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"This is verity - to do what we have to do well." (Mary Ward)
More than anything else, more than any measure of our aptitude or intelligence, it is our attitude to life that counts most in determining the happiness and the goals which we shall achieve. Whilst we cannot
choose our ability or intelligence, we
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can choose our attitude. Indeed it is
one of the most important choices each of us must make, and we
make and express our choice in the
myriad little decisions which we make in every day of our lives. Think
carefully then - and choose an attitude which embraces a
challenge, which sets high
expectations, which rejoices in one's own achievements and in the
achievements of others, which
knows that what is worth doing is worth doing well. Few choices are as important as
this one, for in making this choice, ultimately we choose who it is that we wish to become - and no
choice is more important than that. Choose then to be a person of
integrity. Choose to be a person of sincerity. Choose to be a person of felicity, open-minded and open-hearted, rejoicing in what is
good and true and beautiful. Choose to be a person for others, "seekers of truth and doers of justice," as
Mary Ward says. Choose to be a person of verity. Anne Hunt
Principal Feast Day Games, 1990
PRINCIPAL'S SCHOOL REPORT FOR 1990 Presented on School Report Night, Monday October 22, 1990
Mrs Anne Hunt
Be the best you can! This was the theme which the Student Councillors of 1990 chose for the
school. In doing so, they stood very firmly and very commendably in the tradition of our school. At Loreto, we
believe in striving to do all things well be it on the sports field, be it even in losing a match, be it in debating or drama or whatever field of e,ndeavour, and especially in our studies. What is worth doing is
worth doing well. This is a lesson which we hope that each girl learns in her school years with us.
verification of the assessment made
In order to encourage further those
within a school of a student's work
especially gifted and talented
in relation to the assessment being
students in the school, a Mentor
made of the work of other students
Programme was introduced this
throughout the State, and (iii) the
year. This programme is specifically
process of tertiary selection with the
designed to put gifted students in
new certificate. A number of our
touch with people working in a field
senior staff, under the leadership of
of mutual interest, in order to
Director of Studies, Mr. Rob
enhance the skills and insights of
Dernelley, is closely involved in the
both parties. We intend to expand
discussions to resolve these issues
this programme as the opportunities
for mentorship present themselves.
Certainly, among the more
In the course of the year, the School
contentious areas of curriculum
Policy Council, a group consisting of
innovation in the new certificate has
members of the administration team
been Mathematics education. We
and elected members of staff, has
have been most fortunate to have
given considerable attention to the
welcomed Miss Glenda Romeril as
various issues arising from the
our Head of Mathematics to the
introduction of the new VCE next
school this year.
year. One of the most important
Australian Studies, a compulsory
questions was how the new
component of the new VCE, will be
compulsory subject, Australian
introduced into the Year 11
Studies, should be timetabled into
curriculum next year. Planning is
the Year 11 course. Given our
well advanced in preparation for this
concern for the flexibility of choices
new subject and the team is
for the students, it has been
headed by Mrs Nola Farrington, who
decided to include this new subject,
joined our staff this year.
rather than to substitute it, for one
Information Technology is now even
of the five electives which students
more firmly established in the
in Year 11 previously undertook.
curriculum, under the competent
Thus, in 1991, each of our Year 11
leadership of Mr Guy Anderson.
students will study English and
After trialling the new VCE course at
Australian Studies, both compulsory
Year 11 this year, we shall proceed
requirements in the new VCE, and
with the full course in 1991, with the
most will, in addition, choose five
goal of taking it into Year 12 in
electives. Religious Education will
It has been another busy year in the
continue to be compulsory, as it is
school. In terms of curriculum, the
Given the number of necessary
at every year level, and our
introduction of the new VCE now
changes associated with the new
Religious Education course will
presents as the foremost challenge
VCE, it has been our decision to
continue to be one which is
on the horizon, with the full
exercise caution in regard to the
designed and assessed by our own
implementation at Year 11 stage
introduction of any other new
RE staff, under the leadership of our
takjng place next year, 1991.
subjects into the curriculum at this
Religious Education Coordinator, Sr
Philosoph cally, we, at Mandeville,
stage. Even in the most stable of
Margaret Callaghan, I.B.V.M. It will
consider that many aspects of the
environments, it is a difficult task to
not be assessed as a VCE unit.
innovations which are part of the
predict the likely effect of the
These decisions mean that the
new certificate are sound and to be
introduction of a new subject on
majority of our VCE students will
applauded. There are also, of
those subjects which are currently
complete the VCE by taking 14
course, a number of areas of real
offered. Our considerations must
semester units of study in Year 11
concern, the most pressing being (i)
necessarily include such basic
and 10 semester units in Year 12,
the authentication of students' worK
questions as the financial viability of
thus achieving the 24 units which
which is done outside of the
a new subject, as well as broader
will constitute, in most cases, the
classroom and away from the direct
practical and, indeed, philosophical
minimum qualification for tertiary
view of the teacher, (ii) the
- /.1
to Melbourne, Over an Intense
It has been another year of great
period of just one weekend, scores
believe that we can be very proud
achievements and involvements in
of teams, each with five students,
of the students' generosity - with
the extra-curricular life of the school,
representing the broad spectrum of
their time and with their resources.
on both an individual and on a team
schools in the metropolitan area,
level. The passing of the year is
gathered to compete at Monash
marked by such wonderful events
University. We look forward to an
as the Performing Arts Festival,
even greater level of participation
Feast Day, the Drama Festival, the
next year.
Hunger, Turana, and Street Kids. I
embarked on an extensive
programme of refurbishment works in the Senior School. Twelve months
Creative Arts Festival, and the Gala Concert.
At this time last year we had just
later, I am very pleased to report
We were naturally delighted to win
The school's concern to enhance
the Secondary Catholic Schools
the students' awareness of, and
Association Athletics Meeting in late
commitment to, others less fortunate
August. Our Swimming Team also
than ourselves has long been one of
displayed its talents in winning the
the great strengths of the education
S.C.S.A. Swimming Meet earlier in
offered at Loreto, Mandevjlle Hall.
the year. Competition at the
Every year, each year level supports
independent school level is more
at least two social service areas,
challenging and we look forward to
one national, and one international.
a win in that forum in the future. At
We are also keen to assist in giving
our annual Gala Concert at Robert
support to the various Loreto
Blackwood Hall, our music students
missions. This year, Year 7
achieved an exceptionally high
supported Loreto in Broome, and
that Pizzey Noble have now completed the works that were commissioned to them in the Senior
School and that the programme has considerably enhanced the school's facilities. Particularly notable aspects of the works are the two computer
laboratories - one equipped with Apple machines, the other with IBM compatibles, the four science laboratories, the new Home
Economics room, as well as vastly
standard of musicianship and
Entally House in India. Year 8 gave
performance discipline, under the
their support to the Catholic Family
talented leadership of our new
Welfare Bureau and to Loreto
Director of Music, Mrs. Wendy Todd
Mission in Kenya. Year 9 raised
Our Year 9 Debating Team
funds for Odyssey House, the
cornpeted most competently in its
Cystic Fibrosis Appeal, and for
division of the Debating Association
Children in Need in India. Year 10
competition, winning its quarter final
gave its support to Loreto in
and proceeding into the semi-final,
Calcutta and on the local scene
where it was defeated by just one
supported St Kilda Community
improved ceramics and photography areas, Music areas, the Mandeville
Hall facilities and the library. Plans are now well-advanced with the
programme of Junior School works. On behalf of the school community, I wish to express our sincere thanks to the Planning and Property Committee of the Advisory Board, which is chaired by Mr Howard McCorkell, for the sterling work which his committee has done for
point. Very special commendation is
Centre, Collingwood's Street Kids
due to Fiona Kelly who was judged
and the Cystic Fibrosis Appeal. Year
Best Speaker in both finals,
11 traditionally participate in the Red
the school in overseeing the programme.
Our Senior Choir Ensemble received
Cross Door Knock Appeal. We have
an honourable mention at the South
also had a long association at Year
1990 must surely be remembered
Street (Ballarat) Choral Competition.
11 with Turana Detention Centre for
for the major capital appeal which
Meanwhile a number of teams from
adolescent boys. Every month, Year
was launched under the most
our Sk Squad were selected to
11 students, with the permission of
capable and committed leadership
compete in the Australian
their parents and under the
of Mr. Paul Hoy, chairman of the
championships. Gymnastics
supervision of staff, visit Turana and
Fund-Raising Committee of the
continues to thrive and with the
participate in 'socials" with the
Board, and his most dedicated team
assistance of a number of
boys. In addition, this year the
of committee members and appeal
committed parents, we have
senior girls raised $1000 for Turana,
volunteers. Despite the very
re-structured the Rowing Club in
to enable a new support programme
difficult economic climate in which
preparation for the new season.
for the boys to be introduced. To
we have worked, the result has
We were especially delighted to
their great credit, Year 11 gjrls also
been most pleasing, with the
have a number of teams compete in
decided to conduct a 'gold coin
target now well in sight, and it is
the Tournament of Minds
appeal" for Fr. Bob Maguire in his
undoubtedly a great tribute to the
competition. It has been a pleasure
work in St. Kilda, raising $400 in one
loyalty and support of the
to see this wonderful competition,
collection. At Year 12 the girls have
Mandeville Hall school family. On
which is designed to stimulate and
also generously given their time and
the basis of pledges given and
challenge the minds of young
energy to supporting social service
donations already received, the
people to think creatively and
groups, participating in the Salvation
school has been able to commit
imaginatively, grow in strength over
Army Door Knock Appeal, and
itself to the next stage of the
the five years since its introduction
raising funds for Freedom from
building programme.
As we come to the end of another
Associations of this past year, Mr.
as Sister Superior of the Toorak
year, 1 would like to express my own
Jim Drake, and Mrs. Margaret Ford,
thanks to those people who have
each of whom has worked with
Community of the Loreto Sisters at the end of this year. Sr. Maureen's
supported me and who have
remarkable generosity and
contribution and involvement in the
worked especially hard in the
commitment to the school. It has
school has been demonstrated in a
school's interests this year.
been my pleasure to have worked
I thank Sr. Denise Desmarchelier,
with them.
wide variety of ways over her years at Mandeville, from the teaching of English and Religious Education
I.B.V.M., Sr. Helen Maguire, I.B.V.M.,
Loreto is also very privileged to have
and Sr. Maureen Saunders, I.B.V.M.,
a strong team of committed and
through to her involvement in the
who together constitute the Institute
caring professionals at its helm in
work of the Heritage Committee. In
Accountability Structure for Loreto,
the administration team of the
all ways and at all times, Sr.
Mandeville Hall, for their generous
school. 1 thank Sr. Helen Murphy,
Maureen's interest in and concern
and unfailing support, advice and
Head of the Junior School, Miss Pat
for the welfare of the school has
assistance to me.
Moylan, Deputy Head of the Junjor
been unwavering. We thank her
The Loreto Advisory Board, under
School, who also most generously
most sincerely for all that she has
the chairmanship of Mr. John Arthur,
chaired the Heritage Committee in
done for the school, and wish her
has been an extraordinary source of
commissioning and overseeing the
every best wish in her next
support. The advice and assistance
Analysis of Cultural Significance of
which is so generously offered by
our historic house, Mrs. Alison Miller,
I also wish to thank all of the
the Board, in particular in technical
Director of Pastoral Care and
parents for their continued support
matters such as those relating to
Discipline in the Senior School, Mr.
for the school and for me, and
finance, fund-raising, property and
Robert Dernelley, Director of
especially those parents whose
planning is of inestimable value in
Studies, Mr. Andrew Schmidt,
association with the school will
the administration of the school.
School Coordinator, and Mr. John
necessarily change as their
Special thanks then to Mr. Michael
Kennedy, Business Manager, for all
daughters graduate from the school
Tilley, Chairman of the Finance
that they do in the administration of
and proceed with the next exciting
Committee, Mr. Howard McCorkell,
the school. I also thank the staff for
stage of their lives. We at school
Mr. Reg Brownell, Mrs. Jill Tehan,
their dedication and concern for all
look forward to a new year of
Mrs. Geraldine Croagh, Mr. Paul
that we strive to achieve in the
challenges, striving at all times to do
Hoy, Mr. John McKinnon, to Sr. Jane
education of the children.
what we try to do well.
Kelly I.B.V.M., and especially to our
Finally, on behalf of the whole
Chairman, Mr. John Arthur, for all
school community, 1 would like
that they have contributed to the
especially to thank Sr. Maureen
Anne Hunt
school through their participation in
Saunders, who concludes her term
October 22, 1990
the Board.
The contributions which the Fathers' and Mothers' Associations make to the school also reflect the warmth
and generosity of the families in the
school. Very special thanks are due to the Mothers' Association for their
superb fund-raising efforts and for the very significant donation with which we were able to upgrade computer facilities in both the Junior and the Senior schools. The wonderful work which the
Associations do in nurturing the school community is also most
valuable. Family Day, the Cocktail Party for new parents to the school, the social gatherings at each year level, the annual Fashion Parade,
Mrs Alison Miller.
the Dinner Dance, and
Father-Daughter Masses, all contribute to the sense of
Mr Robert Dernelley.
community in the school. It is my pleasure to express my thanks to the two presidents of the
Mr Andrew Schmidt
Much has been achieved at
members of the Board shall be:
and the Board is excellent and
Mandeville in the twelve months
The Principal - Anne Hunt
contributes in no small manner to
since my last Report and 1990 has
The Head of the Junior School -
the ability of the Board to perform
again been an active year for the
Sister Helen Murphy
the role in the positive manner that
Advisory Board.
The Sister Superior - Sister
it does.
From the Board's perspective, the
Maureen Saunders
Sister Helen has had a busy year
two significant highlights have been:
A Loreto Institute Representative -
from the Board's perspective, with
- the successful completion of the
Sister Jane Kelly
preparation for the Junior School
Senior School building works and
A Representative of the Past Pupils
building works gaining momentum.
- the conducting of the 1990-1992
- Jill Tehan
In addition to her everyday
$1 million Appeal,
Parent and Other Representatives
commitments, Sister Helen has
I will address these two issues in
- Geraldine Croagh, Reg Brownell,
remained totally supportive of the
more detail later in my Report.
Paul Hoy, Howard McCorkell,
Board and we thank her for her
Michael Tilley, John McKinnon and
guidance and patience.
Sister Maureen and Sister Jane both
During the year, John McKinnon
have other heavy commitments,
joined the Board. John is a former
Sister Maureen as Sister Superior to
Purpose There may be parents attending the meeting tonight for the first time and therefore I believe it helpful to restate the role and responsibilities of the Board. The Loreto Institute has established
a governance structure where the Principal, Anne Hunt, is directly accountable to the Institute,
through the Institute Accountability Structure (IAS) for the educational curriculum and administration of the School. The IAS consists of
three Loreto sisters appointed by the Provincial.
The Advisory Board also reports to the lAS and has, as its role, the
provision of advice to assist the School in the attainment of its
objectives relating to finance and property management.
More specifically, the Board advises the Institute through the lAS on: - the present and future financial affairs of the School, and - the future development of the
school property in accordance with the Institute's proposals for the school.
Partner of the leading accountancy
the Community at Loreto Mandeville
firm Price Waterhouse and a past
and Sister Jane as head of St.
Mary's College, the University
The Board is also pleased to
residential college at Melbourne
welcome as a new member, David
University. The Board thanks them
Beatty, a present parent and a
both for their support and
partner in another leading
contribution to the School,
accounting firm, Arthur Anderson &
particularly Sister Maureen, who this
Co. David has been an active
year finishes her six-year term as
member of the Finance Committee
Sister Superior. The Community and
for the last two years.
Mandeville will miss her warmth,
Mandeville is fortunate to be able to
understanding and direction which
obtain the services ot such qualified
she has provided durjng her time at
and experienced people as John
Mandeville Hall. We wish her well in
and David to serve on the Board.
I intend to cover the excellent work
performed by each of the Board sub-committees and their members
shortly, but I would like to take this opportunity firstly to thank the
her next appointment. Structure
The Board operates through three
Standing Committees - Property Management, Fund Raising and Finance.
school and Institute Board
representatives for their contribution
Property Management
to the Board.
Chairman - Howard McCorkell
Anne Hunt, now in her second year
Members - Anne Hunt, Sister
as Principal, 1 sense, is finding the
Maureen, Sister Helen, Reg
task a little less daunting than
Brownell, Jill Tehan, John Kennedy
twelve months ago. Anne has
and Tom Parrott.
settled into her role very ably and
The Property Management
The Board operates under a
the Board is pleased to have Anne's
Committee has been responsible for
Constitution formerly adopted to
guidance and patience on the many
the development and
accord with the Governance
issues that intrude into the
implementation of Mandeville's Five
Structure at Mandeville.
administration of the School. The
Year Development Plan. This Plan
The Constitution provides that the
relationship between the Principal
was developed in 1987/88 and
implementation commenced in 1989.
who were the Project Managers for
responsible for the preparation of
It involves renovations and
the Senior School, have been
the Appeal Case Statement and
extensions to existing buildings and
appointed as Project Managers for
Appeal Brochure. Their excellent
resources in both the Junior and
the Junior School.
work in preparing the case for the
Senior Schools.
The work of the Property
Appeal was a major contribution to
The building works have received
Management Committee is now
the Appeal's success.
much publicity during the year,
bearing the full signs of the fruit of
The List Committee, consisting of
mainly in conjunction with the
their labour. The school community
Paul Hoy, John Burnes, Damian
launching of the 1990-1992
is deeply indebted to Howard
Nolan, John Bowen and myself, had
Mandeville $1 Million Appeal.
McCorkell and his hard working
the arduous task of reviewing the
It is pleasing to be able to report
school family lists, categorising
that the Senior School work has
Special mention should be made of
families into year lists, then into
been completed, on time, at a cost
Tom Parrott who, though not a
geographical localities to make the
of $1.53 million.
Board Member, generously gives his
task of visiting volunteers that much
Mandeville can now proudly boast
time to attend the Property
that it has first class educational
Management Committee Meetings.
This Committee also successfully
facilities for the science faculties
Another important issue that the
identified the key year lead group
and modern computer laboratories,
Property Management Committee
who undertook the most important
equipped with the latest facilities,
has been addressing is the
task of establishing year volunteer
thanks to the Mothers' Association
Conservation Assessment and
teams to approach parents.
who generously donated $60,000
Management Plan for the main
A special mention of the Year
and the Fathers' Association who
house, Mandeville Hall.
Leaders is appropriate because their
donated $20,000 to purchase the
Work has been conducted in
role was critical in implementing the
conjunction with an external
Appeal. The year leaders were:
The works also included new Home
consultant,Timothy Hubbard, on
Prep - Michael Tilley
Economics facilities, put to good
documenting the history of
Year 1 - Jay Dwyer
use last Saturday week for the
Mandeville Hall and developing a
Year 2 - Stephen Maule
Parent Dinner, extension of the
conservation plan for this historic
Year 3 - Vicki Peters
Drama and Music facilities,
Year 4 - David Smith
Photography and the now very
This work has culminated in an
Year 5 - Geoff Harris
functional Mandeville Hall.
excellent two volume report. Work is
Year 6 - Michael Gannon
With the Senior School project
now progressing on establishing
Year 7 - Tony Gamble
completed, focus has now switched
priorities to carry out the restoration
Year 8 - Elizabeth Okno
to the Junior School.
and the related funding for this
Year 9 - Geoff Freeman
Planning permits have been
Year 10 - Bernard Power
approved by the Prahran Council. Tenders for the work will be called
in October and work should commence in November 1990 with the demolition of the maisonettes
Fund Raising Committee Chairman - Paul Hoy Members - Anne Hunt, Sister Maureen, John Burnes, John Arthur.
Year 11 - Jim Drake Year 12 - Julian O'Connell The task was made all the more
difficult by the deteriorating economic climate, particularly in
adjoining the Junior School.
The Fund Raising Committee brief
The Board has recommended that
was to prepare and implement the
Mandeville families in one way or
the work proceed in two stages,
$1 million 1990-1992 Mandeville
which the Institute has approved.
Appeal. The foundations for the
The result therefore was extremely
Stage One, costing approximately
Appeal were prepared in 1989 and
gratifying in that over the two
$1.25 million, will involve the
were successfully implemented in
months of May and June 1990, an
construction of the new classroom
amount of $760,000 was pledged over three years, of which $300,000
Victoria, which was affecting all
block to the west end of the
Paul Hoy, as Chairman, structured
Junior School and the
the Appeal in a novel way so as to
has already been received.
refurbishment of the upstairs and
involve many members of the
A number of families have still to be
downstairs of the eastern primary
Mandeville family. This high level of
approached because of the sheer
grades and administration area.
involvement and commitment by
work-load involved. In addition, new
The second stage, also costing a
parents was an essential ingredient
families who enter the school each
similar amount, will encompass the
in the success achieved.
year will also be approached to
demolition of Brashes House, the
Special thanks must be extended to
support the Appeal. With this still
central portion of the new west wing
those involved in the two Appeal
untapped source of contributors, the
extension and the extension to the
Board is confident that the amount
Multi-Purpose building.
The Promotions Committee
of $1 million targeted to be raised
The total project is scheduled to be
consisting of Paul Hoy, John Foley
over the three years 1990-1992 will
completed in 1992. Pizzey Noble,
and Tony Bongiorno were
be achieved.
The Board is very grateful for the
will receive increased annual
and the Junior School work about to
long hours and commitment that
betterment until the year 2000. The
commence with completion
has been made by Paul Hoy and his
Catholic Education System is
scheduled for 1992.
Committee, the sub-committees and
currently funded at Category 10 and
It is important that Mandeville
volunteers during 1990. Special
therefore should not be as severely
maintains its education facilities in
thanks must also be extended to
impacted as the Category 1 -7
first class condition and has the
Brian Reid, who has acted as an
schools. Mandeville is funded
facilities necessary to meet the
adviser during the Appeal, and Judy
through this System although not as
ever-changing demands of
Quin, a past pupil who maintained
a Category 10 school. It is too early
the Appeal Office during the critical
to determine the full impact of these
In 1991, the Board will begin to
months of the Appeal.
changes, but it is to Mandeville's
address the next five year
To carry on the work, a new
benefit to remain part of the
development plan for Mandeville to
Committee has been established
Systemic System.
meet these goals.
under Paul Hoy's Chairmanship.
The Kirner Budget Statement should
This will entail a further review of the
Joining Paul are John Foley, David
not affect Mandeville as the Catholic
education facilities Mandeville needs
Beatty, Michael Gannon and
Education Office will continue to
to remain competitive in providing a
Stephen Maule. The Board thanks
fund schools in the System in the
first class education for the girls and
these dedicated parents for their
normal manner and will seek
the ongoing assessment of the
ongoing support to the Appeal.
compensation from the Government
school's financial position and future
for any loss of interest from loan
funding capacity to meet
Finance Committee
raising activity necessary to achieve
expenditure demands.
Chairman - Michael Tilley
this objective. The Government has
With this in mind, the Loreto
Members - Anne Hunt, Sister
indicated its commitment to meet
Institute has decided to adopt the
Helen, Geraldine Croagh, David
any loss of interest.
Total Development Model for their
Beatty, John McKinnon.
The Finance Committee will
schools. This would involve
The Finance Committee has worked
continue to monitor developments in
establishing a Development Officer
closely with the school's Business
relation to Government funding of
position within the school
Manager, John Kennedy, in
Independent Schools.
administration structure to focus on
establishing annual budgets,
To enable the current major building
the ongoing financial needs of their
monitoring school expenditures
works to be funded, it has been
against the budget, setting school
necessary to put in place a loan
The establishment of such a
fees and monitoring fee collections.
from the ANZ Bank to complement
position allows fund raising and
The Committee also monitors
progress on the School Building
the $1 million Capital Appeal. A loan of $2.5 million has been arranged on
from a Building Appeal which is for
Fund, the Scholarship Fund, and will
very favourable terms in the current
capital purposes and for a specific time period only. Mandeville will be
bequests to be ongoing as distinct
monitor the maintenance of pledges
market which is further endorsement
for the $1 million Appeal.
of the School's strong financial
addressing this issue in 1991.
I am pleased to report that the
To achieve its goals, the Board
School's financial position is
The School Business Manager plays
needs qualified and dedicated
extremely strong, Fee collection
a key role in the Finance Committee
members. A number of the Board
and Building Fund contributions
particularly with the preparation of
members have served the school
have been maintained at 1989
budgets and monitoring progress
magnificently for many years,
levels despite the deteriorating
against the budget. The School was
particularly Howard McCorkell and
economic environment. Enrolments
fortunate to obtain the services of
Michael Tilley. The Board will be
which underwrite the school's
John Kennedy as the Business
endeavouring to identify appropriate
future cash flow have remained at
Manager in 1989. John has been a
members from the Mandeville
very satisfactory levels. During 1990, there were two
valuable contributor to the Board
community to ensure continuity of
during 1990, particularly in improving
the Board's important role.
Government pronouncements
the quality of financial information
The overall objectives are to ensure
impacting school funding. The
now available. On behalf of the
the school maintains up to date
Dawkins Statement on Funding for
Board, 1 would like to thank John for
educational facilities and a sound
Non-Government Schools to the
his help and contribution during the
financial position. A strong school
Year 2000 and the Kirner Budget
cash flow will ensure this is
achieved. Cash flow is underwritten
decision to defer the payment of the
February 1990 Grants until July
The Future
by new enrolments. In turn,
The current Five Year Development
enrolments are driven by the quality
The Dawkins Statement proposes to
Plan for Mandeville is well underway
of the school, i.e. its principles, its
freeze Commonwealth Grants to all
with all planning complete and
standards, its people and its facilities.
schools in categories 1 -7 from 1993 to 2000. Categories 8-12 schools
approvals obtained; the Senior
A challenging task lies ahead for us
School refurbishment is completed
all in 1991
JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT - 1990 Presented on School Report Night,
Monday October 22, 1990 It is fitting that as I write this report on the year's activities in the Loreto Junior School, the nation is
celebrating "Children's Week". For our 336 students, under the
direction of a highly motivated staff,
every week is Children's Week. That the school has had another
successful year, alive with rich programmes and varied activities, is t
due in great part to this creative and enthusiastic staff, and I cannot
thank them enough. In particular, 1 want to thank our Deputy Head, Miss Pat Moylan, for her leadership and her jnvaluable assistance which Sister Helen with Kate Dalhe mer and Edwina Scanlon
adds to the smooth running of the school. 1 thank also the members of
the Mothers' Association, the Fathers' Association and the
The School Library is always a
had a Football Clinic run by North
Advisory Board for their contribution
dynamic centre for language
Melbourne, where they learned to
to the Junior School.
activities. The theme fer Book Week
kick and hand-pass the ball. The
The International Literacy Year has
this year, "Imagine If You Will",
Year Fours and Threes had a
generated a number of short-term
brought delightfully creative
Basketball Clinic run by David
and long-term projects in the school.
responses from all classes in the
Simmons, where they experienced
Those I wish to highlight in this
school. All of e students' projects
report are the Language
were displayed in the Library and
dribbling, hand passes and ball spinning. The Year Sixes have had a
Development Programme and the
added to the already beautiful
Hockey Clinic and a Basketball
Reading Programme. For some
learning centre. A major project in
years, the conference approach to
the Junior School Library has been
the teaching of writing has been
to put the books onto computer,
Clinic which was conducted by Miss Michelle Timrrs who represented Australia in the Olympic Games.
used in the school. The conference
thus linking in with the Senior
Within the school, the sense of team
approach to the teaching of reading
School. This has been a demanding
spirit is very strong. The girls play
has been used by a number of
task for Librarian, Miss Pat Moylan,
inter-house netbalk where the
teachers in recent years, and this
who, at the same time, kept the
winning teams receive the Years
year the method has been
Library open and continued lessons
Four, Five and Six trophies.
enthusiastically adopted by the
for the students,
Inter-house lunches, held the week
whole school with much success. It
With the financial assistance from
before Sports Day are now an
is the task of every responsible
the Mothers' Association, the school
important lead-up to that day.
school staff to tailor curriculum to
is now in the happy position of
Saturday morning netball went well
the needs of the local school. This
having an updated colour- monitor
again this year, with 72 girls wishing
requires a considerable amount of
computer and colour printer for
to participate. Swimming has now
work by teachers individually and in
every class in the school, as well as
become intensive in a two-week
groups. Our school in 1989 saw the
a bank of computers and printers in
biock instead of attendance every
completion of the documentation of
the computer room. Computer
two weeks. The girls' attendance
the maths curriculum and this year
Co-ordinator, Mrs. Marianne Hull, is
has improved dramatically. The Year
we have commenced the
to be thanked for her enthusiastic
Six Wednesday after-school sport
documentation of the language
contribution to the programme.
has again has again provided the
curriculum. Two sections of this
In addition to her usual programme,
girls with many opportunities. The
have already been completed and
the Physical Education Co-ordinator,
last four weeks have been at the
we look forward to its completion by
Mrs.Catherine Ferrari, has
Lauriston Swimming Pool, with 90
the end of the first semester in
introduced the girls to less
girls participating. As far as we
traditional sports. The Year Fives
know, Loreto is the only girls' school
in Melbourne to be involved in
been confined to the classrooms. A
inter-school cricket. This year we
French Breakfast early in the year
needy families.
have enjoyed three matches with St.
extended the students' vocabulary
A strong faith commitment is
Michael's Year Six.
considerably and Bastille Day was
something which is shared and
In the hands of our Art Specialist,
celebrated with a French Assembly
valued by every staff member in the
Mrs. Sally O'Byrne, the art
where it was shared with the whole
Junior School and this colours every
programme has always been well
part of our lives in the school. We
integrated with other subjects in the
Our school theme for the year,
have moved prayerfully and
curriculum. In addition this year, the
"Renew the Earth", is taken from
meaningfully through the cycles of
girls were taken on art excursions.
the well known prayer to the Holy
the liturgical year, the feasts, the
raised nearly $11,000 to support
Year Four visited Northcote Pottery
Spirit and also linked into our care
sacraments and personal and social
and, on their return, enthralled the
for the environment. A number of
events. A rich part of 1990 has been
whole school with a dramatic
programmes jn the school stem
the class masses for each group.
presentation of their learning. Year
from an attitude of care, either of
Our Religious Education
Five studied costumes at the
self or others.
Co-ordinator, Mrs. Pat O'Halloran,
National Art Gallery before doing a
During Scjence Week, the Life Van
has commenced the documentation
project on costumes and dressing
was on site and was visited by
of the Religious Education
themselves for the Year Five Ball.
every class in the school. The
Programme, tailoring the Victorian
Year Six were also taken to the
programme uses a positive
Guidelines to the needs of our
National Gallery to study portraiture
approach to prevent drug abuse
before attempting works of their
and abuse of one person by
For the liturgy on the School Feast
own at school.
another. It aims also to provide
Day this year, the students decided
New faces in the Music and Drama
students wjth a knowledge of their
to base the prayers on significant
Department - Miss Anne Tierney
bodies and how they function.
qualities in the life of Mary Ward.
and Miss Susan Wuttke have
Another programme related to
These words also went onto banners which were carried in
brought their own gifts to this part
personal growth, "Rainbows for All
of the curriculum. Two new musjc
God's Children", commenced in the
procession by the children. They
groups have commenced in the
school this year. This is a peer
were Friendship, Love, Joy, Trust, Sincerity, Communication and
school this year - the Year Four
support programme, with a trained
Choir and the Recorder Consort.
facilitator, for children who are
Courage, and, for the staff, Dignity
Both groups are flourishing. In
and Presence. The overall theme for
the Feast came from a saying of
addition, the Junior School Choir
Once again, the Junior School
and Junior School Orchestra
supported Family Week which is an
Mary Ward, "Do good and do it
continue to function at a high level.
initiative of the Catholic Family
The introduction of French into the
Welfare Bureau. As well as
Junior School curriculum has not
celebrating Family Life, the students
Helen Murphy, I.B.V.M. October 22, 1990
. ?44
Josie Hoare. Fiona Livi, Sarah Mortensen, Katherine Castles, Bridgette Holland, Marguerite Osborne.
SCHOOL CAPTAIN'S REPORT 1990 The weather was perfect and fitting for the auspicious occasion. As I entered the crowded gym, proudly carrying the school banner, I felt a
sense of the unity of the Mandeville community. Once again, the whole school had gathered for Mandeville's Feast Day. My final Feast Day was one which I will never forget. The liturgy was meaningful and enjoyable, and afterwards, Years Prep. to Twelve united in a festive
lunch and games on the oval. I am sure that this occasion both
reflected and reinforced Mandeville's
ideals of unity and faith. At the beginning of the year, after much consideration, Jane and I decided on the school theme for
We were influenced by Mary Ward's
motto, "Do good and do it well".1 thought it extremely fitting that Jare Shannon. School Vice-captain, and Virginia Keogh. School Captain.
these two mottos were the theme
for our Feast Day liturgy. In choosing the theme "Be the best you can", Jane and I wanted every person in the school to recognise their potential and strive to achieve it. Positive thinking and goal setting are important components of this pursuit, especially in difficult times (such as all Year Twelve students experience with the effort and decisions involved in their final year of school). Learning techniques to handle pressure, (especially topical being the pressure of examinations) is also necessary. These are skills
by which we implement the collection of facts which our
traditional academic and spiritual education has given us. Being the best one can be is an ideal
extending well beyond academic attainment, to all of the mental,
physical and spiritual facets of life. 1 hope that everyone has grown in the awareness of their own
boundless capabilities through
Back row - Virginia Keogh Megan Hicks, Sarah Fogarty, Jade Anderson, Kathryn Ryan
contemplating this year's theme.
Middle row - Kathlena Brownell, Siobhan Merlo, Elizabeth Sharp, Georgina Borg.
It seems that every girl has
Bottom row - Jane Shannon, Sally Drummond, Dana Poulos.
performed to her optimum ability in activities this year. All sporting competitors, musicians and singers have represented Mandeville well in inter-school or inter-house
competitions. Each year level
When I was elected School Captain,
enjoyed their own special activities,
I was overjoyed at having the
long be remembered! The expertise
which ranged from camps, work
privilege of being the head of the
of Mrs. Hunt and the genuine
experience and record nights. Both
school which I had attended for
interest and help of all the Year
the Year Twelves and Sevens
eight years. 1 discovered that there
Twelve teachers (especially Mrs.
enjoyed the "big sister, little sister"
was a great deal of responsibility,
Smith) have been greatly
program. Everyone gained a new
initiative and time involved. The
appreciated by all of the year level,
friend and the year gap between
experience has been irreplaceable
and I would also like to thank them.
the two year levels seemed to be
and rewarding, but at times very
Finally, on behalf of Jane and me, 1
difficult. It is at this point that I
would like to thank every single Year
A definite highlight of 1990 was the
would like to express my sincere
Twelve girl. You have given us
fantastic Performing Arts Festival.
thanks to my Vice-Captain, Jane
support in so many different ways.
Every gjrl involved herself in weeks
Shannon. Jane has shared the good
As a year level we have been very
of practice for the 'big night' at the
and bad times with me. She has
close, and I hope that this remains
grand Concert Hall. The evening
been the first person to give me
so in the future. Thank you also for
was a great success and all Houses
help and advice, and together we
putting up with Jane's and my
revealed incredible talent (although,
have made a great team. Jane is
moods, dancing and stunt tricks!
being in Ward, I must say that 1
not only my fellow Captain, but my
I hope that next year is as
agreed wholeheartedly with the
best friend.
successful as 1990, and that
adjudicator's decision!). The House
I would also like to thank the eleven
everyone continues to "be the best
Captains put in a great deal of
Councillors. They have set a
they can".
effort, time and expertise, and on
marvellous example of leadership,
behalf of the whole school, I thank
worked well together and given
them very much.
Jane and me their full support. I'rn
sure their well run "soup-days" will
Virginia Keogh
FATHERS' ASSOCIATION REPORT Jim Drake (President, Fathers' Association)
our Annual Dinner have all been well
which the Fathers' Association
offers to the parent community at
supported and smoothly run.
In presenting the Loreto Fathers'
large, would not get off the ground.
At the time of writing this summary
Association Report for 1990, I would
This year has seen another very
of our year we are preparing our
firstly like to thank the group of
successful Family Day - a function
annual social event with the mothers
fathers who we can always rely
which is an introduction to the
which is being held at the school in
upon for assistance.
school for many new families.
October, and I am sure will be a
It seems that at every function there
We also, in conjunction with the
huge success.
are familiar faces stacking chairs,
Mothers' Association, held a
I would like to thank all the
cleaning rooms, washing dishes and
Cocktail Party for new parents which
Committee for their support, all
performing the dozens of other
was well attended and enjoyed by
those parents who attended our
chores that are so essential for even
functions, and to invite any fathers
the smallest meeting. Without their
Our other events in the calendar
who would like to give some of their
assistance the social, sporting,
such as Father-Daughter Masses,
time to the school to come along to
religious and educational pursuits
the Careers Evening in August and
our meetings.
M :S=
Mr Portelli and
daughter Susannah at
' 0 4%
a Father/Daughter Mass and Breakfast.
Being part of the Toorak Loreto
It may come as a surprise to
community was not a new experience for Sister Maureen Saunders when she returned in
As needs arise, religious communities reflect the rapidly changing societal scene. In 1991, we welcome the new
readers that in 1990, our community of IBVM sisters numbered seventeen. Five or six are familiar to
1987. She had previously lived in the
school personnel, while others are
community and taught in the school
occupied in a variety of ministries,
at Mandeville Hall on four previous
from visiting Fairlea's women's
occasions, the most recent being in
prison with an education group, to
1982 and 1984, before she moved
the less tangible ministry, yet real,
to Sydney to become the Superior
of prayer.
Sr. Ellison Taffe, known to some
already from her part in the W.A.T.A.C. program (Women in the Australian Church). Also, Sr. Joan Nowotny, who is lecturing in philosophy at the Catholic Theological College CY.T.U.).And Sr. Doreen Suffern, who will be remembered as Sr. Bernarda when
of the community at Kirribilli.
she was on the Mandeville teaching
- 4.
Both the community of sisters and
staff some years ago. Sr. Doreen
the school community here were
delighted to welcome her return as
has been engaged jn directing lay retreats for all denominations, based
Mother Superior at Toorak. In the -1.
past four years Sister Maureen has
in home groups and conducted
according to the Ignatian tradition.
been less directly involved in the
Transferring from the Mandeville
teaching activities of the school
community to Loreto House is Sr.
although she has facilitated the
Anne Byrne; Sr. Anne is having
transfer of the role of Principal from
her year of study and renewal.
the IBVM to the laity and in this
Joining her at Albert Park is Sr.
regard has been a much
L. to R. - Sr. Anne Byrne (Religious
appreciated source of support and
education, Music), Sr Therese Daly
encouragement to Mrs Hunt.
(Religious education). Sr. Maureen Saunders
Throughout 1990 Sister Maureen on
(Sister Superior). Sr. Ruth Winship (Family
behalf of the IBVM, has been
superior of the Loreto community
Outreach), Sr. Lua Byrne (Music).
Carolyn McSwiney, who will be part of the administration team at St. Mary's College. Sr. Josephine Jeffrey while still at the C.E.O. will be with the Lygon Street
looking at changes in the
administrative structures in Loreto
This year marks a slight change.
schools. This has been a task which
Amongst their many educational
And lastly, myself. Having come to
has taken her all over the country
commitments in both boarding and
the end of my term of office here,
and which, while very demanding,
day school, for a great number of
I will be on a study sabbatical
has also been interesting and
years, sixty-five in fact, the sisters
interrupted more than a decade
rewarding for her.
have cared for the historic rooms of
Sister Maureen will be leaving
Mandeville Hall. We felt it a privilege,
Toorak to pick up the threads of the
as well as a problem sometimes, to
interrupted Sabbatical leave which
have this heritage in our trust,
she began in 1975. We wish her
During the year, it was gratifying to
ago. My involvement in school matters has been minimal in the
extreme, but on the Institute's
behalf as well as my own, 1 would
like to express both appreciation
hear from the conservationists that
and gratitude to all who carry
time and in the other tasks and
most of the historic rooms were in a
forward the ideals set here initially
opportunities which lie ahead of her.
good state of preservation because
God's richest blessing during that
of this constant care, and so it is
W. Beresford-Maning.
with a sense of pride that the Institute has now placed this
responsibility into the hands of the school administration. The additional
financial burden of this is recognised
at Loreto, Mandeville Hall another Sensible School for Girls '
(M. Gonzaga Barry): to the staff and administration for their
efficiency, to the parents for their continuing support, and not in the least to the students themselves
and appreciated, and thanks to this
in whose vitality and response we
arrangement the recent timely
place our hopes for a better
Conservation Analysis took place.
Consequently, the total Loreto Mandeville Hall community will
continue to enjoy the benefit of an environment unique to Melbourne in its 'Victorian Splendour'.Our thanks to the caretakers, both past and
Maureen Saunders IBVM
"BE THE BEST YOU CAN" At this stage of the year, with
some fun and relaxation to freshen
squabbles with our brothers and
examinations and tests looming
up the mind in between them.
sisters or friends. It is easy to give
large upon all students, 1 would like
Studying with a friend to ease the
up, lose your temper, walk away
to remind everyone of the theme
tedium is another good method.
from the task. But what do the
which we chose for Loreto for 1990,
The goals which we set should,
Champions do?
"Be the best you can", and to make
however, be realistic so that we do
Firstly, it is important to realise that
some suggestions as to how each
not place intolerable burdens on
all people, including the champions,
of us can put it into practice and
ourselves and risk total
experience the same frustrations,
work towards achieving our best.
disillusionment when we fail to
fears, doubts and distractions. The
The techniques involved have to be
achieve them. For example, if you
difference between those who
learned and practised, and there is
worked hard last term and attained
succeed and those who don't is
65% for English, 75% may be a
that the successful ones have
techniques will not only help us with
realistic goal. By doing a little extra
developed ways of handling the
our study and examinations, but
work, seeking help from teachers
pressures, so that they uplift their
throughout all the facets of our lives.
and friends and studyjng more
performance rather than detracting
They include the following essential
efficiently, this improvement should
from it. For example, Gary Player,
no time like the present! These
be attainable whereas to expect to
the great South African Golf
1. Motivation to succeed.
leap to 100% in one term may be
Champion, was a very puny child,
2. Setting appropriate goals.
asking the impossible! On the other
and his older brother was very
3. Self-confidence.
hand, make sure that there is a
strong. Player was frequently
4. Management of pressure.
challenge set by your goals - they
teased and taunted about his lack
Let's look at them individually:
should not be a "pushover"!
of physique. His response was to
Once you have set your goals, do
try, try and try again to do
not take your eyes off them - refer
everything that his brother could,
Before you can achieve anything, you have to want it, and be
prepared to work hard and to make sacrifices for it: that is called'"being motivated". It is what enables the
champions to achieve champion status. But what should you be
motjvated to achieve? The good part is that each of us has a free choice, and the best way in which
we select what we want is by sitting down and thinking about it, with a pen and a clean sheet of paper and
writing down our choices. This is
to your written goals daily and work
to prove him wrong. He
relentlessly to achieve them.
commenced a rigorous daily
Self Confidence:
routine of exercise, including "chin
Most of all, always believe that you
ups" on the branch of a tree in his
can and will achieve your goals,
garden. He not only became
remind yourself of this regularly +
stronger than his older brother. but
many successful people do this by
the exceptional strength and
speaking it out loud to themselves,
fitness which he achieved,
or by regularly writing it out. Dennis
together with the same
Wartley, a psychologist to the U.S.A.
determination which he applied to
Olympic Team and to the Apollo
overcoming his weakness to prove
Astronauts, says:
the taunters wrong, allowed him to
" I can, I am, is much more important
become a World Champion golfer.
than /.Q. i Tell yourself repeatedly,
In other words, his response to
your brain will believe it, and
pressure was positive'. "\'m going
Goal Setting.
perform as necessary to enable you
to use this to improve myself",
Our written list of needs and wants
to achieve.
and he did!
can usually be reduced to about
The reverse of that is to put yourself
It is very common for sports stars to
four to six really important ones.
down - "1'm not good enough, 1
experience the same symptoms of
These then become our goals, and
can't". You can be equally sure that
pressure that we all experence in
writing them down is the first step
this will prove to be the case!
working for exams. They feel fear,
to achieving them. They should be
It is clear, therefore, that Self
especially that of failure, they feel
divided into short and long term,
Confidence, which leads to
physically ill before an event, their
and a time limit put on achieving
achievement, comes from Self Talk.
whole bodies often feel like lead. We
each one. An example of a
Be very careful what you tell
short-term goal would be to pass
yourself, because you will act
handling these symptoms, some of
this year's end exams with better
which are:
marks than last term's. Having set that goal, it is essential to formulate
Management of Pressure:
(a) Deep breathing, dropping the
"If it's worth achieving it won't be
shoulders, shaking the hands
a plan for its attainment - e.g. to
easy!" But sometimes we feel that
and fingers loose, closing the
plan night and weekend study
it's just too hard, our expectations,
blocks, to increase the hours of
our parents' expectations,
work but to intersperse them with
distractions while we are studying,
called "Goal Setting".
can emulate their methods of
eyes, vividly visualising success. (b) Realising that these feelings are normal reactions to pressure
situations, everybody has them,
(with regular breaks of 10
people failing to achieve their
and that one is unable to
minutes or so at least every 45
potential are:
produce one's best without
minutes) is a very important
1. Not knowing exactly what they
being worked up for the task.
method of decreasing pressure
as exams draw close.
2. Fear, laziness and lack of
Many sportsmen and women really we/come the "stomach
In conclusion, 1 would like to quote
butterflies" and other
Dr. Rudi Webster, the famous
3. Failure to make decisions and to
nervous symptoms because their
Sports Psychologist from Barbados,
onset tells them that they are truly
who took the West Indies Cricket
4. Failure to take consistent action,
ready to do their best.
Team from being spasmodic
to persist.
"calypso" players to being
I know that, by using the techniques
Setting, and sticking to, a game
undisputed World Champions and
set out in this paper, we can all
p/an or a study routine is a key
was then instrumental in helping
avoid these pitfalls and that at
to reducing pressure. Being
teams at four V.F.L. Clubs to win
Loreto we can all "Be our Best": in
flexible enough to vary the
premierships. He has written two
our exams, in sport, in our careers
books on performance and the
and in our whole lives.
routine or plan with common sense
when unexpected things
factors influencing it. I have used
upset it is also essential. The
many of his ideas and experiences
management of our time, setting
in compiling this paper. He believes
School Captain
and observing times for study
that the most common reasons for
October, 1990
Virginia A. Keogh
REPORT, 1990.
1990 has been a very successful
each other. The class socials held
spectacular parade by George
and happy year for the Mothers'
for Junior School parents have also
Association. My committee has
helped in this area.
Gross and Harry Who. We were very fortunate to receive very generous
worked with great energy and
This year our fundraising included
support for our raffle which was
enthusiasm and I thank them for all
our Christmas and Easter raffles,
drawn at the lunch. Our final
their efforts.
proceeds of which went to charity.
function for the year was the
Our Association contributes to many
Our first big function for the year
combined Fathers and Mothers
facets of school life and also
was our tennis day at Dendy Park.
Associations' Dinner. This year a
provides the opportunity for parents
This was a very pleasant day and
gourmet dinner was served under a
to meet each other. We also raise
the delicious lunch was enjoyed by
marquee in the school grounds.
funds for the benefit of the School
all. We followed this with a guilt and
These functions, as well as those
and for a number of charities.
needlework show in the home of
held in 1989 left the Mothers'
This year we have been involved in
Gavan and Stephanie Woodruff. We
new parent days, second-hand book
had a wonderful and varied display
sales, the Year 11 Social, the Year
of work and also raffled a guilt
Association in a very happy financial position. We have been able, this year, to provide $70 000 worth of
12 mothers' mass and lunch, many
which our mothers had made. It was
computers for the use of both
information nights, the cocktail party
a real pleasure for all of those
for new parents, sports days, the
Senior and Junior girls. We are very grateful for the support of all
swap shop and many other activities
In August we held our annual Lunch
within the School. Some of these
and Fashion parade at the
occasions have also given parents a
Hyatt-on-Collins. 600 ladies enjoyed
chance to meet and get to know
a beautiful meal and then watched a
Margaret Ford President
CAPTAINS Third Row Kirsty Kelly. Kate Ryan, Ruth Standring. Second Row Mrs. Elizabeth Freer, Jane 94
Shannon, Rachael Breen, Rebecca Carnovale, Olivia Burnes, Mrs. Barbara
Front Row Dana Poulos, Amy Scally.
MORNANE HOUSE CAPTAINS Third Row Rachael Hogan Second Row Frances Johnson, Marlo
Baragwanath, Jessica Lyons, Sara Dennis, Kellie O'Dwyer.
Front Row Mrs. Natalie Magrath, Katharine Ball. Lucienne Bailey, Kate Ludescher, Miss Erica Cervini.
. /foy•.
MULHALL HOUSE CAPTAI NS Fourth Row Melanie Brown, Mardi Doherty, Gabrielle Briglia. Third Row Ullian Adams, Jacqueline Fahy.
Second Row Mrs. Bambi McAuley, Danielle Merlo, Elizabeth McGrath, Miss Kate Collins.
Front Row Amy Hogan, Angela Nicholls.
Third Row Sarah Northam, Catherine Quinn.
Second Row Miss Jane Cowan, Michele
Treloar, Sarah Lethlean, Jacinta McCarthy,
Sarah Fogarty, Miss Fiona Hyslop. Front Row Sophie Adams, Rebecca Sargeant.
Top row. 1. Jessica Gamble and Natacha Moussi -
Prep. environment
2. Rosannah Healey, Lucy MeNamara. Helen Beatty, Catherine Ryan, Stephanie McNamee. Middle row,
1. Melanie Dalheimer at the Teddy Bears' Picnic. 2. Year 6 at Parliamert House. Bottom row,
Year 2 friendship circle.
2, Angela Makiv. Annabel Nicholls, Neroli Bourke, Laura Borg. 3. Christina Spillane, Paulette Nicholls. 4. Jacqueline Fahy, Melanie Brown. 5. Jasmine Lincoln, Sari Hegarty. 6. Mary Tomsic.
7. Amy Scally. Prudence Nolan. 8. Belinda Hoy, Lainie Scholz, Kizarne Pivetta. 9. Sarah Lachal,
10, Sara Brownell, Jane Mercovich. 11. Daniella Passaro, 12. Anna
Devine, Daniela
Volpe. 13. Letitia
41 £ r
1. Luisa Vaccari, Felicity Ambler, Letitia
Gamble, Emily Burke, Caroline Barlow. 2 Anne Redmond.
3. Katie Holder. 4. Michele Treloar.
5. Sarah Glynn. Devi Ung, Naorn. Kononada.
6. Melanie Blight, Sarah O'Byrne. 7. Catherine GFeen. B. Rebecca Gibson. 9. Elina Akselrod.
10. Leila Galbally. 11. Michelle Ruffolo. 12. Jasmine Anderson.
13. Georgina Kift.
14. Chaille Clarebrough
m /3. 1
H ff' Ft,1 81,4. r G 1
Page 20 1. Sally Dixon, Emily Schiller, Laura Henderson, Jackie Sherren, Megan Larnach-Jones, Kate Papaluca. 2. Simone Leyden, Leila Galbally, Lisa Francazio.
3. Siobhan Hammer, Penny Doig, Natalie de Morton, Verity Okno. 4. Claire Brookes.
5. Annabel Rattigan, Kate McGrath, Jacinta Finnigan. 6. Lucienne Bailey, Kate Ludescher, Mr Ernie Bourne.
Page 21 1. Front row - Claire Carroll, Julia Cullity, Catherine Green.
Back row - Therese Ryan, Gabrielle Marchetti, Kathleen McCarthy, Sophie Bryan. 2. Emma Taylor, Mara Bonacci, Gabrielle Cadden, Paulette Nicholls.
3. Rebecca Quinn. 4. Emma Hicks, Sara Dennis, Jane
Mercovich, Shelley Richardson, Kate Williams.
5. Brigid Cunningham.
1 4
44 11 l
10 21
4 1
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Page 22 Top. 1. Painting by Jessica Lyons.
2. Lino prints by Year 8.
3. Catherine Green (Year 9) wearing her crown.
1. Handbags by Year 10 Fibre-art students. 2 Luisa Vaccari (Year 7) with her soft sculptures. Bottom.
1. Paintings by Year 8.
2. Dominique Hall (Year 8) with her designs.
3. Painting by Jessica Lyons.
Page 23 Top. Unidentified high jumper.
1. Katie Mactier, Melanie Lechte.
2. Dominique Hall, Brigid Byrne.
Lower middle. Camilla Bourke.
Jessica Lyons, Marlo Baragwanath, Ruth
Standring, Kirsty Kelly.
41, 4
1 nit##*C!
Top row. 1. Hilary Fisher, pancake lasting.
2. Isabel Hertaeg testing the
111 I W +1 W
strength of an egg. 3. Year 6 Gold.
gf ..·--2'
4. Year 1 Irish Dancing on St. Patrick's Dav. Middle Row.
Ballet with Miss Stepnens (Prep ) Bottom Row.
1. Amy Gillon and Catherine
2. Clare Maggs. Year 5 Blue. Sullivan (Prep.)
3. Year 5 Gold at Sovereign 0 Hill - Charlotte MJIder
Bridgette Holland, Melanie 4 '1 Sargeanl and Jacinta
f r
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Katie f?"t r-2 t
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3RD ROW L-R Mrs. Marianne Hull, Jessica Gamble, Amy Gillon, Tessa Custance, Anna Smith, Edwina Olver, Joanna Downing, Yvette Haikal, Julia Pereira Godinho, Mrs. Elizabeth McKeown. 2ND ROW L-R Lauren Mullavey, Melanie Dalheimer, Natacha Moussi, Elizabeth Ames, Alice McCabe, Erica
Margetson, Catherine Sullivan. Felicity Whelan, Lucie Thorn, Katie Rose Smith. FRONT ROW L-R Eliza Ralph, Camilla Hopkins, Stephanie Atherton, Briony
Dalton, Philippa Johnston. Absent: Louisa Page, Kate Tilley. Teacher: Mrs. Marianne Hull. Teacher Aide: Mrs. Elizabeth McKeown.
I am going to be a tree
I will be on television
grower. I will grow Autumn
playing tennis. I will be a tennis teacher and play tennis with my friends. Louisa Page
and Spring trees....Amy Gillon.
I will dance on the stage
I will be a doctor and I will
when I am twelve. I will be
make sick people better
a ballerina. I will stop
Julia Pereira-Godinho.
dancing when I am ninety because I will be tired then. Yvette Haikal.
stay with the children for a
because I love ballet and
will be 20. I will be a goaler. I Anna Smith.
too Elizabeth Ames.
pictures. I will be an artist.
will serve and cook. People
I like apples so I thinK I will
sing over a microphone.
be an apple farmer. I will
will pay a lot of money for my food.
E Ct
Katie Rose
= 1-1
grow big green apples. Alice McCabe.
A /1 -1 co
will be a police lady and I \ 4-------' iP
and teach Year Prep. I am
I will be a mummy with two
good at Prep work and
girls. Their names will be
could teach other children
Dorothy and Elise....Erica
to do wonderful work.
I will be a cook in a hotel. 1
Philippa Johnston.
singer and a rock star and
I am going to be a teacher
houses . Eliza Ralph.
with Melbourne. My number
I will make beautiful
Tess Custance
will not do otter people's
I will be a football player
longer time. Camilla
the girls I teach will love it
When I am 19 I will be a
I will be a gardener. I will make my house beautiful. 1
I am going to be a boarding school teacher so that I can
I am going to be a ballerina
will catch people who do L bad things. Everyone will
wear their seat belts when i r---1 c C am around....Catherine
Lrt=--4 L- -
Mellie Dalheimer.
I am going to be Marna I am going to be a reading teacher. I w;11 have lots of beautiful books from a
I will be a jazz ballet
Claus because I like giving presents..
teacher. I will have lots of <
different rock and Madonna
special shop I would read
them first....Briony Dalton.
I will be a horse trainer with a circus.
I will be a beautiful ballerina
makes houses. I will sell my
houses and get a lot of
and wear beautiful clothes LU
and make-cp....Jo
I will be a hairdresser. I will
put perms in people's hair,
money....Kate Tilley. rc
I will be a shopping person.
use the sprayer and wash I will be a sport teacher
I will sell bananas, carrots,
their hair..Ellie Nisbet.
pumpkins and apples. I will
because I love sport. I will teach a lot of netball. Jessica Gamble.
music tapes. Lucie Thorn. - 1 I will be a builder who
I will be a dentist and count
eat some things too.
how many teeth people
Felicity Whelan.
have. Edwina Oliver
velle 1 Wrie
1 0/ 1,·pl 1
YEAR ONE 3RD ROW L-R Catherine Ryan. Helen Beatty, Stefanie Fitzgerald. Jennifer Palisse,
Jacqui Higgins, Jessica Cuttler, Marnie Hicks, Lauren Mihelcic, Nicole Dwyer. 2ND ROW L-R Katie Lonergan. Lara
Signorino, Emily Whelan, Kate Dalheimer, Natalie Albantow, Rosannah Healy. Edwina
Scanlon, Chloe Podolakin, Zara D'Cotta, f
Melanie Ringersma.
FRONT ROW L-R Stephanie MeNamee, Chandini Kao, Lucy McNamara, Victoria
Chapman, Genevieve Clarke, Alice Trumble, Candice Martin. Absent: Louisa Sullivan. Teacher. Mrs. Lisa Pidcock
to to V
I like Year One. We do lots of
We had an assembly. 1 liked it. It
things. We went to the Fitzroy
was Autumn... Natalie
Gardens to look for Autumn, I have liked the excursions we have
been on. We went to the Fitzroy I liked it when we had the Year One
Gardens and we went :o the Beatrix
Class Mass. 1 liked it when we
Potl.er exhibition... Zara.
swapped badges at Peace time and I like singing"Clap de Hands' Chandini.
I like Mrs. Pidcock because she
teaches us nice things....Jessie.
I liked the banner that we did about
I like doing Maths and storywrting,
Love for the Feast Day, it was very
and I like reading. Mrs.Pidcock gives
bright with lots of colours... .Lauren.
us nice things to do... Alice.
Year One is great. I like doing my
I like doing ballet because I like
work, especially colouring and
trying hard... .Edwina.
I like being in Year One because there are lots of nice things to do, and we go on excursions and have lots of friends....Kate. I like school because we had a
Class Mass, and we invited lots of teachers and it was fur. Genevieve.
I liked it when we went to the
I liked the Prahran Market. I was in
I like Year One because we go on
Fitzroy Gardens. We went into
my Mum's team, and we made
good excursions, like the Prahran
Captain Cook's Cottage.
Markets. We bought some food and had a 3 course meal..Rosannah
Stephanie. I am new to this school, and my My mum had a baby called William
teacher is Mrs. Pidcock and she is
I liked the Prahran Market. It was fun
and we invited him to our class. My
nice. I like this school because it has
because I was in Mrs. Pidcock's
sister, Natalie came too. The girls
lots of nice things to play on.
loved William...Stephanie.
I like Ballet because our teacher
We had an assembly. It was fun.
School is great because we do lots
called Miss Karen, she teaches us
We acted out the story of "The
of hard work and lots of thinking.
wonderful things... Jennifer.
Selfish Giant". I was a bird....Katie.
We went on an excursion, and I
We went on an excursion to the
I like gym. I went in the Dollarmites
liked the fairy tree....Emily.
Fitzroy Gardens and we had lunch
Competition, and Mandeville came
there... Jacqui.
1 Like Year One because we do
interesting work. We have learnt
I like Year One because Mrs.
about houses and we do
Pidcock is nice, and I like learning
about clocks.
I like being in Year One because I like being with Mrs. Pidcock.
My favourite work is Maths. We do
lots of sums and we learn about
patterns... Helen
3RD ROW L-R Megan Downing, Marina Mercuri, Cassie Fry, Freya Holland, Aimee Hocking, Claire Southall, Kate Hocking, Julie Stribley, Stephanie Maule, Annie Merrylees. 2ND ROW L-R Annaliese Gannon, Rebecca Nolan, Vanessa Condello, Andree
Pianta, Madeleine Scanlon, Clare Noonan, Miriam Hussein, Gianna Sabbadini, Anne-Maree O'Brien, Zara Kurdzinski.
FRONT ROW L-R Patricia Nigro, Kara
115 ,:1:i
Maisano, Natalie Hunter, Caroline Smith,
Tessa Spring, Elizabeth O'Day, Anna Bryant. Sofia Vaccari. Teachers: Miss Michelle .
Milgate, Miss Anna McKinnon.
00. e
The Year Two sleep-over was good
SLEEPOVER- On April 28th we
because we had a sausage sizzle
had a sleep-over. We played lots of
and potato cakes. .Natalie Hunter.
games. We had a disco and we played "We were adults". We had a
big feast, and the teachers who
going on the bus to "The Little
came were Miss McKinnon, Miss
Mermaid". It was fun. I was Anna's
partner on the way there and on the way back. 1 liked Ariel Sebastian and Scuttle. 1 liked lots of songs. My
Sim, Mrs. Ferrari, Miss Horner and
1+1-2 3t3=*
Mrs. Tripodi, and some other
2*2. 24 4*% 1
teachers. We had fun.Vanessa
favourite song was "Under the
I liked the sleep-over because we all
Sea"....Kate Hocking.
got together and played games. 1
GYM - My best part of school is
specjally liked the disco....Caroline
gym. My teacher's name is Roslyn
Scott. My best friends are Meg,
I loved the sleep-over. I have two
Kara, Tessa and Anna. They also do
sisters and two brothers. I am eight.
gym too. They are kind to me. I am
in the squad....Freya Holland.
I like maths and art....Gianna Sabbadini.
One of my
favourite subjects is computers. 1 could spend my life at them. I have a computer at home and I have over
0 0\
it is really fun to do....Anne-Maree O'Brien.
100 games. My favourite is Cluedo. Cassie Fry. BOTANICAL GARDENS -
1117 4 34-3=6
Botanical Gardens because I like
gardens and flowers. I also like Science and that's why we went on
I went overseas on 31st March. I
My teacher's
name is Miss Anna McKinnon. She
enjoyed our excursion to the
a science trail....Cassie Fry.
Maths is something I
Love to do, Even now that it is hard,
is getting married. She is very nice. Freya Holland. DUCKS -
We hatched ducklings.
The gardeners built a pond. It was fun....Rebecca Nolan.
€1 G= Il
I lost my tooth on my mummy's
came back on 5th May. We went to
birthday. I lost my tooth under the
Sydney, Hong-Kong, Italy,
table. The Tooth Fairy came and
Switzerland, France, Ireland and
I love Maths, because it is good for
went and left one dollar....Tessa
England Clare Noonan.
your hands. Sofia Vaccari.
A Al ir
*f .1
POEMS There was a little black rabbit There once was a man from Greece
Who had trouble with the police He fell in a hole and lost control
And couldn't get back to Greece Sara P. and Kristen
Who always had bad habits He used to run
YEAR THREE 3RD ROW L-R Philiopa Zahara, Hilary Fisher, Annalee Hall Olivia Curtain! Phoebe
And have lots of fun
Nolan, Sara Pachi, Natalie Ahmed, Melanie
And he always had his bad habits.
Johnston, Jacqui Vidal, Isabel Hertaeg.
Alison and Amy B.
2ND ROW L-R Michelle Valmorbida.
Knsten Doyle, Caroline Tuohy, Alison Pettigrew, Emma Poynton, Sophie Laurence.
There was an old lady from France
There was an old cat from Spain
Prudence Doig, Helen Clarke, Amy Burke,
Who very much liked to dance
Who lived in a water drain
Louise Lonergan.
She danced all day
She got very sick
FRONT ROW L-R Kate Corrigan, Charlotte Hickey, Lauren Trumble, Amy
At the Disco Fay
And had to have a drink
And always wore leather pants
That dear old cat from Spain
Hopkins. Annabelle Peters. Sara Woodruff.
Prue and Amy W.
Helen and Jacqui
Teacher: Miss Cathy Stn
Wark, Dianna Best. Heidi Dalton, Bridget
There was once a pretty red flower Who lived beside a tower
There was a young boy from Fitzroy
She grew and grew
Who loved to pester and annoy
There was a horse called Morse
Until the wind blew
He picked on tls mum
Who lived near Flemington Race
Her petals on top of the tower
She didn't think it was much fun
Melanie and Heidi
And that was the boy from Fitzroy
He loved to play
All day in the hay
There was an old man from
And Morse is a horse of course.
Who started a very big rumour
There was a young man called Bill
His name was Martin
He really was quite a dill
There once was a very fat cat
and he loved to wear tartan
He went in the bath
Her name was Princess Rat
and soon he was returning to
Which was down the path
She likes to chase birds
And then it was time for the bill
While saying some words
And talking to very 'at rats. Louise and Annabelle
There was a young lass from South Yarra
Whose mouth was unfortunately "narra
There once were two black puppes Their names were Fluffy and Buffy
There once was a mouse from
They liked the water
Who made her home in a drain
When she had tea
And playing wirh the daughter
It was a bit damp
She coughed up a pea
Those funny old, naughty o,d
That silly old lass from South Yarra Isabel and Caroline
puppies Phoebe
So she found a new camp and never went back to the drain Emma
YEAR FOUR BLUE 3RD ROW L-R Georgina Ryan, Stephanje Zeccola, Mariette Mullavey, Emily Tribe, Anne Conroy, Jean Connell, Victoria Carlino.
2ND ROW L-R Lucjnda Gannon,
Caroline O'Brien, Tiffany Lot Margherita Boemo, Alice Penna Rochelle Howie, Emma Warry, Emmaline Jones. FRONT FOW L-R Megan Haratsis, Annabel Hartnett, Lauren Reed, Monica
Nisbet, Kelly Peterson, Marie Dermatis,
Georgina Frew, Olivia Sweeney, Zoe Kitchen, Tania Caldow. i/ ,
Teacher: Mrs. Dot Peters
HAD THE TIME OF MY LIFE WHEN ..... ......We made land falls out of
might get an outfit that doesn't fit
......1 was chosen to swim at a
playdough. There were hills,
swimming carnival. I came fourth in
mountains, a plateau, an island, a
Tiffany Loft
peninsula and a valley.
Georgina Frew
Butterfly, and second in Breastroke
......Everybody wore odd socks to school for odd sock day. There were
......I got lost with Megan trying to
purple socks, pink polka dots, socks
find the animals in "Zoo Pack", one
with ribbons, socks with a twirl and
of our computer programs.
all sorts of weird socks.
Rochelle Howie
Monica Nisbett
......It was Grandparents' Day and I
......We had our Four Blue and Four
and first iii the Freestyle relay. Anne Conroy ......On the 21st June, 1990, we had our beam routines. We were
chattering in our boots, but we were really just plain scared because we had such a big audience and
had to keep running back and
Gold combined assembly. We did it
forward getting tea. I got a tip from
because we thought we might fall
about our Northcote Pottery
off. I really had lots of fun.
my Nanny.
excursion and I read a comment.
Jean Connell
Georgina Ryan
Annabel Hannett
......1 was given a great character in our play. I was Dracula and had to wear a wig, mask and spooky black clothes.
Stephanie Zeccola
......The Victorian State Opera came to school with a play called -Jogga
Jimmy Saves the Day". They were so exciting and active, jumping about like kangaroos. They must
.,....We went to the oval and had
have gone to gym for a long time.
school Sports Day. It was my
Mariette Mullavey
favourite day of my life. Marie Dermatis
......1 looked up at the sheet of paper on Miss Wuttke's door and saw my name there for the choir. 1 couldn't
believe it, 1 actually passed the
audition. I'm actually in the choir. 1 felt like singing tnere and then. Emmaline Jones
......1 dressed up as Barrister
......We went to Northcote Pottery.
Michael. I wore a real lawyer's wig
......We looked after our eggs for a
and a long black cloak for the Book
As I went inside it was boiling hot. There was a man who was making
day and we named them too. Some
Week Parade.
a pot and he let us feel the cold,
of the eggs went for a fall.
Lucinda Gannon
smooth surface. When we were
S.p.La.s.h. Emily Tribe
,.,,..We played Netball at lunchtimes.
going the lady gave a little pot to
...... We did an experiment in Science. We planted some seeds in
egg shells. We put bird's seed and
I just love Netball and all sports.
popcorn in potting mix, and waited
Victoria Carlino
for them to grow. It was fun to do.
......We went to Palmer Corporation. 1
Emma Warry
each of us.
Caroline O'Brien
......We had the Skipathon every day during Family Week. Altogether I did 23 laps of two netball courts. We
thought it was amazing how much
......When I was chosen out of all
also wrote a family journal where
maths is used in every day life! In
Year Four Blue lo be a part of the
each person in the family wrote
this case you would have to be very
liturgical dance on the School Feast
positive comments about every
precise with all the measurements
Day on 7th September.
other member.
you have to make. If you didn't you
Zoe Kitchen
Margherita Boemo
I. 44
iFy -1
3RD ROW L-R Jennifer O'Connell, Lucy Maule, Emily Petricola, Vivienne Ringersma, Kate McCartney, Clea Walsh, Brooke Pearson.
2ND ROW L-R Nicole Corcoran, Helen
Harford. Kate Ralph, Susan Peel, Georgina Labb, Anne Taranto, Sara Little, Nancy Sposato. Virginia Ball. FRONT ROW L-R Jessica Shirley, Louise Blight. Anna Wh ttington, Meg
11' fbrkrY<'CO,¢0 Al
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Ockleshaw, Alice Smith, Anna-Marie Black,
Eliza Peters. Fiona Tetley, Meaghan O'Loughlin. Teacher: Mrs. Shelley Singh
I enjoy maths because I learn
I think the books Mrs Singh reads
We did a great project on cats. Mrs.
something every day in it. I like
to us are awesome. The problem is
Singh was helpful to us. She even
maths also because you get to have
she always stops them in an
read poems to us. The poem I liked
a challenge and to play games. Mrs.
exciting part and keeps us in
was about a cat who got stuck in
Singh is very helpful when we need
suspense till the next time she
the washing machine and was
reads the story.
spun dry!
Katie Ralph
Georgina Labb
Eliza Peters
We have been doing a lot of
My name is Kate McCartney. I came
research this year. 1 really love
to this schoo' this year. 1 enjoy many
horses so I researched horses and I
subjects such as art, music, drama,
really enjoyed it. It's taught me a lot
computer, science story writing and
about what I needed to know.
reading. These few subjects I enjoy
Anne Taranto
Immensely. I have two cats at home
I think health is great, I love learning about the body and how things function. Hopefully I will be a doctor when I grow up. Susan Peel
who are very aoorable. I have a lot
of fantastic friends. Mrs. Singh is our teacher: she is outstanding. 4 Gold is great fan. I want to be an artist or an acress.
Kate McCartney
My gosh! Who has ever seen a class doing so much in one year. We have had two assemblies, a
contract every week, lots of storywriting, maths, spelling, language, reading, d.e.a.r., computer, journal writing, stories Mrs. Singh has read to us, science and social studies with topics like, Health, Gravity, Australia and Earth. Other things are the Catholic Family Welfare Bureau and the Skipathon
I am doing a project on horses. Mrs.
Singh, my teacher is an absolutely
to raise money, sport, music and
drama, library, computer, religion,
marvellous help. She keeps up and
I enjoy science because I like talling
reconciliation, projects called Cats"
knows what everybody is doing. 1
into a subject like, "How did the
and "Our Country" and many, many
am doing this project because I love
earth appear"? and "Why did
more. If I smile any more I'rn going
horses and horse- riding. It is so
people want to go to the moon?" 1
to burst. But who could have had so
interesting learning about horses. 1
also like going to the Museum and
much fun without a fantastic teacher
am thoroughly enjoying it.
places like that.
and a fantastic class.
Meg Ockleshaw
Alice Smith
Lucy Maule
e 41
6 4 rhnie h hr,ya OK,1
3RD ROW L-R Catherine Stribley, Melissa Tribe, Kate McCIoskey, Carla Passaro, Danielle Sanders, Larissa Natividad,
Annabelle Mulcahy, Anne Smythe.
Ar) 3 *iftno Ary rfi
2ND ROW L-R Jasmine Aliotta, Elissa
Nolan, Madeleine Healy, Michelle Beatty, Sara Lynch, Sophie Bell, Sarah Joubert, Sarah Diamond, Verity Fisher, Priscilla Ruffolo, Alex Collie.
FRONT ROW L-R Brigid Anderson,
Clare Maggs, Georgina Chapman, Madeline Hoy, Amanda Ho, Angela Vaccari, Shelley Ormsby, Monique O'Donoghue, Fiona Howard, Claire Thorn. Absent: Kate Walshe.
Teacher: Mrs, Maureen Carroll
NEW GIRLS When we walked into the school
We noticed that everything was exciting and cool, Then as school went on, we made lots of friends,
And had plenty of time with them to spend.
Then was the camp at Sovereign Hill,
We went to school to learn new skills,
In the middle of the year, we had the Year 5 Ball
Where some of the hats were really quite tall.
We are really looking forward to the great Sports Day,
Where everybody shouts, "hip, hip, hooray!"
As we finish the Grade Five Year, We shout, "See you in the
In school this year we had a
N ce Different
After a week all the work was gone.
Perfect (nearly)
Skipping became tne instant trend,
Available (always there when
And everyone went round the bend
needed) Rad Excellent
Not nutty!
Satisfactory Darlings Adorable
Yummy cakes!
Fiona Howard, Amando Ho At Grandparents' Day, my
grandmother brought something to show which she had made
when she was young Jasmine Aliotta
holidays!" with a happy cheer. Brigid Anderson and Madeleine Hoy
Once I saw a really good book. So I picked it up and had a good look!
44 4,ize/AJAYTd»568Uq._ BOOK ADS
It was about a little dog,
Who really truly was a frog. The frog could sing, and the dog
Book ads are a lot of fun
Selling books to everyone! Dressir.g up in funny clothes,
The Year Five Ball was fantastic
Books of stories, verse and prose.
dresses and suits. Mrs. Ferrari and
Amanda Ho, Fiona Howard
People vote, you have to win And so you have, you have to grin.
and helpful while we were learning
Sovereign Hill, Sovereign Hill,
Oh book ads are a lot of fun,
our dances, and it was a very
The things that I remember still!
Selling books to everyone!!
successful evening!
Anne Smythe
Verity Fisher
Sara Lynch
could dance,
So this is how they began a romance.
Everyone looked wonderful in their most ot the teachers were patient
./. 1 4
8 011* th: 2 0 9 fkroiM . 4
YEAR FIVE GOLD 3RD ROW L-R Katherine Castles.
Bridgette Holland, Ellen Woodruff, Gabrielle
,p ·. Harkins, Romina Peritore, Samantha Hilbert, Anita Pacini, Fiona Nazzari, Ruth Tinetti, Ania 112
'1 11 1 A '91
¥ " ¥
2ND ROW L-R Marielle Sullivan.
Charlotte Mulder. Jacinta Holmes. Georgina
Ip--4 42,1. < 1,(. .':3. . * Quinn, Melanie Sargeant, Josie Hoare, Julie 7-'n
Bongiorno, Emily Geogory, Claire Scally. Sarah Saunders, Lucy Johnson.
FRONT ROW L-R Amy Hede, Jane Merrylees, Fiona Livi, Cherie Lagana,
s Marguerite Osborne. Anita M:Carthy, Jane .. .«S.fflz0| 3 2'PQ -'b .411 Kenny, Victoria Spillane, Sarah Mortensen, Meg Fowler. Teacher: Mrs. Jill Baskett
DOUBLE DARE On Monday, August 27th, I went on Double Dare. We had some warm
up questions and we had to jump up and down, run around and yell, "dare, double dare, and physical
challenge". We were all very
Sovereign Hill was a great place to learn about the early days.
Ois for orders which we got each day.
Various equipment is used for mining and panning. Excellent, that's how our work should be.
We went behird the stage and there were all the physicai
challenges and buckets full of slime and gack. There were men working on an obstacle course.
It we won, we were told to jump up
and down. Dr. Slime was putting slime on the obstacle course and
the slime squjrter went out of
control. 1 burst out laughing and so did the others.
When Tom Jennings, the host of Double Dare, was ready, we had a
practice of a physical challenge and jumped up and clown. After the
Ready for school in our 1850's clothes.
Eis eagerly waiting for dinner. lis for Inspector, a fearsome man. Grinning was not allowed. Naughty children received the cane. Horses are shoed by blacksmiths at Sovereign Hill.
lis for ink, which b'otted our copy book.
Learnt our 17 times tables.
Living at the Government Camp was a lot of fun.
Jane Kenny, Emily Gregory, Marguerite Osborne.
THE MERRY WIDOW My favourite ballet is the Merry Widow. I like this ballet because of the humorous dances and
performers. I loved the sets,
especially the tea garden house. It was magnificent! 1 liked the cafe
practice Debbie and Bronwyn got
Twinkle twinkle little car
scene because it was a funny sight
us ready for the toss up challenge. You had to pump the tank and
Grandpa is a rock 'n roll star
to see the Maitre d'
He gives concerts once a day
squirt the fire out of a little building. We won the loss up challenge. It
But the people never stay Twinkle twinkle little car
running around trying to settle the ladies down. The Widow is wearing
was very funny.
Grandpa is a rock 'n roll star
The costumes of the Widow are
Sarah Mortensen Twjnkle twinkle little star
always magnificent because she is rich. The Widow was played by
Sorne questions were easy but some were hard. We won. The
black because her husband died.
We just brought a brand new spa
Marilyn Rowe, a superb ballerina. 1
plank, Hope Climb and Flag in a
Up come the bubbles
Haystack. Double Dare is the best
Down goes the dirt
like her very much. I love watching the Australian Ballet because they
obstacles that I did were: Walk the
Twinkle twinkle little star
Sarah Saundem
We just brought a brand new spa.
are so good! I love my Mum for getting the tickets.
Jane Merrylees
Ania Gruba
YEAR FIVE RED 3RD ROW L-R Emma Stutt, Carolyn
Agardy, Nicole Valmorbida, Melissa Corbett,
- - h 44'n rtf
Melissa Clark, Jennifer Ormsby, Maggie Barlow, Angie Hill. 2ND ROW L-R Anneke Barlow, Gisele
Reimann-Basch, Madeleine Keogh, Emily
r le A C n i
Harris. Lauren Lacava, Pia Sabbadini,
Edwina Wilson, Monique Moussi, Charlotte Carter, Emma Whiting, Sarah Adam FRONT ROW L-R Edwina Holbeach, U
Caroline Perrett, Alexandra Angelatos, Colette Herman, Emily Ball, Katherine Sherry, Edwina Hurley, Fiona Hunt, Lucie Douez,
Naomi Grant.
UL. T A'
Absent Shona Hannaford.
Teacher Miss Anne Tierney
5 Red has been a wonderful year for
Mrs Anne Mclnerney.
With Sovereign Hill, the Year Five
It's not, in fact it's quite fun.
Ball and many other things.
We went to Sovereign Hill and back
Angie Hill
Then was the arrival of Mrs. Mac
Twas on the 17th August
Bookweek, Assembly, plays and
We were prepared for a really fun All the teachers were dressed up BOY WHAT A SIGHT!
Ace fun
Lovely clothes Lovely dinner Charlotte Carter
Year 5,
and friends to meet
Because Year 5's cool when you
Paintings on the wall
see it live. Neke Barlow
It was a really fun night at the YEAR FIVE BALL! Lauren Lacava
In first term all the Grade Fives went
I liked the Year Five Ball it was fun. 1
loved the way we dressed up and I liked all the dances.
Shona Hannaford
to Sovereign Hill. We had to go To
ART EXCURSION Mrs. O'Byrne took us on an art
The Year Five Ball was great
clothing. It was fantastic! The
At supper we ate and ate
dresses were beautiful. We had to
We did a lot of dancing
do a project about it.
And we did a bit of prancing
Edwina Hurley
While the mothers did tasks
school there and dressed up in old fashioned clothes. We had free time
excursion to see some 18(h cenlury
We made our own masks
I hope Year 6 will be as good as
There was food to eat
Beautiful dancing
St. Pat's Day, holidays and the
I suppose you think Year Five's dumb
and we got to pan for gold, have coach rides, buy souvenirs, do whatever we wanted. We had a
mine tour which was great. It was really fun, in the rooms we got put in. I loved Sovereign Hill. Melissa Corbett
Making our food for tea. The best thing that has happened We all arrived dressed in our best
this year is when we went to
Girls in their gowns boys in their
Sovereign Hill. It was fantastic! The
The best part was dressing up My best dance was the heel and toe
I danced with Mum who bobbed downlow
reason ir was fantastic was because
we went to school and dressed up in old fashioned clothes. There are
two schools, the one we went to was called, "St. Peter's". The teacher at this
And a good time was had by all
school is Ma'am. The teacher at the
At the Year Five Ball
other school is called Sir.
Emma Stutt
Lucie Douez
YEAR SIX BLUE 3RD ROW L-R Rosemary O'Brien, Marlo
*li 1
Urquhart. Christine Sammartino. Andrea Ball,
C An n
Ar< <9.5,67-. - C ivifli Jt
Eliza Jacobs. Leanne Zillman, Silvana
Raydan, Hannah Smith, Sophie Brabenec. 21\ID ROW L -R Sarah Mcfarland, Zoe
jA} di hktho >
Newbold. Rachel Doyle, Emily Ludescher, Caroline Petricola, Georgina Wilczek, Julia Gurry, Sonia Bamundo. Sophie Gannon. FRONT ROW L-R Catherine Fonti,
AIrr In hh Af\" 4
Rebecca Ginies, Penny O'Loughlin, Vanessa Bell, Andrea Vidal. Georgina Chamberlain.
. 0.
Chloe Bryan, Lisa O'Callaghan Brigitte Garvey, Sarah Whiting, Absent: Andrea Tilley Teacher Mrs Gabrielle Warren
**7* 11
One day in February we came to a school, With teachers who were strict and
very cool.
6 Blue
Y is for yawning and getting up for
God, thank you for the old and new For baby koalas and the kangaroo For television and toasters
want to be
a lot
For your love and affection For the galaxy and its connection We thank you God.
S is for subjecis, we do sixteen of these
1 is for the interesting things that
Christine Sammartino
X is not for Mrs. Warren's favourite
word exquiste - what a shame
it doesn't start with and 'x'
B is for our behaviour of which we
L is for learning, which we have to
Rebecca Ginies
A is for all the friends we make
D is for delightful
E is for everlasting care V is for versatile
Up the stairs in the big book place, waits
For those girls who leave their books astray,
Miss Moylan will chase them up, up At the Piano in the music room
There sits Miss Wuttke, playing a
M is for marvellous
boy, did we learn.
and away.
are proud
Crafty O'Byrne: Who can paint, sew and knit, and
Miss Moylan lives and she silently
She can be tricky and very aware. Down in the artroom, lives Mrs.
R is for reading, which we do quite
And for hair being curled
Mrs. Liersch in 6 Gold, is so full of care,
For the creation of the world
Mrs. Moloney takes us for science, and she is cool too.
E is for early which you always A is for arriving, arriving at your
And radios and motors
N is for never negative
Mrs. Warren we had for the class in
U is for understanding the things
Acting in drama was once, Mrs. T,
that we learn E is for the excellent year we have had with Mrs. Warren
Now in her place, Miss Tierney we see,
"Bonjour, ma classe", says
Georgina Chamberlain
1 is for incredible
Who teaches us French right back
L is for lovely
from step one.
L is for laughter E is for education
Last but not least jt can be said,
Rosemary O'Brien
Is Mrs. Ferrari who takes Phys. Ed. She teaches us to do our best,
In running, netball and the rest:
04 94
At the swimming sports we cheered so loud,
That she nearly fainted, and so did the crowd
Penny O'Loughlin and Julia Gurry
i A €LA '16" n C rl-
C r Ir Lo 4 0=*'A 1 911 *4 4 b ,4\ A. 4 -« 4/4 1 . il 92¥710
HAPPINESS IS...My birthday, I love it Sarita Flanigan. ...Doing sit spins and flip jumps on the skating rink. Vanessa Radovic. ...Christmas. It makes me feel
excited and happy.
FRUSTRATION IS...Waiting for the
3RD ROW L - R Jane Howa·d, Laurie
Tomkins, Virginia Grant, Anna Kricker. Erica Stevens, Katarina Filigi, Jo-Maree Delac Katherine Woodruff
2ND ROW L - R Brigid Fitzgerald. Katrina
train when I am late. Jo-Maree
Learning my Greek poems. Maria Spitaliorakis FUN IS... Going to the movies and
eating popcorn. Jane Howard
Bianca Pepe
Maggs, Sarah McKeown, Anna Chamoerlain,
KINDNESS IS... Doing something for
Jacquie Carroll. Vanessa Radovic, Elizabeth
...Playing a good game of cricket.
McCartney, Sarah Gurry. Lisa Arthur, Emily
Claire Graham
another person. Angela Dwyer ...When someone helps me. Laurie
FRONT ROW L-R Katherine
Worthington. Sarita Flanagan, Juliana
trusted to care for something. Brigid
WISDOM IS... Keeping away from
Hughes, Brigid King, Bianca Pepe. Andrea
trouble-makers. Alexandra
Bolintineanu, Angela Dwyer Veronic Shine,
. .Cleaning up my bedroom.
Claire Graham.
Katarina Filipi
...Choosing to do the right thing.
Absent: Jane Richardson
Teacher: Mrs. Colleen Liersch
Looking after my pet. Andrea
Jane Richardson
JOY IS... Making someone happy by
ENJOYMENT IS...Being a school girl
smiling at them. Anna Chamberlain
iii the Gang Show. Veronica Shine
...Running through a green, grassy
...Eating ice cream and chocolate on
meadow. Sarah McKeown
a rainy day. Elizabeth McCartney
BEAUTY IS.. .A surf beach. I love
...Playing competition tennis. Lisa
the warm sun, strong waves and
sand Erica Stevens
GROWTH IS... Learning new things
...A large bunch of beautiful flowers.
every day. Jacquie Carroll
Brigid Fitzgerald
..Whenl obtain my licence. Anna
...Watching the sun slowly set over
the mountains.
...When my clothes do not fit.
Sarah Gurry
Katherine Worthington
EXHAUSTION IS...Thinking during
PLAY IS.. .Defending goals during
lessons Katherine Woodruff
netball. Virginia Grant
...The heat on my tace when I am
...Enjoying a computer game.
1 red Emily Kishida
Katrina Maggs
w: v.¥ M , F A El.7
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3RD ROW L-R Jennifer Zahara, Jade
Signorino, Jane Castles, Catrina Boemo. Emily O'Connell, Nerita Benetti, Anna Messina, Kate Kuring, Mrs. Virginia Moloney 2ND ROW L-R Lauren Mai. Chloe
Being a Year Six means much hard work and setting a good example Lesley Horder We were in our maths class when t
Adams, Gypsy West, Jessica Cichy, Amanda
Day, Melissa Migliardi. Emma Ogilvy. Kate Johnson, Renee Loricchiella.
FRONT ROW L-R Stephanie Johnston,
Catherine Fernando, Prudence Foley, Aisling
Rubella was nothing. It was just a Prue Foley
Bostock. Larissa Hickey.
There is a lot of work, but it is worth
We're wizards at computers and work them with ease.
We're the biggest So the little ones, we don't tease.
Natalie Byfield
In Year Six we vote for eight captains.
Jessica Cichy Year Six is special like no other before.
We do lots of work, yes more and
+ €-*7- i .32-
little prick
Jacqueline Labb, Emily Carroll, Alexandra
Teacher: Mrs. Virginia Moloney
We lined up fearfully. When our turn ; 1,111%
O'Donnell, Lesley Horder, Racrel De Zoete.
Absent: Natalie Byfield
44 44
We have a great year in Year Six. It
is fabulous.
Emrra Ogilvy
W'e had grea: fun on St. Patrick's
Day with a Green Assembly and a sausage sizzle. Nerita Benetti
Wobbling around on the beam for our routine. The exciting new computers. The science
experiments and sport dances were just some of the challenging things we did in Year Six.
We have responsibilities like Library monitor and bell.
We do them very happily like fairies n a dell.
Jenny Zahara We have the end of the year production which is great fun to work on.We help make costumes
Emily O'Connell Year Six means new responsibilities, more work and more homework. but
i AL(-da ·
that doesn't stop us from having great fun and the best excursions in the world.
Catherine Fernando and Larissa , £01-1Hickey
and learn parts and contribute in 1 every way possible.
&&712>_ Elspeth Martini
A 1>_1_ 1 M-4 ·ArY>j. 4 •:• + 4* LK?..1.5 ..f1
ou...226.=C./ 0 4 MALOE, 46010 A *90 -37
STAFF 3rd Row L-R Penny Trebilcock, Sally O'Byrne, Marianne Hull, Susan Wuttke, Colleen Liersch. Catherine Ferrari.
2nd Row L-R Virginia Moloney, Dot Peters. Elizabeth McKeown, Lisa PidcocK
Bernadette Tripodi, Michelle Milgate, Shelley Singh, Anne Tiemey, Maureen Carroll. Front Row L-R Catherine Sim, Pat
O'Halloran, Anna McKinnon, Pat Moylan, Sr.
Helen Murphy, Jeanette Cowley, Gabrielle Warren, Jill Baskett
k.1 p
il Mrs Sue Bennie.
Special Education teacher, Mrs. Penny Trebilcock, in her weekly discussion witg Head of the Junior
School, Sr. Helen Murphy.
JUNIOR SCHOOL RECORDER CONSORT. Back row - Sophie Brabenec, Larissa Natividad, Jo Maree Delac, Leanne Zillman, Virginia Grant, Gypsy West, Front row - Shona Hannatord, Lucy Johnson, An'a Gruba. Emily Ludescher, Romina Peritore, Br:dgette Holland, Gisele Re'mann-Basch. Amanda Ho, Madeleine Hoy.
JUNIOR SCHOOL ORCHESTRA. Row one (back) - Anna Kricker. Eliza Jacoos, Catrina Boemo. Row two - Melissa Migliardi, Andrea Tilley, Rosemary O'Brien. Row three Catherine Fernando, Rachel de Zoete. Elspeth Martini, Kate McCloskey Ro·w four - JacQueline Labb. Angela Hill. Row five - Priscilla
Ruffolo, Georgina Chamoerlair. Clare Graham,. Row six (front) - L.Icie Douez, Marguerite Osborne. Jessica Cichy, Jacinta Holmes, Sarah Saunders.
Page 22 Top, 1. Painting by Jessica Lyons.
2. Lino prints by Year 8.
3. Catherine Green (Year 9) wearing her crown.
1. Handbags by Year 10 Fibre-art students. 2. Luisa Vaccari (Year 7) with her soft sculptures.
1. Paintings by Year 8.
2. Dominique Hall (Year 8) with her designs. 3. Painting by Jessica Lyons.
Page 23 Top. Unidentified high jumper.
1. Katie Mactier, Melanie Lechte.
2. Dominique Hall, Brigid Byrne.
Lower middle. Camilla Bourke.
Jessica Lyons Marlo Baragwanath. Ruth Standring, Kirsty Kelly.
I -r-
Top row. 1 Hilagy F sher. pancake tasting
2. Isabel Pertaeg testing the strength of an egg.
Ftih & I
3. Year 6 Gold.
4. Year 1 Irish Dancing on St. Patrick's Day.
Middle Row.
Ballet with Miss Stephens (Prep Bottom Row.
1. Amy Non and Catherine Sullivan (Prep.)
2 Clare Maggs, Year 5 Blue. /
3 Year 5 Gold at Sovereign Hill - Charlotte Mulder,
Bridgette Holland, Melanie f Sargeant and Jacinta holmes.
i ici tv • Kate
E d
3RD ROW L-R Mrs, Marianne Hull, Jessica Gamble, Amy Gillon, Tessa Custance, Anna Smith, Edwina Olver, Joanna Downing, Yvette Haikal, Julia
Pereira Godinho, Mrs. Elizabeth McKeown- 2ND ROW L-R Lauren Mullavey Melanie Dalheimer, Natacha Moussi, Elizabeth Ames, Alice McCabe, Erica
Margetson, Catherine Sullivan, Felicity Whelan, Lucie Thoml Katie Rose Smith. FRONT ROW L-R Eliza Ralph, Camilla Hopkins, Stephanie Atherton, Briony
Dalton, Philippa Johnston. Absent: Louisa Page, Kate Tilley. Teacher: Mrs. Marianne Hull. Teacher Aide: Mrs. Elizabeth McKeown.
I am going to be a tree
I will be on television
grower. I will grow Autumn and Spring trees....Amy
playing tennis. I will be a tennis teacher and play
tennis with my friends. Louisa Page
I will dance on the stage when I am twelve. I will be
dancing when I am ninety because I will be tired then. Yvette Haikal.
stay wth the children for a
because I love ballet and
longer time Camilla
pictures. I will be an artist. Philippa Johnston. I like apples so I think I will
sing over a microphone,
be an apple farmer. I will grow big green apples.
I will be a rrummy with two
good at Prep work and
girls. Their names will be
could teach other children
Dorothy and Elise. Erica
to do wonderful work.
Margetson. I am going to be Marna
I am going to be a reading
Claus because I like giving
teacher. I will have lots of
beautiful books from a
my food.
Katie Rose
will catch people who do bad things. Everyone will wear their seat belts when I
am around. Catherine
I will be a jazz ballet different rock and Madonna
music tapes. Lucie Thorn. I will be a horse trainer with I will be a builder who
a circus.4,•Lauren
makes houses. I will sell my
houses and get a lot of
and wear beautiful clothes
and make-up....Jo
I will be a hairdresser. I will
put perms in people's hair, use the sprayer and wash their hair... Ellie Nisbet.
money...Kate Tilley. I will be a shopping person, I will sell bananas, carrots,
pumpkins and apples, I will
because I love sport. I will Jessica Gamble.
will pay a lot of money for
teacher I will have lots of
special shop, 1 would read
teach a lot of netball.
l will be a cook in a hotel. I
Mellie Dalheimer.
I will be a sport teacher
I will be a football player
I will be a police lady and I 1
Alice McCabe.
and teach Year Prep. I am
I will be a beautiful ballerina
Eliza Ralph.
will serve and cook. People
singer and a rock star and
them first. Briony Dalton.
Anna Smith.
too Elizabeth Ames.
lam going to be a teacher
will not do other people's
will be 20. I will be a goaler. I
I will make beautiful
Tess Custance
I will be a gardener. I will
with Melbourne. My number
the girls I teach will love it
When I am 19 I will be a
Julia Pereira-Godinho.
make my house beautiful. 1
I am going to be a boarding school teacher so that I can
I am going to be a ballerina
I will be a doctor and I will
make sick people better.
a ballerina. I will stop
e-1 .13
I will be a dentist and count
how many teeth people
eat some things too. Felicity Whelan.
have Edwina Oliver
YEAR ONE 3RD ROW L-R Catherine Ryan, Helen Beatty, Stefanie Fitzgerald, Jennifer Palisse,
Jacqui Higgins, Jessica Cuttler, Marnie Hicks, Lauren Mihelcic, Nicole Dwyer. 2ND ROW L-R Katie Lonergan, Lara
Signorino, Emily Whelan, Kate Dalheimer, Natalie Albantow. Rosannah Healy, Edwina Scanlon, Chloe Podolakin, Zara D'Cotta
Melanie Ringersma. FRONT ROW L - R Stephanie MoNamee,
Chandini Kao, Lucy MeNamara, Victoria Chapman, Genevieve Clarke, Alice Trumble, Candice Martin. Absent Louisa Sullivan. Teacher
Mrs. Lisa Pidcock
60 .
I like Year One. We do lots of
We had an assembly. 1 liked it. It
things. We went to the Fitzroy
was Autumn....Natalie
Gardens to look for Autumn.
I liked it when we had the Year One
Gardens and we went to the Beatrix
1% * 4.,gla •·- ..S»?--11 h /
swapped badges at Peace time and Chandini.
been on. We went to the Fitzroy
.5-227r. -1
Class Mass. 1 liked it when we
I like singing"Clap de Hands"
I have liked the excursions we have
I like Mrs. Pidcock because she
teaches us nice things... .Jessie.
I liked the banner that we did about
I like doing Maths and storywriting,
Love for the Feast Day, it was very
and I liKe reading. Mrs.Pidcock gives
bright with lots of colours... Lauren.
us nice things to do....Alice.
Year One is great. I like doing my
I like doing ballet because I like
work, especially colouring and
trying hard.
Potter exhibition.
I like being in Year One because there are lots of nice things to do, and we go on excursions and have lots of friends....Kate. I like school because we had a
Class Mass, and we invited lots of teachers and it was fun. Genevieve.
I liked it when we went to the
I liked the Prahran Market. I was in
I like Year One because we go on
Fitzroy Gardens. We went into
my Mum's team, and we made
good excursions, like the Prahran
Captain Cook's Cottage.
sandwiches... .Lucy.
Markets. We bought some food and had a 3 course meal....Rosannah
Stephanie. I am new to this school, and my
My mum had a baby called William
teacher is Mrs. Pidcock and she is
I liked the Prahran Market. It was fun
and we invited him to our class. My
nice. I like this school because it has
because I was in Mrs. Pidcock's
sister, Natalie came too. The girls
lots of nice things to play on.
group . Louisa.
loved W Iliam....Stephanie.
I like Ballet because our teacher
We had an assembly. It was fun.
School is great because we do lots
called Miss Karen, she teaches us
We acted out the story of "The
of hard work and lots of thinking.
wonderful things....Jennifer.
Selfish Giant". I was a bird... .Katie.
We went on an excursion, and I
We went on an excursion to the
I like gym. I went in the Dollarmites
liked the fairy tree....Emily.
Fitzroy Gardens and we had lunch
Competition, and Mandeville came
1 Like Year One because we do
interesting work. We have learnt
about houses and we do _A
I like being in Year One because I like being with Mrs. Pidcock. Melanie.
spot?Ef &5 Akfu
I like Year One because Mrs.
Pidcock is nice, and I like learning about clocks....Lara.
My favourite work is Maths. We do lots of sums and we learn about
YEAR TWO 3RD ROW L-R Megan Downing, Marina Mercuri, Cassie Fry, Freya Holland, Aimee Hocking, Claire Southall, Kate Hocking, Julie Stribley, Stephanie Maule, Annie Merrylees. 2ND ROW L-R Annaliese Gannon,
Rebecca Nolan, Vanessa Condello, Andree Pianta, Madeleine Scanlon, Clare Noonan, Miriam Hussein, Gianna Sabbadini, Anne-Maree O'Brien. Zara Kurdzinski.
FRONT ROW L-R Patricia Nigro, Kara
Maisano, Natalie Hunter, Caroline Smith,
Tessa Spring, Elizabeth O'Day, Anna Bryant, Sofia Vaccari. Teachers: Miss Michelle
Milgate, Miss Anna McKinnon.
1 On April 28th we
The Year Two sleep-over was good
because we had a sausage sizzle
had a sleep-over. We played lots of
and potato cakes....Natalie Hunter.
games. We had a disco and we
played 'We were adults". We had a
I liked
big feast, and the teachers who
going on the bus to "The Little
came were Miss McKinnon, Miss
Mermaid". It was fun. I was Anna's
partner on the way there and on the
way back. 1 liked Ariel, Sebastian and Scuttle. I liked lots of songs. My
Sin, Mrs. Ferrari, Miss Horner and
Mrs. Tripodi, and some other
I+I-2 3tj=• 2+2 2 4 0% 1
teachers. We had fun....Vanessa
favourite song was "Under the
I liked the s eep-over because we all
Sea".Kate Hocking.
GYM - My best part of school is gym. My teacher's name is Roslyn
got together and played games. 1
*.151E l
specially liked the disco...Caroline Smith.
Scott. My best friends are Meg, Kara, Tessa and Anna. They also do
I loved the sleep-over. I have two
gym too. They are kind to me. I am
sisters and two brothers. I am eight, I like maths and art....Gianna
in the squad....Freya Holland.
Sabbadini. COMPUTERS -
One of my
favourite subjects js computers. I could spend my life at them. I have a computer at home and I have over 100 games. My favourite is Cluedo.
Maths is something I
Love to do. Even now that it is hard,
0 0,
it is really fun to do....Anne-Maree O'Brien. MY TEACHER -
My teacher's
name is Miss Anna McKinnon. Sh:e
is getting married. She is very nice
enjoyed our excursion to the
Freya Holland.
Botanical Gardens because I like
gardens and flowers. I also like
DUCKS - We hatched ducklings
Science and that's why we went on
The garderers built a pond. It was
a science trail....Cassie Fry.
fun... Rebecca Nolan.
I went overseas on 31st March. I
I lost my tooth on my mummy's
came back on 5th May. We went to
birthday. I lost my tooth under the table. The Tooth Fairy came and
Sydney, Hong-Kong, Italy, Switzerland, France, Ireland and
I love Maths, because it is good for
went and left one dollar....Tessa
England . Clare Noonan.
your hands Sofia Vaccari.
POEMS There was a little black rabbit There once was a rran from Greece
Who had trouble with the police He fell in a hole and lost control
And couldn't get back to Greece Sara P. and Kristen
Who always bad bad habits He used to run
YEAR THREE 3RD ROW L-R Philjppa Zahara, Hilary Fisher, Annalee Hall, Olivia Curtain, Phoebe
And have lots of fun
Nolan, Sara Pacini, Natalie Ahmed, Melanie
And he always had his bad habits.
Johnston, Jacqui Vidal, Isabel Hertaeg.
Alison and Amy B.
2ND ROWL-R Michelle Valmorbida.
Kristen Doyle, Caroline Tuohy, Alison
Pettigrew. Emma Poynton, Sophie Laurence.
There was an old lady from France
There was an old cat from Spain
Prudence Doig, Helen Clarke, Amy Burke,
Who very much liked to dance
Who lived in a water drain
Louise Lonergan.
She danced all day
She got very sick
FRONT ROW L-R Kate Corrigan, Charlotte Hickey, Lauren Trumble, Amy
At the Disco Fay
And had to have a drink
And always wore teather pants
That dear old cat from Spain
Hopkins, Annabelle Peters, Sara Woodruff.
Prue and Amy W.
Helen and Jacqui
Teacher: Miss Cathy Sim
Wark, Dianna Best. Heidi Dalton, Bridget
There was once a petty red flower Who lived beside a tower
There was a young boy from Fitzroy
She grew and grew
Who loved to pester and annoy
There was a horse called Morse
Until the wind blew
He picked on his mum
Who lived near Flemington Race
Her petals on top of the tower
She didn't think it was much fun
Melanie and Heidi
And that was the boy from Fitzroy
He loved to play
All day in the hay
There was an old man from
And Morse is a horse of course.
Who started a very big rurrour
There was a young man called Bill
His name was Martin
He really was quite a dill
There once was a very fat cat
and he loved to wear tartan
He went in the bath
Her name was Princess Rat
and soon he was returning to
Which was down the path
She likes to chase birds
And then it was time for the bill
While saying some words
And talking to very fat rats. Louise and Annabelle
There was a young lass from South Yarra
Whose mouth was unfortunately "narra"
There once were two black puppies Their names were Fluffy and Buffy They liked the water
There once was a mouse from
Spain Who made her home in a drain
When she had tea
And playing with the daughter
It was a bit damp
She coughed up a pea
Those funny old, naughty old
So she found a new camp
That silly old lass from South Yarra Isabel and Caroline
puppies Phoebe
and never went back to the drain Emma
YEAR FOUR BLUE 3RD ROW L-R Georgina Ryan, Stephanie Zeccola, Mariette Mullavey, Emily Tribe, Anne Conroy, Jean Connell, Victoria
2ND ROW L-R Lucinda Gannon,
Caroline O'Brien, Tiffany Lot Margherita
Boemo, Alice Penna, Rochelle Howie, Emma · Warry, Emmaline Jones. FRONT FOW L-R Megan Haratsis. Annabel Hartnett, Lauren Reed, Monica
Nisbet, Kelly Peterson, Marie Dermatis,
0 0,·ann n < 4 1 -4 1
Georgina Frew, Olivia Sweeney, Zoe Kitchen, Tania Caldow. Teacher
Mrs. Dot Peters
1 'FL : 7.1 i&02¥\111'lurl a th
..1 4 -
MY LIFE WHEN ..... ......We made land falls out of
might get an outfit that doesn't fit
......1 was chosen to swim at a
playdough. There were hills,
swimming carnival. I came fourth in
mountains, a plateau, an island, a
Tiffany Loft
peninsula and a valley.
Georgina Frew
Butterfly, and second in Breastroke
......Everybody wore odd socks to school for odd sock day. There were
......I got lost with Megan trying to
pdrple socks, pink polka dots, socks
find the animals in "Zoo Pack", one
with ribbons, socks with a twirl and
of our computer programs.
all sorts of weird socks.
Rochelle Howie
Monica Nisbett
......It was Grandparents' Day and I
......We had our Four Blue and Four
had to keep running back and
and first in the Freestyle relay. Anne Conroy ......On the 21st June, 1990, we had our beam routines. We were
chattering in our boots, but we were really just plain scared because we had such a big audience and
Gold combined assembly. We did it
because we thought we might fall
about our Northcote Pottery
off. I really had lots of fun.
my Nanny.
excursion and I read a comment
Jean Connell
Georgina Ryan
Annabel Hannett
forward getting tea. I got a tip from
......1 was given a great character in our play. I was Dracula and had to wear a wig, mask and spooky black clothes.
Stephanie Zeccola
......The Victorian State Opera came to school with a play called ''Jogga Jimmy Saves the Day". They were so exciting and active, jumping about like kangaroos. They must
......We went to the oval and had
have gone to gym for a long time.
school Sports Day. It was my
Mariette Mullavey
favourite day of my life. Marie Dermatis
......1 looked up at the sheet of paper on Miss Wuttke's door and saw my name there for the choir. 1 couldn't
believe it, 1 actually passed the audition. I'm actually in the choir. I felt like shgng there and then. Emmaline Jones
......1 dressed up as Barrister
......We went to Northcote Pottery.
Michael. I wore a real lawyer's wig
......We looked after our eggs for a
and a long black cloak for the Book
As I went inside it was boiling hot. There was a man who was making
day and we named them too. Some
Week Parade.
a pot and he let us feel the cold,
of the eggs went for a fall.
Lucinda Gannon
SmOOth surface. When we were
S.p.1.a.s.h. Emily Tribe ......We played Netball at lunchtimes.
going tne lady gave a little pot 10
..... We did an experiment in Science. We planted some seeds in egg shells. We put bird's seed and
I just love Netball and all sports.
popcorn in potting mix, and waited
Victoria Carlino
for them to grow. It was fun to do.
......We went to Palmer Corporation. 1
Emma Warry
each ot us. Caroline O'Brien
......We had the Skipathon every day during Family Week. Altogether I did 23 laps of two netball courts. We
thought it was amazing how much
......When l was chosen out of all
also wrote a farrily journal where
maths is used in every day life! In
Year Four Blue to be a part of the
each person in the family wrote
this case you would have to be very
liturgical dance on the School Feast
positive comments about every
precise with all the measurements
Day on 7th September.
other member.
you have to make. If you didn't you
Zoe Kitchen
Margherita Boemo
YEAR FOUR GOLD tfffI'llillill/1/
r.. 00nA .
3RD ROW L-R Jennifer O'Connell, Lucy r ·m Maule, Emily Petricola, Vivienne Ringersma, Kate
2ND ROW L-R Nicole Corcoran. Helen
Harford, Kate Ralph, Susan Peel. Georgina Labb, Anne Taranto, Sara Little, Nancy Sposato, Virginia Ball. FRONT ROW L-R Jessica Shirley. Louise Blight. Anna Whittington, Meg
Ockleshaw, Alice Smith, Anna-Marie Black, -. Eliza Peters, Fiona Tetley, Meaghan
O'Loughlin. Teacher: Mrs. Shelley Singh
I enjoy maths because I learn
I think the books Mrs. Singh reads
We did a great project on cats. Mrs.
something every day in it. I like
to us are awesome. Tne problem Is
Singh was helpful to us. She even
maths also because you get to have
she always stops them in an
read poems to us. The poem I liked
a challenge and to play games. Mrs.
exciting part ariel keeps us h
was about a cat who got stuck in
Singh is very helpful when we need
suspense till the next time she
the washing machine and was
reads the story.
spun dry!
Katie Ralph
Georgina Labb
Eliza Peters
We have been doing a lot of
My name is Kate McCartney. I came
research this year. 1 really love
to thjs school this year. 1 enjoy many
horses so I researched horses and I
subjects such as art, mus c, drama,
really enjoyed it. It's taught me a lot
computer, sc ence story writing and
about what I needed to know.
reading. These few subjects I enjoy
Anne Taranto
immensely. I have two cats at home
I think health is great, I love learning about the body and how things
function. Hopefully I will be a doctor when I grow up. Susan Peel
who are very adorable. I have a lot
of fantastic friends. Mrs. Singh is our teacher; she is outstanding. 4 Gold is great fun. I want to be an artist or an acress.
Kate McCartney
My gosh! Who has ever seen a class doing so much n one year. We rave had two assemblies, a
contract every week, lots of storywriting, maths, spelling,
language, reading, d.e.a.r., computer, journal writing, stories
Mrs. Singh has read to us, science and social studies with topics like,
Health, Gravity, Australia and Earth. Other things are the Catholic Family Welfare Bureau and the Skipathon
I am doing a project on horses. Mrs. Singh, my teacher is an absolutely
to raise money, sport, music and drama, library, computer, religion,
marvellous help. She keeps up and
I enjoy science because I like falling
reconciliation, projects called "Cats"
knows what everybody is doing. 1
into a subject I.:ke, 'How did the
and "Our Country" and many, many
am doing this project because I love
earth appear"? and "Why did
more. If I smile any more I'm going
horses and horse- riding. It is so
people want to go to the moon?" 1
to burst. But who could have had so
interesting learning about horses. I
also like going to the Museum and
much fun w thout a fantastic teacher
am thoroughly enjoying it.
places like that.
and a fantastic class.
Meg Ockleshaw
Alice Smith
Lucy Maule
Pirt ·
0 f,"¥ 9.93 on.
6 4 ninin n a r,7 n Oint,.
3RD ROW L-R Catherine Stribley, Melissa Tribe, Kate McCIoskey, Carla Passaro, Danielle Sanders, Larissa Natividad,
i e Aft 019;A n t 'OA*jor n,I
Annabelle Mulcahy, Anne Smythe. 2ND ROW L-R Jasmine Aliotta, Elissa
Nolan, Madeleine Healy, Michelle Beattyl
Sarah Diamond, Verity Fisher, Priscilla © 48;f - i-,; j/5,plb.:, 8.
Sara Lynch, Sophie Bell, Sarah Joubert,
FRONT ROW L-R Brigid Anderson,
1 1 4....
Clare Maggs, Georgina Chapman, Madeline
Hoy, Amanda Ho, Angela Vaccari, Shelley
Ormsby, Monique O'Donoghue, Fiona , Howard. Claire Thorn. Absent: Kate Walshe.
Teacher: Mrs, Maureen Carroll
NEW GIRLS When we walked into the school
We noticed that everything was exciting and cool, Then as school went on, we made lots of friends,
And had plenty of time with them to spend.
Then was the camp at Sovereign Hill.
We went to school to learn new skills,
In the middle of the year, we had the Year 5 Ball
Where some of the hats were really quite tall
We are really looking forward to the great Sports Day,
Where everybody shouts, "hip, hip, hooray!"
As we finish the Grade Five Year,
We shout, "See you in the holidays!" with a happy cheer.
Grandparents Romance
In schoo. this year we had a
N ce Different
After a week all the work was gone.
Perfect (nearly)
Skipping became the instant trend,
Available (aways there when
And everyone went round the
Rad Excellent
Not nutty! Terrific
Darlings Adorable
Yummy oakes! Fiona Howard, Amando Ho
At Grandparents' Day, my grandmother brought something to show which she had made
when she was young Jasmine Aliotta
Brigid Anderson and Madeleine
Once I saw a really good book.
81 AQUUQ-JUnd»568UL
So I picked it up and had a good look!
It was about a little dog,
Who really truly was a frog.
Book ads are a lot of fun
The frog could sing, and the dog
Selling books to everyone!
The Year Five Ball was fantastic
could dance,
So this is how they began a
Dressing up in funny clothes,
Everyone looked wonderful in their
Books of stories, verse and prose.
dresses and suits. Mrs. Ferrari and
People vote, you have to win -
Amanda Ho, Fiona Howard
And so you have, you have to grin.
most of the teachers were patient and helpful while we were learning
Sovereign Hill, Sovereign Hill, The things that I remember still!
Oh book ads are a lot of fun,
our dances, and it was a very
Selling books to everyone!!
Anne Smythe
Verity Fisher
successful evening Sara Lynch
- - -7-]hARAPI
,"IL 54
n ne en e e *00 - 1 60 n#Acon _, 7 i
* '.117 '' '
.4 '' .11 ¥
YEAR FIVE GOLD 3RD ROW L-R Katherine Castles,
Bridgette Holland. Ellen Woodruff. Gabrielle Harkins, Romina Peritore, Samantha Hilbert, Anita Pacini, Fiona Nazzari, Ruth Tinetti, Ania Gruba.
2ND ROW L-R Marielle Sullivan,
Charlotte Mulder, Jacinta Holmes. Georgina Quinn, Melanie Sargeant, Josie Hoare, Julie Bongiorno, Emily Geogory, Claire Scally, Sarah Saunders, Lucy Johnson. FRONT ROW L-R Amy Hede, Jane
-,»2 *Q«13».
Merrylees, Fiona Livi, Cherie Lagana,
Marguerite Osborne, Anita McCarthy, Jane Kenny, Victoria Spillane, Sarah Mortensen, Meg Fowler. Teacher: Mrs. Jill Baskett
DOUBLE DARE On Monday, August. 27th, I went on Double Dare. We had some warm
up questions and we had to jump up and down, run around and yell, "dare, double dare, and physical challenge". We were all very
Sovereign Hill was a great place to learn about the early cays.
Ois for orders which we got each day.
Various equipment is used for mining and panning. Excellent, that's how our work should be.
We went behind the stage and there were all the physical
challenges and buccets full of slime and gack, There were men working on an obstacle course.
If we won, we were told to jump up
and down. Dr. Slime was putting slime on the obstacle course and
the slime squirter went out of control. I burst out laughing and so did the others.
When Tom Jennings, the host of Double Dare, was ready, we had a practice of a physical challenge and jimped up and down, After the
Ready for school in our 1850's clothes.
Eis eagerly waiting for dinner. lis for Inspector, a fearsome man Grinning was not allowed. Naughty children received the earle.
Horses are shoed by blacksmiths al Sovereign Hill.
lis for ink, which blotted our copy book.
Learnt our 17 times tables
Living at the Governmen: Camp was a lot of fun.
Jane Kenny, Emily Gregory, Marguerite Osborne.
THE MERRY WIDOW My favourite ballet is the Merry Widow. I like thjs ballet because of the hurnorous dances and
performers. 1 loved the sets,
especially the tea garden house. It was magnificent! 1 liked the cafe scene because it was a funny sight
practice Debbie and Bronwyn got
Twinkle twinkle little car
us ready for the toss up challenge. You had to pump the tank and
Grandpa is a rock 'n roll star
to see the Maitre d'
He gives concerts once a day
squirt the fire out of a little building. We won the toss up challenge. It
But the people never stay
running around trying to settle the ladies down. The Widow is wearing
Twinkle twinkle little car
black because her husband died.
was very funny.
Grandpa is a rock 'n roll star
The costumes of the Widow are
Sarah Mortensen
always magnificent because she is
some were hard. We won. The
Twinkle twinkle little star
obstacles that I did were: Walk the
We just brought a brand new spa
plank, Rope Climb and Flag in a
Up come the bubbles
rich. The Widow was played by Marilyn Rowe, a superb ballerina. 1 Ijke her very much. I love watching the Australian Ballet because they are so good! I love my Mum for
Some questions were easy but
Haystack. Double Da'e is the best
Down goes the dirt
Twinkle twinkle little star
We just brought a brand new spa. Sarah Saunders
getting the tickets.
Jane Merrylees
Ania Gruba
YEAR FIVE RED 3RD ROW L-R Emma Stutt. Carolyn
Agardy, Nicole Valmorbida, Melissa Corbett, Melissa Clark, Jennifer Ormsby, Maggie
Barlow, Angie Hill. 2ND ROW L-R Anneke Barlow, Gisele
Reimann-Basch, Madeleine Keogh, Emily
Harris. Lauren Lacava, Pia Sabbadini,
01 n Aft n ril
Edwina Wilson, Monique Moussi, Charlotte Carter, Emma Whiting, Sarah Adam. FRONT ROW L-R Edwina Holbeach,
4·1 1 3·44:4111
Caroline Perrett, Alexandra Angelatos, Colette Herman, Emily Ball, Katherine Sherry,
4 1. i\· f -¥ , -4-·* %-··
Edwina Hurley, Fiona Hunt, Lucie Douez, Naomi Grant. Absent Shona Hannaford.
Teacher: Miss Anne Tierney
5 Red has been a wonderful year for
Mrs Anne Mclnerney.
With Sovereign Hill, the Year Five
It's not. in fact it's quite fun.
Ball and many other things.
We we'it to Sovereign Hill and back
Angie Hill
Then was the arrival of Mrs. Mac
Twas on the 17th August
BookweeK, Assembly, plays and
We were prepared for a really fun All Ihe teachers were dressed up BOY WHAT A SIGHT!
Ace fun
Lovely clothes Lovely dinner Charlotte Carter
Year 5,
and friends to meet
Because Year 5's cool when you
Paintings on tte wall
see it live. Neke Barlow
It was a really fun night at the YEAR FIVE BALL! Lauren Lacava
In first term all the Grade Fives went
I liked the Year Five Ball it was fun. I
loved the way we dressed up and I liked all the dances. Shona Hannaford
I hope Year 6 will be as good as
There was food to eat
Beautiful dancing
St. Pat's Day, holidays and the
I supoose you tnink Year Five's dumb
to Sovereign Hill. We had to go to
ART EXCURSION Mrs. O'Byrne took us on an art excursion to see some 18th century
The Year Five Ball was great
clothing. It was fantastic! The
At supper we ate and ate
dresses were beautiful. We had to
We did a lot of dancing
do a project about it.
And we did a bit of prancing
Edwina Hurley
school there and dressed up in o C fastioned clothes. We had free time
and we got to pan for gold, have coach rides, buy souvenirs, do whatever we wanted. We had a
mine tour which was great. It was really fun. in the rooms we got put in. lloved Sovereign Hill.
We made our own masks
Melissa Corbett
While the mothers did tasks
Making our food for tea. The best thing that has happened We all arrived dressed in our best
this year is when we went to
Girls in their gowns boys in their
Sovereign Hill. It was fantastic! The reason it was fantastic was because
we went to school and dressed up
The best part was dressing up My best dance was the heel and toe
I danced with Mum who bobbed
in old fasnioned clothes. There are
two schools, the one we went to was called, "St. Deter's" The teacher at this
And a good time was had by all
school js Ma am. The teacher at the
At the Year Five Ball
other school is called Sir.
Emma Stutt
Lucie Douez
3RD ROW L-R Rosemary O'Brien, Marlo Urquhart, Christine Sammartino, Andrea Ball, Eliza Jacobs, Leanne Zillman. Silvana
Raydan, Hannah Smith. Sophie Brabenec. 2ND ROW L -R Sarah McFarland Zoe
141 f li jl; A 1 0 'filn h hA"rb
th /Ak /' . 1, .
Newbold, Rachel Doyle. Emily Ludescher Caroline Petricola, Georgina Wilczek, Julia Gurry, Sonia Bamundo, Sophie Gannon. FRONT ROW L-R Catherine Fonti
Rebecca Ginies, Penny O'Loughlin, Vanessa Bell, Andrea Vidal, Georgina Chamberlain,
- Chloe Bryan, .4 . . .. Lisa O'Callaghan Brigitte ··Garvey. Sarah Whiting.
' *,tix- il t,j
·rl ')101
Absent: Andrea Tilley Teacher Mrs. Gabrielle Warren
TEACHERS One day in February we came to a school, With teachers who were strict and
very cool.
FOR TECHNOLOGY WE THANK YOU GOD God, thank you for the old and new For baby koalas and the kangaroo For television and toasters And radios and motors For the creation of the world
And for hair being curled For your love and affection For the galaxy and its connection We thank you God. Christine Sammartino
6 Blue
Y is for yawning and getting up for school
E is for early which you always want to be
A is for arriving, arriving at your school
R is for reading, which we do quite a lot
S is for subjects, we do sixteen of these
I is for the interesting things that happen
Loving Observant Reverent Educational
Outstanding Rebecca Ginies Mis for marvellous
A is for all the friends we make
N is for never negative
D is for delightful E is for everlasting care V is for versatile
Mrs. Warren we had for the class in
X is not for Mrs. Warren's favourite
word exquisite - what a shame it doesn't start with and 'x' B is for our behaviour of which we
are proud L is for learning, which we have to do
U is for understanding the things that we learn
E is for the exce//ent year we have had with Mrs. Warren
Georgina Chamberlain
1 is for incredible
L is for lovely L is for laughter E is for education
Rosemary O'Brien
Mrs. Moloney takes us for science, and she is cool too.
Mrs. Liersch in 6 Gold, is so full of care,
She can be tricky and very aware. Down in the artroom, lives Mrs.
Crafty O'Byrne; Who can paint, sew and knit, and boy, did we learn.
Up the stairs in the big book place, Miss Moylan lives and she silently waits
For those girls who leave their books astray,
Miss Moylan will chase them up, up and away. At the Piano in the music room
There sits Miss Wuttke, playing a tune,
Acting in drama was once, Mrs. T, Now in her place, Miss Tierney we see;
"Bonjour, ma classe", says Madame,
Who teaches us French right back from step one. Last but not least it can be said,
Is Mrs. Ferrari who takes Phys. Ed. She teaches us to do our best,
In running, netball and the rest; At the swimming sports we cheered so loud,
That she nearly fainted, and so did the crowd!
Penny O'Loughlin and Julia Gurry
rv:An ne -7
15#J 161 A 0 hAArf 1 3 6 0
f & i 4 4,1 17 AVA n N -
44'*6 4 1
HAPPINESS IS...My birthday, I love it j'EAR SIX GOLD
FRUSTRATION IS... Waiting for the
...Doing sit spins and flip jumps on 3F3[) ROW L-R Jane Howard, Laurie
Sarita Flanigan.
the skating rink. Vanessa Radovic. Ti
mkins, Virginia Grant, Anna Kricker, Erica
S1 evens, Katarina Filioi, Jo-Mlaree Delac,
,..Christmas. It makes me teel
Kt atnerine Woodruff
train when I am late. Jo-Maree
...Learning my Greek poems. Maria Spitaliorakis
excited and happy. 2P4[) ROW L - R Brigid Fitzgerald, Katrin;a FUN IS.. .Going to the movies and
Bianca Pepe M aggs, Sarah McKeown, Anna Chamberlairi. eating popcorn. Jane Howard KINDNESS IS... Doing something for JEicquie Carroll. Vanessa Radovic, Elizabeth
...Playing a good game of cricket.
another person. Angela Dwyer M cCartney, Sarah Gurry, Lisa Arthur, Emily
Claire Graham
KI shida.
...When someone helps me. Laurie FFRONT ROW L-R Katherine
trusted to care for something. Brigid
w'orthington, Sarita Flanagan, Juliana
WISDOM IS... Keeping away from H ughes. Brigid King, Bianca Pepe, Andrea
trouble-makers. Alexandra Bl olintineanu, Angela Dwyer Veronic Shne. Kastaniotis
,..Choosing to do the right thing.
C laire Graham. A bsent: Jane Richardson TcBacher: Mrs. Colleen Liersch
King ...Cleaning up my bedroom. Katarina Filipi Looking after my pet. Andrea
Jane Richardson
JOY IS... Making someone happy by
ENJOYMENT IS...Being a school girl
sm ling at them Anna Chamberlain
in the Gang Show Veronica Shine
,..Running through a g'een, grassy
...Eating ice cream and chocolate on
meadow Sarah McKeown
a rainy day. Elizabeth McCartney
BEAUTY IS.. .A surf beach. I love
...Playing competition tennis. Lisa
the warm sun, strong waves and
sand Erica Stevens
GROWTH IS... Learning new things
...A large bunch of beautiful flowers.
every day. Jacquie Carroll
Brigid Fitzgerald
...Whenl obtain my licence. Anna
...Watching the sun slowly set over
the mountains.
...When my clothes do not fit.
Sarah Gurry
Katherine Worthington
EXHAUSTION IS.. .Thinking during
PLAY IS...Defending goals during
lessons Katherine Woodruff
netball. Virginia Grant
...The heat on my face when I am
...Enjoying a computer game.
tired. Emily Kishida
Katrina Maggs
1! li
3RD ROW L-R Jennifer Zahara, Jade
Signorino, Jane Castles, Catrina Boemo,
Being a Year Six means much hard
work and setting a good example
Emily O'Connell, Nerita Benetti, Anna Messina, Kate Kuring, Mrs. Virginia Moloney
Lesley Horder We were in our maths class when it
2ND ROW L-R Lauren Mai, Chloe
Day, Melissa Migliardi, Emma Ogilvy. Kate Johnson, Renee Loricchiella,
FRONT ROW L-R Stephanie Johnston,
Catherine Fernando, Prudence Foley, Aisling
YA k c,
Prue Foley it.
We have a great year in Year Six. It is
Al ,-
Emma Ogilvy
We're the biggest So the little ones, we don't tease.
Natalie Byfield
We had great fun on St. Patrick s
Day with a Green Assembly and a sausage sizzle.
In Year Six we vote for eight
Nerita Benetti
Wobbling around on the beam for
Jessica Cichy
our routine. The exciting new
Year Six is special like no other
computers. The science
We do lots of work, yes more and
4 %03
little prick There is a lot of work, but it is worth
and work them with ease.
Bostock, Larissa Hickey.
We're wizards at computers
Rubella was nothing. It was jus: a
Jacqueline Labb, Emily Carroll, Alexandra
Teacher: Mrs. Virginia Moloney
We lined up fearfully. When our turn .
O'Donnell. Lesley Horder. Rachel De Zoete.
Absent: Natalie Byfield
4 4
f Jk ,
Adams, Gypsy West, Jessica Cichy, Amanda
experiments and sport dances were just some of the challenging things we did in Year Six.
1 We have responsibilities like Ljbrary monitor and bell.
We do them very happily like fairies n a dell.
Emily O'Connell
Year Six means new responsibilities, more work and more homework, but
that doesn't stop us from having
Jenny Zahara
great fun and the best excursions in
We have the end of the year
the world.
production wh'ch is great fun to We help make costumes
Catherine Fernando and Larissa , Hickey
7 parts and contribute in iy possible. Martini
14% 1 K?%\3¢1
9, * 7-1 1
STAFF 3rd Row L-R Penny Trebilcock, Sally
O'Byrne, Marianne Hull, Susan Wuttke, Colleen Liersch, Catherine Ferrari.
2nd Row L-R Virginia Moloney, Dot Peters, Elizabeth McKeown, Lisa Pidcock,
Bernadette Tripodi, Michelle Milgate, Shelley Singh, Anne Tierney, Maureen Carroll. Front Row L-R Catherine Sim, Pat
O'Halloran, Anna McKinnon, Pat Moylan, Sr. Helen Murphy, Jeanette Cowley, Gabrielle Warren, Jill Baskett.
i ·11 Mrs Sue Bennie.
Special Education teacher, Mrs.
Penny Trebilcock, in her weekly discussion with Head of the Jurior
School, Sr. Helen Murphy.
1, ...
JUNIOR SCHOOL RECORDER CONSORT. Back row - Sophie Brabenec, Larissa Natividad. Jo Maree Delac, Leanne Zillinan, Virginia Grant, Gypsy West. Front row - Shona Hanna'ord, Lucy Johnson, Ania Gruba. Emily Ludescher, Romina Peritore, Bridgette Holland, Gisele Reimann-Basch, Amanda -10, Madeleine Hoy.
-1 ' 14
* 441
JUNIOR SCHOOL ORCHESTRA. Row one (back) - Arna Kricker. Eliza Jacobs, Catrina Boemo. Row two - Melissa Migliardi. Andrea T Iley, Rosemary O'Bnen. Row three Catherine Fernando, Rachel de Zoete. Elspeth Ma'tini, Kate McCloskey. Row four - Jacqueline Labb, Angela Hill. Row five - Priscilla Ruffolo, Georgina Chamberlain, Clare Graham. Row six (front) - Lucie Douez. Marguerite Osborre, Jessica Cichy, Jacinta Holmes. Sarah Saunders.
We have more energy to sing, our throats never get sore.
So if you're thinking of joining the choir next year,
It's really and truly worth it my dear.
Sara Lynch 5 Blue In choir this year we've sung a numerous amount of songs. Two of the songs were from the musical,
"Les Mis". We have performed at different times, such as
Assemblies,V.S.MA Festivals,Gala Concert and Miss McKinnon's
wedding. 1 enjoyed being in the 1990
Loreto, Mandeville Hall, Junior
Back row - Clea Walsn, Georgina Ryan Katherine McCartney, Emily Tribe, Anne Conioy Jean Connell, Victoria Carlino. Middle row - Kate Ralph, Emily Petricola, Susan Peel,
School Choir. Catrina Boemo
Tiffany Loft, Alice Penna, Lucy Mau,e, Emmal·ne Jones, Rochel e Howle, Margherita Boemo,
Virginia Ball. Front row - Megan O'Laughlin, Monica Nisbet. Laure'l Reed, Meg Ockleshaw, Marie Dermatts, Alice Smith, Anna-Marie Black, Fiona Tetley. Zoe Kitchen.
CHOIR 1990 Choir with Miss Wuttke is really fun. We can sing for everybody even the nuns.
We sang at the Gala Concert and
Two more weddings to go to, were off and away.
Eating Freddo Frogs after concerts and more.
Music is fun and
Unreal. In music we
Sing and play the recorder
In Year Six we are putting on a Musical
the V.S.MA
Anna Chamberlain - Yr 6
I like music and I enjoy playing in the Junior School Orchestra. Claire Graham
I like the piano and I love singing, and I like dancing and playing the beat games. Megan - Yr 2 I like learning music because we learn nice notes and how to read
mus c. Zara D'Cotta - Yr 1
* : **&* .*, . .--*
This year I am in the Recorder
Group. It is lots of fun. We learn a lot of different songs. Virginia Grant - 6 Gold
I like to sing and I like doing ti-ti's and ta's Jo Downing - Prep I like singing because I have a good voice Kristen Doyle - Yr.3 r
When I saw my name on Miss Wuttke's door, 1 couldn't stop myself from screaming. I love the songs we
sing, especially 'Old King Cole' and
Row one (back) - Katherine Woodruff, Anna Kricker, Eliza Jacobs, Catrina Boemo, Leanne
Zillman. Row two - Jane Howard, Andrea Ball, Christine Sammartiro, Jade Signorino. Row three - Elizabeth McCartney, Kate McCIoskey, Sophie Brabenec, Fiona Nazzari. Row four
'Joshua Fight'. It's great to be in the choir.
- Julia Gurry, Andrea Tilley, Melissa Tribe, Sarah McKeown, Brigid Fitzgerald. Row five -
Emmaline - 4 Blue
Edwina Wilson, Edwina Hurley Rachel de Zoete, Aisting O'Donnell, Brigid King. Row six -
We learn how to read the notes in
Sarah McFarland, Elissa Nolan, Rebecca Ginies. Elien Woodru#, Veronica Shine. Row seven
- Gabrielle Harkins, Jacinta Holmes, Priscilla Ruffolo, Lisa O'Callaghan. Julie Bongiorno, Katherine Sherry, Kate Walshe, Amanda Ho, Madeeine Keogh, Fiona Howard. Row nine (front) - Meg Fowler, Sarah Mortensen, Lucie Douez. Georg na Chaoman, Katherine Worthington, Edwina Holbeach.
the bass clef and the treble clef.
What I like about music is that you
Angela Hill, Sara Lynch, Georgiana Quinn. Row eight - Fiona Livi, Sarah Saunders,
learn to read notes. Miriam -Yr 2
French is fun for all ages. You sing songs, you act and you fill your
On Bastille Day we all came wearing the French Flag colours. Our class did a dance and the Preps the Can Can. We have learnt lots of French
words and we have also done some
plays. Sarah Joubert - 5 Blue.
French book up with colourful pages.
We had Bastille Day projects and more fun things. It's really fun until
the bell rings Sophie Bell 5 Blue French was terrific. It's fun to learn a
new language. And there was Bastille Day, where we dressed up and had a French Assembly. Verity Fisher - 5 Blue This year we have been learning French. We had a French breakfast with croissants and hot chocolate which tasted tormidable'. We have
learnt enough French words to be able to go to France and order food at a restaurant. Catherine
2. French Day - Anna Smith, Joanna 1. King and Queen - Emily O'Connell and
Downing, Catherine Sullivan, Eliza Nisbet,
Catrina Boemo.
Felicity Whelan, Eliza Ralph.
Fernando 6 Red
BALLET Learning ballet is very interesting
because we are counting and learning French words. Lauren Mihelcic - Year One
Do you war,t to get fit? Go to a ballet class then. Ellie Nisbet -
Prep It is exciting and beautiful to do steps in ballet together...Like a
concert every week Erica Margetson - Prep
3. Anna Bryant.
Miss Karen teaches iis new steps in ballet and this makes it a lot of fun.
Stephanie Fitzgerald - Year One Ballet gives you happy fee,ings
inside. Yvette Haikal - Prep
4. Year One Ballet Class.
FINGERPAINT I love fingerpainting, \
All mushy, gooey and slushy, It goes squelsh, It goes squish,
OUR EXCURSION TO THE ART GALLERY During Term 3 all the Year Fives enjoyed a trip to the Art Gallery. It was an exciting time for them. Our class, Year 5 Gold, arrived by tram with our teachers, Mrs. Baskett and
It's slippery and sloshy, It can be smooth,
And can also be sticky, I love squishy, squashy, squelchy,slushy, sloshy, slippery, smooth, thick, gooey, mushy...fingerpaint!! Anna Whittington. ART IS : A CE
Mrs. O'Byrne. Our aim was to
compare the costumes from the
1850's with those of the 1900's. We
It's s'posed to be thick,
Virginia Grant - 6 Gold
observed that the 1850's costumes
Paint is great fun
were gathered skirts, and lots of
And it's great for everyone
long dresses with lace around the
In the art room with Mrs. O'Byrne
bottom, cuffs, and the neck line.
Nice and easy, good to learn
The 1900's costumes were shorter,
The colours are so beautiful
slimmer, and without much
It is so great and cool
decoration like frills, lace, etc. We
Gee its unreal, banana peel.
learned a great deal by looking at
Katherine Sherry - 5 Red
Alice Smith, Year 4.
many costumes on display. Later
In art we are making masks and
we each dressed two dolls, one
strange birds, also some portraits
from the 1850's and the other from
and pictures. Katrina Maggs - 6
the 1900's, using the knowledge
we gained at the Art Gallery to create the clothes for their outfits.
Marguerite Osborne - 5 Gold
OUTING On 30th March, we went to the
Northcote Pottery. We were each allowed to smash a broken pot onto
the recycling heap. Inside we saw them mould the clay into pots using
a machine. Our guide, Virginia, painted a chicken on a plate. She
Rebecca Ginies, Sarah Whiting Yea' 6.
showed us a plate that had been cooked and we noticed that it was
smaller and the paint was darker. As we left, Virginia gave us a small pot which we decorated at our art lesson. Alice Penna - 4 Blue
I love art. It is fun. We cut, paste, make, sew and sometimes knit. We
make things out of clay, paper, wool, crepe paper and all sorts of bits and pieces. Our art teacher is called Mrs. O'Byrne. She is nice. Vanessa Condello
Year 5 calico dolls.
LIBRARY For the library this year I put a cushion into gear And if I may tell It's been sat on rather well.
It's right up there now Sitting on the floor And I'd like to make another one
to take through the library door. Aisling O'Donnell
On Thursday,9th August 1990, Year
Book Week our visiting author was
Dromkeen. We had a delightful time
Judith Crabtree. She showed us
listening about how books are made
some original drawings from some
and looking at all the original
of her books which include: "Song
drawings for lots of new books. Our
at the Gate" and "Legs". She told
task now is to write and illustrate a
us about her favourite colour, food,
book of our own.1 have already
author and what she enjoys doing in
started my picture story book. It is
her spare time. An unusual thing
called, "My Pink Ditiosaur".
she likes to do is talk to trees! When
Andrea Tilley
she was a child her gardener
One day at library Miss Moylan read us a fabulous book called, "A Nice
Walk in the Jungle", by Nan Bodsworth. We thought it was so000 wonderful that we decided to
make an enormous,colourful, hungry Boa Constrictor which was in the
71 j L-@ 3
in many of the pictures in her stories.
Anneke Barlow, Edwina Wilson When we were told that for Book Week
we were all in a panic state.
main characters what we thought of
Everybody collected their ideas,
their behaviour. We put this on
and shared them with their peers.
fluorescent pieces of paper to
On the weekend before they were
create extra decoration. Then we
invited Miss Moylan to our
some of us didn't have a clue,
classroom for a BIG surprise. She
while others they already knew
was absolutely stunned and
what they were surely going to do.
delighted with our masterpiece. She
Some people's cakes broke in half,
displayed it up in the library for all to
but they sat back and had a good
see. When everybody has finished
looking at it, she is going to send
The cakes all looked too good to
it to Nan Bodsworth. We think she
will be really impressed and we
and no cake there was to be
hope that she'll write back.
Lauren Reed and Tania Caldow
On Friday we all ate our cakes.
Miss Moylan told us to do a project.
All that effort going to wastei
It was called ''The Letter". Miss
But we all enjoyed the great big
Moylan wanted us to learn about
writing a letter, how you go to the
you put on the envelope and how to
inspired her to become an author and illustrator. Now she includes him
our activity was to bake a cake,
story. We all wrote letters telling the
post office, getting a stamp, what
On Thursday, 2nd August during
6 Blue went by bus to visit
Author, Illustrator. Judith Crabtree visited us
no-one missed out in tne least. Nerita Benetti
during Book Week.
address the envelope. She wanted us to learn how to set out a project.
It had to be due back on Tuesday and we started on Thursday. Some people did an envelope when setting out their project. Some people did a letter on the project to Miss Moylan.
Michelle Valmorbida and Philippa Zahara - Yr 3
In library we have been learning about Robert Louis Stevenson. He wrote - "A Child's Garden of Verse" and I love it.
Jennifer O'Connell
Library is fascinating because of all the books that make your mind expand and your imagination flow.
uur eriorrTious, colounui, nurigry
Anna-Marie Black
DRAMA 1990
Drama is a great success.
Dresses, high heel shoes, and a
When we have plays we get to dress,
everything that's fun. Miss Tierney, she is new,
she thinks of many things to do. She teaches well, I think drama
All together, they make me laugh.
class is swell.
We all try not to be a pest,
I like to dress up, it's so much fun,
Aisling O'Donnell - 6 Red
And always try to do our best!
Try to walk, play, jump and run,
Drama is one of the most
We have great fun at drama time,
If you can you're number one,
Radical, exciting
Especially when we get to mime.
But you can feel so very dumb.
Amazing subjects this year. Miming, plays, relaxing and
We all love drama and we always Will,
And when we are old and grey we Still Will.
Carolyn Agardy - 5 Red Drama is ace,
Veronica Shine
Acting are just some of the things
Drama's fun
we do in drama.
Drama's cool
We all love it, it's not like school,
We have lots of plays to do with Drama is really ace! !
It is great,and we're never late.
Rochelle Howie, Monica Nisbett
Drama is acting
In drama we put on lots of plays, And work on concerts in the
Drama brings grace, Relaxation we love the most,
Catherine Fernando - 6 Red
We play lots of games, yes, drama is fun,
Miss Tierney is our host,
Drama is playing
On Wednesday afternoon,
Drama is reacting
We want to go to the moon.
To what others are saying
what we can do and what we can
I shall make it perfectly clear
I'd enjoy drama if we went every
We love drama most of all It finishes far to soon.
Emmaline Jones, Jean Connell 4 Blue
We get into groups to show everyone
That in drama class this year, we have acted out and done,
day! Jennifer Zahara
During drama we have a time for relaxation The music sends a sweet vibration.
We loosen our muscles and very swiftly, we run down a hill, so gracefully and quickly. Or we're lost and we find a little brick house
And suddenly we feel like we don't weigh an ounce. And other times we're on an island unknown
And suddenly we find a magical phone. But sometimes we just think about things we've just done. But whatever it is, it's sure to be fun.
I like relaxation better than anything else,
Because everything we imagine we make up ourself!
Emma Whiting - Year 6 Drama's fun
1. Georgina Labb, Anne Taranto, Jennifer O'Connell.
Drama's cool
Movement - The Planets.
Drama's unreal in the Junior School,
(Year 4 Gold).
Acting's great Acting's fun
Acting's ace for everyone. Dress up is the best
Doing plays beats the rest Playing games, how exciting,
2. Alexandra interviews
With Miss Tierney, no-one's fighting.
Humpty Dumpty (Carolyn).
Emily, Katherine and Caroline
Year 5 Red.
I felt very happy when l received
Before Reconciliation I felt all bottled
All around tne Nation
Jesus - Hilary.
u[). But on the 12th September, I
Funny feelings deep inside,
My favourite part was taking
got a new life. With the help of Father Eddie Murphy, Mrs. Singh,
Makes me want to run and hjde.
Communion - Heidi.
When you do it you feel great,
Mrs O'Halloran and many more
You want to go and celebrate!
I felt special when I was taking the bread, because i was taking Jesus
Emma Warry and Tania
teachers and friends I can say it was the best day of my life... Lucy
The teachers who organised it, did a
When I came out I felt like I had
good job. The day was wonderful -
turned over a new leaf. l was so
happy! God was there with me!...
I felt fantastic because I got the
Ginny Ball
eucharist in my body - Olivia.
When the priest put has hand on my
I was nervous and excited -
head I felt so strongly that God's
love was pouring on me faster than
I felt happy singing "Heart to
lightning.... Vivienne Ringersma
Change the World" - Natalie.
- Annalee.
When we came in the door, we felt
Miss C. Sim.
special - Emma.
Father B. Leonard, Father P. Quin, Lauren
Trumble. Charlotte Hickey, Olivia Curtain.
Amy Burke, Kristen Doyle. Sophie Laurence, Helen Clarke. Sara Pacini. Caroline Tuohy. Amy Wark. Kate Corrigan, Father T. Doyle, Father S. O'Connor.
Sara Woodruff, Annabelle Peters. Alice
Penna. Louise Lonergan. Alison Pettigrew, Emma Poynton, Michelle Valmorbida. Prudence Doig, Phoebe Nolan, Annabel Hartnett, Philippa Zahara. FRONT ROW:
Dianna Best Annalee Hal, Jacqui Vida 1 Natalie Ahmed, Isabel Hertaeg, Hilary Fisher. Melanie Johnston. Heidi Dalton, Bridget Hopkins.
47-1 5/
ret jA. .
PHYSICAL EDUCATION SPORT This year we did hockey
We sometimes had to watch Mocky We were to bring a mouth guard ak
But if we didn't,we had to run 50
yards. It was enjoyable and fun, You could play it till there was no run.
It was the best
Carla Passaro, Sophie Bell - 5 Blue
The cricket that we played at St. Michael's was fun.
There was batting and bowling for
everyone. St. Michael's came to us for the first
test, Then we went to them to see who's best.
Even though it was only a game,
We enjoyed winning one just the same.
1. Merv's" cricket team, Year 6 Blue.
Jenny Zahara My name is Clea, I like sport because I like to jump around and because sometimes I have lots of
energy. I also like the things we do. Clea Walsh - 4 Gold
The Sports Day of 1990 was really ace,
HOCKEY Tuesday night at Morris Hall
We all tried so hard in every race, With so many parents to make a big crowd,
And everyone cheering so happy and loud.
Jacquie Carroll
We could not seem to hit the ball.
When St. Oath's came along to p.ay we brought the sticks. We made an improvement. but still
the ball and goal we could rot mix. Playing Lauriston was lots of fun,
When Mr. Ferrari fires the gun!
especially when we won!
It starts Sports Day with so much
Emily O'Connell
Saturday morning Netball is really
Sprinting, relays, colours and races, Cheering, yelling and happy faces. Ward, Mulhall,Mornane and Barry all competing for the shiny trophy. Larissa Hickey
We got up early and either froze or got wet.
We passed and we threw and we caught the ball
And lots of fun was had by all. Penny O'Loughlin
In first term of after-school sport,
We had so much fun doing what we
Our Athletics Day at Olympic Park was great. We had coaches teaching us about hurdling, long jump, shot put and sprints. It was
Against Lauriston, Firbank, Shelford
good to see all our friends from other schools again.
Prue Foley
were taught. We played continuous cricket, tennis and softball,
and Morris Hall.
2. Phoebe Nolan
4*44- f
JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORTS CAPTAINS. Back row - Anna Chamberlaip, Emily O'Connell, Jacqui Carroll. Middle row - Prudence Foley, Katrina Maggs, RacFel Doyle. Front row - Larissa H'ckey, Penelope O'Loughlin.
2. Football Clinic with Joh
3. Saturday morning Netball at Genazzano.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religious Education is at the forefront of our endeavours in the Junior School. The Faith
Development of the school
community is approached from the two-fold perspective of the formal R.E.Program and the liturgical, celebratory life of the School. Whilst these are separate in the sense that
they can be analysed apart, they are, in reality, intrinsically entwined and indeed are woven through the
fabric of the total life of the School.
Through formal lessons, the Sacrarnental Programs, prayer
gatherings, paraliturgical and Eucharistic celebrations and the F
overall religious ethos of the School, the Junior School aims to instil in
the girls an appreciation of and a commitment to true Christian values
and to provide them with
opportunities to celebrate their lives as members of the Christian
One would hope that Anna-Marie's words are applicable to Religious Education throughout the entire Junior School....
"In Year Four the most fantastic and
the most exciting thing is Religion, because Mrs. Singh makes Religion come to life in a fascinating way".
1. We pray within.
Anna-Marie Black - 4 Gold
DURING 1990 WE HAVE CELEBRATED ., 2. We celebrate
• A Mass to commence the new
school year and the new decade, with the theme, "RENEW THE EARTH".
• Ash Wednesday and Lent,with the signing of the ashes and building of our Lenten sign post. • The feasts of St. Patrick and St. Joseph.
• Holy Week, when we walked with
Jesus from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.
• A Mass on Grandparents' Day. • Mary Help of Christians. • The Feast of the Sacred Heart.
• Class Masses - very special indeed.
• Reconciliation for Years 5 and 6.
• Holy Days of Obligation with the parish of St. Peter's. and at the
time of writing we are looking forward to...
• First Reconciliation for Year 4. • First Communion for Year 3.
• Mass to celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.
RINDN#:.te J
• Advent and Christmas.
1COMPASS ON 3. We are challenged
,40 .
4. We remember our traditions.
5 Aet I, E·94444
5. We pray without.
Carmen Sandiego has been a great disk for this year. It has brought us lots of fun and at the same tjme we
have learnt many different and interesting things about other countries around the world. We all
hope to continue on with Carmen Sandiego in the future. You never know, one day we might become detectives!
Brigitte Garvey - 6 Blue I enjoy computer because I like to play all the games. The games I play are Maths Invader and Stickybear Maths.
The games help me learn my tables. Louise Blight - 4 Gold Corriputers are fun. They are fun to play with. They are great to print stories on. We can play games like
'Simon Says" with Jacqui Vidal and Charlotte Hickey ... Year 3
Ollie Octopus and Dread Dragon Droom
Natalie Ahmed and Annalee Hall - Yr 3
We are using the database program, First Fleet.
Did you know that one of the females who arrived with the First
Fleet was 82 years old. Her name was Dorothy Handland and she was convicted of perjury.... Yr 6 Red
In Year Five Gold, for computer, we have used Gold Fields. It's about how life could have been at the
diggings. You only had ten days of
water and you could build a boat, dig for gold,trade, fill the well, see
r Year Six Red in the Junior Schocl Computer Room
your status and fetch water. We
used Flowers of Crystal. You had to find Special Water, Gold Pot,
Fertilizer and Soil. Little furry animals were there, like Fright Freaks, Blids,Pouncers and Grubbles
Grabbers. When you found them all, you went to part two and you had to find the Flower of Crystal. We also used the Bushrangers' database. We have to find out
things about Bushrangers. In class we play Fraction Action and Decimal Dungeon. They are all great
programs. Ruth Tinetti - 5 Gold Year Orte working on their classroom computer
ls, Et 4 IiI Ellie Nisbet, Prep
I love Zoo Pak. It has three games - Feeding Time, Petra's Dream and Find Me. You
have to have a good
memory for Feeding Time, be crafty
11'1111 Iltl,11 11 IT
for Petra's Dream
and have a good eye for Find Me. Lauren Reed - 4 Blue
The children's Writing and Year Two working in the Junior School
Publishing Center is an exciting computer program. It also contains
Computer Room
many pictures and fonts to choose from. The only thing that's hard for you is what you're going to choose. Margherita Boemo - 4 Blue I love computers! They are so smart and fun to play on. I like the Print Shop most of all. With the Print Shop you can choose
out of greeting card, letterhead or banner. Whoever made it is a
genius! Ginny Ball - 4 Gold
We do typing, crosswords, grammar and social studies about the world
5972153 4
on the computer.
Virginia Grant - 6 Gold Our information technology
programme is aimed at providing our girls with an understanding of and a confidence in using new technology which will enrich them
personally and enhance their life options. - Mrs. Marianne Hull,
Information Technology Coordinator.
+4#9.3)3». !
Rochelle Howie, Year 4.
4 4 UW#li
Kate Tilley in Prep designed this boat on the \1GS 11
SENIOR ORCHESTRA Ninth Row Elizabeth Bateman. Melanie Brown, Kate Williams. .7
Eighth Row Catherine Quinn, Ruth Rossell. Seventh Row Kate Ryan, Sara Dennis. Sophie Williams.
Sixth Row Eliza Larratt, Mar e-Anne Davies, Natalie Sabbadini, Lyshia Travers.
F fth Row Stephanie Chan. Gabrielle Marchetti, Olivia Bryan.
Fourth Row Mara Bonacci. Julia Kelly, Elizabeth Clancy. Mary Tomsic. Third Row Natasha Holmes, Gabrielle
McCorkell, Jacinta Finnigan, Sara Brownell, Melanie Smith.
Second Row Emma Williams, Kylje Podolakin, Josie Fagan, Virginia Jones. Front Row Clare Anderson, Michelle r
Ruffolo, Bronwyn Frost.
ORCHESTRA Second Row Stephanie Chan, Gabrielle Marchetti, Catherine Quinn, Elizabeth Bateman, Ruth Rossell, Lyshia Travers, Olivia
Bryan, Mrs. Margaret Griffiths. Front Row Bronwyn Frost. Josie Fagan,
Jacinta Finnigan, Mary Tomsic, Elizabeth Clancy, Natasha Holmes. Virgiria Jones, Michelle Ruffolo.
MUSIC REPORT by Melanie Brown (School Music Captain)
This year the Music Department has had many changes. Mrs. Wendy
Todd has come to Loreto as our
new Music Director from Wesley College. Also halfway through the year, Miss Karen Hansen left and her place has been taken by Miss
Phillippa Robinson, previously from Sacre Coeur. Not only has the staff
changed, but also extensive refurbishment to the music facilities
has occurred. Although these renovations caused much upheaval, the improvements are going to benefit all music students from now on.
Throughout the year all the musical groups have practised, with many of the performances happening at the Gala Concert. The Gala Concert
VOCAL ENSEMBLE Second Row Alexandra Clissold, Ruth
was a splendid night with the
Rossel, Melanie Brown, Ala<ancra Connell,
students presenting a grand
Anne-Marie Dickinson, Jane Crawford. Mrs.
performance. Not only did the various groups perform at the Gala Concert, but the
Wendy Toad.
Front Row Sara Brownell. Kate Brownell,
Kate Ryan, Monique de Zoete, Stephanie Chan, Catherine O'Brien, Dana Poulos.
Senior Choir performed in the Ballarat and Waverley Eisteddfods. At the Ballarat Eisteddfod, South Street, we achieved the best result.
The Choir sang extremely well and achieved an honourable mention
against some very good competition.
The String Orchestra and Orchestra have worked on discipline to achieve very sharp and professional performances. Although they were unable to play at Eisteddfods, the Gala Concert provided an opportunity for them to display their skills.
Also, the Vocal Ensemble, a group that performs unaccompanied music, sang many difficult pieces and performed well at Oak Parlours. The Vocal Ensemble also looks
forward to singing at Miss
Stedman's wedding at the end of the year. Hopefully the Music Department and the music students will continue to
improve and increase. With the encouragement of the Music Scholarship I am sure this will occur.
DEBATING TEAM Thjrd Row Catherine Quinn, Marlo
Baragwanath, Ruth Rossell.
Second Row Emily Arthur, Sarah Lethlean (Captain), Kate Ryan. Front Row Sophie Adams, Dana Poulos, Jane Shannon.
Teachers Mrs. Geraldine Comall, Mrs.
Margaret Smith.
DEBATING TEAMS Second Row Mrs. Geraldine Cornall, Sara Dennis, Kate Williams. Anna McArdle.
Frances Johnson, Sharia Tribe, Sarah Northam, Kate Ball, Mrs. Glenda Romeril. Front Row Fiona MacKinnon, Caroline Ford,
Gabrielle Marchetti, Rebecca Gibson, Lucy -
Ryan, Georgina Car'ty, Michele Treloar, Mara Bonacci, Sara Priest.
DEBATING TEAM. Back row - Therese Ryan, Alexandra Clissold, Rebecca Quinn, Gervase McKinna, Michelle Florenini, Claire Carroll,
Alessandra Giorgione, Catherine Haridy. Front row - Miss Fiona Hyslop, Clare Anderson, Georgia Reidy. Ruth Smith, Marguerite Fulton, Julia Foley, Mrs Barbara Shying.
YEAR 9 INTER-SCHOOL DEBATING TEAM Second Row Marie Therese Cont Bryanna Houlihan, Danielle Kennedy, Elizabeth Bateman, Clare Petroff, Antonia Parkes, Lucy Trumble, Ruth Dempsey.
Front Row Mrs. Val Donald, Amy Lally, Kathryn Fladgate, Michaela Keogh, Clare Crowe, Fiona Kelly, Joanne Powell, Dana
Bonacci, Mrs. Elisabeth Neales.
which they debated "that our
schools are failing us." They debated well only to lose by one By Sarah Lethlean
- School Debating Captain
should be happy with their
performances throughout Terms 2 and 3 this year. The team was led ably by an A-Grade team of Year Twelves who juggled their workloads to fit in time for
preparation of debates. The team
Ward House Captain School Debating Captain
Trumble, Fiona Kelly, and Clare Crowe should be commended for
The inter-school Debating team
By Sarah Lethlean
point to the opposition. Lucy
Inter-House Debating at Mandeville
their work in this debate, and
this year provided various results.
Fiona Kelly also received Best
The year Twelves had their rounds
Speaker in both finals. I am sure
early in term 3 and finished with a
that Fiona will go a long way as a
Barry - Mulhall Final. Barry was
debater, as she is a truly
victorious with a close win over
outstanding speaker.
Mulhall. The Barry team consisted of
Special thanks must be given to Mrs
Kate Ryan, Dana Poulos and Ruth
Geraldine Cornall who led the school
Standring (standing in for Jane
consisted of a group of committed
as Debating Co-ordinator. Mrs
Shannon) with Julia Kelly (Mulhall)
girls; Sophie Adams, Kate Ryan,
Cornall does a great job in
awarded Best Speaker.
encouraging the girls and has given
The Year Elevens finished with a
us all a lot of advice throughout the
Mornane-Mornane Final proving that
Baragwanath and Dana Poulos.
year. I must also thank all the Year
Mornane really does have the upper
There were three prepared topics
Twelve Debaters who provided
hand in Year Eleven. The Year
immense support this year as we
Eights had their first experience of
endeavoured to lead the School in
Debating this year as they stood in
front of their peers and spoke for
I wish all the girls good luck in their
three minutes. I hope that all of these girls will continue to use their
Ruth Rossell, Catherine Quinn, Jane
Shannon, Emily Arthur, Marlo
and two secret topics which the
girls found challenging. We ended the season with a 3-2 win-loss ratio
which we should all be pleased with.
The B-Grade Section was handled
future years of debating as they continue to represent the school. 1
well this year by a group of
Debating skills to the fullest.
am sure that the high standard of
dedicated Year Elevens. They
Congratulations are due to all of the
discipline in Debating at this school
Year Level Monitors from each
will remain, especially as the Year
House for ensuring the smooth
tackled each debate with
enthusiasm as well as the hard
Elevens take up their responsibility
running of the Debating season. The
as leaders of the School in 1991.
to be sleazy". They should be
Year Twelve House Captains put a
Remember, whatever people tell
congratulated for their efforts this
lot of time and effort into preparing
you, it is healthy to argue.
their teams and they should be
secret topic of 'That Life was Meant
year. Outstanding contributions
thanked for their commitment; they
were put in by Sara Dennis, Kate
are Mardi Doherty and Jacqui Fahy
Ball, Sharia Tribe, Anna McArdle and
(Mulhall), Marlo Baragwanath and
Gabrielle Marchetti. The Year Tens
Sara Dennis (Mornane) Jane
performed well this season and will hold this experience in good stead
next year when they progress to
The system was organised yet again by Debating Co-ordinator, Mrs
B-Grade Secret Topics.
The D-Grade Year Nines competed
Cornall. Her ability to enthuse the
in inter-school debating for the first
girls is vital in this School's House
time this year. All girls were
system. She must be thanked for
confident, articulate and well
her contribution to the School. I wish
prepared. They should all be congratulated on a fine start to debating, which I hope will continue.
A special mention should be made of the team of D-Grade Loreto 1.
These girls finished on the top of the ladder, and thus progressed to the finals. They beat Marcellin in
their first encounter by a substantial margin, and thus left Caulfield Grammar in their sights. I was lucky enough to see them debate, in
Shannon and Dana Poulos (Barry) and Catherine Quinn (Ward)
all girls good luck in the future as they continue to learn the art of Debating.
Antonia Parkes Year 9 Gold
On Saturday the 8th of September,
solution on Tournament Day as well
would make a sound structure for
students from Year 5,6,7,8 and 9
as solve an unseen short-term
us. Our eventual design was very
from schools all over Victoria
problem within a given time limit on
simple but it worked.
competed in "Tournament of Minds"
Tournament Day.
Special thanks have to be given to
which was held at Monash
The Loreto Team chose "Rock over
Mr. Bahr, our coach, and Miss
University. Our Loreto Team which
Clineloyter Land" as their long-term
Jenner who organized the teams
included Kerryn Joubert (Year 7),
problem. Clineloyter Land was a
and gave us a lot of moral support.
Becky Podbury (Year 7), Emily Bell
land inhabited by tiny people who
"Tournament of Minds" gave us the
(Year 8), Victoria Finck (Year 8),
called themselves "Clineloyter".
opportunity to work with people
Verity Okno (Year 8), Dana
Each year the Clineloyter engaged
from different year levels and to
Bonacci(Year 9) and Antonia Parkes
in a strange ritual whereby they
have a great deal of fun and
(Year 9) was just one of the many
hauled a rock (weighting 1 kg.) by
laughter whilst attempting to make
teams which competed.
means of rope over a 1.2 metre
ourselves the world's most
The purpose of "Tournament of
swamp. Our problem was to build a
ingenious inventors. Probably the
Minds" is to give students the
light structure able to carry the 1 kg.
most important thing of all that
opportunity to experience the
weight over the swamp without any
"Tournament of Minds" did for us
satisfaction of participating in
part of the structure or rock
was to give us the opportunity to
touching the swamp. It took many
learn. As Leonardo da Vinci once
ACTIVITIES. Each team had to solve
unsuccessful plans and attempted
said, "learning is the only thing the
a given long-term problem within a
models before we realised that
mind never exhausts, never fears
six week period and present the
balsa wood was the only thing that
and never regrets".
e fES'DIRk
i /1 '?ty;dp©
3. Dana Bonacci, Antonia Parkes, Hebecca
Podbury, Miss Daryl Jenner. Kerryn Joubert. Verity Okno. Emily Bell. Victoria Finck.
2. Emily Bell.
Sophie Adams
Rachael Breen (Captain) Kate Ryan (Vice Captain)
With the theme of 'Path to Peace',
Barry endeavoured to explore the ways of building peace in the world. Right from the start the girls showed brilliant team spirit and enthusiasm. After much hard preparation it all came together on the big night. We were able to reap the rewards of all efforts by winning the House Choir
Jacqui Fahy Year 12 Blue
By using the theme of "Streets" this
and Jacinta McCarthy
There were times during the frantic
year, Mulhall ventured into the world
hustle and bustle of practices
of Dorothy and her search for home.
when-we despaired. There were
Despite many frustrations and
times when the confusion
worries during the limited two weeks
threatened to over take and engulf
of practice time, we managed to
us. Keeping a grip on our sanity
organise several dances, including
was difficult at times, but all this
the lively "Sesame Street" the glitzy
worry and confusion was worth it on
''Broadway and 42nd Street", the
the night. The PA.F. is always a
romance of "On the Street Where
Trophy. It was lovely to see
night to remember and it was
you Live" and the gloomy "Long
everyone pulling together as a team
especially memorable for Ward as it
and Winding Road: Year Twelves
was the first time any of the girls
and having heaps of fun. Good luck for the future Barry, and keep up the great work.
MORNANE J. McCarthy - Year 12 Gold
even eventually managed to present
performing had ever won the
a humorous account of "Dancing in
the Street", as a poem. The three
On the night we all worked together
part Choir song was the classic
as a team towards a common goal.
"The Streets of London". On the
With our theme of "Women" and a
night, the girls entertained the
belief in ourselves, we worked
audience with a mixture of
together towards that elusive goal,
characters such as Dorothy,
the performance. The suffragettes,
Scarecrow, Tinman and the Lion,
Charleston girls, Go-Go and
and the brilliant part of the Good
Can-Can dances entertained the
During the two weeks that we were
Fajry played by Vice Captain Elina
audience with the excellent
preparing for the Performing Arts
Akselrod, and of course we cannot
accompaniment of our home grown
Festival, we endured many mishaps
orchestra. During the two weeks of
and much worry. All this, however
forget Big Bird and The Count. The girls performed very enthusiastically
was worth it on the night. Mornane,
and all Melanie Brown's and Elina's
frustration, laughter, confusion and
with the theme of Adventure,
fantastic efforts were well rewarded.
in general we had a fantastic time.
preparation there was much
stunned the audience for the first
time in many years. It was a delightful performance and the girls worked hard to achieve their goal. The whole House pulled
together to make the night
By Sophie Bryan and Neroli Bourke
memorable for all. The pirates,
- Year 11
sailors, pygmies and the
sometimes wavered we managed to make them worthwhile.
underwater creatures entertained
On May 21 st, a group of
On the final night we performed to
the audience as some very
approximately fifty year 10 and Year
the best of our ability despite the
strange boy scouts looked for
11 students crowded into the large
fact that we were tired and losing our voices. Many tears were shed at
music room to audition for this
year's St Kevins/Loreto Musical, 'The
the end as we had become close
will stay in the memories of the girls
Pjrates of Penzance'.
friends with everyone and would not
A week later we were told who was
be seeing them as frequently again.
successful. Twenty eight Year l Os
It was a wonderful Musical and we
and three Year 11 s had succeeded
would like to thank Mrs Birch and
The night was enjoyed by all and it
with the main parts going to Sara
Mrs Todd for their assistance with
Brownell, Laura Borg, Monique de
our singing, and the leadjng male
Zoete and Biddy Cunningham. After
parts, Reegan Jolley, Damien
the holidays practices began at St.
Chambers, Russell Wood, Jon
Kevin's on Mondays and Fridays
Shannon and Gavin Buckley. Thanks must also go to the lighting Crew,
after school, and on Sunday
afternoons. The rehearsals were
the backstage gang and the
long and numerous and were a lot
orchestra conducted by Mr Howard
of hard work. Although our attention
and Mr Stephens.
In great contrast to Medea, last year's production, this year's St
Kevin's/Mandeville drama production was based around the dramatic
tr\\ogy of Murder, Money and Mayhem.
. ,·' 5/'.'el
Hidden meanings was an extremely funny play starring members of the Sherlock Holmes Society. The founders were Sherlock Holmes,
played by Jonathan Chew, and George Humby, played by Christopher Barker. The play is based around the murder of Charles Meaning, convincingly played by Andrew Abbott who was the Star of the play as the corpse. As the story unfolded it was revealed that Meaning had been a wanted man, wanted dead! Each member of the cast wanted
him dead and had planned a different death for him. Mrs Hudson, E»
the Irish housekeeper (played by
Michele Treloar) planned to put ground glass in his tea. His faithful wife (played by Georgina Canty) had planned to poison his breakfast and Sherlock shot at Meaning in an "overacted" scene at Rachenbach
Falls with Meaning playing Moriarty. Kate Williams played the part of the
unloved Sylvia Carson, Margie Fulton starred as the pregnant teenager Deidre and Thanh Lien played the role of the Secretary Glenda. All three of these women
were having affairs with the devious Charles Meaning.
The passionate and exasperating scenes were evenly balanced with
story, Clarence Whiteheart, by
some much appreciated humour,
has its classic "baddies". These
provided by the servant (played by Gavin Buckley). Performed over three nights and in conjunction with St Kevin's College, "The Brute" was
were Sir Jasper Breakneck,
part of the "Murder Money &
Phelps and directed very well by
Inspector Jobling, revealed the secrets of it all and solved the
mystery of Charles Meaning's complex murder/suicide! Many thanks to Mrs Birch for all the time and effort she put into directing Hidden Meanings. By Georgina Canty
performed by Michael Fod, and Fanny, the Barmaid, by Lucy Ryan. The play was written by Winifred
Mayhem" trio of plays which proved
Mrs Sue Saxon. Thanks to our
a huge success.
efficient backstage crew, Tiffany
Thank you to our director Mrs Kate
Kelsey and Esther Lethlean, the play
Parker and our backstage help!
ran smoothly and was a lot of fun to
Kate Ball
Reegan Jolley, as the sleuth
Simon Lovell. A melodrama always
By Lucy Ryan
Temptation sordid or virtue rewarded was
part of the production
"Murder Money and Mayhem" which was performed with two other one-act plays, together with St-Kevins, in March this year. It was a melodrama which involved quite a
bit of audience participation such as cheering or booing at appropriate times". On the stage, we noticed
"The Bear" or "Brute" is a play
the three different sorts of
written by Checkov and the stage
audiences and their reactions which
came to life with its dramatic prose.
made being on stage interesting
A one-act play centred around the
and entertaining too.
developing love affair of a widowed
The chairman or announcer was
lady (played by Kate Ball) and a
played by Phi® Cantoni and the
rugged debt collector, Smirnov
heroine's mother, Lady Lucre, by
(played by Sean Simmons). It
Emma White. The heroine herself,
provoked quite a reaction from the
Arabella, was brought to life by
Melanie Smith and the hero of the
JUNIOR DRAMA FESTIVAL 1990 By Kate Ludescher
The date for the 1990 Junior Drama
whose parents were alcoholics and
Festival was set, Thursday 16th
didn't care about his welfare.
many people who committed this
August. It was to be a day full of
The third performance was by Barry,
crime as it was a large party and
enthusiasm and fun. As the big day
and was called 'Mocks and Docks'
many people found Kathryn
drew near, each of the four Houses
It began when two teachers, one
irritating. The famous detective and
practised hard. For the Captains it
from a high school and one from a
police were called to solve the
was a time full of anxiety, nerves
private school wanted to enter their
mystery but it was the family dog
and hope. When the long awaited
classes in a Drama Competition but
who helped the detective out. The
day finally came there was an endless amount of jobs to be done.
djdn't have the numbers. They
crime was solved, the guests sent
decided to merge and put on a
home and the movie ended.
Each house put on a wonderful
production together. Of course this
Finally came Mornane with their
performance. Each was very
posed numerous problems, with the
play, 'Living Together.' A black
murdered. It could have been one of
different. To begin there was Ward.
children's personalities conflicting in
Aboriginal family moved in next door
Theirs was called 'Street Kids'. It
almost every possible way. The lead
to a white family. Each had a seven
was the story of four particular
boy was a Mock (a child from the
year old girl. These two girls
street kids and how they ended up on the street. One felt highly
high school) and the lead girl was a
became the best of friends but the
Dock (a child from the private
white girl's Mother was racist and
pressured as his brothers and
school). These two had to do a love
wasn't happy about the friendship.
sisters were all very Intelligent and
scene and at first were very
They started school together and some of the children teased the
he wasn't. Eventually he was kicked
apprehensive. On the night it was
out of home. The second was a girl
fine though and the children earned
black girl, Megan. She ran away
whose mother had better things to
a second place for their efforts. Lisa
from the school and was hit by a car. She was critically injured. A
do, such as having dinner parties
Francazio was excellent in this play.
and dating her boyfriend, than take any notice of her children. She left
The second performance was called
prayer service was held for her
'Murder We Wrote', by Mulhall. This
during which Megan's doctor ran in
home of her own accord, The third
was set in a movie theatre where
and announced that she would be
just didn't get on very well with his
we could see and hear both the
all right. Everyone was very relieved,
parents. They were very proper
audience and the actors in the
including the white girl's mother who
people and he preferred to spend
movie. The movie was a murder
realized her
his time writing graffiti. He also left
mystery. Kathryn, a rich woman,
wrong, that you can't judge a
home of his own accord and knew
was throwing a party for her
person by the colour of their skin.
he would be welcome home
birthday. The party appeared to be
All in all it was a very successful
anytime. Finally there was a boy
running smoothly until Kathryn was
day with Mornane taking first place.
Kate Carroll, Annabel Nicholls, Sarah Jane Sands, Melanie Blight, Loretta Bourke.
i and Clare Soppt
2.1. Vrus. Emma
3 Top. Elisha Hall, Eleanora Lobosco.
Bottom. Jenny Buccheri, Laura Henderson, Jackie
4. Georgea Lawton, Martie Dermatis.
5. Sophie McGowan, Virginia Okno.
OFFICE STAFF. L. to R. - Mrs Marie Dolman. Mrs Nina
Varese, Mr John Kennedy. Mrs Sybil Johannes, Miss Lisa Ryan. Mrs Pam Lombardo, Mrs Ros Erbs, Mrs Nola Watson.
'L 593© I
Mrs Irene de Soysa f
LIBRARY STAFF. L. to R. - Mrs Carol Black, Mrs Rosemary
Abbott, Mrs Henrietta Houghton, Mrs Claire Johnson, Mr Leigh Millikin,
Mr Don McDonald, Mr Tom Parrott, Mr Michael Fenton, Mr Marcus Sutton.
A./A 4
Peter Willis
Nola Farrington
Pip Robinson
Joan Shepherd
This year we say a fond farewell to
three members of staff, who have
and Yasmin Coply
Mrs. Irene de Soysa began her Department in 1973, bringing special
by Kate Leyden (11 Red) By Kate Adam
served the school for many years. career here in the Phys. Ed.
- Year 7 Green
On the 7th of September, 1990, the
The knotted stomach and jittery nervousness are always symptoms at Turana Socials, no matter how
many times you attend them!
whole of the Loreto Family gathered
On arrival the loud music, barbed
together to celebrate Feast Day and
wire and barred windows are always
represented her country in that
to commemorate Mary Ward, the
inhibiting, as are the locked doors
sport. She then joined the library
founder of Loreto, and to remember
that we pass through to meet the
staff in the days when it was
the wonderful work Mary Ward had
Although Turana is part of
First we had a Liturgy. The Senior
Mandeville's Social Service Scheme,
School was greeted by the Junior
the girls who attend the dances do
School with a welcoming song.
not go because they have to but
There was a dance performed by
because they want to and once the
expertise in hockey, having
housed under the chapel, a different situation to today's "new" library. Mrs. Carmel Kehoe, who was a
student here herself, joined the staff in 1975 as a humanities teacher. Her
involvement has been mainly in the
some students from both Junior and
boys realise this, the defined line of
junior secondary area both as a
Senior Schools. Afterwards, we went
girls on one side of the room and
subject teacher and class teacher.
and had our lunch in our House
boys on the other is broken and
teams with all the House members.
everyone begins to relax and enjoy
In recent times she has become a
significant figure in the R.E.
The tunnel ball was great fun, not to
themselves. The tough exterior of
Department liaising with the Fathers'
mention the over ball and side ball,
the boys is flawed as we listen to
Association in the preparation of
but the heel and toe polka was the
their stories and detect the
Father/Daughter Masses. Carmel
best, "Heel and toe, heel and
heartache and desperation as we
has also given great support to our
toe...swing your partner..." was all
hear their tales of broken homes
Cross Country runners. Mrs. Elisabeth Neales has been here
since 1977. Many students have
we heard for the last half hour of the
and unstable families which many of
day. And the conclusion was....How
the boys have experienced. It
proud Mary Ward would have been.
makes us realize how small and
reason to be grateful for her
insignificant our problems and
specialized expertise in the fields of
upsets are when you see the
remedial English and Maths. She
unfortunate results of their
has also given invaluable
encouragement and assistance to
The highlight of the night, however,
the school debaters.
These teachers have given a total of 48 years dedicated service to
Loreto, Mandeville Hall, and they will be sorely missed. Thank You!
is towards the end when everyone
is dancing in a big group, laughing
and talking as if we were all good
Finally the music stops and we exchange our thank yous and goodbyes. It is so satisfying seeing
the smiles and lit-up faces of the
by Melissa Amore and Maree Marmion
by Jane Shannon, Catherine O'Brien (12 Red)
boys before we leave and are again divided by the barred walls.
Special Maths - For about 15
This year, the Year 12's again
years Mrs. Neales has been
assisted the Salvation Army with
In going to Turana, I have seen an
teaching those in special maths.
their Red Shield Door Knock Appeal.
area of society that needs
Special maths is for years 7-9 who
We dragged ourselves out of bed
consideration and understanding
find it difficult. We would like to
on Sunday 27th May in order to be
from us all. It opens our somewhat
thank Mrs. Neales for helping these
at school at 9.45 a.m. to receive our
sheltered eyes and is a totally
students. Most of these students
door knock kits. Equipped with our
worthwhile and enjoyable
are now average in maths and are
badges, we took a map of our
well prepared for their next year.
allocated areas and commenced
During our maths class Mrs. Neales
two hours of waking weary people
explains very clearly and carefully
with our well-intended requests for
our maths.
donations. The morning was a THANK YOU
success and we raised about $2,000
for the Salvation Army. It gave us an
for teaching
insight into the efforts required to
fund-raise for such a worthy cause.
Second Row Margaret Wilson, Michelle Florenini, Gervase McKinna, Sarah Lacha Sharia Tribe.
Front Row Michelle Mihelcic, Georgina Canty, Antonia Parkes, Rebecca Quinn,
Rebecca Gibson. Mrs. Henrietta Houghtc
1 Mrs Lyn Gazal.
MAGAZINE COMMITTEE. The production of a school magazine is never an easy task, however this year the job has beer made a lot easier and much more
pleasurable because of the enthusiasm and commitment of all those involved. 1 would like to
express my sincere thanks IO the
students and Staff on the Magazine Committee for all their willing help and advice. 1 would like to thank Mrs
Mrs Margaret Capp. School Counsellor.
Marianne Hull and Mrs Sally O'Byrne for the wonderful work they did in
co-ordinating the Junior School sections of the magazine. Tie
goodwill of the Office Staff, both Senior and Junior, who coped so well with mountains of typing. was greatly appreciated. To all those who contributed articles and oaned
or gave us photographs, thank you. And finally, thank you to Mrs Lyn Gazal for all the wonderful
photographs she took for th s year's magazine, and for her calm and sensible approach to it all. It is hoped by all those invoked in putting together this record of the 1990 school year that the magazine will be read and enjoyed by all those connected with the Mandeville
Henrietta Houghton (Editor)
i t,2
4. reiendshit>
Read captions clockwise.
1. Alicia -erla. Sophie Trumble. Antonia Geddes. Jolene Geh, Carla Stenson.
7 *E
Jacqueline Rennie. Rebecca Podbury 2. Kizarne Pivetta.
3. Elizabeth Clancy. Kate Ball, Gabrielle Marchetti, Danielle Merlo, Rebecca Gibson, Georgina Canty, Johanna Macey. Rear. Soph e Bryan, Megan Walsh.
4 Roslyr Stanic.
5. Camille Reidy, Stephanie Rafter. 6. Dominique Hall. 7. Jade Anderson with Edwina Olver ard Jessica Gamble.
t. Virginia Hartley, Lisa Tarascio, Kate
#paluca. Emily Ormsby.
f 1
lead captions clockwise. 1
Rachael Watts, Anna Foley, Kate .udescher, Suze Noseda, Alica Tinetti.
I. Clay masks.
I. Kelly Merritt, Jenny Bourke. Kate -udescher, Emily McKernan, Amy Kishida.
losemane Conti, Tennille Wallace. Emily .oncraine. Kristy Morison, Ainslie Bloom,
Cate Carroll, Amy Scally, Mari Ericksen. lustina Carter,
·. Megan Larnach-Jones. i. Annabel Nicholls, Sinead O'Donnell, Lisa
lili, Claire Brookes. Kate McGrath, Catherine
luckley, Dominique Hall, Jessica Drake. i. Dominica Hanger.
Angela Makiv. Anna Sullivan.
Read captions clockwise.
1. Emily Raffaele, Angela Conlan, Felicity Bloom. Jane Nolan.
2. Amanda Humphreys, Mardi Bedford. 3. Melissa Hennessy.
4. Naomi Kononada, Alexis Newman. Nicole Santo (seated). Kathy Reynolds 5. Danielle Newhouse, Clare Petroff.
6. Art work by Antonia Parkes.
1 4¢X,
Read captions clockwise.
1. Year 10 Yarra Valley Geography field trip. Stephanie Chan, Daphne Zi, Melanie Smith, Angela Aylward.
Melissa Chew, Jacinta Gracey, Brigid Cunningham. 2. Paulette Nicholls.
3. Gizella Zagon, Therese Ryan. 4. Louise Gardiner, Sarah Lachal. 5. Sophie Douez.
it -/ /
1. Julia Borghesi.
Christian Living Carnp
2. Sarah Sheales and Marlese Byfield. Bottom.
1. Julia Borghesi. 2. Sarah Rogalsky.
Top row - Daniela Rollo, Jane Shannon, Johanna O'Brien, Marcelle Clarebrough, Annele Cost.
- Daniela Rollo. - Elina Akselrod,
- Lucy Dynan. Middle row.
Groups of Year 12 students. Bottom row
Marika Nelson, Katharine Reidy, Marlo Baragwanath.
11 1
t V
L !4¢fy-
bf 1
w OK,1 +
YEAR 7 BLUE . 1 1
. 1... .4
. 3rd Row L-R Virginia Hartley, Stephanie
. Rafter, Sarah-Jane Sands, Camille Reidy, 0 4, 2...1 f¥ 9* lt' 1 -1ii¥Belinda Gibson, Natalie Sabbadini, .
.. - Melanie Blight, Sarah Demediuk, Emily
#413,-1/ rt #4 Itt :Ji r, h ji¢>
2nd Row L-R Sophie McGowan, Belinda
Duke, Veronica Angelatos, Marian Bare, Lisa Tarascio, Elisha Hall, Kate Papaluca, Jane
Lanigan, Clare King. Front Row L-R Lisa-Nicole Anderson,
Hermione Knowles, Georgea Lawton, Camilla Bourke, Virginia Jones, Luisa Vaccari.
I ti
Katherine Baggoley, Lydia Gaffney. Absent Nina Bonacci, Anna Bongiornot Melissa Tilley, Emily Ormsby. Teachers Mrs. Ruth Taft, Mrs. Lyn Gazal.
3rd Row L-R Dearna Zagame, Danielle
Burr'es, Emily Burke, Nicole Curtain. Olivia
Y * nt OF AN/4 t
1./. 1 4
./ ,
Bryan, Michaela Bingham, Jolene Geh, Fionna Scott, Clare Aylward.
2nd Row L-R Rebecca Podbury, Carla Stenson, Caroline Barlow, Kerryn Joubert,
Sophie Trumble, Josephine Fagan,
A *,4 1 Francesca O'Connor, Alicia Ferla,
Front Row L-R Diana di Cecco, Fiona Broussard, Emma Conrad, Antonia Geddes, Natalie Vucic, Lisa Francazio, Katherine
Fahy, Jacqueline Bennie.
I-Li Absent Janine Pervanas Teachers Mrs. Elisabeth Neales, Miss Daryl
-kFVZIjf,lib,- . :uGKA#&.*B * '9; Jenner.
3rd Row L-R Elysia Zeccola, Julia Penna,
Alice Hume, Manie Dermatis, Rebecca L
*' 1/ r- 1 o *1
Ringersma. Emily Schiller, Natasha Holmes,
Francesca Beaumont.
2nd Row L-R Samantha Bell, Elizabeth
Funder, Amanda Delaney, Clare Soppitt,
Felicity Ambler, Caitlin Dwyer, Sarah O'Byrne, Yasmin Copley. Front Row L-R Andrea O'Brien, Jennifer Buccheri, Tamsin Santos, Sara Harris,
Katherine Adam, Eleanora Lobosco,
Katharine Seyler. Lucy Conlan. Absent Sharna de Leo.
Teachers Mrs. Maureen MeMillan, Miss
Sally-Ann Dickinson (absent).
c awr» * 2, 5.-E .-
3rd Row L-R Edwina Shmith, Andreina
# Buccher, Fiona Hammond, Elizabeth Glynn, Serena Simmons. Loretta Bourke, Susannah
Lennon, Kathryn Bannon, Susannah Portelli. f
1 2nd Row L-R Kylie Podolakin. Victoria Ellis. li Chantal O'Donoghue, Therese Felsbourg,
0. '1
Amber Horsfall. Prudence Ward. Sarah
Sherry, Hannah Maher, Letitia Gamble, · 2
¢-2,4 11
4 k ·t
Front Row L-R Melissa Amore, Anne
. Redmond, Maree Marmion, Siobhan
-'6 .... Hammer, Robyn Scollon, Julia Rachelle, Sara
d€d Georgandas. Elisa Milano. Jacqueline
d'Apice. f Absent Virginia Okno, Ainslee Spadaro. Teachers Miss Karen Hansen, Miss Leonie
- 9, 41
they heard the pitiful story of the
land of colour. The tourists were
stunned by what they heard. They By Sarah O'Byrne - 7 Green
There was once a land where the
birds, animals and fairies, gnomes
and elves played in the bright
thought a lot about the problem and finally made a plan to retrieve the land from the power of the witch, but, alas, already it was too late. The land was doomed and never
sunlight, the clean air, in the green
was to bear colour again.
grass and tall trees, surrounded by
This is only a story, but stories
beautiful rivers and streams. They
relate to real life. If we don't look
after our world of bright sunlight,
days of bright warm sunlight. But
clean air, green grass, tall trees and beautiful colours our land will be
happy and joyful as this.
invaded by the black army: pollution
The land's leader, the wise old
and people who abuse nature.
raccoon, who told of what lay ahead for the land, called all the citizens
Those who don't care are the ones who didn't believe the raccoon and
didn't act straight away when they
future. The raccoon was tense and
knew about the problem. It is no good acting when it is too late.
clutches of the evil, sinister black
of the black army. If we don't realize
witch whom everyone hated and
that fending off the black army
feared. The raccoon finally managed
starts now, we won't be strong
to tell them. Most people gasped
enough to fight it later.
with utter horror, but some didn't
- ignore it and it will go away.
So this is the step, where I always It isn't very elegant, it's not a sight to see.
But in these times of trouble, it's the
step to comfort me. It's wooden, and it's hard, but it's
quiet and it's there. always somewhere. I could be at the top, 1 could be at the bottom,
But in any high or low position, 1 I am trapped inside the lonely sealed box,
I'm turning into stone,
And no one joins my silent party, I know I'm not alone.
I seem to be surrounded, with
people everywhere,
The land was no longer a happy
Some are very loving, others just
place, but a place of panic-stricken
don't care.
fear. All too soon, as the raccoon
All these people pass me by,
had predicted, the black witch and
walking on the street,
her army attacked. As she and her
I listen to their chatter, and the
gang approached, a feeling of
shuffle of their feet.
darkness and despair crept over the
I seem to be fading. The world is
land. The army attacked at the
slipping away.
darkest of the night. The fairies and
animals fought hard all night and
the black army who captured all the
I need someone to save me, but I'm not sure I should stay.
by Anne Redmond
Elisa Mjlano
creatures except the mermaid. She was injured, but the army had
up where I began. It's not at the bottom, it's not at the
may always feel rotton.
that their land was destined for the
These people are almost on the side
into the day, but were no match for
I stop at the middle stair, and pick
And though it's no place really, it is
together to tell them news of the didn't know how to adequately say
I am all alone, I'm a single one.
lived and played through glorious they were not always to be as
by Serena Simmons (7 Red)
The "big sister, little sister"
overlooked her. She was now sorry
programme helps the Year 7's
she was one of the ones who had
adapt to the atmosphere of the
sat around and had not believed.
Senior School. This programme is
During the next few weeks the
aimed at helping the Year 7's who
black army spread all over the land
are new to the Senior School. It
making everything dark and gloomy.
involves one Year 12 student and
Little did they know that the
one Year 7 student in the same
mermaid was painstakingly making
House getting to know each other
her way to the border of the land.
and talking out problems that they
As she was doing this a group of
might have. The teachers organise a
tourists from another land came to
time when the two year levels can
visit the beautiful place they thought
get together and play games and
still existed, but to their dismay the
beautiful, natural land was gone.
We think that the "big sister, little
Instead there was a dark, gloomy
sister" programme is very helpful for
place with no life. The mermaid met
Year 7's who are new to the Senior
these tourists and to their horror
Big sister" Jacinta McCarthy with 'little
sisters" Lydia Gaffney and Caitlin Dwyer.
7 Blue Story
McGowan continued questioning
"What happened?" "The knight By Jane Lanigan
and Em ly Roberts
Sabbadini, on his well-bred, foreign Written by Letitia Gamble!
horse, Bonacci...came
Once upon a time, on the
past....huh...um,..and...he, killed,..all
Anderson River, Bourke and
of...them". At this point Tilley burst
Knowles awoke to hear Donald
into tears and continued crying
Duck and his girlfriend Gaffney
when Roberts asked softly, "Who's
whispering. When detectives
McGowan and Roberts arrived a
When she eventually stopped
few hours later, the scene was
sobbing she answered "Bourke and
gruesome. A Hart ley in tarascio
Knowles, Donald and Gaffney!"
sauce. The news had spread all
Roberts and McGowan pursued and
through the towns of Ormsby and
then captured the culprits,
Lawton. The news of the murder
Sabbadini and Bonacci. They
reached a certain large palace in
arrested them on several counts of
which the butler. Jones, and the
murder. The little child, Tilley, was
maid, Gibson, felt it their duty to
never the same again so she was
inform their master, the Duke of
permanently hospitalised. In the
Demediuk, who felt it, was his duty
towns of Ormsby, Lanigan and
to inform the King of this important
Lawton peace reigned again as it
did in the Duke's palace.
The whole countryside was flooding
N.B. This is a story containing the
in thousands to see the scene of
surnames of everyone in our class
the crime. Two important citizens
this year.
Chantal O'Donoghue, Serena Simmons and Victoria Ellis
Melissa Amore always asks questions.
Kathryn Bannon comes up with suggestions. Loretta's Dad is the famous Francis Bourke.
When Andreina's in trouble she smiles with a smirk.
Jackie D'Apice is small and petite. And Victoria Ellis has Ronald MacDonald feet.
Therese Felsbourg catches the train, But Letitia Gamble prefers to walk in the rain.
Sara Georgandas has a dimple on her chin.
And Beth Glynn smiles with a grin. Siobhan Hammer gives everyone
came in from the city of Lanigan,
they were Angela toss ng a bagg o
Fiona Hammond is extremely neat.
leys and a bare bear.
Amber Horsfall has great
Later while sitting on the rafters,
near the reidy river, Roberts,
McGowan, and Papa Luca
And Susannah Lennon causes
discussed the brutality of the crime. Bongiorno'' said Papa, "Ze mean blighter who did zis, muz be caught". McGowan then started investigating and examining any evidence incriminating or otherwise.
In the reeds he spotted a television.
by Siobhan Hammer
Year 7 seems like a breeze.
That's what you think when you start.
But only a bit is easy
Only a tiny, little part. Later you'll find it very hard
amazement, these advertisements
And difficult to cope,
came on : "Like Sands in the
Before you even know it
hour-glass, these are the days of our
You'll find you seem to mope.
lives". Watch "Days of Our Lives
So here is a survivor's kit
ad was played. "Vaccari, a new type of vacuum cleaner. The new
wave in cleaning". McGowan flicked
Designed for Year 7.
McGowan then thought he heard
You'll no longer hate going to school
something snivelling in the reeds.
Because you'll be so keen.
shook her roughly. He questioned
had a main part. Virginia Okno is very smart. Kylie Podolakin is tall and proud. And Susannah Portelli is the loudest of loud.
Anne Redmond is a little dear.
Snacks for in between,
pulled her out of the reeds and
Chantal O'Donoghue, in the Play
You'll find you are in heaven.
and went off.
Tilley. Roberts lifted her up and
And Sharon Murphy plays golf like
Once you get the hang of it
There's a book of excuses,
what he saw there, a little girl called
Elisa Milano has a brother named
Julia Rachelle always shows cheer.
the switch and the screen flickered
He pulled them aside and guess
Maree Marmion collects gum leaves.
the "Shark"
He flicked the 'on switch' and to his
tomorrow at 2.30 on 10". Then this
great devastation. Hannah Maher makes teachers
So you'd better get this little kit To survive your dreaded school, To like the teachers and the lessons
Better than your own house's pool.
her fiercely saying "Why didn't you
Robyn Scollon is as quiet as a mouse.
Sarah Sherry has a huge house. Poppy Shmith wags all her classes, And Serena Simmons wears fake
glasses. Ainslee Spadaro reads a lot of books.
And Prue Ward shows off her good looks.
Together as a class we are noisy
say anything or come out before?"
and loud and really and truly we
Tilley replied "It was hall so scary."
stand out from the crowd.
YEAR 8 BLUE /24 I. ' ... 4
i 3rd Row L-R Kate Ludescher. Simone
Leyden, Jennifer Bourke, Suzie Noseda, Kelly Merritt, Tennille Wallace, Bianca Dolman, Amy Kishida, Sinead O'Donnell,
--i L di;.6 +-,2 4 .:L
<9 4, 4 .71 * j- M4 mifiuk 1-4 • *i li
Dominica Hanger. 2nd Row L-R Luisa Scholz, Lisa Hill, Rosemarie Cont Jessica Drake, Justina
f , 3,0 . j
Carter, Mari Ericksen, Anna Foley, Kate Carroll.
Front Row L-R Emily McKernan, Ainslie
Bloom, Annabel Nicholls, Claire Brookes,
Dominique Hall, Amy Scally, Catherine Buckley, Kate McGrath, Emily Loncraine. Absent Kristy-Kate Morison.
Teachers Miss Jane Tribe, Sr. Anne Byrnel Mrs. Marjorie Rogers.
i LIli 91 4 4 3rd Row L-R Verity Okno, Catherine
j 94-0
*: Collins, Angela Gill, Clare Singh, Victoria Finck,Megan Larnach-Jones, Sally Cust. Anna Sullivan. Rebecca Connell.
2nd Row L-R Simone Caldow. Emma Killen, Karen Richardson, Lucienne Bailey, Amanda
Kortt, Brit Heatley, Elizabeth McGrathl
, , , p Stephanie Clarke, Joanna Basford.
Front Row L-R Monique Fabris, Clare
Brazenor, Emily Bell, Kate Finney, Penny Doig, Sarah Clacherty, Anna Devine, Megan
' I Holt, Katie Callery. Absent Sarah Southall, Anne Fernando.
7 . 'E- -rda0te 8,-: 4. -F %.444·9{* Teachers Miss.*&4.-i Patricia Dixon, Miss Kate van Hulssen.
YEAR 8 GREEN 1,4 t-t
,-1 + r.-: n¢ r A
Rosel, Zoe Smyth, Chloe Davey, Joanna 3rd Row L-R Lisa Challis, Marie Anne
Davies, Katherine Harris, Jane Hoy, Claire
Smith, Leila Galbally Sally Howard. 2rld Row L-R Brigid Byrne, Alicia Tinetti,
L. a g. , 1: Julie Bonollo, Joanna Laurence, Amy
, 14 A 3 /4 41 1.+Ail DE di• 1 : Front Row L-R Michelle Riffolo, Sally
r 1' Bonglorno, Sherryn Simpson, Melissa Schaft,
Rebecca Barnes, Jennifer Russell, Siobhan
1 -1 Dixon: Clementine Coulter, Jacinta Finnigan, Vanessa Slaven, Christina Chisholm, Anne
, %.. . -f™! Fulton. Annabel Rattigan, Brigid Cullity .
, -- mle##Q,i-*:./*II"I.I TKeeahcerrs'tertlJYbIe, Mrs Carmel
r 44
3rd Row L-R Susan Bannigan, Claudia Olivera, Felicity Galbally, Anna Draga, Carol ne Morgan, Angela Makiv, Elizabeth Bowen, Felicity Zahara, Talia Karanicolas. 2nd Row L-R Nicolette de Zoete, Olivia Burnes, Prudence Nolan, Daniella Passaro, Natalie de Morton, Laura Henderson,
Rebecca Sargeant, Elizabeth Slattery. Front Row L-R Vanessa Lucantonio,
Melissa Vespa, Sarah Gaidzkar, Michelle
O'Callaghan, Katherine Devine, Michelle Scott. Jacqueline Sherren, Amandine Behanl Nicole Hurst.
Teachers Mrs. Sue Saxon, Mrs. Marie-Louise Khamara.
by Liz McGrath
1 DREAM By Jenny Buccher - Year 8
Dedicated to 8 Gold
As I dreamt Victoria Finck
Year 8 Gold
Just like friends I suppose.
And slept through the night
Many friends become quite
Thunder hit my mind.
Walking in a strange land
Others are like a perfect match
Where animals and fairies
Waiting for the teacher, The classroom's in a mess,
Books and paper everywhere, Needed for a test.
Friendship is like a flower One petal falls and a new one
To tell you the truth
Give a helping hand,
Although I'm no sleuth
Blue, pink and orange sky,
You can't live without a friend
The birds flew, up so high.
Because you'll need her in the end.
Water flows, there is no snow.
The floor is lined with paper bags
As the mice scratch around
And empty cans of Coke
I dreamt without a sound.
Someone's hanging out the window, Only for a joke No one heard the first bell ring,
At the second all ears were deaf
Apart from cries of "Shut up Ange!"
by Victoria Finck (Year 8)
And "Done your homework Steph?" by Jane Hoy
Sarah's tangled in the curtains, Megan's fused the light, Liz flung Karen out the window, What a chaotic sight!
Sally Dixon
On the Ist of June, Year 8 went on
an excursion for Geography. We went to the South Melbourne Market
Tomorrow I think that I shall write
A poem about today And if all goes well and it works out swell
1'11 turn it into a play.
Verity, Lucienne and Emily
in the morning and the Performing
Are sitting good as gold,
Arts Centre for lunch where we saw
Before I begin, a cup of tea,
Whereas Clare, Simone and Joanna
the "Laugh Exhibition". Then we
That's just what the doctor ordered.
Are doing anything, but what they're
went to the city to survey people in
And if there's some....a bit of
Collins Street. We had an enjoyable
Catherine, Amanda, Katie and Kate
Are making up a rap, While Penny, Emma and Sally Are hunting for a map. Brit, Monique and all the Annas
Are ripping the class apart, So when the teacher entered the
time. This is a photo of a group of
us at the Performing Arts Centre.
To start with, now let me see,
Four or five? Certainly not. One or two will hit the spot. Just what an aspiring poet needs. To be able to do, her extremely good deeds. Back to my poem, now where was 19
Hang on.
In the fridge I saw apple pie!
Everyone gave a start!
I really must get on with my sonnet. But fresh strawberries, an entire
When the teacher came through the door,
She'd have to be a perfect saint When she saw the state of the class
Not to up and faint.
punneN I must resist, I must be brave. But a left-over roast with lots of
gravy! Tomorrow I will set out
Rebecca runs in from piano, Unavoidably let out late, But not late enough, I'rn afraid To escape the class's fate.
To write a poem about today For after I ate and had a nap It had become Yesterday! THE END.
Sitting way at the back of the room I watched and listened and very soon
I had more than enought evidence To write for you this poem.
3rd Row L-R Amanda d'Apice, Jacqueline Arena, Hayley Jacket Kate Wortley, Virginia Croagh, Sophie Williams, Ruth Peers.
Christine Tregoning, Natalie Bowden, Virginia Griffith.
t« . ™r ·
0 il - r
2nd Row L-R Angelica Chan, Danielle Newhouse, Angela Conlan, Amy Pinner, Mary Tomsic, Sarita Merlo, Emma Dunlevie, Keila Barnes, Vanessa d'Souza.
Front Row L-R Monica Stosius Angela Rennie, Kate Routley, Prudence Willsher,
Devi Ung, Gabrielle McCorkell, Clair Couttle,
$ f
Y-Tu To, Bronwyn Frost.
Absent Miss Gillian Chambers, Miss Tracey Stobbe (Teachers) Teacher Mrs. Val Donald
3rd Row L-R Lara Jackson, Lucy Trumble,
W . 1
Antonia Parkes, Michelle Mihelcic, Marinda Hill, Anna Bowen, Nicole Moretti, Anna
Fogarty, Diana Crivelli.
2nd Row L-R F ona Kelly, Caroline Healy, Lucy Curtain, Blenda Cheung, Catherine Redmond, Renee Lechte, Amy Lally, Michelle Francazio.
Front Row L-R Michaela Keogh, Marika Benetti, Penelope Gill, Katherine
Kierniowska, Olivia Jones, Genevieve Sheehan, Naomi Kononada, Karolinka Gruba.
Absent Angela McCarthy, Alexis Newman. Teachers Miss Kathleen MacMahon, Mrs. Lesley Gillespie.
r 3rd Row L-R Emily Kift, Elisha Warren,
· e
Elizabeth Moran, Emily Hummerston, Johanna Chester, Clare Petroff, Catherine Green, Claire Nelson. Annabel Comel
Kathleen McCarthy. 2nd Row L-R Emma Williams. Joanna
Gutierrez, Clare Crow, Ruth Dempsey, Anna Coppel, Marie-Therese Cont Sarah Glynn, Elizabeth Moir.
Front Row L-R Catherine Alford,Kathryn Fladgate. Dana Bonacci, Katrina Kubale, Sophie Freeman, Melissa Hennessy.
Elizabeth Kelly, Julia Cullity Teachers Mr. Guy Anderson Mrs. Bambi McAuley
3rd Row L-R Belinda Gibbs, Amanda
Humphreys, Katrina Martin, Anouk Watts, Elizabeth Bateman, Katharine Kricker,
Gabrielle Walpole, Danielle Kennedy, Stefanie Rocchi, Caroline Strahan.
2nd Row L-R Emily Raffaele, Anna Galbraith, Jane Harford. Felicity Bloom,
Bryanna Houlihan, Kathleen Reynolds, Kymm Ermacora, Emma Grant. Nicole Santo.
Front Row L-R Joanne Powell. Paige Hanrahan, Mariese Bedford, Jane Nolan, t
Katrina Laurence, Alexis Kimmorley. Nicole Cummins, Clare O'Neill.
Teachers Mrs. Natalie Magrath, Miss Erica Cervini.
a lot to do with some of the chaotic
songs such as "You've got a
friend". We then drifted up to our
Excitement was in the air as the
By the end of the second day of
cabins in groups quietly talking,
buses made their way down
skiing those beginners who dared to
each and every one of us aware
Clendon Road. After what seemed
ski were nearly pro, standard. The
that this was our last night together.
like an eternal bus trip we arrived at
conditions at the Big D were very
Everyone was well and truly ready
our destination, Valley Homestead.
rough-you could hardly see two feet
to get back into the swing of things
- Year 9
For many of us it was a familiar
in front of you. This did not deter a
after our day off, and a bunch of
sight. To stretch our legs which
brave bunch of eager Year Nines
more experienced skiers hit the
were rather stiff after the long bus
who live for adventure and
slopes that day. After half a day's
trip we went out in search of our
excitement. They skied on
skiing it was time to go back to
cabins, which would be home for us
regardless. Having a spa and
Valley Homestead and collect our
over the next four days.
playing table tennis were the
belongings and prepare ourselves
Being awoken so early after what
attractions before and after dinner
for the long trip home. None of the
must have been less than a six hour
as well as rehearsing for the talent
Year Nines will forget this camp in a
sleep was extremely taxing. We all
hurry for "We had the time of our
agreed jt was worth it when N/It,
At our activities day we were
Buffalo came into view. For many it
allowed a pleasurable sleep-in. The
was their first sighting of snow. For
day was spent bike riding, doing the
the beginners the word "snow
aerial and the fun and fitness
plough" came to light: whether or
courses, lying in the sun and baking
not you could master the skill was a
damper. After dinner that night
different story. After our ski lesson
everyone was in a frenzy trying to
we had a barbecue lunch, then it
get ready for the talent quest. The
was back to tackling the slopes.
night was a huge success. The skits
Many of us became victims of peer
were about monsters, skiing and
group pressure and like me, were
"the boys". At the conclusion of the
dragged down a blue run on their
talent quest we got ready to dance
very first attempt. We ended up in a
the night away. Mr Schmidt acted
heap down the bottom. It is agreed
as D,J. When the music stopped we
that Mr Anderson's wild antics had
started our own sing-along with
1 Rachael Crane, Elisha Warren.
2. Lucy Curtain. Claire Nelson.
BEING A GIRL by Fiona Kelly - Year 9
to cover up their dirty work), his
almost painful discussion about
dark eyes trying to tell me
absolutely nothing. When we arrived
something that his voice could not.
he ripped off his shirt and dived in. 1
Then he said it. He blurted out the
stood on the bank wondering what
words that I knew were coming. It
to do. In my hurry to stop talking
Woman. A simple five letter word. A
felt as if he took hold of my heart
and do something, I had forgotten
simple word, but sometimes such a
and tore it out, as he mumbled the
that I needed a costume to swim in,
cruel word. It seems to me that a
burning words "'cause youre a
as I was used to just going in with
woman should be better than a
girl." I was later to learn that the
my shorts on. I felt stupid and mad
man because we have two extra
first time is never the last.
because I couldn't do what I wanted
letters. It gives us nobility like "Sir"
So now I have discovered that I am
to do. I was now singled out as
or "Dr" do. It also seems to me
a girl, but to me it was still only a
someone who had to keep to the
that man is simply an abbreviation
word. It didn't really mean much,
laws of "what is done" and "what is
of woman. Man is a less complex
but I was only a beginner and I had
not done" (this being another
word, for the less complex mind.
not yet mastered the skills involved
useless piece of education I had
This is part of my life laid out for
and neither had my peers.
been taught at school). 1 couldn't do
you. Here I will tell you of my
When I came home from school at
what I wanted to do because I was
realisation that I need to be more
Christmas I knew things had
a girl.
than a material possession and
changed and that I had changed
Tory surfaced and asked if I was
more than a companion. Here is the
too. Boarding School had been a
coming in or would I rather wait for
beginning of my quest for equality.
place where girls spoke of summer
Christmas. I think he sensed what I
It was when I was eleven that I was
boyfriends and late nights. I had
was feeling, because he looked
first struck by the thought that I was
listened to their tales, fascinated by
slightly embarrassed or maybe even
of a sex, not just a person. To me
these new aspects of life. 1 wrote to
sorry. Slowly, he said, "I don't feel
this was an amazing discovery, but
my mother about it, but she wrote
like a swim much anyway", and
one that at times I wished I had
back telling me that I was "growing
climbed out. I didn't want his pity
never made.
up." I found this an amazingly
and I felt anger build up inside me. 1
I had lived in the bush all my life,
ignorant comment (ignorant was a
could go in if I wanted to. 1 could
but when I finished primary school
word I had just learned at school
just jump in with all my clothes on. 1
my parents decided that I was to be
and was generally used to describe the opposite sex). Growing up was
could, so I did. With an almighty
sent to Perth to board at a private, all-girls school. When I told my
simply an excuse given when you
fully clothed. In my mind I quickly
friends of my parents' outrageous
couldn't think of a better or more
recorded this as one of the 'what
decision, 1 found that they looked at
valid reason for your behaviour.
not to do's".
me strangely and maybe even
Listening to the stories the girls told,
After our swim, we sat on the bank
accusingly, for now I was different.
I realised that their worlds of young
talking. Slowly, our conversation
All of my friends were playing
love were really of no interest to me,
moved back to the old times and
football in the south paddock and I
for it was now that I decided to be a
we laughed about the days before I
could see my best friend, Tory,
careers' woman, not a housewite; an
"became a girl". We were two
running with the ball. (Most of my
asset and not a burden.
people talking to each other on
friends were boys as there seemed
Waiting for me when I came home
equal terms with no barriers, until
to be an abundance of them in the
was Tory. 1 couldn't believe how
the dreaded moment I knew was
area.) Calling for the ball I ran to an
much he had changed. His
coming, came. He slowly moved
open space. Tory turned, to kick to
previously thin, scrawny body was
towards me and in a quick, jerking
me, but suddenly looked confused
now muscled and masculine. 1
movement he put his arm around
and instead kicked towards a pack
realised with anger that I was
me. Inside, my mind was racing. 1
of pushing boys. I felt myself heat
looking at him as a boy, not as a
could imagine the stories I could tell
up as a boy tumbled the ball that I
friend. I was suddenly aware of my
when I went back to school, but
should have had. 1 turned to look at
crumpled socks, that drop of ice
really I was saying no. Tory was my
Tory, but our eyes met for only a
cream on the front of my blouse,
best friend and I had to make the
second before he looked away, not
which I had rubbed even though my
decision if I wanted to keep it that
wanting to face me.
mother always told me to wet,
Tory had been my best friend for as
rather than rub. Suddenly, I took
With a firm, but gentle movement I
long as I could remember. We had
hold of myself, gained composure
took his arm from around my
always been able to talk to each
(one of the few valuable things I had
shoulder. A simple movement, but
other, so I simply asked him why he
been taught at school) and said in
one that only a friend could
hadn't kicked the ball to me. He
almost a whisper "Hi".
understand, or maybe only someone
looked at me helplessly (a look that
Tory and I set off to the water-hole
who felt the same way.
later I would learn was used by men
together after having a short, slow,
That night we were just friends,
splash I landed in the cool water,
sitting on the banks of the
water-hole, talking about ourselves
by Karolinka Gruba (9 Gold)
as neither girl nor boy. Again we
Love is like a candie,
Love is for all races,
were the children who had no
That keeps on burning bright. It shines on through the darkness A never ending light.
Take a few larger paces
Always there when you need it,
Love is in a rainbow,
pressures upon us, who could be close to each other without
thinking a second thought. That night we were of no sex, but
Religions, colours and dan. And love your fellow man.
Ljke a breath of air.
In a birdsong, in a hug.
Willing to be in your life
Love is a waterfall.
friend, or love an equal.
A friend that's always there.
Love is in your heart.
instead only a friend with a friend. We loved each other as you love a When Tory grew up he took over his
Here today, there tomorrow,
Love builds life,
father's property, married a local girl
Love is giving,
Confidence and surety,
(1 suppose some must have existed,
Love is sorrow.
Healthy hearts,
but they didn't seem to be there
But always alive, living.
And life in purity.
It's in songs, they say
Love is caring, sharing, giving.
when I was growing up) and had two children. We don't talk much of
the past any more, but I know he remembers.
Me. Well that night was the
In poems, stories and rhymes
Patient, boundless and free.
Love is there to lead the way
People need it to keep on living.
In every age and time.
People everywhere, you and mei
beginning of my endless list of Year 9 friends
discoveries, starting with the fact that to love is not to hold, that a boy is not only for a girl, and a girl, well a girl is what you make of it. Me, I made myself a writer, a wife, a mother and the happiest person on earth. What you make of yourself is up to you. You have no choice whether you are a girl or boy, but
what you do have a choice over is what you make of who you are. One other discovery was that growing up, isn't only to grow on the outside, but also to grow on the Inside.
There is my story and all that is left is this final discovery. A friend is neither a girl nor a boy, but a person who challenges you to be your best.
3rd Row L-R Anna Clynes. Melanie Smith, Melanie Laci'al, Monique Burke, Kate Morrison, Louise Gardiner, Adelaide
Ericksen, Monique McMillan. Gizella Zagon, Zoe White.
2nd Row L-R Carolyn Russell, Catherine
Handy. Kathryn Stanford. Georgia Reidy, Angela Aylward. Kizarne Pivetta, Lainie Scholz, Sarah Maher, Louise Ford.
Front Row L-R Christina Spillane, Angela
Jayamaha, Therese Ryan, Marguerite Fulton, Tina Gentile. Sara Brownell, Andrea Lagana Julia Foley, Silvana Calleri. Absent Martha-Ann Vaughan. Teachers Mrs. Karen Lancaster, Miss Kate
Collins. Mrs. Geraldine Cornall (absent).
3rd Row L-R Georgina Short. Margaret
Wilson, Phillipa Cust, Kate McCIelland, Genevieve Nolan, Gervase McKinna, Sarah Lachal, Michelle Florenini. Rebecca Quinn, Daphne Zi.
2nd Row L-R Kathryn Phillips, Emma Keith Elizabeth Hanrahan, Katie Mactier, Melanie
Maryanka, Nicole Hall, Elizabeth Tighe,
+L '441 + 4 944-, 44 .
1 - .
¥ .I
Marike Meehan, Debra Genovese. Front Row L-R Clare Anderson, Jessica
Adams. Danielle Edwards, Mary-Jo Hurry,
Sari Hegarty, Claire McNamara, Monique de Zoete. Graziella Bonello, Daniela Volpe. Absent Olivia Barry. Teachers Mrs. Marie Maccora. Mrs. Shirley Chapman.
i '11 IIi
1 0=44.
3rd Row L-R Claire Rogan, Esther Lethlean
Dimitra Avramopolous, Julie McCorkell, Lucy Galbally, Alessandra Giorgiore. Alexandra Clissold, Caroline Edmonds, Kendra Ireland, Belinda Hoy. 2nd Row L-R Caroline Schaff Chaille
Clarebrough, Jasmine Lincoln, Virginia Nix,
1 1 -7 40 . ,+
Rebecca Burr'es, Andrea Blake, Katherine Holder, Alice Harvey, Fiona Power.
Front Row L-R Jane Mercovich, Sophie Douez, Jacqueline Barber, Megan O'Doherty
Monique Foletta. Louise O'Halloran, Angela Passaro, Tamara Arapakis, Paulette Nicholls Absent Fiona Ormsby, Melanie Counsel. Teachers Mrs. Amanda Apthorpe, Miss ./
Glenda Romeril.
J.,11411 1, 3rd Row L-R Niamh Hammer. Jacinta
Gracey, Rachael Hodder, Anna O'Sullivan, Emma Taylor, Michelle Thomas. Catherine ...
9,1111 1 AA L
Hede, Claire Carroll, Kate Canavan, Louise Scally.
2nd Row L-R Paris Vonghack, Ruth Smith, Alexandra Murphy, Tiffany Kelsey, Roberta McHale, Alexandra Pianella, Laura Borg, Phoebe Fenwick, Eleanora Barker.
Front Row L-R Sophie Conquest. Vanessa
Charles, Claudjne Olver. Brigid Cunningham,
¥g;'al --:;· -ii-jij&2:2 r.9&
al·*9;;·-;4412.. ,0ts:-w 4. I ·A+44--1....---.-4 ///tpj,j
Tracie Carroll, Tara Lord, Melissa Chew, Tara Brady, Emma McCarthy.
Absent Clare Chamberlin, Stephanie Chan. Teachers Mrs. Lynn Broadway, Mr. Malcolm Farnsworth.
And they like people to take photos of them.
And have garden parties
And scream when they see spiders. They put colour on their faces And wear lace underpants.
being strangled.
And run fetes.
Tomorrow might improve.
They walk for exercise
Although she tried to concentrate,
They 'run off' with older men
She was distracted.
And only swear when they drop
And as she looked through the
They have perms and tips and blow
frosted window,
They smell like Chanel No.5
She saw one solitary moon.
And drink white wine in moderate
And they like to spend money.
They've got coloured nails And wear expensive high heels. They read books about romance and sex,
Another woman sat in a well
They consider themselves to be the better of the two sexes,
She daintily sipped a cup of tea.
And they are the Queens of Femininity.
furnished room.
With exaggerated femininity,
Julia Foley
Her brown hair was neatly styled,
And her dress depicted the latest
And they talk a lot about other
They have facials, and get their legs waxed.
They're the ones with the skirts. Who are fashion conscious
And economically unconscious. They 'sip' drinks And always say please and
With rehearsed assurance and ease,
She existed in the corner of the
She talked politely with her guests, But was really quite uninterested.
Deprived and lonely, she stared
Their moods change like the
She worked twice a week at a small
boutique down the street.
Her hair fell as a greasy mop over
on her limp and
Neglected body.
But it was night, And she was entertaining.
her hunched shoulders,
And the dress that she wore hung
thankyou. weather.
While wringing the clothes dry, She felt as if her own neck were
They love gold and diamonds Women. They're a funny lot. They're the ones who have Tupperware parties
At night she worked at a laundry.
She glanced through the newly polished window And saw thousands of stars. by Sarah Brownell
Adelaide Ericksen, Silvana Calleri and Tina Gentile at the Creative Arts Festival.
3rd Row L-R Emily Price, Elizabeth Breen, Dominique Halloran. Kate Williams, Anthea Duke, Simone Pipito, Sabina Ciciriello, Sara Dennis, Marcelle Crosby. Julie Ipavec.
4. 4..L'.
2nd Row L-R Kate Collie. Melinda Kerr, Sarah Bourke, Kate Richmond, Sarah
Northam, Vanessa Brown, Gabrielle Cadden,
;b -.ttor - h
Eri Inoue, Sara Froning.
Front Row L-R Amy Hogan, Andrea Kuc, Jillian Grochowski. Elizabeth Baird, Johanna
Schiller, Anna Rhodes, Julia Calman, Annabel Loncraine.
Absent Catherine Maimone, Melinda Steel Teachers Miss Carmel Laffan, Mr. Michael
Mulcahy, Miss Fiona Hyslop.
3rd Row L-R Megan Walsh, Georgina Canty. Catherine Latimer. Sopnie Bryan, Elizabeth Compton, Shannon Urquhart. Melissa Schutze, Nicole Curtain. Monique Ireland, Georgina Kift.
2nd Row L-R Raelene Howie, Gabrielle
Marchetti, Rebecca Gibson, Sarah Rogalsky, Sarah Jane Morck, Anita Williams, Johanna
Macey, Caroline Ford. Amanda Hilbert, Sarah A,
Front Row L-R Danielle Merlo, Kym Bonollo, Sarah Priest, Debra Pescatore, Emily McGuigan, Elizabeth Clancy. Katharine Ball, Alexandra Galante, Briony Heatley. Teachers Mrs. Elizabeth Freer, Mr. Brian Ellett (absent).
- t, A 1
i *T
0. 42-
3rd Row L-R Kirsty Davison, Roslyn Stanic, Suzanne Keogh, Neroli Bourke. Emma
r /
4/ Wri/// f 4-* Noonan Katherine Leyden, Natalie Doherty. I Amy Cleland, Dominique Burnes. 2nd Row L-R Lisa Francis, Michele Treloar, Emma White, Christina Kraehe, Jennifer Ingwersen, Jane Crawford, Shelley
&: . 11 ' 44 41 k 'it · A·4' j R 1, D
- M9·:t Richardson, Charlotte Giudice, Siobhan
i p /4 E., .pti K
Front Row Natalie Carra. Virginia Scar#,
. . Giovanna Reale, Emma Hicks, Camilla Drake.
; Thanh Lien, Mara Bonacci. Anthea
,·t I : Greenway, Sarah Magee. ·
f , % B., 4
Trinity Pinner. Teachers
Mrs. Barbara Shying, Mr. Mark Bahr.
YEAR 11 RED 4·
-,9 A 4-% 0 424 9
3rd Row L-R Christy Davies, Julia Borghesi. Phillippa Connell. Frances Johnson, Anna McArdle, Holly Francis, Lisa Sculley, Sharia
I j j»»MA er*
Tribe, Victoria Incani, Jodie Brasher. 2nd Row L-R Rebecca Carnovale, Louise Adami, Veronika Gazdik. Rochelle Whelan,
h ?41[1.
Lyshia Travers, Lucy Ryan, Hannah Richardson, Laidley Nathan, Victoria Lawler. Front Row L-R Tania Petroro, Sally Power, Melissa Graydon, Anita Clancy, Marlese Byfield, Fiona McKinnon, Sarah Callil.
13* 4.14;ij¥3 #ir)44€ fjf#*
: aue. t. '4/4 I
r '.42 . p. lat.Lv.: o*;4 -. · & '7
Natasha Wark, Dominique King.
Teachers Sr. Margaret Callaghan, Miss Kate Stedman.
and in pairs came up with our own
Other acts included a serenade of
definition of what love was. We
'You've lost that loving feeling', 'The
We stood clustered together in
made a poster with magazine
twitch', singing belly buttons and a
small uncertain groups and glanced
cuttings about how the media
poetry recital. It was a really
nervously across the room to where
portrays love and compared it with
entertaining night, with everyone
the thirty or more Xavier boys sat
our definition, noting the
picking up prizes for their efforts.
talking in low, controlled tones. It
considerable differences.
After this, everyone went and sat
was pretty embarrassing to begin
That afternoon we went for our trust
around the campfire and sang
with, but eventually with the help of
walks around the camp site. We
songs, talked and listened to further
a few 'icebreaker' games we all
began with one person leading the
poetry recitals from the boys. Finally
mingled together and felt much
rest of the blindfolded group around
the teachers managed to get everyone to go sleep at about
more at ease.
and then we broke into pairs. This
We were introduced to our groups
was easier and you found yourself
1.30am after much pestering.
in a rather unique way: everyone
even having fun while you were
Reluctantly we left the warmth of
received a sheet of newspaper with
being led, blindfolded, through mud,
the fire and made our way back to
a date on it, and all the 30ths of
down ditches and up hills by your
our cabins, exhausted from the
July were in one group, the 31 sts in
partner who sometimes neglected to
hectic day.
another and so on. We then
warn you about an extra big step or
Our final day was spent cleaning
nominated a person to dress in our
a branch at head height.
our cabins, going on the flying fox
newspapers and had a fashion
Nevertheless, it was an amusing
and having our last group
and worthwhile experience.
discussions. We did an 'affirmation
The first night was Bushdance Night
Following dinner, we had a mass in
activity, where you wrote something
and everyone donned flannel shirts
the rec. hall and then rushed off to
nice in each person in your group's
and spent the evening doing such
prepare ourselves for the fancy
book. Then you had to read out
dances as The heel and toe Polka,
dress night and to hurriedly practise
what you wrote to that person. This
The Drongo and Strip the Willow. It
our skits. There was a great
was a really good way of ending our group program as everyone was
was a great success, with everyone
diversity of costumes, from the
joining in and having a really
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to the
made to feel special and content.
enjoyable time. The boys picked it
Mandeville bikies! The next event on
After a flurry of photos was taken,
up very quickly which helped and
the agenda was the skits and just
the two buses arrived for us to
also cut down on the amount of
about everyone got up to perform
travel back to school in. A group of
squashed toes!
(and be totally embarrassed!)
boys threw Cribby, one of the
It was early to rise the next morning
The first act was 'Maria, I want you
teachers from Xavier, into the
and we trudged to breakfast
back', a song-and-dance act,
swimming pool and one of them fell
bleary-eyed and tired from the
preceding a singing group 'Theo
in as well! The camp ended on a
previous night's activities, but still
and the moussaka mamas.' We also
happy note and we drove off,
looking forward to what the day
had the Jackson 5 performing
waving goodbye to everyone.
held. After breakfast we got
'Blame it on the boogie', and a
together in our discussion groups
rendition of 'Singing in the Rain'. Christian Living Camp.
*afft .*43
Christian Living Camp.
by Sharia Tr be
forgotten. The m.sty fog began to
The creator of Heaven and Earth
would be in grave darger. 1
clear and my famliv disappeared as
would have to be hailed as the
remember the words of the oldest
my eyelids fluttered.....
greatest figure in the Universe. His
and wisest believer from my village,
presence is felt in even the darkest
"Do noth.ng to anger God for he
My eyes slowly adjusted to the soft light and my head throbbed as I
and remotest corners of the earth,
has always cared for yo.3." Was I
turned to discover that I was lying in
and his light shines in the hearts of
angering God now? My confusion
a d:tch at the side of the road. 1
the cold and lost. Yet where is this
grew and I pondered the choice of
srumoled to my feet aware of my
creator, the entity they call God?
turning back and forgetting I had
aching body and heavy head. 1
How do they, the believers, know he
ever heard of God, or continuirg my
turned from the road and stood
s a man? l am obviously not
journey until He had been found.
facing the horizon feeling calm. at
important for I have never seen him;
The sky sudcenly lit up, illuminating
ease and close to my family; the
he has never spoken to me.
ihe path and creating eerie shadows
sun was beginning zo rise.
According to the believers He is
n the dense undergrowth. I heard
All signs of the storm had
everywhere, constantly aware and
the first roll of thunder from afar as
disappeared now and the flaming
alert, but His absence from my life
the earth reverberated and the first
red and yellow suii slowly surfaced,
has left a gaping hole in my heart.
drops of rain began to fall. Pie
its brilliance creating a kaleidoscope
The believers' faith is wasted
rolling thunder was SLddenly closer
of colour highlighling the beauty of
spending so much time materialising
and I was now afraid. With nowhere
the world. As the rays of sunl ght
the words in a book; where is God?
to go and nowhere io hide I began
tickled my skin I suddenly ealised
The believers' love is the love I
to run to try and escape the angry
that God was smiling; I hac found
reach for, but I know only God can
storm. Despite my efforts to beat
true Deace at least.
give me this love and so I wander
the storm I knew I could achieve
When my fam ly had been killed in
aimlessly in my search for this man.
nothing. for I had sinned and God
that car crash I had blamed the man
My yearning is now too great and I
was ang'y. The storm raged and I
the believers call God. Four beautiful
realise I cannot stay here in my
struggled to avoid the fallen branch
people's lives wasted ail because of
village, for I have a new purpose n
of a tree that had, only moments
one careless person, and I had
life; to find God.
ago, been strJck. 1 grabbed at the
blamed God. But I now knew that
For the first time in my life, 1 turned
darkness but all efforts failed, and I
my anguish had been His anguish
my back on the security I had
crumpled to the ground with the
and that He felt the anger that, felt.
constantly relied on, and I stepped
wise man's words echoing in my
My family's time had come and tre
out under the darkening sky; heavy
mind. All was black.
time had been right, but God
black storm clouds threatened my
.....My family reached out to me from
forgave all evil and continued loving
journey, but my determination could
the swirl of colours, smiling and
and I knew that He was just like me.
not be diminished by any
happy. They had finally discovered
11 had taken a tragedy to make me
mortal-being, let alone God! The
peace, and I was no longer angry at
believe and in all my confusion God
dark road ahead held no shelter and
their desertion, for I realised their
had never once doubted me. I was
should the heavens collapse, 1
peace was shared and their love not
now a true believer.
RUN 'EM INTO THE GROUND! (Loosely adapted from Romeo and Juliet, Act 1, Scene 1, p.102-145) Raelene Howie (Yr. 11)
"Come on in, Ben. Sit Down."
checking the weather tor
There was a figure somewhere
lunchtime's soccer match.
behind the growing mountains of
The door opened slightly, and Mrs.
Ben casually entered the principal's
paperwork on the desk. Still
Graeton, the School Secretary,
office. This was a serious matter,
obscured from view, the
popped her head in.
one which the school would
conversation continued. "That was a
"Here's the list of absentees. Ill
probably look upon distastefully, and
great game of cricket on Saturday.
start phoning the parents in a
should, therefore, scare the wits out
Our team look first rate next to that
minute, yes?"
of Ben....but it didn't.
mob from St. Kevin's."
The Head looked over the list
Why? Because, though Ben had
"Yeah, we've got some good
been at Richmond Station at the
quickly as he always did, pausing
players this season, Sir."
however, on Rob's name.
time of the fight, he wasn't involved.
'Hmm." the principal replied, finally
'I've noticed Rob's beer: a bit down
He didn't even know the course,
coming into view, "Well, 1 suppose
lately. Have there been family
just that the black and red uniforms
you know why I've called you here.
troubles? Maybe girls, schoolwork?"
of Xavier had quickly been
Let's get straight to the point. Who
"I don't think anyone knows, Sir.
smothered by a sea of red, or was it the other way around? Various 'ruddy' Scotch and Xavier guys had appeared to all pile on top of one another within seconds, causing an
started the fight? Scotch? You were
He's keeping to himself, not saying
there, weren't you?'
much and wanting to be alone I
'Yes, Sir, but I'rn sorry to say I don't
know. When I arrived, the two
"Hope it's nothing too serious. I'd really like to help him if I could, put
groups were on top of each other,
all-out brawl.
and when I tried to step in and
him out of his misery.'
Trying to make sense of the
break it up, I just got a few punches
The Principal looked concerned,
situation. Ben remembered seeing
thrown my way." Ben rubbed his
"Hmm. Oh well, back off to class
Rob, one of his best friends, on
jaw, where a perfect left hook had
another platform, waiting for the
landed." Some security guys,
Ben. Thanks for your help and good luck on Saturday. Run Scotch into
eastbound train. The opposite
guards, turned up then, and got the
the ground! Sportsmanship, that's
direction to school, he thought,
whole thing under control."
the name of the game."
contemplating whether to go and
"I see, the old Xavier versus Scotch
"Yes, Sir!" Ben left smiling, yet
talk to Rob but deciding against it
rivalry surfacing again. Oh well, 1
when he noticed the sagging
suppose Ill just have to give all of
puzzled by the Principal's last few comments, especially after the
shoulders and downcast eyes. Best
you a good talking to at assembly
morning's episode.
left alone.
on Monday." He thought aloud,
Apart from his wandering eyes, Ben's must have been the only ones
not in or watching the brawl. This was later confirmed when a member
of the public called both Schools' Headmasters, appalled by the
apparent lack of discipline shown by both groups.
"Public Transport just isn't safe
anymore. My Fred and I were just standing there, minding our own business...." Ben could just see her. Minding her own business! Anyway, as a senior prefect, Ben was called to the office. "Sir?'
.El 1 : 921 5
*i. 11
Sophie Adams
Ullian Adams
Elina Akselrod
Jade Anderson
Emma Andrew
r --7
Emily Arihur
Alexandra Badenoch
Marlo Baragwanath
Georgina Borg
Patricia Barnes
n r 1 I .2 . Rachael Breen
Gabrielle Briglia
Melanie Brown
Kathlena Brownell
Jennifer Buctianan
t 1 Genevieve Burtonclay
m Susan Callil
Amanda Charles
Marcelle Clarebrough
Alexandra Connell
Annele Cust
Genevieve Daly
Annalisa David
Anne-Marie Dickinson
Madi Doherty
.. 7,9.V
Sally-Jane Drummond
Sophie Duggan
Lucy Dynan
Jacqueline Fahy
Sarah Fogarty I.
1-U' 31 Kate Foley
Sonia Francazio
Rachel Fuller
Catherine Gill
Megan Hicks
Suzannah Hilbert
Lisa Hilbert-Caleo
Rachael Hogan
Amanda Holden
Kirsty Kelly
Virginia Keogh
Jacqueline Knight
Karen Howell
Julia Kelly
-P W
f ·.V k 1 1
In,=3 Melanie Lechte
Sarah Lethlean
Anita Leung
Sarah L'Huillier
Alexandra Lowe
Melissa Ludescher
Emma Lund
Jessica Lyons
Veronica Makiv
L. *j Francesca Marsan
Jacinta McCarthy
Angela McDonnell
Melissa Mclnerney
Georgina McLean
Lucy MeNamara
Danielle Mealey
Siobhan Merlo
Katherine Moir
Katherjne Moulton
9 I
1 4/1. Marika Nelson
,&11 Catherine O'Brien
Johanna O'Brien
, 12t. 4 1 Siobhan O'Callaghan
Jane O'Connell
A u
' 39 -
Karen O'Connor
Danielle O'Donoghue
Kellie O'Dwyer
Jessica Pearson
Elizabeth Peters
Dana Poulos
Lorraine Oldham
Julie O'Shea
Megan Preiss
Catherine Quinn
n 4
f Katharine Reidy
Daniela Rollo
111_ 4% 1 L Kathryn Ryan
Rutn Rossell
Natasha Ryan
. .1 1 Nicole Stosius
Jare Shannon
Elizabeth Sharp
Michelle Siwka
Ruth Standring
Clare Streteri
Siobhan Sullivan
Rebecca Thiel
Helen Thorn
Rachael Watts
Fiona Williamson
Mrs Margaret Smith
Miss Victoria Rose
Mrs Joan Ryan
te 1 9- 9 .
i , 41 1
LA J., 4 Tanja Vennix
Pascale Vorighack
./.'0¢454#> 4 Mr Roger Gill
Mrs Linda George
Ms Wendy Maning
MEMORIES. It all began one February morning in 1978 when Mrs Hull welcomed
21 nervous but excited Prep. girls into her classroom. We spent that year as a close group of friends, eager to learn and to participate in everything.
Now, 13 years later when we look at the Year 12 class of 1990, with
close to 100 girls ready to leave the gates of Mandeville, only 9 of that original Prep. class are still at Loreto.
What we didn't realise way back then was that our Prep. class would never be the same again, because each year saw new friends arriving and old and dear
friends departing. Spending 13 of
Back Fow - Pos tions 3.4.5,7 and 8, from
left to right, Melanie Lechte. Megan Hicks. Sonia Francazio, Sophie Adams, Helen YEAR 12 STAFF
one's 18 years at Mandeville must
surely deeply touch the hearts of these 9 girls, as together we
Thorn. Middle rovv - Posit ons 2 and 3. Gabrielle
prepare to salute and say
Brig ia, Alexandra Connell.
goodbye to the Mandeville famjly
Frort row - Positions 1 and 2, Fiona
we have been part of for so many
Williamson. Sarah Lethlean.
Adieu dear friends; these beautiful
memories are ours to keep forever.
j tz::l
Sonia Francazio and Sarah Lethlean.
Mme Anouk Smetana
Year 12s who were in the 1978 Prep Class Back row - Alexardra Connell, Gabrielle Briglia, Melanie Lechte. Megan Hicks, Helen Thorn. Middle row - Fiona Williamson, Mrs Marianne Hull. Sonia Francazio.
Front row - Sarah Lethlean, Sophie Adams.
Mrs Sue Stockdale
jfs.y:Y.:f::.: Mrs Carolyn Woriley
Jacinta McCarthy Year 12 Gold
expect. We all feel like little children
marks around the mouths of the
on our first day anywhere, and this
patients). Then I had a wonderful
was no exception. There were many
idea - to have a patient or two
changes that we had to adjust to.
with a broken arm or leg. this idea
We were no longer treated as
appealed to me very much, so I got
children and all of a sudden the
out my "Miss Lucy" talcum powder
As I walked through the huge iron
teachers had become human, or
that I had received for my birthday,
gates I felt sure that freedom was
maybe it was we who were simply
and mixed it with water in a shoe -
being left behind, outside in a world
changing and maturing. The work
the most suitable thing available.
I would not see again for a long
load became heavy and through the
This combination made a lovely
time. It was my first day, I knew no
year we became marginally studious
thick plaster that dried in moments.
one and no one knew me. I felt
human beings.
The first victim was Teddy who had
nervous, unsure, worried and
We will soon be having another first
fallen down the stairs and broken
frightened. It was such a daunting
day at university or in the work
his leg. On went the plaster, but not
place. The grey buildings towered
force. We will never escape the first
too easily because of the fur.
over me and I felt like a tiny pebble
day because there is always one
Eventually Teddy was fixed up and I
ingrained in the sand on an
ahead of us. Life is full of first days.
was about to start on my second
enormous beach. We as humans
victim, a doll named Stephanie but,
are scared of the unknown and this
at that point, my mother came in
was something I knew nothing
and saw that my toys were covered
about. It was totally different to
in blue ink and that Teddy also had
anything I had ever experienced
a thick coating of some sort of hard
white glue, as did the carpet, me
School was a completely new and
Julia Kelly Year 12 Gold
different experience for me. My mother had now totally abandoned
It had seen better days but I still
and my kinder shoes. I explained it all, but she didn't think that my brilliant plaster
me and left me to fend for myself.
loved my teddy as much as I had
kdea was quite so brilliant and she
The classroom was foreign to me. It
always done. Its coat of fur that was
took Teddy away.
was a brand new environment for
once white and fluffy, that tickled
The next time I saw my poor loyal
me to explore and discover. Textas,
my wet cheeks as I cried out my
friend was when he was handing by
paper, pencils and crayons were all
troubles into its fat belly, was now
one paw from the clothesline, a
freely at my disposal. They weren't
grey and scruffy and, in some
grave injustice that I
locked in a cupboard or put on
places, not there at all! That fat belly
tried to put right by climbing up the
top of the fridge the way they
had leaked out a hole in the side
centre pole of this apparatus with
were at home. There was a big
diminishing its middle to a floppy
the help of a couple of garden
adventure playground. The best
central area of fur and air. It was
chairs. Unfortunately, clotheslines
thing of all was that there were
missing an eye and so it started at
are not made for small children to
other children. They were willing to
me through its single glass bead. 1
climb up and so the story ends with
play games and my first day was
looked back into that eye and as I
teddy (nice, clean and dry by this
proving to be quite enjoyable.
did, I too saw those better days of
time) being presented to me by
From that first day in Prep, I have
Teddy's amongst the tangled
Mum as I lay sobbing in bed, back
progressed a long way. It is now the
thicket of memories.
from the hospital with a real plaster
first day of Year Twelve that I am
The first memory I untangled was
cast on my arm.
experiencing and yet again I am
from when I was about three years
I chuckled to myself in fond
experiencing something new and
old and I had woken up early one
memory, and thought back to when
wonderful. Instead of crayons it is
morning before anybody else was
I went to visit my grandmother with
coffee and "frees", a common room
awake. 1 decided to turn my
my family one weekend. She had
instead of an adventure playground,
bedroom into a hospital with all my
made us fairy cakes as a surprise
a lot of work, and instead of other
dolls and soft toys laid out on the
filled with cream and covered in
children to play with it is burdened
bed or the floor as the patients.
pink icing and hundreds and
teenagers to console. No longer do
Being by myself, I had to play the
thousands. Between me and my
we want our mothers to stay with
parts of both nurse and doctor. 1
siblings, these wonderful cakes
us; we want them to leave us alone
marched up and down the room,
disappeared fast and it was not
to get on with our lives. We want
administering medicine (pencil
long before we were arguing over
our independence and freedom.
shavings) and injections (biros
who should lick the plate. Left alone
The feelings are however the same.
jabbed into legs and arms that left
with Teddy a little while later, 1
I was nervous, unsure, worried and
nasty blue marks on the patients),
went to the refrigerator to find
frightened not knowing what I would
and taking temperatures (again
some more delicious food. I came
find and not knowing what I should
using the biro and leaving blue
across a jar of strawberry jam. I
sat on the floor and began
look of a successful business man.
Their child on the other hand was a
purposefully devouring it. Teddy DANA POULOS - YEAR 12
sat beside me and began to look a bit hungry too. Being the
Finally, after seventeen years, I had
generous soul that I was, I gave
decided to leave the nest and find
complete brat!
Teddy a big handful of jam to
myself a job! Being of European
enjoy. When the jar was finished, 1
descent there was no difficulty in
From the moment our eyes met, I knew we had little chance of getting along. Our eyes met and clashed like hot coals in fire. Terror swept over me and malice overpowered
presented myself to my parents
undertaking a position at one of my
and grandparents as a sticky
uncle's restaurants. It became the
his small torso. The little boy
mess - red jam all over my face
victim of my disastrous presence.
squealed and whined in an
and front, carrying a sticky white
I began with a sense of purpose
earpiercing tone. His little grubby
teddybear that had turned a
and direction at precisely eleven
fingers stabbed at my body and
pinkish hue during the mastication
o'clock. There I was in all my
process. Nobody was impressed.
splendour, brilliance and glamour. 1
pinched my once dark and smooth skin. With one large cry, he hurled
Poor Teddy once again found
began memorising the menu, trying
me to the floor where I lay helpless
himself on the clothesline.
to remember every dish, while my
and in the direct path of an
And so I looked into that single
mouth watered at the thought of
oncoming walter.
black beady eye, filled with the
such delicious meals. 1 looked about
Angelo, was moving swiftly towards
memories of the better days it had
and people had begun to enter.
me with an overloaded tray of
seen. 1 remembered some of them
Time for work!
dishes of left-over lasagna and
and had forgotten others. I
A young couple with a toddler
mauled pasta. He went for a flying
remembered, nevertheless, the
entered and took the table I had
leap and dishes and trays went
process whereby Teddy had
been assigned to. The young
hurtling across the floor. The sight
changed from being a white, fluffy,
woman was stunning, every feature
was ghastly.
fat teddybear with two bright black
she possessed constituted beauty
So you see, Ladies and Gentlemen,
eyes, to being a greyish scruffy, half
and embellished her presence. Her
my first day at work was far from
bald, half blind and scrawny animal
husband, in business suit and tie,
dull. Being an olive in a salad is a
that still sits on the end of the bed.
had the well-preserved handsome
far from simple occupation, I can assure you! Back row. Megan Hicks. Lucy MeNamara, Sr. Margaret Callaghan. Fran Marsan, Danielle 0 Donoghue. Front row. Alix Lowe, Kate Moulton, Melan e
- Lechte. Sophie Duggan, Georgina McLean.
it+ 141
Back. Danielle Mealey.
%4ll'(Xhat.ogan. Rachel Fuller, Front. Michelle Siwka. Amanda Holden.
SPORTS REPORT Kate Moulton (Sports Captain) Success came thick and fast for
Mandeville sporting teams in 1990. Perhaps the most significant achievements came from the
Swimming and Athletics teams with respective victories in the Catholic Association. It is also encouraging that much of the success may be attributed to not only the seniors but also the juniors and intermediates. Therefore, with this sort of depth, hopefully we can maintain the efforts of this year in the coming years.
In addition, Rowing and Waterpolo, two of the more recent sports to have been adopted by Mandeville, are cementing their places firmly Third Row Usa Francis. Ully Adams
within their respective competitions
(Captain), Gabnelle Briglia (Vice Captain),
and are quickly gaining recognition
Sophie Williams, V rginia Croagh, Louise
and respect from their opponents.
The gymnastic team built on their
Seconc Row Amy Lally, Sarah Fogarty,
success of last year, going one
'Virginia Keogh, Anna Bowen, Jessica Lyons. Fiona Md<innon. Mrs. Carmel Kehoe
better and attaining first place in the
Assistant Coach)
School Aerobics Competition.
Front Row Ainslee Spadaro, Julia Cullity,
The enthusiasm for the inter-house
sporting activities was again evident
Athletics can be attributed to this
Kelly, Jane Harfcrd, Marian Bare, Sarah O'Byrne.
n 1990 and perhaps our inter-school
success in the Swimming and
Caitlin Dwyer, usa Hill. Sally Howard Fiona
Lilly Adams (Cross Country Captain)
This year we had a great Cross Country season. Our team was
Congratulations to those who participated in any sporting activity and good luck for next year.
strengthened by the many year
sevens who showed great potential and dedication. Julia (Juliity ran particularly well throughout t4e season, being placed within the top three of many of the races, and she
Mr Guy Anderson
came first in her age group at the run of Jells Park. Christina Spillane also had a very strong season, being a valuable member of the Senior team. The team's enthusiasm
was exceptional this year and I .
thank you all for your support. The season could not have been so
successful without the help ot our i coach Mr. Guy Anderson. He gave a great deal of his time to tale ·•, 4ik' •
organise and support us. Mrs. Kehoe's support was also .+.
1. Irr
Thank you Mr. Anderson and Mrs. Kehoe.
NETBALL Marlo Baragwanath (Netball Captain)
1 U 1 IM 1 -1-1 E= ill 1/Ill u.. m..1 l illi I
Loreto's netball teams have had
mixed success this year. The
f -7
emphasis this year has been on each girl's commitment to the netball team; there was also a mixed reaction to this.
The Junior team was the most
successful; the 'A' team came
second overall and the 'B' team
came first overall. This was a great effort by all the girls especially
Ginny Hartley who was the most
improved player. Thanks must also go to their coaches Miss Cowan and Miss Dickinson, who worked hard to create this team of
'champions'. The Intermediate team also went
quite well; the 'A' team came fourth
overall and the 'B' team came
Third Row Jacqui Arena, CIa re Nelson
second overall in their division.
Johanna Chester, Virginia Croagh, Anna
Players who should be commended are Vanessa Slaven, Julia Cullity and Simone Leyden, who all played well
throughout the season. Thanks also to the coaches Mrs. Gillespie and Mrs. McAuley.
Bowen. Elizabeth Bowen. Elisha Warren. Joanna Laurence.
Second Row Mrs. Bambi McAuley, Julia
Cullity, Arry Lally, Marie-Anne Davies, Katrina Martin Catherine Green, Emily Hummerston, Danielle Kennedy. Emily Kit
Angela McCarthy, Mrs. Lesley Gillespie. Front Row Sally Dixon, Rachael Crane.
The Senior team had a lot of fun this
Emma Dunlevie. Simone Leyden. Anna
year; the 'A'team won three of their
Coppel Paige Hanrahan, Olivia Jones.
five matches and the 'B' team won
Fiona Kelly, Vanessa Slaven.
two of theirs. We probably would
have gone a lot better if so many of our training sessions hadn't been thwarted by rain. Mrs. Freer and Miss Cowan must be thanked for
their endless patience and fantastic coaching. Good performances were made by newcomer Anita Williams and by Alix Lowe and Anna
McArdle. Special thanks should go to Simone Leyden and Anna Sullivan of Year 8 who played in the senior team when they were short of players.
Thank you to all the sports staff who have been very supportive and special thanks to Kate Moulton, the netball Vice-Captain for her undying enthusiasm.
SENIOR NETBALL Second Row Alex Lowe, Marlo
Baragwanath. Anna McArdle, Kate Leyden. Front Row Miss Jane Cowan, Kate Moulton, Anita Williams, Siobhan Hewitt, Mrs. Elizabeth Freer.
ROWING REPORT Alex Badenoch (Rowing Captain)
The 1990 rowing season was one of great change and reorganisation for Loreto. Although we were unable to
E %=,r y
win any major regattas, several crews were able to put forward
gallant efforts and win several races. For both the first and second crews
the season was one of re-learning because both crews moved into the 4
racing boat. As the 1990 rowing season progressed, improvement was evident as all the girls worked
li f
together as a team.
During 1990 the Loreto Rowing Club took on a new face with new
1 7
coaches such as Brian Dalton and
Mr. Lachal. This year also saw the Loreto Rowing Club adopt a more serious approach and therefore it meant the end of 'friendship crews'. Not only did the Rowing Club enlist the expertise of new coaches but it
continued to receive valuable help from Mr. Wilson and South
SENIOR ROWING SQUAD Third Row Ally Murphy Michelle Thomas,
Margaret Wilson, Sarah Lachal, Clare Streten, Christy Davies, Michelle Florenini Second Row Esther Lethlean, Julie
Melbourne Rowing Club members.
McCorkell, Amanda Charles, Melanie
The Co-ordinator of Rowing also
Maryanka, Belinda Hoy, Kate Canavan, Fi
played an important role in what
McKin'lon, Miss Sally-Ann Dickinson.
was achieved this season, and therefore we thank Miss Dickinson
for her contribution to the rowing
Front Row Kym Bonollo, Therese Ryan, Liz Baird, Alex Badenoch (Captain), Louise Scally, Sarah Maher, Virginia Scarff, Amy Hogan.
The 1990 season also saw the rise
of many young and enthusiastic rowers. This year, due to the great number of new rowers, the size of
the club has increased greatly and the increased numbers also
enhances Loreto's chances of
success in the future. Many of the
girls in the Rowing Club possess a lot of potential and hopefully, they will continue to develop their skills. Many thanks to all those involved and I hope the enthusiasm shown for rowing over the past year will continue in the future.
Ill lim
Third Row Rebecca Gibson, Rebecca
Quinn. Kate Morrison. Margaret Wilson, Jacinta Gracey, Johanna Macey, Dani Rollo. Second Row Rochelle Whelan, Andrea
9 *di t
Blake, Alexandra Clissold, Julie McCorkell, Jane Crawford, Kate Collie, Emma Hicks Miss Kate van Hulssen,
Front Row Mara Bonacci. Paulette Nicholls,
Tania Petroro. Melanie Lechte (Captain).
Sarah Fogarty (Vice Captain). Anthea Greenway Marika Meehan. Megan Walsh.
SQUAD Third Row Fiona Kelly, Kate Kricker, Jane
Hoy,Anna Bowen, Megan Larnach-Jones, Katrina Martin. Emily Hummerston, Katrina Laurence.
Second Row Miss Kate van Hulssen,
Rebecca Sargeant, Claudia Olivera, Lucy Trumble, Elizabeth Bowen, Claire Nelson,
Caroline Strahan, Angela McCarthy. Dominica Hanger.
Front Row Brigid Cullity. Clare Brazenor,
Angela Bennie. Virginia Griffith. Jo Laurence. Emily Raffaele, Marie-Therese Cont Gabrielle McCorkell, Julia Cullity
Both the A&B Intermediate teams
to the oval at lunch-times to defend
played very well this season with
their Houses, umpiring because difficult. Despite the fact that many
The Hockey Season began with
the B's being undefeated. The win against Mentone, when Anna Bowen
much enthusiasm and support.
scored three (3) goals was
side of the stick to hit the ball with,
Despite the tough competition we
especially exciting. Skills and
not to kick the ball and even which
faced, it was obvious that many
performances improved during the
end of the oval their goals were at,
players improved their skills whilst
season. There is a great deal of talent coming up including J. Cullity, C. Brazenor and J. Hoy. Both teams
we managed to get some results.
Melanie Lechte (Hockey Captain)
others developed new skills. The Senior season consisted of
girls had obviously forgotten which
Showing some promise were J. Lyons (who never gave up), L.
were also coached by the extremely
Adams and G. Briglia.
talented Miss Van Hulssen.
After many years of promoting
match of the season with a four nil
Although the Junior teams did not
hockey at Loreto, it is now alive and
win to us. Following this we had a
get much of a chance to improve
running well thanks to Miss Van
mixture of wins and losses. There
substantially, due to such a short
Hulssen and Mr. Gill and the Sports
were some notable performances
season, the girls showed
Staff. A special thanks must also go
throughout the season by J.
competitiveness, enthusiasm and
to the Vice-Captain,
Macey, S. Sheales, A. Greenway,
skill. The talents of S. O'Byrne, N.
Sarah Fogarty, for her dedication
M. Meehan, P. Nicolls, M. De
Sabbadini, A. Hume, L. Gamble and
and support of hockey in 1990.
Zoete and by R. Whelan as our
S. Portelli, as well as both teams as
Good luck in the future.
goalie. A great deal of thanks must also go to our coach Miss
a whole, show great promise, due to
Van Hulssen who was dedicated
Interhouse Hockey cannot go
to our team.
unnoticed. As many players flocked
only seven games. The first match against Wesley stood to be the
the fantastic coaching of Mr. Gill.
JUNIOR HOCKEY Second Row Mr. Roger Gill, Susannah
Portelli, Alice Hume, Natalie Sabbadini, Emily Roberts, Natasha Holmes.
Front Row Tamsin Santos, Virginia Jones, Josie Fagan, Felicity Ambler, Victoria Ellis, Kate Adam.
- Fencing Captain
1990 has been yet another exciting year for Fencing at Loreto. Thanks rnust go to our coach Mr Feathers and also to Mrs Stobie the Fencing Coordinator.
Two fencing competitions have been held at Loreto, this year. The Jack Schaefer competition in second term proved to be a great success and was won by a fencer from Loreto, Normanhurst. In both
competitions all the Loreto girls
fenced extremely well.
During the second term holidays, whilst most of us were recovering from the stresses of school life, two
Loreto girls travelled to Sydney to
compete in the Australian
Second Row Lucienne Bailey, Marie-Anne
Championships. Mary-Anne Davies
Davies, Kate Williams, Sarah Southall.
fenced brilliantly and came fourth in
Front Row Bronwyn Frost, Emma Williams,
the Under 14 section. Emma
Rebecca Burnes Verity Okno, Virginia
Williams also fenced well.
Numerous Victorian titles were won
Coach Mr. John Fethers (absent).
by Loreto this year. The Under 15 and Under 20 School Teams
Championships were won by four Year 8 students: M. Davies, V.
Jones, L. Bailey and S. Southall. The Under 17 Victorian School
Championship was won by M. Davies and R. Burnes.
1990 has been a very successful year for fencing and the fencers must be thanked for all their hard work. Mr and Mrs Davies must also
be acknowledged for the great amount of time and effort they have put into the club this year.
Mr John Fethers with Marie-Anne Davies.
Melanie Brown (Waterpolo Captain)
This year has been the most
successful for Waterpolo so far. With the help and guidance of Robyn Wallace, National Waterpolo player, as our coach, the teams entered for
Loreto in the interschool competition played well. The 'A' team, consisting mainly of Year 11's and Year 12's who have a
couple of years experience in playing waterpolo, achieved excellent results, although we narrowly missed out on the finals.
The 'A' team's victories were by large margins and our few losses were extremely close and hard fought games.
In the 'B' team, most of the girls
had not played waterpolo before but did extremely well to advance to become competent waterpolo
Second Row Vanessa Brown, Kate Moulton, Alexandra Lowe, Melanie Brown,
Katherine Leyden, Anita Williams. Mr. Mark
players by the end of the season.
As these girls were mainly Year 9's,
Front Row Anthea Greenway, Jane Harford,
it will be good to see them progress
Michelle Mihe cic, Sara Froning. Rebecca
to higher levels of excellence as
Gibson. Lisa Francis.
they get older and play more waterpolo.
Waterpolo is an enjoyable game, combining skills involved with swimming and ball-handling and stamina. Hopefully as the sport becomes more popular and more girls try the sport, Loreto will achieve even greater success in waterpolo. From the way we played this year the School shows great promise.
3 43%
Marguerite Fulton, Monique Bourke, Melanie Lachal, Monique McMillan.
SKI TEAM Third Row Georgina Canty, Michelle Florenini, Veronica Makiv, Kate Morrison, Luisa Scholz.
Second Row Mr Andrew Schmidt, Georgie McLean, Gabrielle Marchetti, Angela Makiv, Marcelle Crosby. Kate Canavan. Lainie t,
Scholz, Sarah Demediuk, Jane Nolan.
Front Row Virginia Okno. Fiona Will amson (Captain), Susannah Portelli, Sophie Freeman, Julia Calman, Mara Bonacci, Sally Power, Verity Okno. Rebecca Podbury, Monica Stosius. T
SOFTBALL REPORT Ruth Standring Softball Capta n 1990.
Softball is very much a team sport
congratulat ons must go to all girls who participated.
Fiora Williamson (Skiing Captain
The Junior A's and Intermediate A's
The 1990 sk season began well.
must be especially commended for
with not only record snow falls
their excellent placings which
throughout the State, but also a
resulted in invitations to the
record number of girls participating
Australian Championships held at
n the training week-end.
Mt. Blue Cow, in New South Wales.
The training week-end held on the
Both the training week-end and race
Ilth and 12th of August proved most
day were highly successful in that a
successful. From the enthusiastic
good time was had by all and we
participants we were able to select
were rewarded with most pleasing
the teams for 1990, based on the
results of the training week-end, and
Special thanks must go to Miss
more specifically on :he results of
Sally-Ann Dickinson for her
the "Loreto Slalom" race rield on
invaluable assistance throughout the
the Sunday.
year and to Mr. Andrew Schmidt lor
These teams went on to participate
accompanying us on the race day.
in the annual V.S.A. Interschool
The 1990 team showed great
Ski-Race held on Friday 24th August
potential and I wish them all the best in the coming years.
at Mt. Buller. Altogether 8 teams were entered in the competition and
which includes many elements of co-operation, skill and communication. The 1990 teams
seem to have all these qualities. It is difficult to comment on the season
as it has not begun yet, but I feel confident that all teams will have much success.
Softball is a summer sport and the nice weather and nature of the sport seem to add to the satisfaction of
playing. It is also a highly skilful sport which includes elements such as batting, fielding and throwing. To Integrate and develop these skills personally and yet co-ordinate them in a team creates a great sense of achievement and enthusiasm.
A very critical part of softball is maybe what is missing in other more fast-moving sports, and that is the high element of team spirit, enjoyment and co-operation. These qualities are what enable the Loreto teams to stand out form the rest.
The girls really enjoy the sport and winning adds to this excitement and enthusiasm. However, on the few occasions that a loss occurs, the
girls still have lifted spirits and a great sense of sportswomanship. Many thanks to the girls who dedicate themselves to the sport from year seven to year twelve, and good luck to future players who I
am sure will carry on a fine tradition of invincible softballers!
Back row - Miss Sally Dick nson, Anra McA
Kate Morrison, Hannah Richardson, Kendra
Ireland, Julie McCorkell, Jokanna Macey, Anit;
Illiams, Ruth Standring, Marika Meehan,
IRebecca Gibson, Emma Hic:ks, Emma Noonan, Mr Grant Weir (Coach)
Lets hope success comes to we who deserve it in our stylish
'ror'It row - Sara Froning Siobhan Hewitt, Eri Inoue, Camilla Drake, Anthea Greenway
knickerbockers and with our skilful
Annabel Loncraine, Mara Bonacci.
BASKETBALL Jackie Knight (Basketball Captain)
Six teams consisting of enthusiastic talent from years seven to twelve were chosen to be in this year's Basketball squad. These Loreto teams were eager to do their best at the Tournament held at Albert Park stadium.
It was unfortunate, however, that
this year's Basketball Tournament was cancelled due to a lack of
schools entering the competition. Nevertheless, the teams still met for
training once a week and played matches against each other. Our wonderful Sports teachers, Mrs.
Stobie and Miss Dickinson, set up some games against other schools for the various teams and in which Loreto fared well.
A special thanks must go to Mrs. Genovese who trained the two
senior teams and taught us new skills. Her time and effort was
greatly appreciated.
Although it seems as though this year's Basketball season was a bit of a "no-show", the efforts put in by the squad were tremendous and thanks are extended to those girls for their commitment. Hopefully next
year, the talents at Loreto will make them winners at the Albert Park
SENIOR Second Row Jade Anderson, Natasha
Ryan, Marlo Baragwanath, Anita Williams.
Front Row Johanna Macey, Ruth Standring.
Jacqui Knight (Captain). Monique MeMillan.
INTERMEDIATE Third Row Emily Kitt, Amanda Humphreys,
Felicity Bloom, Caroline Strahan. Second Row Talia Karanicolas,
Marie-Therese Conti. Felicity Zahara, Angela McCarthy, Katrina Laurence, Sinead O'Donnell, Mrs. Natalie Magrath. Front Row Luisa Scholz, Simone Leydenl
Paige Hanrahan, Lucienne Bailey, Natalie de Morton, Olivia Jones, Joanna Basford. Kate Routley.
JUNIOR Second Row Belinda Duke, Melanie Blight, Jolene Geh. Stephanie Rafter, Alice Hume. Front Row Jenny Buccheri, Jasmine
Anderson, Ainslee Spadaro, Chantal O'Donoghue, Victoria Ellis.
'Ii' 411
Anna Bowen, Jo Laurence and Libby Bowen.
The Junior team had varyjng degrees of success this year,
winning three of five matches, but losing a few by very narrow
margins. Most girls were consistent players and received commendable results. The talent of the younger girls I am sure will contjnue to develop as they move into the
senior years of the School. Team members for the season were: Sara
Harris, Emily Burke, Beth Glynn, Lucy Conlon, Letitia Gamble, Alice
Hume, Chantal O'Donoghue, Nicole 44'
Curtain, Victoria Ellis, Claire Soppitt, Susanah Portelli, and Michaela Bingham. The 1990 annual School tournament,
the McCormack Cup, proved to be
most exciting. After a lengthy series of matches Natasha Ryan and Marika Meehan met in the final, with Natasha the victor(8-3)
Like all the other tennis competitions this year at Mandeville enthusiasm
was running high for the Junior Doubles tournament. A well W
deserved victory went to Alice Hume and Sara Harris.
Thanks must go to our team
managers Mrs Ryan, Mrs Maccora and Mrs Apthorpe and especially r
our sport co-ordinator Miss
Dickinson. They were a valued source of support and
encouragement throughout the 47-1
Congratulatjons to all team members on such a fine
TENNIS REPORT, 1990 By Genevieve Daly
performance this year. I wish you the best of luck for the 1991 season.
Marika Meehan, Ka:herine Moir and Sharia Tribe.
1990 was a season of mixed
The Intermediate team was
Second Row Sharia Tribe, Natasha Ryan,
success. The Senior team had
particularly successful during 1990.
Anna McArdle, Katherine Moulton. Mrs. Joan
strengths in many areas. A number of very capable girls displayed immense talent during their
All girls played consistently and with
matches. and some finished the
some outstanding results which led
season with excellent doubles
to an overall victory, olacing them
results. At the conclusion of -the
equal first with Firbank. Players
season the Senior team finished
representing the Intermediate team
third. Team members for the season
Second Row Felicity Bloom, Elizabeth
were: Emma Dunlevie, Virginia
Bowen, Virginia Croagh, Anna Bowen, Claire
were: Genevieve Daly, Kate Moulton, Rebecca Gibson, Johanna Macey,
Croagh, Liz Kelly, Nicole Hurst,
Nelson, Joanna Laurence.
- Captain
tremendous enthus·asm. As a result
of such dedication the team had
Sophie Freeman, Olivia Jones, Amy
Anna McArdle, Kendra Ireland,
Lally, Melissa Hennessy, Felicity
Brigid Cunningham, Natasha Ryan,
Bloom, Sarita Merlo, Claire Nelson,
Front Row Genevieve Daly (Captain), Johanna Maceb Katherine Moir, Marika Meehan, Rebecca Gibson.
Absent Kendra Ireland. Brigid Cunningham.
Front Row Amy Lally, Sarita Merlo, Olivia Jones, Mrs. Amanda Apthorpe, Emma Dunlevie, Sophie Freeman, Melissa Hennessy.
GYMNASTICS 1990 By Liz Breen
- Gymnastics Captain
Yet again it has been another exciting and rewarding year of gymnastics. We welcomed a new gym coach to the School this year, Miss Ros Scott.
At the beginning of the year, it was decided that the School would
compete in the School Girls' Aerobics Competition, as last year was such a success when the team
took second place. So after weeks of hard training and being one of the ten tearns chosen from 9.
twenty-one to compete in the finals at the Camberwell Civics Centre, our Mandeville Aerobics Team
took first place. The members of the team were, Liz Breen, Julie Third Row Julia Penna, Kate Kierniowska,
Joanna Laurence, Libby Bowen, Liz Breen. Nicky Hall, Claire Nelson, Kate Harris,
Dominica Hanger, Emma Hcks.
Bonollo, Justina Carter, Libby Bowen, Sally Dixon, Melissa Graydon, Melissa Hennessy, Nicky
Second Row Melissa Hennessy, Michaela
Hall, Emma Hicks, Olivia Jones,
Keogh, Rebecca Sargeant, Zoe White,
Joanna Laurence, Claire Nelson,
Olivia Jones, Katrina Laurence, Emma
Hicks, Julie Bonol 0, Gabrielle McCorke 1, Miss Roslyn Scott.
Claudine Olver and Zoe White. The Commonwealth Bank held a
Front Row Maree Marmion, Brigid Cullity,
"dollar mite" gymnastics
Monica Stosius, Sally Dixon, Justina Carter:
competition for gymnasts under the
Julia Cullity, Sophie Conquest, Michelle
age-of twelve, so Mandeville entered
Ruffolo, Jacqui Bennie.
four teams who all did extremely well, especially the Under 8'A' team
who took second place and the Under 12'A' team who also took
second place in their section. The Independent Girls' Schools (1 GS) competition was again a great success. Our Junior 'B' team took
second place, the Junior 'A' team, who competed at a very high standard, took third place and the
Intermediate 'A' team also got a well deserved second place. The Inter-house gym competition was also successful with a great number of girls competing for their house. Mornane came first, Mulhall
second, Barry third and Ward fourth. Thanks to the parents who judged the gym competitions, and especially to Ros Scott, Katrina Brabon and Shauna, for their great
coaching and encouragement. Second Row Sally Dixon, Jokilitia Lawrence, Elizabeth Bcwen, Elizabeth Breen,
Nicole Hall, Claire Nelson, Miss Roslyn Scott. Front Row Justina Carter. Julie Bonollo, Emma Hicks, Zoe White, Olivia Jones,
Melissa Hennessy, Claudine Olver.
Kirsty Kelly (Athletics Captain)
The Athletics season began this year with the Inter-House Athletics at Olympic Park. All teams had been training with an enthusiasm which was reflected in their tremendous
achievements. Despite memorable performances from individuals from
all houses, Barry house won the competition with Vanessa Slaven
from Ward named as the Champion Athlete.
The S.C.S.A. Athletics competition was held in early September. The team was extremely well prepared, having trained every Monday after school at Olympic Park as well as doing block runs every Wednesday and Friday lunchtime. Our hard work
paid off with the team coming first, beating our nearest rival,
Genazzano, by 47 points. This win was definitely a team effort, with
everyone performing admirably.
Third Row Victoria Ellis, Belinda Duke, Alice
The team has one final competition
Hume, Joanna Laurence, Gabrielle Walpole,
this year at Doncaster Athletics
Katrina Martin, Elizabeth Bowen, Anna
Bowen, Claire Nelson, Catherine Green, Kate
Kricker, Jo Smith, Emily Burke, Caroline
track in October. This is usually a very challenging event which I am
sure the team will greet with
Second Row Mr. Peter Willis, Siobhan
enthusiasm and high pertormance.
Hammer, Marie-Anne Davies, Clare Singh,
Thanks must go to Mrs. McAuley
Jane Hoy, Fe'icity Bloom Amanda d'Apice.
and Mr. Willis for their marvellous
Danielle Kennedy, Angela Makiv, Angela McCarthy, Emr-pa Grant, Dominique Hall,
help and advice during training and competition.
Letitia Gamble, Mrs. Bambi McAuley. Front Row Nicole Curtain. Sally Dixon,
I wish the team good luck for the
Luisa Scholz, Vanessa Slaven, Paige
coming years - with the depth of
Hanrahan, Simone Leyden, Nicole de
talent present in the team, you can
Morton, Emma Durievie, Olivia Jones- Julie
Bonollo, Stephanie Rafter, Diana di Cecco.
only get better!
SENIOR ATHLETICS SQUAD Third Row Sara Froning, Kate Leyden, Neroli Bourke, Sarah Lachal, Mardi Doherty, 93
Holly Francis, Anna McArdle, Margaret Wilson, Ruth Standring, Lisa Francis. Second Row Mr. Peter Willis, Mrs. Bambi
McAuley, Julie McCorkell, Hannah Richardson, Elizabeth Hanrahan, Melanie f
Lechte, Sara Dennis, Katie Mactier, Julia
Borghesi, Genevieve Burtonclay, Mrs. Cathy Stobie.
Front Row Louise Fordl Emma Hicks,
Louise Adami, Kirsty Kelly (Captain), Veronica Makiv (Vice-Captain), Marika Meehan, Julia Calman, Annabel Loncraine.
Alix Lowe
Year 12 Gold
SWIMMING TEAM Fourth Row Sherryn Simpson, Olivia Bryan,
Kate Moulton, Liz Breen, Sarah L'Huillier
(Vice Captain), Anna Bowen, Kate Leyden, Louise Gardiner, Joanna Smith, Jane Lanigan.
Third Row Lisa Francis, Sarah Froning,
Suzie Keogh, Claire Nelson, Kirsty Davison, Melanie Smith, Libby Bowen, Vanessa Brown, Felicity Bloom, Miss Kate van Hulssen.
Second Row Melanie Blight, Melissa Hennessy, Lucy Curtain, Alex Lowe (Captain). Holly Francis, Joanna Laurence, Sarita Merlo, Elisha Hall.
Front Row Hannah Maher, Kate Papaluca, Kylie Podolakin, Megan Holt.
Loreto has had an outstanding
P.L.C. and M.C.E.G.S. we were ou-
Columba's, we managed to sweep
swimming season. From the second
to se: personal bests. As well as
the pool. Again, the girls recorded
day at school, the Loreto Swjrr
achieving this, we also managed a
personal bests and again we had a
Team began their training for what
few 1 st, 2nd and 3rd placings. our
convincing win, winning both junior
was to become a very eventlul term.
standard had really lifted and this
and senior sections, coming 2nd in
It would be five weeks until we
we knew would be the year that we
the intermediate levels and winning
could show our real ability. During
would turn around the history of
that time, three mornings a week at
Loreto Swimming.
On behalf of the Swimming Team
7.00 a.m. Loreto took over three
The next night we were to prove
we would like to thank both Miss
lanes at the Prahran Pool for ati
this, when we won the Genazzano
Dickinson and Miss Van Hulssen for
hour, and began the tiring training
Invitational Carnival, against schools
putting in their time and we are sure
sessions put together by Miss
in the Catholic Girls Swimming
they feel as rewarded as we do,
Dickinson. As the day of the
Association. This lifted the spirit of
leading such a dedicated team to
competition in the Eastern subarbs
the whole team and the next two
victory. Winning two out of three
Inter-school swimming carnival at
weeks of training seemed to be
carnivals 'ain't bad!
the Nunawading Pool approached,
worth it, for we knew now we had a
Good luck girls next year, we wish
the team was really training hard
good chance of winning our division
we could do it all again.
and getting used to the early
level when we competed in the
morning starts. The day finally
Catholic Girls Swimming Carnival on
Thank you.
came, and although we knew that
the 21st March, and what a night
Alix Lowe
we really didn't have muci of a
that proved :o be!!! Although the win
(Swimming Captain - 1990)
chance against the extremely strong
did not come easily to us, with very
Sarah L'Huillier
and large school competition of
strong competition from St.
(Swimming Vice Captain - 1990)
Ruth Standring
Marlo Baragwanath
Barry sport captain. 1990
(Mornane Sports Captain)
MULHALL SPORT Mulhall started the year on a strong
note, winning the Swimming
Ever since I was in year 7, Barry has
Mornane, although not the most
cheering award and coming third in
admitted defeat in the sporting area.
sportingly successful House in 1990,
the Swimming. Mulhall came third in
However, to all the House's delight,
has always had plenty of spirit. This
the interhouse Athletics, with some
this year the table has turned and
was evident when we won the Spirit
the unified and triumphant spirit of
great talent in the younger years
Cup at the Athletics; this made up
gold house has been revealed.
being shown. Although we were not
for coming last overall, even though
as victorious as in previous years,
Our "winning streak" in sport began
most of us went home with sore
last year and has continued to
flourish with similar and increased
Mornane, apart from the athletics
victories this year. The most
and swimming, went quite well in
interhouse Softball and Hockey
memorable and significant of these
the other interhouse events. We
competitions, which were most
team spirit was still strong. The enthusiasm of the girls in the junior years was demonstrated during the
successes was the great win in
won the interhouse gymnastics in all
both the inter-house swimming late
divisions thanks to the great
last year, and the inter-house
Our thanks to all of the Mulhall girls
organizational efforts of Claudine
athletics carnival early this year.
who were involved.and who gave
Olver. The senior netball and softball
The great involvement, spirit and
teams also won by a narrow margin.
co-operation of the House was
Lilly Adams (Captain) and Gabrielle
There was also an outstanding
shown to the Sport Captains, Kirsty
Briglia (Vice-Captain)
performance by Belinda Duke of
and me, and the other year twelves.
Year 7 at the athletics who won her
In other sporting areas such as
different year levels show differing
year level medal. So in some ways we have had a very good year. The Cheer Squad at all events has been fantastic. They had some of the most original cheers ever heard,
levels of abjlity and talent, leaving a
getting their inspiration from
mixture of wins and losses (but
hockey, softball, netball, gymnastics and basketball, the House's achievements have been mixed. The
shown enthusiasm and spirit as well
everything from raps songs to hymns. Mornane's greatest asset is its unflagging enthusiasm which is evident in every girl's participation. 1
as thoroughly enjoying themselves
hope that this continues in future
which s a crucial part of any house
mainly wins!). However, through the sporting seasons, Barry girls have
The support staff in Mornane has
As Sports Captain I must thank
also been.....well, very supportive.
Kirsty Kelly for all her help and
Special thanks should go to Mrs.
their support to the sporting events.
WARD SPORT Sarah Fogarty (Ward Sports Captain) Alix Lowe (Vice Captain)
Well this year, Blue just flew Around the running track We never looked back.
We took the school by storm Because we were in such great form
encouragement during the year. The
McGrath who has always been
None of our team of hockey
shared responsibility of such a
willing to lend a hand and has
demanding job has earned the
Needed an energy source of chocky
tolerated our constant requests for
respect of many Barry girls and
help. Thank you also to all of the
especially mine. Also, the teachers
cannot be forgotten. A big thanks to
Year 12's who have always been willing to offer advice and
Because not one Wardian had a fall.
Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Freer and
assistance whenever it seems
Mrs.Shying as well as the other loyal Barry teachers. I am sure that all Barry students will remember this
Although we had many a win
necessary. The biggest thanks should go to my vice-captain Jessica Lyons for her constant
In other events, we landed in the
year's great achievements with fond
support and friendship. Good luck
memories and thanks must be
to Mornane in future years.
extended to each and every House member for her involvement and
rubbish bin.
Even though I thank very dearly the two Keogh chicks,
In gym, they didn't quite have the necessary tricks. All in all we had a year in which we
Well done Barry and here's hoping for a similar, if not better result next year.
On Feast Day we won the tunnel
weren't bored
That's because we're the legendary Ward.
65th Feast Day Celebration, September 7th, 1990. Top row 1. Hermione Knowles, Sarah Demediuk, Belinda Gibson. 2. Ward House.
3. Kathleen Reynolds and Nicole Santo.
4. Anna Fogarty, Amy Lally, Rachel Crane, Annabel Collie. Middle row
1. Gabriella Cadden and Kate Collie (background). 2. Mrs Hunt, Virginia Keogh, Jane Shannon, Miss Dickinson. 3. Julia Pereira Godinho.
4. Emily Arthur, Emily Harris, Ellen Woodruff, Belinda Donald, Kate Papaluca, Kate Adams. Bottom row
1. Leanne Zillman, Lauren Mullavey, Mariette Mullavey. 2. Sr. Margaret Callaghan.
3. Julie McCorkell, Christina Spillane, Paulette Nicholls, Megan
O'Doherty. 4. Houses - taken from first floor, Mandeville Hall. 5. Candice Martin.