The Mandevillian, 1989, Vol5, No2

Page 1

MANDETILLIAN Registered by Australia Post Publication No. VBH7636, Vol.5 No.2, June 1990

By ANNE HUNT A recently televised documentary, Anyone Can Be a Genius, explored the work

now have two fully qualified counsellors.

their commitment to the pastoral care of

and beliefs of Venezuelan Government

their students and to the school as a family

As educators, we believe in the education of

the whole child is grounded in our

For us as Christians, this commitment to

maintains that any child, if properly

the whole child and that this necessarily

conviction that each is uniquely created in

encouraged and stimulated, has the

involves our concern for her total well-

the image of God and destined for eternal

potential to be a genius. The thesis is

being. We have no doubt that her physical,

life with Him Machado is right in his

contentious but nevertheless very thought-

emotional, and spiritual welfare are vital

insight that love must be the ground of our


factors in her academic development and to

endeavours as parents and as teachers. Love is the rich soil which will nourish the

her growth as a person. All teachers at Loreto are therefore

insistent claim that "the only way to


Margaret Capp. With her joining us, we

minister, Luis Alberto Machado. He

Even more compelling is Machado's

€3%. «Li. 33 S-'

welcome to the school this year Mrs


develop intelligence is through love". It is a

involved in the formal and informal

claim which is in many ways a radical expression of what Loreto schools have

pastoral care programme of the school. They are supported by our team of qualified

always believed in and sought to achieve in

counsellors. It has been my pleasure to

$1m Appeal

child and bring her into an ever fuller life. When supported by love she can respond to constructive criticism and meet new

challenges. Counselling and careers, page 2.

-PERFORMING ARTS FESTIVAL Left to right: Susannah Lennon (Barry), Elina Akselrod -4///// F/////////////////////////////i////////A/1//

& Annabel Nicholls (Mulhall), Fran Johnson & Sara Brownell (Mornane)


bottom right: Rachael Hodder (Ward)

on target >--By ANNA FARRELLY The $1 Million Appeal is well

"In the first three weeks a total of

underway with tremendous support from

$212,000 was pledged front past pupils

the school community.

and past and current parents.

The Chairman of the Appeal, Mr Paul

"This included several very generous

Hoy, told The Mandevillian a total of

gifts such as three of $15,000 each, two of

$450,000 comprising donations and

$12,000 and one of $10,000.

pledges had been raised to the time of

"But it is important to realise that an appeal of this nature is only successful if

going to press. The overall objective of the Appeal

as many people as possible donate

organisers is to raise $600,000 this year

according to their means and their

with the balance pledged over the next

aspirations for the school."

two years. As most of the Appeal activity

Typical of the encouraging responses are

takes place in June, Mr Hoy is totally

the following extracts from letters

confident the figure of $600,000 will be

accompanying donations to the Appeal:

donated or pledged by June 30. Mr Hoy said that the Appeal board and the school were extremely impressed with the generosity of those who had given.

very high standard of creativity

the winner. In his adjudication he

and performance of the Loreto girls

commended the great energy

approached this large project. Good luck!

as the houses presented a varied pro-gramme of song, dance, drama

displayed by the girls, an energy, he said, which could well be copied by

and musical ensemble playing at

many professional performers.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to contribute to your appeal. I wish you

achieve its aim of maintaining Loreto,

every success in raising your target.

There is still time, he said, for those who

had not made a pledge to do so. Volunteer workers for the Appeal had not yet contacted everyone, but were expected to

I am sure everyone felt sorry for Mr Brian Stacey, who had to pick

I was uery impressed with the manner in

However, he stressed that the Appeal

school in Melbourne.

For yet another year, the Melbourne Concert Hall saw the

which you and your committee have

needs to raise the full $1 million if it is to

Mandeville Hall as the best Catholic girls'


the annual Performing Arts Festival on May 16.




extended to all the houses, but

We were most interested to read of the

It was an important and

major and exciting programme being

significant year for me. I not only

Choir Cup with their version of

undertaken at Mandeuille. As you would

had the honour of being captain of

Somewhere and to Ward, overall

be aware, both of our daughters greatly

Mulhall, but I also had the privilege

winners of the festival with their

enjoyed their years at Mandeuille.

of hosting the evening as school

presentation on the theme of

music captain.


especially to Barry, winner of the

I certainly do acknowledge the great

do so soon.

"We have been very encouraged by the

start that Loreto has giuen me and, for

that reason, I am happy to giue what I can.

response so far," Mr Hoy said.


Skipping the


generation gap


Mr John Halfpenny, Secretary of the Victorian Trades Hall Council, Mr Michael Wooldridge, Liberal M.H.R. for Chisholm

and Shadow Minister for Aboriginal 97

The day began with a mass, followed by

member for Thomastown and former

A.L.P. State Secretary were guests at

morning tea and then grandparents were invited to visit their granddaughters'

Mandeville recently for a political forum.

classrooms. There, memories were

Box Hill TAFE combined to discuss the

ways in which people can genuinely

374 Paul Hoy addresses some of the 107 Appeal volunteers who attended information sessions before making their home visits

School Family Week in May would agree that the highlight was Grandparents' Day.

Affairs, and Mr Peter Batchelor, the state

Year 12 Politics classes from Loreto and


By JILL BASKETT All those who took part in the Junior

participate in the political process.

As each of the three visiting speakers represented different areas of political participation, students gained a comprehensive idea of the subject and received much useful information for their course.

triggered for many grandparents who delighted the girls with tales of their own schooldays.

Most families were represented on the day, and, remarkably, there were four generations of one family present.

Throughout Family Week the girls participated in a daily skip-a-thon to raise money for the Catholic Family Welfare Bureau. The grand sum of $10,702 raised will be used to aid less fortunate families.

Pupil has

Over recent years the demand at Loreto for personal and careers counselling has

increased dramatically. Consequently this year the counselling services have

play in

been doubled with the appointment of MRS MARGARET CAPR

Mrs Capp, who was previously Counsellor and Careers Adviser at St


Catherine's School, is responsible for Student Counselling and the Personal Development programme. Her appointment will enable Mrs Carol

Both Mrs Capp and Mrs Moylan are

Fiona Kelly in Year 9 had the wonderful experience of seeing her play Life After Death performed by

psychologists registered to practise in

the Anthill Theatre Company as part

Victoria and hold full membership of the

of the Next Wave Festival in May.

Australian Psychological Society. Mrs

Her play, which was one of seven

Moylan to focus on Careers and Work Experience.

Capp has specialised in educational

chosen from 58 plays submitted by

counselling and Mrs Moylan has

young writers, was originally written

specialised in vocational counselling.

for the Junior Drama Plays last year

Both are fully trained teachers.

and performed by 40 Year 8 girls.

Here Mrs Capp writes about the role of

Fiona had the opportunity to work

ce. unse!!ing services within the srheol.

with four professional actors during The careers and counselling team: Margaret Capp (left) and Carol Moylan.


a four day workshop. During this time, she, the director and actors

altered the script to accommodate the change from forty to four actors

Counselling services strengthened "Counselling" like the word "dyslexia" is

Such changes can be very stressful, and

assessment is undertaken, if deemed

a much-used, and much-abused term. In



appropriate, and results are analysed and

1 .he true sense of the word, a counsellor is

apprehensive and confused about the

recommendations suggested for staff,

)ne who is professionally trained to listen

future. Whilst all would welcome

parents and the student.

ind provide appropriate direction. Within

increased opportunities (and expectations)

Parents, staff and students are

1.he school setting, a counsellor does not

for girls, the reality is that they are faced

encouraged to make use of the counselling

nork miracles or solve other people's

with increasing competition for tertiary

services at Mandeville, and are welcome to

iroblems; rather, she acts as a resource


places and jobs.

contact either counsellor, by telephone or

and smoothed out the rough edges of the play before presenting two final shows.

The final performance which was

attended by all of Year 9 was a great success.

In this interview Fiona talks to AMY

LALLY about her experience.

During the workshopping, whom were you working with?

ierson, encouraging students to accept

This year at Loreto we are able to offer a

in person, at any time. Concerns are more

I worked with Andrew Upton, the director,

·esponsibility, and to be actively involved

considerably strengthened service, with

easily contained and successfully resolved

and four professional actors over a period

i n resolving their own problems.

my appointment as student counsellor

if "nipped in the bud" and early attention

of four days when we discussed the play

Adults often tend to underestimate the

enabling Carol Moylan to concentrate on

to problems avoids much heartache and

and rewrote sections before putting it into

ibilities of young people. If given

vocational counselling. However, although

trauma. All such contacts are dealt with in

production form. During workshopping I

ippropriate guidance, encouragement, and

each counsellor has a particular area of

a confidential manner.

got to know the actors, directors and a bit

1 he strategies to deal with situations, the

focus, it would be unrealistic to expect

about the theatre. The actors first read

najority of students can learn to be both

that student counselling and career

over the script and then began to act it

esourceful and responsible.

guidance can always be dealt with as



Young women today have much to

separate issues. Each counsellor is

:ontend with: not only with the changes

equipped to work in both areas when the

within their own bodies as they mature

need arises.

P.S. A thankyou to the Fathers' Association... The Careers and Counseiling service at

out. Sections that I had thought were fine, they felt needed to be changed so that the point could be made more strongly. Atidrew asked me how I wanted the play

the average age of menarche is now 12.5

Students request counselling for a range

the school has been strongly supported by

to be done and the actors asked me about

marsh but with major changes in the

of things, including organizational and

the Careers sub-committee of the Loreto

the personalities of the characters, so that

Fathers' Association.

the play could be performed the way I had

whole fabric of society. The 'traditional'

study skills, subject choices, work

f'amily, comprising parents and 2-3

experience, vocational guidance, lack of

Through their generosity we have been

:hildren, is no longer the norm. Significant

confidence, family worries, peer pressure,

able to provide the very successful annual

script and the dramatic side, trying to put

iumbers of children grow up with parents

stress, and problems with interpersonal

Careers Information Evenings where

the two together so that they flowed well.

who are divorced, or have never married.

relationships. Staff and parents also

much valuable advice on careers or subject

Apart from writing the play, how else were

Ul students are having to contend with a

request assistance when they are

choices has been given to the girls. Many

you inuolued?

najor overhaul of the education system,

concerned about a student's poor or

parents have also taken an active role in

I also contributed ideas on the dramatic

i ncluding

uneven progress, despite extra help being

the Work Experience programme, by

set up and discussed other ways of saying

given. In such cases, a psycho-educational

offering positions or by giving advice.

things so that they were more direct. I




the introduction of the new

1 LC.E.

envisaged it. We worked on the actual

helped put together the production so that


limited number of actors?

Despite her busy schedule of completing

It did make a difference, as the play was

final year in Graphic Design at Swinburne

originally written for forty actors and we

and working freelance for a publishing

only had four at the theatre. Parts had to

pupil, Anna

be cut and the actors had to double up.

Cunningham, has also found time to

For instance, one actor played all four of


The highlight of second term for the

it was what I wanted.

Did it make much of a difference having a


Mothers' Association has been the

support the $1 m Appeal, working with Mr

the witnesses and a member of the jury.

immensely popular Quilt Show held

John Foley and Mr Paul Hoy to produce

Were you happy with the changes made to

on the 1st and 2nd June. A large and

the brochure and Appeal stationery.

accommodate the lack of actors?

Anna attended Mandeville from 1984 to

Yes, I was happy because I had helped to

work quilts was displayed in a

1986, travelling from Gippsland to school

change it and also the changes were made

perfect setting in the Edwardian

every day, and is the third generation of

because of limited resources.

home of Stephanie and Gavan

her family to receive a Loreto education.

Did your writing benefit from the

Woodruff in Kew. The show was

She was a very active member of the


enjoyed by many visitors over the

school as music captain of Barry, a

two days - professionals and

councillor, and a participant in the

amateurs alike. An added attraction


was the display and raffle of a

commemorating the 400th birthday of

magnificent guilt made especially for

Mary Ward in 1985.

colourful variety of beautiful patch

the show by a group of mothers,


Anna Cunningham ... pleased to contribute

in Sydney

Always interested in the visual arts,

Dear Editor,

enthusiastically led by our President,

Anna found the physical surroundings of

I would just like to let you know how

the school, especially rooms like the Oak

thrilled I was to find The Mandevillian

teas were also much appreciated by

Parlour and the architecture of the

sitting in my letter box. I left Mandeville

convent, very special.

in 1975 after thirteen years' attendance,

Planning is well advanced for the

"As a student, one often ignores the

rather than for myself. I was able to see better ways of putting the ideas down so

Nostalgia ...

Margaret Ford. Delicious Devonshire those attending the exhibition.

Yes, because I learnt to write for actors

that they suited the dramatic side of plays.

Does this production inspire you to a writing careert

No, but I would like to continue writing as a hobby.

except for the occasional lunch and free

Which production do you feet was better:

Annual Fashion Parade and

beauty of the school, and it is not until

period nicking home for hot toasted

the school one or the one produced by the

Luncheon to be held at the Hyatt on

later that one appreciates how fortunate

cheese sandwiches mum made for the


Wednesday 8th August. Early booking

one is to have been educated at

girls. That was the greatest advantage of

I can't choose between the two, because

for this function is always advisable.

Mandeville," she said. This good fortune

living opposite the front gates. I'm sure a

the school production was very different.

The committee is thrilled that the

she attributes also to the guidance and

few of you will remember the Canestra

There were parts I preferred in both

parade will feature the fashions of

generosity of the I.B.V.M. Community, the

designers George Gross and Harry

commitment of the staff and the wide

girls. It was lovely hearing from you after all these years, and seeing Sr Anne

Who. The major raffle prize at the

range of academic, artistic and sporting

McPhee on the back page brought back

productions so I can't say which I like best, but it was the performance by the school actors that really made it succeed.

luncheon will be return air tickets for

opportunities offered to all girls.

a feeling of nostalgia.

Were you pleased with the final production


at the Anthill Theatre?

Kaz Kelly (nee Canestra)

Yes I was. It was a good experience and

two to Coolangatta with two nights'

"As a recent past pupil, I was so pleased

free accommodation at Sanctuary

to be able to contribute to this very


worthwhile Appeal," she said.

the actors were excellent.

French comes to the Junior School By JENNY STEWARDSON 74*<......,/4%m

"Bonjour Madame!", "Au revoir ma classe!", strains of "Alouette" and cries of "Loto!" are all sounds a visitor to the

Mandeville Junior School might hear on

Tuesday and Thursday mornings emanating from Grades 5 and 6

classrooms. French has started very happily this year with the girls having tackled greetings, families, colours,

Willill'll# 7 1 3jill. rt-

plus a rock 'n' roll version by Canadian singer, Matt.


14. 0 71111

The girls sampled a "petit dejeuner" at


the end of Term 1, complete with


gmtt Jt, 4


croissants and jam and hot chocolate. An Easter project was to design cards for their families with "Joyeuses PAques" on

the front. One delightful idea was an Easter bunny wearing a beret.

numbers and dates. The classes have drawn "monsters" with

many ears, eyes and noses to practise numbers and parts of the head; they have done mime and guessing games to help their comprehension, and they have played "Loto" (bingo) and a French form of "Buzz" to add variety to number learning.


The girls have brought an amazingly lk.

wide variety of French "objets" to school


, m ty## 2424*63,06 l....


for their respective display tables -

perfumes, books, clothing and coins. They have researched French monuments and

'Wk.„4";i#kiltii;i:ki' · =miliummimumm#immh immi. j==mmi,

buildings and shared the information with 92)2d.·2

the class.

Some of the grandparents on their

At present it is French fashion, wine

el %(fi*43"e *54.'

special day treated to French songs,

and cheese - but wait for the 14th of July

Three generations on Grandparents' Day: Edwina Olver with her grandmother Mrs L. Olver

including the traditional "Frure Jacques",


and her mother Mrs M. Olver

1 4 %*49·I» ., .4 ..... bw

From Loreto

A summer for science By SOPHIE ADAMS

to the

Around the end of last year, when everyone was discussing the coming

brave new world of

computers "Which course are you doing?" is the

most common question asked when you

became very heated and emotional. For the last forum, four students were

studying Informations Systems Science and

guys playing guitars and people dancing

required to give the talks at the beginning

on the tables, ice-skating and lying in

of the debate. Somehow I was chosen to

corridors covered in shaving cream.

give a ten minute talk to 150 people in a

Yet, it was a science school and I was

huge lecture theatre. It is very hard not to

more about computers while working than

one of 150 science students in Australia

feel nervous with that number of people

I had while studying at Monash.

who were chosen to travel to Canberra to

staring at you, especially when they

were very friendly, but there were many

"What made you choose that course?"

doing the same work as I but getting paid

Well, this one is not so easy to answer.

future and our part in that future.

picnics and dinners.

While in the workforce I had learned



degree course, Science and Engineering, because if I didn't like one I could do the

other, and if I liked both, I would be

assured of a good job in an uncertain future.

University was a different world. For starters, I was attending lectures with 300 males and females instead of classes with

20 females. Secondly, the people 'teaching' the subjects didn't really care if students

whether you attended lectures, tutorials and laboratories or not. Hence, university wasn't as easy as people had suggested,

first year. However they wouldn't allow me to do the subjects I wanted in second year. This was due to a quota for second year subjects and my marks were not high

come on line

course) and started in 1989 with 100

others, one of which was female.

Unfortunately she dropped out after the


first few months. I am now in my second

As part of the "Great Plans" for the

With the present technological

year at RMIT and enjoying it thoroughly,

school, four new laboratories have been

explosion, the demands being placed on

having fun and knowing I am doing

refurbished. These facilities will replace

science curricula within schools have

something worthwhile.

the adequate though somewhat dated

increased dramatically. The new V.C.E.

laboratories with modern, efficient and

will generate further demands. With our

aesthetically pleasing rooms to take us

modern facilities now in place, and the

into the 1990s and beyond.

necessary funding to equip these

People often ask me how I am treated,

being a female in a male dominated area. Well, of course I get treated differently, but that is only natural. It is up to the

As with all aspects of the refurbishment

laboratories fully, the science faculty at

inaividuai whether relationships are

program, considerable time and energy

Mandeville looks for-wai-d to an exliling

pleasant or uncomfortable. When you are

were expended in careful planning of our

and fulfilling foray into the intellectual

starting in a new environment, it is

current and future needs before a single

maelstrom that lies ahead.

entirely up to you to make the initial step.

blow was struck (literally as well as

Everything will blossom from there.



commonly known as the 'peninsular

Events Term 3

bench and space for students' tables in the

The design we decided on is what is ".*r '6

bench' with storage facilities within each central section of the room. This basic

design has been used in all four

July 29 Day of Reflection, Loreto Convent, Toorak

laboratories, with modifications according to the needs of the subject, such as chemistry, biology, physics or general

*:25 >i-1


August# Past Pupils'

not even allow me to repeat first year to


I didn't want my year to have been

August 8 Mothers'

useless, but they would not give in.

Association Fashion Parade

full time, to experience a different type of

August 31 Gala Concert at

life. Incredibly, I got employment in my

Robert Blackwood Hall

field of study - Computers. I learnt far

New science labs

Engineering (similar to the Monash

Annual General Meeting,

I decided to defer for a year and work

It was an experience I will never forget.

I was accepted into the RMIT course,

enough for the cut-off score. They would obtain better grades. I tried to fight this as

on experiments, listened to lectures and

Informations Systems Science and

and many failed or dropped out. I was lucky, in one sense, to pass my

and I made some very strong friendships.

and electrical engineering prefer

understood the work or whether we

passed or failed. It was entirely up to you

All in all, I had a great time in Canberra

into small groups that took part in hands-

graduates from RMIT to those from the

a more practical background.

Engineering courses

This was achieved by putting students

that many employers in computer science

universities because RMIT graduates have

University. I eventually chose a double

large crowd when public speaking.

paper they had studied for. I therefore

child, I was always fascinated by

Computer Science and Electrical

a great opportunity to practise handling a

As well as this, there were many

people know much about. When I was a

provided me with some information about

were: for students to meet others with

similar ambitions and interests, to learn

activities: dances, bus trips, barbecues,

decided to return to study - but not to

My next step was to see the careers

you do yourself. On the other hand, it was

more of the possibilities of science in the


teacher - the valuable Mrs Moylan. She

probably know more about the topic than

The aims of the camp as I see them

a lot more for it. This was due to a piece of

you need above 90% in each subject. Then

subjects for that area, namely Maths A,

increase their understanding of science.

how to communicate and to understand

Veterinary Science, but to obtain entry

Maths B, Chemistry, Physics and English.

were invited to present our opinion or

surprised to find that my photos consist of

continue working. My work colleagues

more importantly, I was doing all the right

many people exclaimed.

is the only woman in her year at R.M.I.T.

time course. Usually the next question is:

calculators and electronic games. But

genetic engineering. Following this, we

imagine, many of these discussions

Science and Engineering, a five year full-

nearly everywhere and which not many

points of view on a topical issue such as

at a science summer school are you?"

had a two week long party!" They are

The year finished and I was faced with

computers, machines which are used

going to waste two weeks of your holidays

Michelle Vennix, a former Mandeville pupil,

the decision of returning to study or to

opportunity and income and thought of

debates where two speakers gave their

argue against those of others. As is easy to

education at Monash University studying

I started to think about things like job

We also participated in large forum

amount of derision. "You're not really

my photos commented, "Looks like you

leave school. I started my tertiary

Initially, I really wanted to do

holidays, I was the subject of a fair

Recently, those same people looking at



had the opportunity to see scientists, their work and their high-tech equipment.

Each laboratory has been fitted with attractive, glass-fronted cabinets for the

display of a wide variety of interesting and occasionally esoteric items to which the students would not necessarily have such direct access. Two of the laboratories have

full black-out facilities, necessary to the

efficient execution of practical exercises involving light, and all have adequate ventilation.

Brian Ellett, Science Co-ordinator

PAST PUPLS' ASSOCIATION l\EWS - Compiled by Jane Nathan & Kylie Smith CHANGE OF DATE

The class of

Profession of first vows

Annual General Meeting-

'84 Reunion


At our dates-planning meeting earlier




Well... it finally eventuated!

Annual General Meeting and the

that upset your plans,

The girls of '84 gathered together for a

reunion be held on the same day.

shatter your dreams,

give a completely


different turn

to your day and - who knows?

to your life.

in the year, it was decided that the

much-welcomed Mandeville reunion at

However, it was suggested by Mrs Pat

the Prince Alfred Hotel in Richmond on

Buxton that perhaps the reunion should be cancelled this year in view

Saturday 21 st March. It was a great success and many thanks

of the fact that we have so many

should go to the organisers who devoted

functions for fundraising and that

time, money and a great deal of effort in

Federation will be next March. This

Anne Muirhead (centre) at the Easter

chasing up the whereabouts of 80 past

suggestion was seconded by Jane

It is not chance.

Monday ceremony with Maria Bongiorno

pupils. The committee consisted of Kym

Deany. Therefore the Annual General

Leave the Father free

(left) and Deidre Rofe

Amad, Juli Cronin, Nicolette Fuscaldo,

Meeting only will be held at 8.00pm

Cathie Gaynor, Jane Healey and Kate

on Monday 6th August 1990.

himself to weave

the pattern of your days.

'85 who are tackling Year 12 this yean For

Regan. Thanks girls!

those of you who cast coveteous eyes on

We had much to talk about, gossip to

my earrings, I'll have you know that I'm

catch up on and overseas trips to relate. It

Helder Camara encapsulates much of the

still wearing them. A letter arrived from

was easy to see that most people harin't

essence of my ten years since the

one of the kids at Lombadina today; in it,

changed a great deal; deep down they

completion of my secondary education at

Ruth asks - "Please can you come and see

were the same 01' girls from '84. The only

Mandeville (although it fails to allude to

us again and teach us more songs. If you

noticeable changes were the obvious ones:

much of the wrestling that I have also

do come, please bring your sunflower

a few engagements, the odd marriage and

done with God!). Not even in my wildest

earrings." Some things never change!

several interstate students pursuing

In many ways this prayer of Dom

dreams would I have contemplated being led along a path to commitment within the

to accept the surprises that God holds out

All in all a great night was enjoyed by

Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

for us and that we may be active

all, and I think plans for next year's

participants in God's plans and dreams for

reunion are already in the making.

three most happy and enriching years of

our world.

teaching, was a big 'leap in the dark' for

Open House

me. The ensuing two years of novitiate life are difficult to describe; a time of refining my decision and deepening my sense of understanding of the latter still remains a

your friends along to Loreto, Mandeville

tantalising mystery!)

Hall, and relive some of the heady days of

friends, family and Institute members, I

professed my first vows as a member of

our hosting of the Loreto Federation in

the I.B.V.M. It was a good way to celebrate

March 1991.

the Resurrection! Second semester heralds

Further enquiries and any offers of

a much-awaited return to teaching - this

assistance for the afternoon tea can be

time at Loreto College, Ballarat.

made to Andrea Maule 818-7971, Susan

(nee Hannigan) a son.

to Gavan Seagrave; Maria McCay to Colin Lanky. Deaths:

May their souls and the souls of all the faithfully departed, rest in peace.

Mrs Maureen Farley, sister-in-law of Sr Margarita

Mrs Rosemary Ireland, wife of Damian, mother of Kendra and Monique (present

especially my Year 7 Blue History class of


Margaret Hales and Tina Thornton

Day of Reflection

New Fencing coach

the Loreto Convent. All Loreto past pupils

SWIM SEASON By ALIX LOWE, swimming captain


and members of the Loreto School Family

Loreto has had an outstanding

are warmly invited to participate in a few

swimming season.

hours of peaceful meditation and prayer.

representing Australia in the Olympic

Bring your own picnic lunch.

Games and two Commonwealth Games

Refreshments will be provided.

where he gained two silver medals for foil

Some thoughts from a past pupil who

and one bronze for sabre.

has enjoyed the day in other years follow: "The Day of Reflection is probably the


Overseas, he is the only Australian to

most mysterious item on the Past Pupils'

win the

agenda. Everyone wonders what happens?

Championship and reach the final of the




Is it worthwhile? Who else goes? However

Senior World Championships. As a

if you don't try it, you will never know.

professional coach he represented the

Even though it is 2 years since I attended

British Fencing Masters in the World

a Day of Reflection there are still aspects

Professional Championships where he

of that day within me. Under the direction

came third.

of Sr Therese I improved my skills of

Now settled in his home state, he is

meditation quite significantly Within the

present Victorian State Director of

context of a life where one's feet rarely

Coaching and will be involved in the

seem to touch the ground there is

formation of amateur coaches; and in

enormous relief and benefit in stopping

association with other State Directors and

for one day in the serenity of the Loreto

the Federation, work in the development


of feneing on a national level He coaches The new coach John Fethers with Marie-

in the universities, schools and two

Anne Davis

fencing clubs and has produced many national champions in all age groups and

Did you know?


The first reunion of Loreto past pupils in

This year the school welcomes a

Already the school's team and

Victoria was held on 14th Nouember 1898

distinguished fencing coach, Mr John E.

individuals have achieved success in

at Loreto Conuent, Albert Park, with 76


competitions under his direction.

people present.

Golf Days

pupils), Jacob and Ned


Daly will conduct a Day of Reflection in

Susan Whittington

Newton), a daughter; Patricia Kearney (Mrs Parry), a daughter; Gavan & Karen Farley, a daughter; Margaret Martin (Mrs Ulhrick), a

Marriages: Lucy O'Bryan to Nigel Deans; Karen Hicks

At the reunion: (from left) Clare McHenry,

On Sunday 29th July, Sister Therese

McNamara (Mrs Carew), a son; Victoria

MeNamara, a daughter; Christine Hill (Mrs

and Peter Sim, a daughter; Traci Cenedese

Whittington 598-5934 or Penny Gamble

I often remember my friends at Toorak,


son; Martin & Caroline O'Halloran, a

Victorian grandeur and good taste. Proceeds from the afternoon will assist

most of these details .

daughter; Bruce & Di McCardel, a son; Pia

Sunday 14th October, 1pm to 5pm. Keep this day free and bring some of

On Easter Monday, in the company of

careers elsewhere.

Afternoon tea available.

the way in which God works in my life (my

Thank you to Sr Margarita (right) who has assembled

John & Maree Farley, a daughter; Lisa

I pray that each one of us will continue

Leaving Toorak at the end of 1987, after

Births, Marriages & Deaths #:"r; 1

weapon categories.

Mandeville was one of the first schools

The U/15 team consisting of Lucienne

to introduce fencing, and it has been a

Bailey, Verity Okno, Marie-Anne Davis

strong activity ever since. With John

and Sarah Southall, gained 1st place at

Fethers' expert coaching, we look forward

the recent Schools' Fencing Competition.

to fencing rising to new heights.

Our U/17 team of Kate Williams, Emma

Sun Golf Challenge Cup (April 23): 1 st

John Fethers obtained his diploma of

Toorak College 144 stableford points; 2nd

Maitre d'Armes in Paris where he was

Williams and Rebecca Burnes gained 2nd position in their section.

The swimming team began their training on the second day back this year, taking over three lanes at the Prahran

pool every morning at 7.00 for an hour's tiring programme put together by Miss Dickinson.

It was after our first competition, the

Eastern Suburbs Inter-School swimming carnival, that we knew that 1990 would be the year that we would turn the history

of Loreto swimming around. In spite of the extremely strong and large-school competition of P,L.C. and M.C.E.G.S. we not only set our personal bests, but also managed a few 1 st, 2nd and 3rd placings. The next evening we won the Genezzano invitational carnival against schools in the Catholic Association, mainly schools from the first division of the Cathoiic Girls' Swimming Association. This success lifted the spirit of the whole team and the next two weeks of training seemed to be worth it, for we knew now

we had a good chance of winning our

division when we competed in the Catholic Girls' swimming carnival on 21st March.

And what a night it was! Although the win did not come easy, with very strong competition from St Columbus, we managed to sweep the pool. Again the girls recorded personal bests, and again we had a convincing win, winning both junior and senior levels, coming 2nd in the

Clarendon 128. The Loreto team of Jenny

assistant coach in a major fencing club.

Recently, the annual Jack Schaefer

Carr, Diana Lowe, Ann Madden, Kate

Later he accepted a position as Scottish

Competition hosted by Loreto was held in

Southall, Wilma McCoy and Judy Feery

national coach and during that period was

the RE. centre. Marie-Anne Davies won

finished in the top third of the field with

asked to return to Australia to help train

this competition and she has also been


the 1964 Australian Olympic Fencing

Loreto Cup (May14): 1st Diana Lowe 39

team. A year later he returned home

selected to represent Victoria in the national championships to be held in

stableford points, runner-up Mary Allen.

permanently on a three year contract as

Brisbane this year.

Famelly Senior School: Jane Tribe Junior School: Virginia

Non-handicap event won by Sue Lally.

Australia's first national coach.

Maloney Mothers' Association: Angela Arthur Past Pupils' Association: Jane Nathan Kylie Smith. Typesetting:

1991 Loreto Golf Day will be held May 6.

includes winning the Australian

Thanks must go the past fencing captain, Gabrielle McInerney, for her continued support and help as a judge at

Any new golfers welcome.

Championships in three weapons,

these competitions.

Nearest-the-pin: Cathy Ockleshaw

His personal competition record

intermediate level and winning overall.

The Mandevilhan 10 Mandeville Crescent Tnorak, Vic 3142 Editorial Committee.

Editor: Sr Maureen Saunders Production Editor: Anna

The Type Gallery, 21-23 Anthony Street, Melbourne Printing: Vital Instant Print, 21-23 Anthony Street, Melbourne

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