Veri ty Vol.23 August 2013
Fervour is not placed in feelings but in a will to do well, which women may have as well as men. There is no such difference between men and women that women may not do great things. Mary Ward, 1629
Verity Vol. 23 August 2013 Pg 4
Putting the fun in fundraising Our Loreto family always comes together for a good time, for a good cause. Every year Loreto College Ballarat takes part in many different fundraisers. Whether it is a netball match for Breast Cancer or selling Easter eggs for children in India, our community always comes together to lend a hand. But none of our fundraisers quite capture the imagination of our Loreto family more so than our annual Walkathon and Gonzaga Barry Day. Every year these two themed days raise tens of thousands of dollars for charities both at home and abroad. Verity Vol. 23 August 2013 Pg 6
Held in April of this year, the atmosphere on our Walkathon Day was heart-warming indeed. The cheerful smiles of the students and staff in their costumes as they made their 14km trek from Kirks Reservoir back to the College was a sight to see. The theme for 2013 was ‘People through the Ages’, which saw costumes ranging from The Beatles to famous landmarks including Mt Rushmore and our own Mary Ward. The organisation of this event falls largely to the JPIC (Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation) Committee. Under the leadership of some of our more senior students and with all staff ensuring the safety of walkers, the day was a Verity Vol. 23 August 2013 Pg 8
great success. The organisation of the many stalls and the fashion parade could not be faulted. The students should be proud of what they achieved and have a sense of satisfaction with the good that the money raised will bring.
More recently, in August, the entire College took part in our celebratory day Gonzaga Barry Day, affectionately known as “GB Day”. The hardworking Senate turned our campus into the “Loreto School of Witchcraft and Wizardry” which inspired costumes of witches, mythical creatures and even the orange witches’ hats of the staff (pun very much intended). Aside from the fun and frivolity, there is also a reflective side to the day. This year’s GB Day Liturgy was a very moving one, with special guest speaker Zia.
“Zia is a young Afghan refugee now living in Ballarat” says Mr Peter Rix, Director of Faith & Mission. “He was prepared to stand up in front of over 800 girls and staff and describe his incredible journey here to Ballarat. You can read a transcript of his moving story on the College website.” Mother Gonzaga Barry saw the value in having fun and she saw the value in working for justice. Both of these traits were illustrated in the Liturgy and the Senate led events that followed the House
stalls. Contributions in the way of food and second-hand clothes were collected for distribution by St Vincent de Paul and money raised will also be used for the welfare of others in our town.
Mother Gonzaga Barry saw the value in having fun and she saw the value in working for justice. Both of these traits were illustrated in the liturgy and in the Senate led events that followed the House stalls.
College Council Our College Council Chair Shane Carey shares his thoughts on our Loreto family. One of the greatest aspects of Loreto College Ballarat is its strong community. Whether it be through formal committees, such as the Music Support Group and Rowing Support Group, student-run fundraisers that happen regularly during the terms, or parent volunteers helping in our canteen and with co-curricular activities, our community spirit always shines. Our Annual Giving Appeal and Mary’s Mount Centre Capital Appeal are two more examples of our community spirit. You will see in this edition of Verity an article updating you on the progress of the Annual Giving Appeal. What a success it has been so far! Our community’s generosity continues to assist and enrich the College by helping to build and provide opportunities for the next generation. I strongly urge you to continue your support as the Mary’s Mount Centre Capital Appeal continues. Whether it be by dedicating a seat in the auditorium, an option that will become available in the very near future, or by making a pledge to give over a number of years, your generosity will help build the Mary’s Mount Centre and provide incredible opportunities for Loreto girls, past, present and Verity Vol. 23 August 2013 Pg 10
future. Our present students have benefitted from the tremendous generosity of those who have gone before them in building the College facilities we have today. The reality is that independent Catholic schools, including ours, can no longer rely on government funding and College tuition fees for the funds needed to provide for the College, its facilities, and its scholarship and bursary programs. We look forward to seeing the continuing growth of this support from the wider Loreto family in coming years, as the Loreto family continues to appreciate how much the College relies on this support, and sees the difference this support makes to what we can provide for our students. Finally, it is with much enthusiasm that I announce that the College Council has appointed a builder for the Mary’s Mount Project, with the successful tenderer being S.J. Weir. It was a very competitive tender process and we were pleased to be able to appoint a local builder. Construction will have commenced by the time you are reading this edition of Verity, and we look forward to publishing photos of the building in progress in the next edition.
Our present students have benefitted from the tremendous generosity of those who have gone before them in building the College facilities we have today.
Quality time
By Aimee O’Brien and Matilda Seery
With another term down it is timely to reflect on what a term it was. It began just after Easter and after a much needed break we hit the ground running. The Fathers’ & Daughters’ Dinner was held in early May and was a thoroughly enjoyable night, showcasing the girls’ talents from across the year levels. The night provided some great father daughter bonding time and the guest speakers, Greg Williams and Greg Smith, were terrific. The first event we planned for the term was the annual Loreto vs. St. Pat’s netball match. The day began with a touch of pink around the school and a sausage sizzle, just to get the energy stores up for the game ahead. The boys arrived just after four and there was quite a buzz around the GBC. The game itself proved a lot harder than first thought, with the boys having on average an extra foot’s
height on us. But that didn’t dampen the spirit of the girls and I’m sure all would agree it was a lot of fun. Half-time entertainment consisted of a teachers’ exhibition match which was also a tough contest, with the win awarded to the female staff. All in all it was a fantastic day and more importantly we raised a considerable amount of money for
College Captains Aimee O’Brien and Matilda Seery, along with the Senate, have been bringing the whole school together. breast cancer. A big thank-you to all involved in helping us make the day as successful as it was. Next came the Year 7 movie night and what a night that was too! After a few technical difficulties we got there and really enjoyed spending the time with the Year 7’s. GB Day was a huge success and we had so much fun organising our Harry Potter themed entertainment. The acts were fantastic, with Lily and Mr O’Shea’s father-daughter ballet act a highlight of the afternoon. It was a fantastic day which raised a lot of money through the many stalls for the many charities we support. With a great start to Term 3 we can’t wait to see what’s in store for the last half of our final term!
Journey to Recognition It was a special occasion as we symbolised our desire for reconciliation with the raising of our first Aboriginal flag. By Mr Peter Rix As part of Reconciliation Week, we gathered on Thursday 30 May to raise our Aboriginal Flag for the very first time. Aboriginal people are the first Australians. When we celebrate all that it means to be Australian we celebrate 50,000 years of Aboriginal culture. When we raise the flag we are demonstrating our recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We fly this flag to promote a sense of community and demonstrate our commitment towards closing the gap. The Aboriginal flag is an official flag of Australia and was recognised under Federal legislation in July 1995. Designed by Aboriginal Elder Harold Thomas in 1971, this flag symbolises Aboriginal identity. The top half of the flag is black to represent the Aboriginal people. The red in the lower half represents the red earth (the relationship to the land) and the red ochre used in Aboriginal ceremonies. The circle of yellow represents the sun (giver of life) and yellow ochre. May this flag symbolise our desire for reconciliation. May it be our symbol of the journey to recognition of the Aboriginal people who have gone before and who will come after. We thank Keeley Haseloff and Indya Hayes for raising the flag for the first time.
Verity Vol. 23 August 2013 Pg 12
Loreto past pupil Allyse Near is reaching new heights with her first book and inspiration from her childhood is clear within the pages. Fairytales for Wilde Girls, the debut book from Class of 2007 graduate Allyse Near, has been described as “a deliciously dark bubblegum-gothic fairytale”. In the same sentence, Allyse herself is described as a “stunning new Australian talent”. It has been a quick rise to success since the book was published by Random House in June of this year. Within a fortnight it cracked the top 5 of the Collins Booksellers Top Ten, but it wasn’t a speedy process the whole way through. “I signed the book deal with Random House in June last year, so it’s been a long wait, but it’s worth it” says Allyse. “The critical response so far has been really excellent.” That is not a grandiose statement. Simply type the title of the book
A deliciously dark debut
into Google and you will find snippets of praise like “brilliant debut” and comparisons to genre staples including Neil Gaiman. Perhaps though, for a book aimed at young adults, it is a young adult’s perspective that best describes the experience. A review from a 12 year old found on Booktopia leads with the line “Fairytales for Wilde Girls has taken me on a journey that no other book has before.” The story is about a girl named Isola Wilde. A Child of Nimue, she is able to see the dead. Her life changes forever once she sees a dead girl in the forest. She then appears at Isola’s window that night, her every word a threat, and her six brother princes must do everything they can to help Isola, before it’s too late.
There’s nothing predictable about this story, from the style of the writing to the characters to the story itself. It’s a cobbled path leading deep into a forest, where the reader is never quite sure what each stone will bring. While the story is very much a dark fairytale born out of imagination, the locales of the book draw from inspiration found in Allyse’s childhood. “It’s really about writing what you know; I visualised a lot of local places to help me paint a better picture,” she said.
It’s really about writing what you know; I visualised a lot of local places to help me paint a better picture “Anyone who went to Loreto College would see the influence; the school in the book is a Catholic girls school.
“The way Ballarat looks has definitely played into it quite a bit, it’s very woodsy.”
our international family.
The VCAL students of Loreto College are supporting students from Vietnam with their braille picture books. By Ellie Wood (Year 12) During Term 2 in VCAL we decided to research Sr. Trish Franklin and all the wonderful work she is doing in Vietnam. We found that she is running a school for children with low vision and needs more books to help them learn to read. We as a VCAL group thought we should help Sr. Trish by each writing a children’s picture book and sending them over to Vietnam. To find out more about who we were helping we watched some video clips and we were convinced that it would be a great idea to help the children in Vietnam. We wrote to Sr. Trish to tell her about our idea of making story books to help the students with their reading. She loved the idea and gave us some guidelines on what kind of books to make and what should be in them. So then we spent a lesson in the library to look at picture books and find out what made them so popular. We found that all of them had colourful and creative pictures; simple text and the stories were short and always had a happy ending. Verity Vol. 23 August 2013 Pg 14
When we found the common features the next thing we had to do was create a story board. This part was quite easy to do because it was just like a draft and it helped us with finding out the amount of pictures in the book, and deciding on the style of writing and pictures in the book. I thought it would be good to have a moral to the story, and that it should teach the children a lesson that not every one’s the same and that sometimes it’s good to be different. So I thought I would write about my pet cat and his life story. After making the story board I started drawing the pictures. I used crayons and a fine liner to draw these pictures. To create a childlike effect I drew the pictures really neat with the fine liner and deliberately didn’t stay in the lines when it came to colouring in with crayons. Along the way we also learnt a lot about vision impaired people. We had a guest speaker come in, and she gave us a few tips about how people with low vision live their lives, and especially how they learn. For example, she told us that for a lot of people with low vision, text is easier to read if it is printed on yellow paper, and so that’s what we did for our books. We found this task enjoyable and we learnt a lot from it. We also found it fulfilling that our class helped under privileged children learn to read in Vietnam. The books turned out as good as we
imagined, and the children in Vietnam will hopefully appreciate them. It was very exciting when Sr. Trish came to visit us. We heard some more of her story, what she does, what inspired her to do so and just what a lovely person she is in general. She loved our picture books and can’t wait to take them to the children back in Vietnam. She said they were very suitable for the children and that she would send us some pictures of the children when they receive them. It was great to meet her and do something good for her school.
A symbolic gesture
The hopes of a young Japanese girl in the aftermath of Hiroshima inspired an international tradition.
An ancient Japanese legend says that by folding 1000 paper cranes, a wish will be granted. A young Japanese girl, by the name of Sadako, began folding paper cranes in the hopes of not passing away from leukaemia, a result from radiation during the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Unfortunately, Sadako passed away before she managed to finish her quest. She managed
644 cranes. Her friends finished them for her and buried them with her. A statue in the girl’s memory now stands in “The Peace Memorial Park” in Hiroshima as she became a symbol of the impact of the nuclear war. Children from all over the world now send cranes on the anniversary of the bombings, August 6 and 9 1945 as a message of peace. Students from Loreto College Ballarat have been making their own contribution to this symbolic international gesture, having made 1000 cranes of their own to send over to Japan. “The idea of making the cranes for Hiroshima developed with my Year 8 Japanese class” says teacher Louise Moreau-Labregere. “I was telling them about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and explaining how
twice previously at other schools I had made cranes with my students and sent them over for the anniversary ceremony that marks this historic event. They were keen to do it!” Working away during Wednesday lunchtimes, the students completed their cranes at the end of Term 2.
A young Japanese girl, by the name of Sadako, began folding paper cranes in the hopes of not passing away from leukaemia, a result from radiation during the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
...students of St Patrick’s College and Loreto College Ballarat took this musical.... and in the grand setting of Her Majesty’s Theatre created a shadowy world of grimy, industrialized squalor...
Verity Vol. 23 August 2013 Pg 16
The Demon Barber of Fleet Street If you were hungry after a performance of Sweeney Todd, held across two cold, Ballarat winters nights at Her Majesty’s Theatre, you could be easily forgiven for steering clear of the humble Aussie meat pie. Whether you went there or not - having just watched a show in which random 19th-century Londoners are murdered, ground up and baked into savoury pasties - might say a little about how you view the main thematic concerns of Sweeney Todd: How we respond when confronted by the cruelty and injustice of the world. How we sate our appetites. And how we can find humour even in horror.
performers, and in the grand setting of Her Majesty’s Theatre created a shadowy world of grimy industrialised squalor, a demhumanising society in a setting that practically reeks of teeming humanity.
Sondheim, the legendary composer/lyricist, has called the work a “musical horror story” and a “dark operetta,” and indeed it marks a stark departure from the light-hearted expectations of most musicals.
Sweeney Todd, an escapee from an Australian prison colony, returns to London bent on avenging his 15 years in exile, and the ensuing story involves, murder, cannibalism and a variety of tense machinations. But the spoonfuls of levity, mostly delivered by the engaging Maggie Muller as opportunistic pie-maker Mrs Lovett, make it all go down more easily.
The talented students of St Patrick’s College and Loreto College Ballarat took this musical, a school’s edition adapted for young adult
At once brooding and brisk, thanks in part to the scene setting
For an audience hungry for entertainment served rare, a delectable blend of the macabre and the playful, the sensationalist and the serious, the grisly and the gristly (pardon the puns), “Sweeney Todd” was a fabulous feast. Staged with a sure hand by director Mr Greg Shawcross of St Patrick’s College, sung with gusto by an impressive cast, the production strikes a fine balance of the dark and light tones in the Stephen Sondheim classic.
The cast of Sweeney Todd served up a stark departure from the light-hearted expectations of most musicals this past July.
achieved by the chorus, this production gathered dramatic momentum with a relentlessness that was enhanced, not thrown off, by the short detours into romantic balladry and black comedy. ”Johanna”, for instance, a longing love song that became a recurring melodic and emotional theme, remains poignantly in memory. “A Little Priest,” in which Todd and Mrs Lovett list and laugh about the varieties of meat they’ll serve (“It’s fop/Finest in the shop/And we have some shepherd’s pie/Peppered/With actual shepherd on top”) is one of many examples of Sondheim’s precision craft, his mastery of wordplay and melodic form. Luke Wilson gave the title character a mix of intensity, detachment and deep sadness, managing the essential trick of rendering the barber/butcher as simultaneously vicious and sympathetic. As Todd’s ward, Johanna, Sarah Parkin successfully conveyed the complex emotional journey of a love-struck young woman who goes through much pain. But even with these eccentric characters around, you might find Mrs. Lovett the most ultimately unsettling resident of Fleet Street. After all, in more ways than one, the pies are her recipe. Congratulations to all involved in staging the complex production that is Sweeney Todd.
Just Briefly
Catch up on snippets of news from around the College
A 35 plus year relationship continues. Mr Ian Stowe Starting back over 35 years ago at our Dawson St site with the late Cath McLenehan, followed enthusiastically by the wonderful Denise Elliot and continued through to today, our Mornane House Group has organised an Easter rafe in support of the Ryder Cheshire Foundation. Our girls donate eggs and sell thousands of tickets for the cause. The Ryder Cheshire Foundation is a small independent charity which, amongst other interests, supports Raphael in northern India. Raphael is a home that provides care for outcasts with leprosy, tuberculosis and disabilities and we gladly presented a cheque of $1000 to the team from the Ryder Cheshire Foundation.
An inspiring evening of music and art. Ms Simone Jans The inspiring atmosphere of the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery served as a fitting venue for our VCE Music Performance students. The recital held on Tuesday 4 June was a pleasure for both the eyes and ears, as the audience took in the music and the artwork that surrounded them. The night saw the Year 12 students perform their entire assessment repertoire and the Year 11 students perform highlights. The audience was treated to a range of styles, which is a compliment to the diverse talents of our Loreto College students. Verity Vol. 23 August 2013 Pg 18
Success at the ‘Olympics for the mind’ Ms Elaine Dargan
International success in Dressage Mr Matt Hustwaite Earlier this year, Year 12 student Jordan Smith competed in the International UTM Johor Horse Show in Malaysia. The youngest rider in the field, Jordan placed 4th in the Dressage discipline. “I was 1 of 6 riders in the Australian team who rode in 3 disciplines” said Jordan. “I rode in 2 of the Olympic disciplines, Show Jumping and Dressage.” The competition featured riders from many countries including Great Britain, Singapore, Japan, Thailand and India. Other highlights from the event were the The Asia International University Show Jumping Competition and the International Equine Seminar.
Thank you Sue! Mr Matt Hustwaite It was farewell to Sue Walsh this past June as our long-time Canteen Manager ventured off into retirement. A generous-hearted and dedicated member of staff, Sue had witnessed many changes, including the new canteen which opened in 2008. Sue, in partnership with the Canteen Team, transferred a blank canvas into a wonderful, welcoming canteen. Upon announcement of her retirement, the Loreto College Facebook page was inundated with messages from Loreto family members. Loreto past pupil Kathleen Malcher summed up the sentiments of many, saying “Sue you’re the best and will be missed I’m sure!” Enjoy your retirement Sue!
Sixteen students from Year 7 represented Loreto College at the 2013 da Vinci Decathlon this past May. The decathlon is like an ‘Olympics for the mind’. This year’s theme was Light and Colour and the tasks were particularly challenging, with topics such as how light rays bend (refraction) and practical engineering tasks. We are very proud to announce that Loreto College Gold Team achieved third place overall; which is an outstanding achievement. The team members were: Ruby Carter, Lilyana Ryan-Brown, Maggie Archbold, Emily Kan, Grace Fry, Sophie Smith, Alana Azzopardi and Claire Demuth. To obtain this result, the team scored 3rd place in Science, 3rd place in English, 2nd place in Philosophy and 1st place in General Knowledge. The Loreto College Blue team members Lily O’Shea, Talia Martin, Jade Montgomery, Olivia Dunn, Katelyn Thomas, Winter Greet, Sophie Boak and Sophie Whitburn also participated with enthusiasm. Congratulations to all participants and a big thank you to their Year 8 coaches.
CSI… Loreto? Ms Elaine Dargan After completing a successful application process, Hollie Griffin (Year 8) flew to northern NSW during the first week of Term 2 to attend The Armidale School’s 2013 Forensic Science Camp. The camp, which was conducted across the week, involved Hollie working with other team members on a scenario requiring forensic analysis. The skills that were gained during the camp were: team work and problem-solving, finger and fibre analyses, soil testing and UV light analysis, gas and paper chromatography and using databases and electronic communication. Hollie thoroughly enjoyed this experience and also enjoyed visiting our Year 7 Science classes to share with them the details and highlights of the camp. Hollie has also been invited to return to The Armidale School next year to help prepare and be involved in organising a new challenge for the 2014 Forensic Science Camp participants. Well done, Hollie!
PastPupils From the Association President The last weekend of May was a time for many past pupils to return to Loreto Ballarat to renew friendships, to tour the College, to remember their old classrooms and dormitories and to marvel at the changes in those buildings. They were told of changes in the breadth of today’s curriculum and the opportunities available to the girls of 2013. There was much excitement as they greeted old friends and shared news of family and careers. On Sunday a small group gathered for the Annual Reunion, to pray together a Liturgy to celebrate Trinity Sunday, to attend the Annual General Meeting of your Association and to enjoy a pleasant luncheon. At the A.G.M. it was decided to continue our support of the work of the IBVM in East Timor and through Loreto Family International. With a growing sense of anticipation we viewed the video on the proposed Mary’s Mount Centre and decided to increase our sponsorship of the performing and visual arts within the College by awarding a third scholarship. So it was with delight of 13 June that I was able to present three scholarships to three Year 8 girls-Emily Bray, Madelyn Rothe and Annelise Van Nus. Once again it has been a very busy year at Loreto College Ballarat as our Principal, Judith Potter, reported on so many activities. We thank Janet Rundell and Tanya Sherritt who have resigned from the Committee and we wish them well. There was cause for optimism when a number of women accepted nomination to the Committee. We also hope that more past pupils will offer their time and talents as we face the challenge of organizing the 2015 Loreto Federation conference on the weekend of 17-19 April, 2015. There was a very strong feeling that the Annual Reunion should continue. So we have decided to hold the 2014 Reunion on Sunday 23 February, 2014 when the weather should be warmer than Ballarat in May. And there is a special invitation for all past pupils from the pre-1950’s era to come along on Wednesday 16 October 2013 at 2pm for a tour of the new Archives centre (formerly the Kindergarten, just inside the front gate).You may find yourself in a school photograph. There will be time to share memories, to tell tall tales and true from your schooldays as you enjoy afternoon tea. Verity Vol. 23 August 2013 Pg 20
In conversation with our senior past pupils the word Loyalty is a constant theme. They continue to live quietly this loyalty to their old school friends and to their old school. Their lives are spent caring for frail and ill family members and caring for others as they work for church and community groups in a world crying out for volunteers. The girls of the generations following these selfless women live the same Loreto message as they use different ways of keeping in touch through social media. Their words may be different-friendship circles, alumni, and networking-as they embrace the wider world in this Loreto Year of Justice. There is one tradition which we will continue with the annual Mass of Remembrance for all deceased members of the wider Loreto family. This year we will gather on Wednesday 6 November at 5.30 p.m. in the Chapel and then enjoy light refreshments in the Loreto Café. I look forward to welcoming you on this evening. Meg Barry - President.
2014 Reunions
Next year we will be welcoming back Loreto girls for their 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10 year reunions. The dates are as follows.
Class of 1964 Saturday 22 February, 2014. 11am at Loreto College followed by lunch at the Boatshed Restaurant.
Class of 1974 Saturday 22 March, 2014. 11am at Loreto College followed by lunch at Sails on the Lake
Class of 1984 Saturday 22 February, 2014. 5:30pm at Loreto College followed by dinner at Table 48.
Class of 1994 Saturday 22 March, 2014. 4:00pm at Loreto College followed by dinner at Table 48.
Class of 2004 Saturday 22 February, 2014. 3:00pm at Loreto College followed by a cocktail party at Golden City. Invitations have been sent out, but if you have not received one or know of someone else who has missed out, please contact the Development Office via email at
Below: Norin Wojciechowski, along with her granddaughter Sylvia Doherty (Year 7), present a sketching of Homer to Art Teacher Mr Tony Griffin and Principal Ms. Judith Potter.
Loreto Convent Dawson Street Reunion A School Reunion is to take place for past students of Loreto Dawson Street Convent from the years of 1966 -1971. This would include all of those students that attended the Loreto Commercial College and those that completed their study at Mary’s Mount in Sturt Street. The Reunion will take place on Saturday 26 October, 2013 at 2:30pm at Quest Apartments (former Loreto Dawson Street campus) for afternoon tea, followed by dinner at the Golden City Hotel for dinner at 7:00pm. If you happen to be in contact with any former students please pass on this information to them and ask them to contact: Helen Hancock (Riley) or (03) 5334 3004 Margaret McKee (Mahoney) or (03) 5341 3808
Norin gifted the College a sketching of the Greek author Homer, with the intent of reminding our students that there is another Homer other than Homer Simpson
Gifts from our Loreto family How lovely for the College to have received two pieces of art recently. Patricia Gleeson, who is known to many as a wonderful music teacher gave us a framed ABC promotional print of Eileen Joyce. Eileen was a world renowned concert pianist who is also a past pupil of Loreto Convent, Claremont who went on to great international fame. The College also received a visit from Norin Wojciechowski, a talented artist and Loreto College Ballarat past pupil, who in 2012 attended the Florentine Art Summer School in Ireland and presented her Honours exhibition at the University of Ballarat. Norin gifted the College a sketching of the Greek author Homer, with the intent of reminding our students that there is another Homer other than Homer Simpson! It is always wonderful to receive gifts like these from members of our Loreto family, and we thank Patricia and Norin for their generosity!
There will be further information sent out when details are finalised, so please ensure that we have your contact details.
Reunions 2014
Saturday March 22, 2014
11:00am for a tour of Loreto College followed by lunch at Sails on the Lake. Cost is $37.50pp, incl a 2 course meal.
1 98 4
Saturday February 22, 2014 5:30pm for a tour of Loreto College followed by dinner at Table 48. Cost is $45pp including a 2 course dinner.
Verity Vol. 23 August 2013 Pg 22
Saturday February 22, 2014 4:00pm for a tour of Loreto College followed by dinner at Table 48. Cost is $45pp including a 2 course dinner.
Taking action A new student committee is already making its mark, taking action for the good of our planet. By Ms Stephanie Greet, Jade Montgomery (Year 7) and Laura Eastmure (Year 7) We are the EAC which stands for Environment Action Committee. The Environment Committee is a group of concerned Loreto Community members who wish to take local action on our global environment issues. The committee organise events and instigate changes aimed at raising awareness of environment issues and minimising the College’s carbon footprint. Last year, the Boulder Valley School District in Colorado, United
States of America, turned on the power to 5000 solar panels. This project provides environmental benefits to the region, eliminating over 110 million pounds of annual carbon dioxide emissions, which is the equivalent of taking roughly 300 cars off Colorado’s roads each year. This is the kind of thing that we Loreto students would like to achieve. Over the next 6 months we will hope to achieve: • Recycling bins in and near classrooms. • “Winter Wonderland: Warm ‘Ya Uniform Day”, to raise awareness of rugging up in winter instead of turning heating on. • Environment Action Week, a week of environment based activities. These are only three of the many wonderful ideas we have. We meet regularly on a Tuesday recess in SG94. On Friday 26 July the EAC took part in its first community event, the Schools Tree Day, which is part of National Tree Day organised by Planet Ark.
A group of 13 girls from Year 7 and Year 11 headed off with Ms Stephanie Greet and Mr Nathan Sims to Ross Creek Wetlands. The day was organised by Ms Jennifer Walsh, a teacher at Loreto College and a parent at Woady Yaloak. We were joined by Woady Yaloak Primary School students from Prep to Grade 6, Green Group students from Damascus College and members of the local Landcare group. In groups of ten we dug holes, planted plants, mulched, pegged and bagged as many trees as we could. Our aim was that by the end of the day we would have collectively planted 650 native plants. We shared in singing “Happy Tree Day” and eating tree decorated cake. It was a proud moment for all when we realised we had achieved our goal of 650 plants in the ground. It was a rewarding and inspirational day! Our “Winter Wonderland: Warm ‘Ya Uniform Day” is set for Friday 23 August. The staff and students at the College will be rugging up to keep warm and turning down our heaters for the day.
Verity Vol. 23 August 2013 Pg 24
Loreto alumni Tricia Ong shares her insights into the barriers to education for women and girls in Nepal.
Education Privilege or human right?
By Tricia Ong (Class of 1984)
As an Australian woman and a former Loreto College student – Class of 1984 - I have had a very diverse education. From my early studies in child care to a Master of Creative Arts Therapy Degree to a Graduate Certificate of Business Management (Project Management), I have been privileged to be able to access such incredible educational opportunities. However, I have also learned not to take my education for granted because, while education should be a fundamental human right, for many women and girls across the globe it is not.
I have gained intimate insights into the lives of Nepalese women and girls. These insights have enabled me to understand the status of women and girls in this country and to see, firsthand, that they are denied rights to education
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In the last two years, I have returned – three times - to a country that touched my life for the first time in 1987-1988: Nepal. Through working with women, experiencing festivals with Hindu and Buddhist families, and, most recently, attending Hindu weddings, I have gained intimate insights into the lives of Nepalese women and girls. These insights have enabled me to understand the status of women and girls in this country and to see, firsthand, that they are denied rights to education because of cultural beliefs, practices and traditions (and other inhibitive factors such as poverty). Although Buddhism, Islam, Kirant - and more are practised, Nepal is predominantly a Hindu country. Derived from Hindu customs and traditions, Nepal has a patriarchal legal system and society. In patriarchal societies, the father is viewed as the head of the family and men have authority over women and children. As patriarchy has been enforced since ancient times, the values and norms of the system have been transferred – knowingly or unknowingly – from grandparents to parents to children to grandchildren.
Patriarchy is also enforced by the process of socialisation. From childhood, boys and girls are prepared for different roles. Boys are given educational opportunities. Girls stay at home and learn how to cook and care for their families. This process prepares boys to become the decision makers in their families - and girls to implement the decisions made by future spouses. While some girls are given educational opportunities, the schools chosen for them are likely to be cheaper – and the education of a poorer quality - because their education is still not as highly valued as that of boys. Many girls also drop out to help their families, and return to domestic labour. One of the (many) Hindu practices that has a considerable impact on the education of women and girls is “arranged marriage”. Although it is a constitutional right to be able to choose a partner, the choice of husbands is often made by fathers. Devastatingly, child marriage is also an issue, with some “child brides” being as young as 11. A consequence of early marriage, then, is also early childbearing. The United Nations Population Fund Nepal (2013) has estimated that 20% of
...I have seen the educational disparities between boys and girls; I have attended “arranged marriages”, and I have spoken to women who were “child brides”...
formed a “secret group” for girls to discuss adolescent health issues. Inspiringly, this girl is from the Kalimati slums - one of the poorest parts of Nepal’s capital city, Kathmandu.
adolescent girls are pregnant or are mothers of at least one child. Clearly, this practice has educational - and health - consequences for young girls, which Nepal is trying to address by ending child marriage. On my three recent journeys to Nepal, I have borne witness to the challenges faced by women and girls as a result of the Hindu culture; I have seen the educational disparities between boys and girls; I have attended “arranged marriages”, and I have spoken to women who were “child brides”. However, I have also been humbled by the strength and resilience of Nepalese women. Let’s take one young woman i know. At age 19, she discovered (from other “empowered” Nepalese women) the importance of gaining an education. Against the wishes of her family, she is planning to give up a poorly-paid job to return to school to fulfil her dream of
becoming a social worker. She believes it will improve her life circumstances - and enable her to help others she deems to be “less fortunate than her”. She is already halfway there. Despite a ‘cultural taboo’ to educate women about their bodies, she has
My parting words are simple. Make the most of every educational opportunity given to you and if you can “give back” through your education, in circumstances that contrast your own, make the leap. I hope to return to Nepal to help support developments in adolescent reproductive health education because it is part of a global initiative to improve the education status - and equality of education - for women and girls in developing countries. Ultimately, the goal is to improve their life prospects. For information on the work that is being undertaken by Loreto in Australia and South Asia, please visit:
Archives Our College Archivist has been very busy spreading the good news By Mr Michael Taffe, Loreto College Archivist
At the risk of sounding as if all we do at the archive is entertain visitors I must state that with the new facility we have had many visitors. This has been both exciting and informative. Visitors always have a story of their own to share either in relation to archives, Loreto or history more generally. The Loreto archive is the first purpose built archival facility in Ballarat for many decades and incorporates technologies not catered for in earlier constructions. For this reason many organisations, professional archivists and historians have taken an interest in what we have. A few weeks after the centre opened, Ballarat’s new Eureka Centre M.A.D.E. was launched which must be something of a record, two history centres opened in the city within weeks. In the last Verity I mentioned several overseas visitors, but closer to home many Loreto sisters have paid visits to the centre recalling past activities and experiences as they viewed the present display and earlier records. The sisters are not the only visitors with memories of the past however and many former students have visited individually and as members of community groups. Our Development team used the centre to introduce the Loreto College Ballarat of today to participants of the class reunions of 1974, 1984, 1994 and 2004 held in May. These reunion groups also enjoyed recalling past events with old friends and sharing Loreto memories. A wider audience has come from tours by historical societies, senior citizens and Probus groups. Part of the importance of the visits of these groups has been the involvement of our present students. Some of these visits have been conducted by our students Verity Vol. 23 August 2013 Pg 28
in the VCAL program so that not only are the girls developing their own skills and leadership abilities but promoting Loreto College Ballarat and its past while inspiring older people with a glimpse of the future. Another group that we in the archive are always privileged to share the Loreto story and vision with are the College retreat groups. This year has again proven valuable in this regard. Year 11 history students also visited the archive last term for a class and we trust the visit contributed further to understanding not only the Loreto story but the function of the archive centre as a learning centre. We who work in the archive have had the privilege of sharing the story of the archive and its role in school life with other school communities. On 5
May at Mentone Girls Grammar, archivists Robin Scott and Michael Taffe addressed representatives from 45 schools across Victoria on the role of the archive, its resources and some of the challenges facing the new Loreto Ballarat archive. The Loreto Archive Centre is not a place just to store documents and items away, it is a resource that needs to be drawn upon and used. The collection houses a fascinating array of items including: • Uniforms • Trophies and badges • Class and College publications • Photographs • Ephemera Much of this material can be of value as teaching aids. With the centenary of the Great War next year we will be able to look at the documents and memorabilia the archive has in relation to the conflict. We do have the basis for research into Loreto Ballarat’s interests, activities and the collected mementoes of those who returned. In June a small display ‘Loreto in Print’, was mounted in the upstairs corridor near the staff room displaying publications that have been produced in recent years. All of the works displayed have been developed with the assistance of researching the primary source material in the archive. Appointments can be made to visit the collection by contacting either Michael Taffe, College Archivist on (03) 5329 6191 or Robin Scott, Loreto Province Archivist, during the school term on (03) 5329 6190.
From left: Maggie Prendergast, Maxine Prendergast and Stephanie Rousch
Chapel hearthstone sewn into GBC’s future Hanging in the Gonzaga Barry Centre is a beautiful quilt that has a great deal of significance. The quilt is a replica of the floor of the Loreto Abbey Chapel. Everyone who has crossed the threshold into the Loreto Chapel will have noticed the intricately tiled pattern of the floor. Maxine Rousch, who has had a long association with Loreto College, designed and crafted the quilt and kindly donated it to the College. It all started when Maxine won a raffle at Loreto College and was delighted to take home a beautiful painting of the Loreto Chapel and gardens. The painting of the beautiful campus holds pride of place in Maxine’s home as her daughters, Donna and myself, attended Loreto in the 80’s and 90’s and now she has two granddaughters attending, Stephanie Rousch in Year 11 and Maggie Prendergast in Year 8. When Maxine won the painting she decided that she would like to do something herself for Loreto and give back to the community. Being an accomplished seamstress for many years and a keen quilter, she decided to make a patchwork quilt of the floor tiles of the chapel. Her idea was to donate it to Loreto and it could be used as a raffle prize. Little did Maxine know at that time what an exciting venture she had embarked upon.
Maxine spent many an hour crawling around on the floor of the chapel measuring and taking photos. With the assistance of her friend and fellow quilter Joyce Currie, who shared Maxine’s enthusiasm for the project and helped her with the embroidery of the quilt, Maxine set to work. Joyce also had a strong connection to Loreto having taught at Loreto for many years. College Principal Judith Potter shared the excitement of the quilters and eagerly awaited its completion. She thought it might take a couple of years to complete but was delighted when Maxine informed her that it was ready, just five
When Loreto past parent Maxine Rousch began her patchwork quilt, her original idea of a raffle prize became something much more special. By Sue Prendergast (Class of 1983)
months after she started it. Being a keen seamstress herself, Judith always had a higher plan for the quilt. The quilt is amazing! It is a perfect representation of the floor tiles and a unique portrayal of the Loreto Chapel floor pattern. Maxine presented the quilt at a special mass commemorating the Loreto Sisters. It was blessed by Bishop Peter and given to Loreto. It was decided that the quilt would be hung in the Gonzaga Barry Centre. As the Chapel is not big enough to cater for the entire school, whole school masses are held in the GBC. With the quilt hanging in the centre there is a tangible reminder of the Chapel and, as was said when the quilt was blessed, the chapel now has a presence when mass is held in the GBC. Maxine is very proud of her achievement with the quilt and honoured that Judith and the Loreto community have accepted it so gratefully. Her gift is a testament to the concept of “paying it forward” and it is her hope that her quilt provides a strong link between the Chapel and the Gonzaga Barry Centre. The quilt symbolizes the strength and framework the tiles provide the Chapel and transports it to the GBC, entwined with the love and care in the crafting of this wonderful piece of work.
Vale: Mary Muirhead ibvm As Infirmarian, Mary was the soul of kindness to all while remaining a discerning judge. In those days, Mary’s Mount was predominantly a boarding school, so Mary was the one to whom we went for any real or imagined illnesses. To be given a sleep-in was a much valued outcome of our afflictions; this meant we could stay in bed until 7.30 instead of the usual 6.30 rise.
Affectionately known by generations of Loreto girls as “Rep”, Sr Mary Muirhead ibvm will always be fondly remembered. By Therese Lechte IBVM When Mary wrote her memoir in 2010, she began with a quote from the poet, Robert Browning: “A man’s reach should exceed his grasp or what’s a heaven for?” These words were often quoted by her mother, and Mary’s life was undoubtedly influenced by its message. Mary came to the Loreto novitiate in Mary’s Mount in 1940 and was given the name, ‘Reparata’. For the many girls who came through the school from then until 1967, Mary was ‘Rep’, the most loved and respected music mistress who was also in charge of the boarders’ health: two very significant roles. She had the gift of being able to find musical ability in almost everyone; for those who really were tone deaf, she found them another job such as in charge of hymn books or handing out music. Before coming to Ballarat, Mary had her teaching qualification; she also had begun the Bachelor of Music degree course at Melbourne Conservatorium. That year she achieved 1st Class Honours in six subjects, topping the Year, gained a Newman Scholarship and the prestigious Wright
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Prize for piano accompaniment. Despite her amazing talent and success, she felt most deeply the call to religious life, so the next year she came to the novitiate at Ballarat. As Mistress of Music, Mary ensured that the students had first rate teaching in all fields. She established a string orchestra and had several choirs for which she sought the skilled conductor, Mr W.H.Keith Young, much respected in Ballarat. She also invited another well-known and highly regarded musician, Patricia Gleeson, to work mostly with
with two of our IBVM sisters who had survived the violent Communist takeover of their country. They were very poor so the music group gave them clothing; for thirty years after that Mary continued to send them clothes and whatever money came her way. These women became a special project for Mary whose compassionate and out-reaching nature loved another opportunity to help people.
advanced piano students. Mary taught piano but also a number of other instruments to augment the orchestra. She would sit up late at night writing parts for various instruments – no photocopiers or computers in those days! Another music ‘extra’ was the Friday night Music Club which she ran for interested boarders. We loved it and I still think of it every time I hear Schubert’s ‘Earl King’. As Infirmarian, Mary was the soul of kindness to all while remaining a discerning judge. In those days, Mary’s Mount was predominantly a boarding school, so Mary was the one to whom we went for any real or imagined illnesses. To be given a sleep-in was a much
valued outcome of our afflictions; this meant we could stay in bed until 7.30 instead of the usual 6.30 rise. From time to time various germs came upon us and Mary attended to all patients, sometimes to be seen carrying trays, three at a time, to the dormitories up flights of 90+ steps. She was truly amazing, giving her all to the service of others. Those 26 years at Mary’s Mount came to an end in 1967 – Mary could hardly believe she was moving somewhere else. It was to Kirribilli, on the shores of Sydney Harbour she went to undertake the musical development of a much larger group of students. It was very challenging in its difference, but she soon found the rhythm and pleasure of life in this vibrant place. Her most memorable deed here was to prepare and produce the musical, ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ for which she obtained the scripts from London. No small undertaking, but that was Mary! Unfortunately, Harry Miller had the same idea and was set to stage the musical in Sydney when he heard of her school production. He successfully prevented her production but Mary was well supported by a fine team of lawyers and a school full of enthusiasts for the cause. During her time in Sydney Mary was offered the opportunity of a musical tour to Hungary with Sr Anne Byrne ibvm. They travelled through Vienna, Paris, London and Rome to the Franz Liszt Academy in Budapest. While there they met up
After Kirribilli, she was in charge of music at both Normanhurst and Coorparoo. Never one to let the grass grow under her feet she was always keen to extend her musical outreach and upon ‘retirement’ Mary undertook a course in Music Therapy at the Melbourne Conservatorium. After graduation she began a new ministry with the frail and elderly, and also those younger people with mental or physical disabilities. She delighted in the joy music gave to these people and was always on the lookout for new and varied ways she could help them. She brought love and compassion to all. She had suffered much through illness over her latter years but she remained undeterred in her resolve to live life to the fullest. Just over two years ago, Mary moved to the Mary MacKillop residence in Hawthorn East. She was very happy to respond to this new call as it offered her opportunity for a somewhat more contemplative lifestyle in the lovely environment created by the Josephite Sisters. Mary was always a woman of great prayer: she loved the opportunity for daily Mass and other spiritual enrichments which life at MacKillop offered. Towards the end of 2012, Mary became more frail but her gratitude, love, sense of humour and courage remained with her throughout. This memoir began with a favourite quote of her mother and it concludes with another which Mary loved to mention: ‘The best is yet to be.’ Mary now lives the reality of that promise. Mary’s niece, Anne Muirhead, and Sr Deirdre Browne IBVM created a beautiful liturgy of farewell for Mary, engaging several skilled musicians. It was held in the chapel at Mary MacKillop where the church was filled with family, fellow residents, friends from all walks of life and many past pupils of Mary’s Mount, some of whom had travelled long distances to be there. Mary was a much loved friend and teacher.