Mandevillian, 1996, Vol11, No3

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MANDEVILLIAN Volume 11, No. 3

December 1996

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Loreto Mandeville Hall 10 Mandeville Crescent, Toorak 3142 Phone: 9826 0211 Fax: 9824 2996

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Stephanie Keenan, Year 10

Emily Ball, Year 11 j

Hayley Richards, Year 12

4 Rosannah Healy, Year 7

Kelly Lennon, Year 8

Art Show 1996 Mary Fonti, Year 9


Sally Finemore, Year 8

Zoe Kitchen. Elizabeth Harvey, Prudence Tehan, Year 9

From the Principal Another year has flown by at Loreto Mandeville Hall! Reflecting on the rich tapestry that school life is for us here, I take delight in the vitality and joy that is so very tangible in our school community. 1996 has been a wonderful year and 1997 promises more exhilarating challenges. Grounding all of our plans and endeavours is the heritage of Mary Ward and her vision of education in terms of

fostering each student's growth in freedom, felicity, justice and integrity. It is that vision which continues to sustain us and to inspire us. My thanks go to all of the staff, the parents and the past pupils who have contributed in so many ways to the realisation of that vision in the

school this year. Loreto is very blessed with your enthusiasm, dedication and commitment. We bid a very sad farewell to Miss Pat Moylan who leaves the teaching staffof the Junior School

after twenty seven years of outstanding service. We thank her for her extraordinary dedication, her unshakeable loyalty, and her steadfast commitment to the welfare of our school through all the years. We shall miss her dearly, in so many ways. Her knowledge of the Loreto family

connections is utterly matchless. Indeed, we look forward to her assistance as we prepare for the 75th anniversary of the school in 1999.

We also bid a very sad farewell to Sr Helen Maguire IBVM, after her four years of dedicated service and leadership of the Junior School. This

moment of transition to the appointment of a lay Head of the Junior School is tinged with sadness for us. Since the school's establishment

days, we have learned to treasure the virtues of

freedom, felicity, justice and integrity and to espouse the educational vision of Mary Ward. We are grateful to each and every one of them. Words could not do justice to the debt of gratitude we owe to the Institute for all that it


has done for the school over the years.

We are blessed to have Mrs Kathy O'Connell to take over as Head of the Junior School. Mrs

O'Connell will be assisted by Miss Catherine Sim as Deputy Head of the Junior School and Miss Elizabeth Blackie as Curriculum

Coordinator (P - 6). Together with Mrs Dot

Dr Anne Hunt

Peters as Religious Education Coordinator, they will make a superb leadership team for our

Junior School, carrying forward the Loreto vision into the twenty-first century. The Loreto connections are by no means lost.

We are most fortunate to have Sr Josephine j effrey IBVM who does a superb job as our school archivist. We also have Sr Margaret Honner IBVM and Sr Ellison Taffe IBVM as

vital members of our School Council. Sr Deirdre

Rofe IBVM, Assistant to the Sister Provincial in

regard to the Australian Loreto schools and previous Principal of Loreto Mandeville Hall, takes a keen and active interest in the progress

of our school. The spirit ofMary Ward is tangibly present at Loreto Mandeville Hall and long will it continue to be. Deo Gratias.

Christmas greetings and best wishes to every

member of the Loreto School Family. May the peace that Christ promises at Christmas and the joy of the New Year be yours and may the holidays ahead be a time of rest and recreation.


in 1924, the Loreto Sisters have supported Loreto Mandeville Hall with extraordinary generosity. Through the many Loreto Sisters who have worked in our school since those early

(Dr) Anne Hunt, Principal

Farewell to Sr Helen

Maguire IBVM With great sadness and with an immeasurable

sense of appreciation for all that she has done, we bid farewell to Sr Helen, after her four years of dedicated leadership of our Junior School

and service to our school family. Students, in both Junior and Senior sections of the school,

have enjoyed her classes and have thrived under her care. School staff have found her a strong and committed leader and will miss her bright and enthusiastic presence. Parents will miss her warm and welcoming smile and her readiness to assist them with the difficult task

of parenting. Everyone in the school community has appreciated her remarkable generosity in assisting all those who sought her counsel. We wish Sr Helen all the best for the future and

look forward to maintaining our contact with her. We wish her every happiness and success in this next chapter of her life. Sr Helen, we

wish you not farewell, but fare forward.

4 Sr Helen Maguire IBVM

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Miss Patricia

Tribute to Pat Moylan


When the whistle blows at 5.45am, it's not time to start work. It's merely Pat's kettle for her first cup of tea for the day: not at home of course, but well into work at Loreto Mandeville

Hall. What is she doing at this early hour? She is setting the day in motion- organising rosters, our morning tea, turning on the photocopier, at the ready to organise emergency teachers if someone rings in unwell and scanning the school for "things that need to be done". Who else would be able to work out our

timetables - an insurmountable job considering the twelve classes, six specialist areas and the many incidentals that need to be coordinated.


Pat shows an innate ability to step into any situation and restore order before many of us

realise that a problem exists. Aly¥

Over the years Pat has mentally recorded a family tree spanning many generations of people whose lives have been touched by Loreto. Her knowledge of students - present and past - and their families adds to the rich history of our School.

For the last 27 years, Pat has been instrumental in developing a wonderful Junior School Library where everyone experiences her

A Virtuoso Performance Over the second weekend in November,

fourteen of our Year 6 girls attended the Virtuoso

warm welcome. She knows her way around it blindfolded and is able to put her hands on any book or resource, regardless of how obscure the request or topic may be.

Literary Weekend at Campaspe Downs Resort,

Pat has been like a school "mother". She is

a camp for students who are particularly

there to meet us in the morning and ever

talented or interested in writing or illustrating.

watchful all day in case of need. Finally, when

They were among more than 80 students from

all is done for the day, she will bid us farewell

seven schools.

at night. She is greeted fondly by students in

The weekend was organised by children's author Krista Bell and featured four other well-

known children's authors and illustrators, Hazel

the Senior School, and mentioned with affection

by past pupils, many using the words, "Miss Moylan is a legend". We dread the thought of farewelling Pat from

Edwards, Margaret Clark, Ann James and Terry

Loreto after 27 years of loyal dedication.


Who could blame her for finally having the

The girls participated in workshops with each of the author/illustrators, discussing their own

whistle blow - at home! Thank you Pat.

writing drafts, and in their free time played tennis, trampolined or swam in the indoor pool.

With love from the Junior School Staff, and all those who have known and loved her.

With the possible exception of the weather

every aspect was thoroughly enjoyable and the girls revelled in the never-to-be-forgotten experience of watching and working with REAL writers!

(Mrs) Penny Trebilcoek (Junior Special Education Teacher}




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junior School students enjoying the Virtuoso Literary Weekend Back L-R: Clare Dunin, Bernadetta Soszynski,

Joanna Downing, Sarah Fennell, Andrea Rockliffe


and Mrs Penny Trebilcock Centre: Katherine Stowell, Zoe Leyland, Julia Periera Godinho, Lucy Ludescher, Anna Smith and Yvette Haikal 2€ U==

Front: Kate Tilley, Anna Balmer and Millicent Chalmers



Olivia Curtain

with Special Education

teachers, (back) Miss Nicole Curtain and Ms

Daryl Jenner (front) Ms Catherine McMahon and

(inset) Mrs Penny Trebilcock


Miss Yukie Kobayashi A

Say6nara Yukie f

Yukie Kobayashi arrived in July this year, as a JAPEP student. to assist with the Japanese language classes. She has been an invaluable asset to the school, providing the students with t,n excellent opportunity to practise their

Letter from Olivia Dear Loreto Staff. Students and Parents,

speaking skills with a native speaker. She has

When I started school here in 1986. I didn't

also provided support to the Year 7 Japanese

know what kind of things would happen in the

prograninie by creating various exercises and

future. I didn't know what kind of friends I

activities which helped consolidate the students'

would get, how many years I would stay at

knowledge and keep them keen ancl enthusiastic.

lic,reto. Now here I tim, 11 years later, with all

Yukie also gave us an insight into life in Japan, showing the students some beautiful slides from

these people around me who care about me so

her hoine town - Nagatio. She carried out a

a new school next year.

mitch, and it is time to leave as I will be going to

nlini-immersion programme with the Year 9

To all my friends, I mean ALL: Thank you for

Students giving them a areal" feel for the

all the good times we have shared together. I'll remember all of you, no matter what happens.

language. She was also of great assistance to the VCE

students, assisting with their pre.partition:s for the Year 12 Oral Examinations.

Thank you also for all the support you have given me. I'll remember the times we laave shared together. I wish you all the best of luck with the future.

Yukie has been a friendly and liappy member of the staff at LMH. She will be greatly missed by the Japaiiese teachers as well as all other members of stafT. We give her our best wishes as she heads back to Japan later this year, and trust she will have success in all future endeavours.

I would also especially like to thank both t.he Junior and Senior staff. Without the help of these special people I would I10t have achieved as much as I have. Special thanks go to Mrs

Penny Trebilcock, Ms Daryl elenner, Ms Catherine MeMahon and Miss Nicole Curtain.

These people have done a lot for me, not only this year but in other years too. They help me,

Congratulations to 1997 School Leaders Amy Hede, School Captain and

Emily Gregory. School Vice Captain

along with all the students with special needs. I will always remember Loreto as a caring, supportive, helpful, friendly school. My memories of you will always be with me. I will always keep those memories of everyone who

has ever helped me in my 11 years at Loreta. I will come and visit you on many occasions. I wi]1 miss you all very much. Thank you ALL, once again. Olivia Curtain

flavour of' the month with our heavy "accents"

Olympic Youth Camp

and unique vocabulary.

One hundred and fifty-seven countries. over five hundred campers, that was only part of the 1996 Olympic Youth Camp. We gathered from all corners of the globe, arriving at all hours and representing all cultures, with only ten of us representing Australia.

We lind the opportunity to attend classes in

things like photography. videography, computer graphics and many others, as well as sporting activities and an Adventure Course. I was proud of my effort in climbing a thirty foot pole and then jumping three metres to a trapeze!

After a plane trip from hell. thirty six hours progressing from being wide eyed and bushy tailed to having hallucinations and a dizzy wish

for sleep that would not come, lost bags, waiting for hours at airports and a growing feeling of attachment to my fellow Australians. we finally arrived in Atlanta, Georgia.

I quickly became friends with the Canadians, the British, the Barbadians and fellow

Australians. We travelled in a convoy of twenty four yellow buses very similar to the school buses on'The Wonder Years' to and from events,

to the bowling alley, skating rink and cinemas. It certainly was an experience to sit ill an

When I awoke, I was iii a new world.

American cinema with members of' all the

We were a family here. Emotional speeches

nations of the world AND all of' whom were friends.

were many. but true and heart felt. No one could be racist here where we were all

Fencing was interesting, my first experience

equal. I sat down to lunch with Barbadians,

of the Olympics first hand and the build up did

Canadians, British, Jam:licans, Antiguans,

not let iiie down, I don't think I ever accustonied

Spanish, Germans and many others just as

myself to seeing world class athletes from all

though they were fellow Mandevillians.

the world sitting next to me watching events or

We came from all walks of life, leaving political, racial and religious beliefs to the side

wandering around the Village. Next up was


table tennis, where the athletes amazed me with such a fast game. I loved the volleyball and I knew the Netherlands had it in them from the

Just as Shauna (Northern Ireland) was friends

with Debra (Ireland ), friendship overcame the politics and Olympism pervaded. After daily meetings we spent free days riding

beginning that they could beat Japan. To cap it all off. I saw Cathy Freeman stretch her neck over the finishing line in front of the world in her Semi Final of the 400m. It was then I truly

the bikes around the three thousand acre

loved Australia with all my soul and heart.

campus. swimming in the pool and meeting more people than I had in my life! The atmosphere

was raining and while I sat with my fellow OYC

was electric; walking along and saying 'Hey'. a

campers with a white towel turban style around

contagious saying of' the Americans, to every

my head and shoulders, the glory and shine of

person you met. The entire camp was intent on

the park did not fade.

being friendly and learning about different countries. We soon discovered that we were the

Centennial Park was glorious. On one visit it

Ken O'Kelly was the person who led the OYC and he taught us that "If it's to be, it's up to me"

along with a traditional "Oh Boy!". We were taught that together we can grow and live, while

alone we can 01ily survive. I took part in a Peace Forum that met in our lunch breaks and free time, where U.,gether we

discussed the problems of the world and drew


up a resolution that we brought back to our

countries. The United Nations also recognised it along with many other international peace organisations.


The passion and glory of the Olympics is one that is unequalled by any other gathering of the world. My pulse quickened and heart leapt every time I .saw the green and gold. As the inscription on the time capsule of the OYC says; "We came, we saw, we learned, we


laughed, we loved, we cared, we dreamed." The dream came true. It has helped me to grow and learn for today, as today is the future. Phoebe Knowles (Year 10)

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Phoebe Knowles with Chris and Dante, delegates from Bermuda, at the Opening Ceremony of Olympic

Youth Camp, Georgia, USA.


Champions four times over! The 43 members ofthe 1996 Loreto Mandeville Hall Junior School Athletics Team have once


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again enjoyed an extremely successful season.



They have convincingly won the Armadale

District Athletics Championships for a record fourth consecutive year.

The Team was comprised of girls in Years 3 to 6. The girls had all trained hard in preparation for the sports and were selected from a large number of athletes who attended the trials.

Once again, many new records were created on the day by competitors from all schools as the standard of competition continues to

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Competitors with the fastest overall time for their age group then qualified to compete at the South Central Zone Championships. Our girls qualified in an impressive 17 events. These were: Field Events Anna Hutchins

Lucy Kenny

12 Yrs High Jump 11 Yrs Long Jump

Track Events

Stephanie Lukan

10 Yrs 200m,

Joanna Downing

10 Yrs 4 x 100m Relay 11 Yrs 80m Hurdles, 11 Yrs 4 x 100m Relay

Tessa Custance

12 Yrs 80m Hurdles,

Gold Medallists at the Victorian Primary Schools Athletics Championships 11 Years 4 x 100m Relay Team L-R: Aliso;n Spence, Felicity Whelan, Joanna Downing and Lucy Kenny

12 Yrs 4 x 100m Relay 12 Yrs 100m

Monika Soszynski

10 Yrs 4 x 100m Relay

Georgina Balmer

10 Yrs 4 x 100ni Relay

Kesiah Madden

Felicity Whelan

10 Yrs 4 x 100m Relay 11 Yrs 4 x 100m Relay

Alison Spence

11 Yrs 4 x 100m Relay

Bernadetta Soszynski 12 Yrs 4 x 100m Relay Holly Dwyer

12 Yrs 4 x 100m Relay

Louisa Page

12 Yrs 4 x 100m Relay

These girls all produced outstanding results

as they competed against the best athletes from 12 other Districts and all of them qualified iii 1st or 2nd place to compete in the finals. The 10

years relay team easily won their final only to be disqualified for an incorrect baton change. They will be eager to run again next year!

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Joanna Downing and the 11 years 4 x 100ni

relay team won their heats and finals and qualified to compete in the Victorian Primary

Schools Athletics Championships held on 11 November at Olympic Park where they finished as gold medallists in their events. Joanna and the relay team (Alison, Lucy, Felicity and Joanna) all produced times very close to the long standing records.


Congratulations to all of the Athletics Team and our Gold Medallists.

Thank you to all team parents who made sure the girls attended their early morning and after

school training sessions and to those who made the competitions possible by being officials at the Championships. (Ms) Jayne Webster

(Junior School Physical Education Coordinator)

Gold Medallist in the 11 Years 80m Hurdles

Joanna Downing, Year 6



During Parliament, the awe we felt from the

Practising "Pollies"

brilliant craftsmanship in the beautiful walls

Thanks to Mr Malcolm Farnsworth, Political

and ceilings was overcome when we were

Studies teacher, six girls from Loreto Mandeville

subjected to the pure debating and bickering

Hall, 1996 Year 11 Politics class - Kathryn

over the prepared bills in the Legislative Council

Arbon, Louisa Coleman, Vanessa Seconnino,

(like true politicians of the future).

Priscilla Ruffolo, Melissa Tribe and Edwina

Unfortunately our bill was not passed through

Wilson - were able to attend the 1996 Youth

Youth Parliament, but, during our visit to

Parliament (YP) program held by the YMCA of

Parliament House, our team had made the

Victoria. Our school was one of two private

acquaintance of a Liberal member of Parliament,

schools which attended the programme. Others

Mr Kim Wells, who is quite interested in the

were schools from the Murray River area. In

issues brought out in our bill concerning the

addition there were teams from the YMCA, Girl

physical fitness of Australia's Children. We are

Guides Association and some universities.

now going to send Mr. Wells a copy of our bill

Youth Parliament was a camp held over six days of the September holidays.It included events such as attending Parliament House,

with amendments and hopefully, he will find it helpful to his political policies in regard to youth 1SS UeS.

having supper at Government House and social

Attending the 1996 Youth Parliament

activities and training for parliament back at

Programme truly gave each person an


inspirational outlook for achieving the very best

There were numerous activities called "Wreck"

so all the members of the camp would get to know each other better - after all we would be

spending six work filled days together both indoors and outdoors. Functions such as a Bush

Dance, a Fire of Friendship and The Youth

in our future. The political experience will assist us in our dreams to lead Australia into a socially and economically rewarding time in the coming

years. We are grateful to Mr. Malcolm Farnsworth for giving us the opportunity to attend such a beneficial programme.

Parliament Olympics were all activities which

Priscilla Ruffolo and

broke down the seriousness of what the Youth

Louisa Coleman (Year 11 )

Parliament Programme really involved. In preparation for our visits to Parliament House, we had written a bill which we were to

attempt to pass through the Youth Parliament. The bill, which we six girls decided upon, was a bill relating to a Compulsory Fitness Programme in All Government Secondary Schools. We were also sent a bill which we had to oppose in

Parliament. This was a Forestry Management bill developed by the Girl Guides. We prepared speeches for our bill and speeches opposing the Forestry bill. When





preparations were discussed with our peers during Task Force Training Sessions. All the YP members were split into two groups, Government and Opposition. As Youth Parliament was an apolitical programme, the aim was to represent the views of Australia's youth, not to represent the views of the existing political parties. During training, the

Opposition and Government were split yet again into the two different houses, the


Legislative Council and the Legislative

Assembly. Our team, Loreto Mandeville Hall, was represented in the Legislative Council. On the day of the Youth Parliament opening

ceremony, Mr. Jeff Kennett attended the formal event and gave a speech about the issues and 334

concerns of today's Youth. The Opening Ceremony was a formal event which was done in politically correct manner and made headlines in the Age and Herald Sun. That evening, all the members of YP attended a "late afternoon

reception" at Government house where our trusty tutor, Mr. Farnsworth, made a

'fashionably late' entrance in the midst of the speech by the Governor of Victoria, Mr. McGarvie. While at this function we took the

privilege of a tour of the magnificent rooms of Government House.

Year 11 at Parliament House

L-R: Mr Kim Wells (Liberal Member for Wantirna), Vanessa Seconnino, Melissa Tribe, Priscilla Ruffolo, Hon Sidney James Plowman (Speaker for the Legislative Assembly), Kathryn Arbon, Edwina Wilson and Louisa Coleman

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Curtain Call The Drama Department has been very busy and productive this year. All Junior School girls have been involved in a major performance. We have enjoyed a diverse range of plays such as "Madeline" by Year 2, "Matilda" from Year 3, "Some Hocus Pocus" with Year 4, "Aboriginal Legends" by Year 5 and three environmental





plays performed by Year 6. Twenty-six Year 9 drama elective students

prepared and performed an adaptation of "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" as their entry for the Catholic Schools Drama Festival in August. The production told this dramatic tale through the use of dialogue, movement and puppetry. All of the girls involved had to adopt several roles throughout the performance. The result was a wonderful piece of ensemble work which

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was warmly received by its audience.

Year 8 girls researched, devised and performed a play for entry into the Victorian Schools Science/Drama Competition, also held in August. Their play "The Life of a Plant" was awarded an Encouragement Trophy which the students were delighted with as this was their first year of participation. We are all very proud of them.

Year 8 Drama Elective Group performing sketches for Year 8 assembly Back, L-R: Anne Marie O'Brien, Kate Edmonds, Mrs Robyn Kay, Emily

Trenchard, Phoebe Nolan. Catherine Moran, Elise McLagan Front, seated: Tessa Spring and Amy Killen

Interhouse Drama provided its audiences with a wonderful selection of eight one act plays. All of these were capably directed and performed

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by the students.

The winning senior play was "Six Maids a

Mopping" by Stuart Ready performed by Mornane.

The winning junior play was Ward's "Ernie's

Incredible Illucinations' by Alan Ayckbourne. Naturally the classroom drama underpins these endeavours by offering a smorgasbord of skills such as mime, movement, dance, voice

improvisation and performance. ROLL ON 1997!

(Mrs) Robyn Kay (Drama Coordinator) 16.1

Science Drama Cast

Back, L-R: Elise McLagan, Phoebe Nolan, Catherine Moran, Emily Trenchard Sara Pacini and Emily Gaidkzar

Front: Andrea Vaz, Sally Finemore, Kelly Lennon, Tessa Spring, Stephanie Maule, Rebecca Nolan and Alana Spadaro

Bonjour Mathilde During 1996 the school was privileged to welcome Mathilde Sempey who joined Year 11 girls for two months. Mathilde, Edwina



French exchange student, Mathilde Sempey,

accompanied by her host sister Edwina Holbeach, presents Dr Anne Hunt with a gift from her school in Bordeaux

Holbeach's host sister from Bordeaux, joined iii with all activities and impressed everyone with her open and sunny disposition. Mathilde brought with her a gift from her head teacher for our school and formally presented it to Dr Anne Hunt. The school community was sad to see Mathilde leave, but felt enriched and

enlivened by her stay with us. Au revoir Mathilde

(Mrs) Barbara Watt (LOTE Coordinator)

JU ,

Orientation Day Our day began, when we all ran, To get to school on time. At half past eight, we couldn't be late, So up the stairs we climbed. When we got there, there was not time to spare, Into four groups, all very fair. Period one, was lots of fun,

We made friends with everyone. In Period two, there was lots to do, Science with Mr Kane.

Recess was next, no reading from text, Tww

Lucky it didn't rain. In Period three, we made small Christmas trees, That was Art, as good as could be. In Period four, there was English in store, Embarrassing moments, and lots, lots more.

Home Economics on Orientation Day Georgina Jordan and Ye Liu

Period five, was very alive, We made pin wheel sandwiches, Home Ec. was a surprise. Then to end our tiring day, We had lunch and then a play. That was a taste of Senior fun,

Goodbye and thanks to everyone.

By Yvette Haikal and Julia Pereira-Godinho (Year 6)

E.2 i i



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Experimenting on Orientation Day -


1996 Au....


Bernadetta Soszynski, Alice Trumble and Clementina Watson

Ms Sandra Jane, Senior School Art Coordinator, at the Ii.- --

publishing launch of her book, Photography: -


Presentation and Appreciation. Sandra has worked on


the book for about two years and it will be a valuable resource for VCE students studying


Studio Arts.

Congratulations to 1997 School Councillors l

Brigid Anderson, Louisa Coleman, Emily Gregory, Amy Hede, Angela Hill, Madeline Hoy, Sara Lynch, Anita McCarthy, Larissa Natividad, Marguerite Osborne, Priscilla Ruffolo, Miriam Slattery


Strictly Ballroom On Thursday 3161 October, the girls in Year 5

experienced their first Ball. Under the careful guidance of Miss Jayne Webster, our Physical Education teacher, the girls spent a number of weeks learning several new dances including

waltzes, bush dances and line dancing. The girls also prepared f'or the evening by selecting partners for specified dances, carefully recording their names ort dance cards made by the girls

and resurrecting those once loved dresses, dinner jackets and bow ties now relegated to the backs of wardrobes.

Between 3.15 pm and 3.45 pm our Year 5

school girls were miraculously transformed into elegant and de.bonair young women and men as

they donned their evening attire, accessories and just a hint ofmakeup!

The girls conducted themselves admirably. playing out their roles most appropriately throughout the evening. Many parents ,joined them for the latter part of the Ball, enjoying the last dance with their daughters.

Special thanks to the parents for their support and in particular, those who assisted iii the decorating of the Multi-Purpose Room and organisation of the suppei·.

Dancing the night away at the Year 5 Ball Alexandra Wallish and Susan Accary

Amost enjoyable evening was had by all. Mrs Virginia Moloney, Miss Sonia Francazio and Ms Liz Blackie (Year 5 Teachers).

School Join us for a group tour of either the Junior or Senior School which lasts for approximately 45 minutes. The tour concludes with morning tea in the Historic House, Mandeville Hall.

Tour dates for 1997 are:

26 February

26 March (Open Day)


14 May Iljune 4

6 August

3 September

15 October

29 October (Open Day)

All tours on the above dates fall on a Wednesday


and commence at 9.30am sharp at Senior School reception.

To book for a tour or for further information

please telephone Ms Zena Roslan on 9826 0211.

10 Mandeville Crescent, Tooral<, Vic. 3142

LORETO - Mandeville Hall / Catholic School for Girls

Shall we dance?

Alexandra Sweeney, Megan O'Connell, Rachelle Pitard and Carmen Woods


Equestrian Extraordinaire The Equestrian Extraordinaire was held at Scotch College on 31 October. There were demonstrations of riding by Australia's gold medal Olympic team, the Victorian Dressage Team, the Australian and Victorian Prince

Philip Games Team and the Lilydale I-hint Club. Captain Mark Phillips was guest host and also

if ly.'7 ,

one of the comnwntators. Phoebe Knowles, Year 10. rode as a member

of the Prince Philip (James Team and the highlight of the evening was a competition of five games events between the Olympians and ·fi.

the Prince Philip Team inembers. A speciality of' the games rider is to be able to vault on the, that is, mount while the horse is moving at a fast pace. The Prince Philip Team showed their agility, eve-hand coordination and overall


horsemanship by winning all five events. The Olympic Team riders are eventers and their skills are in other areas, but they were truly great sport.s, The crowd joined in the fun as Gillian Holton and Andrew Hoy had some difficulties in staying with their horses.

(:aptain 1\Iark Phillips delighted evei·yone with his relaxed and friendly personality. Captain Philips explained his work as coach with the American Olympic Equestrian Team :ind .spoke of the gruelling schedule of international travel which this necessarily involves. He showed great interest in Phoebe's competitions and how she was selected into the team. Phoebe and the other four members of the Victorian Team had

previously competed at the Seventh National Phoebe Knowles, a member of the Victorian Prince Philip Games Team,

Prince Philip Mounted Gaines held in Gawler.

with Captain Mark Phillips, Coach of the United States Olympic Equestrian

South Australia. iii September.


Congratulations Pictured are our two prize winning students in the Allianc.e Francnise oral and written

competitions this year. Both in Year 11. Alexandra Angelatos won the written section of

the competition and Madeleine Healy won the oral section. In addition, Madeleine came second in the written section of the competition and won Best Overall Candidate in Year 11. Between

them they scooped the pool! At a prize giving ceremony held at the St Kilda Town Hall on 20tli November. both girls

i'cceived their prizes. beautiful books on art and music, and for Madeleine. a bonus which she

was not expecting: a ten-day study tour to New Caledonia in March of 1997. Congratulationx to both girls for flying the flag, and indeed,

congratulations to all participants in 111is competition at every year level.

Alliance Francaise Prize Winners

Alexandra Angelatos and Madeleine Healy



School: Aussie Style In .July this year Loreto welcomed eighteen

The Ancient Olympics Come To LMH

students from Fukuoka Knisei Girls High School

in Japan for a nineteen day study tour. They were accompanied by two teachers, Mrs Toyoko Sasaki and Miss Yumiko Hisanari.

Loreto Mandeville Hall and Knisei have a

sister school relationship and this is the second time that girls from Knisei have visited our

During the two weeks of' the 1996 Atlanta

Olympics, the Year 7 classes were involved in a cross curricular project on the Olympic Gaines. Assignment tasks included elements from

Maths, English, Music, Geography, History, Languages ancl Physical Education.

school. Last year Lot·eto girls weiit to Fukuoka

On the last Friday of the Atlanta Olympic

and attended Kaisei Girls High School for two

bames, Year 7 organised their classes to dress

weeks. The program relies ort the generosity Of

up in their 'togas' and ivy head pieces and attend the first I.MH Ancient Olympic Ganies afternoon

parents, both in Australia and Japan. who provide homestay for the students and involve

iii our stadium, overlooked by the ancient walls

them in family activities. This is where much of the learning and culture exchange takes place

of Mandeville Hall. The 'country' classes were

and the girls form strong attachments to their

the lierculeans. Students were involved in

host families, not to mention having a wonderful

making flags and emblems for their country'

named Achilles, Athenia's Army, Olympia and

and also had to make a chariot for the 200m


While in Melbourne the students took part in

Chariot Relay.

till aspects of I.oreto school life. incl uding a Year

The 'Games' were officially opened by Demetra

10 sports Round Robin and after school music

Pollalis, Christine Skalitsis and Stacy Polas

practice. Each day they came to school with

with an introduction to the 01vmpic motto.

their host sisters and one afternoon accompanied

spoken in Greek. The lighting of the Olympic

them to class. For the rest of their time at

Flame was completed by Bridget Hall,

school they hae! intensive English instruction

compliments of Mrs.Fei·dinands' anti-mosquito

and a variety of' classes from Information Technology to Painting, which were taken by

barbecue torches. The sporting activities then

,staff at Loreto.

junip, Sprint (slade 200in foot race) and Cha riot

The Sayi,nara Party on the last night was a lovely celebration of their time with us and

provided the Japanese students with a chance to show us many interesting elements of their

culture. We look forward to a long sister school relationship with Fukuoka Kaisei Girls High

School and many more successful student

proceeded inciziding the Javelin, Shot put. Long Relay. The Chariots were fine pieces of art work,

particularly tile class which produced a horse drawn - two person vehicle, whose wheels

vaguely resembled dust bin lids! Other chariots their u heels and other appendages as tile girls raced around the 200m track.

The weather was fabulous and we nianaged to complete the day with only mud on our Nikes

exchanges. (Mrs) Kim Hauser

(Senior School Teacher/Librarian)

Japanese Exchange Photos page 32

and the bottom of' our togas - sheets kindly borrowed from home for the day. Winners of events were awarded Olive branches that Mrs.

Kay kindly donated from her garden. It was a wonderful display of creativity and sporting participation f'rom Year 7, as all students were given individual jobs of administration or participation to contribute to their team. We gained a greater understanding

of' the Ancient Olympics and the Olympic nu)venient, but more importantly, an

appreciation of' the Olympic ideal : ' ... the most important thiiig in the Olympic

Games is not to win but to take part. Just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph,

but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered, but to have fought well.' (Miss) Carolyn Fox

( Senior School - Physical Education Coordinator)

Ancient Olympics Cheer Squad!

Interhouse Gymnastics The Interhouse Gymnastic competition was conducted in the fourth week of Term 3 during luiich times.

All competitors in the Junior and Senior ill

sections completed routines they had been learning in the Gym unit in PE classes. The Open section enabled the competitors to do optional routines. In total, 64 girls represented their houses iii this competition. Results: Junior Division:

hit Mulhall 2nd Ward 3rd Mornane

4th Barry Senior Division:

1st Mulhall 2nd Ward

Interhouse Gymnastics Winners

3rd Barry

L-R: Jessica Moretti (Year 10), Megan Downing (Year 8), Jacquie Carroll

4th MOT'nalle

(MulhalICaptain), Lisa Meehan (Mulhall ViceCaptain), Nicole Dwyer(Year7).

Open Div IHIOn:

1st Ward 2nd Mulhall

3rd Barry 4th Mornane ...2 .

Winning House and recipient of the Mot:her Briglia Cup - Mulhall Congratulations to Mulhall Captains Jacqiiie Carroll and Lisa Meehan

(Miss) Carolyn Fox (Senior School - Physical Education Coordinator)

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Physical Education Week Tlie PE Department organised various activities for Physical Education week during the second week of Term 4. Recess activities

Boomerang throwing instruction

included four square, golf putting hole in one contests, football hand ball competitions, skipping an-d elastics. Our lunch time activities included guest visitors from the Melbourne Monarchs Baseball

Club - Mike and Kevin, who conducted a clinic for our Softball enthusiasts at LMH. In

inclement weatlier, Nathan Bower from Richmond

Football Club



enthusiastic group of 20 students in what Football is all about - handballing, kicking, marking and still performing in the rain. The Boomerang Association of Victoria visited at the end of the week to demonstrate the art of

successful boomerang throwing. Throughout the week we also staged three staff versus student matches. The stude.nts won the Hockey 2 to 1, they lost the Volleyball and they won the Basketball. The final of the Badminton

tournament was played out by Kamy and Karen Lee (Yr 9) against Sybil Johannes and Daniel Sutton from the Ancillary staff. Thank you to all participants in these activities and we look forward to another week

of' sporting activities next year! ( Miss) Carolyn Fox

Rollerblading for the Year 1 2 P.E. class


(Senior School Physical Education Coordinator)

The Interhouse


Swimming Carnival Ward were victorious at the annual Interhouse

On Saturday 19 October, the Rowing Club celebrated the christening and blessing of our boats.

Swimming Carnival on Wednesday, 13 November, at the State Swimming Centre. The final points were very close and it came down to the last few relay events to decide the leading

house. All Year 7 and 8 students competed in an event which may have included the exciting 8 X 25m Kickboard ()1' Waterpolo relays. A new event in the programme this year was the combined staff student relay team which also turned out to be a close coiitest between Mulhall and Ward.

House spii·it was displayed most prominently

throughout the preparation period of the Swimming sports and on the day, by Mulhall, who were subsequently awarded the House Spirit Cup. House costumes, chants and spirit

were well displayed by all houses thanks to the fabulous organisation of the Cheer squads for each house.

Michael Gannon christened the Perri Cutten

which is being used by the Senior First Quad this year. Sister Margaret Honner IBVM christened the

Stanislaus Mornane.


Stanistatis Mornane is being used by the Senior

Quad Division 2, the Year 10 Quad Division 2 and the Year 9 Quad Division 2; or; Phil's, Jason's and Pip's crews. Despite the rain, the day was a great success thanks to our President Lee Rimes and all the

hard working committee. Our crews have been in full training throughout Term 4 in preparation for the racingseason. We. are particularly excited about the Head of the Schoolgirls' Regatta as we are the host school this year. The Regatta convenor is Mrs Marita Ball so if anyone would like to help out, please contact Marita Ph. 9807 4346 (AH) or contact me at school.

The Sports Captains from each house should be congratulated on their hard work in preparation for the day which includes attending

house training sessions, preparing team lists, house assemblies and meetings just to have their team ready for the day.

We are likely to boat over 20 crews as well as a number of single scullers this year and are

training for a great success. Thanks to all who helped and supported

rowing throughout the year. (Ms) Josie Millard (Director of Rowing)

Thank you to all staff and students for making this year's carnival run so smoothly. Results: Lt

Champion Open Swiminer Jessica Fetterplace

Yr 9 Ward

Butterfly Champion:

Arley (lrey

Yr 9 Barry

Breastioke Champion: Jessica Fettei·place

Yr 9 Ward

Backstroke Champion: Jessica Fetterplace

Yr 9 Ward


Champion Diver: Naom i Grant

Yr 11 Barry

Individual Age Level Medallions were awarded

4 %

to the students who earned the most individual

points for their houses in an A level event at each year level. The recipients of these awards

were: Laui·en Mihelcic (Ward), Cheryl Holt

Mr Michael Gannon christens the "Perri Cutten" as Mrs Lee Rimes and Ms

Josie Millard provide a sheltering umbrella

(Ward), Honor Murdoch (Barry), Jessica Fetterplace (Ward), Daniela Norman (Mornane), Maria Soszynski (Barry),

House Spirit Award:


Overall House Placings: A









(Miss) Carolyn Fox

(Senior School Physical Education Coordinator) Christening of the "Stanislaus Mornane" by (left) Sr Margaret Honner IBVM (Loreto Mandeville School Council) and Miss Paddy Buckley (Principal of Loreto Nedlands)




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BAR?f 1 Junior School Twilight Sports (Clockwise from top left) 1. Barry Cheer Squad 2. Year 6 Sprints: Karsha Dickinson, Louise Rocchi and Jacqueline Funder lead the field 3. Year 4 Tabloids: (Back L-H) Briana Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Corrigan and Georgina Balmer (Front) Anna Ralph and Amy Hayes

. •i 4. Prep Sprints: (L-R) Amanda Valmorbida, Camilla Counsel and Lauren Fowler

5. Sophie Paillard shows the Ward colours 6. Mornane Cheer Squad

33 *







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Senior School

Swimming Sports


Photos above and left: Mulhall, Ward, Barry and Mornane Cheer J


Below: Ward Sports Captain, Sara Lynch (right) and Vice Captain, Anika Walker accept the trophy. Below left: Year Level Winners - Lauren Mihelcic, Honor Murdoch, V

Jessica Fetterplace, Daniela Norman and Marta Soszynski (Absent: Cheryl Holt)









Flying High! Having a mentor is like having a best friend you never previously knew you had. Earlier this year, Ms Jenner introduced me to Gary King, a Qantas pilot. For quite some time now I have had a definite goal of becoming a pilot some day, so the Mentor Programme has allowed me an insight into that profession.

Initially I met Gary just to hear directly from

.-2. ,

a pilot what the job entailed. This inspired me

further, and so naturally I was ecstatic when Gary invited me to Tullamarine to go on board a

........b..."...."* 7'*34£


I met Gary at the airport. He had also invited Dennis, a 21 year old pilot-to-be who is planning to go to Queensland soon to get his commercial


pilot's licence, but who had eagerly accepted this opportunity to see the type of plane he

eventually hopes to fly. After we had been introduced, the three of us went out to the

terminal to board the plane. I was going to see inside a cockpit for the first time in my life. I

could hardly contain my excitement, but I had to be patient. Gary firstly showed us the first class compartment and we also saw where the

Qantas staff sleep when they need to. This part was at the back of the plane and upstairs. Eventually we entered the cockpit. I was able

Qantas Pilot, Gary King and Daniela Norman, Year 10, prepare for a flight

to sit in the first officer's seat. Gary showed us the button to start the plane and he explained all the buttons on the ceiling. For the whole of this time I could not stop smiling: I felt

overwhelmingly happy. This was definitely the seat I hoped one day to sit in in a professional capacity.

From the window of the cockpit I could see

planes landing and taking off at regular intervals. How good it felt to be amongst this

action. Gary put up a screen so that we could see this with more accuracy, and he also showed us how the pilot knew where he was and what

his bearings were. Everything was on the coniputer for the pilot to see, and Gary explained

how the plane could fly itself. Hopefully, one day all of this will become a real day to day part of my life.

Gary then took us outside. Standing next to

the tyres of the plane made me feel particularly short. I also got to sit in the cockpit of the 747 Longreach, another amazing experience.

Gary has invited me to go for a test flight soon. This will be my first lesson, and I am actually hoping to get my student's licence when I turn sixteen.

Gary has given me something definite to strive

Late News Congratulations to the 4 x 100m Open Relay team of Sarah Gurry, Jane Kenny, Catherine Fernando and Julia Guri·y (pictured above) for placing third in their event at the Optus Zatopek

Athletics Classic Meet held at Olympic Park on

for, as I previously had no idea of how to make

25 November to commemorate the 40th

my dreams come true. I would like to thank

Anniversary of the 1956 Olympic Games in

Gary from the bottom of my heart for giving up his time to mentor me and give me these amazing opportunities. I would also like to thank Ms Jenner for introducing me to Gary. By means of


this programme, I am appreciating more fully the importance ofmy schooling, and recognising how with hard work and determination I may one day become like my mentor. Daniela Norman (Year 10)

Congratulations To Katrina Hood, Year 10, winner of the 1996 LMH

McCormack Cup Singles Tennis Tournament. Runner-Up was Margherita Boemo, Year 10.

Junior School


The 1996 school year has been yet another

successful and happy one, and there is much to



be grateful for in reflecting on this time. The sprit, joy, enthusiasm and happiness that prevails in our Junior School is indeed something to be proud of. 'Reach Out - Share - Make a Difference' was the theme which inspired us in this, the International Year of the Eradication


of Poverty, and we have endeavoured in various ways to respond to those in need while deepening our own awareness.

Many curriculum innovations have been implemented during the year, including a very successful Brass Music Programme in Year 5. The Junior School Athletics team won the

Interschool Competition for the fourth year in .* if

succession, with several girls qualifying for the State Finals. Our Year 6 Maths Olympiad team achieved excellent results, with Dominik White

achieving a perfect score. She is to be congratulated on this outstanding effort. The Twilight




Programmes, Liturgies, Cross Age Activities, Music and Drama performances, Art and Craft works, Gym and Ballet displays, Interschool competitions




programmes have enabled each girl to develop her particular gifts and talents in challenging ways.

I am indeed privileged and grateful to have had the continued support of a wonderful staff,

interested parents and enthusiastic students


during the year. I have loved my work at Loreto Mandeville Hall and am proud of its spirit and achievements. As always, leaving is hard, but I take with me happy memories and many lasting friendships. For all that has been, thanks.

(Sr) Helen Maguire IBVM

Sr Helen Maguire IBVM presents a plague to Maths Olympiad Winner, Dominik White, Year 6

(Head of the Junior School)

Maths Week

in the Junior School

Maths Olympiad Once a month this year, between May and September, Sr Helen's Maths class participated

Maths Week commenced at assembly led by

in an international competition called the Maths

Year 3 when the children joined in a prayer

Olympiad. This consisted af solving five Maths

liturgy, in which they highlighted the use of Mathematics in our world.

The exciting posters displayed around the

school during the week beginning the 28th October had been designed by the children of the Junior School to advertise the fact that we

were celebrating Maths Week. During the week 100 more new tasks were introduced into the Task Centre and the children

keenly tackled the challenging new activities. Each lunchtime many came and took part in

problems each month, which had to be completed within a certain amount of time. In total, we were given 25 Maths problems to solve over the five months.

The Maths Olympiad was a challenging

experience and we learnt a lot of new problem solving strategies from Sr Helen as well as

sharing our own ways of getting the correct answers.

Our team, one of 1200 teams, did exceptionally well, with each of us achieving a good score.

Maths games. The girls also spent time

More importantly, we all love Maths and can

preparing their own Cross Age activities, which

work confidently with all Maths tasks.

they shared with their buddies on Friday

Dominik White (Year 6)


This week proved to be, as in the past, a fun learning experience for all in the Junior School. (Mrs) Gabrielle Warren and (Mrs) Karine Hodder (Junior School Maths Teachers)


the best Year 11 candidate overall; and


Alexandra Angelatos ( 11/96) won first prize in


the written section for Year 11.

As the great Alfred North Whitehead said so poignantly: "Education has but one aim: life in all its richness and manifestations." This lofty aim is achieved to the degree that students experience school life in all its richness and manifestations. Certainly, it has been another challenging and exhilarating year for us. It is

an almost impossible task to describe the magnificently rich and colourful tapestry of opportunity, challenge, vitality and joy in our 1996 school community of 920 children, their families, their teachers and our vast extended school family.

Girls High School, with Mrs Toyoko Sasaki and Miss Yumiko Hisanari, together with their 18 students, here with us for almost three weeks on a home stay visit. Thank you once again to the families who have graciously and generously hosted our Japanese guests. We were also delighted to welcome Miss Yukie Kobayashi,

from Nagano, as Japanese language teaching assistant for Semester 2. French exchange student, Mathilde Senipey, joined us for 6 weeks from Notre Dame, Bordeaux, where we are also working on building an ongoing sister-school

We commenced the 1996 school year with 922 students (291 in the Junior School and 631 in the

Senior School), led by School Captain Felicity MeGrath and School Vice Captain Sophie Gannon and the Year 12 Councillors for 1996, who chose -

Unite as Individuals - as the theme for the year.


Madeleine Healy (11/96) was selected to participate in the BHP Engineering Summer School 1997 and also to participate in the first National Australia Bank Youth Futures Forum.

Alexandra Angelatos (11/96) was selected to attend the CRA National Youth Science Forum

Year 12 (1995) results

What better way to begin a new school year than with the tremendous pride and joy we had with news of the wonderful achievements of' our

Year 12 (1995) graduates: In total, 8% of the Year 12 students achieved a TER above 99.00

(compared to 1% State-wide) and 16% above 98.00 (compared to 2% State-wide). 31% achieved

scores above 95.00 (compared to 5% State-wide). 439

We were delighted to receive a second visit from our sister school in Japan, Fukuoka Kaisei

achieved a score of 90.00 or above ( compared

in December 1996. Phoebe Knowles (10/96) was

chosen to represent Australia at the 1996 International Youth Camp iii Atlanta, USA. Megan Haratsis (9/96) won an AMEE Speech and Drama award for her achievement in the Third Grade Exam in 1995. Phoebe Knowles (9/

95) and Claire Ogilvy (6/95) won the City of Stonnington Bicentennial Scholarships for 1995. Dominik White (6/96) achieved an outstanding

to 10% State-wide). 61% of our students achieved

result in the 1996 Maths Olympiad, with a

80.00 or above (compared to 20% State-wide);

perfect score.

and 90% achieved scores of 50.00 or above

Congratulations to staffmembers, Miss Deana

(compared to 50% State-wide). Veronica

Dodds (Music teacher in the Junior School) who

Angelatos was Dux of School for 1995, achieving

was awarded her A.Mus.A. for piano, Mr Brian

a TER of 99.95 (the maximum TER possible,

Ellett (Year 8 Coordinator and Chemistry

with only 20 students of the 42,000 iii the State

teacher) whose book, VCE Chemistry was

who graduated in 1995 achieving this score). Premier's Awards (awarded to the top 5 students across the State in each subject, in total 220

published and available for use in schools in

awards were made) were won by Veronica

has just been published, ready for use in

Angelatos, Emily Bell, Fiona Hammond, Emily Roberts, Amy Scally, Penny O'Loughlin, and Christine Sammartino. Finally, Commonwealth

secondary schools across Victoria in 1997.

1996, and to Ms Sandra Jane (Head of' Art in the Senior School) whose book VCE Photography

Curriculum initiatives

Students' Awards l with prize money of $2,000

Ongoing review of our curriculum is vital to

and only 125 awarded in the State of Victoria)

our goal of keeping pace with changing needs

were won by Veronica Angelatos, Fiona

and emerging developments in education.

Hammond, Sarah O'Byrne, and Amy Scally. Nathalie Resciniti (12/95), was invited to

perform in the VCE Excellence in Performing Arts






Performance). Emily Bell, Letitia Gamble, Julia Rochelle and Veronica Angelatos (12/95), had their VCE artwork selected for the VCE TOP

CATS Exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria.

Religious Education: At the heart of our educational mission is the task of educating not only the mind but the heart of each student, so that she will have the open-heartedness, the open-mindedness, the strength of character and the courage to live a life that is characterised by those virtues we hold so dear as a Loreto school:

freedom of spirit, felicity, justice and integrity. Every area of the curriculum is geared to this education of the heart, none more so than

Special events and awards and

Religious Education. Clearly, professional

outstanding results

development for our RE teachers is vital to

Christine Sammartino ( 11/95) was awarded

nurturing the religious, faith and moral

the 1995 Monash Prize as the top LMH Year 11

development of our students. We were delighted


to have Sr Elizabeth Hepburn IBVM conduct an

In the 1996 Alliance Frangaise competition,

inservice day with RE staff on teaching ethics

Madeleine Healy (11/96) won first prize in the

(with RE staff from other schools also attending)

oral section of the competition, equal second

as well as seminars on ethics with Years 11 &

prize in the written section, and first prize as





Notebook computers at Year 10, 1996: The

the Year Level Awards for Best Exhibit: Uyen

introduction of student-owned notebook

Nguyen and Rosannah Healy (Year 7), Eliza

computers has been an outstanding success.

Suffren and Anna Fox (Year 8), Karen Lee and

Although we experienced a number of teething

Mary Fonti (Year 9) and Kate McCartney and

problems in the early stages, the students and

Rachel McInerney (Year 10). It was a rare

the staff have made remarkable progress in the

pleasure indeed to welcome Daniel McCubbin

use of this most powerful learning tool. We look

as our Artist-in-Residence in the Art Department

forward with considerable enthusiasm to the

in 1996. His contribution to school life in general

continuation of this programme. At this stage

and to art in particular at LMH was outstanding.

we intend to keep the programme at Year 10 in

It was a joy and a privilege to have him with us.

order to keep the financial burden on parents as reasonable as possible.

Technology in the curriculum: CD-ROM, the internet, multi-media and specialist software applications

in the



establishment of a school-wide LAN (Local Area

Network), and remote access options are all on the drawing board, as part of our IT Strategy Plan. As we live in a time of increasingly rapid technological change and information expansion, our goal is to equip our students with the essential skills, attitudes and values to deal with the exciting challenges offered by these changes, to enhance the outcomes of their primary and secondary school programme, and to enrich them in preparation for their transition

from school to tertiary study and the workplace. Planning for a school-wide LAN has been a


particular focus in 1996. Thanks to the committee which has considered this issue, and NA

especially to parents, John Ireland, Peter Taylor and Paul Gallard, for their input and assistance. University extension courses: In addition

to our University of Melbourne first-year mathematics course, we have extended the range of University course options to our Year 12

43* Jacinta Holmes L. Mus. A.

Marie-Danielle Turner L. Mus. A

students to include University History and University Biology (the latter in a tripartite arrangement between Sacrd Coeur, Genazzano and LMH). Civies Education: The introduction of a

Civics course in Year 9 in 1996 has proved a great success. This programme, which seeks to

foster a sound understanding and appreciation of Australia's political, legal and economic systems, received an enthusiastic response from both students and staff.

Co-curricular activities

Music: Thank you to the Music staff and students for the many delightful performances and concerts we have enjoyed throughout the year. The House Music Competition, introduced in 1995 as a result of the initiative of 1995

School Music Captain Natasha Holmes, demonstrated that the Competition has a welldeserved place in the extra-curricular programme. Very special congratulations to

English: John Kilner joined us as Journalist-

Jacinta Holmes (11/96) who was awarded her

in-Residence in June, and fostered considerable

L.Mus.A. for the 'cello. Jacinta also won Second

interest in the craft of writing. English lecturer

prize in the 16 and Under strings section of the

and writer, Dr Lydia Wevers, delivered a most valuable set of lectures to our VCE students on

their examination texts for English and Literature.

Drama: We were delighted to introduce

1996 Waverley Eisteddfod. Congratulations to Marie-Danielle Turner (10/96) who achieved her licentiate in violin and won the Paul MeDermott

Violin Scholarship, open to players aged 15 and above. with prize money of $1,500. It was a very

Drama as a subject into the Senior School

special pleasure to welcome Rebecca Chambers,

elective programme, starting with Years 8 and

Young Australian of the Year, who visited the

9 in 1996, and moving up to Year 10 in 1997 and

school. Rebecca is not only an outstanding

then into VCE in 1998.

pianist but a most inspiring young woman. Brian

Music: The introduction of an instrumental

Hogg joined us as Artist-in-Residence in the

brass programme at Year 5, complementing the

Music Department, bringing with him vast

strings programme at Year 2, was one of the

experience as performer, conductor and

highlights of 1996. The benefits of these

internationally regarded composer ofwind band

programmes are already in evidence in the

and brass ensemble music. The students in the

Junior School Orchestra and Band.

Concert Band thus had the opportunity to work

Art: The annual October Art Show of student

work was another superb event, a great tribute

with a " real" composer, to use their words, with

great profit and enjoyment.

to the talents of the students and of our Art

Sport: A number of students achieved

Department. Congratulations to the winners of

outstanding individual results, securing places


in State teams: Sara Pacini (8/96) was sejected

Drama: The Year 9 Drama class, under the

for the Under 14 state Hockey team and was the's Vice Captain. Rebeka Jageurs (9/96)

direction of Mrs Robyn Kay, entered their highly creative production of "Rime of the Ancient

was selected for the 1996 Victorian Schools

Mariner" into the Catholic Schools Drama

Water Polo team. Adelaide Hamilton Green (9/

Festival in

96) was selected to compete in the National

impressively. The Year 8 Drama class entered

Schools Track and Field Championships,

their student-devised play, "The Secret of the




representing Victoria in two Under 14 hurdle

Garden", into The Science-Drama Competition,

events. Adele Brazenor ( 10/96) was chosen for

winning an Encouragement Award. The 1996

the 1996 Victorian Secondary Schools Hockey

House Drama Competition clearly demonstrated

team. Daniela Norman (10/96) represented

the substantial development of' the students' stagecrail and performance skills.

Victoria in the Under 16 National Lacrosse

Championships in Adelaide. Melanie Sargeant ( 11/96). with her two fellow team members. won

the mixed, open age event iii the BRW Triathlon. Melanie was also selected for the 1996 Australian



Bushwalking: Thanks again to the generosity and commitment of the staff, under the

leadership of Mr Peter Crewe, bushwalking is a very well established part of the extra-curricular


programme, with a number of opportunities for

Championships in Queensland. Stephanie

walks during the year. Students and staff look

Resciniti (9/96) achieved Fourth place and

forward to another trek to Nepal in December

Celeste Kininmonth (7/96) Seventh place in the Victorian Individual Fencing Champion.ships.

Jessica Fetterplace ( 10/96) achieved Third place overall in the Independent Girls' Schools Gymnastics Competition. Sophie Gannon (12/ 96), Anneliese Gannon (8/96) and Tessa

Custance (6/96) achieved superb results iii the

Interschool Skiing Competition. Julia and Sarah Gui·ry (12/96) won the Girls' Open Doubles at the Kooyong Lawii Tennis Club Schools' Grass Courtl Tennis Tournament. Madeline Hoy c 11/

96) achieved a gold and a silver medal in the Under 16 event at the Victorian Surf Life Saving Titles.


Review of our school uniform: The Uniform Review Committee continued the work set in

progress iii 1995. The new sports uniform was available from the start of 1996 and proved a

great success with the school family. The school uniform concepts, developed iii 1995, were further refined and, at the start. of Term 3,

1996, the proposed designs were displayed in both Junior and Senior School reception areas, with al] members of the school thmily invited to

view the. display and to express their views on a questionnaire. On the basis of the survey, we shall now proceed with changes to the school

Visitors to our school frequently remark on

uniform. We are confident that the new summer

the extraordinary range o i sports which we offer

dress will be available for purchase at the start

to the students, all the more so, given our school size and our relatively limited facilities on site.

ofTerm 1, 1997 and hopeful that the new winter uniform will be available by Term 2, 1997.

Athletics, Swimming. Aerobics, Cricket, Tennis,

Conference of Principals of Australian

Skiing, Netball, Hockey, Softball. Basketball, Diving, Cross Country, Volleyball. Water Polo,

Loreta Schools: This was one of'the highlights of my year as Principal. We, the six Lot·eto

Gymnastics, Fencing, Rowing, Weights Room training, the Equestrian Club. all are alive and

honoured that Sister Provincial Mary Wright

well in an increasingly challenging and

IBVM was able to join us and to share something

competitive interschool sports environment.

of her vision for our Australian I.oretto schools

Many thanks to the staff who invest so much of

as we approach the twenty-first century. As Sr

theinselves with such generosity in the sports

Mary Wright reminded us so poignantly,

programme at XMH.

tradition is not like a fossil - preserved but long

One of the highlights for 1996 was the Junior

School triumph at the Arniadale District Athletics Sports. In Tennis, both Senior and Junior (secondary) teams won their Zone

competitions. A highlight of 1997 will surely be the annual Head of the School Girls' Rowing Regatta on tlie Barwon, with LMH as host school. Hearty thanks to Mrs Marita Ball, who has taken on the role of' regatta convenor, to Airs Lee Rimes, Rowing Club President, and to Mi· Rob Zahara, Head Coach of the Ll\IH Rowing Club.

secondary school principals, were particularly

dead. It is not like a baton that is passed on in a relay, like some kind of time capsule containing

an ossified artefact. Tradition is only vital and alive if it is a vibrant and evolviiig reality in our schools. Mary Ward entreated her followers to iiieet the needs of' their times. To be true and

faithful to our tradition is to apply it to our own situations, to respond to the challenges, and to meet the needs of our times. That is the

challenge to us. The challenge calls us to identify the fundamental values that lie at the heart of

our mission, not to focus on the particular

practices or customs of any period, which Debating: Both interschool and interhouse debating competitions were very successful. The DAV interschool competition was expanded froin eight to twelve teams per school. The D-Grade

necessarily change with time. It is a challenge which requires a good measure of the virtues which are dear to us as Loreto schools - integrity, sincerity, justice and felicity.

LMH 1 team made its way through the regular rounds and play-offs and into the Octo-finals,

With thanks

where they wei·e defeated by just one point. All

Many thanks to the School Council - Mr Paul

debaters acquitted themselves well throughout

Hoy (Chairman), Mi· Bill Brazenor, Mrs Barbara

the season and many talented orators were

Kitchen. Mr David Beatty, Miss Elizabeth Butt,


Mr Kevin Halpin, Mr Bryan Madden, Mrs Jenny

MeMillan, Mrs Susan Pascoe, Sr Ellison Taffe

retires from the Junior School at the end of

IBVM, and Sr Margaret Honner IBVM - for

1996 after twenty-seven years of conscientious

their unfailing dedication and commitment to

and loyal service to our school. Miss Moylan is

the welfare of our school. With the School

known and loved by generations of LMH pupils,

Strategic Plan, the Property Master Plan, and

who shall miss her dearly. Sadly too, we bid

the Information Technology Plan, together with

farewell to Sr Helen Maguire, who leaves us at

procedures for ongoing review, now in place, we

the end of 1996, after four years of dedicated

are well positioned and directed to forge our

service to our school and twenty-five years of

way ahead into the twenty-first century.

Junior School-Primary School administration in

Thank you to the Fathers' and Mothers' Associations and, in particular to Presidents, Mr Paul Holland and Mrs Krys Gruba. In 1996,

the Fathers' Association donated $27,000 to the school, enabling the purchase of a baby grand piano for the Junior School Music-Drama area,

four Australian states. Sr Helen will take a

sabbatical year in 1997, before moving on to her next challenge. Both leave with our gratitude for all that they have done and with our very best wishes for all that the future holds for them.

additional sports equipment, and musical

It is my great pleasure and privilege to be

instruments to support the introduction of the

part of this great school. It is not buildings or

instrumental brass programme at Year 5. The

facilities or sports fields that make a school

Mothers' Association donated $35,000, also

good. Rather, it is the people - parents, teachers

assisting with the purchase of instruments for

and students - and the quality of their

the Music Department and enabling the

commitment, dedication and vision, who make

establishment of a CD-ROM network system in

a school a good school. This is what makes Loreto

the Senior School library. The amalgamation of

Mandeville Hall the fine school that it is.

the two Associations to form one Parents'

"Women in time to come will do much", said our

Association marks a very significant and exciting

foundress, Mary Ward. That time is now,

development in the school community.

because together we make it so.

The Past Pupils' Association, led by President Mrs Sue Olney, conducted a most successful

Inaugural Art Exhibition and Sale in February 1996. We hope that this will become an annual

(Dr) Anne Hunt

event in the school calendar. Preparations are


now under way for the school's 75th anniversary

celebrations in 1999. A book recording the school's history is already in progress, under the capable and dedicated editorship of Miss Ruth Trait and with the assistance of a number


of past pupils who will contribute essays and articles for the book. Education is so much more than how to make

a living. It is about how to make a life. Thank you to the staff for all that they do in the noble



task of educating our young people, guiding them to formulate for themselves a vision of how they

are going to use their gifts to build a better world. Our teachers do so much that is well

above and beyond the call of duty: the additional assistance to the student outside of class time,

the careful preparation, the detailed correction, the words of advice, the sympathetic ear,

together with the many and varied extracurricular activities, such as the

bushwalking expeditions, the school camps, the trips, the sleep-overs, the drama festivals, sports and music competitions and carnivals, debates, Tournament of Minds, Turana socials, activities too numerous to mention. All this is done on top

of their teaching and pastoral responsibilities, with extraordinary generosity of spirit. Thank you to the School Leadership Team whose contribution to the day to day health and happiness of the school is utterly beyond measure: Sr Helen Maguire IBVM (Head of the Junior School), Miss Pat Moylan (Deputy Head of the Junior School), Mrs Alison Miller (Deputy

Principal - Director of Pastoral Care), Mr Robert Dernelley (Deputy Principal - Director of Studies), Mr Andrew Schmidt (School

Anna Messina, Year 12, Winner of the Youth

Coordinator), and Mr Ian James (Business

Photographic Award in the Innovation Category up to

Manager). Best wishes to Miss Pat Moylan who

24 years

%*f« 23


Strategic Plan The objective of the Strategic Plan adopted by the Council in 1995 was to clearly identify comprehensive planning directions for Loreto Mandeville Hall for the next 20 years, to ensure that all initiatives that are implemented truly satisfy the long term needs at the school and

44. 2* v

that resources are utilised to maximum effect.

The Strategic Plan was summarised in a

brochure that was distributed widely amongst f#i I

tlie school community in April 1996 and

highlighted five key areas of concentration education, physical facilities and resources, human resources, finance and promotions. The Council is well pleased with its work in identiGing these initiatives and is aware that the careful articulation of policy to bring about these plans will be the major focus of its activity


for many years to come.


[4fC ·,A 3<1*0*., /J,4*3.#6.b* . Personnel

This year the Council welcomed three new members - Mrs Jenny MeMillan, a past pupil of the school, a former director of curriculum at

Geelong Grammar and currently the head of the Hermitage House at Geelong Grammar School; Mr William [Bill] Brazenor, a current parent and an engineer with a proven track

record in Engineering Design Services; and Mr Bryan Madden, also a current parent and managing director of ANZ Securities.

The principal functions of the Council for 1996 have been the review and determination of *..... L


Dr Anne Hunt, Principal, with Mr Paul Hoy, Chairman Loreto Mandeville Hall School Council

policies that assist and guide the day to day operations of the school and the receipt and consideration of' reports from the Principal, other members of staff and the sub-committees of the Council.

Property and Planning Committee To better identify the physical facilities and resource requirements of the school, the Committee recommended, and the Council

agreed, that expressions of interest be sought


from competent consultants to receive a commission to review all existing facilities,

At its first meeting in 1996 the Council acknowledged three key responsibilities: the

the school for the forthcoming 20 years.

school's mission and direction, trusteeship, and the support of the Principal and the staff in the operations at the school.

To fulfil these

After reviewing a short list of submissions from consultants, the Committee recommended,

• by drawing heavily upon the guidance set

and the Council accepted, that Peter Crone of Crone Ross Architects be appointed to work with the Committee to develop a plan covering aspects

out in the IBVM Mission Statement, it would

relating to aesthetics, innovation, flexibility and

develop further the strategic planning initiatives established by the Council under

expansion, functional performance, site planning, materials and finishes, capital costs,

John Arthur's chairmanship in 1995 and

technology, maintenance, life cycle and recurrent

develop policies that would enable these plans


responsibilities it resolved that -

to be achieved:

In November, the Committee with Peter

• it would continue to represent and enhance

Crone, within the time frame allocated to them

the interests of the IBVM, to ensure that

and at a cost less than what was budgeted for, proudly presented a superb Master Plan. This Plan was adopted enthusiastically and represents the platform upon which all capital

Lore{.0 Mandeville Hall proudly remains a Catholic school for girls in the Mary Ward tradition, well into the next millennium; and • it would provide to our Principal, Dr Anne

Hunt, and her staff, leadership and resources to ensure that the school continues to perform at the high levels of recent years„


assess the school's needs, formulate conceptual options and settle the Property Master Plan of

resource allocations will be made for the next

20 years and beyond.

Property and Planning also provided helpful specialist advice to the administration and


maintenance staff in relation t:o all maintenance

standing committees, evaluates the performance

and capital works performed at the school. It

of the Council and its niembers, and oversees

also formulated the school's policy on restoration

the communicatioii process between the Council Finally, the

of the historic house and will oversee its

and the school community.

implementation iii the years to come.

Committee is also required to support the Principal to ensure that her objectives for the

Communications and

school can be achieved.

Development Committee

During 1996 the Council Review Committee

This Committee is the successor of the former

solicited expressions of interest from the school

Public Relations Committee and has the brief to

parent community to join its sub-committees

provide advice on the crucial areas of

and was heartened by the quality and number

communications and development including

of responses that were received. The Council

marketing, promotion, fund-raising and

has now adopted this process as its succession

relations with the school community. During

plan for its committees to ensure that new blood

1996, Communications and Development has

is injected into all policy determination bodies

identified cle:irly its functions. It has assisted

at the school.

the school and the Council in formulating policies relating to strategic transport


arrangements, the school's presence at the

The Council was well and expertly supported

various schools fairs, fund-raising, liaison with

by the Loreto Institute throughout the past year,

past pupils and existing and past parents aiid

firstly by the Provincial. Sr Mary Wright, IBVM,

the niaintenance of the school's database of past

convening a meeting of the chairpersons of all

pupils and past parents.

Loreto Schools in Australia to advise of the

Following a request to Council to assist in the

Institute's requirements and suggestions for the

review of' its operations, the Committee, through

conduct of schools.

This was an excellent

Kevin 11:ilpin, acted as a facilitator to the

opportunity to benchmark our school with other

Parents' Associations of the school, resulting in

Loreto schools and to establish worthwhile

their amalgamation, which was agreed to by

contacts so that ideas and advice can be accessed

the Mothers' Association and the Fathers'

and exchanged in the future. These meetings

Association at an historic general meeting iii

will be held annually and will be most beneficial

December when the Loreto Mandeville Hall

f'or the Council.


During the year, St· Deirdre Rofe, IBVM, a

Committee will continue to foster a close liaison

past Principal at the school. was appointed as

with the new Association assisting it to achieve

an assistant to the Provincial in the co-

Parents' A.ssociation was created.

its goals to further support the operations ofthe

ordination and support of' all Loreto schools in


Australia. The role has clearly articulated goals

Finance Committee

Fee setting and collections were monitored

and objectives which will assist both the Council and the Principal to pursue and achieve the Mary Ward vision. Sr Deirdre Rofe is well

and supervisory advice was provided in relation

known in our community and with the depth of

to the Historic Building Fund, the Scholarship

knowledge gained during her 10 years as

Fund, the School B uilding Fund and the Library

Principal at our school we are confident that we

Fund. The Committee settled the policies

will benefit greatly from her counsel.

under·pinning the preparation of the financial accounts and reports of the Council. which for

The Principal and Staff

the first time since its incorporation were

The Council recognises that its achievements

required to be filed with the Registrar of

depend largely on support received from the

Incorporated Associations. Also. benchmarking

staff at the school and. over the past year, many

activit:ies were conducted across various income

demands have been made on Dr Anne Hunt. her

and expenditure items to ensure that the school

executive team and ultimately the various

remains competitive with its peer school.s.

members of staff to compile, analyse, prepare

Finally, policies are in the process of being

and present detailed information to enable the

considered to guide the Council as to when and

review and determination of policies. All this

how it should implement its Strategic Plans. Council Review Committee

was achieved as an adjunct to the prime activity of' the school - the education of our students.

The Council acknowledges their contribution

This Committee comprises Mr Paul Hoy

and expresses its deep gratitude for all these

(Chair), Dr Anne Hunt, Sr Ellison Taffe. IBVM,

endeavours. The Council also extends warm

Miss Elizabeth Butt and Mrs Jenny Mel\lillan.

congratulations to all teaching staff, as the

When the school was incorporated in 1995. the

academic and other achievenients of recent times

IBVM requested that the Council establish a

are truly a measure of their dedication, skill

Committee to continuously review its operations

and expertise.

to ensure that the school remains true to the

Institute's Mission Statement and the Mary Ward tradition.

In addition, the Committee oversees

arrangements for the induction and education

Paul Hoy

of' new niembers, reviews and advises on the

appointment of members to the Council, assists


in the selection and appointment of members to

School Council


Mrs Margaret Fanning ( Diviny)

Giving is catching!

Miss Jacinta Finnigan

It has been a great year for fundraising at

Mrs Eleanor Finucane (King)

Loreto Mandeville Hall and we all want to make

Mrs Angela Fletcher (Gilchrist)

1997 better yet. It is exciting to think that this

Mrs Elizabeth Fogarty

support has come during the first full year of

Miss Dorothy Foley

the Development Office and that it is indicative

Mrs Helen Fyfe (Webb)

of the level of support for the School from the School community. Many people have given

Miss Josephine Gorman

generously in so many ways. On behalf' of the

Mrs Joy Hanrahan ( McDonald)

students and >staff of' Loreto Mandeville Hall, I

would like to say "Thank you".

Mrs Cynthia Gregory-Roberts (Arnold) Mrs Sara Hennessy (Barrett) Mrs Vicki Herald (Brennan)

The Annual Appeal was established in 1996

Mrs Sally Honan (Wales)

to provide a way of' giving to a choice of' funds.

Mrs Marcia Horsfall ( May)

Donors choose from a range of gifts, according to their desires and abilities. Gifts have ranged from $10 to very large sums indeed! All gifts are

Mr and Mrs Paul Hoy

welcome. Participation is the key. Our thanks to the following Past Pupils, Past Parents, Grandparents, School suppliers, School Council

Mrs Jane Hume (Bowden) Dr Anne Hunt Miss Eri Inoue

Miss Tania Ipovee Mrs Andrea James (Carnovale)

and Staff members for their generosity to the Annual Appeal. They have made gifts to tile

Mr Ian James

Endowment Fund (scholarships and bursaries), the Historic Building Fund (conservation works

Mrs Pamela Keith (Halkyard)

to the beautiful Historic House), the Library

Fund (the development of our hard working library) and the Building Fund (the development and maintenance of the School's facilities.

Mrs Carmel Kehoe (O'Connor)

Mrs Bernadette Kelly (Ries) Mrs Mary Kevin ( Lodge) Mrs Anne Lechte (Kevin) 1\Irs Jill Lethlean 1\liss Sarah L'Huillier

Mrs Angela Allen (C.lark)

Mrs RJLowe (Diana Bowen)

Allour Electrical Services

Mrs Joan Lupson


Mrs Mary Anne Lynch (Douglas)

Mrs Angela Arthur (Lee)

Mrs Lorraine Maclagan (Crosbie)

Mrs Sandra Barry (Robinson)

Mr Bryan Madden

Mrs Yutha Bartley (Lodge)

Mrs Helen Marron (Healy)

Mrs Ingrid Binental ( Kapper)

Ms Toni Meehan

Mrs Deidre Black (McSwiney)

Mrs Margot Meldrum (Holt)

Ms Elizabeth Blackie

Mrs Alison Miller

Mr Frank Bosei

AIrs Denise Moore (Lahz)

Mrs Helen Botham (Sheahan)

Miss Sarah Jane Morck

Mr P Bourke

Mrs Maria Myers (Jens)

Miss Angela Bowler

Mrs Elizabeth Negline (Sprigg)

Miss Jodie Brasher

Ms Judith O'Brien

Mrs Margaret Bridger

Mrs Tany O'Bryan (Nolan)

Mrs Brigid Buchanan (Curtain)

Mrs Mary O'Connor ( Sprigg)

1\([r Peter Buckley

Miss Dierdre O'Day

Mrs Patricia Burke (Campbell)

Mr and Mrs Frank O'Halloran ( Collins)

Miss Sarah Burke

Miss Jodie O'Sullivan

Miss Elizabeth Butt

Mrs Sarah Pettenon ( Croagh)

Mrs Patricia Buxton (Ahern)

Mrs Margaret Phillips

Miss Felicity Byrnes

Mrs Pamela Pickering (Gorman)

Miss Judith Cahill

Mrs Noineen Plant (Gallagher;

Mrs Amy Calder (Lucini)

Miss Emma Readman

Camp Rumbug (Mr & Mrs Wallis)

Miss Sarah Rey

Cassidy Hunter Nutbean

Mrs Shirley Reynolds (Burne)

Miss Cath Chiba

Ringwood Floor Coverings

Collier Charitable Fund

Mrs Adrienne Ryan (Ryan)

Miss Angela Conlan

Mrs Marie Ryan (Parer)

Mrs Geraldine Croagh

Mrs J E Ryan (Betty Tutton)

Ms Rebecca Dale

Mr A Schmidt

Miss Kathryn Dalton

Mrs Alison Silke (Fraser)

Mrs Therese Davey (Reidy)

Mrs Dympna Sleeman (Gooch)

Miss Jennifer Day

Mrs Susan Sloane (Johnston)

Mrs Melissa De Angelis (Pescatore)

Ms Adele Smith

Delta Link

Mrs Margaret Smith (Box)

Mr Rob Dernelley

Mrs Nicola Smith (Morris)

Mrs Kate Dewhurst (Hobson)

Mrs Sally Stagg (Marron)

Miss Annabel Drake

Mr and Mrs Patrick Sweeney

Mrs Cecily England (Rennick)

Miss Anna Maria Tocigl

''371* '91,21¢'0

Miss Ruth Trait

Charmain Ong,

Mrs Lien Tran (Nguyen)

Carla Pascoe.

Mr and Mrs John Turner

Rachel Price.

Miss Kate Turner

Christine Sammartino,

Mrs Patricia Vardy (Dowling)

Marion Stephenson,

Ms Geraldine Vaughan

Andrea Tilley,

Mrs Eleanor Von der Muehll (Hirsch)

Marlo Urquhart.

Mrs Lorraine Walker (Commins)

It is never too late to donate Year 12 Library

Ms Genevieve White (McCann)

Books. If you would like information please

Mrs Mary Ann Willis (Dwyer)

contact Mrs Rosemary Abbott or Mrs Margaret Bridger at the School.

Mrs Catherine Worsnop (Willis) Mrs Diana Yeldham (Lord)

The total for 1996 is $13,385.00.

Bequest intentions. Twice in recent weeks the Development Office has been advised that very generous Past Pupils have nominated

Major Gifts.

Loreto Mandeville Hall to receive a bequest in

Also in 1996, I.oreto Mandeville Hall has

their wills. This is a far sighted gift that makes

received substantial gifts to the Building Fund, Library Fund and Sporting Equipment Fund

our students their worthy heirs. The students and staff wholeheartedly thank these visionary

from the following benefactors

and kind benefactors, who wish to remain


Mr and Mrs D Beatty Mi' and Mrs A Cavanough Ms P Cutten

Mr and Mi·s M Gannon Mr and Mrs P Holbeach

Mr and Mrs F Lynch Mr and Mrs T MeCartney Mr and Mrs J McCarthy Mrs M Myers Mr and Mrs J Natividad

Mr and Mrs S Ng Mr and Mrs V Papaluca Mr and Mrs J Peachey Mr and Mrs P Slattery Mrs L Rimes

Year 1 2 Library Books.


Endowment Funds. At recent reunions, two

year groups, 1986 and 1966, have decided to create endowment funds to benefit the School.

'The Class of 1986 Sister Margarita Farley IBVM Memorial Fund' has been established with the

income from investment on the capital being used for student assistance at Loreto Mandeville

Hall. The Class of 1966 is also setting up a fund

and is currently deciding on its purposes. With endowment funds, tlie capital is protected with at least an amount equal to inflation being returned to the capital before

the income is used. These funds can be set up by any year or family group, as class, family or memorial funds with a purpose chosen by the donors iii discussion with the School. They can be added to by anyone in the group, at any time, by any amount. As the capital is protected from

This year we invited Year 12 parents to donate

inflation, they can become solid investments

a book in their daughter's name to the library.

that have excellent long term benefits to the

The parents (and daughters) selected a discipline

School. Thank you to the Class of 1986 and the

within the library and the Chief Librarian, Mrs

Class of 1966.

Rosemary Abbott, purchased appropriate books on their behalf. The library and teaching staff have been thrilled witli the donations. It has

given the library the opportunity to purchase many wonderful resources. These books, with a book plate giving the Year 12 student's name, are on display in the library and will be a treasured resource for many years to come.

If your year group or family group is interested in establishing a fund, please contact Mrs

Margaret Bridger at the School. I look forward to an exciting

1997 in

fundraising, knowing that so many people have the best interests of Loreto Mandeville Hall at

heart and that the whole School community is supporting this wonderful School.

Thanks to the following girls and their parents

(Mrs) Margaret Bridger

who took advantage of this project.

Director of Development.

Andrea Ball,

Catrina Boemo, Claudia Buttazzoni,

Jacqui Carroll, Kate Carroll PP94, Anna Chamberlain,

Victoria Chamberlain PP89,

Rachel Doyle, Brigid Fitzgerald, Sophie Gannon,

Congratulations <.Il#£3 «»239%9:*fbal »4643* : 5 2 The IBVM ,joins with the whole School community in congratulating our Principal,

Stephanie Johnston.

Dr Anne Hunt, on her entry into "Who's

Emily Kishi(la,

Who 1997". This is a significant

Elizabeth MeCartney,

achievement which reflects the qualifi-

Melissa Migliardi,

cations and academic excellence which Anne

Pauline Ng,

brings to her role of leadership in the School.

Emma Ogilvy,

'M&/ 1

Loreto Family International The initial inspiration for Loreto Family International belonged to Mrs Colette Burnes, who saw the possibilities of focusing the generosity of the Australian Loreto Family


towards the needy in India. When Colette discussed this with Sr Carolyn MeSwiney who had just returned after working for many years in India, Carolyn suggested that our Loreto family in India would welcome this connection. And so the idea came to fruition.

Colette has shouldered the greater part of the burden for the administrative work of the

scheme to this day. She has also publicised it widely. The committee has assisted her in her work. The very success of the scheme has now brought us to the present situation where new structures need to be put in place to support the much larger business of LFI and to ensure its ongoing development.

Mrs Colette Burnes

Last year when I visited Calcutta, I was made aware of the needs of the many thousands of poor children and young people in our schools who are being helped by LFI. I also discovered that, with the growth of the scheme, we could help more if certain changes were made in the way it operated. The cost and administrative burden of detailed record-keeping and appropriate communication between sponsors and individual children is creating many problems for our schools in Calcutta.

development. I want to pay tribute to Colette who has worked tirelessly for over ten years to bring the scheme to its present position. I also thank her great committee of helpers. I welcome the new president, Stephanie Woodruff, and thank her for accepting this responsibility. Finally I want to thank all sponsors f'or your generosity. You may never see the results of this kindness, but I am sure you will be well rewarded! Sr Mary Wright IBVM (Provincial Superior)

The Provincial of' the Institute in India has

informed me that it has become impossible for them to do the work involved in regularly providing names and details of children in need, and of communicating with the sponsors. She asked me to ask LFI to change from an individual sponsorship scheme to a system of sponsorship of any needy child in a particular school. She assures me that the schools will be able to send

From The Archives THANK YOU - to so many friends who have sent contributions for our memorabilia collection These include:

From Mrs Mary England (Rowan)

more general photographs, letters and other

Loreto Manual presented to her on her

information to sponsors. It is better for us now

wedding day, Child of Mary medal and manual,

to use the Loreto Sisters' network for the

and photographs including Mother Dominic

collection, banking and transferring of funds to

taken in 1935.

India. In this way we are able to avoid costly overheads and get the money quickly, safely

and efficiently to its destination. As the scheme grows, we want to ensure that it continues to be simple and easy to administer both in India and here in Australia, so that contributions are as

From Mrs Moya Turner (McCormack) A Red Tennis Blazer from the 1950s

From Mrs Mary Holbeach (Coleman) Copies of Toorakanrooin, a Federation brochure, a school report, drama festival

effective as possible.

As Provincial Superior of' the Institute in Australia and as patroness of Loreto Family International, I look forward to the continued

growth of LFI. The Centenary celebrations which will be held next year in Perth and Normanhurst, and the coming 75th celebrations here in Loreto Mandeville Hall will provide ideal opportunities for this growth.

programs, school regulations, Guide to Mandeville Hall from The Australian, 1969.

From Mrs Marie Ryan (Parer) Mandeville Hall Greetings booklets from 1930s and 1940s and a photograph of Form 1 in 1937.

Mrs jane Nigro (Hamilton) A great collection including reports,

Loreto Family International is a magnificent scheme which has already made a difference to many of the world's most deprived children. Through Colette's initiative and administration, the Loreto family throughout Australia has proved its generosity and willingness to reach out to the poorest of the poor.

I hope that you will continue to support LFI as it moves into this new stage of its


certificates, dance cards, Loreto Mission -magazines,




photographs, and crested crockery. From Mrs Joan Ryan (Finn) A letter from Mother Rita Nolan to Joan's

mother, Eileen, on the death of' her sister, Amy Castles, together with a CD of an early recording of Amy Castles singing.


From Mrs jo Lonergan (Connaughton) Councillor's Hat Band and Badge, and photographs.

From Mrs loan Connaughton (McCardel) The loan of photographs from the 1930s.

From Mrs loan O'Leary (Shirley) A wonderful collection of photographs including 1932 First Communion Breakfast, sports days, boarders, Mother Francesca and Mother Damien ( Susan McGowan), also Loreto

Greetings booklets from 1940s.

galleries and going sailing on the beautiful waters north of New York. Patrice continues,

"The city is as busy and brutal as it looks in the niedia, but there are surprising patches of friendliness and warnith." Her brother, Michael (Xavier 1980) and his wife, Sarah, live in Washington D.C., so having some family nearby makes the place seem a little more like home.

Sadly, Patrice and Michael's mother died suddenly in Melbourne recently (see Notices page 31). Now that she is aware of Professor Pam

Stanley's presence in the "Big Apple" (thanks to the Mandevillian) Patrice hopes to make contact

From Mrs Christine Hall (O'Regan) 3 badges from the 1970s From Mrs Sue Pearson (Mort) A white tennis dress from the 1960s

From Miss Toni Meehan

and no doubt exchange stories of Melbourne and schooldays. Patrice insists she did not see herself as a

devoted student at school, and credits Sr Deirdre

Rofe with setting her on the study path by suggesting an Honours Degree was the right way to go as it would be more rigorous. Patrice

A collection of letters treasured by her aunt

thinks even Sr Deirdre would be impressed with

Lucille Meehan from Mother Borgia, Mother

the rigour of'the U S approach to doctoral study.

Brigid Jones, Mother Mildred Dew and Mother

Two years of intensive coursework is followed

Teresita Fraser, together with leaflets, books,

by a set of marathon exams of eight hours each.

articles and a copy of Mildred Meehan's

Then begins research for a dissertation which

Intermediate Certificate from Albert Park, 1920.

takes another 2-3 years, so there may be some

From Mrs Pat Davis (M€Guinness) The loan of numerous interesting photographs for copying.

From Mrs Edwyna Doyle (Fitzgerald) The loan of photographs, especially those she took of her own class over the years. We are most grateful for all these wonderful additions to our museum collection.

Sr Josephine Jeffrey IBVM (Archivist)

light at the end of the tunnel by the year 2000. Patrice says, "After my last course, I begged all my friends, if they euer heard me mention the

word "higher degree" again, to lie me down in a dark room and sedate me until I came to my

senses. Unfortunately they didn't!" Patrice admits her main motivation in doing the PhD was to experience living and working in the USA and adds, "As long as New York

repeats her charms more often than her fangs, and the University keeps paying me, then I guess I'll stay and do the study thing!" In March, Patrice visited Anna Pienkos

(Mandeville 1974-77) who is taking a break from

Past Pupil Profile Patrice Murphy Patrice Murphy graduated from Loreto Mandeville Hall in 1979 and spent the next fifteen years in Melbourne and then Sydney, living, working and studying, "It seems forever",

her work as a G.P. to enjoy life in England with her husband Bernard Lynch and their children, Stephanie and Julian. Patrice loves to keep in touch with her school friends and teachers and

said that speaking with Sr Deirdre after her mother's death made her realise, " th;at the care

of Loreto is a lifelong thing."

says Patrice. First there was a BA(Hons) in Political Science, then a few years of working on


an MBA and then, after moving to Sydney in 1990, a Masters of Labour Law and Relations.

She enjoyed the study, but sometimes found it a bit onerous on top of full time work in industrial


relations for MTIA, an association of employers in the metal and engineering industry. By 1995 however it was time for a change and Patrice moved to New York to start a PhD in

Organisational Behaviour at New York


University. "I feet like I am in 20th grade after all these years! Let this be a warning to current students that study has a way of sticking with

you even when you think you are done with School'."

She loves New York and has barely had a homesick day since arriving, enjoying the

delights of the city, such as watching Robert De Niro perform in off-Broadway theatre, listening

Ms Patrice

to jazz in Greenwich Village, visiting amazing


Past Pupils' Association

1997 Calendar of Events

I am delighted to introduce the new Committee

Monday 3 March Committee Meeting - Senior

of the Past Pupils' Association, elected in August

School Staff Room at 8.00 pm

1996 at the AGM.

Friday 14 March Cocktail Party and Opening

Please feel free to contact any member of the

of Art Show - Junior School

Committee regarding events iii our 1997 Calendar.

Multi-Purpose Room Saturday 15 -

We look forward to working for you in the year ahead, and wish you a safe and happy Christmas.

Sunday 16 March Art Show Friday 4 April

Reunion 1991 - 1996 School leavers - Loreto Mandeville

(Mrs) Sue Olney (Hanrahan) (President)

Hall 5.00 pm - 8.00 pm

Friday 9 Sunday 10 May

Federation - Perth

Tuesday 17 June Committee Meeting -8.00:pm

Loreto Toorak Past Pupils


Association Committee

13 August




2 September Sue Olney (Hanrahan '79) Ph: 9885 0624


Loreto Ladies' Dinner and

AGM - Kooyong Tennis Club

Committee Meeting -8.00 pm

Sunday 23 November

Past Pupils' Mass and Morning Tea - Mandeville

Merrin Corrigan ( Pacini '68)

Hall- 10.30 am Ph: 9571 3227


Christine (Teena) Croker

Tuesday 2 December

C<,mmittee Meeting 8.00 pm.

( Fakhry '67) Ph: 9830 0583

past President: Andrea Maule (England '69) Pli: 9818 7971


Roisin Annesley ('87) Ph: 9246 5163 (BH)

Reflection Days Following the response to the last Reflection Days, we would like to hear f'rom anyone

interested in attending future Reflection Days. Please contact: Teena Croker H. 9830 0583 or

W. 9628 3789. or phone Sr Meg Hannan IBVM on 9826 2688

Susie De Mornment ('60) Ph: 9427 1287 Carol Ellis (Anderson '62) Ph: 9817 5907


Toorak Past Pupils' Association

Penny Gamble (Hopkins '64 - Claremont)

Ph: 9822 7234 Fiona Hammond ('95)


Ph: 9824 7188

Vicki Herold (Brennan '78) Ph: 9482 3061 Alice Hume ('95)

15 - 16 MARCH 1997

11 am-4 pm

Ph: 9882 8826

Mardi Tovey (Swann '87) Ph: 9836 6424


Sr Margaret O'Sullivan


Ph: 98262688

10 Mandeville Crescent, Toorak

Sr Ruth Winship Ph: 98262688

Al] the above members of the Committee may also be contacted by mail C/o Loreto Mandeville

Hall, 10 Mandeville Crescent, Toorak 3142

Cocktail party & official opening

Friday 14 March



Family News

Sarah Paykel (Bailey '78) has recently moved to Sydney with husband, Tony and children, Holly (3) and Tom (1) as part of Esprit's head


office relocation. Sarah has been at Esprit for 7

Deborah Anne Green (Farrell) to Leon Barry Scholz 20/7/96

years and is currently General Manager

Merchandise, responsible for the buying and marketing teams. She would love to hear from


other ex-Mandevillians living in Sydney,

To Margaret (Burke) and Michael Domarecki,

a daughter, Megan Sophia To Pauline (Kiernan) and Brian Steedman, a

daughter, Maggie Grace To Sally (Hillman) and Patrick Russel, a son, Thomas Patrick (in N.Z)

To Katherine (Francis) and Alan Todd, a daughter, Isobel Francis To Clare (Longmire) and Anthony Cross, a son, Harrison James To Michelle (Clancy) and Tim Paine, a son, William Angus

especially working mums with young children! Phone Sarah (02) 9439 2366 (A.H) or 9518 7200


Congratulations to Year 9 Blue who won the main prize in the Uncle Toby's "Talent

Towards 2000" Competition. The prize was a motivational camp for their class and two teachers with members of the 1996 Australian

Olympic Team, other sports stars and Channel 7 "Home and Away" cast members, as well as software and sporting equipment for the School valued at $2500.

After spending an exciting weekend with

To Fiona (McLean) and Andrew Fox, a daughter, Isabella Grace To Jennifer (Byrnes) and Philip Neal, a son,

Kieren Perkins, Samantha Riley, Trevor Hendy, Tim Matthews and the TV stars, the girls toured the Channel 7 studios and returned to School

on Monday, very motivated and ready to take

Declan Campbell To Christine (O'Regan) and Linden Hall, a son, Matthew Linden

up any challenge. Thanks to Ms Josie Millard and Ms Jane Cowan who accompanied the girls and cared for them so well.


Biddy Randle (Davies), Past pupil of 1930s

Congratulations to House Captains 1997

Daughter of Margery (Burne), sister of Penny,


Rick and Ann, (Past pupils), aunt of Hermione and Phoebe Knowles


Anna Ring, Past pupil, (left 1983, '84 Year Group)

Brian O'Regan, father of Christine, Eve-Anne,


Annabelle and Alison (Past pupils) Anna Murphy, mother of Patrice (Past pupil)



Sue O'Connor (Knowles) Past pupil ('60),


and Michael

C: Madeline Hoy

C: Marguerite Osborne

VC: Catherine Longano

VC: Miriam Slattery

C: Melissa Corbett

C: Skye Alexander-Begbie

VC: Ruth Tinetti

VC: Madeleine Healy

C: Jane Kenny

C: Priscilla Ruffolo

VC: Victoria Spillane

VC: Brigid Anderson

C: Sara Lynch

C: Jacinta Holmes

VC: Anika Walker

VC: Domenica Gullace

Editor's Mailbag Past pupils of the 1930s will be sad to learn of ADVANCE NOTICE

the death of Biddy Randle (Davies) in South Australia in September. Biddy was a member of

Class of '67

the Royal Australian Army Nursing Service and served overseas in 1942-1945.

30 Year Reunion

Christine Hall (O'Regan) would love to attend a 20 year reunion next year with the class of'77.


Sat. 14 june 1997 We look forward to seeing you there


Contact: Teena Croker (Fakhry) H. 9830 0583 or W. 9628 3789 Sally O'Byrne (Ahern) H. 9885 3671 or Mob. 019 179 442


Di Schrader H. 9882 9050

Loreto Mandeville Hall

10 Mandeville Crescent, Toorak 3142 Phone 9826 0211 Fax 9824 2996

Editorial Committee:

Editor, Margaret Quill; Junior School,

Attention Golfers

Miss Catherine Maimone; The Community,

44::*:2:Li .. r ./r .£1

Sr. Ellison Taffe IBVM; Mothers' Association,

Loreto Past Pupils'

Mrs Krys Gruba; Past Pupils' Association,

Golf Day


9 16-/.*r

Mrs Susan Olney; Photographer, Mrs Lyn

12 May 1997


Typesetting and printing: New Litho Pty. Ltd., 124 Union Road, Surrey Hills, 3127

Details: lenny Carr Ph. 9787 5610



Fukuoka Kaisei Visit Loreto Mandeville Hall *4







Top left photo: Visiting teachers, Miss Yumiko Hisanari and Mrs Toyoko Sasaki receive a warm welcome from Mrs Kim Hauser who accompanied our students on their Fukuoka visit last year

Right Masako Kumasaki, Michiko Toyoda and Yunko Takesue sample Home Economics with Mrs Alison Miller Centre left Madoka Fudenaga bids a teartul farewell to host sister, Genevieve Meehan, Year 7 Middle Lara Signonno, Year 7 receives some ortgami tips from Masai<o Kumasaki Right Sayonarafrom Ayako Matsumototo Lisa Arthur, Year 12

Bottom left Joanne Halpin Year 9, watches Yuko Shinohara demonstrate origami to Junior School students Right Our visitors explore the Loreto grounds

4 r



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