Registered by Australia Post Publication Number VBH 7636, Vol 3 No 4 December/January 1988
Sister Deirdre Leaves Mandeville The Mandevillian is a most appropriate
forum for recognising the departure of Sr Deirdre from Mandeville. She has always
maintained that if we want the best education
for our students, communication among the members of the Mandeville community is
No doubt each member of the Senior School
essential The Mandevillian, a newsletter for
will remember Sr Deirdre for different things and these unique memories of her time as Principal will live on. They will vary from the most seemingly small-scale detail of knowing everyone's name to her undertaking of such a grand production as the Pilgrimage - it is a certainty that she will not be forgotten.
all the members of our community, was one of her many inspirations. Sr Deirdre arrived at Mandeville in 1978 and
the following year she began her work as
Principal. During her time here she has worked tirelessly and has been an instrunient of growth and change. In acknowledgement
One thing which I will always remeniber
of her efforts, we are presenting a selection of writing about Deirdre. The articles have been written by different members of our community - by a parent, a student, a staff member and a past pupil.
about Sr Deirdre is her unique version of the three 'Rs' of education. Although never downplaying the importance of the traditional three 'Rs' of Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic, she introduced me to the three
'Rs' of a different kind: Relationships, Reading and Relaxation.
For the six years I have been a part of the Senior School, I believe I have heard about
these three 'Rs' at least once a year; better
holiday advice has never been given! I have spent mv holidavs sleeping-in until
lunchtinic, developing manv new relationships and reading the telei,isicin guide iii my spare tinie. Perhaps this wis not
Staff Fare wel[ for Sr Deirdre Left to Right Mr Robert Dermelley, Sr Deirdre,
"Excellence cannot be born from mere
competence; it results from the more tangible human qualities. - Sergiovanni
These words on leadership have been
exemplified here at Loreto, Mandeville Hall, during the past ten years. Members of staff have witnessed excellence in leadership which results not only from competence, but also from those personal qualities of good humour, warmth, friendliness, commitment and vision which we associate with our
retiring Principal and friend, Deirdre. I remember, as a new member of staff some
years a50, being most impressed by the warm, triendly atmosphere in the staff room. This continues today and is a direct result of Deirdre's leadership example. Those of us, arriving early to begin the school day are
always welcomed by Deirdre as she puts out
the newspapers and chats over a cup of
coffee. Come rain or shine, she is always cheerful and good humoured, and obviously enjoys maintaining a presence in the staff room.
Deirdre has been a progressive Principal and while staff may have inwardly groaned at 'yet another in-service' or curriculum develop-
ment seminar or 'three year plant we know that without these initiatives the school
would not be coping with the needs of students today. And so we appreciate Deirdre's qualities which have led us to the
sense of purpose and direction that we enjoy today. She has been an inspirational Principal, initiating change where necessary;
stimulating staff to question teaching techniques and curriculum content; and most important of all, recognising individual talents and potential and the provision of opportunities for these to develop. Our retiring principal will be remembered too for her love of celebration. Certain
traditions have been built during her time, with the whole school community enjoying occasions such as the Performing Arts Festival and Feast Day. However, those smaller
occasions, such as morning teas in the staff room for a job well done are those which teachers have particularly appreciated. While it is with great sadness that we
farewell Deirdre we wish her peace, fulfilment and happiness for the future and trust that her year of study will provide a refresh-
ing change from the responsibilities of leadership.
Sr Elizabeth Dommu, Mr Andrew Schmidt, Mrs Alison Miller.
ENCOUNTERS WITH DEIRDRE - GABRIELLE MCKINNON, PAST PUPIL My sister and I were attending school when
IN GRATITUDE - ELIZABETH FOGARTY, PARENT As a parent conimlinity we are indeed most grateful to the IBVM order for allowing Sr Deirdre to remain as Principal for the past ten years. This position she has fulfilled enthusiastically and wisely. I ler leadership and foresight will take Mandeville and its students towards the 2lst century. Sr Deirdre has been most supportive of parent body activities and functions. She has
Sr Deirdre first arrived at Mandeville. In her
been ready to listen and keep us fully
second year, she replaced Sr Jane Kelly and became our New Principal. By that stage I was in my final year and my sister was a
informed, whether it be through her excellent reports, comments or her weekly
couple of years below. We both had considerable contact with Sr
not always willingly nor happily. When we
God, she has touched us all. Mary Ward put contained in the Mission Statement has, with
Sr Deirdre's guidance, helped us to be aware of the individualitv of oilr daughters. She has encouraged us to develop compassion and ati understanding of our children as they advance through their teenage years. She has always been availabie if help has been
that Deirdre believed in each ot us and she
misbehaved, we did not feel branded; rather
we were always encouraged to learn froiii our mistakes and to move with energy and resolution into the future.
In no way did we feel we were "just
she has made to remember our names and
those of our daughters, has made us feel warmly welcomed. I ler good humour and
welcome and communicate with ils.
inner peace have encouraged many of us to attend the Sunday Seminars and other infor-
her mintie jar are always open to us. As she, now the Old Principal, leaves Mandeville, many people remember with gratitude Deirdre's affirmation of their unique style.
We wish you every success as you take up further studie s over the coming year and
trust that Your three 'Rs' will stand you in
gi)(,d stead.
mative model of womanhood for our
daughters; her stability, optimism and courtesy have been lived out in all situations. Sr Deirdre's acceptance of us all, the effort
unique style; she was able to recognise,
we did at school, that her door, her heart and
wRite - to its all and tell tls what vou are
required. Sr Deirdre has emulated an affir-
students". Deirdre treated us as people with
Our experience was not unusual. Other students were also motivated and inspired by Deirdre's faith in their individuality and potential. Among her past students she is revered and regarded with deep affecti o n. Like so many others, we have both continued our friendships with Deirdre and we feel, as
Reiiiember - what a great blinch of girls we are;
vision of the individual in the eyes of God,
the circumstances of the interviews, each of
always had faith in our potential to contribute positively. She never undermined us and continually drew on our strengths. When we
journey I'd like to give her three 'Rs' to put into practice while she is away: Religic)n - pray for us all;
a strong emphasis on personal effort. This
which stood out in our minds. Regardless of
us felt that we were valued people. We knew,
And now to send Sr Deirdre off on her
With her quotes from Mary Ward's writings,
Deirdre and often visited her in her office -
characteristic friendship of those meetings
words of wisdom.
contribution to the newsletter.
her admiration of her foundress' courage and deep devotion to the will and worship of
came to write this article it was the
quite what Sr Deirdre had in mind as she
sent 11% off on holidays each year witli lier
niative activities conducted at the school.
Being at the helm of a large school in the 1980% has been a challenge which Sr Deirdre
accepted; surrounding herself at every opportunity with able staff and tapping the numerous resources of the parent body to aid her. This ability was highlighted iii the success of the Pilgrimage this year. Sr Deirdre has not always enjoved good health dur-
ing her time at Mandeville but even when obviouslv tired and run-down she would
continue to be cheerful and receptive. Loreto Mander'ille parents will certainly feel her absence. IIi ten years, firm friendships have been formed within the caring atmosphere she has created.
Sr Deirdre's time is up but the impact which
slie has had on the conimunitv of Mandeville
St· Deirdre was n'nde,·ed speechhess when Russell
1 lail will continue to inspire us.
Gn'en tippeared.
Iraditionally the Loreto Mothers' Association brings its twelve months of work to a conclusion at the beginning of the final
school term. In the gracious surroundings of the Reception Room, the Annual General Meeting took place iii October. The room
1989 .
was filled to overflowing with mothers interested to hear the reports of the Committee's activites, financial and other-
wise, during its term of office. Everyone was delighted that Sr Deirdre had consented to be Guest Speaker as, sadly, it was to be her last formal meeting with the
niothers. Sr Deirdre's talk foctissed on the.
changing trends and attitudes she had
1 Wed
Staff In-Service
observed during her time at Mandeville, As
2 Thurs
Staff In-Service
ever, her talk contained much that was
3 Fri
Staff In-Service
5 Sun
Year 12 Orientation Morning Students commence school year Ash Wednesday 8 pm Year 7 Parent Information Night 8 pm Year 5 Parent Information Night Year 7 Camp
illuniinating and inspiring and of great value and help to parents. At the conclusion of the meeting, the retiring
6 Mon 8 Wed 9 Thurs
14 Tues
14 Tues
9 8 ./
0 2 4 y
President, Mrs Sue Rennie, introduced and
0 4 0
welcomed Mrs Eileen Clark, who will direct
The A/Wels in Year 2 demons/nde //wir· Christmas di'co,·i,/,i„is.
mothers have joined the Committee and Sue
to 17 Fri 15 Wed
8 pm Year 4 Parent Information
16 Thurs
Night 1.45 pm Mothers' Association General Meeting in the Junior
8 pm Year 11 Parent Information
17 Fri 18 Sat
Night 8 pm Fathers' Association Committee Meeting Dancing Classes Commence Year 12 Camp
to 19 Sun 20 Mon
23 Thurs
24 Fri 26 Sun
PRINCIPAL Amid the baubles and tinsel of Christmas, it
is good to reflect for a moment on the focus of all this celebration - the Christ Child. The
scene is so familiar - a stable which tradition
has endowed with an ox and an ass, the
8 pm New Parents' Cocktail Party 8 pm Year 8 Parent Information Night 8 pm Year 3 Parent Information Night Dancing Class Family Day
shepherds gathered around the manger and the proud parents gazing at the small baby lying there. Outside the Christmas star hangs bright in the heavens. It is such a human
wonder at the miracle of new life.
Junior School Photos
Nowhere is the humanity of God so apparent
8 pm Loreto Advisory Board Meeting
as in the manger. He has truly taken on our likeness and experienced our human condition. Ours is not a remote, impersonal God, but a God who knows our weaknesses
4 Sat
and responds with our strengths. The miracle
to 5 Sun
is tilat not only does God share our
Year 10 Camp
4 Sat
Red Cross Door Knock
6 Mon
Mothers' Tennis Day Inter-School Swimming at Nunawading
9 Thurs
7pm Fathers' Association Annual 10 Fri 11 Sat 13 Mon 14 Tues
15 Wed
17 Fri 18 Sat
19 Sun 20 Mon
That first Christmas involved a lot of
travelling! Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem to be registered for the census,
child, with assistance from her family members, would make a banner to hang on the walls during the First Communion Mass on
many of the parents were agreeably sur-
to both Senior and Junior School mothers. The venue will be the Junior School Multi-
Purpose Room and refreshments will be served to allow mothers the opportunity of
organization and most of the execution as well. Maybe they are surgeons! All banners were not finished by 'pack-up'
Committee Meeting 8 pm Fathers' Association Committee Meeting Dancing Class Kooyong Blind Fair
hope that we can be as alert to the signs of
time at 7.15 but they were far enough advanced to be completed at home. Unfortunately
Year 8 Father/Daughter Mass 8 pm Combined Parent Committees' Cocktail Party
good will. If we have built up resentments, anger or bitterness over the year, this is the
Each of the twelve classes in the Junior
School made a number of panels using the
Term 1 Concludes
respond to our better instincts and clear a
same method as that used for the banners.
path for peace. May the hope of Christ's birth bring new
These panels were joined to form a frontal piece for use on the altar at the First Com-
resolution to the ills of the world and the
munion Mass. St Peter's Church, on First
troubles that afflict each of us and may you and your families be blessed in every way
Communion Day, was ablaze with colour and symbol and looked quite magnificent - a fitting tribute to the dedication and industry of so many.
Dancing Class 8 pm Loreto Advisory Board
12 Wed
Meeting 13 Thurs
1 pm Mothers' Association Committee Meeting
fulfilling and enjoyable 1989!
Dancing Class Year 12 Father/Daughter Mass
21 Fri
Dancing Class
23 Sun
Year 3 and 4 Father/Daughter
It is on few occasions during the year when school spirit is at a peak. The annual Interhouse Swimming Sports is one of these
14 Fri 16 Sun
Mass 25 Tues
26 Wed
Anzac Day (Not a School Holiday) Performing Arts Festival at the
events. This year the competition was fierce
Melbourne Concert Hall
swimmers. Extraordinary talent was displayed by Champion Open swimmer, Vanessa Brown, who blitzed the Open
but this did not deter most students, as we had a record number of enthusiastic
events. Other outstanding performances were shown by Melissa Humphries, Sarah L"Huillier, Lisa Francis, Louise Gardiner and
Tilly Bowden. The great excitement of the day reached a
climax when Barry, a House not usually renowned for its athletic ability, was ann olin-
ced as victorious. Mulhall proudly accepted the House Spirit Award.
The deserving captains happily received their awards and everyone was pleased with the results (especially the members of Barry House).
A special thank you should be extended to all the staff who made this such a successful
become involved in the life of the school.
come prepared.
22 Wed
7 Fri
Committee trust many mothers will .ivail themselves of this splendid opportunity to
became a picnic ground for those who had
reside in an angry, bitter heart. Let us
over the Christmas season. Best wishes for a
meeting new friends. Eileen and her
it was not warm enough to adjourn outside for the planned picnic tea, so the multipurpose room lived up to its name and
Oak Parlour
Term 2 Commences
covered on these occasions that will appeal
prised at the outcome of their family effort.
Year 9 Retreat
5 Wed
scheme to fulfil this need. Beginning in the first in a series of day-time guest speakers. A
some instances the father took over the
to meet other mothers, Sr Deirdre and The
stimulating and wide variety of topics will be
Our search for the God in our lives usually requires sonic dislodgemetit: either physical or, more likely, in the area af jur attitudes. I
Good Friday
ner. Because the preparation had been so thorough there were very few problems and
21 Tues
24 Fri
are planning an exciting new venture for
middle ot first term, the school will offer the
SCSA Swimming Carnival -State Swim Centre (evening)
Parade Luncheon, the Committee will be
involved with Information and Social Nights for classes and a myriad of smaller tasks. We
Each child's name also features on the ban-
season for shedding them. Peace cannot
Besides the annual social functions of a
Tennis Day, Card Luncheon and Fashion
ground is brightly coloured headcloth and symbols were cut from felt and glued on.
Dancing Class Bushwalking Club
God's presence in our lives as Joseph and Mary, the Wise Men and the Angels were. The prize is well worth it! Christmas brings a message of peace to all of
Looking to the year ahead, Eileen Clark hopes that the Association will, as ever, provide a focal pc)int for Loreto Mothers.
Committee have discussed and devised a
"I am so glad I called my elder daughter Antoinette and the younger one Julie!" It was interesting to observe the way in which different families approached this exercise. In
1 pm Mothers' Association
Captain. It is always both informative and
these had been enlarged to fit a banner which measures 90 cm by 50 cm. The back-
following the star and the shepherds had to leave their flocks to seek out the cause of the
All mothers are most cordially invited to attend the first General Meeting of the Mothers' Association on Thursday, 16 February, 1989. This meeting will be addressed by the Principal, the Head of the
chosen the symbol she wanted to use and
One mother, however, was heard to remark,
angels' song. Each journey became a search, the object of which was only gradually
with afternoon tea.
Recognising that many mothers lack the time to be formally involved with Committee work, but would appreciate the opportunity
the three wise men travelled from the East,
Labour Day - Schoool Holiday Inter-House Athletics at Olympic
blend of experience and fresh enthusiasm. A most successful and happy year concluded
to 16 Thurs 16 Thurs
humanity but through this truth we share in His divinity. Heady Stuff!
term of membership ensures a constant
Church with posters, as has been the case in previous years, it was decided that each
Susan Daily IBVM, author of the book 'Graphics for Sundayst was enlisted to help. She spoke briefly and reassuringly on banner making in general, at the beginning of the session, then it was 'full steam ahead' using detailed printed instructions and help from five staff members. Each child had already
talked at - they invite contemplation and
members who had worked so energetically over tile previous two years. This two year
Junior School, the School Captain and Vice-
watchers of the scene. Small babies can't be
1 Wed
Dancing Class
31 First Communicants and their families
Rennie made special mention of the retiring
assembled for a banner-making session. Instead of adorning the walls of St Peter's
23 October.
What thoughts spring to mind? May I share with you three of mine?
Senior School Photos
Our multi-purpose room became a hive of industry at 5.30 pm on 6 October when our
moment; one which draws us in to become
3 Fri
proceedings for the next year. Many new
Making First Comnumion Biumers
As a memento of the Bicentennial Year, the
limior School has midi· a wall of tiles. Every
child and staff member has contributed a
One rainy day, Miss Horner told us that the
10cm x 10 cm tile on which has been
Loreto Junior Choir had been asked to sing at the Regent for Children's Week. We were
scratched a design or memory of this year. Each year level had a theme or topic to work with and the children were most enthusiastic
about their contributions. The tiles have been
fixed to the wall outside the library. This will
be a lasting memory of this significant year iii our nation's history. - Sally O'Byrne
0.#9.' A .fLF--,21,1
thrilled with the honour and went to tell everyone.
Then the day came, we were all 'spic and span' to impress our audience with royal blue ribbons, polished shoes and a crisp clean dress and blazer.
When we got there many people were eating their lunch. The songs we sang were: 'Praise God; 'I Need You To Turn To', 'We Belong; 'Bless the Lord: 'Just Like You' and 'My Country'. The songs that tickled most
people's funny bone were 'In the Bath' and The Spider' which were sung wearing shower caps. When we finished singing, we ate a well
earned lunch of a McI)onald's I lamburger and a drink of Coke.
Then we went back to school and did school work.
- Kate MeGrath, 6 Blue
BOOK WEEK Aimabe! Drake, 'Trish Riddell - Fire Chief, Amelia Marti
'A Page in History' was the theme for this year's Book Week celebrations in the Junior School. The history of the children's Book
r Deirdre mid jackie Bosci - Deptily Chief
The last few weeks of the Year 12s schooling is always a time of tension and excitement.
Council awards was marked by a display of winning and honour books over the years displayed in the library. All the year levels were involved in literary
Students, staff and families are anxious;
waiting to see what will be the outcome of the energy and high emotion as the year draws to its conclusion. Unfortunately, the
activities depicting Australian book characters, including cake decorating, dioramas,
potential for disaster is never far from our minds, but coupled with this, there is always a great feeling of hope and goodwill. Everyone is aware that for the Year 12
puppets, collages, models and pictures.
Features of the week were the Museum con-
taining childhood and school memorabilia and the 'Bring a Book/Buy a Book' venture
students this is a very significant stage of
which raised money for Sr Marie Kelly in
their lives and we all want it to be a positive
> 4*te
and memorable experience.
Bears' and 'The Long Red Scarf' visited the lunior School Sports Dat/
This year as we were waiting for their imminent arrival we were nursing feelings of anxiety and excitement. At 8.45 precisely,
"Chariots of Fire" was heard and the
procession entered the quad. In the following half an hour we relived the Olympics and
The Junior School Sports Day was held
witnessed the dousing of the Olympic flame, which burned brightly in a barbeque until it was attacked by a tribe of able firefighters. The fire brigade was led in dramatic style by the Fire Chief, Trish Riddell and Assistant,
Jackie Bosci, who entered the school grounds riding an old fire-engine. It was a marvellous
amidst much colour and loud cheering. The day was magnificent and the four Houses Barry, Ward, Mulhall and Mornane - dressed for the occasion! As it is the Bicentennial
Year several events from days gone by were
school and delighted the girls with her talk. Margaret was a boarder at Ballarat for some years and one of her original works is on display in the library.
The week came to a fitting climax on Friday afternoon when all members of the school
paraded round the netball courts, wearing masks or hats depicting book characters. These had been made during art classes. The staff paraded in costume as 'Matilda and Friends', the characters from the latest Roald Dahl book.
- Cecily Patterson, Junior School Librarian
The Flag Relay was run and won by Mulhall.
beginning to a day of happy celebration. All the anxiety of the preceding days was allayed
The last winner in 1947 was St Michaels'.
The Diamond Throw was reintroduced and
and when the Year 12s finally left the school
after lunch, many people commented that it
Margaret Power, author of'Creatures in the
At Mandeville, the last day is traditionally a day of off-beat ritual which commences with a grand procession of the Year 12 students.
had been a remarkable conclusion to a
remarkable year.
Alice Adams lights the Olympic Flame
VISITORS FROM ALICE SPRINGS - CLAIRE LEONCELLI, YEAR 11 On Sunday, 9 October, 15 Loreto tamilies gathered for the arrival of the bus from Alice Springs. We were each to have an Aboriginal billet stay with us for a few days while the
group visited Melbourne. The boys were billeted with families from St Kev,ns. Our
guest, Teresa, was a student at the Alice
Springs Catholic High School. As the names were read out and the girls were matched up with their host families, my heart went out to the visitors. 1 remembered how only a few
won from the 1947 winners, St Gertrude's,
by Barry. The old trophies have been replated and look great. The winning House was Mulhall, with Ward winning the Spirit Award. The day was a great success and brought back many memories of previous Sports Days. - Cathy Ferrari, Junior School PE CoOrdinator
PREPARING FOR THE BALL! "One, two, three! One, two, three! No, no, Sarah, watch me do it."
Mrs Ferrari was getting very frustrated trying to teach us the dances for the Year 5 Ball that
was coming up on 23 November.
We're going to dress up in old-fashioned evening clothes and pretend we are people from earlier this century. I'm looking forward to this Ball, and I think all the other Grade 5s are too.
- Hermione Knowles, 5 Red
weeks earlier I had been billeted with a
Staff Performance on Creative Arts Festival Day·
FAREWELL At the conclusion of each school year our community changes. Staff and students leave and embark on new stages in their lives. We would like to extend our gratitude to those
staff members who are leaving Mandeville this vear. The school is enriched and
empowered bv the contribution of the staff
and this year their support was certainly witnessed in activities such as the Pilgrimage We thank those who are leaving and wish them all the best in the future.
Loreto family in Adelaide, during an interschool seminar. The time of meeting the family was one of awkwardness and
It was lunch time in the Junior School and
Teresa shared my bedroom and soon we were talking about Alice Springs, long bus
drink was to be seen. Society's pressures to
trips, our schools and our families. We bc,th
c)nsurne copious quantities of junk foods
enjoyed looking at the photos I had taken on the Pilgrimage.
were certainly quashed recently in the Junior
The Alice Springs students had a busy
Nutrition Week.
schedule. There were visits to all the
After much discussion and thoughtful
important parts of Melbourne, as well as trips to a farm and the Fairy Penguins at Cowes. At the special barbeque given by Sr Deirdre in the undercroft, all the Aboriginal students and their host families gathered together for dinner. It was interesting to meet other families and their billets. While the parents chatted, we all went on a privileged inspection of the Rialto Building, the largest
planning and preparation a 'Nutritioils Picnic
not a solitary sweet, chip, cheezel or syrupy
School at Toorak as the girls celebrated
Lunch on the Lawn' was held on Wednesday, 12 October. Delicious salads, cold meats,
celery boats filled with cream cheese and adorned with billowing cheese slice masts,
Year 6 students at Biillarat
salad were just some of the delicacies
The Year 6 girls travelled to Ballarat on 6 November and spent the day with the two Loreto schools - St Patrick's and St Aloysius. The day was a great success; the girls mixed with the Ballarat students and participated in
concrete structure in the Southern
savoured during this gastronome's banquet.
Hemisphere. It must have been a startling experience for our friends from the desert.
The air was filled with excited chatter and
sporting games, lunch activities and a guided
It was sad to watch the students depart for Alice Springs and I feel we have gained a
new tastes and food combinations. Somehow
special and new understanding of this year's
theme "We Are Family", as we have extended our Loreto family to our friends in Alice Springs.
cheesey toast fingers, avocado men, lunch-
on-a-stick (cubes of various healthy foods threaded onto a sate stick) and fresh fruit
expressions of delight as the girls discovered traditional school lunches will never be quite the same again! Perhaps this is the beginning of a whole new concept in school eating - and a healthier one at that! - Dot Peters
tour through the gardens. Plans for continuing contact between students of Toorak and Ballarat are already in the pipeline. Hopefully through these days, the children meet people from other walks of life and communication
among Loreto schools is improved. - Cathy Ferrari, Junior School PE CoOrdinator
3.. mI
With bated breath, the organising committee of parents cast their eyes Iii'avenwards as the
day of the Loreto Parents' Dinner Dance downed. All were hoping for fine weather
and their wishes were granted.
As part of a series of seminars oil staff and student development, the Loreto order ran a
84* *
Leadership seminar for about 80 Year 11 students from the various Loreto schools 24
around Australia. The venue for this most
Sixties" - ali era with obvious appeal to many
auspicious occasion was Loreto College in Marryatville, Adelaide.
The Bhurgowne Cot/,1,(9'
And so it was, on the evening of
7 September, 1988 that twelve excited Year
parents, as the flinction wils completelv
teacher met at Tullamarine airport for our flight to Adelaide. Upon our arrival at our destination, the girls were whisked away by their respective billets to meet their new,
rhe Cottage is situated at Blairgowrie and in
close proxiinitv to the beach and to the shops. Over the past year, 624 people have
Days't "The Blues Brothers" and "Grease"
albeit temporary, families.
The seminar was officially opened on Thursday by Sr Maureen Burke, who
booked out. After drinks on the tloodlit front
lawn on a beautiful baliny, walm evening, everyone took their places at bubble-gum strewn tables iii the marquee. Many went to great lengths with their attire, which provided mitch entertainment
11 Councillors and one even more excited
I his year it was decided to hold an outdoor function on the expanse of the front lawn and, as the gaily striped marquee materialized and the decoration slipped into place, a feeling of anticipation grew. The theme of the night was, "Back to the
throughout the evening. The stars of "I lappy
visited the Cottage and sleeping facilities
would have been ininiensely gratified to see
have been used on 190 occasions.
their look-a-likes rocking and twisting the
promptly handed the reins to the "Organisa-
The Cottage was purchased by the Past
night away to the nostalgic beat of
tion Committee". It was this group of girls
Pupils' Association in 1974 to mark the
Rock'ii'Roll and "The Beatles". Hippies and
who were to co-ordinate the frenetic
occasion ot the 50th Anniversarv of the
schoolgirls brushed shoulders with Fonzies,
activities of the next four days. Each girl was
foundation of Mandeville Hall, Loreto
Salidvs aiid mini-skirted and Norma Tullo-
allocated to one of a number of committees
Convent, Toorak. I feel its direct appeal comes in its simplicity and its privacy. I am
clad mothers, Sneakers and platform soles tapped away with knee-high boots, bobby
socks and pointed black shoes. Wiglets, ponytails and pincurls bopped along beside
visual specialists, photographers, liturgy
sure the sisters who use it appreciate these qualities too. To niaintain such a place the elected Trustees meet each year to plan, with
slicked-back, oiled and teased hair of
organisers and magazine writers. Indeed, every aspect of these four days of intense
the co-operation of the Past Pupils' Association, any repairs that need attention.
alarming proportions.
I would like to thank the Association for their
startling arrival of a re-incarnated Elvis Presley to provide a vastly entertaining floor show. I lelped by some enthusiastic audience participation, Elvis proved the smash hit of
which formed a discrete yet cohesive role iii the overall functioning of the seminar. There were musicians, dramatists, artists, audio-
activity was recorded and reAected upon in sonie way.
continued interest and responsibility in this
In the small and larger groups we discussed
area. Mis Pat Buxton should be applauded
both the strengths and weaknesses of our Loreto schools and came to a greater understanding of what it means to have a
for arranging work to be carried out and Mr Helen Dore tor paying the bills and arring-
"Loreto Education". Just as the Bicentennial
The Cottage is the Past Pupils' gift to the sisters and I know it has been appreciated. Looking back over the past fourteen years, it certainly has been a worthwhile purchase.
ing ineetings
Pilgrimage had brought the Mandeville community together as a cohesive whole, the Leadership seminar helped every participant, both student and teacher, recognise the
An early highlight of the evening was tile
the night. Nostalgia continued to be the enduring theme of the night and it was
generally agreed that a hiigely successful time had been spent by all as tired legs wended their way homewards in the small hours. Congratulations to the organisers!
- ELEANOR MCKINNA, YEAR 11 With le,ir and tropidation, 1 arrived at
Itillamarine airport on the afternoon of 25 September, ready to jetsct off on inv own for the first time. Four months earlier. f had
filled in an application form for the National Capital Seminar sponsored b The Quern Elizabeth 11 Silver Jubilee Trust for Young
Australi,ins. From 600 applications, 100 participants hail been selected. Now I faced a week iii Canberra with 99 other Year 11
students froni various parts of Australia. At tlie airport there was a large number ot people who could have shared my destination, but niv fellow participants in the seminar could be identified bv their fluores-
cent green Iliggage labels and bright yellow
"Group Travel" wallets. We smiled nervously at each other as we unobtrusively appraised our conipanions for the week. We were finally forced to introduce ourselves wlien, after boarding the plane, we were seated in adjoining seats. During the flight we made snial! talk, discussing schools, subjects and our olle uniting interest, the seminar. None
of ils knew a great deal about what we were embarking on. The information we had received suggested we would be attending numerous lectures about various areas of
Australian politics - eventually we found there was to be much niore to the seminar.
I he seminar was officiallv opened bv i lis [:Acellency the Governor-General, Sir Ninian
Strphen in a ceremonY on Sunday evening. Alter this we had supper with a number of distingitished guests, including several anibassadors and nienibers of parliament. llc,wever, the seminar reallv began oil
Monday morning when we had the first of the lectures. After a lialf hour introductory
lecture which gave its a background in the
strong bonds which link each Loreto school.
political affairs ot our nation the first of our guest speakers spoke on "Parlianientarv
We learnt much about ourselves, each other
and our schools - an invaluable experience iii
Operation and Procedures . This lecture set
so many ways.
the tone for the rest of the lectures which
included The Honorable Joan Child on "The
Role of the Speaker", Mr David Smith, Official Secretarv to the Governor-General
on "The Role of the Governor-General",
Senator Fred Chaney, leader of the Opposition in the Senate on "The Role of an Opposition and Mr Paul Kellv, Senior Journalist with "The Australian" and President of the Federal Press Gallerv on
"The Role of the Media". In total, we had 21
of theie talks dilring tile week
One of the best things about the seniinar was the people. Before going to Canberra, I had wondered what sort of Year ll>; would be
attending a politics seminar iii Canberra during the school holidays. [ found that thev were interesting and enthusiastic. 1 macie many friends and am now kept busv with
PAST PUPILS EXECUTIVE President: Miss Joanne Moon
correspondence from all over Australia. On Saturday, 1 October, I found myself at
266 4757
Canberra Airport once more. This tinie all
Vice President: Mrs Penny Gamble 20 7234 817 3137 Secretary: Miss Penny Leoncelli Treasurer: Miss Vicki Brennan
Mandevillian: Mrs Jane Nathan
818 2132
Membership: Mrs Julienne Scarff
818 7094
the tear-stained faces were familiar. It was
the end of one of the most exciting, interestiiig aiid fun-filled weeks of my life. I have learnt a great deal about Australian politics, niade many new friends and will always treasure some priceless memories of my
participation in the National Capital Seminar,
1988 Delititaittes. The 1989 Deb Ban will lic helil on 2 bow.
L.T.P.PA. Annual Reunion.
10- 13
Loreto Federation (Adelaide)
CRE[)ITS Address: "The Mandevillian"
APRIL 14 Fri
Congratulations to the following on an addition to their families:
10 Mandeville Cres
Past Pupils Luncheon.
AME Baulch (Carey) -Timothy Ihe O'Callaghan Family - Anna Marie Santamaria (King) - Patrick
Toorak VIC 3142 Editorial Committee
MAY 8 Mon
Editor: Gabrielle M,Kinnon
Community: Sr Carolyn Mchwiney Senior School: Russell Staiff
Golf Day at Peninsula Golf Club.
Caroline Chesterfield (Ilart) - Michael
Mothers' Association: Angela Arthur
Jo McDougall (1 lenke) - Lucy Maria Loder (Kelly) - Kate
Past Pupils' Association: Julienne Scarff
Mrs Lauren Faragher - Erin
Junior School: Pat O'Halloran
JUNE 2 Fri
Debutante Ball at Hyatt on
and Jane Nathan
Annual General Meeting.
OCTOBER Day of Reflection
and Public Schools Tennis Association, began
Simone Naulty to Brendan I),ix
with only a men's section in 1922. Some
Printing: VW Printing
Miss Cathy Chambers (Staff Secretary) to
forty years later, in 1962, women joined the
'1'he conimittee would like to welcome
Mark Patterson
Brad Allan to the position of Editor of "The Mandevillian'; as of January 1989.
Genevieve McCann to Russell White
Loreto, Mandeville Hall joined the Association in 1965 and are well up on the Premiership List with 6 premiership wins. The competition has two seasons, Winter and
Mary-Rose Tighe to Bernard Attard
Please find enclosed a cheque for $..................................... being the
The Loreto Community remembers the
subscription for Life/Annual Membership of thi· Loreto Toorak Itist Pupils Association.
families and friends of:
Mrs Olivia Madigan, mother of Fionna,
Deirdire and Siobhan
Mrs Margaret Willis, De puty Principal of
Loreto, 1977 - 1982
TELE PHON E . .... ... . . . . .
P O S 1 C O D E .._............ .. .
MAN)EN NAME ........................ .YEAROF LEAVING SCHOOL .......
Please forward to our: Subscription Secretan·, Mrs. julienne Scarff,
the LTAV Kooyong. This, too, is traditionally
lulia Barham (I ISC 1982), sister of Edwina
Association, don't hesitate to contact the
(VCE 1988)
Leone and Jacinta
"Pray earnestly for the departed friends, for it is in a time of need that true friendship is proved." Man' Ward Please send information for the "Births,
Marriages and Deaths" section to the editor A N N UA I . M 1 --M B I LI<S 1 l i P: S 1 3.00
Saturday afternoons from 1.30 pm. At the conclusion of the day, the home teani provides afternoon tea in a relaxed, social environment. The annual presentation night is alwavs held iii October in the Lounge at a relaxing and entertaining evening.
69 Illawarra Road, 1 IAWTHORN 3122
Spring, and the Association is always looking for new teanis. Matches are played on
James Oats, husband of Barbara and stepfather of Gillian Robers (Edgerton)
Thomas Rvan, father of Sr Geraldine, Loretta,
1.11 E Mi:MBERSI HP: $95.00
was formerlv known as the Grammarians
support to this issue of "The Mmdevillian". Typesetting: The Type Gallery
Associations which have offered fin,incial
8 Sun
The Past Stildents' Tennis As•;ociation, which
We think the Past Pupils' and the Mothers' 7 Mon
of The Mandevillian.
It You would like to know more about tile
1 lonorarv Secretarv, Virginia Borghesi -
861 9032 or Sarah Winship - 29 3125.