The Mandevillian, 1990, Vol5, No1

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MANDEVILLIAN Registered by Australia Post Publication No. VBH7636, Vol.5 No.1, April 1990

Appeal for excellence maths



More to


The $1 million Appeal which will


clearly reinforce the position of Loreto, Mandeville Hall as the

best Catholic girls' school in -'lli

Melbourne will be launched at the n?*.r

beginning of Term 2. The 1990-92 Appeal is to raise one million dollars to upgrade


Mandeville as part of the Master


Plan to meet the educational


challenges presented by the 1990s


and to drive the school into the

Enjoying their picnic tea are Amanda, Tony and Jan Day , Paula West,

next century.

There is more to a mathematical

William Vaughan and Gypsy West.

problem than just a numerical answer.

All girls at present in the school will receive immediate benefits.

The money, which will be totally separate from that raised by the current

Mathematics is a language and, most


fundamentally, it is a discipline of logic #4

successful Building Fund, will be used to strengthen the education of the girls, particularly in the areas of mathematics,

pointed out, in her latest Annual Report, that one of the challenges faced by leading


students' skills in other areas of the

curriculum. It is exciting to note that the new VCE courses address in challenging


ways these two aspects of mathematics. If a school in its educational endeavour

attends at the absolutely minimal level to

girls' schools such as Loreto, is to meet the subtle attitudes that still exist in society


the three Rs - reading writing and


arithmetic - its assessment of its

which tend to undermine girls' confidence in their ability to excel in these subject areas. The Appeal Lu upgrade Llie ati-ucture

and support facilities of the school will ensure that Mandeville will be well-

equipped to overcome these difficulties.

Master Plan The Loreto Advisory Board, conscious of the need to contain costs within the

framework of providing excellence in education, has been preparing for some considerable time for this Appeal and has secured professional advice in drawing up the Master Plan.

Details of the works to be undertaken

appeared in the lastissue of The Mandeuillian.

In summary, the plan for the Senior

School provides for four fully upgraded science laboratories; a new home

economies room; a new music/orchestra rehearsal room and refurbishment of the

present music facilities; a new drama

and critical thinking. Both skills are invaluable, and reinforce and enhance the

science and information technology The Principal, Mrs Anne Hunt has already


Loreto Family Day 1990 was yet again successful and full of fun for all. The weather was perfect for the great Mandeville gathering. There were two masses held, one in the chapel and the other in the junior school multi purpose centre. I, as school captain, gave a homily and the vice-captain, Jane Shannon, was in charge of a reading in the chapel. The picnic dinner was enjoyed by

accomplishments in those areas is surely to bc measured b- ·unat :ve inight call the two Cs - the students' confidence and

Virginia Keogh, school captain, and family: (from left) Susie, Jim, Madeleine, Michaela, Kerry and Virginia.

That is precisely our emphasis in giving special attention at present to education in Mathematics and Information Technology at Mandeville.

Our aim is to have the students

competent in their mathematical skills and confident in their ability to succeed in

all. It was a fine chance to meet new

these subjects and in the courses and

people and indulge in a well-prepared

careers which rely on them.

picnic tea. The folk music added to the atmosphere and the younger people loved the free icy-poles. Unfortunately

We want the students' subject and career choices, whatever those choices be,

to be born of positive motivations and out

this was the first year ever that I forgot to have the annual icy-pole! Family day was a relaxing, memorable and enjoyable occasion. It reminds us of the importance and the

advantages of not just our own family and friends, but also the family of

competence in these areas.

of accurate assessments of their own

individual strengths, interests and talents. More than ever before there are so

many wonderful choices and opportunities Jane Shannon, school vice-captain, with her

parents, Bernard and Bernadette

Loreto Mandeville as a whole.

before the girls. Mathematics certainly

does multiply their choices!

and brother, Luke.

Challenges and change page 3

teaching room; refurbishment of one end of Mandeville Hall as a theatrette and the

other as a lecture theatre; two new fully-

many parents wish to ensure the education

equipped computer laboratories; more

of their daughters and the generations of

space for the library where the present

daughters to follow. It is this spirit which

computer :00:1 is situated; a now

lias kepl alive the ideals uf Mary Ward

counsellinig area in the Stables building,

which have guided us for 400 years: 'To do

and extension and upgrading of the Sick

good and do it well'."



For the Junior School the plan provides for four new classrooms through an extension of the main Junior School

building; a new administration area;

refurbishment and re-design of the Infant area; upgrading of all existing classrooms; a new art facility and a significant extension and upgrading of the multipurpose hall.

Generosity Over the last four months, intensive

activity by a dedicated group of volunteers has put into place the necessary structure for the successful running of the Appeal.

Sr Maureen Saunders, Superior of the



is fortunate that a

distinguished commercial lawyer, Mr Paul Hoy, who has three daughters at Loreto, has agreed to become Chairman of the Fundraising Standing Committee of the

community and ministry for the Loreto

Advisory Board. Also on the Committee are

Joining us in 1990 are five sisters, some

Sr Maureen Saunders, Superior of the Loreto Toorak Community; Mrs Anne Hunt, Principal; Mr John Arthur,

Managing Director, CRA Financial Services; Mr John Burnes, company director; Mr Brian Reid, a chartered accountant and principal of a small handson consultancy firm, with experience in

sisters in the Australian Province.

of whom our readers may know:

Sr Angela Serong was on the teaching staff here at Mandeville from 1950 - 1952.

Sr Josephine Jeffery is an education officer with the Catholic Education Office; her area is in Christian Education for

Personal Development. Sr Angela Kennedy is a Pastoral Associate at Mont Park Psychiatric

school. Mr Arthur and Mr Burnes both


have daughters presently enrolled at Mandeville.

told The Mandevillian. "We have been

Mr Hoy said that a fundamental principle of the Appeal is that all members,

spirit of all those who have volunteered their time, their expertise and their effort in such a worthy cause. In today's busy world, it is heartening to know that so

The new year has brought changes in

many aspects of fund-raising; and Mr John Kennedy, the Business Manager of the

Loreto Toorak Community of the IBVM vastly encouraged by the generosity of

The IBVM C ommunity

past and present of the Loreto, Mandeville Hall School Community, will be invited to

Sr Hilary Blackie is on the teaching staff at Mt Carmel School, Middle Park.

St Gerardine Carroll, herself a past pupil of Mandeville, is furthering her studies this year

While welcoming our new members, we

continued page 2

remember those who have left Mandeville

to join other communities. After more than 10 years on the Mandeville staff, Sr Patricia Lohan has

taken up her position as Clinical Pastoral Associate at St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney; Sr Pat was on the nursing staff there before entering the Institute. With her in the Kirribilli community is Sr Elisabeth Keane, who was studying here last year,

and is now on the Kirribilli teaching staff. Both are past pupils of Loreto, Kirribilli.

Sr Helen Murphy, while still Head of the Junior School here at Mandeville, now

belongs to the Loreto Community at Albert Park, and at present, Sr Carolyn MeSwiney is in Mauritius, commencing her tertianship and renewal; she returns to Mandeville later this year. We wish the sisters well as they take up their new tasks.

$1 million

Meet Virginia

JUNIOR SCHOOL: t,f¢% €66<


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from page 1

At the final assembly for 1989, the new captain and vice captain of Loreto were

participate according to their ability and desire to do so. All donations will be

announced to great applause. Virginia

deductible against the income of donors.

Keogh was named School Captain and

"We are conscious that a modest gift

Jane Shannon the Vice Captain. Virginia is an "old" girl who has been at

from some may well be a far greater sacrifice than a substantial amount from


Mandeville since Grade 4 while Jane

others. We are confident that all within the

arrived at Mandeville at the beginning of

School Community will participate in the same spirit with which such a large

Year 11 from Lancefield. Their theme for 1990 is "Be The Best

percentage have continued to contribute to the current Building Fund", Mr Hoy said. "In two straight lines, mindfu

Committees A number of specialised committees have been set up to support the executive: The Appeal Promotions Committee has

developed the theme of the Appeal - still under wraps at the time of going to press and is preparing for the program to inform parents and other members of the School Community of the full benefits that will flow from this essential Appeal.

The Appeal Promotions Committee is chaired by Mr John Foley, the father of a Loreto girl and director of an advertising agency. Committee members are Miss Anna Cunningham, former pupil and graphic artist, Mr Michael Hennessy, a


Living history at

Mr John Burnes. Other members of the

committee are Mr John Arthur, Mr John

Bowen, Mr Paul Hoy, Mr Damian Nolan




of the

curriculum of the period were strictly observed, including having to write

with the 'right' hand. They could speak only when spoken to! The schoolmaster and schoolma'am


proved to be formidable figures and


an icy stare, enough to freeze the girls

the inspector was a crusty, menacing person with a tongue like a whip and in their seats.

One feature of the 1850s school

system which became clear from the


visit was that the curriculum catered

mainly for boys; girls were considered

barrister and also the father of a Loreto

girl, Mr Hoy and Mr Reid. The Appeal Lists Committee which will assist the various volunteer groups to establish contact with donors is chaired by

f correct posture" -Year 5 at Sovereign Hill,

During the term, Year 5 experienced

As well as experiencing education

three days playing the role of

1850s style the girls spent an

schoolchildren of the 1850§ at the

interesting time panning for gold,

goldrush village of Sovereign Hill.

touring the mines and exploring the township with its old world charm.

weeks researching the period to gain

During the visit they enjoyed very

an idea of the lifestyle, employment,

comfortable accommodation (1990s


style!) at the Government Camp. In

entertainment and modes of transport

the evenings there was time for walks,

to the goldfields. One of their tasks

games, bowling and, of course,

The Volunteer Chairpersons' Committee comprises group leaders who will be responsible for each year group of the school. They are: Year 12, Mr Julian

was to write a letter depicting

homework (17x tables!).

Once at Sovereign Hill and changed

girls expressed their happiness and

O'Connell; Year 11, Mr Jim Drake; Year 10,

into costume, they experienced living

joy in their prayers as they thanked

and Mr Brian Reid.

The Past Pupils' Committee has former pupils, Mrs Jane Nathan and Mrs Andrea Maule as committee members, under the guidance of Mr Brian Reid.




themselves as if they lived in those times.

A great time was had by all - not only educational but fun-packed. The

Mr Bernard Power; Year 9, Mr Geoff

history. They had to walk into school

God for this memorable and thought-

Freeman; Year 8, Mrs Elizabeth Okno;

behind 'sir' or 'ma'am' in two straight

provoking experience at Sovereign

lines, mindful of correct posture. All


Year 7,*Mr Tony Gamble; Year 5, Mr Geoff Harris; Year 5, Mr David Smith; Year 3,

work well together as a team.

Being such good friends, Jane and Virginia see each other a lot socially. As Jane is from the country she often goes to

visit her parents' farm in Lancefield to enjoy the peace of country living., Jane also enjoys debating and public speaking. Virginia is very energetic and likes to keep fit. She enjoys listening to music and both girls enjoy dancing.

Virginia and Jane are happy to be working together and look forward to the rest of the year as Captain and Vice Captain.

Jane has some extra words to say about her special links with the school:

lucky even to be attending school.

a glimpse of the past when they spent

Before they went, the girls spent

You Can" a positive and encouraging motto for the rest of the school. Virginia and Jane

"Being the third generation to attend Mandeville, I am following a family tradition. My mother and her four sisters were educated at the school from the '40s

through to the early '60s and, prior to this, my grandmother and her five sisters also attended Loreto, the eldest sister

commencing at Albert Park in 1901·. This sister, Emma Lucy Draper, later became one of the first women to enter St Mary's Hall at Melbourne University. "When the Loreto School moved from

Albert Park to its present site at Toorak in Septemher 1924 my grandmother Carmel Draper, was head of the school. She completed her schooling in 1925 and still happily recalls her days at Loreto. "So it was not only with pleasure that I accepted the position of Vice-Captain 1990,

Mrs Vikki Peters; Year 2, Mr Stephen Maulo, Year 1, Mr John Dwyer; and

but it was also with a feeling of nostalgia.

Preparatory, Mr Michael Tilley.

Needless to say, it was my grandmother



who sent a congratulatory card signed 'With memories of more than 65 years ago.

Commenting on the Appeal, Mrs Anne

The 1990 camp program at the

the bus for home. The past three days had

Hunt pointed out that, at Loreto, the

school has begun with two highly

enabled us to become closer to our teachers

successful camps in first term. Here

and to realise the unique friendships that

girls report on the enjoyable and

exist among us. It proved to be a time of

valuable time had by all at the Year 7

soul-searching and a time of unity!

pursuit of excellence has always been viewed in the context of human excellence.

"Our goal is that our graduates are confident in their abilities, competent in

their skills, compassionate towards others

and Year 12 camps.

and Christian in their faith.

"Our former students have an impressive record of achievement in diverse fields, ranging from Medicine to Law, from the

Arts to Science. Our present and future students must be equally well prepared for their futures.





Candlebark Farm, Healesville, seemed

On the 13th of February, 111 excited

an eternity away on that hot, sticky

girls piled onto three buses destined for

"This commitment to excellence, both

Wednesday afternoon, 12th February,

our camp at Valley Homestead in a

academic and personal, of necessity requires adequate facilities and resources

when nearly 100 Year 12 Mandeville

beautiful valley at the foot of the

students set out on the bus for their R.E.

magnificent Mt Buffalo.

in the school. Facilities that have served us

camp - their final, yet for many, the most

well in the past need to be refurbished, improved and, in some cases, replaced. The

memorable camp of all.

introduction of the new V.C.E., the

upgrading of science facilities, and introduction of information technology, the provision of better learning spaces and the expansion of the curriculum, all place new

After the great excitement of finding out who our room mates were, we were

Past pupil joins appeal

When we sat that evening in the dining

taken to a lateral thinking course which

room for dinner, the atmosphere was lively,

posed many problems, which we, as a

Judy Quin, who was at Mandeville

energetic and, above all, promising.

group, had to solve. It was to help us to get

from 1981-1986 and who was also captain

to know each other and to work as a group

of the school, has made a six month break

to develop trust in each other.

in her career path to work for the school.

The next day proved to be the day where many of us were to discover who we

actually thought God was. Does God exist?

One of the highlights of the camp was

As the assistant to Brian Reid, the $1

"I am confident that the successful

What is God like? In our small groups we

the aerial obstacle course which was a

completion of the Appeal will ensure that Loreto, Mandeville Hall, will stay in the very forefront of girls' schools in Victoria."

explored these questions and each

series of flying foxes, ladders, swings, a

million Appeal's consultant, Judy is employed in assisting the co-ordination of

individual expressed a different opinion.

high wire (not unlike a tightrope which

the various committees of volunteers

Together, we presented a liturgy in which

wobbled dangerously) and a large log

whose support to Mandeville is making

we expressed our fears, desires and hopes

called the "Dragon's Back". Other

this appeal possible.

for the coming year.

highlights were swimming in the crystal

Judy graduated last year as a Bachelor

clear Ovens River and having a trivial quiz

of Arts from Melbourne University and,


after her six months here, intends to

burdens on the school.

Later that night, the hidden talents of every Year 12 girl were revealed in our brilliant concert performance. FOR HIRE

Mothers' Association crockery and

glassware are available for hire at very reasonable rates. Please contact

Jessica Hickey: 241 9729

The day we went to the bush to cook

pursue a career in personnel management

Friday was characterised by an attempt

lunch was one of laughter and many spills,

and administration.

to discover ourselves. It was time to

with most sausages ending in the fire and

recognise our faults, weaknesses, talents

potatoes, red hot, rolling down the steep

Judy's knowledge of and enthusiasm for Mandeville make her a particularly

and special characteristics. On a sheet

hill, with girls quick in their pursuit! As

suitable person for the position, and the

over-flowing with adjectives, we attempted

well as making a stretcher that collapsed

school is fortunate that she has made

to circle those which typified ourselves and

with someone treated for mock snake bite

herself available.

also our partners. The words of "That's What Friends are

For" lingered in our minds as we boarded

still on it, we had a billy-boiling

"I got so much out of Mandeville when I

competition which resulted in burnt

was here, that I wanted to give something

fingers and uncontrolled bubbling water!

back to it", she said.



News from the

The 1980s have seen an increasing awareness of girls as a largely untapped


reservoir of scientific talent. Of particular concern are the marked gender differences

in mathematics participation and achievement at senior secondary and tertiary levels. This has serious implications for society and perhaps even more for the girls themselves since mathematics is correctly called a "critical filter" in relation to progression into a wide range of occupations. I believe that differences in attitudes to

mathematics cause most, perhaps all, of the differences in participation and achievement. There is sufficient research

evidence that girls have a lower perception of the importance of mathematics and that


GLENDA ROMERIL has joined the staff at

Mandeville this year as Mathematics Co-

The first few weeks of the 1990 school


year have been busy ones for the Mothers'

Ms Romeril, a B.Sc. Honours graduate from


LaTrobe University with a Dip. Ed. from

The first term General Meeting for all

Melbourne State College, and a B. Ed. from

mothers in the school was held on

Melbourne University, previously taught

February 15 and the addresses given by

mathematics at M.G.G.S. for nine years and RL.C. for three years. She is now studying for

Mrs Anne Hunt, Sr Helen, Virginia Keogh

a Master of Educational Studies at Monash

(School Captain) and Jane Shannon

University with the major emphasis on Girls

(School Vice-Captain) were greatly enjoyed by all present. Afternoon tea made a

and Mathematics.

Glenda Romeril

Here, Ms Romeril makes some thought-

provoking and authoritative comments about the teaching of mathematics to girls.

general population, tend to perceive mathematics learning as a matter of memorising formulae and processes. For

they have a lower confidence in their own

those with a good memory this approach

mathematical ability. Similarly many studies have reported that boys and girls

may be successful at school, but it results

differ in the reasons they give for their

in failure in tertiary studies where a


higher level of reasoning is required. Mary Barnes recommends that schools attempt

successes and failures in mathematics, with boys attributing success to ability and


Mathematics Learning Centre aimed at

failure to lack of effort, while girls

increasing the access of women to

attribute success to effort and failure to

mathematics-based courses, although it is

lack of ability It is important to note that

also open to men. Here they provide small group teaching, self-paced individual work,

pleasant conclusion to the meeting. The second General Meeting will be held

on the evening of June 13 to give working mothers an opportunity to attend one of these most informative and enjoyable gatherings. Mothers' Association members have

provided suppers for many year level information nights and the new parents'

to develop the skill of communicating mathematical ideas clearly, orally and in writing. She notes that undertaking

cocktail party.

on Monday March 6. Round-robin tennis

guilt exhibition to be held at the home of

Our first major function for 1990 was a most successful tennis day at Dendy Park

measurable long before differences in

informal discussion and one-to-one

performance emerge.

assistance. This support has enabled many

extended open-ended projects and writing reports on these will develop these skills. The new VCE requirements go some way towards answering this need. We teachers

women to find the confidence to continue

are forced to broaden our own views of

with mathematics.

mathematics and thus our students' views

Stephanie and Gavin Woodruff in Kew.

the gender differences in attitude are

Given these results, it seems unlikely that it is male hormones which impart

was followed by a delicious lunch in the club rooms.

The highlight of second term will be a

mathematical ability. So in order to

Here at Mandeville we have borrowed

are broadened. At Mandeville the year 7 to

The exhibition will feature patchwork

increase girls' mathematical achievement

from this idea in a small way by having a

11 mathematics curriculum now includes

quilting and other needlecraft and will be

it is necessary to change attitudes to

extended investigations where the major

open on Friday and Saturday June 1 and

mathematics. The 1986 report of the

teacher timetabled as a resource for year 9 and 10 students who are experiencing

emphasis is on the communication of ideas.

2. Please come along and enjoy the

Commonwealth Schools Commission's

difficulties and need some individual

Many of these are tackled as small group

beautiful exhibits and also a delicious

Working Party on the Education of Girls

attention away from the mathematics

work where co-operative learning helps

Devonshire tea. At present many mothers

made the recommendation: "Girls who


students to develop a sense of control over

are busily engaged in making a special

and responsibility for their own learning.

guilt which will be raffled at the

remain at school after year 10 should be

As well as providing support for girls


encouraged to develop a positive attitude

outside the classroom it is necessary to re-

Mathematics education is in the midst

to mathematics and science. Girls must

examine the way in which mathematics is

of changes which provide challenges for

Parents will be interested to know that

choose courses appropriate to their

presented in the classroom. Co-operative

both teachers and students. The aim is to

the Mothers' and Fathers' Associations

demonstrated ability"

learning activity has been found to be

provide a better education for both boys

have decided to support wholeheartedly

positively related to girls' achievement and

and girls. With support, we will emerge

Mrs Hunt's proposal to establish an IBM

approach and are achieving a measure of

yet mathematics is traditionally taught in

from these interesting times better

computer centre in the school. Funds

success. Mary Barnes and colleagues at the

a competitive style.

students and better teachers and, of

already in hand will be used to implement

course, better mathematicians.

this exciting project.

Many researchers are taking this

University of Sydney have established the

Our students and, I suspect, most of the

LORETO TERM 2 1990 y ·U.# APRIL 11 First terrn ends

12-17 Easter Break, School Office closed

23 Past Pupils' Sun Cup Golf Day 30 Term 2. Staff and students return and classes resume MAY

2 8pm Loreto Advisory Board meeting 3 Year 7 Parent-Teacher meeting 4 Dancing Class with St Kev·in's 7 Family Week 10 1.45pm Mothers' Association meeting

7.30 pm Fathers' Association meeting Dancing Class Social with St Kevin's 14 Loreto Golf Day at Peninsula

16 Performing Arts Festival at the Melbourne

David and Barbara Kitchen (left), with Jennifer and Anthony Hede

Concert Hall

20 Jack Schaefer Fencing Competition Years 3&4 Father-Daughter Mass


21 Year 7 will have a Geography excursion this week

23 IBVM Conference for senior personnel in Loreto secondary Schools commences this

The New Parents' Cocktail Party was held on February

evening; ends 25th 25 Turana Social for Year 11

20. More than 100 new parents were welcomed to the

27 Year 6 will attend an HAA Ecumenical Service

school by Margaret Ford, President of the Loreto Mothers'

28 Year 8 will have a Geography excursion this week

Year 10 Parent-Teacher meeting JUNE

1 Year 7 Record Night 3 Year 6 Father-Daughter Mass

4 Year 9 will have a Geography excursion this week

7 Year 9 Parent-Teacher meeting

Tony Gamble to the rescue!

Association, Jim Drake, President of the Loreto Fathers'

Association, Mrs Anne Hunt, School Principal, Sister

Helen, Head of Junior School, Sister Maureen, Superior of Loreto Toorak Community, and members of the senior and junior school staffs. A very happy evening was enjoyed by

Sr Helen and Sr Ruth


8 Prep-Year 6 pupils not required at school - Junior School In-Service

11 Queen's Birthday Holiday 13 8am Finance meeting of the Advisory Board 7.30pm Mothers' Association General Meeting (All mothers are most warmly invited.) 15 Year 8 Record Night 18 Year 11 Exam Week


20 7.30pm Fathers' Association meeting 22 Loreto Debulante Ball at the Hyatt-on-Collins VCE Entry Forms are due to VCAB 25 Students' Free Day (Years 7-12) for

ft :. 4

Assessment and Report writing 27 8pm Loreto Advisory Board meeting JULY

1 Year 7 Father-Daughter Mass 4 Oak Parlour Recital 5 Turana Social for Year 11

& 1 k '20.34 f..4

6 Term 2 concludes

23 Term 3: Staff In-Service Day 24 'Ibrm 3: Students return and classes commence

:b. 2

R :'

Anne Hunt with Margaret Ford, President of Michael Mulcahy talking to Jan Priest and Carolyn Peel.

the Mothers' Association.


Recent past pupils' re-union

Where does your

Congratulations Congratulations to Sister Jennifer

money go?

Collins (Mother Josephine) on her

Sunday April 8, Mandeville Hall

her were humbled by the compassion she

The Cottage at Blairgowrie which was bought by the Past Pupils' Association in 1973 is well used by our nuns as a place of rest and rejuvenation and also provides a place for the recent past pupils to meet for

Mass 5.00 pm followed by a BBQ in

radiates, invigorated by her zest for life,

the well-supported Christian Leadership

the undercroft.

and amazed to hear of all the incredible


It's going to be BIG and FREE so spread the word. Enquiries: Kylie Smith 818 8228.

things she has done and places she has

Did you leave Mandeville between 1985 and 19897?? If you did, make sure

you come to your annual reunion. BE

Federation is coming:

On the weekend of March 17 1991

Sister Jennifer was in Melbourne before

worked. "Women in time will come to do

much."- Mary Ward

St Patrick's Day, 1991 approximately 800 past pupils from all


Christmas. Those of us who caught up with


President of Federation: Penny Gamble

appointment as Superior, Loreto,

interior and putting in new carpets. All

the works carried out were badly needed and were done under the supervision of the Cottage Committee.

Golf day

Blairgowrie Cottage is a great acquisition and an ongoing commitment!

over Australia will be gathering at

Mandeville Hall for the Past Pupils' Conference.

Penny Gamble has been elected President of the Federation Committee.

Already subcommittees are working out the theme and organising the activities that will take place.

The Loreto Golf Day is on again at

Peninsula Golf Club. Grab your bags, start

practising your swings and keep May 14 free.


In loving memory

For entry acceptances please ring: Mrs

Pat Buxton 592 1560 or Mrs Jenny Carr 787 6386.

Federation is for all past pupils from all

We were greatly saddened by the death of Sr Francesca Cavagna IBVM, on

Loreto Convents all over Australia - this is

what networking is all about! Enquiries: Penny Gamble (nee Hopkins) 822 7234

Kylie Smith 818 8228 Congratulations Penny on accepting the Presidency!

December 4.

Early notification ...

why? AGM. This year the AGM and the

Loreto ball

Sr Jennifer Collins with Sr Anne McPhee

Oops! ! Have you

We are changing the format of the

The Loreto Ball will be held on

Friday June 22 1990 at the Hyatt. Mrs


Many years ago, Sr Francesca gave her Births, Marriages, Deaths, items of interest; all are needed to keep the Loreto

A mass will be followed by afternoon

family informed.

Have you moved

Colette Burnes is (to our great delight)


interstate? Had a promotion at work?

organising the rehearsals and the

Camped at Kakadu?

Ball. It will be a spectacular and

What a pleasant way to spend a Sunday! Put the date in your diaries

memorable event - Thanks Colette.



Megan Heron

private college in the city Rebecca Ady


Angela Hoare

Camille Baker

Kelly Barber

RMIT-Medical Science Lab.

Management Katrina Allen

Holmes CollegeSecretarial studies

Employed with law firm.

Melissa Humphreys


Deferred studies for 12

Phuong Huynh



Joanne Hyland

Ballarat CAE-Drama


Tania Ipavec



Chloe Kimberley

Swinburne-Film & TV

Brighton Secondary

Nicoletta Larobina


College-Year 12

Miriam Law



Melissa Lennon


Francine Bedford


Rosaria Bonello

Vic. College, Rusden-

Claire Leoncelli

ICE Mercy-Nursing


Jane Macey


Lucy Bongiorno

Melb.Uni-Building and 1 Construction

Planning Yvonne Martin

ICE Christ College

ICE Mercy-Nursing


Christine Boyle


School 'Beaching

Kylie Brasher

Banking Industry

Aimee Maxwell


Lisa Brearley


Kate McGuigan


Cassandra Cadden


Catherine Challeng

Art and Design

Louisa McGuigan


Course,Year 12

Sarah McHale

Holmes College-

Business Studies

Secretarial studies

Victoria Chamberlain ICE Mercy-Nursing Emily Chester

Melb Uni-Arts

Eleanor MeKinna


Rosaleen Cheung


Sarah Meagher

Hospitality industry


Bridget Meldrum



Belinda Mier


Pauline Conlan


Environmental Science

Vic. College,

Sarah Moir



Emma Moore


Edwina D'Apice


Sophie Mott


Dorothy Davis


Caroline Nelson


Lara Davis

Vic College,Toorak-Arts

Michelle Ness


Melanie O'Farrell


Employed in Department

Charlotte Ostor


of Social Security

Anita Pahor


Holmes College-

Ingrid Perronnet


Secretarial studies

Monique Petricola

Hospitality industry

Eliza Doquile

Vic College,lborak-Arts

Anna Piekarska


Nicole Edwards

Clerical position

Jennifer Price


Sally Ericksen


Sarah Rice


Katherine Eury


Margaret Fahy

deferred studies; working

Marno Ryan


in Taxation Dept.

Megan Saunders

Food/food service

Anna Courtney

Amanda Di Carlantonio

Roberta Donovan


Kirsten Fengler


Kathryn Fergusson


Brigid Fogarty

Footscray-Physical Education

Penelope Shaw


Carina Ford


Gisele Silk


Joanne Ford


Katie Smith

RMIT-Medical Science

Sarah Francis


Christine Gaynor

Holmes College-


Rosalind Sharp


Lab. Melanie Stafford

Business studies

Working with law company

Hariklia Georgandi


Andrea Sutton

Anneliese Gill

Vic College of the Arts-

Gabriella Tange



Lisa Taylor

TAFE Hospitality

Abigail Grant



Wm. Angliss


Bridget Thorn


Suzanne Timmons


Katrina Griffiths

ICE Mercy-Nursing ICE Mercy-Nursing

Catherine Hallam


Jacqueline Tribe


Madeleine Hanger


Karen Vanspall

Vic College of

Anne Hanrahan

ICE Mercy-Nursing Brighton Secondary

Annabelle Grant

Kate Harrison

Anna Vitkos

College-Yearl 2

Christabel Harvey

Anne-Marie Healy

Experts visit



Sophie Watson


Singapore Uni.Institute

Stephanie Watt


of Management-

Joanna Whelan


Business Studies

Samantha Willis



Anne-Marie Wilson


RMIT-Landscape Architecture

Jacinta Heap


Fiona Wilson

Anna Hedigan


Caroline Wortley


Wm. Angliss TAFFTravel & 1burism


U.S. visit

In two areas of sport this term the

Julia Cullity, who is in Year 9 this year,

School was very fortunate to have the

was one of the youngest members of the

expert advice and encouragement of visiting specialists. As part of the Basketball Association's school promotion, Olympic champion Andrew Gaze conducted a clinic for Year 11

cross country team to visit California during the holidays as part of the International Sports Exchange of Australia. The team of 17 members was selected

Gold on February 22. In a short, sharp

from schools throughout Australia on the

session the girls learnt a great deal from

basis of outstanding performances in inter-

him and enjoyed themselves immensely. Gabrielle Marchetti starred in a "dribble

and guard your ball" competition, beating all class mates and then shooting from the free throw line to score a goal - as well as a brand-new basketball!

Year 8 Blue and Year 9 Green also had a

valuable learning experience in athletics, when on February 19, two athletes from the Athletics Association of Victoria

conducted sessions at the school as part of the Heart Health program sponsoied by

school race events. Julia was one of the four members chosen from Melbourne schools.

In one of the 5 km events, around

Mission Bay in San Diego, Julia came third in the thirteen to seventeen year old age group for women. As well as running, the team had time for some sight-seeing. They visited Disneyland, Universal Studios, Notts Berry Farm, Mexico and, on the way back, Hawaii.

the National Heart Foundation. The girls

"Everybody enjoyed the trip", says

were taught the correct hurdle and sprint

Julia. "It was a great experience to see

techniques as well as the finer points of the discus, javelin and shotput events.

another country and to meet people from other parts of Australia."

The girls showed a great amount of talent and were granted a special VIP pass


to attend their local athletics clubs to

develop their skills further.

The Mandevillian 10 Mandeuille Crescent

Toorak, Vic 3142

Athletics clinic



The Physical Education staff were glad that our promising and interested athletes could attend this clinic and reap the


MgUworking at Rialto




Studies (Manufacturing)

Emma Bowes

life and her great heart to children; together with Mary Ward we can hear her say: "I will turn my hands to the little

Put pen to paper and send to The

STUDENT TRACE YEAR 12, 1989 Business Studies at a

Her vigour, sparkling good cheer and warmth of personality are missed by all. The great number of those who attended her requiem at Mandeville gave witness to the extent of her ministry and her interest in others, be they past or present pupils, parents, friends or religious sisters.

forgotten something?

annual reunion will take place on Sunday 26 August 1990 at Mandeville

Vanessa Adams

The Past Pupils are responsible for the Cottage's maintenance. This year we have spent $7,300 on painting the exterior and

Editorial Committee: Editor: Sr Maureen Saunders

Production Editor: Anna Farrelly BY BAMBI MCAULEY

Senior School: Jane Tribe

Junior School: Virginia Moloney

The Australian Sugar Industry invited

schools to attend a coaching clinic at Olympic Park last month.

High profile athletes such as Debbie Flintoff-King, Darren Clark, Karen Saxby

Moth6rs' Association: Angela Arthur Past Pupils' Association: Jane Nathan, Kylie Smith

Typesetting: The 'I'ype Gallery, 21-23 Anthony Street, Melbourne

and Mark Garner assisted with the

Printing: Vital Instant Print,


21-23 Anthony Street, Melbourne


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