MANDEVILLIAN Registered by Australia Post Publication No. VBH7636, Vol.5 No.4, December 1990
Federation is a privileged moment in that ongoing education in the Loreto tradition LETTER FROM THE PROVINCIAL
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Sister Deirdre Rofe IBVM, Provincial Superior, is a past student of Loreto Marryatville in Adelaide (19491960). Her mother Mrs. Pat Rofe was President of Loreto Federation in 1969 for the Adelaide Conference.
What is Loreto Federation? The Loreto Federation of Australia is a
national body made up of the past student associations of Loreto Convents in Sydney (Kirribilli and Normanhurst), Brisbane (Coorparoo), Melbourne (Toorak), Ballarat (Mary's Mount) and Adelaide (Marrvatville). Perth was also a member until the school
amalgamated with a Jesuit boys' school some years ago.
A Conference is held every two years, rotating between the different Convents. The aim of these Conferences is to bring together Loreto past students and friends from around Australia to celebrate their common heritage and to encourage discussion about the important issues of the day.
this huge country. As well, many would be liv-
momentin thatongoingeducation in the Lor-
ing overseas. This network of values, tra-
eto tradition. It is an opportunity to consider
promise is "to make all things new". That sounds rather exhausting! But is also invigorating. Next year's Federation theme'Creating a Thinking Heart' captures well that quality of dialogue between the head and the heart. We have always stressed education of the whole person - this theme is an imaginative re-statement of that aim, placing an emphasis on our own responsibility to further the dia-
ditions and memories is a powerful force if we
critical issues facing our world, from a stand-
logue. Head and heart in harmony is a sublime
stop to think about it.
point which takes the Gospel seriously as
This, of course, is precisely what Feder-
word and life for our times. Over this time, old
ation is all about. It is a biennial "stopping to
friendships will be renewed, new ones formed
think" about what we believe in, what we hope
and all will benefit from the cross- fertilisation
for, and what we are prepared to do for our
of ideas and experiences which a Federation
Together with members of the Loreto communities in Melbourne and many IBVM from interstate, I look forward to joining with you in this search for harmony. It promises to be a
world as women in the Loreto tradition. Hav-
always engenders.
wonderful weekend.
Dear Loreto Past Students,
dom, to justice and to sincerity, that triad of
No-one has ever calculated just how many
virtues which Mary Ward defined as the mark
students have passed through Loreto schools
of anyone who would be a true member ofthis
in Australia. The number must run into the
company of friends.
tens of thousands, living right across the con-
Education is a life-long task. There is no
tinent - in large capital cities, in small
end to our knowing, our understanding, our
country towns and in the isolated outback of
capacity to change. Federation is a privileged
ing been educated at a Loreto school is not
The members of the Institute and all who
some neutral, transient phenomenon. It has
work with us in schools affirm our belief in the
aimed to imbue us with a commitment to free-
values and purpose of a Loreto education. We
Federation Conference 15th-17th March, 1991
Yours sincerely, in Christ, (Sr.) Deirdre Rofe IBVM Provincial Superior
A Warm Invitation to Our Loreto
Family... By PENNY GAMBLE, Federation President
7 --wl
SPIRIT OF FEDERATION O Holy Spirit of love and joy. be with us during these days.
Show us what we should do
for the service of the Church in our country, and give us the strength to do it generously. O Mary, Mother of God and Help of Christians, obtain for us something of your
It is with great pleasure that I extend a warm invitation from the Federation Com-
mittee of the Past Pupils Association to all
members of the Loreto Family to attend the 19th Biennial Conference of the Loreto Federation.
The Conference Theme is "Creating a Thinking Heart" and we are delighted to have the noted author, Dr. Sheila Cassidy from England to join us as our Keynote Speaker. Although born in England, Dr. Cassidy is of Australian parentage and was educated at Our Lady of Mercy College in Parramatta, Sydney. She is presently Medical Director of St. Luke's Hospice in Plymouth and in addition to these duties and her writing, she lectures extensively on care of the dying. Geraldine Doogue needs no introduction as a journalist. We are indeed fortunate to be honoured with her presence to chair the panel discussion on the Saturday afternoon.
Courtesy of "The Age"
selfiess love of Christ,
so that, like you,
we may bring Him to others,
Mandeville Hall
and be truly the women for this season of the Church's need.
welcomes you back
- Loreto Federation PIdye!
A very comprehensive programme is being planned by an enthusiastic committee and I invite all of you in the wider Loreto Community to join us on the weekend of March 15th-17th at Mandeville Hall.
I know that you will not only meet with many others from around Australia, but that
participation will prove richly rewarding to all who attend.
Spirit of Federation in Action COLETTE BURNES reports on the LORETO FAMILY INTERNATIONAL SPONSOR-
SHIP, a scheme she put forward at the 1987 Federation Conference in Ballarat and has since had
adopted by Loreto in Australia. In a world where poverty has become endemic and the struggle for survival has become as urgent as it has among the poorest o f the poor, life sometimes appears to be reduced to a question of physical survival. In the face of unemployment, hunger, poverty, inferior education, mental and emotional deprivation, survival may seem a luxury. We tend to lose sight of the fact that what must concern us is not only their survival, not only their right to exist, but their right to live which involves the full spectrum of human values. To children needing urgent help, so little is given. A good way to start is one child at a time. Loreto Family International Sponsorship is based on this premise, of the poor as individuals so much in need of our love, compassion and practical help.
also attirm our commitment to God whose
We now have 29() children sponsored - 90
at Entally, 127 at Loreto Day School Sealdah and 73 at Loreto Day School Elliott Road. Sponsorship costs $175, of which $5 is
spent on printing and $170 is sent, to our Loreto Sisters in India. Postage is donated. Since the formation of the Sponsorship in June 1987 we have forwarded just over $150,000.
Loreto Family International sponsors children in need at our Loreto Schools in India. A
photograph and details of the child you have sponsored are sent to you upon receipt o f your Sponsorship Application. If you have not already done so, we invite you to make a link to this specific project in the Third World to which you pledge your ongoing support - our Loreto Family International Sponsorship. An Application Form is enclosed.
Some of our sponsored children of Loreto Day School, Elliott Road, Calcutta with Sister Mercy IBVM (left) and Margaret Braganza.
Our congratulations and special thanks to Sue Griffin who has worked with such devotion and enthusiasm to produce this special edition of The Mandevillian on behalf of the Federation Committee.
Creating a Thinking Heart
I believe, no pain is lost. No tear unmarked,
ii i 11ti j ' *Fl,TW It Fle,
no cry of anguish dies unheard,
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lost in the hail of gunfire
t ..1 llc
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or blanked out by the padded cell.
I i i dil ' / ' 6 'F,1
I believe that pain and prayer
The 1991 Loreto Federation Conference
» M
has as one of its objectives to attract as wide a range of past pupils and people involved with
are somehow saved, MARY DUFFY
Committee member, discusses the Conference theme.
111/ fi / All, %11 'H#
used in the Divine Economy. The blood
In creating a thinking heart, we break down the barriers, those fears that shield us from a
direct experience of our humanness. r
Challenging us to be open, vulnerable, it
enables us to recognise the vitality, the spark of aliveness which is a sure sign of God's presence.
Our experience of life is only limited by our perceptions of what we can and cannot do. Very few o f those limitations are real physical limitations. Most are just "constructs" of our
minds designed to enable us to survive and be right.
Our minds resemble alarm systems wired up to react in particular circumstances. The
will irrigate the heart
1, 'rw# /'im#i,Ii;w•Wfl d. ' 1 / Im,r· ;wwfl: 1 j
It is a great honour to be able to announce that England-based Dr. Sheila Cassidy has accepted our invitation to be Keynote Speaker. Sheila is best known through her
The terror, pain,
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swamped by lava, ilood or earthquake
lilli 11 Ij ) 01 11! il1 ;
will be caught up like mist and fall again,
1,1 Ad / / J ;Hakh rr,41" 11 Aj/; 14 #, IL
Dr. Sheila Cassidy, Medical Directo of St. Luke's Hospice for the Dying in Plymouth, England.
a gentle rain on arid hearts
writings. Her three current publications, and one about to be released, would appear to parallel the major stages of her life. As an Oxford-educated doctor, with specialisation in plastic surgery, she decided in 1977 to go to Chile to gain wider experience in general surgery. During her four years there
she was a victim of the 1974 coup. One day
or souls despairing in the back streets
of Brooklyn.
ness: The Spirituality of Caring" by
teenager are radically different from that for a
Sheila Cassidy. Published by Darton,
mature adult. Yet the same alarm bells ring in
Longman and Todd, London (1988).
Meanwhile, our lives wire in more and more
ers have been invited to participate in the Conference.
a million miles away.
that the alarm bells necessary for a child or a
codes to alert us to danger and our horizons
h 11
- Extract from "Sharing the Dark-
react by taking defensive action every time.
of some financier
problem is that circumstances change and
precisely the same circumstances and we
'Ji#f#?Ur] j J . 11% J
shed in Salvador
Loreto as possible. To assist this a number of'
stimulating international and national speak-
Another guest at the Conference will be Geraldine Doogue, a well-known television presenter of current affairs documentaries. She came to prominence in the eighties in news programmes such as Nationwide and The National. She is currently working with
Books by Sheila Cassidy are available from
the Word of Life Bookshop, 672 Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn. Vic. 3122 (03) 818 1030.
Chris Masters on a new series of ABC docu-
mentaries emphasing Australian history. An insight into Geraldine's thinking which impacts on our Conference theme comes from the following extract from "Women on Men", a recent book which devotes a chapter to her
become more and more limited. Minds re-
member; they do not experience or love; just record and react.
Creating a thinking heart is a call to become fully alive. Live, let the life that you are come
Through our hearts we experience being
human. We feel, through an openness to the
The Theme Committee were thrilled that
full expression of the joys and the pain of
Dr. Sheila Cassidy accepted our invitation to
being alive.
be the Keynote Speaker. Her life experiences
Creating a thinking heart breaks down those learned responses, exposing the de-
and her writings give "alive" witness to our theme 'Creating a Thinking Heart'.
fencelessness and vulnerability of our hearts.
The Liturgy Group has compiled a booklet
By re-educating our minds, questioning what
"Reflections", designed to encourage a pray-
we are really feeling and why, we open our-
erful preparation for Federation. Reflections
selves to a direct experience of our world and
will be sent to all Conference participants
slowly change our attitudes to ourselves, fam-
upon registration and other copies will be
ily, neighbours and the universe.
available through the secretary.
Each of us has the power to accept the suf-
Sr. Deidre Browne, IBVM, musician and
fering we see; to refuse to pass it on to
bear the beauty and terror and comfort of
composer, member of the Diocesan Liturgical Centre, is helping the Liturgy Committee prepare the Masses for Friday evening and Sunday of the Conference, to celebrate the opening and closing of Loreto Federation
another; to forgive; to end the needless torment - to transform evil.
If we are afraid to live, how shall we ever
"There's a need for a discipline and a balGeraldine Doogue, Television Presenter and Journal-
ance somewhere between the inductive and
ist with the ABC.
intuitive. You can't replace one totally with
terstate and Ballarat visitors at
"Facing the Fears and Recognising the Joys of the Thinking
Loreto, Mandeville Hall, Toorak
2 5.30pm Welcome and registration for In-
7.00pm Opening Mass celebrated at Man-
Panel Discussion chaired by Geraldine Doogue
deville Hall by His Grace Most Rev-
3.30pm Afternoon Tea
erend Sir Francis Little, KBE, Arch-
4.00pm Discussion 5.00pm End of Session
, bishop of Melbourne Followed by Dinner
7.30pm Dinner for Delegates and Interstate Visitors
8.30am Delegates' Meeting 9.00am Registration 10.00am Opening of Loreto Federation Conference 1991 by our Patron, Provincial Superior, Sister Deirdre
"The Spirituality of Caring - The Cancer Journey" Chairperson:
Speaker: Dr. Sheila Cassidy 10.30am Morning Tea
"Creating A Thinking Heart"
11.00am Discussion
Speaker: Dr. Sheila Cassidy
12.15pm Mass celebrated by Father Pat Negri SSS
11.00am Morning Tea 11.30am REFLECTION
1.15pm Luncheon
"Allowing the Thinking Heart to
2.00pm Conference Summary and Open
Leader: Sister Barbara Reynolds-
3.00pm General Meeting of Loreto Feder-
Hutchinson FMM
Registration Committee members: (from left) Judy O'B ien, Diana Lowe and Toni Meehan,
Hepburn IBVM
ation of Australia
12.30pm Luncheon
5.00pm High Tea
To facilitate catering arrangements please tick the following: Please forward by Monday 11 th February, 1991 ,to;
I will be attending LUNCHEON
Tel 03 818 7971
Fax 03 614 7416
- Delegates &
Inlerstate visitors
Return envelope attached.
Please tick as required
Mrs. Penny Gamble
Miss Sarah Rey
Mrs. Colette Burnes
Mrs. Jane Chester
Mrs. Sue 1Griffin
Mrs. Mary Duffy
Miss Kylie Smith
Mrs. Andrea Maule
Miss Sara h Rey
Yes l would like private accommodation FRI SAT SUN 1 3 0 0
$75.00 $37.50
LORETO PAST PUPILS - (MELBOURNE ONLY) Please tick if you are able to assist with any of the tollowing
Accommodation for an interstate visitor U Please make
$75.00 $............
Miss Kyli,e Smith SECRET,CRY
Mrs. Susic 3 de Mornement
cheques payable to loreto Federation of Australia.
Sister Ruth Winship 1BVM
Please indicate il prepared to share
13 13
Mrs. Sue Griffin
Name 01 Friend Sharing if known
Mrs. Pent iy Gamble
Mrs, Edw yna Doyle
Loreto Toorak Federation 1991 Committee
Mrs. Joy ]Hanrahan
Sister Margaret Smith CGS
Miss Vicki Brennan
Sister Ruth Winship IBVM Sister Deidre Brown IBVM
Transport 01 your visitor to and from the conference C] conference
Mrs. Susan Whittington
Mrs. Mary Duffy
Miss Trish Riddell
Accommodation for an interstate student El Assistance to the committee at Functions during
Mrs. Edwyna Doyle
Father Pat Negri CSSS
Mrs. Jane Nathm TRANSPORT
Mrs. Julienne ScariTe PRINTING Mrs. Colette Burnes
Miss Anna Cunningham REGISTRATION Mrs. Diana Lowe Miss Toni Meehan
Miss Judy O'Brien
4': i r; 1
By SISTER RUTH WINSHIP friends asked her to treat a man with a bullet
book, Jean Vanier wrote "Perhaps the secret
wound, a wounded revolutionary in hiding from the secret police. This was an unforgiv-
Sheila is revealing to us, the secret she has learnt through her daily life and her life of prayer, is that the poor and the weak are not
able act in the eyes of the military and for that reason she was imprisoned and tortured. "Audacity To Believe", a book on this
just objects of charity and love, even less are
year's VCE reading list, portrays her faith and
problem and a burden; but rather they are
they useless and to be discarded or seen as a
courage in the face of terrible fears and
called to be a source of life for us all. If we
come close to them, in some mysterious way
Back in England in 1978, Sheila left medi-
cine and spent some time in a contemplative monastery where she wrote "Pray for Pilgrims". Later, however, she found the most
fruitful outlet for her gifts in the management of a hospice for the terminally ill in Plymouth. This was the primary source of material for
they bring us to what is essential; they call us to truth, to competence, to compassion and to centredness."
Interestingly Sheila spent her teenage years in Australia and two years at Sydney Univer-
sity medical school. We invite her back to challenge and inspire us.
From the very earliest years of Loreto
Schools in Australia, "Gatherings" of Past
Pupils were encouraged in order that happy memories of school days could be revived, and
the girls exhorted to work together for some common good. Mother Gonzaga Barry, that remarkable daughter of Mary Ward, who brought the first group of Pioneer Nuns to Australia in 1875, fostered very specially and in every way she could this "esprit de corps"
and solidarity amongthe Past Pupils. Asearly as 1897, writing from Mary's Mount, Ballarat, she sent out a clarion call to "Federate, dear Children of Loreto, Federate. Sydney with Perth, Melbourne with Ballaarat, Randwick
her book "Sharing the Darkness" - de-
near the blue waters of Bot,any Bay with Port-
picting the nature and cost of discipleship in
land facing the great Southern Ocean. Feder-
the front line ofcaring. In his Foreword to this
ate, Federate ... For what? ...To lend a
Sister Barbara
helping hand to whatever is good and beautiful and noble and useful in the world around
Reynolds-Hutchinson the other -some ofthe men who do allthis
Our third guest is a member of the Francis-
'economic modelling' and all the rest, need
can Missionaries of Mary. It would seem that Sr. Barbara Reynolds-Hutchinson's reputation has spread as far as Melbourne due to
to feel a bit more. If they do, they won't be trapped by it, it just means they'll have
you... Federate for something good... aim at something excellent. Our life is largely influenced by whatwe aim at...out ideals often make our realities."
Mother Gonzaga Barry was doubtless influ-
enced by the prevailing spirit o f political Fed-
registered it as another dimension of their
her work as Director of the Franciscan Centre
eration, but, of course, it was far too early for
4 personalities ... That's the extreme. The
in Brisbane. Her focus is Franciscan spirituality, and she is involved in regular retreats and prayer days. Past participants describe · the work of the Centre as inspiring and educative. A spiritual place for many Brisbane women, the Centre has also become a base for
the seeds of Loreto Federation to take root.
women's activities.
Sixty Year Wait
leading discussions and I am sure we will gain
Besides broadcasting on ABC religious affairs programmes, she is presently completing
the time was ripe for the State Associations to
First President of Loreto Federation in Australia.
many insights and benefits from her pres-
her Masters in Theology at YTU, adding to
unite. By 1955 the wisdom of bringing to-
Mother of Michele and Jacinta
her Psychology qualifications.
gether all Loreto Past Pupils' Associations
other extreme is the person who says: 'I
can't imagine why you can't understand how I'm feeling . . .' There's a median position between those two towards which a lot
of women are working.
Geraldine is being asked to participate in the Conference for her facilitating skills in
Federation - A Pers*on al View
Indeed, it was not. until the followingyear that the first formal reunion of Loreto Past Pupils was held, and 76 ex-students met in the Study Hall at Albert Park in 1898.
Nearly sixty years were to pass by before
was apparent, and Providence make this
and fro through India, distributing these to
possible through Moira Dynon, a brilliant
the starving poor.
and indefatigable worker for the Loreto Toorak Past Pupils' Association.
JOY HANRAHAN writes about the importance of an
network of women:
I have been privileged to participate in -1, .
many Conferences. I savour the good friends I have made and the ideas (and often solutions)
I have found there. I value the network of support it has provided to me all around Aus-
tralia, a network I have found invaluable in my professional life. Federation is and should be a contact and
Joy Hanrahan. Toorak Delegate to seven Federation Conferences, has attended nearly every Conference since leaving school in 1955. She is a Solicitor and Consultant and is well-known throughout the legal profession in Australjaasaspeaker, workshop leader and author. Her two daughters Susan and Pamela attended Mandeville. Susan was Captain of the School in 1979.
support group for each member. It serves to educate and inform and provide a network of educated Catholic Women throughout Australia. This network with a membership of thousands gives us access to "having a say" in Church and Government. It is a vital, innovative group seeking growth through input. You owe it to yourself to join in!
Itisthe friendshipsthat are really the heart of the matter. It is a unique opportunity for friendships to develop among women bonded bytheir Loreto education, meeting fora weekend at two yearly intervals from diverse get,graphical and personal starting points in a warm hospitable setting. The Conferences also provide intellectual stimulation. Do you know that euphoric feeling after a good R.E. camp or a "Retreat"?
Moira, with great courage, and in truly pro-
in India was presented to the 17th Biennial Conference of the Federation in Ballarat by
ation. In spite of deep personal sorrows, and
Colette Burnes of the Loreto Toorak As-
many difficulties, she worked throughout
sociation. The Conference gave its blessing to
1955 to finish the task she had beglm, and the
the plan, which has since then been adminis-
first Federation Conference was held, as
tered by Colette. She has been responsible for
planned, on 6th November of that year. The
sending $150,000 to India and for sponsoring
underlying philosophy was Service to God, by
290 children for their secondary education.
taking an active Christian part in National
Support for this great work is growing stea-
and International affairs. Moira's vision was
dily throughout the Australian Loretos.
to bring Past Pupils and Friends of Loreto together every two years, to scrut,inise the
changing times and to search for a proper response from Loreto.
theme is "Creating a Thinking Heart". It is hoped and prayed for, that through this gath-
State taking its turn to host the Conference.
ering, we, as women, will realise the challenges
At the conclusion of each Conference a
symbolic Crucifix, specially blessed by the Pope for the Loreto Federation of Past association...a symbolism not unlike that of the Olympic torch!
Serving God In the 36 years of its existence, the Feder-
Anna, Victoria, Georgina and Julia.
ville. Already the friendships formed through
please contact:
dynamic Community of Faith and Talk-fest, so that we may all collaborate in the process of developing and widening our intellectual and womanly skills in the service of God, and this Con ference may be for us all a turning point in its offering of a Vision and Fresh Hope.
international concerns, India has been the focus. In the mid-sixties when India was in
crisis, Moira Dynon collected vast quantities
the ideas for t,he theme is evident, and for me
Mrs. Andrea Maule
13 Hilda Crescent, Hawthorn. Vic. 3122
Phone: (03) 818 7971
past. The Loreto Spirit is supercharged and it is with great enthusiasm that I urge you to he part of Loreto Federation at Mandeville and partake its joys and spirit next March,
into the next century.
Conference, to participate with us in a
Conference will climax the Conferences of the
exclusive body, and certainly we cannot afford any exclusiveness today, if an Association such as ours is to preserve its great heritage
casions that it has been seriously involved in
working together are deepening and t,he inspiration that comes wit.h working through
special satisfaction knowing this Federation
ever considered the Loreto Federation as an
interesting to reflect that on the two oc-
who has for so long been a devotee, there is a All enquiries regarding Federation
Mother Gonzaga Barry, nor Moira Dynon
And so, we call on all Past Pupils and
speakers has often been outstanding and the
Conference in 1979. A lawyer by training and mother by vocation, Edwyna has four daughters
the needs these challenges present. Neither
Friends of Loreta to join in our 19tli Biennial
of powdered milk and rice through the Loreto
The twelve-year cycle completed, Federation is again making its demands on Mande-
throw open the windows of our hearts to meet
to serve Cod both at home and abroad. It is
themes tackled more pertinent and expansive
She was Federation President for the last Toorak
confronting us today, and be prepared to
ation has striven to be faithful to its mandate
Federation and she personally journeyed to
than the titles would indicate.
The forthcoming Conference 15th-17th March, 1991 is the 19th Biennial. Its beautiful
Since that beginning in 1955, the Feder-
ation Conferences have played a major role in my religious development. The quality of
Conference in 1961 and has not missed one since.
Not 'Exclusive'
ation Loret.os have met every two years, each
This is what Federation does for me! Feder-
Edwyna Doyle first attended a Federation
More recently in 1987, the plan of sponsoring needy children in our own Loreto Schools
phetic manner, urged on the cause of Feder-
Pupils, is handed on to the next hosting State
EDWYNA DOYLE values the lasting
Moira Dynon (1920-1976)
Sister Ruth Winship IBVM with Junior Vice-Presidents
Sarah Rey (centre) and Kylie Smith. Sarah is a final year Law/Arts student at Melbourne University and
because what I have seen indicates it will be
Kylie has just completed an Arts degree at Latrobe
the best ever.
L-6-R-E-+6- E W-
-· Our National Trust Heritage on Display
Our Fond farewell to
Sister Margarita's Column Births:
Kate Mooney (Mrs. Ratliff), a son, Spencer By ANDREA MAULE
Sister Maureen
The sun shone all afternoon on Sunday 14th October, 1990 asthey came in their
5 hundreds to visit our historic Loreto, Mandeville Hall. They had waited many years for this opportunity to savour all the beauty and grandiosity of this exceptional family home from the Victorian era. They came on foot, by car and taxi, on walkingsticks, in prams, from Portsea to
Castlemaine. National Trust members, art historians, families, Past Pupils, pres-
ent students, boy friends, husbands, garden experts, architects, neighbours and the general public.
Sir Joseph Clarke and Mary Ward would have looked down with pride on their happy faces.
FOOTNOTE: Thanks are due to the nuns for their gracious hospitality, the many who helped with publicity, worked as guides, presided in the rooms and prepared the delicious afternoon tea.
Well in excess of $5,000 was made towards our Federation appeal. From left to right: VisitorsDr. Bob Lodge (past pupil) and Dr. Penny Hall (at
right) with guide Gabrielle Crawford Gatekeepers Stephen Maule (left) and Michael Corrigan Workers
Susan Cronin (Mrs. Permezel), a son
Georgina Mighell (Mrs. Brown), a son, Patrick
Catherine Marraffa (Mrs. Smith), a son, Declan
Felicity Clarke (Mrs. James), a daughter, Elizabeth
Christine Lethbridge (Mrs. Allandale), a daughter, Megan
Jane Britt (Mrs. Bryan), a daughter Engagements: Melissa Whelan to Matthew Banks
Jacqueline Walker to Brett Stene (of Sydney)
Victoria Doyle to John Resic
Sister Angela Serong chats with Colette
Burnes Visitors viewing memorabilia
Organiser Andrea Maule with her mother Mary England
By ANNE HUNT, School Principal
Gerard and Sarah Farley, a daughter Jenny Newman (Mrs. Sparton), a daughter,
from left, Pat Rowan, Helen Marron and Fay
Sister Maureen Saunders IBVM
Diana Doyle (Mrs. Bleakley), a son Richard and Sue O'Bryan, a son, Matthew (grandson of Julianna O'Bryan)
(Mary organised the last Open Day in 1960)
Anna McKinnon to Miguel Meirelles Andrew Callinan, past pupil and grandnephew of Mother Bernadine, to Jo-anne Sidwell
Catherine Willis to Mark Worsnop
After six years of distinguished service to
Julie Cronin to Alistair Guff
Loreto, Mandeville Hall, we bid a sad farewell
to Sr. Maureen Saunders, Sister Superior of
Ruth Spillane to G. Higgins
the Loreto Community of Sisters at Toorak.
Over her years at Mandeville, Sr. Maureen has generously shared her talents in many areas, serving on many committees and decision-making groups. As a teacher of English and of Religious Education, many students will remember Sr. Maureen with
gratitude and affection for many years to come. She has also been a sure source of
invaluable assistance, guidance and support in the administration of the school.
Students, teachers and parents all wish her well and every happiness in her new
undertaking and look forward to her continued interest and concern for our school
May their dear souls and the souls of all the faithfully departed rest in peace. Mr. Andrew England, husband of Mary,
1 1,
father of Andrea and Gabrielle (all past pupils)
Mr. Anthony England, husband of Cecily, father of Richard, Robert, David and Peter
6/4 - /4
Mrs. Margaret Arapakis, mother of Tamara (Year 10)
Mr. K. Travers, father of Lyshia (Year 11) Mrs. Janet Worthington, one of the first pupils of Mandeville in the mid-1920's and a great contributor to the Sorrento parish. Mrs. L. Murphy, mother of Dianne, Kay
(Perth), Helen IBVM, Gail and Frances
Mr. John McCombe, husband of Betty, father of .John, Jenny, Judy and Peter
VALE MOTHER BRIGID A True Daughter of Mary Ward On 2nd August, 1990 Mother Brigid Jones
visiting, limited contact and rare absences
handed me an axe and said 'Will you help
IBVM died at Mary's Mount, Ballarat, in her
me with the trees?' Some trees had been
Thousands of Loreto women
from the Convent. It may have appeared to him as losing his daughter and a waste of her
around Australia remember her with loue and
many talents. This, of course, was not so as
admiration. The following personal tribute by
Mother Brigid used and developed those wonderful intellectual, physical and spiritual gifts within the Order and to the advantage of the thousands of girls and the many companions whose lives she touched over her long, active
needed to be cleared. So, on that hot Jan-
which of us suffered from exhaustion!"
ANN DE CASTELLA captures the spirit of
Loreto for this special Federation issue of "The Mandeuillian".
Irene enlisted her heavenly Father's aid in
felled in the playground, the children would be returning in a few days, and the ground uary afternoon, encased in heavy clothing from top to toe, we chopped and neatly stacked the branches ready to be carried away. There is no need for me to tell you Mother's whole heart and soul were part of her pursuit of excellence in everything she did and'everything' was a long list. To all this add her zeal and enthusiasm, as a true daughter of Mary Ward, for the handing on of the Faith to this her gifts of mind and heart were truly devoted. She also had a wonderful gift for
tive Philology (the science of the structure
obtaining a change in her earthly father's heart. She promised never to eat another sweet if her father gave his blessing to her entering the Convent. He did and she didn't - keeping her promise for the remaining 70 years of her life. Mother Brigid is remembered by many of her former students as a dedicated
and development of language) three years
and ardent promulgator of total abstinence
keepingin touch, sending words of encouragement, support and love to her many friends
later. She followed this achievement by
from alcohol - I wonder if she had included
and past pupils.
graduating M.A. with Honours in Classical
this additional sacrifice along with the
Philology on 17th April, 1920 - then aged 29
years - a very beautiful, intelligent and gifted
Sister Ruth Winship remembers her first meeting with Mother Brigid: "When I met her in Marryatville in 1940 she was teaching Senior Class in Geology, History, Ancient and Modern, Latin, English and, of course, Religion. Mathematics were to come later. As well as a strong mind, she had a strong body and prodigious energy. She would wield an axe as well as anyone. During my first hours at Marryatville, she fixed me with her black eyes,
To the very end Mother Brigid retained her keen interest in all sport and was a follower of Robert de Cast,ella and Pat Cash - praying for them and appreciating their dedication to excellence in their particular field. Her vision was broad and long and her interest in worldly events, her wisdom in overviewing them, were
Educated at Mary's Mount, Ballarat, Irene
Jones attended Central Catholic Training College, Melbourne, where she completed her teacher training. Having enrolled in 1913 in an Arts degree at Melbourne University, Irene graduated B.A. in Greek, Latin and Compara-
young lady (she was also a talented musician). She was the apple of her father's eye, and no doubt of her heavenly Father's eye also as He implanted in her heart the desire to give her life to Him and to serve Him through her devotion to the ideals and inspirations of Mary
Ward in the Institute of the Blessed Virgin
Mary. Mr. Jones did not like this idea at all. In those days entering the Convent was a virtual withdrawal from the world with restricted
all a product of a life lived to its fullest -
Jottings • Look out for an important new book by Sister Therese Daly, IBVM, due for release early next year. Entitled "DEEPEST LONGINGS", the book brings together the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and the writings of Mary Ward - a timely contribution to the Ignatian centenary celebrations for 19901991. In his Foreword to the book, Father
Daven Day, SJ, Chairman of the Jesuit Conference o f East Asia writes that "the comple-
mentarity of two remarkable human beings" - St. Ignatius and Mary Ward - reflected in this book "integrates in a natural and unforced way the male and female psychology of the Exercises". Contact Jesuit Publications,
300 Victoria Street, Richmond 3121 forcopies in the New Year.
• The Loreto Past Pupils Golf Day is to be held at Peninsula Country Gol f Club on Monday May 6th, 1991. I f you wish your name to be put on the mailing list please phone: Jenny Carr (Convenor) Pat Buxton
787 5610 or
592 1560 or (059) 84 2845
The Mandevillian.
10 Mandeuille Crescent, Toorak. Vic. 3142
Editor of Federation Issue: Sue Griffin
another Mary Ward attribute. Were Mother Brigid to speak to us today I
Computer Typing: Susie de Mornement Typesetting: Abb-typesetting. 126 Oxford Street.
feel she would say - "Keep the spirit of Mary
Collingwood. Vic. 3066
Ward alive in your lives and a big love to you
Printing: Brown Prior Anderson Pty. Ltd., .5 Evans Street, Burwood. Vic. 3125
all - remember, nothing is impossible".
/1 IN
Irene Jones (centre back) Head Councillor 1913,
Central Catholic Training College, Loreto Convent, Albert Park
Surrounded by friends at the 1987 Ballarat Feder-
Graduation Day 1920. Master of Arts (Honours)
As a young nun in Adelaide
ation Conference