The Mandevillian, 1989, Vol4, No3

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MANDEVILIMN Registered by Australia Post Publication Number VBH 7636, Vol 4, No 3, October 1989


The issue of career choice is particularly

pertinent at this time of the year when Year 10


students are in the process of making subject


is no easy task to advise the girls, for subject

choices for their final two years of schooling. It

At the moment The Stables are in a



Photography classes will be moved out of the building and into reappointed premises

choice is a matter of the heart as well as of the

by Anne Hunt, Principal Since its beginnings almost four centuries ago, Loreto educational philosophy has emphasized the education of girls. The need to focus on girls' education is no less compelling in contemporary Australia than it was in Mary Ward's Reformation Europe. It is regrettably still

head. Each student must reflect deeply on her natural interests and talents, while at the same time keeping in mind the need to hold open a reasonable number of options. Our commitment is to assist each student so that

her choice is as well informed and as carefully c.onsidered as is possible.

transitional phase. In accordance with the provisions of the school's five year plan of reconstruction, Science, Ceramics, Art and

by Brad Allan

elsewhere. By the middle of next year, The Stables will have regained some sense of its

Around the year 1873 the horses of the

original architectural identity. The distinctly non-

Mandeville Hall estate ambled into their new

Victorian "improvements" of earlier years will be

premises: the structure that is still known as

removed and the exterior will faithfully reflect

"The Stables".

the spirit that moved its original creators.

In those days the estate extended well

Internally, The Stables will incorporate various

beyond the present confines of the school

Student Services functions as well as Careers

the case that deeply entrenched stereotypes

boundaries. From the central focus of

pervade our society and that such attitudes can

Mandeville Hall itself, the estate extended

exert a debilitating effect on girls' perceptions of

westwards to Orrong Road, southwards to

themselves and of the options available to them.

Malvern Road, eastwards to Clendon Road and

Yet the well-being and vitality of our society -

northwards in the direction of Toorak Road.

and Counselling.

and even more importantly, of our Church -

After days of working - and hunting - on the

demands that all young people be equipped

Mandeville Hall estate and adjoining estates, the

with a competence and confidence to realize

weary horses probably deserved to take their

their potential, to explore a wide range of career

ease in such salubrious surroundings as The

options, to aspire to high achievement and


contribute to their capacity. The education, the challenges and the opportunities which we give to our young people - and particularly to our girls - are crucial. At Loreto, Mandeville Hall we seek to

develop in our girls a confidence in their ability and the competence to make conscious and well-informed decisions about their futures. An education that is sensitive towards and

The Stables probably saw their last horses

committed to the needs of girls necessarily

around tlie end of the Great War in 1918. By

demands careful and continual attention to

this linie a combination of factors - the

gender issues in the curriculum. Mathematics,

subdivision of the estate and the new fashion

the physical sciences and technology are

Whatever her choice, let her commitment to


and passion for motor cars - meant that the

particular areas of challenge in the education of

herself and to her future not be half-hearted.

girls, for it is there that girls' participation and

Loreto's vision of education is to produce young

achievement has, in the past, been very limited.

women who are open-hearted and open-

operations as a Catholic school for girls, The

The provision of more adequate science and

minded; women of courage and strength of

Stables have had various uses. Sisters of the

computer facilities in the current building

character who are confident and competent,

[BVM community used The Stables as spartan

program is therefore a vital aspect of our

committed to do great and worthy things and to

living quarters from the 1920s until the 1950s.

commitment to educate our students for a

do all things well. Let our school and our homes

Later, classrooms for various school subjects

modern and increasingly technological world.

be places of great expectations.

such as Craft, Science, Physics, Needlecraft, Ceramics and Photography were established in

days of the horse were gone at Mandeville Hall. Since 1924, when Mandeville Hall began


The Stables. At one point the staffroom for the Senior School was located there. During these

4-« hur

phases of usage various unsympathetic alterations and additions were made to the

building, but fortunately much of the original

As a first step in the rejuvenation of The Stables, the commanding yet graceful tower,

structure survives intact.

which had suffered considerably from weathering, has been restored to a sound

OUR DREAMTIME IMAGE by Sr. Robyn Reynolds and Wenten Rubuntja For us to ponder and wonder at: the

Dreamtime image of the Cross... At the time of the Loreto Pilgrimage during the 1988 Bicentennial year, some of the Alice

Everyone is pleased about the painting and

replace rotted sections and gaps in the

be housed at Loreto, Mandeville Hall and to be

structure were sealed. In addition, the tower has

held sacred there.


The painting is about all the people gathered


around tlie Cross of Jesus; it is about the

centrality of Jesus in the life and culture of the

As indicated earlier, much more remains to

Australia - and from "all over"

Louvre windows in both levels niust be

The main feature is the Cross, formed in the traditonally used to carry food and water. Jesus

present to the students and staff from Loreto,

is our Bread of Life and our Living Water. The

Mandeville Hall in memory of this historic

Cross brings us life. At each of the four points


of the Cross is "Altyerre", our Dreaming. These


Downstairs, the clear glass side-lights on both

sides of the main door are wildly out of character. The original fan-light above the door has been removed at some point in the past and unfortunately replaced by a grey timber panel.

four smaller circles represent the law and

All of these items and others will be properly attended to as the work program proceeds. The past, like the future, is in our hands. We

since then. However, when I mentioned that I

ceremonies that we must follow, like those

would be travelling soon to Melbourne and

belonging to the Witchetty Grub, the Kangaroo,

visiting the "700 girls" along the way, some of

the Honey Ant, the Caterpillar. Knowledge of

the women from Amoongana talked about the painting again. But it was Wenten Rubuntja, traditional elder, "Keeper of the Dreaming" and

the Creation Dreamtime stories, understanding of the law and proper respect for ritual has to

renowned Arrernte artist, who announced

These are the dotted straight lines into the

"Yenge nhenhe mpwareme", i am the one to

Cross's centre. Within the framework of the

The Cross in the painting is the particular

be doing this". And so it was.

Cross, the law can be held secure and "it can

pectoral cross worn by the first Catholic Bishop


be passed on straight .

Arrernte Christian art. While the painting is deeply personal, it is as well an important statement by and for the Church of the Northern Territory and for Australia.

God with us now".

precious in its uniqueness as traditional


must exercise equal care with both.

be passed on from grandfather to father to son.

The central circle in the Cross represents God. Our law comes from God - "God gave us the Dreaming". The law also leads to God. Proper following of the law, now grasped with a New Meaning, finds rest in the "Tabernacle". "God is here, God has always been here, this is

value, powerful in its spiritual significance and

from the Wattvl Heritage selection. be done, particularly in relation to glasswork.

the visit talked about getting a painting made to

What a magnificent painting we now have! it

from the Dulux Heritage range and Smoke Ash

various "skin" groups, in and around Central

shape of two coolamans. The coolaman was

is stunning in its artistic merit, rich in cultural

been repainted by Mr. Rob Lewis in characteristic Uctorian colours: Indian Red

Arrernte people. These people are from the

Springs Aboriginal people who were involved in

No more, apparently, had been thought of it

condition. limberwork was specially run to

we are all proud of it. We are delighted it is to


of the Northern Territory, Bishop Gzell. In Aboriginal culture, it is understood that secret

knowledge, law, ceremonial songs and rites, can only be passed on by the proper authority. It

was only right, then, that the most sacred knowledge of God's Word, the story of Jesus, was given by the proper man of authority, Bishop Gzell.




Day of Reflection


Sunday 8 October, 1989 at 1.oreto Convent,



Mass: 11ani, k,]lowed by discussion and October 9 Term 4 - Staff in-Service 10 Term 4 - Students return

11 8pm Loreto Advisory Board meeting

by Joanne Moon

reflect kni.

Please bring your own lunch; tea onel coffee

Who would have thought tliat twelve months


could pass s quickly? So much seems to have

R.S.V.P., Julienne Scorff, 818 7094.

happened with the Past Pupils' Comninee that I can't believe my second terni as President has

12 2pm Mothers' Association Annual -f

General Meeting

already begun. This second term would not

16 Year 7 Geog/RE excursion

have been possible without the wonderful

17 Year 7 Geog/RE excursion 22 Nancarrow Cup Fencing Comp. 24 School Report Night 25 Creative Arts Festival Inter-School Athletics at Doncaster Oak Parlour 27 Oak Parlour 28 Joint Parent Committees' Dinner Dance 29 First Communion

Bushwalking Club


suport from each member of the Committee.

past pupils are not at all Unliliar with the


cc)ticept of Federation, so I would like to take



FEDERATION by Kylie Smith The sheer zest and enthusiasm which

this cliatice to 4111 1,11ice your understanding of Primarily it provides ati opportunity for all

1.orelo Past Pupils throughout Australid to band logelher as o Linified group of individuals With the I.oreto tradition and experiences behind them. In more specific terms, the Federation will


marked the recent Post Pupils' reunion is proof

taiw thi, form of a conference held over one

3 Junior School Sports

in itself tlial the younger past pupils of 1 -oreto, Mandeville Hall liave tlie initiative and spirit to form an integral part of the L.oreto 14'deration

weekend al Foorak in 1991 and the direction of

being held in Melbourne iIi 1991.

develop across tlie time provided.

Year 12 Last Day 4-7

Mid-Term break

4-12 Year 12 Swot Vac

10 Year 7,1990 Testing Junior Musical with St Kevin's

11 Orientation Day for new students to Junior School Junior Musical with St Kevin's

12 Year 10 & 11 Father/Daughter Mass

the weekend is highly dependent upon those who dttend and the theme Iliat they wisli to

The success of the reunion was attributable

More importantly, though, it allows those

to the niany responses from both students ariel staff who made use of the opportunity to rekindle old friendships and come togellier once again with the "Loreto spirit" in mind. Thanks

who become involved to develop and stimulate their social consciences by becoming more

aware of our world and the happenings and

processes that affect us all. 1 urge you all, whether young or not so

to Father Peter Quin, the evening began with a niost thoughtful and creative niass which was followed by a barbeque organized by Mr. Gill. Such reunions, which have become another

you will not be disappointed. It is a unique

traditional elenient of Loreto, thanks to Sr.

opportunity provided by Loreto Past Pupils for

Loreto Past Pupils and one which sliould not be

3 Loreto Rowing Regatta

Elizabeth Donnan, signal the need for links to be provided amongst the past pupils if a Loreto unity is to prevail beyond our days at school. A major event which has responded to this

5 Turana Social

need Australia-wide has been the LORETO

9 Second Hand Text Book Sale

FEDERATION. Unfortunately, many recent

13 VCE Exams begin 14 Inter-House Swimmimg at the State SwiIn Centre

16 Orientation Day for students new to the Senior School.


Voting. to become a part of the Loreto Federation in 1991 and I can assure you that

brushed aside. Once you are through with this edition of "The Mandevillian" you can put it in

the draw, but keep Federation in mind. For futlier information, contact Kylie Smith on 818 8228.

As a matter of fact, not only would a second

term not have been possible but this last year's events would not have come to fruition without

the tireless efforts of the Committee. Had Sr.

Ruth decided not to ,Inswer the unipteen phone calls directed to her, pleading for help in solving the many logistical problems arising from our various functions, I doubt, for example, that the conapes at the Cocktail Party in April would ever have niade it out of the kitchen. Without

the orchestration by Collette Burnes, the Loreto ball would not be the sell-out social

event of our year. Collette also devotes much of her time in single-handedly running the Loreto Family International for which the Committee sincerely thanks her. Did you know that the Past Pupils' golf teani

Ii,id its best ever result in coniing fifth in the Sitti Golf Challenge this year? Our thanks also go to Joan O'Halloran for caplaining and organising at short notice our tennis teani to

conipete in the Sun Tennis Cliallenge. And if you would like to play in the Annual Loreto Golf

Day at Peninsula Golf Club, Penny Carr would be only too happy to hear from you. Penny organised this year's competition and all who

played in it are looking forward to the next

competition - my golf is purely social standard and I can assure you it's a wonderful way to spend a day.

Helen Dore has continued again this year to

11 Year 12 Graduation Mass

head tile sub-committee that looks after the

12 Term 4 concludes - Students

nuns' cottage at Blairgowrie. Thanks to

13 Staff In-Service

everyone who supported our Cocktail Party,

Year 12 Graduation Dinner Dance 14 Staff In-Service

the Committee was able to raise nearly two

15 Staff In-Service

thousand dollars to go towards to the upkeep of the collage. The Party was such a success that it has been decided to make it an annual event to be held eacli March. Further details of the


next Cocktail Party and other events to be held will be published in future editions of "The

Mandevillian" so please keep your eye on the Past Pupils' news and keep your diary liandy. Before 1 introduce [lic newly elected office bearers for the coming year I would like to give iny special thanks to Vicki Brennan who is retiring as Treasurer of the Committee after seven years' service. My thanks to Susie Mornement who had no choice in unexpectedly acting as Secretary Inst year and to Julienne Scarff for her guidance as inimediate Past President. Without our Vice President, Penny


Gamble, the year would not have run so


smoothly and I wisli to thank her on behalf of tile Commitee for tlie niany varied ways in


whicli she supported me - especialy for



ff, ,

This year the Design Institute of Australia

Assistant Secretary Andrea Maule Treasurer Felicity Byrnes Assistant Treasurer Kylie Sniith

Award for the Interior Design Student of the

Year went to Elissa King (Loreto, Mandeville Hall 1973 - 1983). Elissa completed her B A (Int Design) from RMIT last year and currently

We wish to welcome new members to the Committee:


works with the city firm of Architects and

Patricia Riddell

Designers, Woods Bagot. During her course at

Eri!1 O'Neill

RMIT, she enjoyed a year's work experience

1 -ise] Manger

with McCabe Assoc., and it was David McCabe who drew the attention of "The Mandevillian" to

the success of a "staunch supporter of her


Annabel Drake

Mc Beath, Scirah Hingston, Sarah Croagh, Alison D'Souza, Katie Cms®, Edwina Barham, Meg Cunningham, Claudine Douez, Anna

received during her school years from Mrs

Held on Friday 2 June, at the Hyatt-onCollins, our Loreto Ball saw the presentation of 46 past pupils to Miss Joanne Moon, this year's

Shirley Chapman and the Art Faculty, and also

President. The girls are pictured with Mrs. Kath

Doquile, Rebecca Kydd, Vanessa / lill, Annabelle

the inspiration from her own family; her mother

Patchell, who has for riany years prep.ired our

Drake, Brigitte Johnson, Celia l.uclowyk, Ktisten

Nancy (Ryan) King; and her aunt, Mary (Ryan)

debutantes niagnificently.

Baragwailath, Jane Hanison, Angela Hollibone,

Kerr now an Interior Designer in Sydney. All are

Left to right

Christine Szeleczky, Lucia Guzzardi, Jeninia

Past Pupils of Loreto, Mandeville Hall.

BACK. Monique Godby, Susie / loare, Sec g

Mt hiernep, Genny Walket: 11?ONT Elise Kelsey, Amber Mcintyre, Kate

Alma Mater".

Elissa speaks of the encouragement she

Elissa values the experience of working with a

large firm and looks forward eventually to travelling and perhaps working overseas. Congratulations, E]issa!

raining my nerves before my first speech. The new office bearers for the coniing year are: Vice President Penny Gamble Secretary Susie Mornenient

Brownell, Christine Lester, Elissa Davison,

Emma Conquest, Sophie Mclean, Libby


MIDDI .F.. Fiona Breen, <Indie Sanders, Farah

O'Sulliuan, Kristin Curtain, Katie Flynn, Kate

Bonollo, Natashcz Crcx,ks, Metssct Pescatore, Ckibnelle Mdnemey, Tara {U,bb, Maria Bradley

Johnston, Liesl Hunger Mrs. Patchell, Clare

Sarah Bell. Trish Rkldell.

Kristen Baragwan,ith ejackie 1&,sci

A sub-committee has been formed to run the

next Loreto Federation which will be hosted by L.owto Tourali in 18 nionths' time. The support of tlie entire Past Pitpils' Association is needed in order to make this next Federation a

success. If you would like to give. active support to the sub-committee please look out for regular updates in "The Mandevillian" and/or contact any member of the Coniniittee. On behalf of the Committee I wish to thank

Sr. Maureen and tlie Community and wish everyone well for the coming year.
















by Sr. Eileen



Loreto Family International:

Greetings to you from Loreto Convent, Entally! Since you adopted us in your


sponsorship program, you have all been daily in our prayers.

To remind you of the situation here: we have

300 boarders, some of them orphans and nearly all of them froni miserable home conditions. Of

understanding the children's problenis and indeed it can be a heart-breaking experience. About 30 children have no homes at all. Even

among those who do go home for vacations

order to take up a sinliliar position at his Alma Mater, Salesian, Sunbury. Words could not

odequately express our thanks for all that John Iws contributed to school life at Loreto,

Mandeville Hall. In his four years, John has

Everyone was very nervous as they prepared

for the Jimior Dranid Festival. 1-lie captoins ruslied around, grabbing last minute props and

telling everybody things would go just fine. Well! Mornane was first and they quickly

our 600 sci tolars, very niany are also living in transported us to Buckingliani Palace for the great poverty. There are great problems of Queen's Birthday Ball. Tliere were many unemployment, alcoholism, desertion and nishaps during the night encluding the theft of remarriage, with consequent added niisery for the children. Our Social Worker as well as some 1[he Royal pedris (incl tlie confusion over the of our Sisters visit these liomes with a view to

by Angela Arthur

John has resigned as Bilsiness Manager in

by Fiona Kelly, Vice Captain, Barry Junior

Dear Colette Burnes and all our friends of


It was witli great sadness tlillI we recently xeceived the resignation of Mr. John Francis.

brought about many vital innovations in the exercised a conscientious, caring management of the school's interests that has been

exemplary. 1 lis loyalty, sincerity and integrity have been impeccable and lie has proved a great source of strength and wisdom in tile school's adniinistration team. Loreto has indeed been blessed to have John on the staff. We wish

dentical Queens. It ended with the thieves

1ini every I 3.Ippiness and success in liis new ix )sit ion.

vvas an entertaining play which was well constructed by Emily Hummerston and Claire D 'Neill.

starve at home. 1 Health care is an area of major concern. 1988

witnesses which included Elvis Presley and

Adolf Hitler, and tlie jury was made tip of well was a difficult year because of illness. In ' inown but dead people. The play, written by February (last year) there was a severe outbreak of typhoid and many of the sick 1Fiona Kelly and directed by Claire Nelson, 2nded with the final witness being "Deatli" children had to remain and be cared for in school because there would be no one to attend 1 iiniself. Excellent performances included Amy Scally as tile defence, Anna Coppel as tlie to them at home. Cases of TB. were also ' Prosecuter and Belinda Gibbs as tlie Judge. detected. You can imagine the anxiety and the Third was Mulliall and their western saloon problems of isolating the sick children and oar story. The Year 7s and 8s becanie cowboys providing them with medical care, special diets :ind cowgirls and Mandeville Hall became a and so on. In our Infirmary children have also to ' saloon bar. The story was about two friends and be treated for dysentry, jaundice, enteric malaria how they came to own tile bar. Annabel and maladies which are endemic in a tropical Nicholls was excellent at "Harry" and the city like Calcutta. Your sponsorships have been captains, Angela McCarlhy and Mary Tomsic, a tremendous help to us in improving the out together a great play with many surprises. children's diet as well as the water supply. We ] Finally, it was Ward. Their play was based on

installed a new tube-well and high-powered

opportunity to hear about the life at the school and how tlie Mothers' Association assists within

it. Prospective committee members please contact tile President, Eileen Clark (826 3876), or the Secretary, Sally Curtain (509 6152), for


further information.

Following the immensely popular format for ty'ti

:tate of confusion as all of the plants and ininials were fighting. Adam and Eve were situation - a costly affair, but made possible by trying to stop the fighting so that wlien God your generosity. returned in seven days to recreate the world, Besides providing all the above necessities, 2verything would be settled. They succeeded our main challenge is to motivate all the children and the world stayed tlie same. Ward's play was and help them to grow. In spite of initial ' another excellent performance and the captains deprivations of al] kinds and with scarcely any ' encouragement from the parents' side, it can be very difficult to draw out ambition and '

persevering efforts in studies. Therefore, the task of teaching them and helping them to reach a school leaving certificate be a difficult one. Too late they realise how essential

an education is for them, if they are to make their way in life. That is why they really need

Michaela Keogh and Clare Petroff did a great

ob organizing it. The drama festival was an exciting day ancl as


Ninner. Barry were tile winners, but all of the

Place of birth:

of a very high standard. A special thankyou must go to all of the teachers who helped during the preparation. A good time was had by

specialised teaching. At any rate we are able to all and tile festival was a definite success. We given them extra individual help in the subjects ' vvill alllook forward to it again next year!

they find difficult.

Bacchus Marsli, Victoria.

Favourite pastinies and hobbies:

I'm happiest when I'ni eating. Also, sewing, fishing and spending time with my family. Favourite authors:

The Bronte sisters, Jeffery Archer, Clive James, Oscar Wilde.

The children have been very grateful for the

Favourite novels:

regular sponsorship as well as for individual

"Wutliering Heights", "The Catcher in the Rye", "Great Expectations", "The Philadelphia Story".

gifts. They will soon now be doing their end-ofyear examinations and some will be leaving us

in May. We shall continue to inform you of

Favourite plays, niusicals


"The Importance of Being Ernest", "Les

With love to all of you and assuring you of


our daily prayers.

Favourite niovies:

Yours gratefully in Christ,

"The Mission", "Local Hero".

Sister Eileen, IBVM.

Fav<)urite actors, actresses: 9

William Hurt, Harrison Ford, Meryl Streep.


Favourite television sliows:

As a gesture of thanks to those who have so

"The 7.30 Report", "A Very Peculiar

kindly sponsored one of their children in need,

Practice", "Fast Forward", "L.A. Law".

Sister Anne McPhee I.B.V.M. Provincial, Sister

The Loreto Junior School Choir will sing during

Maureen Saunders I.B.V.M. Superior, the

the Mass.

The buffet luncheon will be donated and

Community and members of the Loreto,

Favourite painter:

A panorania - the view of the city froni

will be offered for the intentions of sponsors and

International Sponsorship sub-committee.

Prince's Bridge, St Kilda Road.

will speak at the Mass.

Favourite Australian Building:

Favourite style of food: Frencli cuisine of a high quality. Favourite drinks:

Full-bodied reds, whisky, brandy. Most admired sportsperson: L.F.I. NO.

Cliris Evert.


and generous also if you hav,e the means." (Mary Ward.)

Lynell's, South Yarra. Favoitrite singers: Sting, Marilyn Monroe.

Favourite holiday spot in Australia:


Bemni River, eastern Victi) ri,1. Things that annoy you:



Hot days, parking tickets, the last day of a

I enclose my first payment of $175.00 Please make cheque or money order payable to Loreto Family International.

Biggest influences on your personal

A yearly reminder of the date of your next


sponsorship payment will be forwarded to you. Our most sincere thanks.

holiday, insincere people, getting out of bed.


tlie first play, "Temptation". This was a laughterfilled play filled with all the temptations of heaven and hell. Jess Pearson and Elina

Al<selrod wrote and directed this play, which was a great success. Next up was Ward House,

who presented "The Midnight Caller", set on a coId, frosty night at the snow wliere niany strange things started to happen. Barry followed

whetlier the Man of Steel actually did wear boxer shorts! Dana Poulos and Ruth Standring put a tremendous aniount of effort into directing this very huniorous play. Finally, "The Incredible Bulk at Bikini Beach" was presented

by Mornane. Kate Brownell and Kellie O'Dwyer not only directed their play but starred iii it as well.

This year's Drama Festival was a great success and was enjoyed by all those involved. Ward house were finally declared worthy victors, bill really all houses deserved an award.

My nium and dad and a very close family - 1

The winning plays will be presented again at the

am the youngest in my family and my sisters

Creative Arts Festival for all those interested.



clapping was heard as Mrs. Saxon introduced

Passion" and we were all left wondering

Loreto Family International.


The lights went down and a fierce thunder of

with their aniusing play, "The Power,the

Kate Ceberano, Ella Fitzgerald, Dire Staits,


expectations. As Mandeville Hall filled with girls,


I wish to spon sor a child for


This year was our seventh annual Drania Festival and it was full of excitement and great

I favour different colours for different

Favourite restaurant: "Be compassionate and rnerciful towards the poor

Drama Captain, Ward

were preparing for their showcase of delight.

Past Pupils' Association and t}ie Loreto Fa mily

luncheon on Sunday 22 October at 10.45ani.

Year 11

backstage, tile first house to perform, Mulhall,

invitations to all sponsors to attend Mass which

<Janet Laurence, a past student from Entally,

by Jacinta McCarthy,

have a favourite.

prepared by Members of the Loreto, Toorak

their families. This will be followed by a buffet


I don't know etiough about art to say tliat I

Toorak Past Pupils' Association will be sending


the Parents' Dinner Dance last year, the Mothers' and Fathers' Assocations are again holding this function in a marquee on the lawn in front of the school. The theme for the night is "Saturday Night Fever". Parents are encouraged to book early for this function as many missed out last year. It will take place on Saturday, 28 October. See you there.


tile adjudicator said, it seemed unfair to have a 201)tains worked very hard and produced plays

Fathers' Association, we have helped the

Rowing Club with the purchase of a new boat.

and many mothers avail themselves of the

the creation of tile Earth. The Earth was in a

pump and motor, as well as 4 new overhead water tanks and all this has greatly eased the

and library books and, together with the

warnily invited and strc)ngly encouraged to attend. This is always a great opportunity to hear a summary of our fund-raising and donations for the year and to be informed about many other issues of general interest to parents. This Annual General Meeting and the two other general meetings throughout the year are definitely not restricted to committee niernbers

'Death" was on trial for misleading the public into thinking he was alive. There were several

provisions from school, otherwise they would

thanks to all parents wlio so generously supported the raffle wilicli ensured the financial success of this annual event. Recently donations have been made to the school for computers

A new conirnittee will be elected at the

vvinners. The play was set in a courtroom and

scholars, over 400 take home with them food

of colourful fashions by Perri Cutten. Many

Annual General Meeting in the final term. This meeting is to be held in the Oak Parlour on Thursday, 12 October at 1.45pm and will be followed by afternoon tea. All mothers are

Barry were second and were to be the overall

and at nionth ends, and among the day

1.uncheon and Fashion Parade at the Hyatt. Over six hundred ladies enjoyed a most successful and happy winter outing, being inticed by the prospect of summer in the form

school's business management. He has

zonfessing and the real Qiteen being revealed. It

The highlight of third term for the Mothers'

Associatic,n lids undoubtedly been the

my best friends. Tlie Loreto nuns also

had a great influence upon nie. IMost admired living person (beyond faniily): Terrv Lane.

Finally, 1 would like to thank Mrs. Saxon who organised the festival. Her work is most

appreciated and the festival is enjoyed immensely by all students.









by Sr. Carolyn

by Colleen Liersch

by Jeanette Cowley

by Emily Arthur, Year 11

appointed Provincial Superior of the I.B.V.M. in

Junior Priniary School iii Kew to celebrate their

commenced her duties as Head of the Junior

Australia froni 1 January, 1990. This was

one hundredth birthclay with lis m Lor('10,

School. She had been away on study leave in

announced from the Loreto Generalate in

Mandeville Hall. There were games and a

Boston, U.S.A. and at the termination of her

Rome recently.

delicious lunch of hot savories and f'jiry bread

course of studies took a well-earned break in

The announcement was received with great delight by the 'faniily' of Loreto, Mandeville Hall,

to treat oiir guests. One hundred candles,

Europe. During her 11 montlis away the ship

which had been placed on one hundred cakes,

was ably steered by Pat Moylan and all staff and

Indonesia: a land of mystery and contrast; the home of millions of people, sonie of whom are enveloped in poverty within this land of rich culture and tradition. A group of Mandeville students who study Indonesian made their way to Indonesia in the June-July holidays. Tile group consisted of twenty-one students ranging

who have benefitted in so many ways from

were lit while everyone sang "Happy Birt liday."

parents are grateful for her leadership. Sr. Helen

from Year 10 to Year 12 and two teachers,

Sister IDeirdre's leadership and companionship

Our decorations were in the burgundy and grey

was welcomed by the staff and children officially

Mme. Khaniara and Miss Jenner, who gallontly

over her recently completed ten years as

of Genazzono ,uid the blue and gold of Loreto,

and very warmly in a prayer service held in the

accepted their role of chaperones.


The trip attempted to widen our perception of the way of life of one of our neighbouring

Sister Deirdre Rofe I.B.V.M. has been

Recently we invited the girls from Genazzatio

On Tuesday, 1 August, Sr. Helen re-

Mandeville Hall. Genazzano gave Loreto a rose

Multi-Purpose Room. The rousing cry,

The scliool community would also like to

bush whicli had been cultivated especially for

acknowledge the support and service we have received during the last six years from the

their birthday. Tile rose is planted in the front

"Welcome back Sister Helen!" loudly voiced by the children was a testimony to the fact that all

garden of the Junior School. It was a wonderful

are pleased tc) have her back.

present Provincial, Sister Anne McPhee, who

and memorable clay.

the classrix,ni. It also provided a great

opportunity to practise our oral skills and to

completes her term of office in December.

Sister Anne has guided the various works of


the Loreto order, including all the Loreto

we congratulate her worthy successor, Sister Deirdre.

by Dot Peters and Shelley Singh As the 14 September draws nearer, excitenient rapidly buijds within the Year 4 classes - the reason being that First Reconciliation will be celebrated by the Year 4

girls and tlieir parents on that day in the Convent Chapel.

The girls have been preparing over the third



by Cathy Lanyon


have a promising future in the sport. Loreto won the Under 12 Girls Teal Foil in

the Victorian Schools' Championships held recently. Team members were: Marie-Anne Davies, Yr 7; Danielle Burnes, Yr 6; and

Caroline Barlow, Yr 6.

Iii the Victorian Schools' Special Fencing Competition:

Under 15, Kate Williams was placed 3rd Bianca Henning was placed 4th

Under 12, Bianca Henning was placed ls{ Mary-Anne Davies was placed 4th. Loreto will be hosting the O'Connor Cup

Fencing Competition on Sunday, 27 August and we look forward to an exciting day of Fencing Conipetion.

by Claire DurhamAshdown, Year 9 Green

term for this iniportant sacrament. The children's own experience of forgiving and being forgiven leads them to celebrate God's forgiving love in tliis first experience of Reconciliation. In preparing for this first celebration, the

shows" and are driven at top speed in and out of the frantically busy Jogjakarta traffic! (You

commandments and Jesus' teachings ask them


Our final stop was in Sanur Beach, Bali. Our

The whole Junior School will celebrate with

accommodation proved to be very comfortable

and breathed sailing and witli each day I found

the Year 4s this meniorable occasion making

and our final days were spent lazing by the pool,

muscles I never knew existed.

this a time of growth in faith and love for all

buying the latest tapes for extremely cheap

nienibers of the school family.

prices and having our hair braided. By the final

For eleven days and ten nights 1 slept, ate

We experienced new things every day from climbing the rigging, recognising buoys, hanging

night, no-one felt ready to return home as we

aloft, anchor watch, rope work, skippering,

were bonded together so happily as a group.

aerobics, bow watch, swimming, sparrow

sailing, nying the flag, scrubbing tile deck, setting the sails and crossing the rin . . and

Our final dinner was a memorable celebration of

A d &4 4 LA.4 A.6 A.•4, ad LAW,


the ship, and while doing all this I had lots of fun can't only "do"... with this affirniation and the


and the two teachers who acconipanied us. We

Favourite pastinies ancl hobbies:

Reading, writing, authentic Irish and Scottish

"}-latter's Castle" by A.J. Cronin, "A Christmas Carol" by Cliarles Dickens.

Favourite plays, musicals: "Pygmalion", "Dial M For Murder", "The


starring Alistair Sini. Maggie Sniith, Dustin Hoffman, Edward Wcxxlward.

Favourite television shows:

"The Equaliser , "When the Boot Comes Iii."


Favourite painter:

by Barbara Shying

Favourite Australian building:

On Thursday, 20 Jilly 1989 a team of four

Rene Magritte.

St. Patrick's Cathedral, East Melbourne. Favourite style of food:

girls from the Year 12 Economics class


This was to be a truly memorable occasion for the girls and their fathers as they joined together in prayerful celebration. And indeed the music ensemble lifted the spirits of all

participated in the annual "Managing the

Rivoitrite drinks:

present; the central figure being Percussionist

Ford, Hariklia Georgandas and Sarah Moir

from the Vic. College of the Arts, Patrick Carroll (son of Mrs. Maureen Carroll, Year 5

represented Loreto, Mandeville Hall - one of 60

teacher in the Junior School). The other

won by St Bernards, Essendon.

Australian Economy" competition sponsored by Mobil Australia and the Victorian Commercial

Teachers' Association. Margaret Folly, Carina

teams in the Victorian State Final which was

The competition requires the students to

Morgan on acoustic guitars. Last, but by no

niake economic decisions about government

means least, was the talented Miss Robyn

spending and monetary matters and points are

Horner on keyboard lead, with additional percussion 'smalls' accompaniment from Mrs.

awarded for iniproving the standard of living in

Bernadette Tripodi.

The collaborative nature of the decision-making

a computer simulation of a model econoniy. process and the effect of talking, thinking,

MARRIAGES: Zsuzsu Zagon to Richard O'Bryan Leveda Lynch to Bob Ainsworth Clarinda Molyneux to Hugh Fraser

The original version of "A Christmas Carol" Favourite actors, actresses:



Favourite novels:

Favourite niovies:

gr.44'mp.•11) (7.·4? fP.,1, (PP.•? fP.•1' f,091'

themselves as much as we did!

Favourite authors:

MI) Lisetrap. *AWASA/41(wija'/did

are most grateful and hope they enjoyed

folk music.

did was your clic,ice and if you did it, it would


Indonesia had more than lived up to our

expectations and we wish to thank Mrs. Taft, our Indonesian teacher, for organising the trip

Christie, Paul Bragg and Prof. Arnold Eliret.

the chance to go on her, go. Find out for

contrast to the past eleven sunny days!)


A.J. Cronin, Charles Dickens, Agatha

ever done in my life. All 1 can say is, if you have

despite the freezing temperatures. (Quite a

Place of birth:

pointed in the right direction. Everything you

Sailing on the "Alma" is the best tliing I liave

friendsliips. Tullamarine in the early liours of the morning,

1 learnt everything there was to know about and macie new friends. There was no don't or

our wonderful shared experiences and new We felt thankful to be borne as we arrived at

cleaning tlie toilets.

beiiefit you and maybe the whole crew.

The highlight of the celebration was the

survive! Whilst in Jogiakarta, were experienced tile unforgetable thrill of riding in "becaks". These can be conipared to the Malaysian "tri-

would tliink that traffic laws did not exist!) In


musicians included Mrs. Carroll and Miss Julie

here may have left a little to be desired in terms of their modernity, but we soon learned to

sacrament as a way of growing in love.

You were never pushed into soniething, only

Yes, the convent chapel canie alive to an easy rock beat on the morning of 30 July for the annual Year Five father/daughter niass.

certainly lived up to its name. Diverse visits were undertaken to silver markets, original batik shops and dance displays. Our lodgings

topsail-schooner training vessel.

on all day, every day.

by Maureen Carroll

as "the cultural centre of Indonesia" and it

to grow. This preparation begins a life-long

Ws a challenge; it's real; and that challenge is


"real" Indonesia. Jogakarta is often described

process of turning to Jesus in word and

niyseIf doing things I never imagined possible.


Jogiakarla, Java, where we experienced the

sail on the "Alma Doepel", a three-masted

1 had been given the cliance of a lifetime, to

"Alma" back to Melbourne on our own. I found


bustling markets. Next on our busy agenda was the town of

cliildren liave been exploring how the

lessons learnt on the tenth day, we, Ilie trainees,


the major sights of Bali. These included fascinating temples, vivid mountain scenery and

Jogiakarta, we also visited the enormous and breatlitaking Borobodur and Prambangan

were able to pick our own crew and sail the


tongue. Our trip began in Bali, where we visited

we emborked upon a jani-packed day tour of



coniniunicate willi the people in their own the picturesque artists' village of Ubud, located high in the verdant Balinese hills. Whilst there


schools throughout Australia, with great wisdom. We offer her our sincere gratitude and

Our Fencers have continued to perform well in Inter-School Competitions this year. Sonie junior Fencers have shown particular talent and

countries, giving us an insight into the niany fornis of culture we had previously studied in

DEATHS: Sliirley Grigsby (Carroll) Jack Fitzgerald (Father of Edwina Doyle)

Patrick James O'Halloran (baby son of Caroline and Martin O'Halloran.)

Janies Meehan (Father of Tony, James & Philip) Notices of Births, Deaths and Marriages niay be sent directly to the editor of "The Mandevillian at the school address. This ensures accuracy of the announcenient.

PUre Wal<,1-.

IMost admired sportsperson: Arnold Scliworznigger. Favourite colours:

PasteIs, particularly pinks, blues and greys. Favourite resaurant: Hc)nle.

Favourite singers, groups:

Mary O'Hara, The Fureys, Sting, First Inversion Percussion Duo.

Favourite holiday spot in Australia: Tasmania.

Tliings iliat annoy you:

Single-mindedness, pretentiousness, poverty,

special moment when the snare drum rolled

writing and living economics in a concentrated

and the cymbals crashed to voices raised to an

span of two hours is a great learning

easy rock beat version of the 'Our Father'.

experience. Six Loreto girls also assisted most

sonie priests, smoking, pollution, pettiness, deliberate ignorance, careless driving. Biggest influences on your personal

Fathers and daughters were eager to express

generously by providing assistance for the


their joy in this very special experience and

teams at the competition. The girls were

there is no doubt that someone, a greater

power, had smiled on us, given His blessing and

Christabel Harvey, Anne-Marie Healy, Yvonne Martin, Belinda Mier, Rosalind Sliarp and Nicole

said, "Thanks for the tribute."


Education, family, friends, Prof. Arnold Eliret and the tedchings of Paul Bragg.

IMost admired living person (beyond family) Maurine and Reg Nolan.


Address: "The Mandevillian" 10 Mandeville Cres Toorak VIC 3142 Editorial Committee: Editor: Brad Allan

Community: Sr Carolyn McSwiney Senior School: Erica Cervini

junior School: Pat O'Halloran

Mothers' Association: Angela Arthur Past Pupils' Association: julienne Scarff and lane Nathan

We thank the Past Pupils' and [ne Mothers' Associations which have offered financial

support to this issue of "The Mandevillian",

Typesetting: The Type Gallery Printing: VIP Printing

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