LORETO f Mandeville Hall
:i N
T- 9 ..
e 31 8
12' . 72
4 7
4 Y e.¢5
9 1
DNI1 7,4
4 YEARS f 4 9
Front Cover Photo bv Sandra Line
Back Cover Photo In Kim B.iker imprint Photography
' 19"' ,1
Contents L
Photo C C)!11(111+
.i. \\'(·lanm· 14) oill' \1:14.l/llit 1.
.%< bool (:,Ii,tailis Report
.4(·11(,01 (.()111( illor. & 1.Cadel·N
War 9 c .1 eative writing
32.11 1() hiti-Ochic·tion
WIll+ U) 11|tic & 1() (;old pl»10%
Year 10 (hren & Ic) Red plic,to. 84.
War 1() C .reati\(* writing
6. 7.-,th Anniversary
\Dar 10 (.reatiw writing
i. 7.5111 Anniver<arv
War 11 Ilitic)(luction
S. 7.-,th Anni\(·i-,cat-i
k,11 11( 1-cative Writing
1). 7.-,th Atitii,(·han
Yeal· 11 Blite & 1 1 (:old photo.
Performing At-th Fc·.stival
Year 11 (h·i·en k· 11 Red plioto.
Performing Arts Fc·tival
k·,w 11 C .1-eative writing
War 12 pllc )104
12. Dratna & Alt!4ic 1:;.
1)ranu k· ilitic
Wal- 12 1,17(>100 & \2·ar 1 2 traciwi-4
Farcwell \11· 1)('111('11( and M 1 + Black
8,1 1- 12 ( :c )1 1 age
Dilliol' School Staff
Year 12 Creative writing
Year 12 *tudio Art
tinior School Introduction
Yal· 12 Art
Religious Eclucation
19. Plrp
French Exchange & ViNit to Ftiktic,La Kairi
Yeal .11&12 Art
Senior School Art
Draina & Thi·atir Stitclic.
Sport. C :aptain + Report
3-(·iii· 1
Yeat- 1
Y/·.1/· 2
Yclu· 2
Yi·:11- 3
Yi·ai· 3
Nk·iii 411111('
War -1 Blue
ic·ar 4 Gold
M·,11 4 (11>1(1
Nc·,u· 5 14]tic· 31,
War 5 Bltic
War.3 Gold
War 5 Red
Wai· 5 Rcd ic·,ir 41 1;hic 37.
Yeal· 6 Gold
War 6 Red
M·ar 6 Red
42- 13
junior School Music
junior Sclic,01 Leader<
Junior School spoit
limior School ReligiouN Ecitication
litllior School Art C (,loul- Pages
Yeai-% 7-1() Art
6 1.
.Hcnioi- School Staff
Ac·nior School Introduction War 7 Intl'(,cluction
32·iii 7 Creative writin,g
War 7 111/ic & 7 Gold photo. War 7 (Ii·cen & 7 14·(1 1,110105 War 7 Creative writing
1621(lininton & Netball
(A+11]11,1.tics K· Acrobic.
1 1 3.
I locke·>· & Tenni.
11 1
(/licket & (.1-()*'(.(Hit,ti-\
1·(Itic·*trian & >,citil)1111
13.,#kcll).ill K \'c,llc·,ball
Skiing- (\\hok· .Nelle)01)
Rc m·1 11,4
Rowing &· LMI [ Aquatic· C.lub
Diving & \\.itc·r Pole)
Year 6 14ltic
1()8-109 Spoit.4 (3)]lage
122. Dchat'1144 123, Altisic C.iptaill + Repot t. Bra,ex, Pric u.sion & Fhac 1410(.inl,14 + 124.
Micldlt· Schoo| 14.itid, Middle School 01'chntra.
Senior Choir k Vocal Eihemble
Stage Band k (:oncert 11.ind
Pei-cuvion 1·:1 1.i·inble 2 & Recorder En+(·nibli·
Mandeville String & Lorcto Svmphony Orchesti-as
IloiN· Captaim
Tounnunent of Minch
1 3( L
E.,in ( .c,inpetiticm
14. (.oilipt·tition
132. F»,1,· (:c,inpetition 133. Principars 14(·port 134.
li·incipal'% Report
Principall Repoit
Principall Report
7 l.
Wal- 8 11111(>(111(tic)11
Principall Report
Wal· 8 Billi· & 8 Gold pilotc).
1 38.
Prilicil)Ill'.h Rcpon
War 8 (.u·(·11 & 8 Mud 1)11(,104
liincil),11'% Repon
32'ar X C .1'(·litive writing
1 Uk
Jitni{,r >,clic><,114(·port
War S ('.reative writing
Par<·1114.iwic. Report A.\cknoult·clgement+
War t) huroduction
>khool C.oillicil Report
War 9 Creative writing·
Year 9 14]tic k· 9 Gold plioto,
War 9 (;iren & 9 Rcd photos
2 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
11)2,1-It.)99 ()flici· lic·.ur,-0 & 11.)t)t) >,c·hool C ()111/(il
(.c'iltral Allstrali,i -1-1-ek
Htlcome to our 1999 School
M agazine 1;il'thdin, arc %11(h special litno. inul %igililicant bi]'1|1(1,1,4 lili the more Go. Ther are timrs to take vock
and to give thank+ for all tliat lur; 1,(·en .ic-complidic·(1 :111(1(·lijoved, clespitc the ob%taclch and dillicultich along the wav. und for the al)1[1](lant 111('AriligN Jihich Illive been xhoweled on 11% over the rears. 7.5 icati N a ver,
illil)(nlant |,ilt|,(I.iv. It wa,4 1-ight 1,11(1 fitting, ah \Vel] 11+ 11 gl-cal I)|(·,1.hill·c. to (('1(1)1-ate thi.4 111<)111(·111(,ll. (·vent in a varich {)1 wins t]11{)11,41]olit the \(·ill·. beginning with the Pao-(unt iii March. the \It,liic)1·111)ili,1 1·:xhibition in \111\.
und linal|\ Feart Din in Ac],tenibil. al] 01 \Ilich |catilic here in the H.)1)1) 4(·hoo] \Iag,1/inc.
c)lit Prep.4 will be relebrating their :W)th bil-thdan :incl <,ltv Ycal- 124 will be well into thi·ir ION wlic·11 the Nc lic)(,1 (('1('111-:11(' it, cc illeniti' iii 202 L \1.1, tlic·, look
luck with pride and jov und recall with c\(ilcitic·nt und
al|(·(·tion liu· ((·Ic·|)!,ttions thut lia\·c ((,11,11)(·inoratcd thi· 7.5111 1,irthclav. c)lil- liu·lile fol- the ccle|,1,tion wai -
(.9,/rhiciti//g /he 11<1.9, *hripiug/he /9,/1,#-r- challenge·: tls to gc, fin·/vard into the new· 11/ill/'1/1/iltin (()1111/litted to duping· the |111111(·. 1)\ doing<)111-part tobuild u |)(·[ter. 11101-c Ill.1. und inc)re genninch life-triving world 1(11- cu·none. Like Man \Var{L (,111 h,illicht». 111,1, rvi· be wul«·1. 01 tinth
:ind (10< 1'0 0[ jiivia·.
Dr Anne Hunt (Principal).
hg't y
l 4
Mrs Elizabeth Burns (Deputy Principal - Director of Studies). Mi Andrew Schmidt (School Coordinator) and Dr Susan Stevens (Deputy Principal - Director of Pastoral Care Y 7-12).
Miss Catherine Sini (Deputy Head of the Junior School) and Mrs Kathy O'Connell (Head of the Junior School).
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 3
Scl-tool Captain's Report 1 1 )('54,1 11 at l.,\11 I in 1994 1 14 a 41\· and awkwal (1 Yeal 7 who luci a him (,1 excitement 1)111 al.%0 a grave .%(·114(1 01 anxic·ty c in (·litc·ring into a new world, a %(·,1 of blite :11](1
gc)|(1. Now, faced with tile proy)((t of nuning into :in evell 1.11'4(11- wor|(1. th.it %11\ 11(» and anxict; at ft,11-lilli.t 2111('\\ hah unlihhal. Nina· 1110>,c (Ii,tant (lav, a.4 21 new inc'inber of our >k·hoo] coinnionit, I have been
embraced and tillitured by our School ;ind now fecl 1,1-cy),lic·(l to leave 1.1111 and take on all thut i, bound to (11.111(·ng·c alicl ((11111·out inc.
\\'it|<)lit a higorL A phih-)])11\, witholit cure and jo\ und a |)111)1)ling %(·11>c of expectation :Il,(1 :11111)ition, a A
SchooliN %imph a phur of|(·.tilting. Th,11 N whi· LMII N Ao nillch inoie than 41,1])!v u %(11001. for it hurnes>(9,1]1 thut K 11'tle to the Lorcto 11,1(lition: (:.1111(,lic- valtio,
211(,ligside a commitment to brilliant ((111(-ation :111(1 11 tillitill'ing (111,il-()1111)(·Ilt: all thi· htleng-111% 01 lice(loin.
Ilit<,g.1-itv. Felicitv :ind Jilgici· (01)(,11(·(1 1,1 Marv \\'ard. [-h i.4 %(·11.4(· 01 whol<· 11(·hh ill { )111 Achool c{ )111 ! 111111 i t, 9 4 \i l li, as a vitch·lit, 1 have 'Accived No 11111(·h inore than :111 c.chic''Ill<)11.
HHM) Im.% been a war (11 c\Ilillillittion ili)(1 ('('1('1)ratiC)It
of 111(· vic'((·4% (,f 0111 school. :14 together wc haw celchi,itcd 73 yeal-4 01 all that has bren given to htlic[(·111%
Bridget Cleary (School Captaiti).
1),1%1 :111(1 ])1'CNent. 1,11(1 a|| that Ila.4 been :ind al| that will be unjou·(1. \\'lut a colow|111 And c\( iling vhool (,11('11(litt·wc have enjoved hec·,111'M·(,1 thiC |'1{)111 the bric|
Lant»11(*1\ colourhil Vern ie\('1 1111% im·,1111 a greal (:(·al
i'(AiNitalion" 0| tht' 1.4)1('to 1(>1111([re« Man \Varcl and
10 111(·. Illicl 1 1(·ave 111(· 4,11, >01 with the 1,)11(1(·.4{ 111(imn·il·
the [.Alll Ic,illichc·« Mother M,ti·v (,(,11/,agit lt,tti-v, al the
of all tlic),w \1(,11(1(,1 Itil people. l'|linutctv. die
7.5111 .\lillivet-%,li-v Twilight C (|(·bration, to ilic· fun and
illy)iralion :111(1 vI])11,)11 1 hitic· received 11()111, und 'lic
c),1111(·+ of our \(·1'\ fl)('Cial 14·21%1 1),t), tile 75tli
11·ictiddlip 1 11,1\(· .ll,11·cd with jer:ic.1 (.111·In. our %<'11,)(,1
rch'bration.+ Imu· 1)1(,light olit the beht of <)111 1.()1(·10
VICC-(.Iq)t;lin. 11:10 ilic:tilt v). v, 1111[ch o) im· thi., ve:11· that
Hpirit: that sell>c 01 excitant·111, connmillitv und joi th:lt
no worch ( ()111(1 |)('gin to expre» iny gi lltiltide 10 her. To
ix alinoft imi)(lihible to dainpen, TliN N. 11·111\. and
tlic („,tv,„icting I t}t)1) Councillor 1 owe a Nitililar d(·1,1 01
inchcapabk. central to (,lit %(1100] life, and (·:u h Lorcto
hi the light 01 75 year. 01 411(·(·(·00. .tri·ngth, and
girl. .'\%,1 32.,1 12 %111(lent thihvcal' I have witlic·»cd all timt
In-tilne on "'llich wr have I c Accted this year, 111<
i.% (·11(1111('(1 in the face of C,\'11% and 0111('1 1)1('49111(·4 01
Councillor,% have »ked (>tir >khoo! conumulit\ 10
4(hool life. The Ntipport :111 Yc·,11 12 htll(Ic'lit% have
remciliber otil' Freedom 78 Be. .\4 111(1(·Ilth we enlin
rea·Red trolli tht· %(lic)(,1, c·,1,(·(i,111) floill the 'U·ar 12
fi'ccdoin to be unt-whes and t<, 411.11(1 0111' individitaliti
tracher,N. and 111(,Al paltic'111,111;' the (()11,41:int und
and :1((i·>.>, tc) No tintin' thiligh. 111 1'('incinbeling ,)111
(,titganding %1114,ort, concern, cure ,111(1 11,11(1 work 01
personal fired{)111 und the Mberty wr (·lijoy, the
c)111- dedicated War 12 (:c)(,1-dinator. Mr 1')1i,111 Ellt·tt. Itah
(.<)1111('illor have challeng-cd 11.4 not onk to reilic·1111)(i
111.1(le (,lir rear a pit·.1.Mant and rewardilill Unc. The «111
111()4(' \\ithout the |)1(·0*ing-%\U' C.joi. bill N) 41rive to help
at Mandeville give intic'h 1 )(',c )11(1 th(· c und
th(!11. IhiN i.% onc of the ('11,11|enges all will luce 0% \ve
bew>11(1 their j<)11 (1( scriptions. '10 ( )111 1'l i lic'ip,11 Dr i hint,
elit(·1 ilk· new lili|11·nnillili. A „01-1(1. \\'11(1·c <1(.,)11(,Inic
to Dr >Acvells (,tli' 1)11'(.ctor Of PANt{,1,11 C :ire, und to iiI]
%11('((·44 i.% 1,1,1-,1111<),mt. cltillandf \ve excrcihi· 11
ht,Ill ilic,11111(,ix, on 1,(hal! 0! the Ntil(lcilt. 1 expre,< (,Ill
connuitilic'lit to „111' Schools belief that all people
thank4 lor evernhing you haw given mul continne to
clnct u· the Freedom to Be.
14.1/ /1.
Good hick to aln njeinber, 01 0111' colillininitv; u-rect
\.4 School (111,1.lin this war I have faced m.lin
tlic new lilillcullitini with thi. Apirit of Care lind
challenge.h. 1)111 :lin· HHIL·NA 1 111,1,- h.lic· ciljoyed Ims
( ()1111),14.i<)11 2111(1 ( 4 )1:)111- u,111 wor](1 with tlic hest <)1 unt
1111(14)111)1(·dh been through the support of manv
ti.,clition and a low for>Tour |111111'e .111(1 the will being 01
wonderful people. There .11·c ho inany people who have evoked und sticilgthened w ninch iii nic, aint w initin
To all who are part ofour commimit, keep smiling.
iliends. close and 1(·4% Cl{ 1%(1, whose compam' 1 have
h N how I +hall i-(1111( 1111)(31- im clavs here, with a v Ilile
benefited 110111 ill 111, Ve,li'>; al 1.\Il L The alll,Ving
(and 111.„be even a 4ight te:ir of jov and Condness) !
Surng-th .111(.1 Compa,ixion that 1 have enjoyed 11'0111 lin
4 LOREI'O · Mandeville Hall
Pui(!get (1'al'v (1999 %(hoo] (321])1,181).
R Bridget Cleary (School Captain), Prudence Tehan. Meg Wielgosz, Josie Parkinson, Jessica Fetterplace, Simone Bailey. Front: Claire McKeown. Joanne Halpin, Stephanie Doyle, Jessica Curley (School Vice Captain), Kristen Doyle. Hannah Whiting.
*,@22, 4
R: Kamy Lee (School Music Captain), Emma Poynton (School Sports Captain), Annabel Smith (Leader of the School Orchestra),
Emily Smith (Leader of the Stage Band).
Front: Megan Walters (School Debatjng Captain and Leader of the Concert Band), Jiaping Fu (School Pianist), Erin Buntine (School Drama Captain). Joan Allanadale (School Chorister).
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 5
Loreto Mandeville Hall
73th Anniversary
Celebrating the past - Shaping the future r
5.44 1
pF it
, a
t »11: r
4.1 4.
This page: (clockwise from top left) 1. His Grace Archbishop George Pell. chief celebrant at the Anniversary Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral with Mr Paul Hoy
(School Council Chairman), Sr Joan Nowotny IBVM (representing the IBVM Provincial) and Dr Anne Hunt (Principal). 2. Anniversary Mass in the Cathedral, 3. Laura Brown (Y 6). 4. Sr Deirdre Rofe IBVM, Miss Elizabeth Butt (School Council member), Sr Jane Kelly IBVM. Sr Margaret O'Sullivan IBVM, Sr Helen Murphy IBVM. Opposite page: 1. Banner made by the Art Department recording the names of every student from 1924-1999 is unfurled at the Twilight Celebration in March.
2. Sr Helen Murphy IBVM, Mrs Kathy O'Connel and Mis Stephanie Woodruff enjoy Cafa Mandeville' at the Past Pupils' Reunion weekenc. 3. Judge Elizabeth Curtain launches "A Mosaic of Memories" at the Twilight Celebration. 4. Crowd enjoying the pageant at the Twilight Celebration. 5. Performing the historical pageant,
4 t •tly .
fr· 4
4 9
This page clockwise from top left: 1. Amy Tinetti,
Bridget Cleary and Amber Madden on Feast Day. 2. Feast
Day: Simone Bailey, Natalie Flegg and Josie Parkinson. 3. Fairy floss on Feast day: Joanna Ryan, Ella Henschke and Meghan Keary. 4. Singing Happy Birthday on Feast day: Mrs
Jan Paull, Mrs Jo Lonergan, Jessica Curley (School Vice Captain) and Bridget Cleary (School Captain) with choristers. 5. Natasha Barison (Y 2), Veronica Callaghan (Y 11) and her sister Alice (Y 2) on Feast Day.
Opposite page: 1. IBVM sisters Meg Hannan, Beatrice Hannan and Ellison Taffe. 2. Feast Day games. 3. Twilight oageant, 4, Mrs Carol Black leads the line-dancing on Feast Day. 4. Junior School girls preparing for the Twilight Celebration. 5. More Feast Day fun.
ti .
*11 txIT
01 .
221- ;40 , 1 0
>144'. .r'*t I
Performing Arts Festival Clockwise from top left: 1. Mulhall performers: Joanne Halpin, Bronwyn Gatehouse, Prue Hartley, 4
Alison Pettigrew. 2. Mulhall clowns: Laura Haslehurst, Bridget Allanadale, Miranda Hindle and (back) Christina Collard. 3. Barry dancers, 4. Mulhall performers: Camille Deane, Elizabeth Hunter, Yana Bittar, Julia Dickson and (front) Patricia Nigro, Tracey Pahor. 5. Some Barry Orchestra members: (back) Jennifer Palisse, Georgina Molloy, Isabelle Kitchen, Kamy Lee, Sophie Serong, Alison Spence, Ellen Nymyer, Katherine Barwood. (middle) Jane Serong, Diana Tung, Chandini Kao and (front) Alice McNamara, Lucy Deng, Samara Madden, Stephanie MeNamee. 6. Mornane Captains: Stephanie Resciniti, Anna Gallard, Catherine Yokouchi, Hannah Sharrock, Clare Gibson. 7. (inset) Ward pianist:
Nicole Lee 8. Annabel Smith singing "Angel" in Ward's performance. 9. Two of Barry's winnirg Leaders Katherine Gardiner and Karen Lee
- 8 BL
OGA *7*19/1 V V 16 27
1 _./.AG=1 0
Clockwise from top left 1. Barry actors: Anne Bowker, Anna Mansour. Kelly McBride. Kelly Moore, Meg Waldron. 2. MJIhall Captains: Erin Buntine, Kirsty McLaughlin, Kiara Chiodi, Joan Allanadale, Megan Downing. 3. Mornane performers: Hannah Sharrock and Alexandra
Dickeson. 4. Hair raising performers for Ward: Genevieve O'Connor and Holly Dwyer. 5. Mulha I in action. 6. Members of Mornane: Romy Low, Rachel Carew, Julia Pleadin, Carly Lagana. 7. Mulhallb evil clown: Kirsty McLaughlin. 8. (centre) Ward's "Dream" performers: Clare Walsh,
Simone Tyson, Kristen Doyle and Linda Wallace.
TH,16&*2#'; 'AL.:46•714-25'r# No R E : -
Er 'AM,5/5-M. 1.•.Or' £ A..IXANDIR
: j
This page clockwise from top left: 1.Performance of "The Importance of Being Earnest": Beata Lukasiak, Claire McKeown,
Kirsty McLaughlin, Erin Buntine, Eloise Porter. Jenni Bolton and Bricget Cleary. 2. Hannah
Coleman playing recorder. 3. Members of the Year 11 production "Dinkum Assorted"Annabel
Smith, Alisha Hnatjuk and Casey Gunn. 4. Some of the cast and crew of "The Importance
of Being Earnest". 5. Junior School singers at the 75th Anniversary Mass: Julia Canavan and Elizabeth Barrett.
Opposite page: 1 Cast members "Dinkum Assorted": Andrea Kaliviotos, Kelly Lennon, Simone Ball, Natalie Hunter, Kate Edmonds
and Amy Killen 2. Senior Chorister Joan Allanadale leacs the singing at the Anniversary Mass. 3. Julia Szondy playing recorder. 4. Kelly Lennon 5. Renuka Rajadurai playing
trumpet. 6. Mrs Anne Elliott at the piano. 7. Kate Edmonds and Annabel Smith as Glad and Millie in "Dinkum Assorted". 8. Junior
School drama plays: Signoree Scully, Danielle Carew and Hannah Cohen.
Drama and Music
Farewell Mr Dernelley On the last (lav of Term 2 the stlictent bodv waved
good-bve to a much admired and appreciated 11}rinber of statt, Mr. DerneHev. Mam·, manv Atticlents have macie
comment to me about Mr. Dernellc'> ,tii(l his leaving the
school. warni, 41),tikling eves. 1,1-ight 411iilef. and entlitiNiastic voices have 211,17,1,·s accompanied these C(.)11]liN'llt0.
Mi- Dernelley, as Director of Studies, h.,4 been
1-(·Sponxible for the clic,ict·.\ 010,11- Cclucation: a jol) which Ims pknrd a major role in the Allaping of the liWN of the ilililtitude of mulents who have pa,Xed through the Loreto Mandevilic H,Al gates over the last thincen ve,11,4.
Even-boch· scc·ins to have a si,ecial Ic )11(111(·hh for Ali . Derneller, and that i.4 11(>t at all 1111121/ing. "Sliock I Ion·or
(;.isp", 111.ivbe we will renwinber Mr Dernelli·v for 111().4( 11111(,1 gi·ttable .111(1 endearing- 1)111-:,fes. Mally will
renwinber All'. Dernelley 11% the 141(;: the Big Friendly (;ialit.
-rhb ix
connotations whatsorver. To Achoolgit-14. and indeed
Mr Rob Dernelley accept ng farewell gifts from School Captain Bridget Cleary and School Vice Captain Jessica Curley at a special assembly held to mark his retiremert.
compared with inost other teachets. Mr. DerncHer reachch a rather great height vet while he mav be
overbearing height wiw, it Mtop> there, lor \11: 1)(·i'tic'llc) 11,1.4 Illwars 1,(·( 11 a [l ienclh' and il],1,1-(,11( hable ],irM·ncr in c)111 M hc)()1.
Mr Deriwile> helped inc ill deciding whether or not 1 would do .1 tillivel Nitv %111)ject this wair. and I alwavs Ic,illicl him to be NO calin, alid sc) 1 c'liabh·. The whole
Mrs Carol Black - A 1.(,reto
1,1-c)('(·ss, whic h 10 11 Yeal' 11 stitclent (-(,111(i have been an
Carol Black caine to Lorcto in 11)719 -21 vein-x ago-iii
extl'('111(*1)' (Iltliliting experience, hel·!ned %0 (·11.%>- because
the (111\% when it was Still reR·rred to 11% Mande\'ille I |,111.
of hi·; 111.1171lt·1' 1111(1 C C)-(11)('1'ation. Ic , M 1 1)(i'lic·llc·v, as Mande,illiG mile h itchilil (cl
111(· 1.il)1·:11-v 'shell' was as itis now, but iii thow· 21 rear•;
%11(· 11,14 4<·en the 7(,1-111:11' chang-C· a number of times.
"fric liclly giant". c )11 1)(half of aH the vt ticlent.4 pa.ht and
Carn] is known to all :11 1.(}IC'to 11% all open. warm.
present I wiji vou the greatest of happiness for yout
loving, piving perhon ,ind to the %111(lents Alli· i. Nimply "a
future. 1 am stlic ils c )111 liu·s take tlwi 1- peaks and heights
legend". %11(' 11,1, 1(11(11(71 thix higlih l't·U-,11'(led position
vol 11- influence wi 11 hclp tls in our slic (·(144. and I hope t bc
through hcr iii\(,lveliwilt iii g) inan>· aleas oischoollife,
ll)('inory of your C 11] ming- and reassuring (1('incanor will
There were time.4 when Alle n )111(1 have been Xeell 11.4
illiltll'll((· its in how to (Ical with <)111- falls and (1·21,1)(·+ ill
1,2111 ofthe libran fultjititil·,1,lit slic never h» beell. Ill
addition to providing willin and \Ve]conling littention to Bridget Cleary (School Captitin)
,ill who li.Ne the libral v, Alic· has made herst·lf a integral
part of the Year 9 Ski C :amp for 21.4 long as it Ims been 11(ling: minbe Cal-01 1% t 11(. real reason whv il is not going Micad next war - it (1111't ntil Without bet' She hax ant·nded thous.al](1$ of School .111(1 stall |1111(tic)114 .Ilid
contributed as .1 mcinber of the Staff Ass<)('iation Colilinittee. In Knorc recent tillics. of (c)111'se, Carol has
placed her 'stamp' on the Schooli va:-ious celebration
days when Alw lead.i the line-(lancing': 11721)'be Alic will (·oine back 113 a Vi,Niting .il ti.t
Carol A olle of the ch\'inciling 1}281(1 01 4,d{ 111,·mbers
who look part in the Hicentennhz] Pilgiimage in 1 <)88 when once :lgain she wax much more than "one of the ladies from the librarv'..
Carol, vou have leti a deep and indelil,le mark on the School and 0 11 those oful A who have h.icl the ple.1%111'C of working with row and getting to know vou over .111 those vears - iii mv case 1,11 21. We know why yoti are seen as "a Year 12 students Fiona Hegarty, Amber Madden, Amy Tinetti and Sara Woodruff with Mrs Carol Black on Feast Day, when Carol led staff and students in line-dancing.
14 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
legend . We will inisS you and we wish you well. (Mrs).10:m Rvan
I .1% I
Junior School Staff 3rd Row L-R Maureen Carroll, Karine Hodder, Michelle Lindeman, Sonia Francazio, Jayne Webster, Stuart Shearman, Alison Durham, Dot Peters.
2nd Row L-RThea Rowe, Trudy Smith. Liz Blackle, Catherine Maimone, Barbara Heyhoe. Kate Whelan, Andrea Vance, Penny Trebilcock. Front Row L-R Christine Walters, Tiffany Pullin. Catherine Sim (Deputy Head of the Junbr School). Kathy O'Connell (Head of the Junior School), M chelle Seymour. Gabrielle Warren.
Absent Vera Rozkin, Fadia Zogheib, Vicki McNamara, Virginia Hand.
"Reception fairy" Mrs Barbara Heyhoe
Mrs Virginia Hand, Miss Andrea Vance and Ms Michelle Seymour
Mrs Karine Hodder and friends
"Fairies" Ms Tiffany Pul'in and Mrs Gabrielle Warren
LORETO · Mandeville Hall
1 4
First Communion 3rd Row L-R Mrs Karine Hodder, Lauren Fowler, Gaorielle Coles, Brighid Ginnane-Smith, Britteny Stewart, Rorry Baker, Nicole Casey,
Rafaela Scully. Victoria Hammond, Grace Campbell Samantha Daou, Mrs Dot Peters. 2nd Row: L-R Mrs Kathy O'Connell, Amanda Valmorbida, Jessica Cheeseman, Madeleine Tostevin. Rebecca Howie, Kirsty Kearney, Charlotte De Oliveira, Mandy Maroun, Madeleine Maher, Elizabeth Doyle, Emilie Fellay, Dr Anne Hunt
3rd Row: L-R Bethany England, Ashleigh Kubiak, Isabelle Hayes, Fiona Pearse, Monsignor Gerald Cudmore, Joanne G'uba, Alix Hauser, Naomi Scully, Camilla Counsel.
Reconciliation At the Ntai t (,1 Tel'in TwI) the Y-· 1 Fli<1(·1110 1)('gun preparing for Reconciliation 101(1 111 1,1ht the day fol
1]i,tking (,til Fil,1 14(·Coticiltation arrived. it u» Ihill-%(1,1,
22.16. \Vhm we walked in wc thund out xms. \\'e praved together, listened to the gospel ton- ofl'he 1.ost
Coill and then we went to t:,lk to tlle plicht. .\|1('1 evervone received the Sact-alnent of Reconciliation.
sonle people !-cad a praver. After tb,lt we gave our
are Children of the Light". After Reconciliation
evervone went home feeling Impm hecallse ther- were
parents .1 'Bleing and ther· gave LA one too. Then we 4.ing tWO MOng.4 called "1114-11 Bark to C ;od" and ''For we
now all forgiven. 0
I lanimh Pownall. Yeal- 4
. IN LOVE g ......5 0 I Enh
Prayer time in the Prayer Roorn
Retreat day Year 3 Eucharist: Joanne Gruba. Camilla Counsel and Emilie Fellay.
16 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Junior School b J .A t?#Z
J' C '' 1 t.
753* f« A
./4 -0
Prep Prep 3rd Row L-R Sophie Clarke, Rachel Cheng, Camilla Fox, Dora Cosentino, Remy Adams,
Madeline Sullivan, Marcella Palma, Annabel Tostevin.
2nd Row L-R Alexandra Mattei,
Eliza Christie, Amanda North, Amber Bell,
Annabel Jones, Samantha Hess,
Elyse Kearney. Emily Foenander. Front Row L- R Caitlin Moran, Pira Marshall,
Charlotte Higgins, Alexa Madden, Jasmin Chia, Katherine Frawley. Teacher Miss Kate Whelan
Absent Nicole O'Donnell, Eliza Whyte
C)111- classroom A great. It iN wm-in in winter. We have
computeri books and ](,ts (,1 .icti,itic·4. Out- hirel is named liert. He cim be verv noix, sometimeN!
Mitchel Cheng, Pit ,1 Al,lishall
\Ve have learnt to tract in Prep. \\'c do lot, of full 1£.1(ling lictivities. 0111- 1.1,(,illitc .1('tivitil·4 .lie '.Flower
Power" an(1 -.\11,luibet Magic". We take home books 3
everv night to read.
F.]vs<· Kearner. Nicole O'Donnell
Pira Marshall and St Kevin's friend.
It was fun when the St. Kevills 1)ovs visited its for
F..ister Iic livitic,4. \\'e inade bilimic·4. masks :111(1 had an
Easter egg hunt before we ate lunch togriller. Amber RcH. Mal-cell,1 P.11111.1
\\'c get to do lob olititi things ill Sport.\Ve weal' our tracksilit to Mchool on Fridavs. When we do )01-t we i lin ,1 lot and 1),11,111(·c· 011 1)(.11114.
.\1(·xa \111(1(len, Eli/,1 (liMAtic
\Ve were ven excited whi·li \\'(· Ntarted 4(·lic)01. \Ve
have had lot>; of great tillic·N and inade tic'w fi-irlic!% in Prep. Hanianth,1 11(», (:h.ulotic I Iiggins When we went to the Science 1.11) we faw a lot 01
hnportant thiligN, Mis. U'helan boiled Ac,me water on .1 9,(·cial stand over It flanic. 1 he skeleton in the lai) is jilst like our skeleton. Bathtime for Amelia Christie, Elizab new little sister.
18 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
jaxinin Chia. Eliz.,2 \\hvte
.\1 \Illsic we have h.al-lit (litterent 4(,1-1% 01 thingh. 1 he
birt thing is the pi.ilic). Mr. Slic'.11-man ])|11\% it .111(1 we
'55.7 0.* „34 0,F
Aing tile |1111 lir Nong*. 1·:inilv Foeimticici·..\Ic·x,111(11'a .\1:atici
I n 1)1-,1111.1 we taks· {)11 (,iii- \110(·. lowl (1:,11(·c. \Ve livt(·11 to %[oric·%. then \u· act thein out.
C :Ilitlin Nic)1-:111,14.,therine 1.i-,livic'\
111(· firefighter, aine to ViNit il>; al vhool. \\'c ](':11nt , 111(· 1111}11)cr voll ring if unt have 11 fire ily \(,111- 11()114( .
111(·\ brought theit'truck.ind wegollodhnbilito it und 11.%(· the lic).w.
C :amillit Fox. N|11(1(·line Sulli\.111
\\ lic·11 we went Ic) thi· lic,tanic C ..11(1(·lih we h.,cl 1111 1( 11
und haw 11 Police lic)1-%(·. Then we learnt Ill)(,lit clific·i·(1111
phint.. \Ve $'m (111(-1 and eck Amanda North. Annabel.joun
L" -1 Caitlin Moran learns how to put out a fire
For Fainih· weck, we 1'.liN·(1 111(,11(·v for familin who
donh have inuch moner. \Ve a],w gave food to the poor people for winter. .\1111.11)(11 -1.(,Nt<·vin. Dc)1-11 Cosentim)
PMPix lini! \\'c enjov the activities %0 inuch. \Ve like
4% r
the Mwing .tilel the big piece of cheoc. The intliti..111(1 +ometilne. the (1.1(10. come to lic·lp .\Ii•;4 Wel)•ter.
At work: Camilla Fox, Jasmin Chia, Annabel Tostevin and Sophie
Sophie· C .1,11·ke, Remv Ad,ill iN
i.,4 r.
Amanda North, Samantha Hess and Charlotte Higgins get
Elyse Kearney and Rachel Cheng.
acquainted with Mr Andrew Schmidt.
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 19
Year 1 Year 1 3rd Row L- R Georgina Gannon,
Rebekah Cori-nack, Rebekah Lewis,
Kleo Tzelil, Ayaka Soga, Bridget O'Brien, Nicola Stevenson, Chloe Lucchesi.
2nd Row L-R Eliza Quinert. Gabriella Sgro, Camilla Flook. Lisette Campbell.
Gabriella Nugent, Stephanie Mattei, Sally Hartmanis, Atlanta Mutimer. Front Row L-R Venessa Robinson.
Natalie Wilkinson. Emilie Hickey. Anna Church. Stephanie Byrnes, Eliza Grant. 'Pi
Teacher Miss Michelle Lindeman
tly! e Absent Meg Appleby. Brigid O'Hearn
\\'chacl 11\Nitor froin \Mneral. 14(111(-,ition whotc,Icl liN 1111
4 Iwki 56'll
:tbotit rocks, First thcv lind the rocks we nced. thi·n
thi·, clig them (}111. then liu·, plc)(c·+4 them. 111('11 the, 114(· 111(·111 .01(1 1,1.1 01.111 tlic·v revi,ir the 1.111(1. \Ve tir rock.
:111(1 their mint·1,114 to inal«· 40 manv thing\like jewellen. 1-na{I, toothpltIC. 1)lick.. 1)(·tu·11(1*. 11('11(.4. 14*lick. 111 id!:C.. 41 ,100. i;/11./r :111(1 \111,/1-tic.. (,Corginlt (,ailll{)11
tof For Sciena· \Veck wi
1(·Al·ilt Al)()11/ 1111.11(·IN. \Ve
ti·.[cd the thing. thilt al·c ' 'tt 1 aacd to nugnch. \U· 111:1(Ic d taa· track :ind a ar with
1 pal)<·t- clip ()11 it.\\'(· 111(·(1 1,
111)5411(·t t{) 111(>ve the ar al
conilm Flook
Demonstrating magnet r'notor car track: Venessa Robinson and Meg Appleby.
N r
Learning about magnets in Scjence Week: Camilla Flook and Natalie Wilkinson
\U· went to >milit.]{),(11)16 11(>inc. \\'C Hang [i\(· v)ntr,: the Iii'Nt M )ng W.1.4 handviand. I he Wai· 2 vitclents catlic 11% i\'cll. Then we had an afternoon vinick whilc thi· Yi·al-
2 tticlent 11(·re t.ilking to the cklill, pcoph·. Then we 11.1(1 11 till'11 2111(1 tlic 32.0- 2 Ntlident. werc eating. \Ve g.1\c t|1(·111 11 bookinark und wr went honic.
Venessa Robinson. Gabriella Nugent and Stephanie Byrnes visit
Bridget ()981-i(·11
20 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
the elderly
Madeline Club I-he War I Mitcl·tit. |,clong to the Madelilic· Chil). We
have 11 111('llil)€'1·ship (·ard .111(1 wc read tlic· Madeline Wories and do work abolit them. \\I· 1)111\ liu· \1,1(1(·line Cl) Roin gaine< in 111(· ch»rooin. \Ve Ning \1,2(1(litic
%()112% alld have .1 7 )ccial tra partv .incl we ([1(·4+ 111) like
11,1(1(|im· 1111(l the gills from her %(-11001 1111(1 1,1,1\ gamch. MiN% 1.ilic!(·111,111 gi\·eN out \1,1(1( linc Au·,11-(14 111 ;l<4( !111)1v. Relx·kah (:ormack. Chloe I .lic'c hei
hi -Irc linolog,· 1 macle a liIi. 16 imine N irllinn. 1
11111(le it with material. felt. Vii)bon .1,1(1 Illin: Chill|ling) Stephanie Matt(·i
Making toys in Technology: Gabriella Sgro, Lisette Campbell, Gabriella Nugent and Sally Hartmanis.
Year 1 and the Fairy
Fain \¥hi.per visited ils. She had two fric·lick (:iren 14 )01.1(1 Cobwel). She 101(1 11% v)111(· 1.li n t.11('% abolit her
and we (1.111(-ed with her with walich lincl we \vent under
her rainbow. Alle %])1-11\·cd lail-v Na·Ill c\(·nwhere. UP had
11|1(·l'noon tra with a tinv lait·v c .ike which ta.ted like
pepperinint alld dic put i.lin glitter on (,til- 111(-Ch alic! g.l\C 11% 11 \1'1%11%1()11(·.
Rico T/cli]. (1411)licila Sg-ro
Gratitude.1(311111,110 .lir a Special Part (,flan· L -lf the c „11, prawl- \(,ll ever s.tv iii vour entire life ir thank vou. it will be enoligh."
11(iwit- Eckhal·1 ¥
Mv Dad N M ) %])ccial to me })(('at thc· he Inves ine. ]I,Jhe dN1:/ 11*';;01
Aula Nogit
r "*1.4 I iii=
Fairy incursion: Chloe Lucchesi, Rebekah Cormack, Kleo Tzelil and Stephanie Mattei
I aill grateful inv initin A 11,1\ ing a bal„. .\una (lunrh
1 ain grateful I have nice friel,(14 1111(1 111(\ al-c the whole c.lars. I'('lic»a 14{ )1)ilison
\1\ 1):td i. M) 51)('cial l)<1( .1110(' he ti·]h 111(' %tol in 2111(1 pick; nic 11]). 1.Acne (4"NA*11
I .lin grateful for cu'l'Uhing. \ICK .\1)1)le'n
I am grill(·full am me,
Preparing their Gratitude Journals: Emilie Hickey, Venessa Strphanic 11\ inc·M
Robinson. Gabriella Nugent, Anna Church, Camilla Flook and Natalie Wilkinson.
LORETO · IMandeville Hall 21
Year 2 Year 2 3rd Row L-R Amelia Harrison,
Alice Callaghan. Megan Swinstead. Teresa Cabal Pasini. Samantha Bell-Goodman, Danica Patawaran, Annelise Brown,
Eugenie Prior, Elizabeth Barrett, Alexandra Fitzgerald, Megan Allanadale. 2nd Row L-R Eve Lillas, Julia Sweeney, Siana Madden, Natasha Simonds,
Eliza Tiernan, Mary Shuttleworth, Caitlin Spence. Julia Canavan, Stephanie John. Front Row L- R Annabelle Wong Tai, Alexandra England, Nikita Demetriou,
£*1 Natasha Barison. Veronique Campion, - ' Alexandra Higgins.
Absent Alexandra Gribbin, Lucy Adamson.
Teacher Mrs Maureen Carroll
A Day iii Stratford
Prayer Roster \\'e hine a War 2 Praver Rofter and it c h.inge. even-
Ilure gi:-k iii 34·.0 2 went to Vihit St.itic,icl rpon .hon this ve.,1- 1,(<c .tine of our interest ill Shaki·spcal-c and \ve
\\'c alwavx Inive the Church col{)111- 011 the Pravel-
were 40 hick, 1)('(·ause we c<)111(1 shair our experience
lill,le and „·c 11.%c· lots of Npecial &, „11)01+ like Ilowers.
with the whole clahes %0 evel-vone could le.11'11 Inore. We
bells .ind holv water.
know that Sli,ike·;pectir W.IM born in %11-atford. England,
\Ve had a Al)ecial service ik)1- 111, 11111111'% Illiniversarv.
in 15(3 1.1 IN lather wa. a glove niakel- 1111(1 the Mavol· of
NIA Cari-011 11(,tight a bunch of Ro(·ili,il-v for
Stratford. 11(· w.10 .11%0 the 1->ce!- tastell Sh.ike;pe;ti-c went
remembrance .111(1 I pulled piece 011 to give to friend:
to the local (,1,1111!11,11- %(11001 1111(1 to li·,1111 1)(·tic·i \()11
who 1'('111('inber inv inum.
had 10 +tand up in ('1,14+ all clin. %0 he clidnh like 4")(}1! Elinibeth Barrett
\Ve know th:11 %11.ikeeare limilied .\1111(' 11.,th:iwin and the, had thirc· chil€11-(111. 11)11 call go .111(1 vihit the cottage the, Mved in. It h,14 a thatched roof alid a big
beautiful glit-clen. The holiwe where hhakes])(1:irc Ii,·ed when he retired wa pulled down in 1759 bv a 111.111 who
1 h
diclii't like .ill the peoplc· coming to Nee it. In it. place their i. now 11 lovel, 1.11'ge gal-dell called 'Sh.iknpcal-(·9% (.1'/'Itt C ..l/'(1('1/.
Ilit·M· arc 4(}111(· 01 the things we le.1111(Yl abolit on
our vi·;it, The people who live iii Sti-atful-(1 arc hicki 1,eclillt· thev have a lot of hi•torv. Diet vow know it h.,+
ill\t been (li,covered thal Priliced Diana \1-2,4 rehucd to u' &,ve;d.
Anneliw Iii-own. Caitlin Spence. Eliial)(·th lt,ll-1-('It
A Poem ! Year 2 Shakespeare Club: Elizabeth Barrett and Annelise Brown. Private Mail i.4 1 1111 to do
\\'hen vou |racl 1111(1 write it 100!
\Ic·\anch-.1 lit/gel.Ild. Verollicllic· C hunpion
For Philc,wc,phv we have been thinking about "thinking about thinking"' For example. -Shake.peate 5.ii(l '.\11 the wor!(14 21 Mt.lge" and we have dit i t*%,cl thiN ah tholigh wi· are all actorr on G )ch big ht,lge. and llc,w we alwav, Kin that on the ellel of the ve'-re.
\Ve have wondered if .lizilli.11% 1111\'c leal friling4.
(tieen of the LATeek \Ve .111 low (,01('(111 c,1 the Week time on a Monchn. [hc (lucen inaki·W a y)Chech luld diow< h('1 Ill\(,111 itt·
thimp. \Ve .tk clite<tic )110 and we write Fain \Ii·40.,ge. for
\\)iild vour dog'f teelings be hurt if .cillic·on(· haid its
her. Then we clo .1)2111(ing Queen' and \11-4 C cti'roll favs
(':11% 11('1(' 1(H) big?
we ale getting more like Riverdance everv time! \Ve air
\\'c· think that jesus of Na/Itic·th was the beht
doing the (!ana· especiallv for Elitabith before Alic leaves for C :21111)<,1-ra.
philc»,cipher. Sianit 11.1(1(1(·11. Danica Patawal-eli
22 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Eve Lillas, Animbelle \Yong Thi
Teachers 1 love trachers t|mt al·(· fair to evenom·. We have a 4{)('lili jll'tic'(' C 1.l.441'(>()111.
111 {)111' opillion a t<·21('11(·1' All()111(1 be nia· 111(„t of tilt· tillie' 1,1,1 Ntrict when \11(· hast{) bc.
11 vour t<.ic hel- wastit st!-icl vot[ is'cill|(111'1 111,\t· a high ht,Indal-(1 and voill- 1).11-c·lit4 want vow 10 1111\(· 11 high
9,iliclard 1,(.c'all:c vou Itic a Loicto git·1 and people ('xpect It.
C)111- icacher g-(·10 vcrv .411(1 if girb (11)16 bring their
homework on time and slu· grir ven. wn. ver, ti·ict!
4 J'htf
1-lic· bot ever tt itc ht'14 arc· |.til- and \11-+ C 111'1-01] 4,1,4 voll
have to be happv lit %(11001|)lit not toc) happil,c·(·aw,c a %(hool A a place of |carning after all. and not a 11(,Iici,li
Science Week: Julia Sweeney Natasha Barison and Eliza Tiernan
])1.1, (c·lillI·.
Family LATeel Alexandra I Mu-L'-in•,- Immnm· (:;nnnion. Man-%111!ttle\\(11-th
For Famil, \\-eck our ('Ill- ritihed {)llc t11()11%1111(1
ct<,11:Ii 101- 1.1,iiilic iii need and \Ii-% Cat-roll .aid we
41(1111(1 be prond c )| our wondel-ful l.illiilier who make a (lit|Li-('11((·. 1.ittle 01(1 (.i'.11111\ 1).lii4 (lillie· to oill- Nchool
and 32·,11- 2 gi]-10 inadi· a ( ;11111 (1 of 11()11(,111· wht·11 011(· 1,·11.4
le:n ing. Shi· .aid it g-,ti c· 11(11. Il Wal'111 glow ancl %17(· 1('11 jil%t like the (lt 'cen. c\('11 it •lic· N 99 vi·.11 + old. l itgenic Pric,1. ]tili,1 Canavan
10 \
Family Week Sausage Sizzle for top fundraising class: Alexandra Gribbin, Veronique Campion, Alexandra Higgins, Stephanie John and Siana Madden.
Opening of the Fairy Cafe: Mrs John making blackcurrant tea with Megan Swinstead and Danica Patawaran, while Siana Madden. Alexandra Fitzgerald, Julia Sweeney, Annabelle Wong Tai, Annelise Brown and Julia Canavan sample fairy food.
In the Science Lab Making SLIME v
\\'C lun C had A marvellc,tls TI\11·2
We clid an EXPF.RIMENT \11(1 had to .\11\ 11'.\ und 14()RAN
\Vit h a couple 01-%-1 ICKS! Ihe >,l 11%1:\NCE>; Cl l.\INGED Al//11 ()() ked like 111.lIllill<R
1 Iwn we all decided 1(, call it - El.l'14141<14! Bv 32·:11 2 (12144'99
(Performed :14 'A Rap lot- >U-ic·tic(· \\'rek)
In an Antarctic igloo: Nikita Demetriou.
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 23
Year 3 Year 3 3rd Row L- R Victoria Hamrnond,
Gabrielle Coles. Rafaela Scull,y. Kaitlyn Wilton, Britteny Stewart. Grace Campbell. Brighid Ginnane-Smith. Samantha Podbury, Katherine Tzelil.
2nd Row L-R Emilie Fellay.
Jacqueline Taranto. Charlotte De Oliveira. Amanda Valmorbida. Elizabeth Doyle, Madeleine Tostevin. Kirsty Kearney.
Rebecca Howle. Mandy-Jane Maroun. Fiona Pearse
Front Row L-R Bethany England.
Jessica Cheese.man, Naomi Scully Camilla Counsel, Lauren Fowler, Joanne Gruba,
Isabelle Hayes. Alix Hauser, Ashleigh Kubiak. Teachers Miss Trudy Smith, Mrs Karine Hodder. Absent Frankie Cox
Encharist Activity Niglit ()11 Ihitisdav Ic)|1111(· 111 7.2,()pm liu· ¥citi- 3 ('1114% had 11 4)('cial 1:lic]I,11-iv.\(-ti\in Night. \\'c received the l)1(,1(1
[or the lit'st lime! h waN (·\('iling 14,1- mc and nn' pill-111(11: >®cl- 1 1('1(·11 wa. a y)(·cial gll('41. She g.ine 1 1% Nome :1(·tivitie; to (10 011 tlic Ilight. ()11(· 01111(' IletiVitiCM \VID, to
write a prinrr :11 ),)111 I )11 l'filve..
>knuant|lit Podbun..\+Icigh Kill,iak.
Making electrical circuits: Lauren Fowler
Food Product In Irilil One \ve vitclic{| a |(1{)(1 1,1(,chict. \Ve could choo•(· 11-om ])11%121. mcal. Ikil)+ 2,11(1 7,ic<4. ch·ink.. the lot! %(,incone even chov· 1·1<l IT: I lave vou ever lic.11(1 01.1 (11-ink called |11..\41 c)||. |,i('llih nilliic·(11-()01) 11.\/./.ER or cri·cal c·:illi·(11'11'43 1 1 .\KEN?
1(·111(·inba the nallic. 1)('(':ill,c c)inc· cia\ liu·\ 111ight be hull<)110. Year 3 Eucharist Activity Night: Madeleine Tostevin with her father
1)011't vou 1(,ic, to cat jitinim foodi 111(·11 tl-\ *)111((}ic)1110: 16 \11111!in' R)(2
James Tostevin.
C ../1 '2 ielle Cole.
Electricity Electric quit.ir
Light glai 14, Exercifc machine Call]('1-.1 Ti·<titi Raclic) Int ernational wor](1 wide 11 (·1 )
C()1111)liter Itich,411-w Televihi()11 Ye'llFic)1111 Pcal-hc. P.11-i, Taranto
24 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Alix Hauser working on electrical circuits.
Solids, Liquids & Gases
1 A.ke
Incursion In fecom[ 1(·111 we had a laclv vijit to mikic) lis .11)0111
9,lidi liquid.,111(1 g·:194.\Ve had been doin,£©Oltic'(,1-thA :ts ])111'1 01 /)111 topic on Energ\. No we conkl.t]IM\\'(·1 .Nomc 01 tile 1.1(A N (111( vic)114. \Ve |( )01«·d at all Mor,% 01 di|Terent
object•; anct hact to sav whether thev wel-(· Nc,licIN. liquids or 621%(·*. >Ame of them wi·i-c reall, hard. like 41,144. It k
:1( til,illv a licillicl ilmt 1)('c-olm·% 21 0(,lid, \Ve 111('11 1,1-oke up , ; huo g'roit],5 und were given a trai ofcoloill-cd vockh. \Ve
Were th<)2· litt|c red pebblef thal tile: 11%(· on ten]» ('c)1111,4. After [hb, %(„ile girh Ntood up the hc,lit 1111(1 11.ic!
Solids. liquids and gases incursion: Ashleigh Kubiak, Camilla
to wcal- fullin 11.110. It was realk fun and wi· 1(·arnt lot.4,
Counsel and Joanne Gruba.
1 hanks to \Ii+N I.ilicteman Ic )1 c )1-g,illihilig this lor 11%.
\"ictoria 1 1,11)illic)17(1. 111-itic·in· Stewart, Rel)(·cca Howic· Footy (Elinic 1)111'ing the lil'*t week oficcond tel-in the Wal- 3 (111%+ 0
hild .1 ic)(,ti ('linic
vith 1(Jiti
other %(-11(,01%. Five footv
linight 114 M Ime interesting thincrh. Wc had to lixten carefullv to whlit thev Milid No we wouk! Ill 1(1('1 ht,111€1. \\P· learnt how to pl.n T Ic ,(,11 ).ill.
\Ve learnt how to kick.
\\'(11(.11-nt how 10 1)(,lilict· the ball.
\\'c Inul n lot of Fl'\2 14.ltht·l ine T/(·IiI. 1·:inilic 1 (·11,1,
Aah;1 Gabrielle Coles, Charlotte De Oliveira and Bethany England. Year 3 Footy Clinic: Camilla Counsel.
Charlotte's Web l'his whar orn- cla<x read ilic· book (:Ii.,1-1(,tic'% Web
Illicl .ifter we li.ic[ rcad the book we watched the vic!(·c).
\Ve (lid a crowvord on it » well.
1-11(· book i. About a pig. 11 01)ider and a giiI who ;11·c verv good flic'lich. \\'ill,lit. the pig, Iii'CM :11 Fer,6 tllic'|(·1 Ihilll. 1·-elli A ven. ver, 0.111 when \Vill)111' 1(·aves 11(·1 hollse to live on the farm.
C)ne dav \Vill)111- ix going to be killed. |)lit (.|i,tilotte.
the spiclet- sli\(·, IliN life illicl n i.ike him vci , 1 .illic )tri. Naomi Scullv
Katherine Tzelil and Isabelle Hayes.
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 25
Year 4 Blue Year 4 Blue 3rd Row L-R Eleanor Dunin,
Kaylah Malishev, Zoe Wood. Ellese Chambers, Amelia Wainwright-Connell, Ana Maria Cabal Pasini. Rosemary Tracey. 2nd Row L-R Stephanie Clarke, t
Jessica Lane. Elly Mantas. Melissa Dynon, Lucinda Lacava, Eliza Broome,
Bianca Koffman, Georgia Mornane. Elizabeth Gannon.
Front Row L-R Sarah Clemens,
..: ·- ,-„up, Rachel Rodrigues, Sophie Maddison,
r. :An.M Rebecca Moore, Holly Roach,
4*#*1 Stephanie Keary Anna Bartone,
2.711+ Madeleine Maher.
Teacher Miss Catherine Sim
Absent Emily Prelovsky
4 lihie 1.c,c,ked At Enviroinnent Issues
Green Hat
Using Different Thinking Hats
1 Imve clone v )inc creative thinking al)(mt the
Yellow Hat
£77 innunent. There are a lot of problein .inct I :tin Ining to fix that bv giving ])]-i/c· to people who look
MA it tip-cat 11 1,11 1)(·opic· are ti-ving to ('tic{,itrage
alter the envh-oillnent. Thev might Act thing. like a -1 1
oth€·1 + not to thi-ow liwil- 1-111)bish in tile Ati-ret.. c )11 the
hirt. 4(7710. inonev. 1,<·A and awarcir. Yon conkl .UN, Act
brache; 11]1(1 in parkO >Ainc c ounc ih are provi(ling 1):14+
a pooper +cooper for looking after tile tret·+ and Ic n (91+.
for the (log· 1,11+te and bi» to put lubbi411 ill. People nou
Yon will Lict .1 111(·1]ibership in a ('1111) c.illed the
.it-i· riding bikt·+ .ind walking- 10 1,1,10,% tliat are not \(·n
7211,11-onmem 11(1])(11-K- ;111(1 1-e.el-ve ill,it.itionh to
ful v ) 111(·5 won t polltite the envh-onment 210 11111(h 110
(1:ince. and balk H their i.4 someone iii the chil) getting
Ali,ing a c 4,1. To ..1,(· c )111- cnviromnent we 011()111(1 01(,p
inlit'ried 1 11]11 uirc vou will bc ill\iii·d to the
clitting (1(nvn tit·(·5. butifwc do we \11()111(1 plant another
"1·hnit-unnu·ntal Werlding CelebrationL Remenibet - bc
trce (,1- 1\,c). \\I %lic )111(1 :11,4(1 1,ili- producti tliat haw
emm)lunentidlv xmart.
cliporable 1,11)cl, on thein. then it Will not effect our
Anna Bart{)11(·
ell,innunclit :10 much. It A good. becatise people :11(· giving lip their time to C,11-(· ;11)(1111 c )111- emil-onment. I,Unith Malilin
Red Hal I fec| t|lat the envh-oninent N 100 polluted. and we tlecd to (14) Ac )111('thing- abollt it. Lots {)1 .illimals die even
dav br< .111<c we c:wA be bothered plitting- 1-111)1)idi iii the bill.
llc ic)111- 11.tter hi>,Ch. 4.11 vou jil.%1 |cit jour \1 itter
dripping 11-( 11]1 t hi tap for a couple' (}i holit-4. it \voulcl fill
14) al){int threc 1)11(kets. If evenolle did that v> 11111(·11 \\()itld go k) winte.
'1[J Swimming Sports: Rebecca Moore, Lauren O'Donnell, Sarah Clemens. Anna Bartone
I Ii·el ne 11(7·(1 11£·w and taller ],in4. 11ic little bin, arc
terril,le |,t'c <111%(1 the litter tallq (,lit. bilt il vou h,1,·c big bil]N with lid, t|ic' 1-111)1)i'411 woll't fall (,tit. .%l\(· c)111 cm ii-onment from litter and 1-111)1)ihh. Sarah C :huncil.
Black Plat 1 he ],lack Imt ix the problem hat and I think poHution A a big problem. Cal·% and truckx ])()11111(· the
F 1?
i'll,il{)111„cnt. People chop down trees for 11<)11%(91)111 it dextron anitual€ hollic,4, and witholit holnes the
.tili initk (-,in die. Solne prople (tcvt'ov the eli\'iii )ilinent bv litteling- alid when vou litter all differel-It Allimalh c .,11 cat the 1 "1)1)i.|1 and die.
\\-inci- N alwav. bring wated 1„ people. Go (,lit 2111(1
chcck that w ),11' tal)% ale turned off. Some prople jilv doil t care .11)0111 the environment.
\Inelia Wainwright-Connell
26 LORETO · IMandeville Hall
Preparing reconciliation candles: Bianca Koffman.
Blue Hat \Vh, do \ve liced our (11, 11-olunclit= \ir need it
|)('(,1114(' ivhcli our :illi!11.11* .ltflocate 11·oin ilic).i· 1)111%tic V
beer vii 1,44 wc Ic).c part of our y)(·cie. .1 Iici if Ilic )0(· in i i m,110 keep dving we 10%(· a whole 9,(·cit·4. \\'11(·1 1 ive ( lit down llc'('. whi (1(>lit we 1)1.1111 111(,1-c? 11(1(,ilt\(· everv time we lose tic·('M we arc not prochic·ing ox\·grn. 14\ the tillic \\'c .irc 30 \(.11% 01(1 thele won't bc an <'11\'itc)11111(lit to
look alter. 111NI(·11(1 of driving a car. il it A not far. walk or ride a bike. 1[ it iM too far catch a 11-,lin. or ilhon ,liC· ill the (c)111111-v. drive a llc),se .incl cart! \\'c 44,111(tillic·% low
haling big liles. but (ton 1 VOU IC·11]iM' it 0 (I,lillitiing thi· omne kner. Ingead of having fil-(·4. ltv· (·1(·ctric Iiin or
Stephanie Clarke making reconciliation badges.
g» live. which 211-c envil-onmentalh |lic luth. C )111
cli\it·onilic·litiN illi}.joi-tillit- we nced to IN· it in the bot
Ulitite Hat
win p,).4.ible. (;corvia Morn.inc
1411 ' t i t grea t t i m t . \ t li 1 .11 i .i n N care al )ou t l ook i n g .11 t e r tile cli,ironment . anct :tic tr,ing to look al ter on 1
1'111)1)ish pic)lili·m? 1 glicd th.itk wh,- we h.ive "( :1(.ill l']) Allstralia 1),iv" where all .ilisti .Ilialls are elic{)iii'liged to
help cle,111 11]) .\listrali.1. -(:lean Up Australia 1)11\'" is alwavs on the thil·(1%1111(kn· 01 Mav, and al-ound that time
their are 101% c ,[ proinotic,liN like TV ack 1,<ive,+ and reminderf on the ractio to t.tki· part. Sonic ('c )1111(-ih air wn- good at tning to keep down the amount oil'ill)bidi ill our park. In lintilling 1-til)1)Nh bili. homt· park. even have 1)114% Ifor (Ing w:,414. >k )111(· pcopic.. jol). an· to cut down 11(·ch or log a Ic)1(·41. ininbc the, flic)111(1 01'n·t to
replaa· 111(>tr trecs when thi·, elli them (lown. Elly Mantas and Amelia Wainwright-Connell on camp.
Green Hat \\4· u'ill giw people .1 014hirt if liu·v take c.:11.c 01 the wi|(i life. 11 people cut do\Yn 11(·c·% the (c)lilic il could give
tlit·11 1 Ac·(·(11 v ) the, can replant thi·111. 11 1,(·(,1,!c· pick up their do« 1'111)1,iKIi the coillicil ({)111(1 gi\(' theln a fire
pooper cic,i,c·l. \\ c will give people a dollar il the, pick lip a Inig (,1 litter. \Ve will give people motic,· il thcv look altel- the hand (litti(14 at the brache.. 11 people look after their front und back gardens we will giw them liti aw:il-(1.
If people send home their rubbish froin pail. we \'ill giVe t|win a cheque. If people look after plinits .111(1
The Dynon family at Year 4 Reconciliation
animals wc will give them a fire kitten. Lea take Clit-e of
Red Hat
our workli Rost·inan Trace:
1 fee] that the envh-( linnent A a great phur 1)(·('un>(· it
gives tls %0 111,111 Illing-4. 1 111\(· vou 11(,tia·(1 llc,w lillich litter 111(·re i. arnt inct the world? 1 feel there slic )111(1 be
11101-(· 111110 :11-(11111(1. 111.1,1)< cicii bigger bills. I wonder il
we fined people %.5 a pica· of liner wou](1 it top> \Ve .%11(1111(1 cio Inori· |or 1114' ('ll,i]-c)11111(·lit like making·
114)%1(14 2111(1 1,11411,9 111(,11(·\. 1-11(1'c .11(· 11 lot of factorit·.4 11(ur the cit\: tlic, 11411,111\ |!Ine at lt.14 tivo or three
chinnk·,4 with quog 1,11(1 viiok(· coining out of tlwin.
Ilmt polltitch the air. 1){Itft vou think we .holild (10 something- .11)(,lit 111.11? Relliclill)el it 1% ic)111
responxibilin· to look alter vour (71\il-onment. Sophie Maddison boat building.
Eli,.l BUH iinc
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 27
Year 4 Gold Year 4 Gold 3rd Row L-R Rebecca Ireland.
Sarali Adamson, Michelle King,
Alexandra Blackburn, Charlotte Hoy, Melissa Jreissati, Nicole Casey, Hannah Pownall, Alexandra Jolly. 2nd Row L-R Zoe Harper, Miriam Black, Prudence Maynes. Alicia Simonds. Lauren O'Donnell, India Prior, Daniella Stutt, Simone McCann.
Front Row L-R Diarne Petras, Lia Brett, P
Stephanie Rizzardi, Anastasia MeNamara.
Sarah Scully. Sarah Doyle. Samantha Daou, Olivia Basil. Teacher Mrs Gabrielle Warren
1 ry-,1 1 j Ir r L.r --ge-------J[_
This Year in Year 4 Gold!
My Start at Maiideville
Thir war (1111 t<.1(·11(11- wa% \11.4 \\ .11]rn. %11(· w.10 .1
1 41.1,-ted thih wai-. 1 \,·,10 411, .it lit v ])c(·.ill4t· 1 (lidllt
reall, great tilicher. We have (tone inam project.. fol
know ainboch·. But the Fic,·vourtic.. went when 1
example. on Animak. 1'1:111,4 2111(1 the 1411\it-onment. \Ve
reached the clit-B)(Hn. \\'c were introduced to one
have been on an excursion 10 111(· 7.00. which wa. i (1'\
'il ic),lici· and 111 tri· a while we w,11-ted to get to kno„ c·ach
exciting..-\Ko we Inic· inade (,111 Reconciliation after 1014
c )111(·1: C )111- ic·,1(·hel· took tis to get c )111 1)()(}k.. I made loth
(,1 preparation. At the c lic[ c )1 1i·m Three we went on a
01 It·i(·11(14 on the ven firh[ din: Solne wile froin otlici
verv exciting (amp to Flindel-4. WC 4121\('(1 there for two
grado. 1 aill glad thal I m at thR vhool.
(121» and It Ilight. Thi, u·211· 11,1. been lantaqi{. \Ve have
(:11'111<)itc llcn
clotic .0 In,un exciting thintp. Rchecca 11'('land. >hu-.th .\([Inng)11
Zoo Poem
h di
On Frid;n 28 Min We Went to the Zon. I here \Irre 101% c)1 1)(':ilitilit| 1)31(14 that ivent coo coo. It
Thel-c w,14 11 1,ig lion 111:11 1-c),tlc (lilli cia\. 1 ic·,11]v· ii·Rhed [ couh! «n. Ilic livek hcal. Ivere |01% of lilli.
One ofthcin mim lmve weighed a ton. [he lilc)likev.4 „'cre ]011(1 101(1 jilmpiNK Ill'()1111([ But the loveh· butterllic·; did llc,t inakc· a v )111!cl. 111(·re \vere ]("t,+01 anilnah |br all to .ec.
The Zoo N the verv 1)(·,t place vou could bc.
Alexandra Blackburn and Sarah Adamson at work.
Strph.inic· Ri//111-di. Alexandra lil,ic kl,111-11
Maths Task Centre 11, 11.1111(· N lic·IN:,1 .ind lin 11111(>cillcing- roit
1(, 111(· greitte•t place ill th(· wor](1. 'llc'1(' liu·re :111' lic·apr 01 thing.% 10 (Ic). Now· i6 called th< \Iathx litsk Cclure. Ac) win (loilt \ f ni come? It will inal,(· u )10· inathi |)('11(·1, And \(,111111'lic Inuch hill.
Ilu·n· itic· Ihinip to inake and things to do. \11(1 11111(·h 11111(·h more for 111(· 1,11(1 \()11.
I hing+ 10 1,11ild illid thingN to put ingellic·11 \12(1 111(·re; 40 11]lic'h more vot, con|(1 9.1, liu·re ic)]rwr. %(} IM vou all now ('1111 Nce.
10% an exciting phur forrou and inc! Sarah Scully leads the line at a Drama workshop.
28 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
\1(liff,1 lt-l·Mati
Sarah and the Apple Tree lust a btrect lip fi'(,111 here there iN a gil-1 called >kil':th.
11041 of the tinic >Un-ah A 11 good gil l. but v)111('t iinc, Alic grt.N 11]) to miNchiell Hill-:th had :1 1-(')1llation for heing inlitghtv 211 school. |)lit al holne. %he w.14 111(· kincle«
11.11)1)ic,t little git'] vow coilld ever mect.
>hirall hned to clittil) lip liu· apple 11-47· in the park. after %( 11(,01. Nile 1,(lored th,11 11·(·(C Alic· 11·cated il '10 her
private plavhotiv·. After %(·hool Nbc \vottld clilid) tip 1111(1
plit her bags in onc of the l)1,111('11(·%. 1,11(1 (·al tile ap])1(·4 for afternoon tea. And then dw wonkl get out hclhoinework book% anct do her honu·work in her \UnnhTi,il nrc.
()11(· clin after .chool. Alic went to the park :1% 1 1411:il 1111(1 %,1,1- next to the 11·ce a Nign which Naid -i'|1(· applc trce i.4 being cut down on 31 October. |)('Callic· it 14
attracting bat, 1,11(1 1,(,·,+11111%. 1 hc,· cat tlic· appic·+ ,iticl lilin the park hv le.1-ing their droppings on the ground and +Cratching the 1,1.1 equipment. Thi 1% u·rv
Lia Brett preparing her Reconciliation candie.
11111]Vgiel-tiC. 4,11-ah was cli·i .iNtated. Shi· ('c )111(hA lilictil-Ntand. she r.111 11(,1-ile and told |1('1- nitlin. 1)017't \vorri >411-,ih, 11·c
will (10 %{)111(thing," -1)0 whal?" 4,11·11|1 11+ked, 1 don-t know vet. but wc will do fomething- %,l]*,111.- 1n a week lin tree will be goncK >arah gict. I-herc was Ni]('11(·c und then %,ti.th «11\ willt to do her honwwork.
Environment Olic·c· whcli the wor](1 u» voling God crclited 11(('+
plin» und „111('11 God al.0 ( icated 111(· c)/c)lie I.aver to keep the world \varin. |tlit whcll \U' 11%(' flann·* the C)/unt· 1.,iver |)('('cono thin .111(1 lillic)111111:itch Ihi. lincr 11.1. .1 11(>!(· in il
111(· lic·xt i,-(·c·k Sal-all clichit 1,(}ther going· to the park 1,<,c :Ill4(· 411(· wa. %11(1 illul thrd knowing· 111.11 the tree 11'(,111(111-t be there.
I h·re i. a .ton .11)(,lit the cnvill)11111(·lit: Ihere once
wa. a ])1'(11('vil· cal|(·d 111·|111{)\\'i/,111, llc worked ill a town called litivic·htlhth·. 1 Ir worked M Power Point
\\hen die got 11,)111(· 11()111 0(·11{)01 her 1114)111('1· gid
111(1-(' iN a vilpli•c (,11 \(,111' bcd" >411'.th fownd her >,111-1)1-iN(.' wa>. sced. t{) grow 11'(·(·,
Alic· was %011.11)])\' that x11(' g.t\(' her milin a bill hug
and then her mum .,Iici. 1 7)oki· to the people who wric· cutting clown the tree and .,Aked ilic·in ill c{)111(1 plant an
oak tree .th a replacement and thcv Naid 121.4,11-2111 planted the tree and when it grew qu· packed
11!tel-noon tea in her bag. Mo Alic could bin-c it in her 11(7. Pridence \|11\Ile.0.
1·:\11,1. which with [hc· hil) th,lt „wlic·(l the bigg-(·ht tele.(·opi· in ilic·\c,tict' ()11(· (111\ Mrklic)\,it.111 \\11.+1111·ing-
through liu· ic·le.copt· inin %1).ic·c· i\,1](111 he noticed Nouu·thing new! Something- he had never noticed
before. Soillething w,iN covering the carth: 111 Knowitall decided to call it the C )/c )11(· I.aw . Even clav M i
Knowitall came to work and he did ilic hame thing-. 11(· watched hiN ()/one 1.:lic·1. l'tltil...one (1:1\ hc llc)tia·(1
v }Ilic'thing (·IM·. I ht' C)/c )11(' I .invr 1111(1 .1 hole in it ' Now 1 ('1111 1 end thi .ton.
1-he ending N up to voil!
4% 'i li
D.illitlia Stlitt
Environment ()111' ('11\11-onment iwed* our care, C )111 (Int,·, 0111· low :ind .111 111:11 \,c· sli,11-c. 1bf '
Ic) 1)14)1('(+1 the \\·orld :14 1)(·Al wc (1011 (Ic). Making cilith better lor mi· and for vou. 1(, lulp the (11\ironinent put voill-1-111)|)ish iIi the bill. 1 11:(· R 1,4,4 inul paper und i navbc u l i l i, \Ak· need lo |1(·Ip <)111· 1)111111 grow, No lili· 11111]11)(i· oltic(' (Ic)(·siA g·o too low. (;od ga\(' 11 11 1)(,ttllifil] litn(L
%(, come oil .,11,1 give 11.4 11 he ll,ing hand. 1111,6 1111101- 11(nv :01(1 (1011't forget.
\Ve want w)1110 1)(' an ('11\il-()1111)('11{ pet! At the Zoo: Anastasia McNamara, Zoe Harper and Sarah Doyle.
.\1(\.ltich .1 Jollv. Mil ilim Billi-k
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 29
Year 5 Blue Year 5 Blue 3rd Row L-R Charlotte Chalmers,
Eleanor Downie. Georgette Scanlon, Elizabeth Logan, Daisy Maroun, Suzanne Walker. Alice Brophy 2nd Row L-R Hannah Smith,
Vanessa Wong Tai. Megan O'Hehir, Emily Richards. Arabella Hickey. Anthea Fell, Anna O'Callaghan. Nicole Tan.
Front Row L-R Sarah Dungey Lauren Benson. Genevieve Naughton, Sophie Carnegie. Nicola Fuller, Meaghan O'Sullivan, Stacey Frangou. Lauren D'Aprano. Teacher Miss Elizabeth Blackie
Year 5 Camp
1 hi /(11/i- %·at- 5 went to Sovereign Hill. \Ve wi.Ill to clic,01 like· the 18.3(A girK would hine: it wl,4 1-cil|h fun. I had 11 teacher called Sil- and there wa. alic) M .1111.
\\'c· 11.,cl :in ink well al the top of c >111· cled·L aticl a pi·neil wi· 1121(1 to write With. \Ve evell h.ld to learn tlic 1 7 lime.
table. which wit. reallv hal'(1. 1-her' (Il'gani4(· the gl-,iclc 1)\
height. 1 he +111.111(·01 are the 1)11110. thi· 0('c (,iici 4111.111(·01 Ill·i· in Year 2 ,ind the tallert are in Wal- 4. C )11 the 1,1.1 (lin
wc· li.tcl a cl-(,4+-witch to cio. It had the .01)11.11)ct and .1 picturc of a hunp. Visiting the Great Southern Woolshed: Daisy Maroun and
I icalh enjou·(.1 the \Par 3 Camp.
Genevieve Naughton.
Ch.ill<)ttl' (.11,Ililiti'
Paradise Island
Brass Programme
6'211, 1,11- 11\vin tll<·re N an illand. This iAland N the inort
Milltrical ifland th,11 u Ill have ever sceli. It is C,111(71 =I-i-Ttl
[sland. h haN ]),l|m tirc. lining the qu,res ,ind voll (,11 1 4!11(.11 tl / (. Vvect avoina of cracked coconuts. Tbe #ca i.
c l ear. 1,11 w , i l i c 1 gl i n c ri n g a n d wh e n vou l ook down o n i t
111 32.11- 5 we haw a ill'.ING Plc,g-ramme. 111 the first %(711(·stri- 32,11- 5 1111tc1 (-c )1ild learn a bra» iii%11-ilinent. \\'c
could choofc to h.·arn the trombone. the tillinpet 01 the (I,ll-inet (which is a woodwind illql'llincm). Chu-c we
had (1(·(·idi·(1 which inti-nment to phi th(· 1(·ach(·1-0 +plit
vou (·,in ree vour reflection .1,11-ing- back at vou. The
111(· 11'llinpet and clarillet plaverh into a -I-11(N(hiv illut a
Mati\0 lilli lt]) to \(ill .ind put .1 (haill ()ircelital (,1(hid.%
\\('(111(4(112\ group. Their wele olilv .11)out five 11'(unbone
around rour nccL The\ (.11-11- voil on theit- 411()111(1(·r. to
1)|InerN. v ) thes .ill h.id .1 le.%()11 togethel- c )11 -1 11('0(1.1,4.
their calill).,i|tlic)11gll voll \\(>111(1111 1-ealh call it a callip.
1.:,4.1 i few week. we had what we called .\\ ilicl li.ti,cl .
1-hn make their bmi out obm#)\ei-,4. a warm and
I liat war when the whole ch» got together and 1,1,1(·(1 a
4(lit ;14 t hi· 1111. Even evell ing the men go out :111(1 gather
Ic·w c )1144 tlmt we had bcell le:11-ning in (,111- gl c >ill)4. The
1111,0 1111(1 .·cd. and bring them back for the women to
ti itinpct wacher w.,4 Mi« Andenon. the c 1.,1-inct t(·achel
grind ancl cook for a moonlight diliner. You sit in front
11 110 \11'$ .\Ic ,1(hein alld the 11-ombone te.tcher \1 .10 Mi .0
of the camplil-c and look :it the orallge jumping flame.
litickingllitill. -1-c ),i ,u(10 the end of the feme®i- we got
Illat .11(' flic ki ling IN'I-(», their fuceN. You C.in failith hcal
together with the gil-1% froin Yeal- 5 Gold. who i\'(·1-(· ah(>
the wit\(1% c m ling lip the beach. 1% this a ch-cam? Volt go
le:lilling- itivill!11('1110 :ind we put on a per[01111,111((· fol
off to a bed of fcathel'.4 1111(1 11 pillow marle froin ]),11]11
111(· parc·]11+. It with .1 lot of hin' Nicola Fullil
11-re |c·aves. E,1 1 1,111 11lc·ep feeling all (11-eam, mict wcan. 11] 111< 1]ic)1-liing ic )11 wake up to the solincl 01 breaklit.41 being cooked. 1 he native. ali· cooking vou a g(,iii'inct breakfa.t of cocomit milk and niango. After vou have caten voill- food u )11 111'(1 litted with another band c )1 orchi(1% :11-01111(1 \0111- iwck. E )11 111-(· carried out and |ilted int{) volli· boat and :ti tiN· Ii(Ic cal-ric·; vou awav vou think
about the gl·cal littic· 111,11 VOU have 1121(1 lit 'li-Ill 14,111(1.
\\c'll. did unt (·nicn ,(>lil' 1(11111]e, to the tropical i#.11-Icl 01 TRhER! Eleanor Downic
30 LORETO · IMandeville Hall
Year 5 Technology: Nicola Fuller and Nicole Tan.
Dogs Dogs can be fat. dog·% can be 41(n-t.
each clog is clifferent. there Ill-c .0 111,211\ solt.. 1 lill cic,gs, rhort clogh. li )114 clors. 1'(,liticl. wherever Fc)it look theCre 1,(,1111(1 to bc found.
1-he] e i h.lin and hail'1(·44. thereb %111.11-t .1]1(1 ther,14 (11111.
there'% plavfill. 111(·]rl ])(·2I('(ful. ther hr running the town.
Designing a board game: Vanessa Wong Tai and Meaghan O'Sullivan.
1 here are police rings. citv dogs
Rainforest Escape!
Alleep clog. :111(1 111(,ir,
There iii-i· 111(,11gi-clf :111(1 tracking do,K···
I hine a place that I go to when 1 11]11 *ad (,1- 11]),et. That place i, ill 21 1-,iillic)!(it that A |11.41 and green. That
who cim hear even %1)1111(1.
There air countl-v dog.4 :111(1('1-1111(Iling- dog>.. who are munching ( 11 J a 1,( 1 lic· .
railit<)leg i.4 ill Cailii,%. When 1 11!n there 1 forget .11| im
trotibles 1111(1 feel happv. The weather in lin raill!(,1-( v iN ahutvs 4111111\ and wal-111. Hhen I go to nn' 1-:til]1(,1'e.t I
there'X .1 1,1,„ ful dog. a vt-In (10,4.
often go for walks and .Ic· and 11(:11- 1{ )10 of birch .itid
a dog 11]10'x mine alotic.
Animals. When 1 12'(11 realh hot I go 101- a bwim iii the
Mcism ()11(·hit
nice, cool water tllat A Ati] 1 (>unded bv nice, fli.ic!\ 11 I.(.4,
16 .11\vavs Mact when [ Imvc· to go back to ic·alit\. Eli/al)(·th L.gan
Drama Drania was v) 11111€h hin. 0111- lt:Kher. \In \Valters
k. c
wits just gre.it. Ill (1111' les<011% we plaved games like Hcarecrow. Tiggv anc! 1 .cinon.,cle. Then we worked on a miniature ])1.1, . \Ve wrote 1,1.1,·0 and plc)(lliced tlwin
(,lil-Kelves. Some 1-).il-enth cli]11(· to watch them. That wa. a 1 till (lav. Drama is alwav. 1 zin: .\11111(·.1 Fell
Year 5 ! Year .5 was exciting. great. en jovable lillil itin. te·W
But lilit<)1-tunatch. there wah work to be clone.
Yeal- 5 included bl-21.KN ill.%trtuncills.
hovereign Hill and our Ball. I-liN I ear we had it ,il] !
Alies Blackie. Mi•;s Vanc·c. Aliv 1·-i .nic wic, ancl \Ii.+ Smith
Fundraising 'Fashion Parade': Anthea Fell, Stacey Frangou and Sarah Dungey.
weir C )1-11- teacher,4.
Thev werc Sonic of Year :-1 % good fcatial-('4. \Veeklv we hacl: PE, Libran. 1814( . .\1-1. 1)1-11111., and
The Year 5 Ball
lichind the News"
Loreto Mandeville I lail A clitinitch thi· <clionl to
[ m so excited :1% t{,din i.4 the Year.5 11.ill!
1'111 ke.11'ing }11\ Ii< >Wer-gili/('011111;lltiiOn (11(,M. \\'Cht learned 1,11 the dance. like 11(·el and Toe, the Nilibil ;h.
\Vi·11 all I c an 1,17 iN I've had 11 great time. Year 3 will alwavs relilaill a ti c·.thilird 11](·111(,1-\ of nunc.
Slappin' 11·:ither. \Valt, and the Stockvards. It \\·114 full chi»ing up al](1 3(·cing- what evervbod; c·]xe looked Mke.
Gcoverne %(milon
Danielle· aint \Licti·linc· inan·hed. Thev weri· both
wearing black and gold. Steplianic and I were both wearing our communion dresses. Al, inum Inic! to m.,kc
my dress bigger othenviv· 1 (c )111(11191 1,1 c'.lthe .ind tlilith 4(,mething· 1 have to be :11)le to do. 1,01% ofgir].H clic»ed up 21% 1){ ns 2111(1 (11-ew :1 11(,11.Ntachc on their face with eve liner. The C ..il,tains wanted to coll ic 1,< c'Ill14(· tlic·v hacl No much fun tbe war before. I hope· that if ,(>il h .n-c .1 3(·al 5 Ball. vou have .10 inuch 11111 11% 1 did. Year 5 Ball: Georgette Scanlon, Clare Peachy (Y 5 Red), Emily
\]111,1 ()( 111]ag-han
Richards and Hannah Smith,
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 31
Year 5 Gold 23 Year 5 Gold 3rd Row L-R Bridget Noonan,
£-6:,f tr# U
Daniele Wilton, Tahlia Madden. Bridget Lester,
I Stephanie Fogarty, Charlotte Campbell,
allY Tess Mornane 2nd Row L- R Stephanie MacFarlane,
- Sara Flynn. Georgia Charleson.
gil Jade Llewellyn. Grace Mighell,
& fit
- Stephanie Maynes. Alexandra Cottee.
Jaco ,:'Ine Savage.
2- Front Row L-R Andrea Ingberg, E Jessica Stergiou. Prudence Moylan,
Jessica Healey, Cassandra Carmody-Stephens,
Olivia Pellicano, Jacquie Chia. Teacher Miss Andrea Vance
1 ,- V
L 7 1,
French Ever, week c )11 I'lit·Nda, S and Fridins. c )111 ('111%% le,11-11%
Absent Natallie Moussa
\t the nionR·iii Wal' 3 iN +111(1,·ing animalh which
illchidch fpelling- the nallic. of the 211,inlitIN (01-1-e('tim iii French and the collect 1,1-,)1111}lciation. Before this, we were leal-ning how to (lescribe our favoriti· 111(>,'ic· 41.il' or
hunous person (1'hi· 111.1.jority of thi' (1.14.4 choxe 1.i·onardo Dicaprio:) \Ve have .1 Minall bit of Fi-ench 11(,tiic7,(ni <·ach week
2111(1 occasic)11211!v a project. For %(}inc people French i% reall, 1-im to le.11-11 and others not quite No inuch lilli. but Ilt the end of even ](w)11 evervone has learnt sonlething new. 11» 11(,1-liane
Tahlia Madden, Tess Mornane, Olivia Pellicano and Bridget Noonan I 1
at the Year 5 Ball.
The Year 5 Ball Iii the fliv week 01 thii-cl ti·rm all 01 32.11- 5 1,1-actird 1-01- the War .5 ball.
C )1 the night of the ball evervone wa. 40 excited. It was to be held :11 1(·1- Nc·lic)(,1. and when the bell rang we al| waited for the trachers to tell tiN to go and get Makjng hot cross buns for Easter: Stephanie Maynes. Jessica
changed. Evervone Icioked reall, funin. v,ine people
Stergiou. Stephanie Mactarlane and Grace Mighell
ch-(·04((1 up a.4 1)<),f :111(1 c itherN chec·(1 210 girk \10*t of the girlf had bi,4 1)4)(ili (11-(gr< and peark Noinc of the
Making Hot Cross Btiiis iii Year 5
1 1,8, looked re,ill, 1111111\. One of the 1,0,4 (11'c™·cl up 11% \1141111 Pc),el-4 and one of thein had It how tic that had
Ilinhing lighth 011 it. We all made y)('cial cal(10 that haid
War 5 Gokl inacle I lot (Ilos. 111111% in lint term for
which ]).11-tilel- we had llcxt lind what dance was next.
C :ood Frid,n. \\'c \vet-e all Nplit 11 p into groups of four and
C )111' fir>,t clance r\'114 the |1(cl and Toe. then there wax
live. While wc „cir nuking the I Iot C 1-0%% 1.lui] s \Ii<%
Slappill t.eather and the jive. In between ,·ach (lance
\'ance supervised u. 1111(1 inade fizic· we foHowed the
\Ii.% Webster guve olit pli/t··4 to the 1 1( v (11'(90(·(l aild the
i 11 41 1- l ictions we u (·re give n . \ Ii 0% Van a· alv ) t ook ph oto.
hv dancel-%. The pli-ent.4 had Necirth prepal-ed
01 11% to put on the pin board. lit the end. the Hot (h-050 111111+ clidn't till 11 out :10 well 114 we thought they woll](1.
btit iii<./ weir prenv nia· annvav. The making ankl eating of 1 lot (Il-(» 111111% is an ancient tl-,tditic )11 :100(,ciated With
7,1-ing- testi\-111%. Thev mat-ked the top of thT bon lINing the lic)!-11% from a 411( 1-ilia·(1 bull. C .Iii-iwi,m, ic >clav look at
.I|tt·inoon tea: there wi·re C ake< alld part# pic+, 0,111%214-e 1-c )11% and 10/4 of illitilin thing-4. \\(' contilill((1 dancing·
with the StockvarK. \\inm of Bondi and Ntrip the \\'ilic),f'. After that the time was Mix oc lock and parentf Imil arrived. No wc filli11(·cl off with a clance with them
Ilic· crofs 11% a 4,1111)01 of the delith 01 ( :lit-Nt . I'lic, 11%112,11,
and went homi·. It w:10 a great night. F.u·none reallv
are eaten hot on (;ood Friclav. the (111\ .1(·vi died.
cnpned it.
>®plunic Jilic'thil.ilic.
32 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
C huct· Alig-hell
The Antarctica Display On Weclne,da, 11 .Atitrilht a 111(lr- 11.illied Tracv. from 1),·Ntination F.ducation. caine to talk 10 11, al)(,lit Ant.11-Ctica. Nlic to]€1 Lts tlilit .\111.11-ctica wah actilallv a r
clch.<·rt where it hardly ever rains alld nothing lillich
g-row,4 or lives. \\'indx in Alit,11-(-tic:i (·all blow tip to 30()km
pi·i- holli. 1 haA enough wind to earn a fullv loaded
tram off irN tritc kh and blow it a few kili imet 1-ch awav! hi
winter temperatures can be .1% cold as milms St) degree. C k·]sius but in 9 tinmer tenlperatitres can be, at the honest. 1 5 deg 1-('c's Celsilis! The 011]v creatilirs that walk- live on Antarctica itic· penguiti. and .cals. The Empel-01- Peng-llin k the biggest pengllin in the world, \\'ben the chickf .11 c first born ther' cannot go and find looct for themic],-cs so the 1),il (11 1% 1-egill-gitate tile food thev have eaten fur the chicks. \Vhen the chicks are old
enoligh to go to Ac.1 thev .ill gat|ler together and wait lilitil the right inninent. Fint cnic chick enter. the witter and thell ]11111(lieds and |inallv 111()11,4,111(10. Another
peng-ilin that liu'% 011 the ,\111,11'(-tic 1-egic)11 iN the Adelic. 1']w ,\delie is st),ciller than the Emperor peng-ilin and can be lecogniv·cl bv a white ring· arouncl it. eve.. The Adelle Peliguill will 1111,111\ lav' 1\vo eggN but if tile fir.41 chick that hatilic looks verv healthv it will be feel alicl
the second egg will be .11).111(1{)11(·cl. The \\ t·dell <cal. al•u)
known as the I.(<)1),ii·cl >,c·al, A another cl-('litill·e that live, on Antairtica. h cats maill|\ lish but if all Emperor
Pen,ruin gets toc ) Clc)<e the Leopard se.,1 har him for
Natallie Moussa. Stephanie Macfarlane and Georgia Charleson in the Science Lab.
Library Even \Vednes(lav and Thilt·*clav Ye,,1- 5 (;okl have
li})1-an . Our librin-v teacher is \11'x Hand, \Vhen We go to libral r on a litclticksdav we :it on the llc)(,1- lind react a
booL Then \ve have an activitv' sheet to complete. It liic hides an>;wering qtic<stions about the book. coloring iii. (11-,iwing 2111(1101% ofother activities. 1)iii-ing our work time we are allowed to go and borrow books. Then we t.ike them it]) to \Irs 11.111(1 and slle Hcall. them f'(,1- uN. C )11 Thundav when we go to Mbrarv we Nit clown at the
di·ski and complete our activity fi-om the (111\+ before. 11 we fil-lish our work we help Mrs Hand ticlv the books or do other jol)% Ill-()1111(1 the Iii)turv. 11-Call\ <'lljov it.
1(·04ica Stel-gion
dinner! The Elephant seal ix :itiother kind oheal in the \lit.11'ctic. Elepli.,ilt se.11% airli.t vel w fer(,cic )114 but the, are ver, tel-1-itorial. Elephant scals call weig-11 zip to one tonne. That's one thons,)11(1 kilograin.¢ \\'hales swim through the Annurtic and (·at ki-ill. The ],cligiliw; will lt.hliallv wait for the whalt'% to linifh eatino' even though
the whales won't harin thrin. Exploi-en liNed to live in tents made up ofone piece ofcloth .111(1 a pole lilit llcm thc·v live in a tvpe of tent called all apple, 11%11.illv oill, three bv four inctreN in Mi/1, Normallv three prople have to live in 22]1 14)plc. Ther have to lit a stove. a toilet and their beds in: A bigger kind oftent is called a c lic itinl)(11 . Ex])101-el. take dried food to Antarctic·21: dried pras, instant dried 111.ished pc)tato 11 lid 1 :lisills. In the earh (111\'. hean +ilit. h.icl tO bc· worii bilt nowadin lighter viitw are worn. 1-11(· firct 1)411-sc)11 to reach .\litairtica with a inan named lizizicisen..\inucKen took two fliends with
him blit one 4,1 the men and a sic'igh fell down a big hole and he clied. The hleigil tinit Ic·11 down hact all the food
<)11 it. Almidwil and hix friend tried to cat 111(· dogs bilt
thev had to cat the liVel- be(-21114(' that war the oniv part vow could cat. The liver howe,ci- ,·21% poig,ned and it macie them 14) c razV kilic[ Amuds<·iG Ii-lend died.
\Inzicisen was then left with no food and no hiend so he
cooked a p.iii- 01 leathei- boot.4. He had hot leather soup to drink ancl holt leather to cat and he %111'\ i, (·cl all the
wav home. .\litarctica is It heautifil] place and we should preNerve it for the future.
Meeting a guinea pig: Prudence Moylan and Jessica Healey.
Pancake Day! Our gracle celebrated Ahrove Tite>din bv eating
clilicious pancakes! All 01 :3 C .(,Ic! and 5 lihic went to tilt' little garden near the c :tipark and all helped to make the pallcal«·% bv Ntil-ring. pouring, taxting and eating! Groups of four went lip to the Ii-ont of the garden to
make their batch of pancakes while the other groups trad a book King on the grass iii the nia·, hot stin,.\3
the pancake. were being- tossed high up into the Akv the group>; which were abolit to eat a 1,1*te <Clixation unxic)11>,lv glithered theil- toppings together.
After all the pancake. 1,·c·ir eaten we packed Up the cooking u trilsils ancl went back to our boring work:
Jacquie Chia
Steplianit· Marnch
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 33
Year 5 Red Year 5 Red 3rd Row L- R Jillian Hunter, Victoria Flood,
Lucy Donovan, Pia White, Annabelle Dwyer. 2nd Row L-R Laura Petrucci, Clare Peachey, Van Nguyen. Stephanie Clark, Madeline Jones. Elise Nicholson. Ruby Carrodus. Anna Brash. Front Row L-R Hannah Cohen,
Chloe Gardner, Danielle Carew, Emma Chia,
Signoree Scully, Monique Draycott. Nicole Travis, Jessica Minear.
Absent Katrina Cavanough. Teacher Miss Sonia Francazio
111 1
The Atistralian Contemporary Dance Cornpaiiy .\\ a part ()1 our 1)1 .lina Prog-1-:till. Ron :lild 1.ucv from the Allvl-.1|ian ('.ont('inpot-arv 1),ince (:01111).tin (.1111(· to vi;it our %(-]100]. Ron talked to 114 al,out actin,4 and the
11<c of facial expresXions in B,ilict. Certain pi·oplc wi·re chosen to perform in a Ballet called 'The Dollmaker. I wit, one (,1 the people c hc )4Cll. 1 had to act (11 it a hpi- who vic.ikc into the 1)(,limaker-s 11(>11c· when he iN out one
(t,n. We had to get (11-c»cd up in 41)(Cial clotheu I wore a taitan pinafore and h in· helped me to learn mv ])211-1.4.
111('11 we performed -The Dollmaker iii front of tlic whole.jililior %(hool. It w,10 1-Calh fun. Chh K· (;211'(11]ti
Experimenting in the Science Lab: Stephanie Clark. Monique
S t
Draycott and Danielle Carew.
Colourful Chemistry For Acience Week we went to the Senior >,clic)01
Science Lab. Iii our experiment we mixed led cabbage, water .ilid ilicth, lated spirits to make a pitrple liquid. 1-liN becalne (,111- inclicator. \Ve thell lihed the iliclicator to (114((,rer whither difictilit Kill,v,ilice. were acidic. 1),INic or lielltral.
\Ve poured tlic' purple iliclicator liquid into Ge\(11 test
Chloe Gardiner working with the Australian Contemporary Dance Company.
till,(14. To the tnt tubeh we added: Ailgar Nollition. 11%])1-0 clear. halt water. Clottch animonia. lemon juice.
leinonacle .111(1 Anctp)' witter. \Ve watched then 1,4 tile sohitic )114 in the tev tul,e•% c hallged colour.
1 hc lemonadi· .ind the |emon juice turned pink.
At the Ntart of the war we began fullill-aising for
C )inar. Oinar ix a 1)0\ we )(,11,4or who livo in the
indicating lic irlic' hc)littion•. The Nalt Water. 411(3,11- 0(,Intion
Philippilica. Each grotip did (lifferent thing, to 1-1114('
and IiN]-)10 cle:11 1111'lled plitple, indicating .1 11(litral
moncv. \\'c liad colouting- competitions. hick, clips and
AC>llition. The cloudv iltilinonia and the %(m]), water
raffleh. There i\'21% al·u) 11 Competition where vou had to
turned blue. hiclicating a baric- ,hition.
g-11(» how mam lollich were ill 11 big jar. In totai our (-1,140
We all had an excellent tinte in the >,c·iena· Lai).
Monic]11(' Dravec itt
34 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
1'.tihed %21:').80.
Hannah Cohen. 1·hunia Chia
Destination Education:
Physical Education
Illis ve,11' in P.E. we Im\(' participated in lii,lin'
A .1 1).11-1 of our %(i(·llc-c· \\'eck lictivitich. Tracv fic)111 '1)(vination 14(111(lition (,unc B) talk to lis 111)0111
Ant,tictica. 11 \1'14 int('Ic.ting Illicl wr 1111(1 the
opporttlnit\' to le:trn |oholtch- 1&'habout Antaraia. 1
:vas illit)1\'cd in the prewiltation wher<· i had to c'(unc tip and model Aoint· of the clothes people wear when tlin visit .\111,11(tic,1.111(,9. clothe; hau· to bc ven·warin :,% it
(-lin get as (c)|cl a. -St) (1(gl-ce; CelsiliN iti v,int· pal-th (,1
different activitic<. 1 <4})('c i.111, enjov Gvm and Athletics. hi Guii wi· work on 11(·iun0 (,1 (lific·i-(·111 heighth :1% wcH its
the n )pe.4. \Ve .11%0 1,('1-li )1-111 c .11 twherls and lots 01 different kinch of rolls iii order to prc·pare and procut It 1-(ilitine lin- the clit>,4, X'ow we are getting into track
work in preparation for liu· Twilight Sports in Noveinber. Icl like to be hn·, 11,c·cl in the xI)'iniN, tile (il-('111,11 1(,]av. long jilinp .111(1 hill·(11(·% at the )orth. Clare 14'/(·11(i
1.tic-\ 1)(,lic)\:in
Art So thi- thiN will' Art has heen exciting. Recenth we
worked witli c-1.1, to inake >hi\Ili 1,1.ttes. Once the (-lav had been fired. „c· p.iinted it. We h.ir Ill.NO made felt pic·ce, out ofwool which we then made into blankets or pillow.. \11-% Durham iN our Art teacher and she puts clis])1.1\+ up around the c-lic )01 4{) evervolle can 4,·t· our Art work. Art A lilli.
Nicole Travi
Blue Blue iN fun in the vin
Bitic iN the 4, 111) high Bltic A the 9·11 - me
Blue iN the C 01(,111' that inake. im· feel free.
%'cy,Imnic· (:lark
Yellow Lucy Donovan attends Destination Education: Antarctica. 32 110"- A the n1/ine
The Year 5 Ball
Wilow A the moon Yellow k the Pooh lk·'11
On Thin'schn 22 1111;. 111(1 2,111]11,11 k ill 5 14,111 was hc·icl.
limt I wHI hold soon.
\A'(· stavecl afte,- scliciol to ],Ic'])111-(· c)111-sc·|,c'+ for the 1,2,11. .\1 111)(mt 4],in. all the excited girk entered the Militi
W]low iN 111(· llc)11(·I
Pin·prn;c Room. We did lots of different dances like ilic \\'avn c >1 Bondi. tlic· 11(·el and Tor. Strip the Willow. The
Ullow R the colour
\\'alt/. >hock\:11-(14 and the Supper \Valt, . The pal-clit
[li.it I love the most.
1 l)lt c)!1 IN HmV
joined 110 after upper for the Iiist dance of the evening. Van Xgll\(·1..jillian Hillitel
Pia \\.hite
40 N the 1104(· tbat A attached 10 111\
All dressed up for the Ball: Nicole Travis, Emma Chia and Hannah
On the Year 5 Camp: Jillian Hunter. Van Nguyen (Y 5 Red), Nicola Fuller (Y 5 Blue). Monique Draycott (Y 5 Red) and Nicole Tan (Y 5
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 35
Year 6 Blue Year 6 Blue 3rd Row L-R Kathryn Sharpe, Stephanie Sheldon, Jacqueline Moore, Alexandra Terrill, Alexandra Bingham.
Chloe Ralph, Alexandra Podolakin,
Amy Noonan. Chloe Chiem.
tr-/ 0
2nd Row L-R Caroline Jones, Molly Gardner Natalie Senior. Julia Hall, Jessica Stagg, Alexandra Cuttler. Stefanie Richards.
L . --6 i i.
Jennifer Wong. Danielle Seoud, V Nguyen. ./.....
- U Front Row L.R Stephanie Chiarolli,
-3* Angela Basil, Phoebe Pownall, Mollie Buxton,
ORt?4 +
-13 Nicola Rawling, Nicola Flook,
-23@ Georgina Tiernan, Laura Mermigas, 'Ift Gabriella Farries.
R 1/' B ·.j. 3 '..1-'.-
1 A* 1 /2 " in- 9 Teacher Ms Tiffany Pullin
2,4 K Uk,11
Compliters air a lot of fun. Evervone enjovs them a lot.
1-here air all kinds ofcompliters, 1%114 that so hot?
Teadiers teach the children.
Vn „
(Iliilcli'en teach the teachers.
Ever)-thing about comptiters is great Because ther have so manv teatures.
Julia Hall and Kathryn Sharpe demonstrating electrical circuits in the Senior School Science Lab.
1-here are manv varied programs.
Mandeville Mirror
Sitch as quizzes and gaines. The,re so interesting,
Year (i gil 13 are verv hickv,
Dont vou think the samer
Because we get the chance,
A computer has a keT-l)(,ard.
When we let our imaginations dance.
ro show others what we call do.
And 41%0 a mouxe.
\ poein ancl a book review.
With both of them,
A crossword and a tain tale.
You could make a desigii of a house
.Izist 111)(.,iit 211,-thing at all... Let vour thoughts <tal-t to s.lil.
Oill- compilters have the Internet. So A there reallv Kilch a place.
Filled with thousands of,vel,sites.
For our piece, of literature to be dilaved?
You can go and explore the world,
The ones we have macie?
Going to great length% and heights. \'i Ng-lu ,-(211
Of course there is Nlich a place,
For minds iniaginative and keen.
Sport is cool
The War 6 nlagazine:
It's the Mandeville Mirror.
So don 4 be a fool
1 lave a go
Become chainpion in the xtiow 1 per sonaHv enjov swhnining
'. a-
Expeciallv when we are winning It is so (yood, sport h
Even 011 a tellilis court
The game of soccer is inviting When we kick a goal it is extremely excitingSo come on and have a go
1 9 Vita
Or else vou mav never. ever know!
Preparing to go down the Deborah Mine Bendigo: Stephanie
Georgina Tiernan
36 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Schultz, Chloe Chiem. Jennifer Wong and Julia Hall.
75 Sadako \12 read the book %11(tako and the 1()00 Paper Cralws. We had Ic) 1111Mvel- 101% 01 questions, th:lt'M whi Mollie read it again.
rhe book way abcnit a gii'l who leat-nt to walk \Vel] before she collkl talk. And alter that she kni·w how to I lili.
Like a (lic·ctah tow,n'(1% the stin
t'lili] hcl- 11(·ad starteel 41)inning. .\1111()1'ing wak the word for thN di//int». Bilt the (li//incxs w» winnino·.
When Nlic %111!k down towal-(14 the ground with her hi·acl 4])111111114-.
Alexandra Cuttler reading her picture story book at Book Launch.
Book T/Veek
1.citkarmia w:1% what >hiclak<, hact c·,itight.
lic·(Illisc' of the Atoin I)(nub qu· 1(,light linct ibilght, I hnvever Nlic· tlic,light Nlic wotild die.
For mam nights %11(· would lic· down and (·rs,
t'litil to 111(·11(,Ni,ital (:hintko came And taught %11(1:ike how 10 111; ike a paper c 1',1 11(·. (15()tb cranc was when %1](· felt a lot <)1 ])iii Ii. 1 he doctor Nliook hir heacl with girat sh:line, >kidak(A Ic:11'ful famih cmc.
Nuddeniv out went >;actak<A flickering bright Ilainc. Chloe Chicin
Ehis book week ix .1 Neill-v Iiic'inf
Bilt we all Imw to work ax one big tram 1(·t n Denton (11-(·w 11 finun hic,king cou IA :i 11,11'cl thing to cio. I wonder how? C)li|hul-%(lar. to tlic 11.1'.14. 13'(· li,21(Ic (,111 \#In
Ihi· Fking Book \\'{)1-lii Callic· Illicl perforined a plin 011 \\'(clne>,(111\ \ve all (11-(»cd lip 1-calh .cal-v Each ic':tchcl- c.1111(· 11% .1 11.Ilight; fain We h.ld .1 book 1.11111( h for (,111- Pic till-c >itorv book+
Followed In alter+noon te,1. what gi'cal cookN In book week iA not juv fun 1\'c have to work to get a lot done Iii normal le,™,11% ive read alld write
lint clin-ing book week tlic· .ic·tivitic·+ .11·c init 01%ight \VA-i· aH Gad Book \Ver]6 (lotic
Btil 11(\1 vi·,11' \\( ]l h.tic· ji,41 a inuch lili. \Ic,x.111(11-1, 1'('1'lili
Picture Story Books! Pic'litic· <ton' 1,c,ok•; take time. Acic·11 \*c·ck.it took for mitic·.
UD }nut inanv khur for our iny,ii.iric,ijf. Olivia Pellicano (Y 5 Gold) and Stephanie Chiarolli on dress up day n Book Week.
which we used in {)111- creations.
Our picture %1(,1-\ 1)(,c)]o; 1)(·g.in with a verv Nimple little plan.
\\'c clicic)111- fir,%1 copv.
Art thiN vear ix reall\· fun.
\\'c· clid <)111 401 \ 1)().u-(1 to hclp gllicle (,111'1)<,01«
Itut it wils verv dop])\. \Ve 1-(. 1/1'Mking gli')111(·,
Ihi·\ air liniN}it·(1 now %0 conu· and hau· a look
And thevi·c ne.)1·1\ doic.
at olll· fil·Nt ])111)|ihlil·(1 picttll-(' 41()n booL Angela 11.1.41
r 111 1111,king- inv gnome reallv tall, With a bright shin. \ inilli Nkin. und vellow hawl.
\\'c (lid Aoim· clialk, ],tricb;capc, too.
1 wketched a beautifill 111,)111-train top. In clific:-ent rhades cd 1 ,lite.
\Ve .ilii-,1% Imve fun in art. \11-1 I)111'11.ilil makei fizir of it.
I tililv 111(Un it light froin inv heart. %1(·lanic Richards
Scjence Week experiments: Stephanie Chiarolli and Phoebe Pownall,
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 37
Year 6 Gold Year 6 Gold 3rd Row L-R Br dget Nathan.
Michelle Smitheram, Dimitra Constantopoulos, Vanessa Groom, Madeline Tilley. Bridget Blackburn, Kate Sala. Victoria Cavanagh, Sarah Maule.
f.© f. 1
2nd Row L-R Britt Densmore,
Samantha Holdsworth, Nicole Anderson,
Jennifer Ames, Sunday Barca Irving, Sarah Pound, Stephanie Schultz, Stephanie Pirrie, Julia Pashula, Natalie Cheeseman.
Front Row L-R Ella Henschke, Sarah Cleary, Orla O'Halloran. Alexandra Catalano.
Samantha Jreissati, Rebecca Edwards.
Jenna Flack, Stephanie Haikal, Jacqueline Bouchier. Teacher Miss Catherine Maimone
Making Picture Story Books
Ullat arn k 111 1-('llitivex \ ( M A ago 114( (1 to be ilitich bilt<)('t tlian 1
Ul 01 %·111 6 wrole 11 111(·Inorable Nt{)1'v.
ion nowadins. When I ilin not lised 1 get to %1(·ep blit
1·.ach l,c·ion cn·,itc·(l one of their verv own.
when tlic·v wake inc· up it M all work. work. work.
.\11 01 Ilic· ht{)1'ic.4 (·11(led iii glorv.
Normallv c )in- Al)(·cies air black or a cre:linv white. 1)lit
\\'ith inoht 01 th(·111 ])1-()1('44ionallv Newil.
the colour ofour faces often chanoc,..\]tholigh llc)ve to
1,1,1, gamrs. ill<)•th 1 have to work. 1 am admil-cd and
E.lch pi·i-NOn had a diffet-ent icle,1.
looked at while people aie pu·diing and poking me. 1
A good one .11 111.11 I inliht in.
have tw,) 1)(·41 hiendw. We work In a tram and we could
Solne WtoriC·+ prowked .1 war.
not work without each other. \1\ famil, is ven 1111-ge lilicl
And inost would cal-11 rome pin..
i.4 ((111%1:11111\ 2-i·(m-ing- al-(,1111(1 the u·01-ld. \Ve all come in 1 -1
, .11 ious fi/e; to wilit ()111-job. We arc an important part of
All Wal- 8 011(,tilel get 21 great cleal of praise. For creating stich !11,11'\'(llous tales.
111()(1('1-11 5()(-let\'.
\\liat uni I-
Ther fliould get .111 thi 1 01' a hundred (1210,
A coill])later
Or until evii wthing clhe fails. lc·ium Flack
F.Ila I |c·lischkc
In the Science Lab: Jennifer Ames, Britt Densmore and Kate Sala.
Imax Theatre Excursion \11 tlic' War 6 +111(lents took the train int,) the citv:11](1 then walked to the hnax thrittre. lic' had ilinch in the
g.11'(1(·110,111(1 then \ventilito watch a ch)(linwntan :11)out \11 t,i,-cl ica. It wa•% the inc )41 am,1/ing lihil l Ini\ (· ever ,(·(·11. Ilic· Act'a·n \1'.r, ten tinwf the Ni/(· 01 a norinal 4(1'cell
which mcant that a forklift had to 1,(· 114(·(1 10 1)lit the reel of lihil on the prokctor. To in,ike It <)11('-llc,lit- fihn. +ix kilomet t-(·4 (11 reel h.1(1 to bl· 114('d. The pictilin were %0 big t|mt I [ch like 1 was in Ant.u'('tic .l.
I look [(11·ward to 111\' next Innix experience. Stindav Bill-ca h-ving
38 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Displaying their Picture Story Books: Stephanie Schultz, Ella Henschke, Samantha Holdsworth and Julia Pashula.
Book Week 1 %:iw witclw.+ .111(1 wi/,11-(14 ('\(1-\-wheic.
(;ho+ coming in thi-ough tile wallf. 1-he Aclit 1110 tionilv and i lwit- cran· hail·.
i\,; we all got linal up ill the halls.
\\Ic! followed the spook, 1,cwk-tlic·nu· ancl ch-c™·cl. .\% the caric·Nt ('tratill-cH wi· knew,
h was hal·(1 10 1(·11 wlic)AC ((1411111(·4 \1(·1(· 1)(·Nt, l'ittl I nan'owed it Clown to a few.
For the ammal |:11111(·h wr 11111(le picmre 4t()1-,bool« And .ome gi 1-1,; inadi· foine cakes a. well.
Il Sunday Barca Irving and Stephanie Haikal on the Year 6 Camp.
Ill the paract<· Itt the Alr,Ung(·Mt Co>;tatincA I looked. \Ve were c\(li visited bv the devi] It-0111 11('11.
1 he tracher: were failie&. 111% 1 1.1 1 1(1'0 i (1(.1.
1·.\(-cpi for \Ir Shcal'man, c,!('(,ill-fc. 1 Ii· camr 11% a wi,.al-(1 (11-ins'ing t'\'c l'i c Blic· neill . Ic) ree hiN rolic; with their colcill]1111101·(c·.
It w.14 Itc)(,k \Veek. 01 ((,tlig' and we all Inict such lilli.
Our Camp Prayer (adapted fic)111 the ()111. Failic·i·)
Our cain]) u'llich alt in Vicic)liu FC'|111( a be th, 11.unc Iln %111(lenh have o,inc
%(·hool work 4111]1 be done In Ec h tic'.1 1,4 it N iii rroorak.
Y .11- hix did 11 1,1.,v· al)(,lit 1401) and Noilic· c h-es,
Which evervolic enjoved, even Preps .wid 32.11' C),w. I think we could .ill Min' we were ],ic >tict c )f (,lil-N(·1\·c·+. .jentlifer.\ineh
Give ils this Av our claili fun
And forgive tls our talking- all through the night 14 we forgive tlic)+e who ti , to keep 11% citlict. Drown ils not in the Monn. a. ill{).St 01 1[% chm t doerve it.
I lave fun. Rebecca Edwiti cl
What am I? Nonic· people low inc. others think tlmt I am evil. 111(,ligh evenone needs me. solne proplc clonh have me. 1 can cilits<· corruptic )11 1111(1 greed, >Unnetimi·+ I
cans(· prol)1(1114. though other tinle, I Itin the cohition. People do wl'.11114< thing-% to get lile .ind tlic)%(' who hau· ine often have main- of mr brothers .111(1 siNtel N.
Ahhough I look tlic· Nalne inv \ 11]lit· changes iii different countl ic.. Thi· 1111 lill)el s oil lin bodv Allow mv worth. 1
am often exchanged for goods 1111(1 1 live ill a verv .r< 1 11-c 1)111(·C·. What am l? I an] 111()11(·\
Experiencing the wind speed of Antarctica: Sunday Barca Irving. Sarah Cleary and Victoria Cavanagh.
Bridget Blackburn
Antai ctica A (1(·le peng-wins make 111(·ir lic·%14 olit c )1 1·< Ic·k. N ot inanv prople visit. :10 it is M ) cold. T he killer whale abo \i,it, Antarctica.
A lit,11(tic,6 hnve;t degree ix -90 degrce+ Cel>,ins. R aging ]('opard Acalf littack Kinperot- penguin, C el-tain countriex have v,ttionx there. There al·(· 111,tin· aniti],11% iii Ant,ti-(tic·,1.
I (t·l)ciAN :lic :t (langer to the ships in the aira. C (,Id tcluperatill'ch .11'c 11(11-inal. A 11).iti'c )5 0 wing spal) iN the ]Cligth of il car.
Stephanic Pinic
Working together Janna Flack and Jacqueline Bouchier.
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 39
Year 6 Red Year 6 Red 3rd Row L-R Laura Brown. Chloe Skalitsis, l
Victoria Gregory, Genevieve Cracknell.
Rebeccah Panozza, Georgina Sinclair. Lucy Wilkinson. Nicole Jee, Julia Hughan. 2nd Row L-R Hannah Carrodus,
Rorny Baker, Caitlin Mios, Alexandra Smith, Stephanie De Oliveira, Georgia Virtue, Peta Dermatis. Emma Ireland, Victoria Meehan,
Front Row L-R Kylie Wallace.
5 1 l
Meghan Keary, Ksenya Masendycz, Christina King. Meghan Andrew, Stephanie Lukan, Joanna Ryan, Stephanie Hannon, Monica Lillas.
Absent Grace Callaghan Teacher Ms Michelle Seymour 1
Antarctic Animals 1111*b
14111,1 "11. devour
ha-overted. hark». c:tl-ing \Iltill-Ctic !112116 1)0;t hiend 1.c )\111
Atephanic Litkan Arill
Alicroscopic .ca-creatill-n Swimilling. eliting. pkning Food for /11»t C 1/·lit/11-0 Fi>;11
/1/1(/lj'/Jittlt<.1 Elephant heal 1 Illge. territorial
Kylie Wallace with a life-size penguin model.
14(·*tittl. peact 1 1 11. cligliting
A Midsummer Night's Dream
\lij,2/inglv protective und gentle l ' lli que joanna Rum
I·.lin- (lucen
C :ill ic)11%. 1 emarkable
Athens in Greca·
C »1.lic'll,11\ hwooping- overhead
1 |cl mia coul(liA marn 1.,0.111(ler
Beautiful long while wing•;
(liticklv. thev 1-1111 awav together
.\(tor. .11-(· pl-11('ti.ing in thi· 1(,Ic'41
lina king
Queen Titania |,1114 ill lou' with |4(,ttolli Final], the bc·Illitiful I !(i'mia urts to 1111,1-1-v 1.n.111(1(·r.
Elephant %(,11
1.Int]-1, 141-()\\11
\'illgill. (Ilic.lifi\(·
C 1-im·ling. banling. barking I licli·c )114. agg·i-(·*wive (liti·k figure \\-ikl \lexciticlia >hnith
Ksenya Masendycz in an Antarctica type tent.
40 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Science Week: Stephanie Lukan and Christina King.
Cut Down on Sunday Sport De.or Editor
1|w word -%1111(lin hholl!(1 11(· (11;,liged to SI,(,itit,n' :10 Inc)>t >datic)!iN |1,/\'C %])(brt 1/'](·('11>d 11()11-41()1)1
Not ('\(1-\|)()(1\ in lilihilation N a total Mpot. fanatic ill)(1 televihion btliti{)11% &11()111(1 1(·1(1(1141 9,111('thing· 1111)1·c (·(111(,iticili:il 1111(11(» lijit)(1-11111,11)ing!
Stittion. 41{)111(1 %])1'(·,1(1 the y)(,It coverage ovel- the
week and not pile it allinto oill· (111\, Football. car racing and other Aport< 111·(· all good fun but thev do get a litt|(' Chloe Scalitsis and Hannah Carrodus relaxing at recess.
1)( )ling :liter a while.
Letters To The Editor
diking ix that thev cut down on 4port everv 7111(hi
I dolit watit to get rid of 7,01-t lilt{ igether. all Ihn IllklliC)()11.
Keep Docklands Australian
lillia I Ilighan
Dcai- D'.ditoi
1 (liNig-1-(·(· htl()11glv with the (.c)\(·1'1111](·111'0 1,1.111 to (1111)licate building* and %('111])1111'c'\ froin other (-(miltries 2111(1 citich. \Ve In-c 0111' c)\vii countn. AN>,ti-alin i. 111]i(]tic. I think wc dic,li](1 not itc) exacth· a, the Romans. \VA·c
.\11+Nic. and Ict lt, be proud ofwhat we ('an produce. \\c' do not 11(cd Illic,ther Eiffel .Ic,\ver in out- c-it\, It
would look (,lit of place. c'])(·(·ial|\ in the 1)„cklanch. 1 am %111-c· 1 7,cak for other Auvt i .ilianM when I *in I wolild not appreciate Mell)(,111-ne l)(·ing call<(1 21 iliini Pali€" 11 the (;overnment kgoing to provide Akv.·1,11)(·1-0 Ibr the people·. ple:ric keep theill .\11Ntralian! Ilic kid who Carch for 11(·11)ourne - im to\vii. 10,(inva \12/Xendve/
Food of Clioice 1)('111 Editor
1 Ntroligh belit·ve that people Nlic)111(1 be allowed to bring their own food into the ()]unpic C ..1111(14 st.,clit lin. %])(Cial dictan 11('((14. long quent·,A 1111(1 extra ex])('11%c
will |)(' 11 tifinendoti probIrm ifive do not change it, 9)(cial food. h won|(1 be ver, clillic·tilt for (lic ()1\11il)ioN
to *14)],li the y)c·cial food for all o[ tlroc p(·c)])]c. |t is expected thlit the (·c 'ht c )1 ilw Ic )(,cl .1·ailable will
be expelifive. People a)111(1 411\'(' 1 11(,lic·i' on 111(· cia, buung Ic)(,cl (,lit•,icle the *tactium {)1 Ininging it Irc)111
borne. Thn Imve 2111'(·adv pitict for their tic·kib. Anine of which are wn expe'Nve. 7 ) thev %11 (Illid lint have to pai extra ic)1- their food.
Nicole Jee and her father at the Father/Daughter Mass.
Young Atistralians Need Our Help Dcal· Edit()1
rhe \(,liliA pcople 01.\11%11·alia liced (>lil help. Main arc dving even·(111\ 01 drug overdo>,CA and Milic idc. .UNralia i. one 01'111('llic)%1 10('Illtin· countrie in the
world: 011(,ul<111't we be doing inort· fur our voung Monica I.illas
1,(44,1/9 1-he uning people of our lution need 0,11- help but
al-c ali-.iici of.iking- for it or think that if ther' ig-noi-c it then their tioubles will go awav. Ther think that thn· arc· coping when t]Ky Me not.
It N depi·Ch<Ning to 0(·C' 1()11174 peoph· C )11 111(· <tri·(·t. i
begging lor mone\' 01' 41(·,iling from thrit' loved ones, lili· (,(,Il'llilii(·111 41()111(1 7)(11(1 111(31-c 111()11(·\ 011 (gtablidling clinics for di lig 114(·1-4 1111(1 v·rvices for tile necdv of (}Ill ('(,tilltrv. ilist('11(1 of withling 1114)11,·v on
Science Week: Peta Dermatis. Georgia Virtue, Alexandra Smith and
11 ./'1('44 livewol-k.!
%()111(·thing 1111151 be (lonc
Romy Baker.
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 41
Junior School Choir 3rd Row L-R Rebecca Edwards. Hannah Carrodus, Ellese Chambers, Jessica Stagg, Stephanie Sheldon, Chloe Ralph, Chloe Skalitsis, Bridget Nathan. Lucy Donovan, Emma Ireland, Orla O'Halloran
2nd Row L-R Chloe Gardner. Nicola Flook, Signoree Scully, Ruby Carrodus. Madeline Jones, Rafaela Scully, Jillian Hunter, Angela Basil, Brighid Ginnane-Smith, Van Nguyen, Annabelle Dwyer, Anna Brash. Samantha Podbury Front Row L-R Lia Brett, Camilla Counsel, Amanda Valmorbida, Victoria Hammond, Laura Brown, Vanessa Groom. Madeline Maher, Madeleine Tostevin, Fiona Pearse, Jessica Minear
Absent Meghan Keary. Charlotte De Oliveria. Britteny Stewart. Jacqueline Taranto Conductor Mr Stuart Shearman
4/ A
0*2, r
4 -r'
Junior School Orchestra 2nd Row L-R Tess Morriane, Nicola Flook (Leader), Hannah Carrodus, Jennifer Ames (Leader), Chloe Skalitsis, Kate Sala, Katr nt Cavanough. Rebecca Edwards Front Row L-R Nicola Fuller, Meaghan O'Sullivan, Vanessa Wong-Tai. Stephanie Maynes, Eleanor Downie, Georgina Tiernan, Megan O'Hehir, Signoree Scully, Alexandra Cuttler Absent Nicole Anderson, Anthea Fell
Conductor Miss Jane Schleiger Accompanist Mr Stuart Shearman
LORETO · Mandeville Hall
.!1 0
Junior School Wind Band Row 1 Monique Draycott, Jacqueline Bouchier, Joanna Ryan, Meghan Keary
Row 2 Rebecca Edwards, Stephanie Chiarolli, Jillian Hunter, Jacqueline Savage, Annabelle Dwyer. Stephanie Clark Row 3 Mrs Jennifer Meachern, Tess Mornane, Mollie Buxton, Stefanie Richards. Nicole Anderson, Ms Wendy Anderson
Row 4 Britt Densmore, Jennifer Ames, Amy Noonan, Stephanie Schultz, Tahlia Madden, Georgette Scanlon Front Row Natal-e Senior. Victoria Gregory. Kathryn Sharpe, Emma Ireland. Vanessa Groom, Lucy Wilkinson
Recorder Ensemble 3rd Row L- R Angela Basil, Vanessa Groom, Rebaccah Panozza,
Lucy Wilkinson. Eleanor Downie
2nd Row L-R India Prior, Christina King, Ksenya Masendycz, Orla O'Halloran, Alexandra Blackburn, Rebecca Ireland,
Joanna Ryan
Front Row L-R Olivia Basil, Anna Bartone, Stephanie Keary, Bridget Blackburn (Captain), Gabriella Farries (Vice Captain),
Kylie Wallace, Stephanie Rizzardi, Monica Lillas Absent Meghan Keary, Meghan Andrew, Michelle King Conductor Mss Deana Dodds
Ash Wednesday - recorder procession with Mr Stuart Shearman.
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 43
Junior School House Captains Back (L-R): Lucy Wilkinson (Ward Vice Captain),
Georgia Virtue (Mulhall Vice Captain), Alexandra Smith (Mornane Vice Captain), Jacqueline Moore (Barry Vice Captain) Front: Jacqueline Bouchier (Ward Captain),
Georgina Tiernan (Mulhall Captain), Alexandra Catalano (Mornane Captain),
Alexandra Bingham (Barry Captain).
Junior School
Creative Arts Captains (L-R): Sarah Pound (Barry). Madeline Tilley (Mulhall), Victoria Gregory (Ward), Stefanie Richards (Mornane)
Junior School Music Captains Back (L-R): Gabriella Farries (Recorder), Jennifer Ames (Orchestra), Emma Ireland (Wind Band).Vanessa Groom (Choir) Front:
Bridget Blackburn (Recorder), Nicola Flook
(Orchestra), Kathryn Sharpe (Wind Band), Laura Brown (Choir).
44 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
494-3-*F-19--0--7-7-7-*I-'B,4$jj/:&20//% .-
. 2%232:mi 2 3*M
LT{TI 13 m ;, M Junior Schoo Swimming ard Row L.R Peta Dermatis, Jessica Stagg, Stephanie Sheldon (Captain of Swimming). Sarah Maule. Made ine Tilley Jacqueline Moore, Michelle Smitheram, Lucy Wilkinson, Caitlin Mios 2nd Row L-
R Pia White. Alexandra Cottee, Georgin/1 1-;ernan. Bridget Noonan, Stephanie Pirrie (Captain of Swimming) Julia Pashula,
Georgette Scanlon. Charlotte Chair-ners, Jacqueline
ie. Grace Mighell
Front Row L-R Amanda Valmorbida, Stephanie Keary, Georgia Mornane. Sarah Adamson 84
Simonds, Van Nguyen, Kaylah IVI
Melissa Dynon Madeleine Tostevin, Katherine Tzelil
Absent Talilia Madden. Alexandra Podolakin. Romy Baker. ..;hanie Lukan Coach kiss Jayne Webster
Junior School Cross Country 3rd Row L.R
It , 36*"293//1/Mill"Mill 2;/
Clare Peachey, Grace Mighell.
Georgina Tiernan. Angela Basil, Hannah Carrodus. Jacqueline Moore. Jessica Stagg. Danielle Seoud. Orla O'Halloran, Stephanie Chiarolli, Stephanie Maynes
2nd Row L-R Melissa Dynon, Sarah Scully, Meaghan O'Sullivan, Prudence Maynes.
Eleanor Dunin. Alicia Simonds, Rebecca Ireland.
Danjelle Carew Ruby Carrodus, Georgia Mornane, 0lb,Na B :4 1
Front Row L-R Elizabeth Doyle. Sarah Clement F 0.-·i, P«v·se. Stephanie Rizzardi, Sarah Dungey Kather:ne Tzelil. Monique Draycott, Nicole Travis. Amanda Valmorbida. Madeleine Tostevin.
iar--I/,7. 6 11 .19-T-4.-7 -=.1-
Em i.0 [-a lay. Sarah Adamson
'.'43 0 -- 2
Absent Meghan Keary, Zoe Harper. Talhia M Coach Miss Jayne Webster
. 4.UNfi 1
Junior Schoo Diving
L-R Emily Richards. Michelle Smitheram, Grace Callaghar
L-R Alexandra Cottee, Angela Basil, Renuka Rajadurai.
Alicia Simonds
Julia Hughan, Mollie Buxton, Olivia Basil
Absent Stephanie Lukan
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 45
Sporting Snapshots llL
WIM , .
ASSIC "r---
i, Jr
4 4„ If . 19 4
05* 6 f
li f. EURB ·
1 9 4lq
46 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Captains of Athletics:
5,]f J Alexandra
Bingham and Chloe Ralph 4 c .1.l,
jR Junior School Athletics Back Row: L-R Bridget Blackburn, Rebeccah Panozza. Alexandra Terrill 6th Row:
Jacqueline Moore. Kate Sala, Lucy Donovan, Bridget Nathan, Tahlia Madden, Charlotte Chalmers
5th Row:
Bridget Noonan, Ellese Chambers, Stephanie Lukan, Tess Mornane. Hannah Carrodus, Danielle Seoud
4th Row:
Alexandra Catalano. Georgina Tiernan, Stephanie Chiarolli. Hannah
Pownall, Grace Mighell, Stephanie Maynes, Alicia Simonds 3rd Row:
Emily Richards, Prudence Moylan, Emma Chia, Sarah Adamson, Olivia Pellicano, Melissa Dynon
2nd Row:
Monique Draycott. Stephanie Clarke, Elizabeth Doyle. Rachel Rodrigues, Danielle Carew. Clare Peachey. Georgia Mornane
Front Row: Katherine Tzelil. Hannah Cohen, Chloe Ralph (Capta n of Athlet cs), Alexandra Bingham (Captain of Athletics), Isabelle Hayes A I w L-1,1, r. r..
. ! 4&2.21
Year 5 and 6 House Swimming and Spirit Cup Winners - Ward: Captain Jacqueline Bouchier and Vice Captain Lucy Wilkinson
Year 3 and 4 House Swimming Winners Mornane: House Representatives: Lucinda
Winners - Ward: House Representatives:
Lacava and Eleanor Dunin
Sarah Adamson and Melissa Dynon
Year 3 and 4 House Swimming Spirit Cup
Enjoying the swimming sports: Stephanie Pirrie. Sunday Barca Irving, Daniella Stutt, Stephanie Clarke and Melissa Jreissat
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 47
Religious Education
Ati e
Holy 1\Areek iii the Jzinioi School During the 1,151 week (11 li·tin One it w,10 1-101, Week. Bericlc, 21|1 the ])1-auu-% alld Iictivitic, during ch». even morning we all gathered to have a ],ecial liturgv in the
4 11
Multi Purpo+e 14<,cnn. 1·:,en clahs had covered a 1111-ge box with a 4(-Clic fl-<)111 the laft clin X (,1.]ivis life on cal-th. 1)„ling cach litill,Ar'. 4(,im· git'ls brought their box
1(,1-\,Ill-(1 1111(1 placed thenl in the Nhapt· 01 a big ( 1·0%5. (-)11 111(· last d.n wi· 11.1(1 an extrit Al)(·cial praver .c..ion .111(1 we 1-(flected on the evelit•; of the tenn :111(1 5.Ing- the "Holidin 11\'11111 ". We then fillihhed ·hool. well :
prepared to cel('111*:tte the great li·ir;t of F.ajter. C.cot-gina Hinclair. Nicola Flook. Year 1 9
Holy Week Liturgy: (clockwise from top) Katrina Cavanough, Pia White, Jessica Minear, Laura Petrucci (Y 5) and Rebecca Edwards (Y 6).
Proniises, promises.
Before c.ach 1.ent iu· make a i ,·i-v V,ec·ial promise. 11-ic· proilli.(· A about ]10\1- we can ])(·((,inc bener 1)01-4011%
bv giving- 111) one of our l )lea•;nic<%. When Shrove rlill€'Nclin annoN .11-(,1111(1, we .111 g-0 to the glade. In the gllicle, we k€k
])1-in for Nt] (·ligth and thi·11 we 1)11111 0111- promi.Nes .111(1 thei· go to inh. -1-hi4 makes 114 feel Cloher to C ,(,cl because
we clonk have am wc'reth from rach (,ther.
I ina King..jillia 1 I,iI|. 32·111- 6 f fIU ii,
Assembling the Holy Week Cross: Sarah Adamson (Y 4).
Religious Education RE is 30 much fun
I A 11 Alll)ject frn- even (,Ill'
E )11 call learn 111.111, things like how to prin E)11 %11()111(1 s.1, a ])1.trel· even· d.1,
Ihlking, Ning-ing. pi,tring and pi-:,i%ing In RE voit'11 never bc lan
C k.x L God who N evernvherc I le has :,hked 11.4 to Jmir
*il< f!:4
Britt Deliwiore. C )1-la O lialloran. Year 6
Receiving the ashes on Ash Wednesday: Megan Swinstead (Y2).
Our Excursion
\Ve went to St ](,fip]6 1 1(,ucl. Firg. we went on the 1,114 that had seat|,elt•; ancl had l,litionx on the chair to
make tlic chair go back and fon,·:11'(ls. When we got their it waN a verv 111(1(1('111 1)lliliting. We went with the
32.11- 1 <tticliitc. \Ve clid .1 performance for them. Thell
the War 2 4111(1(lit, talked to them. \\€ had to go Willi
partners. I went with Stepli.lilie. 1 talked to a lack called Kit Larken. Then War 2 had a <nack and next we went r
back to sclic )01 and went home. It w:,0 11 verv 11111)(,1-tillit exclti-Nion for the elderh people to diow we calc al)(,rit tlelk.
An offering of food for the hungry at the Junjor School Simply Sharing Mass: Naomi Scully and Camilla Counsel (Y 3).
48 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Eve I .illai Ye:11 '
*kr e
'flk i
itt« 3¢ 9 §
N Y f
i 4
% 4
r D
This page clockwise from top left:
1.Year 1
visit Antarctic Exhibition: Camilla Flook, Venessa
Robinson, Georgina Gannon and Rebekah Lewis. 2, Veronique Campion (Y 2). 3. Jenna Flack (Y 6) as Ali Baba in the Junior School production. 4. Georgia Virtue and Lucy Wilkinson CY 6) in "Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves". 5. Year 3 making electrical circuits: Bethany England and Emilie Fellay Opposite page: 1.Year 6 "Ali Bat:a" dancers:
Alexandra Catalano and Stepnanie Haikal.2. Ayaka Soga and Anna Church (Yl). 3. Year 4 Reconciliation group. 4. Year 1 Drama. 5. Ashleigh Kubiak (Y 3). 6. Katherine Frawley (Prep) dressed for Antarctica. 7. Performers in the Year 5 plays.
.-9241. -
4. 1
t lit 1
ate J pte 08/kmas f:or
4fk -f
,flch today·
My mle brother co COUA!:0 eight
, Flu/Flew 1
j l Ca-€
*12'. Ii.,1 This page clockwise from top left:
1.Year 5
ball: Meaghan O'Sullivan and Megan O'Hehir. 2. Amelia Harrison Elizabeth Barrett and Megap
Allanadale (Y 2).3. Sr Ruth Winship IBVM enjoys a Birthday visit from Year 4.4. Year 3 Footy Clinic: Victoria Hammond and Lauren Fowler. 5. Lenten promises.
Opposite page: Year 3 girls at the Simply Sharing Mass: Alix Hauser, Naomi Scully and Camilla
Counsel with Fr Tim Norton. 2. Eliza Whyte (Prep). 3. Rachel Cheng and Sophie Clarke (Prep) feed
their feathered friends. 4. Grace Mighel, Stephanie Maynes, Bridget Noonan and Olivia Pellicano. 5. Year 4 artists: Rebecca Ireland, Sarah Adamson and (background) Alexandra Jolly
4lt ,
This page clockwise from top left:
1 Dr Dotilinic Carnpion (Veroniques father) applies "a cast" to Megan Swinstead with lythe assistance of Megan's Year 2 classmates (left) Teresa Cabal-Pasini and Siana Madden. 2. Jasmin Chia (Prep) cuddles a lamb. 3. Miss Catherine Sim
distributes ashes to Kaylah Malishev and Lucinda Lacava (Y 4) at the Ash
Wednesday service. 4. Olivia Burns (Y 12) with Melissa Dvnon, Soohie Maddison and
Sarah Clemens (Y 4) on Feast Day. 5. Victoria Meehan (Y 6) and Georgia Mornane (Y 4).
qillillillillv -4944
Opposite page: 1. Stephanie Byrnes (Y 1) meets a scary skeleton in the Senior School Science Lab. 2. Year 5 Ball: Natallie
Moussa, Prudence Moylan and Alexandra Cottee. 3. Prep 1999 classroom. 4. Year 2 visit to a nursing home- 5. Meghan Keary (Y 6) playing the recorder.
1 Aff i
2_ 70 11 u
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YA. 916-
Opposite page clockwise from top left: 1.Jacqueline Low (Y 9 ) 2. Tyla Bound and Amelia Curtain (Y 7) 3. Anna Bartl and Louise Pearse (CY 10) enjoying Home Economics 4. Olivia Garvey and Jane Balmer (Y 12) 5. Barry Leaders celebrate their PAF success (back) Katherine Gardine·, Josie Parkinson, Karen Lee,
Beth Stewart. and (front) Zoe Kitchen and Victoria Toovey 6. Year 12 students Genevieve Alidley. Rebecca Wendlanc, Prue Hartley, Kate Eichhorn and Lisa Wendland with Dr Susan Stevens.
This page clockwise from top left:
1. Visitors from Fukuoka Kaise
Japan. 2. Year 12 last day. 3. Birds
eye view of the city for Hannah O'Shaughnessy, Kate Argentino, Claire Gibbs, and (back) Elisse Jones (Y 8) 4. Serving lunch for the Rowing
Club: (back) Marie Tilley, Pauline Watson, Lee Rimes, Annabelle Scanlon, and (front) Carol Bowker, Mary Ferguson, Marita Serong, Ruth Nisbet, Liz Ludescher. 5. Alice
MeNamara (Y 8). 6. Luncttime.
/ 1 4/ %
•1 a
Opposite page clockwise from top left: 1. Mard Taylor and Meg Maciallan at the Year 7 record night. 2. Bad taste fashion parade: Jane Stewart and Katherine McMahon (Y 11). 3. Visiting author Adeline Yen Mah signs a book for Kamy Lee (Y 12). 4. Claudia Moloney, Emily Dougherty, Lucy Kenny, Jessica Foley and Sarah Stonehouse (Y 8). 5. Rest stop on the beach at Bridgewater Bay for bushwalkers. 6. Captain of St Kevin's College Stephen Pascoe presents a painting to School Captains Bridget Cleary and Jessica Curley to mark our 75th Anniversary. Th,s page clockwise from top left: 1 Ngoc Le
4 fint,
Kai.viotis, Saran Ho and Vi Pham (Y 11) with their display as part of their study of Jubilee 2000.2. Andrew Cooper, a imember of the 1992 Barcelona Oarsome Foursome Gold Medal rowing crew is welcomed by Rowing Captains. Charlotte Hickey and Louise Lonergan. 3. Year 9 ski camp. 4. Choir at the Twilight Celebration. 5. Staff members Margaret Quill, Jennifer Dickson, Susan Stevens and Josie Jeffery IBVM greet Queensland visitor Mary Louise Holiywood (centre) at the Archival Display weekend.
¥ 'Ful€ 4
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4 .r j
Opposite page clockwise from top Meft: 1.Rowers: Bdinda Bowman, Ms Belinda Gibson
(Coach), Stephanie Maule, Zoe Croker, Rachel Griffiths.
Alisha Treacy. 2. Jasmine Gillespie (Y 9). 3. 'lit's not burnt": Dr John Collins serves lunch. 4. Year 7 Art:
Christine Hou, Siobhan Blewitt, Sian Whyte and Emma Simpson. 5. Amy Killen, Esther Rowe and Annie Merrylees (Y 11) relax on the Central Australian trip. This page clockwise from top left: 1. Musicians
at Past Pupils' Anniversary Dinner. 2. Together from Prep to Year 12.3. Swimming Team with the Winner's Cup at the Genazzano Swim Meet. 4. Julia Godinho ariel Tristi Phi,lips (Y 9). 5. (L-R) Laura Blewtt, Edwina Olver and Erti Breheny (Y 9)
t 1
Clockwise from top left: 1 Year 9 drama i ituals. 2. Bushwalkers. Philippa Zahara, Elizabeth C)'Day, Megan Walters, Hannah
Sharrock. Elanor IV'clnerney and Kamy Lee. 3. Mr Peter Crewe and a 'Revolutionary" Year
11 class. 4. Big Sister/Little Sister lunch: IElizabeth Fox (Y 12) and Sarah Mann (Y 7). 5. Year 9 camp Jessica Harding and Felicity ,9
McGill, and (in background) Stephanie McNamee
4 k
Amelia Hartlev (Y 10)
Sophie Ball (Y 8) Vivien Gu (Ya
Louise Rocchi (Y 9)
Jacqueline Low (Y 9)
Elli Hughan (Y 9)
Edwina Scanlon (Y 10)
Year 7-10 Art
Sophie Serong (Y 7
Remie Cibis (Y 9) Jacqueline Koutoumas (Y 10) Tanya Chaves (Y 9)
ndi 11 icti i r\Ociy < 1 0,
Vivien Gu (Y 8)
Kate Lonergan (Y 10)
Natalie McNamee (Y 7)
Mark Langan, Nick Frigo, Mark Bahr, Grant Fisher, Michael Mulcahy, Eddie Kane
11 th Row:
Patricia Schroor, Fraser Kane, Pam Davies, Carolyn Fox, Natalie Caruso, Daryl Jenner, Peter Crewe, Richard Walker
1 Oth Row:
John Collins, Michael Baddeley, Andrea Inglis, Roger Gill
9th Row:
Amanda Apthorpe, Allison Hart, Kay Powlesland, Angela Gemma, Margot Thompson, Leesa Hale, Kaye Young
8th Row:
Kathy Paterson, Alon Kaiser, Mary McCarthy, Catherine MeMahon, Edmund Best, Cathy Hunt, Ashley Savage
7th Row:
Wendy Anderson, Joan Morgan, Robyn Kay, Ellie Taffe, Lynne Beck, Wendy Rickarby
6th Row:
Marcus Sutton, Malcolm Farnsworth, Anne Muller, Jill Wheatland, Dianne Swann, Mary O'Driscoll, Zena Hoslan
5th Row:
Stuart Jarvis, Jo Lonergan, Andrew Horkins, Lesley Gillespie, Lyn Foley, Jennifer Dickson, Anne Elliott
4th Row:
Kim Hauser, Robyn Stapley, Emma Ross, Jill Barnett, Shirley Chapman, Barbara Watt, Ron Ferdinands, Margaret Quill
3rd Row: Margaret Capp, Margaret Smith, Rosemary Abbott, Pat O'Halloran, Carol Black, Jan Paull 2nd Row: Brian Ellett, Joan Ryan, Anne Bennett, Brenda Adkins, Usha Lai, Jacqueline Sammut, Patsy Hanson, Fadia Zogheib, Lisa Ritchie, Sybil Johannes, Felicity Ferdinands, Marie Brown, Bernadette Howell, Sandra Jane, Jennifer Meachem Front Row:
Geraldine Ilott, Elizabeth Burns (Vice Principal-Director of Studies), Anne Hunt (Principal), Susan Stevens (Vice Principal-
Director of Pastoral Care), Andrew Schmidt (School Coordinator),and (resting on the grass) our canine companion - Trudi Absent:
Leonie Conolan, Deana Dodds, Janine Geddes, Rachel Guthridge, lan James, Josie Jeffery, Josie Millard, Anne O'Shea,
Tom Parrott, Anna Robertson. Tania Salzano, Ruth Taft, Monica Wright.
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Year 7
The Departure
"Speaking and Me"
\\'chr going to Ativt.di.C" Muin explailic·(1 11,4 1
I learnt 10 9,cak differently from oilier people,
walked th i.{ 1114.11 the door. having il'%1 1-('till lic·(1 1 1-om
becalls,· 111\' parent* were born in Pc)land. und we 7)(·ak
>.c'lic,01. '.\Nvt-,alia?' 1 1]icilight, 'where iN thal?' -Hr „ill be
P()1Rh at honu:
h·aving next Silliclin and I Calft wilit to 4(·c \Illin ancl
1 learnt to V )(·ak when I wa. about eight iii(,liths c )1(1, alld the wa, 1 1(·itint to y,c·,ik was th:it I woulcl listen to
1),1(1 nuainK' Mtim continued.
Grandma and (:1 .111(lpiIi The€re in .\11%11-alia? I was totallv confused.
Mum and Dad talk in Polish, I woukl make im own
words 11 p in Polish fur ex.imple: 111 litn 111'11111 (c'111 ), 1 .,1,1
'\\'hv do we have to go there?" 1 a.ked Mi 1111. -1)01't
((1(,11). Mv |12,1,('ia (gl:tlic!111,1) would read to inc in
vou like it &·1'(0 1 (loth want to leave everuhing herer
Poli41. und \111(·1141(· 1-(·ad to inc I got a lew wor<10 olit of
1 lonn. 4,(·none wHI expelic·na· mall, chang<'% ill their liu·%: here iN ()11(' (,i'(,111- changrs and 11]1111\ 111(,1-c air \(·t
the book and 1 1%((1 111(·in to express things. Some 01 the book. that were irad to mc .tic
to unne. i{HI cant «n the Nalne all vour |i{(·." Milin put
"Pvc·/c)]ka KI cm.i' 1,1,(,lit u cow that le.,1113 to 9)(utk :111(1
IN(le her excitement aild gent], 1-(·:1%111(·(1 im·. I knew
i-cad and -Pvcn il ka \11 i j.1- al,ou t a ber cal led .\ 1:t\,1 who
41(· u» right. hui I clid 11(,1 know whal 111(· gc)(,(11)\(·
gnes on h )1+ of 11(l\(·111111-(9. 1|v colixin Marills, 11\(·(1 10
would be like.
watch Pvc/olk.1 11,1 ja whrn he waN vounurr .11](1 thati
1·light ](,9 boarding Ii·om Gate 9, Flight 11)9, boarcling now." It \*'11% ilill)(,NMil)]c· to c leal-k hcal the
where Milin got un nalne. Maul. At the tilne Mina n» a
,111114)111]((']11(lit in tlit' crowded Mill)<)1-1 \vaiting rooin.
Mava. \Vhen Mitin ,ind Bal)( ill lised to re.icl thost· book..
verv failic )114 name and ('\('1'\1)(,cl, was calling- chi](11 en
Evervoili· was there with ils: linch·X, 1,11 litics. c c )ll;iliM.
to int·, I would repeat the word>; and timt'A how 11(·in·lit
Ilictic{%. Ihe ancnUon r 1-(((·i\(cl \#,1% :li)%(,|litili
big wordN like \\':11-3/,m':1. which incan s \\tn'saw.
When 1 wa th ree. the whole fumilv went for a t rip to
Evervom· \0,1.0 1(·lling 11% 10 1.ike cal·c. wrile lettel-%,
\Vil,on r Proin. On the wav, there were a lot 01 Migil>,
photic· bacL I *)011 realised that evervon(· ('14(· .11'ound
which said thime like, 'Villl over lit next Stop", .111(1 whell
11% wit< (1(,ing c\,ic·th' the fame thing. An old ]11,111. with
1 wa,; ill the cal 1 \1()111(1 in to )1()11()1111Ce the words, but
hair as white and ],tile 11% %11(,w bent (10\1 11 Al, ),1-11 and
I never could. We Ntaved at \Vil,on'% Prom for one wrek.
hugged a girl who mav have 1,(en liN ic )1111(r „ 1.anct
2111(1 that week was filled with new words that I had never
daughter. She kissed him back on the check, with hot wars rollilig (14)\0'11 from her big. 71,ti-kling eves. A moment later. a. the girl pulled back unwilling-Iv. a man who wax standing beside them the whole time, als{)
what the signs Maid .ilid what they meant, blit he
hugged this >hinta Clati»like gentleman.
woulcln't tell me becalise he said. "If vou want to be a
'It 's thne 12 11- lis to leave now". MitnA voice made 11]c turn :m';tv front the emotional scene.
heard before. 1 would walk al-ound looking at all the
different Kigns 1,lit they (licliA make anv .ense except for the one that %,ticl "No Standing-. I wotild ask nn cousin
good reader and Vic·ller vou have to work it (nit for Voll]-XCit.
'Flighi ]()1), film| call. boarding now. Flight |(M). linal call." The V,eaker blasted in the wititing 1-c)(11]i. -Ill,lt's i 13, we have to go now." .\|ilin le!11:11-ki·(1 1HgCHAL
I was getting- 1-(·11]|v annoved because I c'(,111(hit Work
out what the Agn. wid. but gradually I figured than out. At the end (,1 the w(·ck I could read ancl sav c,ine 01'the
Niglir. Now I know win he clicliA tell me. I }111141 Na, tlmt
Unal)|c to ((blitro] im w,11-4. I threw 11110('|fat in\ 1)c.Mt
when I went to \\'i|v m : Proin. 1 |cal·lit to read and y )(·ak
Ii-iend. who Ii|ho eric<(1 and hugged 111(· back. -1),)]it
iii a fun win . becausc for me I think th.lt when I wa•;
torget t< ) \1'lit(C" %11(· 1('11]inded ine :14 41(· wet inv
ouNde in the 11'( 41 ,lit- it was c .iNier for me 10 1(·:11-11 llc }is
511()111(1('1 with her hot tear.. \121111 alld I faid goodbve to
to 1-eacl and 7)(·ak, than bring stuck in a (1:1;Kronin
rvel-vone. whic-1] Nirmed to t.tkc· forever.
ti'ville to |(·arn him' to pl'(>11()1[lic'c word, and ]·cad th(·111.
A ininlite hiter. ir wc]( in the ]11,111(· u·hic·hicilliticted
I think that 'h" a verv hick,0 person. 1)('c'ans(· 1 11:1,(·
ine of 11 giant sca gull. Sitting comfort,11)|v ill tlic· high 1),ick(·cl \(·ats, we preparcd to take off. The plam· i·c·aclied
the experience of two clifferent ]Illiguages. 1 think that
for the flight .ind beg,111 10 111()\'(· 41(mh'.:long till' 1-1111\1·in
memling•;, Nown(IN :ind K'(,1.(IN. for example :ima (|()(>(1)9
to harin lip..%0011 ( 11(,ligh. we joined 11* birch und 111(·
and pilka (ball). 1 think that 4,<.iking in two 1.tlignages
clouch in the ch·111·, c'i](11(·NX bllic· ski.
A a vel'v creative experience 101- lile.
1.(mking dovn on the citv. Beijing, po,ple o,tild not
m, c·xperic·lic·e h.r; helped me to learn al,out different
Min .1 .\Eitc/ak, 34·111 7
be 4(·(·n. a, 1)+14(•N drove .11(,lind the (iti like little 1,1,%\
:ints. 111 lilcling+ 9,)(,cl %1(·adil, like giant*. looking far. 1,1, Invin. 12\(·nonc wa 1 )11%\ with tlic'il li,(14. 11.\.ing lic) ick·,1
where the, ic )111(1 li·ad. Pel-hap. like liN. c )11(· clin would bc the Nallin· 114 the next and th(·11 vict(!enli (·ic·]-ithing· would ch:„ igc·. Ax thi· phine flew big-h in ilic· ,1« 1 drifted
offto NIceplind dic',11)11 111)(>ltt im'filtill'(·. \\'Imt would un life be like tomorrow in ,\11%11'.iii.1? Lili l.iu. War 7
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 67
Year 7 Blue 3rd Row L-R Aimee Dale, Georgina Martin, Mardi Taylor, Alison Smitheram. Jessica Noonan, Anthea Scully,
Elizabeth Corrigan, Isobelle Jones, Caitlin McCormack. Bridget Allanadale. 2nd Row L-R IMichelle Moussil
Briana Fitzgerald, Celia Doyle, Emilia Sala,
Julia Curtain, Megan Hunter, Courtenay Tyrrell,
:1 liF
Gabrielle Lamont.
Front Row L-R Sara MacLeod, Alissa Colafella, Stephanie Molina, Emily Tiernan, Krystine Horfiniak, Sarah Mann, Natalie McNamee, Michelle Barrow, Kelly O'Bryan, Raffaella Baker. F
Teachers Mrs Felicity Ferdinands.
Ms Angela Gemma and Mrs Robyn Kay (seated).
r 7 \/ 1
J <114%
Year 7 Gold t
3rd Row L- R Christine Hou, Amy O'Connor,
Siobhan Blewitt, Claudine Wright Emily Bishop, Emily Varrenti, Julia Pleadin,
Emily Wallace. Ilmi Ratnayake.
2nd Row L- R Monica Gallivan, Emily Freezer,
Amy McLennan, Lidia Vitelli, Emma Simpson, Gabrielle Connolly, Zoe Taylor, Marisa Ito. f
Front Row L-R Clare Walsh Rebecca Green, Natalie Butler,
Antiiea Kypreos, Sophia Mornane, Sophie Sharp. Mairin Sheahan, Romy Low, Samantha Lau Madeleine Dunn Teachers Mrs Jill Wheatland and
Ms Lisa Ritchie
n re
LORETO · Mandeville Hall
1 r-wn
75 Year 7 Green 3rd Row L-R Emma Kingsbury, Karen Merwart, Julia Szondy, Tyla Bound, Natalie Carew, Sarah Green, Emma Champion, Katia Santilli, Katherine Joubert, Nicole Gunn. 2nd Row L-R Samantha Barrett, 4
Tenielle Hedley, Maya Antczak, Lucy Freer, Kesiah Madden, Amanda Cavanough Elizabeth O'Dowd.
Front Row L-R Simone Tyson, Cristin Burns. Amy Hayes, Bridget Moran, Caroline Johnson, Ebony Eades, Katharine Grant, Meg Macfarlan, Ernma Mulkearns, Anna Ralph. Teachers Mrs Patsy Hanson and Mrs Ruth Taft
Year 7 Red
7'299 3rd Row L.R Sophie Serong. **16 - Stephanie Hagan, Sophie Pownall,
t¢# Lucie Chalmers, Emily Heinnen,
Rachelle Pitard. Dominic Trescowthick, Lili Liu. 9¥ 2nd Row L-R Carol Ta, Caitlin D'Aprano,
fi Kara Tischler, Tahnae Holmes, Kate Gangitano, r kt Catherine Gilbert, Georgina Balmer, Jessica Horewood.
¢f?Iti Front Row L-R Meghan Sweeney 4- Emily Galbraith, Caitlin Davey, Amelia Curtain, Claire White, Rachel Semmens, Laura Stewart, Rachel Carew, Carly Lagana, Lisa Aranha.
Absent Premila Shenoy - i Kerri-Anne Van Munster. I 1 i Teachers Mrs Fadia Zogheib and
/ 0 : 4Mt Ms Daryl Jenner
LORETO · Mandeville Hall
dalighter. Ran-in,6 111(,ther vi,1111)€·d her heacl up und
gave the 4,1111(· look to K,111-ina. Then her iliten.Ne st,ile I kilew Al)111'thing- wils wrong - very wrong. l'hey
turned into a look of .ipolog-v as she directed her inount
coulcin't hide tlicir fecling-X. 11 1\'aN :illiic,Mt strang-c iii a
into the inside rail. For tlic· first time since he had
win·. Even-one wir; being ou·i-h- c·lithiNastic, lailghing al
1,(,lied. the 11(11-4<· obeved. crit,hing into the i·,iii. The
l·Vell the illost lill,ilnlihing thing, thal were +C·(·11 01
11(,1-Al· 4()1]]c·1'.aulted. throwing- 14,lti-ill.li ]11(111(11· c)112
heard. 1 telt like al] cilitsider in 111, {)\vii home. It 10.1% like
Iking in .1 ])laa· full (,1 act.oi·A - 21('ton iii imiskA.
Pacing %1(mh' (14),rn the 01(1, 101-11-clown footpath. 1 %11(1(lenly came to a halt. St,11-ing 1)1:ttik]\ at the critcks
1|mt xeenial to corer the footplith. 1 thought Deep
Katrina |caped off her (mil inotint und ran de.Nperatch' to her iii()theA Nick·. AM +0011 110 Alic 1 r.li hed her mother'+ limp ji-ame Kan-ina knew she wai (1(,1(1. Subbing over her motht·6 lifeless body Katlina inurmured three filigh· wor*. "Rest in Pence."
clown I ki,(·w 1 (Ii(111't want to go back to face the truth.
Itilt the ]11()1)1(·111 had presented iN·If to me :ind the 1 1 Ilth 1121(1 |{)1 likil :1 way out. I knew tliat 111)' 111(,ther
Doininic· -11'esco\Uhick, 32,11- 7
Rest iii Peace
mmkh€t be here kn- much kniger and 1 couldiA face
11 w.1.+ a lint and sticky clay in Vietimm. 1 had just
liu· horror. My mother ix in lic)%1)ital toclav bul 1 know
returned from the war lic )111 1111(1 coul{111't w.lit to get
th.itifl sce |1(·1,11(· will put on Iici· nunk: a hightful inak
%(,Ine food :111(1 %1(·cp. 'Ihe;c \\01-(Ix were thoughth Inick
thal I (lon't wailt R) we.
then, the 111(>lights in nn· mind before un bot hicni
Al,i,k.% arc· 411-ang(. ilicv hide the truth. 1121\1)( th,11 iN
1-<)111, Ii-,14 kill(71. 1 call ic*(·111| c\,1(tli what 11,4)1)(71(·d.
a good thing. Thn will hicle all the ilglilll'N.Mill the wal-Icl.
It had been .1 hard (hi>. 1 |11'ec 01 c )ill- 111(·11 1111(1 been
Ik wearing.1 ina.knunlic it ixe»ier to igilore c\'(·1'\thing
t.iken priv)11(·i· and another 17 Inict been inbnrd or
that ix wrong in this cruel wolid. 13 a nui.Nk to bc worn
killed. 1 1·4·itici)11)(·r walking back to 1):ise with ()111 111(·11.
and not to bc Heen. M) VOU ('All 1(·lul ;l per|-ca lai%c lit(? I
There lilic 1 1 *·en total silence .111 1 lic· win· 11.1('k. \\'11 ( ·11 we
licitc tlic·$(' 111.1.Nk< 1)c·(.itlic· for the 1,1.1 time I wc inv
111} ived :11 |).ne we were grected with worried :111(1 %(.11('cl
mother I know lic· will wear her ina•i. Pel-ha]» it i 4.11('i
1,1(·e.. The illittil·d men were takcil to our litn 11(>y}ital.
to <ce ,1 11111<ked 1,1((· (Ii.4,11)])(M.
11'('(1111,4,11gr g,·ing. "'1'lic·re were 111(,1-c castl.iltic'% c,tilier
41* i.% gone licm'. 1,(11(dill]) inv n](,ther l.·ft (u·runre
tochn. Ilin (·,linc a](,111 alter a huge explo.Nion on the
and evervthing slic lows. No (,tic· ix Mi )(,iking. Ther arc
northern trail." I was ,1,4|1,1.41. '1'he encilly scented 10 be
11|1·aid thilt it they xpeak. their mitiks will 1.111 down. It N
anning ch»(·r ;111<1 ch)xer (·\CrV (I,ir.
tilm· for inc lo weiti· n inask. Even tlic),tgh Ihn %11.Ht(·red
I voted that ilight. klic)\#ing wcH I won!(111:ne to go
iliridc·, I will wcal- a inask and hide inNic!(1 ilirwl·11 until it
back oul there· |)(·('ausc· of .111 those (.1.411111,ics. Rking
R penctrated thi·ough b> the i c'llc c·tic>n 01 11 g-|,t#.
carly, 1 quick]\ pri·pared for another (Un of lighting. 1
Ihni Ratnavaki·. War 7
Rest iii Peace
wax hickv. M,1,(·41 liiend. 'lulu, was put with inc. 1 11.lcin't t,ilked to him in a whili'.
111(1 fighting -·lit {)11 for ic,(·ral lic)111'4. There were
14.,trinn looked at her mother iii clisbelic·12 Alic
1)(>inll. going· oft <11014 1)('ing lived aild greimdes being
((1111(1114 believe it. l'bev woilld linalk have their o\\11
thrown in all (liti·(tic)114. 1 |c·|1 .1 tap ()11 111, 01]{)11|(ler. I
11( )111(1 Katrina'% futher wil; 21 coillinvitive event l ider and
111111('cl to wc %:11-ge with 1-(ill|(,1-('c·!lic·liIN. I gral,bed [c)IIi
hc travelied ( ic'l i'\vhcre. 1 h·r Ilic)ther wa.4 21 !,ic('1101*
fo wt· colild rettlill to |),t,c tog'(·ther blit .Hal-ge
1!,uner und 11'ained al clilli·rent itack. all around the
intervencd :111(1 said Toin wa.,going to flin' a little „hile
country. But now that w.1.4 all in flic· ])21%1. Now 14.,trina
longrr to licip with the explosiwx.
((,111(1 live on a farm :111 year, Slic· con|(1 take a Inis to 4(-hool everv (lar. Slic was ecitatic!
1 he %.llc· h,4 )1)(·nect quickh a tic! cion they had i i ic ,; c·c 1
1 walked 1 ),ic-k litihappilv, 1 )111 at k·,1.41 1 wolild get 4(,Ine Ale<·1) and food when I got back 10 1),10(·. %11(1(1(·tilv there wa. ati (·in-%])litting explofion behind Ine. 11]Mt.litlv
ont{) their own farm. C),tkricigi. It harl a hall Ni/(·
lin head 11|1('(1 with horri|)1(· 1|1(ulgliti 1 rall :14 1,141 » 1
training track for her mother :111(1 ving-.4 1111(1 exerciM
coll!(1. I renwinbel- Acc·ing Kill'gls body but not '1<)1]A. I
111(1111% for her lathel. For thi· litst time in her Iiic·
panicked and looked arotind for Tom. Then I Ninv hhn.
evervthing \vas perfect. Katrina hummed 11% sh(· %1<i],ped
jilst king there, No inlic)(·cm .Ind hell,les<. [ carlied lillil
out to the track to ride iTith her inum.
all the win Inick. Never will I forget illat molnent (,1 gric'l.
K.,trina wit.4 1.itig-hing. tlic,ligil %Ill· clicill't quile kncm
Not long· alter that I war v·nt back honw. I might be
#dn·. Sticlclenh lic·l- mother'+ 11(n,(· 1)(,lied. Katrina (lidiA
aw.n h{)11 1111 the lighting I,lit look u·hal it lus dotic to
know what to do. The horse had 1,1111(,51 lapped tlic· track
ine. M, 1 )cht hiend N (1(1.ic' 2,11(1 1 still hau· cli41 1-(»ing
when Katrina macic a Ilash decision. Shc wouk! inove ill
nwmoric+ atic! images that will forever cal- im mind.
fi-ont other 'noth<·6 >,jjeecting hor\(· to dow him down.
1'11 11('\·cr I{)1-grt vou. rl'om. Even·day' 1 Kin a silent
Mlic· urged her hot'Ne into the path of the (,11(-c,tiling
player to God and think alic,Ill vou. Your bodv mightn'l
411.ipe of her moth(·A out of comic,1 horse and looked
be with mc Imt I have 111(1!icnic# of the happv tiine; we
c )11. afl-aid thilt it might have (lit-c' (c )113£7111(111€(·4.
4Iiared. E,It werc thel)('41 { 1-ienci 1111,-one could ever have.
kitrina .aw her mother looking .it her Illount with fierce concentration. Less tlian 1('11 .Ntlicle, 21\#21, 11(11]i her
70 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Rest in peace, Tom. int in peace. Claudine \\'1-ight Wal 7
¥G,£ *>29
ar 8
Year 8 Blue 3rd Row L-R Claudia Moloney, Meg Waldron, Jessica Price-Purnell, Sarah Stonehouse, Megan Prescott, Yana Bittar, Sophie Ball,
Jessica Young, Sophie Groom, Avesia Calman.
2nd Row L-R Stella Gray, Katie Nicholson. Georgia Fillmore, Sofia Cabal Pasini, Julienne Lacava. Fiona Tracey, Madeleine Campbell, Jane Tehan. Emma Gandolfo. Front Row L-R Jane Matheson,
Georgina Cavanagh, Sophie Cuttler, Henned Zifa. Stephanie Davis, Hannah Coleman, Leia Bonacci,
Tiffany Chiang, Linda Wallace. Absent Alexandra Sweeney. Ik
Teachers Mr Ron Ferdinands,
Ms Anne Callahan and Mrs Lynne Beck (seated)
Year 8 Gold 3rd Row L-R Kirstyn Campbell. Sarah Trenchard, Sarah Keech, Kelly Moore, Kelly McBride, Lilian Richards, Katharine Logan. Kate Carnegie, Samantha Mustey, Katie Campbell. 2nd Row L-R Felicity McLeay, Susan Accary.
Clare E-ergusoii, Laura Wagg, Emma Norman. Stephanie Senior, Rebecca Finney, An·anda Fuller
Front Row L-R Jane Furze,
Katherine Rawling, Abby Chadderton, Ailsa Landers, Renuka Rajadural, Lisa Donohoe, Jessica lerardo. Lauren Smith,
Trarn Nguyen. Absent Chr stianne Borovec. Teachers Mrs Dianne Swann and
Miss Carolyn Fox.
LORETO · Mandeville Hall
75 Year 8 Green 3rd Row L- R Samantha Seoud. Emily Packer,
Elisse Jones, Kristy Hodges, Bridget Scanlon, Hannah O'Shaughnessy, Conor Mclaughlin, Clare Arbon, Kate Argentina 2nd Row L-R Hannah Keely, Michelle Antonious, Vanessa Leoncelli,
Lucy Dole, Dominique Spanos, Paige Tyrrell. Gabrielle Berends, Vivien Gu.
Front Row L-R Aimee Mohren, Amy Hulett, Geralyn Tan, Beth Nathan, Alana Agnew, Natalie Fernando. Laura Hertaeg,
Margaret Walsh, Dilini Dharmage. Absent Claire Gibbs, Jessica Marchesani. Teachers Mrs Anne Bennett and
Mr Mark Langan.
Year 8 Red 3rd Row L-R Alice MeNamara,
Jution Gitison. Megan O'Connell. Christina Carey, Jennifer Ashcrott, Jessica Foley. Frances Anderson, Lucy Black, Lucy Kenny.
2nd Row L-R Andrea Pahor, Brighid Fahy, Grace Rowe, Natalie Geros. Amanda Schultz.
Sally-Anne Tiernan, Amanda Reardon, Hui (Penny) Wang Front Row L- R Chelsea Martignago,
Caroline Bainbridge, Elsa Musolino, Eliza Ralph. Renata Anderson, I
Jessica Gamble, Georgjna Flood, Lara Paturzo. Sarah Ryan, Danielle Bouchier.
1 t
Absent Emily Dougherty. Teachers Mr Nick Frigo and Mile Anna Robertson.
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 73
The Soul Reason For Football
Ground nitining rip-hth N a ('(,lilio\(lfia| ('1111'L,111 Mue. with t he developing· 11{ Ic kilinch St,Iditl In waiting to
l'he l.,Nt 20 ockl ic·ars 11:lve lic·en big lor liu· loot|).111
take on the imme of ill y)(Insor 'Colonial .111(1 the
i 11(11 1%11-\. 1 11(1 11, 1,(1 0ccil the y)(,1-1 i llc-I'l'.104' itillic'liv·h
hitorical irc )11 the '\1(:G - \1(]lic)111-11{ (:i·icket C .1-ouncl
in )(11)111,11'in for 1,11,11\· rea>u)11%. 1 I{)11(·vcr. of concern
mooted to go on 111(' 111,11-ket. Naming light•; i·%.1 11(,tion
ollh Ic) 111(1.4(.litillic,11111|iMIN. iN t|1,11 1|1(' 1)()(,111 11:1% ill |,1('t
of tlic· 1]inctic. 1,11(1 olic· the Ilinctic 11;14 ('1111)1:la·{1 ven
(,111\(41111('g.1111(' t<) h).4. Ul| 114 .(Ht]: ret v )111( It<)\1. 1)(·(,I)1(·
\1,111111\ iii al| ali·,1. (>11)11*ilic·00.
al-C· 111{)1(' 1)21%>,ionatc than ('\(11.- 1111111)(11-ing- with 11-11(lition
Me|bourne gic)+111(10 lullcil victiln to thi. latc al'c
1)110 1('.Ill|ted in the prilll,11-\ Cocti. 01 the gainc |)('((billing
Gre]0146 -1<:11(linia Palk'. 11()\\ '41)(·11 St:tdillin', 1111(1
counnerci,11. 1·iht the coinpetition 7)1·cac[ 11·0111 '\11
(.:11]1016 lormer Trinces Park: now 1)1)111% Oval'.
\'ic'torian Football 1.i.wit<·' to 'Al·1..\titi'.,Ii.in I'„,11,all
Ch-ound. Intll )11(1 011\(·1 B»c\ ad\(·ItiNclnenth. apitit
1.(,l,glli·. Then 1()11(,ul'(1: 7)()1™01411ip ;111(1 corporate
froin looking glm.th. can be ven decepti,·c and inake
1 1,111 1 i ng righ t + Iii i c 1 r, c·i ·, -wh er<·-vou-I c )(, k :tch ( ·1 't i 4( ·li i(· 111 %:
tlic· 1,1,1, hai-(1 10 1-cul. The lattel-, \4,11(1 think. mig-hi
clili) lilline ch,ing-('+ and 11]rl-gri-s; c)1)literation 01
cona·1-11 Ihc ilicluhtli. 11111 lic), 1)111)]ic opillion loid
legional .ind 9)(·ial ellil) ,illiliation.: artiticial !11(·.lit. 01
appreciation comeN last when inotic'\ |1(·ack the liht.
tranNillitting the gaine. roulting· in the 10%% 01 1)111\('1'-
C .lub nalne ch,iliges and ]11('1'gri-f hinr :11<0 become 1,
Apect.11(11- 0(·114(,r) iii 1 111('(tilic); vast pliner ..11.il ics, big
1110(lern rs·Illit\. I,1 111(· chang-i·4 +11(-|1 11%: 1-c )(It.<'1-21\
111<)11(1, and .(·aliclal. Football in the ninetit·% N lic) long-ci a game but a big busilless.
litill(log-0 - \\evern Ihill(logs'. 'Solith Mell)<)111ne ST\.1114 bullic\ ST\,ill.' 1111(1 lin)41 1(('elith 9 '\{)1-th 11(]1)4)1[117(
(:h.wiging the 0-aine from \-Fl: to --Al·-I. 1-ought
Kanint!'004 - Killigill-(,c)/ (who are intent ,)11 becoming
inixed c Ilitconle>.. Opelling lip tht· game to incre,thing
the national team) Ill e macie grlic'-all, in Ilic intel-(14 1% 01
nuinbers 01 1(·ainx .\1011.,lia-wide haA improved colupetition which |1114 al.%0 11('('OlUe much f.iii·cr, creating a mot-c en jovable and 11!11)14 (lictable g;line. 1 Inwever the i lic „ c· ended one hundred ve.,1-+ 01
traclition bilt. .1, alu·.1\*. tic,v,ilgia w» 1,+1411('cl into the %11.iclowN iii the iliterest* 01 11,tking motic·v. \ic·tori:,tis
vii] think loot€ to be their propern und \'ic-tolia 111.lilit.litir liu· 1,11,qi·+1 .11)(1 inc).t 1).twsion:tte |2)111)\ing 01 111(· y)01-1. which hai|)(ic)ine It war oflife lk)1- 111.lin·. In tinlo golic 1)31 looti' chib. luci reprefclued 1(·gions .111(1 .c)(ial Ntlittlf. 1·(,1- example. C.{11]ing-wood, Footicrin· and Ric']nnoncl ju·]c· Ii·c,iling (·1.1.N' chibs, whili· 11(11)()111 1 1,· 1(·1)1'l.(·111(·(1 21 wealihier H )(·ial (-1 ,,40, liena· clic·re was hilgr clils& di\Aion iii 1(·1-111& o| the colilillitiliti affiliated \vith cach Chil).111(1 tcal»\verc .11*(> ven ill 1(',inh match(·cl. \Ve can do awav with old Iii lit
ffilil)(,lign in the ilitil-e.%1% c)i(Yill,Ilitv :ind litiniinal ('111„ dili.Unt.
Increahed .11)(l incre.irilig popill.11-in ill the Nport 1]11% made vast high-ic·ch graildstandh .111(1 +121(litims with the
Capilcit, ful- t|lcill,anch of people 2111 iiii,itabilit,7.
1]11,king minw, . Mci gri + vich :10 the -Bri.billic 11('111-4 anct '1·-it/rov l.ion< to form the '141·isbane I.ion< arc
mole iii the ilitinht; 01.having the chil)% invokrd froin going under. Allch 111{)(lificatic)114 to original (]111)4 111-c 01!en 11('(('%4.11, blit 1( 111:lin Mentilnelic.l|!v jarring. Ihe lud dde of the },lihilic» coinch 1111·ottith
|1'((]11('lith ic)(liti with (:1!1(1,11% :uiing- 11-oin iviti·. like racifm Ilil,1 4.11.in cal) 1)1 ( .1( hes. 4.11.1 l ie; air where the gainc get• exce™w. .\.4 hi all proles>,i<)11,11 h])01'ling
:11(·11:10 tc)(111\'. plaving the galne i. common|v the ])|avers lillitilne jobandwith thce\!111\,Willit vililjc)1111(,114·\ the
:c)(}ct' 1,1.1,(·14 1-('('(·ive for 11,(·ir hvork tl/(·/ Cal' t'(Hil'(' Al Iht· ripe old agr 01 3.1 \1011(·C (;recd ]11,0 \0)11 c)\cr the gium· 01 40111. 9)ilit
1"1(1 real i)1144ioil: todin people :/re 1):/NNic),1,11(·. 1)/11 111.111/ with .1 111Itic lial and 1 .,IM. 1)11\Nic)11: pelhap. 11]cri·h |li])(·. An..c Rtili·% loot, i. a complet<·1\ dill„( 111 g:unt· 11-01„ its ])1'(clea»or: ne\V 1111(1 01(1 arc none of C.1(·11 (,thel +
|,lisitic·.HN. 1 he onlv g-ench 1.)11.h,4(·d ftc,wn the line al-(· the goal post. alid the 1).111 ((}l iu le»t it. 411111),·). The 1111(·% min' be the saine blit the Con Mtitlitic)11 11:10 changed. St,·11,1 Grav. War H
however. the 10.44 of plaver-spectator M·ir;on immediacv 1% Dever111(11€» to be Ill{)111 Ill'(1. The (1.1\0 m\ Illther
1-t·inetill)t-» 0141:111(ling ill-ound the fence line, Stil]11)\ in hand. 13,11-racking in the pouring rain have a]110%1 been replacall)\ the crailiped heab ill the open Ntatic[% al the '(7. the wcalth\· 111(,clel-11 vq)])(,1-tel- gi],3 chainpagill· behind gl,1,4 in thi· high|v ])1'(telitiouh 'Corporate 110\0'. Thi. ic·,illi .,1,4 .c)111('illing .11)0111 the ultic·, of
inodern (lin |hotball \vhcre the Tirit amt Non] arc thinto 01 the ]).tht. 1)(y,itc Ilitilti-ini|lion (1(,1|111- gic,liticl, With *tan(10(11(,ligh t<)11('('c)111111{)(litte tlic)11+1111(14()| 7)(·('t,tion,M,
live andiena·% arc the ilicillwl'I N 1.141 prioritv .14 tele\Aion R \\11('ir the ]-cal ]11(>tic·ilio. 16 through thi, n]('clitlin
flut mo>,t pcoph· recciu· the gulne: in the ounfor[ 01 their hollic. litter|\ cli·tached llcull the N(·clic and
unlikek to ever experience the bond lic·tween 111(·111.111(1
the plau».,1 1 ('01111 ol l)|1\ 4ic,11 1111(1 Citic }tic)11,1| proxill,ity.
74 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Art by Jane Furze
Ode to the 'Connies'
For five long vellis the€vc helped its,
\\'.ills (11 brick Illid wall. c )1 Ac,ne,
On and off the tnuns
Walls th,11 keep ils .111;lloile.
But now tilt, l'c gone.
\\'al]% that arc ])1($(111 1)lit (unnot be wen,
C)111 1.lithful (c)11(11(tors air being re])1.,Ced
1|]Ilt prc\('lit 11% 1'1'01,1 t('21(hing (,111 11|tilliate (11'l.1111.
11\ a nwchanical lillt(·hine withom a face.
W,111% thal are flims, .111(1 wal]% that Nt:ll](1 Ntt < )1!g.
1 114·\ were .Il\,-in•r luppv to lend .1 112111(1
\\'allh that (livich· the right 1111(l the wrong.
1-01(,lks who werc· hap],v to accept the help. I'bev waxic·c! thi cc hundred and thil-n mill.
\Vilhin the bal-lier (,1 (,111- c,notional „'.1110.
And the criulication ofconnics would foot the |)ill.
\Ve contine our true fecling>,. 01)|ivic)11$ to ollie·r. al]|0.
\\'ho will tell ils how to g-(·t
Oul, Monwtilm·% do olit' walls crumble and [1111,
Froin kew to Glen IliN Withollt getting Weti
111 tillic·N of 11,11·chhip. i·(· ,,114\vet· the cal|.
\\'hilt 111)()111 when \(,11're vulming 101- t|w tt-am?
\\'lic) will Nop the (11-ivel· 11, raising their hand?
\\'c ])lit up a wall whenever In· h·in
To all thew que·®n™ uni win find
1 11(·w' clii'£·('tion in lift·. 1,nother tcal:
A Ainipic·
.\112('tion N iwar, 1,111 (,111't l)(71(·trizte the wall.
.111%\U,1 :
C k,lillit·% !
112 1111141 |c t down c )111' gl 1,11 (1 4 11' 40011 we will full.
Ri·imka Rajilchil'lli. Ni'.ll' 8 \\'all; arc· a nukince. blocking· the wav, An 01)41.1(le to <(()111 111()1111(1. {)1'lind Illic)ther win·. lillt vou 111114t t I·(·Iici bc,ft|v, to make a litick wall juli
C 111| gclit]V to the other 4(le, lovc win conquer 1111. \\'alls which keep in. walls which keep out. \Valls jint iii (-are. whenever iii (1()111)1. \Valls thilt determine where we will stand. l'hat Hav what wi· can't .111(1 3.1, what wc can.
U'.11],4 01 {)1)])irssion, timt in.ike 11% feel Minall. %11])cl-ic}litv obvious. loweling tall.
\Ve're forced to conceal 0111' deepe.t beliefs. IL hide (bill- paili. (3111- inner- grief. Not allowed to 1111\C olir *m.
C )(ten forbidden, even to prav. 11,1114 which encloxe th(' real 11%.
\1'1111% which clon't allow its to trust. \Ve let out ()111, whitt we want c )ther; to xer
8111 1121]1 a pel-Kon call never bc firc. Art by Hui (Penny) Wang But +0111(·tiine< thi·re'+ a crack in our \Vall
Ode to the Connies!
\11 opening for lili. 1)010 111(·11(1 the wall. |(·t other. 64(·
1]104(· clear old colillieN,
\V|mt unt 1-calh ale. and wh:it \(,11 (·ail be.
11'11,) were our good frienclf.
lam· Matlicv)11. 3(·al' 8
.\4()! March 3141.
\Vill be kicked 0111 on their (·11(ls.
1 11(,0,· connier made 11% feel litilghter and jo\. .\11(1 thilt 111.lgical connie even gaw u + coill. Ill{)44(· colmie; never a.Nk(·(1 11% for much. except for our Vilill·, Soc)11. each one of ilic· those conilic. \\.i|1 11(1(1 .111(,ther 11.11]1(· 1() 111(·
()it I' dear ok! colmic'. 111'4· 11('ing replaced. .\Mothe]- machinc we 11111%1 face.
Thre new ]11.lchilier :11-l' macle of toug-h vel'| -
...r..: 0 1
Now tn- tcHing one of those just how vou le('1. Kit-Stvn C ,Illl])1)(·11. 32·al· 8
Art by Kate Argentino
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 75
1 4-,1
Year 9
Fi.fIN Word Short Story (:c))111)('lilion - Winner
Isii't She Lovely?
Child's Play
Eve, that 1)111'11 with false (lt'Mil·c
\ face like ice ancl hair like fire
11()1-11 ht) th,lt hill· 111:li' 1)(1 +C·(·11
I ler lace wa. a picture of int(·114(· concemration. 1 Litiliner in her tinv hand. Nlic hit the bright red 1)1{,ck. lired of thi gitinc. Nlic crawled :twav. On thc other .ide of the world, :mother chilet. 11.tiiiitic·i- in liand..11,0
blinged. ilic)111(ling the 41\er im·tal. %]ic could not (-1,1\1-1
i mode| in a mag·,1/inc. \ pocket full c )1 11.1„le» lic·. A tknt·- Ilmt 41£· ('Ant cliNgtti.M': \'il)(·11 clothc·4. a thin nk,ke,Naren For uhat Nlic· wihho could not be 4(·en.
Ril)* come through 11-,iliAllic-(·lit Nkin. 7.0,· 1.(·Il,ind. 3<·iti- 9
111(· picturch H.int [0 +11(1 vou iii. Care|111 11(nv ()1' she might fall.
FijIN Word Short XIon C.mnpelilion - Seamd
1 hif ick ([c )11 on .1 1)(*(1('Nt.11.
Ijlcic i
Chlot· Wilron. U·.tr 9
Don't Hold Your Breath ... "Brcuith iii...cnit....ill...(}lit.
7'he neeclic went i 11 : clicliA hlit-1. juM, tic kled. Her eve. were checked. The (Ic ic·tot- 41(,c bk her head in
Cliha]))(,ilitn]Cult. 9 'm son-v to Nin. All % C :reen. vollir going to have
U illi<.1 I
Slic gotill) and v,lited knig-hing- hvstericall\: little.]cum loved plaving- doctor with her ililill]111, ! Maree Agi.1/is. Wai t)
Filly Word Short StorN (:(}})11,elition - Thil-(1 Place
ShoppingC)Icl F.Nic ],litixed. lingering the 'Pringle+' packet
Art by Angela Brewster
before dropping it into the Nhopping trolln. Picking up a coloured %(,11'1. Alic Niniled a. Nbc realked how warin
itcl keep 11(·1- this wilitc·] . %11(· added liu· garment to hel
])i|(' C)| goo(15, :111(1 contil]11(·Cl ambling- along th(· :111(·v.
My Country
toward, the 11(\1 bin.
I love a Nun])111-lit coltntn 1 '111\I' C h .1\ c·%. k.al- 9
\ land of sweeping plains.
\Vhere proph· work like +lines to live thi· American w:n A
11(,111 the wai we handle the cconoin,
fu the junk we (111]lip ill tht· 11,1, \11(1 Ict ,ill c )1 .\11Ntralia bc (11111111('(1 il Pitillitic
I hatc· a c c >,11,tiercial (·c,ittit n.
.\ 1.111(1 c )1 ,#'(,Ilthv men \Vho t.ike tht· 1 .1-tti!4 c )i (,111' 1.11)(,111,
\11(1.·11 it for foreign u·11. \11(1 l in %111-c il l)(,1(,th(·a werc list<·Iling ic)(1,11.
>Chect be rolling in her gl-ave For her beloved blilll)111111 11111(1
h crving (mt to bc &ned. Art by Tanya Chaves
14.ttllerinc Stowell. War 9
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 77
Year 9 Blue 3rd Row L-R [Diana Bowman,
Elizabeth Ames, Phoebe Crawford,
Lauren Prescott, Annabel Doyle, Alexandra Dickeson, Claire Macfarlan, Chloe Wilson. Remie Cibis. Julia Godinho.
d 2nd Row L-R El zabeth Killen,
Rachel Bachowski. Jasmine Gillespie.
Angela Brewster, Zoe Leyland, Tanya Chaves. Claire O'Dowd. Louise Rocchi.
# Front Row L-R Felicity Conlan, § Charlotte Mcfarland. Lucy Pollerd. ¥ Andrea Rockliffe, Emily Portelli, , ;· Sarah O'Halloran, Samara Madden,
7- - Jessica Buckley. Absent Katherine Barwood. Tristi Phillips.
Teachers Ms Sandra Jane, Miss Leesa Hale
»d·?Cs and Mrs Natalie Caruso (seated). - Nt®
'/ eq :w.
Year 9 Gold 3rd Row L. R Felicity Whelan, Frances Power,
Anna Balmer. Alison Regan, Lucy Virtue. Kate Tilley, Jacqueline Funder, Natalie Campbell, Eliza Nisbet. 2nd Row L-R Laura Gallard, Dominik White, Christina Meurer, Laura Blewitt,
Kathryn Turnbull, Holly Dwyer, Sarah Fennell,
Joanna Downing. Front Row L-R Stephanie McNamee,
Jacinta Demetriou, Priya Lai, Elizabeth Donald, Rosalee Oldham, Catherine Sullivan,
Jessica Harding, Crystal Casas, Jane Li, Alexandra Suffren.
Absent Sara Toby Teachers Ms Wendy Rickarby and Mr Roger Gill.
LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Year 9 Green
3rd Row L-R Soph e Paillard, Elisabeth Hunter, Alison Spence, Mia Cusack,
Hannah Silvasich. Sally Brookes, Natacha Moussi, Ellen Nymyer, Erin Breheny
Elizabeth Nolan. t
2nd Row L.R Ye Liu, Jessica Curtain, Louise Dempsey, Siobhan Mclaughlin, Ellie Paterson, Amanda Cumbrae-Stewart, Julia Dickson. Alice Trumble, Sarah Mizzi. 1
Front Row L-R Georgina Jordan, Tracey Pahor, Edwina Olver, Felicity McGill. Jacqueline Reid. Maree Agiazis, Katie Rose Smith, Catherine Pseftoudis,
Stephanie Draycott, Rosemary Hopkins. Teachers Mrs Cathy Hunt and Mrs Lesley Gillespie (Absent) r
Year 9 Red
3rd Row L-R Anna Smith, Maria Tsarenko, Grace Beacon, Genevieve O'Connor.
Georgina Doyle, Bianca Sabatino, Veronica McGee, Jacqueline Low.
Felicity Durham, Anne Bowker. 2nd Row L-R Caitlin Sheahan.
Anna Hutchins, Kathryn Lachal, Louisa Page, Millicent Chalmers, Katherine Connolly, Kathryn Finemore, Clementina Watson. Front Row L-R Stephanie Lord, Leah Lim, Camilla Hopkins, Elli Hughan, Phoebe Lipscombe. Lucy Deng. Lucy Ludescher, Yvette Haikal, Natalie Sharp, Katherine Stowell.
Teachers Ms Kathy Paterson and Mrs Pamela Davies.
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 79
An Arabian Night... I.he Akic)1111.4 hilic· a lic)UNC. It iN not ill,ig' 11(,11.4(. 1)lit
11(· C.Illill· 11{)111(·.
a holne. F.\(·n %1111(111, night therc N a 11,1114|(,lination.
1 he h.lit (11-(+5(·1- had done Il good job.
rhi finall brick dwelling (-(unt·% alive.
Cle.ill cul and xhall).
Hitclch·111, the 4|ence of the lint (lav ir broken In ,iii
\1 .11)ian 1 111 1(' 1 ){,c >ining c )111 c )1 ,in c )|cl y )(,iket- 9,lt·in. Al Iii-st the found i. broken 1,1 the black 11(1\ ('1(·ar•; it.
1111-oat. llc)\\('\(1. hoon ('llc)11gh, ill(· 1)111-(· voice 01 1.1'ron, filk the night Ja with 1111141('.
I toklhhn it hwked grc·:iC
1 Ic replied 1 think o. too.
Ihe tectilige war. „(11-c coining to 11 ('100(· now. [lic· bathrooill \0.14 11() long<litixt inine.
AN people an'iw ther al-c greeted with three ki-·+ on
Eli/111)(·111 1)(111'11(1. Wal- 9
:ilti·inating check.. 1·lch ,#11(·41 11%,11111(K a p{).ition. The ivoinen 1)tiv tlic·,11*c·1\(·% in ilic kitclic·n ivhilc· dropping hint+ al)(,111 what thcv heal-(1 one light at t he Intir %211(,11.
while the lili·n lind a (·hair ill the front glit·clt'11. 4,ic'Iici their legs and Nit iii Alc·na·, il,ping thi·ir '.\ral€ and watching the emph fliret. 1 |ic Nu·(·et 4111< 114 0[- all c )ill lital 'ine//11 (117|t (>lit 01 the bunvn lino kitchen. C)ne behind the other. the
The Ceremony
women bring oilt |11-1,<4 11-in'% 01 [bod .111(1 :11'1'111114( tlwin
/49·,7/ird be/out h an hi/arimn dhplar· thut / it,i/m'v,
on It .4('tic'N 01 .\111,11| table., on the [1·(,lit vel·andah. The
prm·lica//r rve, r )//4-/// clic,-i//,c di/1,/t')--· /he zi,riul ///c·/in a,hic·h
Incic 1 c (,l{)111+ 01 thest' plattel·+ 1.111·bish their a·(1,11- +12,11(14:
ourkmcilf dog- /1,-mul¥ it.w, iii my/er /0 get /10„. the mcile ,/rig· 0//
htlinmn.. 1),11),1 gll,111(mj. 1,11)11(·11. tai,boulch. 1(,lilia.
/h,i,- bed, aud /ht' wib//r min /100 /an /1 oul,·r /0 i¢//mr ho.
loubich. thuner. 14'1111 ('1. Ill,lkancek. kibbi. 1·i/. 1,thinch
and (licj. 1211(1 0,11]ki·11 arc al] on the 171('1111.
Ilic couple begin to giu· ach other tenw glanco. A
|C)»pitched growl emer,g-0 llc)in the Female'% 111(,tlth 210
Each ],c·i Non pile; hA or her plate until .ill the
the iii.tle on the bed Kitclclenh |)(1< c )inci cmric)%4(·cl iii the
platicls Ille wiped clean. The !]111%ic coines to life .111(1 the
vil·h· patter!1% 01- the (icicictc ),vil. Once in a while. a
belh dmicer adorn< the v·ene with her procna·. I ler
lititive Mmrl lets tlic· feinale know to keep her di.tancc.
1)111'c feet ('.11-(·04 the earth .1% Nlie t„illi and hwav.
howner. moht c )| the time the inall· 1-cinait,4 c (mc'ling
%(chictivel, frn' her anclience. who break out into a
2,11(1 4]ent. 1 he twitching dog then procet·([i to gll,111
1-11\-thinic chip.
gently at oile tor-nail. keeping hiN CVT. (1(mil 2111(1 11·ving
The heli\ (11111(elf costume is .1 1)lilliant arrav of
coloiiI-% 47111)1-(,idered with hinv fc·(litins that gliner iii the moonlight. .\.4 111(· twirls, the tont·. 111(·41 together into 21 7)ect,1(ul,11- 1)]ill. Th(· muted click of the glihicning 1,(·ad. crric eml{ )4 2,0 %17(· 7)in0 1.1%1(·1- 21]1(1 1.1.ter. The
7,ectatorN lic )1(1 their 1)1-c,ith in inve of her y,red. %11(· complitc< tlic· motion of a graceful clip. lising into a
to forget the vicic )11% female lit hi; icle. .\+ her til-owl·; becolne illot-e ])('1-Nibtent. 11(ji#C'\(·1. he beginh to take
action. %111)th, (('litiincti-c In pailifill (entimelll·. llc hegi110 to move 1111([(·1- tlic· blank(·t. until in one quick dive. 11(· i. completelv covered. 1-lic· il·regill,il· (1(,g-xhaped |timp in the inicldle ofthe bcd iicx 1111!ic,tia·(1 11, the |(·11,19|c thrilw: her 11(11(1 into
coin],c)ition of gcut](· hund gottirc> und elegant ])clh
the :lit, llc)tri|.4 tii-itching. Like a queer cclic·rpil|:11, her
111(A (·ment. 1 he men alut women crupt into Nong and
1,1-ow (10,·0 11 q uick work c )1 it :10 4 le t rich t o ( liN(-over wh er(· her partner 11,14 gollc·. .\ 11,11|11(cl vic·(·/c ('lii,111.11(4 11-oin
Ihe night \1(·al· on and tillic' gc)(411 unnoticed. 11](' 111(·11 light tip '111'g-vick :,11(1 ],tiff ling.h (,1.,moke int<) the ch·,11' ilight air between games (11 1),Ic·kgammon. The
women ir>,lime tiwil- gc,<sil,ing, kic·l,ing thril till'c):it,
the bed and 111(· pool- 111,ill·4 cover i. 1041. .\+ dic cock. her lic·act to onc Nich·. lici· 1 ,cwndered look is replaced with a 41]ing g|,11,1. 1.11(11, with all 11]nic).41 13('11(liN]i leer. the Icilialic'llittic>lia cclgc, her \\·11\ Iil(,illul thicil·c lilar 1111,111-(144 to where dic· thili10 thi· lic·acl N Nituated. \\hen
InoiNt with 111(,lithful. ofcold wak·i- Ii-om a l,i·i·ik.
die isju.t aboic |Ii, cltli\'('1-ing violit. 411(' give. a (1(fiant Ilic· 1-Inthinic inlihic the Ac)[t tip c)[ 1)(·]h (liall<(·1'1
bark and liu·,1 ih back on her trembling haunche; to
ic·ct: the incn + 111('loclic,il* c>lu, the \\0111(·11 + 41·il|
view her |lic 11(li Mill(ling. The dric:tted creatill-c
whiwling: 1111(1 ino#t of all the hughter. Wholchearted.
1111(1( 1-11(·ath the 1)1,inket Vi(1(1(·11\· nmwriali.ji·, 2111(1 With
whol('4<)111(· |lilighter. the kind that A 1-1,1-e anct ililicitic· to
an ('\11('inch pili 11(·(1 t'\1)1('•Mion he 1)01 1. in 11 11,thh 01
the g<·littinc· and the %,iliffied.linger into the cal-k ]10111-4
grn. le:ning (111|v a trail 01 (liNgl'untled veil). and
01 the nun'iling..\\ daw'n breale, it N c\ident [hill %0111('
whhnprrf 1)(hind hini. The 1,·113:11(·. idth a look of
Will 1101 .ct· tlk·it- 1)('(13 01] thi>, hot ,\1·abian night. Ihc
vililitne NatiNI.ic·lion on Iwi- laa·. ilici! takew her riglititil
+Helt(·l ing hi·.11 11:10 not 1)(·eli +111)(111( (1 1)\ the 11,11(· inooll
1,1,1(·c· on the bed uncl. 11\ the time the 1,11,gliter of the
micl with the l,il-th of the %1111 it 111,% 011]v bccoine inore
(,illooker. lit the dining table lm. v 11)icled . %he ih all-cad,
I'llht 11%!Ce p. Yvene 1 litikal. Wal- 9
80 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Enna C :11:li'(·0. 39·al- 9
i*5.11 *ie F 111
6/"i,; *
y = &%1
*-: 1
Year 1
im.$ /"' j , I
Year 10 Blue 3rd Row L-R Kas a Horfiniak.
Lauren Mihelcic, Amelia Hartley. Anna Mansour. Julia Matheson,
Emily Trenchard, Catherine Black, Alexis Kelleher.
2nd Row L-R Meagan McDonnell. Lucy McTiernan, Anne-Louise Benstead, Stefanie Fitzgerald. Jaime Gordon.
Natalie Bossong, Louise Pearse, Julie Bentley. Front Row L-R Diana Tung, Mary Li, Maria Jcistilt:iniak, Sarah Stewart. Daniela Panto. Jessica Ries,
Jacqueline Halpin, Alexandra Robins, Nicole Lee, Lucy Fang.
Absent Celeste Kininmonth.
Teachers Mrs Amanda Apthorpe and Mrs All.son Hart.
Year 10 Gold 3rd Row L-R Jess ca Heinnen,
Chloe Podolakin. Johanna Shembrey. Melanie Ringersma, Edwina White.
Sophie Price, Rosannah Healy, Kate Lonergan. Eleanor Nash 2nd Row L-R Kathleen Dawson,
Georgia Foley, Rebecca Jones,
Louisa Sullivan. Georgina Molloy. Joanna Patocs, Lauren Matthey, Jessica Cuttler
Front Row L-R Darn Nguyen,
Michelle Podbury, Truong-An Pham. Genevieve Meehan. Rita Samuel.
Candice Carter, Anna Bart Caitlin Noble, Caroline O'Connell.
Absent Uyen Nguyen. Teachers Ms Marie Brown and
Mrs Maya Abeyratne.
LORETO · IMandeville Hall
75 Year 10 Green 3rd Row L.R Elizabeth Hurley,
Madeleine Dowling, Edwina Scanlon, Kate Maguire, Natalie Grant, Rebecca Sharrock. Jane Macfarlan. Alexandra Wood.
2nd Row L-R Caroline Smith.
Katherine Senior, Rebecca Whitty, Sara Clark, Natalie Albantow, Emily Whelan. Stacy Polas,
Caroline Whelan. Sarah Dynon. Front Row L-R Katerina Asimakopoulos. Deniece Fon, Cheryl Holt. Kate Fetterplace,
Catherine Ryan. Kristina Boemo, Natalie Gileno, Katherine Johannes, Frances Acance. Absent Jennifer Palisse. Teachers Mr Malcolm Farnsworth and Ms Jill Barnett.
Year 10 Red 3rd Row L- R Zara D'Cotta. Bridget Hall.
Hope Milchman, Bree Martin. Alice Dessewffy, Sarah Wilsdon, Claire Richardson,
Demetra Pollalis. Krystal Sherry. 2nd Row L-R Andree Pianta, Helen Beatty,
Lucy MeNamara, Alecia Mustey Alexandra Stafford, Ksanya Makohon, Amanda Schembri.
Front Row L.R Chandini Kao, Nicole Dwyer. Lara Signorino. Jacqueline Koutoumas, Celina Vines, Katherine Mann, Claire Ogilvy, Nicole Mamouzis, Amelia Johannes, Isabelle Kitchen. T
Absent Rachel Quinert.
Teachers Mrs Shirley Chapman and Mrs Margot Thompson.
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 83
I'lwi-c· are 1 1.11 1, p In Nical th'.1 ect N (,t l,Itttle thilt I never
A Soldier's Diary
reali.cd..\11 the men are battle worn and welin. 11% I Illil. C)(·t<,1,(·1 5,11)11
Whenever we get the chance. we flcep the heavy,
\Vhv ch) I want to lilliht? 11 is a great (,1,1,(,1-111!lih lor
cli-ligged drep (11 complete 1111(1 utter exhittition. I Imve h)41 11% mit(·h 11% two stolle, 1111(1 111) carth-«lained lit-lilorin
11 chap like int· to mak<· 11 1,1,1 11 (,f 111\·sell and %11(ni· people that I hau· act,11,11\ .(,ilic·thing- to 410„· for un· life. Pcople will be I·(·all, proud (,1 11105(1 incn who come back
hangr off mc·. 1 think it is the cletermination wr all have
thal c,1,11)1(·N in to keep lig-liting even tlicnigh. 1,11;'sic·allv,
froin war uncl it ivill vll·c h bc .1 big adventtive. Mv Inato
think I :tin 21 1,1-ave +01-1, who will :ic·cept am· challeng·c.
ground. 1 lim 1,)11(led down with ten hand grcil,ICIL'+ al](1
111':t\'cn· A certaill|v· 11 trait | ivill need i| 1 lon to fight ill
;i tille with 2501-(ill]1(1% ofillillilitilition. This 1-callv is the
thir war. I (·an +47· it now. caned on im grave.tone when
valh·\ of the #nulow 01 dedth.
I dic. 77ummi, C.'u/hber/. m agr 2 7. fwg·ht bruve/r pu· hA
Nowmher 20.1917
('01,1//n'. Ye.. 111\ 1.uni|, and wife will be wi, ]11(}t,(1 01 me.
10 1 Ilitive home to famih .111(1 Ii·iciub. I thank (Ad
Enlihting Will al.40 1,1-omiAC 11 trip c),(·1-AC,1% and tl/(. chance to prove Ill\ 111110(·11|illiti. 1 warn to bc able to %11, to mv sc,n when I lim okler that I did hel]) 111-itain light
th.11 111(· ,\Ilic·4 were Ntic,lig- (111(,ligh t{) 0,(11-Come
C.('1111.111, und that the (·twinv linal|v gitic in on .1 (tate I
will never Ic,i.grl fora long·.i 1 liu·: Noveinbri· 11.11)17.
1-01· Fri·(·dom in It)15 ancl thlit I w.1+ olic of the hernic
I clotit think I c·imlil Ii,ne +tonct much more of lIu·
incil \1·]10 Atooct for their countn in thac tough tillic·$.
tenible thing-# that happen during the cour.(· 01,1 \\,11. I
>hire it will be (liffictilt Ic·Ining lin' wife behind. but it iA
*onwthing 1 +imph feel 1 ilit1%1 do. 11,·C) ()11]li lil,ttet.]01111
and Prici- air plaiming to enlist with im· and %0 101 the AN part of nn long journch I will not bc alone. \Ve \vill Sign lip in thi· lown thiN weekend with inam otber men and wait to be recruited to 4(·n'(. {)111- ('()111111\.
I want to *how' 1(>valn to inv c (,1,1111-\ and tile
Commomve.lith and help mitain to win this wal- 112·.,in<t the ( ;el'inans. The ]111, i<11 1 11 bild part 01 the (1(·al either. Sure, 1 do have inv (1(Illl)tA about it lind Itin 3(;11-(·cl al)(,lit
what C<)111(1 happen. Imt I feel l (me it to inv countrv. The Allies need a ,c·ech victot-v bec·.ilise there N a lot of sitilering in the \#-(11-Id. \\11, doef thi· Government let the Nittlittion get thiA 1)11(1? We (,111 1 let the situation get
re:1111 Xerious before :un'thing A done 111)0111 it, we intist act now, und I imist bc (bile (11 tho>,c to act.
April l. 14)17 %(, 11111( h hili h.i])1)('1 1.(1 Nilice I last wrote. After being [inallv recruited .111(1 tra,(·lling to Egi pt, which wc
haw Ix·(·11 Icit flic·11-411(Ic ked .111(1 1 11111 cci taili I will 1 14·vcr
ic )1-get thev· 1),141 few will-N. I will ill';(·1· be the ..Ilile 1,(i·Non .14 1 \1-,1> before 1 left to light for inv countrv..\11 the 11('211 1:N'lie und tortitic ()1 War N lina]1\ catching up on ine. Coming home 10 111,· famih alive :ind well is al| 1 could havi· ever wiNhed for. Bill now· flut I ..11 11(nue.
leaditivinclit N ven difficlilt and at tillic. 1 alinoht lecl lost . I inix, the ((,1 itt-.1(1(·Al lip ofwar and want to keep that
pit-it aliw. 1 kiHed men in battlc·. 1,100<lied im li,ilic[4 and have wen 4ighh that few people coukl imagine. How could anvone (·1•;c 1)lit .inother %(>!clici· 1 111(le!-Ntand
whitt 1 haw been thi-ough? Ilow (·.111 1 now witle back into a civilian life? No one know< what I Imve bern
througt but when the, a.k about the war, I just (·lili 't bring im·sell to talk about it. 1 (loilt think it i. raxy for 111, ihinilv cither though. v) 1 1111101 11-, to pel $(·vet-e and Mettle back into inv lite. ewn though I cim laced with the pro•;pect that mi life min never go back lo the wav it /10(71 1() IN
1.lilit-en Millelcic. Yeal- 10
thought Was the European hont. we arrived Ilt C ..illipoli a. part of a pkul to invade 1lll'kev. The (:Itilipoli Penill,ula, where the 1.incling n» to bc ic)(·11%ed. is .1
rugged arra with high hills in thi· llcu·th graduallv falling
in a ferich of vidges lim'.11-(1% the beach. After a long «ly
She wa, thire wars c )]del- than mc. She was
in Egvpt. ur arc delighted with the 1,1-09)cct of fighting-
g)]liticitted. kil{)\\1(clgrable und re,111\ (c)(11: dic wil.
al(,ligsicti· troopA fi-om New Ze.iland. 1 lic' .\11%11 .iliall and
wwn. I lutcl ah,·avs iclolised hel- 1111(1 followed her ilic)\'(·s
\cu /.c,l|,liul linn (.orp;. (11 111(· .\11/,u·% a. 40(111 u·
with gl-cat c.11'c .111(1 (litail. making <tirc not to iniff
benimc known. had a (11'calli of 1):ittle 1)111 it ended ill a
11 ight !11:11-c. \\'c wrre 14:ic·ed with 11),Ic·hine gill 1 + |11·ing ;Ind
I reincinber viAiting her once. \\:Ilking ilito her
the 1121%11(4 01 gilli. \\'c fought \vith (·11{)1111(,it.$ 1)1-21\(·rv,
rooin. I w.10 1,101\ 11 away with 1(111()11M: 511(' 1)( )4441&(·(1
1,111 the Turks had expected liu· attack 1111(1 so. traitic·cl bv a Ge!-111'111 (;(11(11/1. thcv ocalpicd the ('lltil·c |'Illi!1,111,1.
even 11,111)ic :1(('(·™,1, illiliginable. Barbie 11:ii !-(11'(·%0(·r -
11 N .iniph terrible to Fec voul' 111,11£Ashot do\\'li l)(Aidc
uninmix. 14,11'1)ie go(·% to the proin - ivith .1 (li\111(' ball
gown. conq)!cti· with a hunki date. Ken. Alk· even had
with 1'11]ming water. Ii:11-1,ic· vet clinic - with wincl ill)
After thi. 111.liol (li..11)1),)intment \04· 11(·ailed onto
1111111(·1'<)11. |1111-1)ic trani])(,1'lerx. inchiding- the 11,11-bie
Eg-vpt fol-,1 short tilne. then to El'.111(·c' and then ont,) the
Po™·he. I had .ch< 1-(th 1)1-,lic·(1 c'ic·n nif:hi for :, 14,1 1-bic
\\*(·St<·ill Front. where 1 11:I\'C· 0(·ell Some of the 11)001
Por>chi· a, li rc),Ilig- c hild bin 1 obvic,lt.+ dicili t l), 21\ 11.11·d
A l l C )C k i n g -e n e s o f i m l i fc . C ) i n· t re 11 ( · 11 ( ' £ ve r v d ui l l ow i l l
pal-11 .11(' full of the dead. with Mic% und !11*tggot,4
One perfect Illitumn (lav in \|:11'ch. Gemma viNited.
crawling- all over them. Ihel·(' 211-( 1,1-,lins hanging olit 01
AA 3114· walked through the front door I thong-Ill t|mt I
clead bodies. 11(·,1(14 1)2111((1 in .ind .11-1114 2111(1 leg.% ,11)111-1
wa, the hic kint child to walk the kilicli·]'54,22-ten
from thi·ir hodic.. r' 11(. hil:ht. are verv grni·&(Ime. 1 11(·vcr
1-(·alh ililligilic'(1 111.11 it 11(,111(1 get Ihi,4 1).icl. 11 the ( 13(·un
sim a head pop up al)ove the line ofa tri·tich. or the glow of:l cigarette. thc, 1(·t loow with a hail (Abullets.
84 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
4'111... l in. hi (1< 111111,1." 1 ..ticl 41,ecy)iN]11\. lii Rochelle," s.licl Grmina. a note ofconfidence ill hi·I- voice.
75 "It 's Michelle... I daringh- replied.
Wama. Marna," was the last word I heard you say· Only
Ilist Ith C ..itholies fonow God. I followed C .emlil.1. So
a year old. you're just a baby. I pray each night that we shall
when Alic sligge.*d we do %(nut· painting, 1 had no 01*ction. With :ilixietv niNhing through mv tinv \Ti]A. I led Genuna outside clown the old ft€)11(· +te])% c )1 the
Nou are, if you're alright or eve,t Still alive. Your warm enid
porch. through the thick long (n·.14% 1111(1 to t he 1001 <hed.
DY,m me. Now I'm left constantly wondering about your well
Ihe too] shed w.14 old. the main Ntltictilir w.1% built of
being. I know how hard it is to surrive at my age, but for a
long- fecbk· stick-like pica·% of ti 111 1,er. and the rool'wit; a sheet (,1 con-ugated i rc )17. 11% 11 chik 1 1 1111(1 11('l ieved i t was the stable for tile horse I Was going 10 1)11\' with nw
pocket mone, . '1'he tool dic'cl wa·% c )1'|limit+. 1,lit this WIIN (till'el'cut, tlliA Has (;C}]111111.
1 1)1 c)('c'ecled to leact her into the gloom, tool shed: it
was dark .111(1 (1:lilil). 1 1,4 Iinted to where the paint and 1,1·11%11(g werc. im hand Al,tking. \\'hat il %11(· clidiA like 111( ((,|{)1119
"1)111nx c)111(loor paint." she read ah)11(1 (meful|v. "14 that okin?" I ('11(lilirect clititic)11%1\. -'Ihilin". 1 had the feeling- tliat (,(111]11,1 111% cli.Natiffied. but I
pretended not to llc,tict·. Gemma took ilic k·acl: Alic· marched out the docil· through the gracs. ovel- the path. al-(mlicl the Mwing. lilitil %11(· callic· to a 11-(411\· pailital ]).11(· rc'llow g.11-clen wal| behind mv muliA 1,1·i/cd Iii 1-cls of Parit(Ii.Ne' plants. (ic']1111111 ])rifi'(1 1]1( ]),Iilit ()1)('11 ,1!1(1 |i,iliclt·(1 lill .1
1,1-1141,. 15(·1(,1-c long w'(· had it.111%1(,lined the gal·clen wall
into ,1 111,1%1(7-])ica· with great +01«4 01 (,11-white paint
be reunited. I fear for you, mr darling. Not knowing where cheeky smile that used to light my heart has been 101·n away
little boy -without his Marna to zeate·h over him with her iles there is no hope. I cannot begin to understand the meaning of all the damage that has been clone. My beautiful 11(5% I dread to think whal maN have happened to you. You must be hungn, cold and sad just as I cim. I wish I could pick rou up and hold -rot, and keep you close to me. For if we do not hare anything,
we shotild at least hare carli other. TrY and sleep, my darling, whererer You are. I love You. We shall be reunited...in
fleaven. I will always remember your beautiful brown (3'CS and pray tliat the last thing they sau, Of this earth was a loving face. May God bless You, iNN darling. .Wama x.u
Mv daughter wah %1101 1,(·1(11'e 11 1, eve.. 1 ler c )111\
til,ltel-ial l)(„%<·ssion w:1% her Non'%, mv grancl,(,11'4. white tedch 1,(·Ill· and the lenct- she wrote him. It ix sickl, het·c,
11(·1 1„-own (·yes once fillchcl with joy now 1 (·Ilect %(,11-ow and (ic·ath. We the people of 14(,No\-0 .11·c forced olit of olit' c{)111111-1. \\'c hau· becoinc *trang<·1'4 in our 1.111(1 and ,tic· tillic'|come in (,111 {)wn I),1('kv.tick We :tic· H-(.11(·cl
chil,liling evervwhere over the wall. To sav ive were ven
with disi c·xpect like (tirt. Evervone is lititigrv, weak, in
1)1(»cd \1·214 an tilictil'St,11('inent. litit then Ive heard the piercing %111·ill 01111,111(,thi·6 voice. It i)(·(,tille evident that Nomething· wa·; wrong: inin·he we hachA put ern)ligh
1114)111-lling. or (11,111. We the £1111('1(,14 of 14(,Nou) arc
1, hincr hope :14 (·ach (121, come. to :111 (·11(1. \Ve 1111\·(· 1(>Mt lili 1 1-('('(10111. The >U·1'1)lail %01(liers hau· 1)('111('11, battered
211](1 r.,ped c )111 riNters. murdered c )111- brother+ 114 well .1%
Inlint ()11 111(, Wall:
11, mother chill-ged Ic )\\'211 cl. 1,w. Iwi- c·,(·4 1)11lging.
tilic)tic)11.111, 1(,1-tured everv li|(· that 11:lf bet·11 ('{)111]rcted
curs Ate,tilling, 110>Ac Ilaring- and firc flaining froill the
to the Kosovo crihih. Families are being torn .4).11'1.
pore; 4,1 her Nkin. She 41.111)bed 111, tinv hand in 11(·1 4 1,11(1 Mc)1111((l into the lic)11%(·, me ihing I,chilicl her. 4,1111(,Nt
4)111- 11()111(·. (,lir ])1-i\.lcv. Hur li\(14, c)111- 11-((·dc)iii. Ut· 11:lve
flapping in the \vind.
mmhet-(· to w). \Ve have nothing. It 11:iN com(· to the
1 wils plit in the shower .111(1 xent to |,cd: [ 11 ilk
Evervihing Im; been taken auuv fron, 11%, our loved one,
point where we are Nimplv 1,(·ings. lic ) longer lit il 11,111. Wc
thought thal 1 \\C )111(1 never .C·c the exwriol' 01 nn
no long-er exist iii mind or Notil, 0111, iii bodv. All arc
1 „cl]-c)(,In ever again. The \viic )le ordeal „'.1% the 11,0.1
waiting for this ilightmare to come 10 1111 end. The (Ink
terril\'ing experience 01 inv life. 1 (1,)11't icmember
(Al apt· to regain 11(·(·(ton, and iliclepenclena· i.4 dcath. 1
IN(.<]144 l.('Ill'll,1 :14"ill.
al„ 67 vear. (,id und 141 rather clic than continue living Miclic·|]c Podbun. Wal· m
like thE. hi the clitive tinic | bin'c liu·cl inv oic[ 1,1(m'11
cu·4 have never %(·(·11 itinthing No horrilic.
The Eyes of the World Eark thi 111(,ining· 1<{)40\·o (()1·1(·N])4)11(lent 14,1.ill 1 101·filliak reported .1 111:,%% grave w.1% ic)111](1 con tailling
27 1'(illgref. c.,ch one dead. 1 ler brown ne•; c.<)111(111't believe it. The main ('.111%(' c )1 clt·.,th \,-2,4 a bullet to the
head. hnrstig,itc )1x belin*e Sel·bian Ankliers :tic
1-exponsible for the tragic killings. What N inc,%1 Clihill]'1)ing N that children 11% u)1111g 21% two 11,1(1 1)(·(71
41.ilightered. It ix th(,light that the refug-co were on their wav to neighboilling (01,1111-r- A|,ict·clonia when ther were 1-,111(loink gunned down. -IliN un»acre. fitell( (1 In
1 Nit on 1 11\ com ic)] table lotitige list t'lling to Iii i elderl\' 1-chigre t<·1| her 41(,1'v of how dic'cl rather clic than continue Ii\ing. M,· i),)11€'N Chill. 1 can't begill to imagine what life must bc like in Ac,Movo. 1 1,1,ilig- heal'd of the torment of the (121\-to-(121, vi-liggle of living in KoNOW ha opened inv eve. Thir filitiring thilt 1111% 1)('til till-ilht
lipon the ilitic)(ent people of Kosovo, making them ii(*tims iii liu·ii- own countrv. inakef me .iligrv. 1 Ner 0111, what iN .clc·(wd for ine to hic· through the evo ot the
television. |1 11'ilvi,tte; inc iliat 1 have opportzinitics that the people will never know. h i>; 111\ 1(·:Ilitv and %0 111,111) time, 1 have inisziNed it. I will liever fulli 1111(1(·1-41,111(1 the
found was a voung u'c,inan. The look in her nes
dept h c )* will(1·ing the,e people have encountered. This is incompirhenxible to Ine. for 1 bin·c· Illwavs had mv firecloin. This opc·th 111\' eve. to the tact that there N No
rellected torment horror and dexpliii-, What iN it these
much more to life than pen, won-ic.4 that (llit(1 ofti."
the concept of a pure nation. N the 1-evilt of PreNicli·lit Milosoric 9% drive ofethilic clealixing. One 01 the victims
brown eves saw? The woman wah clenching iii her dead
take 111\ precit)11% time. C)h look what these brown eves
list a Miti,ill white ted€1\ 1,(Ill- and a k·tter believed to be
have Been.
for her v )11. 1-he letter 1-('11(1
I·ai,1 I lorfiniak. War- 1()
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 85
47*12 „-..Ill -
Lj ZE 1 *j/t
-.---##.... #P-4-"'18.'-
-'46«fat - I - L.7 -a
1 1 241«
/47 ...... 91-19 +4,$,-1*Ab"en Jil %111/ : :rl' 4
01 9
* 4%4 i e .
12 r
h,-;' 4/ 41 02 114 ?*4 11,7 f J#* 4 Z
34*4#NS*kt**f <1 i•* nf.'#I:#S.
The Indigo Coffee Mug
too unbelic\.11)|v· exhauxted to expre>,4 her In-tivic experhnentation on 111:11 particular dar. With time the
%]le carefulk nunt|ded the ('liti 1)('11(·ath hel' fillgel'M,
imly WAM h)41 111(1(1- ti»illex, paper.4 Und 21%>(nted articles
humming happil, 11 licler her ble.lth. Sbc· loved the wet
of clothing. 4()1]ictimes liot ('111(·rging for werks. C)ne
t h ick tic·fi of its text 1 ltv. t he til'niness vet holli m-lless to its
dav. in the 11'('lln of )ling cle®ing. it \5'21% till'own (,lit.
touch. Smooth .111(1 rough. soft and hard. C .18.Ning her
I he gil-14 new paNon wa. 1)11(,tographv. 1-he mug win
i·ves 01]e could feel tlic· c].1 taking form. becoming
vilashed .(,111(\\'11(.·re. 111111111)<)1'tant, and Illrcach
rounded and perfuct briwath her totich. Rolling tlic
1()1-gotten. Shattered into It pool <)* 11!lle pirce.. .1 1)11,14(·.
('1,1, into Coils Alic· carefull\· moulded 111(· base of her
It cra/r. in C )111- 11(·w age world.
inng. Adding coil 11|ter coil she 1,1!ilt up the rich brown
The gil'l stilclied a tlec f 1'0111 liu· lens of her c .111]cra.
cil-cul:11- wall watching her creation lic·(c,ine tail and
considering the light .111(1 rh.1(10\1'% 01 the photo to be.
decp. Covering her lingen With a kner of Nilk, wet (-121\
Nhe loved the furl of the c .iliwl-,1 ill her han(10. tile·
4lu· Nmoothect the vidge.% between the coils. making the
Rati.di'ing %11:t]) when flle took 21 411(,1...
vii'121(·c flat and (·ven.
Hall, Filwmorc. 32·211- 1 1
1.ike an advertist·me lit loi· chi)('c )]Ilte c )11 te|evific )11 thi·
(1.1, scrined rich latic! 41]lootb, 2111(1 completely free c )1 hnperfcctions. llc·r All'in was an ext<·ihion of the clav. 1)(,tb moving and forming with a mind of their c)\ill. Pan*ingtoc>:.uninc herwork. 411(· lic)tic·cd ti,c'%11.11)(that
The Price of Poverty
had formed. how+ %011 211](1 complete it wit.. Looking
I've grown lip with (1(vrlic tic)11, delith 1111(1 (liN(·,INA·.
1(mill'(1% her neigh|),)111 A {)11 2111 c )1)1),)411(· belic h Alle
And horrilic· (1(·cdx which the world never xecs.
noticed a inalix wrnikv clav figure. illicl lilic )thelt
collapsed house. and grilmed in triumph. Adding a 11,111(lic hhe filliNhed the coffee ]„tig off. adilliling whal
Mv innocence was captured, I grew up 100 11141 1 he terror and ang-st in mv illi 11(1 forever will laht.
NIN· hild created.
U ter it waN Iii'('cl. a good deal (,1 tillic· Wa.4 taken
deciding (,11 ith coli,ill. (:losing her (·ve.4 to block olit thi· Inalli (c)]oill> arotold hcr. Alic 10('ll»ed oil the *(·41 2111(1
Eve %((11 thing, No tenibh·. 40111,· Ilights | cant decp 1.liehe image; in mv head I mist keep. |'he pily(ing v),111(IN (,1'*(-1(·allif ili llic night
ilic· sk,·. 1)ecicling c )11 i ticlig-c), slic· g·c )1 c )111 the colowl- and
Ihe hell,Ic·\Nne» 01 a child who ix loxing the light
1,111:11. \vondering i| ilicligo wou](1 be » appealing i[ it
fu live, but whilt have thev (1011(1 to done to (1(·sene this
wa. not <c) immed? Taking the 1,1-lish fit Ilth ill her thin.
(111, covered lilig(·14. 011(· citic'lilll,· painted the coffee
c)thcr colintrie tri to help. but i» too little too late.
Inlig· indigo. (di(ling the 1)1-1141 round the ilittg. %he
111,1([c Nille 10 111.ike the pitint thick .ind smooth.
>;01(lier, coinc here - thcv kill and rape.
Stepping back. her xcquined c,ti'ringA jangling, 41(1
\\'c air nupped in thi.vid« th(·res no (·>cape.
111.11#(·Iled at the clung·c the adour inacte to her
%111)Kixtence 11(btljing. 1)('(1,4 Hntraw.
1,1-twork. Som(·how it w;,4 now j.1//\. 1.unki. new age and
Hcavenge to Nunive. in the village thut'% our lill\.
cool. 1 .i·aving it to (11 i Mlic welit to 11),ike herm·If Mnm·
colli·(·. wondeling whilt %]w would do with the mug. llc,1%111(. it forever. a tilistal i'(,ident ')11 her coffee
\Ve queue for oltv food. grow crop>, in the field
lilli th<· profit there N little wi· dull vic'Icl. 11 the h.,1-Virt litik (,ill- ve.,1-s work Ims been iii vain
tai)Ic? 1 low Slic loved the Might 01 it, No new. Mo clean, 9, :tina/ingli· blill,!
\Iter the collic inug had dried it WaN taken lic,im·
No imich to 1(,Mc, not initch to gain \Ve will be left to %11'Ter in pain.
and placed c .11'('1111]v on her coffee mble. Filled with coffee it W.1.4 411!tlg .111(1 ilit deco. a ])(10{)11.ilied coffee
14,ickl,1-(,lking work in lic·]ch an cla,·.
imig, which to her rellected the cli·inki·i·'r t.,Nte .111(1 hni·.
I low I wi%11 1 \verc a l,littellk. h-ec to ilv.nvili
\Vith time the inug wax left on her (lesk where it
h) a place ill which all figluing ivould ccasc.
collected pens and pencil< along with 01(1 rubbel-% und
>knnewhi·re t|mt at |(-41%1 held the proxq)ect Of pcace.
Ji,11'1)i·liing-%. Deciding it looked %111(lic),14 and ran', Alic did 1101 find c )((:INion 10 111()(' it until She needed
v,ilic'thing bright Ic,1 her 411('11. Therc the coffee' ning wil+ an c )1-11111ii(iii . c 1.1#\ ,ilic[ chic. \\'hell I cilit'lill,c'ling it 41(· 4)wed it to lu'l' 11'ic'11(14 '()11. look what I made in art
Instead I am trapped. like .1 1,11·cl in .1 cage. Forced to bottle im' clii<)tion. of 5,2(Inchs and 1-age. This life E [i-i [ft,-ating: we have no c I )1111'01 1, life worth living when voui- lic·ccic,in has bren sold?
cla« You know the one I take on >hmchn. 1 am taking potterv lip 1-01· good. I might even st·11 a few pieces! \ week went bv £111(1 the mug Kathi·reel chist..\11(,ther week and a rude chip appeared on it, ance Kinooth handle. Soon it \vas cinpt,- of coffee. the voung gi]'1 prelen ing to lise normal mug< now. I he girl voppl·(1 g(Ang t() potterv Cht>,>« forgetting 1() turn 19. or feeling
1110.Ne who hear this U'ill not fillh' understand.
What its like· to live ill our impoverished lancl. \Ve don't know the whereabouts of ()111- ilext 111(·al.
3(1111* worId A ])|t·,IN,int. whiht oilifistlighteninglv real. Rebecca Pere ira. Year 11
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 87
Year 11 Blue 3rd Row L-R Catherine Dunn, Saraii Akikusa, Samantha Dermatis.
Vanessa Condello. Jacqueline Diamond, Zoe Croker, Bonnie Connellan. 2nd Row L-R Lana Cridland, Fiona Dohrinann. Simone Ball, Christina Collard, Caroline Chen,
Georgina Coleman. Megan Downing,
Sarah Dyson. Front Row L-R Belinda Bowman,
Leah Betts, Veronica Callaghan. Natalie Carter, Fiorelle Amore, Anna Bryant, Julia Dehm, You Mi An, Lucy David. Teachers Mr Michael Mulcahy and Ms Joan Morgan. Tr
Year 11 Gold 3rd Row L-R Marisa Hadfield, Mary Gallivan Aisling Fay. Michelle Funder, Anna Flynn, Natalie-Jane Edwards, Stephanie Foley, Rachel Griffiths. 2nd Row L- R Alisha Hnatjuk, Emily Gaidzkar
Nicole Haddow, Amy Killen, Beth Jones, Jennifer Hopkins. Sally Finemore, Kate Edmonds. Front Row L- R Casey Gunn, Sarah Ho,
Anna Fox, Miranda Hindle, Cassandra Fry,
Natalie Hunter, Jiaping Fu, Emma Finney, Andrea Kaliviotis. Teacher Mr Richard Walker and
Miss Andrea Inglis (Absent) I
LORETO · Mandeville Hal
Year 11 Green
3rd Row L- R Cecily O'Shea,
Rebecca Prescott, Kerstin Klever,
Clare Noonan, Alice Papaluca, Phoebe Nolan, Felicity Lyons. ff
2nd Row L-R Clare McLennan.
Sarah Portelli. Rebecca Nolan. Beth La Brooy, Greta Lacava, Katherine MeMahon.
Stephanie Maule, Kelly Lennon-
Front Row L-R Ngoc Le, Mary-Louise Leone,
F 0 9-4 9 4
Erika Lanza, Emily McLeay, Elizabeth O'Day. Rebecca Pereira, Elise McLagan,
Tuong-Vi Pham. Patricia Nigro. Absent Julia Kortt, Annie Merrylees. Teachers Mr Eddie Kane and
Ms Catherine MeMahon.
Year 11 Red 3rd Row L-R Annabel Smith.
Madeleine Scaiilon. Jane Stewart, Meredith Shaw, Caroline Wallace, Esther Rowe,
Bonnie Savage. 2nd Row L-R Melina Shenoy, Alisha Treacy, T wia Vanspah. Kristie-Lee Rennex, Emily Smith,
Claire Souttil, Nicola Roberts. Front Row L-R Andrea Vaz
Vanessa Von aer Muhll, Tessa Spring,
Laura Riley, Jane Serong, Eliza Suffren, Alana Spadaro, Neela Velan, Daniella Zampjero[10. Absent Kye Williams.
1- 2.1 1 k
Teachers Ms Anne Muller and Mr Mark Bahr, k
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 89
A Formal Edtication
411,1(10 of lip%tick unlong.t other product. which will bring out \()111' 11.11111-111 gli)\, (11 glow which. thank0 10
1 liere air 01 colti'.4(· \Ill'ic)11% impollant eleincm.4 which contlibute to achieving- a *llect,+Nlt,1 32.11- 1 h
continli.11 applicat ion of 1.ike tan. A now w, (·ral %1121(le; darker).
r\.tins and co-£111'1'ic-ill,11' activities. 11, )„ever. I.,11(1 111·rel,
1'111-ch.t,ilig the pel-fect (11-i·Nh N difficult It M
iii the Nhadow ofthe ,,11-illil)(,1'tant. 1)(,%·;ibl, life ahering·.
therefore recommended that a dair be taken off Nchool
1(>1111,11. which ca» 21 tail ill]{)11(·tic c)\el' 111(' u.·ar. It A
Cone ilitit get ()11(G pric,i-itic light) to look for the idcal
reall, 0111, a formal which (.111 determine \{)111- place iii
gal-ment. Before t|1(' (12'v unl ('c)111(1 pel-hap.4 111('lition to
%.11 1 1 hirrarch, for. .tilt·t'.ill. a formal
a |t iv fric·11(14 th.lt von will be IiI»,clit froill 4('114)01 due to
cit·111()11%ti:lt·% iuu c)!|\ )()])l!1l]it\' 1)tlt (hmni.
all impolt,int hhopping ventllir: then. while vou :11-(·
intelligence. cloililion and deportinent. The 4,1111(· can
:11\':n, whiy )el-< will (irculate Ill c )1111(1 t lic· cla l'c)()11 1. and
1 1 1 <. ·
11(· .aid for no other event. A formal gives cu·rv 32,11- 11 gill the clunce to ri,c v)(ililk higher th.111 the plice of
an E-tag: her ])10-1, hnitatiot™ will grow bter than wiliting lish lit pt 11)|ic hospitak and her own confidence will take on a new Al.int. a little like the hair of .1 lillic'h
10\cd polilician. Ihe Iii-Nt ste]), of (c>lit'M·, is actlt,ill)' (,1,tailling- an
invitation to the AH-ilill)(>1-talit n ('ill. ThiN N inilde harder when the bov. 211 the partictilit!· learning illhlitiltion aw 111(,Ic or Ic»; 111]known ancl 1.11'ch· vic·wed.
Ihi. being the ca:c,,i gil-| int,Nt lic,1 +1111'('ictri tc) a night at 11()]ne. * tw) ahernativo \vii] alinoht ((·1+taill]\ 1»in·c
Mic·(·c·... Thr first iN 1,),11-1-i,(· lit a ]),lin. approximatch' 12 111()11,11% prior to the |in'inal, when· partil<'11(» 1)()\Nwill bc plentifill. [)1'(» \u'll. 11{)04. 1111(1 throw \(un.(11' al Min re»onal,Ic hic,king· inale. IE in the light. ic)11 realihe that
Ilit· 1,4 )"( )11 have caught b i ll |act no oil l),li tiling. or 1.11(·1 ti·IlliNe liN unlv comergtion rew)|,ch entirch 2,14),nul
111(·ir will I)c· ilic-i'c·.1.(1(1 citic·%1ic)1iing :ilid c·\('itc·inent al)(>lit \(ilit-(Irc» jihen volt retill-litc) f(lic>o] the next (lin.
1-11(· ch-(·4*. c)|'cour,(·. 11111%1 bc 1)('1'|4'( t - 11!li(111( - but not 10(, clilli· 1(·lit fic )111 evervone ilse'< C .1 I'nhh .111(1
,ilt(·111.ttivi· choice inav lai,el \(111 :1* 111'1(,t:,ilit and over-
o,nfident). A nightinare. too horrUic to (11-cal„ about. A that anot|wi- girl could Al,H· vour brillian{ 13.(· And 1)litc'11.14(· the unic (11'(». \volv vi||... in the ginc ('()1(>lll'
1 he hair lilliv bc donc 70 that not a Ningle st!·ancl is
(}111 01 1)121(-c - cu·nonc will bc Ic,oking- for that .ingle hail- ot c'(,line, 1,„th (>11 the night uncl hi ])11„104 which will be vilclic·(1 long :liter the event. flic)(·s toc) 111„ht be jiN light: lim 111(,ther wlic) claili14 that /1,1 (me
will be
l,H}|a ll g (11 YON 1- le,1 could not bc mot-c wrong. Proph· look rwrvwherc..\1 11 |(,1-mal verv few clitil,11]v have fun- i t iX .l
ilight for +ing 14) the opporition: even part of \0111 clivilil)]c A rcnitiltih(·cl cli).Nch 11 .111 felilitle in liu·
\\hat car he want, to bin· in the |tattive. .ill R not log.
11(,pefull, the form,il will not requhr vou to make a huge amount 01 coillact or convergtion: iii {1('N)(·ration hc (,in al\#in.4 1)(· ((,Ilit'llicilt|\ 10« 011 the (11111(·c llc)()1:
[h'(,111- cltic·:t is Nlic(('.4.4fill. a 1)11(,ill· Gill \Vill 40<)11 Ic,llc)\#'. :11:11'21]lt(·(·ing· \ (1111' it™tant ,1,( (·111 up 111(· 40(·i:11 11,(1(1(·1. Ihe ,)111(·1· Illt<'1'1111!i\(· ih ('lihict· and requirch 110 phnical 0,11111('1 \vith thu bov tintil the night 01 111(· 1(11111,11. h imolve. filicling Il gil-1,$11<) N ah'('11(1, Itttill(ling
the [(,1-inal undgettinghertoN< her pal'tnel if thercal(·
ain hovs who 1121\·c !)(·en 'left on 111(· shell: 00 10 7)(·ak. 1 here A now-h .1|Kin·, 21 number who hinc 1)cell 4tting on the %11(·11 lor .ill (,1 their 1(1-17 ve:14 1111(1.tre thlilled if
the hon-ilic toitill·c of approaching a gill N .4(mwi\|11,1 initigated. If lic +Uggest+ th,11 volt im·(·1 1,(1101·c the night
ihelf. expic.4 ic)111 Jiliccri· 1(·gret and talk (,1 llc)\# 1)114\ voit are in the coming weck. aild of the importance 01 Ic)111 %111(lic'*. .\11':Iig-ement, ful- before and after partic. 011(,uld bc madc. 114 wi·11 :14 tor \C)111· 1 1 .111.port. A
roolli. l'here N nothing inc)1(· Xhaltic'lilithan hearing or
(·wn jil.1 knowing thal (1111('10 111(· g{,GNi])ing al)(1111 11 Ilitical |law in voill- appearance. Nourdate for the formal, on the night. Rinore orl(·AN 114(·|('4%. llc· \\21% \<)111 tic|.(·1 111 tlic· (1()(>1': c)11((· \()11 ;11-c·
0,11(·lv in. hc (·lili be ripped lip .111(1 di.carded. li therc Ill'c ion bon tlic·,-c· who look worth \'c)111' c·|lori. stal-t with the
glound work: if %11('ce«ful the afu·1' partv will promiv 11(·tic)11 ancl excit(·ment. If \(Ill! 1),111!ic·i- 11.k. if uni will .dolv dance. clahn. Con]> il he ix boring .11](1/01' le•ih thall :ltit,ictiVe) 111.11 vou have tendonitis in voill- 21(hille;
which R aggravated (>111\' idwn dancing· lit ,|ou· Lilli])(„. 1-1-v and 1-(·main inoll' 01' 10%4 Mol)(·r ((()1]4('iolls) ilt the
Ibrmalihell: explailling' to voill' mother wh, unn- dic.+ iN v,lined ancl,Ninclls of,i|('011(,1 A not Illwaw, c'i,+v. and ih
11111(ic even inore difficult with a hangover.
After the formal it N 111{)41 impormnt thal. even ihou hild inure hin than Bill C linton with .1 ne\v ilitern. ic)11
litiic,tifini· will make a g.ood '.ton litter. fo stic·.4,4 to the
1)111 down w )111- experience. %21;ing it \,7,1.4 r)haj' 10 .1]Wil\% 21
1(>tling 11]Ille it> ilill)()1't.111(('.
good Start. .\Ii,-11\ 0 4.1, thilt <747 j'our hicihedgmx,7/u.4. even il
I he preparation for the fonnal N icallv where .1 gil.1
it was patentlv cle.il- that voll were In lit]' the 11(·st (11·c..ed.
can fllitic· and Act lic'I'%('ll :11),lit from mere formal goct.4.
®cak with shock :111(111(,1-1(,1- al)()111 all) girk who iii:n'
4unvilig- her.clf to be a h,1-inal goddc». Nothing Bill>t
Inic worn the i.line (11-(144(·4 01- cli•;g-1-,Iced themwlves :it
be ow,rlooki·(1: (It-<·, 41 ic)(·.%, hai r. ,1( c (·c,i ic·%. 1 ),ig. inake-
tile after partv. Fol- tlic·Ne litillic·kv Ic·w the formal h.10
til), sell tiorning |4)tic)11/M<)1,11111111 \ixitb 211'(' all ((]li,ilh
dolie thelli. NociMv, more hxl'in thitti good. PI-(,long· the
important. Mention the upconling lonnal (c)11411„lth'.
111-rival of vour photoN. claim that ther're romillg. and
but vii,th to -1-1(}01 h-it·iul. Ce>,pecialli to thow who
ah,·avs blame the dchn- 011 11]111-11 who /oript /0 /ake Hwm /0
aven't going). Talk of when and where voit are going-
be deve/oprd. Spreading out the 411(m'ing c )1 1)11(,to< i.%
011(,pping for the diess. Re-tell the convel-%ation that u )11
alwin< good. Om· week ch'c ttlati' ,{,ur own photc )4. the
Inid with -Ul- brittltw' c'(>114111tkilit legal'(ling the 'ili
next bring in the prott»ional <)11(·4.
90 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
75 Of pardillotint illl])()1-1,1!la'. 11( m'i·vel. is that now· tic.4 with the bov. who No kindh gave vou p.1.gge to the
Uliat Reading Means To Me
1(,1-111.11. arc completelv severed. A I )c)\ 41<,1[1(1 know to
expect nothing Inore |1-0111 Voll, il (,111 bc (11%11%11-0» ii Ill·
1 go for (lav., 11,·(·1« 11-lonth>, without reading. P,tit
ilii,+ 011 1,11]ling the cord that bilicl>, voll a little tight(·11
linallv. when work :ind plin a·11\e to capture inv
(1(111,111(ling ]More 01'\()111' preCioliftilne. a. ihon ha\-CIA
thoughtw. 1 .im (11-,1,#11 inevitabl, to books. where iii im
4,1('tilic((1 ('11(,ligh for hilll 1,11-(111(1\. For what air votii-
|Ittlt,14; i\'(11'1(14 1 11111 ]101 ('()11%11'1lincd to phvxical
ch.111(c·% of being invited u> the 11(·xt fortnal if Foine
lililitationA and lin illi,lgination (,111 (11-(·(lge lip litel.l|h
01('Ilginoils. pimplv youth ix till, in .111\ wav, littlic'hed.
iliv wildeg (11-('11111+. I low wacling. 1 shal] expl.lili. M,
After all. ill the intere.41.4 of completing vour clic)(iling
hearl thltill]).2,0 1,un being })111'Nucd, I Ilin both pre\.111(1
and 1).11·ticipating 'wholchearn·dh· ill a raligc· of (·Xii·.1-
predator. unnderer Jnd victim. 1 41!1(·11 N-·4. I feel chiti
curricular activitie/' 11.0 \{)111 1(,1('11(·14 \\()111(1 widi. it iN
like 111(· 11(·an weight (,Inn' crown :1% I prepare to judge.
vour chiti 11(,I'(·r to neglect the forinal Micle 01 volli
I wic·ld 111, N\#-(,1-(1 and 1 know I ain going- to elin I am a
111,101('1,11 111( illtl-i('11('i<'0()|({)1111,11(>11()111,111(1(Illtil)ill(1% 1·rinih .Ninith, 3(·al 1 1
ine. Strang(·]v. 1 cannot trliwm|)(·1- whilt I ]111(1 for 1 )1 (,tki .1.t \ c·fte, (tin , wt 1 1-(·lii(·mber. in exact det.lil. a book I read last vear.
The Olympic Fl am e (10%(· ic,lir n-o, open the mind. Hic· it. Ic)(110 1111 thouglith. have <)11(· 11'141. l!1(1(·lht,ill(lit. %]lut olit fcal'. reinove '111 (10111)1. Believe it.
Books and ine..\Ii· and books. 1 clotit know whi·re to
(11,1\1' the hne. 1 (.111 colijitillilicate with wor(1% 011 pagef
<(,liictitne. bitter than I can with penple - a book (1(,c·NIA cliMagirc with \(,11. it enchants wn, ptl//les vou. prodi will- 111(,ltght.4 iii Nonic dbrction that li·in-i·* vou 1.ts< ilicited bv the c )litcome.
.\ccept the challenge. 1,1, the plan•. Acknowledge it. I lave the will. *it the goal;. Feel it.
11 is the belic t i 11 the d tram th.it ilic·iN thch ( )1\.mpic· Spil it.
1 never read .1 book twice. C)lic'(· 1 react the 1.141 line I
never entil-I'lv forget abotit it if the Atory Int, pal-ticul,111\ i litereNted nw. >Unnetime 1 find mnelf +11-(,ligh
For each Rep forward. there .irc· man)- i.ills. Continue it.
Evet , Amile erases thousands of tears. C .iptill-c it. Each win i worth a million los,%(·.%. Tre.1%111·e it. \\ith all the excitement, vears of Metic)11% dedication.
dihagrecing with the Writer on i,Nues or mmbe a character ilistead. Occasionallv. things clescribed disgust
inc. At other tilnes 1 follow like a puppv wliat ix new to ine. These books are (liffen·lit it'om the books that offer
ine rel:ixation and 2.cape'. Theic books tease inc and
\111ttll'(' it.
cai|*e ine to think. Bilt mosth the book. 11-ead are in no
Natic)11% fill] of litir; follow and back lip cach athlete.
wav realigic. I dot)'t understand wh, people \,1)111(1 want
Nuppon it.
10 1-(·21(1 211)out averag-(· people and their ini,wrable lives,
h iN the :tchic,ement c)|' asph-,ttions thal ignite.4 lili·
which is what 111.111) 111{)(1(·1-11 book. tend to be about.
01/1/lpiC Spirit.
\Vhcre A the excitement to it? Cothider %11.tkt'%])care.
C)ne cominon goal y).111!iing- the occall.4. l iiite it.
hiN cloquent :11-(11:lic· 1.111,g-luge - the (·]notion A in the
[)0(·4 it evell matter th.it people clon't fullv comprehend
[he ilill)(11'lance ofparticipation, 111)(1(· tilt· 1-(·%1111. En jov
pictiltes he paints, 2,11(1 the nwaning comch il Mought.
Ah. the book ofum life: I wonder il it could ainount
Elite :111(1 amateur alike. 117(·ir :11-e 1(Af{)11% to bc le.11-ill.
10 11 Ic )1(' th:ill a fuw pagc·%. 1 lic·lic·,·c. like 1,111-c liIN :111(1 11'ic·11(10. book. .tic· anotlict Atic)11!.r itilltic·11('c .111(1 that
I lottiN (ilpirparation, trailling- and Nwcat. 14(·111£11]11)(,1- it.
\vina 11(,1(110(lav coilld Mung·c how· l think t(,111(,1-1-(m+.1
Owrcoming ilial.. liic )\'ing- 1, )1'\111(1 strong('1, llcild it.
11-v to (11-aw back 1111(1 read or obscrve ah a third person.
h N the expi·lience of the realiti that let. the C)|vinpic·
1)lit I [ind it i. ilill)()%.il)]c for inc· to cio, aild I hecoinc
®it'it glim.
intinutck involvcd \vith cluracter und perion. I waill to
Ilic· C)|unpic ®ilit A the realitv of the dirinn. It N a
1111(1 thi% N all ah('lli,Nive to Mitting in frolit of Ilic· |\'.
Ical-1/ 11/ore .11)(,itt the wol-ICL people :ind con\'(1·Nation.
|)111!ling Illtinc within everv one oills. \\1](·11 the natio»oftheg-]obc coitic· together it k not to
will. 1)111 to take part. to join ill. \Ve unite aN one an(1 11'ill !11])11 together. I lic 1-czilt (1{)('4 11(it 111,111('t. \\'hat 11.111('1-4 ix within cach
pehon: the Al)irit oft|u· C)]unpic (;21111(4.
Book. I know ari· an litilimited 5(,ill-((· 01 ililc)!111.ltion. lind 1 11]11 1,10( inated how a wriici- I have neither met not
talked with c .in h.1,(' 4tich a ftic ilig impact on Ine and lili inv inind with an :11)1111(litlic'(· of thoughts. And I wondel
at 111(· abilit, that 11121(·k marking·.4 (,11 1),Ii)(·1· bin·c Ilt 1)1'c)(111('ing ellic,tic)11,1] ily)()110(4 tic,in inc - pitv or h.lic lor .1 priv)11 11]al unn not (·ven exift.
14(·alise it. 1.iw it. Share it.
Megan Downing. War 11
Ne(·111 Vellin, Year 1 1
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 91
A Muttial Understandiner b
one Micle ofthe plate· to the other. "For heavel™ h.ike, sic,p pl.lYing With u )lit tood!
She calne hoine 11 <)111 1(·ill,i4 1,1 clelia·. her hair, a
--Fine.- 11,1(1(Iv replic·(1. prihing her chair back
fwcat, mit<; held back In a thin . t·litftic hail- tic. Alic
11211-ihh. Slic .tood lip and walked out of the room. and
filliled happilv when %11(· siglited tht· bltic pla>;tic I),1,94
into the *ljoining famih room. Ilicking on the
itting on the bench. blimming with thif \17('(46 ful,ph·
(,1,41(,coic\. Alle Nt.11'tailihliing through the bag·%. wlic·li
c)11 lic) vou (1(,1/1. Ali»,v. voute not watching
41(· h,tiv her mother emerge from the walk-iii-pantn.
Ulevifion until vou (10 vour lic )111(·„-(>lk. and wahli the
('inph plartic bag, ill blind.
cli%11('%7 "But. Ma. I wadied the disho 1,1,1 night. 16
"I low wit< il 11(,16 - Iwi- mother i™ked. 11 i .10 walk
good...did vou 1 111\ the apple jitia· 1 inke(l i c )li to? 1 could
111(·tA turn!" 1 (1011 t cal·c. \bu C.,111 \\ *ISh up agitin: "Ihis N c) 11!,lair." i|,1(1(1, 111111111 11(·d under her 1,1-cath.
realh do with 11 gli,%0. "Apple juice?. 6. 11(11. 111(,ther
1\'Init. vol 1 want to 0,\ (1(·p thi· llc ){ )1 .IN wi'Iii" her mother
Ic,oked at hcr qui//iallv. 1 thotight vou \VALUed orling·c
wplied Nmug-Ir. ".\1'1-gil." Madch grolilli·d lighth.
ittia·.- "\Il 11 I - Yoit can /1('ver g-(·1 c//111/hijig- right can
\141(1(1\ colil])1('ted her chorch lia>itih, then grabbed
w)113" U)|1. Ihn v)rn. \\'Irall the (lifierena·. 28\+win.
the (()1(11(» phone thitt Wa· Nitting on the wood<·11 colice
juice N juice. Amwin. thiN oninge jilia· M rellih nice. lili
till)|c. be|bre 11(ading up the «lil-4. » Vic wa> \\!ling-('ing
hill-c...""Forget it Milin!" >,lic iliten'lilited. Nt{,lining ofL
to her friend ;11)1)111 how 1111|air life waN. her mother
I a\1«'(l her lo grI mu' \im j,Ir thing jor me. mul du' am/(l ji'/ even
picked up the phone on the other line. demanding %11(·
ga /h (i / right.'
11-t'(' the phone line.
1 he Mother (';11·lied {)11. putting th (· gl'{)( (·ric. invin iii all order|\ 1»|lion. tic)/ 1'1»cd :11 :111. 'lliN \v» 1, regul:,1 c )((111'rence in the \\'llite 11{)11%('| 1(,1(1: 4· 1 1(·vet· wemed
lo be able to ])1(·.trc. her tecli.ige dalighter .11,\Inore. .\041(·continual tocinph the 1)1»tic bags. dic could hcill- the thilinping im[.Nic ],laving in her dittlf.+1(·1-1 room abow. 7'hc// g'ir/0 27)///g /r) 27) dra/ i) 1 1/, ,/4/1. the ilic)ther thought. "Turn it do\,11. \121(1(ht"
11,1(1(li l'cy)011(led l)\ tlli'liing the Intlric· 11]) a llc)tch. 1178. dor. ;hi' herp ,·ri//ing· Im' .Maddi? I fold lic, 1 hutrd it! 11 mal» me vium< IiI<t' a littlr IN(N
It h r (·fin'l Allf'
/ike even·/mdr *'2
I h·i· nuithei· 441wd. clceph. 11/3' ch, / bt,/herf .Nlic· |)(*Ill to ])1'ty),11·c the dinner, \\·11('11 011(· 11('11](1 Iici (1,111"hter>, 1):il'(· fect (1211111)('1 (1<),ilithe poliNhed fic)()(tell M,lil-h. Alu· hcal-(1 the llc ,(n· cl-(·:ik ah her daughter walked
rapiclk towal.(14 the kitchen. ihiln. what (licl \011 do with in, 1)|lic top?" 1 put it in the w»h. I tholight it u» clirt\: it iva% king c)Ii 111( 11()()1:
11.i." Mildch whined "how manv littic·% do I have to
tel| vou to li·au· inv thing> 2,|011(9 \Un nic· voll No 01)*(*Ned with clcaning· cu·ruhing lip all the tillic's 71'( 11 if u )11 (lidiA 1(·Inc ,(mi- room i 11 Nuch .1 111('Ns; *t,11('...!
"Now. what .lin I Nill )1 1(,hed to wear?" "\'(,11\(· got plentv 01(,t|ic·itc)1)%. \111(!ch." "But I want 10 1,(·:11' the bllic oile...'
'C)ilit ic)111' nhilling! \\hi Kh{)111(1 I hit\(· to put 14) with thix? 11 unt helped me with thi·lic )11%(·work once iii a jihile. there \\(,ll](Illt be a ])1()1)]clil' "\\('11. il Vol,(1 ill\1 1('ave lin 41111[ 11|OBC. there
n{)111(hit be a problt·in cithed 1111(1(11 +101!11('(1 (}11- agaill. i'llililing lt]) tbc «il-N and damming the (loot: 1 ler mother cringed. -/hrit dom- will
1,11/ 0# i/, hi,ign mu' 00 /hew' dar . 11:idd\. dilinc t '- 1 1( 1' 111(,ther'% voice 41!-illed 14) the stail'x. \1.iclciv c:une (1(nvn :ind joined the fumil\. She Gat clown nal to her lather. 1 In. \I.ic[4." he %.rid "how Wax ic >lir claU (hic·», what
Iherc .11(· other pcoph· who need to tist' the phone tooN her 111()tber |)111)1)lcd.
1(1 bc·tter go," N|,1(lch +,lid to her hictici. Al,ictclv wah Froppi now. %0 %11(· decided to go into her rooill .111(1
complcic her hoine,vork. Alic· becaine ick 01 homework alter a while. alld went to Nit in the box wiliclou. in her room. 411(· irtiwilil)('1(·(1 how %11(· 11.ed ti) 41 11(·i-(· when
hlic w:10 vounger. with her moill('1 A :11'111% wrapped tighth around 11(·r. Ihi·, cl look (,lit at the stal-4 on clitik. cold
nighIN. Madch· licwl- fult cold with her 11 1,)111(·6 .11 ins Iii'(,1111(1 Iwi. -Illi+ ]),ist Iii(·mon nuldc hergratelill for her inother and 41(' wondered what h.1(1 happelic·(1 |)('twi·( 11 th('111 latch. 1'|inv wcnicd to qup .lt cach other M even eliana· thcv 14()1·
Slow|v. Mactch' got lip. went (,111 of her room. and crept down the wooden «ti!-4. Alic (c)+11(1 11(·ar the telcition litint|\ iii the background. und her Lather
1,11)1)ing,1,111\ at hi>,coinpinci- in the +111(1\..Siu· ivent into
the (1,0 k kitchen, filled the blitt· kettle lip with \I .tic·I·. 11 11(1 9·t it on the Nioic· to bon. Sht· opencd the wood cupboard 1111(1 took olit nvo inug-4. One of liu·ht· wit. a widi· 1)hic nulg. chmond with purple. pink and oranur
[lowch. It wit. hel- 111(,ther'.4 1,1,(1111ile. .%]u· placed both mug. 011 the tiled bench. He>.1 10 111(· 01(>u·. From
anoll ,(.1- c'll] 11)(,1,1-cl %11(· pulled c )1 11 tw< ) tc·,tl),tgN. placed them in cach 01 the two imig-%. 11% well :1% ily)()()111111 01 silgar. The kettlt· 1,(·g-an to WhiNtle. vi %11(· look it (,1-Ithe stow. 1111(1 poured water int{) each Itilig. letting- the ht(·,1111 1-Ne to 11(·1- facc. %11(· Ciltllked the wabag,4 a IC'w timi·. beforecli4)04ing 01 them. She ilic·li ic,Ic lu·(l iii the pantn and took out a packet of .4,3(·ct 1)ihcuith. Alic pc H[red inilk in 11('r !11( >tlic» intig. gave 1)(,th littlp a wil, with a 7,0013. took the lillig•% 1111(1 |)iN<·ilitr int,) the fillilih 1-00]n. wherc Khe knew her inother wotild bc. Sure
enough. her mother Nat on th<· 11(,1 .11 Conch. \1.1(ld, had
liever been foiici of illif coitch. though flw'(l become 114('(1 1() it.
I lere vou are Mit In". -|hanks. love. 1 Iave a Ne,11 '. Maddv %1lt down next to her Mother. -BAcwit?" "TIC.
happcned to ilic. toct,1,1..." \121(!ch 11,1(1 al\\21\4 goucn
1-hev began to watch the television. There was .1
along well with her futher. %(,inc woilld even Nin that Nlic
Sitcom <)11. .ind :IN :1 htillic)1'otls 5((lic fined the .$(.1-Cen,
wa< [)adch·1 little xii-1 . I guc» thih U .14 1,< c .1114c· tli€n
thev hoth I,ilighed together. \(,thing needed to lit· 4,Iici,
tiliclci Nic)(,cl (·ach (,ther .0 well. \111(tch picked up her
l'her both klic·w tlin wel-c forn:.Ilist itting next to each
fork ancl grolined. 1 zilic, ca«ernle. wrain. 1 low she hated
(,ther w.14 (11(,ligh.
thiN Ntli|11 Slic began to move the c.]milkv piece; froin
92 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
·\Him Fox. War 11
f. 21
f pnul .\Han,ULr
(,cqui,(ic .\U<11(;
Hitnolic' 14'litn
4,1:,1,131'ih 1;'iil,1
' 14,"11/it·t
4 91
4,1--1'A (,1:iiI(· 14'ixic·1
1)illillia 14(·Kt
Funn Bohon
Ili-idgct lintit·ke
Lauren Buckli,
EMn liunnc
()1/ri,/ Burn/
.%Unntllc (114tln
1.ihil C h.irlt(,li
Year 12 - 1999
Kiara Chiodi
.%,11·,ih C ic hz
Briduct (:1(·an
(lli<,Ii]1(· C.(,lili"!
K:ilt iii.i ( 1111'11.1"
Ki-i.11 1):th·
1(·viclt 1).1,
(linlill(· 1)(9111(·
ktixten Dolle
Mic'1,11.,ijic Do, li·
K,tic· Eic·lilic>i·n
1 FB#(:mt,
Eli/a (hirtaili
Latilen Demetriou
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 93
Year 12
\1.11\ 1.1/ti
EM'abcUh Fof
f' 111·omn" (•.11(·lion.1
(lit' t
\rlci (.ic\
r 16 -22 4 iII
Eli/.11)(·thi 1.11\,·\
1„till.1 11.1|t·liurv
Rchck.1 1,11.(·111 +
loc knauqi
1 i \.1 1 in
I.i'.1 1.(,1111).ticli
Arili ..i-+4. Itii,14,1 lit,pkin.
1,111111(. lilli
· Mandeville Hall
p....1 Inkali''k
li(}11,1 i |l·g,lit\
jlt|1,1 11,1((|1)11,11(1
* 31 Year 12
11 . I. F
1<,11|I,trilll· \1.1110
Gculgia \1(C ,)111],u·k
1\.it]11(·i·n \1(1)011.11(1
>,31.r '' - 4
0/11 /¥ L
L.id. C hibc \Ic kc·„i,n
\It·,tuh.111 \Ict..Ill.Ill
kil·.tr \14 I..ititrlilii)
Ellie \Ial·.thon
'Am../1 1)hallic \2
1).illil·1.1 Votin:in
Phoebe \...1
.Itt'lli"(· ('litil·,1
£ LI \!11„ ia ()111")1
1.-nim· C )114
M.(1 08(· Park 111/{)"
4.,1.h 149ill„
All]1,l ]>11:Illl
t:ic,i.£' Poruu'
i·.1!Una Poult(,11
1 lannah Pric-c·
rr LE ...
4,11.1|1 Roulanct'
1 2• 1|,11111.1|1411.iii·<,Ik
ifUiIx<314,7 4
Enk X| 1(',11 1,/11
11 6-1. 1.",< Ihihn
IN 'Rh qui' lehan
.\t]\ littt·iti
ilt!(111,1 1,)('\{·\
CO cn
Year 12 r
n lennAcr lili 111)1111
.Lit-(pii \-ichil
\|(·1*Ul W.1111·1'.
\1.n \\·"N
iii'# \Vitt k
....A /
Rebecca \\('11(11,111(1
4,11,ih \Vhice
11,|im,th Whiting
\IC,4 \\Ticlgo.V
n --
n 4,It.1 /-0,/111111
(..illit·]ini· Yok<'in·M
PhUhqni /uhan,
Year 12 Class Teachers L-R) Mrs Joan Ryan. Dr John Collins. Ms Kay Powlesland. Mr Alon Kaiser. Mrs Margaret Smith, Mr Peter Crewe, Mrs Kaye Young, and IMr Brian Ellett (Year 12 Coordinator) Absent Mrs Barbara Watt
96 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
'·•' t:U ...1.••
Clockwise from top left: 1 Lauren Buckley and Josie Parkinson at the PAF. 2. Year 12 last day. 3. Year 12 in -he refurbished courtyard with Coordinator Mr Brian
Ellett. 4. Arriving in style- Bridget Cleary and Jessica Curley. 5. (back) Lauren Demetriou, Joan Allanadale, Erin Buntine (front) Laura Haslehurst, Katherine Gardiner and Claire McKeown. 6. Last day.
br-fr : r
4 1
"Sliorty, Midget 2111(1 (tteen Pully of the Puniverse, are but three of the nanies I have
been christened with...
1|w politically con'cct clit<·4(n-iM· 11% :t h'(·ilic ally ch,l|lciigici.. l he (111(1(· 111(7Ch· Ilitigh, 11,Ilitilig 11% 'Shill]1])<C. \'o Inatter \\Imt VOU (11()(ihe to (UU the undersi/(·d proph· 01 vic·icti·. Tic· imile 1111(1(·1 the
Mununan· of olle Jinple Hord: hhort. Stan(ling :11 21 1)1(»cd 1 lt) c'clititnetro. 1 prond|v wear this bbc].
[n prinwn' Mchool I did not notice the dill('1('11(·c, lintil one (lav all the oliu·r (hilch·(·11 hi'(·ined to Nt,ttict
taller a:,tinst 'Walk the (:lown - thc (12» growth chart. Ihi· (Ic)(·tors rea<%111-(·d that I w.14 a 'lat(· .h<,ot(·1-9 .ind that
1 wottld probal)1) have mv gic),\111 7,1 1,11111(·r in life. I was fed Ktoric. 211)(,lit peoplc'% sift(·1'4. c c )114in.4. Hecond 1,1 ilit·; and neighbc)111 s nicces who were all shint a> children
but hui diot lip' iii their teenage ve:11 4. 1 lived in fake hope belining· 1 would vit·ely be t,ilici 11 ilic time I was an :1(!1111: until one dav...
111(· clity thut I :0·21,0 (}1(1 etic}ligh to C<)11)])1('|1<'11(1 the word .genctic€ w» the nunnent 1 1111(1(,'<tood lin
pohition in thiN workL („ving int<) im lit<)111(·1-44 evi·h. I 1-(,ilised that 1 Inic! inherited 11(·i' gench: 21 1.52 c·c ittituctre till| woman. ()114(i-\'ation of im' 1-(11.ltives 1-(,(1.11(·(l that ill
inv Familv, height wa.% like food: the 111,11(· inembel·% had Imil inow 111:Iii 111( ir fair +11.li c and left tic,thing for the unincn. Foll(ming thi4 ve:iligtion \\114 21 4(·1'ic, 01
1,11111·litib, te:,14 :111(1 1)10\0 to Mic·tch in\ |('40. To no avail. I c )11( 11 ('(>13 jiticed inv' 0101(·1 ti) inill lin al-111. in c )11(· clitcction.\ihil.g lin brother glipped 111\ ankic, und ran 114 1.,vt .14 he con'clin the „ther. hici'it:t|)1\. height iN:, 11·:tit 1 lut\(-·lcill-ned to live without. 14111, 141(mil. 1 11:t\(' h,ld to
accept tbat 41)(·:tking u ) 1)(()1)1(·k 11(·ck, is ('llft< 1111.1 1-v 1*·11:lvic)111.
As :1 111(·1111)el- 01 the vertic,111¥ chal|ling-ed. 1 have
011(11 wonder(·cl il the \(·rtic,111; ('11(1(111(91 experience dilicrent weather condition Fonowino- the logic t|ntt heat lis(·4. 1 (()1101(1(1· 111,11 the 1.111 41()111(1 alivavs be a
degiee warmer. C 1,17\'I i.i·lv, 1 have observed the short 11.Hing the taH :th wind i),111-ie]·5 on inaliv occ,1,4ons. and conclticle the tall mu.41 hili |(·1 11101'c i 1-oin coId wilicls
clming wilitn' se,1,(>liX. 11('4])itc our 01)\ic)114 11(Alinage
duringcvclotic·%. bmng- %13(,it p<>ses it, 4uir o[ pic>111(·inf. 1 am c,(11.taili 111,11 In in) illicl-thit t ic.% 1 will have developed wric,110 neck injun' from contittll,111, lookinu lip lit lihin thill. 411(111 womn'n :tic (1(licatch referred to :th
7)<·titc·'. A few added kil<,5 however (.111 11.111,401]11 thiN tille inic) 1)(,\\|ing- 1):ill', :1(1(lin,Lf Hilt,( ((40,11-v %11(·44 to the Aniallet· frinal(·+ of>(}Cirti'. 1,11111·illk <)111· Ni/(· :1]v>('llvlirs
that %11(,I)])ing lor (lot]1(% A a (lihitil<)114 event. \\'hiht I
cringe : the Nocal|cd 'inini %kilts' hang])('low im· knees. cverv pail- 01 11'()11$(·1-0 1 1)111(h,thc imiq h.tic· lillic·11 ((·tilimetrest<·111{)\(·(l from theill<·114111. I cur.Ne thili·,4,41 111()11(1(41(,illti·ing· iii llc)ici·v cominerciak. kiliming that
om· 01 111(·ircal\(15 1%114|4)ng- ah inventil-c lower body, and
98 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
I hau· Colivcit'l·(·(1 .ttt('1,1])till,LA voc)(1(,c) It:int.t 11,111)ic (1011+ (>1-1 9·vel-al <)('ca·hi€)114.
I lot. hilinid (12,10 oil (1,1111111(·d public 11.11101)<)1-t :11(
als<> hightful (il'(-11111.tance< 1)(·ing 1.,(c'-level with the arilpit% 01 +11(utv %(11(3<)11){)\, i. |111- frolil 111)1('0<cd \ANIc.
\\'hi|.41 wc |carn to drive Mitting on plion<· 11(,c,ks. 1 must admit however. 111111 <)111 1,ic k <)1 11('ilillt cloch (,1 1(11 %(.r.(·1,11 :icl\.111,440•.
\1\ Miller ilifortned Itic· t|l.nt 1)(·ing 41,ort N verv cconoillic·al: un .4|ic)(hoingradc hix Ntill lit ((,lilh)111+1)lv,
1 ain al)1(· to diop in ilic· c|li](11(·16 wction ill \1\(1. and
I can vii| receive chilch('11'4 plicch ilt Pi//a lilli. At paltic'%. | .1111 2 Cllanti)ic)11 lilill)() I)|11\(·1. 21. 1 '1111 :ll)]c. tc) \\2111/ right 111](let- the Ntick for the litht ten to fifteen 10,111(14 withoill actil.111> bending lin back. 1 (,113 appcar
ax c )1(1 ;1% twelitv or :ls voting- as fourteen and th tiN €71 jov
pla\ing Illind ,4,1111(·, will, 1111%1ly)ecting %11'2tllger,4 2111(1 Ilig]11(·hil) chmimen. 1 have found viletto '4|100; to be a renwi kable imunion: bi·Nules 11([(ling ten centi]11(·troot
height alid acting' a.% a xophisticated i,shion accexhorv, 111(9 prow to bc a comenient %111\ival \0(,tpon ill the con™· 01 sell-Cle!('11(-c. 1<C'gardle.%4 (>[ All<·h adunitaget 11(nrever. manv reitiv· to recogilise the igililic:ince (11 1)('ing Nhort, and find littinour in lack ot height.
For liti· pint tell wal'+ 1 11.nt· enditi-ed ihort inkee. Xhoi ty, Midgel :111(1 (211een Pum of ill(· lialliverse al-c 1,111 1]11(·c of the 11,1111(· 1 11,1·e lic·(11 chi·Ntencd with.
Comp:iling me to a plant. mi 1,1111(·1- oft(·11 511{44('%1% that 1 411()111(1 1,111(1 in u 1)11(1«·1 01 111:111111·(· iii ()1(1('1· to gro\V
taller. My younger brother, who now Ntand. al 173 centimet!'('4. 1('(11|111.4 re-(·nact, a %('cuc wherein he htel)%
on an ant: |ater in|'orming that it w:th acill,1||v ,;11)){)h(·(1
to lic· 111(·. |()111111,11(·h I have accepti·(1 111:11 111\ height is x 11'tre ):111 0| Inv identitv, 1111(1 ain not {)1|(·11(1(·([ when im- coinpanic)11% 1.lugh 111.11 „11(·11 1 .1111 1)1 (·gl].ilit 1 will bc 'wiclcr ]11)Ii/ont.tilv tlian ,(·rtical|\ al,(1 2,1)1(· 10 1·oil to Im' clc·viti,lti(ilic'.
1 live iii the knowledgi·. thal liki· 111, li,(,11](·11 1 2,11, a
link iii Ilic (haill thlit Will V):,Wn 111(· 1:('11('I,ttic)114 01 'Shortio' tocc,ine.,\. 1 gracettill' MI,Iinkintooldage, 1 will be there to coi™)1(' 111\ (1,111,4111('1% and grand clittighte,h t]11-{)11gli tlic·i]- own telitper tantillins, ;ind hclp thi·in to endill(· the jok<·0 111:lt I ('11(Illi-cd bv teachillig ill<·in tO li nd the hil inour in tlic·ir own height, 1 will Allow
tlwin where to %]lop..111(1 how to (11'ive on phone book.. I will (1('111(111411-Itte the vergtilit\ (31 xiii(·110 41()ch :ind will
elicc),11'212(· thc 1)111(h,ising o| chil(11(·114 tic·kith. 1 \dll even bin thon their litv l>,urbic (Ic>11.
1.tin known for im height |)\ 111, 1,111]il, .01(1 hict](1%. and remembcird bv vrling(·i- as thal whort gh1 11],11 we
inct ' . 1 .ic knowh·(14-c 111.11 1 will tic·\ (·r be an ( )1\ Inpic h igh
ill:nper. or a ['1111()11. %111)('1'lll<)(1(11. lilli my height i, 11'; 11,1(1(·inark. I prefer to bc 1-('111(·11111(11-cd »K '%|1(11'tv' 1-,ither 11],ll) 11{)1 1'('111('1111)('1-(·(1 '11 </11.
Mary Fonti. War 12
Rest iii Peace
1 flumble luck. tile phone becoining loof, in mv
111€·re A onlv one thne that I can recall \\'11(11 life
grip. 1111\#i|ling to hcar or aca·pt the \1'01(15 ilmt \1€'1(' 1,c ing aid. 1 kiu·w it lucl to be n vc k joke- people 1 knew
»·inal to im· absoltitel, perfc« True happinc» b a
clichil (lic, and p.titictilarl) not ],coph· I lowd. .\iii-lt;
Electing- :111(l inhrcitic·lit vitte, Nina· it i. pan of |111111:111
1)iIi'.4 war going to bc there when 1 graduated. dic would
11:11111-c 10 Alwai N want .c)iii(·thing itiove. and while I oilen
be at 111) wedding - 13(i-hap. helping ine with lin \(·il -
ice| 11,11)])#, in the clilitted, 11lindanc \vav the word N al.cd. I can al\\'21)% find a complailit. a 1)11)1)1(·in 01 anothi·i desit-(· iliggling al the back 01 mv inind. c, (·11 ah
an(1 411(' m)61 hold m, 11(·whorn children in her annx,
gi,iug 111(· achic<· 211)(Int 11:lppie; and (111!111111(·0. 1 knew 1110(· thingN,,111(1 Vel c \( t ir the Wc)1'(lh ol clctiial |c·It Un
liu· (()111(1% 01 111\ 111(,tith citil tip and iny c.,c.4 y),,ikle. I lowever. 01] the weekenci in que;tion. I could not think
01 1 iny chin litid nuking un lacc· itch - had 1 been in a
- no inatter how hal-(1 1 tried - (,1 Ililit|ling lili,vlig.
Mt,lic to (.11-c. I clort'(1 iii, molith. 011-lic·k with realigtion
allithing I needed or cu'll,allithing (·1.(· I wanted.
01 lill· flitiliti of im wordS, and [ 0,ink to tile gic)lind, iny
The nunm·nt when 1 joined. for u 41101·t zihile. Ilic
nunith. 1(·,11% werc treamin,g (1(nui lin clieck.. chippilig
4 1:iking k tive; 1 1 11,11)1(· to %11])1)()1-1 1 1 1,· ain Ic)11*(·i,
pri\ileged 1-ank. of tlu· 1111(·11) cont<·ni ,)('('1111(·cl (·,(·1-:11
I clon't knou how long· 1 1('111.lined huddled in the
year, 44(, when 1 writ on .1 1.,1114-11:lg-(' crc'11,84(' to
corner, v )1)1)ing al(nul. t he 1(·:11 % conling· ftister '111(1 with
France. 1 Nuncd with a wal-in. welanning lainil) iii the
111()1(' i{·1{)(itv Ilt (·\(·rv wol-(1 01 0,1111),till\. ('\)1al],ltion
licart 01 Norm:,11(lv (cirti] ti'w·sick· :ind for the fili few
1111(1 understanding mr mother Npoke, 1 (|idiA w:int
neckh liti· 1,1(,dded along 1 st 1-liggled with the
word€ 1 wanted her to walk through thi· dool-,ind hold
1,1114-11,1,4('. 11{)1111(1(·red in a .(·,1 01 11(1„· 1,1(c·% and
inc. 1 wanted - 11(77lcd clcy,crately - a hug .0 hard it
cm{(11%ionaliv long<·(1 for the fainililtlit, 01 11()111(· and
u<)111(1 hill-t: 1)]nfical contaa thilt 10()111(1 1-(·,1*VI]-C· ine I
lamilv. Then c )11(1 weekend. mv dc fuelo parenth decided to comph·te my French education and take Inc to Parif21 1,1()h])('ct that lilled litc with wild clation 11-(,111 the
wa&]EL .11{)11(· in the world, But Nlill,1171)' wasift thet c, 1,11(1
incimc·lit il wa·; propofed.
11(,tring- her \(,ice onk· 11111(le inc long- c,ell inc)rc 9,1.*Mic)11,11('1) for her arilib.
No 1 hung tip the ])11(,lie, mv voice cracked :ind
P.li-K One of tile worlcl Litrat .111(1 1,1111()11.4 (itic.X: a
broken :10 I tried to .in goncline. I .al iii til,- c c )1-nci-,
place I h,icl clt-cami of vixiting mv whole lile. Dehpite a chilciliond spent j„+t .ici-c,» the Eng]Nli (:liannel. 1 had
(141(1|ing mr head in im· hand.% .ind crving - for nn··If.
never bern t.iken to the citv of un dre.ims: mv 111(,thers
c ()1111-acte d pai Ill illiv as I wit. 1 Iillv hit with the reali Gation
traditional Eliglidi ])]cjitilices - 11101)ircd bv (cklitll lic·4 of enillity and \1':il-ful-c - Callhed her to preler >Rvitic·rlaild 9 Italv or Scandinavia a. holic!,1, clivinations.
And .0 after a lifetime - albeit u .hort unc - 0[
long·ing. I went to Paliw. I good atop tlic· F.iffel tower ancl the Arc de il-ioinphe, SC,ti(-ely daring to believe that I
wa. looking Clown npon the rti-(·ct. thal had 1)11(·(· been filled with the blood 1111(1 trirrn- of the French
for lin' clead aunt, for the rest 01 the faillih. Mv che.St
of what it Ii{)111([ inean tO never again fee Atilit, Dih·4,
and as un sol)|)ing became 111(,1-C Violent I 411-liggled to lin feet und left the vitch. 1 lan ])11\t 111\' ast{,lilhhed llcht lami|v, mv 11]ind - (11]llchcl bv griel .ind pitin - b.izilking- al the icleit of offering Inort· 111:111 a .illi],le 'Ma talitc· est
111(,1 te to explaill mv ])111Ij' red eve.N and wet [.ice. I .c)('king lin i)(·(11-noin door. I flitint 111,0/11-onto the bed ancl began beat ing t hi· pilli ),\-f is-ith 111\' fi.%t.. Thel-(' \\ .1.h fc I
revollition. I walked down the C :|ilimp. El>Al·.c. lit night
milch emotion il™ide ine - 1111 1),ld. 11(·gatiw :111(1 +11(1. in
ancl \1,111(1(·red the hall.% 01 tile· I.,)11\1<'. 1101 \\,inting to
hharp c{)1111'21%1 to the girl of 1.141 night - thal I li,1(1 10
111(),re. or n.en breathe, in case 1 41(,1,1(1 17„-:11«·11 111\'self
phNcall, rele»Ne Nome of it, and .11 one point during
fami the dream and CaliM· the work, 01 the Ina•%1('1-4 10
thal gricf |illed elli) 1 cu·n had to thi 11.1 th(· edge of the
4|limlm·1- alld vitili,11 ill)In in front 01 Inc. NOI Ic)!' 11
blankcl into inv' mouth to preVent a WaVe 01 NCEC:11]ling,
motnenl (111! ilit.t th,11 wec kend did 1 think ()1 111, 1):11'elliN -ht :11(>11(· ini» 111(·111 -and I couk[ thinkof no plin· that \\(,tild have iliduced ilic ic) in» ihc (>p])(ittlitlit> ic) critiw Ilic %(·inc, or to have 111\ photograph taken,
'111 through the clin· 1 1,1, oil 111, 11('cl, 421(Ine» „((,tric)11:allv' turning to ang(·r- at .\unt, Dil\% for leaving
Inc, al the (1()(toi'$ for not pri·venting it. und Mt (;od for al|()1\·ing it. 1 (11(111'[ luilit ]]n' 11('\1 \ihit to Newport to
lidiculou. glin ])].1.teral to lin face. in front of Notn·
imht(le a gr,mwom·. I (Ii(In't \Yant to have to lav a
wl-cath undel-neath her epitaph und tile »lial 14]P':
Everv inoment 01 the weeketicl \\-11+ ilit,·i\*c)\'en \vith a
14·Nt in Pelice. 1 (ticln't want her 10 1-(11 - ill Peacc. or in
4(·lihc (,1 lit, Nt(11 i .ind magic . .111(1 (·wn 1,1-( .ith I took wa. expelled in Im'e .10 11(·w 11'(111(1('1-0 11!1(11(led 'A h)'-c mv
am' (,thi·r Ntate, 1 walitecl hcl- to grect me with a vlii|(·
0(·0. \\01](·11 it \uiN tillit· to pi|(. ilito thi· c'.ti' .111(1 1(1111111 tc)
and a wink. and dip 111(· a peppermint from her bag when Mizin wa.11-t looking. 10 0(luer/t· 111)' 11:111(1 :ind hay
the colintrv, 1 pre«ed un lace againv 111(· Alutow a.% we
we \#(111|(1 do Nonwthing lilli latcl.
drove with tvpical French |i,thte aild ,·c'c kic.vic towal-(1 home. I highed with happilic·ss - perfect happiness - and
& 11 „'c ,\ (,111(111 t. a nci having :0 1-(·c <'„ 1 1, experienced the ic·nith of happitic·ss. I now kit tliat the light had
1 knew I wouk! be back again. ful in thiN (itv i had lound
g(>11(· 11-(jin life. never to ret,11-11.
the llc>h Grail (}ihilliian cinotic)th.
Che f ollowing morning 111\ 111(,ther telei,lic itied to Mar 1]tat illy aillit - lily illic)ill'itc Altilty' Di])'s - had died 01
Mi·gan \\'alters. JAN- 12
cancer while I was n ),lining the %t 1-eet 4 of Pal i 4.
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 99
I.a,9 r ·7
I pria i
Georg a McCormack
Genevieve Audley
Phoebe Nugent
Kiara Chicdi
Katherine Ga'diner 1
lear 14
Studio Art
Charlotte Hickey
Eloise Porter
Kiara Chiodi
1 7
f 9 4 W .
Clare Gibson
Laura Haslehurst
Erin Buntine
May Wang
Year 12
Erin Buntine
Eloise Porter
Roisin Gleich
Religious Education \+ we prepare for thejubilec 32·:11' '111(1 ('(.1('1)1'ate (>111 75tli lilili\(·th.11\ it N perh:,1,0 1111])(,1-lant that \Ii· 1(·11(·Ct on ilic)%(· 111-(,1 c,f c)111· Nc'11(,01 |lic which rellect liu·
C.'1111(,lic luttirc *)1 1]110 4('11< Hil. 114 1 (>1(·to gint Ilitcl il. counnitinent to the vallic'.4(,1 the (;c).pcl. \4 11.10 1)(·(·n tilititional ('14(\111(·ic the \1,14 al hi Pallic·16 (.1,111('ch'.11 to (cle|,lat(· the 7.-,th Anni,(·rgn
w:14 :111 itil)()1-1,1111 cwnt for tnaln 1(·:IN<)11+ in Illi' lile 01
tlic Milili·nt,0. 1 „,10 vi uck l); thc 111:lin ven 1,(,Nitivc 1/ V" )11%( 4 11!21(1( 1)\ 11]i· St It( 1<·111% .t|){)Ill t|1(' \I,th' .11(| it, *wilicanci· 11, a inc,ment (,1 ((·Ii·111'atic)11 ill „tll Ii\(·4. One k.11 1() %10(lent when \\11-iting :11)(vilt thi t)((·a·ion comine!11(·d: 1 wir; actitallv not goinit to coinc Imt Vin No
glad I did. I h)ved tlic Nia.4.4 and en(led up Anging my
Year 11 students Beth Jones, Rebecca Prescott ariel Tina Vanspal meet Archbishop Belo from East Timor.
heart (3111 nhich i. 1-.11-c f'01' 111('. 1 (1()11't 1('(1111 being
(lisilitel»ted in aily pitit (,1 the \12,%4 1111(1 1 1(>1111(1 the pill\(1-4 und reading. ,11)91|Litch beantiful . Another
wrotc 1 1('It icn proud 10 1)( ,1 1.(,1-et<) htll(lent on thix
([av, but ®t hope 1 an get a front row vut nt the Centenan Al.104!' 011! 10 11(' 40 conficlcut thut \()11'11 be :11(,ttlid 111< 11!
I tijaki· thi, comment 1)(·Gul.(· I think it hel])% t<) plit the lic to the idca that vou'lit pcople Will not Ity)(}11(1 to 2111(1 al-c 11(}t intl·re.trd in Ic)1111.11 litiligi. U'c 11,11(· 1!11(1
inain oppol'llinitics thi.4 wal' 10 Imu· 4111(1(·11!h hnol\(·d in liturgi ilt l'\(7\ 1(·wl (,1 ilw .4(·hool .tinlit Nlic·:11-1(·Iling toM·( 111('('liti"Hi,1%111 01 thi·gil-14,111(1 theil'CrealiVil\,Ind
1,1':tic,1-111|tic'NK when given 111(· opporitinitv 10 1)1.(.1):H.c their (nut liturgical ((1('1)1.ttic)114. Ac) c)((,l,AM. mihi·11 thi4 wa< evident wric· al the Year K Itc'treat :,11(| tllc1 3,< 'll
Dvo 00
11 (:111'Nti,111 1.i\ing Calnp.
Ihi4 \'(·ar (,ill' War 11 Ic·\1% alic! .|livia· All{1(·11*N
((,tril)]ch·([ a tinit 01 Flic[\ on jibilce. thil ing the u)111'Ne 00*
01 Illi, %111(h v)1!1(· Mildent>, <)111(.(1 10 1)1'(1)111'c :t (|11» <)11
clic 111(·im· for a 'war 6 (11» in tlic Illl,1(,1 hclic)(,1. c)llc'(' again thi·\ Ify)()11(14·(1 with gi-cal (·1111111#ia.Min :in(1 14·re 211)1(· t<) ('()11littltli('ill(' tl)(. tic,tic)11 (,f Jill,ilee cli·.11·1\ and cre:itivch to thi· illilic)1 girk
()11(· lic·\\' 1)Ic),41-1111111]c \Ve h.lic· illitiated thiN ve:w N to bconne ill,c)]u·(lin the Tutoling lic,gl.unnic condit(·ted
11 .1 1,21<t ],lil)il of L.M.H. Miss Al.1-6111'(·1 Gurry il-cnn St
Jessica Young with Sofia Cabal Pasini the Year 8 Retreat.
.}c)1111-41:2101 \1('ll)<)111-11(·. Ten <)1()lit'%111(1(·lit. are hn-olved
with two li,ist Timorese 1,111]ilies :ind otic· from Ethiopia. Tlic·\ \Rit once .1 Fortnight .nul Imit· 1)t((,ini· i.·n 9171(,lved und comrnitted to their |:imilic.. 11 hil, been a
\'c·n I'lilightelling- r\11('t-ienci· fin' hoth %111(lent.,111(1 01:11.1 Anolved in thiN progranune. particill,tih lor thox< working with the Latilitic. froin !·bl Tinun. » both honilic, 11,1(1 vill(·red gre.ti 1)('1-v)11,1 1(,4, 11* 11 1-('1111 of [hc vic,lcnce therc over the 1,1%1 few months. 1 was c)\('1-\'11('1111('(1
With () ill· th <)1
1,1.<)grannm· inicl it k a tril,tile to the genct·ovili· 0| the vildenb herc al 1.,\1.11. that ilic progi,linilic 11,1.1,cell .c) %11((('%%1111.
c )tic'(· 11,4-Ain I thank all the «111 illi{)1\('(1 111 the 14.1·..
121(1111:. They arc a verv cominitted group :incl 1111\'c the be;t intrit·Nt, ()11,11 tl)(1il htll(!C'1110 ,11 11('Illl. Al,11·ie Itti)\\'li
>,c·nior >,chool Rilittic)114 1·.ctil(Iltion (.c)(,1(till,Nor
102 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Simply Sharing Mass
After six weeks, those of us who had been on the
flight to St Elienne met lip again at the airport. After saving goodbve and doing the whole cheek-kissingthing. we went throug-h the luggage check to wait to board the plane. Our host families waved at tls illitil we
were out 01 sight. then we boarded the ilight to Paris and Apent the next two (lars either on plane% or waiting ai-ound at Svdney .111(1 l'okro's airports before we macie it llc)/"i'.
Rachel Griffiths and Cassandra Fry experience a snowy January in France
This experience was anmzing. As Mine Watt said before we left, "Yon I\'ill be ch.Illging yolli- 11111;wage,
country, tradition,;, house, family, friends, class niates,
French Exchange
.incl teachers: vour whole (11|ture". We clicill't just learn
When our group :11-1-ived in Pari.4 hist t)('ceinber, Moinc o| lis went k) inect {)111' lic)%1 flitiiilic.4 Xii·aight uwav, while the rest of ils went to stav at a hotel C "It i.4 1-ight
abolit 1111(,ther cillture, we becalne 11 part of it for six Monnie Savage, War 11
next ic) Ic St.lde de 1.1 17!ance, where we had the World
Cup! the bus driver prouclly told us), From here \ve W<)111(1 (liscover' Paris for the next four (1,11'4. \\'ith our
Land of the Rising Sun
1(mi- guide (our own Mine 14()1)ellson), we went to
During the Terin .1 holidavs, 15 %111(tent,4 who are
1(,liti.Mtv places stic·11 ax the Eiffel Tower, Notre Daine and
('111-1-enth' stii(1ing.apanese lit 1.(,irt<) Mandeville 11.111,
>kicre Cocur. 1% it was whucr in France the weather was
accompanied bv Mine Watt and Mne Ross, participated
a lot coldet- th,111 we' Ic· ined to in Mell)<)11 1 llc . \Ve h.1(1
in a home-slay programme with stlictilit.4 from our KiNter
conic from 10''C in Melbourne to 5 C in INH·is.
4(11001 in .lapan. Flikitok,1 14:ii·;ci (lii-Ix' Scnior I ligl
Ilic flist week \vax inal]11)' spent nodding und Naving 7)iii" to evel-\'thing anvonc· said to tis. After a while we
gencral conversittion with <)111 [tilililies, :111|1<)11gh we did
l'he first two (1116'% wei·(· spent touring the citio; 0[14,()10 and Nat'a. Both (ities were (>tice ancient capital, of .japan. alld air lilli of interexting hivi)1'ical ])|accx. In
Atill 4)(·11(1 a lot 01' tilne pirtending wc kiu·w what wil, 1)(·ing- said 10 11.4.
Slit i lic'.4 ;til(| ti till)1(1%. 1 lowever. the gills .11%0 en joved tile
4(·till·d down and [(·11 comfortable enoligh to make
\\']lili· .It Ac h(,(,l hi Vi,111(( ivi \i,( 1-(1 Al'll)11%((1 1() 1(·111-11 11 1111111!,cr of new t|ling'% 211)0111 ,\11.411-alia |1(,in their
Fliglixh textbooks. For illst:ince, did voit know that 8% of 11> int noinadx, road ti,lins arc the Inisi.4 01- our
1,1,1-ticular, the gil 1.4 enjoyed visiting 14}'c,to',4 and Nal·10; All<)1)])ing· opportillitic.s tliew citio offered. Wc vidted Nag»aki ivhich wax verv confronting, ax we we re a b l e t o ( ' 1 ( 111 1 - h, sce t h ( · h 11 i n a n t rag e dv c . li t i s e d bv t h e dewistating effectsofthe .11(,inic i)()111). hi particillar, the
(·('()11(nnv, 1111(1 we all rek on ainphet:unines to survive?
viNit to the Atomic- 110,111) Mtiscum wax worthwhile as it
Yon learn something new everv dav! People we met were grnerallv interefted in Atistralia ilic),Igh, .ind asked Ii.
(Ic)('11111(lited inlinv perhonal Accoullt>; 0|the experiences
101,4 01' questic)[ir, ahholigh froin 1)(·ople at ,(11<)01 thev 111.litily walited to know al)0111 11(·11111):rak I ligh (or 1 1 ,11 tle€ 21% ther called it). Someone even gave il.% 11 |etter
()13 the thh-d (lin'. we took the Ihillet 19-ain (Shink,1 i™cio
to give to 1)1·11/ic (lin· Ilic,st· who ct<nA watch 11(·111·11 11'Glk Iiigh. thaO thi· sc)-called good looking one). +In·ing thal
as there were Ao few people in Alistralia wAI meet him hoon. C)thers had tic)111)1(· 1111€ln-standing- wherc we lived.
bi lieving Sulney is Allstralia'% one and c )!ilv city - "Whcre do voll live:
Melbourne." "\llicir, *chu··v?
Mell)(1111 lic', it '4 flit'ther Mouth." "Oh, vou inean S>,(liwy..' "No, Mell,c,iti·ne! You've hunct ofit?" " ()h. Melbourne! Th.11'4 near Aver< Rock. isii't it?"
Genel-,1111 school was very (lill'erent i 11 14'1,ince froil] Achool itt I.(,1 (110. For a Ntart. it was co-ed, wi· 11,1(1 llc )
uni|(,1111. and tile (111\% were inuch long-el·, solne Min·ling
at 8.00 am and linishing at 6.00 pm. But mo.1 clavs we'd
of the proph· c )1 Nag,i,tki. This mils< 11111 1 ( tilinded 113 of the import,ince ofpeace and the hum,in ('c )11 c )1 \var. from Kvoto to Irtiktioka. capital of the southern ix|and 14,1141111, where we were met lit the station bv liu· host-
fainilic>; and xchool reproculatives. Our xtll(!clith unc
litixic )11% prior to nweling their |Innilies, however tlwit·
fears quickly dissipated when they Maw how enthilii,iNtic 2111(1 excited their 13().41 fillililicK were at the prospect of hosting than. For the next 97'(11 (111\'4. c)111- stil(!ent% liu·(1 with their host lillililin and attended school with theit- hoxt sific·i·A
cach dav. The Achool (11'ganived iii] exciting and
infornutive prograilline for the gii·ls, which illchided lessons iii c·,illig·raphv, origami, the te,2 cereinonv, .j.t]).tlitse cooking, how 10 11%(· the abaclts (S<)101)2111), a
h a ve a t l e a s t o n e h r e, a n c 1 >, c ) 1 ] w t i m e s t h e a f t e 1 - n o o n c ) 1 1.
traditional Japanese dance called Bon-OdorL and they
Other clifici'(lic (·.4 in sclic)(,1 life were that in the frees we
spent a half day at K.tixeD; primary sclic)01 2111(1
C<)lt](1 leave ,( '11 c )01 and go to the shops i 1 we wal 7 t ed . and
iii between chises a number of the Firlic h stticlents
The beliclits of experiencing a home-stav Mitch as thi.%
woiild go outside for a smoke. One school even h.id .1
are enolinoux. Our %111(lentS gained Cultural insighis
Amoking- break between the last two classes.
iii to.}21])2111. 21,4 Well as expel·iencilig a gl'eat improvellient
For Noinc of lis, there was a hea\'v slic),0'fall jil,Mt aftel
in their 1.ingii,We skills. They were able to develop (1<,se
New Year. We thought this was full until, at school, we
frieliciships with their home-stay families, which
discovered massive %11(m·ball fights, and people who thong'hi 'Hey, the £\Listialian, will never have Keen Aliow
hopefulk, will last for life.
before, let's get them! !!"
Emma Ross
Japanese Language Teacher
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 103
Erin Buntine (Y 12)
Beth Stewart (Y 12)
; 49,-
Karen Lee (Y 12)
Victoria Toovey (Y 12)
Years 11
and 12 Art Angela O Co'inell (Y12) Nicola Roberts (Y 11)
Stephanie Maule (Y 11)
Nicola Roberts (Y 11)
Celeste Kininmonth (Y 10)
Natalie McNarnee (Y 7)
Nicole Mamouzis (Y 10)
Senior 9
School Art
Rebecca Whitty (Y 10)
Georgina Molloy (Y 10)
Emily Varrenti (Y 7)
N-0-71011\Al J: 4111:in 0712 \1CTORI. i
Caroline Wallace (Y 11)
Year 12 Studio Art class of 1999 excursion
Remie Cibis (Y 9)
Drama and Theatre Studies Chet' the pint war. 1,1-nina at Loreli) 1-lah g-rown to lant»tic ht·ighb with wonderful achic,elil<'1110 .illd
experictic<·0. (1 ,I..(·0 :11-(· llc nv llc-1-c )40 .ill war level; front Prep to Yeat· 12. 1
E.,ti+Iici' in the ve,11·. liu· %(-hool |)(·gan it4 bilt|,(lin C
Ic·Ic·bration. with die 73!11 .\I,tiivergn Pageant 14·(1 In &14 Joall 11()1'g:111. \11-4 Rol)\Ii Kin :111(1 \11-+ .\1111(· O'%|wa ill (c)]Ill|)oration \vith the \Ill.ic v.111.tild vililenth. lLc
Pilitrant imok-((Il)(1-1(urnmnce. 1)\ 1)1-21111,1 qlicli·lit. llc)111 1)<)1]] the.unior and >,ciliol- >,chooIN and waN a fantitxtic 4,111 to what wa. to bc a li ttitilt| rear of Draina at Loreto NI'llide\il|C 111111.
ical 7 and K <·Iljou·(1 the .]linior 11(>11.4' Dranu h·Ntival in March with \\,11 (1 winning the ovcrall al]) for
tile·ir 1 )(·11(,1-111.111(-c (,1 .\-0/hi/,4- /1,·ri/.0 a /6,ic,/ / /u,h. Ihe inauound
jbar 12 rhcant Hi Iiclic,+ cl.1.
1,(·112 )1 1 112'(1 0/7,e ////pfi//rl//ct' <4 /;ri/,g /·.///'//,·s/, whic h \\.:th a Tha cast of "Dinkum Assorted"
46 4-.,-429-21*VIvil,6 ;
L. I ...... I I'l· 1.,
. M.U..MFA.:..1 2 2, .' AMP, 5 -M· .2 ' '"1./ I' ... i,
41(·111 +11((('.4 1111(1 (-citaill|, Net :1 high *t:111(lard for the
Wal- 11 ])lin later ill the ic·ar. /)i,ihum .Aw)-/,9/ \\.ah ])('1-1(>1111(·d in Inid c )(14)1)(·1 2111(1 11,0. 11 t.1-1-cat vic('(·0%.
C.<)11£lcultlation. to '111 g-ilk who competed in the It)1)1) >Unkeyx·211'(· h·.ti\:11. (YMHA .\Imabc] Hinith and billic)11(· ILI| lor their [lig|11, ((,Ililiic·licic·(! l)('Ihil-nuna· 01 \Lul)(·th and l.ack .\I.ul)(·th in the (111(,lootic »tic)11.
1)111 ilig H |14 )01 t ime. we have cnjou·(1 a l)l illiant rang-c 01 l,111( litillic ])(·1 fornunce... I lic U·al· 1() gil'|4 l)1 (·M'litcd 111(·il' (1('ii•u·(1 plav, c.litith·(11)1'(·Illil. :ilic! 01,c·.,ic>11.,ind a Ilic),1 ('111('itailling I Iwillir >,l)011>, C.()1111)(titic)11. 3(·111' 9
wrotc their own p]:th alul ])1(VW#1 111('M' t)\(11. 10ll' hiliclitilm·N. \11(lic·11((·% were 1,114(· atic[ wal|\ (·lijowd ilw
.. Erin Buntine (Gwendolen) and Kirsty Mclaughlin (Ernest/Jack) in the production of "The Importance of Being Earnest".
H<,ile, ne,cliti·(1. hpc('i,21 (·c)1114),Nlll,ltic)11% gc) 1(, all tril.IN
pinticipatcd in the Pellonning .\110 1·»tiull. It \\,14 a \0()11(1('11111 1,11(1 illy)iting night 1111(1 thi .,111(1211(1 01 ])('tionil,111((· in ,111 all·11. wil* c'\tivilic·h high. IhiN crittink mitile th<· ill<lgek 1,1.k a ver, clillic ith (,lic. \\(41
clone Parn. who won the PAF (,lip. Al(>111.111(· who won th(' 1)1,1111,1. Illvi'lliii(·lital and (.11(,ral %1ii·IcE und
Alttlhall. 111(· 1)ance and l)(·4<n >,Ilic|(IN. ()\('1,1|].1)11<111:l thi.,(401 h,1,|)('('11 )11('11(>Ilic'11,11 :al](111 1)1(·.2911-(· 10 11(· a pal-1 01. Ihank. to :111 val! „11(, 11.1,(1 clone No much |(,1 1)11,111,1: \1+ In,in Mol·g·,111. \In Robvn
1<in. \1. janine ( 4·(1(leN. \11%+ (:|ilihtine \\'alt(·1'4 in the
junic), hclic)(,1. .ind other hcl])(·r..in the ])14)(111(tion€ Ah 14·tcr C *we. \11- %|lit-1(·\ (:h.il)inan. \Ir F.(1(lic ]\.111( . \It F].iNer |4,111('. Mr Bren 11.it-lict- 2,11(1 illj .\1111(· C)->;hea.
1-1-in Buntint· (DI:1111.1 (.Ill,tain)
Year 9 Drama "Ritual" i'Front) Katherine Stowell and (back) Katie Rose Smith.
106 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
School Sports Captain's 1
Report In It.)119 Loreto hah exceHed in 111.111\ cliffric'lit y)01-ti
Al all Inch 11-om intel·11()110(· to 1],ttic)1111|. .%])(,1-1 i• all hnportant part 01 the 42·11( )()1 0 lifc 10.0 it,/114)/1 + th/· gil-14 10 dew|op hienchhip. 2,11(1 pllihical kills, At int(ichoollew] 1.MI I <,lic·r 21 y)01-isiticlticling thi· new|v int]·oduced (lif<'ii)|iner of (:olf all{I %1111 1.ill·$:Militi a. well a. the inoic 1 1:,(litional y ,)114 01 Rowing,%(,111)all .itic[ 110(kn. 11,1-ouglinlit th(· ,(1;n· there \\(.1-c lit:un' c\(-('llent
i-i·11|t, which 1-IliNcd thi· >;clic)()1'% 9)(,Iting profile. Act-obic. received it best Irhtilts with {)111 1)1('11!11 1(·am'
coming N<·cond in \'ictolia and qualihing for the t
nation:lk where tfu·\ callic ilinth. 0.1.\Ilill·tin Nquad won the Dirihion 2 >,(:%.\. :ind thi·, will now inow lip to di\Nion one 11(\t vear. ill ()pen 11{)cla·\ hain counm·nced turl training und u» then entered into the
1111(hanan (:lip whric the, placed thinl. The Int('linediatc Netball li·.1!11 113.1(1<· it to the (tivi.ion [inal,
01 ilit· Schoolgirk Neth.,11. .ind the 1111(711,ccli.tic (:1-040
School Sports Captain and Mulhall House Captain. Errma Poynton (second from left) leads the cheering with the Vice Captain of Mulhall Natalie Flegg as their house is announced as winner of the House Athletics Trophy at the Interhouse Sports. Sophie Laurence, Barry Vice Captain displays the House Relay Cup while the other captains applaud.
C (}Illiti·vh·,1111 \,on the l.>i.\ 111\'itational (,10% ('4)11!lin
Al(·ct which 1.\11 I hosted. 1 ]Wi-c Jirchir :ils<) iliternationa| ili.itches held .Fraili4t Coli)111.t (.il|% C.<)11\(·lit. who viNitcd
il* 11·om F.ngland. in Vollnl),ill :111(l Nell),111.
1·'01- thoft· gills who do not wi\|1 to compcle Itt an
iliterschool level the intel lic) ilse Viorts ])1,1 111 7 important rolc. The interhouse Ath](·ties held ilt Oh Inpic PIll-k .111(1 the ilitel-]louxe Swimming held .11 \Idb<)lit'ne Sportx 1111(1
Aquatic Ccntre provide opportunitic14 101- girl. of all 1(·vek to compete :ind repic<ent theit-114)11%(· ill the pooL 011 tlie ti-ack or iii the stand Cheering for 11(,11.(· :])irit.
(fc)1141.lttl|Iltic)11% 11111<t go to \111|11,111 oil winning tlic hoti>e Athh·Iicx und (:Unt),astics iii 1999 and \1111'(1 on
wilmill(, the lic)110(· .4,\-illi]}ling iii 11)1)8. 11 iN anm/inci- to sce the lic )11.e 41)irit (liy)1,ticd on thrit· (1:n + with the
11(,110(' spil-it (tips being aw,11·ded to \1(,111,111(' 2111(1 illl|Inill 1-(7)((-tivek. 1 lic c :11,1,lill.4 c )1 i literlic>liNe und i]11(·1 ,<71<)( d t< ann
Happy Year 7 placegetters at the Interhouse Athletics: Anthea
Kypreos, Anna Ralph, Siobhan Blewitt and S:ephanie Hagan.
mitv l)(· thanked for thei]· invalltable ({)littil)mic>110 11]1(1
conglatillated on .ll<·11 ent|111.i.1.tic leader.hip. (:ratitude nm•;t bc extended to the PE Mal[- \Irh Ihint.
\I i« Fox . \1. Ric-kiti-bv. 111. 1·ti-cli t i.,1 1(14. 1 1 i.% ll'righ t alic I
11% Millard. for ,ill theit' thne und work 111(i put into
1,\111 y)ort. and u|%0 to the /(uch(·i'% \vho a#wid \vith coaching.
1·.ach war. lic·w Ap<)1*ting ([i4(-ipline; 111'(' 1)cing
intl{)(111((·(1. ('lithili,1%111 :ind particip,ltion |C\Ch Ill'(' bring increa•ed lind Ull I is achic·ving high +1)(,lting 1-0,1111%
C .ong,Ittll|lition. to 11|1 111()1(· ill\'c)|\'cd iii y)(,1-1 thi. um: I elic'(Mirage all gil-14 1() take 1)art iii " 4)("1% tellin
111 id have immen·c 11111 whle doing %0.1 wi.h l.\11 1 the lic·,1 oiltick for the lutili-(·, in .ill ,%port.\ al all li'\(l.
Cheering on the Ski Team: Miss Carolyn Fox, Caroline Conlan, Natalie Carter, Felicity Conlan, Clementina Watson and
Emill.1 1'(Aliton (>U'hool >;por™ Cliptaill)
Tenielle Hedley
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 107
·. L ?».4%
7 4.1, 5-7Ff /// 1, t
Senior Sport - This page clockwise from top left: 1
-* Gymnast: Beata Lukasiak. 2. Cross country
r-1 zi
runners await the starter's signal. 2. Mulhall cheer a
squad. 3. Baton change. 4 Intermediate B Netball 1
Premiers: (Back L-R) Amanda Cumbrae-Stewart. Rachel Bacnowski, Kathryn Turnbull, Sarah Stonehouse, Alexandra Suffren. (Front) Mrs Jill
1 ¢-0 Wheatlard, Anna Balmer, Kelly Moore, Emily
I 1 Portelli and Mrs Lesley Gillespie.
. Opposite page:
1.Aerobic "Dream Team"
(Back) Kate Fetterplace, Cieryl Holt (Front)
Natalie Bossong and Jessica Ries. 2. School
Sports Captain Emma Poynton on the running track. 3. Skier: Tenielle Hedley. 4. Rowers Senior Quad Div 4- (Bow) Bonnie Connellan, Natalie Jane
Edwards, Sara Woodruff, Phoebe Nugent, (Cox) Kate Edrnonds. Photograph courtesy IMAGES Photography, Brigh:on (c) 5. Mrs Felicity Ferdinands tows a trolley of sports equipment at the Interhouse Sports,
1741 -1 r.
...r 7
ETI* *.2 .-
ill 4 -4 Ats
/6 .
-a , 9..,CL.2.7
,»952 61 1
539 £'
p'*Ir/ Niw"/4 .
Senior Athletics 4th Row L-R Sarah Wilsdon, Roisin Gleich, Emma Poynton,
f :$:
Michelle Furider, Susannah Bailey, Prudence Tehan, Josie Parkinson.
3rd Row L-R Eloise Porter. Alexandra Wood, Alecia Mustey, Daniela Norman, Krystal Sherry, Natalie Bossong, Caroline O'Brien
2nd Row L-R Sarah Dynon, Simone Bailey, Alexis Kelleher,
Christina Collard. Lauren Mihelcic, Jessica Fetterplace, Kamy Lee
Front Row L-R Beata Lukasiak, Claire McLenian,
Miranda Hindle, Anna Bryant. Natalie Carter. Kate Fetterplace. '41
Absent Megan Downing, Laura Riley, Melanie Ringersma,
L €
Alana Spadaro.
Coaches Ms Wendy Rickarby, Mr Tom Hancock. 2
Miss Carolyn Fox.
Ihi· 1-cl,1, ic·am. 1-(·-1(>i !11(·(1 in Terin 2, for the
\ic·torian »c hools Relit, Champirn™hip•; \du·re moht Ilwl.\Ill .\Ihic'tic'4 1(1:un In, conchicled vet .nic)111(·1
tell!» Ill,1(1(· the State lin:,1. -1'1(· (1111.liniC 32·in· S Ti·:till
\(·,11 01 %11(4(c·NN [or <)111- ilicti\idll,il .i[Illcic. and ,)111- 1(lin
1111141(1(1211(l in \ictoria for botb the 4 x 10(hu and ·t x
1(.11114. The official ('lict (,1 the .(·,14{)11. the %(:h.\ Diviic)11
204)11 - :111 *)111.1,111(ling (lic)1-1. The War 12 Te,un of
2 (,11·ilival. 11» appc·(1 011 with a preinici·%hip. 111(' 1(,111
Eimmt Pouuon. Beata 1.tlk,14iak. .joNie l;,ikii™)11 :111(1
uon all .c·(tion.. which ilic,ved u.luck into DRi.ion 1 101
4,1.,tililah Bailn fillihhed a commendable 4th.,10 did the
2000.-1-hihwil(cit,linh a highlight for all those imolved. >k·ver.11 reo )1(14 wile 1)1<)1«n Ilt thix meet I)\ 1.Mil
()pen 1 \ St)()1(,1111 01 14,11(· 1(71('1-)1110e. 1.4111,1 (1-id|.ind. Alihon 41)(·11( (· und Anim 111-1,0]t.
%111(!cilts. 11(11:11)1, the 12.11- 8(1\ 1(H)111) Rekn T<·ain of
\Ve wowlit like to thank \1Illill-ed 1 .eis.,irdowd.1 Norm
1.11(1 Ke]111\. .\Iia· 11(Nalll.li'a. >,Ill-,111 ht{)11(hon.Ne :11)(1
041)(,1 m· .1 11(1 Tom Hancock for their expet tihi· and t ime
hophic Ball. the \Un- 10 Relin Ti·.tin of Hai.iIi Duion.
coaching 110. \Ii.+ Fox for managing- 0111- team. .ind .111
All·\2111(11-.1 \\<)(,cl. 141-wal .%11(in .nul .%211-all Wilhclon.
the 01:111.111('1111)('i- 1,110 helped Out 211(ing the win.
nhile 11.11111:th c)'Militighni·v broke the Wal- 8 1 ligh
C.()11gl,11111:ttic)114 to all tho.c who were part 01 thc lt.)1)1)
|linp ircord. 1-hoc Kilper|) roult. wei·t· prca·([cd In tilt· 11('((.4 in
\th|(·tic'\ icalli 2111(1 2[|] the bot for another vic((·h.Hill] vear in 2000.
the Grh\*.4.\ c,tinival. in whic·h the te:lin gailic·(l lib
li·-i{ u 1 (·ttel-place (Captaill) .111(1 Ellinu Pounon
placc o\crall. 1<c·( c >1 (14 weir broki·11 once again. thi t ilm
C\'ic l· (14)tain)
1,\ 14(,ihin (Acich in the Ycal- 12 H<)(hn \Valk and .\liv)11
31)<11(-c ill the War 9 804)111.
Junior Athletics 7th Row L-R Hannah O'Shaughnessy, Sophie Ball, r
Kelly McBride, Megan Prescott, Sarah Stonehouse, Kelly Moore, Bridget Scanlon. 6th Row L-R Alison Spence, Christina Meurer, Jennifer Ashcroft, Anna Balmer. Sarah Keech. Jessica Noonan, Jacqueline Funder. 5th Row L-R Emma Champion, Rosalee Oldham, Amanda Cumbrae-Stewart, Jessica Curtain, Rachel Bachowski, Kesiah Madden, Alice MeNamara
4th Row L-R Elizabeth Corrigan, Stephanie Hagan, Sarah Mizzi, Elli Hughan Rachelle Pitard, Mardi Taylor, Samantha Barrett. 3rd Row L-R Jessica lerardo, Elizabeth O'Dowd
Jessica Gamble. Lucy Kenny, Emilia Sala, Tahnae Holmes, Lauren Smith
2nd Row L-R Natalie Butler, Georgina Balmer, Emma Mulkearns, Raffaella Baker,
Front Row L-R Sara MacLeod, Meg Macfarlan, Emily Tiernan, Anna Ralph, Premilia Shenoy. Samara Madden. Absent Avesia Calman, Samantha Lau, Karen Merwart, Charlotte McFarland, Ellie Paterson.
Coaches Ms Wendy Rickarby, Mr Tom Hancock, Miss Carolyn Fox, Mr Manfred Lewandowski (Absent)
110 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Badminto 11
linic in five u.·1110 an 1.\111 tcnin ivent 011 to conipcit· ill the wcond round. doing extic·inch \,(·11. the train
t ) 1 11\
iliti'(}(111 c (1(1
con«ted 01 Ed\vina \Vhilc . Edwina Ac·anlon. Ii»ica l.tio.
Mandeville I lail a .1 7,ort Ent will', 1,111 11|1't·ach we hit\(·
>kil,th 1),tion. .linclia |i,11-11(·v. .11('(i.l Mlt+Ic,. ().111]1.1
1121(1 11 ven proilli.ing and ent}111;i,1.tic re)<)1,4(·. Thi'
Dou'lling. 4,111\ 141<)()1o aild 1·Illic Path»on. Th,lille
1(,1-('10 Badillilitc)11 1(·am compri.wd a ililic)1' Tcalli Inul
inti+t go to \Ir, Lolci (,illopie for her dedication to
11 >U'llic)1' h'llin..\1111(,ligh both 1(·,1111% tilli.lied . )tb in Ilic
training thiN te:un for 111(· p»t 12 111(,lithx.
11(,im· al](1 :m'a, 0(·21&(,11. ilic·ir «ill 11,„c improwd (11-,ilillaticall, and liu· gi!14 Wel-C rewarded with a pi//,1
atwiliht 1.(,1(to 14:l|1,11,+1. 1)(y,itc 111(· hic'/111,4 11.l|Im-,it
Ilitic 11
\\.c wi.1-c 2110 given the c\( iting opportlinit\ R) plin
t<·111])(·1'.11111-('.. the ill.11154111-al event tc) ((·1('1)1-ate the 7.-ith
1 particularh want 10 111,11]k Karen Ler lot- lict ic,til('1·4|lip .Ilicl \11-N (:111-llv) :ilict M+ 14,11<, I.i·c· for ilic·ii
vic'('(%4101. with the |lit('linediatc h·.lin \vililling
unbiling vq)port und encourageinent throllgholit the
their thrce glt!11('4. 1111(1 the >4·11 h ir Te,1111 \\inning' two oitt
Ilirth<lin ol I.(>1(10 \1,011(1(\ille 11.111 \\·210 ilic·ri·(libh '111 (,1
01 three 'Litillic,4.
1 \j<)111(1 (·il(()111-age all gillf. cy)(1(.ialk ill the juniol
Our 1(·21!11* ,1100 contil,11((1 their vic(t» in the /..4.\
Ily'ch. to participate in 11.1(linitilon 11, it 1% all C\(iling
1111(·1'3(lic)(,11,1,I!(11(·. Jith the hit(i'medi.11(1(·ion..\, 11.
1111(1('lljout|,Ic g-ame to ],lin liticl watch. 1 \vi.41 thegil-ls:Ill
02 C all winning iii 111(·ir (,1-,111(1 1·'inals. The .%(11}int C
tile 1)(·*t Ic)1 [Ili· lic·\1 v·,tvm. anct I look forward to a
1.cam lu·re illg ) pirmit·n 1.01. the 4(·C.(>IICI war ill a row:
proillihing hitlire lor the Loreto P,admint<)11 1(·am. Kinnv Lec (Capt:liti)
\H (,ther Ic,tins :11•u) 1,11'cd w<·11, with ihc .%(·ilic,1 11 Ic,un,
Iliniol- B und (: '1(.1111% 11,1-10\11, IlliNng c)111 on (.1-,111(1 1·-inal 1,(·1 11™.
()iii- ili,itik. and praire inli.1 go to all the ([(·clicated coache.: Mi- Fox. Al. 11,11(·. \11·4 (.illcy,ic·. \11·4 \Vhcalland. M. (,cillill.1,111(1 1.10,1 Mci·11.111. Wi· inu.Nt ,t|.o
thank the PE. 4,111 irlin hell)(·cl thic,itit|lolit the Nch,14()11. C.ong],ltilatio» U) all t.(il|+ \vhc, 011(m·cd fant.I.tic
7 )(,its,natihhip. 1(·,ilii\vork ancl (lectic·ation. The .N€·ilc )11 wi,+ fillit:ttic and we haw no clotibt I.\111 11(*11,2111 1(.ims
will colitilitle to |)(· 411('('(0.%111| ill the filture. \Vell Clone und (;ood Luck!
harah White (Ciptaill) and Natalie 1 ]('gg (Vice (11])mill)
1 1 k fi
3/ 5
Senior Badminton 2nd Row L-R Ngoc Le, Jiaping (Jenni) Fu, Rebecca Whitty. Melaiue Ringersma, Clare Noonan, Anna Balmer, Neela Velan, Sarah Ho.
Front Row L-R Truong-An Pham, Belinda Bowman, Karen Lee, Kamy Lee. Rebecca Pereira, Tuong-Vi Pham, Patricia Nigro. Absent Maree Agiazis. Uyen Nguyen, Alison Regan, Jacqueline Reid. Lauren Trumble, Maria Tsarenko. Coach Mrs Natalie Caruso (Absent).
-1 3 -
Nelball ()111' |t.)t.)1) .4(·:14<)Ii \\·;l.N \(·1'i .hlic( (·.h,4111| :111(1 (·Iljoict|)1(·.
ho\\(·u·r. it 1,·» 11|,0 ilic-ralibh lic·(-lic-, (c,lill)liing /.4 \ Ilit(·1,.('11')(11
ill ('111(lilig
111,lt('11('S. thi·
f'i('t<)1 i.111
(:hainpic,ihhips. ihc Callic,lic >,ch{)<)15:11·14' \(tl),111 (.11,11131)ic,ihips and the /.A.\ Round Robin. ['he moNI exciting- 1'-111 callic il'om the \'i(-t<)1101
%(lic)(,1.' \(·,1,1111 (:11,illil,ion.hipi where for the jint
Senior Netball 2nd Row L-R Joanne Halpin, Susannah Bailey, Sarah White,
Edwina White. Michelle Funder. Prue Hartley, Madeleine Scanlon. Front Row L-R Sarah Dynon, Alecia Mustey, Natalie Flegg, Bridget Bourke, Jessica Fetterplace, Lisa Lombardi. Absent Samantha Dermatis,
Coaches Ms Sandra Jane (Absent), Miss Carolyn Fox (Absent).
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 111
1 high q.indard of Competition provided inteinting
(*71111,141 ics
viewing in the annual Loreto Gvninartics Competition where C ;, 111 imvic + is it u c )1 iderful y )irtator y )01·1. It N tascinating
guntiash from Years 1 to 11 competed on each appal·atil,4 for
to watch gumiast, t\,i.t their bodies into 111111.tttil-al pc )4itic )lib
mecialq. -1 hc Ilitel lic >110(· Competition \%,1 also a highlight nit h
and perlorm gravit, clet\'ing- act•. 1)11-ing mv ·ven-war
gil-IN 1 1-om al| real- 1(·\-(1% in the Senior School pliti )1-ming
iarst)( iation with the 1.MI l ( ;\111 Club. it 11,1% 1111(1('1-gone manv
1(,litines .tt hiliclitillic. Congl-,ttillation•; to Mullmil for t.tking
(11 .inge* but c ille thing rell I.ti 114 0 )11tant alic[ that i4 the
out the ovel .111 trophv.
enthusi.iv 11 01 its particip,11110.
It N a credit to Ilead Gach, Mis Monica Wright, thal
\Vatching the 'new generittion 01 'C .c)Ill,11]eci percht·(1(}11
(;1·111112,Mics is once again becoming· a poptil,11· Nport in the
the bealn 1('Inilick·(1 Inc of the full and excitement th,lt
(·110(,1. Ott 1 11(·al-tfclt c c )1164-1,1 111.ttic,tls 14'0 to MM \Vi ight for Iwi
accompanicd ever) 11-ailling. Their enct-gv N a delight to
hard work alict persi.tunce int·i the lag uniplt· ofu·,11-4. 1-]unik
watch, 2111)(·it exhallsting:
voll alv ) ic ) 11+Nistillit c c },tche4 - (·NNic,1 \1(,1-etti, Al,In Dowling,
rhe Al'% \\'idn (Ai,ziz.istia C onipethion .inv .oine xi-cat
[i·.44ica Fc·ticil)lace. I'llilippit Jollt™ton ,mcl Nicole Dwver.
indiviclit,11 performance. 111)111 14,11(· 1(·tterplace. who placed
Good luck to :111 (;vill Chil) mellil)('14 for the |titurc alid 1
1111 (,r'(i,111 achievillit 211(1 h)1 Bcatil alld 2,id for \,11111,,111(1
clicoill'.1,Lw ,(,it to pial-ticipati· in this tlit'illing y)01-t for .10 long
14.1( lic·| C :.1 1(·w making the li 11:11% Ic)] Bi·:lm and It,t]+. coming
2,1(1 on lic·.im out (,1 1.-) (()11]l)(titon. The ()1)(·n B DiviNion
144·.it ;1 1 .itk,ii:tk (Cipt:tin)
I'l'.im con.1.ting (,1 Alice 1-1111111)le, (:lementina Witt•u)11.
Pati·icia Ni,4·0 and 14,ithi·vn Fhwmore came 31-(1 in the ti·.tiliN ({)11]1)(.liti<)11.
B .1 4§7 ---lglri &<'rl -9**• J firrl
1 --m
Senior Aerobics 2nd Row L-R Natalie Bossong, Johanna Shembrey, Sarah White, Edwina White, Jacqueline Diamond, Jessica Heinnen, Georgia Foley. Front Row L-R Michelle Podbury, Kate Fetterplace, Hannah Sharrock, Jessica Ries, Emily Sheahan, Cheryl Holt, 146¥A
Ellen Fox.
Absent El zabeth O'Day.
Gymnastics 4th Row L-R Clementina Watson, Jessica Fetterplace,
Coach Miss Monica Wright (Absent).
Maya Antczak, Hope Milchman, Krystal Sherry, Alice Trumble,
Kate Fetterplace. 3rd Row L-R Emilia Savage, Ally Catalano. Beth Nathan,
Edwina Olver. Nicole Dwyer, Cheryl Holt, Elizabeth O'Dowd. 2nd Row L-R Laura Hertaeg, Stephanie Pirrie, Meg MacFarlan, Mairin Shealian. Michelle Smitheram, Kerri-Anne Van Munster.
Front Row L-R Carly Lagana, Ella Hensche, Beata Lukasiak,
\(·1-01)in Ila, 1.lk(·n (,if thihic·ar with over filt, gil-1 in the
C :hil£ We have }i,ul rii,arii'gitl lic,in all >·car lt·vel,+1„11-ticipati· in main· tcallis. 1111 of which 11,1,0(· bcc'11 very succe<J ill. M 11( 11 of thi: vt((c». i. clue t{) th(1 hurd work und (14·(lication of the
Jacqueline Bouchier, Jane Matheson.
coach Miv Mollica (Mon) \\'light .ind the ;1*.i.tant coachi'*
Absent Anna Bryant, Peta Dermatis, Kathryn Finemore,
Ii·Nica 1·'(·tterplace, Plmel,£· 14] icm'les .tixi l l.illimlt Sharrock.
Krystine Hortiniak, Patricia Nigro, Andrea Vaz. Coach Miss Monica Wright (Absent).
At·i-ohic•; iN 21 ic·1.iti\'c·|\ tit,kiic),ul V,ott which tired+ ((,11*t,int dedication thic)11,411(,lit the wholc icm to 11(Ilicve a high stand:trd. Cledit is given to the girk who have ell(Illird
114· long and earlv t .lining NessionX, which inc (,1-porak· 1]w ompolitilti 01 vic·ligth. 11('Libilitv cilid c :Il(lic>I,1.(li],11 lichirance.
In partictilar wc 1,1 )111(1 like to cong] .ttll|.Ne the \2·,il 10
1)1·cam 11·am of Klit<· 1-(kitti phice. Chrnl I loh, Nal :ilit· lic )w ,11,4 Ind j.·001( a Rie. who have c (,1,tillited their slic-(t·00(·. ti'()111 1,1.t
into this yelt. 1'11(·ir (1(·termilimic )11 and 1311 rewit](led [lic·m with a trip to liti.91).me wherc tile)· competed in thi'
Alistralian .\erobic C :11 11111])ic )1™hips. 1 hev placed ilth out 01 all le:lins in .\11%11·alia.
Once again wc wottld like to congratillate evenolle involved with Acrobic. thi u·,11'. We encourage more gil 1% to A
Year 5-12 Champions at the LMH Gymnastics Competition: (Back L-R) Patricia Nigro, Clementina Watson, Jane Matheson, Julia Pashula, Rachel Carew, Grace Mighell. (Front) Danielle Carew, Emily Richards, Alexandra Catalano and Hannah Smith.
112 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
conider inining the chil) and we wish the mcinbel + 01 '111 Icanir the boa of hick for next vear.
Hatinah Sharrock (Captain) and Emil, Shealian (Vice C.'lpt 'litl)
Ihe >k·Ilic,1- Team thisicIti·. coached bv Mh Rick.,1-1,v.
I hA ,(·,11- w,13 verv exciting for I ..\11 1 I locke, with the
introductic )11 c )1 ,111 ()pen Ilockev Te.im, Thih 'l'(·am was ent(·red into the Clhti,1 |;11(h.111,111 (:tip H'lk·t'C it peric )1 med exceptional h well ag,li 11>,t 1 1 Ing· h competition to plaa· .)1-d. There was ()11Ixtillicting- commilitient froin all vear h·veN.
waN ven dedicated with enotigh gil-k participating to licld tivo 1(,11113. .\]thong-11 tlic· learn (lic| 11(,t irach the final. thiN vear. thic)ng-holli cverv gatile the girIN
provided un excellent ]C·\(·1 of compctition unNdering the 1.11·ge nilinber 01 gil'IN in tlic· xclit.1(1. Ovel-Illi the 7.%.\ 1<ound Robill. held lit Menton<· for
11 1(· billic)1- learn. coached In MiN Fel-ditilliwk
11]c Senior Team and Firbank for tlic· junic,1- and [Iltel-medhite Ti·am*. produced outhtal](ling revilt·% :111(1
plaved gallanth throughout the enthr Meason, It wah g'reat to xce the entlitisiasm (li.Nplavecl bv the 32.11 7 git-1,4. and we hope this contililin. A Npecial inelition should
all girls 41(,illd be (-(,111]lienclectic,1- their (·I'lort cli>1)1.,r<,cl thix rear at everv Ic·vel of Competition. \12· woulcl like to
go to Amelia C .111-tain and Lili Lili ful- their commitment
thank the %]1011% wacher* ill\-olved with Ilocker thic)lighout the 11)99 fea,on for all of theil- :ts,i.tance
,ind goal 4(·01-ing abilitv.
und exti·cmc dedication to our team>;.
Ilic· Iliternwdiate Team was coacheel for liu· fint
tinic· In \11' Ferctinandl The Team 1121(1 11 91(·ce»;ful
Ne.1.4{)11 ancl wa. able to provide good competition for Ilwir opposition te,1111%. Cong-1-iltulations to oill- goalie,
h) the learns 012000. we wiNh ilie be.t ofluck. :ind we
hope that the <(11111(1% continue to grow :111(1 p],1, wcH. ()livia 11111-114 (Capt.lin) und Einina Poniton (\1cc(.411)I,zill)
14( lh Nathan and itilicti (,11)9)11 on a terrific ke»on.
Senior Hockey 4th Row L-R Bonnie Connellan, Daniela Norman, Prudence Tehan, Michelle Funder, Jennifer Palisse, Catherine Dunn.
3rd Row L-R Georgina Coleman, Megan Downing, Megan Walters, Josephine Parkinson, Kye Williams, Phoebe Nugent. Georgina Molloy 2nd Row L-R Vanessa Von der Muhll. Miranda Hindle,
Catherine Ryan, Sarah Dynon. Helen Beatty, Beata Lukasiak. Lauren Demetriou.
Front Row L-R Melina Shenoy, Dianna Best, Olivia Burns, Emma Poynton, Emily Smith, Amanda Schembri. Coach Ms Wendy Rickarby 1
Ten ii ix 1%
At |.01(·10 thiN,(·arwe expericlicc·(1.lt,(,ther>,inadling-
t<·111]iN w»on. uith all tealll, (\1)t·lictu ing Nttl'(ch,0. 1 hc billior Te:un. coached 1)\ the inore 111.111 (11])able Pat Rafter...cr...\Ir Gill, clum· a commendable ard on the 7.%.4 ladder and hh in du· Round Robh 'rhe |litcmediate Te.lm wils led In \11- \\.dker. a new ic·acher
4 't f
on the block'. who <wapped Mathematics fbi 1(linis, I-hi.4 .-1'Cititi als«) fared quite wcH, 1,1.1(·ing .Dth in thi· ZS.\ 111(1(ler and Und in the Round Robin. The senior train
1,·ad In \11-4 Rvan. reallv relied on each other to come a r
laudabli· 20-(1 on the Z.4.\ ladder and End in the Round
F A.
Robin. For their unconditional hel]) 1,11(1 litict(11-41,111(ling(even when we hit 111(,re 1.111]th 111,111 p]Inable %('1-\(·0 we would like to thank \11- Gill. \Ir \Valker .ilict \11 4 1111!it.
\Ve \\(1111(1 partic-111.1 h like to extend c )111. thanks 10 \11 4
Rvan. who displined exurine patience when we 11'2illf})(,lted NI(1){)11111(10 for tlic· whok· 1('imiN '1'calli in her car, 1(·In ing- 1 11(,1 c· th,111 a Ic·w fri('4 behind.
Ellen Fox (Captain) al,(1 >;ophic· |..alt]·cnce (Vr (i't])1'jill)
Senior Tennis 2nd Row L-R Angela O'Connell. Joanne Halpin. Prue Hartley,
Meredith Shaw. Edwina White, Kate Maguire, Emily Sheahan. Front Row L-R Miranda Hindle, Anna Fox, Hannah Price, Sophie Laurence. Ellen Fox.
Coach Mrs Joan Ryan.
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 113
Cross Coulltl-V
Cricket ['he Cricket Te:un 11:ld vet another fillitavic 41'1Non
()ftc·11 vluggling to fill a inini 1,11% With particil),illiN
with wilif ,lgaliN Cal-(·\ and lilliltinglower. c)1 11 iliv
('111-(>111(· 1 c) C (,1/])Clitic)!10 ill pIC·liC)11% \('Ill-4. (,1(14%
inatch wav ligail 1%t C)ill 1.ach of Mercv. whel-c we were
(1)11111 1, 11,14. over the 1),t•,t two ve:11·%. witne#ed .1 11 cwtiii(·1(1:ning- ilit-n al-<)1111(1. The piliticipation i.lic. not onh at traillingl)111 al ((,1111)(·lition>, :IN wcll. 11,1&(·Xpanded the
defcated. 1 hi; wa. the lir·;t g.illic· together a, a il'Illi] 1111(1
the |irst game lor a 101 01 the gi! 14 plaving. Imt it was a learning experience which the girk took and l144·(1 when thi'\
pht, c·cl
.tlfail 151
pinic)113 tcam fic)111 8 to 11) girk llc)]ig-with thi4 incri·11%(· in ]).11'tic'il).1 tic)11 112,0 come much 11 11 1 .il)pc·(1 (:1-040
Countl-v ta|('111 and enth»i»In IUMON»t the gilt.
Hillitingtower. the girh plaved exti'(inch \vell. 1(>411l In 01,1, a few 1-111™. The -1 ,·am grew in confidence. The
1 Inne gut opAnAn und (c),iticli.iici 111.Ii ilic'
thil'(1 gatne \,21%,lig,kilrd C :.irn. Thi. wah .1 toligh galili· 1)lit
gi(ming- Alt'('ligth of the 1.\Ill C '1-0.0 Counti-v learn will
tile gil-ls cllig clt·(p and beat (:arci bv 2 1-illis. It Wa.4 11
continue to build and ill (1()ing 40 H'ill bco)111(· a
111111:1Vic effort to Cap (,IT 11 girat Ke,14{)11 of (1'icket. (:ongl-litil],ltic)11 + to Iill the gil 1% who participated. a llcl we
promillent rival tcaill for vil-1(>ltliding- 4('11()(,14.
encoiliagi· 1111 gil-1% to get ill\-olval in cricket. \140 111)ig
be connuended for their excellent contribiltion at
Mr Bot alid .]lilia C 11]lin ((>Ul- 1(,1111 0),icho) Ill·(· to
thank vou to Mr 11:1111 lind \11- 84·01 for their contil]11(71
11.lining- .ilic| (c)1111)(htition.. (:c)ligratillationh to the (1(,50
gll)])ort and encouragement thi-oug·|lotlt tile 4(·axon.
Connin' 1(·ain 01 11)<)9.al)(1 1)(·,1 01-Itick for the ical· 2000.
(,avolinc C)'Brien (Ciptaill)
1),1 Ilic] 11 Xorman (( 14)taill ) 1111(1 1.ig I C )1111),11-di (Vice (:111)tain)
Cricket 1998 2nd Row L-R Alice Trumble, Rachel Bachowski,
Hannah Silvasich, Alison Regan, Anna Balmer, Julia Dickson. Crystal Casas. Front Row L-R Beth Nathan, Beata Lukasiak, 1
Daniela Norman. Lisa Lombardi. Georgina Jordan. Jane Furze.
Absent Julien Gibson.
Coaches Mr Edmund Best, Mr Mark Bahr (Absent). lu.r
T a
Cross Country 6th Row L-R Sally Brookes, Roisin Gleich, Emma Poynton, Michelle Funder, Daniela Norman. 5th Row L-R Lilian Richards. Kristy Hodges,
Bridget Scanlon, Kate Lonergan, Christina Carey, Clare Arbon. Alecia Mustey. 4th Row L-R Dominik White, Christina Collard,
Caroline O'Brien, Louise Pearse, Alison Spence, Amanda Cumbrae-Stewart, Lauren Mihelcic.
3rd Row L-R Jessica Foley, Jessica Fetterplace.
Samantha Mustey, Caroline Smith. Kate Carnegie, Georgia Fillmore. 2nd Row L-R Katherine Rawling, Kate Fetterplace, Anna Smith, Samara Madden, Anna Bryant, Emily Wallace. Alexandra Suffren.
Front Row L-R Claire White, Emily Tiernan, Meg Maclarian. Alexandra Sweeney. Absent Natalie Albantow, Sara Clark.
Coaches Ms Julia Cullity Mr Edmund Best
114 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
75 Softball [lic' Softball xeason of MH,)8 providecl a cl;w.ling (liNI)]av of new talelit .1% inalli (,i (,ill' }1111ic)1-0 joined the M])01-t for the ti]-41 tune. Although holli)all inav be Viehrd
213 .1 relativelv Kinall Miction ofthe overall xports prograin at .\12111(leville. much fine talent and cleclic Minn was st·en
at the inter,chool competitions. The Menior A Teain had foine 01(>4(' garner alicl 111.111 ilged a win NK-ailiv %11( 1-C C .ocur, while the B -leam won 1,#c) out of their thirc
u-aines. The Intermecliate A Ti·.un plaved with great team
Apilit, (1(<Apite two nmt-ginal loises. -1-Ile B Team imist bc cong-ratill,tted for its thilt.,Vic effort in remailling lili(1(1[eated for the wason.
U'e wonkl like to thank all the girls who participated iii %(,Itbal] this .cason. and :\IN C .emina. \1* Rick.11 11 .111(1
111 % Ferclinand. for thrit- ell(-c,ill-aurment lind support in colic-hing (,111 1(·,1111.4 .Ind attending intel-4(·11001111,lic·11(f.
A Viecial thank voil to Dicitilia 11(11 for her unfailing commitment. and to both Sarah While anct Roisin
Glcich fur standing in at short notice. We would like to wish the softbal](·1-% 0111(xt Ac·.ison the bl·st of luck, anct
inute morc git-14 tc) be part c )1 Ellis flilitastic- port,
%11%211]nah Bailev (Captain) and D.illiel.1 Norm:111
Senior Softball 1998 2nd Row L-R Amber Madden, Geraldine Nankervis,
Kate Eichhorn, Prue Hartley, Josie Parkinson, Olivia Garvey, Roisin Gleich.
Front Row L-R Melina Shenoy, Daniela Norman, Susannah Bailey, Dianna Best, Emily Smith, Simone Ball. Absent Alana Spadaro, Victoria Toovey. Coach Mrs Felicity Ferdinands.
(\'ice Captain).
Equestrian 1-loni'. Ilimt (i}'t truh a creature witholll equal. n· Ihou fin/ will!(,lit Il,/ 'li:-2, and conqucred willund xword."
11.)9t) w.1% thi· hixth vear ofthe 1.\IH Eclilestrian Clit|)
und, Mina· its move to the \'ictorian Eque>;trian Centre. it Ims been able to expand its tlic'inbel'Ahip to cater for gil-1% witlic >lit hol-Nes and for gil-1X 01,ill agrs and riding 9,111(1.11·(14. ditlic,ligh we are Ntililililited in the lillilil,er of
competitions that wr can enter. it is falita?,tic to Nee the enthusi.thin of the git'].4 at (·lich 1717'ting. After a h.11·(1 (1,1,0 licling the group N Still flill of life on the 1)114-trip home chatting- about the (Un i experiencei. Some highlights this vear included a Riding and jumping Equitation Competition, paii- formation ricting, und c zixhion polo'.
Ihe I.MIl Equestrian (lub prnvicle: girl•; with a wonderful opportill-litv to |earn about the \,11-iolls 21>pects of hol %(' 1-iding alld cal e. including the «1(1 ling and 0-1-c)()11111-10 (,1 the holie. Congratill.ltic)11% to .111
p.li ticipants thiN vear 1111€1 we en.ic )ill .lge 211! Mandevilic· Equestrian
hoi-fc1_1(„c·rf to join the Club Mo it can colitinue to
3rd Row L-
Anrugthen :711(1 41'ow over the vears to Coinc.
R Zoe Taylor, Clementina Watson,
Genevieve O'Connor. Jane Macfarlan, Alexandra Stafford,
Dominique Spanos, Dominic Trescowthick. 2nd Row L-R Kylie Wallace, Georgia Charleson, Stephanie McNamee, Emma Mulkearns, Stefanie Richards, Grace Callaghan. Front Row L-R Dianna Best. Beata Lukasiak. Absent Rebecca Jones.
Coach Miss Andrea Inglis (Absent).
\Ve ]),titictil,11-]v wisli to ackrowledge the vil)])(,it of \11- Rob Derneller over his ve.irs at l.\IH. 1 Ie was
ilivt-tillit'llt.11 in the (rtabli4]iment Of the Equestrian Chil-, aint worked hard to Ace it grow throughout the hixt €1\ \-cal-4.
Di.11111.1 Re•Nt (Captain) 2111(1 Heatit I .tikasiak (J'ice Captain)
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 115
Basketball 1 .c Ii'eto'$ 88•li·thail carc In 1)(·gan late 11)1)8 with the
ZSA ( k)171],clition. The Competition proved to be verv
vica·dful for Loreto. 11. a refult of the intelne trailling 1,1 (441 .ims we had undertaken. The hitennediate 1-i·am Ibught tc) the. encl ancl came an honorable· Runnen Up in their Zone Final. The Henic )1-4 1)lit oil .7 01)ectlic'll]211
disphn· 01- skill and were victorious in their Final. giving 1.<,1-cio Al,inclc·ville· H,111 the lic,tic)iii- 01 being the filht %(·hool naine to bc cligraved on the hield. \Ic,ir recenth. Loreto lic,Nted the 1999 SC :%.1 at
Albert Park whel-c 11111!ir- 111,il-biting gallic·N took 1,1,1(·c. Ihe Senint- Team Was knocked 0111 fir;t round in tic finalh. 1,111 al-c to bc cong-ratillated for their hard col
,f,Tr hlwl 9,
action alict (1('tel'inination. (hunc after gainc the gi 14
impl-(,med (11-,ilimticallv as compi·tition became harder. 1 he Intel-111('ctiliti™ 1(,llc),i'(·(1 .1 4 lililar (-(,111-4,· to tile
Scnint- 12·am: likewir. their p:144ion and clet<·rmination was not 1(·en on the Acc )1'el,oard. Commendations go to thiltillic,! Tellin for the gun effort in reaching the film]. 1 hiN wain showed a verv high level c )1 skill.
Thank, gors to our coaches \11' I.illigan. Mh Ric·kai-In. \Ir 11(·st ancl \Ir Rav Buckln tor their tinic and
expertise. Thank wit to all the girls lin- a terrific c·,1.Non. Lauren Buckle,·(Captain) and Clare (,il)4(,1 1
(Vice-(hiptain )
Senior Basketball 1998 2nd Row L-R Eloise Porter, Sarah White, Emma Poynton, Har,ian Sharrock. Simone Bailey, Front Row L- R Lauren Buckley. Clare Gibson.
Absent Rebeka Jageurs, Beth Stewart, Coach Mr Ray Buckley.
Volleyball 11 haN been 1111 ell jovable alld entet-tailling \'(>lit'il)Ill] 4 . :;Al©?iff
*e.,Non at Loreto \1.111(leville 11,111 thii veal: 1-11£1 .lililior.
Intermediate and St'llior Te.un. competed in the ZAA 11(unc 1111(1 aw.11 Ac·,lcon. .\11 te.1111% have clone wcH in the M :.i.\ ;one Round Robin lioted at Sacre C :neill- where
our Sellior team wils placed firht. This vear .\11111(leville wa+ 1,19) imited to c >111 hivcr q'hool Lorcio Ballarat. \Ve
headed 10 1.orito Ballarat (,11 Saturd:n· morning .111€1 g.·nt the clar toirt·ther. with Mandeville eventuallv
winning 5 .cts out of 8. The occaion \1-1,4 warm alld
( 11 jouible and I hope th.lt it will be repeated iii ve.,1-0 to A,
\\'e want to thank c Ill!- c'{ )21(11(·4 Mi- K.ii•;er (Senior) . M.
Senior Volleyba I
Rick.trbv (Jitiii(,1 ). 114 Kittiv Lec and JA joctic Fri
3rd Row L-R Karen Lee, Stefanie Fitzgerald. Clare Noonan.
(Intermediate). Furthermore. I would like to thank
Daniela Norman, Lauren Matthey, Jiaping (Jenni) Fu.
Daniela Norman Ibr her leadership .ind al<o the girix who have ]).ilticipated %0 elithilsi.,Aticallv ill Vollaball
2nd Row L-R Sarah Ho. Jacqueline Koutoumas. Katherine Mann. Jessica Cuttler, Ngoc Le. Front Row L- R Kamy Lee, Amelia Johannes, Andrea Kaliviotis. Katherine Johannes. Coach Mr Alon Kaiser.
116 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
thir vear. 1 hope that Volled)all continues to grou in the Illttlre.
1•hum Lec ((hiptain)
performed admil .11)1, deN])itc in jill ic·% and mi|.1,()111-111)1(·
(ciliclitic >11%. Their c'llin-ts .111(1 4],ortsli,illiship were to 1,(1
Earlv .[titic· snowfulls prompted excitcment among-
the I.Mil Ski Tram as we continued c )lit ch , 1,111(1
1)1-(»cd ill '1.\[1 I headbands alict u·+4. clich Ntliciclit
ti,lilling. Ihnve\(·1. to the di,;appoint,nent of the Te:lin.
participated in the All)ine F.,flit. .\11 {)11111,111(ling li·%illt was lic hincd bv X .italic Carter (Wal- 1 1 ), who was placed
the Nnow· Clid not 121%1 Mul \\·c wri·(· forced to ( ance| our
tillic trialiat \It. lililler. |c)1·11111:lic·|v. oillic·cond training·
weekend on the Jo]*·4 prowd more vuc reful. Iii 1)(·tween benelicial ski |c·Nions in .1 \'Ill·irt\·(,| elise i],lin«
It)111 (,lit of a field of almi)41 2(H) competit<,10. She Illo completed a ver, rinooth lim down tlic +11( )\1){)211-cling ((,1114(. The wholc ]11!lior Te:int .1](,Ili With (:1('inentill,1
the tram (·litered the Quiksilver Mini (:i·:uwl Ii·ix. which
\Vats{)11 (W:11 c)) tackled the c 1·(,AN-(-(Itiliti i track while
gave 110 .ill opportunin k) refine 0111- lacing Wchnique
Can}lilic Con].in (32·.,1- 12) 1111(1 Felicit, Con].111 (Wal- 9)
and compete Agailivt tival sc'lic„)1+,
1111(·1'4(hool %]<ling·
(]mmpion·hip. took plaa· on tlic· week beginning the
challenging- Moguls
(:(,ligilitil|,ttic)11% to the w'hole· te,lin on .1 stic'('c'*4111 1111(1 (1/ic>/2/1,1(· .(.il<()11.
22nd Allgilit. AImoft 1,(H)0 competitol'* calne froin around Vic tolia to t,ike pai t in thib event. The I.\11 I git·ls
(ltr()[il](· C 1)1litll ((hlpt:till)
4 1
Loreto Mandeville Hall Ski Team (Whole school) Back Row: L -
R Mrs Cathy Hunt, Tenielle Hedley. Clementina Watson, Felicity Conlan, Caroline Conlan (Captain of Skiing),
Catherine Sullivan, Natalie Carter, Miss Jayne Webster
Front: Stephanie De Oliveira, Emilie Fellay, Charlotte De Oliveira, Alicia Simonds, Natasha Simonds, Anthea Fell, Lauren Benson
Ready for the ski slopes: Ms Sandee Biggar and her two daughters Charlotte and Emilie Fellay and Natasha Simonds.
Alicia Simonds cross-country skiing.
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 117
Year 9 Rowing
Senior Rowing
5th Row L-R Felicity Durham, Anna Balmer. Annabel Doyle.
7th Row L-R Madeleine Scanlon, Anna Flynn, Alice Papaluca,
Georgina Doyle, Sally Brookes. Genevieve O'Connor. 4th Row L-R Amanda Cumbrae-Stewart, Jessica Curtain.
Michelle Funder, Rebecca Prescott, Felicity Lyons, NatalieJane Edwards.
Millicent Chalmers, Kathryn Turnbull, Clare Arbon.
6th Row L-R Rachel Griffiths. Olivia Burns.
Jacqueline Funder, Claire O'Dowd
Beth La Brooy, Zoe Croker, Bonnie Connellan. Megan Walters.
3rd Row L- R Anna Hutchins. Jasmine Gillespie, Joanna Downing,
5th Row L- R Jane Balmer, Kristen Doyle, Louise Lonergan.
Kathryn Lachal Laura Blewitt, Louisa Page, Clementina Watson.
Elanor Mclnerney, Philippa Zahara. Elizabeth Harvey, Natalie Flegg.
2nd Row L-R Lucy Ludescher, Elli Hughan, Caitlin Sheahan,
4th Row L-R Alisha Treacy. Hannah Whiting, Sarah Cichy,
Anna Smith. Anne Bowker. Sarah Mizzi, Alexandra Suffren.
Jessica Curley. Olivia Garvey. Eliza Curtain. Phoebe Nugent.
Front Row L-R Jessica Buckley, Stephanie Draycott,
3rd Row L-R Jane Serong, Kate Edmonds, Leah Betts, Hannah Price. Charlotte Hickey, Stephanie Maule, Sara Woodruff.
Jessica Gamble. Mairin Sheahan.
eorgina Coleman, Isabelle Kitchen, Sarah Portelli,
Absent Elizabeth Ames, Clare Arbon, Diana Bowman,
2nd Row L-R G
Erin Breheny, Kathryn Finemore. Laura Gallard, Phoebe Lipscombe,
Simone Ball. Cassandra Fry. Laura Riley.
Stephanie Lord, Jacqueline Low, Charlotte Mcfarland, Eliza Nisbet,
Front Row L-R Patricia Nigro. Claire McLennan,
Elizabeth Nolan, Ellie Peterson, Lauren Prescott, Jacqueline Reid. Natalie Sharp, Catherine Sullivan, Kate Tilley, Lucy Virtue. Felicity Whelan. Coach Ms Josie Millard (Absent).
Rowing 1-hi•; war. the I.Mil Rowing 4(]11,1(l. the lili-ge+t sc'lic )01
Belinda Bowman, Sophie Serong. Absent Aisling Fay, Phoebe Nolan, Kristie-Lee Rennex, Alana Spadaro, Caroline Wallace. Coach Ms Josie Millard (Absent).
1.(mi· 14·.Li 3<·. Rachcl (111ilici-1. Rc·I)ecca Whittv. 1.11< r
\1(''l'ic·i'imn..1,1('citic'|ine I |11!pin. Hophic Price. H.11·.1 (.1.11-k. All'lanic· 1<ilige™11,1. Eli/al)(·th I hil'll·, 1111(1 C :elina Vilith.
rowing club in Vic toria. has contililled to develop and
Ihi,% flic„,4 the gre:it potential coming thi-ough the
%11((·eed ilt all lewk \\'c· C<)111(1 fec the improvement
,(,illiger u.121]- level.. We wish all thi·.c tip and coming
froin thi· beginning of the scaxon. \\'llil<' on the
row(·1-4 lind c c )x.wailiN the 1)041 of luck in tll(1 c <)1li!44
gruelling Yarra anct the Nagambic· Rowing C limps. 1111
nnvel< worked to their lilli potential in al] the 1-1111%.1'OWN
Ilie Senic)1- 4(]11:id .Ilic) competed lit lin elitc level iti
alid ('ircilits. .1 %(il\(· of ('.ilit,ll-,icic·l ie win developing-
,111 (li\'iNic>lis. 111 particillar. the Iii-st three crew. placed
within the (*1111).
extreinck wellin thi· \'ict{)11,111 Ht.11(' (:lilitil])ic)11hip iti
32·211- t) 41,11-ted with the '1.carn to Row 1)1(,g-rainme
Fi·1)]-ticin. \\4· i i.hli the Wal- 1 1 .henic,1 1(nver. tlic· 1)(·41 of
1111(1 contilill((1 to develop through to the 11(·11(1 (11 Ihe
I tick for i l ic i l- fi nal %('avon of rowing for 1.\ 11 L \\'r would
%(11()(,lgil'l>, 1·li'gatta. \\(' Lil(()111:Ige U|| the girb. to
iiI.o like to congl'Iltillati· ,liul thank all War 12 gil'b fol
contilitic next Ki·ltv)11.111(1 to |111-thel- develop tlwit- killf.
theil- ccumnitinent and 94)1)<)11 thic)ligholit tile *(,14«)11.
,\11 of the (-1·(·w. 11-Itincd well thic,Itglic}tit the %(·a.on.
0111)(·hall o[ the whole (1111) we wo,11(1 like t{) c·\1(·nci
|(·,11'lling the hal'(1 \\·a\' .11)1)tlt |)liNtcl·% al](1 (Inli 111(11'lling+0.
c)111- thank..111(1 14)pt'(('iation to \14.04ie \Iill.11'(l..\11-14(,1)
11\ the <·11(101 the 110%(, Regatta thev \u·re racing zen
2.,th:tra. \11- Alichacl 1.(,lici,q,li]. \Ir. Lec Ritill·h. :111
(c).tche4 lind pare!110 for tlwil- (·11(11(·hN ill)1)(,1-1 over the
Wat· 1(} Inul nvo winning ('1-(wh. the 2nch and :11·ck
1)8.99 roll ing- 0/'1/Mon.
who linihed Ii]%1 in their (tivido» at the Ilad 01 the
1.( Illiw 1.<)11(·i-gan (( ,4,1:tin ) and Charloth· I licker
4(11(,olgills 14·gattll. (.(,ligrati,Mtic)!10 10 Ilic)•,c gill, -
(VU < -C )pl''in)
118 LORETO · IMandeville Hall
75 Year 10 Rowing 4th Row L-R Johanna Shembrey, Kate Lonergan, Melanje Ringersrna, Edwina Scanlon, Sophie Price, Jane Macfarlan, Chloe Podolakin. 3rd Row L- R Jacqueline Halpin, Louise Pearse. Rebecca Whitty
Hope Milclirnan. Krystal Sherry. Alecia Mustey, Lucy McTiernan. 2nd Row L- R Claire Ogilvy. Jessica Ries, Caroline Smith,
Celina Vines, Genevieve Meehan. Front Row L- R Anna Bartl, Isabelle Kitchen, Caroline O'Connell, Amanda Schembri, Nicole Dwyer.
Absent Natalje Albantow, Candice Carter, Sara Clark,
lara D'Cotta, Georgia Foley. Bridget Hall. Elizabeth Hurley, Lucy MeNamara, Rachel Quinert, Emily Whelan. Coach Ms Josie Millard (Absent).
/4/ Efid
9724**4' 4
A.1 1
E T 1F
On the victory dais: Year 10 Quad Division 3 Gold Medallists: Elizabeth Hurley, Melanie Ringersma, Sara Clark, Sophie Price and
Gold Medal Winners: Year 10 Quad Division 2: Lucy McTiernan,
Celina Vines (Cox). Erica Neill (Coach).
Halpin (Cox). Nana Hedberg (Coach).
Photo courtesy IMAGES Photography Brighton Copyright (c) 1999
Photo courtesy IMAGES Photography Brighton Copyright (c) 1999
I.MH Aquatic Club Report Ititic) saw the eNtablishment of thi· 1.\11-1 ,\quatic ( lub, a Achool-1 )11 ic'(1 4,; i 1111 iling chil) aimed at providing the oppoltunit, lor u·ill- round |itlic» n-,tilling aint winter intel'-club colill,('tition. The (:]ub lills ill the gap between the %(hool-Intsed t<)ill-th lind Iii-st tenn
*wimming competitic)11% with ti-ailling %(14>,iolls olle 01 two morning, cach week. This war tlic· C :1111) entered
Rebecca Whitty, Rachel Quinert, Louise Pearse and Jacqueline
411])])(,1-ted bv the %(·hool staff anc| 11(ilililliftl'lition, and
M a dedicated gi·oup of pat·ent. 1 bev Imve given thrlessh 01 1|wil- tilne tc) {)1 ,4.,IliNC tram< and filticti ItiNing
eventr to provide :11)»ie for the growth ofaquittic %])(lit+ with tht· 11(lvent of the ni·u .%1)(,11% and PIn Nic 111 1<(lilcatic,11
\vek'oming ]11.111, new ilic'lill,ers in 200().
Peter >hiffren. President I.MH .1(]ilittic Chil)
three tean™ in the willtl'l· Competition•4
From a ilt'(tgling membership haw of 30 girl;. c\(('11('llt 1-£'411]th \\('ir 11(hieved. The jittliol' te;1111 01 Charlotic Chahnen. kniall Madden. 11]idget \'c)()11,111.
hicy,h,+nic Ph-rh . Mul,h.„Ac Shehhnh Mhlulh· >;mitherani and 1.lin \\'ilkii™on placed .cconcl, and the two 4(·Ilic)1- te.tinh camr .,1-cl micl .-,th in their cli,iNic)!14,
.\1(,ht lilli)(,itanth. 1|1(' rel.lv format of [he coinpetition
proved to be gl'cat lilli fol- evel'vone participating. Ihi· 1.\111 .\(luatic (:1111) 11,1% 1,(·c·11 ticinendon>1\
LMH AQUATIC CLUB LORETO · Mandeville Hall 119
Alihough the SCS.\ ancl (.PSVS.\ wel-e tcitighel
competitic )114. the learn competed ext 1-elnelv well agaill>,t
Mv bodv jolts as 1 11\%.iken to the 1,1.tl ing Nong phning
the likes of Ml.( :. St ( :atherinc k. ancl l intern. \1211 done
on mv clock radic). Suirlv itt not time to get Up, 1 groan
10 .111 those who wt·re a pan of the 1991) Sivim Te.im.
(]ilic·th . The Alin ix wi to lise. I roll ]110 lic·111 -Ac·ci)ing
IlianA vou to the PE vall . c·speciallv \11·s I Ilint ;md
1,(,ch' c,lit of bed and trach for un bathers below me.
Assistant ( :nach All·gan I Iolt, for 11(li'ice all(1 Mill)])(n't.
Stretching them over lin shoulclers, I thicm' on im
Special (c)111(1-211111.Nic)114 to the 3'cal· 10 Awililinerf
sc hool clirs,i. and pick up im overflowing bags. Still hall
Alina M.,114(,111·, Kate Fetterplace, C ben·1 1 1011 and
as](·cp I %1111111)le out to the car. 16 5.3(hun - time for
Lauren Mihelcic for winning the I larold I Ioh 1 kin Swim
Classic, and fur making the linal, at the APS Relar
Since ith tel'm last vear thiN is what ilialli oithe LMI I
Championships. Special melitions also go to Stephanie
Swimmers have been enduring and the effort has paid
Hagan,.jessica Noonan..Jessica (iti-min. Dominik White
off. Thi vear there were mam' Challges to the Swim
and Eliza Suffirn for their Succe»;. entlmsi,11111 aild
Team. which have improved our performance. These
coininitinent to trainilic}'.
changes have included a new head coach Ms Lisa Miller,
I am convinced that the establishment of the IMH
breakfust after training, and the inti-(,duction of more
Aquatic· (7111) and our future pool will elisure the slic'ccss
practice c,11'llival>,0
of the Swimming Train which Ivill achieve to even
We have experienced brilliant 1-exults this )Caliliclivictil,111\' and also .1.4 11 tc.1111, our first being at the
greater heights iii the future. All the best: |C.NNic .1 Fetterplace (Captain) and :\1-ltv Grer
Ge,1.1//.ano Centenan' Meet. There has been havel
(Vice Captain)
fought competition between Gen 1111(1 (,1119·Ive, over the 1'141 10 \C"NA, 1111(1 this veanve were victorioux.
7th Row L- R Millicent Chalmers, Alison Spence,
Hannah O'Shaughnessy. Michelle Funder, Anna Mansour. Jessica Noonan, Lauren Mihelcic. 6th Row L- R Bridget Bourke. Jessica Curtain. Tyla Bound,
Lucie Chairners, Eliza Suffren, Dominik White, Amanda Cumbrae-Stewart.
5th Row L-R Emilia Savage. Mardi Taylor. Kate Argentino, Kesiah Madden. Siobhan Blewitt, Stephanie Hagan, Samantha Barrett.
4th Row L-R Cheryl Holt, Lucy Wilkinson, Hannah Keely. Paige Tyrrell, Kristyn Campbell, Kate Fetterplace, Claire Gibbs. 3rd Row L- R Stephanie Sheldon, Michelle Smitheram,
Alexandra Suffren, Courtenay Tyrrell. Briana Fitzgerald, Amelia Curtain. 2nd Row L- R Alexandra Sweeney. Bridget Noonan.
Georgette Scanlon, Claire White, Stephanie Pirrie, Charlotte Chalmers, Orla O'Halloran.
Front Row L-R Clare Peachey, Jessica Healey, Jessica Fetterplace, Arley Grey, Stephanie Clark, Pia White.
Absent Cristin Burns, Georgina Coleman, Lauren D'Aprano, Caitlin D'Aprano, Peta Dermatis, Lucy Donovan, Megan Downing, Grace Mighell, Emma Norman, Madeleine Scanlon, Alison Smitheram, Daniele Wilton.
Coaches Ms Lisa Miller (Absent), Miss Megan Holt (Absent), .
6 1/1 .M
Successful swimmers (L-R) Lauren Mihelcic. Cheryl Holt, Jessica Fetterplace and Eliza Suffren.
120 LORETO · IMandeville Hall
75 Water Polo Congratulations to all the dedicated \\'ater Polo girls who put in a fantastiC effort throughout this vear. Loreto placed a superb 2iwl in Division L which was a brilli:int effort after nioving up into this Division after €)111· victorv in Division 2 12„t vear. The gir]4 put in a gallant effort agailist I.auriston, whose ],1.1,Ters tic']d a ellil) team. Congratulations to Anna Balmer who plaved execptionaH¥ well .1.4 troalkeeper. and to the other girls who woke up at liclic'111(111% hours to train.
Matf: -
N 2.7 ' 9 4
Speci,11 111(lition, and cong]-,itillations Nhould .114() go
ic) jannah TaborNk,+ who represented the Victorian junior Git 1, and Relick.1 .]ageur, who was a nwniber of
the Allstralian junior (:irls' Team who won gold iii the World Cup Nerics. We wc)111(1 like to thank Brodic Ewen (Coach),
Maclaine Roberts<)11 (Manager) and all the gi]-1, for their hal-(1 work and (·1101·t 1111(,lig11(,lit the 4(·22><)11.
Rebc·ka.]ageurs (Captain) .111(1.Jannali 1-aborskv (VUr (:,4,1.iiii)
Water Polo 2nd Row L- R Amanda Cumbrae-Stewart. Sally Brookes, Anna Balmer. Jacqueline Funder, Jessica Curtain, Lauren Mihelcic.
Front Row L-R Alexandra Suffren, Simone Ball, Jannah Taborsky, Eliza Suffren. Claire O'Dowd.
Absent Rebeka Jageurs, Stephanie Lord, Charlotte McFarland. Coaches Miss Anna Robertson. Ms Brodie Ewan (Absent).
Diving L-R Beata Lukasiak, Nicole Dwyer, Julia Dickson, Krystal Sherry,
| Kate Argentino, Jessica Fetterplace, t Claire Gibbs.
Absent Amy O'Connor.
Coach Miss Monica Wright (Absent).
7 14
End in the.Junior hection. and Kn'stal XIi('n·v and Nicole' Dwver. who placed 4th in the Intel mediaw Section.
Diving training- commenced iii Telin 4 last vear at
I hank vou to our coach. Miss MOnic .1 Wright for all Ill·l
11.11-01(111(,11 14)01, under the gilidance of Miss \1(mica inniors. This year has seen a signiticant incirase in
support and to her sister Xmancla for helping out at the diving camp in januan'. Well done to all the gil 1, who were part of the 1 999 Diving tram, particti|,Irly Amy
illeinbel M, especially lit the Diving- camp iii .j,illit,il·v,
C)'Connor and ®lia Dickson for theil' commitment to
which consisted of girls h om 16.11 4 tO Year 12, We
Wright Illicl the 21%.4 st.ince (,f Jesxica Fettel-place with the
performed in three ('arnivali with fierce competition in
If voll've ever done u-vmnaxtics or trampolining or
all and still managed to receive mam- commendable
injoy flipping off the side of the pool, keep Diving in
rhe team blitzed Sacre Coeur in a practice carnival micl season and finished 3111 overall in the Division 1
SCSA with superb diving by Kate Argentino, who placed
mind for the vear 2000. I hope that the te.lin contillues to in-ow. and I wish Loreto the best of luck for the vears to COInc.
Jessica Fetterplace (Captain)
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 121
Debating A
Debating B
L-R Eliza Curtain, Megan Walters, Kristen Doyle, Stephanie Doyle.
2nd Row L-R Cassandra Fry, Georgina Coleman,
Katie Taylor
Vanessa Condello, Annabel Smith. Emily Smith.
Facilitator Mr Malcolm Farnsworth (Absent)
Front Row L-R Vanessa Von der Muhll. Jane StewartBonnie Connellan. Katherine McMahon. Belinda Bowman.
Del)atiiig Report 1999
Facitator Mrs Margaret Smith.
11)1)1) 11:10 1)(·('il 2111<)ther u·,11· C )1 411(·a·%4 IC)! the
Ilit('1-c lic)(,1 1)(11)21!cl-: at 1311 L .\11 gil ls debated wc'll. alid
tw<) te.1/1 10 1)1(>gri»ed to the Fill:ils Ji·i·ic.. C :-(;radi· 1-(·am 1 (| |(·|(·11 13(Itin. (:11111(,1·inc 14\2111. 14{)%,ilili,ili llc·ah. . =4
(,(c)]gitill NIc)|lov .111(1 1),illic·la 1'111]10) wit. 11,111(mh
(1('1('clic·(1 111 tl/(. 1.'inith plin-{)114. :ind 11-( hudc Ti·am 1 ((4·Angina Colcinan. Emil, Smith. Annal,(·1 hinith.
1 f
\'am·.4.1 Conclello and Katherine 11(+11:thon) ic·,tched
the <)(Ic)-linal\. 111 11(1(lition. regional 1).\\' .%11.illilic ;mar(1% for 1)(·v (1(·Imt(·i- were Irc(·iwd |)\ Nittalic (4'lilli
A-(hade) and \1(·gan \\'Atch (.\-Gra(le) alld a ,%'linnie unal-d for 1)('Al \'ict(,1-ian lh(;rude debater wax :ticil·(Icd to C :'14<anch':11'1\.
1111(·rh{)11>,c 1)('1),ltilitz- 2-ave 11 \vider 111!ge ()1 Nttlclc lit,4
the opportuniti to participitic, and thir \(·ar the billic)1 (()1111)('tition \\214 won bv Barn. the %(·nior coinpctition In Ward. Thank \(,lt to the I Ic )11+(· 1)('1 ),lting· C .il)11,ili; 1-01their clic)11. ill 01„-anising the ic·,11110 Und .[cljll(lic'.iling the Ye.it- 7 :111(1 >t (1(11).Itch.
1 would like to pai niblite k ) 2111 (1(1):11('1 + for their
Debating C 2nd Row L- R Georgina Molloy, Natalie Grant, Claire Richardson
Front Row L-R Daniela Panto, Helen Beatty. Rebecca Jones, Celina Vines, Catherine Ryan Absent Hosannah Healy
cominitment . to the train ('.11)1.tifi>.lor th('i 1 .Ihhi.1.11]Ce ill
Facilitators Mrs Kathy Patterson (Absent).
{)1-gittliing their te:11714. and pill-tiC'll!:11-!v to Alit. 1 Iale toi-
Mrs Margot Thompson (Absent).
the tilne lind effort sbC· comrilmle; to the LMH
1)chating- program. Whank vou to all. and good hick iii
Debating D 4th Row L-R Jessica Price-Purnell, Sarah Stonehouse,
Sally Brookes, Anna Balmer, Yana Bittar, Jacqueline Funder, Amanda Cumbrae-Stewart.
3rd Row L-R Caroline Bainbridge, Dominique Spanos, Sophie Groom. Jessica Curtain, Jane Tehan, Stella Gray. 2nd Row L-R Camilla Hopkins, Yvette Haikal, Emma Gandolfo, Alexandra Suffren. Stephanie Davis. Front Row L-R Chelsea Martinago, Hannah Coleman, Leia Bonacci, Alexandra Sweeney, Jane Matheson. Absent Elizabeth Ames, Annabel Doyle, Kelly Moore, Amanda Schultz. Kate Stowell, Felicity Whelan. Facilitators Mrs Anne Bennett, Miss Leesa Hale,
Mrs Barbara Watt (Absent), Mrs Pamela Davies (Absent)
122 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Music for tlie New Millennium \Iliwic lit .\I,ilicic'ille reac·hed 11(9,· 11(ight, thiN ,(111:
11)1)9 proved to bc citic· 01 the inost exciting Und re\Varding- ,(·al-A for the Mli.+ 1)(7)10-tinent. ()11 boiIi Open 1),1/A. 1/1114icialli gat|1(·red in tire 4('11<)(,lutrd to entertaili vi.Mitork. In \lav. :ti'c),111(1 1 10
Al,111(1(·\inc '\Ill,(,C. accoinpanic·d |), the L.MIl unt·ic 9.iff, boarded 1 )ll.4(·s .111(1 headed l{ )1· 1)21\'les{(n-(1 for the
alilitial liilisic camp, whel-c lillisicianship .111(1 |lic·11(1Xhip |)(·tween l iu· gi 11.4 and Mt.,11 \\'(11 c enriched. .june :111(1 .\11glist were the |)lihiel month.4 for oiii'
imixicianh. AH were 1)11%ik pie])10'ing for the ,it]1111.11 Milsic Fc·xtival held at the Robert Blackwood I lail. 2111(1
[or the Performing- :\1'b Festival held lit the Melbourne
Concen liall. Dexpitc tlic·Ne 1,11>v tinic·*. we lillirici.111% never Noppi·(1 1-('he;11-Ning. Nulnerous Ilitic-htilne ( (,tic ti't i .ind Oak Pal-loin- Rec itals were held 1111·(,lig-llc,ilt
Brass Ensemble 3rd Row L-R Laura Riley, Emily Smith, Clare Noonan, Kamy Lee, Caitlin Sheahan. Leia Bonacci. 2nd Row L- R Rebecca Pereira. Alice Trumble, Samara Madden,
Emilia Sala, Laura Hertaeg.
Front Row L-R Clare Walsh, Renuka Rajadurai, Jessica Gamble, Georgina Flood, Sara MacLeod.
Illis \(,11 . 111,111 Nophisticated 1.Mil ctisc·nil,le+ ill('111(ling Choir, Vocal Enscilil,li·, Recorder 1111+c·inble.
Absent Renata Anderson. Louise Rocchi.
Conductor Ms Wendy Anderson.
Aliddle Ac h{)01 Band :111(1 Concel i Band, \\(·re I{)1-trilill!(·
clic)ligh to participate in the ])1'(vigious Roval South >;trcrt ENk·(1(11})(1 held at Ball:11-at.
Ihe illihic 13<·1):111111(·111 phned a hirge ic)]c ill thi· 75tl/ u·ar 01 1.(,irto. 141 ireinbles weir heavil, involved iii
the different ('t'lebr,ltion,4 thi'oughout the u·ar. In
1 ).11'tic illar. the liill.4ialls plaved and N.ing' 4 )1('liclictiv ill the grand St. Patrick' Cathedral (,1114·ast Din.
Mitin clis,1,11-)!e. al.0 hail tlic· op])(,1-1111)in· to
perfurni in ])til)lie. Thc Ntage Band, 11]ong- with Motne St Revill'% 1,1-ass plavers. provided ille entert:litiment at the
-55 j
Peter (;arrett talk held at Melbourne [Tiliversit
Hawthorn C .,litipili. I.ater in liu· veal'. c)liti.111(ling
Mandeville 'Mit.40< froin ve,ti·.0 7-12 gathet·cd iii the
Percussion Ensemble 1
2nd Row L-R Lucy McNamara. Katherine Barwood,
(11111( h
I lail
Sonatil/( k )11(ci'to (:{)11('clt. The night \1711% a grcat wl€((14,4
Natalie Grant. Katherine McMahon, Julia Dickson.
\vitll (AL·t\11(·lining· hupport 41(m·n IN pal'(·1114. Mtildenth
Front Row L-R Nicole Anderson, Sarah Ryan, Julia Pleadin,
und 9,111 of Loreto.
Uith out.41.11-1(ling I·(·.Mltlix. sc)inc' ens<,1111)10 ale
preparing fur gre,it proircts. The Loic·to Sunplionv
Rachel Semmens, Carly Lagana.
Absent Elizabeth O'Day. Conductor Ms Rebecca Matthews (Absent)
()1-(hc'%11·11 and the (:c)llc·crt 11,111(1 111-(1 1,1.inning a iii]) to
lillinpr in the \(·,11· 2001. Ihis u·ar we 1,11(75(11((1 (>111 AlliNic I)il(,('tor Mi'%
Wendv Todd. lind all m lixic 4111(1(·111 K j{ Iili liw ill tli,ati king her fin' her wonderful \#(,ik in ]11,1,ic litic, und wi·
extend our good wi411(·0 for the illture. 1 would like to extend a bigthank vou to Im Ii·11<)\' Z
mitsic le.,clers, Megan \Atihers,joan .\11.illact.llc·, Annabel Smith and Emilv·Smith. for their outstanding leadel 411 ip 1 welcollic· 0111' liew Nlit%ic Director \IN M.11 w C)'1)1'i,co|] 2,11(1 thank her and our (ledicated nilisic
teachers for their Un|,liling %11])1)(n-t. In particular, 1 wottld like to thank Mi Dick•unt. who h.i; done iii i
Flute Ensemble
(11(illii{)11jjc)1) fc)1 il, 1)('llilic! tilt 0('('11('M.
2nd Row L-R Amanda Cavanough, Julia Dickson,
I wils delighted to be ])211-1 01' the inu.4 program al Milliclevilic· over .ill t|1('Me reatx. 1 <llc,ligh I )(·Iii·c· that ImiNic at Mandevillc will contillik· to excel ill the 11(·w Illillelll/911111.
Rachel Bachowski, Johanna Shembrey, Sophie Groom, Ye Liu. Sarah O'Halloran.
Front Row L-R Emma Mulkearns, Emily Freezer, Hannah Coleman, Isabelle Kitchen, Claire White.
Absent Tanya Chaves, Claire Richardson, Veronica McGee.
11:Ilin Lec (.%(·hool \Itihic· (14)min )
Conductor Mrs Barbara Johnston.
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 123
Middle School Band 6th Row L-R Sophie Serong. Jane Tehan. ' 13.-, 1 -, Bachowski. Sophie Groom. Ye Liu.
At· t·icia Cavanough.
5th Row L-R Emma Mulkearns,
Hannah Coleman, Emily Freezer, r 3%4
, Sarah O'Halloran. Georgina Martin,
Sarah Mann. Elisabeth Hunter.
4th Row L-R Emma Gandolfo,
Georgina Jordan. Amelia Curtain. Claire White, Emma Simpson. Jessica Price-Purnell, Kesiah Madden.
3rd Row L-R Sarah Green, Julia Dickson,
- - Bridget Allanadale, Stephanie Davis, 77- Katherine Barwood. Sarah Ryan. Priya Lai. 2nd Row L-R Renuka Rajadurai, Lucy Deng, Emil,a Savage. Megan Hunter.
Jessica Gamble
Front Row L.R Leia Bonacci. Emilia Sala,
C.·i ' " Sheahan. Georgina Flood. Clare Walsh.
Absent Renata Anderson. Tanya Chaves,
Jessica Horewood. Conor McLaughlin, Julia Pleadin. Laura Stewart,
4-4* Conductor Mrs Sam Cameron.
t:--,1. --'r
Middle School Orchestra U
3rd Row L-R Ellen Nymyer. Jul a Szondy,
Yana Bittar. Paige Tyrrell. Sophie Paillard. 9
2nd Row L-R Zoe Taylor Alice MeNainara. Brighid Fahy, Nicole Gunn. Hannah Coleman,
Anthea Kypreos. Front Row L-R Danielle Bouchier.
Emily Freezer. Emily Tiernan, Kerri-Anne Van Munster, Clare Walsh.
Absent Alana Agnew, Julien Gibson, 4 Stella Gray. Joanna Patocs. Conductor Miss Jane Schleiger (Absent)
4 lf 4 1
Percussion Ensemble 2
Recorder Ensemble
L-R Rebecca Edwards. Ilmi Ratnayake, Claudine Wright.
2nd Row L.R Anthea Kypreos. Julia Szondy, Yana Bittar.
Caroline Whelan. Katharine Grant, Tess Mornane.
Claudine Wright. Hannah Coleman.
Absent Katherine Johannes.
Front Row L-R Caitlin Davey Laura Hertaeg. Zoe Taylor.
Conductor Ms Rebecca Matthews (Absent)
Elsa Musolino, Jane Matheson (Accompanist) Conductor Mss Deana Dodds.
124 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
1*; '3 *46,4,
Y r
k --::turk-
1 1/& S
&289=400*% Vt< f •'r ,- i
7 0./1.-.. itfi
Senior Choir 6th Row L- R Katherine Senior, Annabel Smith, Jane Stewart, Natalie Grant, Yana Bittar, Marisa Hadfield, Clare Gibson.
5th Row L-R Catherine Ryan. Jessica Young. Joan Allanadale, Christina Broussard. Lisa Charlton. Jessica Price-Purnell. Christina Collard 4th Row L-R
Jiaping (Jenni) Fu (Accompanist), Stephanie Senior, Caitlin Sheahan, Sarah Stewart, Meagan McDonnell, Stella Gray.
Julia Siondy, Katherine Joubert. 3rd Row L-
R Julia Pleadin. Bridget Allanadale. Lucy David. Joanna Patocs, Emily McLeay. Paige Tyrrell, Rebecca Pereira,
Anthea Avoreos
2nd Row L-R Georgina Flood, Frances Acance, Mary Li. Gabrielle Berends, Camille Deane, Caitlin Noble. Leah Lim.
Front Row L-R Rebecca Green, Tram Nguyen, Jane Matheson, Hannah Coleman, Jane Li, Katerina Asimakopoulos. Absent El zabeth Ames. Christianne Borovec. Tanya Chaves, Julien Gibson, Emma Simpson. Conductors Ms Mary O'Driscoll, Mr Stuart Shearman.
Senior Choir and Vocal Ensemble 11)<)9 11,10 1)4·(·11 an i]11(1(wing aild %11(-(c·»,ful \cal- for Xeilior C :lic)ir :ind Vocal 1·:1]4(·inble. 1 lic·n· 11.1\(· been
inam chang·(·4 with Ill·\, pt·oph· :ind IiC·w conduct< 11·4
m,lking it inot-(· c h,111(·Ilging than it hax Ix·(·11 previc)11\1\·. 1.(,1 (·Ic).N 75t li Anniversarv Ims given ils inall,
performing· oppol-titilitio lind experienat In March the \'ocal En,·1111)!c perfunned at thi· Twilight picnic. in Septoni)(·1- the (11{)ir and Vocal En>,emble particip"led i 11 111(· 1·.c.tht 1),1 \1114% 111 41 1 ',11 I ic'16 C litlic'(11 .11, .\4ide
11·01]1 1)(il(,1·ining at \:11·ic)110 Open 1)11\·0 lind other
11111(tiolif, and the \cark \|lisic C.unp in \11,\ und the Altisic- 14·Ntiuil iii.|illic. both Choil- and VocIll Elihemble
1)(·itorincd itt the Roval .Nouth %11'('Ct (:(,lill)('tition in 14,11]arat iii hepteniber. in which \'ocal Eit.(·inble phurd
MI :e
Und. wceivitw- %200.00. and Choir 1,1.1(·ing- 2,rd in their section und winning %1(H).00. \\'c would like to tliank \In \U·ndv Todd who ic·iii·ect as litisic Director 11]is ,(·ar. \\11 wek-onwd a new [lit < (-tor of ihiic \10 11.11-\ C)1)1-iM,)11 in 1,1-111 3 and we thank
%=...Fnel'trr "·,cm·...... -- -= -7 -- --- f .1-75/i;
her for her dedicated work u<th the (:lic,ir in 11)1)1).
Vocal Ensemble
Ilmnk: als{, to our Vocal Ensemble C k ilicilic tor. Mr
3rd Row L- R Lisa Charlton, Christina Broussard, Clare Gibson,
Sttlill t Hhearman. for hiN ('lic{ )111'llgement .01(1 94)1)(n't
Annabel Smith. Joan Allanadale.
thi war. 1 havi· (·lijoved thi. w.li- immen.i·h .ind tli.itik
2nd Row L-R Lucy David. Katherine Senior, Jessica Young. Joanna Patocs. Emily McLeay, Camille Deane.
the dedicated nwmbel h of 1)0111 (·11Mcinbles, ancl I \'ill inirs \11[Mic at 1.(11-i'to \11111(leville 11,11!.
joan All,11121(litle (St'11101- (:11,)1 iVC·r)
Front Row L.R Leah Lim, Frances Acance, Stephanie Senior. Caitlin Noble
Conductor Mr Stuart Shearman.
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 125
Stage Band d?
l'his war the 1.c)]-(·to Mandevilk· 1 1,111 Stagi· 11,111(1 h.14
con t i n ued t o i m prove . evi de n ced br 111 (· c l i t l i l l si,1% 111 wi t h
which it 11.h inct the ch.tlic'llgo 01]cred bv the \,tlic,liN cy'(·111% and perforinances thi'oughout the \'(111: Ihe
Stagr 14:111(1 4 fir,Mt performance \\'11.4 111 the %( 1,(1()1 4 7.-Il'
Birthclav Pageant in \1211'cli. Rept'(·\(·titing tile· 11)605. the 1)anct plaved (;et /1//ch, which w.1.4 11 great Mitic'(·44 .11-1(1 11(1(ted to the 1 1-(·lii(<11(1()11% 11( hievelnents of 2,1 1 mit.Mic ians /16/ 1Ugh L
Ilw Stage 11.111(1 01- Coill-se plaved in the Schools annual Music Festival. Pl.ning in the fover before the concert allowed the Stage Band more time to impresx
the audience with numerous and vaning charts. In lillie the band was holioured to be imited to plav at Mi Dernelle€% 1.tiewell. Mr Dernelley, during his time at 11.incleville, encouraged the expansion of extra€ 111 1 ic 111.11- activities, particill,11'ly lillisic. It was therefore a great pli·,1%111 c· for the Stage Billul, a relativek new ens(·inble, to perform for hill] and the School.
In September the St,lge 15,111(1 1)12,irccl. in conjunction
-f • 1 -& :./.--':1./'IIi'Ill/,1,9
Stage Band 2nd Row L-R Caroline Whelan, Emily Smith, Natalie Grant,
with Ic)lit- 41.Kevin'M Ntll(1(liti Itt the joung- 41)€,iker;
Clare Noonan. Beth La Brooy. Katherine MeMahon, Nicole Lea
Foritin at which Pc'ter (:arrett spoke. The night was ven
Front Row L-R Sara MacLeod. Alice Trumble, Laura Riley. Jiaping (Jenni) Fu, Samara Madden, Catherine Ryan.
Moca·44[zil. and the band gained experiena· in ])('1-1(,1'ming witb a 1,11-ger ('tiscilible. To lilli411 11 1(· war
Absent Diana Bowman.
the Stage Band W.1.4 11.Nked to plin' during the intel'val c )1 the War 11 Theatre Stitclies procluction of /)/„hum
Conductor Mrs Jennifer Meachem
l.,sm·/ed, \Ve provided music in keeping with the cra iii
which tlic· 1,1.„ was Met. 1 he Band plaved c h.11 1% from the 405 that hilped enhana· the musical element of the
plai. 11w two performances were greath appleciated and enjoved, The Stage Band alsc) contributed to the Singei-N Soiree bv backing®an Allculaclale hinging FA .We
=62: -
to the .Woon. and as .1!waus contributed to School Open Dms.
On behalf of the Stage Band I would like to thank Ali 3.}ennili·1- Meachain [tn- her tittic , sitl,1,(,1't. efftn-t and f,ilit,Istic conducting: and 111.4{) M, Wendy Anderscin for
her continual and much appreciated ilssistance and elithilsiastil.
Emil) Sinith (Irader ofthe >Mag-c Band)
Concert Band Concen lUnd. ivhich in recent tinres h,1% gone from 411-(·ngth tc) 411-chligth. Ims had .111(,ther verv %11(('('441-111 uur. 11111'ing first Acilic>ter. wc concentrated on (,lit
performances at the aillitial Mil.Nic- 14'(.stival lind at the 73tli Anniver>nu-v Twilight (,clebiation>, while our inain 1-ocus iii second semester was the Roval South Strret
Concert Band 6th Row L- R Emily Smith, Veronica McGee, Natalie Grant,
1111Nic Fextival ill Ballarat. It \0'21% a \VI)11(leitul experience
Clare Noonan. Cecily O'Shea, Katherine McMahon.
to be able to p| ,1, in a different venue and to a luNch wider andience than lisital, and the qualitv of the
5th Row L-R Caroline Whelan, Olivia Burns, Beth La Brooy, Johanna Shernbrey, Megan Walters, Sarah Portelli. Kamy Lee.
performance was perfect testimom' to the hard work
4th Row L-R Elisabeth Hunter, Lucy MoNamara, Jiaping (Jenni)
and cleclication of the whole band.
111 11(1(lition to these major events. we have
Fu, Samara Madden, Alice Trumble. Caroline Chen. Georgina Coleman.
performed ic,r the school at several Open 111, s ancl hmchtillic concerth, and with the Orclic;tra we pknrd
3rd Row L-R Caitlin Sheahan, Elizabeth O'Day, Helen Beatty, Stella Gray, Laura Riley, Lauren Matthey, Nicole Lee,
[cn the 7.5th anniver\.11-v Frast Day Mass.
Laura Hertaeg.
%pecial thank,% alid cong-l,ttll!,ltionx go to {)1tl-
2nd Row L- R Georgina Flood, Neela Velan. Julia Pleadin,
colicluctoi. \11->; .}clinifel· Meachein, who haN given so
Sophie Serong, Rebecca Pereira, Isabelle Kitchen.
inuch to Concert Band this :cal·, and for the last four
Front Row L-R Sara MacLeod, Patricia Nigro, Ilmi Ratnayake,
vears. I wonkl al•u, like k ) iliank AL. Wendv Ander•<>11 for
Lidia Vitelli, Hannah Coleman, Georgina Jordan, Jane Matheson.
her efforts with the 1,1'.1.4.4 1111(1 :14 (,ill' Mt,wid-ili (c)licttli-tor.
Absent Renata Anderson, Diana Bowman, Tanya Chaves.
I have greativ enjoved being Leader of Cona·1-1 14,111(1.
May Wang.
und I wish the 14,111(1 the best ot hick for 2000.
Conductor Mrs Jenny Meachem,
Megan \\'11]ters Oradel- (4(wmiert Band)
126 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Assistant Conductor Ms Wendy Anderson
75 2'f
Loreto Symphony Orchestra 7th Row L-R Elisabeth Hunter, Georgina Molloy, Annabel Smith, Jennifer Palisse. Veronica McGee, Emily Smith, Caroline Chen. 6th Row L- R Madeline Tilley, Kamy Lee, Katherine McMahon,
Jane Serong, Belinda Bowman. Julia Dickson, Stella Gray. 5th Row L-R Samara Madden, Ellen Nymyer, Paige Tyrrell, Ift
Alice McNarnara, Amanda Fuller, Jiaping (Jenni) Fu, Nicole Lee. 4th Row L-R Jane Li, Neela Velan, Hui (Penny) Wang, Amelia Joiiannes, Rebecca Pereira. Samantha Lau,
Anthea Kypreos. 3rd Row L- R Alexandra Cuttler, Tracey Pahor. Christine Hou,
Katherine Joubert, Bridget Blackburn, Lucy Fang. 2nd Row L-R Clementina Watson. Stephanie Resciniti. Jane Matheson, Diana Tung. Nicola Flook. Front Row L-R Patricia Nigro. Renuka Rajadurai, Caitlin Noble, Laura Hertaeg. Andrea Vaz, Chandini Kao. Absent Jennifer Ames, Tanya Chaves, Julien Gibson, Hosannah Healy. Kate Maguire, Louise Rocchi. Caroline Whelan, Elizabeth O'Day, Natalie Grant. 4 n
Conductors Mrs Leonie Conolan, Ms Wendy Anderson (Assistant).
1'11(.4(·hool ()1'(hehil'.1 0'111)g ilit<) 21{-1ic)11 (·111-1\' in the will. preparing· for the schoo]'.4 "7.5111 .\11!liver--1 1'2,grant." C)Iii·
repertoitr on tlic· (·ic·liing reprevented the chillige ill pt·riod :111(1 lifonk· Nitic·(· Loreto M,111(le\·il|c IMI| waN €41,0,lished. with
21 1),iltic'111,11 Ic)(·tls (m the \1211-timt· 1(·Ills. ..\11£1 what conld be Inort· exciting- than to linish with 11(·hitiki >, 042 1812 owrtuir, (,11111(,11 Nound,; and fil-t·JiT<n-k. inclit(led! C),crall. it i·* a
wonderful event, filk·(1 with jo, and excitement. and it 1.14 Wonderful to be pan ot-mich a celebration.
t.2- 4
Whilst the wind and brass plaverc lecovered 11-(1111 the
yj i if.
pageant exil-21\-agall/a. the Stl-illg ()1-Cht·<tra u·11% hnited to pkn· Ilt an Open D,tv at Deakill liniverfit€% Toot-ak (:ampu. In a more refined Metting the .Sti-ing 01-chextra ])121„'Cl a Neries of
ch»ical, impi'exsionist and contemporai-v work. for the
vi>,itorr. (.cl'titililv the ill,itation reflec» the Sclic)()14
1-('])litation for producing fille ilitixic 2111(1 111ilicilt,1,2 111 Mav. tlic String· C)}(hest ;1 1)12,vcd itt a grand 7.-)t h .\11]live!-4,11-, Climler / 1'(·linion at tiN· Carlion (:rest. C)nce again it wat wonderful to be invill·(110 Nitch an (·\(1111, 811(1 to <ce W mam
checrful Lorcto 1,1(lich. retilliting with theit- 4(lic,01 1 1-ic·lick
I h,wewr, whilst thi·Ac evcnt< onh required .i mall number £)1 I)(·1 f 4,1 mer,h. t|1(· (·Atent ofthe St·hool '4 talt·Ill and passion for 11111Nic w,ls 1)1'1·3('111(·(1 al thi· %(-|ic)(,I N .\111]11,11 .\Ill\ic 1·evival Ilt
Mandeville String Orchestra 3rd Row L- R Jane Serong, Annabel Smith, Jennifer Palisse,
Georgina Molloy, Belinda Bowman. 2nd Row L-R Lucy Fang, Amanda Fuller, Chandint Kao, Stella Gray. Hui (Penny) Wang. Front Row L-R Samantha Lau, Amelia Johannes, Nicole Lee,
Robert Blackwood I lail. 1 h·re the C)'.cheNit·a ;mci Ailing
Diana Tuiig.
(hchi·str:1 ])('1'|()111l'(1 Ino. abh. offering nwmorable
Absent Rosannah Healy, Louise Rocchi.
it·11(litions of lori·do" lind "(,11)1-iccio 11.,lit·n.- whikt the
Conductor Mrs Leonie Conolan.
St,-ing ()1-ch r<tra gave .1 \#'2)11(lti·ful ren clition {)1 Vivalcli i violin concerto iii A ininor. feattll'ing 1(,loists S.litialitha Lau and Rosimnah 1 1<,th. I wotild like to th,ink .ill thor who itttencled
hick,· enough to be chosen to perform with the C )]chegra
the ('c)iic'crt. vipporting the muxic 41.111' and Stliclent+.
\\'ic·ticawski'x romantic· Concerto hi D minor. It \VIi, ;111
Simil,11·h·, the Feaw I),1, \1.1,< at .St. Pati-ick'+ C,atlic·cli·iii ill\'olved \laticleville liltifici.1110 en 111.1,SNe. The Orchestra and
experience I will liever forget. Incleed I teel luck,- to have licen given such at-1 ()1)portlmitv.
Concert IUid combined with tile Sellior Choir to provide
This vear h.is been an extra special ;eai· for the Orchestra
xpict.icular ilitisic tor this special lilli]'14. The cliNcinble p|.ived
which has had <0 111.111, exciting per{2)1111.ilices. including two
majesticall¥ af lit·;11-11, tourists watched in awe. The 111114ic
once-in-,1-liletime events. 1 have loved being able to lead our
Acemed to 1)ling the congregation together. 11% the whole
Otcht·Jint and have alwins felt part 01- a welcoming. Creative
School joined in with tht· In 11111% 2111(1 1)| c<)111·st· our ver, c )„·11
gl-c )lip of pcoplc. With I'litill-e plans to go ovencit. c )11 :111
"Quc·en of I.(,i't·to." It wa, (cl-tainA something to ic·ilic·inber
(,1-(hestl-It loill· in eiglitct·11 mc,liths, it M'll,14 \I.Hicle,ille.4
1111(1 1,(lcled to tlic· %pirit .111(1 cell·|)1-ation (,1 the clav.
11111>,ic contilitte> on the wav tip! Blit our 111(·ti·oric progre&+
A vel-v %;pecial cu'lit. held e.tch war. N ,)111
won](1 not have been pouible without the 11( Ip and vil)1)ort ()1
Holut:t/(:(111(-(·i'to cona·it. Thihic·ar lilisocc».ion took place al
111(· mil.ic .taff. 1)111'ticul.11·1\ \[4. \\'i·11(11 .\11(lt'/·Non. \Ir; [('tilliful
11-11111(tilk· I'liiting church. The ch·gant Artting ilict-c·;10(·d the fornialin of thi.4 elite concert. \\'hili this (ic·lit Ic)(11.(·· on the
Schooll wnior. morc experienced peribi-mer#. thc Orcheara
(cxchicling 1)1·.m) al,0 11,1(1 21 vii ill rolt· 10 1,1.1. 1·:21(·h war the Sil,li)11(inv ()1 (·heN,1-,1 11('('4)1111)2111ic. it %(11( jiv. Iind 11]iN war I \\-214
11(·,1('11(·111 1111(1 of (-()111-M·. the ever c.lithilsiartic AIrs Leonie
Conolan. Thi4 1(·ar. wi· werc .421(1 to \In' 1,11-cwell to (,lit' Alt[4IC
Dilrctor of m.mv real-N. \11-•. \Vendv -Ic)(1(1. blit \\(· air gh,(1 to \vek·ome \6 \140\ 01)]ig·('11 to Lorcto.
Annabel Smith (()1(·hc w .1 Leader)
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 127
Karen Lee, Josie Parkinson, Katherine Gardiner,
Arley Grey, Sophie Laurence, Eliza Curtain. Front: Elizabeth Fox, Caroline Bainbridge, Clare Arbon, Jiaping Fu. Laura Riley.
Bridget Scanlon. Roisin Gleich, Sarah White,
Clare Gibson, Megan Walters. Front: Kate Argentina Elizabeth O'Day, Caroline Chen.
Stephanie Resciniti.
Katherine MeMahon, Natalie Flegg, Emma Poyntor
Joan Allanadale. Erin Buntine.
Front: Lauren Smith. Stephanie Davis, Lauren Trumble,
PAD i . Nigro.
Back L - R:
Eloise Porter, Angela O Connell. Bridget Hill,
Beth La Brooy, Annabel Smith. Front: Katie Campbell, Elisse Jones. Simone Bailey. Kristen Doyle.
128 LORETO · Flandeville Hall
•e= 3 yrp.0._ ..%
- L.,pt.
Tournament of Minds 2nd Row L- R Natalie Butler,
Hannah Coleman, Sophie Serong, Jane Tehan, Emily Varrenti, Tracy Pahor. Front Row L-R Caitlin Davey, Catherine Ryan, Samantha Lau, Yvette Haikal, Jane Matheson. Absent Katherine Slowell,
Rosannah Healy, Diana Bowman. P"
Facilitators Ms Daryl Jenner, Mr Nick Frigo Coordinator Ms Daryl Jenner.
Xly Experience with Tourninnent of Alii-lds '\\'hv do I do it?' I a>ked 111\.c lf when i wai c 11(,pping clowl, 1,<11]11,00 in il fliciclkgarclen. 'Why do I do itF I asked whell I wit>% tning to New .1 C 0%111]11,· in home ro{)111, \\'liv (Ic) 1 do it?' 1 »led \\hen 1 w,1,% running from onc 4(1(· of the hool t:, .111(,ther. '\\'In do I cio it?' 1 1,4kc·cl
wlic·n I was Ining to fill in for]114 :11 (']cu·11 111(' nix-hi 1)('1')1'/ tli(· ('()111])(·1111(,1/.
1 4111)1)("U' till.1 1 decided to pIll ti( 11)111(· in 1(01111],iinent of Min6 lor 111(· third tillic· 1,(·call:(· it R
acttl.l|h 11111. bil an prol),11)11 al] 111(· cran [0 y)(·11(1 tillic' before chool. aftel· 4(·lic)(,1. during *chool und weekenclx lor rix wecks wi IIi Nix other gil-1% 1 1-(}In Years 7
Illid S, ti'ving to lind .1 creative um· to Nolve a plc)1)]cill and t h, ·n making (,1.1- creat ion i l lic ) a 1(·11 mit i lite pkn. Voll Wolild prol).3,1\- think th,ll 111.ic· totall, -lo,Nt it" to pit i t ic'i ] ).t te i n .1 compt·t it ion whc l-c i f i c )11 wi n t he liN
1-01111(1 voll get to wake tip lit 41\ on a %1111(121\ to Al)(·tul till-ce 11()111'4 %(,hing ; 1)1()1)Irm \,hen ti i· 1.1,1 ene took
yon hix weeks. Ilowever. participating ill Ic)lli'll,Illient 01 Mitulf Nxonwthing that i.ic,exciting·atict ('lljOV,thle thut ,()11 do not belic·\r that it i• 1-11('.1111 ic) be te:1( 111:14 1()11
%()t wthing- 1,1,(,ut gi I )it]) work ami 1,1-01)1(·m solving. 11·I,uic the prol,!i·ms.11'live ,(,11 al·e pill ilitc, Il te.ili] 01 Bhu·91 with at least two gil-10 11'¢)111 'wal , and tbe reR 01
the tean made up from girls in Wars 8 - 1(). Mr te:tin ((.liisted ofthree li·.tr 73. S.ilii.111!Im I.,til, Emik Varrenti
ancl Natalie Blithu-. and three Year 8 git-IN. 1.1 tic· 11:11>1(son,jane Tchan .111(1 1 12111,1 ili (:(}1(inan, 1 \\-2,4 the onk War 9 in our Ii·am v) 1 did not 1-(.l|]v know am 01
the girlf. but trust :ne, after voll have had to y}end af 1-liu( h :inw Ingethel-,M we (lid fol. get to know (,rl,()11(·
well. 1 hrough 11)1[Inalilent (,1 ilinds, von not <)111\ leal 11 tlilit War h vill decorate the blackboal-cl betwc·(·11 C.1(11
and to 0)11>tanth coinc lip with (reatiu· ide» lind 9 )11111()110.
()111' 0(·11001 1111(1 three te,uns this \('ar. one froiii the
Junior %(11001 lind 1,10 11'om the %(ilic)1- %(-hool. The 4(·nior %{ 11001 Te,un I rea·ived 111)11()111-4 :111(1 Inv t<·ain,
Ii·:tin 2, wa. placcd Iii-v ill our (Ii\Non, The blilior %( 1100] tram was 111%40 placed in the top third. All 01 the IcaliiN in c )1 11- rchool ]1.tcl .1 choice between a Nocial
4; i clic-(1 problem, a maths-cligilic'(i ing pri )1)1(·111 alic 1 t he langwagr literallire problem. All teams (how the 1,Inguage liti'l-Itttlt(· [)1-(,1,1(·m. The problen] required tile t(·ams Ic) (lic)(>0(· two clit>,sic>, c)lit 01 the live they li,ted aild to creativek combine the two to make a new ston
111111 4till hacl to 11:tre a litne|(·44 (11121|it\'. No (,litficle 11(111) Was :illowcd which Incant that we con|d not ask „lit
11.licilt. Iot i(lea.\ .Ind \7(' c<)111(1 not get 4)111- graililina. to 4(·w tbc· c c)%111117(·4. ,\0 .1 1-(·sult, we relll|v do (lihcc)\(·1- c )111 learn 111(7 111)('1-3' hidden talt·lib.
Our |(,ng-term v)]tition that let 11.4 will lit'%1 plaa· ill our (livihic)n Wat the 1('All]t (,f (-()1111]litillent |roll] the
enthr ti·ain. Evi·n at 1 LOO pin on thc night before the
({)11!prtition. in one of the bilsic·Mt tilm·% of the vi·ar, we flill had Inn tog<·ther. ,·\3 <c )lii<7)'ic 0,1 id wav hack in mv
clul. din. a champion tcam will al\van beat a ti·:1111 of £ 11111]l])i()11>•.
I nou leali*c thal pin-ticipating iii -lournament ot Mind, 11,1% taught me manv practical Ic·\Mon.4, which i+ill Nlity with me ful· inv entire life, such .14 the vallie· of
organisation and group work, 1 :11.No have to thank \1•; lenner. my tram'% facilitator and the Ti)111 Imment of N.lin(1%
{)1 6,<mi%,ition. Mr Frigo .11.40 nec·(1% to be thanked becaw;e hc wils the facilitator of Team L
From 1 [Itilli,11-,- 20(H) there will be approximatel,· 21:1 (121) 4 Illitil I Can Ntart it .111 again. Tracer' Pahor. Year 9
01:» but voll clevilop a g I t',11 \411, bv which to face itt (»
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 129
Loreto Mandeville Hall Writing C knupetition 1999 junior Section Winner - I humah
Coleman, Year 8
Topic: Maks
David's Unmasking
k. W.
4 1 J#I&74*
1 1)111-Nt out ofthc (lai-k illul htltili ('11)1)0111-(1. th(· mad .''
vitic)('4,till,4 :111(1 htickv agaill.41 mv |11(-c. 1hn ali c,il Ilic,nrter .incl Ihn going to get vou." 1 vened. Sticiclcia.
[)avid toppi·(1 0(·traming :111(1 1 0101)ped running. Then 1 1-eltic'1111)(·red, \Ve werciA vit])1>(,0(·d to <in anvthing like Ill,11 inninorc, .\11 evil 111()1™ter real|\ wah aft(·1- 1)avid. a Inointer called can((·1. 1 (11(110 1111(1(11.41,111(1 wIn
cvervonc 11'14 41 ) 11( )1-1-icd. :11 ter all he \C £ Ined linc. 1111(1
1).n·icl, well. 1)11\·id w.,4 jits, 1)11id. .1 pe,k, little 1,1-citlwl. u \iholill((1111(1111 do whholit. (, #Nojith; l<cli'}
Darid i. in 11(>7)11,11 110,1. the, adinitted hilit .ix
weck•; ago. an{1 11(m lu·.% 11 pri•unwr in a whitc. (liinfected jail. >kina· 1),1,·1(14 been it] here thing. have c hanged. I don't v·:11-(· him with ina40 1111\111(nr. i[lid 1 7
guess now he'% not itil im pe«\. link· brother. 1 Ji· iholight (,11(c 01+ IWice al)(,111 Wh:it Unlild happen il 1),A'id did die. 1)111 111,11 \Yon't happen ain\,21\. \\'cH. 111,11.
Afr #» :k<J...0 *-I
Art by Rosannah Healy (Year 10)
whal evenont· 5.1, . But not evenone think he'll m,ike
it. 1·:\(Irthing- will bc line. thev .11\. c <)11|ident und
h<)1)(·1111. But ,\licti 1)11„(1 talks al)(ilit (:11!i411]ill. 01 high v·hool their liph tiell,1)1('. their (·ve; Iii| \dth te.U'N. The In»10% 11111 011 :ind 1110 |Ca\C the FOO!11.
1 7,(11· 1//Irl
N,()--(}llcs l)retclutint, All\Inon. !)avi(11 11|HH)>,t LA-(HU
now. People conu· uncl go. the 11:,*10. nothing btit chiq. 11; 1)(·llc'i thi. war. I think. At |cit. 1 ).liid (1( )(·vA liave to
heal' the crving in the ((,Iliclor. the whiy)<11-(·cl convt·i.litic)110 ill·ound the ((,111(·1·. Other pcoph·. 1,(·line
it or not .11·c :11.0 happier this \\In, lhei i.ilk uith l).nid and he makes tlwin I.ltigh. with picture. :111(1 joi«·.. 1)11\id'% clilli'illit now. Ah Xilliti.1 321\.hcl hoh. It ux,k ine a while Ic, ic·,ili•,c· th.11 111(·tr w.1% 111(,1-c ic)
1,)} 1)1(>thel- than X-\!clk ;md model .tric )1)11,11(·0. \\'t· t,Ilk al,out :111 kinch of thillia. and David N realk quite a Cool kid. Hitting here. talking to him in h ,+ 11(,41,ital bed. reinin(h Inc 01 when we were at home, 1111(1 \u· vit t ill(1(·1
tin· domm. niaking .can faccs with toi·clu·% lind giggling al)(,111 tlic .nitics 01 the l.,ch next (loor. 1)avid :ind 1 werc inatch .111(1 we vill :tle. linw t·veil mc)!-c.
2 rean h//r, It'. David. 1)il'iliclai toclli. .\11 hih |1'ic'11(14 :ind 1111 the
Tellich" are at (1111- place to ((11(1)1 .ite. \Ve talk :tbout 1 )avid, Swap Xtoric. and ('11%111*e th,lt 1 1 1(' X-\1 (·1 1 al·e .till in working order. 16 fittl in. r on know..\11 war. no-one will talk :11)out David. thofi· old. Nilent nutik. conic back on. ai ld h i % mune iN 11('\'el- 11)l'lltic)11(·(1 outside (,lit h{ )11,( . But
10(lav, il + :ir if there ir a great out-pc)111 ing of David. washing- away plaver and ]),lint. making- ina.le; dRappear. for tod,1 N 1),iricl'* din.
130 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Art by Ksanya Makohon (Year 10)
Loreto Manderille I lilli Writing Competition 1999
back. 1)itt tlit· wall rettiain jiM behind inc. I turn back:
Ilitcrmediate Section Winner - Chloe
and smoke. Then. coming till-ough thc Miic,kc· It red pail of liph ;11)1)(·ar. The Inouth open. ic,\.(.11|ing a vellow
Wiholl, Year 9
ropic: Rest iii Peace \\illi c\0 11\ilig<)])(·11 alid \vilkilig. C(,11>,(ic)11ilic),Ig|]t rettillting. 1 1-('!11('1111)(·1' H Ircir 1 .1111. (1)01 4.\1< lit 1'11110
down un tic·ck and I peel 111,0(·11 (,lit ofthe 41(·ct.\ 10 1)(· Atillicling :11(>lic· in lin I)('(11()(,1,1. with nighn petic·cl Mtil|lic» 11,1111(ing over me. 1 pac| ciown the hall inic) the kitch(·11 and shimp clown al ilic table, The nightmare
1(·1111-11% Dilly in 111,411(·4: grecn vi,oke. high fcm·ch. panic. I Nhake inv litud to clcar it und the clock tel]4 111(· it N
3.20 :1111. It happrned :11-(}t!11(1 thi· 0.1111(· tilne |111 liiltht, Ilic· nif:ht before that. The nix·hi |)(·Ic)1-c that. Dn»cd olihill cheap Ilaniwl. 11)((·0111, :i,%,11·(· ofthe
cold. Slow|v 1 111.ike mi' wav bark up to the 11(·(11-(,om. wriliglm·11 Ilic· Al](1(11.4, 1('1]tativelv %11(1(· 1)(,tween 'licill. Nelic,IM. ag if it Was a hot bath 1 \\'1/Allt 4111'(· 1 (()111(1
vand. Ittlt 211)],11-enth' 1 con|(1. Hoon Kleep clailned im· (}licc 'll//111.
I he w.11 111 41111 wakt·4 ine. Moi n i ng routine: breaki.i.t . 4ic nvc·r. get dressed. get |1111(·11, ,gi >c )€11), c. walk to the vt,ttion. 11111 the 11%112<111 hoothing- 1-11\'thm of the train i.
3,111),IJNY! by a feeling tliat foinething isilt rig]11. I recall \\hal illy %111-)('(ilisciollb ]11,(1 Act·11 through(,lit tht· Ilig-hi. Reing c hased. beille- cail,rlit. I lot breath, cc,Icl cu·%. black
path.4, white light. Fences and wire, green water. u·]low tong'tic·f coming- out ])(11€·ath the finile. The (11(1 wonian lic\t to ini· hillileh. look. concri·ned. "You okin. 1(,vcr
41(· ad« I lic)(.1 and fight 111\ wav throtigh loaft·i'% and French n)11% to get (,11 the traill.
111 1-oughout the (la) 11-cliw finall flaslic., 1ic·ce. 01 the 111(,liwi·!-0 111.11 lm' inind had cre:tted,
(,ning till<)lighthe moti{)11% 01 the (hn-'s ]11{)11(,[C)11(,11>, 1.,Aks. liu· ones rd done before and lic) ck)11|)t \04)111(1 do
:tgaill. A kiligh would birak 111\' ('4)11(('1111'ation. 11:1\1)(· ihi· 111('inc)1-v 01 gllc,Nth· ligllt or vil:111 blight Iii-i·$. or lican' chainM.
l'tating clilillen the ])|litc alld its content, >,willi before inc. \\'orill.. are 111('v? \Iligg{)10 1 w:141 the coment, 01
1|1(· i)|,11(·(Ic)\\'11 th(·>,ii)]an(1 11-\ loili](1%(>1]k·thinge]M· to occupv im' mind: 11+v 11) Ntop thinking 111)0111 whal happens when I shlit 111\ eve$.
I'lic· c lock; tic·king and 11('in·\ chilnes remind me I
Alc)111(1 be going lo bed. %0111(·cl. blit v) wide It\\'like \vith 111(· knowledge 01 ifhat will happell when 1 01<7·p. Min|x· 1 11 jilit Nit (10\4'11 on Inv' 1)('(1. Mall)(' 1'11 jil,t rc·,1 111, c\(·4 101·,1 0('(-011(1. Mav])c. 111,MI)(·...
A d mt-p intake of breath - now I am awake. 1 11:lu·
never been fo invake. A long, black path twit-l.in front 01 im·, clon(1% of u*reen Kinoki· hover around. 1 1111-11 to go back, 1)111 a brick wall ten tlic)114.ind fect higll Ic)(,111+ in
11-()lit 01 inc. lican' 1),144 :il)ration, collic up through the ground :14 1 run Illong it. 11!ight firc· yning up Illic[(11001. The path ends, c) I turn .11(,tilic! to 11(·ad
now, not (bilk· ha, 111( path ended. blit there R an c'x])111]Ne 01 lic)thinglit» ill 11-ont of nic, jil,t grev (1(,llcl.%
tonime and vellowing teeth. 112'11 11(|1(1". it %,iN. "What do will wmit?" I ask,
Ic )(iking :11-{)1111(1 to find a Way tc) c·('14)(·. "()h. 11 1(·1-(G no wav to ocupe". th<· 111(illth %11,4. "YcHI 1111\C ((,111€' 1() ch,dknge ,)111- |(·11(1(·1". "No I hawn't". 11-(70\, 1 1119 wailt to go home", liu·n :14 :in altel-1114)light. "1)(, unt know the way?" The lip. (111,(· into a Ninile, 14)'low ine". thev Kint The lip. tlic·tilick ilic· wall, Thc· pan th<·v licked fulls awliv. 1 ht· lip.g(> thi'(,ligh. leavi]44 111(· oil thcotlic·1- sicle.
"\\'(·11," the lip.4 +11)*, "come on.- 1 look :11 111(· hole .111(1 plit mv arill through. I lincl 11 11,111(lle (,11 liu· 01|1(1 Nicle and miNI it. The entil·c w.ill 1.1114 down. ancl (liNitit('glateN, 1
am left looking :11 an old (:21111('(11'al, with V,iralling
tower. and will(low. (,1 111,11*turd ..litiA. The lip. kiv the door anclit open.. 1 walk ilINicle. the clout (·1(,v·+ 1,(hind
lue. ancl the lip. 111'(' g<)llc. Wire 11,1.4 bern wrapped Itic)und the (-1 licilix at onc end. %11(lcti·nk a \\ind inside
che Cathedial. A howling wind. co-rving forgotten
pravel-4 :lild V)ligN. I fall to my knec* and cowr mv face. Iliell. 111)1·lipth ah it had beg1111. it rtopx. 1 am looking at the knees of a pel .on Manding ill 11-ont of Ine. "\\'c|L" %119 sav.. 'hon Imve colue to
challentre mi·.- I look up and gay). It N ine, 1 .,ind zil). I am exactiv her Ni/c. Sh c· glairs at me with mv face. I look down to disc·over 1 Min wearing unnoiti·. -No... I began.
"Silence!" The wind begins, but stopx agaill. 'The one who c c )11 clit('1 + nic win be the one who a 1 1 reach the end c )t 111,0 re.tim.- blic· havs. I turn al-(,1111(1 1,11(1 Wc' 211-C (,litside
Ilgain. thi time c )11 top (,1 11 111(,illitain, 11 vou inake it c )lit of thi huid." Alic· 0,1,0. "I will be gone forever and vou 41all re-claim tilb ])1.Ke."
And ilic· vanilu·. Tliere alr tall. ])111])1(1 171()111ltaill
1-,ulges a+ 1,11- 1,4 1 call Act· evelywhere, 1 9,111 running· down thl· moillit,lin 1111-oug-11 lili(1(·1'growth, linti| 1 111.ike
it to the bonom. 1 look back up at 111(· 1111)11 litaill and tic,tice a caning. 1 ('\,illii tic· it. It #in .'11+. 1-hen 1 1-(·111(11,11)el: l had macie a mountaill Inocle] .14
1111 21%higilim·lit once, and recci\(·(1 1 1 B+ because I painted it purple..·\11 the other thing-\ click into place. 1-he green Mitiok(·. It'0111 the (11':1]11,1 produclion I cl lic·en in. The lip. 111,(1 111(,lit]1 01 ilir· g-1,111(hilother. with her nicotine vilined teeth. The cathechill of lin chi](111(,c)(i.
where 1'(1 01)(·lit v) 111,111\11(,lil·% \\'i,4|,ing· 1 \0,1.4 ,(,111('irhet·c clic. 111 the 1,111(14(,lpe. 11'0111 11(,li<111\A ,111{1 1)11010% .111(1
parties and vn,111 11-agedies. 111:11 mv mind had tilt'litilic),-ph{)0(·(1 inic) a cli•;tlit-1)cc[ 001-1 of wonder],111(1.
Ihe '1-calin I lud to conquer wah ]11\ inind. \lith thiK realiration. in, evo once again opened. thi. tilne to my 1,(1(11.c)(,in. Nix-|11'* |)1(·21111 +11(,ok liu· 11-(*(·4 („lisicle. Oillilloili lic)iN<·% werc evervwhcrc. 11111 1 jal,41 lit]'11(71 over und went to 31(·cp.
And then, th(· entilt· place Colki])#cS,
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 131
Loreto Mandeville Hall \\Triting
C ic)111})(titic)11 1 6)6)5)
Sciliol- Section Winner - Belinda Bow'inall, Year 11
Topic: Masks
'Evelic)lic s st) 1,11\\ al thi,% titne 01 ic·:il.' Air.\Itlltil-
commented, "and 1110.M• trenage voung>.tt ls 111-c All{ h a halictfullor:(>111(· 111()111(·1-4. dolit do a hit to hclp out..." ··324. w.. 1 10\0 imu·h (lid voll %21 11]ih :ill ,#110.' 0:lid
1\11% 01),1,1 111(·kv to c·tit the wi·(·ch hort. Slic took her 4)pping· Ing mul limped Nmards the door. "14 111(ic· v,ilirthing wrong with ,()111 leg clt.ir? .]11+1 4(·c Dr %11,111 al,out it." Mi'%.\1'1|nil- Called :11101' her.
Ilk· shopli·out looked over the Alic.In Inaill Mic'(·1. i·\littlinn Ic,lic'* 1)|,lilketed ilic footpath und tbohe
Dr >;haw coulchil help inc·, Mis ()1)21)· li tittered 1111(|('1' 11('1' 1)1'(dill.
reckka, (·notigh to bc on ilic· road danccd as \1111(·11,16
Dr Shaw had %(·cH |1(·1· bi tti.ing 111111(·1·()11* tilm·%. and
liu· drove bv. &11-% Arthur hat |)(·hind the {(>11111(·1·.
i·\(·11 il 11(·11:ul ])111 it al| ing('111(·1-he h.tchA memic)11(il it.
patienth waiting for a c listomer ;111(1 looking ;11(,1111(1 her
>,|w |Iltighcd to herhcl[. 1'('11('111)(1-ing 1\11->; Arthm A 11%(·
line c«d)|idnne]11. IL; warnuh und hic·11([line» (11·cu
01 Ilic· wol-(1.4 '111.1,ic·llc)114 111141),ilicll >,11(· kill·w if her
prople in ;111(1 (1(11(·11-cd thein |rom going ic) toWn for
'111,11'r'(41()11, hipil),111(1 hit her one inore tilne, or Mic! a
Ilic·ir weekly shopping. 1 he prochic·t , had !,cen
linger on the kidA, he ur<)111(1 Hoon |)(' a Ii),11'vi·llc>li.4
rearranged time and time :tgain ttilti| the es,ence (31
vilgle inali. P,111 the villagen \ic)111(11€t liticler«nul. 111('i
convenience Inic! 1,(·c·t, achic'ved. Thc· c Ic)c·-knit village
all adoic·(1 >hon. Shi· knew if lic left him the
needed the Mcit'c. Mr# Arthur tlic,light. It wa.% a place
n m ic )it 1·0\,1 )1 11(1 2,11 bc ag:litiw her, 115 it .dic wet-(1 havi ng an
where the (01!11.unitz (0111(lincet und go»ip, gencrit[ly
,dihir, 1,11(1 +11(· won|(1 have to Inove to town.
111)0111 the 1-(·c'klc·.% \(,11!it(%ter. 011(,clav :111(1 \Ii>;% 1.,11(·hh; In\Nic·lic)11% Ilight 11'ic 11(14. l'he linv' 1)('llx above the door chillic'(1 und Aliht.iii,
Mr•% Arthur hal back clown in her (-hail- 1,(hind the
counter. Alic· 1-(·21(11(·(1 in under the till und ])Ill|cd out
}c)]116 e](1('ht, sti-(illed ill. I le 1-(·ached for a Ic).lf of In-cad
her hip-ll,INk. It had bren a (plict 1-licil'ning, but NIN· 12·It wit, cle·1-ving- of It <wig 1,11\3,7,1,-. She plit the rim to hei
1111(1 approached the (()111lter.
lip+ 2111(1 emptied the container. She \#c )111(1 have to find
'Y )1111 liced mot-c th.in .1 10:11 {)1 bread to keep vou
the bonle hic!(len |)(hind thi· cill-rots if hhe 11('(·dcd a
and Your brothers fit und strong, ' Mi-% Artlitit- said light
ch-ink at lunch. Mrs,litlitti- sighed and looked up at the
heartedh. Shell .ilwav* liked Aliv,lir. llc wah a good bov,
clock: 9.30 ain. With the whole elin t{) tro. 41w might
not like sc>im· 01 Iii. brothers. Shil was hoping to het him
nced the bottle behind the toilet paper too.
111) with her dauglten.](·11, and thought tlin wonkl make a good match.
"Ate vou going to pop in :111(1 +ce out'.1,·11 *(>on?" "Mavbe next week Mrs Al-thur. l in glick into the rice harvest at the molnent.
7< 111:11 the lot then?" %11(· haid. looking at the Ic),1|. 't·s, thanks", Alig.tir N.licl :,5 he handed ovc·i t 1/l 111(U )C V.
1 |ope to Hee yoll Noon. Slli· 4:lid a. he waf walking
out the door.
Alistair ct'it.dwd the |c·:ives on the path with his boots.
7 :4*
40 inanv lic·J, he thought. 1 :1111 xick 01 the lic· und
sc·cic·(v. Hc knew al)<,iii Nli-s Artlitti c l,1,111+ for him .ind her daug·hier. 11 thev onlv km·w. I le wonict have to tell Noincone hooil. bilt tbought of the Minall village
prejudice and go.»ip. 11(· 11,)111(1 |une 10 1110\'C to town il thev lound <)111 he with gav.
Mrs Arthilt-'% ews lit tip .ts Ali- C)'1),i\· entered the Storc. She wa, slich a nice vount; woman. 111'% .\11|1111Iliought, with bc,ilitifil| chil(11('t, 1,11(1 :1 hivect hliA|):ind.
1|wy wel-c· c)11(· ofthc town'% perfect linnilic·4. Mi-3 ()1),ty was 1,11,ring nappies and milk.
1 forge,t to 1,11, thi·sc on Monet:iv," slu· explained to
E .:I'.* '/%
Mi-% Arthlit, a.% hlic it.Mil.illv onlv came iti ()11 11()11(l,I\+ illid
F. .
"Ilow' arc· 1111 the |ittle ono 1111(1 111;11 111:11-\(·11()11%
litiNI,ancl 01 \(,111.3" MIN Art|1111 N:licl Nilliling.
remembering when her kicks were vill in imppies. Rich,ticts coming down with a bit of a cole!. but
apart from th.it even c )lie'% litic." hlic .aid with 11 hild
132 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Art by Lucy McTiernan (Year 10)
1' 11 l l c 1
pal's Report 1999
\\'lilli 11 wonderful war it 11,24 1)(cn, with our 7.-)th
ii,lii\(·1%,11\ 114 21 I.(,1'CIO %(lic)01 herc at Mandnille I lail. .\, loranv bilthdav occarion. we wallted 10('('|il)1'ate :111(1
han· fun. to rejoice in all that h.1% 1,(·cil achincd and
ciuou·(1 over the Veal·.4. and tc) give thank, lor all the 1)16.Milig, 1]11+1 we Imve been given. \Vilh (,ill (11(,Men 111(]lic 12)1 111(· \'(·ar, 0/<,bm/ing· the paw,· .daping· /he paurn
tlu· 7:,th (ilt·In'ations began in carnest with a sltilitiing· Pageant in March. and the 1.imic h c )| c )111' 75111 Annivei-arv book ,1 Almak 0/ AL'morin. It wa% 11-illv a
night to vi·111(·inber and a fitting tril,titi· (,1 thank.% to tile
1.(,irto Hi>®1 + who },irilt the strong 1()1111(littion 14)oil which tht· %(lic)01 9.,11(1% %0,%111-clv tockn. The P»1 144)i|+ Dintici- aiwl "li,ick to Manderille" weekend followed in
11,1'. Thanks to thi· Ac·iling work 01 0111- Archivixt. hi
Rochelle Howie (Dux of Loreto Mandeville Hall 1998) receives her award frorn Dr Anne Hunt (Principal).
JAINHent \u· \vere tl-cated to a Nit])('1·1) cxhibith)11 ()1
mown·abilia, evoking No ven main· vivid m(·111{)1-in 01
(I-)1-.John Collins). 1111(1.jc·%,sic,i 1)11\' - \Ill.+ Iii>;tor·v and
%(hool Ii[(· over the ve,11-4. A Al,1.44 01 1 11.ink<givilig lor
St\'lex (1)iNt,tric(· 1:(Iticalic)11). (:c,Ii,%,lilliation>; a|No to
|'11%1 Pitic·nix ill junc in the >;choo] (lupel wa>, n
RocheUc I lowic, Latit·en Reed 1111(1 &1111'ic·-1)anicllc·
(Irlight|11| c)('(,ision. with lots oliticinorics to share. The 75th (('|(1)1-ation. (11|tilitum·(1 with 14·:iht 1).tv in
'llilile, who won Mell)(,111.lic· 1·'acultv Sc'lic,laN,ip& alic| 10 Nancv Spo.Nato :111(1 1.1111,1 11:li who were .twarded places
4('])1('1111)el. whell ]):lic·lit.%. 1)11%1 1).11(111%, ancl pa•,1 pill)il,
in the prextigio» Top CA'IN (Art exhibition).
pulic·(1 9[ic|(·1114 1111(1 4tall froin Prep to 32·,11' 12 al a ('c'|clnati,i,· 11.1%•, al >,1 1ati-ic·k (:,1111(·cira]. with
Archbidic)]) George PcH (a ])21%1 pupi] 01 1.(,ic·to it,illarat ) ah our chief ce](11)1.tnt, joined bv a 11111111)(·r of anurlebrating prn·Nth. Students :111(1 111 1-('till+11(·d to sclic )01 .titer the 11.1.4% for a pc·cial 7.5th :\nillil·I-harv
photograph. foHowed bv lunch alid bil thdav g,1111(1.4 and activitic.4, Aill)('1'1)1>* organised by Yeal- 12. It wax a wc)11(1(·1 Illl ([in' and a wondertill wai- iii rwry wav, itiy,iring 11> to go forward, in the %],ilit of Xlary Ward. commitic·(1 to 1)4) good and do it wcH."
Special events and awards ariel Outstallding results Conglatlilation, to OUr 1 lixtorv teaclier, Als Andrcu Inglis, wlic,se book 1 8/0/7//// /Morts in the Nine/reuth (:enturr
was pill,lihhed l,v Melbourne Universitv Press
(1999). Past Pupil Kim Lien (12/97) was awarded tlic.
prestigicm, RMIT Universitv I tivergowric 1.11,4, iw·ting Scholizi-xhip. invoking a $1(),000 p.a. grant to xiii)]3(,1-1 Kim whilc· slic· c c )111],letes her siticlies. Ali·gan \\'alic·IN
012) \#.1+ 1111111(·r ill, in 111(' cli;tlict finals ofThe Lions' Young Alifiralian 01 thi· War competition ,\11(1 aho won
Year 12 (1998) results C.(,lignitillatic,110 10 (nir h·,11- 12 ('111,0 01 1998, In t<)1,11. 6% 01 the Ye:11- 12 %111(1(1111, itchicied an F,NTF.R
(I<quiu,14711 ><,itional -1'erthu-) Entn Rank) al)ove 99.00
(c'ninpared to 1% state-wicle) and 11% abow 98.00 ((.{)111'Mill.(1 1<) 2% Stitte-wicle). 26% .ic hic·,(·cl Nc-c,l'(·M al)ove 95.(H) (compared to 5% Stitte-wide). 7,9% 10%
Ntate-Wide). 38% 01 our stll(-1(111 ts achieved 80.00 01
al)ove (compaird to 20% State-wide): and 90% achieved score, (,1 50.00 or above (compared to 50% State-wide). The median <core wa.4 85. Oilistancling refults were achined bv Rochi lle llc )wie (1)11x of School for H)98), Hilimina Mirat](1,1. Kilse, Warnen 1-1,111.11'.1 11i c Ic,k.4. Aliti·ic-
Danic·llc· Turner. Phoebe Kilowle+, 1 ,lilli-iii Reed. Rachel 8.ill, .liilia-\1."·ir Black, K.,theline Mc'(:,litnev,.11]th<·a Kavali,tgh.
Rc ,cli i uc.*.
Adumkcil)<,1110%, ull of whoin achic·ved an EN'11:14 01
98.00 or al)ove, placing them in the top 2% ofthe St,lic. (()1!gl,Ittl|:Iii<)11>, to the winners 01 |194)8 111'(·1111(·r'.4
the 11)98 Mon.,41 Pri/(·. 141.inor Al('Inerney (l]2) and Ic·+Ma lial] CY]2) were ilitc·ilocutors at the lint Jesilit I,enten >U·tilill,11' 0(·lic·%. litfum Chiang (38) achieved the higlu·%1 .m.lic[ (11{)11(,lit,) for her R.,\,1), Element:it-v
C .lassical 11.111(·t (·x.lin. .\Nling Fay (31 1 ) won lint place in the Advertise·111(·111 clitcgorv of 'Dic'gesis' State Stildcul
Video & Pholograpin· 14·Mtival alic! Awards lot' hc'I piece elititled ,%1)irit'. Pallicia Nig-ro (Yll) was selected to attend the ili,itigill'al Viaorian Youth Space Fc)1-11!n iii julv. Nic(,1,1 Mc )1)(·rt.4 (U 1 ) won selection Rn· the ql 1,11'ter tinal of the Nicm:1%11 Legal Challenge.
Congratulation< to iii] the girls involved in the 11)99 Tc)iii'nanwnt of Miticls competition. Both te:uns have
done exceptionalk wcH with 1.(1.tin 2 (Tracey Palic )1 , lane Tehan. .huu· Matheu,n. Hannah Coleman, Natalie Butler, Einik Varrenti and .hainantha I..,11) Winning the
Nenior Divi,Nion \vith their %(illition to the 1,1(,1,|an "A Burning 1xxtic·", proceeding to the State Final, and l i·am 1 (R(,sannali llc·.tly, Cathclitic· Rvall, Yvene 11.tikal, Katherine Nic,well, Diana lic,svinati, (liitlin 1)11\(·v lincl
Awards: 1.izette lic·11 and Aimee Lipscombe - Slitclic, ,\1-ts
Sophie Scrong) itchin·ing .111 1 1(,lic)111, Award for [licir
(M, >hunli-,1 bitic·).Josie· 1':tikinxon -'I'exh &· 'h,iclilion,
very clever solution to ilic raim· prol,lcin.
LOREI'O · Mandeville Hall 133
Felicitu \Ic (,ill. 11<,minik \\ hite .111(1 7.( >c I.e\ 11,11(1 AN )
iu·1-l' 21,#'111·decl a Ilighh' Cominendcd 1,i-in· in the Izinior A Divbdon of the 1(,th Ailvi-,ili.1-11,]):in 1·»a, ({inte>,1. C .(,ligi,itill,itic)115 tc) the 1}1111„' stlt(lenh Wlic i achhird
re'/111% ill
.UMu e
1 1 .ilicaiN<
competition. in particular K.itherine.lowbert (37) - 211(1
place '27 Poctn: Harah 01 1:illian (YU) - bl pri/e Y) 1)()(·try competition: (1,04.,11(11 21 1] i (l-il) - Bew .111-round c.tticlidate in Y] 1 :ilid .11%40 21(1 prin· 31 1 written c'\,tillination: ]cs,ia 1)av (Y| 2) - Und pri/c Yl y „1-itten t\.illiination: .ind Met.wn \\-.ilic·i A-12)- 31(1 111-i /5· 3-12 w ri t ten c'\,111,ination. \6 1.14,1 Ritchie. 3 111(·1111)(·1 01 oill
1.()'IF. \1:11[. \\.,% .1„.11(li·(l :1 japan Fc)111iclation %(holardlip which ill\(ilved )ending 11 1('Im 01 (·\1(·nhion knigllaul' Nul(h in.]apan. C,ong-i-,imlations to th<. stil(!ent. wlic) achieved
unt.tanding roult. in tile .\11,11:ilian A 1.1111('lii.ttic-4
Japari Foundation Scholarship Winner, Ms Lisa Ritchie, visits our
former Japanese Language Assistant, Keiko Nagahara, at her home in Komatsu Japan.
Collipetition: 192 1.\111 girh licitii Year. 7 to 11
1,0, ic,on™. 1)2, and 1)7. h,ne netiv<ni ('(niticctic)114
competed ,tgaitist .511,000 +111(lent from 37 counti-ie.. Speci,11 coillp-atillatic)114 to l.iIi 1.ill (37). Tilic) w,141)121(( (1
ful- all (·litil-(· Al.,%0 10 1)|ng it] 111(·ir laptop.\ and a (11,1.1 proj,·(1(n jvhic h an bc linked n) the ic·ach(·1 x |111)101)
aniong.t Ilic top 1/2 4 01 +111(1(·Ilt. 111 her Clivihion and
hah al.(, been iliv,ilk·(! in Di \11.111£4(·Ilic·1110 %llc·11 :10
ic, Rachcl >c·ininciis (37) and Jailia Goditilic) C 3'9) who
111(·Ne «niticant|v ill(-1'(,10(· the p{)0%11)ilitic·% lon'arict, in the tenching- and Icarnitio ilic·th(,6 tarc·(l \vithin the
nlic. invarch·,1 1 ligh Dihtilic tic)! 1%. which placc·(1 them in the top 2% of thi·il' rcy)retire divirion.. Another .-):; g·il-h weic· awal-dc·(11)iwinction+. placing liu·in in tlic· top 1.5% of 11/(· (()11/1)(·liton
I he >,(11(x)| (.apt.titrN 2111(1 \ ici· C Jq)tilin•; (,1 1.wi·t(> 1|,ilicll·Vill(· 11.kll. 4,1(1('· Cociii. (,('11,1//lino. St knill.
C k )11(·ge. and Xavici· C k )11(·ge 0 15:,1 lii,(·cl . 1 \'CE >il )(,tkc.6 Fornin lor V«14 %111(!clitg |roin the Ii\(· .(·In)(,1. in
hepic·inbel. ivith Peter(.211-rett », thegtiot y)(·,tki·i. Peter (:,11'rett wies\(·rv dilillenging und 1119)iring. encouraging all of 11% to colmnit (1111·wl\(·. to wot·king on the thing, 111:11 11 al]\ titatti'i' 111 {)tll' li|c :113(1 iIi ()111 ((,Inilittilit\. 1 1(
hiinv·11 iN,1 renun-kial)le example of•,11( |t (()1111ilitment. It wit•; It pic,1.Mn-c and a privilc·w· to 11(·ar him yx·ak, \U·11 (It,ne to (>tir v'hool |(·:1(Ii·t-% lor 01'galli•ung the (·\(·nt.
(|,14>,t·c)(,111. h•,tlictclit, :11·c :11)1(· ic) 1),ittic-il).tic In ilicli\ictil,il 1,1.k. ti,ing either )|twal-(· on the 11(11\#{)lk or the Iliternct. 1]1(· icaclic·i i\.11)1(· tc) (1(·ilic)»11·,lic v)itivarc cil
(2111 11]) .1 ]),111 ic 11|11 1 111(·1'11(·t Nitc for (Ii'(·11%,ion. hul,·iNNg 11111111)(i-+ 01 .11(lent. AN' being litlight to
coll.tilic't their (nvil ivel) page,% 11> u Incthod 01 pic..·titing theit- work. Acces. to the network in 11114 win '11>,o 111/ all, V 11(lent, call work on
14,\vcr 14)int
prewnt.ttic)11% 01 thcil unlk. 11(,111 01 thi·%(· win,>4 01 pR·.enting in turn re(llire AN,St'NNine!11 011 line In t|'/1 It.21('11(.1.
1·.mail contitilic>. to |)(' tt.ed coll.1.ilith. parucill.11·4 111 .c·ni„1 1('1 (·1%. al|(,wing %1 ild(·1114 c Au' an-(» R) th<·il te.1(il<·14 and to ('c)11111]ttlticate with 21 gl<)1)211 1111(liclia·. Neolli·.4 to ..t\. htlch a tool h.1. 11,1/,11(1. 21. \\(H 11%
Curricillum developinents in 1 /)9)t) A Restructure of the Senim- School Timetable in
1999 - 4 periods per day: \1 ic·1- .1 c .11-Clill 1,1 c )( C.. c )1 i 11\('ligiltion lind (IL'C Nion-making. wc Cll·C·idcd to inow
11'om a 7 peric)(l dav in the >;(·nic,1- School (Wars 7 - 12). with Ne\(·11 1.5 Illillute clits.(·4 (·,ich (1:n. to :14 period (lav. with four 7.5 mililite ('|Il™·+ clic h chi. lt·acher#
embraced tile challenge with it·111111-kabli· cage illt·.0 iltul
('4)1111]iitinent. clirl,itc the ilic'\itable terthing problelliN. It N (,111- phili t{) 1-(·iic·W the :111-,trigement iii 2000. with a vit·11 to deciding <)11 tillit'-tabling 211-1,Illgi·ment+ 14)1 2001.
bent·lit.. and we Contimic to refine olit )(,licic. in 1-Cg'ird N) the 11%(· 01 illl(,1-limtic)11 2111(1 c<)11!11111lticati()114 Ic,clizic,lc,gic.#.
111(· chang(· in 0,11 1.il)1'.11'\ Al.ll,lgelnent v)11\unt
(Al)\(111.. fonnerh l.141(:\) to a \\'inclowN NT vel-don hit; incalit Ilk· it\,Iilill)ilit\ c)1 the 1111(,linalic)11 Jenice>+
Catalogue mic, the 'hool P - 12. ()1 particular benefit A the lact that thi· Online Cat,11(,glic· 11,10 :l 11('1%(Upe 1,1< ,\,g·i xt,li·. lht· 1.c>]-cto \1.ilicli·mille Il,ill ((,liillitiniti N
verv comfortable with thiN format. which N ver\' hi inilar to ·arching- liu· 11tly-nct. hl(1·L'llsed 114(· of ihc lilt('1114·1 :lild ('Inail h.14 111(·ant hici·,·11%(·cl clc·inanct. on (,iii' bandwidth (which dic·titles
On line services: 1999 11,0 1,cen u ve,11 (,1 +'ad,
tlic· NI)(·t el of access) . P.H)t) hah v c't 1 the commencement
prt)gles· in the 114(· {)1 teclilic)1(,gv thrinigh tlit· %(·11()01. 111
01 14),41-ading network hui). to Nwitchec! 1(·chili )1(,tri' to tic ilitate high y,red exchan,gr of (lat,1. 11{)-cil·r. the spc·(11 of our acce;% to the outhicle world contilitic'% to be
a further con.holichiii<)11 of network ilill»titictillr.
:1(1(litional lit·twork connection points have Iwen inrtalled. (·11,11,ling all teaching rtaff in the Sellior School to itcce>,s ilic· ch(,c )1-wicle tictwork zi,ing their 1,11)top·, at
2111 1.\11(.
their desk<. This ha, illeant .1 u-1-cat ('1111:111('(·Inent 10
In these timt·% c )1 rapid trchlic )1(>L:ical ch,1111('. tile school is contillit.Illy pirsented with .1 11111111)(11. of
c c )innmnic ,Ition within the g-hool ancl Int# c hang·ed tlit
challenge*. If we 111-e to Inove Ic )1*ward 214 We Inn·(· 1 )('en.
win teacher. al-e al )1(· to 1)1-(1),H-c· for (11»e .
there R con«int need lor pic,Ic»ional (!c·zi·!c>pinent For
134 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
the v.di and ong-oilw- awal-elic· of al| current .111(1
achieved out.,11](ling- 1-Chillb during the velit-: .\1111:ilic!
huminent cle,clopment•; ill hal-(Iwilt'(' alld Moft\\ 111(.
hinith (VI L Voice) wax orn.· 01- th<· top 3 (out 01 41<)0) iii
Congicitillations to the Achoo] stall who accept ilic·Xe
the \'ic'torian \'0(,11 Disc'(I\(1-V (bic'.st. Lun Fang (3'10,
c h.illcngo; with c'llthilficiin and wi.M· iliclgement.
Piano) recriu·(l the Eli/.abeth >,tititikainph Memorial
Outdoor Education: .\ review iii 1 t.)1)8 of <,111' c.imp,
I'lim tin- achic,ing the hig-he.t combined scoir in C .i .,clc
progrnnmw Inge[Iler with optional 1)11%11\# 11]king
H Piano and C .1-adc .3 Theon in her exalilinatic )11% 1.1%1
oppoitti],itics. led to the deci·,ion to work toward. a
war. Nicole I .ce (3 1 (). Vic,lin) achieved Iici- .1 111 i 1 At
Inin'c challenging ()111(1()01- eclilcittic)11 1)8)41-citiline 1(n
the D,tiidencing Eisteddfod, Emily Smith (Yl L
c )111- Aliclcills (Prep - 12). In 11.)t.)1). what was previoush
A-(,inbolic) wax ])111(((1 31(l iIi the 141'.iMS 16 ic·,11·% und
1]w Yeal' 8 c.imp ])14)gl-amme w.l, tran.derred to the Yeal-
1111(let- Solo Arctic )11:.10.11111.1 Patoo; Al(). Voice) received
7 prog-1-anune. whili· Witi- 8 undcnook a much more
an llc,llc)111·able \Itlition in the 1(; vearN Illict zilicler
exciting <)111(loor C'(til('ation camp experience (witli thc
Milrical Comech Section: 111,1111.ili Coleman (YS.
:ti,tanic· 01 (hitcloot· 14(111(·ation (h-oup). In 2000 we
Recol-dcr) .11111()11,)111.11)le Mention in the 16 witi·. and
plan to develop the ()111(loor 14(111(·ation progritilillu·
under Solo Xection: and .julia %/<)11(11 (37, 14(·((,1-(ler)
furthet· and to offer :an tic'11 111(,1(1 (11.l|lillging outdoot
211(1 place in ilic· 12 years 1,11(1 linder Solo Section. At the
rchic'ation experience to War 9. Main' thanks to M.
W:n·ciler Fisti·(1(lic)(1, Chi-i.stit ),l King (11). Recorder)
\\'ench Mick.,i-In.on] Dittdoo]-14(!iiation Coordinatorin
Ic'(('i\(·cl an llc)]1„111·able Mention in the 12 ve.,1-N .tild
1.C , 1
her 1/()11(1(·1 1/11
coordiluting thi>, 11(·\\' (1(·\(·1(,pincil[.
.\le\.1 1 1(11-a
Bl.u kbuni
Recorder) won :111 1 L itic)111':Il)1(· \1( lition in the 12 ve,11·K
New VCE assessinent processes in 2000: 1· xcopt h n
lind 1111(1(·r %01{) hection lit liu· 11.1,('11(·v F.i•®d<!fod ;111(1
1.( ) 1 4:,111(1 Textx uncl h,[clitic)]iN. .111 \ ( 14 vii,jech 11,1\('
211(1 111,1(·(·in tlic I I ve:11-4,lil<l tlit<let-1)11(·trsection al tile
now been re-11(·credited for the Yar 2000 With
l<oval Notith >,treci (:c),11])(·tition. ,\|v),it the Roul Holith
con'c.flic)11(ling chang<% to .1.-(·%0111(111 1)1-(1(-('(1111(4. \\'(1
>,trcet (.(>inpetition. AN])11,nii<· 143//in'([i (3|. 14(·((,1-([('1')
dull »· a 11111111)(·r of chang-0 in »,Ne«Incill iii 2(HH).
w» ])111(·i·([ 211(1 in the ] 1 T<.11-0 und miclci- 1)11<·t. .Nection:
Gorn· iii+(· \\'ork l<c·(litirt·menA :uu' 111(·ir f)('110 on tbc·
1111(1 G.il,t ic·11(· 1.11'l ic·N (319. Rec ol-del ) won 211(1 1,|an' iii
coinpiction o| It 1111/111)('1 (,1 1)1(·.( Iii)( (1 ./·1 1,1.10 to
the 11 ,(·an and under solo >U·c·tion and thi· "Mr T"
achinc an S (S,itiNI,1('ton) in a ])211'licit|,11- 11!lit. Gone
a\,ard for the ino.1 1,1-c)]niNing plaver. 11:innah Co](111,111
)1%0 211 c (1\14. Nou. the award for Nittix|:1(·torv
'11%0 11'011 ]41 phur in thcl(;\(·lip·.alic[ under %010 %('('lion
completion (11 a lillit will be |),14(·(1 011 11 decixion 111,11 the
a| 111(· H';t\('1-1(·v Eisted(lfod. 1111(1 1.Sl place in tlic· 1(, ve.11'3
wirclent 11,1% citilic}lihtl,lted achicwmcill 01 the M·1 01
und under %010 Nection of [lu· 1·toral Holith %11('ct
()111(·0111('4 1)1'c'(Iil)(·(1 lor the ililit. .\00(·NInent for (·ach
Colupetition. ('.ongrattilation. alv) to the ]60+ 1..\111
Ililit \\711 111,40 |)(' 1)219·(1 on the ])('11{n·nunce 01 111(·
vildent on it %(·Ic·(tion of learning Ilcti\itio liticl ta.4«
c\,tinill.itioli chit'ing- the Ic.)c.)1) clic)(,1 will-.
For litith 3 & I the .INKI·glnent will bc divided ilito
Cong[,utittion· to the %(ilic)1 (lioil- which \von 31-([
illic·!-112111\' 11.%%(·Kscd work - >k·lic 101 .\#sc·<sc·cl C k ,ii i NCWOrk
place iii Rout| Notith Strect (:<)1111)(·tition (Seclion:
(.i.\( :S) :111(1 ('\.ililill.ition•; held in 11111(· .111(1 Noveml)(·1,
Accondan School (:11(,irs): 10 111(· Middle School 11.111([
a. now. For c.1(-11 +Ind\. 111(· extel-11,11 compolwilt wHI bc
which Itc'|lin·ed .111 1 1(,11(ill].11)]c \1('lition in the Peter
al led,1 304 of the a.™»ment and ilic iliti·111:11
Nichohon Pri/c %(·('tion: und to t|ll' \C)(u| 1+Ing'llible
coinpon(·111 will bc 111( )(1(·i-Itted Agaillt t he external.
which \\()11 Und plaa· in the (|lor.11 .1 (:191)])(.112, .%((tion
Property Master Plan: O,11- Plan 11:th been with >,tonninglon Council lor two vi·:11-0 now :111(1 we art . at
1111(1 which w.,0 .11•u) ill,itcd to perform at the Ittill
M(1)crinott \'ic,Ihi %(·11(>1:,1011+ Slicm·Caxi· ConCert.
LN. c|ow to reho|ution o| the Awk·4. \Ve ine hopeful 01
rhe .Heniot· Recorder 1·2110(·inble won ht plaa· iii the
coulnencing the Hill|ti-)lit-poNe )0110( elltri· 4)11 the 4ite
11'111(·lin 1.iht((1(11(>(1 (Xection: 1'.tiv·1111)1(·4 - 1., wai'4,111(1
01 the (-111-relit top colli-b in 2()4)0. Ilic I,ltilcling. ullic h
under) and 211(1 1,1.la· in the Rout| Solith Xtrect
inchicle. a 2.-,in fwinunin,g pooL a nalli·i learner>/ pooL
Competition (Open Age 14110(·1111)1(10 hection), The
£1 9)('c ia|At t.p lilillt,ittiil. 21 Weight, 1 (H)iii. 11 ilitilti-])Ill'I)< )4(·
.junic)1- Recorder 1·211.emble i\,10.1,#.11-(Ied .111 1 1,)11()111.21)1(·
Xports ],1,11, and .1 1'14 cl.1%%1-oom. will 1.lk<· twelve month.\
Mciition al \1':i\'(ile, Eistcclctic 'cl (l·rliscilil )1(·h - 1:1 ve:,1-x
(and Xeveral mi|lion doll:ti-,0 to con•truct. \41 look
and under Xection) aild 211(1 place in the Royal Solith
1( )1-\'it]'(1 to the opening in 2001 and to 111(· enhancement
St iret C :c )till)(·lition (li iman %(·11001 Kil<(·1111)14·.%
01 our %})(jit. progi'Ill]1111(. tinit the new |ticiliti \vill
Niction). The Junic)1- Schoo| Atrintp\von .111 11()11{)111-Ill)|c
l.1 1,11)1('.
Mention in the \Vave!-Ic, 1:ixt<(1(11(,cl (F.»clill)|c. k· C :h.ilnber :UnNic - 14 w.11% & 1111(1(·1 Xection) and we weir
The co-curricular progi lunnie iii 1999
delighted to |lave the .]lailior %( 11001 \\'ind Band compete in the Boroondara 1·:ixti·(1(11()(1. IlianA von to our fal)111(,1 141\ t.tlented and (1('cliCated Icaln 01 \11[.ic Ntall'. 11!ltil recent|\ 1111(!cl- the direction of .\11-% \Vendi Ic)(ld, and now our Director of Milvc. \Ii«
(.ongratillatic)110 N) tile h)11(,Ii-ing .titclelit.% irlic)
\1111-v 01)riM'oil. \Ve look fonvard to our fil'Nt ow™·:IN
Alll<ic -I'(,111 in ]:111ll:il-v 200].
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 135
Sport Coligi.littilitic)11, to the Ic)]1(ming %111(lent· on their
Athletics: Thi· Ii'ion won ht phur in %('SA Divkion 2, ancl will move up in 2()(10 to compete ill Di\Nion L
achievements in 11)91): -Hu· .Junior >,c·hoc,1 \von the
Our 4111 place in ( ;P.N\*4.1 w.,4 (,111 1)(·st 1)121(·ing in 111.111,0
Al-linuGIC Illid Divlict Athletics C h.kilil}it)11.4hil), fin a
vean. 111 1'1(·mier 1.(,1411(·. c )1,1 .]unior Tram woll 11 ,(·ir
record Ith time..]essica Fenerplace (3'12) 1),t.%(·(1 her 1.evel 9 C.)111]i,iNtics National %1.111(lard..]c).iliti.t Downing· (3'18, Nicoh· 1),vver (Yl()) and Kate Fetterpba· Al<)) 11
1,21™·d their Lcul 6 1(·4t. ji·%4(-11 1('ttl·1 1 )|,ic'(· (3 12) waN awarcled the Pienr cir Coul)(·ilin .\wal'(1 1), thi·
.\11%traliall ()Ivinpic C (Ilikinittee 'lor her endcavout to
Alinor Didfion. whilst the >h·niol- 12.1111 placed :41(1 in 111(·il Minor DiviNion. 111(· Athletic'% \'ictoria 14('lav
Chinnpic,inhi],4 brottght (,lithtillicting 1-('Nults. The 32·ar H tealli (.·\]ice \1£'\'ainard. 1.lin kennv, Sarall %1()11('11()11.t·.
>Aphic lt.ill) woii ilver mi·(1.,15 in the 4 x 1(H)In :111(1 the I x 20()111 14·1,1,0. (k)lignittllatio!10 1'(,1 (1111.1.tinling
achieve Ilit personal 1)(,4 in .1 \,ilict# 01 4)4)11% (.IN) i.\
indi,idlia| 1)(·1'1(11'llilinces to Aliv)11 41)(·lict· Al)). 14()ijin
veilected in hercommitment to t!,lining'. 1.2111,1(:lict|,ilict
Glric h ( \'12) . 1.tic') kenin- Ch'K) . 1 1,11111,th C ) *11,11 ighne,Sy
01 1) and Allron Spi·lice (31)) were $('lecti·d lor the Victorian >k-hocils Athletic. team to compete al the Nlitional (.11 .lilil)i()11%hip., in C :.itil)('1-1-a. Alion u :10 1)| .Ic cd
Und in ihc \'iciorian (:112,tili,i,)„41ipx in the Ul(; 80(hn behind Gcol-,rina Chule (who won liu· \Vorkl junior 80(hn ('11.ifilpionfhip!). Alison .11,0 won the 8()0111 ;111(1 10()]11 in Little Athletics Stati· C.1111111pic)11%11ip. and w»
AM) Kium Ler (3'12). Siti :111 1)\11(}11 81()). Emina
Poynton (3'12), lic·,it.1 Ltik.Nak CY'2). and lesic·.1
Fetterplacc A12). Thanks to XI+ (:.11-(,Irn Fox for her ent h 11.Mi.1%1 1 1 :incl c c >tilmit ment to Ath letic. w·Iii]>,t 111 LM [ 1.
the *quad v/C. participation aint .1,111(1111(1 1111\C g-1-0\111
(<11(,1-ilic,ithlv with her drive. initiative and experic'lic'e. 1-hank vou to all of <)111- coachi·%. p.ttlietil.lt-ly \11'.
Melected to littend the Age N.ition.il Championhip, iii
Manfird 1 .c·irinclowski.
Perth. Eli/.11)e 11 1 0 D.,v and jacc] 11(·line 1 ) i.ti i,c, nd Al I j
Badminton: Badminton again proved vcr) 1)(,1,111.11-, particulark in the Senior Division. \Ve st,lited trailling lit the On-ong- Romanir Reciration C.ent)-c. .just .1 NI)(11-t
recrimed the Duke of F.clitil,in-gh .hilver Award. Atic-(-Asfulh· ftillilling the foill- reclilirementh of .<'1 \ice.
expedition. skilh .111(1 1)11):ic .il ic'i-tration. C.1.zirc B.Ixti·i
(VIC) u» phiced ht in the Under It) State
ivalk Ii-oin 1.(>i-(.to Mandevilli· I lail. liu· ti·unr; hnproved over the 9·.10{)11 1 )111 the competitic )11 w.14 vel-)' fierce thiN
C.hampic)!Nliph and X.ltion.ll (:h.11111)ic)11.hip nent lor
)(·at. Al)('c i,l| 111:inkN ic) p.1.1 pupil Kittxv Lec for 11(·i-
(,1-004 (:ountl-v Mountaill Biking. She placed 211(l ill tile
Suppol-1 :111(1 coaching ()| 0111 junior ti·am.
\\'orkl (:111) Mountain Bike >U·ric·. Race. IL..ic.l (:tilley
(312) won thi· '14(141 :ind Fait't·%1 Award in the ()pen
Basketball: 1 Ili4 w.,0 the Iii-4 wal th:lt the 7%.\ 1 1,1(1
held a 1)11.ketl),11| competition :lii<1 it with verv 1)(Ii)11,11
\\'0111(,11% Nitball (.1111) (:c)!ril)(tition. P,(th \'athan (3'9)
and c ompetitiw. .illilini- ti·.un win placed 211(1. 1111(·10
w» wlected h n' the .State 1 1:,11I)()1 ining Tcaln to
placcd 1111 .111(1 (illi- .Menic,lic·lim. 1111(tri thi· coaching (}|
compete in the Natic)11,11 Tit|(·+ in 14(,c klumpton. >kirah
Alt 14,n litic klev. lini11(·(1 11. 7.%.\ 1'1('tilict.. In the .%(:.4.\
\\'hite (3'12) w,th selected in the Catholic State Nt·11)all
compelition. thrce teittliN competed well. with oill-
1(·am (()pen .\ge) to competc in the .\1141,11.Ihi.ili C..ltholic Neti).111 C.li.liIl,ic,li.hip. in >Rdin. 1),„lic|,1
ilitii{)1, placed 31-(1 411(·121|1 alter 11 lonit din of tough 111'it< 1(IM.
Norinan (312) was :ch·clcd in thi 1'1('Kidentl Te,nu lor
Cricket: l/NIc,itilimick, we li:ld a thirly porn <c.th(,11
the Sellior \\'(,int·11'. Nation.,1 (.11.„npic)„+1„9+ 101-
with 111.in)' schools opting to ibilcit the Cc)]14)€·tition.
Lacrosse. 14(,i:in Gleich (3'12) wit: pl:[((cl Und it 1 th(1 State SchooK Ro.id Race \\.ilking C :hampic „1+hip over
liziliting the te,un to onk' a couple 01 4-:nne,%. 10 1-(·clifv
1()kin (l'It) Divixion). Rebck.1.jagcur,x (3'12) won (ic,lclin
\'ic·torian \Voinen * Cricket Under 17 competition which
the U20.\tiftmlian Wilter 14)10 Team at the junior World
provicic·+ \u·ekly Friday night Ill,lic he; in 1-crm 4 2,11(1
Championships in haly. jannall Taborsky (3'12) was
1-enn 1 . \Vith cricket entliu,iast Mr F.(1 lic·st 21+ c 11[1- ( c >.tch.
selected for the Victorian State Team. In the I.MIl
we air sitil· to be a Coill])etitiVe t<·11!11.
Neil)all Clili), Under 1 1 Bustri s (31-) were Premiers, U l -1
Refirve Lightnings (39) weir Rtit, lici Up, and IT 17
Cross country: -I-hix was 1111(1(,111)tedl} oui- 1)(101 +T.1.011 ret in tern™ of participation. The cross c<)11]111-, 0(11111(1.
Man Devils (YS) were Ruimer•; t'p. Congrattllatic)11% to
illicler the coaching of Mr Ed BL·ht and pitht ])lipil Ms
thir problcm. wi· are entering .1 1.\11 1 tram ill a local
Bi·%1 an<1 1·-ail-cit Trophv winnen l.' 17. 1.1 ic-\ Kennv .ind
Jillia C ullitv. swcHed to over '10 tri i l 1-t'gill,11-h' littelicling
Kcllv Al<,c n-c AN). ancl l./13 1 .iii 1.iii and 1 .ticic (:11itlincr,+
trailling, inchicling a Iliclin 111(,1-!lilig Ne>,Mic)!i. 1)(Ic)1-t
light. iii the iniddle of winter! M 7%.\, we achieved
Aerobics: It has been a gic·,it vear for 21(ic )1 )ic% with
exccilent res,111+. with the Ilit(·1 lili'cliatc· team achic\ing
the t)11111|1(1-4 of Atitclenti 1).titicipating in thi; V)(111
211(1 overall. 1111(1 whi ll ing the Preinic·] Ship flat#,0 the ht
Contimling 10 1-Ne. llc 'll-n' ('c )11 41-.ittl|ationh to the 3'10
71%.\ Hclic,01. 111 Gl'%\4.\.
Dreaill |c·,un (14,ac |(tterplace, (:hc·n| 1 1(,It. Natalic
repr-·nted. and in >i.S.\. c)lit- >U·IIin! 1(·am wah placed 2>rd o\(·1,111. hi .11'4 4.11111(lav 114)1-liinlt (c)!Ii])(tition.
11()>v>lig alid .1(940.1 Ries) ullo won Und placc in tile Victorian Spol-1 Xernbic Championshipt. proceeding to
I .\1 1 I u 21% astin wcH
!.MI l luci regtliar colil)('titc,1.4 in thi, hcl ics (,1 hix 1,1(·ch.
thi· AuNtralian Xerobic (,11,lil)ion,;hipN ill 141-iN|).tlic
%1)('c i.ll ((,in!11(11(kition to 1)(,ininik \\hiti· Al)) who
where thev won Uth ovel-,111. Congl-littllation< to 1 1(·ad
consistenth placcd in the lop 1, itichicling two Und
Coach M. Monica 11'right who won 1 9 pl.ic-(' in MiAN
1)120(int©. For outstanding indi\'idil.11 per|01-]112,11('c·h
Fitiwss Vic tot-ia. and Und in the National Ali. Fitness
thic)11:12(,lit tlic se,14(311. congrattilatic)11.0 10 1)<>ininik
Atiftrali.1 (:(>Ilil)('tition.
\\'hite 89), A]Non Spenci· 0,14, >kon:11-,1 Madden Al)),
136 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Kate Fenerplace (YH)), Ah·cia Muster CY!()) and
C ..11-olilic· C)'Brien (3'12).
C .()11gratillittions to < 111-1 (nt Coach .111(1 past pupil Emih
coached In Erica
Equestrian: 4 hank you once again to \Ir Rob
hibe (12,/98) who is a iliember of the Victorian
1)<t licilev, wlic) was i list,-ilinental in the formation of the
\\'omen'; Y >tith Eight. Thank vou to Head Coach, Ali
Club. The Clul) cc,lilitill„ with approximately 1.3 girls
Rob Zali,11-21, |c,i- his gencrous support for the Chib, 2111(1
competing iii weekend competitions. Thank vou to &1%
to Direc tor 01 Rowing, Msjosie Milliti-d.
\11(11-(·21 Inglir for her 11+Histance with the Clill).
Skiing: 1.3 xii-ls competed in th-0 di.Mc iplines.
Fencing: \Ve werc picased to host both the Jack
including All)ine, Cross Coillitry, lic )4111% alld
.%(hae|('1' Competition and the (_)'(.(>1111(>i· Chip
Nnowboarding. Formnatelv the inow was good for the
competitic)113 this veal.. Our .Junior school lencers
Ilittic<hools (,<)114)(vition week after the cancellation of
competed against 11]11(h 1,111(11, okier and inc)i-c
our firit training .111(1 ilials weekencl due to hick 01 xiic)v.
experienced ti'11((·1 4 and per c )1111(·(1 extic·11 111]v wcH.
41 )ecial ((,1 lilliendation to Natalie (:,11-ter (Yl l) who
41 )(·cia| commendation to j lili,l Illighan (Mi) who placed
placed It)th in the Alpine race. ill a field 01' 180 gir],4.
211(lin tlic·.lack Schacfer (1(,ilipetition.
Ihank will to Miss .]arne Wi·l).Mici' for her unfailing
Gymmuitics: Congratulationx to the .Jitilic )1' Team -
entlitifi,19,1 und dedication in upport of>;kiing
0'6X - Michelle %11,illit·l'.11]1, Alixandra (:atallitio, Ell.1
Sol'th:111: Ilitit-lii(liate '14' 1(121111 won the Z>;.\
11(·ii,chke, St(])11.1,11(· Pirric, Peta Del'matih 2111(1
premic·nhip, 1111(1 (,111 other learn.4 wric· competitive
111('(]tlc·lim· Bonchier) who achin'(·cl Ixt Te,un Overall in
thi'(HH:hc)111 the .4(·axcm.
Indep(·tictinit (; ill.4
Swimming and Diving: Our swimming Millad was
(,11111111)ic)tifilip.4 ,111(1 to the Ilit(·1-111(·diatc h·ain (14'lle
bigger than ever in It)<)1) linder 111( gilidance of M< 1.i.N,1
Friterplace, 14Iclwin,1 01\'ci , Al,}t,11 %]wrn und Nic·ole
Miner und Al, Megan llc)]t alld with the move to
Dwyer) who itchic'ved Ist 'Ic':im C)\(i.111, ancl to Eclwina
Caultic·Id (,i:1111111<li- %('lloo] for nun'ning training. For
c)|ver (\'9) who achicu·(1 End hiclivicliml Overall
the lit<t time since 1990 1.01-(·to \\'11.4 vic'toric)11% in the
Itlt< 1-1/1('(!i:11('.
\111111,11 (,(11.1//,inc) ((iltell,in+ .%\viln \Iect. with the
Hockey': In Z>>.\, wi· itc·hievcd junior Dth, litter 31|19
ou·rall 1 (·stilt decided in the 1 inal }·chn (,1 1 he
and >,c·nic,I· |th placing·5. 11)1)1),h,tw tilt· gill, training (':11-1,
competition. The t<·.tin was phurd (ith in (:P>;\'$\ and
111<)11]ings on turf :11 111(· 1 knvilic)1·11 110( key C hil). ( )111
6111 in SCS,\. C""41'1' ll|:Iliolls to our Y<·:u 9/ 10 1(·11]11 who
c)pc·11 icani,ic'liined 2nd in tlic·it 1)(>01 in the protigic)11.
placcd Und und to latc· Argentino (38) who plaa·(1211(1
1'>11(hanan (:lip competition. 111:Ink voti 10 \1. \\'ench
in tile.}unic,1- 1)iring. (.c)1141'atillation•; to.}('44ic,1 (.111'lain
Rick,21-bv for her clitlitixiasin und c'(,tilmittnent in
At)), Ste],Imnit· 11,tgan (\"7), (lwr)11 loU (3'10), 1 .allirn
organixing th(·Me extrit X('NXions 1111(| a)]il])('lilion.
Milic·]cic (\'1 0) and 1,·ssica Ni )(1 i.in (Y'7) who were
Netball: Netball contitme; to Nhow ib; dominance
wlectal to reprocnt the C.\% Ax<<,ciation in the
2111(1 %11((c#. with 111(n-c than 1.50 girl 11(nv imolved, 111
\'ictorian AH %('hool.('ll,linpic)»hipx. 11041 01 <)111 hquad
CAN (CathoIii .\11 >1(|ic)(,1.N), our \2·111 1() Il·:1111 won ith
(c,inpacd iii the AH >,c hooN 1<c'la» \vith (,111 314) 1(uni
1)ivision. ])1(>gressing to the linal> H·licir the icitin Wah
reaching the filials ((,hi·ril 1 1011, Lauren Milit·lcic, Alma
11.11-1-owk· (1('1(·itted in thi· (:rancl Final in ex11,1 time. The
Al.li™our, Kitte Fc·tt('11)|ace). 41)(Y·ial commelicliltiOn 10
%,tine te,lin als(> placed ht iii 111(· SCS.\ Iii!(ilickcliate
]CAXic.1 (1111,lin Al)), Lauren \lilic']cic (3'10), >iti'})11,Illic
1)kihion. 111 the\ictorian ,%(hool (,it-]x (()111])(·tition, 0111
ilitgan (37), '1,1,1 lic,inul (Y7), Alison Smithc·ram (37)
Year t)/101(unn l)('calnc the lint 1,\11 I team ever to \\'11 1
und C hei)'1 11(,It (3'10) for outht,iticling indiviclit,11
thrir regional t'()1111(1\ 1111(1 prog-ress t|11-ough to the >,tatc
achic.r(·111('1114 througholit the .4(·»on. 1'11:111 1. 1'{)11 to
Finals. M Z..4.\. %(·nior 'C' tram won their (11·and Final.
1)ii-ector 01 Nport Mi-% C atin l itint for her iniliative and
nhile ille 'A team won the 7.%,\ Round 14(,1>in. Our
{1)Ininit!11('111 N) S\Vililluillg.
Ilit(·1'111(Ylillic learn reached the Grand Finals in all three
Surf Life Saving: \\'c coinpeted for the litv time in
7,4,\ clivifioni with the 'A' ,incl '11' learns winning t1i(·
the >hirf Life having Victoria %(·hool %111 | Leag·tic·
1)1('IlliC'!Nhip. It w.1% the lit-t timi· our 'A t(·,11]l 1111% won
(,(,till)(·lition at Alc),cli:111(,c- 11(,tch. Our te:,111 {)1-30 gir|
the .%]lic'Id Mince 11)83. Itillior te,ini .·V w» plau·([ 6111.
conipeted in beach 41)1-iliti Ila», 1)(>ard re,('11('A, #liti
lind '14' .mci 'C' 1(.1111.4 were 1)|,1('cd 'iici iii ZA.\. Vcr)'
Mwim, 1(1.lvs .ind ii'on-woman vili·(9, with (>111 team.4
7)(·ci.L] 111.,liks 1(, 111'0 1'Al(·' (:illexpic Ic,1 her
placed (,th. t)tb micl Ic)tb over:ill. Thanks 10 M 1-+ Mary
exti-lic)!-clinan effort ancl dedication to Netl,.ill at [.Mil.
Funder lot· making .ind donating the team cap< and to
Rowing: \\'Init a Nupell) achic\(·ment, with 1 '13 gi! 14
]):Irt T)ill,ils Madelilic :11 1(1 Rachel I lov for their coaching.
hn·ohrd in the 13!11 Rowing (.1,11) thi.% ve:11-, milking 26
Tenni,i: \\'c· welcoincd \Ii- Mic hard \Valker :14 11 tenniN
crews :incl tbree scullers, and 11111 the biggest .4('11001
coach thi.4 vt·,11'. Ill 7,%,\, olll ]11!lic))'s were placed :))1,(1.
Rowing (,]111) in \'ic'toria. More th,in half of c)lit- ctrws
Int ers :)th :ind Seniors :41-d. We .1('Iiic·ved (it h in Gl 'SVS.\
imide their Final at thi· 1 IONG, puning them in the top
2111(1 :11(1 ilt IC .U.
1(,111- (rews in their (livision in Victolia. Two crews won
Volleyball: In ZSA, our Sellic 11·% were placcd dth. and
their (li\i.ion: the Yeal- 10 Divihion 2 Quad Ch,((Itieline
c )111 1111(·1-5 and juilic)1 0 placed 5th. In the 7.4.\ Round
11.ilphi. 1 .c,itive Pearn·. Rachel Quiliert. Melanie
Robin, 011 1 Senior tram placed I.st. As part c 11 c „ ii- 7.6111
Ringers,na, Lucy Mc 1 iernan , c c ),ic hed by Nium
Bil-thday (clebratic )11% filtv girls ti-avelled to Loreto
1 ledberg) :ind the Yeal 10 Division 3 Quad (Celina
Ballarat to compete in Netball .nicl Vollerl).ll]. with all
\'ines, Sophic Pria·, Sara C .ialk. 1·.li,abeth 11111-ley and
year levels represented. We weic. also ple.1.hed to llc,st
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 137
Attictent: and <taff from Coloina Convent Sclic)(,1.
adjudicator. M x \\'endy Strehlow, commented on the
London diti-ing theii- thi-ec week visit to .\11.Ntralia ili.jit|v.
high level of 1,1 (,tbssionalism on the part of all thc·
In our Volle, 1,:111 1111(1 Nell),1|1 cont€'%14, 1.\Ill won the
I-(i·in 3 ended with the Year 6 Production 01.\//- /la/m
Water Polo: Cong!-1111[latic)11% on all c)llt.%11111(ling
mul //h /·),i·/.r 77„c,z,r.5, which was plc+elited at
result from our ()pen Water Polo tram who. having- unh
Stonnington Thcatre over two night,% in %(7)trinber. The
jilst inoved into Di\Nion 1 this >'(·ar Iliter \\'inning· the
git-1% realk en joyed the experience ofworking 21% a whole
Diviion 2 Final iii It)1)8. catne Ittitmei»lip in the
\'car |cul for the perlormance and going to a "rell]
Di\·Rion 1 (hand l in,11 ligniti,Nt 1.iliti,%1011. Allql-,ili,111 1111(1
\'ictorian representative, Rel*·ka .jitgrill-% A'12) and
( :(Ilititi ,itillation.4 to 32·81- 1 1 Theatre Smdic·% and their
lannah Tabot +kv (372) helped the gi 11% develop their
tracher, \1% Rol)\'11 Kay. who produced tlwil- pkn'. /)„/hum hwn-ted. at Ht{)1111iligton Theutic· over tWo nights in
Mkilb, over the Ne»on.
c)(tober. It wit, a filic prochictic„1. \\'ithin the curriculum the girls have 11130 worked on a varictv of projects. Year 8 2,(1.11)teel and presented childirn's sicilit'% for Preps, 1 and 2, and Wars 9 2,11(1 10 have performed their clevised theatre pieces at hnichtinies to verv 1.21(ze 2111(liclico. U.·ar H) held a
Theatre Sports competition and manv %111(lent, r
performed during Creative Arts Week in lerm 4. Ali iii all it has been a verv 1.nisv, full and productive vear for the Di .1111.1 Department and Certaitih- olic· to remember. Al:itiv thank) to the Drama staff. Ms Robvn
Visitors from Coloma Convent. England. join Loreto Mandeville Hall girls for sports events.
Kay, Mrs Christine \\'alters and Head of Dramit Ms.Joan
Morgan. Thank.4 11!40 to the Senior and jitilior School Dr:111ia
Ntliff. who have ux«ted 111( (1(])211'tment clit!-ing tile year.
It h.10 been a wonderful year for the Di-ama
®ecial thank,4 go to 11% janine Ged(le.. c)111 1)1-ama
department! Term I began at a fust 11!1(1 1-litious pace
Icchilician, for 11(11- tireless illid ])1'4 )|uNonal ('11()114
with the 7.-)tl Annivel-sarv Paurant, iii,olving al)(,111 five
throughout the veal· in %11])1)(,1-ling· 11.1. the.e
hundred gil'14 11.4 pc'tic)litic'ix, banner carric·rh. in
procetsions, 11.4 1111 14ici,l!14, Ningel'x. crew and ti·,11]7% 01 arthts. who ocated thc lmimnable giant portraitx und
Debatiii u
the R,)11 of 11,)lic)ill-. which 11(n-c the immeN of all the
It Im.4 al•u) been a good war for debating al 1.c )1-cto
4111(1411110 who have littended LMI 1 over it ; first 75 ve:ii-4.
Mandeville I Iall, with stticlents achieving superb resillth.
l'he .ltilittill.jitilior I Ic)11%(' 1)1 .1111.1 Festival \#·.1. he ld in
C kiligratillations tc) Ca*,ilicll-,1 Frv (Yl l ) as lic·st 11-(:rade
Mandevilit· 1 1.ill in late Mill-ch and Ward llc,tixe were the
winnt·i-% with .1 111(·inorubie production ofNothiNg' /1/7/8 a /?ciral/·ju,h. All the Housi·% pic)(luced work c )1 ,i verv big·h ft,111(lard and the 3£,iging· for all four plavs waA technicallv impl t'%,ive. Meanwhile, c )111- iti.itigill-al Yelti- 12 l'heatre Studies
c 1.Ks way 1 Thear.Ming for ith 1,1,1,, The 8,1/jor/aure 0/ /*i/,g Aa,-ups/. under the direction of Head of Di-ama Als.joan Mol-Kan. This production was presented iii Mandeville Hall over three nights in \121)' and the .111(lienceN were kept laughing and entertained bv the venT .illillsiliu pei formance,; 2711(1 the wonderfullv wittv script bv (hcar \Vikle. It is indeed a clieam colne trile for LMI Ito have
1)1-11111,1 ancl Theatre Studio taught froill Prep to 12. Cong-rattilitio»; to Yeal' 11 vudents Animbel >Anith
:111(1 Simone B.ill who were Iligilly commencled for ilwil Duologue performance froin Mal·beth in the Regional Final; c )1 the Globe %11.ike.Ni)(.al'(' FC.Nti, .11, held :11 %11(10
debater in the State, Mt·gan Walters (\'12) as I,c·.4t A-
Grack· debater in the 1.1111-iston Region. Natalic Grant (110) 214 1)(41 C-(11·11(le del)ater in the Lauriston Rcgion.
B-Gracie Loreto 1 (Georgina Colchinan. Annal,el Smith. Emilv Smith, \'ane.Ns., Condello, I<litlic·rinc NIC.Malion) who won their war to the State Octo-Finals. C-Grade Loreto 1 (Rosannah Healv. D.Iniela P.into. I lelen Belittv,
Catherine Rvan, Georgina Mollor) who del)ated their wav to the first round of State Finals. It was a great
11 ibute to the depth iii LM H (lel)citing tlmt both B-Gracle
teams finished the season undefeated, on top of the 1.alti i•;ton 1.21(1(ler, then having to 1,1,iw off for a place ill the State Finals. This was .11%0 the fituation in C-(11'21(le.
Congratizlations :1]40 to D-Grit(le 1.oreto 1 which tinished v·cond on tile LituSton hu!(ler. juNt nii»;ing out on the linal.4. %])ecial lhank,4 to 1)(·bating Coordinator \13 1.ces,1 1 Ilt](.
Cocur in .lillie. The gills woil ticket.N to the lit·11 %11.ikexprai-c production 01 7'he 3/errhau< 4 12„ire.
Al this ve.11''s Per|kn-ming ,.\11.4 Festival, ilic· audience
Ili,ink.4 to the gl'lwi'c)%ity of st.111 liwmbet'% \11' Peter
was treated to a wonderfully entertltining- and ell joyable
C :t-cwe, &11-4 14.clicit, Ferdinand, Mi Ron Fer<linands. Mr
evening of four verv (tilic·rent pelic )1111,111(·(·%. li.u 1-y won
Al,irk 1.11,1,4,111 ;11 id M 1- Ect liest , who give til) v ) milc h thne
the PAF Cup for I)<·st 0,·c·i·,ill production, Mornalic· thi·
on top of tlicir other activities ic) Mil])1)(„t |,li.11'.,lking·.
Instrumental. Vocal and Draina Shield,4 2111(1 .\Ittlhall the
htlt<ll·lit.4 ('11 joved 11 four (lay camp ill t he ( ;1 21111)12111% ill
Design and C horrography Shirlds. 11)99 P.\F
carly Aptil, a lowl· clay camp lit Tidal River. \\'ilxon
138 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Promoliton iii i·.irly juh. and u four (1.1, hike on the
iii the tradition of Man \\41·(1. 1(> 1(·,ili4(· their |1-ecdom
Greal South \\'extern \Valk near Portland ill Ilit€·
2111(1 ilse it leS[)<)11431)!v. Ihank voil to the Pal-clith' .\+Ac)(iation .111(1. iii
particular. to President Peter Tchan. The A™)Ciation plaw·(1 a ver) i,Kiificant role iii the chool + 7.-)th
Social }11%1ice Stliclent, 11'0111 Yelit-% 7-12 have worked hard
throughout 1999 to rai.xe lilliciN 11)1- a \ .il-irt\' 01 (haliticg
:ind 1,)1111(kitions. The U·al- 7 14(·coicl ilighi raised 5·1(H).00 for Lori·to Ent,illv. 1 ]Ii. N,thuiv..1 popit|,11· night and one ullich invol\ch the cooperation 01 Year 12% :inct Wai' b. 32·.11- 8 stliclent + c ilic (· agitill chose to Nul )1)(n't the -Rect Nose \\'eck" c,1,11),lign. and through their conhiant cl i c ,!-th ovel- 11 two week period. 1, ianaged to i .,i•,c· S 190..50 for the %11)% 1·'cittilclation. An Nce-ciram Dav" 1.iter ill
Nowmi*·r rai.wd funds for .1 Loreto MiNon. 32.11- 9
undertook t\Vo (tilicrent project;. to mA' 111()]un for 1.<,1-c·to hoilili .\11-ica (S-12 1.75), Illicl 'fulith in ]11\'cltili· Detclition iii (lucrinland (,S·12.5.00) through >h11(·rnadette Ziesing 111\ M. The Anti-Canccl- |:c)„„clation w» vy)pot·ted cuthusi.thtic,11|) In the whool connuilliti. with k·.11 1() raiNing $600.()0 011 1),tlic)(til [).iy. 1'1(,('c·(·cls 11-0111 a cake vall ill Ic·]111 1 \,c1111 to 1.(>i·cto Elliot lh>,1,1
1),i>· SchooL Calciltt.1. Cikt®.00). ihr 11 1,11(1 12 took part iii the 14(·cl (:i-c)+.1)(,c)1'1<11(>ck in \1.11-ch (Sg. 1(H).(H)) ancl 1 he Red hilic·|(1 1)001 Knock \1.1 (31.650.0()),
1,tiing Sl.750.(H) Ic,1- the Rcd c :to,+ :inct the Hahation Ailm. This wah a \,(111(1('11'11| clicurt |), (,111 .(·Ilic)1
%111(1(·1110. 11w Yeal· 12 (:<)11!l(i|101-0 (4)11(lll(led a plain cloth(·% (tar in order to liti,Me 0111< 111()11(·v for
hnernational \Youu·16 1*. ($:183.55) A lar the !110%1
4gllificant illil(11 ,lixer thix vear wil# th(· 32·ill- 11.[11%tia· Raille, coorclinated In' Mr Alichacl \Illl(·11|n·. Ihe
Annivers:,1-v (elebi·aticnis. Thc i litic,cltic'lion of a new
Parent Mentor Progi-:unme, whel-('In' new familic+ are welonned into the· %( hool 1,1 111 i Iv bv ('111'rent 1.1111 i lic·h. hax
prow·(1 11 gic·.11 11111(„.ttion .ind we look 101-ward to
Mtic·ligthcning the progranum· in the future. rlhank vou in p.irticulal' 10 111-8 .11111:l|)(111(· .Scanlon for her c(,ininitinctit b) thi. 1)1(,glanilix·.
Ihank vou to the Paht Pupili.\09)ciation. 111](ler the clitection olli-c'Nident \11·\ Tet·na (]-c,ker. for ih ong(,ing
111)1)(,1-t (}| t 1/l. clic,(,1 in varic)11% wavh. Thc provision 01 IN'(> Mho!.ll'1Iip for xtudent. whose faillilio Hould 1101 othenvi,(· bc able 10 +Clul thein to oltv ghoo| A a inost
worthr' project. \1:111#' thankh (,11(·c again to .41· 1{}ric ](·1[crv 114\31 lor tlic· c)1119.ilicling work which .hi· ha. done for t,4 iii thige 111+1 .3 :'c·,11-+ :1% Hilic,(,1 .1!chi,iv.
1.11-4.well too to Mr C :111'01 Black (1111(,1-ni,ition .henic(· ( (·11/re ) who 1-(·tire. .11-ter 21 ve:11·% 01 (leclic Itted .c·! i ia· to {)lit' ('11()()1.
1 hank vou to all the 41.1|1'. Their extr.ic),clin.in (1(·(lic'litic)11 cilicl (-('ilitilititic·111 1() 111(· (·(111( Itti')11 4)1 ()111
%111(lent, i. i·\(·(1(.(ling'/ gericic)11$. >4(, \\ <)1« o,lt|(1 11(1('cill:ttely expre- thl· debt (,1 gratittlch· wc our liu·m. 1-hank unt to liu· hcliuol I.(·:1(1(·idlil) 1-cal]1 - 1\,itln
()'Conlic·|1 (11(·acl 01 tlic.littii{,1- >U·|1001), Catlic'1'ilic Him (1)(·pon Ilcild of the ]11!lic)1 %('llc)<)1). 4,1,0.111 Hte\·cli.
(1)(·1)iitv Principal -1)ii-(·(lot'oil''ixtoral (.air), 1.Ii/<il,ttli
Burn< (1)(·put, Principal - 1)ii·ector 01 ht,idic« Andrew Schinicit (School Coordinator), and lan j.illics (1)ircrtc)1-
organifing te.tin worked ti,(·1(,4.h to gather pri/(·0. 04·11
01 1111ine» Operation©. who together |cad thi. gicut
tic·ki·tr iltic| :1(h( i-tix(' the 1'11111(,111(1 t|wil- cllc)1'IN !'('411|1(·(1
4(1100] with Nitch insph·cd vi.%ion and cxtraorclinarv
in 5,2.2,30.04) lor tlic· 140ovo ancl 1·..it limor Ri·Iici
coinminm·lit. 1-hank „)11 unce .14,lin to \11 Robert
Ch,tlitic·4. Year 1 1 X111(lent.$ *4(·tu·rou.41\' c'c)11ililitted
Deriwilci (1)(·putv Principal - |)11-ector 01 .Stlidics). 01·110
tlic·!110('1\(·4 to <11111{)1 1'1(,grallitne for chi|(11-(li |rolit two
rethrd :it illict-veal. allt·r all}Ic)+1 thilic·en veill-4 01
1·list linlore>,c lanlilin und an 141|jiopian faillik'. OIll
(,111\t.,11(ling wrvice 10 1.(,1-('to Mandeville I lilli.
Amn(·VT |Int·111:ltional grolip of commined 111(1('1110.
1·-inallv. 111.111\ tliank 10 111(· %(·11(,01 Council Ilic'1111)en
coordinated bv &11 1'(·ter C *we and \1% An lic'.\|1 111(·r hils
|'lilli llc)Y' (Chaillilitti), 1).nid 11(·,ttiv. Eli/al)(·111 Butt.
been actiw i n wriling |(·11(·rh. Ii.iting (luip,·1.\™·ml )Iii·4
14(·,in I kilpin. Mill·|).11-a Kitchen. 1>,i·um Madden (11)99
Di·pun (:11.tinnan). Alilillbelli· Scank)11. 11(1111-v
Cli·M·illination :ind ]11,1\l'I. 11.4 11(·11 21. 1tlll<1-1-.Ii.ing with a
Turnbull. 141|Non -raffi· 111\31. aticl NI,ligal-et Iloillic]
01:*11-%111(1(·lit 0)11(C·1-1 rexillting ill $050.(H) lor .\11111(·Ntv
Itt\'\I for their H 11(,li·licarted con,tilitinctit to [lic
hucrnational. Thank unt to all the Mudi·nt\. ICIN']1('r*
well,tre 1,11(1 good governance of 0111- H-11(11)1. 1 low
and 32.1,- (c,c)!'(linaton who have· worked v i hai-c!
1)lecd we arc to 11.1,·c 01 ich dec licated :111(1 c ot )4( i €·ti t ic )110
1|11(,lighout tlit· iral' to %11)1)01-1 411('li worthv ClltIN(10 ill W
go\(·inol4. Milliv 11,211110 to 11211-|)ar, Aitchell. who
m.111, clilli·rent win'A. Th( i 1 c{ )11 Illiit 111(11,t i.; c,i(1(·nci· of
('c )11(-|licli·% her %ervice c )1 1 Achool ((,limil lit the end of
the \11111(·.4 (7)(,11.%(·d in oiii Religic)110 12(ltication
It)11), for her 5 ,(·arb (,1 9 - k i· 13 11 meinber of 4 11001
progranunc. a progranunc thal lic. al the un heart 01
Council. ilichicling her ch:til·inatihip of the 7.-)th Anniver,ar)- 1'1:liming (,(,liililitti·c. 1..™t hut not le;ext. ven 01)ecial th.kilkh 10 Pint! llc)\ who concltic!(·4 Ili4 t(11.111
all wi· do.
With tliallks Ilmnk. to the %111(1(·ilth, particuhut to the |clutel·+ of "iric)11% activitic·% mid grolips, and inost partictil.Ilk to
our >,c·hool Captain Bridget (:lei„ , .u,(1 .bc!1001 Vice (:21],t.tin.](»ic,1 Curlev, for :ill that thev hau· contributed 10 4(·110(,1 pilit anct chool life iii lt)(H). Thi·ii· chc>c·n
theme for the \(·al-. 'Freedom t< 1 Be', inNpired vii(1(·lits.
21% >U lic >01 ( c ), incil ( lmi 1-man al the i·nci of 11)99. after K
vea]% 01 +111)(11) anittlitinent and extiaordinarih gilicron. fen ia· to (,ill sc-hon], since joining tlic· >,c bool Council iii 11)92. The ·linol iN tilligil)1, tiongel- Ic )1- hi4 line le.,11(·1-Nhip :111(1 411-IltrgiC \ i.hic)11. (Dr) Anne Ihint
Prii icipal
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 139
jitiiior School Report Crh'brate th, Priv....Shape the /' /,/ll / 7
We Withili ttle.junior School have mitch to adebrate micl mam c hallenges beloir us .1.4 Wl' het {)111 10 41.11)(· tile ftittire. The theme chosen for our bii-thdav ve.ti ha+ led
the staff in their rellt'c:tion 11})(ni, and appl-aiNal of. 1111 C111-1-icillizin 211-(,14 ancl activities developed to cli,11)|c the gillitc) recogni>,C theil' Freligth·, alid t.i|enh.
11(4(ling- 0111- <( 11001 th(·ine with the 1)111)Iici, dechurd \ht- 01 the ()|cler Person' har 1,1(,light Inam' wanderful ilihigh t. tol,111 within ( )111- communitv. C )lic· cannot 101-get
the impact created 1,1 0111- 4)(·Ci,11 \ihitol (1111-ing· Famih \\'crk, Ah 1-th· Woc)(10. otlic·lif·i.e known ax Grannv Dit,iN'. 11(·1- Ntorv. delivered with wilch 11]il'th ancl 4
convictioll, cloNed any gencration gig). il<Millic)in to thiN were the efforts ofvoung 2111(1 01(1 aliki· to intri-act mori·
1111|v during the 11111('11 period th,it Ic)11(3\ved. It N enriching and uplifting 10 1,(<gin our week with 411(·11 Ine,illing|lil litlit·gic.4 (1(.\(,lopal bv the vilclent,. Mrs Kathy O'Connell
1,1-aver |(·21(1( 1-4 und ic'.1( 11('t . 4,1111)01 and ton bl ing The \\'ord alive for 111!. ihi· Father 1).ttlgliter Ma-c contimle to bc a time 01111(.'.illingful interaction benvern
Our War 5 111 id War 6 vilcic·111% 1)111-licil).11(·cl (·.tgri h
1.imilz' lil(1111)(·1-4. one (·.111 <)111; inarvel .11 the Ic>oki (,1
in the Alli,111(·(· 11,111(,lix<· collipi lition to\1,11(1% ilicend 01
pride on the MCC, 01 All. (11-1-00111 ])1()gl-111}1('h alloN all ftililenth lo c\1)|ore the 1)('lich. n,tclition,4 und
1/·rm 3 with ,/ mitjc>i-it) 01 (,lit .111(1/·11/.4 gaining 11()llcmtable Mention, or CrediA. Om· 01 olit wn(!(·Ilix
((·1(·1)1-:ition. 01 0112· Catholic 1:lith. Stliclent 1(·%)()!i.(·4 in
I·,Ii'lic·(1 the right to yw,ik al the >hall· Fillah. 11\\,)11(1('1|lil
the torinh 01 art. pravcr. 41()1} und peivUL hneraction*
ircognitic,ti ol clevelc,ping «ills,
are Collhtanth (Ill (liy)|11)0, detnon•Arating thilt our Chittilin \'ll"ch ])('1-111(·ate the QI„'. ()111Nlanding 1-('41111% have heen 11< hinrd bv manv of
oill- xtudenth in the tic·](1.4 01 Nuthic, %])01-t .ind 1·1('11(11.
C)iii- lnnior .%(·]1001 Ic)111'imim·Ilt 01 Mit,(10 te,tin received a glowing- vi,11111.11\ of their ])1·('%(litation :111(1
1,1.1 )111(711-fc )]ving vi ,ite,gie; at 111(' St .tte (:ompetition lic·Id al 111(· (·11(1 (,1,\11'KINt.
Loreto Milliclevilli· 11.111 Junior %(·bool jion the
The Xhith C)h·mpiad compilition. conducted In the
.\1-lil.1(Lde Diftrict >il)(,1-t>, lor the wventh ve.Ii in a row. Iii
APS.\10 Inc„ ix a challenging- progranum· opet-ating ill
fact, 1111| A the on|V naltic {in 111(· 11·ophi to (late - a
over tweiliv commic< itt'()11!1(1 the world. ThiN ic·iti- we
great achievemenC lic)114(1 NI,orts in v)111)1111, 11('11),111,
opened thi· competiton 10 4)111· Wars 4 1111(1 5 Sttld<·111%
.wiminilill- lind.lth|(·tic. contilitic· to bring girl. together
wh{) 111-c Killed in the :11·ca 011]lathematic., \'c\t \(·ar we
Itci'ors all age gic)111,4. Ilic cheering :111(1 :11])1)ort offered
arc planning to (.\1(·11(1 (,111 gitted .111(1 1.11(·nted
Itt thest· funclions i.4 .1 11-cal for .111.
prog'rammes within ;ind <)111%ide liu· (1.14%1{)(,111),
|lit€'1-0(·hoo| sport at War 6 Incl 011 11 U'celtic'Adin aftel-noon give; ourgit-10 11]r opporttlility to iliteract with 111(·il- ((,11111(1']):ti-th from other |11(li'l)(·11(lent .(lic),)10. Main tric'11(INhil)% arc en|lanced thic),lith thR
itc':c,lop their t.ilent+. \VhiN all 111(·c :1(·tizitic·. 11]·c· 11,11)1)thiling and (>111
prograininc. Another enjoTable uy)ect of thi.
01 4(·lic){,1. there is mil(·h happening within to excite .ind
programme N the pro\ision for (Ilir gil-15 10 1,11·ther ilieir xkills iii the field c )1 .itilletics at 01)11]i,ic Park. Oul- 3,·111
Ntilillilate all learnel.N. Visit{)14 1{, thi· jillii,)1 >U 11001
19 Grnmastic•; Team took out fil·st place in the
happv vt,(1(1111% 2111(1 |ilight. lictivi· clavic)(mif<IN 11 (1(·light
providing inanv oppormnitic,4 for ull(tent, 10 1111-ther
htll<le]11% al(·1)('ing recognised for their:llc'('c«c·% 01114(le
co»,tanth counnent lipon the y)irit ofall \vithil]. citing-
Indepet ident Gil ls SCI 1001, Compt·tit ion held recenth· at
to witnex\. Every git-G welfall' 14 %40 important to 11% ill|.
St. C :.itlicrine'% -Ii)(,1-ak.
and I tliank even melili)(·i c )! M.111 1(,1- .111 that [lic·, give
P.11 ticipation bv c )111- \Vind Band. .Juitior School Orchest 1-a and Recorder Enemble in tlic· Waverle,
to everv Mudent and to parenth, Happv. productive partner•;hips refult iii affirmiltion and growth for 2111,
Kist('clitic)(1 and Solith Street C .{,in},ctitions at 11.11|arat
[Imilk vou to the 111,111\ p,irents who have Nlil)1)<)itc·(1
have produced outst.inding restilth with 1111111) 01 (>ill
0111 Mhool ])1(44-1,ililinc,4 ill No ]11.in\ wav\. Yout- dioIt
xtitclen™ receiving an I Ic )11(,iii-able Mention while a
hit,c cert.linh been appreciated bv all.
tillinber ofg'rolips received high awai-(ls. The illi])rer.ATe
It N No rew:11(!ing- to het' our %111(tents grow in heIll fell-estee m.
presentations bv manv gil 1% at the Milsic Festival lit·Icl ,it
14(11)(·rt lilackwood Hall in june is testimonv to the kill
int(·11(·(tual and M,cial Akills a they Ntrive to become the
level of Ao many. It i. wonderful to sce <)111- stll(lenth
pcople thi·, wish to be. Trulv the.C )(1111]g women will be
participating in many forms of inusic, 11% it N a rei-,
prepared to... (Webrme thi, Pow, Shripe /hr/·'liture.
expressive alt form.
140 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
\11-% K.ithy ()'Conni·11 (lie,ict c )1 Tlinic)1- SCI Ic)(>1)
Parents' Association Report It)c)1) Ilas agilin ])c·(·11 a ]11()01 +11(-((14%1111 year for tile P.11 c·lits .\Asociation.
1-he Parents' Association .11,0 helped behind the %(-(·nes through the )'eat- with the Open Davs. Orientatic )11 1)2,)4 and ill (,1-ganising the Sec-{)11(1111111(1 liook .,ile.
My objectiw# as Pre.Nident toi- 11)111) wert· twolold:
At a committee inceting (1111-ing the wai- thi· Parents
I to 1-aiNC fun(1% fur those proirc 1 s which tht· parelits
\>,socialic,i] iwic·cd to make a columitment tc) the sclic)(,1
beline are beneficial to the sclic )01 2111(1 our chilch-(·11
to (1()11.,le S20,000 a viar over the tic·xt 3 vears to the lic·w
1)lit w·hich the Aclu)01 (,11111(,1 acanninodatc ill the
Bllilding I)(\( Ic)[)111(·nt Fund, ofwhich the Sporth Cenur
(lilli·nt budget: 1111(1
0 to have filliction.4 thilt 11]low ]),11('llt.h lo get logether fc)('i.illv, 11:nr lilli and meet other Lot <·to Mandeville 1)'11-(.1/1%
i.4 the Iii-41 <tage. Iii doing v I. we have become the Iii M to :whieve "Majoi- Donor" status to this major Iliticit-aising
project that will benefit all %111(1(·lith at \111]i€1(·\'ille. 11(nv' can wc· improve the Parent>i' A»uciation in the
1 believe we achined hoth thest· 01*·CtiVes iii 1999.
11(·It c ('litlit-y? I think there is om· main area. \Ve 17<·cd
At the Atart of the ,(·ar we inade two 4gnificant
m·w {11(·eN (both imde and feinale) :111(1 new ide* lit the
donation,i to tlic· Mlic)01. lit-%11% Ive contrilitlted %26.000
111(( tintp. Oili ticu l<\(·Clitive Zed In I.i/ 11,1]pill i.4 g(,ing
to the upgrade of the War 12 Common Room 1111(1
part ofthe win to achieving illis. 1 he nweling-s are iii the
(()11]-t\111(1 .licit. Sccon(11\' 11!ic!. .1, 21 1-(011]t of the
Fllool (211<11(1.11. Plc·»,c coinc Mong and be part of this
Mic-((Asful Festive Fairin It.)98, theentile procc·(·clsol the
exc iting 2111(1 hi\(,lirct group at volit' clatightelt Achool.
lili] w'err donated to the %( hoc)] for the ircu %1)()1·1%
On .1 1,c·i-onal ticite. I have had .1 wonderful Nix vears
C :(·litir. Thi. 1-(01[lted in It cheque for $74,000 bring
:ts 11 Mandevil](' parent and it has been .1 1 ral privilege
prefented to Dr. 1111111 1,11(1 in eNtabliflling the Parent<
For ine to h.ic bet·11 Presiclent in this 75tl1 .\1111ivet-n
\+v,ciation as the Foundation 1)onor to thiN import,lilt 11( // (1(9( IC)])119('llt. FoHowing the ex('itement and ill\(,h·(·111(·111 c)| a "|·Uil
I wonkl like to thank all those people who made tin jol) .10 Proident (.1.V to do. To Phil l|(chan. John
Y·ar" in 1998. it WaN a return to the inorc 11'11(litionid
ht·land and C litherine PI·(·li·r, tlmnk ron expeciallv for
5(,('ial (·\(·131% for parent. in 1999.
the work vow put in (ni the Exec'tative. To %11.11-,ti Ireland
111(· 1(·al ](·\·c] cocklai] partio conti]/11(·(1 10 1#· 1/(·11
and Man- Fillicic·i-. th,ink \(,11 for org-.111i4ing the (11.4%
Mill,1,(,1-teel as have the vic'{'c,Ns|tl| Filther - 1),ttlghter
14·ph 9 ) c'llicienth·; and to .\1 1 11.11*·Ile %canion. thank ,·(,11
\11,+M·N. The collec tic)]14 tak(·11 al tl/(·.(1 111,10,0, 111'(' 114((11()
For organising the Mentor Program to welcome new
hell) filmna· 1, sclic)|111'N|14) Ilind lit Lot'('to \|,111(ic.jilic
parents to the SchooL And to al| ilic,se who 11(·Iped with
I kill. -1-hank u)11 10 111(,sc· who contributed 10 111(·M
other cwnt.4 through the >cal-, voill- 11.4.hiht,111('c waN wl-)
('cilic('tic)11%. Mv tliank. 111%0 go to Phil Met·han ;111(1 1.con
111 11( 11 .11)1)1 (,c i.ited.
I lickev for their exil Iic )1(linan· effort. iii organking the 1)1(·,ikitiv. for l,ttlic·i - 1),ttlghter \1,1.40.
Marit.1 8.111 :111(1 Stic· Cole' 11,11 1 (,1-ganived a liic INE
1 \\·Nh l.i/ I lai])in and the new execlitive the bew in the coming war. and I look forward to contilming mv i lic )1,('11 lent with 1.c )1(·to 1\1.11icli·ville lial] as 21 1 ).lv
%11(·('(·51 ill Ran· 1)11; at Fleming-t{ )11 in .]uk. attended In
parent for a Nhort period before returning .lgaill 11.N a
Heark 1(H) ])211-(lits. 11'llita lind >hic did 11 1111":thtiC job
£ lilli'111 ):11'('lit.
with door ],li/(·%. raillc pli/(M .ind a ])11111(,1-1 club. A
14·1(·1- 1-chan 04<'hidi·111 Pill-ent< .·65(,Ciation)
gral. lilli (lin· out for all th{)40 who ancnded!
For (,111- 111,ljor filll(11-aixer for the \C·,11. Ive (1((1(led to in Nomething new. A $5(ki-ticket 1.1111(· limited to (,111,
1600 tickets.jan Curtain and Mary Balmer took on the
6 1· (litor. 1 extend my thanks to the Ic,llc)\Ti ng prople
1,1*k of orgimiing' thi% aild we raised over S28.4)()<). A
who contlibuted greath· in the production of thih 7.-,th
liantaNtic effult alld 4(,mc verv excitt·(1 prin· winm·1-3
limi,(·1'4111-v Maga/inc: 1.> 11 lic' Beck I.i, 111,1(·kic, .john
amon»t Lorcto pal-i·1110. The raille wil•% drawll at ,)111
Colli»;. Icirnifer Dicks<)11. Pats,+ 11.tlison, 14,11-1)211-11
111.tior MH-i.,1 11111(lion for the )'cal- - the Annual Dinner
1 1(,hol·, Brl 112,(1(·tic Howell, Sandra .jane. Lisa
Mi Alit,ter, .]an P.,1111, .jacquelilic· Sammut. Catheritic'
1 his ,-car'+ Dinner 1).11 1('c wil. c )1-1,11)i4(·d In M.11'vF.Hcn Blackburn and Shan Poillakin and lia. received
1111.inimolls plitise from evel-vone thert·. The \(ime. the food. the cut<·itaininent and the 111]11)ience :111
Him, Robvn >Waple)*, Marion \21111%,.Ill: 11(· \Vel)ster .111(1 14.lte Whilan. Ihank voit al\(, t{) 5111(lciliN .111(1 1,·11(hers Ji'llc)
contril)lited plic)to. In- .1.4.4iNted with checking imines.
connibuted 10 11 night that one parent (1('Acribed to inc
>;pecial th:inki to Bonnie Comiell:111 (U·:11- 11) for
aN "like attending a be.ht friend.+ wedding". It W:l.
Il\Niht.111((' thic,lighout the vear und tor her help in
(·%])((ial|v pleaxing to Na· tablex of pa,t parent>,
contintling their ill\(,|\(ment with the School.
After an libhence 4,1 17 couple of ve,11·A, the F.ltlw]·3' Dinner inade a welonne return in October. C)]ganiNcd
My hilicel-c th.ink, to Si josic· ](·licrr 111\31 who Ims
given supel-b cooperation to School 1,iii,lications during her time ar Archivist at Lot-cto Mandevilic· Hall.
In Micliae] Corrigan and hi. 111)-commitice, 180 fathel-4
\11 of thow invohed with the 11)99 Maga/inc hope
uitthered :11 Roval Solith Yal-1-,1 '|k·nnih (lub to (·njov a
you, tht· vitch·11 ts. (·11 joy yolll- record of this special 75,li
ilical and be (litel-tained b, ex-11.,licievilic father. Peter
Anni\(·14,11-r' vear.
"C :1-,ick·1-%" Keenan.
Margarel Quill (Editor)
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 141
Millicent Avelitic· was ac quhrd. The C 1 ullic 110
School Council Report
deliberationf on tlic<(· 111,1ttel + were made v ) m tic 11
It N hith great ])1€',avire tbut 1 prount the Annual
i·asici- by the hard work of ilic Propern Stitilding
Repon „1- the >4·11,)01 ('.ouncil lor It.)1)1). TIii% p.l.t \(·.11-
Conuninee which compri.ed Mi licniv Turnbull
11» prodded lic·\1' (hal](·ng·('1 2,11(1 opporillilitio for our
(Chail). Si- l'rllic' '1.111'(· 111\11. Dr .·\1111(· limit. \11 1.111
(:c>tincil. Dr Illint, hti- taff alicl <)111 \111(len!4. 11{)\U'vet-,
1.Imes, Mi-4 14.ithv 0(:()1111('11, MI- -1.01111':11-1-ott. MI 14·tel
ili tl,i% 1'(·]){)1 1 1 \vant to 1(>(·11. on the nairitio of the
hillht'li. .\11 »til.11-1 |c mic·r. \Ir Peter \Vahh. \Ir Peter
Achool (1)1111(il.
Nit,|-o. ihjoliti ikNitill.11.1.111(1 \11- 10]111 Vill(·4.
.\1111(· htigge,ti()11 ()[ t|H· 1.01('1() >,l>,ter.. two incetiligh
Fillicling i.%.411(·M have :49) been the vii,ic·ct of itillch
cach \(':11 111(· to bc (1('clicated to in«crric c plc,grainno
attentic)11 1111-(*gholit 1111)1) and the C (,uncil h.1.4
lor the (:mlix·il. Hic· Conlicil (·inbraa·(! thi vitue,tion
1)(·11(·lit(·d greallv llc)111 the expert advice recciu·(1 froin
und 111()51 01 lif ilit< 11(led a heininar cal-h in the unir on
liu· Fin.mcc Cotninitic·( . thi· 111('1111)(·1-4,ip (,1 which wa:
It-Imlian Dicenrment. which wc learncd. waf :111
\11 1;nan Maciden (Chair). St Enic 1.ltic· In\M, 1)1
c»,cutia| coinponent of \Ian \\'111(!4 virion for the
lillic I Ilint. Mr I.ill .|Ilinc+. \11. 14.ith) 0(4)1111(·11. \11.
1.(nt·It) »1(·1'4.,\N (Ic·(ihic)11-tintkc·i'%,11 :t 1 (,ic·It) %(lic)(,1. it
ticl, Reid. Mi·•; (,c·i·.ticline Ilon. \11- P.,trick Swc·(·nev. Mi
IN fll!1(1:1111(·1t:] tll:lt \(· 1111(1(·1.%t11(1 (}llt 1·()1111(11(·..
1.c Coleman. .\Ir .p,Im >Uwl(ton. \Ir (bacine 11()\\kel
phil{)v)1)11\. ()111 procnter jv» Siv('1' MIN'gui-ct 11{)1111( 1
.111(1 \11 p)]11! Pllilli)4.
11'A'Al. \\11„ A al•No a itic']11,(·1* of (,111' C.(,1111(il. \Ve all
h lic·ntion(·d iti laNt ve:ir'% report. 111!(lt-aRing |roin
1)(·11(·[ited troin thi. 1,1-iv·nt.ition and look Ic,i'\1.11(1 10
the Hillool comilitillity will be 13(·ce.\,il-v i[ the lillilding \Ili;ter |'|Int N 10 1,(' achic,(·d..\11 of our plil-enth who
|tltill-c Kimi|:11- pl'(,gl-:llilinc.. 111(· c·cond in-%(·nice 1)1-(141':lilillic· ad(11 (1.('(1 1111
Imic· .111(·11(led ille I'litic-il),111 11111(hcon at the %(·llc)01
unal»i>, of 111( 5( |1(){ )1 0 ( lit ivn t Und projec tal (,111 { )|]tic'llt
c)\ (·i- th(· |ast three u·,11 0 1,1-(· 11(nv Inutre of our
1 £(1(·ral
|tlndraihing illt('1tio». Next }Cal tht· (hoo] colinnunit>
(,C)\('1'11111(·1114 propoM.·(1 funding Ill-1-:ilit.wm(·111% fur Noll-
will Nee rignificant Illither licti\-it\ in thi; 211(·11 1111(1 ino,;t
1)'111(·1'11 0
cianlitiuM<)11 (d tlic
of the planning for tliN hah heell ((,licilicted bv the
pre·litatic)110 \1(·ir (trli,t·Irct. 1(01)ectivelv, by the School
De\(·1(11)inent (.(Illitikince whic|t c{)1111)liNed \11- Kevin
Regirtral-, 110 71·1111 14<)01:111 and Coilillitinitv Rchuions
11.14)in (Chair), Alt Da,icl 11(,111\. >,1- X1.ll'garet I Ion lici
Officer Ms T.Illia S.11/.1110. .111(1 the Dilectoi- of Bilsint»
IRI'\I. 111·% Animbelle >k·.wilon. \Irs litch Rcid. Dr Anne
2001-200 L
Operation.4. Mr lan jaine.%. Both w.isions were inow
1 [unt. M 1 lilli 1.lini·N, Mi + Kath, O'(:c)!int·11. Mr Akic)
1111(,1111:ltive ancl will provide the ba« for Council pc,licv
Gandolic). Mi- Mic·}mel Tchan. X11 + M.1,11-(en Green :111(1
determination in thexe vital :11 c'.13. We arc verv f{)1'1111 1.ite
\11- Peter Tchan.
1 he Review %11])-colmnitic·c· hah been active iii
to h:ne Atich expertiw ,„,zil,11)le to liN. 1)lll-ilig
21])pic)\ ed
c c)]Ndering and advising the Council on governance
1-(·({)111]nendatic)11% on illiportant <(hool polin 19%110,4
i.%11(·4. Muccession ])1,11111ing and .11 1 .Iliging- the abow ill-
which included a Drug Ectili,ltion policy und
.cnice activitio. \1('1111)(»hip \1,1% Mi» Eli/,11)(·th lintt
i!11])|enlintation ])]an. a report on the proce»0 111,11
(Chair). .\11 Paul 11(,r, 41- 1:Ilic· T,111(· IPA'M. Dr Anne 1111111 and lit Pit \'1111 Madden.
compliant, and a compic·11(·11.Ni,(· progrionme for chndoor F.ducation lorthe .%(ilic)1 %(lic)01. Leil ottlic.c
Ii·.ir ( xpi rth preg· lited 1), (,it 1 +tuff. with partic-111.11 iliank. going to 1)1 1 Itint who cont-dinated the bringing lonurd 01 111(·44· 111," tel N.
111/ 75tlj
,111 11 i \ el han. c clel,1-.itic )11N \u·re an
1111])(,1'tant pal-1 01'thi% piN \(·ar. \Ve :11-i· mo.t grateful to c :c>tlticil 111(1111*·1. Mi-+ Barbara Kitc'hen. who ch,ii,cd the
unnmittel· 1('.4]),)11,ible for thih programmi·. \Ve have 1(·111-1 icd ]1711( h 11 I )111 the Inam' iti llievements th,it were
111() unu-4 .1.40. throligh it* 14('TieW' Fil)-(c)!11111itte('.
the (.c)1111(il (1('il·loped il .Nlic·(i·,4.41()11 1)1{)91'ainme that 11<)111([ en.111-c thal there iv» a hcalth\' ull-lic)\(.1 01
1)('1-%01111(1 01 1111 ({)11111]inco lind tlit :t|1 111('1111)(»hip. 1)(1%4(·.4(·(1 the 11(.C'(·%%.il-v critic:il *kill< .incl (·x])(.1-ic"ce.
1 hi Int. ('litailed the Accking 01 expreion. 01 inic·i·(·01 It-om pare!110 to joill appropliati· committer+. 1 :lin plc'11.(·cl loitchi,c that 111(· rey)(,114( froiii (,Ill' parent:Int. heen excul](·111 und 1|lat Illih progIUHUnc AUgllt'N \\CH |or the Intlirc polin (1('terinination proa ..('. of the Ch)/Incil.
Ilic· c .ouncil devoted imich olit 11.It.)11 11,c·cling time
to th(· implementation o| tile Bililcling \1.1.*i 19,111 ;llul it K hoped that we will 01 torth· receive n )111 the C :iii 01 Ntonninglon. a 1)tli|(ling perinit to commoke the
con\[1-11(·tion of tile nnilli-plill)(12· porb centre on our 1(·imi. court.. on (:1(·11(1()11 Road. h) c<)1111)1(lil(·lit <)111
11,141(·r 1'|2111 (,1,ic·Ctivo. an adjoilling proper/\ at 26 142 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
look [onvard to a ,(·(111'(· 1111111'e. It \voilld I)(' 1(·111»,01 ine not to thank Dr .\1111( 1111111
und :11| (,1 111(· F,11| al <)111 4(110{)1 \\110 have 94)1)()1'ted the
c Louncil No \veil thic,ligliont tliN ]).tq war. It i. their connibutiom. a. Acdicuted und conunitted icaclu».
which profide to (}111 4 £11(·111% the celtication :111(1 the 1)1'ogrinulnes thill art· c\(r||ent in everv wav. :111(1 that inaki· the ((>liticill n)]c 01 (1(·Ic·lt,ii]ling· policy und planning for thi· fliture vich ati (71.jinable ta.k. 11+ Uar 1 0)11('111(10 inv tel-ni », ilic (:Imir. and » a
iwmber, 01 111(· Council. 1 h .,·c 111 cl ilii[UC]14('
*atiA,lition in 1,(ing part (,1 :i trill\ grcatitivitlition und \\ill tic'.tvlic· mam' 11'i')1),4 111(.11(,lies of inv :79,)Ciation as a pal LI n 1 .tild :l SC' 1'\ ing tilt· inber 01 the Low to M.1 1 1(1('\ i llc [halconnn/",fri. Paill 11(1/ Chairman >,clic)01 Council
1924 - 1999 School Captains 1 1)25
(,i:lh (1 knllhan
111(1\ \1(\.un:lin
It) 73
1.111(. 1..t']1.11(1(.
1':",gan q (;Ice .'11
\L·t{}ill<,I (,01111.111
harall \\ indlip \'kienni· 16·ed
1 t)27
|tt'It' J|111]1111(·
\1.11\ .lilli l)\\\<·1
1 .Una Haukul
1,)3 t
(.,11(,1 11(,\1(·11
1 .ig Ih\101
1..,xhlcen ()1<,ughbu
(..11{,1 111,\,(11
Vigil I .1111·.ll),ill
It) ;(}
|1.!Ill|{·411 ()'I.<,lit,(|j|irt
I t) 35
kallic 1 111(· C.,11(1,·1
1.",'13'· i\,x,(1
\\.illint \11111)11,
.lilli.1 \(,lili,un
1 98 1
1· <·li(it\ 14\ liu·
11(·1(·11 () 1 (,tlitlilili
It )57 It I.-,8
1)i,tll,l |'i{)\\(·It
1.1,82 \-iruinia Mong·licv
Ih·Icn <)|.„11411[ill
['llilipp,1 \1' (,It·11.Ilicl
11.'thrin Ricidell
\bllic Al"ilic,
Philipp,I \1((.1,·Il,Illd
It 1,4 1
c 'uhcluu hoppnt
It):;.5 1·'.{111'' MillpIn
(rolinc kah
1 ( 185
(•.11)1 iMIC (>libl
\nna %91111
Itt(lith Quill
\1.11 I Wlight
1·lin-\1,11 14· (>'Neill
[)i:t]):l (•.lr(lilli
P.'11 1(11 14:(1(1(·11
INni il'i.1 ( ;1111);111,
(,1.tile 1 c·<,11< elli
fit:ini,1 14(·,):h
1 () ;2
1 t); 1
|·|.till<· C)'ll./1.1
1937 H./i:1<·(ril./:'/ 1 938 1· ilt (i, (,"11 >i It):11)
1,1\It· c)1'>licn
Pamela 1111\1(ill
P.111 14(,ina Fimli·i
1963 lillic·11]li· Blitkl
\1111,1 ful·(111(·i
1991 Rehecc,i (.il).011
It) 12
luu· shchon
Jill }·1.111.1:an
it.)92 (.(·11'.Ifc \IC Ilitill.1
\!,in F,m·Ici
11-cm· \1((.,u-del
1993 Michaela ki·null
Ill it
It: H;t )
4.ill, (hinni.
.\nna Fok·i
EM,abcih Cahill
1 97(1
Ang(1,1 I)\,7,·1
DINVAi:k (.t„>11
11171 1 Iclen \Vi·ight
Frliciti \Ic(;rath
1917 \11'.ti·111 BoWN·t·
1 ' 1 1 17
.\un liqh·
Ill IS
(,atherine Man·al fa
1'11(>(·11(· Allinvle'
l'ilidgel ( 1(.11-\
\1{)\.1 11\111(·
11) It) Inch (liflord
1971 \hnhC]unant
Loreto Toorak Superiors It)21 It):1/1
\1. Mil.t \01,111
11. (c,littiilm () Keith 1'(·1('laG<·]tillill·
C ) Atilli\,111
11112- 11}111
1,)5(; - 1(Hil
\1. 11.pol,th·11 ()1 1.1"an
\1. Itt·111,11(IiI't' C.,'llill,,11
M..\Millupta (]411111) 11. 1·.lilili.ill (,An'(1(·11
1 968 - It)73
Al. Hil\c·.k·I· (]11,·cla) [;\1 m
41. 11(·allic (·||.11,11,iii
9. kailil<·t·n Itic·iman
1 98(-3
41 \01]i \litchcll
It),67 - MPH)
41 \|,Ill](·l·11 Hittllulcr' >,1 1·-1|Non Tatic
lililior %(-11001 1(.125 -
\1.1;,·iii.icit·iti· I.iii, h
It.)25- 14:'1 \1. Aquiti \IcI'lic'c
11.\41\ict 14.ger,
It):15 - It)1()
\I. 1.ti(illa 1%,111
It):;1 - 11)16
71. 11,UNC..1 (.1\.1(411.1
Ill 1 1 - ttll7
\1.1),/jilli' 1,1"·I
It) 17 It02
\1..it/t,)Ilintl. Al.in)
\1. 1''c'llig!1110 (.\I,liu,Ill·1)
M. 11(1(·11 Ht<'i)}ti·,1.{)11
9 1,|ix- 1951
I <MI 1 - 1!Prt ItH)1 - \091.,
Principals/1 leads of
Sch c ,(,1 s/Principals
11. \111 11.1,1 (•il).„11
1 93,4 - 1911 \|.
MistressLY of
\\'l·1)41(·r 11 02 - 1,1-,3 \|.
114·nchick 19.-,3 - 193 1
\..Imil)1.1 (|<,11|1)
\L \huch'(liuHHic) &*mim
I t 15,5 - It 1.-)H
\1. 11(·111,/(1<·11(·
I t O' ) - I t H'i{)
11. \[t],1,1.1 (/1.11\)
1956- 1958 (\Ln)
\I. 1)\1111)11,1 \Ic \,1111,11,1
19.58 (\[,t\) - It"HI
M. X.t\(·1-i.1 (\1(·143
11)70- 1972
51..\Imc \1' 1,11' t
1 96 1 - 1 472
4. hun \Adm
1973 - 1.178
61. 1.1114· ke 11\
1973 - 1976
.Hi .\1:lgarcl C)'.%1111iuin
1479 - Illss
%1.1)'inlit· Ri,Ic
It)77 - 11),82
4 /(·]t-h,1 I.„\u·t \
It)St) -
1)1 \lim· 1111111
1 UK i . 1 UNG
41. Mariii lic)Ill(i{)111(,
It)87 - It){)2
>,1.11(·1(·11 \Illipln
(\largaici) Grin
41 11,11 g,'1(·t ()'Sulli\,111
11)(1:1- 11}(11;
hi·.]„,til \(n,·(,Im
( )'\I,thorn·/
41.1 ic·1(·11 \1.t:nil(·
\11·0 14:1111\ C)-Conm·11
Loreto Mandeville Hall School Council 1999 Back L-R:
Bryan Madden. David Beatty, Barbara Kitchen, Henry Turnbull
Centre: Margaret Honner IBVM, Anabelle Scanlon, Elizabeth Butt, Ellison Taffe IBVM Front: Anne Hunt (Principal) and Paul Hoy (Chairman) Absent:
Kevin Halpin.
LORETO · Mandeville Hall 143
Central Australia Trek 1999 Eight (121\*. One 1)11*. I·-ifir teenage git N. 1·Inclli»
\11%11:ilian c)1111),ick. Are vou thinking what Iin thi,iking? 1 In\\ clo three lemale tc·achen ancl one \11 Ellett keep the iii]) littilling :ilic)(,thly, alic[ avoid 1111 ])c).hible hain· Nitit.ttic)!10 ()kav. so there Wits (,Cc,14ional liiction in the
air ( you could sce it glowing like a 1)Iii-111 out match ), 1)lit 1,11]v when. five clar + into the li-ip. deep in the heart 01 the red (I'litic, wc wi·re deprived the last hour of Braw·heart 1)('callhe we Inul reached King + C Minon. llc)\#c·,er. all Ic·(·ling tirccl. h-11%11-alecl with thow :tic)1111(1 11. for llc) better ic·.1011 111,111 the v)1111(1 of their \(vice..
we ])111,gcd oill ellic)tion, with a lic'llithv gailic· of 10-1(). Little did we know whal \121% to conic With tich a
clecision. I leal-lit thlit 1)till running-' is not 21 lair war to
pla), and .\14 Itick.irl)\' 11,1, a Ic)11(liks.h for jilinping onto thatched rooK. and pli||ing lip 1111;'c)ne within reach. Fic,in the 111(,im·lit we artived itt .4(11(,c,1 {)11 (;ood
1'1-i(I,lilll,)1·!ling. I knew tiN· trip won](1 be all it pi-omix(·(1. Ih the litne \*c· i·ca{ hed Alic·c· .Npring\. 1 wa. .ad to .ce it I·nci. Ayer. Rock (('Itainlv was big, 1)lit ill so manv wavA. Apatt froin 1)(·ing the biggol natilial nunicilith in the world, it lic,Ids Mo Initch (tiltill'211 and religicilth 421(1-('(lin». 1 \1-11% ovendullned. 11(),t 01 11% did face the
clilill). 1)lit it wah 4,1(1 10 M'(' a brnve lh* Alliple) wave .lt t'h from thc· bottom due to the trilible illitti·v to her kner. (14<·ing verv Mtlll)1)0111 411(· 1'(1114(·(1 to ga StitchiN: 1111 the 4.1111(· Nlic \U,% extreinch brave). \ live 11(,111' itic)11 211<)11!ul .Standln (:h.tvil h.l\# th('
titix» 0| lin»,1 (4 11,4 toted. Bv that tilne. though, u·
were all 114(·d lo long walks, and were littilding up quitr a bit (,1 Nt,lillina. \\'c 1111(1101 ,t])1111(1:Ince ofenel-gl·. (111(' to the l.,littions cooking (>1 our chel l)i (and all 1 2,111 going
t(} 4,tv about that N \()11'|| 11('\('t- get a group {)1 teenage Weight-watching :ril'14 10 (·al ils intich ;th a looty tram '1,4.,till! ) Ti,
.\bou· und be>011(1 all the g,)1'54(·(>11% ».·11(·n, tlic· 114)
|br me wits revealing in the war of Ii'ienchhip. Even ilicnigh W,11·+ 11 101(1 12 Nhal·(·cl the nip, there was tic, anillic).iii|)cnverli t|le vcar |(·vels (except when it came t(,clc·(iclilgniho won the latth· 01 the 32·,11- 1.<ic·14. \ihich w·ent on for two IiightN. and {31 coll!-4(· 32·al- 1 1 w;10 vic-toric,tlh). \\D werc never macie to fecl .1.4 though War
12 were 1,0.Nsing 114,11'(,tillit. (,1 114':11(1 thein exci-( ihing a 1-cy)('C·t vour clclciV 7)(1(·ch. c :,1111,11:2(1(lic was prevalent.
and I made .allit· vi·ong i iil·11([Ahips .111(1 st 1-c ligthened (,ther 11(,11(14 that ah-eady exiwed. Even though 1 xi)eak 1,(tronal|v. 1 fecl that thiN \111% *)111(·thing evervont· 0111,
experienced. c·wn the tc·,tcher, with its. C)111'1:l.t night in Alicc %1)!ing-$ %:m' 1111/11/ (,1 11% .acl to leau·. 1,111 Di c heered li lip whi li Ale 1,!astect ' 1-11( 140Vs Fic>in the Bl,%11 .nul vilitecl (1,111(ing- 111) alicl down tl"(· 1)11 :liNIc·. :ti-icl even moic' c )1 a party animal. Mr+ Cal tiho. fc)|lowed bv the re'%1 ofthe t(,tcherN. 41,11'ting (I,liliingtoo.
()111 lii¢)1-iling ([Ohe of '1),iticil]Lf C)liecil I,1(1('(1 into the ..
background and the '(:irk Froin the B' 1h' became the Central Australia Trek 11)99' theme.
11'hat do vou get when vou mix fil 1, <eventeell-vear01(1 'ght fic)111 the bit\|I'. threc· 1-('11(4-to-go [(inale
tellchet-4 and c biw Mr Elicit? A trip acic )00 Celitral \11011,ilia not to be forgonen. And when voll add to the inixtitie a legend.11) 1,114 driver and ttilitastic cooL voil
have a readv-inade tillic ofyour life. Photo by Stephanie Maule (Year 11)
144 LORETO · Mandeville Hall
Vane.431, (:c )11(1(·110, Year 1 1
n'rte Wel)>ter
1 •4