Welcome to Gosden House!
Welcome to Gosden House! I am excited to welcome you to the Gosden family and I hope this marks the start of a very happy and fulfilling time for you at Lord Wandsworth College. Our house has a warm atmosphere from the moment you walk in the door – where you will usually see girls and staff seated in our cosy foyer, catching up after a busy day. The Gosden girls pride themselves on being kind – kindness is something we prioritise as I believe that kind girls are aware, so they care for those around them, they allow others to be who they want to be and they are inclusive of everyone.
Life as a teenager has its ups and downs, so being part of a kind, caring community, who will support you through both the wonderful and the difficult times, is invaluable. I am supported by our assistant houseparents, Jenny Edgar and Chris Radmann, a team of tutors and two great Matrons, Claire and Jo, so there are plenty of adults to whom you can turn for advice, encouragement, reassurance and comfort. Of course the girls in house are also here for you; in particular our prefect team, led by Lizzy (Head of House) and our two deputies, Elsa and Zara.
When you join the Gosden family you also become part of a team – someone who is prepared to share their time, talents and enthusiasm for the benefit of the house, in all kinds of inter-house events. Yes, we are competitive, but the key thing we ask of you, is that you give of yourself, whether we win or lose. So participation is essential if you are keen to get as much out of your LWC experience as possible. Be prepared to try new things, volunteer to take part, embrace all opportunities on offer and you will learn so much about yourself over the next few years.
Our Five Pillars
What one more thing can you do to make a conversation or interaction with someone that little bit better? It may be helping a friend with a piece of homework they are struggling with, or looking after them if they have hurt themselves or supporting them when they perform at a concert. On the other hand, it could just be making a cup of tea for mum or dad. It is these small acts of kindness that we challenge all our community to make part of their daily lives.
+2 is a phrase that is well-used at LWC. It is an aspiration and a mind-set that we ask our pupils to stretch themselves two years beyond where they currently are academically in each and every year. At the heart of this lies our own A2RH vision for education, supported by inspirational teaching, teaching which causes our pupils to ask that extra question, to risk linking two concepts together and discover new interrelationships, and above all sees them wanting to share their knowledge with others.
The academic curriculum at Lord Wandsworth College is underpinned by the four principles of A2RH: attitudes, approaches, routines and habits. Through these principles we aim to enable all pupils to find and develop a passion for learning that inspires them to improve and that will stay with them beyond their time with us.
Happy children are successful children in whatever guise that takes and this is underpinned by our school’s relentless focus on welfare, wellbeing and good mental health; the triumvirate of our +3 philosophy.
We aspire for LWC to be the most incredible place to live and work for both pupils and staff alike, and whether transforming the built environment or enhancing the emotional one, our appetite to get the balance right remains undiminished.
Schools flourish when pupils have a meaningful, positive input and impact within their environment, and we aspire to be the leading school in the UK, by genuinely listening to our pupils and working with them to help run our school.
Our Five Pillars
Within the past few years they have been integral in campus master-planning, exterior and interior building design, staff appraisal, academic feedback and most importantly, providing a clear stance to enhance the thriving culture within LWC. Their desire to make a positive difference and leave a legacy for the years to come is inspiring.
Cognitive ability is not the only thing that determines a child’s life chances. It makes a considerable difference, and intelligence can change considerably through a person’s lifetime if stimulated appropriately, it is one’s character and application that can really shape one’s destiny.
This is an empowering message for children and their families. Character is not inherent; it is born of positive experiences and it can be taught. Character attributes of Fairness, Generosity, Empathy, Loyalty, Gratitude, Courage, Engagement, Creativity, Perseverance, Optimism, Self-control, and Curiosity are taught deliberately and with forethought in every lesson, in tutorial encounters and throughout our co-curriculum.
It is not enough to have an assembly once a week in which pupils are encouraged to be nice to each other. Instead, our rewards and sanctions, the way we praise and encourage day to day, and the way we respond to poor behaviour or attitude are underpinned by a Character Education philosophy. We work hard to enable our pupils to know that their thoughts inform their actions, their actions their habits, their habits their character, and that their character will ultimately determine their fortune.
In 2020, we were delighted to be awarded a School of Character Kitemark from the Association for Character Education (ACE). This prestigious accolade is presented to schools that can demonstrate an explicit, planned and reflective approach to the cultivation of positive character attributes in their pupils in the interests of human flourishing. As one of only 17 schools worldwide to have achieved this recognition, we are suitably proud. Our thanks to our incredible staff for all their work embedding Character as the corner stone of our culture at Lord Wandsworth College.
Daily Routine | Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday
7.00-7.30 am Time for boarders to get up and about
8.20 am All pupils need to have signed in with their Houseparent by 8.20 am (on Mondays we have House Assembly at 8.35 am)
Monday to Friday:
8.35 am Assembly or Tutor Session according to daily timetable
9.00 am First lesson of the day
10.45 am Break
12.50-2 pm Lunch
3.45 pm End of lessons and tutor time
4.10 pm
Activity Session 1 starts
5.15 pm Activity Session 2 starts
5.10-6.30 pm Tea (time depending on year group)
6.50 pm All pupils back in the House after tea. Register for prep with duty tutor
7.00 pm Start of prep
6.45 pm All girls back in the House after tea. Register for prep with duty tutor
We encourage all pupils (including day pupils) to stay for tea and prep - we believe this is when a young person will get the most from the wonderful opportunities on offer. However, pupils who are not boarding that night may leave after their last school commitment. On occassion, there are some compulsary evening enrichment activities. These will be communicated in advance.
You should wear your full school uniform or LWC sports kit during the school working day, so until 4.00pm or the end of your activities (whatever is later).
The dress code for tea is ‘relaxed’ BUT please do not wear dirty kit. You will be sent back to your boarding house to change if you do.
Exeats and Half Terms
It is also worth remembering College finishes at 4.00pm (or after your activity) on exeat or half terms.
Daily Routine | Evenings
run at any time in the evenings between 4.00pm and 9.00pm. These may be academic, cultural
Activities may run at any time in the evenings between 4.00pm and 9.00pm. These may be academic, cultural or sporting. These are voluntary, but pupils (including day pupils) will be expected to attend some specified compulsory enrichment or school events, and are expected to attend rehearsals, etc. to which they are committed.
You may be collected at any time in the evening, but you must sign out and turn your T Card before you leave.
6.50 pm Registration in House with the duty tutor
7.00-9.00 pm Quiet time in House in which prep is to be completed. (3rd form prep is 7.00 to 8.30 pm)
9.30 pm 3rd Form prepare for bedtime
(8.30 pm for 3rd Form) completed
9.45 pm 3rd Form lights out
9.30 pm 3rd Form should be in rooms ready for bed
4th Form get ready for bed
9.45 pm 3rd Form lights out
10.00 pm 4th Form lights out
4th Form should be in rooms ready for bed
5th Form prepare for bed
10.00 pm 4th Form lights out
10.15 pm
5th Form lights out
5th Form should be in rooms ready for bed
Sixth Form must be back in house
10.15 pm 5th Form lights out
External doors are locked.
Sixth Form must be back in house
10.30 pm Sixth Form should be in their own rooms and be quiet
External doors are locked
Daily Routine | Saturday
8.15—9.15 am Breakfast
9.15 am Latest time to register
9.30 am Activity
11.00 am End of Saturday School
12.00 pm Lunch
Afternoon Sports fixtures
House Life
If you are unable to be in College for any reason, your parents should phone the boarding house by 8.20am to let us know.
Apart from special occasions (e.g. a family wedding), you are expected to be in College throughout the term.
Requests for leave of absence from lessons must be put in writing by your parents/guardians to the Headmaster. The exception to this is an appointment to the dentist, physio etc. where a telephone call or email to your Houseparent is acceptable.
If the request involves missing an afternoon activity/sport it is YOUR responsibility to obtain permission to be absent from the member of staff who runs the activity that you will miss.
If you have been ill and need to be ‘off games’ on your return, please bring in an explanatory note from your parents/guardian with you or ask them to email.
From the Summer Term of Lower Sixth, Sixth Formers may be allowed to drive their cars to school if they have been granted permission by the Senior Deputy Head. Permission forms are available from the College Office.
You may not travel in a car driven by another pupil unless we have received written or emailed permission for you to do so from your parents/guardians and also the parents/guardians of the driver of the car so that all parties are aware.
Your parents/guardians must give permission in order for you to travel with the parents/guardians or friend of another pupil. Keys will be handed in and locked safely in Matron’s office until you need to return home. Parking is available in main College car park.
House Life
There are a few things which have relevance mainly to day pupils:
1. Do not forget to sign out in person and turn your T Card, before you go home each day.
2. We would like our day pupils to stay on after school to socialise, take part in House activities and prep—all we ask is that you let us know each day if you are staying for the evening routines.
3. Please do not leave your belongings/home clothes around the House.
4. If you are going home with someone other than your parents/guardians you must let us know.
All information about uniform and dress guidelines can be found in the College’s Uniform and Equipment Guide.
Here are some key points:
• You should wear your uniform from 7.45am until the end of the working day.
• You should wear College games kit for all sports and activities.
• You may only attend lessons in casual clothes or in games kit if you have a specific reason, even then, only with the permission of the person in charge of the outing or the teacher concerned.
• Dress for outings and events will often be ‘smart casual’ - you need to make sure you have suitable clothing in school for just such events. Jeans, ripped trousers or tracksuit trousers will not be considered smart casual!
• You must not go to tea in your games kit, although you may put your tracksuit on over it and wear clean trainers if you are in a rush.
House Life
You will be asked to play your part in keeping the house kitchen tidy - please check the duty rota.
GUIDING PARENTS You will occasionally be asked to show prospective parents around the College. When you are asked to do this, make sure you excuse yourself from any lessons being missed in good time. You should wear your best uniform; shoes must be clean and your hair neat and tidy.
If you discover a fire:
• Inform a member of staff immediately.
• If it is not safe to reach a member of staff, raise the alarm by shouting ‘FIRE’ or if you are near a red alarm box, break the glass and sound the alarm.
• Do not try to put out the fire yourself!
• Stop what you are doing immediately.
• Leave the house quickly and quietly by the nearest fire exit and go to the assembly point which is outside the Porters’ Lodge, opposite the main entrance to Gosden.
• Do not stop or go back for any personal belongings.
• Shut all windows and doors behind you as you exit.
• At night put on dressing gown and shoes; do not stop to dress fully; ensure that others in your dorm are awake.
• Please ensure you know where your fire exits and assembly points are.
• You should line up in SILENCE in alphabetical order in your year groups. A roll call will be taken and you should stay there to await further instructions from the member of staff present.
House Life
• Do not re-enter the House until told to do so by the member of staff present.
• Formal fire drills are carried out at least twice a term.
• The kitchen facilities in House are not provided as an alternative to attending meals.
• Milk, bread, spreads, fruit and squashes are provided in the House daily—check with Matron for the times when these are available.
• Do not bring in large quantities of food from home — particularly perishable products.
• You may bring tuck in however you must keep it in your own secure tuck box. If you put something in the fridge do not forget to name it! Space is limited.
• Follow instructions when using the microwave or oven and be careful as food and drinks can get very hot.
• Toasters are for toasting bread only—please do not try and cook anything else in them!
We have TVs, two pianos, a Wii console and a pool/table tennis table, councuas well as a trampoline, swingball and badminton net outside, for you to use in your free time.
Your hair should be kept neat and tidy. It should be natural in colour—any highlights should be subtle in nature and professionally done. Your hairstyle should not exhibit any extremes of fashion. Hair must be off the collar.
The idea of House Council is that you can have input to House routines, make suggestions for House events or facilities and prompt changes for the better regarding our family House life or around the wider College campus.
The Council meets every half term. It consists of one or two pupils per tutor group. You will vote for your year group representative(s) at the start of term. The Council is chaired by the Head of House.
The minutes are submitted to your Houseparent whose responses will be published on the House notice board.
House Life
Items regarding the College in general will be brought up by the Head of House when the prefects have lunch with the Headmaster.
House Prefects also meet once a week, you may take issues to them where they can raise it with the Houseparent.
You may also speak to or email suggestions to the Head of House or Deputy Head of House, if you have any good ideas or concerns.
Each year group in House will also have a Peer Mentor that they can speak to, to voice concerns or express feelings. Each Mentor (including all Sixth Formers) will have mentor training and guidance beforehand, provided by the College Chaplain.
PREP (Homework)
Prep time is a time for individual work.
You should have all the stationery and equipment ready to start prep on time.
Throughout prep time you should be working at a desk.
It is a quiet time and therefore you are not allowed to be chatting or wandering around the House. 3rd & 4th Formers may listen to music on headphones. 5th & Sixth Formers may play music quietly, so long as it is not audible outside your room.
Make sure you record your prep tasks on an e-calendar so that you do not have to wander around to find out what work has been set. Preps may also be set on the VLE, but do not rely on it every time, make a note of it as well.
House Life
You should take your dirty clothes every day to the laundry room and ensure you put things in the correct baskets.
You will find your clean clothes on the named shelves in the laundry.
Full boarders put all their casual, sports kit and uniform clothing in for washing.
Weekly/flexi boarders may put in all school uniform and games kit in for washing. Casual clothes should be washed at home at weekends.
Day pupils’ laundry should be done at home.
Washing and drying machines are for use by Matrons and resident staff only.
Any items for dry cleaning should be handed to Matron who will arrange for them to be cleaned. The cost of this will be added to your College bill.
Matrons are on duty from Monday to Friday from 8.00am - 9.00am and on Saturdays from 8.00am - 6.00pm
• look after your laundry.
• will usually be your first port of call for any medical issues.
• are responsible for the domestic side of the House so expect to be chased by them if your room is dirty/untidy or if you haven’t made your bed!
Most importantly, they are:
• a friend,
• a listening ear
• a shoulder to cry on and
• someone to be a mum if you need it.
House Life
Matrons have their own email address which is: gosmatron@lordwandsworth.org
DOCTOR APPOINTMENTS: These can be arranged via Matron, Houseparent or directly through the Health Centre.
Doctor’s surgeries are held every Monday and Thursday afternoons. Day pupils should see their own doctor at home unless they are registered with one of the College doctors.
HEALTH CENTRE : Opening times: 9.00am —6.00pm (Mon—Fri) 9.30am —5.00pm (Sat)
DURING THE DAY TIME: See Matron or any duty staff.
IN LESSONS: Ask your teacher if you may come back to the House to see Matron—if necessary she will arrange for you to see a nurse.
DURING THE NIGHT TIME: Knock/ring on the Houseparent’s or Assistant Houseparent’s door …long enough to wake someone up!
Your parents/guardians will be contacted if you are ill and have to be confined to House for a number of days or need to spend time convalescing at home.
Matrons can sometimes take you to medical appointments outside school if your parents/guardians are unable to.
DENTAL APPOINTMENTS: These should be made during the school holidays whenever possible. Emergency treatment can be arranged via Matron.
MINIBUS (Link with train station)
A minibus is available to take pupils to Hook Station on Saturdays at 12:00noon or at 4:00pm on Fridays on exeat or half term weekends.
House Life
A minibus also picks up from Hook Station at 8:00pm on Sunday evenings.
If you wish to use this service you need to sign up on the booking sheet in Reception by Friday lunchtime, or by Thursday lunchtime for an exeat/half term weekend.
This service is also available at the start and end of each term.
We are a cashless House. Full boarders may depsoit money into our House account for use at weekends/on trips, etc. Our bank details are: Lloyds Bank
Account Number: 02200539
Sort Code: 30-93-32
We run a House tuck shop which sells some savoury snacks, sweets and drinks, plus a few other bits that may be helpful. Check with Matron for opening times. The Tuck Shop is cashless and any purchases will be put on your parents/guardian’s College bill.
• If you are a day pupil and you need to stay overnight, your parents/guardian should ask us if it is ok to do so at least 24hrs in advance.
• If you are a day pupil and there are some spare beds in the house, then you may find that you are lucky enough to keep the same bed each time you stay. However, day pupils are not entitled to their own bed and you may have to use any bed which is available.
• You need to bring your own duvet or sleeping bag, pillows and sheets.
• You should not leave your bedding on the bed on nights when you are not staying as the bed may be needed by someone else.
House Life
Mobiles and other devices
We ask that 3rd Form students do not bring their mobile phones into School until the Autumn half term. Thereafter 3rd Form students are required to hand in their mobile phones during the day. It will be securely stored and can be collected after afternoon registration (from 4pm). As long as 3rd Form students do not have an imminent cocurricular commitment, they can then have their mobile phone with you, but it must be on ‘silent’. If your phone is seen or heard outside of house before 6pm, then it will be confiscated and passed on to your Houseparent.
For other year groups, you are generally allowed to have your phone on you in College, but it must be on ‘silent’ during the school day and must not disrupt lessons. It must not be seen or heard before 6pm during the school day and if it is, it will be confiscated and passed on to your Houseparent.
In the boarding house, mobiles and other devices should not be used after ‘lights out’. 3rd, 4th and 5th Form pupils need to hand all devices to the staff member on duty before lights out.
Pupils in 4th Form and above may return to House at break or lunch to use their phones, otherwise they must remain out of sight during the school day (7.45am-6pm). You may take your mobile phone on trips offsite and to away sports fixtures.
Sixth Formers can use their mobiles in the Sixth Form Centre.
Post is delivered to the House daily and can be collected from Matron’s room. If a parcel is delivered, you are required to open it in front of Matron. You can leave letters for posting with Matron, you can also buy stamps and hand in letters to post at the main College reception.
Attendance on Saturday morning is encouraged to enable you to take advantage of the varied array of additional activities and clubs which take place over the two sessions. Attendance is optional but if a pupil is in College, they must be attending a Saturday morning activity,
You may go home after your last activity if you have no afternoon commitments. All pupils must stay on Saturday afternoon if they are required for a school commitment. Dress code for Saturdays is smart casual. No fancy dress please.
House Life
We need to know where you are AT ALL TIMES in case you need to be found urgently or if there is a fire alarm, etc. so...
You must ALWAYS turn and/or move your T-Card when entering or exiting the House. You must sign out with Matron or the member of staff on duty when going home at the end of the day or at the weekend.
Between tea and prep time make sure you fill in the After 4pm File so that we know where we can find you. In the autumn and spring terms you may not be outside but you can sign out to visit another house. You must be back in House by 6.45pm.
3rd-5th Formers are not allowed out of the House after prep time without specific permission.
You may not hire a taxi without permission. Matron has a list of school accredited taxi firms in the area. Taxi fares can be put on your school bill if your parents/guardians agree—you can collect a taxi slip from Matron.
You are expected to keep your room tidy. The cleaning staff are here to clean not to tidy up your mess! You must make your own bed every morning. You will change your bedding each week when Matron asks you to. Usually sheets and pillowcases weekly, duvet covers fortnightly.
All pupils are allocated a tutor group.
Your tutor is responsible for monitoring your academic progress as well as your social, cultural and sporting development. Tutors act as a channel of communication between you, your parents/guardians and other staff. Sixth Form tutors are also responsible for helping you with your university applications.
Tutors additionally help with the running of the House and in particular they take turns to be ‘on duty’ in the House during the evenings.
House Life
Your tutor will play a key role in your time at LWC.
You must get permission from a member of the House staff if you wish to bring any guests, other than parents or relatives, onto the estate.
• Members of other Houses are welcome as guests during free time. But you must inform Matron and they must be signed in and out of House on the sheet. You must accompany them at all times.
• Guests should be entertained in the public rooms only, no-one else upstairs or in dorms or studies.
You are responsible for the behaviour of your guests. The contact rule remains in effect (see College rules).
On Friday evenings you will be asked by the duty staff as to your weekend arrangements, including the day/time you intend to return to school after the weekend.
Full boarders may visit friends at weekends if your Houseparent is given approval from the parent/guardian of the full boarder and from the parent/guardian of the host family. This approval needs to be given by the end of Friday pm, either by letter, email or by phone.
Weekly boarders may stay in House over the weekend by arrangement with the Houseparent and with approval from home.
If you are staying for the weekend you must still remember to sign in and out of the House.
Keep an eye on the notice boards for trips and events happening at the weekends and make sure you sign up early so that you don’t miss out on anything!
Boarding Principles & Aims
At LWC, we focus on the needs of each of you as an individual, ensuring that people look out for you and that you look out for others. LWC is an environment in which you’ll be encouraged to push yourself by going beyond where you are comfortable in and out of the classroom, knowing you have the support and guidance of your friends and the staff. We will encourage you to work on a range of skills, such as sharing your strengths, keeping going even when things are tough, being curious about your world. Our boarding houses are one of the most important places for you to thrive and develop, and it is our aim to provide an environment in which each of you can do this.
• I will be courageous in doing what is right
The community will maintain an atmosphere where positive behaviour and relationships are promoted by ensuring all voices have the chance to be heard.
• I will respect myself, others and the environment
The community will provide a safe, supportive environment in which all individuals are able to thrive; by fostering one of trust and mutual support which is relaxing, comfortable and suits the needs of all the boarders.
• I will encourage others to be who they are
The community will support and encourage choices and diversity of others. We will preserve the environment where people trust and help one another to become better people by promoting a spirit of teamwork and communal responsibility within the house.
• I will be aware of and inclusive of others
The community will promote openness and equal opportunities by celebrating the cultural diversity of the boarding community at LWC and by providing appropriate opportunities and activities to support this.
College Rules & Pupils’ Complaints Procedure
The College Rules and Pupils’ Complaints Procedure
These two documents are very important and pupils should take the time to read them thoroughly. The documents are updated from time to time and the most recent versions are available.
College Rules: https://lwc.link/policies
Pupils’ Complaints Procedure: https://lwc.link/pupils-complaints