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Recognising our Donors
Supporting our Give a Girl a Dream Fund
In this pandemic year, the decision was made to put our Annual Giving Appeal on hold. We are most grateful to the following members of our community who have made unsolicited donations to the School. We also thank those donors who have elected to remain anonymous.
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to our Building or Scholarship Funds, please contact us below:
+61 3 8290 7500
Patsy Abrahams Christine and Val Adami Lisa Martini and Matthew Andrews Anonymous John Arthur Family Kaye Bills Valerie and Peter Burley Joan and Wallace Cameron Angela Chiavaroli Teena Croker Gerard Dalbosco Ann de Castella Alicia and Matthew Dole Sophie and Anthony Duggan Gillespie Family Foundation Eleanor Finucane Olivia and Vito Giudice Jackie and Michael Haintz Kerri and Tim Hart Nici Henningsen and Brett Barons Lisa and Anthony Ives Mary Johnson Kate and Jason Kelsey Fiona and Daniel Last Diana and Rod Lowe Sonia Mahony and Dale Manton Francoise Mapleback Lee Matenga Lucinda Gannon and Andrew McCarthy J Robert McMenamin Julie and Peter Merrigan Sarah Merrigan and Andrew Foley Merwe Laws Foundation Judith Murray Estate Natalie O’Sullevan Trust Maryellen Peppard Annabelle and Richard Phillips Elizabeth and Joost Poulus Barbara and John Ralph Judy Reid Peter Rhoden Michele Rosich Rosie and Brian Smith Mary Stanley and Andrew Proebstl Dr Susan Stevens and Dr Anthony Dickinson OAM Tracy and Andrew Tanner Margot and Alastair Thompson Moya Turner Tutton Family Estate Yvonne von Hartel AM Christine and Peter Walsh Damian Whelan Janet Whiting AM and Phil Lukies Anna and Jim Wright-Smith Patricia and Robert Zahara