St. Mary of Gostyn
May 2014
SMG Choir Sings for the Most Rev. Bishop Daniel Conlon
The Most Rev. Bishop Daniel Conlon, Bishop of the Joliet Diocese, prays with the SMG Kindergarten Class and th learns about technology at SMG with the 6 Graders in the Learning Resource Center.
On Friday, January 17, the St. Mary of Gostyn School Choir was invited to sing at the Bishop’s Mass and lead a Prayer Service at the "Breakfast with the Bishop.” The event was hosted by the University of St. Francis in Joliet. “This is a wonderful honor and opportunity for our School Choir,” expressed, Dr. Kathleen Benton, Principal of St. Mary of Gostyn School.
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The Triduum Milestones & Thanks Blooming 10 Years Assemblies
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Grade Updates Honor Roll SAB/HSA Updates Technology Update Development Update
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Fine Arts Program Sports Club News Social Events AthleHc Board Update
All are welcome to submit ar0cles and photos to The Viking Voice. Send submissions to
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From the Principal’s Office Dear SMG School Community,
St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic School has just completed its best year ever! Together we have strengthened all of our programs, the athleHc program, the fine arts program, and the instrucHonal program. It is all of your efforts which have brought us to this point of achievement. This could not have been done without the help and encouragement of our families.
A special THANK YOU to each student, staff member, teacher and parent who took Hme to write arHcles and share pictures or informaHon for the Viking Voice this year! Without your hard work, we would not be able to produce this school 'newspaper.' Your creaHve contribuHons truly provide a complete representaHon of the wonderful and acHve community we have here at St. Mary.
Also, please permit me this opportunity to express my personal appreciaHon for the efforts you all make for SMG. We have conHnued to put emphasis on the quality of academic programs for our students. We have demonstrated again that our students are learning well and have high measures of academic achievement. Thank you very much for believing in what we are trying to do for our young people.
Along with academics, our faith conHnues to be interwoven in our daily schedule and extra-‐ curricular acHvites. As you will see in this issue, all the wonderful faith-‐centered acHviHes and service projects in which the children partake. This certainly supports our mission to provide a strong Catholic educaHon.
Have a pleasant and safe summer. Dr. Kathleen Benton SMG Viking Voice May 2014
From Our Pastor
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, We have exciHng news. A key piece of property, which fits into our Parish FaciliHes Strategic Plan, has become available for purchase. The property is adjacent to the school and children’s play area. This purchase is another step in a mulHple step plan that actually began in 1998 when the parish purchased the property at 4725 Douglas. We have approved the purchase along with the St. Mary Parish Pastoral Council, Buildings & Grounds Commiaee, Finance/ AdministraHon Commission, School Advisory Body and Diocesan Buildings & ProperHes Commission. This opportunity will add flexibility to the FaciliHes Strategic Plan and enable the Parish to potenHally move forward with its recommendaHons. The execuHve summary of the plan is on our website. We will conHnue to keep you updated as we always strive to be transparent and good stewards. AddiHonally, we would like to thank you for your conHnued generosity and stewardship earmarked for our Parish capital improvements. Your contribuHons helped to complete the following projects during our fiscal year 2013/12014. • Repair, blacktop, and seal parking lots. • RelocaHon and elevaHon of Fairview sign. • Upgrading school first floor girl’s bathroom. • Removal of old worn carpet and installaHon of Hle in all school classrooms and Teacher Lunchroom. • InstallaHon of new carpeHng in School Offices, Hallways, Kindergarten, and Pre School. • Upgrading electrical system in Learning Resource Center. • Purchased new room dividers in the Gathering Place in cooperaHon with PADS and St. Vincent DePaul. • InstallaHon of new hot water heater in Parish Center. • Purchased new refrigerator for Rectory. • Conversion of R.E. and Manna office into school Music Room. • InstallaHon of new BapHsmal Font pump. • Paver brick installaHon – school campus. • InstallaHon of new water fountains at school. The following is a list of planned, necessary improvements for the upcoming fiscal year 2014/2015. • InstallaHon of new energy efficient windows in three story school building. • InstallaHon of new blinds in all school classrooms. • Repair, blacktop, and seal parking lots. • InstallaHon of exterior LED lights on campus grounds. • InstallaHon of railings for altar, east parking lot church entrance, and for rectory entrance. Thank you again. We realize the importance of maintaining our campus and being good stewards. Our goal is to always provide, as best we can, a welcoming and safe environment for our faith sharing community. Yours In Christ,
Father Ernie, Pastor Mike Ryan, Parish Administrator
SMG COMMUNITY – CHILDREN’S GARDEN Bloom Where You Are Planted –SMG Children’s Garden Celebrates 10 Years In 2013-‐2014, the SMG Children’s Garden celebrates its tenth birthday!! In 2003, a seed of an idea for an educaHonal garden was planted and the land adjacent to the lower parking lot was purchased – the first garden of its kind in the Diocese of Joliet. A commiaee formed, a beauHful landscape design was donated and a bare, weedy lot was transformed into a space with three zones – contemplaHve, educaHonal and woodland. The founders intenHonally decided the garden would be organic, planted with naHve species, and model good stewardship of our resources. All generaHons from within the parish contributed money, Hme and talent, including confirmaHon candidates needing service hours and experienced reHrees who kept the weeds at bay in their spare Hme. Seven Eagle Scout projects produced our benches, shed, raised beds, compost bin, colorful sign, and other landscape features. The brick circle is a space to remember those who have reHred, graduated and loved ones who have passed away. All of this work has been done for the glory of God, and the Garden is home to three lovely statues of St. Mary, Jesus with the children and St. Francis. Outdoor educaHon was a primary goal of the garden and for seven years, Garden Parents, now a HSA Commiaee, have assisted teachers with outdoor educaHon acHviHes each year. Several Earth Day projects have been held over the years as well. Today, the garden has grown into a lush green place for recess fun, reflecHon and educaHon, as well as a resource to grow food for the St. Vincent De Paul’s Food Pantry. The current 4th Grade class learned the story of the Three Sisters Garden and planted beans, corn, and squash. The 4th Grade students maintained the garden and harvested over 30 pounds of vegetables for our Food Pantry. Miss Debbie’s Preschool Classes planted sunflowers. When sunflowers bloomed, the children where the seeds were in the flower and how the seeds are used to make oils and used in foods. The current 6th Grade class learned the difference between monocots and dicots. The students took beans and corn seeds and logged the different ways they sprouted and later planted them in the garden. The 7th graders grew medicinal and culinary herbs as part of their plant unit, researching and presenHng to the class the history, culinary and medicinal uses of each plant. This fully integrated project has been part of the curriculum for six years. Another longstanding tradiHon is six graders learn about Mary Gardens and make an indoor Mary Garden to be distributed by our Homebound Ministry. The SMG Children’s Garden is looking forward to reintroducing worm composHng, growing herbs, fruits and vegetables for the summer. Seeking to be stewards of God’s creaHon, the Children’s Garden has become a great educaHonal and spiritual ministry for our parish.
September 2004 work day. Circle garden takes shape. Lots of weeds.
Welcome Sign, St. Mary and St. Francis Statues
SMG Viking Voice May, 2014
Views from the alley (arbor would be right in front). Fall ‘03 and Spring ‘14
View from east end showing raised beds and recess fun Spring ‘14
Thank You!
Every Hme you walk into SMG, you will be greeted by all of the friendly faces of the St. Mary's staff. Mrs. Dianne Czopek is one of the many faces of the St. Mary's community. Mrs. Czopek is a very caring, humble, and generous person. She has been an administraHve assistant for 25 years. She has also been with the parish community for 37 years. Every Hme I see her, I get the feeling that she loves children. I know that she loves St. Mary of Gostyn with all of her heart. With sincere graHtude, thank you Mrs. Czopek for all that you do for our school, parish, and communityCongratulaHons Mrs. Czopek. Wriaen by Clare Johnson
MR. DENNIS JOVEN For the past 18+ years Mr. Denis Joven has provided fantasHc service for St. Mary of Gostyn’s athleHc department. Mr. Joven has been a coach and an athleHc director at St. Mary. He always makes an effort to go to every basketball and volleyball game as well as the cross country meets. The athletes and parents enjoy to see him there as he cheers on our teams. Even though his two kids graduated St. Mary’s years ago, he sHll volunteers so much of his Hme to make St. Mary’s athleHc department the best it can be. Whatever sport he coaches he not only succeeds by making the game fun and teaching skills, he coaches us on sportsmanship and he supported all the parent volunteers. Please join me in thanking Mr. Joven for all his hard work at St. Mary’s. Wriaen by Grania O’Flaherty
The loving and helpful Mrs. Kucaba has been working at Saint. Mary’s for 18 remarkable years. Mrs. Kucaba helps much around the middle school, and she is greatly appreciated by the students and staff at SMG. With her joyful spirit, Mrs. Kucaba is always there to cheer you up. To many students, Mrs. Kucaba can be known as the queen of Jolly Ranchers candy, because she gives the hard candy out during study halls and classes for students. So, to the students of Saint. Mary of Gostyn, Mrs. Kucaba is a delighsul person that we know can always brighten our day. Wriaen by Julie LaLonde
MRS. KALAL Mrs. Kalal has been working at St. Mary of Gostyn for fiteen years as one of the middle school math teachers. She loves her job very much and has contributed so much to our school. Her favorite thing about SMG students is their desire to learn. She says that even though the work is hard they sHck with it and do not give up. Mrs. Kalal chose to be a math teacher because math was always her favorite subject in school. She believes that the posiHon opening up at SMG for her was truly the hand of God. Mrs. Kalal appreciates being an eighth homeroom teacher. She loves to watch her students blossom and mature both academically and emoHonally. Mrs. Kalal also enjoys when SMG alumni come back and talk about how much they enjoyed their years at the school. Mrs. Kalal is appreciated by all of her students. Riley Hornilla of seventh grade says, “She has a teaching style that makes math fun!” Mrs. Kalal is truly an amazing teacher and we thank her for her years at SMG. Wriaen by Olivia Denk SMG Viking Voice May 2014
(pg. 2)
I interviewed Mrs. Toth about her work at St. Mary's. Did you know that Mrs. Toth has been working at SMG for 15 years!? Her first ten years at SMG she was a teacher's aide in grades 4th, 1st, and 5th grade also she has been one of our favorite secretaries now for 5 years. An even cooler fact is that Mrs. Toth sent all 3 of her kids through SMG. I also asked Mrs. Toth what her favorite part of her job is and she said that her favorite part is seeing all the kids grow and seeing the joy on their faces. Also her favorite day of the school year is the first day of school. The first day of school is her favorite day because she loves seeing all the kids again and seeing the excitement on everybody's faces. I think it is safe to say that Mrs. Toth is one of the best secretaries in the world. Thank you for all you have done Mrs. Toth. Wriaen by Connor Kaplan
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! From all of us, thanks for every act of kindness, every soothing word, everything you've done to make our world a gentler place.
I had the opportunity to interview Seńora King, and I asked her some interesHng quesHons. Q: ¿Cuánto Hempo ha estado enseńado? (How long have you been teaching?) A: 33 years
Q: Why did you want to teach Spanish? A: While I lived in Mexico I fell in love with the language, culture, and the people.
Q: Why do you like going on missions to Cuba? A: I love the people there and admire that they are able to live through anything that happens to them. I have formed a very strong bond with them and I love being there.
Q: What do you do there? A: I build friendships with the people there and visit them in their homes. And of course, we do some fun, touristy things to!
Q: Why do you think knowing a second language is important? A: It sHmulates the brain and it is also a good way to familiarize yourself with the cultures of other countries. Even in some of the countries we are at odds with, being able to speak their language will make us more equal. This could help make world peace. Wriaen by Riley Hornilla
SMG Viking Voice December, 2013
Our Faith, Our Founda_on A Confirma_on Reflec_on Our Class experienced truly wonderful experience in receiving ConfirmaHon. We were highly prepared, and we each knew exactly what to do to make the ceremony go off without a hitch and truly make it all the more beauHful. To prepare, each person in our class had to complete at least 5 service opportuniHes, different from the usual 20 hours of service, allowing us to choose services that may not take a long Hme, but sHll help quite a lot more than other services. We also had to choose a saint to represent us, and use their name as our saint name. Ater that, it came Hme to choose a sponsor.
Choosing a sponsor was probably one of the most difficult, but important Hmes of the enHre process. Our sponsor had to have been a ChrisHan who we felt was close to us and played a major role in our life. Our sponsor led us through the journey, and guided us through our journey to ConfirmaHon. They also stood up with us at the real ceremony, and sat with us through the enHre Hme. At the end, each confirmondi present their sponsor with a git to show their appreciaHon for them. The gits were mostly religious, but occasionally a git card or another git that would be special to the sponsor.
Ater we chose our sponsor, and completed the service opportuniHes, we were finally ready for the ceremony. Both eighth grade classes were brought to the church several Hmes to pracHce our posiHons and responses and ater three or four pracHces, the real ceremony came. The ceremony started with a truly beauHful mass, especially the music and the choir. The mass itself was being led by all the priests in the Church; Father Ernie, Father Scaria, and Father Bill, along with Bishop Conlon. Ater Communion, we all came up in pairs with our Sponsor and were blessed by the Bishop, receiving the Sacrament of ConfirmaHon. It truly was an amazing and sacred moment, and we will never forget it.
Ater mass, there was a recepHon down in the Gathering Place below the church. There were snacks and refreshments for all the sponsors and Confirmondis, along with a staHon where you could take a picture with Bishop Conlon. There was also a place you could purchase professionally taken photos of receiving ConfirmaHon with our sponsors. All in all, ConfirmaHon was a truly amazing and sacred experience, and we enjoyed every moment of it! Wriaen by Tom Sykora
7th & 8th GRADE BIBLE STUDY The Word of God and scrumpHous baked goods fed middle school students who parHcipated in this year’s first ever weekly Bible Study for students in the 7th and 8th Grade. Under the guidance of SMG parent volunteer Kim Enochs, six students met for 7 weeks this spring to delve deeper into the story of Moses in the Old Testament’s Book of Exodus. In addiHon to reading Bible passages in Exodus, students also used a study guide, Exodus: God to the Rescue, Six Weeks with the Bible for Catholic Teens. They discussed what message the story might have for them thousands of years later. Those students who parHcipated were Patrick Crowe, Patrick Enochs, Riley Hornilla, Clare Johnson, Joe Martens, and Grania O’Flaherty. Mrs. Enochs concluded the Bible Study with a video, Nooma Dust, explaining the true meaning of discipleship in the Hme of Jesus—the student gives up his/her life enHrely to follow the rabbi/teacher and to do all that he does. Students reflected on whether they, too, were willing to be “true” disciples of Jesus. Wriaen by Mrs. Calistro 6
Our Faith, Our Founda_on
pg. 2
Holy Rosary Prayer Chain
Students and staff focused on making Hme for greater prayer in our lives as part of a school-‐wide observance of Lent this year. SMG Parent Lynnie Gartlan encouraged that focus with the creaHon of four rosaries devoted to the four mysteries (Joyful, Sorrowful, Luminous, and Glorious) in the center hallway. The rosaries feature the names and/or pictures of loved ones who are baaling cancer. On Ash Wednesday, families also received a St. Peregrine holy card. St. Peregrine is the patron saint of those suffering from cancer. AddiHonally, members of the Lent Commiaee (Mrs. Czopek, Mrs. Kahlke, Mrs. Neumann, Mrs. Kallback, and Mrs. Calistro) assembled Lenten materials to distribute to the different grade levels, materials that are designed to encourage prayer and service during Lent.
The season of Lent concluded with a Lenten retreat that depicted the events of the Triduum—Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. Students began this special day with the celebraHon in their classrooms of a Passover Meal, which is believed by many people to be the meal that Jesus was enjoying with his apostles the night of his arrest. Later in the morning students parHcipated in Holy Thursday acHviHes designed to remind the students of how much Jesus desired that we serve others. The second person in God, Jesus, washed the dirty feet of his apostles. Modeling the acHons of Jesus, Student Council officers washed the feet of SMG staff members. Those individuals in turn washed the hands of SMG students. During a short interval in their classrooms, students found creaHve ways to mark Lent with assorted crat projects. Students returned to church later in the day to parHcipate in events designed to mark Good Friday. Those acHviHes began with students walking through the 14 StaHons of the Cross—each one a silent tableau of that staHon enacted by eighth graders. While they viewed the tableau, an adult read a short paragraph to the students. Eighth grade homeroom teachers Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Kalal directed the eighth graders in this meaningful reenactment of the Passion. Immediately aterward, students offered Good Friday prayers and venerated the cross. The retreat concluded in church with a Holy Saturday service in which students renewed their BapHsmal vows and heard speakers explain the symbolism behind many of the symbols of the Triduum-‐-‐water, fish, and the Pascal (Easter) candle. A beauHful and reverent day!
S.A.B. & H.S.A. Announcements Student Advisory Body (S.A.B.) The St. Mary of Gostyn School Advisory Body would like to thank all of our parents, parishioners, and other benefactors for your ongoing generosity and support. We know that you are all being pulled in so many direcHons, but year ater year you conHnue to come through for SMG. For example, the school’s largest fundraiser, the Dinner Dance, raised close to $60,000, which is incredible! Of that, $18,000 went directly to “Fund-‐a-‐Need” with the goal of significantly increasing our investment in technology for our school children. AddiHonally, $30,000 went directly to the school’s operaHng budget and the remainder will be invested in the Endowment Fund. While the Dinner Dance is the most recent example of your generosity and support, we want to also recognize your support of other great events like the Golf OuHng, the 5K Run/ Walk, and Innisbrook. Fundraising is an integral part of our budget as it directly covers a porHon of the cost to educate our children. We are grateful for the sacrifices you make to support our parish and school. On behalf of the School Advisory Body, thank you again.
Mark Your Calendars! Save These Important Dates! August 2014 5K: August 23 (Pending Village Permit approval) Parish Picnic: August 31, 2014 Manna Launches Parish Wide Fall Catalog Sales (Market Day)
Home School Associa_on (H.S.A.) As the school year winds down, HSA would like to thank everyone for generously volunteering their Hme throughout the year. Whether you have helped set up, clean up, cook, work a game staHon, shop, mop, serve plaaers of donut holes, organize or plan, we could not provide all that we do without each and every one of you! A special thank you goes out to the commiaee chairs for stepping up and giving that extra effort. We appreciate all the Hme and talent our school families donate to St. Mary’s to help make our school such a great place for our children. As President of HSA, I have been blessed with the opportunity to meet and work with a lot of dedicated people at SMG. I especially want to thank the rest of the 2013-‐2014 board: President-‐elect Vicky Fernandez, Secretary Maria Budzynski, and Treasurer Sue TesHn. I also want to thank Sue LaBianco, our SAB representaHve for making it to all of the meeHngs and Dr. K and Kristen Kaplan for their support of our efforts this year. One more thank you to the few people who faithfully took the Hme to aaend our HSA meeHngs – hopefully the raffle baskets made it worth it! CongratulaHon and best of luck to the new cabinet for next year: President: Vicky Fernandez Vice President: Kate Fremgen Secretary: Meg Bechstein Treasurer: Kim Ruskusky Sincerely, Lorri Stapleton
September 2014 Golf Ou_ng, Oak Brook Hills Resort, Oak Brook: September 12
November 2014 Trivia Night: November 15
February 2015 Dinner Dance, Bobak's Signature Room, Lisle: February 7 SMG Viking Voice May, 2014
SMG Development Board Updates The Mission of the Development Board is to promote a unified parish movement of responsible stewardship and support the intenHons of the SMG community. They hope to engage parish members and strengthen and sustain parish-‐wide volunteer and financial efforts to sponsor faith enrichment, outstanding academics, current resources, and an inclusive faith community. Lastly, they further resolve to integrate a strong history of Roman Catholic tradiHon, live in God’s git of the present, and nurture the promise in tomorrow.
The Development Board serves St. Mary of Gostyn by assisHng in the development plans and programs of the insHtuHon. They are responsible to the Pastor, Parish Administrator and School Principal.
Kate Fremgen joined the Development Board to seek out new and creaHve ways to raise money.
Jeanne Heller hopes to engage new parents in the community to join SMG parish.
Victoria Fernandez hopes to maximize awareness and idenHfy relevant fundraising opportuniHes to increase revenue.
Kirsten Finn would like to help increase parHcipaHon of RE families in events and acHviHes to help foster community.
Vanessa Fry hopes to share what she has learned from her prior development involvement and further hopes to engage all parents at SMG to be involved in the present and future success of SMG.
Sean White joined the development board to use his knowledge, training and experience to enhance the educaHonal and community experience with the SMG parish.
Julie Jacobs is commiaed to bridging the gap between RE and school families so that all children can grow in their faith.
Jill Tierney hopes to idenHfy the best investments and ventures to help SMG raise money, create communicaHon tools to be more efficient and transparent and help foster stewardship and inclusion.
Margaret Panatera hopes to bring a passionate and analyHc viewpoint to the Development Board to engage the parish community in strengthening volunteerism and stewardship.
Technology Update We are so grateful for your conHnued support of the Technology program at St. Mary of Gostyn School. The “Fund a Need” endeavor at the Endowment dinner dance raised over $18,000.00! We can’t thank you enough for the ability to conHnue our quality technology program. The financial assistance is essenHal in the process of technology equity for our students. GRADES 6-‐8: Next school year we will have a 1:1 computer program for all students in grades 6-‐8. This means that each student will have a device to use all day plus take it home for use at night and weekends. Students use Microsot OneNote for their assignment notebooks and notes for classes. Some texts will be online for home and school use. GRADES 1-‐5: This summer we will be extending the wi-‐fi access in the west wing of the main school building. We will be needing this for the expansion of iPads in Gr 1-‐3. Also, a mobile cart will be placed on the third floor for use by 4th & 5th grade. In the rechargeable cart are Lenovo laptops, this will enable the students the ability to use the computers in their classes. KINDERGARTEN: Kindergarten will be ge~ng more iPads for the 2014-‐2015 school year also. We are so blessed to be able to anHcipate more digital learning for our students. The generosity shown by our parents is remarkable and we are so grateful. Please know that the teachers conHnue to aaend workshops and develop new ways to uHlize our technology program. Our faculty understands the advantage and intenHon of technology both through teacher instrucHon and student uHlizaHon. We are very fortunate to have a faculty excited about technology and willing to spend many hours learning and integraHng it within the curriculum. Thank you again and Happy Summer! -‐ Mrs. Buchler SMG Viking Voice May, 2014
SMG Fine Arts Program Students and Parents Enjoy “Fine Arts Kaleidoscope” As students and parents gathered in the gym, Music Director Rich Barker gave the athletes, musicians, and arHsts gathered in a nearby hallway a pep talk. “Go out there and play your best” he said. The First Fine Arts Kaleidoscope was a huge success. Different works of art made by students such as sculptures, painHngs and sketches were displayed in the main hallway. The Friday Mass Choir and Children’s Choir performed songs. The Beginning and Advanced Bands also performed numerous numbers. Wesley Jagielo and Michael Cleary emceed the event and both when interviewed agreed that is was a massive success. A group of 8th grade basketball players showcased their athleHc skills a lá Harlem Globetroaers. Wriaen by Michael Cleary
Audiences Take Delight in the SMG’s Spring Musical, Music Man!
SMG FIRST RATE CLUBS Geography Club is Out of this World! One of the many clubs we have here at St. Mary’s is Geography Club. In this club, students in grades four through eight can have fun while preparing for the Geography Bee by playing geography-‐related games. The Geography Bee takes place in December and January, and starts when students take a preliminary test to see who qualifies for the oral bee.
The parHcipants of this oral bee were: Tommy Blackmore, Emily Budzynski, Maggie Casey, Ma~e Cieplak, Michael Cleary, Patrick Crowe, Elsa Fernandez, Patrick Harmon, Wes Jagielo, Jack Langan, Joseph Lipinski, Brendan Quealy, Adam Rodenbostel, Charlie Romenesko, and Henry Sipchen.
Ater several rounds of the bee, 3 finalists, Michael Cleary, Joseph Lipinski, and Charlie Romenesko, remained. In the end, Michael Cleary was crowned winner, and later qualified for the Illinois State Geography Bee.
CongratulaHons to all students who competed in the Bee, and we hope you compete again next year!
By Tommy Blackmore, Patrick Enochs, and Charlie Romenesko
Math Club Scores!
Second place winners in the Nazareth Academy Math Contest which was held March 17, 2014.
Contestants from let to right in the picture are: Thomas Blackmore, Patrick Enochs, Daniel TesHn, Charles Romenesko, and Joseph MarHn.
Individually, Daniel TesHn took third place, while Patrick Enochs took fourth place and Charles Romenesko came in fith place. Actually, Patrick and Charles were Hed for fourth place but Patrick won the He breaker.
CongratulaHons to all!! SMG Viking Voice May, 2014
SMG Grade Updates – Pre-‐K & K This is preschool! Preschool makes learning fun with several events in the second half of the school year. Dad’s Night, Pajama Day and Dental Care put bright and shiny smiles on all of our faces! Debbie Meier
Kindergarten! Kindergarten had a very busy and awesome 2013-‐2014 school year. We started off as buds in August, January a bloom, and now we are lovely blossoms that have grown so much this year. We have enjoyed many parHes and celebraHons, special birthday blessings, seeing our faith buddy, aaending school masses, and hosHng a mass. We will soon experience a Spring field trip to the Morton Arboretum, an Easter egg hunt, and Kindergarten graduaHon. Kindergarten has been a blast and we are ready for First Grade! Ms. Jamrozek & Mrs. Malik
SMG Viking Voice May, 2014
Happy Mother’s Day from 1st Grade! “The mother memories that are closest to my heart are the small gentle ones that I have carried over from the days of my childhood. They are not profound, but they have stayed with me through life, and when I am very old, they will s0ll be near . . . Memories of mother drying my tears, reading aloud, cuLng cookies and singing as she did, listening to prayers I said as I knelt with my forehead pressed against her knee, tucking me in bed and turning down the light. They have carried me through the years and given my life such a firm founda0on that it does not rock beneath flood or tempest.” ― Margaret Sanger
My mother is special because…
she is always nice to me Lucas Adams she makes us dinner Brody Bohan she helps me when I need help Rylie Cieplak she is nice to me Robyn De Los Santos she takes care of me Ian Dzambazi she helps me a lot Peyton Farrell she is cool William Fisher she is nice and loving Grace Fremgen she helps me do my homework Julia Fremgen she loves my family Maahew Fry she bakes cupcakes Nolan Hicks she sings to me at bed Gianna Kurelko she is helpful Thomas Majchrowicz she cuddles with me Kendall Mallers she is always nice to me Abby Mendez she takes me to the pool Olivia Mowrer she is always there for me Annabelle Nelson she plants flowers with me Sophia Pitra she buys me stuff Elise Quandt-‐Olson she is kind and loving Gabrielle Slevin she is my hero Lilly Straziota
I like when my mom…
… takes me shopping. -‐ Ruby … kisses me. -‐ Viviana … takes me places. – Bella G. … hugs me. -‐ Luke … takes me to Build-‐A-‐Bear -‐ Bella M. … helps me when I get hurt. -‐ Maahew … helps me with my homework. –Mary … plays baseball with me. – Billy … and I go shopping together. -‐ Declan … takes me to the park. -‐ Isabel … gives me candy. -‐ Nate … bakes cookies. -‐ Quinn … cooks for us. -‐ Natalie … helps me. -‐ Dylan … plays Pikmin with me. -‐ Carter … snuggles with me. -‐ Meghan … gives me money for my allowance. – Jack … cuddles me. – Caroline … helps me. -‐ Shane … stays home and plays with me. -‐ Sean … gives me hugs and kisses. – Giovanna … cooks for me. -‐ Kyle … tucks me in. – Susanna … hugs me. – Anna
SMG Viking Voice May, 2014
SMG Grade Updates – 2nd
Receiving Communion for the first _me was……. I felt……….
Carter Holy happy Claudia incredible so happy Erin C. not scary happy Jennifer spectacular special Erin S. cool grown up Abby fun Holy Brooke incredible extraordinary CurHs scary at first happy at the end Olivia good nervous Mary Kate awesome good Aidan fun preay good Ella amazing grown up Isabella K. scary and exciHng nervous E.J. fun relieved Danny wonderful joyful Joseph great excited Jacky terrific happy Gabriella good close to Jesus Easton fun cool Grace special happy Ava exciHng Holy Bella exciHng ` nicce Hannah Holy Filled with the Holy Spirit Brea Awesome great Rory Nervous Happy Tyler Cool I became a bigger part of the Church Sophia Fun and a liale scary at first Good Alana ExciHng Happy Evie Wonderful and holy Grateful and happy Haley Happy and scary Relief and holy Anna So cool Happy that I can go to communion with the church Elizabeth Great Very, very awesome Alexandra Amazing and fantasHc A good feeling Colin Amazing Joy Alexander Great Great SMG Viking Voice May 2014
SMG Grade Updates – 3rd & 4th Third Grade News!
Third grade has been very busy learning about how new ideas have changed the world. By studying our United States history, we have learned that some ideas changed the way we use, do and enjoy things! We completed an "INVENTION CONVENTION" unit, learning about invenHons and the people who had the big idea to design and create these marvels. Students selected an invenHon or inventor to research. They had four projects to complete. First, they completed a graphic organizer to sort their research. Then they had to design a "big idea" light bulb to display in the hall. Then they had to write a report on their invenHon / inventor. Finally, they had to present their idea to the class in an oral report. We learned so much about how some very interesHng ideas can change the way we live! Stop by our hall and see their amazing Social Studies work! Our field trip to the Morton Arboretum is on Tuesday, May 20th. We plan to invesHgate plants and animals throughout the day! The Arboretum does a terrific job of teaching many different classes! Keep this in mind for your children to enjoy in the summer! Our Hummer Park Day is on Thursday May 22nd! This is guaranteed to be a wonderful day, rain or shine! Looking forward to fun in the sun!
Fourth Grade Highlights!
SMG Viking Voice May 2014
Saint Reports Novel Studies Caught you being good Measurement FracHons Decimals Mother's Day Projects Park Day on May 28th Classroom Jobs Lenten Retreat Plays in reading class presented to 3rd grade Environmental Club skits presented to 3rd and 2nd grade Silent ball Circle game earthquakes SPARKLE Quotes: “This year I have learned all the state capitals and all the state nicknames!" -‐Scoa Mitman "I feel I have improved in Reading comprehension" -‐ Elijah Liboy 15
SMG Grade Updates – 5th & 6th Special Day for Special People One of our favorite days in 5th Grade is Special Persons Day. On this day, we get to pick a special person in our lives and we write a tesHmonial about them. We also host a special mass. Special persons can be moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas and even sisters or brothers. Special Persons Day was a great way to recognize the special people in our lives. I think we can all agree with Jack Walsh that we can not find anything bad to say about our special persons. Wriaen by Hope Tschosik
Striving for Seventh Grade
The sixth grade class has been quite busy the past few months. While conHnuing to master a middle school schedule, many of the students have been enthusiasHcally parHcipaHng in SMG sports teams, both academic and service clubs, and musical groups such as band and choir. In December, the class aaended the stage producHon of “A Christmas Carol,” a curricular book they read in their ELA classes, and this past April the sixth grade was well represented in the Fine Arts FesHval and the Winter Sports Assembly. Currently, many of our class members are parHcipaHng in SMG’s spring musical, “The Music Man Junior,” and the class will take their second field trip of the year to Feed My Starving Children in Aurora, IL. Without a doubt, the SMG graduaHng class of 2016 is ready for seventh grade! Mrs. Ruddy & Mr. Bradish
SMG Viking Voice May, 2014
SMG Grade Updates – 7th Here we are in May already! If any of the 7th graders are asked, they would most likely say this year has flown by. They will soon be our 8th graders…but not yet! We have places to go, projects to complete, and facts to study.
It has been a busy few months with a demanding curriculum. The 7th graders all took the Federal ConsHtuHon Test AND the Illinois State ConsHtuHon Test. The culminaHng project along with the study of the ConsHtuHon was holding a Mock Congress Session during which students had to write, research, and debate a bill. They now have a beaer understanding of what our Congress does.
In science the 7th grade began growing an indoor herb garden, with a variety of 14 different herbs, back during our unusually frigid January. As spring finally made it to SMG, the science room had a liale extra green as well as a nice herb garden scent!
Our students are also looking forward to the final few weeks of school when they have Park Day and go to Chicago for their field trip. The class will go to Graceland Cemetery to view the monuments of various historic people who helped shape Chicago and the world. In addiHon, they will visit the Chicago History Museum to see the many incredible displays of the history of Chicago. Students will also visit the Peggy Notebaert Museum to see various science displays.
We are proud of our 7th graders and all their accomplishments this year. We look forward to their future accomplishments when they return as 8th graders in the fall. Before they move on, they wanted to share a few of their “favorites” of their 7th grade experience.
What the 7th graders have to say: QuesHon: What have you enjoyed most about 7th grade this year?
Ka_e Kenah – “I really enjoy doing projects with our tablets, like the Glogsters and our Colonial PowerPoints, and wriHng our ELA stories.” Margaret Mahlke – “One of my favorite things in 7th grade is growing herbs in science and creaHng a Glog to show them off. I also really loved when we did skits and dioramas for the NaHvity in religion during Advent.” Jack Sloyan – “I believe that the most fun thing that we did this year was learning about the RevoluHonary war. It was very interesHng learning how our country was made.” Tommy Blackmore – “One of my favorite things about 7th grade was the Colonial project. Also, Secret Santa was fun and mysterious. I look forward to the field trip to Chicago. I can’t wait.” Cassidy Reed – “What I like most about 7th grade academically is that is a student is confused with something, the teachers will go over the material and thoroughly explain it to the student.” Maura O’Keefe – “My favorite things so far in 7th grade were ge~ng the tablets, Colonial projects, growing plants, and the roly-‐poly project.” Sophia LaBianco – “This year in 7th grade I have mostly enjoyed the challenge of educaHon. All the teachers try to push the students to the next level.” Bridget Bailie – “Some things I liked about 7th grade are the Colonial projects, planHng our plants, and looking ahead to our field trip.” Jack Gaughan – “I learned how to take notes beaer. I also learned different ways to study for tests and quizzes.” Mia Ullmer – “7th grade has taught me how to handle Hme management. I feel really prepared for 8th grade!” Samantha Henry – “My favorite part about 7th grade so far is the freedom we have. I also like how we are being trained to be responsible and ready for the real world.” Maggie Lyons – “My favorite part of the school year so far was the day we received our tablets. Not only are they really cool, but they also open a whole new world of hands-‐on learning.” Eric Badillo – “The part that I like most about the school year is being able to get help from all the teachers.” Joe Nelson – “I enjoy the history of the U.S. and the age of the explorers. I just love the history stuff.” Caitlin McCann – “My favorite parts of the school year thus far have been the more hands-‐on things like experiments, presentaHons, and partner work.” Julie LaLonde – “My favorite part of 7th grade is math class. We always have so much fun. I like the 7th and 8th grade socials because they are always so exciHng and fun. I can’t wait for the next one!” 17
Honor Roll St. Mary 2nd Trimester 2013 -‐ 2014
High Honors 4.0 Alice Bieda, KaHe Cantlin, Patrick Crowe, Kathleen Culligan, Reshma Kurian, Isabelle LaBianco, John Langan, Carissa Mysliwiec, Gabriella Rossi, Brendan Quealy 1st Honors 3.5-‐3.99 Anthony Adams, Sarah Durbin, Victor Karam, KaHe Kramnic, Luke LaLonde, Cassandra Mrazek, Kailey Nelson, Tania Yunez 2nd Honors 3.0-‐3.49 Reilly Bria, David Buh, Michael Cleary, Patrick Harmon, Wesley Jagielo, Lauren Kelly, Madison Kuratko, Porter MacKenna, Isabella Malik, Joseph Mazzei, Kelly McSweeney, Fiona Murray, Adam Rodenbostel, Olivia Weaver, Spencer Ukrin, Samantha Weidner
SMG Viking Voice May, 2014
GRADE 7 High Honors 4.0 Thomas Blackmore, Nicole Budzynski, Patrick Enochs, Tess Foley, Riley Hornilla, Sophia LaBianco, Margaret Mahlke, Joseph Martens, Charles Romenesko, Clare Southworth 1st Honors 3.5-‐3.99 Danielle Ardizzone, Andrew Bolisay, Rebecca Corbea, Eleanor Flynn, Jack Gaughan, Clare Johnson, Margaret Lyons, Joshua Parney, Kelan Scoa, Renee Swider, Daniel TesHn, Mia Ullmer, Margaret Yahiro 2nd Honors 3.0-‐3.49 Conor Albian, Karoline Blacha, Frank ConforH, Samantha Henry, Kathleen Kenah, Julie LaLonde, Caitlin McCann, Cassidy Reed,
Sta_ons of the Cross Magnificently Enacted by the CLASS OF 2014 – BRAVO!
Saintly Service SMG Student Honored by Bishop Patrick Crowe, an 8th grader at St. Mary’s, was chosen to represent our school at a prayer service with Bishop Conlon on January 17, at the University of St. Francis in Joliet. The Bishop honors one student from each school in our diocese at this annual breakfast. St. Mary school was asked to select an 8th grade boy, and Patrick was chosen. Dr. Benton said “Patrick is a great student, is an excellent role model and leader, and has made many wonderful contribuHons to St. Mary's.”
Patrick sang the psalms with the SMG choir, which was invited to perform the prayer service. “All the students in the choir were really excited,” Patrick said. “We were one of the first to get there and saw everything get set up,” Patrick and the other student representaHves then processed in following the bishop. Other SMG choir members also sang and did readings, then the bishop gave a message and a blessing.
Ater working so hard on the great prayer service, Patrick and the choir got rewarded with breakfast. “It was typical special breakfast food, with a lot of sugar!” Patrick said. “I was really glad I could share this experience with my friends.”
“I was honored to be chosen,” Patrick said. “It was a great opportunity because many people don’t get to meet the bishop. It was an experience I’ll remember forever. I got my picture with him and said I’d keep him in my prayers.” The next month when our 8th graders were confirmed, the bishop told Patrick that he remembered meeHng him.
When asked if he was nervous to sing for the bishop, Patrick said, “Not really, I offered up all my nerves to God. That’s what I always do, so I don’t get nervous anymore. If I win or fail, I don’t worry because it’s the way God wants my life to turn out. I don’t have to worry. He’ll bring good things to you.” Wriaen by Ryan Crowe
Confirmed Candidates become Extraordinary Ministers On February 3rd Bishop Daniel Conlon extended his hands over 46 SMG eighth graders and invited the Holy Spirit to come upon them and renew the gits of the Holy Spirit in a liturgical celebraHon of the Sacrament of ConfirmaHon. Now as full members of the Catholic Church, the students are able to volunteer as lectors or extraordinary ministers at the service of Communion. Indeed, four young men who were confirmed earlier this year began serving as extraordinary ministers ater proper training, and a blessing from Fr. Ernie at the March 28 school liturgy. Those young men are Patrick Crowe, Michael Davis, Jim Flavin, and Jack Langan.
Students for Life Club prepare meals for Feed My Starving Children in Aurora, IL. SMG Viking Voice May, 2014
On Wednesday Jan 29 the SMG Cheerleaders held a Cheer clinic for 2nd and 3rd graders at SMG. More then 30 girls aaended the 1.5 hour clinic. The purpose of the clinic was to teach cheers and to raise money for FMSC. The cheerleaders then aaended FMSC on January 31 and not only donated their Hme but donated $120 raised from the clinic.
Y E S W E D O !
GIRL VIKING’S BASKETBALL SEASON IN REVIEW This year has been incredible. We had 17 5th grade girls come out and represent St. Marys with class and give 100% every pracHce and every game. SMG 5G – One Team. We pracHced together, we supported one another, we grew together and we had fun together.
The B Team had a terrific season and grew by leaps and bounds, learning and refining their game. Some girls had never played basketball, and by the end of the season, they were a close-‐knit team who played well together with a hard 6-‐6 record. The A team finished the season with an overall record of 13 – 5. Along the way, they won the St. Hubert’s Christmas Tournament. The real drama came in the post-‐season conference tournament where our path to the championship was blocked by the three teams we had lost to. Ater beaHng All Saints, we had our biggest victory of the season beaHng the only team who had beat us twice Sts. Peter & Paul. UlHmately, we lost a tough championship game to a very good St. Raphael team. The SMG 6th Grade Girls had an exciHng 2013/14 basketball season! We had 16 girls playing, with several having their first year experience with organized basketball. The coaches could not be more proud of the development that each player made this year and how all the girls supported one another as a true team. There were many big baskets and close wins that created special memories for this team that will last a lifeHme. Go Vikings! The 7th grade girls had a great season, characterized by hard-‐nosed defense and a never-‐quit a~tude, culminaHng in a first place trophy at the St. Petronille Aird Tournament! Great job girls!
Girls 8B team capture 2nd place in the DPL Post-‐Season
The girls 8A team displayed a tenacious defense while developing their individual skills throughout the season.
The Girls 8B team made it to the League Championship for the second straight year, finishing second. The team took first place in the St. Petronille Aird Tournament and first place in the Lemont Lithuanian Center Holiday Tournament. The Girls 8A team played compeHHve basketball with a tenacious defense. They parHcipated in the Westmont Rotary tournament & Sts Cyril & Methodius tournament in Lemont against talented teams outside of the DPL. Most importantly, the girls honed their individual basketball skills while playing as a cohesive team. SMG Viking Voice May 2014
BOY VIKING’S BASKETBALL SEASON IN REVIEW The Boys 5A season was a season of incredible passion and hard work! The dedicaHon showed in our early wins and hard fought baales at the end of our season, assuring us as a force to be reckoned with next season! The Boys 5B1 basketball team's season was a success on many levels. They finished 7-‐3 in their league and made it to the semifinals in the playoffs. More importantly, they developed the basketball skills necessary to conHnue their success as they progress through the SMG program. Their teamwork and passion made for an exciHng and enjoyable season. 5B2 We had a great season with a final record of 6 wins and 6 losses. We finished in 3rd place in our division. Our team made it to the second round of the playoffs. The boys were wonderful to work with and all of them showed much improvement throughout the season. I loved working with these guys. The 6 grade B 1 boys ended their regular season 9-‐1. The deciding win was the final game against St Peter and Paul and allowed us to capture FIRST PLACE in league play. The boys 6A and 6B2 basketball teams had very successful seasons. Both teams ended the season in third place in their respecHve divisions with 7-‐3 records and entered the playoffs confident that they would do well. The boys 6B2 team advanced to the semi-‐final game and were one win away from playing in the championship game. Unfortunately the team lost a close semi-‐final game, however their hard work during the season certainly showed this season. The 6A team also finished in third place in the division for the playoffs and was on a mission to reach the championship game. Their teamwork and dedicaHon paid off as they won each game leading up to the championship. The boys played a good, hard fought championship game but ended up falling to SS. Peter and Paul in a close game. Their second place tournament finish was rewarded with a trophy. Both teams had very successful seasons and represented SMG in a posiHve manner throughout the season. Ater a successful 7th grade basketball season, the guys have One Goal in mind as they enter offseason workouts ….a DPL Championship in 8th grade! Go Vikings!
8A team: For the third consecuHve year, the 8A boys won both the league championship as well as the post season tournament. They also became the first Saint Mary team ever to win 100 games over a 4 year period. Their 4 year record is 108 -‐ 10. The 8th Grade Boys B1 team had a 14-‐1 record in the DPL West this year. The team won both the regular league championship and the league tournament championship, playing the championship game at Benet. Overall the boys had a 23-‐8 record and won championships at the Lithuanian Christmas Tournament and at the St. Dennis Cardinal Classic. The SMG 8B2 boys team really exemplified what team work was all about. They won their division going away with an 11-‐1 record and a thrilling 5 overHme game in the semi-‐finals. Great season! SMG Viking Voice May 2014
SMG VIKINGS BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT RESULTS 5 SMG Teams Play Tournament Championship Games 2nd place vs. St. Raphael 2nd place vs. St. Peter & Paul 2nd place vs. All Saints 1st vs. St. Petronille 1st vs. St. Joseph
The athleHc program at St. Mary of Gostyn school is an integral part of the broader educaHonal process. AthleHcs offer a posiHve and meaningful experience that will enhance the growth and development of all young men and women who parHcipate.
St. Mary of Gostyn AthleHcs represent strong evidence of our commitment to providing ample opportuniHes for student parHcipaHon and success on and off the courts/playing fields. While our sports program is compeHHve, it is also our philosophy to include as many students as is reasonably possible. Therefore, all of our sports are no-‐cut sports with A and B teams per grade level.
It is the athleHc program’s philosophy to focus on the big picture which includes the school mission and developing good human beings first, closely followed by good athletes. This is done by insHlling life skills such as work ethic, morals, leadership and other characterisHcs that student-‐athletes can carry with them throughout their lives. St. Mary of Gostyn student-‐athletes always put the team ahead of their own individual needs. In parallel with these important life skills, we strive to push our athletes to perform at their absolute best all the Hme which leads to a sound formula for success in life and on the courts/playing fields.
Passion and commitment of our student-‐athletes, coaches, sport coordinators, administrators and all AthleHc Commiaee members is paramount to driving a culture within our program of selflessness, teamwork and a general feeling of being part of something bigger than ourselves. SMG Viking Voice May 2014
SMG SOCIAL EVENTS Assemblies, Mother/Son, Father/Daughter, Pajama Day, Talent Show, 7th vs. 8th Grade Basketball, Middle School Socials, Principal for the Day … SMG Vikings sure know how put the “Cool” in School!
This 2013-‐2014 school year has had fun assemblies! Including, Yes, You Can and The Mousetrap Machine Show. You Can Do It was presented by Lloyd Bachrach, a para-‐Olympian. He taught the kids of St. Mary of Gostyn to never give up. He said that people would always tell him to give up, but that just moHvated him more. “I thought it was very inspiraHonal assembly that showed that with hard work, you can overcome any of your troubles.” says a 7th grade student, Sarah King. The Mousetrap Machine was presented by Smarty Pants. Smarty Pants taught students how simple machines work, but here’s the catch, the machine is made of just balloons. “I thought it was interesHng how everything was made of balloons. It was a fun new way to learn.” Says 7th grader, Maggie Lyons. In conclusion, this school year has been filled with fun, exciHng, new assemblies Wriaen by KaHe Kenah