Lorena was born in a city in the center of the state of Ceará, called Acopiara, where she have never been again a8er born. She lived half of her childhood on the sertão and the other half on the seacoast. Due to her father's work, her family changed ci@es year a8er year un@l we reach Fortaleza when she was the age of 7. Travel it is an important part of her life, even if she was on a pau de arara or on her mom’s car, listening to her dad’s music. Today, travel it’s one of her biggest pleasures, it doesn't maDer if it’s a two hours travel or if it’s to cross the globe. Also, when she was a kid, she used to play on the streets, count stars, be surrounded by animals and she started to have much joy by very simple things in life, so she usually say that it's very easy to make her happy. Her parents’ families are very humble and from the very beginning she learned to give value to work and integrity. Also, her father it was the only one in his huge family who had the opportunity to graduate, so study always was an important subject for her. When she was living on the countryside, she got to know amazing and wise people, but who do not had
access to electricity, clean water and other basic condi@ons for living, just as her grandma, who raised kids in those condi@ons. At this @me, she started to ques=on herself why some people had much more than others. Her childhood was very difficult due to her family's instabili@es and to the bullying that she suffered during the school @me, ever since she had to learn to be strong and to start a long path of self awareness. She lost her father at the age of 14 and at this @me she had a strong guidance from her mother and her brother. The main lessons from her childhood, she learned with her mother, to have freedom to choice her path with responsibility. She started to do volunteer work at the age of 18, especially in underprivileged communi@es. The direct impact on society really amazes her and made her discover her altruist and benevolent side. All this purpose to make the world a be@er place was looking for a pier to anchor. It was in 2012, when she joined AIESEC and decided to go on an social exchange to India, to spend 2 months in a place of Gods and godless people. India revealed a social contrast deepest than she faced in Brazil. This Her biggest dream now it’s to Transform Brazil by Youth Leadership.
life-‐changing experience made her rediscover herself and her main passion: people. She also took the decision to dive herself deep on the opportuni=es that AIESEC can offers. At AIESEC in Fortaleza, she was Vice President of Learning and Development in 2013 and President of AIESEC in Fortaleza in 2014. Also, she did her second social exchange through AIESEC at Lima, Peru. Today she’s working on the Na=onal Board of AIESEC in Brazil, as MCVP Talent Management area. She work with more 21 amazing individuals from different parts of Brazil, who call themselves, MC Mosaico and all of them have a strong belief that it’s possible to make AIESEC in Brazil be a reference of leadership in their country. AIESEC was a great turning point in her life, where she confirmed an old creed that her effort is only a drop on the ocean, but with other strong people can turn it into a powerful wave to move towards a bigger purpose. She is very proud of her roots and to live in such diverse country as Brazil. But as a curious person, that it’s always challenging the status quo, she keeps in her mind ques@ons about her country’s future.