Loredana gaiță 2015 architecture portfolio

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Loredana GaiČ›Äƒ Architecture student Portfolio

Table of contents Architecture and Urbanism Projects ‘The learning hall’ project at Université catholique de Louvain, Bruxelles / 2014


High School Extension design, drawings, renderings for ARJM architecture / 2014


Urban and social study data analysis, masterplan at Facultatea de Arhitectură, Timișoara / 2015


Town’s Symbolic Gate Contest design for the competition entry / 2013


O House Study analysis, model at Facultatea de Arhitectură, Timișoara / 2012


C|A|S|A design for the Annual Competition of Architecture Students, Romania / 2011


Wooden Pedestrian Bridge design at Facultatea de Arhitectură, Timișoara / 2010


Ideal Projects Participatory Urbanism - Fabricăm idea, organization with În comunitate / 2015


Casa care-mi place idea, coordination with Asociația de la 4 / 2013


Hands-on Workshops participation / 2010-2014


Architecture and Urbanism Projects

‘The learning hall’ Year V, Spring 2014 Location: Bruxelles, Belgium Team: Gaiță L., Thedenat O.

The two major factors that determined the design of this school are both the vision of a new school and the specific potential of the site.

transparence of a school also offers the potential to animate the public space and it reinforce the concept of ‘a learning community’.

The classes have ambient light, are protected from the railway noise, but at the same time they allow a constant relation with the exterior. On the opposite, the communal spaces are abundantly illuminated and follow the concept of a ‘one-room school’ where the vibrant activities are intertwined and they facilitate a permanent educational exchange.

The school is situated in a complex spatial context, being placed at the confluence of major traffic arteries, a position that serves the aspirations of this concept. The public square in front of the building is designed to connect the two sides over the railway and it makes the principal access of the school.

Besides the evolution of the learning theory, a school should reaffirm its position in the community. Being one of the most important public buildings of a neighbourhood it has the possibility to become an attraction point if it becomes accessible.The great


The other potential of the site is the proximity of four other schools that form an educational area, but that doesn’t have many facilities. For this reason the school includes a large and functional shared space with a sport hall, a library, a cafeteria, a canteen and different laboratories.


Extension of the Emile Max High School Internship 2014 Location: Bruxelles, Belgium Office: ARJM architecture http://www.arjm.be/xfr/ Adding new classes in the buildings of Emile Max High School is also introducing continuity in the educational process. The architectural project is the vector of this educational commitment by the network created from the three courts, up to the classes, through the new staircase (an important constraint for evacuation in case of fire and also an important link between the outside and inside of the classroom). The school architecture arises from the activation of three parameters: activity, silence and light. For this reason we have deliberately oriented the major classes on the garden side for more light and silence. The classes on the street side are small for structural reasons (keeping the old bearing walls), but also to avoid glazing the entire lenght of the roof (which also respects the constraints of the old roof structure). The courtyard pavilion responds to the desire of a thin and light metalic structure that becomes a imaterial background and shelter.

mur 2 - lumière

mur 1 meubles






mur 3 table noire

mur 4 - afďŹ chage










Urban and social study Year VI, Fall 2014 – Spring 2015 Location: Timișoara, Romania Team: Gaiță L., Garomfir A., Dohotaru C., Spiridon L.

By analyzing all the physical factors influencing the built environment, the urban research directions outlined a neighborhood scale development in the medium and long term. Prioritizing and summing these directions had made a strategic Masterplan. We had analyzed different patterns of Fabric-a district of Timișoara and superposed them in order to get complex information about the major shortcomings of the neighborhood: areas lacking public facilities and economic activity, neighborhood segregation by the class-a traffic artery, the eccentric position of the two major points of attraction and the existence of a large number of undeveloped or abandoned public spaces. Urban layers: nodes of activity, promenades, bicycle routes, the street structure, access gates, public squares, green areas, public functions and their area of influence, abandoned public spaces, type of buildings, historical areas etc.


Town’s Symbolic Gate Contest Year IV, Spring 2013 Location: Timișoara, Timiș County

Between the Opera and the Cathedral Historic Substrate – Motivation The Romanian Revolution of ‘89 is an event of international importance that brings Timisoara, the rank of initiator town. If by that time, the city were seen as a multicultural center, the “Gateway to the West” or the city of flowers, seconding this story it became the “first free city of the country.” Most times forgotten and closed too deeply into people’s consciousness, the revolution, seems to leave the colective memory. As a trigger of the most important national event of the last decades, Timisoara identity, should be recognized, both by its inhabitants, as well as by any visitor! Location The proposed symbol will act as “memory supporter” and will be seen by the large daily flow of people. The reason why I chose this limit, is because the Şagului track axis is the single road that leads directly to the Victory Square area marked by the events of December ‘89. Analogy The message this city wants to spread, can not be transmitted with greater accuracy than by a reinterpretation of the revolution square, by making a relation between form and substance between solid and dispersed!


O House Study Year III, Summer 2012 Location: Four Cantons Lakes, Switzerland Location and neighbourhood. O house is located on the lake “Four Cantons”, Switzerland. It differ from the buildings found in the area, the small town being characterised by a certain pattern. Zone of influence. Because of the green belts and the street withdrawal, the influence of the house is especially close. When it increases, we see a different approach on the windows design.


Approach. Directions. Routes. The house unfolds gradually, while traveling along the paths trajectory. The sequential knowledge of space is given by the privacy gradient. Access. Layering. Facade’s permeability. Although the perforated envelope shows a uniform treatment, the access is marked in the depth field through a series of elements. These elements are dilating time and mark the median body which houses the vertical circulation. Only apparently an open house due to the large glass surfaces, the building reveals its intimate nature by the succession of layers. Volume. Spatial Strategy. The limitations imposed by the plot were the determining factor in the volumes shape. Thereby, O house is an assem-

blage of three buildings that fit the plot well. The connecting element is the perforated facade. The bodies from right and left are projected in opposite directions along the length of the field. The obvious direction of the right volume is justified by the desire to design spaces toward the lake. Another factor that influences the development direction of the volumes is the intimacy of the functions served. Functional scheme. Circulation and distribution. The segregation of the functions on the sides of the main lobby is also a division between public and private. Areas with the highest degree of privacy benefits from transition zones to the exterior. Light Gradient. The ways of introducing light varies depending on the sun light and on near vicinity.

Living-room Analysis The living room is located in the eastern part of the building and benefits from a privileged position because it opens to the lake. The spectacular view determine the opening and the shape of the house. The character of this room is one abstract, disembodied, diluting itself toward the lake. The living room is out of reach for the public eye by using a series of planes with different degrees of transparency. The circular texture becomes a targeting and framing element, and the voids scale is given by the degree of intimacy of the room.

C|A|S|A Year II, Spring 2011 Location: Sibiu, Sibiu County

Respect and attractiveness - those are the words that best define my concept, the edifice being at the limit between old and new. The historic center is populated mostly by senior citizen, so it is desired to draw in the youth with an expressive architecture. The duality of the building is given by the character of the venue encountered at the confluence between two eras. This is why above the bastion’s walls grows a device meant to attract and captivate, while on the opposite side, the house respects the neighbourhood’s shape.


This volume allows the birth of a public space that can be used for outdoor events because the area is connected to the pedestrian zone. Besides its basic function the space can be exploited to its full potential. The edifice houses two apartments suited for young people. The apartments provide fluid and personalised spaces.

Wooden Pedestrian Bridge Year I, Spring 2010 Location: Timișoara, Timiș County

This project meets a problem of Timisoara, where the link between the University Center and the green area located across the river Bega is missing. Because this site has great potential to become an active area, the pedestrian bridge is flanked by two pavilions that house an exhibition space and a cafe. A secondary theme of the project was overlapping layers in a controlled way, by putting the vertical frames over blind walls, creating a rich texture and by alternating translucent planes with opaque ones. The projects straight lines are combined so that they make a dynamic composition. Although the bridge is opened to the outside, while moving through it, the wood frames, creates sequential images of the landscape, so that with every step, the view changes.


Ideal ist Projects

Participatory Urbanism / Fabricăm Spring- Summer 2015 Location: Timișoara, Romania Team: Asociația În comunitate http://incomunitate.tumblr.com/

‘Fabricăm’ projects are aiming at increasing the quality of urban life by involving citizens in decision making processes and in the direct reconfiguration of the public space. Using a tactical approach to solving local urban problems, the projects consist of punctual interventions carried out in the Fabric neighborhood of Timișoara and they are implemented through a participatory process. We have grouped several projects in a limited area in order to focus the efforts, the benefits and the impact on the neighborhood. Once the research phase is completed (urban and social research), the beginning of each project is marked by the information and consultation of citizens on the results of the study and the nature of the intervention needed in a particular public space. The next step is represented by the open and participatory planning and implementation processes.


Casa care-mi place / ‘My favorite house’ Spring- Fall 2013 Location: Timișoara, Romania Initiator and coordinator: Gaiță L. Team: Asociația de la 4- arch. stud. association www.casacare-miplace.ro First educational and community empowerment project, held on-line, on the subject of the city’s architecture, addressed to the inhabitants of Timisoara.


Hands-on Workshops 2010-2014 Location: Romania, Belgium

School Yard Furniture Contest and Workshop / Bruxelles / 2014 Traditional and experimental techniques Workshop- Clay and lime plasters, manual paper and carpentry / Iași County / 2012 Bunești Summer School- practical workshops for carpentry, masonry, clay plaster / Argeș County / 2012 PAO-experimental architecture & arts sessions International Workshop / Caraș-Severin County / 2011 Sky Hill Multidisciplinary Workshop / Caraș-Severin County / 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013


Thank you! loredana.gaita[at]gmail.com


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