards. It laid the groundwork for NASA's Landsat program, which has studied the Earth's natural resources from space. Its hardware was used to build Skylab, the United States' first

space station. The more than 800 pounds of moon rocks collected by Apollo astronauts contained materials dating back four billion years, giving us insights into the way MOON LANDING PAGE A2

INSIDE Amherst



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