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A Message from the Principal
--20 14 -
111 0 111' Aclic)01 111.lgil/Inc, \0'(1 (cle')1-ate 0111-
herit»« 1% a Loreto sclu)(,1, At.111(ling proudk' in the i tradition of Man· Ward. Fc,iii' hundred vears ago, 0
Catholic School for Girls
Prep. to Year 12
She €11 c,lined c )1 a world iii Which women woukl play
Ilicir full role ill the woild, a role as full .1% that li
6% :In., Lot .:
which men play. We lize and work, sharing her
tr .,: _
I{¢1¢ -X,,fl)¢1 # (tiffl
4pj-· 1 2,24.16 Ji--r-¢'ac:*46, ¢fC - r. l
What would she think if she were here speaking with us today?
I .lin Mure that she w€.mic! be delighted to xec the 1
&:55*.U22%k.........Ii-242" *4. i-'.= T.-I
junior School girls in the science lai,oratorics in I Mcience Week. She who belin ed th.it women should phn* 21 vital role in bilsinesx, political and economic life, W<jilld tlic)1'(,ilglil}' approu· of gil']S St,1(1\'ing economics, legal Xtilclies and pc,litics, She would be
-----1,72Z .-4 3'17-
(Left) Sr. Helen Maguire I.B.V.M., Head of Junior School. (Right) Mrs. Anne Hunt. Principal, Loreto Mandeville Hall.
clithilfil,Atic abolit :111 the nuHheinaticS, Aciell((5 the
arts .111(1 milsic. She would approve of home co)11(,inic, for Slic recognised thut woincill role u'c)11]d alwliv>, bc nuilti-fact·tcd. Shc uould at firxt be
rather %111 pri Ned to filld 111(1(,litNi 2111 and j .lpilliest :ilongsicle French, but not surprised for long - slic woilld c'ticourage 11% to continue to work to meet the cclucational lic·eds and concerns of our tinies. Even
more than Asian latiguages in the curricillum, information teclmology would 1-(·ally astonish and delight her. She who trekked across Europe wozild be thriHed to see the mam' camps that we conduct -
r.speciallv the outdoor camps, such as the one we *tarted this u·ar for Year 8, and the bushwalking
c amp,; and the trek to Nepal that Will take place this .]Illillary. She W<)111(1 be pleast(1 10 Acc +111(lents debating, the teainx ('c,114)·ling- iii the h>zilitainent of MindS. alid the drania p 1-oductionh Shak,·speare's plays in the junior School, "Toad of
Miss Patr'cia Moylan, Deputy Head of Junior School.
Toad 11.111" in the Senior School. She would be
proud of the rowers, the lencers, the cross colintry
tram, the mam' sports teams. the Huff'n'Puff, She would be delighted with the 11111ic groups, expeciallv the wind enxemble and tile concert banci,
This inagazine which records the many achievements and endeavours of the year is our tribute to her, to the heritage she left us, to the
itispiration she offers lis, the hope that she sustains ill tls.
There i.% 110 sil(-11 (lij)(,rence 1,('Ill,pen men and women Ihal women maN not do g,rat things. (,\In,3' Ward /5,45 - 1645) Anne Hunt
Pr ii,ciT,:il
(Left to Right) Mr. Andrew Schmidt, School Co-ordinator, Mrs. Alison Miller, Director of Pastoral Care Sen'or School; Mr. Robert
Dernelley, Director of Studies.
School Captain's Report
God, we thank you for this thinily of girls. We grow lip together, We change togithen
We latigh, sing and play skippy together, *lillit]10
We lip sync and wear pigtails together,
We .ire a unique fiunily. Today We come together. For this we thank you.
h was with these words that Feast Day for 1993 began. For me, this (lay full 01 games, salisages, bush dancing and smiling faces in blue uniforins llc,c king
betweel] the Senior and juilior Scl-10010 exe'Illplified
the +11'(,tig Men>R' of fumily and the spirit thal has developed Iniongst the girls in H)91 After Imving an<'11(led 111,211(leville for twelve veari
I Rt| it a great honour to be \Alting the School Cap-
Michaela Keogh School Captain ana Emily Hummerston Vice Captain.
t.zin'% report. Reading thi'(,ligh school Illagazines 01
1993 has been jam - packed. with not Unk the Ira-
vi·ars gone by. 1 xer th.it not much changes at Man-
Clitional cal€'11(1211- events, luch a.4 the Performing Art.%
devilk· over the years. Year twelves have alwavx been
Fi stival. Open clin·s, and Fc·.141 Dav. but events stic·h as
delighted with their inheritance of the common
I hippv Day, Young Talent Time, Memorabilia (lay,
1-00111, Stic»cd In' exanis, and grateful to tc.lchcls.
Pigtail day (accompanied hy a >4111 prise helicopter
This war for .ill th.it vou have contributed to the
landing-). -12(1(1)' lic·:11€ picnic, Und the formation of
school. thank vou, and I wish everyone the greatest
the S. R.C. and Mandeville cheer squad. These activi-
11111)1)ilic»,11 1(1 Slians possible.
tio. and inanv other#, have plc,ven the girls' abiliti to
Whilst there i, a comfol'table fall-tiliaritv al)(,lit life
"sci/.c· the cl.Iy , the highlY fitting theme chosen for
al 1.(11-etc), and we are surrounded bv so much tradi-
this year. Without the support of Kil-1% c )1.ill year |cv-
tion, 1 lic'l that change nevertheless plays a large role.
rls, none of these things would have been possible.
fo have wimessed the buil€ling of the junior School
The biggest thank voll possible goes out to the councillor group of 1993. To each councillor. 1 thank
lillilli-purpose rooin lind libraly Mollie ten we.N S ago, the new Prep, one und two plav ground, the ,Nellior
vou for the slicer hard work that vou have put in thix
school g)'111. then the reconm'liction of the .Junior
year, and for the amazing level of good humour vou
£·hool 1111% been astonishing. Butit goe,N further than
iii,Iintained. The fruits ofvour efforts are 1,11'gch' evi-
ilist l,zlilclings. It ix al,out pec,plc: the teachers' acceptance of new' icle», the w'arni re.xponse of gills from
dent. Yon lunr undoubtedly been mv greatest support this wai .incl I will alwavs be grateful ibr vour
all levels to proposed activities. These things have
(1(·Cliation, 1)lit al)ove 2111, for vour friendship.
stood out ill mv final Year 21% inellic)rable.
ro Emilv lizinitnerston. word.4 cannot expi'exs how
I clon't think you reall) begin to appreciate .just
appreciative 1 21111. Her undving stippoit, advice.
how great the teachers at Mandeville are until vou
li icticiship and generosin have helped me through
work closely with them at senior levels. I look back
tt-villir tin les, and ,111(nver! tile to Aliare %0 111,111#' 1 lili
and sce warmth and devotion of the junior School
tillicS. I c (>lild riot have wished for .111)'onc 11101'C 1111-
stalf. The senior staffare Mwavs willing to dress up in
derst.111(ling or ('trative to have had by my Kide.
ricliculotix ((,stuines, go along with our wild ideas and
In reflecting on inv time at school, many thingx
to laugh 211 111('inselve>. lhev ellhance tile School'x
illsh through nn' mind - Waiting for the tl,zin, 10111,
spil'it to An list(,1111(ling leveL The Year twelve teachers
the gardener and all round handy man, (who has
descrve 21 Al,ecial nwntion. For those who arrive at
been arolind as long as 1 Call rellieinber), dancing
sclic)01 at .5 a.m to correct C'.AT drafts and photoCopy
classes with Ross and Rhonda, RE. lessons and inter-
Aherts, (and for the sensible m.ijority who clicln't!), ber tht· fantastic support you have shown us, and
house sport, pinnies in the.Junior Sclic)(,1... h ix difli('lilt to believe how quickly ihe time 1121% passed. If | can leave one final niessage to Mandeville girls now
your willingness to help lis, at anv hour of the clay.
and to those of the future, it is this: do not take vour
Alter a 12·w Years iii the role of Year nvelve co-ordina-
education for granted. Take hold of everv opportu-
tor, Mrs. Smith has still managed to show an unbeliev-
nitv that presents it.self and value the titile VOU xpend
able level of understancling. To her. and all teachers -
in sitch a c 1(»r knit and supportive conitillillity.
their efforts air vallied bv Students. We Will reincin-
thank vou so much.
Michacla Keogh
HOUSE CAPTAINS 2nd row L-R Shelley Ormsby, Lucy Trumble, Claire Nelson. Rebecca Barnes, Sally Howard. Front row L- R Katherine Sherry, Katrina Laurence,
M ss Jill Chambers. Anna Coppel. Fiona Kelly. Absent Mrs Cathy Stobie.
Mornane HOUSE CAPTAINS 2nd row L.R Antonia Parkes. Emily Hummerston, Anna Bowen, Catherine Collins.
Front row L-R Emma D unlevie, Maria-Therese Cont
Mel ssa Corbett, Jacinta Finnigan, Melissa Tribe. Absent Mr. Mark Bahr and Mrs. Sally Hinton.
Mulhall HOUSE CAPTAINS 2nd row L.
R Prue Willsher, Mary Tomsic, Claire Rosel,
Olivia Jones.
Front row L-R Elizabeth McGrath, Mrs Kaye Young, Mrs Jill Barnett, Paige Hanrahan, Victoria Spillane. Absent Brigid Anderson.
> 494 3
%/ t
Ward HOUSE CAPTAINS 2nd row 11.-R Laura Hendersor, Catherine Green, Anna Fogarty. Front row L.R Julia Cul ily, Dominica Hanger, Amy Lally, Katherine Castles, Anita McCarthy.
Absent Mrs Cathy Ferrari, Miss Jennifer Head, Rachael Crane.
The Class of'93
Year 12
U 934
F 7,/rfff, 3 i
Catherine Alford
Keita Barnes
Elizabeth Bateman
Mariese Bedford
Marika Benetti
Anna Bowen
Sarah Carlyle
Felicity Bloom
Dana Bonacci
Natalie Bowden
illi* Johanna Chester
Blenda Cheung
Marie-Therese Conti
Anna Coppel
Clair Couttie
Diana Crivelli
Virginia Croagh
Clare Crowe
Julia Cullity
Vanessa D'Souza
Ruth Dempsey
f .1 Rachael Crane
14 1 F
Nicole Cummins
Lucy Curtain
Amanda d'Apice
1 fe, t
Emma Dunlevie
Kymm Ermacora
Emma Farrelly
Kathryn Fladgate
Anna Fogarty
Anna Galbraith
Tina Gentile
Penelope Gill
L A€
tiv '
Michelle Francazio
Sophie Freeman
Sarah Glynn
Emma Grant
Catherine Green
Virginia Griffith
Karolinka Gruba
Joanna Gutierrez
Paige Hanrahan
Caroline Healy
Melissa Hennessy
Marinda Hill
3 >2-
Bryanna Houlihan
Emily Hummerston
Amanda Humphreys
Lara Jackson
Olivia Jones
Elizabeth Kelly
Fiona Kelly
Danielle Kennedy
Sian Kennedy
Michaela Keogh
Katherine Kiernikowski
Emily Kift
Alexis Kimmorley
Naomi Kononada
Katharine Kricker
Amy Lally
Wing Lau
Katrina Laurence
Renee Lechte
Katrina Martin
Gabrielle McCorkell
Sarita Merlo
Michelle Mihelcic
tu Angela McCarthy
Kathleen McCarthy
L il Elizabeth Moir
Elizabeth Moran
Nicole Moretti
Claire Nelson
Emma Nicholson
Jane Nolan
Anne O'Keefe
Clare O'Neill
Antonia Parkes
Clare Petroff
Amy Pinner
Joanne Powell
Emily Raffaele
Catherine Redmond
Angela Rennie
Stefanie Rocchi
Kate Routley
Nicole Santo
Genevieve Sheehan
Brooke Slattery
Monica Stosius
Caroline Strahan
Y Tue To
Mary Tomsic
Christine Tregoning
Lucy Trumble
Devi Ung
Kate Varghese
Gabrielle Walpole
Prudence Willsher
Kate Wortley
Katherine Wrzesinski
u Kathleen Reynolds
a 2*]
Anouk Watts
Sophie Williams
i 411 f
« il
1, A
SCHOOL COUNCILLORS. Diagonal left, front to back: Lucy Curtain, Nicole Cummins, Lucy Trumble, Mary Tomsic. Virginia Croagh. Diagonal middle front to back: Michaela Keogh, Gabrielle McCorkell, Fiona Kelly, Emily Hummers:on. Diagonal right, front to back: Emma Dunlevie, Kate Routley, Claire Nelson.
25 +
(L to R). Back. Miss Kathy Paterson, Mrs. Margot Thompson, Mr. Malcolm Farnsworth, Miss Glenda Romeril. Front Mrs. Linda Tinney, Mr Mark Bahr,Mrs. Joan Ryan, Mrs. Margaret Smith.
77/c' 71,/iti,/g'.5 4,# Shahapeare. /)ickeus. the /lible aud a 11 14 1111,0 01 (,Ilit,r great 14,(,ik. c immin a wealth 01 expres00//.s /hal we u.,e ever¥ clay. 3 rollection 0/..,0/ne of these hah heeu u.w'(l hi chiN mmudogue.
The Colours of Life White N pure. dcati 2111(1 11('W'. To be safe. hckl .111(1 c :11-(·ssed is to be White.
It's A Hard Enough Life '- 1 Imiejlr ij Ow lu,M polig," 11(' savs: To tell von the
ro be genth inolioned in the right (lit-(·crion With 11011((.(1.N. no want,. with everwhing pro\'ided ix to be white.
If I am white I am happr, with no harm, 110 ill 2111(1
tilith 1 \#c,ll](111't ttlist hini 115 fur 21% I coilld thi-cm
11() gllilt.
him! I ine,iii. I work mv fingers to the botic· (1,1' in
Soft, c'lite , h,vable, noticed .ind 21(|inircd are all part
clav out juxt u-ving to (91-11 all honest pennv und do
of being white.
vou think he appictiates it? I .ike Hell he clocs. For instance, a few weeks ago he hael me burning t he midnight oil worki ng on an account for a 1,11 ge firm. I thought I Minelt £1 i .it and told him so but he wow](lli t listen. I explained it until 1 was blue in the face but he jilg Mtood there. as deaf as a doorknob
Pink is innocence.
t<) it all.
\Vhen Yin iii a pink world I ain in awe. Pink is loving and growing.
Pink is believing iii Father Chi-istinas and the Easter Bunny.
To love lollies, bc cl time stories .111(1 big bows is to be pink.
1/Ve accountants Alic )111(1 mind our own brisines<' he *aux. Mind zin (mli E)lifilic» triv foot! 1 (1()10 do
Discc 1-ci'ing birds, dogs, cats, insects. trce,4 .ind flowet K ix part of being pink.
t|ling->,1 n' 11,1]ves and il ! sillell %0111et}-ting lishr' Ill in-
Bring pink is .ill al,out lots of hligs .ind lots of kisses.
vestigate. "Like it or lump it'. wils Ilis Xmug reph , so
N'('110\M is li\'ing- ill a World 01 ](.litling.
c )1'(-c )111'4(· 1 litinped it, 1 always did. After all. I was]A born willi a Milver .poon in ]11) inouth .111(1 somrone has to pin' the bills Nomehow. But there was one
An awareness oisinell, tollch, Motinc! and Night i,% a
poilit wheir I had to (11 Inv tlic· line.
\\'c 've .ilwavs been .11 c!.iggers drawn i 1-om the mc)ment 1 12)lilld {)lit he w.,0 171 new boss. When we
wc tent stabbing each other in the back we were at i·ach c,tlier's throats but I .11\,·avs worked like a dog ancl I thought that cleep in that heart of stone he re9)('('ted t|lat. Obvi<)11>1>', 1 11'11.N wrong
['he (,ther d.n· he proved that blood is thicker than water (or common sense, it would appear). On \\'('(111(·sdav he promoted that half-witted nephew of his into the pc)fition that was meant for me. I mean 1 (lon t want tc ) blow 111)* own trunipet but I waN obvi(,lish tlic' best man (or rather woman) for the.joi). 1 inean charitv nilist begin at home, but this was bilsilic». It was Milliph' the |»1 straw. 1 storined into his office to tell him what was
part <)Ilk'ing Ullow.
Realising my wants and needs are bring fillfilled becinise dad goes to work is velic),v.
Riding bikes. inaking friends. watching television, plazing with toys and schoc,1, are .111 p.11-t c )t ,1 vellc),V world.
Textai cravons. pencils, paper, writing and drawing are .ill partx of learning and living yellow. Green is knowing everrthing. Now I know it all.
I believe Vin old enough, and I know Vin right. High school. friends. Cigarettes :111(1 1111™ic are important iii a inren world. Outings in .1 world thark inine air g-reen .
111 111)' green work! 21 11)'thing i A posAIl) le, I Call take and I don't have to give.
I.iving in a grecti world is egotistic· and foolish. Hhic· is the price for living girc·11.
whal. I told him th,it he must Innr becti plagued by inicistimmer maclne,% 1 )<'c ,iii%<· he certainly diel not
Iii a blue world I ('licatiliter applelwnsion and
have 211 1 inkling about how to I till a business. If he thought I would work for hii]1 tooth and imi] all
Death, murder, rape and theft are .111 part of .1 1,1,le
thi·.e vears 2111(1 then plit lip wUh this, he must have
Blue is for when a loved one (lic; or a hiendxl-tip
a few screws loose!
realisation. life isti't thal good. B (>rld.
1 Ic< was struck dumb; tile whole olitbill st h.icl
caught him In' surprise. Then he smiled .1 vengrful grin that set my teeth on edge. "It's out of your hands, there's nothing vou can do about it. I hat iS where he wax wrong.
I have inv own fixll to 11-v ancl it was %111 prising I 1121(111't fried tl-lt.111 earlier. 16 amilling what being vour own boss does for vou. It giveN vou a whole new
least· on life. Mr Penle)' probably thinks he has xern liu· 1.ist of me. He aill't st·(·11 11(,thing yet! just wait until I heconic fainoux, deliling With all the big acc'(111!ils, then he can remcinber the one thut got
1111'21)'. 1-hc (,111)' problan A.\\'llc)'S going to foot the bills Until thell?"'
Blue worlds are full of sad ness ali c 1 needs whic h Call not be ftillilled.
Blue is waking up and seeing there is more to life than lue.
Red worlds are \+cilatile, stressed. falling apart. lost and desperate
I'm all alone .ind in mv head flash vivid painful reds. I'm failing now, Ini falling now and who shall soften iliv laticlilig> All I can see now is red.
Black N longing, wanting, lic·( cling a 11<>tir. Mourning, scared, sad, alone. Black. black. black. black in this wol Icl of 110 colour. .\11 around black.
Atina Fogartv, War 12
Ruth Dempxev, 'War 12.
The Christmas Party The Christma, Party is an event which has scarred all Australians for life froin a very early age. But the inajorit' of all good .ind worthwhile' Chi istinas Parties follow a basic order.
turbulent sea of hall-cligested gravv. turkey and peas. The hoides are feel - but what's next?
Led by Brigadier Mary-Ann - a cleall lip operation to rival that of the Exxon-Valda. Oil spill has been completed. In the lileantime, the parting of the xexc>% occill-,4.
12.30pm Guests start arriving.
The men move into their masciilinc cleinent -
It's the fourth clay of another record breaking
the backyard. Here they are able to gu//le Iwer and
heatwave, and the Christillas Day festivities are just
burp as loudly as they like. Thev are able to feel at one with their prilneval urges to tame Mother Nature. Thev talk inuch about their garclens. golf
al)out to commence. Friends and relatives are
approaching the f 1ont door, covered iii sweat and
running founclation. The husband has driven. while
and football.
the kids have driven him crazy. The men smell Of
The women congregate in the lozinge where the
the cheap aftershave they've been given, yet again.
main items on the agenda are their Illisbands and
and the€re wearing one of the sititcase full of new
unhappy marriages, and tea and coffee are drunk
ties with which they're been presented over this
(0 11 tititiously.
Festive Season. The women are pl-oudly wearing
their new plastic costume jewellerv which their kids 11:lve given them. But the kids are unimpressed. Half of their presents have already broken. none of their friends will be here, nothing's oil the tele. and to
But what about the kids?
This is the horror part of the day for them. The older ones settle down in front of the TV to watch
tile s.ime video which theb' saw last Christinas.
top it all off they're about to receive another $10 tee-shirt whose logo will completek disappear after
The children under ten will riot be p.,cified by a vicleo. They've been drinking red coi-dial ince eight
three washes.
in the morning, and now they're ready and rating
The host and hostess greet all the guests. MaryAnti kisses everyone, while Dariel takes the
to go. They need to 11111, jump, climb, DF.STROY! Eventually they'll probablv settle lot· a gaine of bodyline bowling cricket, with the remaining five
obligatory six-pack (111-(,light by the male guest) and puts it in the bath full of ice. Beer flows like a burst water main on a sweltering Christmas Day.
pieces of Steve's 12-piece plastic cricket xet. john will inevitably get hit in the eve - and the llc,spital tag-team event ix on again.
1pm The majority of the guests have arrived All the guests haw coligregated in a small room
with lots of ornaments and poor ventilation. This allows inaximum inconvenience for evervoile.
Fil stlv, the room is so stittly that hardly anyone can breathe, and all the confined cigarette smoke causes Iit least one Child to have an asthina attack - and
the first shilttle blls Hervice tO the local hospital begins. Also, the inany minute ornaments ensure that mothers cannot relax and are caused
parainount distress. continuallb' 111()alling. 'Darling (1()11't t€)11Ch tilat ()11('.
While guests part.ike in all this merriment, MaryAnn and a mriiad of middle-aged helpers attend to
5pm The party's almost over
BY this stage of the day, everzone has had enough. The men :11 e clozing off to sleep in their chail s, tile women cannot bear to look cit another
cup of tea and the children have now broken :ill their tovs.
It takes families a long time to leave; al,out as long as the ad break seems in vour 1:15'<,tit itc TV sliow. Mothers are loaded like bulging Saftway bags with jumpers, wrapping paper, parts of presents and Mary-Ann's hollie inacle curnquat jelir'. These are bundled into her al-ins ill such a practiMed wa)', so
cool confines of the f ridge.
that she can still hold the crying little 011(· on her hip and somehow leave enough of her faa· slic,wing
1.45pm Lunch is served
so that all the friends and relatives c an pl.int kisses on her. The men are now inebriated and shaking
the roast which %tarts to bake as soon as it leaves the
Somehow amid :ill this confusion, Mar)--Ann puts
a hot ineal on to the superbly laid out table.
hands will no longer do. Kissing and hugging, and
all sorts of male bonding are the order of tile day.
The children (4-17 \Tear olds) are seated .it a card
Marv-Ann and David look at their house in
table Set up in tile rumpus room, where the older teenagers are forced to take on the role of unpaid
dismay. They gauge the clestruction as 6.6 on the
()IT to bed with Mary-Ann exclaiming that they'll
3pm What next?
doesn't hesitate to remind her that that's exactly
'Christmas' Richter scale. The host family stumbles never have another Christmas Party again. David
Lunch has been corniumed bv all - and all are
feeling the rich Christmas pudding floating in the
what she said this time last vear.
Mary Tomsic, Year 12
Art Trip to Canberra 1)111'illg- Ill( 1·tst(·i' 11()li(111'.% tliM \t':11, 211't Ntll(1('114 044'r.:"i2.-IZ;*8!210"0'U Ii-om Wars Ten, Eleven and Twchr went on a three
(lin' trip to Canberra. The incen liu· for this was the %111'1 (Vilixin c\hibition at the National Gallerv (d
A,!Atralia. The ten hour bux nip was macie easier I )\ ruitc hing vidcoN alid 1121\-ing· food StopX even' ((,liple 01 h(,111-3 at placo %11(h a. (,ill)(12,gui und the thinoux F,ttamogah Pub- food stop unly! %1111(tiv w» c)111- filll darin (11]11)(.1-1-21 No we had to
make the inost of it. .ind we certainh· did! The clin·
began w'ith a inini tour of (:21111)(1-1,1 which ilic'llicied
th ,
Enjoying a view of Canberra
the lookout and Like Burlev Griffin. We also visited
thu High (k)111 1, however 1110.41 of the day wax Apent al the Gallen- viewing works bv the likes of Salvador 1)11]i. M.ix Ernst and Picasso.
Parliament House was the last stop for the clay. 1 lere we were able to see the Senale 2111(1 the House
of Represelit,itives. The trip wax a great experience
for all as it presented a unique opportimity to Mtticly ,it first hand the works of the great 2()th Centill-v 1).lillic.IN. 1·:Inina Gralit, Year 12
Year Twelve Camp On the tenth of Fel,rwan', I c)t)3, Year Twelve
Miziclents embarked on our last c .imp ever. together. Since Yeai- Seven we had been on the Pilgrimage, War Seven camp, Year Nine ski camp. Year Eleven Christi,111 Living callip, and now our filial Yal
I,velve camp. Even though the camp was not taking-
Emma Grant and Clair Couttie
11.x to Ayers Rock, Myrtleford or the ski slopes, all
that really mattered was the fact that we would be able to spend time together 21% a wal level in f till, before the CA.T.s. Work RequirementN lind cleadlines took over.
Phillip [sland was the destination for 108 Year Twchr Loreto Mitclents for three d.ivs. One of the
incht ille!11(,1-able nionients on the canip was the 'Talent Quest', where we discovered many hiclch·n tillent x. This 'Talent Quest' will alwavs be a night to remember as it exemplifies what the 1993 Year
I'welve are - enthusiastic, and willing to be
involved in things. With inpilt 11·om all Year Twelve
f?<DRIVE ' .·· -+ ]AYI:IGHT 1
into this camp, it made it even more illemorable. 111(· camp was a great way to begin what we knew would be a fantlistic #cal'. Emina Grant, Year 12
Year 12 Camp.
Religion Sharing tile Fritits of Our Labour During lt)113, Religic,11% Ecltic ,ition in thejunic )1
School has prown to be 11 1-cili.11-kai,lv fruitful %(,111-ce of %11,11-ing ancl interaction: sh,11-ing of ic!('11>. tinic and ctiort: 411,11-ilig ollaith and obell: interaction between
children. teacherx, priests, parents and ve.ir levels. In preparation ful rach of our Father/Daughter Al,i,»cs, stal'f 111(Hil)(i-.4 %11,i]-ed ilicir creativitr' and
insights to develop lin appropriate theme to focus on the (:ospel reading. This theme was worked on in the
classroom .ind the chilch-ell'+ respon.ws were shared with Father Irs R.,j, S.I., (ria the FAX machinch
Father Les skilfully and willinglv incorporated tlic·se into his homilv at the Mass. For each of the
celebrations, 11 batiner. commenced during Art 1(MA< )liA. wa>, completed during the holilik·. plc)\*icling a striking vifti,11 i'c·])ic·Mentation of the theine, and be,11-ing Witne>,0 to the different leut of
('1,1%%1()(,in. 111('ir praver 1('11(1(ixhip often iln'olved itit]111]Ilting vi«al foci, Mil(-11 11% coloill'ful pal)cr cranes. 11 spring banner - and even the activit, 01 sced planting to illustrate the theme of 1)(·gilillings and eliclings'. C)ne of these praver xessic)11% saw Yeal Five Illue creativelv aclapt an Al)<,iiginal 1 ,(,icil Praver to 'A Thankvou God for Scic·tic·e' Mong - a fruitful sharing of 1,11)(,111- indeed.
Per h.11)\ the ric hness of.ill that has occurred is
be.st Summed up ill the words of Sarall (learv - a Prep. chilcl who ix still three vears awav froni her First Collinlinion. but who A able to State with
confidence: 'The First Holy Cominunion was a school celebration: We gathered as a big 1:11]ill, . Fami Iicx a ir K 1)(·cial to vou. It is good to belong.' Airs Pat C) Halloran. R.E.C,,
junior >Whool.
(-(,11,11)(,111(ic)11 ;111(1 ilit(·111(tic)11.
Ihi· Al,ix.% booklet covers for these Father/
Daughter ('cle|)1'ations, and lor ]41'Mt £ olililitiliion
ucir further expre.Non* of the interaction th.lt had c)(.Cill-i-ed.
Ike Ellch.11-At «1'Unll'illa] 1,1(,141-21111 .11%0 provided
wonderful opportunities for sharing the fruits of 111,triv peop]Ex lilix)111, With Kinall grolipS OF Children visiting each class ill the junior SchooL describing their on-going preparation for First Communion and their actual experience ofthe Sact-ament. Ther-iMiting
Year 4 Mass with Father Les Raj S.J
was even extended to the Year F.leven classes. with
In Year Six we learn to 1,(, '1-)IFFERENT 11['T
Year Three providing input for the older gil-lx'
ONE: Bring the same i.x not halt as much fun :ix being cliffen·nt, fur we can learn new and interesting
,illah'Mis of religic,11% litual in thi· V.C.E. study 'Ri·ligion and Society'.
Uncher/child/parclit Col],11)()1',ttion le,11]ted iii
magiliticent banners which graced cach famil« pew on Fir•Nt (:ommunion dav at St Pi·tri-'s. 1-001-ak. and
things al)01 11 people d u ring clax>; a t talk time, God hils given each of u. clifferent talents and in Year Six we can learn that people know new and clifierent thing\ that we can 1(.111'11,
1111121 Gallard War 6
the beautv of thi. 7,(cial gathering place Wax ful-ther ('11]unced bv poster, - the gijtf of the different ('1»,0 to tile First Collinunion gloup. Sllch hneraction and sharing provided strong rcinforcertic'lit for the childien'% %('11>e ofbelong-ing.
Ihe praver leadership program. also built on the
The tlic·ine for this Year, 11)93, N DIFFEREXT Ill '1
C)NE. We ari· all different in opinions. stanclard 01 work. enthusicism and we all look different We all
callie t<)11-ether ax a jililior 2111(1 Nellior School on the School Feast Dav as one.
ideal of collaboration, has provided the Junior
Fiona Hegartv War 6
*11001 conmizinitv w'ith liclil)' 1-('I# ,21'(ling experienco of praver. The Year Five and Six praver le.tele i s
worked together to develop meaningful and relevant praver sessions, which thev leel lit whole school
Monday morning assemblies. Megan Walters (Year Six Blue) has described the collaborative process of
the praver leadership program: 'Whell I was voted to be a praver |cader 1 wax 21111,1/cd. U'lien we welit to inectings, we adapted pravet f atid ilic (litatiolix, braintorilled and inade up olir own praverS. h w» fun to get up and lead the Whole %('170(11 in praver.' \\'llc)le school praver wax .11%0 led bv different
classes. who worked on various prin'er themrs in the
Indigenous People Exhibit at the Museum: From left. Kiara Chiodi, Sarah Perillo, Laura Matthews,
On 20th of October 1991 which is Open Day, Year· Three, Four Blue and Four Gold are acting out 'St. Francis of Assisi.' h is a great play, about a inan called Francis. Franc is is very rich in the beginning,
but one day he takes a wrong turn and finds hinhelt in a poor part of thi· city. From that day oil, Francis becoines a beggar and begs for his food. Francis can also talk to the animals. Aima Balmer and
Mai nie Hicks, Year 4.
Year Six and Year One prayer.
On Sunday 29111 Auglist, 1 993, I received the Body of Christ at St. Peter'; Church, Toorak.
Family, friends, and trachers all gathered and the
church wax fillid With praverfill people, li.St(·ning with all their hearts.
Neat the end we all walked tip the aisle to Ming our last song, We Are the C Villri·11'. We knelt down and said le,us I love yotiN Year Two Class Mass with Fr Philip Kennedy. From left, Bridget Scanlon, Sarah Ryan, Sophie Cuttler, Tiffany Chiang, Sarah
After that we had plic,10% 12,1· 111enic,lies. We did .ill thix becalise when jesils was at the l.ast Slipper
he said: 'Do this in nwmory of me.'
Trenchard, Laura Hertaeg.
I felt clificient. 7 11111,1 .1111]lli, Ilill .,
Ash Wednesday: Mrs Virginia Moloney signs Isabel Hertaeg with ashes.
1 Ile 1.Ilt.1111(/ 1(31 Illt- Juill<JI .ll IllA)1 Illth VIT,11 1, 1311
fet-ent But One.' The theme has tied in very well tllis year, fur instance the theme for the whole world
Annie Merrylees and Tessa Spring receive Communion from Fr Chris Gleeson, S.J., at the Ash Wednesday Mass in the Junior School.
is Indigenous People'. In Australia even though the Aborigines have different cultures. dUTerent ways of living and arc· a different rair, we are all still ()11(· ill the country of,/histralia.
You and the rest of your family might all be very different but yon are all one iii vour family. We are all olle in God' 5 fanlily
The Senior School and junior School have differ-
ent interests and learn different things, but we Alr all one in the Loreto family. Countries speak differI
ent languages and live differently but we are all still une in the world. We all enjoyed listening and learning abolitthis subject. joanne Halpin Year 6.
Year Two Class Mass with Fr Philip Kennedy. Our 'Thanksgiving' Song: Gabrielle Connolly; Megan O'Connell.
First Holy Communion and Reconciliation t..
v#s '
First Communion
I /4,-5#-3.4*9<AS
We 1((c'ived the Bodv of- Christ for the first time
in Year Thi·ce, \Ve reallv liticlit'stood that we be-
EUT L It __-0
longed to the Church (11-(;(,ct.
Katherine Connolly, War 3.
On ilic· 21)th of August 1993. I received the Bodi of (:Inist, in other words, the EitchariM and it Jesils h,icilit died on the cross we wouldn't have thiM Viecial d.n or the Encharist.
2227,E;©h=P'•I 2=7•.2&m=7•. '1
you and people who clon't know about Him can't pray to Him and ask for help. jessica Gamble, Year 3.
When wr walked into the c hurch Miv; Wiltike Was
Plaring the piano. Also, we had to be in a verv 1,1-»crill| Statc.
We Mang lot. of song>; and when we went to icccive th(· 11(,ch· f' Christ 1 thought il was a good (11'eam bic-cluse it had never happened Ic) me bribir, and I Ib lt pren, strange 2111(1 proud. From this clav on 1 can receive the lic,ch' ()1 C .htist
when I go to chill-ch.
\Ro. | ic)14,(,1 to t(11 vou t}lat the plina nalne was Fr 1,(·onard.
I now know that going to Church is .1 very big important gathering ofprople who all believe iii.Jesus. Alexandra Dickexon, Year 3.
Soinc· people have never heal cl of (;od and that makes nw feel upset for them because God is a verv
At Reconciliation
When I wax in the Chapel I wzas really lit' 1';'c)liN, I }]ad blitternics in MT' tunmly. I tholight I wax going to be sic·k but I Wasii't. Tben it was mv turn to traci.
That inadc inc reallv nervous. Then it WAM HIV' turn
to go lip and be forgiven bv (:od, \\'11(,11 1 got up there I wa. 40 11('1-\C)11% 1 would forget all lin Ninx. 1
was ().K. The priest wax reallv kind. He ble.™·cl me. He put his hand cm mr head .ind did the sign of the cross, Then he Kigtic·(1 Inv certificate. Then he u 11(1
me to get the next person. When I was walkingdown the .tish· 1 Ic·It trally special. I was smiling a lot. When evervone hael done their first or second rec-
S]-)Trial penon. Its very important to know· about
onciliation the pal ('litx had all Opportlillity to go to reconciliation. When I was walking up the aisle I felt like I was 1-Calh· the only one on Earth. I reallv en-
C :ocl because ifvou feel reallv lipset insicle vou won't
joved it.
have a fitend to go to. jestls is lilwavs watching over
y Z,=92:1'.£=9$1,=9;S:Z,er
ViC toria Chapman, Year .1. V&22*22*2€3*Z'LK
A. S,cial M.QAL
9 lauren TI
144\ 5 ARy LOIR 0 £64 Alt*atut.r[1
Book Week in the Junior School
111'111'19 t
Il i r
Cli/151'lip"P,/,1/-Ty .*agE
ft -.*/.ke#/10 liA
./i./4---0-ir'.EVI - 2-1 .9 1 --2.
This page clockwise from below right:
1. Bush Dancing during Famdy Week celebration 2. At prayer in the Junior School
3. Science Week in Senior School Science Laboratory. Taking a larger view', Isabella Heathcote, Prep. 4 Year 5.
5. Year 5 Passion Play, 'The Councillors'. Lucy David, Greta Lacava. Stephanie Maule, Rebecca Nolan Opposite clockwise from top right:
1. Damper malang. Year 2 Saran Trenchard. Megan O'Connell, Gabrielle Connelly
2. Zarina Mir, Year 4, lighting her candie after First Reconciliation, June, 1993
3 'Woody' comes to visit! Anna Balmer, Year 4. 4. Olivia Curtain, Year 6
5. Year 5 Passion Play· Shannon Murphy, Anne*laree 0'Brien, Catherine Moran
6. Science Week. from left. Lisa Valmorbida. Joanna Ryan.
Samantha Jreissati, Ella Henschke. Georgina Tiernan,
Stephanie De Oliveira, Prep
7. Lisa Valmorbida, Joanna Ryan. Isabella Heathcote, Bridget Blackburn. Prep
L te·:
11111[Ri 1141
, . 1 j ./7
1 If
Iis page clockwise: Joanna Ryan, Prep
Year 6 Interhouse Netball Final, Barry v Mulhall. First Communion 'Brunch' at school,
Year 5 students listening to a visiting author. Year 5 in the Maths Task Centre
Year 4 having fun at swimming lessons: Candice irter, Marnie Hicks, Anna Balmer, Chloe
)dolakin. Kate Dalheimer. Lucy McNamara. aft clockwise from top right: Ash Wednesday Mass, 'Different But One inner, the fruit of the labour of the entire Junor :hool.
Year 4 girls set out their money-line on Maths Day
Georgina Tiernan, Ella Henschke, Michelle nitheram.
Contemplating the symbols of Holy Week: Lisa
ilmorbida. Ella Henschke, Joanna Ryan, Victoria I ew, Prep,
Teddy Bears' Picnic: Year 12 with Prep./Year Year 2.
'Who stole the plums?'. the trooper asks Year 5
Sovereign Hill.
Performing Arts Festival
49J. -/.:f 4
1,4 1/H. 1
This page clockwise from top right:
1.Jacinta Finnigan
2.Aislinn Hammer and Lucy Johnson
3.Madeleine Healy and Catryn Walters 4.Michaela Keogh
5.Katherine Sherry and Anneke Barlow Opposite clockwise from top right:
1.Samantha Hilbert, Michelle Beatty, Emma Stutt, Virginia Grant and Rachel Price
2.Ruth Dempsey and Catherine Green 3.Nina Bonacci and Alicia Ferla 4.Annabel Nicholls, Elizabeth McGrath.
Claire Brookes. Georgina Chamberlain 5.Mornane House performance 6.Barry House backdrop 7.Emily Bell
b 1
% I
1-• 4
Loreto Family Dav
Bushwalking - Mount Oberon, Wilsons Promontory
4 ': Pft
4 60
Librarv and Book Week were and air great fun. For Book Week the theme waw 'Go Under Cover'. GY JOAN AL-LAN A©1¥
Go Under Cover ineans manv different things such
as go under the shelter, under blankets or under the
Iii a librarv vou c .,11 look.
cover of books. It can also me:111 to go .14 a spi' or a
At all ofthe wonde]-ful books.
detective. Book Werk was fatitatic. We had a won-
I.ibrarics can be lots of fun.
But 0111)' walk ancl silent renmin,
derful parade where evervoile showed their cosmmes when thev c cline to Achool ill (11.Ngllise. Miss Moylan is a great librarv te,lcher. She 1-(·acls with
It vou wish to anne again.
great ent}masiasm and livelitics<. Our librarv h.i<
Open a book, turn a page,
inam' wonderful books.
Butjtist reilieinber, votican't run,
Nicole 1)wver. Year ·1.
Step into a cliff c·i-ciit age. Alice Dwver. Year 6.
1 * 74'
L Olivia Curtain with Philippa Christian, Bridget Blackburn and Megan O'Hehir.
1 like Miss Movlan reading us a story! She has lots of stories and lots of nice things to loc,k iii.
.]ane Eves, Prep. Olivia is Miss Moylan's .issistant. She is triendlv and helps 11% boi-row books. She collects tls :111(1 walks with us to tile librarv.
Stephanie 1 .ilkan. Prep.
One clay we went on the train to the Peter Rabbit exhibition in the city at the Ails Centre. We went to a shop light in the room. We bought some stickers and 1 bought a Peter Rabbit magnet. On a computer
was a Tom Kitten puzzle game. Well, their were press button computers and there were lots of paintings. There was a thing with Peter Rabbit .ind Mi Mac(:tegor and when vou go behind it vou could move them! (They were shadow plippets.) Amanda Cavanough, 'Wai· 1.
Books of.ill contents lie on tile slielves,
But we're all aware that they're reallv.just fake.
On Fridav afternoons I help Aliss Movlan in the librarv and we work with the Preps. ltv job i, to take the Preps. up to the library and read them a storv.
When vou read cnic book onlv,
They ask me questions about the ston' blit Noinc-
\011 contract an addiction
tilnes tliev forget to put up their hands and I remind
There are so manv sections,
them that it is rude to call out. 1 also put the books
Evervone reads them, inchiding ourselves.
When we turn the pages, the characters awake.
InchHiing nondicUon.
There's a gl.inic,1 cnis displav of books of all kinds. Yon'd better start reading or be left behind. Geraldine Nazikervis, Alnanda Hodder,
jacqui Vidal, Mary Fonti, Year 6
that the Preps. want to borrow through the coinputer and then I stamp the books to i emind them
when the books must be returned. I enjov my job because I love books and I want to be a librarian when
I grow zip. OHvia (111-t.lin. Year 6.
Junior School Staff
3rd Row L-R Virginia Moloney, Maureen Carroll, Sue Wuttke. Denise Reed, Colleen Liersch, Sally O'Byrne. 2nd Row L-R Do- Peters, Gaye Warrer. Catherine Sim. Marianne Hull, Lisa Pkicock. Anna Meirelles, Jill Baskett.
Front Row L-R Anne Tierney-Rooerts, Barbara Heyroe, Kathy O'Connell, Pat Moylan, Helen Maguire I.B V.M., Shelley Singh, Pat O'Halloran. Penny Trebilcock. Absent: Chris Ecinonds.
Mrs. Chris Edmoncs.
Mt I1
Mal,am'm 1
111 4:
After Care At Al tri- Carc 1 like reading books and pasting things. We watch children ac ling and (11-aw things.
Jeimil (·1- Alne*. Prop.
After Cal'e is lim. 11 G a nice place to hait for Muminv. 1 drink Milo and cat biscuiti
Leanne Thien, Prep.
3 % *?
Miss Healy's surprise party.
Last Day celebrations.
After Care is good and I like it. .Vic ! C 2,11-e is liia·. Ilwre are good gaines and dress-ups and lots more.
Aftcr Luc R realk 1-11(1.
You get biscuits and a drink. I love After Care!
It Ls not .11 .11111.icl,
Alixon >hnitherain, War 1.
Alter (hic A reallv cool
After ( rair i.4 11 verv fun place. rIhere are games
and )'c)11 have a (11'ink. There are (11'iss-ups. It A re-
\11(1 none there R a tool* Ali,N Reed and Vanes.witi·c· lot> of hin
ally fun, I love Afu·r (hur, 1 reallv do!
.After (,are iX the ()11(.
S..11'.1 Mci .cod, Yeal- 1 .
I.- I.......R ./.-/....LLU»• I. ' 'y'·TBaL-r/0/
Ads Are Fun
r*dr* fr* .47 47
i sm sr
I reallv like· it lic·aps and heaps
,And wonlci like to st.n' there for keeps. kite 1),ilheitner. Year ·1.
sp squ
6* i ch .sl
Sw -Tw
Exciting Reanv fun
C<),)1 Mrs Trebilcock and Julia Curtain.
Ac tivities Riul
Special Assistance
Enlgablc· N litalic All),unow, Year -1,
It)1)3 has bern lili exticitich' bils, rear with extra
or special lissistance bring offered to cater for a
wide range ofiweds roin Prep. to Year Six. Reading Recoverv has heen operating in War One since March. Thix is ali carlv ilitti\'ention pro-
gram to promote rapid progress in (·stablishing ell
Irc live rea(ling .111(1 writing processes. Each chikl in
the program hax a clailv, intensive, thirtv minute sesSion in addition to regillar (12» reading aild writing. It ix .111 exciting addition to the many services offered at Loreto, Mandeville Hall.
Ilie Year Six I..inguage Enrichment program has been busily producing our junior School Newspapei-, 'The Mandeville Mit i orl Each edition seems to be bigger and better than the last! Mrs Penin' Trebilcock.
Special Assistance Teacher
Assembling the 'Mandevi le Mirror'.
The Year Six Newsoaper editors: Megan Walters. Carrie Van Der
Weyden, Caroline Tuohy, Katie Taylor, Hannah Price, Charlotte Price, Emma Poyntc,n, Mary Forti, Alison Pettigrew, Elanor Mclnerney, Beata LJkasiak, Stephanie Doyle.
I ru INI N lili'JI'llrll I.I. I.JI r. lilir-'Irl I r. ININ I N I N I N I N I r. I r. I N INI N I r-I I rl I r. Irlirll r. Irtll N Ir' Infl r.lili r. 1,J I N I r-I ININ 11-JINtrult·-Ilr-J 1,91Nlrul 19 1 //11/1 r.1 ir-,11/'r/119 111 Irllrull/1191 r: 11,11111'rul ru I rl IN Irllrulnul r„J 119 1 /JINI N I r-1 Ir/119 1 ta l ru I rJ 1 r.1 1,11 r-1 1 N Ir.
Deidre the Monster
·z' 11 hoter Programs at Loreto! Ft' 1 a,tkybe i.
19) *19-T-] Y /ulll 014 )461 WX-
Muppet 64; S Wbrd Sook 41
Isabella Heathcote, Prep.
Learn Ic Lt
™c %6 the Ar · 34&« I.
1 • rrurt
4 P.#9 4 1 -4 The Nalure
Jtittf o :': -
.ton· or letter or porm and we 11,1,·e 1111(1 v )me good time. with
WriG,g a
24 1 uiscmery??- ll
Ihion, 1),ilton, i'('.11- 1
Palish# *Dazzle Draw , Certer
(.<)1111)11(·1 i. 1/11. it * c·\( itinK 1(,1 L.\.c t-Jc)11(·. 4()1(·tili!(·0 it'+ Fjow,pr. . |(·111·Iling (lihk like Childi-(·16 Writing and Publi·;hing and <(}ilic·time< it + litittil(·4 likc [)1·.tgon \\'c itld ;111(1 1)itic).:illt 1)ixcon·n. Our da»t·00111 coll,I)liter. arc hui .old it.
Gr/v,0 1remlift; 4, 0 .
With Comptict·r: wAr had No much 11111. Yoll can t,pe
.-if*:.': I
-„ wr urmal CroG:word Magic ' '9C 3/ate #, Mdre "Y
ic· WS!
1 p $993 grciti Inning nin. Mi·+ Pidcock likes this ick·.I be- :*.I I,%10 c :1114(· 4114· am 1,1 11 {inc git 1 c )11 c )11(· comptiler tvp- , Xl "PRICE 39- II€51./
in:,incl .111(,thel on the otlic·I printing.
8- '' 0(.LE.
ilc· 11.tic· A ((,11,1,1 Iter monit(,1. She t.tki·+ (,ile c )1 11)('IN .<11(1 N|1(' b .111(mi·(1 1(1 1)lit PLY)I)1(1 (>11 litic! <)11 'e»€
, :WAU
thi· computel. 111 thi· C.(11!li,liter Room St.11· of liu
• Y!:00"89 U \\'(·ck N allow<·d to go into liu· computer offici and (18* 1,I,t in tht'rt·.
\ corn])liter iN Nonwthing 1 hat Can cll,il,gr .1 child or -·93 :dult's life. It (·;
m help voll le.11-11 .Ind elljov things, Com- 45
puter, 'tre great 1.iii·a .Sigiic,i·ino. U·,ti 1. '\11, Piricock' \\hat ciol cio nowN Now. how nuni ttines
(10 I hi·itt- 111:,1 in the (:omputer Room? \\(11 it depetic[ c in how mam prob|ims the,-c· ;lic. 3-es thilt'% rig·ht, 1'111 1 :lIking
it I int it c c 1111„ it <·p.. Wcl 1 going b.ick to whitt 1 0,1 id first, rm not vii 1)1·i44·(1 No m.tin people win that - ic |unr a ve v hard gium· (,111(·d Dilic )4.,1 1 1 1)ihic)\(·n. To get 111 1-(,ligh it w )It nced 1(, c t,ick ('c)(Ii·*. lind thiligh, 114(· volit· 11}(·Inon·, go thic}ligh man·.. crack 1)ti//1(·% illic[ 1),14(,11|v bc .1 gellitiN.
1)inotur Disc·own ivi't the lit·41 gallic we've phned. I llc' liht g.ime we plined \%'114 1)1,11;On lic )1-1(1. Iii :l ign 01 grni „0 i| unt get liu· li 141 h·ve| blit the .('cond h·\(·L ob bov, it'% movh liti k. 1·ill(ling the 11(·,1.4111-cs. 1 mean all the right treaNtlic.. A ihic,M INVHAMil)1(1. (:,itherinc Run, Yar I.
Iii the ((11111„,ter Room there is a tralk interesting und exciting game called Dinc)<.1111 1)iscoven. In this game vou trV to find and tlwn hatch dinc,faut- eggs. First voll le:id abollt lin c ild Proic<•un-. He Went on a journe, 1111(1 fc )1111(l di-
3% os*
noqui- c·ggs, Then, %.idlv, he clied, But tli(· lic )!eM >1· told :in 01(1 11(·imit (who lised to be .1 sitilor) 111)01 11 the (,ggs. I lunc
8,1 1( )1111(1 am dill< )4,1111- eggs wt but Ihn still 111'ing! 1 c Iliov thii gank 14(!wi a .Hcanlon. U·,11- 1.
hpe to l.c·,ii-n k .1 (·(,Illi)titc·r program th,lt hell)h Von 10 tvpc. It trachn volt whili· voii Imve lots c )1 1 1 111. Girls like· tll(1 gamn but tlic·i .Aw like the |t'XM)11% 1,c('2111%( tlin like the km 01 lt' \{)11 h·:11·n not to jlt.t til)(· \Vith <)11(· finger but :111 01 them. It'% a wn· ilitcre;ting prognim. Rosimii,th licals, 3 (·:ti· L
Year Six in the Computer Room.
1,9 1 Al] r:41·Ulful,9 1,9 1 1.11 r.111:1119 11:11,111.111.111-Jl r.11 1,11.1 Ilillil Ill 19 1,91 ri l tilful rul rul ri l lul ril rilrul rul ru INI,Jlr:11 r:11 N I rilrul rul rul 19 1 1:11 111110 Irll r:111:11 ill rul rul r:J 1,91 il I rd I ru Irul rultulrul ri I nl Ir:J I ru lrutrillrul r• Ir:.11,·Ul r..11,91 nl 1 rall:11,=11,·Ulnll la i la 11:111:11 r, 1 1,1111 rull:III LORETO MANDEVILLE HALL 1993
rulrill-·'ImlrJ'r-Jlrull:Ilruituir:.11,91rllrulrilrul,9119:rulr.Ir-Ilruirt]11911:11191191191NIN|ri|rilr-JIFuitulrutrilruINININININININI,Jlrulrulrilrultilr-llrilrull·JININIrllrulrulrulrUININIr-Jlrilrulrulrulrull·-11,111,91rJIr=Ilrultilrulrlir·Ilrilrul,JlrJI,JINI,Jlrilrull:111:11 0 2 2
Technology r_J Ken,;ra the Spate Ship
k:rf·- 1
1 E--1 /2
Ff 4 Ep i 3
2 2
Georgina Tiernan, Prep. -
Compliters are reall,· fun to work with. At the moment we
arc working on Flowel-% of C.nstal. It,K an c\citing guilit· thilt is .11)(nit a 1,1.tilit that could be destrowd bv a man named E 2
Grubble. Alinost anvone <·an like this game! 1%
1<<·lh 1.c'iji„,11, Year 5. h -4«SD € 9
(:hahnging C
Perfect l'nreal
Technologi Exc·L
f -2
Rebeau Pereint, \*Gli- 5. E 2
Compitter classes ilit an .tpect of our ccllication called Information Ter}molo Dilling tile war we have explored G compliter prognuns that have been designed for our aire & 2
Looking at our dockets for the Coles' Apples for the Students
1(·veL Currenth, we are n,·ing to mawer a program called 1%
Campaign. Top, Lisa Valmorbida; left, Joanna Ryan; right,
'Flowers of Cn·Ntal. When wt· first attempted this g.ime we 1%
Stephanie Haikal.
were flabbel-gasted as we clicltit have the remotest icit·,1 of %
how to go about finding tlic· tertili/er. the pot of gold. the R
magic water, the soil or tht· in'stal flower. Eventillillv, we #
idle Di,kette, Wth Carel
- 1 9 6
Imilt up a wonderful knowk·dge of the game and ])le.gently K we .tre sleuthing our wav through the adventure. 1% 2
Cassandra Fi,· and 1.ollise AlcI.t'(,(1. Year .3. #
1 Iave vou ever been eaten bv a Greinlin? Grammill C .lem- # lins is a program we uNT to help our |imgitage skills. But be i
warned. the witches and 1,;its shorten vour life. Do vow know 1%
which class has an average 01 3 words per minute in liping.' Year Six Bhw have been working on l ItraKe,- It liell) our £
touch typing abilities. 1 I hankrow MI·x |11111 for thc· Ck,nipitter Room.
Elanor Mc Inernev and Anna Arnail, Year 6. T 2
Computel- prinwrs do such atti .ictive graphic-s. i 2
Left, Catnerine Moran, right, Jessica O'Keeffe, Year Five.
Oubtimding varictv ofuses for computen. a
Maths gaines on computer aic· chitllenging. 2.
Pupils 211-e alwars enthilsiastic. & l 'nreal fun in the Compliter Room. 1 2
-*9 +6:•1*..
[chlic·hing with computer iN exciting. 1
- - -7 f .... : 1. 71.,Ck..% 4-9. vir---'i>-2-- 2:fi ZE - .·. -·
1+t t.2 -7
Excellent work is product'(1. h 2
Regulat- tise of the computers will tii.ike us experts. 1%
· -
()livia Burns, \'-- 6. # 2
'Hoorav Hoorin·/ is what people sav, U'hen thev have computers that (lav.
M 1.• r. e w house
Even·(me en jovs the computers thev play, li 2
It von try to get (,11 thev s:n' 'No wav. 2 2
Even·one thinks computers are flin.
So up to the (:c)llipliter Roolll the)' do run. 1 :
Sophie I.aurence, Sara U-oc,cli·till and ('nrrinuti,t· iii·ni.Jing
St thannah Bailt·v, Year 6. % 2
JINI,/11/11/Ir/Ir/lrul,Ilrutr-,11/1,91,91,/li/Ir/trul,/1,911/11/1111rllrulr:Jlrulr:.111%11,9lrilrilr/Irill//1,91,91,911/11/11/1,91/JININInllrllr/Ir:Ilill,/1,91,91,91/91/J!/JINININIr:.11,11,91,111,91,911/1,91,911/1//11/In/Inllrul,/11/11911/1/11rJInllritr9l/-11,11,/11/11/11·-11,911·Ul ¤
Drama & Music 1 will .11\, .1,-s remember the 1(ith and 17111 of Au-
gust. it)91 On those· din·,; we had our 1,1.11'>.. It 10,14 an experience for all of 11% 2111(1 Wa. Inc)st ('lljovable. .\11 of zi.+ worked 40 hard to gain pel fcc'tion and it all j
mrned out to be a gre:it %11(-('i·AN, It >,('(·111% No weird
thal it al] h,1% pa,»cd and Ju· no longer Imic to practise over :ind over gaill. Al though we consider it ()11]v to be 21 plav it will alwavA bring back 111(·111(,1-ic·%
and hopefullv extend ()111- th(,lights in drama, acting I11(1 lit<'llit,111'.
inah (idn. Year 6.
A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM Karen Lee, Annabelle Peters. Prudence Doig, Domina Barbaro, 4
Amanda Hyland, (behind) Kiara Chiodi,
4 Mtixiciatix
Singi,44 Ilitere>,tillg Carc )14
"Twelfth Night" Caroline Tuohy, Helen Clarke, Michelle Valmorbida, Ellie McMahon, Alison Pettigrew, Meaghan McLagan
Artistic Nice
Row 2 Emma Poynton, Kate Corrigan.
Differriit Di 2,11 1,1
Realigic Ac·e
Min vell<,ii,;
Aina/iiig Kmha Dav and I It'idi Dalton. \Dar 6.
Speet'ti .1.11 Horrific
Killitg Exhausting· "Romeo and Juliet" Geraldine Nankervis. Jessica Day, Bridget Hopkins, Lauren Trumble, Suzanne Castles, Louise Lonergan,
Six Red'>, P 1.1/
Sarah Cichy.
Excitilig Advent tire)its
RkrUng 1·21(·gant (-C)Stlime
Brictgrt lic,E,kins, [,allri·11 'lillilible .111(1 (lunlotte Price. 36,11- 6.
Year Two 1 cal|v c 11.jov our Milsic .111(1 Drama
IC·,240nx. \12· like to Ming Song'.s luid to act in plavi We do itel» for Shair 1-inic und - acted ill the War
Six I)]211'4. \\'c wer,· the failic·N.
Iii Dratna at 4(hool we do lots of plit,0. %(,tiletinics we (10 hnprovisation, Mr. Tiernev Roberts is our tracher. Sometimes Mrs I iernev Roberts pills on a tape und we do \1(.clitation.
But now we air doing a plav about the ark. 1 am a neighbour, itk 1-c·,illv good. 14,1[c i>, \0,111.
Out#ide %011001 1 ruiX in a plav called Michael
Francis \Vilic,zighy in El .C)(;1'1 .P. The coinpany that organised it was c .t||c'(1 St Martin'X. You can get lots oillrima h»ons there. Draina N fun for evervone.
>;ophie Cunler, Year 2.
Lara Signorino, Year .1.
Music Festival We learnt the songs bv heart for this (11-and ()('(41%1(,11,
We suffered hours of practice to inake thin» tight We arrived there fifteen mimites eal-h' to hear the
C)]-chestra plav, And then it wa.4 out- turn _
The bright lights shone in our faces But still we sang- our bext. We finished offwith 'Sister Act' to end our weel.3 01 wc )rk.
The audience applatided ti as wc· walked off stage, Miss Wuttke and \Irs Todd both siniling from (·211- to Cal-.
Another \ILisic Festival that had been 21 hllc c ('AN.
Just \Vilit til next w c'ar. liannah Price. Year 6
SR. LUA BYRNE ORCHESTRA 4th row L-R Jacqueline H ggins, Charlotte Price (leader),
A cello is like a clcmble bas,.
Emily Stowell, Jessica Day, G anna Sabbadini, Stephanie Maule,
A ('('11() is 1-calh verv aa"
Jennifer Palisse.
Cello has becii a vcrv elijovable
3rd row L-R Olivia Burns, Caroline Tuohy, Helen Clarke,
instrument to learn this vear!
Stephanie Doyle, Clare Gibson, Catherine Ryan, Patricia Nigro.
Clare 1)Unin
2nd row L-R Lauren-Jade Ryan, Simone Ball, Megan Walters, Carrie Van Der Weyden, Phoebe Nugent, Beth La Brooy, Simone Bailey, Aimae Hooking.
Drani.04 Diverse Dilllc,gue
Front row L-R Louisa Bostock, Sarah Cichy, Edwina Scanlon, Lauren Trumble, Eliza Curtain-
Disturbs Daine'% Dailv Dral) Di (.21]11.4.
Year Five Passion Play, 'Peter's Denial': Back. Sarah Portelli, Sally Finemore, Catherine Moran. Rebecca Prescott. Front, Erin Griffin,
m _:_ 1 11 .1 *p•I AM'll ......r *
Patricia Nigro, Georgie Coleman. , 6
.2--I--1.1 k
Miss \\'ritike inade 11% play And pi actise everv clay, We al so sing :·\111(1(lin' Ac)11gx,
We also cio lots of :)lays all dar long! We all love Music ancl Drama!
Jacqueline Diamond, Year 3.
ST. FRANCIS ORCHESTRA 6th row L-R Christina Broussard, Julia McDonald, Lisa Charlton, Kiara Chiodi, Karen Lee, Lauren Kuc, Phoebe Nolan.
Fi111 Raclical ExceFIent \). 1
5th row L-R Esther Rowe, Geraldine Nankervis,
Anneliese Gannon, Elizabeth Reilly, Laura Riley, Rebecca Pereira, Catherine Moran.
4th row L-R Kate Dalheimer, Jane Serong, Natalie Grant, Sally Finemore, Rachel Griffiths, Beth La Brooy, Jennifer Aylward,
(1 )< ,1
Highlv recommended High standard C)rcliegn Rhwhin
Never boring Rebecca Pereira, Year o.
Daniella Zampierollo. 3rd row L-R Miss Sue Wuttke, Zara D'Cotta, Lauren Mihelcic,
Marianne Pitard, Lucy MeNamara, Candice Carter. 2nd row L-R Helen Beatty, Anna Balmer, Leisel King, Candice Martin.
Front row L-R Chloe Podalakin, Clare Dunin,Chandini Kao,
Isabelle Kitchen, Patricia Nigro, Julia Pereira-Godinho.
YEAR 5/6 CHOIR Junior School a
8th row L-R Laura Matthews, Hannah Price, Kiara Chiodi,
Emma Poynton, Anna Arnall, Alison Pettigrew, Carrie Van Der Weyden.
7th row L.R Erin Griffin, Jessica Day, Sarah Cichy. Emily Stowell, Katie Taylor, Lauren Kuc, Caroline Tuohy, Alice Dwyer, Michelle Funder.
6th row L-R Anna Gallard, Elizabeth Buchanan,
Rebecca Prescott, Sarah Portelli, Sophie Laurence, Anne Maree O'Brien, Madeleine Scanlon, Amanda Hodder, Stephanie Doyle.
5th row L-R Alexandra Connell, Isabel Hertaeg, Phoebe Nugent, Sara Pacini, Megan Walters, Joan Allanadale, Eliza Curtain, Lauren-Jade Ryan, Olivia Curtain.
4th row L-R Stephanie Maule, Marta Allery, Clare Gibson, Kate Hocking, Bridget Hopkins, Simone Bailey, Zoe Kitchen, Vanessa Condello, Charlotte Price, Laura Riley.
3rd row L-R Sally Finemore, Fiona Hegarty, Jane Balmer, Beth La Brooy, Rebecca Pereira, Shannon Murphy.
Rebeccea Nolan, Megan Downing, Amy Tinetti, Sara Woodruff. 2nd row L-R Kara Maisano, Emily Trenchard, Katharine Marks, Esther Rowe, Jennifer Turnbull, Criseyda Robinson,
Daniella Zampierollo, Jennifer Aylward, Mary Fonti, Kelly Lennon.
I am a good singer .incl 0 1 enjov music. 1 like the
high lic,te< We King 11)11(ilv and Mc)!th , I like to Ming with 111(· ph 111().
Sarah \1(Alillan, Prep.
Front row L-R Catherine Moran (standing), Lauren Trumble, Lucy David, Fiona Dohrmann, Miss Sue Wuttke, Kate Edmonds, Colleen Bloom, Sofia Vaccari, Georgina Coleman (standing).
Learning Violin .\11'4 (;rillith>, i>, the vic,lin teacher. \\'c· han· 111„Mic book. like 'The Abracadabra Vicili,i Bix,k'.
Li»on, 1,1,1 for halfan lic)111-
and )'c)11 ('1111 cien bc in the Orchotra. ,\11(1 -vou (-an even hire a violin ifvou (1011'1 have one ofvour (mil.
Prep. recorder lesson.
It'% Ic)14 <)1-jtin!
Eli/.ibeth Abbott. Year 1
Unhn ix ven hard for a start. bill it gets e.,Mier
11(1 cuxici. 14(·nic·inber - practiNE It lookh c..ts; 1,lit i.1/'1 11)'11 (·,1../.
Our Opera C)111 1)1-,1,11.1 :c.tcher .11711()1111('ed \ve werc per|orn+N a p].1/ , Bilt not in .1 wn' ordinarv w:tv.
\Ve li·apt lip oil the stage
1<.itc Tilic,: . Year 3.
And Nang \vith outrage
Ihilt waN our opera for the reg of the clav. Amv Killen and
Alana Spadaro. Ye:11- 5. CHAMBER CHOIR Junior School
6th row L-R Sarah Cichy, Alison Pettigrew, Carrie Van Der Weyden, Emma Poyntor, Anna Arnall, Katie Taylor, Lauren Kuc, Caroline Tuohy. 5th row L-R Lauren -Jade Ryan, Anna Gallard, Amanda Hodder,
Sophie Laurence. Jessica Day, Michelle Funder, Megan Walters, y
Stephanie Doyle. 4th row L-R Clare Gibson, El za Curtain, Olivia Curtain,
Joan Allanadale, Sara Pacini. Isabel Hertaeg, Simone Bailey.
3rd row L-R Bridget Hcpkins, Rebecca Pereira, Marta Allery, Vanessa Condello, Rebecca Nolan, Zoe Kitchen.
2nd row L-R Sara Woodruff, Jennifer Turnbull, Shannon Murphy, Charlote Price, IV'ary Fonti, Miss Sue Wuttke. 1 st row L-R A my Tinett , Jane Balmer, Beth La Brooy,
Kate Edmonds, Megan Downing. Lucy David. Lauren Trumble, Geogina Coleman.
Junior School
Junior School
7th row L-R Natalie Albantow, Lara Signorino, Edwina Scanlon.
5th row L-R Jacqueline Diamond, Megan Walters.
Melanie Ringersma, Laurer Prescott, Sophie Price, Natalie Grant,
Stephanie Doyle, Sarah Portelli, Karen Lee. Michelle Funder
Elizabeth Hurley, Alexanara Dickeson.
Elizabeth Reilly.
6th row L-R Marnie Hicks, Jacqueline Higgins, Elizabeth Ames,
4th row L-R Zoe Kitcken, Aimee Hocking, Claire Southill
Felicity Whelan, Kate Lonergan, Kate Dalheimer, Anna Mansour,
Marta Allery, Kate Hocking, Beth La Brooy. Natalie Alt
Anra Ba'mer.
Jessica Cuttler.
5th row L-R Char'dini Kao, Emily Whelan, Zarina Mir,
3rd row L- R Shannon Murphy, Kate Dalheimer,
Melanie Dalheimer, Jessica Cuttler, Zara D'Cotta, Sarah Dynon,
Rebecca Pereira, Cassandra Fry, Laura Riley, Esther Rowe.
Elizabeth Abbot.
Emily Whelan, Leisel King.
4th row L-R Sarah Stewart, Candice Carter, Eliza Nistet.
2nd row L-R Candice Carter, Colleen Bloom, Katharine Mar.
Lucy McNamara, Kate Tilley, Marianne Pitard, Anica Meehan,
Kate Edmonds, Catherine Moran, Emily Trenchar
Jessica Ries.
Sofia Vaccai.
3rd row L-R Jessica Gamble, Edwina Olver, Tessa Custance,
Front row L-R Georgina Coleman, Patricia Nig
Catherine Sullivan, Stephanie Fitzgerald, Louisa Sullivan,
Alexis Kelleher, Miss Sue Wuttke, Melanie Dalhei·
Erica Margetson, Clare Dunin Leisel King, Katie Rose Sm th,
Elizabeth Abbott.Chandini Kao.
Natacha Moussi. 2nd row L-R Yvette Haikal, Anna Smith, Millie Chalmers, Louisa
Page, Kate Connolly, Elizabeth Kong, Joanna Downing, Amy Gillon, Julia Dereira-Godinho.
Recorder! The recorder gloilp ]111% been organiScd In MiNS
Front row L-R Camilla Hopkins, Katherine Stoweli, Lucy Ludescher, Miss Sue Wuttke, Isabelle Kitchen. Stephan'e MeNamee, Eliza Ralph.
\\'11 like and starts al 8.00:un in the morning. It' A :1 fun place to start vour (lav· with Moilic h icti(14 that voll know. Marta Allerv. Year 5.
Draina is great! If vou know how to iict! We cio
plays and talks. Our teacher is Mrs Tierner Roberts. We were all %21(1 and %111'prised that after inam' rear, 01' being at Mandeville she is leaving zix. Man)' thanks and we all wish her the best for the future! Cindv Liti, Year 6
First term, we had lots of fun
And the little ones did tlicir phn/% For their 1),ids and Mun,K.
Second term, lots of Ming-ing
And all the happinos it wkis brh·.ging. Third term - Year Six play. Along with Misi \\'littke's recorder plia<e. Fourth ki-in - (livistmas is coming Coming to St Patrick'>,
Pcop Lt' were rliniling. Through the )'cal we had a fantastic tillie.
Now that'% the end of our little rhylne. Hannah Whiting and Amr Tinetti. Year 6.
Prep. recorder lesson: Georgie T ernan, Ella Hensch,
HOUSE CAPTAINS JUNIOR SCHOOL 2nd row L-R Amanda Hyland, Sara Cichy, Victoria Toovey, Amy Tinetti.
Front row L-R Joanne Halpin. Helen Clarke, Sophie Laurence, Christina Broussard.
Interhouse Competitions - Results Year 6
>k )1 tbal 1
Year 6
X c,1 b.ill
&1 1 ilhan
Year 5
X (Ii).11
Year 4
N<.1 1)'11 1
l·: 6-
Year 5 & 6 %,$ i 111 Iiii iig
Points - Mulhall
Spirit award - \1(,1-112111(,
Cross-Countr Iii Terins Two and fhier, girls in \Pars Four, Five and Six had
1]w opportililiti to palticipate· in cross-coillitn: First wc had a trial to see who the 1:lch' people were \4) were selected aild thi·11 we trained for a competition that was lickl about a month la:el: It Was reall, fun. We competed agailit kills ofour own 'lg(1 8 dillerent <chook Lort·to came sec (,1 id.
After this exciting rvent we had :t (i'()41-0(,imtn' ti:lining xession with tile Senior Schon] tea nl to liniNh off the season. We ]111(1 AirIt 11111' Simone Bailev, Wai 6.
Cross-Country District Competition at Fawkner park.
Sport is reallv fun
Panting and put ling make vou fit. Opposition teams make games possible Running fast is needed iii most sports rl-v hard and vou will succeed. Olivia Ganrv. 32,11 6.
GYM SQUAD (I.G.S.) JUNIOR SCHOOL 2nd row L-R Elizabeth Reilly, Anna Arnall, Ms Ros Scott' Katie Taylor, Louisa Bostock.
Front row L-R Jenni Bolton, Sara Woodrul, Joanne Halpin, Beata ._ukasiak, Susanrah Bailey. A
At Grimwade In Tenn Three the Year Foitix writt to plav 11(tball at Grinmade. The lines on their netball court> were diffurent so
[hev explained thrill all to us, Then Mrs Edmonds divided tis up into three Wams. Then it was tinw lo plav. I'm All 1 c we were all verv nervous, The sim was shilling %0 ue had a beautiful
Saturday morning netball - Loreto Blue. Runners Up in
Section A. Back, Angela O'Connell, Krista Dale, Susannah Bailey, Joanne Halpin, Amanda Hyland. Front, Hannah Price, Alison Pettigrew, Emma Poynton, Sophie Laurence.
d.n. We had lots of fun and ise all c'11 joveil ourselves. %111-al] D\'lic)11. ibm 't,
Wednesday After-School Sport Illis vear at I.c,i'c·to, Manderille Hall, all the Junior School Int,4 takell pall in exciting activities and great events. After Achool on a \Vednesdav afternoon all the War Sixes enjor competitive sport against other schools. .Julia Macdonald, )2·ar 6.
Saturday Morning Netball This war in Term Two, the Wai- fixes had Saturdin' morning
netball when teams from Loreto competed against tictball teams from other schook It was verr exciting, When the finals came we had two Loreto teams in them, One in the final for th<· A divi-
sion, and one fur the B division. Both teams were luilliers-up. Saturdav netball was great fim, something we'11 never forget. Jennifer Turnbull, \Ar 6.
4th row L-R Isabel Hertaeg, Anna Gallard, Emma Durbridge, Michelle Valmorbida, Katie Taylor, Elizabeth Harvey, Sara Pacini. 3rd row L-R Anneliese Gannon,
Amanda Hyland, Bridget Hopkins, Arley Grey, Annabelle Peters,
Stephanje Maule, Rebecca Nolan. 2nd row L-R Colleen Bloom, Meaghan .y
b flit
McLagan,Megan Downing, Joanne Halpin, Tessa Spring, Marianne Pitard. Front row L-R Jessica Ries, Beata
Lukasiak, Kara Maisano, Mrs Chris
Edmonds, Victoria Chapman, Nicole Dwyer, Candice Martin.
Absent Angela O'Connell
Gth row L-R Michelle Funder, Lauren Kuc,
Hannah Price, Emma Poynton,
Michelle Valmorbida, Sarah Cichy, Jacqui Vidal, Rebecca Prescott, 5th row L-R Annabelle Peters,
Natalie Ahmed, Sara Pacini, Megan Walters, Stephanie Doyle, Phoebe Nugent, Anna Flynn, Bridget Hopkins. 4th row L-R Alana Spadaro, Hannah Whiting, Amanda Hyland,
Elizabeth Reilly, Simone Bailey, Zoe
Kitchen, Aimee Hocking, Edwina Scanlon. 3rd row L-R Emily Whelan, Andree Pianta, Jennifer Turnbull, Catherine Moran, Beth La
Brooy, Krista Dale, Sally Finemore. 2nd row L-R Alexandra Stafford, Dianna
Best, Lauren Mihelcic, Kate Lonergan, Chloe Podolakin.
Front row L-R Jessica Ries, Lucy MeNamara, Amy Wark, Mrs Chris Edmonds, Anna Balmer, Elizabeth O'Day, Lauren Trumble.
Absent Angela O'Connell, Louisa King.
(L to R)From back: Emma Poynton, Lauren Kuc, Michelle Valmorbida,
Anna Arnall, Sarah Cichy, Katie Taylor, Joanne Halpin, Sara Pacini, Victoria Toovey, Susannah Bailey, Sophie Laurence, Aimee Hooking, Catherine Crowe, Adelaide Hamilton Green, Jacqui Vidal, Louisa Bostock, Phoebe Nugent, Erin Griffin, Hannah Whiting,
Amanda Hyland, Kate Hooking, Samantha Dermatis, Michelle Funder,
Bridget Hopkins, Dianna Best, Jane Serong, Elizabeth O'Day, Megan Downing, Alana Spadaro, Laura Riley, Daniella Zampierollo Anna Balmer, Zarina Mir, Fiona Dohrmann, Kara Maisano,
Anna Bryant, Kelly Lennon Sarah Dynon, Alexis Kelleher, Lauren Milelcic, Eliza Nisbet,Lauren Prescott,
Alexandra Stafford, Sally Fjnemore Front:
Louisa Page, Joanna Downing,
Eliza Ralph, Jessica Ries, Candice Martin,
Felicity Whelan, Chloe Podolakin, Tessa Custance,Elizabeth Abbott. Absent Greta Lacava
Interhouse Netball Interhouse netl).111 was reallv fun. We k·arnt al)out
contact, stepping and pkning vour own ball, 1)lit most ofall we learnt abolit |121\'ing 1 1111 .
.jacqui VidaL Yel//1 6.
Netball Being a netball limpire Was a great experience.It was hard to p,ill people up when tile game moved No f.lxt. C)((,ixionallv. people (lictil't agree with in)'
Year Six Interhouse Netball Final: Barry v. Mulhall.
In first term. for the first time ever, 1.oreto wits
:isked to compete in the Annadale district swim-
decisions and i lelt realh' uncomfortable. Blowing the whistle sounds easv. but it takes practice to get it right. Lmpling the grand finals was really hm'd. It
was difficult to concentr:itc when people were cheering al the top of their voic·es. \IC'gall Uillte i S, Yell/- 6.
iniiig. -I'c) start tlic' picp,11-atic)11 'c· hail trials dimi at Prahran «inuning pooL where the fir41 ((11111)(tition u» to be hild. Main' girl, coinpeted ill the «'imming for vear 1 5 and 6, but onlv three gills macle it into the zone. 01'lic·, were 1%11|)(·llc· 1 Ic·i taeg, Bridget
llc,i,kins and me! 1%41|wlle competed in the 5(hn 141-(·,ixtstroki· and canic fourth. Bridget competed in tlic· 3()111 Firestvk· and ended up fourth. I was in thi 5()m Bunerth' and canw seconci which was .1 big achievelnent for Ine!
Emina 1)111 1,1 idge, War 6 2S
Years Five and Six Interhouse Swimming.
421 r:
Sport is inv favourite subject because itk fun and keeps vou fit. Phoebe Nolan, Yeal· 6.
Hockey At the end of Term Two we )111)'ed hockev. \Ve pknrd lots of clifferent g.lines to trach 11+ cliffel-clit Mulhall captains: Joanne Halpin and Amanda Hyland with Mrs Anne Hunt.
skills. We pknrd lilli-Ill,ers, where we were m two (lill ferel-It groups und We each liad a different oppolient and each pair hai to plav each other and in' to get the ban iii their goals. Esther Rowe. Year 5.
P.\1,11 N plaving different gan». \Ve can swing off lope.4, jillup. balance, Crawl, tilinble and 1<)11. The best thing I like to do is slide· my foot along the 1)e .11 11.
Sarah Clearv, Prep.
Softball is tile numbel- one sport
\'ext collicx nel l)2111 on t he ahpil 2111 Cour t . 1-he swimming carnival was reallv rad but hockey was not sc) 1,21(1.
So Noon to coine is Sports Da\'
And we are on c )111 #'av
h) 11111Ililig i,ist And having a Bl.\>211 Sus.innah Bailev and
Sophic Laurence, Yeat- 6.
Saturday morning netball.
Junior School Sports
e t
Barry House Captains: Left, Victoria
Mulnall House Captains:
Toovey Capt. Right, Sophie Laurence,
Left, Amanda Hyland, V. Capt.
V. Capt. Spirit Award
Right, Joanne Halpin, Capt. Points Trophy
Lauren Prescott, Year 3
Year 6 Circular Relay. (L to R) Joanne Halpin Michelle Valmorbida
High Jump. Megan Downing Year 5
(back) and Lauren Kuc, Sara Pacini.
Prep. Sack Race (L to R) Sarah McMillan, Jennifer Ames. Sarah
Year 3 Tunnelball
1,- T ..2 'r *#'' 0?ir
=*Se. 1
0/E :·.t
Congratulations Mulhall!
Year Sixes cheering for their house.
Prep 3rd Row L-R: Stephanie De Oliveira.
Georgina Tiernan, Michelle Smitheram, 4
Stephanie Lukan, Alexandra Cuttler, Alexandra Podolakin, Daniele Wilton, Victoria Frew
1 43 t t
2nd Row L-R: Anna Marantz,
Jennifer Ames. Bridget Blackburn, Philippa Christian, Madeline Tilley, Nicole Anderson, Isabella Heathcote, Sarah Maule, Sarah McMillan. Q.
Front Row L-R: Ella Henschke,
Joanna Ryan, Jane Eves, Lisa Valmorbida. Stephanie Haikal, Leanne Thien, {
Sarah Cleary, Samantha Jreissati. Inset:
Megan O'Hehir.
Teacher: Mrs. Marianne Hull.
Teacher Aide: Miss Denise Reed.
Om Thoughts on Life Short hair can be .1 good thing brcatiwe i I '+ (·,thier tc) 1)1-1141. .lt'Ililill'I' .lims
\'iden* (·an be illte]-(·sting. 32)11 Nhould watch them 9)1!1(*timeN 1)11111()t,1 1(,1.
0 Nic(,1(.tri,kwirl
I Ii ke J c·c 7,ing i n. 1 c lo good work when I Imve a big slecp. 111-iclget Ill,ic'kimi·n 1)! Im ing m.ike. me Ice| g.(1( 1{1 1,('(-2,11.4(· 1 ,1111 good lit it,
e 0
Philippa (11 i.tini
I hi' Fint 11"h COMMMUnic )11 Wits,1 M'hool ((·1(4)!-ation. \Ve gathcred A a big livinik. Fan,ilisin'c xpecial Unou. It inwod to brlong.
Reading is a wonderful wav of k·,11·ning m )1 c w )1·(ls,111(1 things,
Sarah Clear\
\mut Mill'ant'
I like thi· Illithili (11 iillilil)(·rs. the rh,·thill c)| counting
1 like h.n·ing frillic!% to plav with. [ 11,lit· mo realli tti)()(111'ittich.
Aleximdr.1 C :mil(·i
S.trah Mawle
Ilikc h al ning letters and learning to write and read .Stephanie De ()liwira
Compliter. clic exciting. You can look at .1 mc·litt and %(·c all kmds 01 g.unc·x. legan 07 1(·hir
I fer' good when I am doing bal|ct with Chloc, .\1(·\Imdra Podolitkin
I like growing up. Growing up mi·ans going m v·hool,Itic[ taking are Ohoursell.
.loanint Runi C
I like doing things with hanrk, like writing, drawing and m,tking t
hillg•. Alichclk· Sillitheram
A hug i* a wonderful 12·Ming, It makes \·c )11 feel happ, an, 1 1,11'c,
\ 11(·w 11()11%( i. exciting alid hill ofnew things. 1,canne Thicn
litiw F.ws
Sliow and Tell is something I like. Big prople don't have Slicm
I love lin [)11(lch becal!%(· Ill· lou·* me ven much. Vk toria Frew
I like to m ret new proplc .ind her new things, It i s exciting. Stephic ]Iaikal
[he besteit feeling is when people make :ou blush and [ce! Apecial. 1 12 ('1 X l)((ial .it school and at home. IN,ibella 1 h·,i:licote
Al, 1)21(1(ls loW+ tlewspapen sc) thei must bc good. One (lav I isill 1-cad newspapers .Ind learn abolit the world. Ella Henschke
and Tell, that iMs,1(1.
(;corgina Tici·nan 1 '(·14 are good f 4 )1- 1 c ill beC,11 14(· tilt·\ U·cp vow ('( }111 1 ),im , Madeline'1'illev
Writing is the best thing, 11\· writing book is h (,1 1 (Ic 1-ful |tm. I am un good at it 1.ih,t \'211111()1-1)i(lit
I like hirthdin A. 1 11;n r liad five anclibcv were gon< 1. [),micle Wilton
Fant,Na iN .1 wonderful movir With music. ballet and a good ston. Evenc,tic ould like it.
San:anth,1 1 1-t·i»ati
A Mulnim i4 important 1(11- nen penon. Mine 3% a wn caring Miltll.
Steph,iiiic I.uk,in
I think ti-inrlling on .m arroplane is c·xciting. Ir cic,c«t take long k> get to })1./te.. Sal-ah Mi Millan
U lul
Year One Emily Freezer,
3rd Row L-R:
Natalie MeNamee. Katia Santilli, Natalie Carew. Jessica Noonan,
Amanda Cavanough. Jessica Carter. Celia Doyle 2nd Row L-R: Lucie Chalmers,
Madeleine Hunter, Michelle Moussi,
Julia Szondy, Alison Smitheram, Samantha Barrett, Anne Devan,
Mardi Taylor, Dominie Trescowthick, Elizabeth Corrigan Front Row L-R: Sara MacLeod
Rachel Carew, Anna Ralph, Jessica Carelli, Laura Stewart, Jessica Horewoodl
Victorja Gregory, Carly Lagana. Absent: Julia Curtain. Teacher:
Mrs. Sally O'Byrne
At computer wr have Detect-a-Pet and trping and lots of
(:litlc,i·d'w bit·thdav was good fun. Sarall made the cake. it
ather things. Our 1,1,(,write is Detect-,1-Pet becalle it is inwi-
was vum! Victoria brought red Akins. Macleleinc· brought (·tip
rving. We like computers ven- milch.
oakes and Alison brought red drink. Julia S/ondv
11./ich linlor
\'Atillie \Ic-X,tince
Katia and 1 111-c good writers. We writc king stories, somelime; AC' turn pages.
kitia Sinitilli and Sara \1 11('I.cod
One night wi· 41 inrd at school until 7 0'clock. We did 1)tish dancing .ind we had tra. We had A.ills.iges :111(1 hamburgers, ice-(·tram and fruit Then we wcnt 11(,ine. Lania Ntewart and Car|v Lag:ma |lic Year One, went to the Peter Exhibition and Moinc o|
the milins could come and mv· mum came. There werc lots
(,f things to phn· with .111(1 there wah ,1 shop to 1,11,' 1'<·ti·i- R,il)10, things
C.elia 1)(),le .ilict.Jillia (hi,-t.,in Ilw ic·.11 1 i# c )3 2,11(1 111(· Year Om·+ Inic| a cilmlifire lip in the fain·-dell. We h.ic| to ch'eNS Up in black clothn like .\1,0rigines and it was |111 1.
Aboriginal Campfire, Year One, from left: Natalie Carew, Emily
Emil, Firen·t· litict.Iessic.'11 ( 111-tel
Freezer, Jessica Horewood, Celia Doyle, Julia Curtain, Laura Stewart.
Wi· had two i .11)bits in our class room. Their names al.c Fluffr and Toothic. Fluffv is %0 cute 2,11(1 Tootsic is nicc. Wc
We Intd .1 tedch bear'% picnic ancl it wi™ fun. The Ye.tr Twelve* c Amr [00. 1 brought c )111- wddv bears. Wc had the
Amancia Cavanotigh and \.Italic C.arew C)li one Fridav wr h.id 21 CIas, AL». \(·,it-lv all the t-(·latiws
picnic on the netball Court. We Nat next to Emil, .ind %11(· xhared hinch With al! 01 us.
Eli/,tbeth C (irrig-an
came. We danced and Mang son»
l'ict<)1-ic' Chrgon
Samantha Barrett and Rachel Carew
We have a jobs chart in our classroom. Mv favourite job iN .Ilisweling the telephone and mr favourite job is doing tilt
We 11.ic· praver time and w,· 1,1-·,n to God. It is 21 clitict tilne and \vt· hau· it in the afternoon. \\'c fing song*. j/Shica (1"-elli
r<,11 cal].
Madeleine I hnuer
Anim R.ilph and Lucie Ch,ill,iers We write al)out things in our journ,il books. We like c,ll! joilrnal 11(,oks. Thev ;tre fun, Dominic Trescowthick and Alison Sinitheram
We had a new girl in <)111- c|.issroom lor five ,$,·cks. Her
name waS AIC·xandra. 41(· wits a ven nice gil-1..Nile was viSiting from Loreto in :\(|c|,tide.
.·ssic.1 1 1(,1-(·wood 2,11(1 1essica Noon.111 ..
Even' Tuesdin .ind Thill sclin· we haw· P.M.P. The Pi-c·ps. (|c) it loo. P.M.P. st.11,(1% for Pera·pmal Motor Program. W'c· clo things like testing our eves at the eve track.
Wc do inrn·(· things like going on the 1-(,1,(·3. which arc I ,)t' of fun. WAr got dillerent kind•; of ropcs. like the one with
the knot and the ladder and thi· 1-ope with tio knots. S.tiii,11ith,1 Banrtt, Yeat· 1.
vear One, from left, Laura Stewart, Alexandra Moody, Julia Szondy, Jessica Noonan.
Prep - Year One Activities
r r*
Happy Week: Preps. display 'fancy socks'.
Year One, from left: Anne Devan, Victoria Gregory, Rachel Carew, Elizabeth Corrigan, Mardi Taylor, Natalie Carew.
L V f
Philippa Christen, Prep.
Rachel Carew, Year One
Book Week, Year One: Dress-Up Day.
%40 2 X 4
936 8 31-
Pancake Day, Year One: Sara MacLeod, Mardi Taylor.
Colourful Socks Day in Year One.
Year Two Lucy Kenny, Madeleine Campbell, Gabrielle Connolly,
3rd Row L-R:
f )· Ft 3
Michelle Thien, Avesia Calman,
Sophie Cuttler. Fiona Tracey. 2nd Row L-R: Simone Baskett, Rachelle Pitard, Renata Anderson,
Bridget Scanlon, Megan Prescott,
Megan O'Connell, Sarah Trenchard, Katie Nicholson. Laura Hertaeg. Front Row L-R:
Tiffany Chiang,
Renuka Rajadurai, Sarah Ryan,
¥4 1
Sonia Margetson, Emily Crisafi, Pamela Devan, Emily Tiernan. Teachers: 7
Mrs. Kathy O'Connell,
Mrs. Anne Tierney-Roberts
Ille Year Twos joined the Year Six chilch·en in doing 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. We were the faities. Rachelle Pitard
During Science \Veck we went up to the Sellior School I.abo-
raton. We made slime. The ing!-edients Air 3()4)1111 + of P.V.A.
14=€ 9
1()1111% of borax and four drop of food cohnn-ing. It was great ftin. Simone Baskett In the classroom, we Inive a wormerv that has about 260
worms in it. We Colle c 1 the worms from the lain ck·11 and the gar(1(·11%. Awsia Calman
In Year Two we write letters to each girL I think it is fun. I write letters to Gal)v and 1 10·rite letters to Sonia.
Emily Crisafi and Simone Baskett.
I..1 ui a Hertaeg
For share time we did an Aborigine plav. I Was the narrator.
We had a class Mass in the Praver Room. Fr Ketmed\, Brid-
[he plav was great fun. We had to wear black leotards and wet
grfs micle, said the Mils.4. After Mass we hail'a filmilv hinch in
chalk on our face.
0/tr Classroom. Fic)na Tracev
11Aanv (:hang
We had a share time about Weather. We dressed lip in cos-
1)wring Nutrition \\'cek ive had to bring a nutritious lunch.
tumes. Some of lis did .1 1-Cacling. some 01 11% did actions. We
We celebrated healthz week with balloons. 1 had a ven· healthv
w'cive(1 streamers when we gig the last song which was 1 can sing
hinch because mv mum A on a diet.
21 1-ainbow'.
Katie Nicholson
.Sonia Margetson In Book Week we had to come in disguise because the theme was '(;c) Under Cover'. In the afternoon we had a Book Parade
C )11 the school Feast Dav we had a satisage hi//1(1 and we did tlic chicken dance, hec·] and toe and the conga. We watched the junior and Senior race.
and we got a picture (,1 the whole Junior School. Book Week is ftin!
Sophie (laer
D w·ing Happy Week we had a unm· sock clav, a B. B.Q. lunch Sarah Rvan
and a teddv bears' picnic. On funm· sock clav the Preps to Year
At the monient wc iii-c constructing our NI·vcr 1.and Citi. It has houses, a park. a school. a block of flats. fire brigade, sliops,
ties and the Fives and Sixes a funnv hat. 1 wort· Daffi· Duck
I wos Hore funm Jocks, the Year Thi-ees and Fours wore funnv
a railwav· station, a police station and a facton·. Renuka Rajadurai
Megan Prescott
On Open Dav all the parents came and we showed our par-
Ewn· morning wr (10 litill and Pliff. Even week wc cio something different like skipping, aerobics and pc)wer walking.
entA our work.
Michelle Thien
Sarah Trenchard
To celebrate the Year of Indigenous People we had an Abe riginal lunch around a camptire. We had a corroborree then cooked sausages and we used leaves as plates.
Even· vear we have Famih· Week. Even· dav of Familv Week wr had an activin· to do. This ve·ar we had a Dance-a-thon. We i·.tised a lot of monev for the C.rtholic Familv Wellare Bureali. 1.ticv Kenin
Emilv Tiernan
On Thursda,· 27th.Junc some mothers came and we got into
I he Year Twos went to the Museum to learn about the Abo-
groups. We had a mother each. We all had a shopping list so we
rigines. We learnt manv things about Aborigines. Some mothers
knew what to bin·. It was great fun.
came to help. It was ven· interesting. Megan O'Connell
Bridget Scanlon
After we shopped at Crittendens, we prepared the food. For
Paniela is returning to Singapore to live. When Nhe was leav-
afternoon tea we had pikelets. After school we plaved Dragons
ing Pamela gave even'one a small gift.
and Messages. Then we had biish dancing. We danced tile
Madeleine Campbell
conga, the chicken (lance. the heel and toe. We had a B.B.Q
\Ve have computer on Wednesdav. We write stories and plav
dinner. After dinner we sang songs and said 0111- evening praver. Renata Anderson
mmputer games. Gabrielle Connollv
Year Three 3rd Row L-R:
Joanna Downing, Millicent
Chalmers, Clare Dunin, Elizabeth Abbott, Lucie Thorn, Alexandra Dickeson,
Catherine Sullivan, Erica Margetson, Eliza
Nisbet. Katie Rose Smith.
2nd Row L-R: Edwina Olver, Tessa
Custance, Felicity Whelan, Elizabeth Ames, Lauren Prescott, Kate Tilley, Melanie
Dalheimer, Louisa Page, Natacha Moussi, Katherine Connolly.
Front Row L-R: El za Ralph, Jessica Gamble, Katherine Stowell, Stephanie MeNamee, Julia Pereira-Godinho, Amy Gillon, Anna Smith, Briony Dalton, Yvette Haikal. Camilla Hopkins, Lucy Ludescher. Teacher: Mrs. Maureen Carroll.
A Prayer
Amatitig And the Best!
Up iii the sk,· the Sun shine; bright,
Down under ils it 's as dark as night.
Subri .ic fi 11<,
But ifwe ti·v to do things right.
And all the re.Mt! -\Inv (;illoll
We %11,111 Sce the 111(,Mt gli)riouS Might' jillia Pereil-21-Godinlic) In War Three wc have Tall Storv ( 7,11) each week.
Nutrition Science
1 think this A (lotic· to create our inmgination and I ihink irs done to help 11% learn to co-operate with
Dicl vou know that sonu·times
Il'><K FC)()1) can caus<· 14()1.1) BEIIAVIC)['14!
('AC'|1 ()tilly.
Ifvou dot] 't believe zi.*
Do us a favour
Edwina C )lver
Eat healt}n- food clav and night
Then coilit· and tt·11 11.% ifvou Klee]) tight I
Hobbit Clltb
\21/11(ha Motivi
1 love the lic )1)1)it (.1,11,.
It is the best! I hn·e when we listen to the tape
Private Mail
and 1 21]sc) like Mt-4 Carroll reading this book and cloing,ill the clific·irtit and funin voicir.
I love Private Mail when iA compliment thne and
people sav '141 like to compliment sc)-and-so for hit Eliza Xiii)et
channing lenen' Millicent Chalmers
The Hobbit
Ct I l
- 4 Sometmes euck of- tite,ve
con s,und &11.kut· · t
There i, a little Hobbit in War Three
If you don 1 1)(lieve me - come and see!! What is a Hobbit?
BiN» Baggins is stlialler than a clwart
and he has curlv red hair and even hair on his fect! Eli/.abeth Abbott
Book Ads One 01 32·:11 7'hic·e's favourite things would have to
The Hobbit Club
bc Book Ads!
C .h c )(,s i ng- 11 boo k .11 id t c Hi ng t h e c i a», If vou haven t read it - get to it last!2 Anna Smith
Back, from left: Elizabeth Ames, Eliza Ralph, Yvette Hajkal. Middle: Julia Pereira-Godinho, Kate Tilley, Katherine Stowell
(holding Hobbit), Alexandra Dickeson, Natacha Moussi. Front: Anna Smith, Katherine Connolly.
ea.99»5 Life iii Years Two and Three
1 6k 1 --
4· 4 0 1
Extended Stay at School: Cutting up the fruit for afternoon tea, Simone Baskett (left) and Emily Tiernan,
Year Two Share Time.
11 *fl
Science Week, Year Three.
Queen of the Week. Kate Tilley.
-i ttillk $
Shrove Tuesday Pancakes: From left, Emily Tiernan, Sarah
Class Mass with Fr Les Raj.
Trenchard, Sarah Ryan, Mrs Margaret Ryan.
Year Four Blue 3rd Row L-R: Caroline Smith,
Zara D'Cotta, Alexandra Stafford, Anna Balmer, Amanda Schembri,
Lucy McNamara. Candice Carter. 2nd Row L-R:
Lara Signorino,
Marnie Hicks, Chloe Podolakin,
Kate Dalheimer, Jacqueline Higgins, Emily Whelan, Zarina Mir, Catherine Ryan.
Front Row L-R: Jessica Ries
Sarah Stewart, Genevieve Clarke,
Leisel King, Nicole Dwyer, Candice Martin. Inset: Lila Grgic. (Teacher) Teacher: Mrs. Lisa Pidcock.
PE 6-<All- 04¥_FoR HAPPy VELK 1
My Cat Billy
0' 00#4
Mv cat Billz' does not like to be picked up. My cat
. 4 6/(*c
is mean and he hurts mv other cat. Bilh' eats a lot
and he likes to sit oil the kitchen bench. Bill) is g-1-ltinpv and he scratches inc. \Ium woil't let him sleep inside because he pooed on the new all pet. 1 like BiNv because he Ims a sense of litituour. He is verv ftinnv when lie c ha.es flit·4. Elizabeth 1 hii lev
r:Te· - .0-:- r .
il I Year Four Blue celebrating Happy Week on Crazy Tie Day.
Year Four Blue working in their classroom!
Star of the Week
Solid Shapes
and lots of things.
Year Four Blue made solid shapes in our Maths lessonx. Mrs Pidcock taught us about 2-dimensional shapes and 3-dinwnsional shapes.
make a (lisplav of.ill their things. The old Star of the Week gets to (11-aw the new
Star of the Week is a person who gets to do lots
Wi· used polvdrons to inake the solid shape. They are plastic fl,it shapes that vou put together.
Star of the Week gets to bring ill photos and they
Star of the Week and evervone is excited about getting dn M'11 Ollt.
Star ot the Week gets to wear a speciallv macie
Then on paper. we flattened the shapes and we drew the net on paper. You can niake lots of differ-
badge all week.
ent net.4 fur one shape.
when Mrs Pidcock is busv.
Then we wrote the number of faces. edges, and cornet-%. We hung them ill the classroom, and it
choice, it can be .tin book vou want.
looks great.
Star of the Week gets to read a ston' of their I like the idea of Star of the Week. It's fun.
Emilv Whelan
Star of the Week gets to allswer tile telephone
Alexandra Stafford
Year Four Gold 3rd Row L-R: Jennifer Palisse,
Edwina Scanlon, Sophie Price, Rosannah Healy, Natalie Albantow,
Natalie Grant. 2nd Row L-R: Marianne Pitard,
Anna Mansour, Kate Lonergan, Lauren Mihelcic, Melanie Ringersma, Jessica Cuttler, Sarah Dynon, Anica Meehan. Front Row L.R: Isabelle Kitchen, f
Elizabeth Kong, Victoria Chapman,
Louisa Sullivan, Alexis Kelleher,
Stefanie Fitzgerald, Helen Beatty, Alice Trumble.
Mrs. Shelley Singh.
Poetry In Year Four (;old we have been working on portn·.
We have bren learning about haikll, c inquain and manv more kinds of porins. Mi-s Singh read .15 3(,inc haiku which is U.Japatiese style of poetn. We have writ1
ten Some haikil of (,111 own. Chandini Kao
I Iere is iny haikii al)out a cat.
1 am a plissv· C .lt. Ven· lonelv and tht.
['m the king of :111. Helen Beattv
Maths Haiku Maths is challenging.
From left,
Adding and subtracting is fun.
Elizabeth Kong, Melanie Ringersma,
So is dividing.
Sarah McMillan.
Natalie Albantow and
jessica Cuttler
The Planets
It's sc) calin so quiet. As I watch I'lom inv window.
Ilw beaut) of the moon on the waten Marianne Pitard
Ifvou laticled on it wit would burn a lot Ventlh
Backwards is the wav it spins. remis and Earth are twins.
When the stin canic out
1% our homeland.
After the gentle i·aili len to cal-111
(knered Witll t!-l'('S, Sea 2111(1 %,111(1.
A rainbow appeared.
Kate Lonergan
A red place. Red as a blush on vour face.
Tzipiter Is known for its girat reel spot.
It'% inacle of gases Und it'sllc,t.
Is known for its beautiful rings.
As in.un· as 23, and other things.
Neptzinc· and I.'ranus
You CO111(1 Kn are Mi».
Amazingly thev both have i ings.
Is far far awav.
The stiiallest planet I would sav. Alexis Kelleher, Rosannan
Healy and Jane Eves (Prep.)
jennifer Palisse (with a little help froin her friends)
Fun in Year Four r
Science Week I was a scientist iii inv lab coat.
What did I see? A bect knee. I wa>; a Nc ientiMT
looking through illicio*cope,i What did I xee?
Oh my goodness part ofhne! (Mv hair! ) I was a scientist
dever and xmazing.
Ihe poild anitnal, wri-(' 1-11111ling.
How c ould thev do that In a flicli· so Kni.ill?
Zarina Mir, Jacqueline Higgins, Catherine Ryan, Genevieve Clarke, Zara D'Cotta at Pacific Dunlop.
Mavbc thev thought it was wide lincl tall. Lauren Mihelcic
Year Four Excursions We Imve beli 1 0 11 a lot of excursions this vear!
\\'c Went to the \Ilistilin to st·(' l,arglilltll.11»
fron] the (1,11(lill', which was reallv great. We found out that the dung bectle volls up its dung and lav, eggs in it. 11'c 211%0 learnt that the inalc nic)%(]tlito protects itx fainilv,
\Vc Al\0 went to Incet al) .·41)(>1iginal E)('1'%()11. who talked to lis .ilicl All,),ved 11% solne thitigh. 1 lis nanw was Munrliclindi. He showed tis how to do Aboriginal dancing. und w< 211] pittended to be cockatoos. llc 211>,0 Mhourd liM how to blow into a didgeridoo. blit we (lidiA have a tilili becall.c gills .11-en't 211We 111%40 Went 10 P.ic'ific- 1)11111(,p. It wa, on the -l ist floor of 10| Collins Suret. We got to look at the view and al the things they make. We sat iii thT
From left, Alexis Kelleher, Chandini Kao, Natalie Albantow,
Stefanie Fitzgerald, Marianne Pitard, Kate Lonergan.
Board Room.
C)111 (la» real|v Ciljovh going oil ('\('llixic)11%. \\'c V.1,11 illitt n C.- C l)lilli Mt' t'Il [Ill)I C.
Ca .0#AOA L#vs
C .,11(lic I, Nhii tiii
Spring Daffodils, rosex. claisies, tzilips The€re all a part of Spring. Animals fi-olicking in the park, \\'inter chill. nin - clark k inw n:™t
Year Four Gold after swimming.
Alexis Kelleher
Year Five Blue 1
3rd Row L-R:
Lauren-Jade Ryan,
Rebecca Prescott, Louisa King, Claire Southall, Kate Hocking. 2nd Row L-R: Laura Riley,
Vanessa Condello, Natalie-Jane Edwards, Anneliese Gannon, Catherine Moran,
Criseyda Robinson, Stephanie Maule. Front Row L-R: Anna Bryant,
Sally Finemlore, Emily Trenchard,
· Aft12
Esther Rowe, Marina Mercuri,
Kelly Lennon, Colleen Bloom, Catherine Crowe. Inset: Jessica O'Keeffe.
Teacher: Mrs. Colleen Liersch.
We invited Father Bob to come to our Classroom
for a visit, We gig him a song before he left.
At Share Time on Friday we meet to do plays, mimes and songs lot- everyone to see and enjoy. (laheriiie khnlin
Colleen Bloom
On Tuesdav we go to the Maths Task Room.
U interhouse netball mv team won the finals. I
Some of the tasks take a long time and they make
hacl butterilies in Inv stomach when the game
inc think.
Aima Brvant
jessica O'Keeffe
I like French. It's iliteresting. We play 'Simon Says' with our teacher Madailic Tait.
Di aina Room then we do them for the whole
Vanessa Condello
We play the recorder and make up plays in the schc,<11.
Rebecca Prexec,tt
We have a class captain each dav. She lights the candie for prayers. takes messages to the office and is the class secretary for the d.,v.
We went to school at Sovereign Hill, tout-ed a mine and did some gold panning
l,atneline cxowe
Latira Riley
The first dance at tile Ball was a walt/.. We ate
I came as a ladv to the Year Five Ball. Mum made
t.,stv food for suinmer then I daticed with mv dad. I
im· clress which was pink and clark blue and 1 won a prize for smiling the most.
had a great time.
Crisevda Rol,inson
Natalie-jane Edwards We had a wrasure hunt and it was greal. I love reading. Sallv Finemore
The Year Five Ball was most enjoyable. I curled nn hair and wore a pink and green dress. It was a
My cat, Rani, came to schooL At first she was
scared but after a while she let the girls pat hen She spotted a bird out the window. Esther Rowe
I sang to the class when I was dressed as Sandv for Book Week.
night I will never forget.
Lamen.jade Rvan
Annaliese Gannon
The swimming carnival was a blast and 1 didn't come last. At the end, I thought I was going to burst. Kate Hocking We wrote a Science Song and sang it to the tune of the Aboriginal Our Father. We used sticks and shakers for sound.
School is good because we learn things we will need to know when we grow tip. Claire Soutliall
It was great to go to the Science Laboratorv in the Senior School. We mixed cabbage, hot water
and methylated spirits in the beakers. It was called Louisa King 'Colourful Chemistry'. E.niily Trenchard
Ianette Rowe came to talk to us during Book
Ubek. Evervone enjoved the Week. Kell\· Lennon
Book Week W'21% so much fun, we all dressed lip. I went as a detective with a group and we all looked great.
Stephanie Maule I lit the Candle, placed it in the bowl and the water was sucked when I put the jar over it because the candie needed oxygen to stay alight. Marina Mercuri
F - 72---rlD
Year Five Gold 3rd Row L-R: Jacqueline Diamond.
Anne-Maree O"Brien, Erin Griffin,
Madeleine Scanlon, Marta Allery, Ajmee Hocking 2nd Row L-R:
Megan Downing,
Shannon Murphy, Rebecca Pereira, ..
Alexandra Connell, Beth La Brooy, Rebecca Nolan, Greta Lacava. Front Row L-R:
Patricia Nigro, Kara Maisano, Annie Merrylees,
Jane Serong, Tessa Spring, Kate Edmonds, Georgina Coleman, Sofia Vaccari. Teacher: Mrs. Jill Baskett.
What I Value Most About
What I Have Found Out About
Australia's History This Year
I vahle An.Stralin for its free(!0111 2111(1 unique qualitie %
Alegan Downing I valiic· the fuct that Atistralians have a different
wav of looking at their problems.
I found out a lot about Al)<,1 igines and .11%0 what it would be like to Mve in the 1850's and al,out their
Iiiestvle. 1 would prefer to live in modern times, Aimee I locking
I found that school was quite clifferent in the 1850' s. You weretit anowed to talk or elise i ix, diffi-
(ieoreina Coleman
c zilr ihiii,44.
Tess,1 Spring In Australia we are luckv that we are free to do
an,thing such as go on holidays or move state withc)lit anv ti-olibles.
Alexaticli-,2 C k.nmell
I found (mt how the Chinest· miners lived. Thev
visited thejoss House (their temple) and got advice from their gods if thev were worried about sonicthing. Patricia NiKI-C)
I enic,z .-\11%tralia because of the woliderful
weather we have. We have so manv sunny (lays when we are al,le to swhn.
Solia Vaccari
I learnt that in the 1850's life was not easv. It
wasit Anpottant for girl, to be well-educated. I think that bovs and gil-ls sh(,111(1 have an equal aillount ofeducation. Anne-Marce OBrien
I vallie the 11-c·('cl<,m. \Ve are able to do things that
people in other countries :ire not allowed to cio. Beth La Broov
I found out that in the olden clavs life waN verv
hard. You coulcliA jlist go to the tap for a drink. or turn on a light. vou had to light a candie.
I \'llilic Auvialia beauv u)11 call go awliv to ali-
other state or Country whetiever You Wish. In Poland vou \vc)111(1 have to wait a long tilne for a passport, Marta Allerv
I value Australia for its great Manch· 1,caches,
where I an swini in the decp, blue water. Madeleine Scanlon
Relic·(-ca Nolan
I found out that school was (lillerent, you coukl get the Ntrap it vou spelt a word wrong. Annie &1('1-ir'lee
I found out that it waM much harder in the 1850's.
(.irk had to wear ]),Ilitaloon, under their dre»es $0 11(,1,(,(1,· could sce their ankles. Erin Griffin
1 think that .-ltisti ,ili;ins air verv hic kv 1,(.c illise we 211'c hrc.
I found olit about famoils Alixtralialls, and about their histol-V. Mc,sth' 1 Ibund out about Ned Kellv.
Kate Edmond.x
I vallie Aust]-alia for its activities for chilciren like
dancing. Ailiging .111(1 111,111)' other things. Shannon Murphy I think that I am verv luckv because in Australia I
Cat all different tipo of cllifine.
When we got to Novereign I lill we 1(·211-lit al)out
how hard it was to live, e.g. there wonkl (,Illy be about one room per home. Ni ic Xeroni
I think life is better now becatise if vou got sick vou would have dicel.
Kani \Laisano
jacqueline Diamond
C :1'ct.1 1.licava
Year Five Red 3rd Row L-R: Gianna Sabbadini, Sarah
Portelli, Clare Noonan, Michelle Funder, Samantha Dermatis, Louise McLeod, 2nd Row L-R: Jennifer Aylward,
Mary-Louise Leone, Alana Spadaro, Caroline Wallace, Andrae Pianta, V
Amy Killen, Rachel Griffiths. Front Row L-R: Else McLagan, Lucy David. Fiona Dohrmann, Daniella Zampierollo, Cassandra Fry, Kye Williams, Natalie Hunter, Elizabeth O'Day.
7 r
FJ Colourful Chemistry
Teacher: Mrs. Dot Peters.
For Science Week. Year Five Red went and did 'Colourful
Chemist}€ in the %(·tior Schoo] Science Lab. I thotight it was reallv great fun. We had to wear 1,11) ccults. I thought the room smell like going to the dentist or dock )1-.
1 felt like I was a real scientist and sometimes I put too nmch ofs(miething in and it all frothed 11]). It loc,ked reallv good how
At 1.15 afterlimch.
\Irs Peters opened the door and Ic]I to the floor We all Naid %111 priNc, And \Irs Peters started to risc.
.\11(1 th.NA when the parti· started.
['here were pigs {)11 Ntt ing,
it c hanged to dillcrent c€)10111 s. 1 w'(·tit in a thiresome and we
And pigs that walked.
had to (lisc i ixs lots ofthings. I tholight it was cool Amv Killen
And none ofthem ever dicl talk.
Ihe ones on string hung from the rooL
\Ve made them all
\Ve had lots of proof.
When we have Maths at nine each (lin
Before too long the food was gone
The time.just scems to ilv awav. We work on fractions and %111,traction sums.
So wi· cle,Ined up the 'tic·4%
Maths is ful, for even'one:
And returned to our desks!
Clare Noonan
And that was the end of the Xiii']„ ise partv. Ave Willi,11110 and Simonc Billi
The Victoria State Opera Schools' Company 1 thc)light the performance of.·\exop's Fables bv the Vic-toria State Opera Schools' Companv was exallent. 1 liked the
wav thev used masks but 1,1,0 how the people weren't tot.111,
(11-exsed up so thilt it clicliA disti-act voll. The war thev lised expression on their faccx w'a% ven' interesting and made the production much mot-(· exciting. The win thev lised (lance and music made the plavs brighter and more enjovable to
watch. The music especiallv brought out more the fueling it wax nwant to give. Caroline Wallacc
When I Was New \Vhen I was new to this school in Year Five Red, I felt dill fei-(•lit. 1 felt different because I knew I would be wek·ome to
this {amilv school. When I came to Loreto, Mandevilic Hall
it had wonderful sights like the Convent behind the lawn. At
Mandeville there have been happv moments. like going to Sovereign Hill and sad moments like Mrs Meirelles leaving to have her babv. I've come so far in Term Three and all of the
girls and teachers are ven; kind to me. Simone Ball in the Maths Task Centre.
Daniella Zampict-0110
Happenings in Year Five The Ball of the Year The War Five B.ill wa tremendous fun,
There \'cir lots of pri/es to be won. A
The men had waixta).its, top hats, pants, 7
Ilin Inid a partlier for cach dance. The 121(lies weir drosed in a gown and xhawl \\ hich all looked sivell al thi· 32.11 Five Ball. i (arolilic \\'alluce aild
- SVJ°-
11.ii-T'-1.<,iti *c Leone
Mr Nigro and Patricia.
Georgina Coleman.
Extract from the 0111-11211 of Rebecca Pereira: Year Five Red celebrate a birthday.
January l, 1856
lici-(6 Noilic big news. Tochn Pap.1 found an
uhandoned Initic 41,lit. 1 le Went deeper inxide und found a I Il'GE litigget. It weighed 208 ox.!!! When
he aine hoinc he took \121111,2 und cl,inced around
with her until he almost knocked the tent over,, '\\'11111' x all the fu<% 2111(,tit?' Man· and I asked as we
calne into the tent. 'Girl€' he Maid. 1.just found 208 0/. 01 gold.' 11.11-)' and I joilled .\'1,1111.1,111(1 P.41,1 1111(1 danced ,11'(,1111(1. '1)<sinond,' Maina asked, '1)0 voll think we could move to Melbourne?' '1'11 consider
it'. ,;ai(11'apa.
1 .4 Sovereign Hill:
332 44«CO -- ;T
Back, from left: Stephanie Maule, Kara Maisano. Third row: Greta Lacava, Anne-Maree O'Brien. Kelly Lennon. Second row: Natalie-Jane Edwards, Criseyda Robinson, Alexandra Connell. Front row:
Madeleine Scanlon, Marina Mercuri.
.U-Agi; Sovereign Hill.
Year Six Blue 3rd Row L-R: Kate Gard ner, Anna Arnall, Laura Matthews,
Prudence Doig, Kiara Chiodi, Emily Stowell, Karen Lee, Carrie Van Der Weyden, LAN
Elanor Mclnerney, 2nd Row L-R: Annabelle Peters,
Sara Pacint Kristen Doyle, Lauren Kuc, Katie Taylor, Emma Durbridge, Megan Walters, Victoria Toovey, Angela O'Connell. Front Row L-R: Amy Wark, Amy Tinetti, Sarah Perillo, Clare Gibson,
Amanda Hyland, Louisa Bostock, Domina Barbaro, Hannah Whiting, Elizabeth Reilly. Teacher: Miss Catherine Sim.
Dear Planet Earth, I .1111 Writing to voll about running vour planet and I think you twed inc NOW! First of all, look at the rubbish vou throw awav.
Now if I was running vour plaliet I would get people to have Aix bilif becatixe vour planet lical, to recv1
cir. The first bin would be for paper, the stic,iici for calis, the third for all tvpes of plastic, the Ic,111·th for 111(·ta|%. the fifth for food and the .ixth for gia«
1130 vour planet N cutting down too Inanv treci. ¥()11 11('('(1 1() .41()1) SuIll(' ('(111lp,1111('0. ,111(1 t}1(' C)tht'l compitilies that .it-c left have to ask vou if thev are al-
lowed to c lit (1(,wn tic·< A. Your planct 1% cl,ini,Iging the ()/one laver, and if vou don't look after the
()zone· laver this i.4 what will happen: Millions ofpenplc· will dculop eve and Akin disc·ase, crops will be dainaged. sc) tliat will kill lots of plants and also not enough plankton would groW 10 fred the fish in the oa·an x so that would xtop lotx of food for its. The
planet is damaging vour water. So I would tell thrill to lise the water carefuHv, becalls€' if thev dont the
water will get dirtv and people miglit die h om thirst.
Your planet needs lots of love and care, and I am willing to help vour planet. I am caring, organised, intel|igent and wonderful. I hope to hear froin vou
Year Six explaining electricity at Share Time.
Year Six Blue Parliament It .111 started when Miss Sim announced that liu·re woilld be a Parliament in Year Six Blile. The elec-
tions would be starting soon. There would be two
inajor parties and, of Collise. tu'c) leaderS. A Prhne
Minister and an Opposition Leader would hit\'c to be elected. Everv girl in the class would need to
write 21 rpeech that would influence their feHow class members. The three best speech m.lkers wotild become Prime Minister, Opposition 1.eader or
Siticerelv voiii's, Amr' Tinetti.
PX This A recvcled paper.
Speaker. After two weeks of racking our brains and reading our speeches, we had an ek·ction. 1 he new Prime Minister of Loreto, Mandeville Hall was LAU-
REN KITC. The new Opposition Leader was ELAN'()11 Mc·INERNEY .111(1 last of all. the new
Speaker was El.17.1 CI RTAIN. The liext thing w.,s to organise parties ancl the working of a debate. Ministers were clic,sen fbi-the al-eas of .li-ts. rl'tchnol-
ogy .111(1 Sport. The next st.lge was the actual Parliailicntan· sitting. This took two elin's to finish. After it
2111 a bill was pa.»,cd fic)iii the oppodtic )11 1),11-th U'C all h.icl lots of fun and it is an experience that we will 211\vavs lemember. /
Jenni Bolton (left) and Eliza Curtain.
Lauren Ktic· und Elanor Mclnernev
Year Six Gold 3rd Row L-R:
Caroline Tuohy,
Helen Clarke, Michelle Valmorbida, le
Emma Poynton, Cindy Liu, Phoebe Nolan, Elizabeth Harvey, 2nd Row L-R:
Simone Bailey,
Philippa Zahara, Christina Broussard, Julia Macdonald, Alice Dwyer, Olivia Burns, Natalie Ahmed,
Joan Allanadale, Stephanie Doyle, Olivia Curtain.
Front Row L-R: Olivia Garvey, Arley Grey, Ellie McMahon,
Katherine Corrigan, Anna Flynn, Phoebe Nugent, Zoe Kitchen,
13 -
Jennifer Turnbull, Meaghan McLagan,
Katharine Marks.
Teacher: Mrs. Gaye Warren
Year Six It is special to ir in \6:u· Six. something vou look fulw,url to, In 32·ar Six vow are the ](·adens ofthe.jililior School,
Wil take on mativ responsibilities and privileges. \Eu- Six ix w,ine thing vou ji N an't take tbrgit u ited. It is g c.it. all the exciting thin* ic )11 get to do, sitch .Di Wednesdav interN'liool sport. Soine girls also
hme the oppoillinity to Ir a captain ofa lic),1,Se colour team. We also go to State P.uli.unent to see the I rgislative Council and .-Lfrinblv, ·\Iso 1111 grides get to pelibrm plau, and this war the \Par Six cla,LNes prilinmed Shakespearean plins, We are all pirparing fi,r the Senior %€ 11001. 12·,u- Six is an exciting war. It is x<,mething vow jitit can't forget.
jennifer Tumbull
The Exciting Helicopter Landing On Wednesda,- 141 September. an exciting event occitil-ed, We were all sitting on the Cal-pet Ircause M s Meirelles and her new
1111)v,.Ale,Nia, h.id come to iisit when we he,u d a loud Noit 01 biwing
Alison Pettigrew.
from outside. A Ibw gills ian to the wiliclow to inu·stigate and an11()1111('ed 'llirre's a helicopter alwnit to land on ouroval!
Science Week
\1134 Wamil let 11% go clown to see it. btit unfbrtunatek' it WaN (le-
parting 214 wi· anived. It w.LS a shame but at li·Hst we catight a glimpie (,1 it Simone BEev
Happy Week I lappv Week was a great sticcess. First we had to bring a funnv hat. Wrellie·Nclav was hilarious bcc .illse even'bodv (·ame
ill pigtails. even the teachers wore them. Fridav we had a Scills.lge si//le. \Ve were allcived two salisages, bread and s.ilice. Then we hild fun, bush dancing with the whole sch(H)1.
To start Science Week we had a Ven' int(·rexting It,4.4eril,Iv.
I he Year Five students said a prayer about Science Week and we were told that we were going to the Senior Sc hool I.abc,
ratoriex, for a special ticat. On the Year Kix students' first visit we worked on electricitv. We had a power pack, wires, and globes. Our task was to make the globes light up. On our xecond visit we worked on microscopes, mic! saw some tantastic sights. Then to finish off Science Week we shared all of
our fun science experiments with each c,ther, Whal lun! Phoebe Nugent A Visit From Alessic)
Alessic) Meit-elles w'as onlv four weeks old. At le,· (;rev
When he came to visit Year Six (:old.
,\, he ancl Mrs Mcirelles came through the door,
6 v AMAJcz
We came out ofour seats and sat on the floor.
Mrs Meirelles had him wrapped in a rug. .And we all wanted to give him a hug. lie st arc»(1 at the ceiling which was cliii te clean
As though it was the best thing he'd ever %(·en. Finallv he had to go, Goodbve Little Alessio.
joan Allanadale
Year Six Red 3rd Row L-R: Sophie Laurence, Jessica Day, Suzanne Castles, Hannah Price, Lisa Charlton,
.4 V
Louise Lonergan, Amanda Hodder, Sarah Cichy, Elizabeth Buchanan. 2nd Row L-R: Jane Balmer,
Susannah Bailey, Natalie Carter, Anna Gallard, Isabel Hertaeg, Jacqui Vidal, Bridget Hopkins, Geraldine Nankervis, Fiona Hegarty Front Row L-R: Joanne Halpin,
Mary Font Charlotte Hickey, Heidi Dalton, Krista Dale, Dianna Best, Sarah Rowlands,
2 q
Beata Lukasiak, Lauren Trumble, Charlotte Price.
Inset: Sara Woodruff.
Teacher: Mrs. Virginia Moloney.
The Year Six plavs catne at last.
Feast Day
I was glad and had a blast.
We are 'differenC
People played their pat ts excellently, I'he costumes were made br Miss Wuttke.
But we gathered as 'one'
But now thev are all over I'm 21 bit sad.
On the oval for the Feast Dav fun.
But thete'% next year's P.A.F. so Ihn glad.
We plaved with all ages, had teacher racei
In Year Six I had a good time I imist Sav,
There was fun and ganics fbi- evervone. jacqui Vidal
But next vear I will have a new place to plav. Sm'21 Woodruff, Year 6.
Year Six
First Day Horrors
Year Six i s 11111 of new c hallellges and fun
With afpects ofexciternent for crervone.
Todm''s the dm' I confront with (11-cad
Parliament liouxe and Dromkeen
\\'licir thoughts 2111(1 fcap, su'irl through inv head.
School Feast I).n .wid Carpc Dicin
11)' heart N pounding, tin' 1,(,ch''s tense,
\'Ve all had fun in all that Ne did
This great se lisation makes no sense.
And will be sad as goodbve wi· bid,
Mv eves lift gradually from the floor To the array of names th,it'% on the dc)()I'.
To the.junior School, our home for %0 long. Now going to the Scnior School still singing our 5011 g.
I was astonished to be iii Year Six Red,
Sophie I .allrelice
Then inv teacher, now before nic, Maid,
I have a little Fonti in my grade,
A bright reel lace I then displayed.
Nutrition Week In Nutrition Week we ate a healthv hinch. in the
However I settled iii. Behold!
nizilti-pin-poNe room with all our friends. Applex, or-
,So that is how my story's toki.
anges, fruit galore, we ate until we could eat 170 Man Fonti
Di.11111,1 BeNt
1 lappv Week was reallY ace, there were smiles all over tile place. Funnv hats ancl silly ties,
I bet the teachers got a big surprise. We also had pigtail day, Everyone looked cram I inlist Acty. (ic,loured ril,I,cms with polkadotx, Or Nome.jug plain tied in knot>. Now inv poem has ended, I hope you Will not be offended. Geral<line Nankervis
Science Week in the Senior Lab.: Left, Lauren Trumble (back), Sarah Rowlands and Elizabeth Buchanan (on right).
Life in Year Six
Year Six enjoying the Children's Literature displays at Dromkeen.
Science Week experiments: Joanne Halpin
It wa# Science \\Dek and tIle iclea WaN to go up to the Senior School Lab and do 171,111' exciting things. At the Ncience Lab we learnt abc,ut electric·itv and
how it works. The second tilne we went tip we liecl the mirn,scope. We saw many cliffc·i-ent objects such as ant leus. blood cells .ind manv more. Domina litrbato and Kiara Chiodi
2 a.rill--2 Prayer i ime: Lauren Kue (left) and Emily Freezer.
i Preparing for a Share Time: From left, Kate Gardjner, Anne Devan, Emma Durbridge. Elizabeth Corrigan.
200 2 7
Debat·ng in Year Six Gold: From left, Phoebe Nolan, Anna Flynn. Michelle Valmorbida.
Indigenous People Exhibit at the Museum: From left, Anna Arnall. Clare Gibson, Katie Taylor.
To be able to paint.
Art is full of mystery
Yoll doll't have to be a Maint.
And fun red yellow Pink and blue. Once a week we are
ro bc able to (11'rate,
Vou (lont |unc to bc gl-(Ilt. To be able to build.
Unique when we try
You don't have to be killed.
Our different art work.
To be able to do Art.
By Suzie Castles.
Yon donh have to be
Yr 6 Red.
>, A LUrr !
[enniferAvlward und Rachel Griffiths. Year 3.
Art is mv f,i\'c)111-ite Aill,ject. We do lots of exciting
things. Mv favourite thing in Art is ... well, 1 h.n-i· so Illain- therA not enough Apace here to tell vou. 1
Ance liumble. Yar 1
9 ·41
Year One Art, 'Making Bunnies'. Victoria Gregory, Amanda Cavanough, and Julia Curtain.
Prep Art. Leanne Thien, Madeline Tilley, Megan O'Hehir, Jane Eves.
51% 1-B
Prep. students making spring flowers.
Book Week display: 'Where's Mum?' by Year Four and 'Belinda' by
'Rose Meets Mr Wintergarten' by Year Five.
Year Two.
Ster'•Ph l€ 0
Ear y morning Ballet Class.
Ballet Beautiful is the wav 1 fer| when I (12111ce, [cnnifer Aini·%
Stephanie De Oliveria (Prep).
At ballet I can gallop. do demi-plies, 1,1 21% bax and H)11)' trob.
.cl,11.ziiic. I .ukan
3,/rWA M°M
Looking trood N the win ive air with our funn ballet haitch )%. .\1(·xandra Podohikin
1.ovek ix when we chmc·i· lighth. 1.but Vali]1(,11,ida
Extraordinin·r is what Mixx Kiti·en thhiks we are. S.I.Ill \1(\111,aii
1 4 1-l ific and tons 011 1111 whell wc pretend to be even thilig Megan O'llchir
11,111(1 wa>; good for inc beause
it helped Ine to 11*C ini' bodv. I can dance mul fkip nou. I can do 1,111(·v· step, with Inv icet.
Sarah MeMillan (Prep).
]Unc Eve.%.
Ballet hclps ine to get goo<l posture.
Year Six French
1 learn to 111(,ve mv 13)(tv clil li·i-t·:it wavs.
I feel good. 1 .,11)( 11.1 lic',it lic (,tc'.
Here is a poem about French classes in Year 6: Easter cards which we make
l sing our book At c -en-Ciel
.ind tile projects we (10! \11 4 -Ititt correas 11 pile.
French in Year Four
A fantastic French Day, Ints of tasty fc,od, too
U this level the girls have a 30-minute French class once a week. Activities during the ve.11- included songs .111(1 games and making Easter and
And evenone (hesed iii
C 'ht istinax cal CIA. Thev have learilt home batic tri-'C·t-
C :illistinas C ard>; as well,
int<-s, the 11111111wri from one to ten, words for mem-
Sonic people decorated them
bers of their family and their pets, words for the parts of the bodv and iteins of clothing. Iii addition thev participated in a French Day when thev dressed up in blue, white .ind red clothei and tasted some tvpical French food. Mis Ruth Taft, L.O.T.E. Teacher.
Red. white and 1,111(.
We make poxters
With a tim' litt|(' 11('11. \Ve have so inuch fun
In all our French cla>;ses
Iliat'% why we'll be quite sad When this rear passes. Katie Tavior, Year 6.
Maths Task Centre Ihanks to a generous donation from the I.oreto Mothers Association, we have been able to establish a
Maths Task Centre in ourjunior School. While in the Maths Task Cetitre, the students have
This year our Maths Task Centre has been opened! Year Three have had some lessons iii there and we
think it's great fun. Every lesson the class does a prol> lem iii front of the board and then we go off iii part-
ati opportunity to develop and practise problem solv-
ners to do single maths problems. Every pair gets to
ing skills. The emphasis is very much on the process of
choose a maths problem just waiting to be solved from
problem solving, and not the end result.
our big range of Maths Tasks! We also learnt how im-
I'he Maths Task Centre provides manv challenges
portant it is to co-operate. Katherine Stowell, Year 3.
through the boxes of tasks, construction equipment
and maths gaines. The girls work in pairs and small groups at all times, thus encouraging co-operation and teamwork.
During the year we had a very enjovable and successful Maths Day which included different classes
working together, and parents working Witll their daughters. We raised money by making coin lines and these funds provided many games for our Maths Task (,elitre.
Thanks to our Maths Task Centre, Maths is a very
exciting curriculum area in our junior School.
Year Five Maths Class.
The new Maths Task Room N lots of fun.
Logic, Measurement, Number, Spatial. You can take vour pick. Fit'St a problem with your class. Then cio two tasks with vour partner. Some are easy, some are hazel, but
all of them make you think. Finish your task, check with vour teacher.
And last of all vou disaiss the c lass problem together. Sr Helen working with Year Six.
Emma Pornton. Year 6.
Everv Fridar or lie,11-|v all,
It's Maths Task Day of course!
We had a Maths Day. We had to bring monev. Dominie brought the most moncy, she brought a whole
First of .211 we share a problem,
jar ftill and that made us win! Hurray for Dominic! In
Then sohr it as a group. Then xeparately with a partner, Choose a task indeed,
the al ternoon some mums calne to our classroont. We
had maths problems and the milms helped 11,4. Natalie Carew and Natalie MeNamee. War 1.
Then solve it and write it
On vour sheet!
Ifyou have not completed, It's waiting for you The next week.
At the end nvo girls Workout
The first shared problem, And explain it to the class. Then two girls, Model co-operative, Group skills, And very well They do it too! _
We enjoy our Fi-idavs In the Task Room,
And we learn a lot this way. We look forward To our next time!
Yvette liaikal, Year 3.
Lucy McNamara, Year 4.
&'.jai*EC. 4
Religious Education Report The rear of Indigetious People s set the theme for tile
opening liturgies at Mandeville this year. The staff litiliv, held in the Glade. w,is attended bv
during the vear to attend "Wellsprings", a week long xeminar in Lismore, NSW. This rich experience was a mix of innovative liturgv. theologv. Allaring faith
rxperiences :111(1 exchaligilig ideas ill .1 stippc)ltive and \'ital litilic)%})11(71-c.
women from the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry,
A valuable ilinovation this ve,11- h.14 been the
Melbourne Who led us in a ti .,clitional ceremonv of
contribution 1 1-om the junior :Mchool of St . Helen
walking through the sinoke of burning elle.th-ptus
Maguire (teaching War Ten) and Mis. Pat Olialloran
1(·ines. The stticlent liturgi wils held on the oval and ill a
(teaching 12·al- Eleven)
gestitre of recognition of the \\'llrundjet i tribe, tile
Their experience, knowledge and enthusiasm 11,13
c,liginal inhabitants of our school gic)1111(ls. the rei
been greativ appreciated bY staff and students and has
1,lack and gold Aboriginal flag was raisc·cl. It has flown
al,0 helped to Mttengthen links between the Mo Achools.
on the flag-pole for the whole year.
1993 has been a positive year marked by new
Ihis has bcc·n a vear of ti-:ilisition for the R.E.
(levelopments which have built on the solid ic>zi,idation
department with the departure of Neveral significant
of previous ve.tiN. I would like to express 111; heartfelt
pCC )1 ) le.
appreciation to the RE staff for wek'oming me Mo
Si. Margaret Callaghan. Ck)-<,1-(linator for 6 rears, left al many schoc)1 .ilicl F.ithel-/1).Ilightel- 11121+Xes and
warm]\ to Mitriclevillt· and giving ine const,int Allp})(,It and co-operation during the ve,ti. Thev are a talented, Cledicated und open--hearted grolip.
anended 1111111('ic)11% camps and ret!-cat dav>, wax
lielen O'Ket·li· RE Co··ordinator
to stitch overxeas. Fr. Peter Quin .44., who has presided
transferred to Mcilley. In hix phice we hit\'e welcomed Fathers 1,„·rv Netner S.V.D., Michael Kellv ('..S.S.R., I.o;
Rai >41„ (;01(lon Gebbic (P.P. Bentleigh) and Paul Stuart Cl) che pclene). We thank Fr. Brian Cosgriff Icit- his connibution ovei
the past 2 yeat x. Ft. Brian Leonard ( P.P. Ic,(,1 .ik) has retired from his filithful (!lity of Naving ()111- 11111(h tinic masses and we hope to begin next year with a program
of |1111(h tilne (()111!111111ion Kervices ilittl'Apersed with a monthl)' mass.
Perhap, the most significant 2111(1 deeplv felt
Year 9 Reflection Day.
departilir Ims been that of the Sisters from the convent. Ahhough they have onlv moved "down to the corner thev al-c not .welt :1% 11-(.(111(,lith bv .St,1([clits 111()\'ing
Feast Day Homily
ari)1111(1 the gic)l!11(1% or in the chapel during the dav. For
As we strive· for excellence iii our (1,1,--to-€1,1 lives, in
stall it was i·asv to pop into the kitchen for a quick chat
,ic,1(1(·inics, in )(11'ts, we muxt not forget that there arc
211 rece#ol during a free period. Although we are blessed bv the Aupport of dediCated
other things in life thilt 111-e .juNI lis iliq,c)!tant. Paul Maid to the Colinthians: 1 111.n' be able to )(·ak the
priests \ve air als<) keen to respond to the ch.111('llgr of
tulglug-ex of 111(·11, alld even of angelx. but if 1 have no
developing lititigies .ilicl pravel- services led bv lav
l ove, i m' S pe (· c h i .4 12 0 113 ( )1 L' t h a n a c l a n g i n g be 11. Love i A
proplc as the decline in c lerical lizilill*·1 0 sliggests that
patient and kind: it is not jicilous nor conceited nor
this will bc .111 ilic'ic,ising feaunr of Catholic \vorxhip
proud: love 1% not ill-nuirnered or Mell-1%11 or it-1-itable.'
the \Val' Twelw mothers' litll!-44' was prepared and run by the stliclents and staff this ,(·ar and last, as was the
.]list as we are the branches of the vine in ()111' school col,1111111}ity, love is what lic )111 ishes ils and helps 11% to
opening- AL hoc)1 liturgy, Feast Day and the liturgies to
surrive. Love is retlected in the frilit we bear. or in the
alebrate 110!v Week and Advent/Christnmi
activities we particip.itc· in. We must recognise the lact that, whilst academic %11Ccess i>, important, li ,11-iling to
1993 has 81,0 xecti the intioclitction of\'CE linits into
the Kenic)1' RE program. Year Eleven stitdied Religion
live in a Ic)\'ing, sharing conimunity is just as significant.
inic! Sc)(-it·ty tfilit 1 this \Cal 2111(1 1,ext )'(111 Will +CC the
\1'hen I first arrived at Mandeville, 1 was ainit/ed bv
inn'(,cluctic)17 of Religion and Soc ietv Unit 2 and Text
the xense offamily in the school: the spirit 0111('1(,liging.
andTraclitions Unit 1-1. 'I'his ispart of apolicy tooffer a
This had been lacking at my last school, and since I haw
challenging choice of RE to sellior stlicients. 21 policy
been here I have leariled that love and respect fur
also being puriwed by other Catholic and Independent
votit st·If and for others is an integral part of Aliccess in
schools ax evidenced bv recent contact with Gcelong
achieving vour goals. For Preps., Youl- goal may be
Grammar who werc seeking help for theit
learning to read. or write vour Ilame. For 32.11 Seven it
implementation of Textx and Traditions. The RE staff
mav be making new ti-iends on your first dav at sclic)(,1. For Year Tivelve it could be getting a good V.C.E. score so vou can follow vour chosen career path. 11 does not
have been magnificent in teaching this new unit with limited preparation tinw and no previous familiarity with the course material.
Foul RE stall (Sarah Perrett. Cathv Ferrari, Michael
Mulcahy and .4111.111(121 Apthorpe) were spotl,01-ed
matter what success Illeans to voll, but love and respect
as a foundation for sticcess are really important. Sian Kennedy, War 12.
Bushwalking Falls Creek to Mt Hotham, April, 1993
Thirteen Year 10 .ind 11 girls took part iii a demanding but spectlic ular fc,111-dav hike in the
Victorian Alps in the April school holiclays. This walk invoked wrkking- across the wide open spaces of the Bogong High Plains, down into the western Kiewa River Vallev, up the rugged Diamantina Spur and along the scenic Ran,rback to kit Hotham, The
lint two ilights saW 11% setting lip Calnp next to
cattlemell) hills while the last night was spent in the iclative luxurv of the M,L.M,C, Hut beneath \It
Fratheitop. We were very hicky with the weather, widking in warin clear conditions every day, rl lie
nights were Cool 1)lit this (nih' 171<ide the open fires more enjoyable. Sections of the walk, partic'til,111) the climb up Diaman tina Spur, were wiv clilficult
but the girls 111.lititained a CheerfuL positive ilttitude thi-(,ligholit. even when the water lilli cnit: I bev
should be proud of their effort, particillarh
novice walkers.
Peter Crewe, Senior Sc·hool.
Top: Bushwalkers Year 10 & 11 at Tawonga Hut, Vic. Alps 3
Above: Bushwalkers Year 9 at
Seale,s' Cove, Wilsons Promontory
Above Left:
Bushwalking near Mount Feathertop, April 1993
Left: Back (Lto R) Em ly Roberts Mr Mark Langan, Mr Geoff Schmidt, Mr
A 11.
Ross Wheatland, Miss Jill Chambers, Miss Ros Scott Middle: Genevieve Wallace, Anne
Fulton, Christine Browning, Lucienne BaNey. Zoe Smythe, Lisa Hill, Mr Peter Crewe Front:
Sarah Byrne, Kate Carrol Kate Ludescher, Amy Scally, Justine Carter, Nicolette de Zoete
23 %t<AciA
Left: Amy Scally and Kate Ludescher, M.U.M.C. Hut, Victorian Alps
Above: Year 10 & 11 bushwalkers, Diamantina Spur, Victorian Alps.
An Imaginary Trip to Nepal
Nepal has four principal regions: the Hinialava,
Atistralia to the capital, Kathmandu, The Himala)'an
the major valleys, the Inner Terai and the Tri-ai. Changes in altitude give each region a different climate. Each region also has its own kinds of plants
mountains are actually crossed bv several countries
and animals. The Himalaras, as I mentioned before,
including China, Nepal, India, Bangladesh,
cover almost all of Nepal. The mountains have long,
To get to Nepal, 1 took a plane from Melbourne,
Afghanistan and Bhutan.
harsh winters and short, cool summers. Steep t'iver
To get to the Kumbu (Everest) region in the
vallevs cut through the glaciers and snow of the
north-east of Nepal, in)' fellow trekkers and I had to
Hinialavas. Forests cover the niountains up to about
fly to Lukla by light plane from Kathmandu, which took only about half an hour. From here, the trek
3,660 inetres. Only grasses, lichens and moss call grow in the cold, dry air above this altitlicle.
Mountaineers in the Himalaya herd sheep and long-
The Nepalese people live chietly in two region*s. About two-thirds of the population make their homes iii the centr.il vallevs and niountains that
surround Kathmandu, the capital and largest city. It is situated on a flat valley floor. The streets of Kilthinandu are full of beggars, some of them small children, street stalls, cooking and preparing of food, and tourists,
Disease is a major problem in this main city. Beside the Hindu Temple near Kathmandu there is a shockingly polluted river, which is used for public bathing and washing of clothes, and a place to deposit rubbish. Due to water shortages, the people drink the polluted water which encourages dbsentry There is a high niortality rate in Nepal, especially amongst young children. Almost all the people live in small villages of houses mainly made of stone, with timber and thatched roofs of hay. The houses are two-storeyed
as the amount of flat space suitable for building is limited. The family lives in the upper storey, while the lower storey is used to lodge trekkers such as ourselves, the animals in winter, food and other
haired vaks.
Other occupations in the lower altitude regions are trading, cultivation, and work as guides or
porters with trekking expeditions. Sherpa men and women carry heavy loads up to high altitudes. Yaks are sometinies used for the transport of equipment.
About 90% of the people earn their inoney through farming. Most farms produce enough harley to upport one family. Nepalese farmers trade :Inv
surplus crops they niay raise for important items such as kerosene and salt. Cultivation of the land occurs
from March to October. As well as harley, potatoes, wheat and green vegetables are grown. The farmers work with their hands and use a small hoe called a
'khodali'. Men are usually out leading a trek, so it is the women who do the farming. They also grow, cut and dry hay as fodder for animals in winter.
During my trekking journey in the Himalayan mountains of Nepal, I was able to get an insight into
the lives of these amazing people. I also saw some of the most exquisite scenery in the whole world, which made the trip unforgettable. Pia TaK'101-, Year 9.
Home Economics and Textiles Year Nine Home Economics
1 993 11,10 been a wonderful and fun vear of home
rconoinic x in 'Wai- 9. During first Nellicster we k·arnt about international foods. concentrating oil vitrious
countlics while ex,imilling their illfluences on Anstralian food hal)it.4. 1.earning about intel'national cui-
silic not onk' brolight knowledge, but the privilege of tuxting different foods and experiencing new flavolli-*.
Oile particillar highlight Wil,4 the excur,Mion to 1.,gon Stiret, where we rescarched and 1(·clint abc)ut the wide
range 01 (1(1licic)11% haliall foods, Ill 4(·Con(1 Killi vi l- we
Mt11(lied vegetill·ian foodx. Iltlti·ients ill Mpi)1-1% foo(14 1111(1 the effect on Mailling athletes. Throligh the %111(1% of
theon . combined with practical work, thi.4 vear h.1.4 brought iii·\1 experience and elljovillent to our knowledge offood preparation for a varic·tv ofsituations, Emilv Kishic[.1,%.119,
Food Artistry Food Artixtrv· hax been lot. of fun. We have h·11]-111
manv new kills and techniques. \Ve have made pot 21t() puffing. pickled c .tirc)14. herb
wre.ttlih. Ii!.11)(14(]11(· clic)(-olatex, ancl tillit 1„11-(·(·4 and Inn·c le.ii 11 1 how to decorate coill,lilwrs and present (lifferent foods 14 gift ideas.
.\10%1 01,1]1 we have learilt to appreciatc how important .t littic bit 01 ext!,1 titne and (arc arc· in prexcilling c)lit food.
14('liticla Donald and Virgillia Hal-tlev, W.,1- 1(),
(L ro R) Sarah Gandolfo, Anthea Kavanagh with Miss Leonie Fisher,
Textiles 1 t.)93 Ints bri·] 1 .1 mo.4 productive anci 4,1 ('c c·xMful ve.li-
1-or the l'extile Department, Every Xtudent iii Years 7 lind 8 1111% had the opportlilli.r to experience a terin 01 k·arning- the mativ varied skills i equired to %11('('red it: this subject. War Seven stitclents were i litI-oduced for the fi I'st
time to that most pil//ling piece of apparatit<. the GLY'ing }1111('Iiilic·, and ](.11-nal how to make a patchwork c tishion. a pair of Shorts and a Ni t'lilic-hic. 1 Iii]-1.11 C .1.al:(ira was .1,#r,licled Second Prize in thi· Roval Al,·1-
bourne Show for her patchwot k, and (:helsea Rowling. received 21 ( :(,liiliic lic!(·(1 Certificate, Congratillation: :c, botb All,(ic'lith.
Thc War Eight stticlents exie·ncled the skills thev had
Ii·arned in 32.11- Seven and macie a quilted patchwo"k cosmetic bag .111(1 a T-shirt.
I u» delighted with the qualin· 01 the work coinpleted iii Textiles this vear. Miss Anne (:I,11,111;,11 , Ibxtilis Tracher.
Tex:iles wa) a lovelv learning experience which nobody should miss. I went in there not knowing how to thread .1 needle but I came out with .1 wonderful ]).,il
of ihol iN, 21 1.li,ill(,11% sc 1'11!lchie, and .1 patchwork ctishic)11. 11 z(,uir hicky )'c)11'11 get to enter vour cushion in tile Melbourne Hhow!
Stephanie /.c·('c ola, War 7. Territic. that s what we thirk 01 it.
Excellent, is another word that comes to inind. K
Xenophobic. that's how' we felt at first, Tackinir was an endless task,
Its newi boring, theres alwavs something to cio, Learning to Sew, that's exactiv what we do here. Everv dav working to cio the best we am, Scami the hundreds we have N{'Wil! Josephine Oldham, Year 7.
Tiffanv Left. War 7.
Administrative Staff (L to R): Mrs Lisa McMaster, Mrs Jan Paull,
Mrs Marie Dolman, Mrs Sue Rennie, Mrs Nina Varese,
Mrs Sybil Johannes, Ms Sandra Geddes, Miss Fiona O'Meara, Mr lan James.
Library Staff (L to R) *4
Mrs Rosemary Abbott, Mrs Kim Hauser,
Mrs Margaret Quill, Mr Leigh Millikin, Mrs Patricia Bick, Mrs Carol Black.
Property Staff (L to R) Mr Daniel Eastwood, Mr Tom Parrott, Mr Marcus Sutton.
(L to R): Mrs Brenda Adkins, Home Economics Staff, Mrs Jo Lonergan,
(L to R): Mrs Margaret Capp, Counsellor and
Lab Technician and Mr Grant Fisher, Computer Technician.
Mrs Mary McCarthy, Careers Advisor.
The Sisters' New Home One of the inam· changes at I.oretc) Mandiville 1 Iall in 1993 was the change in residence for the community of Loreto Sisters. When the school
began in 1924, inost of the sisters lived in the sepa-
rate blitestont· building which Was the original sta-
bles in Sii joseph Clarke's time. This was a cold, stil-ile building with no running water and Meant ne-
cessities. The sisters had to go across to the main building which consisted of classrooms and dormitories for boarclers in those davs. In lt)54, a new
wing, known as "St.joseph'x" was built as living quarters for the sisters. This building comprised of 20 verv small bedrooms, 2 bathroom blocks and 2
(L to R) Sr. Margar ta Farley, Sr. Ruth Winship and Sr. Ellison Taffe.
communit li\-ing 1-<,c,ins, After nearly forty vears iii this building. the sisters 111(n'ed, at Easter 1993, to their new resicience on the corner of Mandeville
Went in . introduced 111\Tsell. started telling them a lit-
Crescent and Orrong Road, right next to the.junior
tle of the exclicinge and my life, when a Attich·nt in
School. Our new home is much more suitable as ac-
the fi ont desk said 'We know all of this, Mr
commodation fur the sisters. The rooms are kilge,
bright and wek'oming. The house is peaceful, quiet, homel>' und (c)111ful'table. \Ve have a little chapel, silliply illinished, through the gencrositv of our 1)11*t 1,11],ils, where we celebrate Mass nic,st clavs. Alt·eady ir have had many visitors and .111, with ils, agree that the diffic,ilt transition stage of packing, sorting and inoving was wcH worth it. After fix nic )11111% the resillts of much tender nurmt-ing (,I (,lit' new garden
dre obvionS. und we air happik' Settled iii our lic'W 11()!11('.
Ellison Talle, IBVM.
Marilu·lli, votil e our Maths teacher!'
Loreto is a great school at which to work. Most of
the students air enthitNiaxtic· and res®nisive and the cia<Xe, air genentlh Kinall %0 there ix tilne for Notile
individual tilition. For Ilirself, the highlights of the school vear were the RA.F., the I lead of the River,
the Athletics and Swimming Carnivals, clouble periods of Maths in the afternoon with Year Fight Green. the Year Twelve Ball and the manv activities
run bv the scnior stticic·,its. I was most impressed with the stliclent leadership at the school.
Iii particular I wih to thank Mrs Anne Hunt for org-aniSilig the exchange. inv· ftic'zilt)' co-ordinator. Ms (ilencla Ronwrit, for all her help and direction,
Xavier/Loreto Teacher
and my Maths colleagues ful- their support throughout the vear.
Finally, I wish to thank the whole Loreto family for having nic. 1 1,1111' othou alr ever at Xavier, drop
I will alwavs tred.Sure the ineinorics of 1993, inv
in to Ner nw ... if I ain not in the stall- room Ill
exchange year at I.orcto. Aftel- eight con,sectitive
probably be out on one of (1111' ovals coaching the
vearf at Xm'ici-, I 1-calised I lice(led 21 1)1'('.ik, espe-
Mightv Sixth* ic,otball te.un. Tony Marinelli.
ciaHv when the stall stopped laughing at my jokes illid onk groalled.
At the beginning of 1993, mv wife gave birth to
our fourth child, Emily, and this wax by fur the highlight of the war. Mv family was delighted by the good wishes, cards and presents we received from both stticlents and staff. During that year, 1 bought a new car and a new house, made many new friends
atict taught about 120 new students ... talk about a New Year!
Ill some ways the year was difficult. Not having taught at the junior k·vel for over a decade I had to adjust my teaching nwthods at Years 7 and 8; for example, it was pointed out to me that I sometimes spoke too fast ... fair criticism, I thought.
I had to learn so many new names, and that can be hard. At first, the students' faces all looked the
same. During the second week of the year Mr Schiniclt was nice enough to give me my first extra; I
Sisters' New Residence
1 1 •u•Il
Clockwise from top right:
1. The Chapel
2. Sr. Angela Serong 3. Outside view of new convent
4. The Mary Ward Room 5. Sr, Therese Daly. Sr. Lua Byrne, Sr. Mercia Robinson Sr. Ruth Winship
Art Expo '93 1,4.
--·* ·b'»27'hySS€SPWRM#YAV#),F=- 11. @
*ya* .Fams........1
Tt 0
Left clockwise from top right:
1.Graphic design by Martie Dermatis, Year 10 2.Photographs by Kelly Merrit Year 11 3. Batik silk scarf by Veronica Angelatos, Year 10 4. Drawing with mixed media by Emma Grant, Year 12 5 Line and pattern drawing by Rachael Hoy, Year 8
This page clockwise from top right:
1. Silk painting by Kate Johnson, Year 9 2 Painting by Sally Dixon, Year 11 3. Pastel drawing and collage by Prudence Wi!Isher, Year 12
L.X- -
4, Drawing by Josephine Fagan, Year 10 5.Ceramic mug and plate by Gypsy West, Year 9
6.Illuminated manuscript by Rachel Mclnerney, Year 7 y
i i
- 11 l i.
Page 68 clockwise from top right: 1 Art trip to National Gallery, Canberra 2. Ella Henschke, Prep with Emma Dunlevie, Year 12 3. "Year 12 behind bars" Back. Monica Stosius. Emma
Grant.Claire Nelson. Emily Raffaele Front Marinda Hill and Ruth Dempsey
4. Teddy Bears' Picnic: Nicole Cummins with Sarah Ryan, Year 2 5 Sally Howard, Victoria Finck, Genevieve Wallace, Amy Kishida 6 Katie Callery and Rebecca Barnes
Page 69 clockwise from top right: 1 Jessica Moretti.
2. Erin Kennedy, Eloise Armstrong and Sarah D'Silva 3. Nerita Benetti, Kate Johnson. Sarah Gurry, Anna Kricker and Ika Szydlak 4. Ainslee Spadaro
5 Year 10 students scuba diving 6 Year 7 Record night Rachel Couttie, Victoria Carlino. Jane Rogan, Marissa Vaughan and Catherine Johnson
This page Left:
Year 8 Camp Rumbug" (L to R) Katherine Castles, Melissa
Tribe, Katherine Sherry, Monique O'Donoghue, Caroline Perrett, Nicole Valmorbida, Anneke Barlow, Madeleine Keogh, Shelley Ormsby. Victoria Spillane.
Below clockwise:
L Year 8 "Oaks Day" Hat Parade 2. Quad building works in progress. 3. Opening of Year 11 Quad. 4.Sasha Milinkovic and Meg Fowler
Opposite Clockwise:
1. An unexpected "visitor" on the oval. 2. Back (LtoR) Mrs Sue Saxon. Danielle Sanders. Claire Papaluca. Anneke Barlow, Sarah Joubert. Front Sarah Whiting. 3. Lou se Vautin
4. Amy Scally and Lucienne Bailey
5 Toad of Toad Hall: Back (Ltom Kerryn Joubert. Fiona Hammond, Susannah Lennon. Katharine Seyler. Front Kathryn Gannon, Alice Hume. Shame De Leo, Karina Chaves.
6. Year 9 History: Back (L to R) Andrea Vidal, Rachel Doyle, Marika Fengler. Front Sarah Whiting. 7 Year 9 Ski Trip: Felicity McGrath.
3 %5 ,
Mandeville Staff
Clockwise from top right:
1. Mr Guy Anderson with his -Slaves for a day". 2. Mrs Anne Bennett
3. Mrs Joan Ryan 'This beats teach ng 4 Mrs Lisa Pidcock
5. Year 5 Ball: Mrs Jill Baskett. Miss Cathy Sim, Mrs Virginia Maloney, Mrs Colleen Liersch, Mrs Anne Tierney Roberts. Mrs Sally O"Byrne, Mrs Dot Peters
6. Mr Roger Gill. Mr Geoff Schmidt. Mr M chael Mulcahy LORETO MANDEVILLE HALL 1993
A Personal Response to the Mentor Program. Although iny picture story book. 'George's Great Adventure'. written in Year Eight, was the catalyst which first brought me into contact with tile Mentor Program, I clid not take lip the challenge of this rewarding experience until earlier this vear, much to
the delight of Ms jenner. Iii the interim, some 18 nionths from when the suggestion was first mooted, 1
had continued to further develop my writing skills and to build up a folio of artwork focussing pat-ticularly upon drawing, so that 1 then thought 1 had a Hic,le substantial base lipoll which to present mv creative talents to an established book illustrator
and author such as Ann.Jmnes. From the outset, Ann has been warm and moxt
receptive. She has given me constructive advice
about not only iny work, but tile wider parameters and current trends iii published literature for both the verv volitic and the adolescent reader.
Consequently. I have gained a new insight into the relationship between the plinted word, the lavout/forinat, the selection of an appropriate style
of illustration and, especially ill the case of adolescent fiction, the importance and impact of the cover clesign/artwork. Br reference to her own
'workbook: Ami has highlighted the vast range of possibilities in illusti-ation and thix has inspired me to experiment witli various niedia and styles to the point where I am now beginning to create an
inclividual linear technique. This personal style
1 would have had the desire or courage to put-sue these endeavours.
Since I have ahradv come to the conchision that
my future will not revolve solely 11'ound illtistration
and/or writing, having set my sights upon an academic career iii Fine Arts, I am inost excited to
have become friends with Freya I.(,inbardo. through
the Mentor Program. Freva, presenth' undertaking curatorial/conservation studies iii my chosen field, is
a very vibrant and enthusiastic prison to whoin I can relate iii her capacity as a 'big sister'. Her knowledge of life at Melbourne Liniversity, her experiences of overseas travel and woik, alid 0111- Slicired enjovment of art and exhibitions such as Heide's 'On the Road
to Berry - I.lovd Rees and Brett Whitel€ have all influenced me to become more advelltilroils and to
truly 'Seize tile day'! Upon review then, my involvement thi-ough the
Mentor Program with both Aim and Freva has been most beneficial. The opportimity of being able to confer with someone who has similar interests and/or
ambitions as yourself, and yet who is indepell(lent from the most immediate circles of influence, that is.
familv, friends, school and teachers, is invalizable.
Even though 1 have not been under any duress, I have found their opinions and advice very constructive
with a positive flow-on into my own written and graphic 'oeuvres'. This iii turn has eng-endered iii me a greater sense of confidence and self-assertiveness 21% I look forward with a broader vision to tile future
achievement of inv personal goals. Veronica Angelatos, War 1().
reflects an added sense of confidence and maturitv
of expression gained through iny contact with ill)' metitor.
Furthermore, lioin our discussions I have realised
the significance of a literarv stvle which is appropriate to its targeted audience. Thus I have
now become even more critical of published works, sci utinizing those specific features and techiliques
which make them 'work', rather than primarily basing my judgement upon the satistactoriness or otherwise of the narrative/storyline. Bearing in mind the analysis of expertise gleaned recently from
a re-examination of several popular authors shortlisted in the Children's Book Awards, I decided
to embark upon two distinct writing projects. Both were competition entries, one local and the other national, and whilst they were written with a view to combining my interests in literature, art and history,
mv principal go.11 was to utilise the relevant
technique to capture the desired audience. The first is a short story whose framework of historical fact is
overlaid with graphic images of contemporary life,
incorporated within an eve-catching 'collage' front
cover, and the second is a persuasive essay, also founded upon historical facts, together with the personal reminiscences of my grandmother. Without the motivation of the Mentor Program, I doubt that
5 2
0) D
A Mentor's Musing
As a result of that wonderful hour or two over coffee
Earlier this vear something quite Tiondelful happened to ine. Ms Daryl Jenner invited me to participate iii Loreto s Mentor Program. This came .is
something of a surprise - how could I possiblv be a constructive influence ill someone else's life when I
telt I hactift achieved anything concrete myself? I certainly wasift a "professional" with many vears expei-tise in .1 specialist aira, nor did I consider invsell
particularly wise iii contraAt to my image of what a nientor "Alic)111(1" be. In faa. MA. jemier s 111,1tlition
1 relinquished my feeling of frustration alid in.ide several important realisations. While conversing openk about the vallie of a broad education, about the current necessin' to make one's own opportlinities for the future (which will still be shadowed by the harsh economic: realities of the recession), I
learnt of Veronica's niany abilities and togetlier we found we shared many interests and hold similar aspirations. Her enthusiasm and drive helped ine
focus on mv own pitorities and realign thein all the more achievable.
Caught inc at a 111(>St uncertain motllent.
Through our conversations and subsequent meet-
At the time. 1 had onlv lecentlv returned from 10
niontlis of living and travelling in Europe. It was tinic spent indulging my love of art, 1.mguage and
people. As I worked, learnt and backpacked around 1 concentrated on trving to effectiielv .shed Iii) tourist image so that I could soak up culture and integrate within the societies which have fascinated me for illativ vears.
I found a limited success in my limited time. I certainly felt saturated with cuhure - a iDe ling which
engendered iii me an acute desire to be productive again. Thus I returned hoine with a new resolve never to stop: I wanted to explore my creativity in every artistic velitilir conceivable, to be thoroughly hulependent and earn mv own living, to start my
ings. I have begun to recognise the validity of mv own studies and the broad base of knowledge and impetus which they have given me to 'launch' into my nuitiv interests. I ani also realising the wav I have
grown as a result of my travels and am finding wavs to fuster lin newlv developed abilities - such as art
restoration and speaking Italian - making them long terill goals while I complete more immediate demands. I have found through the Mentor Pro-
gram, that although productivity must be sparked by curiosity, to become productive takes commitment, passion and patience. As a result , I have learnt to take a more stead>· approach to my work and my' life, making eacli Inore fruitful ancl en joyable.
and pursne new academic endeavours, tO lead an ac-
The Mentor Program, therefore, is a thoroughlv rewarding venture for all involved and I hope it will
own business, to Colltinue Im- post-graduate studies tire social life and participate iii .ill of Melbourne's
expand to benefit many girls in the ftitille as the
cultural offerings -all at once. Of coin'se, as roll
need for positive role models is dulv recognised.
might well imagine, achieving all this simultaneously
Most importantly, taking on the role of mentor had
is very neark impossible for amone and my efforts resulted in not much inore than exhaustion and
enabled us all to forge strong friendships that will continue to grow as we continue to learn, to elljov
and, above all to share. It is a role which I consider
In this state I met Veronica Angelatos, her mother Sue and Ms. jeliner oile Sunday afternoon.
to be both a great privilege and a great pleasure. Freva Lombardo.
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"Le Studio"
by Veronica Angelatos.
P r
House Drama Festival
11111 1 mi I 1111 1 ME :
Page 75 Clockwise from top right 1 (L to R) Sharna De Leo. Karina Chaves. Kerryn Joubert
2. Emma Stutt, Kate McCIoskey, Megan Harastis, Tiffany Loft 3. A group from "Toad of Toad Hall 4. Karina Chaves and Sharna De Leo 5. Fiona Hammond
6. Kathy Seyler 7. Alice Hume
8. Kate McCartney and Tiffany Loft 9. (centre photo) Naomi Grant and Sophie Westgarth
Page 76 Clockwise from centre top 1. Lucy Johnson 2. Bridgette Holland 3. Mornane House
4. Back (L to R): Lucinda Gannon, Monica Nisbe:, Lizette Bell. Renee Reardon, Elizabeth Marks
Front: Sally Carrodus, Priscilla Ruffolo, Amy Hede
5. Front (L to R):Therese Hanrahan, Roxanna Ryan, Rachel Mclnerney. Back: Anne Smyth, Carolyn Agardy, Clare O'Neill 6. Claire Jenkins
7. Katherine Sherry and Shelley Ormsby 8 Claire Scally Page 77 Clockwise from centre right: 1. Mulhall House play
2. Mrs Sue Saxon watches Sally Howard and Rebecca Barnes accept the winner's
trophy for Barry House from the adjudicator, Mrs Kate Birch.
3. Cast of the winning play "This is a test" on stage 4. Backstage - Mulhall House
5 Mornane performing.
Page 78 1. Man Ericksen
2. Clemantine Coulter
3. Monique Fabris, Vanessa Lucantonio, Annabel Rattigan
4. Alicia Tuohey, Brigid Byrne, Catherine Collins
5. Alicia Tinetti, Rebecca Barnes
Seiiior Drama Festival On Wednesclit)' the eleventh of August. the F,leventh Animal Drinna Festival took place. For the 16)1)3 32,11 11 stticlents thiN was a great
chancner fbr it wits the first of main' inajor rexpolisi- -
bilitic•, to come thi-oughout the next vear. It followed the Killile fchechile :13 11%11.11, with the four
houses. Barrv. Mornane. Mulhall and Ward preparing lor this at the ((11}linencement of lerm three. 1 he fil-st house wa.x \111111,111 led In C l,ire Rosel
anct I .ii \Ic(-;t;ith, 1 heit- plav was called The Girl iii the MirroA It was abolit a voung girl %11%:m. who at- ,
teinpted to ((nmnit suicide. She reill,lined in a Coma
in .1 11(,spital bed and whilst there flic was looked Illter bv her gil:il-(lian. who took her back throughout her life and gave her the option whether to live
or die. Mulhall took a risk perfonning sitch a bean' dranmtic plav, 2111(1 Illtlic Iligh they did not win. their 1,1 :iv' waN verv All((·c.ful. Cong-ratillations to Sinead 01)(innell who gave a wonderful pei fc,1-mance 21+ the guardian.
The next llc,tihi· performance wa. Ward. led br Dominica Hanger and 1.:1111-,1 Henderson. This
adupted play was called 1 he Plic,licall'. Stixan, a
xeventc·en vear old pknrd bv Bianca Pepe had been on a music camp, It was here she fell in love for the fir,t time with her music instructor. Russell Kent. In
tlic' plav ive s.1,1- her anxiet, as she Invilits a plc)lilised
1)17(>tic·call from Ritsfc·]l. \Vard's phir u .10 verv simple. vet the additional humour through<,itt the phn- kept 111(· .iliclience entertained.
Ilw winner of the 1)1:ima Festival was the third
house. Barn'. Congratulations to this house and es-
peciallv to their captains. who were Rebecca Barnes
and Sally Howard. Thrit- play, 'This is a I-ext'. was exacth' that. The setting- waN of a claN>,1-oom of fttidents
who were sitting an important test, however :111 of
liu·m were cheating. The teacher plaved bv Felicity 7.,thura. was extronch Unfair toward, one ofthe stuclents. Ahm. This combined humour with a basic
and effective plav.
Mcmnane wah the last perfol-illmice for the (lav. ancl bv the tinic thev got on the +tage, even though numing- bellind the 11%11.11 schedule. the house man-
aged to keep the andience entertained. jacinta Finnigan ancl Catherine CoHins' plin-, Tht' Familv Kwel>', outlined clic hed culture.% und their interactions with each other, whilst adding a bit of comedz to the performance. Lord Twitchwell. plaved br Nicolette de Zoete was obliged to sell the familvjewi·14 for fillancial ]'('liscills. The audience waN rittertailial from (me twist to another.
The Eleventh Annual Drama Festival was a great sticcess and cong'ratillations to all the actresses and
Imptains who put iii an etiornious effort over the two weeks.
Annabel Rattigall and Dominica Hanger, Year 11.
Music in 1993 The vear has been 11 blixv and varied one for Mtil-
their A.M.E.11. instrumental and thi·on examinatic)113 ancl also with individual entries al chisteddfocts.
dent.4 2111(1 the 11111Mic At,li 1 ,lt \1211 1(lt \'ille. Under the direction of \liss Nicole Lounit, we have
7 1 1(' Senior Sci )001 9 11(lents who are 111('1111 )(·1% of the
seen the development of the Wind Eiiscinble into the incleasing 1111!nber, of braN, and woodwind %111(lents.
music ensembles, again ti'avelled to Daylesic,1 cl for the \Imual \Ilisic Camp cark' in the year. Whil>;t it was a (1(inanding Ache(hile, I think both Ataff and Atticlents
The Concert 14,111(1 h,1% inade a 1,111111,(1 of pel-ft)1-
would agree. it was a very worthwhile weekend 01
111,111('cs <)lit.fide <)1 school thif ,( 111. ilic'111(ling .1 cona·rt
21( hicu'lliellt.
Concert Band which provicles opportimitv for the ever
at the Wol-ld 1 1-,1(le Centre and participation iii liu·
The main ilitisical event of the war was c )111 illifiC
Australi.in Band Directors .\Ms(,c i.ition. State 11.111(1 Fes-
ligh,il which brought all ()111- imixic %111(lit,th .in(1 9,111
together for a very pleasi ng Concert. fill('(1 wi th \ Ill iet,·.
It is p.irticillark 3.itislving to me to Ace a good num-
1here Imve been mam recitals. conce!-ts and work-
ber of Stildents learning })1'11%0 2111(1 woodwind inst!-11-
shopx throughout 1 1,1)3 :ind it has been wonderful to
ments 1111(1 bal.ilicing- the I 11;trilinents Programme
sce No inaliv of the ,«Klent< p,liticipating. \Ve were
within the %(·hool.
most formnate to have Profes.or Gria %,ili·in· from Fin-
1)lie to the i!1(1-(':15((1 11111111)cr of bra,% 4111(lents we
land work with the Mandeville hiring Orch(%11.1 ill
have 'brmed a Brash Ensemble·. Ic·(1 bv \liss 1.ticv Elliot
ic·i-in l: Doctor Marv (.cwt/c· from l'.S.-\. work with
who ('(1111111( lic·cd 1( 21( liing with 11% thix ,( .11-.
the >U·ilior Choil' in Term 2. and ils. Eli/al,eth
The 1.(>1'c to %„uphon) ()1( hestra (c )11(111('teel bv Mr%.
jennifer 1..ine and the \1.iii(lt'\'ille String Orchestra.
Mitchell. courte<v of the A.M.E.B.. work With wome of
the piano Students ill rI-erm 3.
conducted by Mrs. Margarct Grilliths, Inn'c· contitiliccl
Ihi· imisic life of thejunior Achool has al>,0 been .t
to have much success, taking- 0111 pri/(·s in lic,th the
blisv one with the clic,ir•. Recorder Conv,1-1 1111(1 the
Camberwell ancl \\'averle¥ Eisteddfods. Tlic·se two Or-
new beginners' Chihe.tra - ht. Franci. C )1-chestra. di-
chestras als<) 111,1(1(· 1requent contrilitilions within
rected 11 Miss Stivan \Vunke and the Mixter 1.11., Bu-ne
school events. Milch 21% the liturgies thic),lghout the vcar.
C),chestra. c<)11(111(ted 11; Mis,bine %(lileigler.
C lic)ral nitixic 17,1% bcen Nt!(Iliglv rept<'Mented (,lit>,ide
Ihe vear filii,hed with the annbilling of.]unior and
Achool with Alic'cess at the Calnberwell .ind \\ 11\'(·1'lev
>4·nior .%(hool %111(lenti iii the Carol Service lit ht.
Eisted(lfuds and performance. with George Drevitls
Panick' C ,ttlic·dral.
211 id the M c 111() 111-1 ic' %:'111 1) lioll) C )1 ('lwA 11-21.
.* the musical lile· c )1' c )111. 4(-liu<,1 contimle, to grow
We have alfo Xecti the C(,111111(naquent Of ,1 (,alit,11
in varict)' and .ibilin. I trust that vou will all be able to
Ensemble, led bv \Ir, Matthew F.tgan. This en.winble
xhair in it.s (le\'(·lopinent and cnic)\ the experience< it
made its clebut in an C ).ik Paric,ill- Recital iii Term ·L
Many of our %111(lent< achieved great success willi
(lh,.)\\'cticiv Tocid. Directorof \Itisic
YEAR 7-9 CHOIR Accompanist: Natasha Holmes 5th row L-R
Kathleen McCIoskey, Jean Connell, Jennifer Datson,
Skye Begbie,
Elizabeth McCartney, Sarah Joubert.
4th row L-R Margher ta Boemo,
Caroline O'Brien, Angela Hill, Christine Sammartino, Ania Gruba, k
Tiffany Loft, Emmaline Jones. 1+
3rd row L-R Marika
Psomotragos, Edwina Hurley, Elizabeth Marks, Jacinta Holmes,
Madeleine Healy, Camille Diafas, ir
Cherie Lagana. 2nd row L.R Georgina Frew, Emily Kishida, Katherine McCartney, Lucy Maule, Charmian Ong, Priscilla Ruffolo, Alexandra Angelatos. Front row L-R Daniela Calabro,
Lucy Johnson, Mrs Wendy Todd, Natasha Holmes, Pauline Ng. Absent Brigid Anderson,
Catrina Boemo, Katarina Filjpi, Shona Hannaford, Eliza Jacobs.
1 5-44'
f Irl<h j
4th row L-R Bryanna Houlihan, Melissa Tilley, Elizabeth Bateman, Victoria Finck, Kathryn Bannon.
3rd row L-R Karina Chaves, Marian Bard, Clare Crowe, Jacinta xinnigan. Amber Horsfall. 2nd row L-
R Virginia Jones, Joanne Powell, Blenda Cheung, Ju[ia Rachelle, Anne Redmond.
Front row L-R Gloria Ng, Natasha Holmes, Mrs Wendy Todd, Karolinka Gruba, Rosemarie Conti. Absent Rebecca Connell, Sharna De Leo, Kate Papaluca, Kerryn Joubert.
5th row L-R Mary Tomsic, Josephine Fagan, Luciana Briedis, Natalie Sabbadini, Andrea Tilley, Katiryn Friend, Catryn Walters. 4th row L-R Clare Crowe, Karina Chaves, Angela Hill, Lucienne Bailey, Susannah Lennon, Jacinta Finnigan (Leader), Carla Pascoe. 3rd row L-
R Madeleine Healey, Veronica Shine, Elspeth Martini, Natasha Holmes, Virginia Jones, Hermione Knowles, Anne Fulton.
2nd row L-R Agnieszka Solon, Marie-Danielle Turner, Priscilla Ruffolo, Jacinta Holmes, Ebonie Martello, Phoeoe Knowles. Front row L-R Skye Begbie, Anne Fernando, Mrs Margaret Griffiths, Rachel Price, Natalie Vucic, Margferita Boemo. Absent Miss Jennifer Head, Catherine Fernando, Catrina Boerno Vanessa Lucantonio, Clare Brazenor, Georgina Chamberlain, Catherine Collins, Jacqueline Labb, Michelle Wallace.
, 4
i 332 3
74* IL ,)66
.C 9
STRING QUINTET L-R Elspeth Martini, Jacinta Holmes, Mary Tomsic, Natasha Holmes, Mrs Margaret Griffiths. Inset Catherine Fernando.
3rd row L-R Clare O'Neil,
Rachel Doyle, Christina Browning, Kate Dickson, Anne Conroy, Kathryn Friend, Skye Begbie.
2nd row L-R Lizette Bell,
Charlotte Carter, Roxanna Ryan, Sara Lynch, Rachel Hoy, Melissa Migliardi.
M el
Alexandra Angelatos. Front row L-R Lucy Johnson, Camille Diafas, Miss Lucy Elliott, Victoria Heatley, Phoebe Knowles. Absent Carla Deacon, Clare Brazenor,
Simone Bailey, Megan Walters.
C· 117
e Crowe, Kathryn Bannon, Bryanna Houlihan, Elizabeth Bateman
Jacirita Finnigan, Virginia Jones, Amber Horstall. Front row L-R Goria Ng, Karolinka Gruba, Karina Chaves, Mrs Wendy Todd. Christine Sammartino, Charmian Ong,
ST CECILIAS ORCHESTRA 4th irow L-R Skye Begbie, Kathleen McC]oskey, Kate Dickson. Stephanie Keenan, Anne Conroy. 3rd row L-
R Amanda Ho, Caroline Agardy, Sarah Pinto, Roxanna Ryan, Melissa Migliardi.
2nd row L.R Rachel Hoy, Sarah Saunders, Rachel Mclnerney, Nina Bonacci, Anthea Kavanagh, Sarah Martini.
Front row L-R Shannon LaBrooy. Adele Brazenor. Miss Lucy Elliott, Alexandra Angelatos, Lizette Bell.
Absent Shona Hannaford, Lucy Johnson, Marion Stephenson.
BRASS ENSEMBLE L-R Rachel Hoy, Roxanna Ryan, Miss Lucy Elliott, Anne Conroy, Skye Alexander-Begbie. Anthea Kavanagh. Absent Clare Brazenor.
STRING ORCHESTRA 3rd row L-R Mary Tomsic, Josephine Fagan. Luciana Briedis, Jacinta Finnigan, Catryn Walters 2nd row L-R Madeleine Healy, Natasha Holmes, Carla Pascoe, Virginia Jones. Elspeth Martini. Front row Agnieszka Solon. Marie-Danielle Turner, Mrs Margaret Griffiths, Jacinta Holmes, Ebonie Marte lo. Absent Catherine Fernando. Catrina Boemo
Debating 1993 Ilic abilitv to wak conficlentlv and logicallv is an enviable attlil,tile allci Mallcicy'ilic call plc,licih' clai]11
1993 al.40 saw a verv entertaining exhibition de-
thut witllin it. tilicht are Noinc exticinch' taleilted de-
bate between Mandeville and X.„ier, with the topic being 'Woinen should do the waxhing," M.ilicli·ville
baters. 191)3 saw .1 considerable influx of llc·w and
was vic torious and the success of this debate in-
I'lithlisiastic· ilitc·l Ac'lic)01 del).iters at Jears Ten and
spired extensive Year Twehr ili,-oh-ement in interhouse debating. Barry Houst· was the winner of the junior del).iting clivision, winning the 111:ljolitv of clebates .it Years Sew·11 and Eight and Year Nine levels,
Ek·ven. beside·A the usital newcomers at Year Nine .
F..tch ve,11- lew] was represented bv two trains iii the Debating .·143(,ciation oft'ict(,1-ill'A illt(,1-+Chool debating competition and Mandeville 1111(1 11 challge 01 venue to Melbow·'ne High. encountering man i Achools who h.1(11]t previc)11%1) bren (1(bated. AH Mandeville teams weir highlv competitive and ba aine liloic %11('('(»lIli .1% the St.ljoil progre»cd.
Ihi· Year Nines showed immense promise, becoming more confident with each debate alicl assel-ting their .11-gll!11'111% much more cleark·. There was .1
hig]1 participation level .inic,ligst Yeal- rIT·n debaters, whilst their resillts were slighth clisappoiliting, their del),ttes wet c c losch· 1()light. The )2,11- Eleven and War lk-elve Attic|ents particip.lted in inaliv (lose de1),tics. with fl-(·clitent 111,11(:ills of one point bet\#'(·eli
wheitax \\'ard I louse won the senior- debating which invoked Wars Ten. Eleven. and Twche.
The inost nicnic )1'able highlight ofthe 1993 cli·11,11ing )'rar wa. the Sliper}) perforinanceS of the Yar Scren, Eight, and Nine ilitc·t hon>R· clebaters, which
prcnicles Mancleville with a strong Ic,ilticlation to work H'ith in future u·ars. The I louse debating (aptains and via·-captains air to be commended hn' their high level of aivance to junior debati». with the advice alid expertise offered being verv ('(,tistitictive. Ilic teachi» Anolved in debating this uur (1(·.crve a
special thank-you as they provided ili\'21111.ilile assis-
winner and loser, evidence of the fierce competitive-
lance atic! support, especialk Debating- C Zi)-01(linator Mak-ohn Farisworth. Congramlations to 2111 11:111(lev-
11(·ss that M.,ticlch\.ille both exhibited and €11('c )1111-
illt' debatei A .111(1 17(M ofluck for hiture vears.
Alitonia Parkes, >U lion] Debating (111)tain.
2nd row L- R Bryanna Houlihan,
Lucy Trumble, Sian Kennedy, Antonia Parkes. Amy Lally.
Front row L-R Michaela Keogh, Marie-Therese Conti, Mr Malcolm Farnsworth,
Mrs Margaret Smith, Joanne Powell, Fiona Kelly.
2nd row L-R Lisa Arthur,
Christine Sammartino, Sharon Robb,
Kate Kuring. Carla Pascoe. Front row L-R Emily K shida, Shelley Fladgate, Mrs Pam Davies,
Rachel de Zoete, Charmian Ong, Sarah Whiting.
.. I
V ctoria Ellis. Letitia Gamble, Alice Hume,
Nina Bonacci, Miss Carmel Laffan, Ms. Helen O'Keefe, Ms Glenda Romeril e
3/d row L-R Jennifer Bourke, Zoe Smyth, Megan Larnach-Jones. Victoria Finck. 2nd row L-R Rosemarie Conti.
Genevieve Wallace, Brigid Byrne, Catherine Collins, Catryn Walters, Siobhan Duck.
Front row L-R Emily Bell,
Nicolette De Zoete, Mrs Margot Thompson, Mrs Joan Ryan, Christina Chisholm, Anne Fulton.
Tournament of Minds A Great Experience for Everyone
1 he T.O.\1.competition was all exciting- 2111(1 ill-
tri'(·>,ting clav. but the full begall at the first nweting we 11:1(1. We were Team Five and tile seven 01 11%. two
3(·11] %(·venx, three War Eight, and two Year Nines.
4 Huflanu·
got on like a house 011 fire. Our persornilities were a lot alike ,ind our iliti'llig-ence and hidden talents were .111 11*ed wisek. \Ve were :111 quite g-ood at 1611,4-
lixh und (·ach of 11>; 11·.IM consti lictive in (liffercnt 21%-
perts of this c·\,c.lit.
Macie·line wax in chill ge of collating all our ideas
r i , 1,;,
as well as 1,(ing the leader. I ler main res},c,liNibility was really keeping everrthing organisc'(1. Kitte Ha, u verv i 11(1('1)(71(lent and reliable ti·ain
til(·ruhcl- who ( allic up \vith initin+ crcative 2111(1 imag mative ideas.
Tearn Two (L to R) Christine Sammartino, Susan Peel, Eliza Jacobs, Emily Petricola. Naomi Grant, Lauren Reed
Edwina wah the Accond 1,(st organiser in (,111 tram. \Vhcli Nlit· wa# expected to t.lki· try,(,lisibilitv
for liN, she took charge and Mucceeded in every way. .lic'xandr:6 .11 tistic mind wils uxed in everv winr posMil,Ic. but ihc one thing \ve'll a]H',1,4 ic'Incinber will be tlic· f .ilitastic bone Alic· c I'cated to hold the script 111
Maric-1)anicl|c i> onc of the best violillijtx in <)111
MC 11()01 2111(1 Alic ha>, 11 verv acative dild illt('1lig·cllt
inhuL I Ier vic)liti wax plaved +14)(·11)]v. Maria W,IM A verv well (,lganixed .Ind creative tram liicinber, ()11 the (lav. %11(· converted thosi· who were nervous
wrecks into positive· and conlic|ent tram Ilirli,1)('13. I \VID; lm)>;t CO!]Ati'11(tiVe ill th(· long-terin ])1(11)'C]11. I helped (1(,clop Molne idea,0 we lised and I hclped make the perfornmnce good visuallv, I enjoved even illinutc 01 thix Wl/)11(1(7 Elli event.
1.0. M. involves ])(·]severance, 1)111 when vou work
Tear'n Three . Back .(L to R) Sarah Joubert. Elizabeth Marks,
21% a tram vou c.in hanclle limt With caM·. T.(),M. be-
Leanne Zillman, Katherine Duggan, Amanda Cosgriff.
(.1111(· our top prioritv for most of Tenn 3. Yoll find
Front. Elizabeth McCartney, Phoebe Knowles.
thilt. once voll're intert·Sted in T.O.M. vou become
more reNpolixible. rellable and leel inore confident Id)()111 (011111]itting U)111'xell tc) a rearatic)111 acti\'it\ who illi,Xed out on beino- in T.().M. thi, vear to ti'v h
1(1 becolne u 1('11!11 116('1111)(21 ill \'('211'% 1(1 ((Hne.
Team 1 (L to R) Georgina Labb, Josephine Oldham, Kim Lien, Ania Gruba, Charmian Ong, Gypsy West, Kate McCIoskey.
, 1*·i,
Team 5. Back (L to R) Marie Danielle Turner, Edwina Holbeach Kasey Warner, Maria Spitaljorakis, Madeleine Healy. Front. Alexandra Angelatos.
New Caledonia Trip On Tuesclay 21%1 Xeptembet'. 11)93, 11 Year Ten
aild Eleven French stli(lents and two te,1(411('1.0 AXAC·in-
bird at Mill)(,lit'l(·'s ritillam ill-inc Airport befure rilil,211 king- cm what Ints been clch\(.1-ibed as tlic· holi(12 ,· 01 a lifethne.
Ihe instant we (lisembarked at .1-c,litc,lita Airport and smelt the fresh. tropical air, we fell in love with New Caled<mia. Ancl whitt all eight ch„N we had! I h e fi rs t t h 1 € c c l,tvs we re .i p e n t i n t h e c (,1 1 11 I n' ' M C a p i till city, Nounwa. before we began a twa-,111(1-,1-hall clar' tour of the island, returning to \Tnunect on the second last clav of our holiclav.
Year 9 skiers Christine Sammartino, Charmian Ong, Pauline Ng, Maria Spitaliorakis with Mrs Cathy Stobie.
Year Niiie Ski Camp
Some highlights of our trip were Ilireting the
The annual trip to the ski fields for the Year Xiii(
New Caleclonian judo te,rin, the friendlv voung
students hils become one of the highlights of life at
French Mai ines Ch the 1,11)111€)11% beaches, Madonna
1.(,irto. Mandeville Hall. There has bic·n .1 ski c .,inp
(ves. we met Al.idonim!), the visit to the local mar-
everv ve:11- Since 11)80 :111(1. in the beginning. it took
ket, our exploration of Nollinea, Joh lison (the
the form of a weekend camp held at the 1.ul-a lilli
Miliging bils (11-iverk the filendh' local.. the inanv
al Mt Huffulo. Sitice then it hax ch,illged Illic| grOWM
bcantifill watelial|x iIi which we Nwaill. the rolau-
to the five (121,4 (,1 ()11tdoor 21('tivitich and Jkiing
rants at which wi· clined, Ed(·11 (the local iii„o), c )111
which the girls look Inick on ic)1* the renminder of
brief stav .11 1 Intel de 1.1 Plage (Oh Wh.it .1 Night),
thi·ir vears at Ncllool.
Boligna (21 traditional tribal meal), anc! the spect.Ic-
()11 Mondin- 1(;th Allgl,Mt Ke Net off from .1001 Itt
ill,11* Mal.lbou Resort. I Iere we en oved the manv ac-
8.0(),1171, 211-1 ivitw Ilt Valle¥ 11(,lii( ste,1(1 11(·ar Mvi tle-
tivities on offer, slich .1, riding in .1 cat.1111.11'.111.
ford in tinu· for hinch. The diti·i noon was Vient
wincisillfing, rowing, telmis. billiards, table tennis
tackling the aerial ropes course, a bike ride .111(1 fit-
2111(1. 01 c'(,lit-Xe, Swimming lind sunbaking.
ting 01 1,(>01. and skis.
\Vhen ewntuallv the time came to return to ··\us-
On each of the next three clavs wi· travelled to
tralia. we aN filt disappointed to be leaving the country which we had adopted .1% our own. The
Falls Creek where students and staff had a two hour
lesson with the Falls Creek Ski School with plentv of
New ( :aledonia trip not onlv proved a valiiable edu-
time to practise and free ski time. All the girls diet
cational experience for the 14 c,Apiring- French stii-
verv well on the slopes aticl beginners ic,lilicl them-
dents, but .11.No a bonding experience. in which
Nelves riding the tows :111(1 skiing the 1-1111% at thi· end
111.im' new fricticiships were 10lined. Planx for the
of our tilne there. There were plentv of poxt-
'1993 New Call·donia Reunion' are ahradv under-
morti·mS .ind the Satisfaction of having- tackled a (lil-
way, ensill-ing the memories of our wonderful ad-
ficint Nport and achieved a deg-rce ofproliciencv. C)n Fric!.i' Ii](,1-ning we .ill slept in illitil 7.0(hun.
venture remain With 11% 21]wavx. Our sincere thanks air extended to Mrs Nola Far-
\\'c igent th(· 111(,1-1 )ing with 111( )1'(· acti\'ities arotind
1-inglon and Mis Alison Miller for the lilli'c'lenting
Vallev Hoinestead, such Its bushwalking- and the fun
patience and care with which thev provided the girls
1111(1 litness course, 1,clore driving back to Mel-
on the trip.
bourne, al-living- at 3(·hool arolind 5.0()pin. Fiona I I ,1111 111()11(1, Year 1 0.
1 |lis callip lillis verv %111()othlf'with no hint ofthe hard work put in eu·rv war bv Mr .411(lrew Schmidt. Who h,16 been organising 2111(1 1-11111iing thiN (,linp >unce IDSO. It 1% no vir« t»k tc) (c)-(,1-clitutc cvcin' 11,-
pect of the nip, ilicllicling .111 (,1 ganiNed activitv everv evening for 1 00 Aticlents and 11 staff . To Mr Schmicit's credit it alwavs 1-uns like clockwork.
Staff who go on school camps work extremelv hard and are on dutv virmallv 2-1 hours a dav whilst
awav, but it cloes give both students and staff a woni 4
derful opportunity to get to know rach other in an ('m'itc,lunent .lwav from glic)01 1111(1 in .1 rel.,Xed lit-
111()%]jIll,1'e. I (,tily hope the girls en jored tlic·Iliselves ils much as the staffdid on the Year Nine· Ski (r.imp. Ihn Huic
they did, judging bv their comments both while wr In New Caledonia: (L to R) Fiona Hammond, Victoria Ellis, Josephine Fagan, Alice Hume.
were .11 .tr .uul when we got back to %('llc)<)1. \11 s Carol Black.
Interhouse Athletics Day This page Left to Right from top of page:
Opposite page Left to Right from top of page:
1.Katrina Martin, 2. Camille Reidy, 3.Julia Gurry. 4.Vanessa Slaven,
Jane Kenny, Camilla Bourke, Rachel Hoy, Sarah Gurry. Katrina Martin. 5.Fiona Kelly. Olivia Jones, Amy Lally, Anna Bowen, Paige
1. Joanna Laurence, 2. Jessica Moretti, 3. Julia Cullity, 4. Jane Hoy, 5. Vanessa Slaven, 6.Domenica Gullace.
Hanrahan, Katrina Laurence, Julia Cullity.
U i itt:f
1«=At 4
4 I r
HOCKEY SENIOR Back row L-R Nicolette de Zoete,
Christina Browning, Joanna Laarence, Elizabeth Bowen, Jane Hoy, Sarah O'Byrne, Julia Cullity. Alice Hume.
Front row L-R Brigid Cullity, Katrina Martin, Mr Roger Gill, Gabrielle McCorkell, Ainslee Spadaro.
HOCKEY INTERMEDIATE 3rd row L-R Madeline Hoy, Lisa Meehan, Emily OConnell, Jane Hoy. Jacqueline Carroll, Jane Castles, Anna Chamberlain, Susan Scollon.
2nd row L-R Sarah Whiting, Penelope O'Loughlin, Marlo Urquhart,
Charlotte Mulder, Virginia Grant, Anita Pacini, Shelley Fladgate. Front row L- R Marika Fengler,
Katrina Martin. Mr Edward Johnson,
Sarah O'Byrne, Lisa O'Callaghan.
Back row L-R Samantha Stewart-Steele,
Margherita Boemo, Sara Little, Katsy Lee, Jennifer O'Connell, Marney McIVillan, Katherine MeMahon 4
2nd row L-R Phoebe Knowles,
Kate Duggan, Georgina Carroll,
Rachel Hoy, Nancy Sposato, Adele Brazenor.
Front row L-R Harna Chandra, Njcolette de Zoete, Katrina Martin,
Mrs Jill Barnett, Megan Larnach-Jones, Catherine Chamberlain.
% %
Hockey & Softball Hockey Report
ate te,1111. the jililiors urre 111%0 (leteated bv hicini. \\'c had Nercial draw, throughout the %(·,1%(,n aild \«re
Ihe hoc kev sci™on :it M,unic·ville thix vear has
unluckv not to win more galnes than wr did. ilianks
been <)11(· of the most mucessful ever. [Tnder the vt-
011Ce AQ'aill to \11'%. 14.ilit(·11 for her ((vinnlittnent to
per\'i4on of|ong-tinic coach \11 (,ill, the Scili(>1 1('21111
coaching the.junior te,un.
w» 411(a»ful iii whrning the preinic»hip ill te!'111
Ilmnk voit to all the Senior learn members who
two. The Seniors had .in excellent season, not <)111,7
Imve .INSisting in umpiring and coaching the .junior
being 1111(1(lcated but 211%0 not |1,1\'ing a goal Ncored
and lit(.1 inediate learn.N: jane Hov. Xi( c )1( tu· cir
agailist them. The premiership was decided in the
Zoete. 9.11-ah ()11;'1'ne. 14.itlina \1.11-tin. C ..11)1'ic'lle Nic-
final gaine 01 the w»on when we had a convilicing
Corkell and Megan 1 ,11 11,)(·11-1(,nes, The P.E. Xtaff (in-
wiii over Firbank, the tram with whom we shared the
clucling \11% Hiliton. \11·v Ferrari and Mrs Stobie)
premiership iii 11)1)2. Special thanks must go to \11
inust .11%0 be thanked ibr the tinw .iticl ('1 Ic·i ,<17 thev
(;ill fur coaching yet another %11((essful train!
Imve dedicated to hockev. Without their .thsistance
Dill'ing second term we weir .11%0 fortunate to Witness some of the hockev skills of the staff when we
plaved a st,ill/stticlent hocke) match. St.111/student
and coimnitinent to the xport wi· won](! lia\c not had Mitch a wonderful waxon.
Congrattilations to all those involved '
matches have been played ill vatious sports through-
kiri iii,2 11 ,ii-ilii.C 2.ipt,Iiii Gabrielle \1( ( 01 ki 11. Vice C 1.1 p tai n
out the vear .Ind have bern a greal success, cspeciallv in nuhuailling Aclic >01 Mph-it.
During the vcar holise hocker was ])|21\'t·(1 at lilliehtitnex .ind the }lutcheS were u·rv exciting. 111 the Senior- dividon \\'ard w'cin, \ihile th(· 11iti·]-nic(liate
und.]unic,1 cliviNic)11% are being- 1,1,15'rd in thil-(1 und 1()lli-tli 1(»1-111\.
Term thrce signalled the beginning of.]unic,1- ancl
Softball Report The softl)all Heason proved u·rv succexxful for the
Xellic,r train. 1111(1 tliere „·as a grecit iini)rovellic·lit H'ithill th(' Mfuwl.
hitermediate Achool hockev. The hitermediate train
\Ve wric privileged to have the expert (021(hing
was extremelv fortunate to have Mix Debbie Galtn·, a
Al'n'ices of %,111(11'11 C xtilliing|111]li. 2111 ,\-C ;1·21(1(' Ac )fil),111
State Lcautic· 1 hockev plaver, coaching them. \11-s
repres,litative. S,1,1(11,6 (c),lching skills paid off at all
Galtrv proved to be illxlli 1 Ittiona| to the te,lill, ivllc)
1(9('1% with the.[unic)1. Illt(·I'llit'(liate alid hcnior ti'21111%
1-imped the benelit, of her experti>,c. The hnennedi-
all having- 4-reat %(,14(,11%. The Senior tcain diet l),11'tEn-
ate tcam concluded the scason bv finishing second ill flicir clivision, having lost the final match to %,1(1-0 C .c)(·zil, the preinict >. The leain had a verv good u·,11 With 01]1)' one other 10.« to Nic·11,1, winning three other games 2111(1 drawing ()llc .
lark well, lilliM}ling Mccond overall. uitli ()111\' one nal
row loss to St. Mich,ic·1's. It was (·specialk· good to be uctorious over M clitone Grillilinar. a %11('a» 1111-
precedented in the past five vearf. C )111-Manid placing (culld not have Iwen achieved without the
Thanks go to Mrs Gahry ibr coaching the Intel'lile-
outstanding skills of Cathi·rinc Grecii, pitcher Paige
cliate tellin in .111 excellent se»c )11: w·c hope that her
Hanrahan,.mci catcher .\im' 1..111. It was p.11'ticillar|v pleasing to sce the hnprovement ill the Intennedhue
hiz<,lvi·ment in hockev at Mandeville contintles into
next wai-. Thankrou also to Mr.Jolinson for bring
teams, led bv pitcher Lisa Meehan, and we look for-
team nuillager and Coluing to WatCh alld >;llpport tile
ward to seeing thrill plc,gress through the ranks.
Intermediate team each week.
Thejunior train this vear wa coached bv \Irs Bar-
We must extend oill- thanks to all nwmbers of the
P.E. staff and team niatiagers tbi their assistance.
nett. 'I lic junior competition was extreinch even lind
Fic,im Kclh , C hiptain
al| 111,11(hes ivere hard fought. .\M with tile Ilitermedi-
Jillia Cullitv, Vice (hipt.lin
TENNIS SENIOR 3rd row L-R Elizabeth Bowen, Anna Bowen, Joanna Laurence,
Stephanie Rafter.
2nd row L.R Sophie Freeman, Elizabeth Kelly, Katrina Laurence, Olivia Jones, Jacinta Finnigan, Ainslie Bloom.
Front row L-R Sara Harris
Virginia Croagh, Mrs Joan Ryan, Felicity Bloom, Nicole Hurst.
TENNIS INTERMEDIATE 2nd row L-R Penelope O'Loughlin, Lisa Meehan. Jacqueline Carroil,
Jane Richardson, Julia Gurry, Olivia Elsley, Pia Taylor.
Front row L-R Gendry Gordon,
Marika Fengler, Mrs Pat Parkinson, Anna Chamberlain, Virginia Grant, Melanie Sargeant.
Absent Catrina Boemo, Sarah Gurry.
TENNIS JUNIOR 2nd row L-R Georgina Carroll, Lucinda Gannon, Margherita Boemo, Jean Connell, Kate McFarland.
Meg Ockleshaw.
Front row L.R Jane Foley
Catherine Chamberlain, Angela McFarland, Katherine McMahon,
Samantha Stewart-Steele, Eljza Peters, Sarah Balmer.
Absent Mrs Sarah Perrett.
Tennis & Water Polo
Tennis Report As long as 1 can recall, tennis at Mandeville has
been a poptilai and competitive sport, and 1993 proved to be no exception. The Senior, Intennediate and junior teams plaved consistently :111 season to produce Some excellent results. The Senior train had an
exceptionallv sticcessful season, dropping only one match to Firbank, and finishing second ill the interschool competition. The highlight of their season was undoubtedlv the annual ill\'itational
Ainslee Spadaro.
Water Polo Report
Ic,ill-Icl-] obin tournalnent held at Flinders Park.
1993 was a satisfacton' season for us. Most team
At ter adapting to the unfamiliar rebound-ace
meinbers put in 1 00% dedication and all tried their
%111 face the partnerships of Liz Kelly and Ainslic
best against fierce competition. We were highlv
Bloom, jo Laurence and Libbv Bowen. Olivia Jones
competitive throughout the season atic-1. although
and Anna Bowen, Virginia Croagh and I, put in an
neither our A or B team made it to tile linal series. all
excellent peformance losing unly one rubber to tile
imist be given special commendation for their efforts
eventual winner - Toorak College.
considering we were onk able to ti-ain four niorning*
Both the junior and Intermediate teams put in
fur the duration of the competition. This training was
very talented performances, recording a number of
very beneficial :mci gaw the lic·wer members of the
very convincing wins. Their confidence and abilitv
team an insight into the stamina and knowledge
on the court indicate that Mandeville will be a real
needed to play such a highly skilled sport.
force in the years to come. Each girl must be
Each rear water polo has steadilv beconic inore
congratulated tor her contribution to her teams
and inore popular within the Mhool, however this
year a little interest was lost. Hopefully next war our
The success of the season was not 0111)' 21 result of
te:un will be able to improve both in number and
each girl's dedication and entlilisiasm for the sport,
competition. Water polo is a great Vwnt 2111(1 1'111
but was also due to the unending support and vital
sure, as more girls realise the potential Mandeville
coaching tips provided by Mrs Rvan (Senior). Mrs
has. we can eventually win the Schoolgirls
Parkinson (Intennediate) ancl Mrs Pen'ett (Jitilior).
Competition. We cotildift have got to where we are
Thanks must also be directed towards Mrs Hinton
without the help of our coach Robin \Vallis. and the
and \11' Crewe for their assistance and contilizzing
extreine dedication and stipport from \11- Bahr. who
support throughout the season.
was there everv match to Cheer liA oil :
Well done to all those invok ed in the 1993 tennis
Well, I wish the girls next vear the best of luck
season, and good luck to the future tennis pla)'ers at
and hope they can colitinue to uphold the
Mandeville. I hope success and enthusiasm for tile
Mandeville tradition in water polo.
sport colitinile.
Kate Routler. C :aptain Felicity Bloom, Captain
Oliviajones, Vice Captain Report
2nd row L-R Anna Fogarty, Natalie Bowden, Claire Nelson, Anna Bowen, Joanna Lawerence, Kylie Podolakin. Front row L- R Lucy Curtain, Olivia Jones, Mr Mark Bahr,
Felicdy Bloom, Ainslie Bloom.
Swimming Swimmiiig
(Mining second ill both. Not to be forgotten weir the jimiors. huing well .tg.lilist strong Colill)(·tition,
The De La Salle Itivitation Carnival, which
with Charione Mulder ancl S.ir., Lvnch gaining Nec-
granted all Achools the opportullitv to note race
ond placeN fbi- their efforts in the 32.11 Eight BirastAtioke. .111 in all it was a sticcess with manv people
tilnes rather t|ran concelltrating On placts. 1.ill!]ched 11% into a challenging season, Facing ex-
Netting person:11 best tilnes.
tremely strong competition in the GPS\'SA, the team linished a well-deserved fifth with commend-
The teanis final ch:illenge in Division I of the
111)le iliclividll,11 performances from Megan Holt..jo
NCS.4 was met with anticipation. Colmnell(lable performances alr to be noted ill tile efic)Its ofjo 1.1111-
Laurence, \'atilic de Morton, Nicole Grant and
1-ence. Megan Holt, Natalie de Morton, and Tillv Bowden'.% performances 113 well 21% those from the
Melanie Blight.
Fro m h e re the g rue l l i ng e .11 h· 111 (,1 n i ngs sta l t ed,
Year Eleven Relav team and the Senior Medlev
thire times a week for about an hour. when we performed cli-ill after drill. increasing botb fitness and 111)ilitv levels, and creating qltite a reptitable telitil,
team. These and other efforts from the Senior divi-
sion of the team 1 ( sulted in a second place. The Iiitirmediate and junior swimmers ale 111%0 to be collul'.itulated with Atic)lig- perl<)1'llicitices fi'oin .10
dedicated 2111(1 talented.
I'lic C :e,1.1//ana Centenarv Meet was the next opportililitv we 1111(1 tc) Alic)h· OUT skill, and the Meet was
Alaire Dehic, Mel,inic Blight. Kzlic Pc,clolatin, Anthea Kavanagh. Daiticla Norman, Olivia Sweenev,
the scene of our most notable success all season,
and Kate 11(-Farhind, Overall we wi·i c placed a teSpectable equal fifth with AvUa in this competition.
with the team fillishing an overaH sec-ond. 37 points behind the winnel-M, GL'11,1//ano. Our >;elii<)1-3 doini-
liated the competition with first places for Megan
It was a tough season for .ill. With Xeveral Chal-
Holt in the Freestvle .mci Backsti oke,jo t..izii-ci-Ice in
lentres thi-own before lis. blit with the assistance .ind
the Freest,-le and Breaststroke, and Tillv 11(m·(len in
continuous slipport of 0111- Coaches Robin \Vallace
tile Breaststi oke. The Senior Medlev and Freestvle
and \Irs Sallv-Aline Hinton. the team met the chal-
Relav trams :11+0 c laimed victorv.
lenges with sticcess. Finallv we would like to wish the
The Intermediate team als() competed ft, c)11gh with julia Gurn-. 1«-lie Podolakin, Melanie Blight and jo Maire Del.ic coming wcond. The two Inter-
learn the best of hick for tile next %(·ason and those to a.)me.
1 illv Bowden. Capt 211ll ilina Bowen. \'ice Captain
tiiectiate i elin te.1111, .11 30 boosted our overall tallv bv
1.1 SWIMMING 5th row L.R Jula Gurry,
9 $
Jo-Maree Delac, Joanna Laurence,
Kylie Podolakin, Anna Kricker 4th row L-R Felicity Bloom. Natalie De Morton, Olivia Jones, Katrina Laurence, Jane Nolan.
= e
3rd row L.R Katharine Castles,
Jane Castles, Marian Bare, Sara Lynch, f
Louise Scally.
2nd row L-R Anthea Cavanagh, Daniela Norman. Charlotte Mulder, Sarah Mcfarland, Kate McFarland. Front row L-R Caroline Perrett,
Megan Holt, Natalie Bowden, Anna Bowen, Olivia Sweeney. Louise Blight. Absent Ainslie Bloom, Libby Bowen,
Ms Sally Hinton. Melanie Blight.
Aerobics Aerobics
bics (:(,inpetition, coached by Miss Rox Scott .ind
ourselves, and their perfonnance was of a verv high Aerobics is an extremelv new and advanced sport
standard. Unfortunately, thev missed out on a place
which h,is c,iih' te.111)' 1 )cen recogni xed worldwide iii
in the finals. coming twelfth Out of the possible 28
tlic· last 15 years. It wax intic)(luced at Mandeville five
schoolx competing. This was a fal,zilous effort and
vears ago and our first team competed in the first-
soniething the girls can be ven' proud <)1.
ever School .Arrobics Competition. We must admit that, at the beginning, we were 2,11 a bit sceptical about what this invohrd; however, after conu-nitting ourselves to eailv morning, afternoon and weekend trailling Xessions, we found that we reallv did en jov
this newlv 211-tived sport which Mandeville had adopted. \Ve were placed second iii the State in our first veal-t Five vears down the track, Mandeville h.1% become
a verv strong and extremelv competitive school. It is
On the -glne Ilight our %(llic)r te,1111 compited in the filials of the Advanced School Aerobics (:ompetition. The team of three extremely talented girls,
[oanim Laurence, justina Carter and.lillie Bonallo. was placed a highly commencled third in the State. Coligratulati()tls ilitist especiallv be extended to these 1111-ec girls, however 2111 the Mandeville girls who w/,·re ili\*olved thic,zighout tlic· vear ate abo to be congr-,ltillated.
now a recognixed sport within the school (with the
Mav our school's competitive nature continue to
appoilitment of a Capmin and Via· Captain toi- the
llc)litish for the next five veurs. and let 11% be as Alic-
first time this )-cai ) and each vear. the }cul of en-
ces>;ful as we have been in the puxt.
thusia,in grows. More and moie gil-ls air becoming involved. contributing their talents and strengths to
this popular sport, with regular Fridav lillichtime arrobics being held.
We would expeciallv like to thank Miss Rosh n Scott for her tireless support, entlizisiasin and dedication. We wish next rear's teams all the best.
In the middle of the Year. ten girls from Years
Olivia jones. Captain
Nine and Ten competed in the Open Sc lic)01 Aero-
Claire Nelson, Vice (hipt,lin
loanna 1.cillrence,
/18 ti,In Carter and
litlie lionollo are \'ict<,ia n Sc·hcmlgi11 Reel)ok C.hampions. AEROBICS ADVANCED L-R Justina Carter, Claire Nelson, Joanna Lawrence, Olivia Jones
(Captain), Julie Bonollo (Vice-Captain), Mi ss Roslyn Scott.
AEROBICS SENIOR 2nd row L-R Sophe Gannon, Vanessa Radovic, Lauren Mai, Anna Kricker, Jane Richardson, Catherine Woodruff, Lisa Meehan.
Front row L-R Jennifer Buccheri, Olivia Jones (Captain), Miss Roslyn Scott, Claire Nelson (Vice-Captain), Clare Soppitt, Penelope O'Loughlin.
Athletics Report Athletics this velit· at Mandeville has cirated great
challenges for thosc· competing. and ilispiration for all spectators. The Ilit(·I'lic)use Athletics Carnival in 1(.tin ()11(. Sig-112111(,(1 the begitilling ofa verv exciting-
Heason. During the dav the %12111(lard of competition was sti'ong :111(1 at the (·nci of the (hly, Barry house took out 11(,lic,zit'M in ti-ack and field events while
Mulhall house was successful in winning the Spirit Crup. For the second Ii,ill ()1 Ii·rm ()11(' the nwmbers of
thi School Athletic 4 Squad, lilli of (·1111111%i»ni and determination, 11'allied xeveral tillies .1 werk, 1 he
scason clitunxed at the beginning of Terni I'wo whell wc coinpeted ili (mi- c)111\' t\.) hucischool cal-nivals within a weeL
In the first ofthe carnivals. the GPSVS.4 held chir-
ing the firxt week of school, the competition wa
again verv strong, with Loreto gaining fifth place out of six Achools. Melbourne Gil'ls' Grammar
,School received iii'st place by a close niargin from
vision 1 CH-nival the fonowing week, 1.oreto com-
peteel extremelv well, fillishing fc,lirth (1111 01 seven %(11()()1%.
Throughout the scaxon the ]),11 iicipation from all Ili(11111<'1 + of the squad was comnic·11(1.11)|c. There were pernul be,+ achieval aild 111,111;' record>, broken. Spt·cial mention must go to the following- gill;; Vaness,1 Slaven, jo I.,11!irtice, S,11-:111 (:ilrry, Marian
8,11-0..lillia Cullity, Natalic de Morton,jane 1 loy and Chailotte Mulder for tlicir Miltstanding pei'Ic)1-millices thi c )11gholit tht· season. Athic·iicx at Mandeville this st·.ison has bern an
improved performance on past years and special thanks go to Mrs. Ferrari and the PE Staff for all the
time and effort thev have put into the org-aniMation and training of the squad. Thank you als(, to .ill the parents und spectators who have givi·n 11% their support thi (,ligholit the season. We hint been privileged to lead Allch a 1,11(·ined squad of title 111111(·to this scason lind we wish them .111 the best for next >'cir.
Julia Cullity (Athletics Captain)
Presbyterian Ladies' College. 111 our Xecoiici carnival, the Catholic School A' Secon(lary AAsociation Di-
Katrina Mai tin (Athletics Vice-Captain)
ATHLETICS SENIOR 6th row L-R Katharine Kricker, Anna Bowen,
Megan Larnach-Jones, Virginia Croagh, Joanna Laurence.
5th row L-R Catherine Collins, Jane Hoy, Danielle Kennedy, Natalie de Morton, Felicity Zahara, Claire Nelson.
4th row L-R Sarah O'Byrne, Michaela Bingham, Kylie Podolakin, Stephanie Rafter, Rende Lechte, Carla Elsley, Vanessa Slaven.
3rd row L-R Katherine Baggoley, Felicity Bloom, Angela McCarthy, Sarah Sherry, Julja Penna, Amy Lally, Paige Hanrahan, Camilla Bourze. 2nd row L-R Megan Holt, Ainslee Spadaro, Caroline Barlow, Marion Bare, Alice Hume,
0 W :V
Sally Dixon, Jenny Buccheri. Front row L-R Fiona Kelly, Katrina Martin, Mr Geoff Schmidt, Miss Carolyn Fox, Julia Cullity,
h *,94»: 1 '
Sara Harris.
Absent Elizabeth Bowen, Mrs Cathy Ferrari,
Mrs Cathy Stoble.
Joanna Laurence and Jane Hoy.
Angela Makiv.
ATHLETICS JUNIOR 5th row L- R Melissa Corbett, Emily Tribe, Melissa
Clark, Rachael Hoy, Jennifer Zahara, Anna Kricker. 4th row L-R Pia Taylor, Fiona Nazzari, Julia Gurry, Anne Conroy, Lisa Meehan, Anna Chamberlain. 3,d row L-R Penelope O'Loughlin, Elspeth Martini,
Emily Tribe, Roxanna Ryan, Nicole Valmorbida, Kate Mcfarland. Virginia Grant.
2nd row L-R Charlotte Mulder, Nancy Sposato, Rachel Hoy, Anthea Kavanagh, Caroline O'Brier',
Katherine McMahon, Brooke Pearson, Chelsea
Front row L-R Jane Kenny, Samantha StewartSteele, Miss Carolyn Fox. Mr Geoff Schmidt, Adele Brazenor, Phoebe Knowles.
Absent Mrs Cathy Ferrari, Mrs Cathy Stobie.
Cross Country Cross-Country Report
enjoyable wav to enci term two. Others (lls illchided) were u bit (li,211)pointed when the\' 411\V gil-%
hi coillparix<)11 to previc)11% uurs, thi) ve,116 cro,»
11,111 their Min· (-1-0>,4ng the fillis|ling- Unc before
country team is bigger than ever. A small skit (in
1]win in the solnewhat lengthy C!) unc kilonwire
which Mr Anderson stall-((1). performed in assein-
race at the end of the Nexxion.
bly at the beginning of the season. wotild have to be
Our thanks to \Irs Marie-Louise Khamara for her
partlv responsible for this. However, there are still
21%>istalice alic[ CliC(,111.1,enient. \Vith (c)litilittal
no represelitatives from the Wars Eight and Eleven
training till-ougholit term three .111(1 never ending
reassurance froin Mr All€lcison, we 211(· coliliclt·lit
So fur. the team has competed in three eventi
that the premiciship 1% not far from our grasp. Got
cach tillie with encouraging 1€*Atilt*. Training night>
to run - Mr Anderxon with the team awaits lis lit the
:ire 111(·0(lav at the tim, and Tlizii xclav at Como Park.
4-41 t(·."
\ training st»ion with the liew.junior >;clic>01 C 1-(»»
Sophie· Williams, Captain
C k),Intly team prnved for sonic lileliil)(·rs 10 be :m
Virginia (ic),igh. Vicc (,11)taill
"Coach Anderson'
3rd row L-R Emily O'Connell, Felicity Zahara, Natalie De Morton, Anna Bowen, Jennifer Zahara,
''1 R
Jacqueline Carroll, Margherita Boemo. 2nd row L-R Jennifer O'Connell, Carla Pascoe,
Lisa Meehan, Sally Howard, Julia Cullity, Virginia Grant, Jessica Moretti. Front row L-R Ebonie Martello, Katherine McMahon, Virginia Croagh (Captain), Sophie Williams (Vice-
Captain), Daniela Norman, Chelsea Rowlings. Absent Mr Guy Anderson (Coach), Lesley Horder, Lucy Maule.
Fencing Fenciiig Report
()ncr again we successfullv hosted 111(1.lack Schae-
Fer 2111(1 ()'Connor Cup Competitions, l'he >U·nior
l '17(ler ilic· guidance of Maitic john 11('thers and
thc St,111(1111-d of fencing 2111(1 tilt' CH ,£-lilixation of the
section of the jack >Ulnuu·fer was won bv Matic Anne Davies fur the fourth consecittive war. The.jilnior xection was won bv a notable (irclong fencer, With Pia Sal)1).1(lilli placed xecond and (..1111('lilli
Striblev third. Our th:inks to Mrs Patricia Schaefer
with the 11(·Ii) (,1 (,lit' (c)-(,1'clinator, Mrs Cathr Fen-ari,
ive have Necli il >traciv vet (11 .1111.ilic i iii])1-ovt·illelit ili
\\'ililling- the Auslt'alian National Sch<,c)]girix
l'i·am (:hampionships iii lt,t.)2 with its tram mem1 )(·1 s 11 It] ie Anne D.1\ies, 1 .tic irtitic Bailt·v, Veritv
( )kno and Vii-ginia.jones, gaw great incentive to the
who kindlv ])1-(·Mental the inedals. Thc %(·nior (livi-
Mic )11 of the O 'Colmor Cup was .11+0 won bv Maric \line Davic, while the junior xectic)11 \1,1% won bv Michille Chan.
cointnencement ofthe fencintr SCA>;011 in 1 993. Moxt
Sclected .1% a ilic'inber of the Auxtralian Team to
Sunclav,% througholit winter x.m' the Fencing Chib
competc in the \\'orld Yolith Cadet Ch,mipion>diips,
annpeting iii inanv competitions, often with pleas-
Marie Anne 1).ivies lenced during the Easter holi-
ing ic'slilts. Most llc,table of these was in the State
clavs iii Denver, Colorado, and was placed 49tll Olit
Under 13 Championships, when Catherine Suiblev wils placed secand while in the State Under 17
of a field of (37. This was Xlarie Anne 's 111-st intel tia-
Championships Marie Anne Davies came Iii M, Luci-
tional competition and she was ainong 20 athletes who represented Austi-alia in the event.
I'll llc Bililry C Illill' fi)111'th and Virginia jones catne
We would like to extend our Congratillations to
sixth. Marie Anne Davies also took out the l'nder 20
1-i.in Schools indivicill.11. L'11(ler 20 section, Lucienne
all the fencing gil-ls who hau· consistentlv competed throughout I clt)3 and to thank them for their help :111(1 Aill,port. Thanks are also owed m Mrs Cathv Fernu-i, Maitre John Fethers and the parents of all
>Mate (.11,11iipionshipx while Lucienne Bailer' was placed lifth and Vii-ginia joilex sixth. Iii the Vic toHaile\· came Iii M , Virginia .]ones 1()111 th, Catherine
the fencers, for theil' cominitment to fencing und
Stribler Nixth and Pill %211)1)11(lini Seventh. Ill the
for tlicir elic<)111'ligetilint alic! assistalice thi-olig-1 1()111
Under 15 Mectic )11 ( laherilic Ntril)1(·m' wax Ill No placed
the vear.
xecond with Michene Chan thh'd, Pia >41111)21(lini
Marie Ainu· Davic·,4, (2,11)tain
fourth and K.ite Nic( .11-tnev fifth.
1.11('ienne Bailev. Vice Captain , 4
41/,9/Af 911-
ttil:Lt Tl'
: 3*lill
L-R Lucienne Bailey (Vice-Captain), Catherine Stribley. Marie Anne Davies (Captain), Pia Sabbadini. Katherine McCartney. Virginia Jones. Absent Mrs Cathy Ferrari.
Gymnastics ofseven Mandeville trains entered in the LG.S.. the
Gymnastics Report
|ilterillediate C te,1111 (11]11( fil-,St and in the junior 142
The 1993 xeason of gummstics at Mandeville
division,.Junior A clivision and the Intennediate A
begini with a displav on Open Dav at which vixitors
()111- tranh Calne St'Colid. \Ve imixt .60 con-lattllate
could see the stanclard of Sellic)1- g.vmnastioN at the
jaqui Rennie and julia Penna who came lirst ancl
school. 0111'.itillic)1 4 had .111 opportilliitv to peric )Fill
St·cond regectivek in the Illitinic·diate C hection.
for their purentx, ax wcH 21% for the SeniorN. and our
10 »41 » iliterschool eventA. iu' a|No had the inter-
displav and the social BBQ brought tile Gvm (:lub
11(,lise lp'111 Competition ill which .ill stilclenth per-
together ill preparation toi' the coining conipeti-
1-ormed well with Barrv winning the Juniol' and
tion.3. hi st·(C)11€1 terni inain'.inior trunil,141% >,11('(C·xh-
Open section and Mulhall winning the hit<·i medi-
fullv passed their level l. 2 or 3. and then went on to
ate division and taking (nit the overall event. The
coinpetc iii 21 fli('11(11)' coill])t»tition at >it.
(Ani Club Xhow'% vet-v proiniNing talent for the Ill-
Catherine's. where, in the right activity section, our
ture and we hope the wars to come will be as good
tc·am was placed xeconci and the predevel fiw train
21>, tlli>; C)]il'.
],laced third. u'ith Megail l)(,\vning placing %(c'olid .ind lic.11,1 1.tikasiak third indivi€111,11|v. The next two
competitions for the veal- were thi» ten activitv and the Iliternal 1)(,11,11-inites ten .ic'tivitm c oillpetitions which were great pritormance practier for ()lit-
We would expeciallv like to thank Mixs Roxlvn Scott, (:wninaxtics Co-ordinator, Emina 1-licks.
Belindit Ilicimas and Mr.john Oloughlin (Pic·%iclent of the (:vnmastics Chib). Without these people our chil, wc>tile! not be the %11((·c» it N.
uninger OmmdR.
Ilic inajol' coinpetition for the >4'iii()1'% 01 the
.11>tina (10-ter. Captaill
Gun (.1111) w» the I.(..S. %(11001 (:c)114)(·tition. ()111
.joanna Laurence. Vice Lipt,lin
gret UL
GYMNASTICS Interschool Team
4rd row L-R Brigitte Garvey, Alice Penna,
Julia Penna, Anna Kricker, Ellen Woodruff,
Julie Bonollo, Lucinda Gannon. 3rd row L-R Daniela Norman, Alicia Perla,
Gemma Fleurisson, Penelope O'Loughlin,
Brigid Cullity, Anita McCarthy, Jessica Moretti. 2nd row L-R Claire Graham, Angela McFarland, Thea Geddes, Kate Ralph, Jane Kenny.
Kelly Peterson, Diana Di Cecco. Front row L-R Jessica Shirley, Jacqueline Rennie, Joanna Lawrence (Vice-Captain), Miss Roslyn Scott, Justina Carter (Captain), Naomi Grant,
Penelope O'Loughlin. Absent Anna Francis, Hermione Knowles.
Julie Bonollo,
Naomi Grant.
Anna Francis
Rowing ROWING 1sts, 2nds, 3rds
3rd Row L-R Felicity Zahara, Megan Larnach-Jones, Jane Hoy, Lucy Trumble.
2nd row L-R Sally Howard, Talia Karanicolas, Kate Callinan, Lisa Anderson.
Front row L-R Catryn Walters, Claire Graham, Elizabeth Moran.
Dominica Hanger, Annabel Rattigan.
ROWING Year 10 (1 sts and 2nds)
2nd row L-R Nicola McAlpine, Belinda Gibson, Sophie Trumble, Ainslee Spadaro. Front row Edwina Holbeach, Alice Hume, Victoria Ellis.
Year 9
3rd row L-R Brigid King, Nerita Benetti, Jennifer Zahara, Sophie Gannon, Kathleen Fagan 2nd row L-R Emily Ludescher, Hayley Richards, Caroline Petricola,
Pia Taylor, Carla Pascoe, Jane Castles. 34#4
Front row L-R Shelley Fladgate, Alexandra Kastaniotis, Anna Chamberlain,
Vanessa Bell, Georgiana Quinn. Absent El za Jacobs.
Georgina Chamberlain, Aisling O'Donnell, Laura Mulcahy, Gypsy West, Virginia Grant, Hannah Smith.
VA .L . 84.1,3 -f A
¢S' 2,2 e
Rowing and Skiing Their hozin of work with us, not jilst iii the boah,
Rowing Report
but .11,0 on Und with litness work. has l)c·(·11 litic,tlic·r
Ihi· move hoin Albert Park 1.ake to our new holne in the 11( 11)ourne Boat ( hil) on the Yal-i-,1 hax
reition for the incre»ed pc·11(11111,111((' 01 the C hil) thiN u·ar.
greatlv benefitted the Rowing Club. 11.izing as
Our thank, air expeciallv given to lit+A Ilinton,
neighbotil % stic·11 crew'% as the '()211 soinc Fout-some'
Directoi 01 Rowing, Mr Rol, 7.21|lara. the heIici
Ims l'cal|v boosted oill- mot-ale alicl we c .mnot thank
coach, :incl Ah In tinble, the Presiclent of the Row-
cil<),Igh Ilic)Xe 1'(y)(,11%ible for the change of venue.
ing- C hil).
1 his year Mandeville boasts 13 crews: three Senior
The Head of the Schoolgit-Is' Regatta. which is
crew>, five 32.11- Ten c 1 t h x alld five Year Nine crews,
the highlight of the n,Wing Xe»on. qu' inan\' exce|-
a total 01 (;5 girk We art· certaililv \12111(1(g'ille's most
lent efforts.
rapidlv growing Aport. 811(1 211(,lig- with this growth Ims conw itic reased entlit,Kiasm and better results.
Out of 13 crews: 12 won their win into semi liti.ils. 6 of these won their w.n' hno (:14.·\Nl) FI\.Al.>h 3
Another 1 993 achievement was the purchase of a
won grand film! trophies! Loreto Acooped the pool
brand new racing four. \Ve would like to thank all
in the War 9 Division. taking out Division 1. Division
those lexpoilsible for their €1€)112ltions, eMpeciallv tile
2 and Division 5. Our Year Tell Filsts, our Senior
Callinan familv. The boat, 'Bernactine'. was named
Thirds. and Year Nine Thirds just missed out on tro-
after the first headmistress of Loreto Mandeville
phv wilis also!
Hall. Mother Bernadine C Z.illinan. Thix new boat has
contributed greativ to the Aliccess of our Firsts. \Ve have 2111-ain been fortilliate to have the Mer-
Becallse of the inanv ac hic·venu·1114 thi A u .11- 1 2,111
ill no cloubt that the 1.c)1 c io Rowing Club can look forward to continued Atica» in the future.
vices of a wonderful group of dedicated coaches.
1.lizabetb Moran. Capt,zin
Year 9 Seconds. (L to R) Caroline Petricola,
Year 9 Firsts. (L to R) Nerita Benetti,
Eliza Jacobs, Lucinda Gannon, Pia Taylor,
Jennifer Zahara, Anna Chamberlain,
Year 9 Fifths. (L to R) Kathleen Fagan,
Laura Mulcahy, Georgina Chamberlain,
Haley Richards, Coach Cathy Bateman.
Sophie Gannon. Alexandra Kastaniotis.
Aisling O'Donnell, Georgiana Quinn,
Coach- Sophie Morrison.
Coaches- Alisa Fiddes and Theresa Ryan.
SKIING 2nd row L- R Jane Merrylees, Lucinda
Gannon, Gabrielle McCorkell,
Annabelle Mulcahy, Nicole Valmorbida, Jane Nolan, Jodie Fry. Front row L-R Lucy Johnson,
Marielle Sullivan, Monica Stosius, Amy Lally, Eliza Peters, Phoebe Knowles.
Netball NETBALL SENIOR 3rd row L-R Stephan e Rafter, Joanna Laurence, Anna Bowen,
Angela Makiv, Elizabeth Bowen, Olivia Jones.
2nd row L-R Elizabeth McGrath,
Amy Lally. Angela McCarthy, Virginia Hartley, Julia Cullity, Vanessa Slaven.
Front row L-R Bridgid Cullity, Catherine Green (Vice-Captain).
Miss Carolyn Fox. Paige Hanrahan (Captain), Sally Dixon. Absent Simone Leyden. Melanie Blight.
NETBALL INTERMEDIATE 3rd row L-R Tahnee Walker, Julia Gurry, Rachael Hoy. Jane Richardson, Andrea Tilley, Katherine Woodruff, Jo-Maree Delac. 714 44
2nd row L-R Sophie Brabenec, Sara Lynch. Olivia Elsley, Jacqueline Carroll, Gabrielle Hall, Ellen Woodruff, Lisa Meehan.
Front row L-R Penelope O'Laughlin, Felicity McGrath, Mrs Lesley Gillespie,
Elspeth Martini, Shelley Fladgate.
Pr .
3rd row L-R Margherita Boemo, Sarah Gandolfo, Emily Tribe, Anne Conroy, Jean Connell. Caroline O'Brien.
2nd row L-R Meg Ockleshaw, Lucinda Gannon, Aimee Lipscombe, Georgina Carroll, Marie Dermatis,
Angela McFarland. Front row L-R Kasey Warner, Oljvia Sweeney, Ms Regina Menz, Katherine McMahon, Sarah Balmer, Meaghan O'Loughlin.
1//9 W#
Clockwise from below
1 Preps 1981 - Graduates 1993 with Prep teacher Mrs Marianne Hull 2, Michaela Keogh, Aislinn Hammer, Mrs Alison Miller
3. Mrs Wendy Collie 4, Clare Aylward, Camille Reidy, Mrs Isabella Power
5. Brigid Anderson,Claire Rosel, Anne Egan, Jane Hoy 6. Sarah D'Silva, Sophie Westgarth. Megan Haratsis. Jessica Moretti (Back) Naomi Grant 7, Aerobics Team
8. Ania Gruba, Tegan Baker Angela Hill. Edwina Holbeach
9. (L to R) Mr Guy Anderson. Daniella Passaro, Alexis Newman, Joanna
Basford, Monique Fabris, Emily Bell, Mrs Jill Barnett
Year 7 Blue 3rd Row L-R: Rochelle Howle,
Jean Connell, Jennifer O'Connell,
Clare O'Neil, Sarah Gandolto, Jodie Fry, Alice Penna, Helen Harford. 2nd Row L-R: Elza Peters
Jennifer Bishop, Angela McFarland, Anthea Kavanagh, Catherine Meehan,
Catherine Wilkinson, Rachel Mclnerney, Virginia Ball, Meg Ockleshaw, Jarle Hogan Front Row L-R: Megan Haratsis, Harna Chandra, Marisa Vaughan,
Kelly Peterson, Renee Reardon, Monica Nisbet, Nicole Gialeli,
Sarah D'Silva, Louise Blight, Eloise Arrnstrong, Stella Spitaliorakis. Teachers: Mrs. Ruth Taft, Mrs. Cathy
Ferrai, Mrs. Lyn Gazal.
Year 7 Gold 3rd Row L-R: Kate Mcfarland.
Katherine McCartney, Vivienne Ringersma, Emily Tribe, Stephanie Keenan,
Kelly Gallivan, Georgina Labb, 40 1%
Jessica Moretti.
2nd Row L.R: Nicole Corcorari,
Marie Dermatis, Aimee Lipscombe, Margherita Boemo, Georgina Ryan, N
Marney MeMillan. Lucy Maule, Georgina Carroll, Aimee Curtain, Brooke Pearson, Front Row L-R: Lizette Bell
Josephine Oldham, Anna Clarke, Olivia Sweeney, Marta Kiernikowski,
Georgina Frew, Shannan La Brooy, Rebecca Coleman, Fiona Tetley Teachers: Mrs. Elizabeth Stowell, Mrs. Sarah Perrett
CO [05 NI@,[9-\r
Year 7 Green 3rd Row L-R:
Erin Kennedy,
Emmaline Jones, Tiffany Lott, Therese Hanrahan, Sara Little, Gemma Fleurisson. Tamara Goncharow, Samantha Basford, Anna Francis. 2nd Row L-R: Michelle Chan,
Lauren Reed, Nancy Sposato, Kate Ralph, Lucinda Gannon, Clea Walsh.
Louise Vautin, Alice Smith, Sarah Martini, Jane Foley. Front Row L-R: Jess ca Shirley, Kate Jackson, Jennifer Donald, Chelsea Rowlings, Daniela Calabro,
1¢ 44
Adele Brazenor, Anna-Marie Black, Catherine Chamberlain.
Meaghan O'Loughlin. Absent:
Natasha Dougherty.
Teachers: Miss Allison Rome, Miss Jennifer Head
Year 7 Red 3rd Row L-R: Samantha Stewart-Steele,
Roxanna Ryan, Lana Mai, Anne Conroy, Katsy Lee, Stephanie Zeccola, t
Emily Petricola, Thea Geddes. 2nd Row L-R: Catherine Killen,
Daniela Norman, Sophie Westgarth, Victoria Carlino, Rachel Hoy, Susan Peel, Caroline O'Brien, Katherine McMahon,
Marie-Danielle Turner, Katherine Duggan. Front Row L-R:
Ebonie Martello,
Amanda Cosgrift, Phoebe Knowles, Erin Reade, Tania Caldow,
Hannah Tosolini, Kasey Warner, Sarah Balmer, Katherine Johnson, Victoria Heatley. Teachers: Mrs. Kaye Young,
Miss Daryl Jenner.
My Special Place!
A Shop Window
Mv ],ecial place is caHed 'Rosebine'. It i, 11 house
thal I Visit to leave 111)' worries all€1 (lepression behind. \Vhen I am there, lily inner soul scirams out 11'om this bodilv form of tiline. I was first intic)(luced
As 1 stood and stared at Mr Hammond'x goods store. I thought about how I had grown zip along w'ith that shop. As I stared through the shop will(low, I reali.wd how old it had become. Even Mr and
to Rosebitic·' when I wa< seven vears of age. 1 knew lic)111 the start thal it was special. It was as if I had
hair and Mr Hammond's moustache had even
ilist stepped into my palace of (11-(.1,1,5.
turned „-rev.
'Rosel,ine' is one hundred w.irs c,]cl. It was built
for a ]),lir of 11(·u'ly walx. 1hey lived there for t\vent) veat-A before the first mistiess of 'Ro,wbine p.,Axed awav. Two months later. the hitsband, being 1111211)]c
to cope with his wiles clcath, committed siticide at 14,itit 1.(4).
\11'% 1 |latlin,(,lid were old now; the)' both had grev
The *heives iii the window were cllistv and filic·(1
with old pots. pails, screws and evervthing else you €(1111(| imagine. You could see the ((,1)webs hanging
flom the roof in the 1(,W-ceiling-cd, dilll shop. Through the Khop window I could Kee Mr and Mrs 1 1.1111]lic)11(1 talking, but there was not another Noill
\\'hen the hou>,c was %01(1 two vear.4 later, the new owlwis wanted u ) extend, but .ill the relatives of the dea·.INed inadi· a hilinan chaili 211()1111(1 the 11()11%(·.
Ax 21 1-<·Ault of thii the 11(,111(· Ataved the Maine aild the owners tlwn sold ilic· hollse to ,\1111(· and Ch'/11(.% SIC)11.
1 liev lived there for thirtv veal N. 1 11(·v were No
happv there. Thev left ()111)' because C 71.111(·4 had :1 job oftelin (,rillic|,1. .lillie clicliA want to lenve. >dic begged alicl begged. but Charles clicliA want to Icave hi.% 11(loved wife on her own. So thev left, With many 1(·ars Nlu·(1,
in sight. People walked by the shop, not ewn thinking thal there nlight be >unnething of interest in there for evervole.
As I still stood there thinking, Mi· 11.,Imnond himself caine out with 2111 01(1-flishioned brooin. 11(·
Al.ti-ted 1,111*shing the 1,11\'(A (,IT the parement. The linle goods store, which had c )11(·e been a local hangc )111, looked No %111,111 ancl 11 11,¥,ilited in lictween all
the skY-scraping high-lisers Aill'1(nmding it. As he walked inside, 1 %,m' the lights turn out. 1)111 111,1%'be this tillic. it was for good. -
Aillic Conroy, war i.
The next people· arrived there in 11)·10, l'hey lived there for thirtv vears. Thev were the 15,11(hent linnilv.
['hey had two dal'ling (l,Ilight('ts,jelilima :11 ,(1 Katie. 2:I,ci K.(1|i c 1< )1 (, (1 Ihcii) (1(.,1| . 14'h c 11 t|1 ( \'( 1-I' All(1(1(·1 1
delith of the i)(·ic),(·(!.1,·illi]11,1 calne abolit, cvcrvonc
\vax (1(1)1'(»ed. No nuitter how hard :involic· ti-icd to make ]('Inima's parents c heerl 111 ligitin, they Could not stic('c·(·d. Then the 14,11'chetils decided to leave, 11(·au>(· evervwherc 111(·T looked, there Nectned to
bc hoinc 1-('ininder of.]cillilll,1.
Dear Mrs Stowell and Mrs
Perrett, 1 thought | inight Write a letter.
To th,ink you for all vou've done.
litit then I thc)light porms are better, ho here I Mit » the wordx I'lili.
After the 14,11-chetas hae| moved lic)11%(, 'Rosebitic·'
wil. never bought ligaill, never stepped ilito, until six years ago when a little gill ofseven vi·,11% walked iii. Emilv Petric(,1.1. 36.11 7.
Ilic,tisands ofletters voit'!1 receive toclay, 1(ach %,i)'ing the haini· thing.
14111 :ill .11-c· special in their unique war, Appreciation i> i\'liat they will bring. But I watit mine to Ntick out.
To be imbed(led iii vour minds,
A Name
1 Itind reds 01 xinili·3 I want mine to Sprout. A name can be .1 burden
That we have to lug lit-ound
lilli we grudginglv remember That we need it, despite its awful sc,titlel. Bill. a naine cati be a treastite
That \Ve cal'rv good alid high, And xhock. horror, ifwc LOST it.
But this is getting off the ti-ack, 11'2111(1(,1 ing lar awav.
>k) here I ain guicling it back 40 you call hear u'lut I wailt to Sav.
I'cl like to say tbankyou (surprise, silll,1-ise)
We'd never manage to get by.
For going on the callip with ils. For facing our problems whatever size,
From this pocm you call see
Like what morie we'd Watch on tile bux!
Iwo different views 01 a name.
Soinc simply loathe their caning While Others carrv theirs in fame, Lauren Reed, Yar 7.
And thmikyous ofdifferent kinds.
I hope smiles are on your faces, And thut I am good COnipanv. Becalise I want to go with you to other place,2 From vour triend Kate McCartner. Year 7
My Special Place
Times on the Tram 1 sat on the tram almost alone. There were onh- a
My special place is in the middle of a circle of
few other people an,und me. Ont· was .1 little kid
trees, in the forest at the back of my holise. It'x such
who was sitting up (me end of the ti-am hiding from
a peaceful and tranquil place that I go there every
the conductor sc) he woulcitit have to pay his fare. The other w» an old ladv who sat opposite me read-
morning to meditate. It helps ine get ready fur tile new dav to coine, as I ani a ilatill'e 1(,vCr. Sonletilnes
I go there when Ihn angry, to calm 111)+ soul. It'% al-
ing a book.
Then a flock of green skirts and white shirts got
ways there when 1 need it. That's the good thing
on to the tram, all laughing and talking the way xchoolgirls do. Three of the girls sat clown on the
about my special place, though it won't be tlwir for much longer. The local colincil are going to cut
seats beside ine. Two of thein started t.ilking abotit
down all the tiees and buiki flats on the land.
the usll.il topics: boys, clothef and fashion. and the other one wit and read a nuga/.ine. This girl stood out. Her hair was long and her brown zinglets sat gentlv on her shoulders. AM she
I wake up at five o'clock ever)· morning and
quickly get dressed. I then rush outside to my Apecial place. 1 Mit (1(nvil. (1-(„%-legged, and CloNe lIly eves.
read, her long, thick lashes fluttered. There was no
It'% so quiet in the morning. No cars going past,
win- 1 could witlihold in™·If. I just h.id to talk to her.
110 birds Xiilging, nothing. apart h'c )111 the Nerene rip-
'Ah excuse Ine. Do vou have the time?'
pling Souild of the little Mti'ram not 1,11- flom where
I ler eves lilli·d from her page.
I'm sitting. Then the first bird. a magpit·, sings, ax if
'Who, me?' she a,;ked ax if in clisbelic·f. 'Yes. Do
it was welcoming the newiv risen Aliti. A few xpar-
you h,tic· thi thne?'
1-(>ws st,lit twittering and flrittelitig- al)(11 it the tic'(>.
'Yeah. It'+ (111:irter to five, 'answered her friend.
\11.lt (,lic'c. thi· ful-est coines to life. In·ct, scuttle
Crack! My heart broke and so (licl mv dreams of
out of their burrows, bats fly around iii the trees.
talking to this bc·antiful rose.
2111(11()14 moN'.
The train stopped and and thev all got off. and
The thing that am:wes me the most ix the way
my love (lid not even glance back at me. Thal was
every animal takes a place in lile. Wonns birak up
when I knew that I had lost her for good. I got up and walked to the other end of the tram.
the soil for 1,1.ints to grow, birds cat tile worms. trees make good homes for birds and +0 011.
There was a girl in a brown stic·de jacket sitting
M)· daily visitor, a cheerv little willy wagt,iii, flies
there stal'ing (,lit of the window. She had fine
91:light hair which was clit in a bob. I le:ined over to her and «d, 'Ah, exc 21*c ine, do vou have the
over- to ine and perchei on his 11%11211 place. 21 bianch Ill',11' 111)' 11(·11(1. Mai ir-Danielle Turner, War 7.
Thea (;eclcles, Year 7.
A nightinare is a demon, Families ine all Auttlinn tree
When they becoinc batr theit leaves blow in nianv (lirections
F.ven the nre is strong through raill, hail alid .inv glists c )f Wind The tree gives offmanv Keed.
which grow with its 11Clp
It. burning eyes piercing itx victinA Noill. Its bloocithirstr te(·th de\'(,11!-ing reality. U'hile its inoilth hilighs » it reapf .7 field 01 ic l'l-or.
A c>clotic offierv breath twisting 2111(1 till'llilig' it pl'('V.
But in the dec·pest chamber of hell and fire.
It has all types of cycles
The creature is sick of its game
but i emains sturdy.
And hurtles sobbing hearts back to reality.
Sophie Bell, Year 8.
Madeleine Healy, Year 8.
School A school is a ci-vstal ball
Where one child's ftiture lies
A land of hope for all m.inkind
Love is a rose
A field of dreams with hopeful cries
It is beautiful
The long noisy corridors air paths of opportunities
Yet, it has a thorn that can hurt deeply
As students pick their career
It smells so sweet
A place that is a niother
Watching children grow zip year by year. Michelle Raveche, Year 8.
Yet, may die so quickly. Ania Grtiba, Year 8.
Year 8 Blue ard Row L.R:
Anne Egan, Pia Sabbadini,
Ellen Woodruff. Larissa Natividad.
Melissa Clark, Danielle Sanders, Kathleen McCIoskey, Tegan Baker, Marguerite Osborne. 2nd Row L-R: Camille Diatas.
Amanda Ho. Jolie Cross, Cherie Lagana, Anneke Barlow, Elissa Nolan, Edwina Wilson, Sian Prosser,
Claire Papaluca. Kena Buxton Front Row L-R: Kristina Papamarkou, Caroline Perrett, Aislinn Hammer.
Fiona Livi. Julianne O'Doherty, Shona Hannaford, Gisele Reimann-Basch, Georgina Chapman, Monique O'Donoghue, Peta Henning, Anita McCarthy, Teachers: Mrs. Pam Davies, Miss
Carolyn Fox, Mr. Brian Ellett.
1; 1 6613* 5
Year 8 Gold 3rd Row L-R:
Melanie Sargeant. Soph e Bell, Carla Passaro, Lauren Lacava. Catherine Stribley, Maggie Barlow, Bridgette Holland, Elizabeth Marks. 2nd Row L-R:
Madeleine Healy.
Emma Whiting, Jacinta Holmes,
A J 4
Marika Psomotragos, Ania Gruba,
Philippa Bourke, Georgiana Quinn, Anita Pacini, Sarah Saunders,
Carla Montalto. Front Row L-R:
1 9
Edwina Holbeach,
Alexandra Angelatos. Michelle Raveche,
Colette Herman, Edwina Hurley, Emily Ball.
Marielle Sullivan, Lucy Johnson, Naomi Grant, Meg Fowler. t
Absent: Fiona Hunt. Teachers: Mr. Geoff Schmidt.
Mrs. Pat Parkinson.
Year 8 Green 3rd Row L-R:
Jane Kenny,
Gabrielle Harkins, Carla Deacon, Melissa Corbett, Jennifer Datson,
Agnieszka Wrzesinski, Vanessa Seconnino, Skye Alexander-Begbie. 1-
2nd Row L-R:
Angela Hill,
Aimee O'Sullivan-Hunter, Emma Stutt,
Melissa Tribe, Anne Smyth. Frances Max, fl
Michelle Beatty, Carolyn Agardy, Fiona Bremner.
Front Row L-R: Laiitha Selvendra,
Lucie Douez, Charlotte Mulder,
Katherine Sherry, Kathryn Arbon, Emily Gregory, Sally Carrodus.
Jane Merrylees, Madeline Hoy, Shelley Ormsby, Edwina Galbally. Absent: Claire Thorn, Fiona Howard. Teachers:
Ms. Melinda Polglaze,
Miss Anne Callahan.
Year 8 Red 3rd Row L-R: Gendry Cordon,
Ellen Granger, Domenica Gullace, Sasha Milinkovic, Rachael Hoy, Fiona Nazzari. Romina Peritore.
2nd Row L-R: Sarah Diamond,
Louisa Coleman, Sara Lynch, Annabelle Mulcahy, Sarah Joubert, A
Ruth Tinetti, Samantha Hilbert,
Monique Moussi, Katherine Castles, 4
Charlotte Carter.
Front Row L-R: Brigid Anderson, Amy Hede, Kim Lien, Michaela Slocum, Alison McBeth, Carolyn Carlyle,
Madeleine Keogh, Priscilla Ruffolo, Gabrielle Hurst, Victoria Spillane, Claire Jenkins.
Absent: Claire Scally, Nicole Valmorbida. Teachers: M ss Andrea Ingl s, Mrs. Sue Saxon.
Attacked Beth sat up. Last night had been the worst night s sleep of her life. As slic· woke up slie almost believed that the whole thing had been a horrible nightInUre, but as she felt the blood from the wound 011
her forehead trickle down her cheek, it all came
flooding back to her. Beth looked down at her ankle, it was bacliv bro-
ken. She pulled herself onto her knees and dragged herself out of the ditch. It had made a good camouIlage as she was wearing dark coloured clothes.
ical pain it was emotional. She had constant flash backs. going over it iii her mind woodering wlut she could have clone clifferentlv. Everv night she woke
up in a cold sweat after experiencing a shocking i jightmare.
On her fourth din- there she had a visit from a po-
liceman. As she opened her eyes alid saw hi111 she [clt hcu- face go red and her eves start to water. The policeman's name was Set-grant Mic hael (1)llins. He was 21 1.111, roullgish Sol-t of 111,111 with (lark brown hair which he wore in a crew cut hairst,le, 1,11-ge iii-
nocent blue eves and .m olive coinplexion... he was
She pictured him in her mind. His face was as clear as a tropical oceati, his eves were pale, paste'l
quite good looking.
green, almost white, and his lip. were deep, deep
32)ur nurse told me to go easy oil you so I hope this won't wear you oilt. his hoarse whisperv voice
pink st,tiicling out in his pale colouring A shiver ran down her spine. She decided to lock 1.ist inglit's events Out 01 her illiticl and concentrate on getting home.
Grabbing on to a tree to pzill hersell tip. Beth fell an agonizing- pain ax she put pressure on her bad
foot. and staggered out ort to the open road. There weren't many cars going bv, so she fat down and waited. After what seemed hours, Beth saw a bright orallue car coinitig to\vards her.
Forgetting her ankle in her excitement, she
juniped zip and fell back in a heap. The car stopped and the door swing open, and Beth found herself
looking at a voting man with a friendly, happv face like a frisky new puppv. He had clark bland hair and green eves, and lie was wearing a red flanelette shirt, jodhpurs and riding boots.
Seeing that slle was 11111't, he got olit and lifted her into the car. He got back iii and fastened his xeat-belt. The expression on his face asked her what
had happened. Beth knew he wasnt going to a+k her so she thought she would pay him the courtesy offilling hini ill. 10% not as bad as it looks', she said.
Tm sure it's not,' he said disbelieving. H here toF he asked starting up the car.
'Anvwhere but here', she said yawning. Apparently she do,ed off because when she woke lip she was iii a hospital bed. 'Steve?' Beth said.
'She's coming to,' all unfamiliar voice said. Beth opened her eves as though they were curtains, a bit at a time to see what was hidden behind.
There she saw her parents. a doctor and Steve.
Her mother rushed at her. What happened! \\here ,#cir voiC Are you okay! These were statements i ather than questions so Beth dicln't bother to an Swer.
'Where am E she asked. 'I.,.voti...but...diel T'Oll f
He sat down and smiled warnilv at Beth.
NAd hen
'I think I can handle it: she replied. sounding exormely unsure of herself.
Im afraid that l'in going to have to ask you sonic questions abc)lit the night of the attack, What actil2111>' 11.Ippelic'(1:' '\\211. I...he...1 don't think that I better talk now.
I'ni not quite inyselt after the .inaesthetic.' Don't be scared sweetheart. I don't bite: look. 1
h <21171 there was a man involved. How 'bout vou give
me a brief description of him and well leave it at that?
'Well. altight.' She gave him a brief description .ind he left...satisfied.
Weeks passed and things seemed to go bark to normal. Evel-yone settled back into their normal rcnitine.
After the nightniare had been long forgotten. Beth received a phone cpill from Sergeant Michael. He wanted her to conie down to the station and an-
SWer SOIlle questions. 'Nothing to worrv al)(,lit'. 11€ assured her.
The phone call took Beth bv surprise. She decided to go as soon as possible. to get the whole nightnuire over and done with. Sh<· put on her coat.
grabbed the car keys and clrove to the police station. After pai-king the car, she walked in slowlv, reliving that torturous night. To her .surprise she was greeted by Sergeant Michael and another inan. Both wore stern faces. Thev led her into .1 Ninall
room whele a face she recogilised, stared .it her from beside the desk.
'No, that's not hinG Beth said hastily as she turned to leave. but the policeman barred the door'No. that'% not the man who attacked vou, is it?
Its the man who tried to stop volt from robbing the Seven Eleven store in jackson Street! '
:She is still a bit groggy after the anaesthetic. She needs plentv of rest and she can return home in five
'Take her away' said Sergeant Michael. and the other policenian 111111(kiATed her hands behind her back and bundled her into tlle back of a p.icid>
da>'/ the doctor said.
wago 1 1.
The next few dars were agony. It wasiA onk phys-
Sallv Carrodus, Year 8.
The Heatwave
Night Walk
1 can feel the perspiration chipping Offmv hot and Atickv skin,
A. 1 11-v to angle mv scarlet face
Into the space where the bic·(/c ix coming in.
F.1'<,rY<)ile i>; Swehering Ill the fc)ltv degree heat.
Dark'; frostv breath blew a black cloak over the
travellen. Laughing hz'stericaHv thev urkked down,
shpping.ilid sliding on the inuddy ground illitil thev reached their (1('Mtination.
1<,rches glowed in the dark and chaos reigned as
As \Ve u'liclge from Class to class
thev began to seat thelliselves. Through the chatter
\Vith our W#o#* thrd ject.
a booming voice echoed, 'TORC .liES OFF!' The
\Vhcli the hoincrooll) bell rings
1,1:1/ing c .1111pfil-e was .ill that wax left, whisking its
Evervone hurries to their scat.
fain·-like embers across the painted cain':10 of night.
So we call stop offat the milkbar
A ligure entered the circle and immediately ques-
For a confectionerv, ice cold treat.
tions were fling at her. Olice alINWeird roar, of
lazighter followed. This was repeated until the 1 find 1]1\'sell i<(,rking lip more ofa sweat
sounds died into the u'.11-inth of the fire.
1% l'In 1'11%]ling {br the train. And when I get offat inv xtation
lic,ops of girls bouticled towards me. Startled, 1
I have to walk honw in the 1.lin.
slithered into my havell aild wolulcred how longthek· 11111112111% Hould tornlent 111)' onCe prodll('tive
Ain I ner glad the ten*crature ix clown 1-hilt the beach has a cooler %11(,re.
I hope that the heat (1(,exift %tai·t up again At le»t for a few (lav# inore.
Cal·1,1 Deacon, war 8.
night. Night cast her spell and callsed the girls to be hvpnotised by her symplionv of ouncls. 1 ic·i· power clid not last long, for, once again, sc trams of delight
and energy could be heard from the highest hill. (;it 1% began to rush to .1 tail ligill c aild gral) 111,11-shmallows. Each finding- a stick thev gathered around the fire. cooked the 111111-shmallows and then
Blazing, Burning, Simmering, beti 1 11 the co 11% tant l iti 1,21 0 1 c hatter. Glowing, Sun
Smiles flew away with the sparks of the fire. The
It's a blistering clav of fortv-one, Thinking of nothing but the shimmering- Milli.
Praving for a sign of nice cool rain. Sitting here feeling nothing but pain.
wean·. but contented faces of the crowd moved a,ray
as the girls ranibled up the hill. Sure that thev were gone. 1 tiptoed to the firc to
Incet the other pe),311111% and explore the Ic·gacy thoR· noisv visitors had left.
Oh. 1 wish I u·21% at hollic having· a Ilice (·001 4\vini.
Edwina Hurley, Year H.
Coohng offeach und everv limb. C ilising- the stin for nmking this weather, School sce ined to last forever.
Last period ended with a xigh of reliel rhe 1)11% ride home %( emed fait A+ briefi
Quick ax a flash. Squeal,.jump .ind a splash. Now it's great to be feeling so cool, After being No hot sitting in school. jane Kenny, War 8.
A Bird's Eye View of Rumbug
Camp Like a bird I glide along tile rocky track. The early inist swallows me. Trees tower lip to meet the sky, Their fingers try to grasp the Slin. A xea of green ferns lies beneath a comb of trunks.
The track ixit cc kled with spots ofg-old As the Alin cracks through tile dark canopy above. As the track wiclens I sce a chun of glass.
11-ee. sway as ripplo gentl>' 11-121Msage the water, The wind is a joiiitiast
I'limbling .11 icl dancing through the air
Old stzinips emerge from the depths below. I reach a peak a iici with .1 backward glance,
Fhing high above the ground
I Mee vallevs of zitic»vell green,
Twisting and turning in mid-air .
Revealing the promontory oil the horizon.
Anne Sinyth, War H.
Eclwina 1 1<)11)(·ach, Year 8.
Year 9 Blue 3rd Row L-R:
Alexandra Bostock,
Jo-Maree Delac, Jennifer Zahara,
Katarina Filipi, Andrea Tilley, Jacqueline Carroll, Kate Johnson, 2nd Row L-R: Andrea Vidal.
Angela Dwyer, Aisling O'Donnell,
Olivia Elsley, Georgina Cust, Andrea Marostica, Sophie Brabenec, Caroline Petricola, Danielle Bettenay, Hayley Richards. Front Row L-R: Sarah Whiting, Emily Kishida, Lesley Horder,
Georgina Chamberlain, Anna Chamberlain, Hannah Smith, Rachel Doyle, Sarah Mcfarland. Pauline Ng, Rebecca Gin es.
Teachers: Mrs. Nola Farrington,
Mrs. Cathy Stobie. Mrs. Lesley Gillespie.
Year 9 Gold 3rd Row L- R· Melissa Mighardi,
Laura Mulcahy, Julia Gurry, Leanne Zillman, Michelle Wallace, Jane Howard, Catherine Fernando
2nd Row L-R:
Lisa Meehan, Brigid King, Natalie Byfield, Silvana Raydan,
Sarah McKeown, Felicity McGrath, Carla Pascoe, Rachel Price. Front Row L-R: Catherine Fonti,
Lucy Robertson, Sarita Flanagan, 0
Marlo Urquhart, Elspeth Martini,
Claire Graham, Agnieszka Salon, Maria Spitallorakis. Absent:
Penelope O'Loughlin,
Ika Szydlak Teachers:
Miss Jill Chambers,
Mrs. Val Donald
Year 9 Green 3rd Row L-R: Jade Signorino.
Lauren Mai, Kathleen Fagan, Eliza Jacobs, Anna Krjcker, Jane Richardson, Katherine Woodruff.
2nd Row L-R: Soph e Gannon, Christine Sammartino, Tahnee Walker,
Emily O'Connell, Gypsy West, Jane Castles, Claudia Buttazzoni.
Prudence Foley, Kate Kuring. Front Row L-R:
Larissa Hickey,
Brigitte Garvey, Shelley Fladgate. Marion Stephenson, Renee Loricchiella, Anna Messina, Susan Scollon, Lisa Arthur,
Lisa O'Callaghan, Charmian Ong. f
Teachers: Mrs. Sally-Ann Hinton,
Mr. Guy Anderson.
Year 9 Red 3rd Row L-R:
Brigid Fitzgerald,
Georgina Wilczek, Andrea Ball, 717
Kate Dickson, Nerita Benetti, Sarah Gurry, Alexandra Kastaniotis. 2nd Row L-R:
Pia Taylor, Sharon Robbi
Laurie Tomkins, Debbie Kononada, -''
Vanessa Radovic. Catrina Boemo,
Gabrielle Hall, Jessica Cichy, Elizabeth McCartney.
Front Row L-R: Bianca Pepe, Vanessa Bell, Rachel de Zoete,
Marika Fengler, Bridget Docker, Jacqueline Labb, Emily Ludescher, Sarah Pinto, Virginia Grant, Veronica Shine. Absent: Gemma Deane. Teachers: Mr. Peter Crewe,
Ms. Regina Menz.
.\1\ vil)111'])- a ])111('c whole Nothing ever |111])i)(11%.
I-lic' 1,1.ic·ki·xt black had enveloped mc like an
Even Ilic· ic).11- 01 .1 111(,torn'cle clown the main 41]ret
irreluoull)]c costume.
c .111,Nes a domitic) effect of %111'pl-ist·d look. Yet. 21% vou wander thic,tigh the (11(11(» 41-(·('1% and boutictario 01- 1\'unhot·, AL'l'(·ilitv· ])114%0 over moti und \011
1 llc),lted in space with nothing .11(,Ilinl nic·. All 1 1(·It was the stil-i'orincling emptiness.
can frel the closeness of 11 (c)111111llintv as vou stroll hom house to house. 3'011 listen to the souncls
Ill'(,illul vou. the soothing bum of chaner as ladies
go.hip in the mall: a supermarket Jicipper scolding her inquixitive child: the clderl· clicking theit· cancs all,lill>,1 the foot])21111: alld the hubbub ofexcitement » .%(hoo| childicn cager-k (|Acu» the 44% newS. Aldunigh h'anlic)(· A ordill,11. it A 21 coilljoiting ordi11,1!hu». giving voll the xective fecling- that nothing
will ever chaligr. Pcl'Imps, (Irep (1(,\1'11. I love 111,- sill)111-1) inc)re th.111 unvt|ling else.
Something' 11<)]low· had Conned ill lin' throat. %(,ill('thing dead.
Yet it tasted of tic)thing. Voia·% Were calling,
lilli I gave no response.
I heard the holinds oic.111},tilic'MM, And the Nounds oflong-ing for what was. 1 xm |HT' 1112rt.
A thorn ]C)(lged deep illith Aide. I Naw the tianch ne luci SharaL And nn· life .ilic·ad
15]C·,lk and cillptv. hilininer N the 111001 gloric)11% Ne»oil in Ii'.11111<)c. hi the nmill Atiret, the mitic'lial >duatel-% %212 11-(1111 the sulls heat and its ravs continue to fade the once
bright Sti'ipeS of green und white. People gather ill the shade of a shop. while the bare feet of children xlap aguinst thc· pmenx·111 11% thev cla.sp a perennial 1,1-olit-ite, the Paddle Pop. Awav fi-om the main Nt]-ret, precisch lined picket lences fraine the twatly clipped green lawns. alid the roses ilic· in full bloom.
Aild 11% ilight fulls. 2111 is Kilent. apart froin the 1110nototious chirp of crickets :ind the song of the bell-
bit-(ls. The heat ix sweltering bv this time and sleep cloes not come casilv. Y)11 battle the niosquitoes. 1)lit in the nun iling voll stil] 1.1('c red blotches 011 u )111 Akin.
As Summer flides, autumn comes. The plane li-(c·s, clothed in go|clen brown, shed their le:nrs.
On the footpath a golden calpet hex before vou and » Volt ktollip 011 it Ion can hear u clear, ('Ii.p 1 listling- and scrunching beneath vour fuet. Wean'. over.Nhadowing Ecli¥,1 1 (lian houses have 11 1,·ir own
11!lique storics to tell. breathing histon· behind vour back as vou walk past them. \Vithin tile hushed walls 01 the |il,1,11\', there iM .Silence ax people' re>carch 111(·ir %111*·cts. U'hile the furious wind sh.ike< and 1-ItAlics tlic· clic)1'111(,ils gum tree in (,ill- front vard, I smiggle lip to the beckoning warmth of our fire 91111(thing that 111,111, people would do iii I\,11111(,c c in just an orilinary wiliter'X clay. (:hi-igine Slittilii,11-tino, 32,11- 9.
1 ('1-il iged Ilt t he %11,11-}) Milic·11 01 paill In that stzilli tight air.
And the Minell oil,ill·lit happitic» around ine. janc 11()\ard, Wal- 9.
Australia A country enriched with knowledge, Ageless vet ti tilv wixe,
Her clepth of nipiterv int litmes il>4, Her rustic beaun' and flaming skies. A passi<)11.lte, 111(x)(117 1%,0111.117, Her vic,lent emotions released.
Lightiling. thunder. rain 1.,sh out,
rhen as quickly they arc ceased. I-he tang,· sinell of her ocean,
I he 1)11]lgent ACent 01 411111. 1 1('1- fragrant m(>ina of \tatle.
l_'nique part, c )1-whilt %11('A become. 11(,1 c i inison Xetting jun. Brown strrains and +01 1 (lim skies.
Chren (11111(41(d tangle'), \'ast bllies form her ties.
Ilw warble (11.t Initgpic, Ilw kookabur,-6 1,11 ighing refrain. 1 1(·r wild gtli-gling Ntl'('11111%. .And the thunderous chinitning (4 rain,. 1 il']' %,ilt' t.lxt<, ()1()('c'2111,
Her drv bitter tang,
Her refreshing flavoill of purity, When with un' h iends I fecl engaged bv the fascination and attention given to one talking while oth-
ers wait impaticilth' to Xhare their vicu. I find it illipossible to think of a world withi)lit then-1, ax a bee would about honev.
Ahhough her be,ilitv'+ not t,iligible,
And her Kinell and sound can't be caught. Her touch N on each one Of .4
And for this privilege we 11:ive fought. \'anissa Radovic, Nbar 9.
All leave 11% with a haunting pang.
Rachel 1)< „'le, WIU 9.
Pillows Iherc are imun' roft, comforting things iii the woi-Id but none Call beat tile t]'11%tworthv. comfort-
able, relaxing, soothing pillow. It k onc thing we 2111 take toi- granted. It is there for ils all (lav and night for whatever our 11('('(10 111'11' 1)(*.
Pillows dic· good for pillow lig|t*. There A noth-
ing more fun than hitting cach other with pillows. It unikes no 11(,i,Ne (.ipart from the uncontrollable 1,iligllter), 2111(1 it is 11,11-11110%%. \0 111,Itter what agr
Tou al-c. u )11 are ,ill<),Vrd to luve pillow· lightS. It N Year 9 Ski Trip (L to R) Marlo Urquhart, Ika Szydlak, Angela Dwyer,
llc)t.juu a child'% thing to do. So go out and ill\'itc all
vour frit'11(11 over to have a pillow fight .
Carla Pascoe, Elspeth Martini.
Another list· of the pillow is fur controlling llc,ist· level. If voll are having an uncontrollable lit of
His Excellency
1:Mighter .ind vou don't want to wake or upset ain--
The Right Honourable Bill Hayden
bodv. voti can grab vour piHow and laligh into it. C )1
Governor General of Australia.
yon might be upset and want to hide vour illit:lincable sobs. ibur pillow will accept a hug and comfort
Friclav 1:Ith Atigust. 1993
vou No vou Will feel much bener.
Decii· Sir.
1 1,171 writing on behalf of the Australian citi/ens who feel that the continent <,1 Annurtic a should lic
saved from those who arc destroving- it. Ihc· Antarctic fbod chaiti I,cgil™ in the st,ix With
1,11)'toplankton which Ic·ed, the tinv slitimp called krill. Ki·ill air raten 11· penguins, birds, sc·.ils. whales alld now man. Ki-ill ])|In' a wrv important role ill the food (11.till of :lnt,11(tic.1. Thev arc loillic! iii (c,Icl
open water und 1111(ler ice. ThCV .Wim ill nUMMR'C school x several kiloinctres wide and can weigh up to 2 million tonnes. Although this xerms like· a lot 01 ki-ill. scientists are unsure of the grnwth rate of ktill
and how fust thev nulltiph'. Mv maili concern is 111)(,ilt the ki ill harvesters
11-om japan. Russia and a few other countries who are n-awling the krill with nets, and Xhipping millions of krill into their countrv for human colisliniplion. 111 11)81-82, over 500.000 tones of krill were
C.illglit ill .'llit.21('tiC Ii'liters bv .jitp.itiese atirl Rtissiall tlawlers. At that time japan operated 1.1 krill ti-awlers in the Antarctic and Russia had about 1 ()0.
Ax krill is the xtaple food of a \ .11 iet)' of Antarctic allinials wc calillot afic )1-(1 to 1-ilill a whole Contillent
by putting these animals ill danger. The human consumption of ki ill colild sc i ic,lish 1 c eltic c the food Alipplv of unitnals, therefore it ilillAt |)(' St(,pped socm. It i,4 partic ill .trlv iliiportant for our countrv to
Going on a long cal- tr* call be chclhtrou< if vou cion't have vour pillow with rou. Yoll 111,11 Milift'l from an aching neck and be verv grouchv for mitin' davs to come alterwards. 14(,1-eclom might overcome
voll in the car, but if volt have vour piHow voll cali Sll.('1). PilloWN arc good for acting. You nlight need to
di cd 11]) as a })1-clplallt H'()1]lall <)1' Sallta (.huth! Another verv good Lise is for taking out vour
allger. Iii >tead of bcating lip the 1,(·I'Non (-Ic)>cxt to you. vou cozilcl punch. kick and beat the life out of vour pillow. This R good beause vou won't get in 11-(,111)le litiless vou lip it to shiccls. It i.s also good be0,111%0 vou won t be hurting ain-olle und vou won't
get hurt back (Litile»; vour piHOW COInc>N to life :ind tries to kill voll).
Ihe bot li»on in the woild for a pillow A for sle(·ping on it. It is so comfortable th,11 11% %0011 113 von touch vour head to the pillow. vou instanth' mil
deeply into sleep. This is becallse it is sc) l'claxiligh soft and soothing. and that is impol-tant because vour hearl is the most important and delicate part of vour bodv.
I think pillows are ven- luxurionx and are lit for a queell. Thev can be lINed [br lininv things. hi good 2111(1 in !)11(1 tilnes voill pillow will 211\Vili, be there for voil, for whatever pull-pose it i.% needed. Alarlo tkquhart. Year 9.
1111(lc'i-At,111(1 the long-terin effects of ktill lishing before the 111(!tistn' 1)(((,ino too |.11-gr.
KRILL FARMING. Ilicitikron for vour time in reading this letter. I
hope that with vour help this brantiful place will survive and be out 01-cl,itiger.
ic)111-% sincerely, Andrea -lillev, 36,11- 9.
S#,M I --
Sarah Gurry with Ms. Regina Menz
Year 10 Blue 3rd Row L-R: Letitia Gamble,
L sa Tarascio, Serena Simmons. Belinda Gibson, Natalie Sabbadini,
Melissa Tilley. Katherine Adam2nd Row L-R:
Katherine Ng,
Amanda Delaney, Jolene Geh, Clare King, Stephanie Rafter, Kylie Podolakin, Julia Penna, Sarah O'Byrne, Karina Chaves. Front Row L-R: Sharna De Leo
Andrea O'Brien, Kate Papaluca, 4
Camilla Bourke, Susannah Portelli,
Alicia Ferla, Lucy Conlan, Anne Redmond. 6
b; 4
*i *V
Katherine Baggoley.
Teachers: Mrs. Geraldine Cornall (Absent),
Mrs. Dianne Swann (Absent), Mrs. Aamanda Apthorpe.
i- .M
1%4 A
Year 10 Gold
3rd Row L-R:
Marian Bare,
Antonia Geddes, Elizabeth Glynn,
Chantal O'Donoghue, Sophie Trumble. 2nd Row L-R: Ainslee Spadaro, Amber Horsfall. Kathryn Friend. Sarah Sherry, Caroline Barlow,
Christina Browning, Fiona Hammond, Lisa-Nicole Anderson.
Front Row L-R: Jennifer Buccher, Elisa Milano, Stephanie Pappas, Susannah Lennon, Edwina Shmith,
It /
Sophie McGowan, Jacqueline d'Apice, Lydia Gaffney. Absent: Melissa Amore, Nicole Curtain. Teachers: Mrs. Shirley Chapman, Mr. Michael Mulcahy.
Year 10 Green 3rd Row L-R:
Natasha Holmes,
Cara Elsley. Fjonna Scott, Loretta Bourke, J
Camille Reidy, Melanie Blight, Maree Marmion, Tamsin Santos. 2nd Row L-R: Siobhan Hammer, Melanie Power. Victoria Ellis, f
Sharon Murphy, Elysia Zeccola, Alice Hume, Elizabeth Funder,
Francesca O'Connor, Veronica Angelatos. Front Row L-R: Diane Di Cecco, r
Sara Harris, Emma Conrad,
Anna Bongiorno, Nina Bonacci, Dearna Zagame, Katharine Seyler, Natalie Vucic. 1
Mrs. Marie-Louise Khamara,
Mr. Charles Rocco.
Year 10 Red 3rd Row L.R: Julia Rachelle,
Rebecca Ringersma, Josephine Fagan, Luciana Briedis, Kathryn Bannon, Michaela Bingham, Nicola McAlpine, Katherine Fahy. 2nd Row L-R: Jane Lanigan,
Stephanie Biggs, Virginia Jones, Kerryn Joubert, Manie Dermatis, »24431
Virginia Hartley, Michelle Reardon, Clare Aylward, Clare Soppitt. Front Row L-R: Belinda Donald,
Lisa Francazio, Virginia Okno, Hermione Knowles, Emily Roberts, MM
Fiona Broussard, Yasmin Copley, Jacqueline Rennie. Teachers: Miss Leonie Fisher. Mr. Edward Johnson.
Mother The morning was perfect. Blue skies, warm bree/c :ind plentr' (,1 suri xhine. The uniner imell 01 1 1-(·shh -cut gi ,1,As wafted iii to the open window of the clillically bare ward, Where sunlight (lanced on the
poliAlied wooden floor, and the echoes of outside voices could be heard.
A Aectilingh frail eldellv woinan, ili-1111,1('zilately
dressed in a pale blite and white floral print dress, Amiled to herself .ts she rocked back and forth on
her rocking chair which squeaked ill ,1 tc,tcly rlirthiti.
She was a lonciv woman, and liked the open winclon on a Milintlict'M (12ly. It 1-(Ininded her of her childhood and the ple.,sures of (,iltcloor activity. 7 he view was ple.,#ing too, Lifting her neck zip, slic was
able k ) sc·(· past the hoy,ital gates, past tlic' %111-1,111ban .tic·(·14. to tlic ('ity>, t.ill buildings that towcred over evervilling 1,(low.
I ler observationx were interruptcd bv approaching footstepx, clicking up the linalcum-lined hall-
co-operate. It'x the third time this week.'
Ihe steps facled down the hall, then .ill was still. The woman began to rock again gently as she
watched children outside playing hopscotch, and She drifted c )11 to sleep.
The nun-ning tilt-ned to afternoon, and Alle was woken br voices out side the open window. 'XIA Rvan. 1 lissure vou that we have tried with her,
but she still won '1 speak, and she refuses to rat proper meak Vm Horry that i t w.1% 11('('(' %%11 1-v Ic )1 w-c )11 to come all the wav c )lit here.' The lilli·%(· 4(,unded fralitic. cliil).71'1 -Med.
16 perfectly all rig-lit. VII talk to her. Thank vow.' Ihe woman sat 1 ,·c,ic·n. Her daughter, Amanda,
had xent her to thi>; place three ve.11'x ago and had vixited her tivice. A weallhv gill. slic· had inarried Ac,11 and led 21 sociable, pretentious life. Thc woin.111 tili'ned %|1111])1\ 21% she felt a cool hand on her Nlic)111(ic']:
wav. A heavilv m :1(le-11]) 11111'se in a bright white
'Mother.' Amanda wits well-dressed in a 1 .iilc)!cd
11 ilifc), In apl,c,itc·(19 whecling a Milver 11(,11(·v with a
silit, her slic,it dark hair slicked back into phice, '16
breakfust trav on it. Without a word she bliskh
been a long time, h,1%11't it, Mother?'
inade the four bcds iii the rooin, and She graight-
Lital (·ards und childrenl painting, 111,11 covered the Wall>; 211(,ttild all bats blit one.
XIrs Rvan? Breakfast time!' A tray was placed in front c )1 her. with .1 1)1111(· c )1 greasv bacon and egg-9 a Minall bow'] of velhnved porridge and a cup of weak t/''t.
'Now, arc we going to cal :ill of our brekkie
tc)clay?' I he 11111'xe >,pok(· i 11 a 1):it rotiisitig- tilaillier '-1 he wav one would 7,(·,ik to a chilcl.' the woman
111(,lig|11 Ils Ilic lillixe Nicked a impkin imo her col1,11·, and inised a V)(1(,lifill to her dry lip>. 'C)],c·11 11]). Mr>; Rvati. hs J)(,Ii'idge toclav. Your 1,1\'c)iiiitc.' Rchiciantly she parted her lips to let the hinip)·. glzic·-like unN>®ncy slide (lown her throat. The litliv· c'(,titinued to feed her 41()WIv. 11% if
every spoon|ill waN a g]-cat effort. \\'hell the bowl waA cinpty, the woman Nat (,X[)ic·,4.Nion|(·MA, her
How the woman hated tlilit name. '11(,ther.' So
co|cl, No litlf,iltiiliar :111(1 al inost mocking.
Ainanda ])lilliel 11]) 11 ('hair and M,11 (1(,\111. 1hc woman tili'ned to face her daughter, and was glected with an icy >,tare.
'Now, Mc,ther. 1 wa,4 c.1|1(·cl lip here 11(·c·,11[se vouhr beell c:llising tioill,le, havell't volt?' The
Honian j»1 stared 11 11(·1' chtlighter With 11-()11|)lcd
(,cM. %111('1)' Alic would liticic'i-Mt,ind ... +C hated the plaa·, its ('liniCal 3111('11. the unfriendly 11111',MCA who
treated her as .1.job to be completed (·ach clav, and white. White everywhell·. litit .\111.111(121 31,hed. '\Vell, 1 Sce fou Atill Won't
speak. I hiv it your way..john :mci the kids are waiting orit>icle, 40 I'll be quic k. We've paid g-ood money to xet von lip here and we've done evervthing to make w )11 comfortable. 1,411't that enoughF
thoughts titined to better days when she had been
Shi· continned in her business-like tone, '1'cl
c)| signific :Ilic (· to (,thers. The lilli se began to c'lit the
bacon and egg into pirces and mash them togither.
Al)end les, thne thinking al)out in)'xelf if I were you, Mc)ther.' Without .111(,ther word Nhe stood up,
Nhe oficied a forkful to the woman, who refused,
turned on her heel and left. The voices could be
])111'>,ilig her lips tc)gether.
heard in the ]1.111, 'Yo, 1 'cl X.1, Sl ic '% st,lic'l i 1154 frotn a
Now. Mis Rvan!', the ilitise exclaimed iii mock
surprix<·. 'C) n Iv good girls are permined to walk outxide, and good gitls eat all their breakfait, don't t 11 ey? '
%11(· pallxed, waiting for It reaction, but the wonian till'ned invav 2111(1 fixed her still'e on all ae]'0-
1,1,11]c· p,issing overhead. The mirse began to clear up the trav iii all hnpatic,11 1 ,LAhic)11, and wheeled the 11'01|cy to the door.
i m sorrv, Mrs Rvan, 1)lit vou make this verv diffi-
c tilt for me. There will be no walks olitsi(le lintil you
ownt.11 clisability ... never savs a word .,. scrins perfeCt]V content to me.'
Amanclas voice wa.4 1()11(1 and cle:ir. 'Thev just get (lotty when they'l (' (,ld. INn sille you'll take good (,11-e of her,'
The voices (11-ifted awav unti| all that c c),11(1 be
heard was the swaving oft i Le branches i n the wind, The woman sat trembling in the c hair until the
lingering smell of perfume had disappeared, Edwina Shinith, Year 1 0.
Coming Home 011 nly rettilli to Alistlilli.1, afti·r .1 rc·Iii- ili Bangkok, I felt („rl'whillned bv a number of unex-
Was Life Better for Grandma
and Grandpa?
plained feelings, feelings that I could .111(1 still Can't
1)(spite the threat c >1- what Acenied an imminent in-
inallage to plit into words. Mv li inc overseax I con-
vasion in It)42, mv grandmother and her familv were
4(ler to have been the !110,41 bellelicial and nutiving
not Subst.ilitiallv affected by the wai with no direct rela-
expel-ience of in)' life %0 fur. 1 learnt to depend on
tive of theirs amongst the 32,000 AuXtralian fatalities.
nusell .11-Icl, althotigh 1 had hunili' there', they
Together with the m®n'itv of other h'oling adults' her
weren't there for ine in the Linotional way that Ill
age, for 'ternagers' clid not exi>Mt :14 a distinct entitv .14
been tiMed to for the earlier part of mv life. I had to
now, she en joved a liffestrle balana·(1 11('tween satisli'ing
conic to telinx with the fact that in life vou an't al-
cinplovment ,111(1 family-oriclitated 1('14,1]-c of picnics,
w.lv, rek on other pcople. 1 22111 extreinch' gratifill
the movies. gardening, even 'cracker night'.
for the opportimitv 2111(1 11.lve gained more than I cotild ])(,AsiE)1)'expic'NA.
Mv grandinother existed iii a kind of 11.tive limbo
with the hredom to mix with her 1,(·(·rs, the %(·cm'ity of
One wore| that sticks out in mv mind is 'ovcr-
a Stable familv unit. and a wider caring community, kill
ullclilicct': 1 11,ive 11 cliStinct 'cchng of being over-
dedicated to pltiling 21% one to maximixe the war effort.
whehned and possibly slightly out of place. If one
Rest }'iction>; and x.,ci'ilices vic'11 as c'zililt» tic,11ers for
could imagine going back to primary school marbe
men 2111(1 no pink king for cake•; are farcical tlille,
then they Could understand a bit ofilmt I'ni {(·eling·
compared to the clestimtion and deprivation of con-
at the moment. When I left Arixtralia iti.lilly last vear
temporan homeless voilth.
it felt a bit like 141 linished a chapter of im' life. But
1(,cl.,6 teenager mav well have liu· world at her fin-
now I ain back and it is difficitlt to pick up friendships and school-life where I left c)11. I feel unable to
gertips with the opportunity to ])111->;11(' previouslv' male-
tell Inv Inend.% 2111(1 faillilv llcm' I feel, in 6,4 tho
It·el that changes in 111, cit-c sonwhow their fault. I
know I have changed and matured and I'm on a Clilfurent wave-length from thein. 1 feel better able to relate to my friends ill Bangkok than tile,se here, the reason for that INn not sure of.
It'A fantastic to see everyone and come home, but
dominated careers, thtix breaking past barriers which Saw feinales representing otlly 21 third of the total stildents to complete secondarv and tri'tiarv education.
However. tile labour-saving advances in both tile lic)tile and the workplace have not nece,sarily ensured that she receives a 2-reater share of her pal-ents' attentic,11. Indeed, more likely than not her mother will bc· emploved, either for economic reasons. particulariv ill
there is still a gap where im' Bangkok life wax, a sort
these recessionary tinies, or for the f illfililient of per-
of empty feeling. I've been through i, maturing
sonal goals as advocated bv the feminist plish, and so
proces, which, as it happens, took place iii Bangkok
the t.inlilv lifestr'le is continit.illv under pressure from
inore xo than hele.
monetary and time restraints.
I'd hate coming back m come across as being a negative experience for me because its not. Returning to Austr:,lia has shown me a lot about mrsell and Illilig-4 tliat art· illl})01 talit t<) inc Ils a )ers<)11. 011(·
thing that 1 always kee p in the Inick of inv mind is to appirciate things that are happening at the time. To live fur the now. Not to go through life looking fbr-
Ward to things or ([Well on the past. Bv going over,(,1% 1'\c Illi>acd out on a few thing>i, po>,Sibl)' Ini1101'. but things that last war I took for granted. Now I
feel I call appreciate things at the tinw. And I '11 live
The anxien ,uid fear 01 war-time 1 t)42 was ,ible to be
Ch,11111Clicd ilito colist 1-lictive collittlilillit)' I'( litill'cs %0 tliat my great-grandfuther was a dixtrict warden in the National Emergency Service. and my great-grand-
mother joined a I.Idies auxiliarv to make camoullage iicix at the local council Chamberx. 1 hiM st'i,Ke of ])lit pose, and the job Matistaction of those women filling the vacancies left by the fighting troops, illitivated a spirit of unitz, coniracleship and optimism, and a belief that thev w<)111(1 be victorioils. I lowever, the del)irssion 1111(1 alienation endured bv 111,111, trell.,(rers ill 191)3 /
in tile llc)W'.
Overail Ihn extrancly glad I had the opportunitv to go overseas. even if sonic things have been difficult for me on mv return. But as tinw goes on it 's i)((cnning c,iNic'l. 1 lk·cl I've gained in nuntilitv and
had experience.% thilt Will help Ine ill filture lift·. Eli
presents a lur more fonnidable task. The retlied)' Inlist come from within, from society'x 'scrul', for the 'encilly' is mlilti-faceted Illid the 'in\»ion' has spread far and wide. A starting point wozild be to reinstate grandpalents' as a viable and \'21111.11)le res(,iltre rather than disini», thrin 21% part of an incle®ngly aged pop-
get over the rough patch to begin with and move
ulation. A greater share of their wealth of experience,
on. and develop ny'Seliax a per,%oil.
good humour. anecdotex of survivial in adversity, and,
Francesca Beaitinoilt, Year 10, "Was Life Better for Grandma and Grandpa?" is an edited version
most importantly,their pride and peacefulness, could unly senr to inspire and reconcile today's teenage·rs
of an essay by Veronica Angelatos which won the
with both themselves and their pal'(·nts, for ultimately,
Victorian/Tasmanian State Final of the Cannon Young Writers Of
irri·spective of the era, life is what we make of it.
The Year competition. The National final will be judged in Sydney in December
Veronica Angelatos, Year 10.
Year 11 Blue 3rd Row L-R: Clare Brazenor,
Brigid Byrne, Catherine Collins. Claire Brookes, Jennifer Bourke, Elizabeth Bowen, Kate Callinan.
Catherine Buckley. 2nd Row L-R: Ainslie Bloom.
Susan Bannigan, Rebecca Connell, Joanna Basford, Julie Bonollo,
Lucienne Bailey, Kate Carroll, Rosemarie Conti, Kristina Bjornesjo Front Row L-R:
Katie Callery,
Brigid Cullity, Emily Bell, Simone Caldow, Christina Chisholm. Sarah Clacherty,
Justina Carter, Silvia Chade. Absent: Rebecca Barnes.
Teachers: Ms. Helen O'Keefe,
Mr. Roger Gill.
alk* -ld
Year 11 Gold 3/d Row L.R: Brit Heatley, Marie-Anne Davies, Natalie de Morton,
Felicity Galbally, Victoria Finck, Katherine Harris. Lisa Hill. 2nd Row L-R: Ramona D'Souza.
Anne Fernando, Kate Finney, Laura Henderson, Jacinta Finnigan, Sally Cust, Angela Gill, Siobhan Duck. Front Row L.R: Monique Fabris, Mari Ericksen, Sarah Gaidzkar Sally Dixon, Dominica Hanger Anna Foley, Nicolene de Zoete Anne Fulton
1 - Absent: Jess ca Drake.
..'- 3--7.*C...44:i r..h, .3'b...·..f.5, / tra,if'i& 4"'f·,· 0,:'fr % i · 5*I.<
Teachers: Mr. Mark Langan, Ms. Carmel Laffan.
Year 11 Green 3rd Row L-R: Sally Howard,
Joanna Laurence, Kelly Merritt, Angela Makiv, Jane Hoy, Cassandra Laracy. 2nd Row L-R: Simone Leyden, Alexis Newman, Elizabeth McGrath, Kate McGrath, Justine Nicholas,
Amanda Kortt, Emma Killen, Eiko (Amy) Kishida.
Front Row L-R: Gloria Ng,
Vanessa Lucantonio, Annabel Nicholls,
Kate Ludescher, Clare Myers, Nicole Hurst, Megan Holt, Emily McKernan. ..1 Absent: Talia Karanicolas, R
: Megan Larnach-Jones, Deborah Leaver
Teachers: Mr. Tony Marinelli, Mrs. Karen Lancaster.
Year 11 Red 3rd Row L-R: %9
Prudence Nolan,
Annabel Rattigan, Genevieve Wallace,
Zoe Smyth. Sinead O'Donnell, Claire Rosel, Sarah Southall, Kylie Rennex, 2nd Row L-R:
Melissa Schaff,
Luisa Scholz, Catryn Walters, Alicia Tinetti, Felicity Zahara, Karen Richardson, Rebecca Sargeant, Elizabeth Slattery, Michelle Varghese.
Front Row L-R: Michelle O'Callaghan, Amy Scally, Verity Okno, Vanessa Slaven, Michelle Scott, Alicia Tuohey, Melissa Vespa, Michelle Ruffolo. Absent: Daniella Passaro.
Mr. Eddie Kane (Absent),
Mrs. Jill Barnett.
The life of an 111-ban fuctory worker is hardlv .111
Friday 21 February 1900
improwment on that of .1 rural peasalit. Despite a (11'xmatic increaxe in the production of coal INK! oil
RUSSIA: The Other Side of the Czar
\A I trampled thi (mg-1-1 the liuman c ex,q)001, mv Imention till lied to a woman covered in rags which fuilc·(1 to warm her skcli tal 1 I .illic. Hunched over a
xhallow hole in Ille carth, Alic wept 12% the nian beNicic her gently 1.tici her child to reNt in the grave. >hartled bv inv prexence, 311<· xhook with frifght. However. once Nlit· ic'Illised I wax merelv an English jour-
11.,li.41, slic· gradually revealed .1 story of hal·(Iship. 1 have nothing, for Emiline was tlic hist of iliv
children to silic ilinb k ) the typhoid. Mv sister's chilclren air (,1-1)11,111%. and mv new xtruggle lit·% in freding them. Tlic· thci-tiiometer has stood I,clow
frec/ing point Ibr over two months, and I wax forced to turn the fainily'.4 twelu·-sclit,zir hut into izic·]. ['here is 110 doubt that our beloved Oar is equally dissatisfied with the hardship endured by my fellow' vill,Ig€·13, and ilillit bcal strength iii ht'lieving that the calamities 11-om which we suffer 211-t· ',·\* God
Thix is how the Cnit-'.4 hoine policy (,1 'Autocracv' has controlled the life of Mag-cla Judcavich. Her 4torv is not uncominon, and enables 11% to see how
the oppressed are victims of their own ignorance.
Oblivious to socialism and deinocracy, these people place 110 respolisibilitv whatsoever oil their own gov-
ernment for their grin'ances, and fight for surival, Toclin' the peasantry comprises over nine-tenths of the popillation, vet %11.ire in only 10% of the 11.1-
tioni wealth. Each penon consumes only 500lbs of cetrals (wheat. rve and barlev) per rear. and the in'-
crage life expect.incy has dropped to 40 Years. Ifwe stop to examine the hygic'tic' facilities in (,111
over the past decacle, Rtissia's illcitivt-)' is Ntill lai behind that of Wextern Enrope. More than fillv million factorv workers and their fillililic.4 air prexentlv packed like herrings ima shlins to the north of St
Peter,burg. Mr heart ached to watch poorly clad and ('inaciated figure.4 1('1111'lling frolll the inills. Whv must ther will™land Kilch ilihililictiw treat-
nwnt? Many nwmbers of our community may ask; 111(V do No onlv 1,(c·alise thev have I,cell robbed c )1
their Agllt to expre»; their glievanc (·x to the oppic» sors in poiver. It Ims been a inajor concern of the C ./ar and his government that order 11 111(,lig the workers is nmilitained, ancl thits ther have hindered
all#' progresM ill inchistrv by fobidding ilic· establixhinent of zillic)ilA and teinporary strikes. It 1% their
hope that. as long a.4 thev continue to Scare the degraded 111.IMACK Will) their aut<)cracy, 11<) C )1)positiC)11 k ) inilistice will be macie.
Although we min· be gle.lily %21(lclined to 'war 01 a homeless widow burving a loved (,llc'. or .1 ic)1111.r worker driven to death by the strain of factory
lai)our, the real tragedy lies in 111(·asures taken by those iii power to reinforce their own authority, kilid hence subject the oppirxsed to ttii ther grievances. The Czarist policy to Collect the peasants' redeniption pavments iii antumn, when grain is plc'11tiful and prices air low, ix clearly .1 xtep (1(·signed to hinder the improvemi'lit of agricultural efficiency. Treatment of the town'+ factorv workers further il-
histrates the repressive nieastires of tht· monarchy. Mv travels have left nic better informed. The C kiti-
mav be a monarch like our Qucen Vic'toria. bill
thank (;od this is where the similarity ends - for iii Rus.siu I have dearly seen the other icle <,1 the D.ar! Ainv Scally, Year 11.
own community, and compare them to that of RNKi.m villages, it is not (lifficult to Ma· Whv two ont of
every five children arc dving. In my umrls I failed to (c,ine acrois a sing-le outholise, Yet coilld not avoid the holic·luloils s!11(11 Of hlilii.111 1,1(·ce.
among-Mt other wastr litling rach und every narrow pathwav. 11™ect N .ind rodents coinfort,11,1,0 ( stablish their lic)]nes in the 1 0014 and walls of tim' village
huts, and nwdical f.ic ilitic·x of any kind .ire simply 11()11-C Xl>,tt·/11.
It iX quite ironic thal, olily inilo 11-01,1 the F'illages
where (Ili](|rell gl-lit('flilly accept their fir.St meal for the week, sic·wed pumpkin and cal,bage, the nobility enjoy a Russian tra party. C)lilv iii Rlissia is the diviSion between the ric h anct poor sc) 1,|atantly (,1,vintix. 1 %1(ppal inside one of the tinv wooden Illits: there was no escaping the bitter cold 01 winter and the room was <)111\7 lit bv light entering from .1 single i ,
window. The xtove can inean the difference between
life and death, for it not only eli ,ible.% 11 family to cook their sparse ainount of food, but al.No bathe alicl stav reasc)11.11)1#' W.11'111.
Sarah Southall, Melissa Vespa, Nicole Hurst.
, , ••*·0-•a:*
Class Distinction
here at four oclock so she slic,tildn't be long now. Would vou like a lift?' said Nicolas, then, not waiting
The playgrouncl was full of busy, active children. Tobv. being new to the Xclic)(,1, sat alone oil .1 lictich. He watched the other hovs cliziouslv 21% Ilic·v talked
,ilicl j<,ked al)out togrtlier. I le looked down at his unappetiMing lunch: a <tale 1)(untit t)litter Mandwich und a worin-eclic·n apple wrapped in a plain brown paper Inig.
1-obv had alwavs bren a sin*. sclizc·(,liscious boy
fur Tobv'% response, 'Ah. Here she is'. and as a black Merci·cle, drove iii Tobv felt a xenst· c )1 hillililiation.
lic·Ho clear', Maid the distinguished woman. 'Mother, could vou give Tobv a lift?'
'Er ... is that ric,by?' Her face was all wrinkled up with cli At,,Ate. Then , pansing to think of .in c·x< tifc·,
'1)0 ) (,it live oil thi.4 4(le ot town, 'Ic)Inf '
who had onk one tral fliend in the wol-Id. 16 dog Bouncer. Even at his old school Tobv harl found it difficuh to make friends. I le was ofskinin* 1,1 1 ild and
short and weak for his age (,1 twche. Ilis shal,by al>pearance clid nothing for his popukult, - the clothe, he wore \9'('i·c (,1,\'i<)11,h' 1,11,(1-Ine-flow» or (,no hiS
inum had picked lip from the op. shop. Bilt (lespite liu· war he looked. Tobv was a verv intelligent bov.
I-hat Wa.4 the only reaxon he was at thal Achool after all; he had got in on 21 %(411(11,11'ship.
'()11. \\'ell wch'c realk not going in that dilic·lion and | am going to get im' hair cul thix afternoot< slic Naid. shaking her head.
'1)iclli't voll get vour hair ('lit re,®rcIll)'?' asked Nia)1,14.
'Of ((,111-,c not. darling. Iin going tonight.' lia face was red.
16 OK, said 7(,In: '1'11.jilst catch the train holne.
As he watched the others phn' football and basket-
Antonia Gedde.4. 32,11· 10.
ball, he lic)tia·(1 21 boy of about the sallic· age coming towards hiin . I le wax %1111,1'th (11 essed ill col'(11117))'
4101-1% and a ble .Ert blittolied to the top. I iN hair was slicked back and his laces were tied iii perfect bows. As he calne closer Toby noticed he w,1, st,iling
The Great Race
sti.iight at him. 'I lello' said the bov iii a clear, proper
Their lives are simple - they understand
voice. 'Mv imme is Nicolas.' There was an awkward si-
lence 91% Tobv xearched his inind fur a reph 'F.r ... Ihn Toby. Toby S,111-1Mon,' he said in a Aliakv voice. Again a long silence waited for one of the boys to speak. 1 was just over by the tree rating my lunch alone when I noticed thal you were also eating 111(me. So I decided to come over and.join vou. If th.it is ahight?' Toby was 2131(,liticled. 'Silir,' he Naid happily, then clearing his throat and u-ving not to solind too keell said, . I guess. 9 As he sat next to Toby on the bench, Nic c,las said, 1 (1011't believe that I 11 2,Ve Scell vou .11,0111 Ill'l-e, not
that I would remember. I.ve been gone No long I hardlv remember an)'one. 1 have onlv juxt got back from London. Are vou newr
'Well, er, )'ex' aid Tobv sh)'ly. The conversation continued in thiA inatitier until
the bell rang. 'Well, 1 guess I had better go. To c iass I
Incan,' Naid Toby with a Minile which spirad 11-(,111 cheek to cheek. 'Will I Ke vou after school? I mean,
if vou want/ Tobv was zised to being rejected and w'<)111(1 h.ive total|v' 1111(1(istood if \'ic<)10% 11,1(1112
wanted to be friends.
'Sure. May!*· we could go home together,' said Nicolas as he ran (,1 1 Mithout hearing 1(,In't answer. That was not what Tobv had mealit. lic·ing li-(,iii the 'other side' of town. Tobv dicilih reallv want to
go home with Nicolas, and regrened having ever said ain'thing- aboilt Mecing Ca<h other after Mchool. For the rest of the dav all Tolw could think about
Thert'% a race (lf pcoplc in the north oftlle land, \/Vhal initure call give, w·hat they 1111141 l et,11-11,
From an early age they began to learn. Their people air in,un- vet the)' air one. Thev Mve outside, in the the wind, rain and stin. Their skin is 01 .1 chocolate shade,
Their Kiniles are warm as though 4*·cially inade. Their hair dark brown, sometimes bronze or grey, Thev live 'off. the land' - there's no better wav. Thev hunt for their meat - emil, liiard and
I'liev fish zising spears. ther know.just what to do. The women weave baskets, paint bark and sing. Thev gather uwns, benies, grubs, while the children'% latighter ring-%. Thev light their fire br rubbing two sticks.
1-0 cook their food -quite a different mix \\'itchettz' gi iii», Minike and a st i'w as wcH.
1 ((,111(111't poxsiblv dexcribe the sinell! They pattern their 1,(,clies with reel, white, yellow, 1) c )Wil.
Using ochres the«r inacle froin the colour.,01 the gr<,illid.
14 night tile)' perform a col'1(11)(,li'c, With Nong, dance and (traina thev entertaill 111('. An elderk man now sits bv the fire.
C :hildren all gather. eve.% lillic){ doirc. He talks ofa time when things wrir inack·. 1 liA tale fro!11 the dreaintillic :irc V,li ting- to 1,1(1(·. I lis eves are black. bv the fire thev glow,
1 Ic takes up a 1111)(· and starts to blow. 1 lix checks fill with air 21% the ilitiXic- ch(,tic'%.
Thc· cliclget idoo c trates rhvthmic zones.
wax wh,it he would do when that tinal bell rang. llc
Picturex in caves tcH how things tised to be:
Mied to think of some excuses, to get him (,lit of
liefure white man caine their cilittlir was free.
going honic with Nicc )12,X. but 11(,lic 01 11,c#in hc )1111(led tralixtic.
Ihis 'great race' is Atistililia's (mii OUR ABC)RIGINF.S \VE SHOLTI,1)><'T DISOWN.
As lie approached the gates he saw Nicolas waiting for him. 'llere vou are. Mother said slic· would be
Kate l,iick·scher, War 11.
Creative Writing The Windsurier Ax Tim sitted the Nand thic,ligh his tanned toes, he
neatly relolded the c i tiinpled k·tter. It had bern the iii'+t letter from her in thh-tern ve.11 h. fifteen since the verv fit st. The memon' 01 her staved dearlv in his minel: her
cleep .ct 1)lack ews. her frayed blond hair and her soft trusting voice, seemed all like a vision ofresterclay. Yet it
had been fifteen vean since thev last kissed goodbw. Fifteen wars sitice the)+ talked on this beach.
It had been a warm day, and the sun hadjust started to sink behind the calm ocean. the skv a brilliant
orange. Tim had just finished packing up his willd>111-fing equiptilent, and as he Nalinteled up the
gloss¥ while dune. he noticed her hair flying furiously in the (1114 brecze. She was concentrating on the molten
6111>et, clicking 1-api(11> with her calnela for everv angle,
memolv. She wah the girl he had loved :111 111(,Me ve.11'4
ago; the skin, the Imit-, the c.tic. Yet her eves 11 21(1 changed, they appeared more wix(· and were gia/ed with
happiness. As she Nat down. ther.jitht Mared silently at their nwnic )1-ics, 1(,Nt Ic )1 words. helplessly n'ving to rvaltiate the feelings ther' 11,1(1 Allp])t'(·»Med for the last fifteen Years.
'I've missed you,' blulted lim. 'Whel-c have vou been? I wrote to vou sc, manv timex. I thought you'd forgotten inc. I teel st)...'
'Stop! Please, 1 ...' cried Beth, calming her voice. 'There was a reason 12,1- inv behaviour. 1 never wanted to
hurt vou but...' looking frantic .illy for lost words, 'we have a child!'
Tim was :ist<,zinded. HiA expression was so astonished
that Beth became even more Confused .111(1 11])<)1(,getic.
Ahe ha c In't even noticed Tim 21% he threw hi.4 Windstil ic·i'
'His naine'A Timothv. 1 dicill't want to t(·11 vou in case
(loAn on the (lillic' before he approached her. Tilli had +111 cloW]1 beside her, but she hadn't looked up until
'A child! Mv son! Reth, Ihn so happv. I...'
Mhecl finixhed the filin, even then slic· acted /11%111])1-i<('(1. 60, 9-<)111(, the \1-111(14111 ier' Alic Maid ill a clear. calin
tolle. 'Yoll're good. I took a couple of shots of vou 1)elk,re.'
Tm Tim' he said in a brooding voice. She looked at him (c)<)11\, obviously unimpressed. 'Betli.'
They xpent the first of what would be manv endless nights on the beach. talking. latighing. sharing dreams.
1 11(\'cr wanted to tic vou down. vou were 211,0'21,'4 40
free, 11 4)ilit ofthe occan.
'A family,' tears roHing down his laughing l'yes. 'This is wonderfuL Where M he? Does he look like me?'
As Beth looked away, Tim realisccl. Thry looked onto the restles. sea. the <un Ketting behind the hori/on. The
tot-mented waves pc,zinding ill)(,11 the sbc,ir, and the windsurfer gliding across the foaining crest. Kate McCrath. Year 11.
It was the beginning of the holiclavs, the beginning of
Nummer. the beginning of low, They were both so young, and the worId seelned a 1.11-ge place and the
Pass Me a Tissue!!
future was 1.11- inva\: '1 im was going to be a work! thinous
Aillcistil'fer, or a ('(1('1)rated author. Beth just wanted tO stay young, and take pictilich of all the braches iii .All.St/11111/.
It will be different this year 1 1121(1 thought
After all, I had religiou>@ drunk my freshlv .NqUeezed orange juice and popped mr m,ilti-vitamin daily and
had made a point of getting to bcci belk,re 10 0'clock
The holiclavs scrined only to las[ a singh· heartbrat. Memories of lazy nunrnings on the beach, toasted
everv night ever since the si-tiffling and coughing- clavs of
sandwiclies and iced coffers lit the beachfront aft, life
wiliter had %11111 fled on.Ntage. Thix wils to have been the
threatening drives around the grass)· Cliffs in BetIA Ihii,iclc·il,iici ancl evel-lasting talk.4 around the bonfire on the beach at micinight. Befure they could even grasp
of the Flii-Thor. He was not going to strike me down this
first time in mv life that I had es(-aped the lightiling 1,011 vear. Not in Year Twel,·c. As I lav in bed it ran thi-ough
packed her car ancl set off to capture Bvron Bay. Tim
im' head like a repeating phonograph record, 'I'm well! 1 refuse to accept it, 1 refuse!' but it was to no .wail, A
tlied to keep in touch. but Beth's constant ti-avelling
voice in the recesses of Iny mind and crackling deep in
their true enlotioils, the summer ended and Beth
and growing hostility eventlially ic·,1ed any
my chest was murniuring that, once again, the Flu-Thor
had me cornered.
Now, fifteen years later. she had managed to tl-ark hiin clown and arranurd to meet him at AL„,Met on the
The dreaded flu had elbowed its way to the forefront of mv life. 1 had suffered a night of soaring temperature,
drines where they first met. Tim looked up suddenly when he heard footsteps approaching, but it was only another will€[surfer. with a curiously familiar, dimpled
were wet and cold and 1 lay shivering in my bed 4111-
smile. The windsurful- took to the waves with ease, his
Mr head was in 11.unes and mv nose was red - battered
raging thint and perspiration. Consequently mv prjamas 1-(,till€led bv discarded bedclothes sticwn over the floor.
%11.iggv blond hair coliti'asting sharply with tile deep
and peeling from constant blowing and dabbing. Where
blue of the darkening sea.
was the Vaxiline? 1 conki vagliely lic,11 11-Ir' 111(,ther telling the school receptionist over the phone that I was ill. But
Then Tim h card another set (,1 footste p s, treacling castiallv down the dune in naked I <·et. Tim looked lip. the
swift brec·/c· flooding his eyes as he gated wpon an aged
she was wrong, 1 am (lisintegrating ...' I moaned and lav in a torpid stiue.
I propped mvxclf on one eli)ow· then Mic)wiv Mat up
What's The Time?
and caught a glimpxe of myst·11 in the mit-rot*. Ugh! The pitiful ligure ofresterdav had become an even mole pa-
"It'% about time voll ptilled volli' socks up, voung
thetic sight today. 1 Ati'llggled up. stood weak-kiwed and
1,1(M You catit afford to fi'itter awin' vour time. hing
inade inv wav sic)Wly to the bathroom. \'tv' 111(dication
around listening to music. You have to learn to 11%('
W» het (,lit on the bellchtop und. with eve Ntreaining. 1
yout- tillie more fi uiti zillv. Now go to your room and
surve)'ed the various bottles and potions, inlittering
finish vour honwwork. 1 don t want to xee vou again
a)InplaintS 1111(ler im breath. I Xpurned the cod Iker oil
1111111 tea tinle!
(my Inc,ther'+ all-embracing remed« hastilv (11-ank a
Her 111(,ther'x Woic[% riliging in her ('INX, Mchinic
fi//i' vitamin B compound - the effervescence bubbling-
threw her>,elf down olito her anunpled, uninacle bed.
up 111)' nost· and down my chin - and. taking the packet
Pulling back on the head-phones of her Walkman.
of lemon and honey lozenges, staggered back to bed
Cindy's plaintive wail "Time after Time" tran xported
and collapsed to contemplate my deplorable condition.
her in her dreams to that rooftop beneath the Hills
My head pounded and mv sinuses ached. 1 ruminated over whether I should seek medical help but quickly decided against it. Mv doctor had never offered anv inunediate solution 12)1- 1111 and always asked 'Have
vour bowels Illoved?' Now what sort of a question is that? 1 was clistll] 1,ed by the g:illoping footsteps of the
cat. He pranced ilito Inv room delighted to Ace Inv radiator on, and sat so close to it that he singed hh tail. I gazed 211)out inv rootn alid stal'ted to feel ail okl litiniliar lure h in nn' stomach . 1 he cold realitv of sc lic,01 work was
hoist, to gaze into the sinozildering eves of Pail Mercu-
rio. The spell-bolind moment was enhanced by the 1rrical drifts of pale pink Spring-time blossom Cascading like confetti to the lawn outside her winclow. "A time for tiM" ... sc,ineclin' there'd be a real Romeo in her
life, sighed Mel,inic.
The disc-jockey announced the next record, Michael jackson's "Remember the Time". But it Wah that time of tlic· vear again, and Melanic·'s enic),·ment
staring at me. I had to work on m) C :ATs. There was no
of the ])01) song was interrupted bv the hoolA :111(1
\vav c )lit. They Would never accept all % 101'in Xtating 'I
hollers coming from the lounge room ,ts her votinger
had .1 Xevere case of the Illi', regarciless of mv ne.11-cleath
brother and father, on an ,111-tinw high. cheered their
condition. I started reading an econoinics text but
learn'% race to victory while the secon(1% 10 1,111-time
found that mv eves were going over the same line again
ticked past. Glancing back at the clisarrav of her xclic)(,lbookx
and again until I fell asleep. I woke to the homey clangs of dinner preparation
heaped upon her clesk. Melanie thought reltictantly
ancl decided that I was in dire need of some attention
that there was no time like the present to t.ickle the
and sympatliv. I wrapped mrself in iny dressing-gown,
mountain of stuch she had allowed to accumulate. "If
pulled oil iny (:211 field slippers and slittilled slowly
only I had more time", she agoilised. Reading novels
into the living aira. I xtood with slumped slic,zilders
was such a chore, a time-consuming bore. Flicking
and drooped head, hanging onto the belle htop. look-
open, "The Tale of l'wo Cities", She w.14 grec·teel with
ing like a lost soul in the centre of the kitchen. My
"They were the best of times, they were the worst of
iii(>ther gaw me a kiss and quick hug, and im sister puslied past me, averting her face to avoid inT' germ.4,
tillies': Was there no excaping "time"? "-1 he Timekeeper" controlled the other books on the shell. keep-
to stir the pot on the stove. She begall to queslion
ing check on the time 11-avels of characters such as
wh)' I was 111(>bile cliough to get all the wav froill Inv
Mein·l (of the Stones) and Beattie Bow, of a long- thne
bedroom to the kitchen and get iii evervone + way,
ago. Even the Three Little Pigs were prisoner* 01 once
but unable to go to School. hhe never w» able to 21(-
Cept the fact that when I was sick and had to silly hoilic, Slic Atill had to go to %(·11001. Despitc im'dulled Mensitivit)1 1 did (litect a (titaill hoftilit) 2111(1 %1(,wly
slizililed back to my bedrooin, happilv accepting my father'% offbi- to bring inc clinner iii beel.
Propped up on inT pillows, 1 survered inv favourite meal - chicken parmagiana, 112,ished potatoes, punipkin and peas. However I have alwavs fozind peas frustieiting. Olle can either scoop 22 111.ixitnum of five onto a fork and, in raising the fork to ones inc,uth, 111,11,lge to lose (c)litic)1 und tip them down one's shirt
or. conversely, fork one or two at a time. The mental concentration necessary :111(1 the monotom- spoils the meal and acids to the frustration of having a blocked
lip<)11 a time! Now it was all most timely th.it Melanie found her-
sell' with an i·%*av on the topic of time. Ilow could one describe "time", that ellixive pc),session of (,1(1 Father lime? Proplc "spend time", "Save time". "make tillie", "loxe time", "waste time", "allow time." There'x tinic to
go, and time to Call it quits. Special tilnes und qualit) time. But one can't actil:111)' see or feel tinw. The hands move in time around the clock's face. the sands
filter thi-nugh the time-glass, and the oven timer summails the cook to the kitchen, but where ix the time
these ilistruments Illeasure? Time and time again. it
had slipped through Melanie'+ fingers, down some
endless time-tunnel. and this afternoon was no excep-
nose and useless ears. I decided to give the pe.is .1
coat € 11 111,1.Nhed potato to sohr the problem, however
hi what Kerined unly a short time, the stin dix,ippeared behind the horizon. Melanie was seated Itt the
111)' litilited brain clier,47+ had to be zixed to carefully
£'111(11|ate tile 1)(,tnto tc) pea lillic) Ac) AM 11(,1 ti) 14111 olit of potato befure the pt·11% were finished. 1 Wit.% defillite])' 10%ing In)' Sallit)'. Emma Diinlevie, Year 12.
dining - table, savouring the opportunit¥ to take tillie off from her studies. Stunned. she looked at her plate - roast chicken with the seasolling 01 THYME! Alexandra Aligelati)%. War 8
Fathers' Association Report The year in brief
It has heen a good ve.11. The !,il)111(,lish' slic c (1,sful
dinner dance with the llc,thers' Assc)(iation j,lit the cap. ()11 a t(11 1ific vear.
Fitther-1).Illgliter Maxses remain the core of our (·11 1(,rt. The st,111 do a !,c':ilitifill job with the litin-gr, we think that we did 41 1,('Itiltiful job with the breakfust,
und the %(holarXhip Filild bencfited froin the collectic)1 1%. W )11 Al)()111(1 never inis) thi:ir, The unique combi-
nation (11 spiritil,11. familv 1111(1 soci,11' makes them verv Al)(·c ial ill(li·(·d.
Mary Balmer (left) and Liz Nolan (right) with a guest at the Annual Luncheon.
ihe Alitill.11 Dinner in \En-ch wax fant,thtic. Over
Thc As,Nociation contriblites to inanv faa·t,% of
thirc hundred fatherN enjo)Ted great compan)' after ;111 ilispitiliM pirsemation from Mic}mcia Keogh and her C :c)lim'illors, Mic·Imel 11(·1111('.44\'. Michael Fogarn. 1111(1
0,·hool life und provide.4 Oppoltlitlitic·.4 for ]),11-(·lit. to
guest speaker..judith Paphan'.
Then there wits Familv Din·, and C :111-r(·1 3 Night, 2111(1 the New Parents' (:ockt,iii Party, and thc Trivi,i INight, al)(1 \{)11 call't get much more ill a vear.
Incet (uch (,ther .111(] participate in \'111'ic)11% aaivitic>.
IhiN ve,11' ive have contilitic·cl to be ilim·01\·cd in Open Dav, New Parent Davs and a cocktail partv for new par(·111%, information Ilights, >C'Condhand book .4,11(·.4, thc
War 11 >U,cial, the War 12 Mothers' 1 .iturgi,· and Itinch, and 111'11]v other 11( ti\-iticx.
\Ve provided $27,000 for Achoo 1 ( c ) Ill]) liters, approxiniatclv $3.500 to the Scholarship Fund. and $2,000 for
R·lilliN DIn' at Dendv Park was ag.lin verv en jovable 1111(1
the Rowing (lub from the Trivia Night iii.june.
well cittincled. The Anirtial Luncheon at the Grand
Thank you
I h,itt. Melbourne. <aw another change of format - 'An Oriental Ovelture', featuring the Chinese 1(<lic)rs who
Mallv people (lid Nomething to help. Soinc did a lot. P.1111 1 Iolland convene (1 the Father-Dalighter masses, which meant starting lit 6 a.m. oil a Sundav. Kevin
1 Ial],ili thought lip the Trivia Night and Dinner Dance and did it +11[,erl) job (,tganising them, with a lot of
help from Terry Pacini, Bernie Bahner, and the Mothers' Committee and the Rowing Club. Terrv led the
learn of organising the Fathers' Dinner and did tremendous worL To those four in particular. and the other Committic' 111('llibers, und .111 those Who helped . . . and all ofvou whojoined in ,.. 1 hank You. Alan Fit/gerald Presidelit
\\'c anitililled with the (1,1(lili<)11,ll fl111(11.liNCI-M. C)111
\vet-e absollitclv wonderful and received great ap1) 1.ilise.
We have held Chiss fillic tic)11, for Prep. to Year 8 at which parents have a great opportiinitv to meet parents ofother children in their daughter's vear level. 1-his vear the Motherk and Fathers' Associations
have combined for two lunctions. A -li-ivia Night held in the school gvnmasium was well stipported ancl elijoved bv more than 300 parents. The Dinner Dance at the M.C.G. w.1.4 als<) a great success. These littic tions left the Alc,thers' .issociation in a
\(1 y happv financial pc,Mition. We have been able to provide inonev to help iiI)Kilide the computers in the St illor School.
Mothers' Association Report The past twekr months have becti a r'('tv 1,11%\ .111(1 exciting time for thi· Mother·s' Association. 1 wotild like
Ic) thank mr comminee lor their (lithilsiaxin and slipport thi-()111(11(,lit the vear.
Loreto Family Day.
Once again I would like to thank the iliclill)(·:'.4 of
111; unninittce for theil- illidailing gencrosity and Nupport and Mrs Amie I Iint for her encouragement and (104(' (c)-operation \vith olit' .·UX(,('iation.
Mis jiilic Laurena· lic'Aident, 11(,thers .·\ANc)(iation.
Principal's School Report for 1993 Beginnings
Sisters' move to the new residence
\\'c Net (41 on the It)93 Mhool u'ar H'ith 9-16 qu-
Inug-inc moving house aftcr lir-ing iii the one
cli·niA 0299 in the .Junior Nch<)01 and 637 in the Se-
1.11-ge residence for kilinost siventv ven-A! Ihat A
nior %(hool), together \\'ith HI ilierill)<·1% of the
what our Toorak cotilinuniti' of 1.c )1'eto .Nister.% did al
ic·lic hing st.01 ,111€127 tic )11-telic·hing staff. It is lifc·-giving for the school to have %(,ine
changes of staff each vear. We were pleased to wel-
Easter. The move to thi· beautiful and comfortabl> renovated bililding on the corner 01 Mandeville CreNcent and 01-1-ong- Road has bc'('11 a great +11((c·sh.
coine Ar Helen \12<guire 1.14.V.M. (1-lead of the junic,1 Achool), Regina Men/ (Cheilli,tin·/
Curriculum initiatives
Science/Mathematics), liclen ()'Keefe (Religious
\Ve han· impletnented u 11111nber of itil)(>rtant
Education (k)(,idinator), Mary M('Carthv ((hurers
Chang<·4 into the currictiltini offered in the Achool
Advisor), \1211-garet Quill (1 .ibratian), Carolvn Fox
this vear.
(Phz,ical Eclucation/Human Development-Home
Religious Education: When the V.C.E. was lit st in-
Economics), Eclward Johnson (Hc·ad of t..0.7.E.).
troduced, we elected to contimle to conduct our
inid Anne Bentiett (Eliglish). In tile junie)1- School,
own school - based Religious Eclitc .ition pro-
we welcomed Denist· Reed (Teacher, Integration
grammes at Years 1 I and 12. Now that the new cer-
Aide and After Cate Coordinator) and Vaness,
tificate has settled into the curriculum. we have
Ht·alv (After Care A»Gtant).
decided that it is appropriate and worthwhile that
The V.C.E. results for our Year 12 graduatc's of
Stliclents 1111(lertake V.C.E. Religion units. This vear
i yt)2 were verv pleasing. 1 2% 01 (nu- students ob-
all Yeai- 11 griclents unclertook a V.C.E Religion and
tained Tertiarv Entrance Scores (TES) of 150 or
Society unit, together with our ow·12 thith develop-
al,ove .ind this compates with 5% of Attlclents state-
ment programme at this k·vel. Next vear. ill .1(1(lition
wide. 18% of our stlidentx carned 130 or 111)ove,
to l'nits 1 and 2 at Year 11 and 12, wc· shall also
compared to 1 9% state-wide. 78% of our students achieved scores of 11 0 or above compared to 39%
offer LInits 3 and ·1: Textx and Traditions, \Ve air
Mt,Ite-\#'ide. This ix the 1-extilt of Mound teaching .ind
Religious Education programme which, after all, lies
folict work bv the Attickilts thenis<·Ives. 711(·se results
at the verv heart ofour ('chicational ('11(1(,lii'(,111-M.
confident that thi·xe zillit>; Will enhance Ilic P - 12
Accured the Year 12 gl'21(111.ites a high rate of tertian-
Japanese: We were verv excited to ititi·(1(luce
xclection. All of our stticlents waived places toi-
hipanese into the currictilitin at Year 9 in It.)91 This
It)93. The destinations ofour 102 'War 12 ur:tchiates
Ine,1114 that we llc,w have three foreign 1,111gll,lges iii
for 191)2 were as fullows: In the major collise areas iii
the curriculum - Firlich, 111(1(,liesian, and japanese.
\'ictorian tertiarv celtic'ation: 27 into Arts/Humani-
Iii fact, the number of students contitilling with the
tic·s (1 has ti-,11]xfri red to .\clelaide), 1 .·lits/Law. 1
studv of a foreign l,inguage is higher than ever. And
Arts/Planning, 1 Arts/Science. 1·1 into Science, 4
fittinglv so too. for Atisti ,iIia will be well Men'cd to
into Primarv and 2 into Xeconcial-v Teaching, 1 into
have citizens who have a good appreciation of the
Physiotherapy, 2 into Enginrering, 2 into Architec-
range of cultities in which we live and Liti/.c·nA who
lure (1 into Adelaide University), 1 into Medicine. 9
are able to conilillinicate With our glohal flit'11(1%
into Business clegires, 1 Comnwrce/I.aw. 1 Com-
and neighbours.
merce/Arts, 1 into Planning, 1 into Agricultural Sci-
Year 11s doing Year 12 subjects: We have bet· ii
ence. 1 into Horse Management. 2 into journalism,
pleased to see a good number of Year 11 students
1 into Public Relations, 2 into Propertv, 6 hite.) 1 ic,spi-
undertaking Units 3 & 4 (i.e Year 12) subjects. This
tality, 6 into Nursing, 1 into Physic 211 Education, 1
is one of the great advantages of the new V.C.F.. and
into thi· Defunce Fore es Ac·ademv, 8 into T.A.F.E., 2
allows schools to offer a real challellge to more able
into ()11-ice Trainerships and 1 completing V.C.E. iii
stzidents. The results of the Year 11, who have un-
the Aits and Design aira. 1)11x ofthe School lk)1 1992
dertaken this clicilic·nge were outs landing.
was \1,11'gueritc Flilti )11, who proceeded With stliclieN in Medicine.
Our Nch<>01 0,minunitz should be verv proud that
V.C.E. Physical Education: Pli) sical Ecitic ation will be introduced into the V.C.E. stil,ject offering at Unit 1 and 2 level in 1994, leading into Unit 3 and .1
our War 12 sttlclents continue consistentlv to achieve
in 199:5. The introduction of this %111)ject drew
clitalitv res,lits and to sc'ellie tertian' places at a silch
Strong %11])1)(,rt in the Allrve)' c )1 parents. u)11(111(ted
a high 1-,itc. Morrover, thesc· results are achieved with
earlier this )'cur.
an enrolment policv which is not Melic'tire of ftil-
Acceleration Mathematics and the introduction of
dents c )11 11< .1(Icinic 41-(,1111(14 .111(1 with u proinotion
Maths 101: C)iii- .·\( celeration programme, whereby
policy which allows any stticlent to procred into tile
talented Mathematics student + iii Year t) complete the Year 9 and 10 Mathematics progi .1111111( while xtill in Year 9, proce€ ding to Year 11 Matlic·inatic N
\'.C.E. provided that Alw has demonstrated a tradines, and a willingliess to commit 11(·i-Hell to the task.
stitdv when in Year 10 (and then. a Year 12 Mathe-
Inatics chiling their Year ll),is progressing remarkably well. The programme ix now ima its xecond Auccersful >rar. Congl.itulations to the Atudent x who have responded to this chal|(·lige.
bus,· progr.,tiinie.) Meanwhile, in It)93. the .Junior School has undertaken a review of its programme and is to introduce a coordinated Prep - Year 6 outdoor c'(ilication programme in 1994. Artist in residence: We were thi'ined to have Miss
Seven of our 1993 Year 12 Maths students
Beverley Dunn as .titist-in-resiclence in .litly. Miss
Weticlv Lau. (1.il,tielle McCorkell, Genevieve Shee-
Dunti. 2111 experienced 11(tr(» 01 +Ne 1111(1 Nerceli, offel ed Atticlents new in sight .111(1 ( 11 jovment of literamre and 1,()(·try and a taste of the Alic·er magic and
han, Caroline St}'allan. 3' Tue To. Lucv Trumble and
Mary 72>insic - sat the qualilbing- exam conducted by l'niversitv of Melbourne alid were Nelected as highitchicring Matlwmancs stticlents to 1111(1('1-take Uni-
power 01 language.
The new V.C.E.: Operational dilliculties with tlic·
versitv Maths 101 while still in Year 12. Four went c )11
rCE contimic to c .ills(· concern. This ve.1- we saw a
and completed the course - no mcan frat considering tlmt this was in addition to the girls' other V.C.E. Atildv numnitinclitx. We .11-c very proud Of the ('om-
linniber ()1 \'(,F. sttident,% willing letters h) the e(litot'x
initincilt al](! deterinination which tht'V havi· diown
ill thiA (lenunding amist·.
Gifted and Talented: The special lic(·cls of gifted 1111(1 talented %111(1('llts contilmes to be a foals. All ill-
creas ing range ofextension, c i il-i c 111 11(·nt, and accelera-
lion opportunities is offered to Mitch stlic!('lits. We .11%0
in (,iii' Melbourtic· press ex])1-t'Asing concern for cheating, 1111(Ine 21#istance and inequities thal exist in the present .11 1.Ing(·Ii,(111 t.. Nothing i.4 more (lisUn'bing than the lack 01 faith that is reflected iii these |('tterx. We too arc concerned with flaws ill the
Mist»nic·Ill ])1-(,Ce(1111'c. the credibility of willa depends 011 two critical factors: (i) the authentication of the %111(ic·lit'% work as his/her own, completed
offer the Mentor Programme :111(1 a number of sm-
Withollt 1111(lue 21#ixtance, and (ii) reliable asxeS.%-
dent.4 have taken lip this opporttillity. This prognimine offers stitclents a very special opport.unity to work
ment processes. We als<) continue to be concerned by the overall workload which fulls on xtitilentx and,
c lose|v, c )ii ts i (le of the school context, with specialists iii their lic·lds of interest - sitch as nizisic, science, writing, art. The 1,<,Nsibilitics air boundless. Fic,im Kelly (Year
12), for exainple, has worked with her Mentor, Fiona C hipp, writer and journalist, for tbur vears. Congratillatic)]1% to Veronica Angelatos who was awarded national finalist in the 1993 (:anon Young Writers of tlie ;64,1 competitic,n. Careers: It has been .1 year of manv and varied Ca-
trel- information opportunities for our stildeIMS. ,.\A well as our own Careers Evening, we shared in a (:a1-cers Infoi-mation evening with (irnau,.Ino CoHege and Xavier Colic·ge. Our (hurers Advisor, Mrs Marv
moreover, the workload on staff who lind the draft-
ing procedures extremely 1)111(lensoinc. \W look forward to the change·.4 proposed by the new Board ol Stlidies which will hopefully addresx these worrying
fuctors. It is important to keep in mind though that the Certificate itself has manY commendable qualities and features and represents the most innovative and pic,gres>®e eflucation system in the annitry. We
must fuce the problems and challenges it poses, not 1('treat to the illusion of safetv ill ic·trograde 21%,essment procedures and the elimination of any 1-isk fac1(,rs.
Co-curricular Activities
McCarthy, also organised an It 's Hvpothetical'
We have sceli manv fine achievements and contri-
evening. Designed to give a better unde]Ntanding of the processes of career choice, V.rEA.C. proci·(1111-(·s ;ind T.,4.F.F.. ancl ic·itiary selection. The plesentation
butions in the extra-ctil-licular life of the Achool, 011
Fcatilird a range of representatives from T.A.F.E., l'niversitv Sclection Personnel, V.TA,C„ and the (:.1reers Reference Cenur.
Huff and Puff into the Junior School: Come to thejunior School on .my day at 8.45 R.m. and join in
the limess progi'amme! It is designed to develop healthy habits in 0111- children - :111 increasingly difficult task in an age of fast food and little exercise!
Congratulations .ind thank you to Mrs Chris Edmonds who initiate·(1 this programme. School Camps: The liitic,(luction of a Year 8 out-
door activity Calnp inet With great enthtlxiasin 2111(1 excitement and will 1111(1()111)tediv become a part of the regular prognumne. In addition to the optional camps and 3111+ct-related c amps that take place at unious times, such as the Firtich trip to New Calectonia tlii>; velit'. ive 11(1#' have year level canips iii (·acii of
both an individual and a team k·vel, this war,
Kate Carroll and.Jacinta Finnigan (Year 11, 1993) have both been sclected to attend the National Sci-
(·ncr C k),lierence at the A liM tral ian National University in the conling Christinas holiclavs. Thev follow in the
fbotsteps of a number of very talented stitclents fi-om our school who have atti·licled this Ck)11*21-ence in previc,us vears. Nicolette de Zoete and Sinead C )'1)(itilic'll
(Year 11) were selected as .}linior Councillors on the Pralll'an .Junior Council this vt·,11: Silicad C)'1)(„Inell, Silvia Chade and Drborah Leaver (32·211 11) p.liticipated in the Rotarv-sponsored Mini LJnited Nations A«)('iation, 1'(presenting the u)tliltry Of C .tilic]OOM. Rebecca Sargeant (Year 11) was chosen to attend the
thilted Nationx \buth Conference which took place in Melbourne injzily. Rebecca was (,lic· ofeight Victoriall Al|(*glito Choxen froill Sonic 200 21pplic,ilitx.
Phoebe Knowles (Year 7,1993) was uwarcled.joint winncr in the 14 imary section of the Prahran Bicenten-
Wan 5, 7,8,9, 11, and 12. (PE·ar 1 Hs have a week of
ilial Scholar>,hip Competition. Phoebe'S entry W.IM in
Work Experience plus Community Sen'ice in their
the form of an historical (liary lk,und at -Como'.
We were delighted to en jov the companv of a illitliber of illternational exchallge Studenth iii the
school at various times during the War. Silvia Chade, 11'om Hi :izil, joined 1 1% for the )'car and quickli· assimilated ilito the Kilic )01 collillitillity. Elise Rivault, from France, and Noriko Ocla, froin Japan. joined 11% for several weeks in Term 3. Ten of our own xtudents
participated ill exclialige progi'anunes over the Christinas vacation, most of them to France. Fraticesca Braitinont returned from a vear in Thai-
land, and Atigel.1 (knilan returned from a year on
exchange in Canada. Zoe Sinyth i 3 currently in France for .1 year.
illiging· c)lit on Second Place 18' the Shont·St of inarginA (().5).
Our Athleties Squad nine Fifth in the S.P.S.V.S.·\.
i\,111(·tioN Sports and Fourth in the S.C.S.·\. Track and Fickl CarnivaL Vaness.1 Shnrn (Year 11) was se-
lected for the Victoriall junior Athletics Squad for her long.jilinp. Our rel,iv te,kinx enjoved great Auccess at the Victorian Schoolgirls Relay C 71,1,11,1-
onships. The Year 11 learn (\'alless.1 Slaven, jane Hoy, Natalie de Morton, joanna I.anrence) gained Fourtli Place. the Year 9 team (Sarah Gurry, Alina
Kricker, Elspeth Martini, Catherine Fernando) Eightli Place, the Year 8 team (janc· Kenny. Rachel 1-10) (Year 7) , (Charlotte MuldeO Fit th Place.
The Intermediate B Netball train was undefeated
We were delighted to have our War 7-9 and Senior Choirs invited to perform at the concert of
defeated in its season, winning the mtic premier-
music by George Dievfus in May. Our clic,irs were
ship. The junior Hockey team won the junior
111+0 invited to sing ill a performance of Stravinsky's %ymphotiv of Px.ilmx with the Melbourne Svmphony Orchestra iii .\,igust. Both were ven special opportil-
selected to represent Victoria in the Schoolgills'
At the C hunbelivell Fisteddfod, the String Quintet
W·21, 219#',il-(1(·(1 Third Place (Open Age C 71 itinber Scctic )11), the Year 7 - 9 Choir First Place (Jililior (;ills' Choir Section), the Vocal Ensemble Second Place
(Small Choral Group -Youth Section for Under 250, and the String Orchestra First Place and the Sun-
pholly Orchestra Second Place in their sections. In the Waverlev Eisteddfod, the Seniot- C :hoir gained an Honourable Mention, the String Orchestra was awarded Second Place (Senior Section), and the So nior Orchestra Second Place (Senior Chamber Music). Most notable of individual achievements ix that of
Natasha Ill)lines (Year 10), who achieved 11(·i
A.Mus.A. this year. It has been .1 ve.ir of inally outstanding achievements for Nat.,%11.1. >ihe was selected
iii its season. The Senior Hoc ke) te.lin was also lili-
Division Picilliership. >hirah O 'lip-ne (32,11 10) was l'nder 16.·\ State Hockev train which competed in tile 11.Itic)11,11 £ c )111[)(·titioll.
In Arrobics.joatin.1 1.:turence, justina Carter and .],ilic Bonc,110 (Year 11) :,chieved Third Place in the State Advanced School .\crobics Final in june and Ihird Place in the National School Aerobics iii Au-
gust and First Place in the Victorian SchoolgirlA Reel,ok Championships iii October. In Tennis, Catrina Boemo (Year 9) was invited to
attend john Newconibe's Tennis Ranch iii Texas. The Senior Tennis team performed commendably in the Korowa Round Robin,.just missing out on a place in the ione final.
The junior A Skiing team (Lucy joimson. Eli/.a Peters, Lucinda (:annon and Nicole Valmorbida),
were placed Sixth out of 35 competing trams. The 1(·aill u'lls %(lectecl tc) ('olilpetch ill liatic)lial filials at
for the finals of the Chinese At-ts Festival. She won
Falls Creek and were placed Eighth iii the Aust] alia-
the I Inder 16 Ilistrumental Soloist Section and Sec-
wide.jinlior division.
011(1 Place ill the Open 1 Ilttl-11111('Ilt,11 S<)1(,iN[ Section iii the Ringwood F.ixted(lfud.
Loreto once again hosted its own "Bc·tween the Bridges" Cross Country event at the Y.111 .1. Four other schools attencled and Loreto Xecured First
The achievements iii sport are hubcative of the talents (d the stliclents aild tile diversity of opportlillities which are offered to them in the school's sports prograiii ine.
Fifteen student, were invited to attend the "Young Women's Dav" International Conference at the
Worid Congress Centre iii August.
Our Swiniming Squad achic·ved Fifth Place ill the Victorian Seconclary Catholic Schools 6C.S.A.) DivE4on | Swililining Carnival, hecolid Place in the
Place in the Senior Division and Thircl in the junior Divisic,ii.
For a second successive ven julia (zillitv (Year 12) won the State Titles in the Malibu Board Race
Under 18 of the Victoriall Surf Life Saving Chainpi-
onships and was selected to conipete iii the Australian titles. Kristina B jornes jo (Year 9) competed in the Victorian Schools Surfing Competition and
was placed Third overall. Kylie Pock,lakin (Year 10) demonstrated expertise in kavaking. winning the 1993 Salt Water (litioe Classic.
were xwum by Megan liolt (Year 11) and joanna
Oiii- Fencing team has done very well this vear. under the expert coaching of Maitre d'Arines. Mr john Fethers. The girls competed at both state and
Latit-ence (Year ll). Anna Kricker (Year 9) came
national level. The team comprising Marie Aline
Third in the 14 & 15 year-olds 3 metre springboard event in the State Winter Diving Championships,
Davies (Year 11), \'irgini.1 Iones (36.11- 10) Lucienne Bailey (Year 11) won the Victorian School Te:uns
(re]121//2111() Carnival, and Fifth Place iii the
C..P.N.V.S.A. Carnival. Outstanding peric)1117,111((4
Under 20 Fencing Competition. Marie Anne Davies (Yeal- 11) won the L 'nder 17 State Fencing Cham-
pion and was Melected to represent .411%11-2111.1 ill tile Cadet (Under 17) team which competed in the \Vorld Fencing Championship iii Demrr, U.S.A,, in
April. She came 41.)iii out (,f 67 coi-tipi*titors.
Budiwalking now leatilirs stiong-lv in the school life, 111.inkA to the effort and commitment ot its coor-
dinaton Peter Crewe. with the lisxistance :111(1.SlippOrt of Mark I.atigan, .Jill Chambers, ancl Ros Scott. Sevcral overnight and weekend walks were orgallised
In the Independent Giris Schools Gvmnastic N
this vear for stlicle lits FEears 9 - 12) to Wils,)11%
Competition. our team xecured First Place iii the Intermediate C Division (Jacquelint· Retinic·. julia
Promontorv. Falls (:reek/Mt Hotham, the Portland
Peima, 1-icrmic,ne Knowles. Diana Di Cecco, Alicia
area. and the Granipians. Ill .january, 199-1. a group of intl-epid walkers will take oft ic,1- a ti ck in Nepal.
Ferl,i). 111((111(·line wa>; 21\#'arded Fil-st Place overall. and ®lia Second Place. 1.oreto was .11¥a]·ded St·cond
Place in tile junior Level 5 - 82 Division (Beata 1 .uk.,siak, %,ix,Nitiah Bailev, Anna Arnall. Louixa Bo-
stock. Sal .1 Woodrilit) and Second Place in the jilnior Level 6 - A Division (Naomi Grant Anna Fran-
c ix,.hnic KimiT ,.le.sica Moretti, Anita \10( „irth> ) and Second Place in the Ilitermediate Level 6 - A Divi-
4011 ((Naive (,1-uhaill, Pellin 0 1.(,ligh|in..\1111,1 Ki-icker)..Joanna 1 ..1111-ence :111(1 Justina Carter liA<) undertook tlwit- 1.evel 1 Gymnastics Coaching
Tournament of Minds
\\'c were pleased once again to have a number of teams compete in this verv stimulating competition which is defigned to encourage Creative problem «ving- 2111(1 which is (()11(111(ted under the Ap<)11%01 -
ship of Mc„,ash Univei sit» School of Engilleering. hcores of tcal-11%. each with five stildenti coming froill <clic)()14 froin all over Victoria, gallier to CoIll-
pete against teams from across the state. We were cirlighted to present 4 trains from \1.indeville in 1993.
Ilk· lowing <casoli w» 21 111(,4 Mic'Les>ful onc. One
of the delighti of the season was the christelling of the new boat. 'Bernadine'. Our rowing- crew.4 \vent
on to row superblv at the head of the Schoolgirli Regatta on the Bai·won in March. Thirteen crews
Education Seminar with Quentin Bryce, A.O. One of our goals this war was to introduce all
evelling plil,lic Acillin 21] scries, 1(,Clisilig c )11 tl-wilies and issnes which reflect our heritage as followers of Marv \\'ard. Thi· seminar scries will focus on issues
competed. Six crews rowed their wav into their finals
relating to wollitil. the Church, and education. We
and three War 9 crews won their division, It was a sit-
invited Ms Quentin Bryce, A.O., foriner Fecleral Sex
perb fillish to what 1121% been a Inc,st suars.4 ill Sea-
Disct-imillittion C N )1111Ilissioner and now Chair of the
Mon. \erv special thanks to Mrs S:illy Ilinton, our
National Child Care Accreditation (2>zincil, to be
Rowing Coorclinator. Mr Simon Trumble, Club Presi-
kevnote speaker in dialogue with Sue Neales. Senior journalist of The Age, at our inaugural seminar on
dent, \11' Robert Zaharn, our I lead Coach, and to .111
ofour te.1111 c ,! coaches. The succesM cel'tainlv augin-* well Ibr evell greater success in the wais allead. Past
Pupil. Sal'.111 Lachal (Year 12. 1992) was offered a lowing Nc'hol.11-ship .lt the Australian histitute of Sport in Canberra :ind was selected for a team to
compete in Denmark. We look forward to her return to Melbourne and her assistance with couching (,iii'
\'ear 9 rowing clews in 1 994. We are plc·ased to .111nounce that thi N Ve,1- We have filialiMed a lease aurec-
nwnt with Melbourne Rowing C :lub which will xecure
Lorcto'% place on the Yarra for the vi·ars ahead.
Nepteinber 13. 'What'% Stopping Then« Whv are 11!Stl·Mi,k N gill, 2111(1 Wonicti 11(,t vet AChieving their 11111 place iii societz· as professionals. leaders. and
117.111:igers, whatever their field of professional encle.1,·c,zii-? What attitudes hupecle thi·in? What barriers obstruct them? What Can we do to enhance their
prospects? It was a xtimulating and thought provoking evening. It was particularly pleasing to see a liumber of our Meilior stll€lent, there as wcH 214 1111-
nierous parents and visitors to Loreto. We look fbi-ward to niaking this Mort of public evening seminar a 1 (·glilar feciture in our school calendar.
Iliterschool and interhouse debating Contimies to rilic),· support from staff and stliclents. providing a
illarvellous opportunitv toi students to develop their Akills.
Property developments
Our plans for the Year 7 and 8 bililding are on hold until the economic climate in Victoria im-
proves. We proceeded with the renovation of the
Year 11 quadrangle, transforming a once €11111 and Drania
In Drama. our production of "Toad of Toad Hall"
drearv grey area into a beautilill pia/la, with pink
tones in the paring, blue blossoming- jacarandas in the garden bed.i and ioft grev sillishactes .ind brick-
in September was tboroughlv delightfuL Ill the jilnior School, the three Year 6 classes prexented
abridged versions of Shakespeare's plin*: "Twelfth Night", "Romeo and juliet - , and "Midsummer Night's Dream".
With thanks
As we come to tht· end of another full lind bus,
vear, 1 wozild like to express 171)' own thanks to those
people who have worked especially hard iii the sclic)()14 ilittirsts this )'car.
Congratulations and th.inks to Schoo| Captaill. Michacla Keogh and to School Vice C hq,taili. Kinih 1 111]17111(·r<ton for their in)h·ing le,IcleNiip of the Mihool in 1993. It has been my great pleastile to work (·Icist·lv with th,·in and to share their great
hopes,.joux and vision for the year. Thev have worked extremelv hard and with great energv and c ]-cati\'iti' througlic)lit tlic' u'.11' und h.ive colltii|)tited 111 no Allull Wav to our AC hooll ti .1(lition und ('thoh.
I thank the I.11.V.M. fur its ongoing.lisistance and
slipport for oill- 4('11001, and particularly >h 1.11ison Talfc for her unfailing »Ast,itic'(· aint advice iii lead-
2%4 1.
ing the %('11001. We al-c blessed at Mandeville with the extraordi-
Man' genct-c),ity, AcliNiti\-it\' 2111(1 expertiMe which wr receive froin our SChool Council, under the chair-
maliship of Mrjohn Arthur. The advice .111(1 assislatice \«ich the Guincil ofic'ix ill relation to
finance. flind-1.li,illg, property und planning N in-
valuable. Thank you to Mr.john Arthur (Chailman), Mrs .]anie Alitiic·cl, Mi- David Beatty, Mr Reg BrowneN, Miss F.linbeth Butt, All- Paul Hor, Mr
.john Mc Kilition, Mi-s Size· Past ne, ST Ellison Taffe I.B.V.M., Mr Miclmel Tilley, and Sr Margaret Honlu·1-1.11.V.M.
1-hank vou to the Fathers' and Mothers' Associatic)lis for all that ther' contlil)111<' to the school coin-
1111111ity. Special thanks to the Presidents of the Associations this past year, Mr Alan Fitzgerald. and
Abbott (Chief Librarian): and to Year (,c,ordinators:
Mrs Margaret Smith (Year 12), Mi Roger Gill (War 11), Mrs Amanda Apthorpe (Yeai- 10), 111-% 1.exlev
Mrs..Jitlie Laurence. The flinds which the Associa-
Gillespie (Year 9), Mi- Brian Ellett (Year 8). and to
tic )11% 1 ilise are of grat benefit to the school, eli-
Mrs Ruth Taft (Year 7): and ill the juilior School:
abling its to intioduct· liew techilology alid
Mrs Kathv O 'Connell (Curriculum (:nordinator),
equipment that we might otherwise postpone. This
Mrs Pat O Halloran (Religious Education Coordina-
year, for example, the Associations donated $70,000
tor) and to Mis Marianne Hull (Information Tech-
for the upgrading of (,lie of the senior school coni-
1101{),47' C <)(,1 dili .1,01') .
plitti- 1,11)<)1'.71(,lic.%.
Most of all, thanks to the Achools achilinistration
I-hank you to the Past Pupils' Association for
tram: Sr Helen Maguire (Head of the.Junior
their contitilling interext anc| Suppoit for the
SchooD, Miss Pat Moylan (1)eputv Head of the.]11-
school. Special thanks to Mrs Andrea Maule, Presi-
nior School), Mrs Alison Milk·r (Director of |'listoral
dent ofthe As,(1('iation.
Care in the Senior School), Mr Robcrt Dern,·llc·v
1 thank the staff for their dectication and concern
(Director of Stliclies), Mi Andrew Schmidt (School
for all that we strive to achieve in the echication M
Coordinator), and Mr lan james (Bilsiness Mlin-
the children. Let 11% not take their generosity of
ager), for the expertise, good judgenwnt and good
heart and mind for granted and let lis teach olit
111111<)111 Al,u they bring to their work in 1('21(ling- the
childirn rexpect and gratitilde for .111 that their
trachers do for them. A word of thanks and appreciation to a teacher works wonders!
On behalf of the staff, I thank the parent, for their continued support of the school. To aH those
Special thanks are due to Faculty Coordinators in
who contribilte their thne alid their <'11(·1'*- on coni-
the Senior School: Mis Margot Thompson (Eng-
mitters. we extend our special thanks. It is the en-
lish), Mis Eli/.abeth Stowell ((:cography), Miss An-
thil>,i,1,4111 alid colninitincill of the parent C<,imnunity
drea Inglis (History), Miss Allison Ronw (Human
which is one of I.c,icto Maticic·wille H.ill 's great a.4-
Development-Home Economics), Mi Guy Anderson
ActA. 1.ong ina)' it contimic!
Unforination Tic·lmologO, Miss Glenda Ronwril
With inger antiCipation 2111(1 011,11),tted Confi-
(Mathematics), Mrs Weliclv Todd (Music), Mrs
dence that we shall do great things, we look forward
Cathy Ferrari (Phvsical Eclucation), Ms Helen
to alic)ther ve:iri
C) 'Keefe (ReligiOUS Edililition), Mr Edward Kane
Anne 1111111
(Science), Mrs Sally Hinton (Sport), Mrs Roseinary
Chloben 1 993
Junior School Report, 1993 '1)ilielent But One' was tile theme which
inspired oin- .Junior School for 19()3, the hnernation:11 Year of the World's Indigetious
I hey Nvillit' to grow up, to be able to do inoir. They strive to irach the part of lifc· that we ah-eady experience. And ret. we reallv come to know our
People. Our opening liturgy for the vear, ancl c )111
own future through thor verv children w'e cure for.
inativ activitic, Mince. 11.lve Centred ,troillid thi>;
l'her hold the kev. Ther air the possibilitici The Aboriginal people have much to teach tls. I have reflected oItc·li on the word 'dadirri', 21 special (]11.iliti. a unique gill of the Aboriginal people which is inner, deep listening mul quiet, still awareness.
thenic, and wc have (11(102,9'€)111'cd to instil ill the
c hildic·11 1-(·Apect for the Aboriginal people and their
culture and for indigetious peoples .ind cultures gellet-,tlly.
\44 a st.In ,#e have elic (>lit'aged the girk to develop
the personal skills necessal-v to live in harmc,liv with (,thers ill positive and caling wavs. We have grown 1(,gether in awarent·AN that hilinan kindnes, clon
exist. and that peace ix a possibilitv regarclless of
1),iclirri recogni/c·N the deep spring th,21 is in.ide rach and every one ofus. My hope is 111:11 out'.juniot %(·11001 gil-ls will be led to liNten deeph', 111](1 No believe ill themxrlves alict in God's c .111 10 Merve I Ii 111
happily, firch· and h ziitfully.
coloill', 1-,1(-c, cuhure or (UNt<)111$. \\'C' conxider it
Sr I Ic·len Maguire 1.14.V.M.
vitalk iinportant that our girls are given a xense of
Head ofthejunior SchooL
11(.)PE and helped to understand th,it pt·ace and justice begill with the lils<]ves and with things that thev can do,
AM a Ac |,()01 alic| faith (c)1111]ltlt,ity we have reached
out to othi·rs. Project Compassion, Family Week. Visit.4 10 >il Ic,scph'x Iloine, our Poor MaiG Maxs.
i .ilic )1 1% mission efforts for the Aboriginal people in Broome. 1,(,Inl),1(!ina and Alice Springs, and 011 1 help for hung1'\ children iii 1-11],11 21!(,13, are jilht Mottic· of the wavs th,11 hope has conic into (1111 live>,
a lid wher(· we have tried lo be Migns of hope for ()till·1%
I'his war h.ix bcc·n a p.11'ticulat h' ft litifill one ill the aira of Curricillum 1)(sclopment with new initiatives being undertaken. These include the llc·w
Maths Task Centre. the implementation of our Chitcloor 14(ilication Progi-,111]ine itich!(ling '|Illif lillci lill'f' clailv litliess. thi' introduction of Reacling
Recoverv. a Science Plc,granunc iii tile .Menior >,(·11001 Sc ience 1 ,.il)(,1-:itoric·x, and the Police Schools
1 'ty
Invok·ement PlC),41:uninc.
Ille ('111'ticitlitin in the .junior >;Chool A indeed
extensive and comprehensive .111(1 our aim is to give c.lch gill ever, c,],portunitv t() develop her 1)211-tic·11]ar giftS in the arc» 01 4)Ort. (lt',1111,I, lillisic,
Sr. Helen Maguire I.B.V.M.
art , and information trchnologv. The commit Inc'lit, (1((lication anci ('lithilsiaxin Of the St,111, and the
parent involvement and interest in our school are tangdde SUrn#h#.
l'hiough our Sacramental programme, weeklv
lisse,111)lies, xhare time and prayers, Achool and cla,% litlit-gies, the faith-life of the children 11;10 been
developed and surngthelic·(1. It is so rewarding to Sce thein grow 111 AL,|1 -awarent»;, 4(,11-9.Nte eln,
religions commitment, ilitillectual and social skills
as they suive to 1,(c (,ine the people thev hope to be. For :111 of 110, tomorrow N still to anne, and I believe that if we want to see the face of this
tc,nic,]-row we onh have to look at the bright faces of
our children - their excitement, bright eyes, entllitsi 21+111 , linending que.Mtions and be,ititiful trtist .
i.1 -- ---VE:2<Dij*2
i, *-*12221 4&'AW12;gme- --u,1.w.. -I-$**%***0&*0*. '
Junior School.
1993 Annual Report Loreto Mandeville Hall
reviewed the schc)(,1 'N builclings ancl f.ic ilities .111(1
Toorak School Council
dertaken, including refill I,ishment of the Under-
idelitified .1 programme of works which will be lin-
croft. the Mary Ward building. the Library and the The Loreta Mandeville 11 1,11 School Council has
coinpleted its ili,illgliral )'c·,11' in office 1111(1 21 %111(,Oth transition 11-nin Advisorv 14<).11(1 to School Council hax been achic·vcd. The (()1111('ib COL'll, 1% to\vardxis-
Admillistration :irea. The works sliould ensure that
the 4(11001 building,% arc 111:lintained lit 2111 appropriate Mandard.
Other propertv hnproveinent A undertaken dur-
Alle, of pohcy ill it, arc» 01 accountabilitv while re-
ing the ve.11 included the Yeal- 11 courtvard 1,111(1-
spon hibilitv for th c chiv to day operation of the
scaping, further work on the garden mailitenance
,chool N delegated to the Principal.
programme, the fire Kerrice upgracle, the 1-c·iic)711-
Council, together with the Principal. is responsible for en %111-ing that t he 1 cligic),1% and eclucatic)11,21
tion of the Sisters' residence. .111(1 (,ligoing heritage work and refurbishment to the hist(,1-ic holise.
philosophv of Mary Ward. as foundress of the
Much has been achieved by the Propcity Com-
Loreto Order, 1% 111,21111,Zined and proinoted iii the school. The goals of- the school are the spiritual, iii-
mittee during the year and our thanks arc· extended to Reg Brownell and his Committee. (2(>lilli'il al>o
tellectual and social developinent of the individual
extends special thanks to Tom Pan-ott. Propertv
and the preparation of the girls to take their place
Manager, for his watchful eye and thoughtful c (,litri-
in the sc,ciety in which they live. These goals air hn-
bution to the school's property 1-1-1.111,1gcinent.
plemented in an environinctit which i x coimnitted to Catholic education atic| Christiati principle.
Public Relations
During the vear, Sr Margaret Honner LB.V.M. was granted le:ive of :11™ence, following the comple-
Chairman: Mr john Mckinnon
lion of her term as Principal of Loreto Kil-ribilli.
Committee: Sr Ellison Taffe, Sr 1 1(·len Maguire,
C knincil was fortunate to have the benefit of >h' Mary
Mrs Anne Hunt, Mr lan jaines, Mrs >hic Rennic,
Wright'% wisdom und judgement during this time.
Miss Elizabeth Butt, Mrs Susan P.,scoe. Mr Marc
C k,uncil thanks Si Man· for her vallied coliti-ibution
and wishes her well with her appointment to the Loreto Normanhurst Council.
Paul Hoy was elected Deputs' Chairman of the (knincil for 11)93 and I thank Paul for hix lissistance
The focus of the Public Relations Committer is to
develop further coinminicatic)11% u'ith pal-cub. to raise the perception of the Achool conununit>' hi relation to the school'% achievilnent and to Collect
misperceptions within the school community about the piesent dav school.
Review of 1993
AS part of this Cointlillilication excrcise, a questic)1111aire H 21% prepai ed ancl c irculate·(l tc) parent.% i 1
Property Committee
first term. Responses were received hom 27.5 of the 750 school families. While the results of the survev
Chairman: Mi- Reg Browiwil.
were gratifving, with 94% of responses indicating
Collimitter: Sr Ellison Taffe, Sr Helen Maguire,
that families are happy with the school the princi-
Mrs Anne Hunt, Mr Howard Mc Coikell, Mr Michael
pal thrust was towards better Communication be-
Kerr, Mi- 1,111.Janws, Mr Tom Parrott.
The Property Conunittee i x responsible for the care, development and lise of the land and buildings leased to the school at Mandeville. As reported last war. all necessary approvals have been obtained for the commencement of the Year 7
& 8 prokct. However, in the light of the continuing cliffic'zilt ecollotilic cliinate and the rexultant lilian-
cial pressures being placed on the counnunity,
tween school and family. The surve)' provided valtiable feedback to the school in this area.
The Committee has been involved in different
ways to raise the profile of the school and the benefits of a Loreto ecilication. To this end, we con-
ducted an Open Day in March, Expo Day in October, all education seminar in September, and we will participate in the hiclepenclent Schools' Fait in It)94.
Council decided to defer coininencenicin of thi>;
building project. All M in readiness to proceed with
Bv provicling 2,11 environnwnt of better communi-
tile prokct and the situation will be monitored bv
cation between school and pments, both current
While, the Year 7 & 8 building is on hold, the ongoing- school refillbishiliclit .ilicl i!]lprovelliclit programme will continue. The Property Committee has
and prospective, the Committee is helping to ('11%111<
bright future prospects for Loreto Mandeville hall. Council thanks.john Mckinnon and his Committee for the excellent work achieved.
C 1mirman: Mr David Beatty
(lumnittee: Sr Ellison Taffe, St Helen Maguire, Mrs Anne Hunt, Mi-s.Ianic Aluned, Mr Michael Tillev, Mr Paul Hoy, Mrs Maric Dolinan, Mr lanjames.
conipolient for the school. and Council thanks David Beatty and his Committee for its excellent work. Council als€, expresses its gratitude to Ian .}.11-nes, Business Manger, for his Colitimlous impt-ovement 01 the school's financial 1-112111.igement.
rhe Finance (:ommittee is chal ged with the
rexponsibilitv to oversee the tinancial 1 11,111,igement of
the Achool which is undertaken by the Principal ably Ii,sisted by the Business Manager, Mr I.in jaines, and 111!Milic» office %11111.
The key to financial 1112111.lgement is the budgetary proces>, tlic strategi' of which was clearly Mutted ill the Finance Insight article which appeal-ed in the Mandevillian tilis vear. 1 cllic)te: "11€)\V,9'cl, it must be i'(·Ilictill,cred that the budget is more than .1 collection of lilliliberS aild accoilliting proct'(Illic'A. It ix prepared in the unnext of the proclit and future lic'((1% of the school, the prevailing (conomic conclitions, and with the concerns of the whole
Mihool conlinunitv in inind. It is cle.igned to
underpin the continuing developinent of the AchooL 2111(1 to ellsure that fucilities and programmes for
Looking forward
Council has commenced a strategic planning exercise that will idelitili' ally important isslies that
al-(· likely to impact on the future direcGon of education in Victoria and how I.oreto Mandevill<
111111 X11()111(1 place it,eli to contend with thOMC ir,11(*4. The exercise, over time, will (traw inplit from all sectors of tile wider Loreto Community. The objective is to give Council and the school a
frainework within which to plan ful- the future. It will facilitate the necessan' transition from a locils on the
past to formulating a vision and plan fur the future. It will draw together the Loreto Institute's Mission
Statement for its Schools with the specific liceds of I.oreto Mancleville Hall.
4111(lents alld staff are 111,untained lilid elilialiced,
therel„' 1 c inforcing Loreto Mancleville Hall's competitive position in providing Catholic eclitcation for girlx." The statement enconipasses the fundamental objectives of the school's financial 1 1121 112lge 111(2 11 1.
I have ali-eadv mentioned and thanked some
members of the school staff for their valuable input iiito Council affairs, I would now like to thank Mrs
The aiticle iii the Manclevillian was new and
Anne Hunt for her significant contribution to Loreto
Council hopes that parents found the information helpful iii understanding more about our school. Council thanks David Beatty and hix committee for
Mandeville Hall over the last five years as Principal. Mrs Hunt became the school's first lay principal in
the article.
Principal, she has achieved manv successes alid lias
It was this foregoing budget strategy that guided Coiiilcil iii arriving al the 1993 school Fee ilicle,1.Ne.
Howvever. 011 a coini)arative basis with other independent gii K <chools, <,111- fee level is still at the lower end of the Mcale.
The xchool lias an excellent record iii fee
pannent. U'ith billed tuition tees collected at 98% and building fund donation in excess of 87%, These excellent connibution rati'% enable the Schoo] to
nuilitain its high education stall(lai-ds as Well AX
undertake important facilitv improvements to foster tile cellie .ition process. The Building Fund assists ill
par·inent for work altradv completed .ind also lays the Ic)1111(littion fur future improwments. The Sclic,lai ship Fund is under the guidance 01
the Finance Committee and is pkning an important part ill assisting fumilies in fillancial diffic'11|tv, thils ensuring that Mary Ward'% wishes of providing a Catlic,lic ed tic ,ition for gii·1% across a broad socioeconomic spectrum are met. The Fund also enables the recognition of the contribution of especiall>y talented stticlents to the school by Way 01 sch(,1,11-ships. rhe Sclic,larship Fund has an important role to play iii the future and Council is addressing alternative ways to build the Fund'% corpus.
The Finance Committee is a key and active
Februarv, 1989. During her five year term as overseen the smooth transition from a I.(,reto
Ilistitute meinber as principal to a IMT principal,
Under Anne's leadership, the school's eclucation
policy has been flirther developed with the clual fbcus on curriculum evaluation and professional
development. At Council level, there is both a cooperat ive and posi tive worki ng 1 c l at ion Sh i p between the Principal and Council.
Mi-s Hinit 's 1-e-appi,ititinetit as priticip:11 for a ftil-ther five Year term was announced in September. This re-appoilitinent will enable Anne to build oil the founclation aheadv laid and Council looks forward to
working With her during her new tam. Council also wishes to extend its thanks to all stalf 111111},cr, for their excellent contribution to
Mandeville during 1993. Staff contribution
encompasses manv fields: education, the arts, +I,ort, 11(linillistratioll, th r daily pastotal cal e of ollr clazighters, all of which enable our school to be sticcessfill.
john Arthin Chairmati
Loreto Mandeville Hall School Council October 1993
Editorial A»unling ropoilxibilit) for the 1)1()(111('tion (dthih rear $ 111:tga/,ine, after oilk (111(' Scinc.ter lit 1.<>ret<> 11,111(ic''inc 11,111, w» indeed a cl,lilliting t,i,k. 1 1(nuner, the g<·17(·rot 1% advice und Iissistance of MrN lic·tiliett.1 1 Iongliton, the previc)11% Editor, was
extreinch' valliable und I ain %11!r I Apeak |'or 1111 lit 1.c,irto in thanking her for the wonderful maga/ines
Alic· edited for the enjovment ofall.
Thank vou to all nwinben of the junior and %cnic,1 11.igazilic,
b , r
conwilnition, over the icar. SM·cial inention hould be macle of Nicole Cummin who, despite the pressureN 01' 32·ar Twchr, found time to photograph
inanv of the Special occa.401-1, und everulav life 01 the school. Nicole's father has donated film for
111.1,4.,zine li,i· over a number of veal-A and we appreciate his genernsin·.
Thanks to the efforts of Mrs Malianne Ifull, Mrs
3rd row L-R Romina Peritore, Susan Scollan, Emily Tribe,
Sallv C)'Bri ne. Miss Cathv Nim, Mrs 1.isa Piclcock and
Fiona Nazzari. Jane Castles. Georgiana Quinn.
\11-4 (.hriA Eclinonds, the congilation of the.junior
2nd row L-R Elizabeth Marks, Lucy Ma.le, Alexandra Bosto 0 X-
School pages has proceeded ver, snioothlv. Ms
Melissa Migliardi, Georgina Frew, Alexandra Angelatos.
Melinda Polgl,1/(· has provided valuable 21.Nxistance iii
Front row L-R Aislinn Hammer, Meg Ockleshaw,
tile collection of creative writing ill the Senior
Mrs Margaret Quill, Louise Blight, Edwina Holbeach.
School ancl hits bern .1 sc)litre of (11(0111-.lgement
and Allppoit. To other un-'1111)(» of the school community who have assisted me ill ni,lin- wavs, 1 would like to express mv gratittide.
Finallv, a ,ecial thank vou to \11 s 1.r'li ( ;11/al who
has spent long hours working on the plic,tographic alic| arti,tic ,1.1,ects which itic· No inlpoit.int in c reating ati atti-active book of mcinorics of 11)93 at Loreto Mandeville Hall. .·\part 11-(1111 her ,ittixtic abilitv, she has (1(·1]ionstrated patience· and good Illimour in ,11)1111(hince, ancl I thank her most siliccrelv.
1 wish you all enjovable reading. Mal'garel Qllill
Eclitc,i r 4:.2
L to R Emma Grant. Mrs. Lyn Gazal, and Nicole Cummins.
MAGAZINE COMMITTEE (SENIOR) 3rd row L-R Susan Bannigan, Kathryn Bannon, Megan Larnach-Jones, Victoria Fink, Amy Kishida. 2nd row L-R Verity Okno, Susannah Portelli, Rosemarie Conti, Letitia Gamble, Kristina Bjornesjo. Front row L-R Jennifer Buccheri, Joanne Powell, Mrs Margaret Quill, Nicolette de Zoete, Emily Ball.
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