Homes Aug 17

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S at u r day, Au g ust 17, 2013

Dorm decor time Lisa Evans Postmedia News Pens and notebooks may be at the top of most students’ back-to-school shopping lists, but for those moving away from home, colourful bedding and accent furniture are must-haves. D r ab, c r a m p e d d o r m ro o m s a n d ap a r t m e n t s can make any student feel homesick, but 20-year old Teddy Kozela, a fourth year bachelor of social work student at Carleton University in Ottawa, says spending a little time and effort to make them a reflection of your personality can help ease anxiety about being away from home. The trick is knowing what

you can and cannot do. “We live in (these) rooms for eight months. It’s important that students make themselves at home, to ensure they feel comfortable in their new surroundings,” says Kozela, who has decorated her room with bedding in her favourite colour, photos of family and friends and a small cabinet painted with chalkboard paint so friends can write all over it, similar to one she had at home. Robbie Paquette, community adviser at the University of Ottawa, says decorating dorm rooms to reflect a student’s unique tastes is not only a way to fight homesickness, but can help them make new friends. “Decorations in rooms can be excellent ice breakers,” he says. “If someone visits your room and sees a Rush poster, they’ll say, ‘Oh, you’re into Rush. I love Rush,’ and it’s an easy way to start a conversation.” Kozela agrees, saying she spends the summer pick-

A cabinet coated with chalk paint lets Teddy Kozela’s friends leave her messages. An easy way to personalize a temporary space is with the use of favourite photos.

“It’s important that students make themselves at home, to ensure they feel comfortable in their new surroundings,” says Teddy Kozela, a fourth-year social work student.

ing items to display in her room that will tell her story to peers. “It’s about showing who you are.” Dorm rooms and apartments are like blank canvasses, providing plenty of opportunity for imaginative students to unleash their creativity, says interior designer Laura Boisvert. She and Paquette offer the following budget-friendly tips

to spruce up your home away from home. Get the rules first. Before decorating the room of your dreams, be sure to ask for the rule book. Although most universities encourage students to put up posters and photos of friends and family, Paquette advises using sticky tack instead of tape to avoid peeling off paint. Painting and nail-

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Danni Kozela

ing anything to the walls is prohibited. Lighten up. “Lighting is really important because it helps soften the space,” says Boisvert. She recommends incorporating at least three light sources — a task lamp for the desk, a soft night table light or floor lamp and a ceiling fixture. “The more light sources you have the warmer a room


is going to be,” she says. Coloured or patter ned lamp shades are also an easy way to add colour and interest to the space. As the largest piece of fur niture, the bed is the most obvious focal point of the room. Embellishing with interesting and colourful bedding is a simple way to instantly add personality to your dorm room.

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