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Loredana De Vitis

Loredana De Vitis (Lecce, 1978) graduated in Philosophy and currently works for the University of Salento. She wrote the cultural reportage "Welcome to Albània" (Lecce 2006), now viewable and downloadable online. As a novelist, she published the short story collection "storie d'amore inventato" (Rome 2010) and won the national competition Subway-Literature with the short story "rossella and andrea. and Rossella and Andrea." (Milan 2011). With her first novel "tanto già lo sapevo" (Rome 2012) she won the "Holden" prize in the national competition ilmioesordio, while the English edition of "storie d'amore inventato" "five stories on the love we made [up]" is published in e-book format on Amazon. Her cross-media project "Io sono bellissima", which is a narration, through images and words, of a personal journey of "liberation" from the burden of stereotypes about women's beauty, was defined as a "new approach to self-determination extended to the culture of the body".
