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Donation to the Heritage Centre
Edwyna Doyle (Fitzgerald, 1957)
In October, a large, anonymous donation of material was left at the school reception. This extensive collection included many photographs, copies of the school magazine “Greetings”, and newsletters, flyers and pamphlets relating to Loreto Federation gatherings over many years.
A bit of detective work was needed to figure out who the original owner was of this material. The beautiful Loreto handwriting was evident on the back of many photos and other items, and the name Edwyna Fitzgerald (later Doyle) popped up as the owner.
Edwyna was a School Prefect in 1957, but in her early years at Loreto Toorak, she fondly remembers riding lessons straight after school. Mother Antoninous was ever mindful of the meter, and would hurry the students into two black taxis or hire cars waiting at the school gate, as they set off for riding lessons in Mt Waverley, then just paddocks and fields. Edwyna remembers mounting her ponies under the trees, riding through the countryside over grassy paddocks and down past a creek. She remembers the exhilaration of the wind in her face, as they cantered over the damp grass on the hills and return to school as darkness fell.
Edwyna continued her connection with Loreto, even after she left school, being the president of Loreto Federation in 1979, whereby she lobbied the Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser, for improvements in the care and welfare of children during the International Year of the Child. Many of Edwyna's extended family including her brother, sister-in-law, daughters and grand-daughters attended Loreto Toorak. Edwyna sadly passed away in February 2019.
Virginia F, Mary L, Edwyna F, Sandy, Di, Unknown, Elaine, 1957
Di King and Edwyna Fitzgerald, November 1957
(L-R): Diana Bowen, Michael Coleman, Marguerite Gough, Bertrand Dupuche, Nola Wedge, Unknown, Edwyna Fitzgerald and Barry Gilbertson, First Communion, October 1946