Bridges - Novemberr 22, 2012

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pigwidgeon, the pretty and precocious pacific parrotlet P. 8

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dJ loves historic drinkle no. 3 Building in heart of downtown P. 10


local designer creates practical and pretty winter skirts P. 16

a sTa r P h o e N I X co m m u N I T y N e ws Pa P e r






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T h esTa r p h o e N i x .Co m / b r i d g es



modern dame boutique

Modern Dame Boutique is a vintageinspired women’s clothing store that opened in September of 2011. The designs are imported mainly from California and Nevada, and range in sizes from two to 20. They offer skirts, dresses, blouses and a few accessories. Customers vary from girls looking for a unique dress for their Grade 8 graduation to women who fondly remember wearing this style of clothing. Modern Dame Boutique is located at 107 3rd Ave North and is open Tuesday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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6. 4.

bridges phoTos by miChelle berg

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In the cIty Pg. 11

on the cover Pg. 4

Saskatoon hip hop group Brown Can Shine founded Stash for Cash, a fundraiser for prostate cancer. bridges phoTo by Jeff lyoNs


ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s

INVENTORY — 2 Vintage-inspired finds at Modern Dame

GARDENING — 17 An ideal Christmas gift for gardeners


CITY NEWS — 18 Sewing hope for grandmothers half a world away

MEET MY PET — 8 IN THE CITY — 10, 11 WHAT MOVES YOU — 12 Escape to warm summer memories with ‘67 Impala SS convertible PARENT TO PARENT — 13 Parents discuss sleepwalking toddlers EVENTS — 14 FASHION YXE — 16

READ MY BOOK — 19 The second book in the Baba’s Babushka triology ON THE SCENE — 20 A ladies night out at the annual Ducks Unlimited banquet and auction SPACES — 22 Feng shui B&B attracts a unique sort MUSIC — 23

Fur Eel brings funk elements to gritty rock HEALTH — 25 OUTSIDE THE LINES — 26 The best of Bridges HOROSCOPE — 27 SHARP EATS — 28 Newest addition to Regina’s dining scene sure to whet appetites CROSSWORD AND SUDOKU — 29 RECIPES — 30 WINE WORLD — 31 An Italian red made for cheese pairings

A parrot and a sun mark the entrance to Sean Grant’s rooftop patio in downtown Saskatoon.

bridges phoTo by michelle berg

Bridges is published by The StarPhoenix – a division of Postmedia Network Inc. – at 204 Fifth Avenue North, Saskatoon, Sask., S7K 2P1. Rob McLaughlin is deputy publisher/editor-in-chief and Marty Klyne is publisher. For advertising inquiries contact 657-6340; editorial, 657-6402; home delivery, 657-6320. Hours of operation are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The contents of this publication are protected by copyright and may be used only for personal, noncommercial purposes. All other rights are reserved and commercial use is prohibited. To make any use of this material you must first obtain the permission of the owner of the copyright. For more information, contact the editor at 657-6402


t h u rs day, n ov e m B e r 2 2 , 2 0 1 2

on the cover #

t h esta r P h o e n i x .Co m / B r i d g es

We want to spread the message to hold on. It will get better. — Lawrence Brass

Brown can shine

Saskatoon hip hop group sings a positive tune

The members of Brown Can Shine, from left: Dwayne (“Dat Boy”), Tyler (“T. Why”) and Lawrence (“Aztec”) Brass. The group encourages youth to make positive life choices. Bridges Photo By jeff lyons

By Jenn Sharp Local hip hop group Brown Can Shine teaches youth valuable lessons. But the youngest member recently learned a lesson of his own. Tyler Brass, 19, had a picture of himself holding up what appeared to be an

empty bottle of alcohol to his mouth on his Facebook profile. It’s not the image the group intends to convey, and they took the picture down after Bridges questioned it. An important lesson for youth and adults alike. What’s put on Facebook is visible to everyone. It may feel like a private space shared with your clos-

est friends, but it’s public. Tyler’s brothers and fellow group members (Lawrence, 23 and Dwayne, 22) were quick to point out their message is not one of abstinence; rather responsibility. They condemn underage drinking, along with bullying, using drugs and driving drunk. If you’re of legal age to consume alco-

hol, “that’s fine but know your limit,” says Dwayne. The Facebook gaffe aside, Brown Can Shine are positive role models. They encourage youth to make good life choices and to not let their dreams get sidetracked. Their message is one of respect and positivity. They’ve also become mentors for youth coming up

in Saskatoon’s hip hop scene. Last year the group held its first Stash for Cash, a fundraiser in support of prostate cancer. The brothers were hoping to bring their grandfather John James to the second fundraiser this November but he died from complications related to the disease in July.


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T h esTa r p h o e N i x .co m / b r i d g es

I came to the city one day when they were putting up those signs ‘Saskatoon Shines.’ That night I thought about a name. We’re brown, First Nations — so, Brown Can Shine. — Lawrence

■ ■ ■

Lawrence is emotional as he recalls his grandfather — his surrogate father growing up on the Key First Nation, near Sturgis, Sask. “I remember his smile — a big, bright smile. He was funny. He made everybody laugh. He was really happy — even when he was sick.” Grandpa James, as the brothers affectionately call him, found out he had cancer in 2000 but didn’t tell his family for years. The brothers say he lost a lot of weight and was very sick, then got better as the cancer went into remission. This year’s alcohol and drug-free Stash for Cash (Nov. 21) will honour James’ memory. The goal is to raise $10,000. The Brass brothers chose the White Buffalo Youth Lodge as the spot for the fundraiser because they went there often as kids. Their mom, Barbra Fisher, works there, as does Dwayne. A natural with children and father to

three-year-old Adrielle, Dwayne prides himself on being a good father and role model. “Even when I don’t work, I’m always there, hanging out (with the kids),” he laughs. Lawrence has a baby girl too, nine-monthold Lynnaya, and works at a local insulation company. Tyler is working on finishing his Grade 12 courses at Royal West Campus. All three have girlfriends and their respect for the women in their lives comes out in a song lyric: “Girl we can make it right ‘cause you’re like my wife. I would take a fall for you and I might tonight. You’re like my sunshine baby ’cause you light my life.” Dwayne and Tyler were born on the reserve located about 90 km north of Yorkton but left when Dwayne was five. They moved frequently until settling in Saskatoon in 2000. About five years later, when Lawrence was 16, he moved in with his parents, brothers and sister Amy. That was when the three began making music, “just for fun” they all say. Continued on Page 6

The three brothers perform at White Buffalo Youth Lodge in Saskatoon.

bridges phoTo by jeff lyoNs

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Around here, I haven’t heard of anyone making a song about awareness of something — now we’re doing bullying and drunk driving. I want to help. — Lawrence

They were joined by three others and came out with their first CD under the name TDL. Their first performance was part of the Kinsmen Telemiracle fundraiser in Yorkton six years ago. They were the first hip hop group to be on Yorkton’s country radio station GX94 for Mini-Miracle. Two years later, they were on their own as the other members went their separate ways. That’s when Lawrence renamed the group Brown Can Shine, a name that pays homage to their ancestry and their city. “I came to the city one day when they were putting up those signs ‘Saskatoon Shines.’ That night I thought about a name. We’re brown, First Nations — so, Brown Can Shine.” He loves the name so much he has it permanently inked into the underside of his right forearm. The three have met today for their interview with friend and acting manager, Sarah Gennrich. They sit on the couch of her Lakeridge-area home, Lawrence flanked on either side by a brother. All drink hazelnutsweetened coffee from big mugs, laughing easily. Lawrence appears the most comfortable of the three as he and Dwayne reminisce about the past and share their goals for the future. Tyler says little. The challenges that come with being 19 — the conflicting struggle for self-awareness and confidence are apparent in his demeanour. ■ ■ ■ ■ The brothers know they can affect positive change for Aboriginal youth and hope to spread their message within schools and on Saskatchewan reserves. They feel they have much to accomplish, yet don’t realize how much they’ve already done. Their name alone — Brown Can Shine — is a strong statement not heard often enough in the Aboriginal community. “I see a lot of people that don’t do anything at all. They just make music for their own benefit. I can see it differently — we can help people. Around here, I haven’t heard of anyone making a song about awareness of something — now we’re doing bullying and drunk driving. I want to help,” explains Lawrence.

One of their newest songs is about drunk driving. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving Canada, Saskatchewan has the highest rate of impaired driving deaths. Lawrence says he used to abuse alcohol and woke up more than once wondering how he got home the night before. After one particularly bad night when he damaged his vehicle, he realized the harm he could have caused. That’s when he began working on ‘I’m Done,’ a song about the dangers of drunk driving. All three say their mom is their biggest supporter. She goes to all their shows (which have been held at the Odeon, Cosmo Seniors Centre, The Pat and Sutherland Hall) and brings her friends. She’s also the one driving home the message not to abuse alcohol. It sounds like her message worked. “The way I see it, I’d rather have fun without drinking. It’s actually more fun because you know what you were doing in the morning. You can know what happened and not wonder about what you did,” says Lawrence. Gennrich and the brothers all wear matching T-shirts emblazoned with: “This is just the way that I am. Brown Can Shine.” “Don’t judge me, this is me,” explains Dwayne. “Accept me for me. I’m not going to change for you,” adds Lawrence. It’s a fitting slogan considering they’re releasing a song about bullying. “There’s a lot of people getting bullied — you see it on Facebook all the time,” he says. “It just pushes them over the edge to do something that shouldn’t have been done,” adds Dwayne. “We want to spread the message to hold on. It will get better,” says Lawrence. The song writing process usually begins with Lawrence, who will find a beat he likes. Each then writes his own material, after which the band records and mixes the song. Since they don’t have a DJ, they must purchase their beats online, which are made by North American producers. Tyler would like to produce beats for the group but says the equipment and software costs to get started are expensive.

Brown Can Shine holds an annual fundraiser for prostate cancer called Stash For Cash. bridges phoTo by jeff lyoNs


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Their goal is to get into schools and spread their message. It’s about making better life choices as youth. Saskatoon is screaming for ambassadors. — Sarah Gennrich

Local entrepreneur and the founder of Neechie Gear, Kendal Netmaker is a fan, especially after noticing his apparel made an appearance in a Brown Can Shine video. “After hearing about these guys and listening to some of their tracks, I found out that they are the real deal with the potential to go big.” He’s not alone. Several Brown Can Shine videos are on YouTube. Fremo Skillz, a fellow hip hop artist produced the videos. They’re slicker than one might expect. The comments left aren’t always complimentary, but more often than not, viewers are singing the group’s praises. Others offer advice such as “stay dedicated” and admire their lyrics. Dwayne recalls a Facebook message he got from a fan in Regina: “She told me ‘no one does things

that you guys do from here. You guys have actually given back to the community. You’ve started your own prostate cancer fundraiser to raise awareness.’ She thought that was really cool.” ■

One of their youngest proteges is Nic Gennrich, Sarah’s 16-yearold son. He began writing songs last year and is still experimenting with his sound. A big fan of Brown Can Shine, he sent his first song to Dwayne for feedback. “That was probably the first time I ever talked to him. He was really supportive of it.” Now he writes in all his spare time, and performs whenever he gets the chance. It’s an activity his mom is proud of. “It’s what he does and it could be a lot worse. I have a 16-year-old

kid that doesn’t drink, that doesn’t do drugs, that doesn’t smoke and gets home on time every night. I know where he is,” she says. Gennrich is the group’s acting manager. She has vast experience working with community associations and serving as a liaison between youth and schools. She’s grateful for the guidance Brown Can Shine is giving her son and in turn wants to help them succeed. “Brown Can Shine is a huge message. Bigger than they think. They have no idea the impact they’ve had on Nic — they did a really good job but don’t realize it.” Nic says they’re one of the few groups in Saskatoon spreading an inspirational message through their music. Nic appreciates that Brown Can Shine stays away from song lyrics extolling drugs and violence. So does his mom. “I know their mom, I’ve been

to their house. I know (Nic’s) safe with them. My husband likes these guys so it’s all good. I trust them,” she says. “Their goal is to get into schools and spread their message. It’s about making better life choices as youth. Saskatoon is screaming for ambassadors.” Besides expanding their reach in Saskatchewan, the group dreams of playing at the Aboriginal People’s Choice Awards. They even have dreams of organizing a Stash for Cash with a friend living in New Zealand. They were recently invited to perform for an assembly at Confederation Park Community School. The Brass brothers don’t mince words; they want kids to make smart choices. Lawrence doesn’t want to preach, but he wants kids to understand. “You don’t have to drink to be cool … You can do it straight.” Perhaps Tyler is listening too.

Dwayne and Lawrence Brass. supplied phoTo

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P ET lovErs: We want to meet your pet! Email

C h r i s T y M C Tav i s h a n d P i g w i d g E o n

‘A big parrot personality in a little package’ By Jeanette Stewart High school science teacher Christy McTavish has lived with her Pacific Parrotlet named Pigwidgeon for more than three years. The tiny, lovable bird chirps and coos and, as her wings aren’t clipped, she can also fly around the room.

Q: How did you pick this kind of bird? A: I happened to be at a pet store one day and saw some parrotlets. I’d never seen them before and didn’t know what a parrotlet was. I did some research because I just thought they were so adorable and I found out that they’re one of the smaller species of parrots, but they’re pretty precocious. From what I’ve read they have a big parrot personality in a little package. Q: What kind of quirks does she have? A: One of the things she really likes to do, especially at night before she goes to bed, I’ll be reading a book and she’ll want to go under my hair. I have to hold my hand up and she tucks herself underneath my ear and snuggles up. Another crazy quirk, actually, the sound of plastic. I don’t know if she hates it or if she likes it, but if she hears plastic bags rustling, paper rustling, she’s right over there. She’s better with women, she doesn’t really like men. Any guys that come over and want to hold her, all they have to do is rustle a plastic bag and she’ll go right for it. Q: What are some challenges of having a bird as compared to another pet? A: It’s really time consuming. Especially something like a parrot. Parrots are really awesome but don’t get one thinking it’s a bird you can just take out when you want and it will just sit in the cage. She wants to interact as much as

possible. If she hears my voice she’ll start shrieking and want to come out of her cage. It’s a big time commitment because they want your attention. I can’t multi-task a lot of times with her, I can’t be cooking at the same time because she’ll get into it. Even marking papers and stuff, she hates pens so she’ll attack my pen and if she sees the paper she’ll just want to eat it. But it’s worth it.

Q: What does she eat? A: Lots of things. She will eat lots of seeds. There’s lots of treats that you can get for parrots as well. She really likes to chew on lots of stuff too. I usually have lots of things that hang in her cage she can kind of nibble on, as well as fresh fruit and vegetables. She’s not a big fruit eater, she’ll take a couple bites. Vegetables are good. I give her wild rice and brown rice just to get a little bit of grains in there. The only thing you really can’t give them is avocado or onion. Of course I’m not going to give her junk food or anything like that. She likes a plain rice cake every now and then. Unsalted popcorn is a nice little treat but it gets so messy. It gets so staticky and it just clings to her. She tries to shake it off and it won’t come off. Q: Does she talk? A: No. Her species can. From what I’ve read, males tend to speak more than females do. But she still gets her point across. If she’s mad she’ll tell me off in her own way. She has different sounds she’ll make for different things. Q: Is there anything else about parrots that people should know? A: The biggest thing would be the time commitment, to not take them lightly. It’s not just time spent every day but the fact that she can live for up to 20, 25 years. So signing on, taking on a parrot you really have to make a commitment.

Pigwidgeon the Pacific Parrotlet perches on Christy McTavish’s finger. bridges phoTo by miChelle berg




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November 18, 2012 — 9:55 A.m.

Jingle Bell Walk & Run

The Jingle Bell Walk & Run for Arthritis started at the Vimy Memorial in Saskatoon on Nov. 18. Runners and walkers warmed up before the event and enjoyed the mild temperatures. bridges phoTo by riChard marjaN


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Sean Grant shows off the view from his rooftop patio in downtown Saskatoon.


bridges phoTo by michelle berg



Downtown rooftop perfect place to chill By Jeanette Stewart

Sean Grant, a.k.a. DJ Charly Hustle, enjoys living downtown in the historic Drinkel No. 3 Building. The central location is ideal to get to work downtown and on Broadway, and his apartment’s rooftop deck is a favourite place to lounge in the summer time.

Q: Why is this your favourite place in Saskatoon? A: I can be alone or I can be with friends, and it’s almost entirely my choice. Also, it’s really close to where I live, i.e. three floors above where I live. And it’s sunny. In the summer. Q: How often do you go up here? A: During the summer, close to every day. Q: How did you discover this place? A: I initially heard about it through my landlord while I was considering living here. He

told me about it, and then almost at the middle of the summer, four or five months after I moved in here, I went ‘maybe I’ll go check it out.’ And then I was like ‘really?’ I have been here this entire time not being here every day. I felt like an idiot.

Q: What’s your favourite thing to do up here? A: I’ll split it into two things. I enjoy the days that I come up here and work on some of my own production stuff, lounge here by myself. I also enjoy coming up here with two friends of mine and hooking up my computer to a Marshall amplifier and having a very first screening of a movie at the Drinkell Theatre, as I like to call it. (That’s my computer with a Marshall Amp.) Q: The view is really nice up here. A: The view is awesome. I’m sure a lot of places are higher up and that’s great too, but you kind of get a little bit of a bird’s-eye view while still being in the thick of things. One of our favourite games is to count how many Canadian flags there are in view. Last count was 13.

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what moves you


Tell us WHAT MOVES YOU. Email bridges@

ScOTT And SUSAn dUnbAr

Memories of summer cruising in ’67 Impala SS

Scott and Susan Dunbar love taking their 1967 Impala SS convertible out for after dinner cruises, weather permitting of course. phoTo CourTesy susaN duNbar

By Jenn Sharp

2008. I work in the automotive industry in car sales.

Scott and Susan Dunbar emailed us a beautiful picture, shot by Susan, of their prized 1967 Impala SS for inclusion in What Moves You. Let this convertible be your escape to summer when the days get too cold.

Q: Why did you buy it? A: I’d just started really watching the Berrett-Jackson Auto Auction. My wife and I ended up going to the one in 2010 in Arizona, in Scottsdale. We decided we were at a point in our life when we wanted a car and we were looking at a few around the province. These customers of mine, Bill and Erna, were in looking at vehicles with me. Somewhere in the conversation I caught on that Bill was into classic cars and I asked him if he had

Q: Describe your ride: A: It’s a 1967 Impala SS convertible. The numbers match in the car. The engine is a 283 V8 with the two-speed power glide transmission. We bought the car from a customer of mine in

one. And yeah — they had this ’67 Impala SS convertible. I said we had just been in Prince Albert looking at a ’68 Impala on the weekend. He brought me in a picture and as soon as my wife and I saw the picture, we said, “We gotta have that car.”

Q: Where do you like to go in it? A: On every occasion we can we like to go cruising after supper on a nice summer night, the typical down Eighth Street, Whiteswan route. We’ll go out to the Berry Barn or Pike Lake. I take it to work on occasion as well.

Q: So your wife (Susan) enjoys the car too? A: Oh yes, she loves the car. She’s always quick to remind me it’s “our car,” not “my car.” Q: Do you take any family members for rides? A: I’ve taken my dad for a ride in it — he’s 81. Our son is very much into the car scene as well but on the other end of the spectrum, on the import scene. He’s got several cars. One thing that’s always surprised us about the car — we thought people that were 40-plus would be

interested in the car. We’ve got sixto eight-year-old kids come up to us and say “cool car.” The smile it puts on people’s face and they wave to you and give you the thumbs up — we were kinda surprised by that.

Q: What do you love about it so much? A: The colour. Originally it was white with a black top and a blue interior. When I first got it I thought I’d put it back to that but everybody compliments the colour. It’s the colour that makes the car.

next week: What is your child’s favourite bedtime snack? Email



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pa r e n t t o pa r e n t

Each week Bridges, in connection with, gathers advice from parents to share with other moms and dads. This week we asked:


saskatoon food bank

Has your child ever sleep walked? What tips can you share with other parents?

pa r THIS Has y NEXT What

“I was that sleep walker . . . locks at the top of the doors and a baby gate in the doorway of the bedroom.” — Fern Gotell “I used to sleep walk as a child and so far my two year old hasn’t shown any signs that she has but we did prepare in case that she did and to prevent her from escaping her room in general. We got door knob covers that she has not figured out how to use yet and we close her door at night. It works for now but once she figures it out, I’m not sure what we’ll do. Hope that helps!” — Jocelynn Kaufhold “There is a door alarm you can put on the door. Once the door opens the alarm goes off I’ve seen them at Canadian Tire.” — Michelle Hagel “Put a lock high enough on the door so they can’t reach. I had a sleepwalker who was found at 2 a.m. on the street!” — Christine Scanlon McGuinness “I don’t think you should put a lock on the child’s bedroom because they need to be able to get out to use the bathroom or in an emergency but some type of babyproofing lock on the outside door of the house seems reasonable. We used one until the age of five when we lived in an apartment.” — Amanda Price “This could be an old wives’ tale, but I’ve heard sleepwalking can be because you’re hungry, thirsty, or have to go to the bathroom. Maybe making sure all those needs are topped up could help prevent it. And put latches way up high on all the doors.” — Fred Berry “Baby gates on the bedroom doorway. My eldest, now 15, used to sleep walk when he was a toddler and older. This worked wonders for us.” — EmaRoo Scorey “An earlier bedtime! I found that if they’re overtired they get up more often.” — Kelly Fraser “I sleep walked and my husband still sleep walks, thankfully our kids don’t. From myself and my hubby I can say it is when there is a change or something bothering us. Could be a new cat, new schedule,

Locked doors and baby gates are some of the preventative measures parents use to ensure their children don’t hurt themselves sleepwalking. file photo

new bed, any type of change could trigger it. Try to stick to a schedule as much as possible. We used locks on the kids’ doors at night until they were potty trained, now I just pray I wake up if they pass my door!” — Victoria A. Surgeson “My son used to get up and make the worst messes. We bought him a door alarm that went off when he opened his door. It’s super easy for the adults to turn on and off as well. We bought ours from Wal-Mart where all the hardware is.” — Nicole Sanders “I have installed a plastic cover over my handles at the front and back door so my son can’t open them. I bought them at Wal-Mart. They just clip together over the handle. They can’t get a grip to open the door.” — Sarah Kemp de Gereda

friDAY, DECEMBER 7 Prairieland Park





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EVENTS #M U S I C Thursday, N ov. 22 Kelly Read & Brent Taylor Crackers restaurant and Lounge, #1-227 pinehouse dr. Rock & Blues Series: Tyler Yarema and His Rhythm The bassment, b3-202 Fourth ave. N. Ross Neilsen buds on broadway, 817 broadway ave.

Stone Mountain Music mcNally robinson, 3130 eighth st. e. The Rhythmaires Fairfield seniors’ Centre, 103 Fairmont Cres. Bear Jammers Toon Town Tavern, 1630 Fairlight dr. Natalie Struck w/ Makeliars and The Sleeves The Fez, 834b broadway ave.

John McDermott Trio broadway Theatre, 715 broadway ave.

Playboy DJs Rhiannon and Crystal Ellis Tequila Nightclub, 1201 albert ave.

ThunderRiot w/ Conky Showpony The Fez, 834b broadway ave.

Teri Ann Strongarm stan’s place, 106-110 ruth st. e.

Friday, N ov. 23

S a t u rday, N ov. 24

Piano Fridays w/ Ross Nykiforuk straight From the Fridge w/ ellen Kolenick The bassment, b3-202 Fourth ave. N.

Red Hot Chili Peppers Credit union Centre, 101-3515 Thatcher ave.

Kashmir buds on broadway, 817 broadway ave. Alpha Yaya Diallo broadway Theatre, 715 broadway ave. The Rebellion vangelis Tavern, 801 broadway ave. Foam Lake amigos Cantina, 632 10th st. e. Young Benjamins Lydia’s pub, 650 broadway ave. Xavier Rudd w/ Good Old War The odeon events Centre, 241 second ave. s. 3 Pack +1 army & Navy veterans Club, 359 First ave. N.

Roots Series: The Wooden Sky The bassment, b3-202 Fourth ave. N. Kashmir buds on broadway, 817 broadway ave. Wool on Wolves w/ The Great Bloomers and Deadhorse amigos Cantina, 632 10th st. e. Tim Vaughn Lydia’s pub, 650 broadway ave. 3 Pack +1 army & Navy veterans Club, 359 First ave. N. The Lost Keys mcNally robinson, 3130 eighth st. e. Johnny Don’t The Fez, 834b broadway ave.

What you need to know to plan your week. Send events to

Lady Hawke Nutana Legion, 3021 Louise st. Country Gospel Concert holy Trinity anglican Church, 3572 33rd st. W. Viva Las Vegas w/ DJs Mern Kidalgo and Dubz Tequila Nightclub, 1201 albert ave. Teri Ann Strongarm stan’s place, 106-110 ruth st. e. Sunday, Nov. 2 5 Lady Hawke Nutana Legion, 3021 Louise st. Renee de Moissac Christ Church anglican, 515 28th st. W. Blues Jam vangelis Tavern, 801 broadway ave. Tonight It’s Poetry Lydia’s pub, 650 broadway ave. Tuesday, Nov. 27 Dusty Roads Band buds on broadway, 817 broadway ave. Karaoke Deathstar The Fez, 834b broadway ave. Open Mic Lydia’s pub, 650 broadway ave. Wednesday, Nov. 2 8 Journey w/ Loverboy and Night Ranger Credit union Centre, 101-3515 Thatcher ave. Dusty Roads Band buds on broadway, 817 broadway ave. Open Mic The Fez, 834b broadway ave. Souled Out Lydia’s pub, 650 broadway ave.

#A R T Mendel Art Gallery mendel art gallery: see the lovely new jewelry in the hillberg and berk trunk show at the gallery shop on saturday, Nov. 24, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on sunday, Nov. 25 at 2 p.m., storyteller Joseph Naytowhow shares Cree and english tales and songs about nature. Free entertainment for all ages! The natural world informs the fall exhibitions. in beneath a petroliferous moon, 11 artists examine the impact of the petroleum industry. in his exhibition, bird radio and the eames Chair Lounge, bill burns continues his curious work about animals, knowledge, and society’s relationship with nature. saskatoon artists Terry billings, Zachari Logan, and stacia verigin ponder human experiences with the natural world in the group show, The Names of Things. artists by artists features works by megan morman, who was mentored by ruth Cuthand. The mendel (www.mendel. ca) is located at 950 spadina Crescent east, and is open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. admission is free. Gallery on Third, Watrous until Nov. 22 at 102 Third ave. e. in Watrous. a display celebrating the first 20 years of the saltwater players theatre group. Rosanna Parry Photography Exhibition and Sale until Nov. 22 at The refinery, 607 dufferin ave. For information email rosannaparry@ Station Arts Centre, Rosthern until Nov. 24 at 701 railway ave. in rosthern. mixed messages, Fragmented stories by holly hildebrand. organized and toured by osaC through its art on the move program. Centre East Galleries until Nov. 25 at The Centre. a display by Castle designer glass, work by shirley Taylor and Kyla Tulloch, photography

by scott Chapman, a display by the yWCa and displays from the saskatoon public school board, run until sunday. a remembrance day display by the royal Canadian Legion, work by students of rajinder dhand, artisans Craft market Cooperative, saskatoon Camera Club, saskatoon Quilters; Club and displays from the saskatoon public school board. 14th Annual St. George Artists’ Group Open Studio Nov. 25, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 1932 st. george ave. access behind adam’s Lumber. Works on display and for sale by bridget aitken, Nicki ault, Jan Corcoran, gale hagblom, Jane harington, miranda Jones, degen Lindner, amira Wasfy and Carol Wylie. guest ceramic artist puck Janes will also be in attendance. Parkridge Centre Through November at 110 gropper Cres. art in the Centre, works by local group Watermarks and some of their friends. includes artists showing for the first time. Watrous Library Through November in Watrous. expressions in Clay, ceramics by Linda Leslie. Paved Arts/AKA Gallery until dec. 1 at 424 20th st. W. The after-image (swan songs) by Fiona annis. The shaman exterminator: on the Trail of the Woodcraft indians with the buffalo boy scouts of america, by adrian stimson, until dec. 8. a multimedia installation that explores the history and resulting popular culture of the Woodcraft indian movement created by ernest Thompson seton. SCYAP Gallery until dec. 7 at 253 Third ave. s. Why . . . i spy, a solo show by di decaire. Ukrainian Museum of Canada until Jan. 31 at 910 spadina Cres. e. red and black, the artworks of iryna Karpenko. a reception will

be held dec. 7 at 7 p.m. The Hand Wave Gallery until dec. 20 at 409 Third ave. in meacham. Wrappings, an exhibition of woven and knit stoles/shawls and wraps by madelaine Walker. Void Gallery until dec. 31 at 2-1006 eighth st. e. small works by over 15 local artists. also showing at Luna & hill, durand’s Footwear and optika electric eyewear.


Healthy Youth Role Model Award Nov. 22, 5 p.m., at oskayak high school. The award is presented to a local youth who lives a healthy and addiction-free or recovery lifestyle from which others can draw inspiration. The award serves to recognize the efforts and accomplishments of youth who have a focus on living a healthy lifestyle. a meal will take place at 5 p.m., followed by a talent show and presentation of awards. An Evening with the Greystone Singers Nov. 22, 5:30 p.m., at Queen’s house retreat & renewal Centre, 601 Taylor st. W. a gala fundraising dinner and live auction. With entertainment by the greystone singers. Dr. Sketchy’s Star Wars The Empire Sketches Backs Nov. 23, 7 p.m., at Free Flow dance Centre, 224 25th st. W. For ages 19 and up. This dr. sketchy session has a star Wars theme. bring your own sketching supplies. hosted by “r2-d2” handbasket and headmistress “ewok” of the rosebud burlesque Club. Featuring fantastic models and costumes: sweet december as princess Leia, ms. stella behavior as darth vader, maizie Kissed as aayla secura and robby Tanner as boba Fett. With performances, music, drinks and a contest with space prizes.


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EVENTS Hear, See, Think Nov. 23, 7:30 p.m., at paved arts. how are words and art connected? is it possible to think without words and language? see without words? With music, poetry, sketches and multimedia. Artisans Fine Craft Market Nov. 23, 2 p.m. to 9 p.m., Nov. 24, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Nov. 25, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., at Tcu place. saskatchewan handmade items in time for christmas. Second Annual Shine a Light Gala Fundraiser Nov. 23, 6 p.m., at Louis’ pub at the university of saskatchewan. hosted by World university service of canada (Wusc) Local committee. raising funds in support of equal education for girls in Kenyan and malawi refugee camps. With live performances that include The shoeless Joes, speakers and a silent auction. For information or tickets email The Armed Man — A Mass for Peace Nov. 23, 7:30 p.m., at rosthern mennonite church and Nov. 24, 7:30 p.m., at graceWestminster united church, 505 10th st. e. music by Karl Jenkins, performed by the station singers and station chamber ensemble, directed by duff Warkentin, Tickets are available from choir members and at the door. Saskatchewan’s Own Singing Farmer Nov. 24, 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., at Third avenue united church. The amati Quartet performs. With guest artist bass baritone henri

Loiselle. Featuring works by mozart and h.T. burleigh. Embracing the Extraordinary Nov. 24, 7:30 p.m., at elim church on slimmon cres. The university of saskatchewan Jazz ensemble. With trumpet player allen vizzuttii, singer/songwriter eileen Laverty and saskatoon French horn choir. Fall barbershop show Nov. 24, 2:30 p.m., at st. John’s anglican cathedral parish hall, 816 spadina cres. e. Featuring the chimo chordsmen, chapter quartets and harmony 2 go youth barbershop chorus. raising funds for the harmony 2 go chorus, who are travelling to the international mid-winter division competition in January. coffee and refreshments will follow the show. Saskatoon Spinners and Weavers Guild’s Annual Sale Nov. 24, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., at albert community centre, 610 clarence ave. s. handmade gifts for sale. With spinning and weaving demonstrations. Learn the basics of making yarn and cloth. White Christmas Nov. 25, 7:30 p.m., at grace-Westminster united church. The saskatoon concert band auxiliary’s christmas concert. under the direction of Nick Todd. With classical, christmas melodies and marches. Festival of Trees “The Sound of Christmas” Nov. 25 to dec. 1, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., at the Western development museum, 2610 Lorne avenue. cel-

ebrate santa’s country christmas with over 85 trees, wreaths, designer stockings, gingerbread houses and many special displays, all for sale. special events each day. proceeds go towards medical equipment needed at saskatoon city hospital. Shimmy and Shake, Bump and Grind Burlesque Workshop Nov. 26, 9 p.m., at Free Flow dance centre, 224 25th st. W. With headmistress purr of the rosebud burlesque club. a sassy burlesque dance workshop. beginners welcome. ages 19+. email burlesque@ New Drought Tolerant Perennials Nov. 28, 7 p.m., at st. James’ anglican church, 607 dufferin ave. With sara Williams. They are meeting in the basement, use south west entrance. The Galileo Project: Music of the Spheres Nov. 28, 7:30 p.m., at Third avenue united church. The Tafelmusik orchestra explores the fusion of arts, science and culture in the 17th and 18th centuries in a concert commemorating galileo’s first public demonstration of the telescope. With poetic narration, choreography and music by monteverdi, vivaldi, bach and handel. Featuring a backdrop of high-definition images from the hubble telescope and canadian astronomers. Karma Yoga Class Nov. 28, 4:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m., in the back of oshun house, 912 idylwyld dr. N. a payby-donation yoga class. raising funds for the

canadian mental health association. The Memory Tree volunteers available until dec. 1, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., at market mall. The memory Tree provides a way for people to deal with their feelings of loss over the holiday season. anyone may write a memory card, hang it on The memory Tree, and enter to win a poinsettia plant. The tree will be on display until dec. 26. READ Saskatoon Literacy Classes until dec. 14 at Friendship inn, 619 20th st. W. read saskatoon is providing free literacy classes for newcomers to canada. choose classes on mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. or from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. For information call 6525448 or email paula. Science Saturdays at the Children’s Discovery Museum saturdays until dec. 29, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at children’s discovery museum in market mall. sponsored by potashcorp. different science activities and demonstrations every saturday. For details visit www.museumkids. BHP Billiton Enchanted Forest Holiday Light Tour runs to Jan. 6, 5:30 p.m. to 11 p.m., at the saskatoon Forestry Farm park. a spectacular forest drive-through christmas light show featuring illuminated evergreens and computer animated character light displays on a 2.5 km route.

#T H E A T R E A Christmas Carol Nov. 22-24, 7 p.m., at bishop James mahoney high school. adapted from the book by charles dickens and dramatized by John Lake. presented by bishop James mahoney high school. on christmas eve, scrooge’s dead partner’s ghost undertakes to show him the error of his ways. When christmas day dawns, scrooge is a changed man and with new joy goes about making amends for his grouchy ways. Tickets at the door. Max and Ruby in the Nutcracker Suite Nov. 23, 6:30 p.m., at Tcu place. inspired by Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker suite. The bunny siblings have been anxiously waiting to see The Nutcracker ballet with grandma. When a snow storm keeps them at home, grandma tells them a story of The Nutcracker instead. her telling is so vivid that the story comes to life before the bunnies’ eyes. Children’s Letters to God Nov. 28 to dec. 1, 6 p.m. dinner and 7:30 p.m. show, at mayfair united church, 902 33rd st. W. presented by maybee productions. a musical that follows the lives of five young friends as they voice beliefs, desires, questions and doubts common to all people, but expressed by children. How the Chief Stole Christmas Nov. 28 to dec. 8 at 914 20th st. W. presented by saskatchewan Native Theatre company. Writ-

ten and directed by curtis peeteetuce. sihkos, Zula and clare return in this popular remount. New interim chief – and nephew of sihkos – Kevin cedar is intent on retaining tradition, but sihkos suspects Kevin is hiding something from everyone in Kiwetinohk. performed in the cree language with english subtitles. The Sound of Music runs to dec. 23, nightly, except mondays, at 8 p.m. with a 2 p.m. matinee on sundays, at persephone Theatre. music and lyric by rodgers and hammerstein. The spirited maria is sent to serve as governess for the von Trapp children. her warm spirit and love of music soon wins the children’s hearts, and it is not long before the stern captain von Trapp finds himself falling in love. When the Nazis invade austria the family is forced to make a daring escape.



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The December Man runs to dec. 2, various nights at 8 p.m., at The refinery, 609 dufferin ave. a Live Five production about the aftermath of the ecole polytechnique murders.

1 Henry 4 runs to dec. 1, nightly at 8 p.m. except sundays, at The John mitchell building at the u of s. a greystone Theatre performance. shakespeare’s 1 henry 4 presents us with some of the most recognizable characters in shakespeare’s repertoire — King henry, prince hal, hotspur and his Lady, bardolph, glendower, pistol, Nym and the irrepressible sir John Falstaff.

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We want to feature your favourite outfit in Bridges. Send a photo to



Lisa Peters:

Elizabeth Stack:

Seeing red

Winter skirts By Jeanette Stewart

By Ashley Martin It was only 15 years ago that Lisa Peters realized the importance of dressing well. “I started with wearing a pearl necklace that my mom had given me because I knew that if I had the pearls on I had to dress up,” she explained. Now it’s at the point where she doesn’t own many casual clothes. Peters used to shy away from colour — “It took me a long time to get out of black,” she said — but now the owner of Eye Inspire Events celebrates colour. She especially loves red and tries to wear a bit every day.




1. EARRINGS: Vintage, from her mother’s jewelry box. “My mom bought them for a wedding,” 55 years ago. 2. CAPE: Zoe’s Boutique. 3. RING: Hillberg & Berk, custom sapphire and diamonds, a 10th anniversary gift from her husband


Elizabeth Stack survives the cold Saskatchewan winter in style. She began designing her UKSI winter skirts about three years ago. She bought a wool skirt in Portugal more than a decade ago, but it was always too warm to wear. One day she put it over her clothes and went outside. Her new “winter skirt” became a must-have item so she decided to design a few for her friends. After getting the design down and hiring a professional to sew them, she now sells her winter skirts at the Pedestrian Shoe Fitting Centre on Broadway in Saskatoon, which is owned by her husband. Stack shared her practical winter style tips with Bridges.


1. JACkET: Solomon, Pedestrian.


4. PURSE: From Louis Vuitton in Las Vegas. “I saved up. I wanted this since I was 19 years old. It’s one of those extravagances; I’ve got to buy other things before I start buying myself something like this.”



5. JEANS: Calvin Klein from Winners 6. BOOTS: Pure Clothing The stylish Lisa Peters. bridges phoTo by doN heaLy

2. SkIRT: UKSI, Pedestrian. “It’s made out of felted wool and it’s lined so that it’s a nice interior and not itchy. It’s a wrap style skirt so that you can just put it on over top of your clothes,” she said. “It’s like putting on a jacket. I don’t even think about what I’m wearing underneath.”


3. BOOTS: El Naturalista, Pedestrian. “I like flat shoes. I don’t wear heels.”


Elizabeth Stack poses outside of Pedestrian in her winter skirt. bridges phoTo by miCheLLe berg

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GardeninG #


The 2013 Prairie Garden is out By Sara Williams It’s like Christmas ahead of time when The Prairie Garden ( arrives in my mailbox. And the 2013 edition is no exception. It marks the 74th edition of this annual publication devoted to gardening on the Prairies. This year’s theme is one that’s close to my heart — perennials! This year the guest editor is Jane Reksten, manager of the Botanic Gardens of Olds College in Alberta. The enthusiasm that Reksten brings is palpable: “I am fascinated by everything about perennials, including their history and the personalities with which they intertwine.” Some of the articles focus on a particular genus of perennial. Others discuss the many varied perennial uses. As always, there are articles on general gardening topics in addition to the main theme. Rick Durand, a well-known Manitoba plant breeder, discusses the future of Canadian rose breeding. Barry Greig, horticulturist, explains the success of growing the elusive blue poppy at the Devonian Botanic Garden southeast of Edmonton. Chet Neufeld of the Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan has written an article about native plants for problem spots, ranging from hot and dry to shade to wet areas. There are articles on more tender plants such as Sprekelia, salvias, calla lilies and amaryllis. In addition, you can find information about edibles such as strawberries, blueberries and perennial vegetables (asparagus, Egyptian walking onion, horse radish, Jerusalem artichoke and rhubarb). The gardener-turned-beer brewer will be interested in an article about growing brewing hops which includes a description of both their culture and some of the newer cultivars. The 2013 full-colour edition is 184 pages. As noted by permanent editor Richard Denesiuk, “the use of perennials is a long standing tradition on the Prairies, but the range of choices available today has never been greater.” Writers for this edition represent Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. A non-profit publication dedicated to the advancement of horticulture in the Prairie provinces, the Prairie Garden is published by a volunteer committee of 15 to 20 members based in Winnipeg. Think Christmas! This is a wonderful gift for gardeners on your list and one they will refer to for years to come. Copies are available at local bookstores and garden centres or directly from the Prairie Garden, P.O. Box 517, Winnipeg, Man., R3C 2J3; phone 204 489-3466, or by email: The cost is $17.50 with special quantity prices to horticultural societies and garden clubs. (Postage and handling are additional.) The Prairie Garden is also available in Saskatoon from the Saskatchewan Perennial Society (call 306 343-7707). Other wonderful Christmas gifts for Prairie gardeners from the Perennial Society are the Japanese hand hoes (you’ll still be using them 20 years from now) for $15 and In A Cold Land, the stories of early Saskatchewan horticulturists Cecil Patterson, Percy Wright, Bert Porter and Les Kerr for $14. Postage and handling on all of these items is additional. Sara Williams’ new and expanded edition of Creating the Prairie Xeriscape will be published by Coteau Books in February 2013. Please see Bridges events listings for upcoming horticultural events. This column is provided courtesy of the Saskatchewan Perennial Society (;

The annual Prairie Garden magazine is eagerly anticipated and makes a perfect Christmas gift for the gardener on your list. phoTo

courTesy prairie gardeN


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Gifts to Grandmothers

Sewing hope for African grandmothers By Edna Manning

Children begging for food in Kampala. Hungry orphans in Southern Africa. Widows and grandmothers struggling to grow crops. All benefit from Gifts to Grandmothers, a charity dedicated to helping African women. Her sewing machine humming steadily, Ruth Toews contributes to the cause which was started by her sister in Kelowna. In her bright and spacious basement, Toews is sewing tote bags for a craft sale. All the money raised will go to the Kelowna group. The organization uses trustworthy, non-governmental agencies in Africa to deliver monetary help to grandmothers who are raising orphaned grandchildren due to the AIDS epidemic in that part of the world. Kelowna Gifts to Grandmothers, which began in 2007, has funded the building of homes for grandmothers in Nigeria and sponsored Mutual Benefit Societies in Uganda through a partnership with African Community Technical Services. This group provides tools, seed and leased land for widows and grandmothers to cultivate crops to sustain themselves and grow additional cash crops to improve their living conditions. Other projects include the Ubunti Care Centre in Sabie, (located in Mpumalanga province, South Africa) which provides meals for the elderly and most vulnerable in the community. The Masiba Mbane Orphan Feeding program, also in Sabie, feeds 300 children daily. Carli’s Kids in Kampala has rescued abandoned children begging for food on the streets of Kampala. Canadian-born Carli Travers started the Abetavu Children’s Home on 11 acres of land. Carli and her husband are building a home for themselves and their adopted children. They also plan to construct satellite homes on the property to house grandmoth-

Ruth Toews constructs durable tote bags in a variety of colours and patterns. These distinctive-looking items are for sale at craft markets or from her home. All funds go to African grandmothers raising orphaned grandchildren. bridges phoTo by edNa maNNiNg

ers and their children. Gifts to Grandmothers carefully researches each project, maintains close communication and contact with its partners to monitor the success and efficiency of each project. When Toews learned about her sister’s group in 2008, she was impressed with the hand-up, not the hand-out approach. “They were providing the women in Africa with the resources and training necessary to make a living for themselves,” she says. Toews launched the Saskatoon branch of Gifts to Grandmothers.

She had recently lost her husband and had undergone major surgery for cancer. She needed something to fill the void in her life. Several women she knew shared her vision and by October 2008, the Saskatoon branch was up and running. For material, Toews acquired stacks of roll ends and remnants from a local drapery store. “It was beautiful high-quality fabric, enough for a good start. And it was all free,” she says. Membership at a local fabric store allowed her to purchase thread and other accessories

at a discount. In just four years, Toews and her volunteers have made close to 1,000 tote bags. They also make and sell hippy bags (over the shoulder, hiplength handbags) in several sizes, mini hand-bags, cosmetic bags, cushion covers and table runners. “Our aim is to create a high-quality product that not only looks good but will last,” says Toews. The tote bags sell for $35.00, hippy bags are $25 for the large size, $20 for medium and small (which includes a cosmetic bag). Toews, who will turn 80 in Feb-

ruary, sells the items at craft sales, the Farmers’ Market, and from her home. “I want to stay small — it helps me to be involved in all aspects of the project. I plan to carry on as long as I possibly can. In the future, if I can’t go out and sell, I hope the other girls will take it and run with it. It’s been tremendously rewarding,” she adds. For more information about Kelowna Gifts to Grandmothers, visit To contact Ruth Toews regarding the tote bags or other items for sale, phone 373-0714.

Read my book #


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LocaL aUTHoRS: Writers tell us what makes their book worth reading

M a R i o n M U Ta L a

Baba’s Babushka: A Magical Ukrainian Easter Here it is. Finally, the long awaited second book in my trilogy, Baba’s Babushka: A Magical Ukrainian Easter. Baba is now a teenager, and Natalia is learning about her Ukrainian Easter traditions in the book. It’s Easter. Time for another holiday adventure. Marion Mutala When the wind brings Natalia another babushka just like the ones her Baba used to wear, the young girl goes on a magical jour-

ney to a springtime in the past and discovers the Easter traditions of her Ukrainian heritage. And love is in the air. Even if you do not believe in Christmas or Easter traditions you still might believe in the spirit of Christmas and Easter that promotes the love of culture, heritage and family. Family is important to me and I have always been curious about my ancestors. The Aboriginal or First Nations people were living in Canada when all other cultures emigrated. This book continues Natalia’s self-discovery journey and her tale about treasuring your heritage. In my first historical fiction children’s book, Baba’s Babushka: A Magical Ukrainian Christmas, Natalia, the little girl, goes back in

time to Ukraine at the turn of the 20th century and meets another little girl, who turns out to be her baba. Natalia learns the very precious and varied traditions of Ukrainian Christmas Eve and now with the second book she learns the

Ukrainian Easter traditions. Both books capture the love inherent in my Ukrainian culture and family traditions. My grandparents, Tessie Woznakowski and Stefan Dubyk, immigrated to Canada in 1912, married and moved to Hafford, SK in 1913. It was their story that inspired me to write this book and pictures of my family members are included in the illustrations. My late mother, Sophie Mutala, was used as the model for the picture of baba in the story based on actual pictures of her wearing her babushka and my picture is used for the little girl, Natalia. All of this makes for a more personal story and interesting read. I am doing a trilogy in this series. The final book is mapped out and

slated for release in 2013. In the final book, I continue Natalia’s story. Baba is a young woman who will marry and immigrate to Canada, just like my grandparents did, and Natalia learns about important Ukrainian wedding traditions. So check it out and enjoy Baba’s Babushka: A Magical Ukrainian Easter or perhaps book one, a national bestseller, the bestselling children’s book at McNally (2010), and winner of the Anna Pidruchney award. Both books really are the perfect Christmas or Easter present or a great addition to your book collection. Both are available at McNally Robinson, Indigo Coles, or from Your Nickel’s Worth Publishing.

Children of ALL AGES Santa needs your help! Remember last year we asked you to submit letters to run in advertising features during the holiday season? YOUR RESPONSE WAS OVERWHELMING! This year he needs your help again.

Please write or draw (or both) telling Santa if you could share one thing this Christmas Season, what would it be and who would you most like to share it with?


(as neatly as possible) Some of the letters received will appear in The StarPhoenix and Bridges.

m Gift Card fro WIN A $100 E S H O P ! FUTUR Please submit letters early and no later than November 30, 2012. Please include your name, age and phone number on the back of the letter, and mark all envelopes “Letters to Santa” at The StarPhoenix, 204 Fifth Ave. N., Saskatoon, SK S7K 2P1

(Note: Phone number is to notify winner and will not be published) Children, parents or teachers with questions or concerns may call The StarPhoenix Advertising Dept. (306) 657-6340. SAS00191820_1_1



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ducks unlimited ladies night out and auction



Ducks Unlimited celebrated its 25th anniversary with a travel themed event at the Saskatoon Inn for 145 dazzling ladies. The fabulous dinner and fundraiser included prizes, draws, raffles, live and silent auction items, all with a destination theme. Most of the items were donations from the community — artwork, photographs, sculptures, furniture and baskets filled with goodies, The main prize was a $2,500 travel voucher. Candace Franke, Ducks Unlimited committee member and organizer of the event, was surprised by her family who traveled from out of town to support her and the cause. “This event is a fun way to raise money — with beer pong, plinko, the silent auction, live auction, and we’re raffling off men at the end of the night!” Three of the women who were charter members of the Ducks Unlimited Committee 25 years ago attended and were happy to see the continuing support from the community. Ducks Unlimited works to support wetland conservation. The money raised will go towards projects in the Saskatoon area. 1. Colleen Guse, Joyclyn Guse, Calla Effa and Ducks Unlimited committee member Candace Franke 2.Chantel Tonn and Heidi Unruh 3. Ladies play beer pong for raffle tickets. 4. Charter members of the Ducks Unlimited Committee: Louise Valade, Lea Adams, and Marion Marcotte.


5. Lecina Hicke and Colleen Cameron 6.Terry Sukut and Joanne Kachur

bridges phoTos by miChelle berg





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H CTACULA SCPeEltic Style presented by b

Maestro Victor Sawa conductor

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Saturday, December 8


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Feng shui front and centre in B&B By Ashley Martin WHO? Rick and Denise Urbanski. WHAT? Their bed and breakfast, The Dragon’s Nest, in Regina’s Cathedral area. WHEN? Denise has lived in this house since 1989, but the couple opened the B&B nine years ago. WHY? Through a blended family, Denise always had many people living in her house — eight kids, plus boarders — so it wasn’t a stretch to open a B&B. But she was concerned about how well it would do in Regina. “I thought if you had a bed and breakfast, you would have to have a view of the mountains or the ocean. How could you possibly have a bed and breakfast in the middle of Regina?” But Denise had trained as a feng shui consultant and thought this could be a hook to create interest in the B&B. Having strangers in her home was never an issue and there are some benefits to it: “If you want to have a real fight with your husband, you kind of have to tone it down,” she noted. The couple continues to live in a second-floor suite, where they have a private bedroom, laundry and bathroom. They share the rest of the house with their guests. “I think there’s a special breed of people who come to bed and breakfasts and they typically are looking for a good time and they invest a lot of themselves, so they’re very respectful. I remember when we first opened up a bed and breakfast, someone said, ‘Well do people steal? Is that a problem?’ It’s unheard of. People will come and stay at a bed and breakfast and you’ve got things all over the place, but it’s never missing. The quality of guests is very high, which makes it such a pleasure. They’re so appreciative.” HOW? Each room in the house is named and decorated in accordance with feng shui, from the Wealth stairwell with fish hanging from the ceiling, to

the Love room, decorated with cherry blossoms to signify new beginnings. The B&B is called The Dragon’s Nest because dragons are protectors that bring abundance and opportunity. The common areas of the home are “a complete reflection of me and Rick,” explained Denise. “You’ve got shabby chic, antique, (a) little bit Victorian. The old hippie is in there as well. “In the kitchen, we have a dart board. Rick loves to play darts so we will have championships every once in a while with our guests. “We didn’t want to have a doilydoily bed and breakfast because

that’s not us.” The couple has done two major renovations to the home. The first was in 2006 when they added a third storey. The second started this spring when their steam heat system broke; this resulted in digging down the basement to replace the pipes, then adding two new suites, which were recently finished. With the booming economy, Denise estimates they’re at about 85 per cent capacity all the time and says Regina needs more B&Bs.

bridges phoTos by Troy FleeCe

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Music #


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FUr eel

Young band honing a funky sound By Ashley Martin Fur Eel has a different sound than a lot of bands, but never more so than at a gig in Canmore, Alta., last year. That experience was due to the sound guy, who refused to check their sound. “He said, ‘No, you’re going to have the best sound of your entire career,’ unmastered, no sound check. We did our set and the whole time he remixed,” said Fur Eel bass player Travis Reshaur. “He was adding weird effects to everything we did, because he had a computerized rig in the back. Three times in a song I swear the snare changed sound,” added singer/ guitarist Justin Sheppard. “I went from playing the bass to playing the banjo back to bass. I think everyone cleared the room. No one stayed,” said Reshaur. There’s no room for banjo in this band’s sound, which has a strong funk base, but as a quartet — rounded out by guitarist Thomas St. Onge and drummer James Belle — this isn’t a pure funk band. “If you’re a pure funk band you’ve got a big brass section,” said Sheppard. “You need a huge, huge band, whereas we’re bringing the elements of funk to the more stripped down rock and roll grittiness of the Rolling Stones.” The band got started when Sheppard and St. Onge met and started jamming in 2010. The two remain the primary songwriters, Sheppard writing lyrics and chord progression and St. Onge assisting with chord progression. Since then, they’ve released three self-produced albums and are back in the studio now. They’ve toured Western Canada on more than one occasion and have learned a lot along the way — like the importance of playing sober. “We played a really bad gig in Saskatoon about a year ago. I’m not going to say where or when but it was a very bad gig and luckily no one was there,” said Reshaur.

Fur Eel performs at one of the last shows hosted by The Distrikt in Regina. File phoTo by michael bell

“We’ve learned to eliminate substance abuse prior to a show,” added Sheppard. “I realized it hindered my ability to be on point, especially the kind of vocals I do, being drunk. . . isn’t exactly doing me any favours.” Then there’s the practical stuff, like doing some homework before heading out on tour. “What we’ve learned over the past few years is if you don’t have stuff together before you go, you end up burning a gigantic hole in your pocket with not a lot of return. You’ve got to

head out with goals,” said Sheppard. “In the initial stages a lot of bands will book a tour just to say, ‘Oh we’re playing in Victoria, we’re playing in Vancouver,’ and it’s just, ‘Wow good for you, when there’s nobody there.’ “We’re kind of getting our stuff together so we have an audience. Part of finding that audience is doing your homework, knowing where we’re going to go over well. Maybe we’re not even a good band for Canada or all of Canada. Maybe touring Canada all over the place is not a good idea.”

That said, in Canada “there’s realistically not many bands doing what we do. That’s good for us,” said Sheppard, who works in real estate with his dad’s company. The guys, all in their early 20s, have jobs — Reshaur as a cook, Belle as a substitute teacher and St. Onge as an engineer — but they are all approaching the band as a business. Maybe one day music will be just a hobby, but “I’ll save that thought for when I’m much older,” said Reshaur. They recognize this will take a lot

of work; it’s all about paying your dues, and they’re doing it. “In this industry, there’s no guide. There are some good guidelines but definitely no strict set of rules on how to be a successful artist, and part of that is having realistic expectations and not expecting to take over the world tomorrow,” said Sheppard. Fur Eel is recording and planning a tour for February. The band’s next Saskatchewan show is in Saskatoon on Jan. 4 at Louis’.




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Ottawa rejects ban on generic oxycodone By Heather Scoffield OTTAWA — The federal government is refusing to interfere in the drug approval process to halt the highly addictive generic form of OxyContin, saying the provinces have the wherewithal to do a lot more. Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq wrote her provincial counterparts on Monday to reject their plea to delay or deny approval of the knock-off opioid painkiller — a move that immediately provoked an outcry from Ontario, as well as from some health experts. Federal laws don’t allow regulators to simply ban a drug just because some people abuse the medication, Aglukkaq told a news conference. “The law does not per mit approval to be withheld on the basis of misuse,” she said, asking the public to also consider the needs of patients with chronic pain. Her refusal to get involved in the process opens the door for generic oxycodone to win approval in Canada after the patent for the brand-name OxyContin expires on Nov. 25. That’s despite a unanimous request from provincial health ministers to at least delay approval until regulators can examine how oxycodone is abused, and repeated demands from Ontario to completely ban the drug. “I am profoundly disappointed in Minister Aglukkaq’s decision to ignore the threat to public safety posed by generic OxyContin and to allow it to enter the Canadian market,” Ontario Health Minister Deb Matthews said in a statement. While national figures are hard to come by, Matthews said OxyContin has led to a five-fold increase in oxycodone-related deaths. She said the social costs of allowing generic oxycodone would be about $500 million a year

The federal government will not interfere in the drug approval process for a highly addictive form of OxyContin. file photo

in Ontario alone. Small communities and First Nations in particular have been wrestling for the past few years with widespread addictions related to oxy, which is trafficked on a secondary market. In some northern Ontario reserves, more than half the adult population is addicted to prescription drugs. Last year, the drug’s producer, Purdue Pharma, replaced OxyContin with a different version called OxyNeo, which some say is harder to crush and snort or inject. Ottawa should not allow the easily-abused format back in, Matthews said. “National problems require a national solution. Provincial and territorial health ministers unanimously asked for federal help, but have once again been told that

it’s a provincial problem.” Matthews had asked that federal regulators take into account broader public health and safety issues as they decide whether to approve the generic painkiller. But the provinces already have several ways to prevent oxycodone and other opiates from being abused, Aglukkaq said. Provinces have jurisdiction over doctors, phar macists and the prescription system, she said. And if provincial authorities bring forward proof that doctors and phar macists are enabling abuse, Health Canada can take action under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, she added. In her letter and remarks, Aglukkaq zeroed in on claims from Matthews that “streets would be flooded” with the generic form

of the drug if it is approved. “With respect, that could only occur if the provinces and territories, and the medical professions they regulate, let it happen,” she said. Plus, banning just one drug won’t solve the problem of prescription drug abuse, she warned. “Banning a generic version of one drug would do little to solve the actual problem,” Aglukkaq said of her letter. “There are almost 100 authorized drugs in Canada that are in the very same class of drugs as OxyContin. “Banning all these drugs because they have the potential to be addictive would help dry up the drug supply for addicts, but would lead to pain and suffering for patients who desperately need them.”

Federal opposition critics accused the minister of abandoning responsibility for prescription drug abuse. “It’s a serious epidemic (in some First Nations). Why will she not listen to the health ministers of this country?” said Liberal Aboriginal Affairs critic Carolyn Bennett. “She needs to figure out a way.” Indeed, Aglukkaq says Ottawa will tighten licensing rules so that distributors of oxycodone have to keep better track of where the drug goes. Starting in 2013, they will need to report spikes in sales and changes in distribution patterns, in addition to previous responsibilities to report losses and theft. And if the provinces eventually find that they still can’t sufficiently control oxycodone, then Aglukkaq says she would be open to new regulations to further restrict prescribing and dispensing of the drug. Ottawa could set up a regime that could place extra controls on who can prescribe or dispense potentially addictive drugs. It already has a similar arrangement for methadone. David Juurlink, the head of clinical pharmacology at the University of Toronto, said he’d like to see federal action as soon as possible. If Ottawa sees legal barriers to banning oxy, it should at least consider changing the law, Juurlink said. Plus, he sees a need to “de-educate” doctors across the country so that they realize that the “commonplace” practice of prescribing high doses of oxycodone over a long period of time is fraught with risk. There are other ways to deal with pain, he said. And while there may well be 100 other products that contain opioids, OxyContin is among the easiest to abuse. “It’s actually very dangerous.” The Canadian Press


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Best Of


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# Colouring contest Stephanie McKay is backpacking in Africa for the next month so please enjoy our favourite colouring pages from past issues. Children can colour the page, have a picture taken with the finished product and email it to One winner will be chosen each week.

Last week’s contest winner is Ashleigh Shaw. Thanks to everyone who submitted entries.

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#H o r o s c o p e s


b y H o l i d ay

BY HOLIDAY MATHIS A cycle of soul searching begins with the sun’s transit into Scorpio turning the energy inward. With this kind of excavation, the treasure isn’t always glistening like jewels and gold. You may not even realize you’ve hit on something valuable until years later. The quest for meaning becomes a reward in and of itself. ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’ll add new skills to your bag. Keep in mind that negativity has a disorienting effect on your learning process and choose teachers who radiate a positive attitude. You need to be encouraged. One or two nice comments aren’t nearly enough. Find the generous spirits who will give you more. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Adults, amused by youth’s idealistic point of view, like to ask children what they want to be when they grow up. Ask the same question of yourself and you might be surprised by your answer. This week shows you as wideeyed and hopeful as you were many years ago. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). There’s much you can learn on the Internet, but it’s the organization and application of information that will move you forward. An accumulation of facts is not the same thing as knowledge. This week you’ll get the hands-on experience you’ve needed to make a training process complete. CANCER (June 22-July 22). People usually don’t have an excellent awareness of their attitude, but you’re different from most. You know what you want to project and measure it against what you are projecting. You make conscious adjustments if necessary to ensure that you’re radiating the mood of your choosing. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). While you love being so much in the flow of life that you don’t have to think about how you’re doing, it doesn’t always work that way. Objectivity is necessary for your growth. A bit of self-consciousness can be terrific. It reminds you to pull your shoulders back and watch how people treat you differently. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). We live in a culture of labelling and diagnosing. Does everything have to have a name? This week you’ll be dealing with a situation that truly is hard to categorize, and it will be a waste of time to try. When you accept the way things are without calling it anything, you’ll respond to “what is” instead of “what it’s named.” LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). It takes an

evolved and self-sufficient person to give the gift of freedom to others. You truly want to see your loved ones happy, so this is easy for you this week. You’ll show your love by encouraging a loved one to pursue an individual path that may or may not include you. This will come back to you in a positive way. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). What happens won’t matter nearly as much as who is involved. Make people your priority — not activities, money or productivity. This will be a challenge as the sun shifts into your sign and it’s a challenge to take seriously. Your work will always be there, but the people around you will change and grow and move. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Beware of the person who never seems to make mistakes. This is in no way a good sign, as it indicates a tendency to cover up or a resistance to risk. For happiness and success, strive to be around real people who openly discuss mistakes and invite others to help them come up with solutions. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You are a touchstone in the lives of others. There’s no need to drum up extra excitement or do anything other than what comes naturally. Loved ones appreciate you for who you are: A solid, consistent person. They count on you to behave in the same way with the same attitude day after day. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). With an open mind, you could be the one to come up with a brilliant solution to whatever ails people. You’ll have to reject convention, though. Also, don’t believe what you hear, especially if it’s the same thing you’ve been hearing for years now. Times are different and you’re different, too.


Experience a new

level of warmth and relaxation

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The routine that used to support your productivity is no longer effective. You feel driven to establish a new way of working that makes sense in your current life. In all things ask, “What is the purpose?” With this question as a guiding principle, you will quickly figure out what needs to change. THIS WEEK’S BIRTHDAYS: Usually wary of circumstances beyond your control, this year you’ll be more laid back and ready for the thrill of adventure. Your open attitude leads to greater spiritual awareness. Your talents will be recognized next month, though you have no need of the validation. A private goal to improve will be your driving force. You’ll make an important decision in December and you won’t look back. There will be a financial bonus in March. May brings the happy resolution of an ongoing conflict.

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See a food trend you think deserves a highlight in Bridges? Email or visit Bridges on Facebook

S a S k at c h e wa n F o o d S c e n e

New Italian restaurant aims to impress By Jenn Sharp Fortuna Ristorante Italiano. The name rolls off the tongue in a delicious way that only Italian can. And the owners of Fortuna promise the food is delicious enough to attract clientele expecting the best. Regina’s Quance Street restaurant is owned by five partners, all with Italian family ties (a map of Italy marking where each is from is even included in the menu.) One of these partners is famed former mayor Pat Fiacco. Fiacco is the point man when it comes to marketing and giving interviews but was unfortunately out of town when my press deadline hit. I visited Fortuna, which opened a month ago, for lunch recently and was underwhelmed. I sampled one of the house specialties, gnocchi alla pomodoro (gnocchi prepared in a tomato basil sauce). The gnocchi was a little underdone for my liking and the pomodoro sauce appeared to be missing a key ingredient — basil. However, I’ve heard a lot of positive reviews. Check out Urban Spoon if you don’t believe me. The restaurant has also gotten its fair share of negative reviews. I’m willing to give it another try. Lunch may not be their forte and one must keep in mind that growing pains are a constant for any new restaurant — chefs getting acquainted with the menu, reliably acquiring quality supplies and managers training new staff all adds to the stress. If you can guarantee one thing in the restaurant business it’s that the first month (or two) of operation will be akin to trying to drink through a

straw after you’ve been to the dentist. You know how to do it but you just can’t seem to make all the motions come together at the same time. Except for almost wiping out on the floor, which wasn’t accommodating to my wet winter boots, I liked the décor. Draped in slate grey and earth tones, the stylish dining room is flanked on one side by large windows. Not ideal for hiding away somewhere, as there are no booths, people will likely come here to see and be seen. A lounge area is off to one side and patrons walk past an open concept kitchen on their way in. They also walk past the server station which is an oversight on the designer’s part. The prices aren’t prohibitive — keep in mind it’s meant to be fine dining, not an all-you-can-eat pasta buffet. There are a few entrees topping the $25 mark, which I’m prepared to pay — if it’s worth it. Everything is made fresh and to order at Fortuna. My server informed me the kitchen is sans heat lamps (a definite rarity.) The food must be picked up as soon as the chef sets the plate on the line. This means your server will likely be hustling his or her butt off but your food won’t have a chance to sit curdling in the heat. Executive chef Gianni Pioggi learned how to cook in his hometown: Rome, Italy. Like so many of his countrymen, he feels eating is an experience meant to be savoured — with ample time, ample wine and great conversation. I couldn’t agree more. Have you visited Fortuna? What did you think? I’d love to hear about it. Contact me at: or on Twitter @JennKSharp.

Linguine All’ Aragosta, one of the chef’s specialties at Fortuna Ristorante Italiano.Bridges Photos By Bryan schlosser


r e c i p e S F o r a S u n d ay a F t e r n o o n

Mom’s Homemade Lasagne with Bolognese Sauce My mom may not be Italian but she knows how to make a mean lasagne. Her version is less simplistic than others but loaded with veggies, cheese and flavour, and well worth the effort. Lasagne IngredIents: > 1/4 cup finely chopped bacon (3 slices) > 1 lb ground beef > 1 cup chopped onion > 2 cloves minced garlic > 1/4 cup fine chopped carrot > 1/4 cup fine chopped celery > 1/4 cup parsley > 5 oz. can tomato paste > 3/4 cup water > 28 oz. can tomatoes, cut up

> 1/2 tsp. chicken bouillon > 1/8 tsp. ground nutmeg > 2 tsp oregano > 12 oz lasagne noodles > 3 to 4 cups mozzarella cheese and 1 1/2 cups Parmesan, combined and set aside

BoLognese sauce IngredIents: > 6 tbsp butter > 1/3 cup flour > 1/2 tsp. salt > 1/8 tsp. white pepper > 1/8 tsp. nutmeg > 2 1/2 cups milk

Method: Cook the bacon until crisp in a Dutch oven. Simmer the ground beef in the same pot. Simmer the remaining ingredients (except noodles) for 1 hour. Cook the noodles in boiling water just until tender (about 9 minutes). Don’t overcook. Drain in cold water.

Combine in a medium saucepan and heat while stirring constantly until bubbly. Use a 10” X 13” lasagne pan. Layer the tomato sauce, noodles, then Bolognese sauce; repeat, making sure to finish with the mozzarella and Parmesan cheese mixture. Cover with foil and bake at 325 for 35 to 40 minutes. Let stand for 10 minutes to make slices hold their shape best.


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Authors put twist on traditional couscous, fattoush In “Jerusalem: A Cookbook,” authors Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi explore the tastes and sights of their hometown. They offer readers “a glimpse into a hidden treasure, and at the same time explore our own culinary DNA, unravel the sensations and the alphabet of the city that made us the food creatures that we are.” Here are two recipes from their book. The authors have given both of them a twist. Couscous with Tomato and Onion This wonderfully comforting couscous is based on a dish Sami Tamimi’s mother cooked for him when he was a child. The authors added a crust, similar to Iranian tadik, a rice dish cooked in such a way that a crispy crust forms at the bottom of the pot; this crunchy bit is everybody’s favourite, they write. Use good-quality stock. Serve with grilled fish skewers, turkey and zucchini burgers with green onion and cumin, or with salad as a light vegetarian meal. 45 ml (3 tbsp) olive oil, divided 1 medium onion, finely chopped (250 ml/1 cup) 15 ml (1 tbsp) tomato paste 2 ml (1/2 tsp) sugar 2 very ripe tomatoes, cut into 5-mm (1/4-inch) dice (425 ml/1 3/4 cups) 2 ml (1/2 tsp) salt Freshly ground black pepper, to taste Scant 250 ml (1 cup) couscous Scant 250 ml (1 cup) boiling chicken or vegetable stock 37 ml (2 1/2 tbsp) unsalted butter Pour 30 ml (2 tbsp) of the olive oil into a non-stick pan about 22 cm (8 1/2 inches) in diameter and place over medium heat. Add onion and cook for 5 minutes, stirring often, until softened but not coloured. Stir in tomato paste and sugar and cook for 1 minute. Add tomatoes, salt and pepper and cook for 3 minutes. Meanwhile, place couscous in a shallow bowl, pour boiling stock over it and cover with plastic wrap.

Na’ama’s Fattoush

Couscous with Tomato and Onion.THE CANADIAN PRESS fIlE PHoToS

Set aside for 10 minutes, then remove cover and fluff couscous with a fork. Add tomato sauce and stir well. Wipe pan clean and heat butter and remaining 15 ml (1 tbsp) olive oil over medium heat. When butter has melted, spoon couscous into pan and use the back of a spoon to pat it down gently so it is packed in snugly. Cover pan, reduce heat to lowest setting and let couscous steam for 10 to 12 minutes, until you can see a light brown colour around the edges. Use an offset spatula or a knife to help you peer between the edge of the couscous and the side of the pan: you want a really crisp edge all over the base and sides. Invert a large plate on top of the pan and quickly invert the pan and plate together, releasing the couscous onto the plate. Serve warm or

at room temperature. Makes 4 servings. Na’ama’s Fattoush “There are plenty of unique variations on the chopped salad, but one of the most popular is fattoush, an Arab salad that uses grilled or fried leftover pita,” Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi write in the introduction to this recipe. This fattoush is Sami Tamimi’s mother’s variation on the traditional bread salad. “She makes her own quick buttermilk by mixing milk and yogurt. The bread soaks up the buttermilk and becomes really spongy and delicious,” Ottolenghi said in an interview. “So that’s quite different from the traditional way of making bread salad.” Scant 250 ml (1 cup) Greek yogurt and 200 ml (3/4 cup plus 2 tbsp)

whole milk or 400 ml (1 2/3 cups buttermilk (replacing both yogurt and milk) 2 large stale Turkish flatbread or naan (260 g/9 oz total) 3 large tomatoes, cut into 1.5-cm (2/3-inch) dice 3 or 4 radishes, thinly sliced 3 Lebanese or mini cucumbers, peeled and chopped into 1.5-cm (2/3-inch) dice 2 green onions, thinly sliced 125 ml (1/2 cup) fresh mint 250 ml (1 cup) coarsely chopped flat-leaf parsley 15 ml (1 tbsp) dried mint 2 cloves garlic, crushed 45 ml (3 tbsp) freshly squeezed lemon juice 50 ml (1/4 cup) olive oil, plus extra to drizzle 30 ml (2 tbsp) cider or white wine vinegar

4 ml (3/4 tsp) freshly ground black pepper 7 ml (1 1/2 tsp) salt 15 ml (1 tbsp) sumac or more to taste, to garnish Try to get small cucumbers for this as for any other fresh salad. They are worlds apart from the large ones we normally get in most supermarkets. You can skip the fermentation stage and use only buttermilk instead of the combination of milk and yogurt. If using yogurt and milk, start at least 3 hours and up to a day in advance by placing both in a bowl. Whisk well and leave in a cool place or in the fridge until bubbles form on the surface. What you get is a kind of homemade buttermilk, but less sour. Tear bread into bite-size pieces and place in a large mixing bowl. Add fermented yogurt mixture or commercial buttermilk, followed by remaining ingredients, mix well and let stand for 10 minutes to allow flavours to combine. Spoon fattoush into serving bowls, drizzle with olive oil and garnish generously with sumac. Makes 6 servings. Source: “Jerusalem: A Cookbook.” The Canadian Press

T h u rs day, N ov e m b e r 2 2 , 2 0 1 2

T h esTa r p h o e N i x .co m / b r i d g es


WINE World #

La Mora MoreLLino di ScanSano

Cheese lovers will enjoy this Italian wine

By James Romanow

In the fight between Old and New World wine styles, there are two key parts to the debate. The first is the fruitiness of the wine. The second is the texture. Obviously we have just turned our straightforward linear marking system into a Cartesian plane, then a multi-textual cube. And I’ll be damned before I start scoring wines on three separate axis. I am a huge fan of Chianti, the wine of Tuscany made from Sangiovese grapes. At its finest, it is a medium-bodied wine (think Pinot Noir) with a lean acidic palate and a wonderful mineral finish, typically loaded with iron. (Female health alert: Getting iron is good for you.) Morellino de Scansano is a local name for the Sangiovese grape in the Maremma area. So far so good. I’m totally on board with this. But when you taste La Mora a rather new vista opens before you. The bouquet is mineral, iron rich as expected, but the palate is softer, fruitier and suddenly you are transported to a nicer world where laurel blooms and fruit ripens on the tree. At this point if you’re not careful you’ll be shedding clothes and dancing with abandon through the room singing. I tend to a leaner style of wine personally, but this wine found the perfect sweet spot. It’s both New and Old World, simultaneously fruity and

lean. It also damn near the perfect cheese wine. I’ve had Barolo (love it), Burgundy and Chianti, and they all have their points with cheese. But Morellino seems to bring out the absolute best in aged cheddar, feta and mild blue cheeses. You name it, it did the job well. If you’re looking for a wine that will take you to a new dimension of vinous love, start here. La Mora Morellino di Scansano, Cecchi, Italy, 2011. $15.99 *****

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