The Beauty of Holiness I.
In all cultures and extending through all religions is the idea of the mysterious, the holy. At the core of religious belief and practice is the mysterious, supernaturally threatening presence. In the soul of humanity is the indelible mark that something out there is so awesome, so powerful, so beautiful that it is terrifying to think on and hazardous to behold. Deep within the framework of humanity is a dread, a terrifying sense that something out there is worthy of our worship and can either help us or hurt us in our frail condition.
A. W. Tozer – “The feeling for mystery, even for the Great Mystery, is basic in human nature and indispensable to religious faith, but it is not enough. Because of it men may whisper, “That awful thing,” but they do not cry, “Mine Holy One!” In the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures God carries forward His selfrevelation and gives it personality and moral content. This awful Presence is shown to be not a Thing but a moral Being with all the warm qualities of genuine personality. More than this, He is the absolute quintessence of moral excellence, infinitely perfect in righteousness, purity, rectitude, and incomprehensible holiness. And in all this He is uncreated, self-sufficient and beyond the power of human thought to conceive or human speech to utter.”
We know God because He chooses to reveal Himself. He is the Holy One who loves to disclose Himself. He is the Mystery made known. The Scriptures testify that while the other nations worship that which they do not know, we worship the One true God who has made Himself known. John 4:21-24 Jesus said to her, "Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. 22 You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews.
“The Glorious Gospel of the Blessed God” (I Timothy 1:11). He is the blessed, happy God. God loves Himself. He infinitely enjoys Himself as the most lovely, beautiful, righteous, kind, pure Being that is. God is eternally happy as the
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