SELECTED WORKS of 2016 - 2018

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Selected works by Lorenzo Abate 2016- 2018

LORENZO ABATE Based in Venice, I’m graduated in “Architettura e culture del progetto” at the IUAV University. The studies completed and the different influences about art, cinema, history, music and photography have developed my critical sense and my personal point of view about themes that involve architecture. I’m looking for continuous motivation, ready for comparison. PERSONAL SKILLS critical thinking


good creativity with logical and rational goals

problem solving


i prefer to look for an immediate solution to a problem



adaptability, different competence, responsible

interpersonal skills


i strongly believe in teamwork for personal



i have a strong ambition dictated by passion and the achievement of a future goal

OTHER SKILLS Photography |model making | hand drawing | painting

Selected works (2016 - 2018) Architecture portfolio Grafic design, drawings edited by Lorenzo Abate Edition: october 2018 Bassano del Grappa, Italy



nationality : italian

Professional collaboration at “studio d’architettura C.Abate” 09/2018- ...

date | place of birth : 2 april 1993, Marostica (VI) Italy address : via villaggio sant’eusebio 5, 36061, Bassano del Grappa (VI) Italy

EDUCATION Master ‘s degree Architetttura e culture del progetto Università IUAV Venezia 2018 Erasmus + programme MArquitectura ETSAB Barcelona 2017 Bachelor’s degree : Scienze dell’architettura Università IUAV Venezia 2015 High school diploma : Liceo scientifico J. da Ponte Bassano del Grappa 2012

Assistant room at “Mokoko Floating school” at La biennale di Venezia 06-10/2016 Intership “EXTRA ITALY-Export Strategies from Italy” 02-07/2016 Intership at “Studio d’architettura E.Primon” 06-09/2015 Intership at “Studio architettura Scattola Associati 06-10/2014






Native language B1 level

B1 level

A2 level

A1 level



W.A. Ve 2017 “Syria the making of the future” Partecipate as graduate student Venezia, 2017


Four Spaces: trasforming emptiness R. Colombo, J. Galindo, A. Gonzalez Raventós, A. Akiyode, M. Munar Bauzá Barcelona, 2017

Adobe Illustrator

Valparaiso : heritage and future E. Fontanari, M. Klotz, C. Magrini, R. Garrido, R. Ferrand, V. Caldana Venezia, 2016 EXTRA ITALY-Export Strategies from Italy B. Albrecht, M. Ardielli Venezia-Verona, 2016 W.A. Ve 2015 War machine a new soccer stadium S. Irarrazaval Venezia, 2015 W.A. Ve 2014 From garden to post-industrial J. Maria Saez Vaquero Venezia, 2014 W.A. Ve 2013 Future Marghera F. Venezia Venezia, 2013

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Indesign Sketchup ArchiCad Artlantis

AWARDS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Master thesis wins the special mention “ Architettura Solidale” at Premio Ecologia Laura Conti 2018 Exibition “Ricostruzioni” at La Triennale di Milano 2018 Master thesis was selected for Tamayouz International Graduation Projects Award 2018 (long list) Collaborator for the editing of the booklets “Syria, the making of the future”, IUAV, Venice 2017 Exibition “Per una scuola d’architettura”, MantovaArchitettura 2015

Contents This portfolio contains selected works from design projects developed during my time at IUAV (University Institute of Architecture of Venice) and at ETSAB ( Escuela Tecnica Superior Arquitectura de Barcelona). The projects were chosen to highlights the diverse scale and approches adopts in my design education and career. Explorations of space, tectonics, time, awareness, social interaction and reactions to contextual influences have all been presented.



CAN STAIRS MAKE A CITIES? urban regeneration, master class project



THE POETIC OF REALISM urban architecture, Erasmus project



TO SEW UP POBLE NOU to generate public place, Erasmus project



SYRIA AFTER WAR urban planning, master thesis



RURAL SYSTEM REVIEW architecture, master class project



AS A SCHOOL AS A CITY architecture, Erasmus project



HABITAT FOR INHABITANTS architecture competition








43 ° 04’ 11.5” N - 12° 37’ 10.4” E

In Italy in the 60s the definition of the old town was born as part of the municipal territory of the oldest formation subjected to special safeguards to ensure the preservation of historical, artistic and environmental testimonies. The old town, often intended more than a place of memory, a form of untouchable beauty where nothing can be changed and where nothing can be built because “beautiful and finished”, could still represent a winning model of sustainability. But how can you make the old town of the city even better without compromising the originality and its beauty? Or even improve it by trying to meet present / future needs? Can the old town be a micro-transformation gym capable of suggesting sustainable changes even in the peripheral areas of the cities? The strategy of the project begins with cultivating a sort of topographic awareness towards the area in question, leading to the realization of some disturbing elements of the image of the “old town”. Elements derived from the desire to adapt the routes within the historical limit of the city (the walls) to the car means thus leading to the partial cancellation of some

of the structures and historical traces of the city and to degrade the surface. So they become the road surface and the interstitial spaces of the urban fabric, fundamental elements on which to reason and act on a long-term strategy able to recover and reinvent the founding characteristics of the city, thus replacing the asphalt with a mix of recycled cement and stone of recovery in an attempt to embellish and reformulate space. The project on a territorial scale aims to be a unitary project, expression of a local urban culture acquired over time and declined on several occasions to show its multiple functions and beauty. The introduced staircase system takes up an existing theme within the city, intensifies it and reinvents it in a very simple way to the sensations of the city and its spaces: from the narrow street to the square. Furthermore, the introduction of the theme of trees and small flowerbeds in urban spaces with the aim of embellishing the landscape has been the excuse for the study and sustainable design of a rainwater recovery system in support of irrigation of the plants.


Environmental Sustainability Atelier

Tutor B. Albrecht


Le piazze attorno a cui si strutturav tutt’ora la vita cittadina su cui convo strade a formare una x insieme alle

ntivi della città La posizione della rocca, abbarbicata sul versante del colle Asio, organizzata su linee parallele sulle quali gli edifici si susseguono fitti.

ento parte da un’analisi no i segni tratti distintiAssisi che, nonostante mazioni, hanno lasciato più o meno marcata, e nostro punto di vista, ati:

the distinctive characters of the city

La posizione della rocca, abbarbicata sul versante Le porte urbiche che si aprono sulle spesse mura del colle Asio, organizzata su linee parallele sulle e introducono alle vie principali della città rimaste comunque integre nonostante il passare del tempo. quali gli edifici si susseguono fitti.


the medieval city gates

Le piazze attorno a cui si strutturava e si struttura I sistemi di scale che superano trasversalmente il tutt’ora la vita cittadina su cui convogliano tutte le dislivello dei terrazzamenti nei punti più ripidi, danstrade a formare una x insieme alle scale. do luogo a scenari prospettici molto interessanti.

the squares

the old stairs

streets strade 16,6 % 16,6%

e che si aprono sulle spesse mura lle vie principali della città rimaste re nonostante il passare del tempo.

buildings edifici 83,4 % 83,4% I sistemi di scale che superano trasversalmente il dislivello dei terrazzamenti nei punti più ripidi, dando luogo a scenari prospettici molto interessanti.

driveways strade carrabili 78,3 78,3%% strade pedonali pedestrian roads 13,1% % 13,1 parcheggilots parking 8,6%% 8,6

driveways strade carrabili 14,8 14,8%% strade pedonali pedestrian roads 85,2%% 85,2

the strategy of the project


the stairways

little square as staging and meeting points

I percorsi dell’acqua principle of suspension from Il sistema di terrazzamenti che ab- dilatation colta dell’acqua piovana che, indibiamo già messo in luce non or- ofrizzata tetti lungo tutto il sistema self-similarity historical thedaitread gnanizza solo il tessuto urbano, ma suggerisce anche un uso funzionale di tali dislivelli. Assisi, infatti, si addice particolarmente a ospitare un sistema di rac-

di scale da noi progettato, confluisce nelle maggiori piazze e favorisce un risparmio notevole dal punto di vista ambientale in primo luogo per l’irrigazione del verde pubblico.

tetti canaletta del gradino canalette ai margini delle scale canalette sotterranee sistema di pompaggio cisterne acqua verde

rainwater routes Piovosità annua mm 100 80 60 40 20














suspension from history

strade 16,6%

edifici 83,4% strade 16,6%

8 ghiaietta 9 galleggiatore 10 sensore di livello 11 pompa di pescaggio 12 troppo pieno 13 alla vasca successiva

edifici 83,4%

strade carrabili 78,3%

strade pedonali 13,1% strade carrabili strade 16,6% 78,3% parcheggi 8,6% edifici pedonali strade 83,4% 13,1%

parcheggi 8,6%

strade carrabili 14,8% strade carrabili

78,3% pedonali strade 85,2% strade carrabili pedonali strade 13,1% 14,8%

parcheggi strade pedonali 8,6% 85,2%

strade carrabili

1 caditoia 2 ingresso prima pioggia 3 pompa di svuotamento 4 chiusino per ispezione 5 filtro 6 desabbiatore 7 ghiaione

major squares

the street


street open space (“piazzetta�)


the square


the market








41 ° 24’ 19.7” N 2 ° 09’ 45.7” E

In 1951 the “Group R” was founded in Barcelona with a similar purpose to that of GATCPAC, that is to study and solve the problems of contemporary art and in particular of architecture. The principles underlying the Group R’s work are to supplant the “dogmas” of the Modern Movement, to replace them with a more markedly “traditionalist” approach which on the one hand intends to give greater weight to the historical factor and on the other considers that it must promote the recovery of the traditional construction process. The R group also introduces a new role in the figure of the architect striving towards the ethical aspect of the profession, that is to take charge of the problems of society and to propose urban development policies alternative to those implemented by the administrations. The vein of Realism defended by Oriol Bohigas, in the wake of the architectural and cinematographic experiences of Italian neo-realism, advocates, almost as a manifesto, an architecture that tackles and solves the problems of society in an objective and rational way, taking into consideration the real and essential needs of the user. It is therefore obvious that they instinctively commit themselves to

propose alternative models, looking for such models not only in the territory of architecture, but also in the field of politics, economics, ecology and technology; therefore, in order to increase the credibility of the discipline in front of society, it becomes necessary to give summary answers to all the instances that are presented. In a lot located between two different urban forms, that of the Ensanche and that of the Gracia district, a physical-sensory relationship was proposed between two areas a few meters away: that of the market of the Abaceria and that of Piazza Joanic. In the first case a mixed commercial-residential settlement was required, while in the second a free modernization of the existing market was required. The project addresses both themes with a common thread represented by the theme of the urban court within which the public space is developed as a green square, in response to the obvious demand for social relations and interaction between the area close to the two neighborhoods. Both complexes, due to their size and geographic position, have been designed as strategic points with monumental tones in complete openness with the community and the surrounding territory.



Tutor E. Bru


the new block building


the market








41 ° 24 ’ 47.9 ” N 2 ° 12 ’ 20.6 ” E

The Poble Nou district today presents itself as a great sleeping possibility for the metropolis of Barcelona. What once represented a great industrial pole er of the whole of Spain, is manifested in the present time in the typical post-industrial landscape of abandoned brick buildings, shielded roofs and rusty iron structures. Over the years, however, projects and plans for the recovery of large areas for this district have been drawn up. The project takes place along Via Pere IV, one of the oldest streets of this district, inside one of the many urban voids left behind by semi-demolition of industrial warehouses and used today as a parking area for residents of the area. It was decided to adopt a long-range strategy able to develop over time in the interstitial space between the buildings to demonstrate that the area of ​​ intervention was not only the one marked as a construction limit, but that could cover the whole area surrounding by developing through the possible needs and secondary occasions. However, the project is founded and takes shape from the parking lot, the existing main function. In fact, throu-

the need to give light and air to the basement, a project of modelling the ground is born, project of modelling the ground is born, the construction of folds of different sizes that accommodate various functions on their surface. The shape of the folds has the intent to play with the shapes of the context creating a sort of specificity also fed by the use of the brick aesthetic character of the place. The same material is used in different forms depending on the use: the one drilled for the side walls of the folds, the one full of head and side in order to create a uniform texture to reinforce the basic theme of the project.


public space and urban design

Tutors J. Galindo, A. Gonzalez Raventรณs


study of the project


top view detail






36°42’21.8” N 41°06’08.1” E

The Syrian civil war started in 2011 to date (according to the latest UNICEF report of 2018) has caused 6.5 million internally displaced persons, 5 million refugees abroad, and over 250 000 deaths. What is the possible future? How and where to rebuild? Even before the crisis, the social phenomenon of the abandonment of the countryside towards large cities such as Aleppo and Damascus was taking place, with the consequence of an increasing informal growth of the suburbs around them and a lower internal production of products derived from the primary sector. Agriculture which represented around 20% of GDP before the war. A possible response to this social phenomenon and to the reconstruction of the country could start from sustainable construction projects starting from the semi-abandoned rural areas. According to World Bank data, in 2010 there were about 3 million people living in rural areas (about 1/7 of the entire population), and the main causes of their movement were drought and lack of technology to guarantee the main source of wealth and livelihood of the population: agriculture. The thesis study was developed on three research themes aimed at the sustainable re-

construction of Syria after the conflict: water, agriculture and the settlement principle. In the book of Wilkinson, Tony J., “Archaeological Landscapes of the Near East”, the chapter about the “Jazira area” starts by an analysis of physical, geographical and climatic characteristics of the area that have produced the formation of civilization and the local culture of it. The wrong management of the water resources, the abandonment of the agricultural territories, the use of non-renewable resources and a missed urbanism of the rural territories are some of the Problems to which I have tried to give a solution. The strategy of the project starts from the information of the book and it can be read in manifold staircases. In the small staircase there is formed by a wall as founding action of the project where inside pass the various elements of water and energetic management. The same wall represents the first action in the process of reconstruction and a possible expansion: in fact the wall is built on the line of the private property, adapting to existing built, respecting some rules and giving a line to urban development of the village of compact type. In the management of the water system



Tutor B. Albrecht


there is besides a difference of uses of the type of waters and in to try to exploit the same water the more possible for the last goal of the irrigation of the fields, the true resource and culture of the Rural villages of this area. In the great staircase strategy can be read as a saving of the water resources for other villages in the zone departing from the presupposition that the river, the precipitations, and the underground resources they have An only movement that has, according to the moments and of the places chain effects on the whole irrigated area and of agricultural production. The planned urban layout recovers some of the glimpses and spaces typical of the Arabian city with attention to the property and the feeling of the private. It is also designed according to elements such as the narrow road to reduce the impact of the sun on the ground, or the recovery of rainwater, an essential element of life in the arid areas. In the study of the type I tried to interpret the specific characteristics of the dwellings of the place, taking elements such as the court shape, modified with an elongated shape to enhance the system, the curved roof to reduce the im-

pact of the sun’s heat on the house, the use of local materials for the reconstruction and construction of the village, but introducing the constructive system of pultrusion structures to facilitate and speed up operations. The pultrusion is designed to be versatile for every building occasion, produced without the use of water unlike concrete. It is fireproofed, waterproof, very light, and easily reusable as well as resilient. Another objective of the project was that of the construction of a small factory able to support the reconstruction of the village, as a further possibility of work as well as agricultural activity.


axonometric view


existing situation post war

first adaptable action

process of the existent


development of the property


Western Gherban development plan


pre-irrigation storage

phytodepuration process

distribution of water types

capturing water from wells

water pumping motor for irrigation

Production of energy

energy distribution

pumping motor for extraction

energy and water system


Typology A

56 m2

(14 m2)

Typology C

82 m2

(21 m2)

Typology D

104 m2

(14 m2)

Typology B

84 m2

(21 m2)

house typologies


fluidity and closures




section of the settlement




house as a functional system


detail section


view of an alley in the city






45° 26’ 39.5” N 12° 19’ 49.1” E

Over time the complex of the island of Santa Maria dei Servi has made enormous changes, the most important being the demolition of the Venetian cathedral due to the Napoleonic edict. They have followed different functions and uses of spaces: from the place of worship to the shelter for the poor up to the present function of the school and hostel. The project area in question has changed its shape by adapting to the functions contained within the complex: from the typical Venetian public space called “campo”, it became a Franciscan garden and pursued a green space that was not frequented for the recreation of the hostel’s lobbies. Designing in the Venetian context poses limits that may prove to be opportunities. The place closed in a line of nineteenth-century walls suggested a light, minute and flexible intervention in union with the almost timeless introverted feeling: silence, few shadows and protagonists now forgotten as the part of the cathedral’s façade remained standing. Rethinking the existing space with a critical eye to its past has suggested the idea of ​​ a sensible project to recover the lines, the function and the structural form typical of the Franciscan garden, reinventing the

characters. From the wooden structure to an iron structure, from the path on “masegni” to one on superficially treated Istrian stone, up to the choice of plants designed with a precise landscape finish. In all the choices made, simplicity was a prerogative and a pursued goal. To think as if it were possible to build it from one day to the next, to identify oneself with Franciscan techniques and skills, reinventing the methodology of the application: from the connection of wooden poles to an interlocking of iron poles stopped with dowels. The structure, a true and unique “architecture” inserted in the context, and its node / capital, designed starting from the iconic figures of Venice, a city in equilibrium between water and earth, was a special consideration.


heritage atelier

Tutor A. Gallo


section of the residential building


section of the residential building






45° 26’ 39.5” N 12° 19’ 49.1” E

According to experts, what we have observed and experienced since 2009 is one of the biggest crises of this century. Like every major crisis, there is a period of growth, innovation and development. In the transition phase between the two periods urban projects and strategies for the future are the weapons that we architects have to read our time and to accompany the cities on a road that has as its destination the cultural and social integration between people and the economic welfare. The first objective will therefore be to develop solutions starting from the study of the territory, of the good examples expressed so far, from large companies to European programs. In the existing area, within the ancient walls of the city the proposal is that of a new model of school that binds together the activity of cultural education, craftsmanship, and economic sense in a single space that incorporates the forms of the three past icons of Italian education: the workshop, the school and the factory. The model of the school is composed to have a certain adaptability and circularity in the operation: the financiers of this work are in fact the great imprudent of the city, those who have distinguished themselves for inventions or for personal

research with their own activities. They could be involved in the training phase or by implementing research programs for their companies thus giving students the opportunity to produce new prototypes through the laboratories and then to create a small economy by reselling the products within the complex and then the city. Thanks to the application of the Erasmus program, the small town would have advantages derived from a new “population” of different origins and culture, which would move a real estate market and rents of the old town of the city with a recovery and a regeneration of the spaces and activities ceased because of the crisis.


taller tematic ii

Tutor A. Linares


plans and section of the project


view of the complex






12° 02’ 39.3 ” S 77° 03’ 38.1” W

The project presents an immediate and economic delivery of all basic services and a future expansion. It allows a realization with materials and self-constructive techniques that belong to the culture of those who lives the area. Main points:

-the structural mark serves both as a zone for the garden centre and as a play/study area. -“technical tower”: it integrates the tank, the solar panel and the polypropylene grid -the waste water will be treated in an area near the tank with the technique of phytoremediation, with growing of bamboo as possible future material.

-a structure (called Module A) can accommodate the subsequent modules: it’s flexible inwardly and the growth is dictated by the structure mark. It also allows a connection with the existing. -The family nucleus + bathroom + kitchen are formed by the internal lining of the structure in OSB panels that make order for the structural and general step of the project (1.22x2.44). -External cladding, double skin of the building that allows an insulation of 7-10 cm of air and/or straw. The technical wall will be made of sheet metal. The wall exposed to view is in polyurethane, for greater internal brightness and a blurred view from the outside.



DNADD Responsive Architecture FINALIST PROJECT

Team: L.Abate - F. Tomasoni - M. De Rossi - S. Garetto








.2 .3






2” x





- 95


- 43








- 13


- 91








assembly process




z. -



top view



Contacts +39 3484295569

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