Lorna Milligan
OUGD503 SB01
Lorna Milligan
Rationale Create a logo for Leeds University unions canoe and kayaking club. The logo must be appropriate for use on all social media platforms, consideration must be made for the different shaped icons across these platforms. The logo will be shown on the Leeds Union website as well as
the clubs own website. Finally, the logo will be used on clothing, therefore the logo must be suitable for embroidery. The logo will be developed with the help of a club representative, the final design will be approved democratically by the team.
OUGD503 SB01
Lorna Milligan
OUGD503 SB01
Research Although the clubs name is Leeds university union canoe club the society does encompass both kayaking and canoeing sports. Traditionally a canoeing club is an umbrella term for all kayaking and canoeing activities. The difference between a kayak and a canoe is that a canoe is open topped, whereas a kayak is closed. LUUCC is open to all levels of competition. The club train in-
doors twice a week and go one river trips every Sunday. They compete at BUCS in white water kayaking, slalom and canoe polo. Members also take part in sea kayaking. The club has an active social seen and have weekly socials. The logo has to represent all aspects of the club, from the competitive side to the friendly inclusive side. The previous logo is mainly typography. The issue with this
logo is that is rectangular. This means it is not suitable for many social media sites as it will not fit nicely into a square or a circular icon. Visual research showed how existing clubs have represented themselves. Sports photography showed how athletes position themselves in a boat and how they move when taking part in the sport.
Lorna Milligan
OUGD503 SB01
This design shows the athlete taking part in the sport. It clearly demonstrates what the society does. However, the design is quite awkward, the text is at an angle and the negative space makes it empty and uncomfortable to look at. Idea 1 shows only the paddles. They split the design into quarters making the name of the club easy to display, it also keeps the design balanced. However, the design doesn’t it obvious that it is representing and canoeing and kayaking club as many people would look at the logo and instantly associate it with rowing.
Lorna Milligan
Idea 3 promotes simplicity. The curves throughout the design represent the flow of the water and give a feel of movement to the design. The second variation cannot be used as the two paddles make it inaccurate and the first variation was deemed too simple.
OUGD503 SB01
Idea 4 shows a more detailed version of a kayak. The shape of the design is different to the other designs. The oval shape should still be appropriate for use as icons. The logo features bolder lines around the outside, with the details in a slightly lighter weight. The typeface used is future, it complements the line work well.
Lorna Milligan
Developments Idea 4 was taken forward for development. The team chose this design as it was the most realistic depiction of the crafts they use and they preferred the abbreviation of ‘LUUCC’ rather than ‘Leeds University Union Canoeing Club.’ The client did not provide a colour scheme although they specify that they did not want the university colours to be used. Blues are an obvious choice and the previous logo was blue. Green was chosen as the base colour as it represented the water, the other colours complimented the dark green. The shape of the boat was changed to match the ones used by the club. The design was shown with and without details.
OUGD503 SB01
Lorna Milligan
OUGD503 SB01
Final Outcomes
The final logo is clean and simple. It clearly shows the sport and the text is large and stands out. It is suitable for both digital and print. The two versions, colour and black and white make its applications diverse. The colour scheme is considered and inclusive to all members of the team.
Design Guidelines: Typeface: Futura Condensed Extra Bold Point size: 21 Outline line weight: 1pt Detail line weight: 0.5pt Colours Yellow: F5E949 Green: 15A89E Light Blue: 6BC2E4 Dark Blue: 397D98
Lorna Milligan
OUGD503 SB01
The final outcome fulfils the brief and has been approved by the client. Although this was not the strongest design, this was the one chosen to be taken forward by the committee. Working with a large group of people meant the design was not approved by everyone but a democratic system was put in place. The development of the design was discussed in meetings, this improved communication and professional relations skills.